#Dixie Drifter
wickmitz · 13 days
what do you think mitzi’s type in men is?
hmm, this is a fun little ask! especially since her love interests, on a surface level, couldn’t be more different. we have :
zib : former long term boyfriend but not quite … they were very loose with labels, as we know from outside information and the way zib lives life in general. but despite this, whatever feelings fostered between them were intense ; enough so for him to stick around years later, resigned to a chained down lifestyle simply because he doesn’t want to leave mitzi. he’s very loyal in that sense! even if it’s not a conventional type of loyalty. we know that before bitterness seeped inbetween their bond that zib took good care of her, while also being a complete mess of a person ; someone perpetually scared whenever physical conflict is concerned and being a musically inclined man who very much treats himself as a free spirit, with a morbid philosophy and feel towards life. he’s got a major tortured artist aesthetic!! is a little gripped by melancholy and nostalgia … zib is a lot of things, and ambitious is surprisingly one of the many puzzle pieces that make up dorian zibowski.
atlas : ruthless gangster, has an eerie presence that frightens even the people closest to him. he is prone to a more quiet disposition ; never speaking and always a blot of unremarkable grey. but he is an opportunist! someone who can manage a business and take advantage of shortcuts and loopholes to become even more successful … basically he is wealthy and uses his assets well. but all of this is done with a manner of distance, leaving even those closest to him never having the full picture of who he was. it’s also worth noting that mitzi and him had eventual problems, which caused her to seperate. also perhaps has a heart of some kind, but whatever love he possesses is hidden under layers of blood and mystery.
wick : well-to-do bore, and i say this with all the love in the world for wick! but compared to previous paramours he’s rather clean and talkative … there is a constant earnestness to him that bleeds out, an honesty and a more conventional sort of kindness. he doesn’t hide behind smoke and mirrors and there’s never really a front he puts up around mitzi -- or his investors for that matter, hence why he’s treated as an ‘outsider’ so to speak. he is an alcoholic who loathes the details of his job but is more than passionate about the job itself and makes this everyone’s problem … he is a little helpless, in the sense he’d die without someone there to make sure he functions … and is, like zib, perpetually afraid of conflict. can be a little wishywashy and can come across as uncaring due to his cheeky tone … but he’s loyal and caring, with a hobby for the unusual ( bugs and rocks lol ) as well as being able to look past the gossip mill and see the actual mitzi may as he knows her, someone who’s going through a rough time and is either too kind or classy to be a brutal killer. he is hypocritical, a little snobby, and rather forward with mitzi too. kind of a flirt when he wants to be!
something that immediately stands out to me when looking at this lineup is that mitzi doesn’t enjoy a violent man. i don’t think she loathes someone who can so brutally or clinically remove others from this earth, but if she were to go for someone they’d usually be sweeter in a sense. it meshes well with her old personality and kinder heart, perhaps brings it out in her, and that sort of levity and breeziness is more enjoyable than, say, being fully aware of the dangers that lurk around every corner because the man you’re beside is prone to bringing it. she also enjoys more talkative types, someone who’s less quiet and demure and serious, and is keen on her men having a hobby they care deeply for ; some sort of long term goal to work towards doesn’t hurt either. and because of some scenes in the comic, i’m a firm believer that mitzi wants someone who can make her smile or laugh with ease, whether because they’re ridiculous by nature or genuinely funny! she has a sort of funny bone herself, enamored with gallow’s humor and darker jokes, so having someone who either a.) reacts hilariously in the face of her jokes or b.) who can return that energy with teasing or their own brand of silly is desirable. everyone could use a good laugh or two, a sense of joy injected into the bustling life they all live, and this all ties back to mitzi being more drawn towards the less stuffy types of men.
so atlas seems to be an outlier when it comes to her type in many ways, hence the later problems they apparently had in their relationship even if she did love him dearly. but, of course, atlas did have something very appealing to her that zib had failed to give, which she rather fondly recalls in the comic page vestige. whether zib likes acknowledging it or not, mitzi wasn’t as gungho about their normad life as he was … or, at the very least, when she lived another life besides that one, she realized she had a preference! and atlas gave her that path, that knowledge that she wanted something else, and seemingly for the very first time in her life … she felt like a proper lady, a feeling that clearly meant a lot to her. it wasn’t just the dresses or the wealth, it was the constant eye of atlas who could have any dame he wanted, but fancied her his wife regardless. it was having someone so respectable looking, dressed well and groomed well, being able to see her as something other than a sweating, exposed girl in a bawdy dress. atlas’s seemingly polite treatment towards mitzi was enough to garner her affections in spite of everything else, so i think she enjoys that now in others, ; folks who treat her as though she’s a woman in high society, men who don’t gawk at her or make lewd remarks immediately … she probably prefers the courting process now and the quaint dates ( that she doesn’t pay for, mind you ) that come along with it. she just -- likes mutual respect, i think. and who doesn’t? she’s been through a lot to get to where she is now, even if it’s a bad predicament, and she’d like for that to amount to something. some sort of acknowledgment, some kind of recognition.
however, it’s worth mentioning that her views on romance and all that it entails have been warped since the death of her husband. such a loss would change how anyone approaches their dating life, if they were to even have one afterwards … after all, mitzi’s whole problem is that she doesn’t want to move on from atlas and has thus completely romanticized him in her head, to the point that she earnestly believes she’ll be miserable forever without his presence. any problems she had with atlas have long since been erased by her tortured mind, leaving her with a profound misery she’s wallowing in. i think she believes herself as incapble of romantic or sexual inclinations nowdays, leading her to view the advances made towards wick as a necessary ‘evil’ for the sake of atlas may and little else -- when she genuinely does like sedgewick to a degree, and wouldn’t go on dates or kiss a man unless some part of her honestly wanted to do so. ( i also think she was attracted to wick somewhat even while married to atlas, but that’s besides the point ) so this is all a rather complicated affair! she is vulnerable and weak, is too aware of herself and the criminal underbelly squeezing in closer … add this on top of her still heavily grieving and having no one she feels she can talk to, you have someone who is rather changed. mitzi is so far removed from herself and who she truly is, or was, that there’s no doubt it’s affected her type ; now she’ll settle for anyone if they’ll just help her, and even then she’d be dispassionate if romantic entanglement of any kind was involved in that relationship. it’s not something she wants right now, and honestly, it all seems scary and daunting … besides atlas, zib was the only other man she’s ever loved enough to stay around for, so she’s never faced a loss like this before. has kept zib throughout all the turmoil and changes -- so this is, as far as we know, her first major loss where it concerns matters of the heart. it’s not shocking she’s so messed up after it, especially given how fresh it all still is. all of this rambling is to say that mitzi’s a little more stingy and cagey then she used to be about love or sex, and she has a lot of inner battles to face before she can fall for someone and be sure about it. needs to thaw, i think, and she would require patience and understanding from anyone who actually wanted to be with her. mitzi could move on with time ( i do not think she’s the type of widow who’d never date again! ) but it would take quite some time to do so. well, in a world where she’s allowed / is able to heal anyway!
while her type would probably remain the same, i could see her wanting a serious relationship more than she did prior to the death of her husband. has no energy for the loopholes, or the rationalizations, or the fickle nature that can grip someone’s heart. she has matured in a lot of ways since her band days and would take comfort in frivolous things like labels and promises of a future, together, as lovers. while what she had with zib was nice and is cherished alongside the freedom to do as she pleased while on the road with the band, i don’t think she misses it. having the stability and assurance of an actual relationship, with all the hardships that come with it, would be better suited for her. as long as she’s treated like an equal of course! i don’t think she’d be keen on her partner hiding anything from her, even if it’s meant to protect her, due to where that put mitzi when atlas was killed. she’d rather know and be disgusted, or worried, or scared than to not know about something at all until it’s too late … again. naturally patience and compassion would also be of importance, as would the usual things she loves like loyalty and a passion for something in life. and while never required, she’d be happy if the person possessed even a singular musical bone in their body! she still thinks artists, particularly musicans, are sexy after all … likes the angst and brooding that comes with it, the slight flare towards the dramatics … as long as they can handle mitzi in her pitiful entirety and do, to some degree, care deeply for her and will compromise … i think she could find some happiness wherever. bonus points if she can live comfortably for the rest of her days too, lord knows she’s tired of the constant battle of hucking and bargaining.
but yeah! mitzi’s love life is vast and complex and i definitely see her as someone who is more flexible in type than other people are. though there are similarities between her suitors if you really look! anyway, i hope i was able to briefly touch upon this subject because my shipping brain loved your question and kinda went into overdrive, alas. tldr ; her ideal type is wick sable. sorry. once wick learns an instrument the wedding is back on!! … i’m kidding lol. well, mostly <3
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sedgewick-gayble · 10 months
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whatavery · 1 year
Wanderlust Chapter 1
The first chapter of my not-so-little fanfiction featuring the Dixie Jazz Drifters Orchestra's early days a decade before they became Lackadaisy's house band. While it plays a bit on what little we know of the band, a lot of this is also my personal head canon. I'll be posting the remaining chapters (So far) over the next few days.
The street outside St. Cloud station wasn’t a very busy one. It certainly put things into perspective, a stark contrast to how crowded other stations had been. It was overcast and windy as the next train pulled into the station, bringing with it metallic screeching as it came to a halt. A blanket of steam swept over the platform as passengers disembarked and new passengers got onboard. Joining the howling of the cool October breeze was the sound of smooth musical notes from two brass instruments.
Seated on their luggage, the two orange cats played on, even with the noise from the tank engine and the loud whistling from the conductor temporarily overpowering the sound of their tunes. It was a mellow, slow melody that greeted the passengers as they came around the depot from the platform. The two tomcats were dressed warmly in their coats, the trumpet player even wore fingerless gloves and a scarf. The hat sitting in front of the two was a bit of a sorry sight. In their almost full day at the station, they hadn’t managed to scrape much cash together for tickets to their next stop. Neither of them were deterred by any means. As the passengers came on by, the two cats played on. They didn’t make eye contact with any of them, just simply played as though they were machinations built to do that and nothing more.
Sy’s ears twitched ever so slightly at the sound of coins falling into the hat. He heard them clinking against what little was in there already, but he didn’t look yet.
Once the crowd dissipated, the two cats kept playing for a while longer, until they were quite a ways away. Sy was the first to lower his brass instrument from his lips. He leaned on over and picked up the hat. He scooped the coins up into his gloved hands and counted in his head, his green eyes lit up quite a bit once he finished counting. “Looks like we’ll make it to another station, Zib.”
The other cat lowered his clarinet after playing one of the simplistic early tunes he’d learned years ago. He put the clarinet on his lap and stretched each arm, making his joints pop slightly. “Good. Means we can get out’a here finally. What time is it?”
It was more of a question for himself than for Sy. Zib rose to his feet with a grunt, clarinet in hand, to stretch his legs. Neither of them carried a pocket watch with them. Their only way to measure time had been seeing the overcast sky turn gradually darker.
“Hang tight, I’ll get us some tickets,” Zib said as he reached a hand out towards Sy for the money. He then trudged towards the depot, leaving Sy by himself. Putting his trumpet back into its case, he too rose to his feet, getting a chance to stretch his legs as he put the hat back on his head, his ears laid back to accommodate it. He stuck his hands into his pockets and walked along the length of the depot, glancing towards the trees in the distance that surrounded the tracks. Many branches were completely barren, the few leaves that had held out against the changing seasons having taken on a darker, duller color by now. He remembered how green everything still was when they left Milwaukee.
It had been almost a full month on the road by now. And while Sy didn’t regret leaving with Zib, it was still a lot to get used to; not having a bed every night; not having a meal whenever they wanted it. But freedom… that they had in abundance. No one could tell them what to do out here. It was their own pace, their own schedule and their own journey.
Sy adjusted his scarf a bit and looked back towards their stuff. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. They could only carry so much with them when they also had their instruments. They could both use a bath and fresh clothes, but right now, they were just aimlessly wandering, using the railroads as their only means of travel. They’d crossed over into Minnesota a while ago and it was the furthest either of them had ever been from home.
Sy wondered what would await him if he returned home. Maybe he ought to send a letter home… not that his family would have much of a chance to write back to him, considering how often they were moving to a new town or city. Unlike Zib, Sy hadn’t been leaving anything particularly bad. Sy knew Zib didn’t have the best home-life, and he knew he’d been considerably better off in that regard. But when Zib had stated his intentions to skip town as their peers prepared to move on to bigger and better things, Sy hadn’t hesitated to join him. Sy had left a letter for his family, explaining everything the day the two left together. He was sure Zib hadn’t done the same. Sy had had things lined up for him too, he was going to get into higher education, unlike Zib who had been a bit of a drifter around town for most of the time that they’d known each other…
A light chuckle escaped Sy as he remembered how a much younger Zib had to convince him that he wouldn’t die from skipping school. He remembered spending a whole day around town with Zib, constantly worried he’d look over his shoulder and see their teacher swooping down on them like a hawk.
Rustling, dry leaves blew past Sy's feet as he made his way back towards their luggage. Each had brought a suitcase’s worth of clothes and a case for their instruments. Said instruments were their only way to make money as of now. Sy had thought about taking on more traditional work whenever they hit another major city. It sounded a lot more stable and like it might actually allow them to have somewhere to stay as well, at least with any luck it might.
That said, remembering when they first started doing this also brought a smile to Sy’s face. Two little grade-school rascals on the street corner, playing for cash to buy sweets instead of going to classes. It had been Zib’s idea, of course. They weren’t much to write home about back then; their music dissonant, their much smaller lung capacities hindering them slightly. And of course, Zib hadn’t yet reached his current form where he could charm just about any woman with just his eyes and his tunes.
Zib had never been one for school. Not that he wasn’t bright at all, because he most certainly was. But institutions didn’t seem to agree with his free spirit. Though he’d never gotten as far as Sy had, according to Zib himself, he knew all he needed to know. He’d always been far more interested in his music, so he didn’t lack dedication – Sy knew that much.
Tickets in hand, Zib returned to Sy. Unlike his trumpet-playing comrade, Zib didn’t think about writing home, much less returning. He wasn’t in the mood to be talked down to about everything he did. No, he’d let his brothers enjoy the company of their dead-end parents. It wasn’t like they seemed to have much left for him besides scorn and disappointment. Hell, Zib wouldn’t be surprised if they enjoyed their disappointment in him – it had to get boring to constantly praise his brothers.
“Our train will be the next one pulling into the station. Wanna move around to sit by the platform?” Zib asked, tone not particularly enthused.
“And where are we getting off this time?” Sy asked. Though they usually stayed on the train and got off when they felt like it, this had resulted in them getting ejected from the train once, something Sy wasn’t too eager to relive. The shrug he got as a response certainly didn’t help either. Sy cracked a small smile and picked his stuff up. “Alright, you’re the boss…”
Zib returned the smile and walked with Sy and their stuff to the other side of the depot. The wind was starting to pick up and Zib wasn’t sure if it was getting late or if they were getting darker clouds overhead. Thankfully, they’d have some shelter if it did start raining, thanks to the depot’s roof.
“You want to go back to Milwaukee?” Zib asked suddenly, as if he’d been privy to Sy's private thoughts while he was gone. The clarinet playing cat reached into his pockets and while covering his work so the wind couldn’t ruin it, he rolled two cigarettes – one for each of them.
“No… Do you?�� Sy asked as Zib lit his cigarette. He took the cigarette and took a drag and blew out the smoke to let it get carried away by a particularly cold gust of wind, the smoke swirling like a ghostly veil in the wind, before it dissipated completely. The two cats’ yellow-green eyes met for a moment as they stared at each other. Zib didn’t look particularly convinced, but Sy had also given up trying to read his friend’s facial expressions years ago. “Well, I just miss being home is all. I already told you I was coming with you to… find our destiny, was that what it was?”
Zib’s face broke into a smile as he reached over to pat Sy’s shoulder, even giving it a light squeeze. “Yeah, I believe ‘destiny’ was the word you used. But if you really want to go back, I wouldn’t stop you – and I wouldn’t blame you either. You could head on back and get a degree and a stable job. And a wife, probably.”
“Shut up,” Sy muttered, blushing at the mention of a potential wife. He knew Zib was teasing him as evidenced by the smile that Sy couldn’t help but return. “That sure would make ma and pa happy, though. But I want to be happy myself.”
“Ah, selfish happiness – the best kind,” Zib said dryly before bringing his cigarette back to his mouth. He glanced over towards the same trees Sy had looked at earlier. “I don’t know if we’ll even find it or where, pal. Best we can hope for is coming across some place that’s fresh out of two musicians. Maybe we should head on down to Chicago and try our luck there. It’s a big city, it’s bound to have room for two misfits.”
Chicago was quite a ways away, but Sy simply gave a non-committal nod. While they both shared the sense of wanderlust, Zib seemed to be fine with traveling without any sense of direction or any goals in mind. Sometimes it felt like a fool’s errand, going from station to station with no end in sight…
“Cheer up, Sy,” Zib said in a gentler tone. “Just think of it like that time we hitchhiked our way across town. This is just a longer trip – that’s all.”
Sy raised an eyebrow, but said nothing of it. It wasn’t quite the same, they’d had a goal in mind back then. Zib knew it too, neither choosing to comment on it. “That was the time we-…”
They both fell silent, but it was a knowing silence. They both knew what had gone down that time. While they didn’t feel any shame for it, it wasn’t anything either of them wanted to discuss in public. Sy glanced over, his thicker-furred tail brushing Zib's for just a moment.
“Ah yes, the time we were introduced to Lady Liquor,” Zib said, his face cast into shadow by his hat. It wasn’t what Sy remembered that day for, but he knew Zib was simply being tactful about it out in public. The trumpet-playing cat cleared his throat slightly, before taking another drag of his cigarette.
Zib’s thoughts drifted back to that fateful day, four years ago. What had started as two rascals making their way across town after school had taken a turn. Rumor around school had it a place there sold booze to anyone regardless of age. And of course, two fifteen year old rascals like them (Or rather one rascal and his trusty friend who had plenty of reservations) had to see for themselves.
To think that was one of the most useful things Zib had heard in school…
They managed to get there and indeed, they had entered a highly suspect, small building and been able to buy Whiskey. While not the highest quality, it most certainly did the trick. Huddled together in an alleyway, backs resting against trashcans, the two had gotten progressively drunk. Would Zib do such a thing now? No, he most likely wouldn’t have. Had he been able to tell his younger self no, he would have. And yet…
Looking over at Sy for a moment, Zib remembered the effect alcohol had had on him; first he started crying and rambling about his fears. The next he began to kiss Zib’s cheek. It was a strange feeling at first. Zib had kissed girls before, but… he hadn’t quite counted on his best friend wanting to do such a thing. But any pair of lips gracing his cheek was pleasant, he found.
Reaching a hand up towards his chest, Zib pretended to adjust his coat. Just thinking about it made his heart beat a little faster. It was still so hard to believe that it had happened.
But when Sy seemed to sober up a bit, he’d apologized profusely and started crying again. While it was indeed… unusual, Zib didn’t have it in him to be angry with his friend. And why would he? It wasn’t like it had caused him any harm. In that moment, he’d taken a massive swig of whiskey and planted a kiss right on Sy’s lips.
What followed was still mostly foggy to Zib, but what little he did remember would never leave him. Just looking at Sy now, he could vividly picture the scared, young boy who looked like he might die of shame for kissing him. He smiled.
“What?” Sy asked when their eyes met. “Do I have something on my face?”
Shaking his head, Zib simply reached over to playfully hit his arm, gently. “No, I just thought about… well, you know…”
Sy’s ears flattened against his head and Zib could almost imagine how red his face was under his fur. He grinned more. They’d barely made it home, helping each other along the way, especially Zib who had had to really steady Sy. Of course, that was harder said than done when they’d both gotten quite a buzz. That had been quite the night in the Zibowski household when the least-favorite son had come home clearly drunk…
By the time the next train rolled into the station, they had both finished their cigarettes and it did indeed start to rain. It was almost too dark to see now, but luckily lights had been turned on to help them see as they boarded the train. The two wandering musicians settled into their own compartment, pulling the curtain down over the glass window on the compartment door, before locking it.
“Can I sit next to you?” Sy asked after they’d stashed their luggage up above. As the train started moving, the rain appeared to be getting heavier, pelting against the window quite loudly, obscuring their view. Granted, it was so dark outside that it wasn’t a very spectacular view to begin with.
“Sure you can.” Zib had removed his big coat, sitting by in his white shirt and his pants. A tie hung from his neck, crooked and in need of being tied up properly. Zib took the seat closest to the window, facing the way the train drove, as Sy joined him on his left after removing his own coat and his hat. Sy wore a sweater underneath, something nice and soft to keep him warm.
Though they both could do with a fresh change of clothes, the smell of cigarette smoke that stuck to their clothes masked some of the more bodily smells that might otherwise make this close contact less than pleasant. Zib could feel Sy’s whiskers brushing his own as the other cat got comfortable by his side. The two of them sighed, almost in perfect unison.
Zib had always liked train rides. They were a lot faster and more pleasant than car rides. He could get up and walk around each train car, if he needed to stretch his legs. “You good, Simon?” he playfully asked the other cat whose head now rested on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m good… Dorian...” Sy replied in a hushed voice right next to Zib. Zib removed his own hat and placed it on his lap instead, his ears getting a chance to stand up for once. He cleared his throat slightly. “So, before… when you were thinking about stuff…”
“The first time we kissed?” Sy flinched when Zib said it out loud, sitting up, looking towards the door, as if expecting someone to stand there and look appalled by what they heard. Zib smirked a bit and stroked the other cat’s head. “What about it, pal?”
Sy didn’t reply at first, just remaining silent as he tried to find the words. “How much of it do you remember exactly…?”
The question seemed to amuse Zib who simply chuckled and reached up to gently ruffle the fur on Sy’s head. “I remember most of it up until I kissed you on the lips. If you even remember that… you were such a lightweight back then…”
“Weren’t we both, honestly?” Sy asked, cheeks indeed warm under his fur. He cleared his throat some, looping an arm around Zib as well. “I remember your speech to be a lot more slurred than mine…”
“If you say so, bud, if you say so,” Zib said, giving Sy a small squeeze to hold him close.
It was so dark outside now that they too were left in near complete darkness, had it not been for the single candle that illuminated their compartment ever so slightly. “You don’t mind if I just… sleep here, do you?”
In truth, Zib didn’t mind, though he also knew that this wasn’t a particularly good look for either of them, should anyone come knocking on their compartment door. “Sure, you can rest a bit…” Zib said despite his better judgment. He couldn’t tell his faithful companion no.
He reached up to extinguish the small flame that kept their compartment lit up, casting them into darkness. A hand gently grasped Sy's shoulder. Rough, calloused fingers gave his shoulder a light little stroke in the darkness as the two enjoyed each other’s warmth.
“Just wake me, if you have to,” Sy said before a small smack sounded in the dark, Zib feeling his cheek warming up as it was pecked tenderly.
Though he wasn’t going to sleep just yet, Zib didn’t want to deprave Sy of any sort of comfort. Especially this kind of warmth. On the road, they had to take what they could get. Above all else, they had each other.
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radical-revolution · 2 years
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Joni Mitchell on meeting Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche -
"He was the bad boy of Vajrayana. I wrote a song about a visit I made to him called 'Refuge of the Road.’
I consider him one of my great teachers, even though I saw him only three times. Once I had a fifteen-minute audience with him in which we argued. He told me to quit analyzing. I told him I couldn't — I'm an artist, you know. Then he induced into me a temporary state where the concept of 'I' was absent, which lasted for three days.
[Later], at the very end of Trungpa's life I went to visit him. I wanted to thank him. He was not well. He was green and his eyes had no spirit in them at all, which sort of stunned me, because the previous times I'd seen him he was quite merry and puckish — you know, saying 'shit' a lot. I leaned over and looked into his eyes, and I said, 'How is it in there? What do you see in there?’
And this voice came, like, out of a void, and it said, 'Nothing.’
So, I went over and whispered in his ear, 'I just came to tell you that when I left you that time, I had three whole days without self-consciousness, and I wanted to thank you for the experience.' And he looked up at me, and all the light came back into his face and he goes, 'Really?' And then he sank back into this black void again." - Joni Mitchell
--- --- --- --- ---
Refuge Of The Road
I met a friend of spirit
He drank and womanized
And I sat before his sanity
I was holding back from crying
He saw my complications
And he mirrored me back simplified
And we laughed how our perfection
Would always be denied
"Heart and humor and humility"
He said "Will lighten up your heavy load"
I left him for the refuge of the roads
I fell in with some drifters
Cast upon a beach town
Winn Dixie cold cuts and highway hand me downs
And I wound up fixing dinner
For them and Boston Jim
I well up with affection
Thinking back down the roads to then
The nets were overflowing
In the Gulf of Mexico
They were overflowing in the refuge of the roads
There was spring along the ditches
There were good times in the cities
Oh, radiant happiness
It was all so light and easy
Till I started analyzing
And I brought on my old ways
A thunderhead of judgment was
Gathering in my gaze
And it made most people nervous
They just didn't want to know
What I was seeing in the refuge of the roads
I pulled off into a forest
Crickets clicking in the ferns
Like a wheel of fortune
I heard my fate turn, turn turn
And I went running down a white sand road
I was running like a white-assed deer
Running to lose the blues
To the innocence in here
These are the clouds of Michelangelo
Muscular with gods and sun gold
Shine on your witness in the refuge of the roads
In a highway service station
Over the month of June
Was a photograph of the earth
Taken coming back from the moon
And you couldn't see a city
On that marbled bowling ball
Or a forest or a highway
Or me here least of all
You couldn't see these cold water restrooms
Or this baggage overload
Westbound and rolling taking refuge in the roads
© 1976 - Crazy Crow Music.
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Refuge of the Roads
* * * *
I met a friend of spirit A drunk with sage's eyes And I sat before his sanity I was holding back from crying He saw my complications And he mirrored me back simplified And we laughed how our perfection Would always be denied "Heart and humor and humility" He said "Will lighten up your heavy load" I left him for the refuge of the roads
I fell in with some drifters Cast upon a beachtown Winn Dixie cold cuts and highway hand me downs And I wound up fixing dinner For them and Boston Jim I well up with affection Thinking back down the roads to then The nets were overflowing In the Gulf of Mexico They were overflowing in the refuge of the roads
There was spring along the ditches There were good times in the cities Oh radiant happiness It was all so light and easy Till I started analyzing And I brought on my old ways A thunderhead of judgment was Gathering in my gaze And it made most people nervous They just didn't want to know What I was seeing in the refuge of the roads
I pulled off into a forest Crickets clicking in the ferns Like a wheel of fortune I heard my fate turn turn turn And I went running down a white sand road I was running like a white-assed deer Running to lose the blues To the innocence in here These are the clouds of Michelangelo Muscular with gods and sungold Shine on your witness in the refuge of the roads
In a highway service station Over the month of June Was a photograph of the earth Taken coming back from the moon And you couldn't see a city On that marbled bowling ball Or a forest or a highway Or me here least of all You couldn't see these cold water restrooms Or this baggage overload Westbound and rolling taking refuge in the roads © March 20, 1978; Crazy Crow Music (as "Refuge in the Road")
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eloisemeadows · 1 year
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i'm begging you please to come home
Song/Skeleton: Cecilia
Name: Eloise Meadows
FC: Sophie Skelton
Age: 32
Birthday: December 24
Gender & Pronouns: Cis-woman, she/her
Sexual & Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic & heterosexual
Occupation: Receptionist/Guest Services for the Birch Bay Travelodge
Neighbourhood: Born and raised in Birch Bay, currently residing in a tiny apartment in Willowdale
Positive Personality Trait(s): Warm, friendly, idealistic, independent, supportive
Negative Personality Trait(s): Stubborn, people-pleasing, emotionally-driven and oversensitive, envious, insecure
Extras: Here is a little baby playlist that is era-appropriate to set the vibe! Please Mister Postman - the Marvelettes Here Comes the Sun - the Beatles I Say a Little Prayer - Aretha Franklin Do You Believe in Magic - the Lovin’ Spoonful Chapel of Love - the Dixie Cups Wouldn’t It Be Nice - the Beach Boys I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) - Four Tops I Will Follow Him - Peggy March I Walk the Line - Johnny Cash Love Me Do - the Beatles Yesterday - the Beatles You Can’t Always Get What You Want - the Rolling Stones I Want to Hold Your Hand - the Beatles You Send Me - Aretha Franklin Put Your Head on My Shoulder - Paul Anka Fly Me To the Moon - Frank Sinatra Then He Kissed Me - the Crystals All You Need is Love - the Beatles Blackbird - the Beatles A Sunday Kind of Love - Etta James If I Can Dream - Elvis Presley This Magic Moment - the Drifters Hold Me Tight - the Beatles Oh!Darling - the Beatles If I Fell - the Beatles Across the Universe - the Beatles And some songs that are not era-appropriate but fit the vibe: Mirrorball - Taylor Swift The Archer - Taylor Swift The Man - Taylor Swift The Lakes - Taylor Swift Lavender Haze - Taylor Swift Tied Together with a Smile - Taylor Swift Mine - Taylor Swift (...you might be sensing a pattern here) She Used to be Mine - Sara Bareilles Fight Song - Rachel Platten Better Place - Rachel Platten Sunlight - Hozier I Can’t Breathe - Bea Miller Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol Waking up Slow - Gabrielle Aplin Grace - Kate Havnevik Stand in the Rain - Superchick Wildflowers - Tom Petty Dancing Queen - ABBA (1976 so CLOSE) Dandelions - Ruth B. Don’t You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia (though I prefer the Madilyn Bailey cover) And a pinboard! https://www.pinterest.com/rachaelredridinghood/heavens-got-a-plan-for-you/ BIOGRAPHYtw: mentions of religion/religious upbringing (not detailed, just mentions), gender roles, war
In a home where she wanted for nothing, she somehow wanted for everything she did not have. From a young age, Eloise craved the great wide somewhere that only existed in the depths of her imagination. Eloise was born and raised into the warm embrace of what was the picturesque family: a dutiful father who worked hard to support their family, a doting mother who was there for every moment of every day of Eloise’s childhood, and Eloise was the final piece to the puzzle that was their white picket fence life. Her childhood was marked by dusty wooden pews on Sundays with lace gloves and stiff-skirts, hot humid days spent in her mother’s ever-so-loved-and-tended-to garden, brunches and tea parties with her mother’s friends at least once a week and ever-important trips to the library to add to the stacks of books in her room.  While her upbringing was steeped in the belief that her purpose was to become the image of her mother, an adoring wife and mother tending her own family and her own garden with her own brunches, the books she read were something of a guiding light that showed her another way. Fairy-tales, adventures and stories of the great and fantastical had Eloise dreaming of life outside of what she had been raised to believe was proper and expected, though those dreams were generally squashed just as soon as they came to light; more time in the garden, more time spent with her mother and her friends, that was what she needed. Less books would do her good.
In truth, it was more her father that was to blame for her ambitions with the example that he set. His influence on his daughter was strong, and Eloise was always over-interested in his work at the hospital. His care and compassion for the people of their town ran deep and left a defining mark on her young mind. An interest in medicine sparked when Eloise was hardly in double-digits, and despite her father’s appreciation for his daughter’s interest in his work, her parents doubled down on their insistence that Eloise live a life of domesticity. Her father worked hard so that his wife and daughter would not have to, and that was the future he wanted for his daughter.
Eloise kept those dreams on the backburner, learning that it was easier to keep those thoughts to herself than to bring it up again. Her aspirations and dreams fell on deaf ears, and it was better to stay quiet than have that fire extinguished time and time again. She focused on school, still spending her time with her nose pressed into books at every available turn. In every way, it appeared that she had reluctantly conformed to her parents’ wishes, even if she still yearned to follow in her father’s footsteps. It was easier to go with the current than against it, even if it left Eloise feeling like her future wasn’t her own.
It was hard, trying to find purpose when her path in life felt so rigid and out of reach from what she wanted. He made it easier, giving Eloise something to focus on that wasn’t doom and gloom or frustration. He made her smile, and at first that was enough; soon, she realized that he and he alone could make her heart pound right out of her chest in a way she had only read about, and it was twice as meaningful because she had chosen him. Naturally, her parents didn’t approve, but that was something she chose to ignore. Truthfully, it gave her just the slightest bit of satisfaction. She’d yielded in so many other ways, but in this way she would not.
Her parents were displeased when she began to work for the Travelodge shortly after graduating from high school, but Eloise found joy in being able to provide for herself even in just a part-time manner. Their opinions were still ringing loud and clear like church bells on Sunday: it was temporary, they insisted, as she’d marry and have a family of her own soon and then she’d be able to stay at home and live the life they dreamed. Of course, every time she brought up marriage or engagement or anything long-term with the man she’d chosen, she was met with objections. He did not fit the bill they’d ordered, and in their view was just as temporary as her job.
Even with the sense of fulfillment from her part-time gig and the happy hours spent with who she believed to be her one true love (just like in those fairytales, all those years ago), she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something missing. The call towards medicine was still so strong, though she’d never even applied to college. She knew her parents would never approve, and despite her age she still sought their approval. She ached and longer for her life to mean something and knew she would never find purpose from behind a service desk, or with a stupid cross-stitch or book in hand on a porch swing.
And then came the war, and the draft. And then he was gone, and what meaning she’d found for herself in life felt as though it was slipping through her fingers. Time to break out those old and well-worn rosary beads, keep them in her pocket, taking time to finger through them during quiet moments with the thought of his quick and safe return the only thing on her mind. Eloise missed him in a physical way that she could not escape, and adjusting to contact only through letters was strange and took more time than she liked to admit. Work was a welcome distraction, though even that couldn’t help her thoughts from wandering: what would happen if she lost him? Who would she even be if she lost him? Best not to think about it, but she’d never been good at keeping her thoughts in line with what was best for her. Best to put her energy into those letters, writing her heart onto the paper to send away to him. Her heart was always safest with him, after all, even in a warzone. So she’d pour it all out for him, bleeding onto the paper along with the lipstick marks and a few spritzes of the perfume he’d always liked best.
They’d be married when he got back, they’d decided. There was no reason to wait any longer, even if her parents disapproved. Hell, maybe she’d finally mail those college applications away finally and take a dive at two dreams.
If he made it back. When.
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littlelostisland · 5 years
Little Hero
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captain-flint · 7 years
Can you imagine if after the initial reunion scene between Flint and Thomas, Thomas tells Flint that while a part of him will always love James he's in love with someone else? I mean, the angst itself would burn down that plantation.
yes, hello 911, theres a satan in my ask 
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darling-leech · 2 years
Felix Sebastian Everston’s Fallout Character Sheet
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I used DarthSuki’s Fallout OC Meme 2.0 and I used this Font.
Here’s A Blank version if anyone wants to use it(Remember to credit DarthSuki tho)!:
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ANYWAYS Let’s begin his background!
Name: Felix Sebastian Everston(Registration FX-107K)
Race: White
Religion: Agnostic
Gender and Pronouns: Cisgender Man and He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual. Also is Polyamorous.
Age: 34
Birthday: May 9th, 2253
Birthplace: The Hub
Height: 6'1 FT(185.42 CM/73 IN)
Weight: 166 LBS(75.2963 KGS)
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde(Like #957F58)
Hairstyle: Ronin
Facial Hair: NONE
Eye Color: Dark Green(Like #2E4229)
Skin Color: I think it’s called the Pale option in Fallout 4(Like #F1C39F).
Game of Origin: Fallout 3(I say Fallout 3 even tho he technically is only a “Mentioned only” OC)
Voice Actor: Alex Jordan(He played Asher Forrester in Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series)
Karma: Neutral/Bad(A mix of Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Neutral)
Aggression: Aggressive
Confidence: Foolhardy
Assistance: Helps Friends and Allies?
S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats: Strength 10, Perception 8, Endurance 10, Charisma 10, Intelligence 9, Agility 9, and Luck 7.
Perks/Tagged: Armorer/Blacksmith/Gun Nut/Science!, Confirmed Bachelor/Lady Killer/Barter/Speech/Intimidation, Aquaboy/Lead Belly/Strong Back/Toughness, and Big Leagues/Demolition Expert/Heavy Gunner/Rifleman to name a few.
Weaknesses: Chemist, Hacker, Idiot Savant, and Party Boy to name a few.
Affiliation: Brotherhood of Steel(Formerly), Reilly's Rangers(Formerly), Talon Company(Formerly), and Nuka-World Raiders(Currently).
BOS Rank: Squire/Knight(Formerly)? 
Role: Raider/Mercenary? NOT THE SOLE SURVIVOR OR LONE WANDERER(So PLEASE DON’T tag him as either).
Most Liked Companions: Cait, Charon, Clover, and Porter Gage. Honorary Mention? My Self Insert OC, Eugenia Alexandra Everston “Alex”. 
Least Liked Companions: Deacon.
Preferred Weapon Type: Laser/Energy/Heavy 
Primary Weapons: Laser Rifle/Laser Gun
Secondary Weapons: Fat Man/Missile Launcher
Preferred Armor Type: Metal/Raider
Primary Armor: Cage Armor/Drifter Outfit
Power Armor?: YES
Biological Parents: Angus Peyton Everston and Carmen Renee Ruth Everston. 
Step-Parents: Aito Jun Tsukiya, Jin Kyoko Tsukiya, Leif Axel Gunnar, and Sarah Lyons.
God-Mother: Courtney Nicole Stevens.
Biological Siblings: Eugenia Alexandra Everston “Alex”.
Friends: SEVERAL.  Eugenia Alexandra Everston “Alex”, Overboss Colter, Porter Gage, Mason, Nisha, Dixie, Savoy, Shank, Tessa, Commander Kaylor, Cait, Tower Tom, Finn, Captain Wes, and Sinjin to name a few. Maybe my Sole Survivor, Nathan Ian Howard as well.
Lovers: A Few? 
Rivals: A Few? 
Enemies: SEVERAL?
Children: NONE
Pets: N/A?
Background(Note: I’m still in the process of writing this so it’ll seem like a mess til I get it finished all the way so please bear with me): Felix was born in 2253 at The Hub, to Angus Peyton Everston and Carmen Renee Ruth Everston, they were both 17 when they had him. In 2254/2254, when he was 1-2 years old, he went with them to the Capital Wasteland(With Elder Owyn Lyons’ chapter). When he was about 14/15, he grew restless being in the BOS, so he ends up leaving one night, when Angus and Carmen were asleep, and slipped out, leaving a note explaining why he left(He couldn’t face him in person). This was like right before Alex was born, so around 2267/2268? He nor Alex knew each other existed until late in Fallout 4(They meet in Nuka-World). He ends up becoming a mercenary with Reilly's Rangers. Then became associated with  Talon Company, which ends up him leaving the Capital Wasteland, and made his way to the Commonwealth, becoming a Gunner for a short time. Then, he heard the Nuka-World radio, and decides going there, and ends up being Co-Overboos with Overboss Colter. Eventually, Alex shows up, and they click, becoming besties, and then Felix notices her BOS dogtags and reads it, seeing her last name, and they get to talking about their parents, and then realize they’re siblings. Possibly has Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar 1.
Languages Spoken: English(Native Language) and American Sign Language.
I guess now’s a good time to share his RefSheet.Net as well!
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tylerstitties · 7 years
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dixie-drifter replied to your post: i’m gonna make somebody care about cornbread…
Sometimes not just holidays! There’s very little food that’s as comforting as cornbread fresh from the oven smeared with butter. At least to me!
Thank you! I'm glad someone gets it! There are very few things on this earth that are as perfect as warm, well-made cornbread.
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laurenkmyers · 7 years
dixie-drifter replied to your post: dixie-drifter replied to your post: ...
penelope garcia and derek morgan together again. its a dream come true.
Don't. I am weeping. I miss my boos. They should have been together.
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tfc2211 · 4 years
Source & Track List - All Vinyl Christmas Music Special-25-Dec-2016
01 - Ending Of It's A Wonderful Life 02 - Charlie Brown Christmas - Linus Christmas Speech 02 - James Brown - Let's Make Christmas Mean Something This Year 04 - Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra & Kurt Herbert Adler - O Holy Night (Minuit Chrétien) 05 - Dolly Parton - Medley: Winter Wonderland, Sleigh Ride 06 - Bing Crosby - Come Dear Children 'Round and 'Round The Christmas Tree 07 - Nat King Cole - The First Noel 08 - Julie Andrews - Deck The Halls 09 - John Denver & The Muppets - The Twelve Days Of Christmas 10 - Stan Freberg - Nuttin' For Christmas 11 - The Three Stooges - Wreck The Halls With Boughs of Holly 12 - Wild Man Fischer - I'm A Christmas Tree (Duet With Dr. Demento) 13 - Cheech & Chong - Santa Claus And His Old Lady 14 - Bobby Vee - A Not So Merry Christmas 15 - Bobby Vee - Silver Bells 16 - Johnny Cash - King Of Love 17 - Johnny Mathis - It's Beginning To Look A lot like Christmas 18 - Lorne Greene - (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays 19 - Mitch Miller & The Gang - It Must Be Santa 20 - The Hollywood Pops Orchestra -  Medley: Jingle Bells / Up On The Housetop / Jolly Old St. Nicholas     21 - Glen Campbell - I'll Be Home For Christmas 22 - Barbra Streisand - Sleep In Heavenly Peace (Silent Night) 23 - The Kingston Trio - Bye, Bye, Thou Little Tiny Child 24 - Alvin/Simon & Theodore with David Seville - The Chipmunk Song 25 - The Oak Ridge Boys - Thank God for Kids 26 - Kenny Rogers - Kentucky Homemade Christmas 27 - Alabama - Christmas 28 - Little Johnny Taylor - Please Come Home For Christmas 29 - Rance Allen Group - White Christmas 30 - Mark Rice - Santa Claus Wants Some Lovin' 31 - Rufus Thomas - I'll Be Your Santa Baby 32 - Albert King - Christmas Comes But Once A Year 33 - Albert King - Santa Claus Wants Some Lovin' 34 - The Staple Singers - Who Took The Merry Out Of Christmas? 35 - Isaac Hayes - The Mistletoe And Me 36 - The Temprees - It's Christmas Time Again (The Christmas Song) 37 - Joseph Washington Jr. - Let Me Hang My Mistletoe 38 - Brook Benton - You're All I Want For Christmas 39 - The Moonglows - Hey Santa Claus 40 - The Mills Brothers - Here Comes Santa Claus 41 - The Mills Brothers - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town 42 - The Moonglows - Lonely Christmas 43 - Aretha Franklin - Winter Wonderland 44 - The MGM Studio Orchestra and Chorus - Opening How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 45 - The MGM Studio Orchestra and Chorus - Trim Up The Tree - How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 46 - Boris Karloff - Tomorrow Is Christmas, It's Practically Here - How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 47 - Boris Karloff - Welcome Christmas - How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 48 - Boris Karloff - I Must Stop Christmas - How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 49 - Thurl Ravenscroft - You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch - How The Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtrack) 50 - Thurl Ravenscroft - You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Reprise) How The Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtrack) 51 - Eugene Poddany - A Quarter of Dawn How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 52 - Eugene Poddany - Welcome Christmas How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 53 - Eugene Poddany - Finale How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Original TV Soundtracks) 54 - Swing And Sway With Sammy Kaye - Santa Claus For President 78 rpm 55 - Bing Crosby & The Pinafores Vocal Trio and Orchestra - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 56 - Red Foley & The Little Foleys (Shirley, Julie, Jenny) - Frosty The Snowman 57 - Scotty Macgregor - It's Santa Claus 58 - Sugar "Chile" Robinson - Christmas Boogie 59 - Dick James -The Christmas Waltz 60 - Sugar "Chile" Robinson - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 61 - Bruce Springsteen - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town 62 - Ray Parker Jr. - Christmas Time Is Here 63 - Blind Boys Of Alabama - Christmas In Dixie 64 - Ernest Tubb - I'm Trimming My Christmas Tree With Teardrops 65 - William Bell - Everyday Will Be Like A Holiday 66 - Clyde McPhatter & The Drifters - White Christmas 67 - The Rock-afire Explosion - Disco Christmas 68 - Bobby Helms - Captain Santa Claus 69 - Homemade Theatre - Santa Jaws (Part 1) 70 - Yogi Yorgesson - I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas 71 - Stan & Doug - Christmas Medley 72 - Louis Armstrong - The Night Before Christmas 73 - AC/DC - Mistress for Christmas 74 - The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping 75 - Wham! - Last Christmas 76 - The Bangles - Hazy Shade Of Winter 77 - Run-DMC - Christmas In Hollis 78 - Kurtis Blow - Christmas Rappin' 79 - Bing Crosby - Mele Kalihimaka 80 - Darlene Love - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) 81 - Buster Poindexter & His Banshees Of Blue - Zat You Santa Claus 82 - Bob & Doug McKenzie - Twelve Days Of Christmas
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au10 · 3 years
So I watched all the westerns by Eastwood. Below you’ll find my list of what I’d say are his best to not necessarily worst just not great. Keep in mind that this list is just my opinion and yours very well may differ and hey that’s great. Also keep in mind there will be spoilers but to be fair the majority of these movies are older than me. I would also like to point out that I didn’t view Rawhide as I really didn’t seem like something I’d like. The list is as best as I can tell are all of his westerns. Some are kind of iffy as I don’t consider them a western. 
1.”Unforgiven” 1992
 My original pick was going to be “For a Few dollars more”. I re-watched Unforgiven again and have decided that Unforgiven is his best western. Made in 1992. It features Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman and Richard Harris. There might even be more stars but those are the ones that stood out to me. The plot basically goes like this. William Munny a ruthless killer back in the day settles down with a woman who changes his life. He gave up his killer ways. The wife is already dead when the movie starts and Munny stays on the good path for lack of better phrasing. I don’t want to spoil to much more but needless to say a large bounty put on some ruffians leads to some nice action. 
I love the soundtrack to this movie. Well at least one song in particular and that’s Claudia’s theme. You can YouTube if you wish. I think it’s really great. 
A couple of quotes that I enjoyed. 
“ I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned”
.”It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have.“
2. “For a few dollars more” 1965
 This is the sequel to a “Fistful of dollars”. It’s part of the famous dollar trilogy movies. Made in 1965 Eastwood portrays the man with no name. I really like  Lee Van Cleef as Col. Douglas Mortimer. It’s a revenge type of western. Both Cleef and Eastwood characters are pretty much bounty hunters. Cleef has an entirely different motive for his actions though. They seem to have great chemistry together too. I also like the dialogue between them as well. Clint Eastwood's character calls Lee Van Cleef's character "old man", while Van Cleef's character calls Eastwood "boy". Once more I love the music plays when the pocket watch is opened up. 
3.” A fist full of dollars.” 1964  
The beginning if you will of the the man with no name trilogy or dollars trilogy which ever you prefer. The dollars trilogy is what you call a spaghetti western. “ Spaghetti westerns were not rated highly due to their low budgets, over the top violence and inferior art work. But, these Spaghetti Westerns changed that perception forever. Director Sergio Leone gave one after another hit and this trilogy made Clint Eastwood a mega star. “ Some people don’t like them or they find them to corny. Each to their own. I loved the movies. My father pointed out to me one of the things that bugged him was the constant camera cuts to the other characters in the film. It especially focuses on their eyes. I never noticed it until he pointed it out. I do love the scene where he confronts the bullies/bad guys. On his way to them. He passes by the undertaker and tells him to get three coffins ready. After the shootout he passes back by the undertaker and tells him my mistake 4 coffins.
4. “The Good, The bad and the Ugly.” 1966 
The last of the dollars trilogy. A lot of people will say that this is the best of the three movies. Like the previous  film it also stars Lee Van Cleef. This time though he is one of the villain’s. It’s a good movie. I enjoyed  Eli Wallach as Tuco. Once more you have the music on point with  The Ecstasy of Gold. I heard that song years earlier when Metallica would use it. My last thought on this trilogy is I do love how Eastwood is always smoking those little cigars. I have read though he actually hated them.
“ You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. “
5. “Two Mules for Sister Sara” 1970
This one is a film I really liked. It doesn’t seem to be as serious as the previous I’ve listed above. It actually has quite a few comedic moments in it. I think one of the best parts of the movie is after Hogan (Eastwood) saves Sara from impending doom. She gets dressed and comes back out in her nun gear. Once Hogan realizes she is a known his expression is great then he exclaims “Jesus Christ”. I noticed this movie had blood in it. A lot of the earlier ones don’t. One guy gets his arm cut off and one takes a machete to the face. It’s a good movie and I enjoyed it. I should note the soundtrack or at least one song they play over at times in the film is a play on the title. It sounds like a mule actually braying. Pretty nifty. 
6. “Pale Rider” 1985
Another good movie. Eastwood is just known as the preacher in this movie. He helps out a prospect town from becoming a mining town. When the prospectors will not give up their land. A marshal and his deputies are sent in to get prospectors out. It’s hinted at that the marshal may know the preacher form the way he reacts after told his description. This is definitely one of my favorites though. It does get a little weird with the preacher having intercourse with a guy’s girlfriend. The action is great though. It should be noted that it’s been told that Eastwood’s charter is a ghost in this film. Richard Kiel is in this movie as well. He is a well established actor. Most likely known for playing Jaws in Moonraker. 
7. Outlaw Josey wales 1976
A lot of people like this movie. It’s Eastwoods only PG rated western. It’s once more a revenge type western. Josey’s family is murdered by the Union army and he joins a confederate group to get his revenge. I think one of the best parts in the movie is when Josey shoots the rope holding a ferry going across the river. Some of the Union soldiers horses fall into the river preventing them from reaching Wales. This movie is said to be George Strait’s favorite. I did find it funny that the old man in charge of the ferry was playing to both sides. If you were a Confederate he would sing “Dixie” if you were a Union solider he would sing “Battle hymn of the republic” Ever the opportunist I suppose. 
"Well Mr. Carpetbagger, we got something in this territory called a Missoura boat ride!"
"Well are ya' gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"
8.”High plains drifter” 1973
This movie could be almost a part of the man with no name trilogy. It’s just not as good. I liked the midget character named Mordecai . He is one of the best in the movie and funny. This is one of the movies where it’s possible that the stranger (Eastwood’s character) could be a ghost. Some people say he is the sheriff’s brother. Eastwood has said that himself. Then again some people say he is the ghost of the sheriff himself. It’s up to the viewer and how you choose to interpret it. This movie also marks the first movie Eastwood directed that was a western.
“You're going to look pretty silly with that knife sticking out of your ass.“
9. “Hang’em High” 1968
This was Eastwoods first major role in America. The Dollars trilogy had yet to come out over here in America. Jed  (Eastwoods character) is wrongfully hanged by a posse. He naturally seeks revenge after being rescued. He becomes a Marshal and winds up bringing some of the posse to justice. It also stars Pat Hingle. I really only know him from Tim Burton’s Batman. He played Commissioner Gordon. 
10. “Joe Kidd” 1972
To be honest with you this movie really doesn’t do anything for me at all. It’s not a bad movie but it’s not one that really captivates me either. It stars Robert Duvall as a rich/wealthy landowner trying to push Mexicans off of their land. He hires Eastwood’s character named Joe Kidd. It does have some decent moments. A pretty cool scene shows Kidd taking out a gunman upon a rock. The final fight is also pretty neat where Kidd drives a train through the bar.
Honorable Mentions: 
1.”Bronco Billy” 1980
This movie was on the list and I viewed it. I liked it. Eastwood plays a carnival showman. It’s your typical story of guy and girl don’t get along. Then as the movie progresses they start to get along and wind up with one another. It’s not a western but it has the theme. It does have  Scatman Crothers in it as Doc. Throw in a crooked lawyer and a crooked husband and this is the movie you have. 
2. “Paint your wagon” 1969 
This set during the gold rush. It is a musical though and you can get the soundtrack on itunes. I heard about this movie from The Simpsons years ago. It doesn’t have a western feel to me. Eastwood plays Pardner. It’s a cool little musical. It’s an interesting movie though. A Mormon has two wives and he sells one. Well Pardner and his partner Ben rum son played by Lee Marvin buys her. Elizabeth the wife that was purchased basically has two husbands. It’s really a good movie. My favorite song being “Wand’rin Star”
3. “The Beguiled” 1971
They had this movie on the list and there again I witched it. It’s certainly not a western. It’s okay. Eastwood kind of plays a bad guy in it but only to survive. Set in the Civil War era. He is an injured Union solider rescued by a little girl. She takes him to an all girls school. It should be noted that this is the only movie in which a character portrayed by Eastwood dies. 
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soulmusicsongs · 4 years
Black Lives Matter in 25 songs
It feels like we've stepped back in time. Nothing has changed since the 60s.  Music is one of the most powerful tools to bring about change. Listen to 25 songs that empower people's pleas to stand up for racial equality. ​Black Lives Matter!
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​Black Lives Matter
Am I Black Enough For You - Billy Paul  360 Degrees Of Billy Paul, 1972)
Be Black Baby - Grady Tate (Be Black Baby (Stereo) / Be Black Baby (Mono), 1969)
Black But Proud - Reverend Louis Overstreet (Black But Proud / Blessings Of All Kinds, 197?)
Black California - Dorothy Morrison (Brand New Day, 1970)
Blackenized - Hank Ballard (You Can’t Keep A Good Man Down, 1968)
Black In A White World - The Watts Prophets ‎(Rappin’ Black In A White World, 1971)
Black Is Beautiful - The Trinikas (Black Is Beautiful / Remember Me, 1972)
A Black Man’s Soul - Ike Turner and The Kings Of Rhythm (A Black Man’s Soul, 1969)
Black Seeds Keep On Growing - The Main Ingredient ‎(Black Seeds, 1971)
Don’t Pat me on the Back and Call Me Your Brother - John W. Anderson Presents Kasandra (John W. Anderson Presents Kasandra, 1968)
Ego Tripping - Nikki Giovanni And The New York Community Choir (Truth Is On Its Way, 1971)
Free The Black Man’s Chains - The Afro-American Ensemble Featuring L.C. Grier And Novella Edmonds ‎(Free The Black Man’s Chains: A Black Rock Opera, 1972)
Geração Black - União Black (União Black, 1977)
I Am The Black Book - Dixie Drifter (I Am The Black Book / Evenin’ Tide, 1974)
Inside Black America - Del Jones’ Postive Vibes (Court Is Closed, 1973)
Is It Because I’m Black - Syl Johnson (Is It Because I’m Black, 1970)
Message From A Black Man - The Temptations (Puzzle People, 1969)
Mississippi Goddamn - Nina Simone (Nina Simone in Concert, 1964)
Portrait Of Linda In Three Colors, All Black - Sonny Sharrock (Black Woman, 1969)
Say It Loud I’m Black And I’m Proud - James Brown (Say It Loud I’m Black And I’m Proud, 1969)
Sou Negro - Toni Tornado (Sou Negro, 1970)
To Be Young, Gifted And Black - Donny Hathaway (Everything Is Everything, 1970)
We Are Black And We Are Proud - The Holy Lights Of Baltimore, MD ‎(Hard Times, 1972)
What Can I Do For You? - LaBelle (Nightbirds, 1974)
Woman Of The Ghetto - Marlena Shaw (‎The Spice Of Life, 1969)
More Soul Lists
Do you remember Malcolm?
Feminist Soul Music: 10 songs 
Get Together Track List
Is It Because I’m Black - Syl Johnson
Source photo: Tony Webster via Flickr
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cowboyshit · 4 years
@adampage tumblr did a dumbass thing and messed up the read-more to where I couldn’t put it under one so I had to delete your ask and I’m making a separate post for this disaster of a ramble hoooo boy i hope you’re ready for what you’ve unleashed
adampage  asked: ma’am I know you’re high off your rocker but if you have time would you please critique hangman’s playlist for me bc I want to know your thoughts 🥰 anyway yeehaw
OH MY GOD yes???? yes I fucking WILL?????? let’s just pump the breaks on what i was doing right the fuck now, get his playlist in front of me (even though ive been listening to it nonstop and have so many things to ALREADY SAY) and talk about this shit. im sorry if this isn’t coherent im pry just gonna ramble. (edit to add now that I’m done: ITS FREAKING 3252 WORDS LONG LMAO OH MY GOD)
first and foremost. I Love It. let’s just slap that down. get that out of the way. ITS SO GOOD. SO FUCKING GOOD. also this is going under a readmore cause YEAH. it’s THAT LONG.
let’s start first with mr. adam ‘i taught graphic design when i was 20 and learned adobe illustrator and photoshop to design my own tshirts when i was an indie wrestler’ page’s cover image. wait. no. back up - look at the profile image he chose for his profile. it’s not a selfie. it’s not a picture he snapped with his camera. it’s a screenshot of the “has been drinking” moment on aew dynamite. what a lovable FOOL. he really saved that and put that as his profile pic im skjdfkjfd okay now swing back to the anxious millenial design with the signed hangman adam page for the cover. he designed that. I swear he did. I swear he did that. I could be wrong but I just feel it in my bones. that was him. also, THAT should have been the vintage shirt. cowboy shit is cute but ANXIOUS MILLENNIAL COWBOY? I NEED THAT AS THE SHIRT!
okay now let’s get into the songs. wait. before i go through it I do want to say something about the playlist overall.
I can’t decide if this is because he shares so many similarities to the character hangman adam page, but so many of these songs apply to his character like, this fucking playlist plays like a hangman adam page THE CHARACTER playlist. like this is the playlist i’d find on 8tracks back when that was the “thing” in fandom where every song makes me go “OMG THAT IS THAT CHARACTER” like. I don’t know if he did that purposefully as an extension of the character? or if it just happens to line up because of how similar he is and his story is to his character but SOME of these songs wooooo boy they get deep dont they? when you compare them to the character?
okay. songs.
so I know some of these, especially the classics, summertime of course, but for the ones I didn’t know I love them so much. they have such a vibe that just fits him, and they’re all so good???
rather low by nick shoulders is one I didn’t know and I fucking LOVE it. and look. it goes from Long Time Gone by the Dixie Chicks. Long Time Gone about being away from the country life, from home and if my THEORY is right about this playlist hitting the character, hangman is struggling with being lost, without a family. it goes from that to rather low, which talks about not being welcome at home. like “I told you once I told you twice, I’m steeped in verse and cursed in vice” ajdskjds GOOD lyrics. beat slaps. song slaps. I love it.
okay so we go roll on mississippi which is soft compared to the two upbeat songs that just hit us before. calms you down after that high energy beat rather low had. lets you breathe. AND it’s got a sad, soft, longing pull to it, falling in with more of those “lost” from home themes. “You're the childhood dream that I grew up on. Roll on Mississippi, carry me home. Now I can see I've been away too long.” UGH! and also, it’s just a good fucking song.
then we go to a song i haven’t heard and love, going places by aubrie sellers. it’s a little bit funkier, but still soft. also groovy as FUCK. and it obv talks about GOING places. so maybe the first three songs were about the home he’s left behind, but now it’s about where he’s going. and man this song just SLAPS.
A CLASSIC is next, 1970 something illegal smile by john prine. it has that classic soft croon, such a good country sound and it’s a little bit playful. it makes you wanna smile and sway back and forth. it’s a good song. fun. but it’s almost a little bit. dark? “ Won't you please tell the man I didn't kill anyone. No, I'm just tryin' to have me some fun. Well, I sat down in my closet with all my overalls, tryin' to get away from all the ears inside my walls. I dreamed the police heard everything I thought, what then?” it just makes me think of when his character “killed” joey ryan. I could be looking too far into it but, that’s what popped into my head.
OKAY NOW this next one. fuck yeah I DIG this song. I hadn’t heard this song and it quickly went into my liked songs. and if we’re following his character, the lyrics hit HARD. “ I've lost the will to try this worthless lullaby. Its melody won't fly me past oblivion. I bet it would be nice to find that paradise, a world of sparkling light beyond the setting sun. But I don't dream anymore” ugh !!!!!!! UGGGHH!! SO GOOD?? and even the slight upbeat to it. “would if I could but I don’t dream anymore” uuuuggghhh SO GOOD. love this song. one of my faves of the whole list for sure.
the next two back-to-back are CLASSICS and fit the hangman adam page character so damn perfect. i’ve even looked at lyrics from merle haggard’s i don’t want to sober up to night for adam in the past akjfdkjdsf it’s fucking perfect. and then followed by dwight yoakam’s honky tonk man?! amazing. we go from from fucking heart-wrenching lyrics if you think about them for him: “ I don't want to sober up tonight. I don't want to act like things are alright, and I don't want to change just to make you think I'm happy. That's my right, I don't want to sober up tonight. I want to keep my mind a little hazy. I don't care if all my friends think I'm crazy. The way I treat myself I might be a little crazy But that's alright, I don't want to sober up tonight. I'm here to drown another day of misery. I'm in here to spend one night without a mem'ry and the way I'm drinking now there won't be any memory. But it's alright, I don't want to sober up tonight” to HONKY TONK MAN. HONKY. TONK. MAN. “ Well I'm a honky tonk man and I can't seem to stop. I love to give the girls a whirl to the music of an old jukebox, but when my money's all gone, I'm on the telephone singing, hey hey mama can your daddy come home?” ajhsdjksdjkf like. look. partying hangman, drunk, swinging a girl around in the country bar???? cause he refused to sober up and just wanted to have fun? anyways regardless if there’s a connection or if im reaching, these are some good classics to pull out right here. honky tonk man will ALWAYS bring the party back up.
another song I didn’t know but now love? happy reunion by colter wall? this is a good freaking cowboy song??? and it’s a cute story???? about what a cowboy does during his day??? what the fuck? riding along the range with his dog, helping the cow, getting the calf back that’d gotten lost???? CUTE? anyways this is a vibin as HELL song and if it’d come out when I was still raising cows my ass woulda been blasting this shit as I drove to feed the herd for SURE. this song is a whole ass vibe and I’m digging it.
okay. walk through fire by yola? another i didn’t know (which - so far it seems all the songs that arent classics - spare dixie chicks - are from 2019) and I am obsessed with???? it’s so good? and fuck just such a good love song??? “Standing on the side of the river. Staring across the great divide. I'd give all my gold and silver just to get to the other side. Your love is like a rescue vessel, carries me through the night through these flames of destruction. I know you're gonna make it right. I know, I know you're gonna save my life.“ LIKE? HENLO????????? FUCK!!!! THATS SO GOOD. that whole song I could post all the lyrics tbh. and the way she CROONS it ugh. yeah. I love that song.
FUCKIN YES. DOLLY FUCKIN PARTON. youre not gonna make a country playlist and not include a dolly parton song boy i KNOW IT. and the song choice??? hm? remind you of a CERTAIN COWBOYS STRUGGLE WITH NOT HAVING A HOME???? “What difference does it make which way I go, got an empty feelin' down inside. Still I need to stay alive and who can tell what waits beyond this road. I'm a drifter” ajdfshjsd god I love dolly. and of COURSE he does too. i’m so pleased by this choice I can’t stop smiling. ugh. love this. love dolly.
sandpaper oneside, rubber other by the bobby tenderloin universe what do you know? another 2019 song I didn’t know and yet absolutely LOVE. I also am loving how he does a mix of classics with newer (but still almost classic-country sounding, maybe like. classic meets modern) country music in this playlist. AND WHAT A SONG. it’s so good? and again, just makes me think of the character. “there are two minds inside me. that’s one life too many. but i keep moving slow on both sides, strong as I can be.” tell me that doesnt make you think of hangman adam page. and it has such a... sad vibe. “i cant believe the things i am. as much a lion as a lamb” !!!!!!!!!!! ugh such a GOOD LINE. THAT SLAPS. LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh this song. especially the back vocals of the woman that comes in later on? it’s like. ethereal. beautiful. fucking beautiful and almost haunting. paired with the sad lyrics? UGH. gorgeous.
long white line by sturgill simpson i do know and LOVE and it’s got a fun, uplifting cowboy beat following the more slow, sad croon of the last song. it’s SO COUNTRY. the way it’s sung? SO COUNTRY. and also ajdfskjsd adam. “I woke up my baby was gone without her I don't need no home” and “Gonna' push this rig 'til I push that girl out of my mind. If somebody wants to know what's become of this so and so tell em' I'm somewhere looking for the end of that long white line” kjdjkfdkjf this is just such a country song, and it fits SO well, especially after that previous pick.
now we go from two new songs to another classic. another (i think) 1970s country hit. lonesome, on’ry and mean is SUCH a classic country song. it has that good old sound, and the story it tells too. and just, I can’t stop thinking about hangman just “ Been driving these highways, been doing things my way. It's been making me lonesome on'ry and mean.” ajdskjflkf it’s fair to say that character IS lonesome, on’ry and mean right now. anyways, fun country song regardless and I DIG the addition.
okay back to a newer song and holy shit. this is my personal favorite of the new songs he introduced me to. this song I LOVE this song. fuuun FUN beat, makes me want to fucking GROOVE. I love love love this, and I love the way the singer sings? it just makes me wanna UGH. just wanna sway to it. the whine in the croon I just love. and the BEAT. the beat is so fucking good. and the lyrics? “I'm that wholesome Midwestern boy that you want to bring home to your mama. Even though I bring you joy, baby I'm not the toy you wanna play with at night. Too many things I've seen. Too many people and places I've been. I'm thinking about doing those things I shouldn't be doing. Something I've never done before. I want something to fuck me up. Need somebody to fuck me up. Everyone feels like it. Fuck me up, fuck me up, fuck me up” ajdsjkds I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH “Well I might go and get drunk and stoned 'cause it's better than being only crazy. If I ever come back, wherever I end up at is where I was supposed to be.” it’s so perfect for his character it drives me crazy. this is a song I’d listen to and first, groove to, and then be like THIS SONG IS HANGMAN. love this song. absolutely a favorite.
the next song though. the next song. fucking hangman adam page and his love of biscuits. southern biscuits by seasick steve oh. my. god. this BOY. THIS COUNTRY BOY. THIS BISCUIT LOVIN COUNTRY BOY. this is such a damn good addition. not only is it so fucking country, almost. spoken/sung? the soft hum with the fucking banjo??? and of COURSE of course he knows and loves this song I can’t with him. and it hits you with the: “ Southern biscuits, nothin' better in the world 'less they're made for you, by your southern girl.” and I go UWU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
two new songs so guess what? classic time. BALANCE. HE’S KEEPING BALANCE. I swear he’s done this purposefully and I could be crazy I could be giving him more credit than is due but I swear he’s picked the arrangement of songs too. because this is too coincidental. so, we’ve got our classic livin on the run by david allan coe. what a DARK song to go with. about a man who murders a woman and lives on the run (again, can’t help but think of the joey ryan murder thing, but hey. that’s just me grasping for straws) regardless if it ties or not, it’s a good classic and it’s fun to croon to even if its uh. dark but sung like. upbeat? almost???
okay, another classic and, to me, one of the sexiest songs on this playlist. I fucking love this song. it’s sexy with an underlying of dark. she literally seduces and knocks the guy out and robs him blind and he’s STILL craving her summer wine like. this song is SO GOOD. so fucking good. the way the music swells with the storytelling is beautiful. “Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring, my summer wine is really made from all these things. Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time, and I will give to you summer wine” is just so ajkdfskjdfs ugh i love this song
and guess what? two classics so we’re swinging to a newer song. left turn on a red light by blackfoot. oof. I didn’t know this song and it hit me, it’s so good and I know im saying that about all of them but Honestly. “ Sun shines down on the desert, and it seems to make my life a haze, and I dream of my childhood sweetheart,and the freedom that I had in those days.” UGH. “ Will I always be a rambler? Will the ones I love always keep tellin' me, "You stare too long in the mirror, son, someday you'll be too blind to see.” HELLO???? those lyrics? SO GOOD. and again applying them to hangman just makes me FERAL SCREAM.
cowboys and hippies by cody jinks is such a hangman song it’s almost unreal. if I was going to REALLY reach I’d say it almost reminds me of the way the crowd pulls him back. “At some old honkytonk bar that I know by the smell, some old drunk on a barstool on a Merle Haggard tune. That's my kind of room. Raising hell with the hippies and the cowboys. They don't care about no trends, they don't care about songs that sell. Yeah, tomorrow I'll be gone, so tonight everybody just sing along, raising hell with the hippies and the cowboys” GOOD LYRICS. this has the same sad undertones too as a lot of these songs have too.
ugh. I love him sincerely for this next one. blue skies is one of my favorite songs, but blue skies by willie nelson? YES. my grandpa used to play willie nelson ALL THE TIME and I love this version. an uplifting song to follow the heavier songs. I’d like to think of a hangman who has the blue skies from now on. all of his blue days gone. this song is such a classic (cover) that just. good pick. I love this.
alright, so we’ve got a classic but he’s chosen the version from bojack horseman which makes me think that might’ve been the first time he heard it, but that’s neither here nor there. stars is a BEAUTIFUL song. and boy am I happy we had blue skies before this cause fuck. how sad? how emotional?????? “People lust for fame like athletes in a game, we break our collarbones and come up swinging, some of us are downed some of us are crowned, and some are lost and never found” fuck. fuck fuck fuck. and the last two lines, thinking about hangman? “So if you don't lose patience with my fumbling around, I'll come up singing for you, even when I'm down.” FUCK. my HEART. good pick but OUCH. good but ow.
summertime by orville peck is next BLESS finally an orville song I was gonna lose it on him if he put a playlist and DIDN’T include an orville song. interesting though he went with summertime, the newest, and not any of the ones off pony. but! it follows stars well. its soft, lull, and the lyrics are so hangman now that I put it in this context. “Catch 'em by surprise and chasin' the horizon, nothing holds me down. Askin', "Where the time's gone?" Dreamin' with the lights on, tryna keep your eyes on something along the rise" anyways I know YOU know this song well it’s so fucking good. has that same soft pull a lot of these songs have. the way that chorus swells though? the secondary vocals??? ugh. yeah this was a great choice, I’m glad he went with summertime. it fits the vibe of this playlist so well.
we’re ending on a song with such a country sound to it (i mean all of these do), a bit more upbeat, a bit more funky. “Some say I'm a wild man, drink too much nectar from the corn” and also “Oh the school, it wasn't for me. I earned my stripes a different way I learned to sing harmony and go play out on the stage” definitely makes me think of hangman for SURE. it’s a funky song to end on, and if you keep listening to the playlist on repeat like I do, it even falls into long time gone really well.
and of course this is assuming you’re meant to listen to them one after the other and not on shuffle. I’m sure it still works on shuffle but I LOVE the flow of this playlist listening to it one after the other.
love this whole playlist. and my identifying it with the character could TOTALLY be reaching, but of course I’m going to think of him and analyze his selection of *these* songs specifically to put out to all of us. out of EVERY song he likes. he didn’t include... hmm cowboy take me away, for example? shoulda been a cowboy??? the vibe of the overall playlist FITS “anxious millenial cowboy” it has an underbelly of sadness to it. and I dig the fuck out of that.
overall 10/10 I love this fucking playlist thank you goodnight
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radiomax · 7 years
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Saturday 7pm: Great Soul Performances with Bobby Jay I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. This evening on "Great Soul Performances" we'll be playing music by: Marvin Gaye, Gladys Knight & the Pips; the return my group the Laddins, Dinah Washington, Chuck Jackson, Blue Magic, Bobby "Blue" Bland, Cliff Perkins & Soul Generation, my former co-worker at WWRL, Enoch Hawthorne Gregory; the Dixie Drifter, James Brown, Little Anthony & the Imperials, Stevie Wonder; live in concert, and much, much more.
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