#Dog DayZ
mightywhite · 9 months
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herrscherofmemories · 6 months
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Minori graphicz !
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F2u w credz | ⚖ | rg + like if uzing !
For @daintykill 'z event !!
『 4/02 』 Day OO1 : A character that is related to cats in some way ! Ou a character that is related to dogs in some way
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Minori !! Well zhez related to dogz by Samo and the new cardz !!
Umm ,, ignore how the Herrscher iz four dayz late and won't be able to upload all the promptz in time . .
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archiveofstrawdady · 2 months
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                                                                              IT GOT WORSE!
      Oh my goooooooooooood have I had such a horrid time the last couple of days!  Two!  Just two adventures after the farming experience, things just went downhill for me!
     When Caine announced our next activity of the day, I was expecting something simplistic like working at a fast-food joint.  But noooooooooo!  first, we had to face off against these bipedal creatures known as "zoongamies" or whatever, and guess who got chewed up by those things, huh!? Guess! Not even Trapez gave a #$%& about helping me when one of them CHOMPED DOWN on my ankle! It was like being a dog-catcher hoarding rabid dogs.
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  Oh and that's not the worst of it. The next day after, we were sent into this fantasy-esk dungeons.  This place gave us medieval costumes matching our roles, for instance ; Dayzed was a knight, Trapez was some kind of archer , Thornix was a barbarian(very fitting for her), and Mock was... just Mock with a sword.  for me, I was a sorcerer, which I was very optimistic about since i was the only one to wield a magic staff and have a fancy wizards outfit. I hoped it wouldn't be any worse then last time, but I was proven wrong!
The wand wouldn’t respond to any of my commands! I was shouting stuff like “abra cadabra” before moving on to complex spells, but nothing! It wasn’t till the end when I said “fireball”, then did it work.
I’m going to UNALIVE myself if these arrows didn’t do it for me!
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dracocheesecake · 3 months
A small snippet of the Raised by Dorceans AU:
AKA Rovender finds out what the twins feed Eva and reacts how you might if you found out someone was feeding their toddler dog biscuits.
(Be mindful I haven't read the books yet so if anything is inaccurate forgive me.)
Rovender scratched under his chin. “Well…What do you feed her?”
Redimus rubbed the back of his neck, another hand coming up to scratch at his throat, before pausing, as if remembering the collar, and then scratching his chest instead.
“Um…Fruit,” he said, “zome leavez, vegetablez she can ztomach, mozzly berriez and fish.”
Rovender stopped scratching. He looked up at Redimus, at the way the Dorcean wouldn't quite meet his gaze- almost like a guilty child. He raised his eyebrows.
“What else?”
Redimus made a soft clicking noise with his beak. He continued to rub the back of his neck.
“Not raw?” Rovender gasped.
Redimus shook his head quickly. “No, no, not raw. We cook it for her, now. We learned dat de hard way.” He winced, as if remembering something particularly unpleasant.
Rovender sighed in relief and relaxed. “...Ah, good. What else?”
Redimus tensed. Now he really avoided Rovender's gaze. Then he seemed to give up, sighing, and pulled out a tube with a cap at the end with yet another hand. He shook it, rattling something with a little weight inside, and Eva’s head perked up from where it had been hidden on the other side of camp, concealed behind bushes. She scurried over.
Rovender read the label. Then his eyes widened. He looked up at the Dorcean with a mixture of disgust and outrage.
“You've been feeding her munt-runner treats?!”
Redimus winced again, but when Eva tugged on some of his fur, he dumped one of the small clumps of dried grain into another hand and passed it to her. She tore into it eagerly.
“...She zeems to like dem,” Redimus said, “and dere are dayz when dey are all she wheel eat.”
Rovender's feelings of disgust didn't change, but he knew his expression was softened somewhat by amusement- rapidly growing, as he watched the girl finish her treat and demand another one in sharp-toned Dorcean.
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maxiesweetzieluvzie · 2 months
So I just literally rn found out what Alterhumanz are, n after reading up n finding out some stuff... I'm like.... extremely sure am an Alterhuman... specifically a Polymorph.... but I hab sum qvestionz 2 ask straight from Alterhumanz instead of just googlin!!!!!!!! Just 2 make sure, cuz I rlly dont wanna b disrespektful....
4 contxt: For a long while I've been identifyin as a Genderfluid male-leaning femboy who was an Xtreme kinner (as like a public identity!!!), but some yearz ago I also found out I rlly feel like more than dat!!! So by myself, where no one else saw, I would identify n act in a Godly manner cuz it felt so right 2 identify as a God!!! But then othr dayz I felt more like animalistic, most frequentz I can only describe as like a bunny ghost (timid yet curious lil guy!!), reaper dog (aka like an anthro dog who's mostly void n fluid, very dark n gloomy, so I came 2 call them da reaper dog!) And some form of magical fox!!! There's lotsa othrz as well, but those r da most frequent animalz alongside sum otherz... then therez also sentient objectz, fictional charactrz, THERE'S SO MUCH!!!!!! But somehow Godliness/Xtreme power/supernaturality in sum form is always present as well, Xcept 4 a veri few formz... Long story short, I feel like a buncha different beingz AND NONE OF EM FEEL HUMAN!!!!! N IT FEELZ GOOD!!!!!!! IT FEELZ SO RIGHT!!!!!! Earlier I just thought 2 myself "I'm just an actor, so I like 2 get in2 specific rolez", but now dat I know the terming n I know itz a thing it just rlly feelz right,,,,,,
SO HERE R MY ACTUAL QVESTIONZ, plz I rlly wanna know from actual Alterhumanz on what y'all think/know as individualz!!!!
1. Can an Alterhuman be a single person, as in one being rather than multiple people in one body? So the one person is all the different identities and not different people?
2. Is there a limit to Alterhuman (specifially Polymorph) identities? Can they be anything that feels right? ARE they everything that feels right?
3. How do people who aren't Alterhuman react to Alterhumans? And are you in particular Alterhuman privately or publically? I'd love to hear some experiences, if you'd be comfortable.
4. If I am a Polymorph, how accepting is the community online? I'd love to hear experiences on this as well.
5. How do Alterhumans with, for example, the same identity / multiple same identities get along? This is mostly to kind of clear it up for me!
6. Is it normal to illustrate your own different identities, tag posts depending on what identity posted it, list your identities on your profile, ect?
7. What is it like communicating with people when Alterhuman? (again, specifically Polymorph or otherwise multiple identities!)
8. What are some things I should know about Alterhumans before I am 100% ready to start being open about it? Because currently I am 100% sure I'm a Polymorph, but I just want to know just in case.
9. Is it normal to have a 'public identity' for real life stuff if you're not ready to or don't want to make that stuff public in real life for reason or another?
10. If being a single person Polymorph is possible, do you remain aware of each different identity's/form's actions once they change as a Polymorph?
11. Are there things that are frowned upon/hated in the community, other than the very basic things everyone should shun? (Racism, sexism, ect.) And are there things that are encouraged/loved more than usual in the community?
Last, and most important...
12. Will y'all have me in the community?
TYSM 4 readin thiz post.... plz answer any qvestionz u have answrz 2, I rlly would luv 2 hear it all n neex 2 hear it 4 reassurance as well... plz have a wonderful day, and thank u again!!!!!!!
At da end of da day my identity is mine alone, but I just dunt wanna disrespekt any1!!!!! So thiz is all 4 dat... tysm!!!!
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biggie-chcese · 23 days
1 , 13, 24. And 4 :D
:DDDD hiii
What got you into art? When did you start? Been drawing for as long as I can remember, but for when I got started seriously... I wanna say... newspaper comic strips got me into it. Back when we'd have the newspaper delivered to us every day I'd flip instantly to the comics (especially on Sundays when they're in color) and peruse them. Not to be basic, but Garfield was my favorite. It's eventually what inspired me to really start drawing regularly, where I made my earliest big project when I was 12: a long running comic series called Dog Dayz where it was a bunch of pets hanging out in a house doing funny shit. There was a sly cat, a silly dog with a catchphrase, a mouse, an iguana, and a fish that never talked but everyone acted like they understood it lol.
Where do you draw inspiration from? Looots of other artists online! I have a personal document of links and pics from a bunch of artists I admire that bring me inspiration. That includes you, btw! You're one of the artists who inspired me to start practicing with digital painting (something I found daunting for a very long time), so thank you!
Talk about something you are eager to do? There's one particularly ambitious rain code comic I want to make but the concept is like. All spoilers lol. What I can say is that there's a few really dynamic angles, expressions and poses I want to draw for it that I really hope I can pull off, haha.
Share some of your favourite pieces? Oughh okay. I'll do separate ones by tgaa, rain code, and oc art because I felt like I improved the most over this year's artfight!
First, for tgaa, this one, always.
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For rain code, definitely this one.
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And for artfight, it's a toss up between my toy themed mass attack and the colorful kaiju fight (monster ocs owned by this amazing artist!!)
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Anyway tysm for asking!!!
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bugjuiceopossum · 1 month
HOWLO !!! U ´ᴥ` U
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i'm Mosh !! (like a moshpit !) i also go by Spooky or Bugjuice !!! 
i'm a disabled transmasc lesboy dyke thing that uses he/it/they pronouns !! a weird amalgam of doggy opossum werewolf and creature :3
i'm an artist specializing in funny animals, silly lil guys, and toony monsters !! i also like making plushies, clothes, and refurbishing and making fursuits, and i'm a fursuiter !! i’m also super interested in making and collecting zines !!
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GENERAL WARNINGS: this account will sometimes post or reblog art containing drug use or drug references (weed, psychedelics, alcohol, tobacco), suggestive art, or art containing nudity, but i won’t ever reblog straight up p0rn !! regardless, please only follow me if ur 18 or older !! some content will contain eyestrain or flashing colors !!
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more about me below !! along with my DNI and other places to find me !! :3
✰MORE ABOUT ME !! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ✰
things i love: halloween, cartoons, psychedelic art, nintendo games/consoles, low budget/obscure horror movies, weed, Courage the Cowardly Dog, making arts n crafts, baking/cooking, going to small punk/noise/emo/metal shows, and making kandi !!
a few of my fav bands/musicians: My Chemical Romance, Newgrounds Death Rugby, 100 gecs, King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, The Oozes, Dog Park Dissidents, Catbite, Talking Heads, Mountain Goats, Linkin Park, Against Me!, Smashing Pumpkins, Car Seat Headrest, Jolatrewa, and way more !!!
i’m super into learning about furry history and queer history ! i also love learning about animals and game design, and i love media analysis !!
i collect vintage toys, stuffies, VHS tapes, DVDs, merch of my fav pokemon, blues clues merch, cassette tapes, halloween decor, yoshi merch, little trinkets, and taxidermy, and i wanna start collecting inflatables and vintage furry merch !!
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here’s some of my main fursonas !! ^w^
you can find more of my characters here !! ->https://toyhou.se/rad-opossum
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✰my other main blog here is:✰
-agere/kidfur/babyfur art; SFW ONLY, NSFW DNI
✰my sideblogs here are:✰
-furbies, toy collecting, and pics of my other collections !
-both of these are inactive !!
.*.✰*. other places to find me offsite and info about my commissions are all found on my carrd here !! .*✰.*.
✰ https://rad-opossum.carrd.co/ ✰
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-general bigots and such: racists, misogynists, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, zionists, transmeds, terfs, anti-blm, anti-ACAB, pro-life
-if ur fatphobic
-zoophiles/zeta, pedos/maps/etc., fetishizers of regression, ddlg/cgl, proshippers/profic
-anti he/him lesbians, anti “contradictory” labels (lesboys, bi lesbians, etc.), anti neopronouns, anti “weird” labels (example: objectum)
-anti kink, or if ur weird about kink at pride or pup hoods at furcons lol
-if you harass people for harmless fantasy fetishes/kinks (inflation, vore, macro, etc.)
-if ur uncomfortable with me self referring as a fag, a dyke, queer, etc.
DNI (media related)
-harry potter fans/jk rowling fans (idc if you "don't support jk rowling but still like her art", if u still consume harry potter media pls don't follow me lol)
-vivziepop fans or enjoyers of hazbin hotel/helluva boss
TL:DR just don’t suck basically lol
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stormanbates · 2 years
I was inspired by the post below to make episode ideas, now that the creators of Rise tweeted about doing something about the show on Netflix.
Episode Ideas for Season 3
Eating Contest: The Turtles have to eat hot dogs against their respective villians to win Lou Jitsu merchandise.
Genderbent Episode: The whole episode goes on but everyone is a genderbent version of themselves.
Baseball Bonanza: Splinter has been kidnapped by Meatsweats, The Crabs, Ghost Bear, and Hypno and Warren Stone, and the Turtles have to get him back by playing a game of Baseball. April is a cheerleader in this episode.
Daycare Dilemma: The turtles and April have to sneak into a mystic daycare before their regression formula wears off, but things keep getting in the way.
Origin story: Baron Draxum tells the turtles where he got them before he mutated them.
Donnie and Raph episode: Donnie and Raph embark on a mission together.
April Showers: The turtle tots meet April for the first time after sneaking out to get candy after Splinter grounded them.
School Dayz: The turtles disguise themselves as normal teenage boys to experience school for the first time.
Prom Punches: After April's date cancels on her, the guys dress up to take her to prom. That's when Donnie decides to admit his feelings to her.
Weapon switching: Because they're so used to their own weapons, Sllinter makes the turtles switch weapons, which is difficult.
Ballet: When April brings her ballet class to their first performance, the turtles notice mutant silverfish on the stage, so they dress in tutus and dance to avoid panic as they battle their enemy. Bullhop appears in this episode.
Health Scare: When Mikey collapses during a mission, Raph insists that Donnie runs some tests on him, only to find out that he's a prediabetic, and Raph bans sugar in the lair until Mikey is better.
Nightmares: Leo has bad dreams about the Krang and Raph, Donnie and Mikey comfort him.
Bedtime Blues: As Turtle Tots, they share a bed, but when the bed ends up soaked, they blame each other and try to figure out who wet the bed.
Battle Shell: Donnie reminisces about every one of his battle shells.
Turtle-sitting: When Splinter has to leave overnight, he can't trust his sons alone, so he gets a babysitter, but they're not amused. As it turns out, their babysitter is a mutant.
Custody Agreement: Draxum finally tracked down the turtles' mothers from their breeders and decides to mutate them, but Splinter feels left out and like he doesn't matter when the mothers take over his parenting. At the end of the episode, the Moms go off to live their own lives, but agree to split custody.
Date Night: The turtles help Splinter prepare for his date, with Big Mama! But as it turns out, he also has a guys night (date in disguise) with Draxum. Can he do both?
Dentist Disaster: Raph has a toothache, so he goes to the dentist, but the dentist only wants his snaggletooth. (From the Todd Scouts Episode, you can't leave it on a cliffhanger!)
Splinter's Day: While his sons go on a mission, Splinter is left alone and he reveals what he does all day.
Turtle Soup: Mikey has a chance to cook against a rival chef, with his brothers as his soux chefs, but the glory goes to his head.
Mayhem and Raph: After many attempts and years of not being able to, Raph finally got to hold and snuggle Mayhem.
The Talk: Splinter has to give his boys "the talk", and they try to avoid him, but the talk isn't what they think.
Shrink-a-Dinks: After Raph eats a tiny bomb that got slipped into his bag of chips, it's up to Leo, Donnie and Mikey to shrink themselves and go into his gut to retrieve it before it explodes.
Baby Casey Jones: The turtles and April are given Cassandra's baby to watch for a few hours and they have no idea what they're doing.
Mona Lisa: Raph becomes infatuated with a Mutant Lizard and can't stop thinking about her.
Mud Dogs: The Turtles meet the Mud Dogs, because they didn't believe Raph after his encounter, and discover they have more in common than they think.
TV Trouble: Each of the turtles have a specific show to watch, all set to be aired at the same time, so they race to get chores done in order to get the remote.
Greek Myths: After hearing about the Greek Gods, the turtles reenact a few greek myths and fight over who would be Zeus.
Lou Jitsu 2.0: Donnie mixes up a formula that will restore Splinter back in his human form, only to see an old man in Lou Jitsu's fighting outfit.
Scary Movie: Mikey watches a scary movie, and is terrified, but tries to keep quiet because Raph told him not to watch it.
Twins: Donnie and Leo meet real human twins and wonder if they're as close as they think.
Naughty Words: Mikey discovers a naughty word and says it in front of Splinter, who washes his mouth out with soap, only to discover all 4 of his sons curse.
Comedic Relief: When Leo insists that he's funny, he goes to his own comedy show, but when no one laughs, he has a teenaged crisis.
Toy Store Galore: The turtles, either as teens or tots, have to use various toys in a toy store to defeat a villian (think the opening scene in TMNT2: The Secret of the Ooze, or TMNT 2003: Turtle Tots.)
Venus: A girl turtle mutant reveals herself to the boys, and she tells her story of how she was one of the turtles Draxum had, but escaped the box he kept them in, but still got mutated. The boys adjust to having a sister and Splinter having a daughter.
Pizza Short: The turtle tots experience one of the best things New York has to offer for the first time: pizza!
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oxymoronart · 1 year
Okay I kinda love her. She plays drums in my fictional band, Dog DayZ. I will figure out the rest of the band members later. She's the drummer.
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kitsunekage88 · 1 year
Tag Game
15 questions to get to know you. Tagged by @officerjennie
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda! Mom wanted to name me after her aunt but dad didn't like it. So she changed the first part of the name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
If we're counting laughing so hard you cry then yesterday. If not then a few months ago
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What sports do you play / have you played?
Only ever played for fun. Missed tryouts the one time I went for a team sport. But! I do fish! And I took taekwondo for a year.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Depends on the situation. But it's usually their hair.
7. What's your eye color?
A very lovely shade of brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Don't watch many movies, but I do prefer a happy ending.
9. Any special talents?
I'm sure there's something.
10. Where were you born?
A capital city that manages to feel like the middle of nowhere
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, watching old sci-fi shows, astronomy, renaissance festivals and talking my friends into taking random trips.
12. Do you have any pets?
A bunch of fish and one large dog.
13. How tall are you?
5'6/5'7 doctors offices can't seem to agree. One said 5'8
14. Favorite subject in school?
Science and Lit.
15. Dream job?
Tagging @atelier-dayz @raendown @rinrinp42 @emilx311 @asknotbug @pearlescentpearl @puzzleshipper and anyone else who wants to do it.
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holy-megs · 2 years
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≡ hey! welcome to my blog -> she/her. !! virgo sun ⋮ leo moon ⋮ libra rising …… gets bored easily and wants to succeed someday ;)
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: ̗̀➛ LIKES !
the moon, the color black, rain/rainy dayz, basically anything that is dark, cold weather, going to the gym—playing football, work, watching anime and simping for 2d men, writing for 2d men, listening to music, animals, sushi, cooking—i rarely do it! car drives [especially late night ones!]. sweets/food, megumi fushiguro, uchiha sasuke, juice wrld and chase atlantic <3
: ̗̀➛ DISLIKES !
people who walk too fast, manipulative people [besides dazai] hot weather, waking up too early, bugs, too much noise, when my coffe is too hot, hate anons, anxiety…
naruto—boruto, jujutsu kaisen, black clover, tokyo revengers, spy x family, bungou stray dogs, chainsaw man, tokyo ghoul
: ̗̀➛ FAV BABIES—!
naruto-boruto: sasuke, naruto, itachi, kakashi, sasori, pain, hinata, sakura, tenten, sai, shikamaru, neji, indra, minato, deidara, hidan, gaara, kawaki, sarada, mitsuki, boruto and more…
jujutsu kaisen: megumi, yuji, gojo, geto, mai, maki, toji
black clover: yuno, asta, yami, finral, vanessa, charlotte, william, nozel, fuegoleon
tokyo revengers: takemichi, mikey, naoto, shinichiro, chifuyu, draken, shuji, mitsuya, kazutora
spy x family: loid, yuri, yor, anya
bungou stray dogs: dazai, akutagawa, atsushi, odasaku
tokyo ghoul: kaneki, ayato, amon, hide, urie, akira, touka
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fank u for reading >_<
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lyrics365 · 2 months
Rap Tour (극락도 Rock)
Yeah Yeah Yeah it’s da Rap Tour by jeongsangsu geukrakdo Rock geukrakdo Rock geukrakdo Rock (it’s da) geukrakdo Rock geukrakdo Rock geukrakdo Rock geukrakdo Rock (it’s da) geukrakdo Rock 2024 gapjinnyeonedo gidaryeotdaneun deuti tto chataon tteugeoun taeyangi jakyeolhaneun Dog dayz gwanganri haeangareul ttara geoleogamyeo kkaebuswobeorilrae sameul okamaeneun modeun jokswae naneun hotel animyeon…
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j-a-smiths-blog · 3 months
2151 6July24: Chapter 188
Side tracked.
My anger the last few days is still present but I had a moment to vent to someone who might be able to help my wife see my stress... if she doesn't want to listen to me maybe she'll listen to them...
I was sidetracked, as I stated... you know the focus is suppose to be on film making and pushing along with this eighteenth century inspired storyline but yet here I am allowing my mind to be taken over by all these other thoughts.
Today my mind slipped back into game design mode and how I see a few ideas to explore. People who use open source programs have this wealth of programs and creativeness that I'm surprised they don't tag team a project.
I know it would be a huge project to undertake, but when I look back a few months on the idea of doing a "Purge" inspired game I see multiple avenues this could expand into. There are so many avenues I see that I just can't list them all.
Like hunger games... what if say the Peninsula of Bataan became grounds for hunger games... but then again... there is that Japanese (I think) show about the deck of cards... what if each of the 12 cities in Bataan held a certain boss level ...
See, this is where my mind starts adding elements of all these different shows.... It's like I want a hunger games inspired... you represent your district (town), but at the same time, I need to make it most believable as you can't just move all these people out of their homes... so you'd have to decipher who is civilian, who are other players, and who are foot soldiers for the boss level people... so it has a purge feel because you could kill innocent people... but the idea of having bosses is like the Alice in borderlands show... so unlike the purge, the higher ups are not exempt but, in fact, objectives.
But to throw even more at you... make it like dayz where you run around the map trying to loot stuff to get the best gear possible and make yourself a base... if you want to team up, you have those options, but nothing is stopping you from killing your partners......
I'm thinking even though Balanga or Mariveles would be the ideal place for the top dog to be... I'd also see Mt. Samat as a potential base station for the top dog as it can overlook any direction if an offensive is coming their way... obviously fences, barriers and guard shacks were erected around the base to add a line of protection...
Just random thoughts that I think about
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maximuswolf · 5 months
Isn't it easier to make a game third person with first person then vice versa?
Isn't it easier to make a game third person with first person then vice versa? Bohemia interactive seems to have it done perfect in Arma and dayz. Can't that be one thing for developers to add in their games. Especially open world/RPG games seem best to be explored In 3rd and have battles in 1st. Plus having the options to have games played in two different P.O.V.s would be a good option for play through. games that I wish could be switched to first and third person is far cry, battlefield, cod, watch dogs, wolfenstein and more older games of course. Submitted May 05, 2024 at 10:50PM by Liquidfighter https://ift.tt/J4qI18K via /r/gaming
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daily--sims · 6 months
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Sims 4 Pet Poses
Horse Life Pose Pack Baby's Best Friend Astartea III  #380 Pose Pack | Love at the Ranch Acha with Kitten Poses #1 #382 Pose Pack | My first foal Giddy Up Horsie My Best Furfriend #215 Pose Pack - My Dog's Love Random Dog Poses #1 Ratboy Feline Friend Poses #98 Pose Pack OUR DOGS Pet World Canine Assistance Dog Dayz #299 Pose Pack | My Little Kitty One of The Pack #20 POSE PACK MY LITTLE DOG Fur Babies Pose Pack #381 Pose Pack | Life on the Ranch
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petnews2day · 7 months
Dog Dayze on the Farm
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/3PRZp
Dog Dayze on the Farm
VILLAGE OF ARMADA, MICH (WXYZ) — Blake Farms & Premier Pet Supply invites families and their furry friends to Dog Dayze on the Farm. The one day only event is taking place from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, February 25 and includes a mile-long walking trail throughout the orchard. After the walk, guests will gather in […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/3PRZp #DogNews
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