#Dog boy has no name yet and I'm not worried about it
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Since Sony Vegas' rendering washed out the everything have this test picture I made to see if all the assets look good together! As well as the background by itself and the loading screen that has the Dog Zodiac Guard!
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jakesangel · 3 months
unrequited love w jake - 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 event request
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preview : he is always putting you first, why can't he be his girlfriend. allas, you're only his childhood best friend
word count + genre : angst ( i tried to ) . 3.1k ( word vomit so it's not proofread
warning : dorm roommate, childhood best friends, confession, rejection, happy ending, reader gets in her head easily but never cries, jake is a sweetheart
having jake as a bestfriend is the best thing possible in the world. the sweet australian boy who always help you for your physic exams or who's being his dog layla when you're on your period. but it's also the worst thing because of random girls asking you for his number or being hugged by him because you're his cute little sister. it's even worse because no boys are hitting on you, being too scared of to hit on the leader soccer team's favorite girl. so you're jsut left to watch your love story inexist, daydreams of kissing jake the only thing you can do.
baby y/nie ? are you listening to me ? he said with a pout when he realized you werent listening to his usual lego rants while doing lego. sorry jaeyunie, i just keep thinking about our last exam, but i'm here now, you say as you try to convince him tho the pet name made you sadder than what your thoughts did. y/n ? youre okay ? his worry overtaking his body, dropping the lego piece comming closer to you, you know im here for you hm ? his round eyes searching yours. yes, i promise yunie ! im sorry for worrying you, please tell me about that star wars lego set ? to pretedn to the fullest youre acrually okay, you finish your sentence with your hand on his cheek, smiling softly at him but it wssbt needed as hearinf the wors star wards and lego set together pearked his imaginary puppy ears. he goes back on the set, talking about how excited he is for the pieces to arrive tomorrow, indirectly asking you to do them with him tomorrow . i'm studying tomorrow yunie, i’m not done yet with the last chapter, you reply with some sadness filling your voice, not believing of what you gonna say next, but you could do it with emma ? he gives you a confused expression that can only warms your heart, emma ? why would i do lego with her ? its our thing baby y/nie, he answers nonchalently, as he places the last piece on his now finishes thor hammer. finally ! its looks so good isnt it ! he shows you the piece finally done, come on we need to put it up, it's the best one we've ever done ! he excitedly said, jumping on his feet to go to his bedroom. you followed smiling to his puppiness but also from his unasked reasurance. wouldn't it be better in the living room ? i want to see it too, you say w round eyes too, genuinely wanting to see you guys work everyday. which he is more than happy to comply, his love for your happiness alwaya taking over when it fomes to you. omg yes ! always having good ideas, y/nie !, kissing your cheek as he goes to tje round tbale in the center of the kivinf room.
it comes to a shock, coming back from classes to see the said emma on the sofa, checking the lego pieces done just a day before. oh hi y/n, i didn't hear you coming, she said staying on the sofa, just turning around, not even greeting you properly. she has that arrogant smile of hers, paired w her high knee boots and mini skirt. you smile back, going straight to your room, studies waiting or you, you know i should thank you for talking about me to jake but it would be hypeocite of me to do so. we all really really hate you, so please, once jake is mine, stop bothering me hm ? she warned me before turning around to reapply your lipgloss. you can't even defend yourself as jake comes back from his room, smiling at you. baby y/nie ? how was your day ? he asked as he comes for a hug. just classes, you know how it is. you ? you hug him tighter to piss emma even more. as much as he will never date you, he is still your jake and everyone knows it, that she likes it or not. dont wait for me tonight, im having dinner with emma. but i made you your usually study snack and ive made a study plan waiting for you on ur desk. please use it well hm ? he softly says, detaching from you, see you later baby y/nie, domt stuyd too late! he says, coming closer to her, not even looking at her but taking the girls hands, making her proudly smile at you, winning the mental battle you both had. he doesnt even see it as he waits for you to bid him goodbye, which you gladly do, not forgetting to add the baby innfromt of his name, makimg him giggle and getting a frown from her. finally gone, you enter your bedroom, plopping on your bed, softly sighing, taking in everything that had happened. why would she hate me ? ive never ever talked to her, but when she asked me his phone number. and who is we ? are the girls threatened by you ? do they think i have a chance with jake ? or even the boys ? that would explain why none of thek ask me out ? but what about him ? is emma even his type ? she is pretty and seems smart but she is also so arrogant and entitle ? cant he see it ? or is it actually what he likes ?
trying to study is useless, your thoughts belonging to jake, you can only take a shower and pray for the best tomorrow. but even as you shampoo your hair, you can't help but think about emma's reaction. was she really scared of you or is it just her usual self ? so you've been standing there, the water hitting your scalp, for 30 minutes, trying to figure out what you should do. if she was really scared of you that means you can actually have a future with jake as your boyfriend. all the baby y/nie or little gesture will come out as romantic and not as his little sister anymore. as you realized you have a chance, you finish your day in peace, eating the snack jake made you, his infamous ramen, heating it up before going the watch a movie on the sofa. it's only mid movie in, you hear the keys in the door, announcing jake's arrival. i'm in living room ! you whisper yell, letting him know of your presence. y/nie ? why are you still awake at this time bby, he say wrapping his arms around your neck, are you done studying, he finally whisper in your ear, making you all fuzzy. not really, but i saw your study plan, i'll read it before sleeping. join me ? the movie is almost done. you offer, your head titling so you can look at him, i also want to cuddle with you and you can tell me about your date ? you ask cutely, knowing jake wouldn't never say no to cuddles with you. anything you want bby, he says with a kiss before detaching himself from your back. he would smile as he lay on your belly, indirectly asking you to play with his hair, which isn't even needed to be asked. he rubs his face on you, almost cat like, and hums finally getting comfortable. did you have a bad day yunie ? you seemed okay earlier. you softly ask, still brushing hair hair. yeah, it's just emma. she isn't how i thought she was and she talked bad about you so im just disappointed. i could never date someone who doesn't like you bye y/nie, you mean to much for me he says, his head finally lift up, looking right at you. besides she is too much of a diva, i prefer someone like you. someone who wouldnt judge me for playing legos or playing with my hair without needing to be asked to, he smiles at you. i'm really lucky to know you y/nie, he finishes, his head finally going back on the rubbing, acting as if those words were normal to be told, but you know jake is someone really vocal, specially to you, but you can't help but hear something else. like he wants you. and more than just friends. me too yunie, im really really happy to have you by my side. besides who wouldn't want to play with your soft hair, i love them so much. you say making the both of you giggle. and it's like that, the day ends, jake laying on you and you playing with his hair, comfort filling the living room.
omg jake wake up ! we're gonna be late for the exam ! is how up you started your day. but you're now, here, almost tearing where you were soothing jake yesterday who is now the one comforting you, which is something you hate the most. i'm okay jake, we don't have to talk about it, let's just order pizza please. jake knows you aren't the type to talk about your feelings, specially when you feel like crying but for some reason today he can't stop pressuring you, come on y/nie baby, we can talk about it. im sure u didn't do that bad, you'll do better next time, he tried to reassure you, his hand coming to your hair, stroking it. jake, you said, going back, leaving a inch between the two of you, i do not want to talk about it. are you gonna order them or should i do it, you reply almost too coldly. y/n please, i know you, you don't have to keep it in. i'm sorry you feel disappoint- if you know me you'd know i don't want to talk about it nor do i enjoy being in this position right now, jake, you cut him off leaving the living room to go in your bed room, leaving a sad puppy by himself. you feel awful for snapping at him, but you couldn't help it as your nerves are already hanging w a thin thread because of that exam. and having jake all over you, interrogate you with question over your feelings is too much.
you didn't realized you zoned out, right here, sitting up on the edge of your bed, until you hear jake's knock on your door, y/n ? can you open the door please ? you hear a scared jake on the other side of the door, yeah come in, making him enter your bedroom. he never looked this sad, your best friend never wanted to make you sad or be the cause of your distress. ive ordered the pizzas do you want some ? he softly ask, slowly coming towards you, scared to do the wrong thing. it's in the kitchen if you do want it. he is finally in front of you, kneeling up to see your face. i'm sorry if i pressured you, y/nie, i know you don't like being vulnerable. i don't know why i pressured you. he softly tells, his finger lifting your chin to look at him. my apologize baby. he finishes with his eyes asking for forgiveness. i'm so sorry too, i shouldn't have lashed out on you, you say as you throw your arms around you. you're always so so nice to me, i shouldn't have snapped at you. i'm sorry jake, you really dont deserve it, as your arms thigthens around his neck. hearing you, only made his heart sadden, he picks you up by your thighs, to make you more comfy in the bed w a come on baby,let's get you comfy. you can only giggle to that making his heart and mind happy again. once settled, your head on his chest, his on your pillow, a comfortable silence falls upon the both of you. his arms encircling you and his thumbs softly stroking your skin, his soft scent filling up your nose, made you feel such at peace. cuddling with jake is always so calming and comforting and it's somehow making you fearless to tell him your true feelings. jaeyunie ? you say looking up to him, asking for his attention. hm ? he just replies , already looking at you. always looking at you. i feel really good with you. i love being in your arms or playing with your hair. you're confident jake likes you back, he wouldn't be here if he didn't right ? me too y/nie baby, me too, he softly chuckled, happy that you arent mad at him anymore. no jake i mean it, i love it all. youre so nice, and smart and i just can't help but want to be more than your best friend. you expected to see a jake smiling at you, but you're faced with a jake with a confused furrowed brows. what ? as he detach himself from you, to actually look at you, looking for any joke in your face. i hate it when you go on dates with others girl or when you call me baby because im a year younger than you, i want to be the one holding your arm on friday nights or being called baby because you like me as your gf, you explain yourself, the end of the your phrase said in a whisper. and the once comfortable silence became anxious to you, jake processing your tirade. do you not feel the same way ? you asked scared of his verdict, but that only made him leave the room, shock overtaking him.
since then jake been avoiding you. the once nights fulled of braiding jake's hair and legos are now replaced with the living room empty, the light always turned off. jake spent his time either at practice or in his room, even avoided you in the kitchen, going in when you leave or leaving you when you go in. you on the other hand, is busying yourself with studies trying to do your best for the next final but it's mostly to stay in denial of your current situation. you've lost your best friend, and every time you come out of your room, the thor hammer keeps reminding you of it. he even stopped offering his help for any studies, or prepared you any study snacks. he stopped looking at you or mentioning you. the girls also stopped coming to you for his number, sensing the shift of your dynamic with him, but going straight to him. it even more painful now to see so many dolled up girls all over him, all of them knowing you aren't in the picture anymore. so here you are, spending a friday night by yourself after the long week full of studying n repressing your feelings. you know jake isn't going to be here tonight, surely in one of many dates he has, so you snuggle yourself on the couch along with snack you bought yourself earlier. but it came to a surprise, to see jake arriving at 7pm. he stops when he sees the tv light on, not knowing if he should greet you or not. he simply stay frozen, the both of you staring at each other, but like a week ago, he leaves you alone, going into his bedroom. and you thought all of this didnt affected you that much, but as you have nothing to focus on anymore, you can only cry, right there, in front of the movie you picked earlier, for the first time in a long time.
the tears keep failling down as the movie goes by, the tv light the only thing linking your mind and reality together, you can't even hear how loud you are. your sobs doesn't go unnoticed by jake, coming out of his room. you don't even hear his first y/n ? your back the only thing he can see. he never saw you nor hear you crying, and the scene in front of you is way too funny to make you cry. so he calls again, louder, with no answers but the slightest from the movie. he tries one last time, with a hand touching your shoulder, making you leave that weird trance you were in. jake ? you say as you wipe your tears. wha- what do you want ? you ask, failing to pretend that you are okay. he doesn't reply right away, coming to sit next to you. he opens his arm, a sign of an invitation not sure if you're okay with it or not, but still wanting to offer. you on the other hand were craving his touch, so you juts crawl on his lap, hand clenching on his hoodie, tears automatically coming back.
he lets you cry for a while, still trying to soothe you with hair strocks and shhh, even rocking you side to side but as he seems your tears don't fade away, his hands leaves your hair to hold gently the both side of your face, y/nie look at me please, he whisper. but as you can't even dare to look at him, a mix of shame and sadness filling your body, he'd just start kissing your tears. come on y/nie,as he keeps on pecking your face, i want to tell you something but i need you to look at me first, the long time per names finally coming back. you slowly turn your eyes to his, only to see adoration on his, speaking silently to you. i am so sorry of how i reacted this entire week. i was so shock when you told me you liked me, i genuinely saw you like my little sister, my long time bestfriend i've always had. i couldn't possibly imagine myself dating you. but i should have told you that instead of being a dumb ass. and then i felt so so ashame, i couldn't even face you in the kitchen. how i could i make the most important person in my life,so sad and, he stops, a hand coming to his hair, trying to find his words, i just couldn't bear it anymore. that time away from you made me realize that i in fact like you too y/nie. i cant live without you baby. who will i do my legos with ? or go home to, to have my hair played with ? or eat my not so good ramen whne i make them, he says between chuckles, making you laugh too. what i wanna say is that, i dont want any of those activites to be done with anyone else. i just want you y/n.
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notes : hai anon, i've never written any fic before, n im not even gonna talk about the angst, i hope it feeds you well tho > < i actually didn't want to write it as i don't write anything fictional but i somehow liked ur request so here it is <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🍓୧⋆ ˚。⋆ tag list : @dreamiestay @jakesprincess1
perm tag list : @allurecile @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @luvlyhee @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @erenmyman @driedflowwr @hoonion . @enchive @enhablr
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sleepingdayaway · 3 months
idk if requests are still open, but if so, would you be willing to do some more player!reader and oot/mm young Link with a big/little sibling or parent/child kind of relationship? Not necessarily in a LU or HW context but can be if u wanna. If requests are in fact closed feel free to disregard this lol. Love your writing! <3
I can definitely do a stand alone version!! Sometimes it's nice to just gush about Majora's Mask! Also thank you for reading my silly stories, I'm so glad you and others are enjoying <33 I'm sorry if it's short and yknow just realized I can never make him be happy, sorry it's how I show affection.
The blood in his ears is roaring as the young boy tries to get his breathing under control as he stares up at the Clock Tower. In a few hours he'll have to go up and face the Skull Kid again, but this time he won't have to play the Song of Time again just to prepare. The boy feels his throat swell up just by thinking about it. His vision on the edge of blurring as he tries to will the tears away.
He's nervous yet he shouldn't be, this fight is nothing compared to his battle with Ganon. At least, he didn't fail this town for 7 years. Except Ganon was a battle that was determined for him long before he was born, this one was something that was just thrown upon him. In his heart he can't allow these people to die by the falling moon.
His view of the clock tower is ruined by the tears he tried desperately not to let fall. He's stuck as a 10 year old even if mentally he was no longer the fairy boy that began this journey. Barking from the wild dog in the square isn't helping with his mood, nor is the loud voices of the construction workers as they prepared for the festival. Some stubborn to pretend that their home wouldn't be destroyed by the grinning moon.
Until the sound of footsteps coming closer to him causes him to tense up, and attempt to wipe the tears away. A shadow is cast over his face as it goes down as the person gently guides his face lower to face them. His tears freely fall down his cheeks as his smaller hands clutch the ones holding him. Link's eyes open to look at the person who's kneeling in front of him.
A soft smile is on their face once Link's eyes has opened up. [Name] stares down at him fondly; there is no hint of disgust nor any emotion of exasperation on their face. In all honesty, they were getting a bit worried about him since this entire journey he was putting on a brave front.
That's right.
[Name] has been exploring with him from the moment he entered Termina as a Deku Scrub. He remembers meeting them for the first time inside the Clock Tower with the Happy Mask Salesman, an eccentric man, who would help Link, return to how he was, in return for his mask. [Name] was there with them and volunteered to assist Link in collecting it; their excuse was that it would be better if he had a helping hand. although tatl would disagree at first.
Link was unsure of [Name] when they left the tower. He didn't know if they joined, purely for the thought of wanting to help him, or because they had alternative motivations. But it was shown that they did wanted to help him without anything in return. Assisting in playing hide-n-seek with the Bomber gang, and exploring the Astral Observatory.
When the first three days were ending and they stood side by side, staring up at the Skull Kid watching as he called the Moon closer, did an idea form in his head. Using the ability of the deku; he struck at the imp and was able to obtain his ocarina. Link quickly holds onto his instrument and is about to play until he stops to stare at [Name].
[Name] was smiling at him and for a moment he's reminded of ----
His breath hitches as he realized who they were, and why their voiced sounded so familiar. He slowly pulls away from the ocarina, but they speak up, "Don't falter now, Link. I'll be with you from the beginning. Save Termina."
Upon his return and being able to return as a human did he actively seek them out and dragged [Name] around in search of the four giants across the land. From exploring the swamp, and helping the monkey prove his innocence, to saving the Deku Princess from the temple, and fighting the boss. Did [Name] stuck through with him, and was quite adept at the bow and arrows they arrived with.
Link never questioned how [Name] remembered the first cycle, nor did he ask if they remembered his first journey; too afraid that they'll react negatively. So once more they explore the land together and they're together for every cycle until they were ready to face Majora. Enjoying the presence of a someone he once thought was lost forever.
But each cycle wears him down. The never ending thinking and planning about what is needed to do next. When Link acquired the bomber's notebook and realized that the people of Termina has regrets that hasn't been recovered. He placed the burden of the people's wishes on his shoulders with the intent of making sure that when he leaves. The people are happy.
Yet here he stands crying out for comfort as his own mask of strength crumbles. [Name] soothingly running their hand through his hair as they hummed the Song of Healing for him. Link clutches onto their clothes as he openly weeps. He mourns Hyrule for the 7 years he was gone, he mourns Saria, the Deku Tree and the children of the korkiri forest, his home. The childhood that stripped away from him the moment he chose to save Hyrule.
Finally, he mourns the feeling of [Name] leaving him when his journey ended. Leaving him alone and become desperate to leave just to search for them. Link lost the only person he could truly call family and has now reunited again, but for how long?
So, Link plays the Song of Time.
He takes them back to the Dawn of the First Day.
He just wants to spend more time with them.
For once, the world can wait three more days.
When he opens his eyes; he's back at the entrance of Clock Tower as Tatl is shouting at him about why he decided to go back in time. Link ignores the temperamental fairy and carries himself over to [Name]. Who waits for him, without fail, in the area where the Great Fairy resides. The same accepting and knowing smile on their face as they embrace the young boy with open arms.
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kaaaaaaarf · 7 months
imagine if I never met the broskis
Hogwarts Era. Rated T. 1.4k words. Crack. Toronto Mans Remus.
It's at this exact moment that the door to the bathroom opens, and a much more relaxed looking Remus walks out in an entirely different wardrobe from when he went in—wearing a beige Gucci branded muggle bucket hat and a Toronto Raptors jersey over matching jogging pants.  “Wagwan, fam. Reach!” Remus grabs James’ palm and pulls him in for a one armed hug. When he pulls back, he looks him up and down admiringly, “Hooooly, your quiddich pajamas are mad lit, fam."
Okay, so I wasn't going to post this, but @imsiriuslyreading told me I should (she's really scary guys), so here it is. The concept behind this is what if Roadman Remus was actually Toronto Mans Remus.
Note: I really want to stress that this is just silliness!!! If you want to know what a Toronto Mans is, this is a great explanation, as is this video from UofT. TL;DR think Drake or a Canadian rude boi/roadman. Toronto Mans slang is a multiethnical dialect used by a wide variety of people and is a linguistical result of the Canadian cultural mosaic.
Ratchet Happy Birthday, Remus. 🎂
Fic under the cut.
It's Sirius Black's first night at Hogwarts. So far, it’s been everything he’d hoped for. He was sorted into Gryffindor—first Black in a hundred years to not be sorted into Slytherin. He couldn’t wait to owl his parents in the morning to let them know. Maybe he’d get a howler back! Gosh, that could be fun.   
After the sorting, he met his new roommates. First there's James, who Sirius met at dinner and immediately fell a bit in love with as he watched him stick a third year’s pet frog into the pocket of a red headed girl named Lily. Her face turned the same colour as her hair when she reached in to pull out her wand and felt slimy skin instead. It was so funny, but even he has to concede that it’s a good thing they haven’t learned how to hex anyone yet, or else she would have hexed his bollocks off. His parents would hate James, say he’s a bad influence—he's perfect. Maybe he’ll talk about his new best friend James Potter in his letter in the morning.
Next there was Peter—short and kind, with a wild sense of humour—he’s had Sirius in stitches all evening. He really should be writing the comic strips that come in packs of Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, his talents feel wasted here.
Then there was Remus. Remus...well, none of them know what to make of Remus yet. He’s tall and quiet, with a wicked scar that stretches across his nose and under the golden curls that fall over his brow. He didn’t say much of anything at the feast, but the three boys overheard some of the professors saying that Remus and his family had just moved to Wales from Canada, after some sort of animal attack had happened in the Rockies. As soon as they made it to their new dorm, a tense looking Remus had shut himself in the dormitory toilets without a word. 
"Black, mind if I use the toilet next? I drank too much pumpkin juice at the feast."
Sirius looks over at James from where he’s hanging up a Holyhead Harpies poster. "Yeah, no worries, Potter. You’re welcome to it if Remus ever comes out. Do you think he’s okay in there?”
It's at this exact moment that the door to the bathroom opens, and a much more relaxed looking Remus walks out in an entirely different wardrobe from when he went in—wearing a beige Gucci branded muggle bucket hat and a Toronto Raptors jersey over matching jogging pants. 
��Wagwan, fam. Reach!” Remus grabs James’ palm and pulls him in for a one armed hug. When he pulls back, he looks him up and down admiringly, “Hooooly, your quiddich pajamas are mad lit, fam."
The three other boys look at each other, confused tilts to their brows. “Er—sorry, Remus. What do you mean fam?”
“Oh, before I was sayin’ fam, I was sayin’ bro, and before I was sayin’ bro, I was sayin’ dog. And a dog and a bro are still your fam, so I just took away the dog, took away the bro, and now I'm sayin’ fam.”
Remus moves over to his trunk, putting away his robe and clothes from dinner. Sirius leans into James’ space, smiling at Remus in a way that he guesses is a bit mad in the way that it doesn’t quite reach his wide eyes, whispering, "Do you know what he’s on about?"
James shakes his head, "No idea...Pete, any guesses?”
Peter shuffles across the room to join them, "Oh, my great aunt Perpetua is from Canada. I can try to translate. So far I think he’s said he quite likes your pyjamas, James, and he seems to think we’re his family.”
James looks pleased with that, and tries to start over, "So, Remus—what do your parents do for a living?"
"My parents are muggles, fam. They just get money, I dun know, they don't really have jobs, but they got hustle. They finesse down Weston Road, fam. They finessin' the mans out of their pockets."
Sirius and James both look at Peter, who just shrugs with a frantic look in his eyes. Sirius shakes his head and grins at Remus like he understands, "Oh, right mate. Where in Canada did you say you were from again?"
"I didn’t. I'm from the 6ix—Weston Road, fam, you already know! It's plush."
James looks hesitant when he replies, "Oh, er. We didn't already know...that's why we asked. Never heard of the 6ix."
Remus nods at them, a look of sadness suddenly crossing his lovely face, “Turonno, fam. Weston Road’s a little bit rough, I didn't fit in too much at school, fam. I used to come home and chill on the block—Weston lines, you already know. But I would say if you know what's up, stay with yourself, you move how you move, fam.”
“—but it's cool, cause now I'm here with my new fam, you know?” Remus jumps up and down suddenly excited, a spark in his eye, “Oh! Fam, fam—let me tell you the story about how I almost died smoking a muggle cigarette."
Peter rears back at that, "You were smoking a muggle cigarette? Are you not eleven like the rest of us?"
“I’m thirteen, fam. Anyways, so here I go outside to smoke a cigarette, and I'm on my porch sittin' down. I was bare tired fam, bare tired. Then a car drives by slowly. He's grillin' me, so I'm grillin' him."
Sirius tugs on James’ pyjamas, “Do you have any idea what's happening?”
“Not a clue, mate.”
Remus doesn’t seem deterred by their whispering, “So I got the cigarette in my mouth right, and I'm grillin' him, and he rolls his window down and he starts shootin' me like bom bom bom.”
“He starts shooting you!?”
“And like, fuck, fam—I was cheezed. After the first shot I fell, but they hit me so I flipped over. I ran into my back yard fam, and I hopped a fence, and when I hopped the fence I realized the bogie was still in my hand, and I was like what the hell is this bogie still doin' in my hand, so I tossed it and I was like fuck and I ran to the store."
Sirius turns to the other boys, “Pete, really going to need you to translate here.”
“I…I don’t know…”
“I thought you said your aunt was from Canada!”
Pete looks frantic, “Yeah, Manitoba! She says eh and oot instead of out. Not...whatever this is.”
Remus still doesn’t seem to notice their crisis. “—and I asked the store man one more time, did I get shot? And he's like yes. So I'm like call the ambulance, fam!"
There’s a long silence then. The three boys look at each other, waiting to see if he's going to finish the story, but he doesn't.
After a minute, a pale looking Pete mutters, "Crikey."
James shifts from foot to foot and offers, "Erm...well, we're glad you're alright, aren't we chaps?"
Sirius nods profusely, "Yeah, yeah, yes. So glad."
"Yeah, for sure, fam. That was some scary shite. That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life, it was moshed. That's why I changed my rap name."
After another beat of silence where nothing else is offered, Sirius mumbles, “...Right.”
Remus jumps onto the end of his bed, swinging his legs, “Anyways, you don' wanna hear about that shit, fam. You wanna hear about the time I got gerked by this wolf? I gerked him back though, don' worry."
James looks at his wrist as if he were wearing a muggle watch, “Erm, it’s late and we're a bit tired, aren't we lads?"
Peter and Sirius answer in enthusiastic agreement, “So tired. Exhausted, really.”
“Ah, no worries, fam. You mind if I listen to Drake before bed? My moms got me this sick muggle music player, fam. Helps me sleep.”
Sirius has no idea what a Drake is, but he’s relieved to be getting out of this conversation, “Yeah, yeah, go for it, mate. Have a good night.”
He soon finds out, and as he lays back on his bed, listening to this Drake sing about God’s Plan, he thinks of the dimple on Remus’ cheek whenever he says fam and the way it makes something swoop in his belly.
It’s going to be an interesting year.
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terresdebrume · 4 months
"You can put your things here if you want."
Niko, who was trying and failing to find a free spot on the bench that lines up the dance studio, turns to the newcomer with a grateful sigh.
"Thank you," she says, "I didn't want to put my things on a stranger's bag and make them think I'm rude."
The man who approached her smiles. He has nice, dark eyes and dark skin, a long curved nose, and the sort of smile that never fails to put Niko at ease. She doesn't how to ask what his name is, so she sets her eyes on the golden hoop dangling from his left ear and waits. It only takes him a beat to say:
"Oh, I'm Charles, by the way."
"I'm Niko. And now we're no longer strangers."
She turns and puts her bright blue bag over Charles' well worn black one, then turns back around and makes her way to where the rest of the participants have already gathered in a circle. At first, Niko can't see Ashley, but it's only takes a few seconds to find her on the opposite side of the room, happily chatting with one of the older men.
Niko hesitates. Ashley is the only reason she's even here: there are too many people here for her to ever spontaneously join, and she knows nothing about dancing. Even when she listens to her favorite music at home and there's no one to see her dance, she rarely dares to do more than shake her hands a little. She looks around, discomfited, as the teacher asks everyone to form a circle around the studio and Ashley stays next to the older man, but before she has the time to worry about being on her own, Charles appears by her side with a smile.
"Hi again," he says, and Niko doesn't know him, but right now his face is the most familiar after Ashley's, and she is grateful for her presence. She nods at him, although she can't make herself smile, and he asks: "Is this your first time?"
"Yes," Niko says. Then, the words tumbling out of her: "I'm nervous because I followed my friend here but now she's making new friends and I have no idea what to do."
"Oh, I think we'll start with Road Map," Charles says with a nod towards the painter's tape on the floor that divides the studio into quarters. "The Boss will ask us a question, then assign an answer to each section, and you'll move to the one that applies to you."
Niko nods. This is a simple game, with simple rules, and no one is asking her to dance yet, which is just ast well. She can handle this first activity without too much trouble, she's sure. That is: she's sure of it, until something occurs to her.
"What happens if none of the answers fit you?" She asks, trying to keep her voice low as the teacher explains the rules of the game to the rest of the group.
"Then you either pick the closest answer or you stay in the middle," Charles says.
Niko nods again. Charles is wearing dance sneakers, she notices then. Someone drew tiny ghosts and skulls in white lines on the black fabric, and Niko almost smiles. Somehow, the sight of those quirky little faces makes her feel a little less like the odd one out with her sparkly blue shoes. She keeps looking at Charles' shoes while the teacher asks people to pick between ice cream flavors. Niko moves into the vanilla square with one of the three elderly women, a boy who can't be older than seventeen, and a person who went out of her way to look neither male nor female. When Niko looks up to confirm Ashley joined the strawberry square, she finds Charles standing in the middle of the studio on his own.
"Mr. Rowland," the teacher says with the tone of someone rolling their eyes a little bit, "may I ask why you didn't join the caramel and butter square?"
"You didn't say if it was salted or not," Charles says with a shrug and a grin that makes Niko chuckle. "That's an important point to specify, Boss."
A few people smile or even laugh at Charles' answer, and Niko thinks the room feels a little less tense after that. The next questions are about favorite animals (Niko goes to the 'cats' square, opposite Charles' 'dogs'), favorite color (Niko's is pink, Charles stays in the middle again for turquoise) and how spicy people like their food (Niko goes to the 'mildly' suare, and Charles goes to the 'very spicy' square with three other people). Then the teacher asks how many country everyone lived in, and Niko is alone in the 'three' square, with Charles next to her in the 'two' square.
"Can I asked where you lived?" Charles asks when they go back to the outskirts of the dancefloor to wait for the next activity.
"Japan, the US, and here," Niko says.
Charles looks like he's going to say something but then the teacher, a red-haired woman with a strong scottish accent and impeccable posture, announces the next activity. This time, they are supposed to find as many movements to do as there are syllables in their full names. Niko is grateful that she has no middle name and terrified by the exercise all at once. Well, there are other steps in the middle, but once they've gone through A-nu-mi-ta Mar-lowe, A-shley Wil-son and Charles Row-land, it's Niko's turn. She feels like she might explode every time she claps her hands as she introduces herself as Ni-ko Sa-sa-ki, and then there are only two other people after her before they are all instructed to turn away from the circle and start practicing their moves.
Niko's name is five syllables, and she has no idea how she's going to come up with five whole moves! A glance to her left shows E-ri-ca Ngo-si has a similar issue, which is a little reassuring. To the right, however, Charles is stretching his arms over his head, seemingly unconcerned. Niko can't help staring.
"Are you not going to do the exercise?"
"I already did," Charles says with a wink. "It's my third session here, and we always do that game. I've got it down pat by now."
"Oh, you're lucky," Niko says with a sigh. "I have no idea what to do. I don't know how to dance yet!"
"It's okay," Charles tells her with another one of his smiles. "We're going to play the game again, you know. If you don't like your movements very much, you can always change them."
"I really don't want to get it wrong," Niko says, frowning.
"I promise you can't. There's no wrong answer there."
Niko nods, because she understands that. The issue is that if there is no wrong answer, then there is also no correct answer, which is more stressful to deal with. Still, she wants to follow the instructions correctly, and that means coming up with something. It takes her a few minutes of thinking to figure out the impression she wants to give, but in the end she decides to start by fingerspelling Niko with a small bounce, then three sparkle hands for the syllables of 'Sasaki'. It's a good thing she's doing this exercise in England, she thinks. In Japan, she would have had to start with the sparkle hands and end with the more muted gestures, as if she started out bubbly and calmed down over time, which is the oposite of truth.
Eventually, they go around the circle. Ashley does the robot for her gestures, and everyone learns her movement and her name in no time. When Charles' turn comes, with his bold Indian dance moves, it takes Niko a couple of tries to get it right, but she doesn't give up, and in the end she is the one who replicates his gestures the best. Then she shares her name and her dance movement, expecting her turn to go like everyone else's. Instead, before anyone can repeat her name, Charles asks:
"Was that fingerspelling?"
"Yes," Niko says, wondering if she's meant to apologize for not picking an actual dance move, but before she can do that, Charles exclaims:
"Aces! Show me again?"
Niko does, a smile overtaking her face beyond her control. She likes Charles, she decides. Likes that he went out of his way to help her, likes the easy way with which he accepted her questions, likes his enthusiasm in the face of something that doesn't technicaly quite fit the assignment they were given. She likes him even more during the next activity, when they have to consider a whole list of things about dancing and he explains a bunch of them to Niko, with demonstrations when needed. And by the time the teacher shows them their first, very simple dance step and Charles makes silly faces to make her laugh, Niko is decided to attend the next class, whether Ashley enjoyed herself or not.
This snippet takes place in the I'm down on my knees universe and will eventually be cleaned up and posted on AO3 x)
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lammy-art · 3 months
Lately I haven't posted much my kindergarten OC so I decided to post some sketch from my old sketchbook from 2 years ago :D
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Amity's design at that time still did not change much
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Hmmm I'm not really good at taking care of this sketchbook ._.’
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The cat that Amity is holding is named Samako and he is acting as hall monitor. He is a Tuxedo cat and he wears a special collar that allows him to communicate with the people in the kindergarten ( This collar was made for him by Principal ). He is 4 years old ( 32 years old in human years ). This is just the first hall monitor, the second hall monitor is a rather large Samoyed dog named Yuki. I just added her recently so she is not fully drawn yet ( I have not written information for these two characters yet )
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Friendly girl 😊😄
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Well…She doesn't really like her cousin 😓 (Monty)
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Oh Her mission…Do you guys wanna guess? :)
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My baby boy 😭😭😭
His hair looks different from the hair I'm drawing him with now ( If you've been following me for a while you might have noticed that ). But after I looked at this old drawing I wanted to draw him with that old hair again…Maybe I will hehe >:)
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He has quite a few disadvantages compared to other kids…Poor John 😞
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He is very easy to bully 😢
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Don't worry…He actually has good friends😊
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Aether's hair design has also been changed… This time I'm really changing it and not using this old one
( New edit June 22 I decided to change his name to Ethan )
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He is a child model and he is a richer person compared to other children. Even though he is rich, he is rarely brag ( He is a humble person…except that he is bad at controlling his anger and he also often appears unapproachable to others )
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Aether doesn't really like Ivy…but she's the only one and can talk comfortably ( It sounds extremely absurd🤔…Even I don't even understand why I wrote him like that 😅 )
( New edit June 22 I decided to change his name to Ethan )
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This is one of the many reasons why he doesn't like Ivy ( Here they are in martial arts class )
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This is Emily, Aether's younger sister. He loves his sister very much and will gets mad when someone bullies her ( I haven't written much information about this character yet )
( New edit June 22 I decided to change his name to Ethan )
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And the last character is Ivy ( I draw her quite a lot and she is also my favorite character 😊 ). Her design is also kept the same, except for the two strings on her hoodie ( I removed it ❌)
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More art about her
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She is a hacker and also the smartest kid. This also proves that there are quite a lot of electronic devices in this kindergarten. For example ( Cameras with listening devices are installed everywhere in the kindergarten ) and many other devices that I will mention other time ( There are quite lot and I don't think I'll be able to list them all here, sorry about that ). You see a talking cat in the kindergarten, that is enough to understand, right?
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Oh, I drew her wearing a dress
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Yeah, more dress...( She doesn't really like wearing dresses )
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Two kid in two separate situations
Trapped in a time loop but still capable of interacting with time ( Restart )
Trapped in a time loop and unable to interact with time, but still very aware of the loop
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Well, she doesn't really like Nugget
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( This is a doodle that was never finished )
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( More doodle )
Hmmm, there's one more character that I didn't post…Because I deleted her ( Actually, I didn't exactly delete her, I just moved her to another place 😐 )
Yeah that's all, but that's only half of it. What else is there besides the kids in the kindergarten… Teachers of course
I also have them in my old sketchbook. I'll post it if this post gets a lot of support...idk...
If not, I might post it someday soon ( Actually, it's a long time coming because I procrastinate a lot )
See yaa ;3
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yiga-hellhole · 2 months
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hiii i was going to make more of these but i realized i cant be arsed for all of them in one big batch. anyway @smilesrobotlover thank you bestie for reminding me this template exists. too bad there isnt a slider for "beats the other up - is beaten up" because you know the boys are FIGHTINGGGG
some rambling under the cut
big spoon and little spoon is a straightforward one because well, you're not going to get a bigger damn spoon than zant. he's massive. but sometimes even he likes feeling small and cared for, so they're not beyond having him fold his spindly limbs up like he's a dead spider and let ghirahim scoop him into his arms
i don't see them as a big "sharing clothes" type of couple. ghirahim's are far too small for him and his wardrobe flusters zant to no end. inversely, ghirahim wouldn't be caught dead in most of zant's things. but zant would find a lot of enjoyment in giving him clothes
pet names, ghirahim has like 2~3 for zant that he uses, and they're never particularly sappy or anything. zant however makes up new ones every other day. he's sick in the head
introverted-extroverted scale is a little complicated because ghirahim strikes me as more ambiverted. he's well-versed socially and loves attention, specifically loves bullying people, but after spending so long in solitude without proper peers, i think being alone has grown rather comforting for him too. who knows how it'll pack out when he has more like-minded individuals around him? i'm not sure yet.
for love-language, like i said, ghirahim isn't very sappy. he's far more touchy-feely in that aspect where he will just grab and kiss and tease when he feels the need. zant is a solid 50-50 because he loves being touched but also makes up sappy little nicknames on the spot or a long-winded declaration of love to the point it starts getting a little annoying. he's just kind of intense.
confession... well ghirahim would be quick to start doing things that typically denote a couple, but leaves it up to zant to actually officiate the whole thing. partly because he has issues. but also because he loves any chance at making him flustered (issues... 2!)
i don't think either of them are scared of bugs. but ghirahim is callous in getting rid of them and zant will just add them to his personal collection if he can catch em
twili society is rather high-tech. they probably have vehicles of some kind, and zant strikes me as the kind of guy who can drive. irresponsibly, i'll grant, but he'll do it. ghirahim would know how, but he refuses to. he's spoiled like that
the cooking one is funny because anyone in my server will know about the 'zant meal' phenomenon. he can cook, at least to keep himself alive, but the things he makes are horrifying to witness. unprecedented flavor profiles and chaotic execution. just don't worry about it. ghirahim, meanwhile, has a built-in chemical compendium and a heat sensor. theoretically he'd make an excellent cook and baker. he just doesn't want to.
zant loves affection, but is a very private person. he knows ghirahim is very showy and obnoxious, so if he lets him get away with slobbering his face even once, he;d have to deal with it every single hour of the day. and that'd embarrass him!!
theyre BOTH overprotective. it's a problem. though, zant in the sense of, "i want him to be all mine, i want to be all he thinks about, i want him by my side every minute of the day", and ghirahim in the sense of, livestock guard dog with spiked collar to murder wolves.
ghirahim has more relationship experience in that he's met many faces in his millennia of living.... but this kind of romantic intimacy is unknown to him. the whole song-and-dance of courtship he knows, but genuine love, he doesn't. zant had one FWB in college that he fell in fairy-tale love with and planned their wedding in his head after one (1) kiss. needless to say when that guy broke up wih him he was very normal.
i think the horny-awkwardness-jealousy levels speak for themselves.
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naussensei · 6 months
“Sensei…” Said Gojo all of a sudden.
“Hm?” Yaga did not look away from his report, but from the corner of his eye he could see him drawing circles with his fingers on the table.
“Why did you bring that normie here?”
It took Yaga a moment to realize who he was talking about.
“Oh, you mean Geto?” Yaga’s hand stopped scribbling to put the pen down and look at him. “He’s not a ‘normie’, he’s a sorcerer, just like you and Shoko.”
“He’s nothing like us!” 
“What about him?” Yaga raised an eyebrow in intrigue seeing Satoru so worked up. He’d been waiting to see how the two would get along, confident they’d be a great match. But perhaps he had been wrong. “Do you not like Geto?”
Satoru’s forehead banged softly on the table, pulling his own hair with a muffled, “I don’t know,” in agony.
It was the first time he’d seen him so troubled. Yaga couldn’t help a chuckle. 
“He’s good at basketball, though, I saw you two playing the other day.” Yaga lowered his head to meet the boy’s eyes. “And I heard from Kusakabe that his martial arts are superior. Have you not been wishing for a proper sparring partner?”
“Yeah,” he whined, covering his face with his hands. “Yeah, he really is that good…”
Yaga sat back up, arms folded. “Then what is the problem?”
“I don’t know!” Satoru’s fists banged on the table as he rose on his feet. “He gets on my nerves. He’s always doing everything right. You never yell at him like you yell at me, and Shoko is always glued to him now like they’re freaking twins. Utahime and MeiMei act like dogs in heat around him. And he’s always acting nice to me, like, ‘Satoru’ this, ‘Satoru’ that, acting like he knows me, and he’s always, always following me around everywhere!” 
His nose seemed like it would fume. He brought a hand in front of his face and closed it into a fist. “And he always has that— that smile. And those… eyes. And that face. His face is so… so— ugh! It makes me want to—!”
Yaga let out a thunderous laugh, he had to hold his stomach with his hands to keep from falling forward. 
“Why are you laughing!? It’s not funny! Can’t you see I'm miserable here? Sensei, you’re absolutely evil!”
“Sorry, Ok,” he wiped the tears of joy off his eyes. “I see what’s going on here.” 
It was really no wonder Satoru’s behavior had worsened since Geto’s arrival. 
Gojo Satoru, the golden child of one of the most powerful clans, nurtured with praise and showered with undivided attention. Of course he would not know how to handle sharing said attention. Even more so when Geto, who was unfamiliar with the sorcery world’s rules and history, seemed so unbothered by Gojo’s name.
“Satoru,” Yaga spoke in the most gentle voice he could find within himself without laughing. “You need to learn to share the spotlight. You have some good qualities, and Geto has others, you just need to find a way to compliment each other.”
“Good qualities?! What’s so good about him?” He said, only half-heartedly. “...other than his hair… maybe.”
Yaga shook his head. “Just so you know, Geto probably acts the way he does because he just wants to be your friend. He wants to stand out because he wants your attention.”
He squinted at him, reluctant. “ My attention?”
“You think he’s up against you and wants to steal the attention from you, but really all he wants is to be your friend. So why don’t you give him a chance? Try to get to know him?”
One eyebrow raised at him with skepticism, but then lowered again as he considered. “I don’t know. You think too highly of him. He’s an asshole.”
“If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell Geto I told you?”
“What? That I’m your favourite student?” He elbowed him with a suggestive smile and winked at him. “Don’t worry your secret's safe with me.”
“Not in a million years.” Yaga's iron grip latched onto his arm, and twisted it softly until Satoru let out a moan in pain to yield. “You’re so full of yourself,” he scoffed, yet laughed to himself nonetheless, because as much as he tried to hide it, and as much as he hated to admit, Satoru was right, and they both knew it. But Yaga would rather die than tell that to the little prick. 
“Anyway, listen. Geto grew up in a place where no other sorcerers were around, with no one to guide him. He was always beaten and punished for things he didn’t do, all because he was different. And all his parents did was to move from school to school and house to house to avoid the problem, because they refused to accept it. I was the first sorcerer he ever talked to, and you and Shoko are the first sorcerers his age he’s ever met. Of course he wants to be your friend, because for the first time, he feels there are other people like him, that he’s not alone.”
The words must have resonated with him, because Satoru had now gone quiet again. He could see the shock slowly morphing on his face, eyes widening and a frown forming in his forehead, confusion written all over him. 
“Wait, they beat him just because he’s a sorcerer? But that— that doesn’t make any sense. Sorcerers are there to protect non-sorcerers.”
Yaga shook his head with regret. “When I found him, he was all beaten up on the street, and had been arrested, just because he was trying to exorcise a curse that was killing people. He was blamed for it.”
“But… why?” The boy shook his head eagerly in utter confusion, his breath quickening. He huffed a laugh in disbelief. “That— that doesn’t make any sense. He was trying to help. I don’t understand.”
“Satoru, you’ve lived among sorcerers all your life, praised for being a sorcerer. Out there, being a sorcerer is frowned upon. There is a reason we go out of our way to keep the sorcery world hidden, it’s complicated. And that is why I insist you need to learn how to conjure a veil.” The boy crumpled in his seat at this, and Masamichi knew exactly why. But he wouldn’t touch on that subject now and lose his train of thought, so he continued his speech instead. “Look, I don’t expect you to understand, but I do want you to know… this is the kind of person that Geto is. He could’ve killed that policeman, but he didn’t. And he saved many villagers, even when he was punished and bullied for it. So next time you think that he’s being fake just because he’s being nice to you, maybe think again.”
“I—” Gojo’s gaze remained low, thoughtful. “I didn’t know…”
“And you couldn’t have. Actually, you’re not supposed to.” Yaga brought a hand to his face and sighed into it. “He asked me not to tell anyone about his life before coming here, because he wanted to start from zero. His parents disowned him and cut all ties with him when I told them he was a sorcerer.”
Gojo dropped on his chair again, running a hand through his troubled face. “Oh, shit…”
“Satoru, language.”
“I’m sorry, I just— I feel stupid. I said something awful,” he brought both palms over his eyes now in shame. “Oh, god, I told him to ‘go home to his mommy’... and so many nasty things like that…” he looked up at him, eyes glazed with guilt, his eyebrows furrowed. “ Sensei , I really didn’t know…”
“Promise me you won’t say anything.”
“But I want to say sorry—”
“Promise me, Satoru.”
“Ugh. Fine.” He lowered his hands and breathed deeply. “I promise.”
“Alright.” Yaga said, grabbing his pen again. “You may go now.”
“What, now? What about detention?”
Yaga relaxed back into his chair with an audible sigh. “I think you already learned your lesson today.”
The boy’s gaze remained low. He sat there in silence for another moment before he moved to the door, and just as silently he took his leave.
“Satoru,” Yaga called just as he exited the office, the boy stopped, but he did not turn. “We all make mistakes. Don’t overthink it.”
From: Our Last Summer by Naus on A03
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white-poppie · 1 year
Hello how are you? I’d like to request killua x f reader headcanons where the reader has pet dragons. Like you can tell she’s weak and yet when a giant creature shows up behind her it’s bound to be a little menacing. I’m sorry I know this is a weird request I’m just obsessed with dragons 😭
How to train your Dragon (ft. Y/N and Killua)
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Okay first off, this is just adorable.
Okay so Killua really undermined you when he first saw you, he liked how nice and gentle you were, but you were too weak to be interesting.
However Gon really adored you, so you invited both of them to your house.
And Boom, he was quacking in his boots when he saw this ginormous Dragon greet you like a puppy.
The Zoldycks have a large dog as a pet too, but a dragon?? that's a whole new level.
He is just standing there like: 🧍
And you are like "Oh don't worry he doesn't bite."
Yeah, clearly he doesn't bite, he just kills on the spot-
Gon is already trying to befriend the Dragon and Killua is just holding him by his T-shirt to stop him from running like Bro chill, that's a whole Dragon, not a puppy.
If the Dragon helps in fights I hate to break it to you, but Killua will sometimes make fun of that.
He'll be like "Oh you can't even fight without (dragon name?)"
Oh god if you start crying he genuinely feels like the worst scum on the earth.
What's worse? Your Dragon is growling at Killua for making you cry.
Timeskip to the next day, and you wake up to see your dragon decorated with flower garlands and stick-on sequins and stickers on its scales.
He is holding one end of a banner and your dragon is holding another end of the banner which reads 'I'M SORRY.' You try to ignore the slight burns on Killua's clothes.
Anyways after that you guys just got closer, and the things that Killua made fun of started looking cuter.
Like look how fragile you look next to the dragon Jskdoeidowedui
Or the way you care about everyone, he is so enamoured by it.
Boy is head over heels but doesn't know how to process his feelings.
UNTIL you are in a fight where you end up getting hurt badly.
My guy goes absolutely bat-shit crazy.
Then its pretty obvious tbh you guys just figure it out eventually,
Dragon best wingman!
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Idk what this is I am sorry if you don't like it.
- Hunter x Hunter - Fanfictions
BYIDNI  ﹒ Request-Rules ﹒ Taglist  ﹒
TAGS: @akumicchi, @nanaseishiro, @denkis111, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp, @innerpurple,@juanasspirit, @renster05, @cleaningfairylevi,
psst, hey, over here! Uhm hi :) Do you like reading? If so can you please check out my first novel? I am a 15-year-old author who needs support, I assure you it won't disappoint! Its okay if you don't buy, it would be enough to share the link with someone else who might be interested! I humbly request you support my career as a child author by purchasing my book. This would help me to write more books in future.
“Of Vengeance and Ashes” -> BUY NOW!!!!
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punkeccentricenigma · 11 months
Can I pretty please request the rise boys having a significant other that knows how to mimic their comfort characters voices? Like a voice impressionist <333
Rise!Boys with Reader, who can mimic voices.
Relationship status: Romantic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language, Handling stress in an unhealthy way in the parts with Raph and Leo
I'm sorry for the long wait! Lately, I've been under a lot of stress, and I tend to overthink to the point that, while writing, I also translate text, watch YouTube, and anime to replace my thoughts with something better. I apologize again! And I'm sorry if these headcanons suck! And don't worry, I'll fulfill all orders! I won't forget any of them! Please be patient!
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◇Let's be honest, after the Kraang invasion, he's traumatized, or at least has many moments of weakness where he needs comfort.
◇During those times, he often immerses himself in various comics or shows to forget what happened.
◇So one day, as he slowly began to stress over memories and didn't have access to the aforementioned things, you stepped in.
◇It's not like Leo didn't know your skills; he heard often and even insisted that you imitate his brothers to make fun of them.
◇Which kind of annoyed Donatello a bit; he didn't like being mocked that way.
◇Anyway, you started by imitating Jupiter Jim's voice, knowing he's one of the boy's parental figures.
"My boy! Don't give up yet! Furry creatures are attacking our base!"
◇Expect a shocked face, and then a wide smile.
"You didn't tell me you could imitate these type of voices!!"
◇He was really impressed.
◇After that, you just started role-playing for fun because why not? Lmao
◇Thanks to that, the boy felt much better <33
◇Let's not kid ourselves, Raph didn't handle stress very well when he was the leader of the Mad Dogs.
◇He just didn't want to let his brothers down! His father! April, or definitely you! He wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to you because of his incompetence.
◇That's why he often buried all those negative emotions deep within himself to replace them with fake joy or a smile.
◇But since you've been in a relationship with him for some time, and you've known him even longer, you knew something was bothering him.
◇So you often tried to talk to him about it, but the response was always the same.
"Oh, I'm fine! Really, you don't have to worry about me."
◇You didn't want to give up, but was there any way out of this situation? What could you do? You decided to take a break from it.
◇Finally, it came to a boiling point when you started playing Jenga in his room.
◇During the game, you could feel the scent of stress coming from him. You should get him deodorant sometime... Do deodorants work on reptiles??
◇In the end, Raphael lost, but he reacted differently than usual. He wasn't sulky, he wasn't embarrassed, and fired up for the next round... he was aggressive.
◇And he scattered the remaining blocks around his room, cursing.
"Screw this, I've had enough!"
◇You immediately reacted, calling his name in a firm tone.
"Raph! What are you doing!? It's just a game!"
◇He looked at you with a stunningly negative expression, accentuated by furrowed brow bones, and then all of that turned into a suffocating sight of sadness, with transparent tears soaking the red mask. He cracked; he finally cracked.
◇In a slow voice, he began to apologize, burying his head in shame between his spiky arms.
◇Finally, you started talking about what was bothering him, accompanied by his crying at some words. You tried to listen to him, hug him, comfort him with kind words, but you felt that in this situation, it might be too little, much too little.
◇So you looked around, and a risky but interesting idea came to your mind.
◇After a moment of searching through Raph's drawers, you stood in front of him in a proud pose, wearing on your wrists the distinctive spiked bracelets that were definitely too big for you.
"What are you doing?" Raphael asked in a sluggish tone, tilting his head slightly to the side. Emotionally, he had no strength for anything; he just wanted to sleep. [Y.N] had a satisfying smile on their lips.
"Hear this! I will kidnap Peach OVER and OVER until I pull it off! And no one can stop me! Losing is not an option! And neither is giving up!"
◇On his face, just like Leo, a painted shock appeared. You never boasted about being able to imitate voices! Amazing.
◇He's genuinely thrilled with this discovery.
"Oh, here you are, princess! Accept my love, or I'll kidnap you and lock you in my fortress forever!"
◇A genuine laugh escaped from the boy's lips, causing a blush of satisfaction on your face. Even though Bowser was Raphael's favorite comfort character, Peach was second, so why not play out such a scene?
◇And so, for the rest of the evening, you chased each other around the Lair, playing your roles, and incidentally involving the others in the fun.
◇Raph felt at least momentarily free from unhealthy stress, and he's grateful to you for that.
◇"Oh fuck, damn it, I'm about to smash this thing--!"
◇Yes, this string of curses was uttered by none other than the teenage genius Donatello Hamato. And why? It's simple; he was trying to improve one of his battle shells, but for the past few hours, he couldn't get anything done.
◇His mind was exhausted, and his three-fingered hands ached every time he took one of his screwdrivers. He couldn't take it anymore!
◇Finally, Mikey suggested he take a break from it all, so Donnie put on his favorite purple hoodie and left the house. Where could he go? Simple.
"Oh, hey D, what's up?" [Y.N]'s voice echoed through their room as they noticed the window opening out of the corner of their eye. Soft-shell didn't respond, and if anything, he snorted softly as he closed the entrance and sat down next to the teenager who was currently sitting on the floor, leaning against their bed while watching an anime he wasn't familiar with yet. "Everything okay?" They asked, this time giving theri full attention to the boy next to them. His face indicated negative emotions, which worried [Y.N.] a bit.
"Not really." that's all that came out of the boy's mouth as he tucked his hands into his pockets and rested his head on their shoulder.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I don't know."
◇Now you were quite worried about your boyfriend. Something must have happened, and Donnie needed comfort.
◇You suggested rewatching his favorite series where Atomic Lass appeared, and the boy agreed.
◇You knew that this character was his childhood idol, and knowing from your experiences, every child would want to hear something nice from their favorite character, so you decided to take a risk.
"You can do it, Donnie!"
◇You felt the boy shudder, and he immediately pulled away to look at you with disbelief written on those artificial eyebrows. He had known about your skills for a long time, but usually, they were used for ordinary jokes.
◇You smiled slightly, leaning closer to the turtle.
"Now, will you tell me what happened?"
◇And miraculously, it worked. Your boyfriend struggled a bit, but he finally shared what was bothering him, allowing you to support him.
◇And then there was fun with voice imitations again.
"Oh, oh! Do Dio! Or Gojo!"
◇Mikey knew from the very beginning of your relationship that you had excellent voice imitation skills.
◇He even used that (with your permission, of course) to dub his webcomics!
◇However, other than that, you didn't use this skill until now.
◇Because your boyfriend was going through a slight breakdown related to drawing, specifically facing an art block.
◇So when he once again threw his pencil and started acting like a sulking child over the lack of a lollipop, you decided to step in.
◇Knowing that one of his comfort characters is Yatora Yaguchi, you decided to imitate him right then.
"Give yourself some time, Mikey!"
◇He looked at you slightly surprised from behind his shoulders, and a moment later, he smiled warmly.
◇Honestly, comforting Mikey is the easiest thing, so after a while, he took a break to spend time with you.
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
Spider-Man headcanons for @dovey-luv-bug cuz he's da bestest superhero there is!!!
I'm going: Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy & Collectively ╰→ personally, I have the comic versions of them in mind
Peter Parker's Spider-Man -any one of them lol-:
He definitely has ADHD and is constantly stimming.
Also always has some stim toys at hand
Peter is a wild child, always running around.
Confident in his regression and pretty open about it, he actively tries to break the stigma.
Peter tends to get hurt, scraped knees, little cuts, etc. So his cg always carries Band-Aids.
LOVES to play "big brother" for other little ones and/ or kiddos.
He will get mad at you, if you forget to give his teddies a good night kiss on the forehead.
Prefers to read the good night story himself, instead of being read to.
When he's smaller than 7, Peter just makes up a story, that he think would fit the pictures in the book.. reading is hard.
Does not enjoy bath time, it's boring.
Miles Morales' Spider-Man:
Probably definitely autistic..
He is less hyperactive then Peter and prefers to chill and watch cartoons over actively playing.
HUGE cuddle bug!
Bad textures can ruin his whole day.
Gets overstimulated quite quickly, when smol and is prone to meltdowns.
Miles is way less confident about his regression. He tries to hide it because he's embarrassed about regressing.
Extra clumsy when little & needs all his boo-boos kissed immediately!!
The phrase "I'm a big boy 😤" gets repeated like a broken record.. It's not convincing anyone though.
Tends to get lost in "bad thought spirals" and needs his cg to pull him out of them.
Has a plushie he tells all his worries to. It's a dog with a zipper on the belly, so he can write down/ draw his worries and put them in the pouch if their to hard to talk about (yet) and puppy can eat them up.. His cg checks the notes every once in a while (with permission ofc). The plushie's name is "Therapuppy".
Really enjoys bath time, especially the extra attention from his cg.
Likes drawing & crafting of any kind.
Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman/ Spider-Gwen:
Also autistic, definitely.
She is a flip and i see her slightly leaning to being a cg.
Just like Peter, Gwen talks openly about age regression, to break the stigma.
Also loves to help take care of "little sibbies" when small (just like Peter does).
Likes being called "big sis" when smol and "Ma" when in cg headspace.
Gwen likes to dance when & with little(s)
Definitely overprotective and overly cautious.. even when tiny, she worries quite a lot.
Likes to doctor her plushies and dolls back to health.
Enjoys to play pretend and go on adventures.
Collectively -all 3 Spider-Babs-:
It's a trauma response for all of them, but Peter & Gwen came to love it and like to regress just for fun and to relax sometimes. Miles will get there too, someday..
Sweetest little angels, so affectionate.
None of them have one certain cg, whichever trusted person is available will take care of the tiny ones! (often a Avengers member.. Though I personally especially LOVE Wade Wilson [Deadpool] as Peter's cg cuz I luv their comics together.. Aunt May is also an amazing cg!! Miles' Mom and Dad actually really enjoy to take care of little him & so does Gwen's dad with her.)
That's all I can think of right now, I might add to it later though! <3
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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Tagging @pink-crayon-princess bc they said they'd love to hear some head canons aswell <3
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kaminocasey · 2 years
Must Love Massiffs
Summary: You meet an unexpected person at the park who happens to have a massiff just like you.
Pairing: Sergeant Hound x GN!Reader
WC: 1.6K
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Name calling.
A/N: If you can't tell, I got this idea from the romcom "Must Love Dogs" starring Diane Lane and John Cusack lol. I'm a diehard romantic. Always. Anyway, I'd not written anything for Hound yet, so here we are! <3
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Your day hadn’t started off well. First, you got let go from your job at the bank that you had worked at for the last six years. Then, you spilled your coffee all over your new leather seats of your speeder. And finally, your massiff, Zio, had gotten out and ran down your street toward the park so now, you’re chasing after her trying to make sure she doesn’t scare someone or get run over. 
A great fucking day, right? Just the absolute best. What next?
“Zio!” You call out, losing her out of your sight. 
“This fucking massiff.” You grumble. “I knew I should have taken the lazy tooka home…” 
You grumble, but you love Zio with your entire heart. Normally, she’d wait for you to put her leash on, so the fact that she ran out the door like that kind of worries you.
“WOAH! DOWN BOY!” You hear someone in the park shout. “DOWN GRIZZER!”
You turn around and start running immediately, seeing Zio sniffing out another excited massiff and his Coruscant Guard owner. 
“Zio, down!” You yell, a little afraid that this guy could hurt Zio or even arrest you.
You really didn’t know much about the Coruscant Guard other than they were basically glorified detectives and worked closely with the chancellor, senate, and Jedi. People you didn’t really care much for. “Do you mind?” The clone snaps at you in a rude, modulated voice. “Don’t you know what a leash is?” 
You glare at him, pulling Zio back toward you, leashing her. “Obviously that’s what I was trying to do, thanks.” “This is a leash-only park.” The Corrie tells you, ignoring your comment.
“Yeah, I know, asshole.” You finally get her to sit. “She ran out and I’ve been chasing her for six blocks. You gonna arrest me or something? Because if not, I’ve got places to be.” 
You get a look at his intricately decorated helmet. It’s different from any Corrie helmet you’ve ever seen. It actually looks really cool, but you’re not gonna tell this asshole that. It has grey and white jags with a red V that goes down over the visor from the top. It’s interesting. But unfortunately, the helmet belongs to a dick.
“Okay, great.” You nod when he says nothing, walking Zio away. “Let’s go, Zio.” 
When you get to the edge of the park and let Zio do her business there, you look back at the Corrie and he’s still watching you with a tilted head. Whatever. You turn back around and then head home once Zio is done. 
“You’re rotten, you know that?” You talk to her, shaking your head. 
She looks back at you slightly, clearly pleased with herself. 
“Sorry, girl. It’s been a long day…” You sigh. 
When you get home, you let Zio off the leash and feed her dinner then go and sit down on the couch. 
Now what? Job hunting… that’s what.
When Zio is done scarfing down her dinner, she comes and lays on the couch with you, putting her head on your lap, sweetly, as you search the holonet for the help wanted ads.
“It’s impossible to stay upset with you, you know that?” You pet her scaly skin and she rolls over so you can rub her belly. “I think you do actually know that.”
The next day, on your walk with Zio you can’t help but wonder if that Corrie from yesterday will be there. Not that you particularly care, you just want to steer clear of him.
You sit down on the park bench, pulling out your book after you make sure to clip Zio to the bench. 
“Zio, sit.” You tell her. 
She does and you give her a treat, patting her on the head and then open your book. While you read a couple chapters of your book, she lays at your feet, enjoying the warm Coruscant sun on her scaly skin. 
“Good girl.” You pat her again and then go back to your book.
“Um, excuse me.” You hear a familiar voice that you were really hoping to not hear. 
This time the voice wasn’t modulated, though. With a roll of your eyes, you sit your book down and look up at the Corrie. Except you were expecting a regular looking clone. Not an incredibly handsome bearded one with longer blond highlighted hair that’s pulled back out of his face.
To say you're stunned is an understatement. You’re practically speechless and you know your jaw must be on the ground. 
“Hi.” He smiles. “We met yesterday?” 
You look down at his massiff, you think his name was Grizzer, he’s got on his leash. Grizzer sniffs at Zio, who seems uninterested today. Maybe she was unimpressed after yesterday.
“I remember. Are you here to arrest me today?” You look up at him with a straight face.
“Actually, I came to bring you this.” He offers you a cup of caf. “We got off on the wrong foot.”
“Yeah, you were a bit of an asshole.” You nod. 
“I was… I’m sorry.” He continues to hold the caf out for you. “It was a bit of a rough day yesterday.”
“Yeah, me too…” You take the cup from him and scoot down the bench a bit as a way of asking him to sit. “Sorry about that.”
He nods and sits a little bit away from you, giving you space, and clips Grizzer to the bench. Zio sits up again, staring at Grizzer and the Corrie, still deciding if they’re a threat.
“No uh, helmet today?” You ask him, taking a sip of the caf, which is black. 
You reach into your bag for a few sweetener packets and then put the empty packets into your jacket pocket to throw away at home. 
“Sorry, I didn’t know how you took it.” The Corrie apologizes. 
“No worries. I always keep sweetener packets on me for when strangers offer me caf.” You smile finally. 
“Really?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.
“No.” You chuckle.
He lets out a laugh, which you unfortunately can’t help but notice is nice and makes you smile a bit more.
“But yeah, no helmet today. I was um… hoping I’d run into you today and I didn’t want you to see me as a threat.” He admits.
Oh. “That’s very… thoughtful.” You nod.
He pats Grizzer on the head and then looks at you again. “I’m Hound.” 
You tell him your name and he smiles.
“It’s nice to meet you. Again, that is.” 
“Likewise. And this is Grizzer?” You nod at the massiff which is still sitting with his tongue hanging out, still watching Zio.
“Yeah. My good ol’ boy.” He rubs Grizzer’s head again. “Zio, right?” 
You nod, touched that he remembered her name. “Yeah.” 
“Well, it’s really good to meet you both.” He grins. 
You both sit there and sip your caf in comfortable silence, watching as your massiffs both lay back down, not missing that they’re pointed toward each other. 
“Is it okay if I ask why you had a rough day?” Hound asks after a while.
“Oh… I lost my job… and then spilled caf in my speeder… and then this brat got out.” You nod down at Zio before looking at him again. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” He tells you.
You can tell he’s genuinely sorry. You shrug, though. 
“I’ll figure it out.” You look out at the park.
“What did you do?” He asks.
“I worked at a bank as a teller for the last six years.” You sigh. “It wasn’t the greatest job in the entire world, but I’m fluent in many languages and I enjoyed seeing different people every day, you know?”
“Well… um… I know that my commander was looking to hire a receptionist for the chancellor.” Hound tells you. “If that’s something you’d be interested in?”
It’s sweet that he’s thinking of you like this, but you hate Palpatine. The man is a creep and gives you extremely bad vibes. Anytime you see him on the news, you can’t help but think that he looks like he’d be a villain in a movie.
“Yeah, no. I hate that guy.” You smile. “But thank you… seriously.” 
“So do we.” Hound shrugs. “Hate him, that is…”
You admire his honesty. You’d not dealt with many clones so you don’t have much to compare him to, but you’re surprised you’re enjoying Hound’s company. 
“He doesn’t care about the clones… just wants us to win his war.” Hound finishes his coffee and looks down at Grizzer.
Your heart breaks for him, this man you don’t really know. Him and the other clones. You’re not ignorant. You know that people don’t treat them like the human being that they are. It’s not right.
“Well, I better get home. I have to get cracking on the job hunting.” You tell him, not making a move to get up.
You don’t exactly want to leave, but you really do have a bit of a busy day planned. 
“If you’re not too busy in the morning… There’s this great breakfast spot near the Senate Dome that allows Grizzer in… I’m sure they’d let Zio in too?” He asks, taking a sip of his caf.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” You ask him.
“Yeah, I am.” He grins. “Even though you think I’m an asshole.”
“Used to…” You laugh. “But yes. Breakfast sounds nice.” 
You pull out an old business card, write your comm channel on it, and give it to Hound. 
“Send me the details.” You smile, unclipping Zio and standing up.
Hound does the same with Grizzer. “I’ll send you the deets.”
You chuckle. “Can’t wait.”
Turning with Zio, you start walking but hear Hound say “Grizz… did I really just say ‘deets’? Maker, I’m such a di’kut.”
You can’t help but chuckle to yourself as you continue walking home, already looking forward to the next morning.
TAGS: @grievouus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501
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ailendolin · 28 days
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x02
Spoilers for 2x02 under the cut
oh we're off to a good start with evil spreading through the lands of Middle-Earth straight to Khazad-Dûm
I'm still so in love with the mirrors. Using them to light up the realm always reminds me of The Mummy
my favourite power couple is back and I love them so much
Disa sensing the rockfall is so cool
fuck the light is gone. Moria is darkening. Fuck no
oh shit, is this the scene from the trailer where Celebrimbor gets impaled against a tree by roots?
damn he's becoming one of the tree memorials and the symbolism of that, I can't. This is not good
oh more handsome elves. Commander of the East and West my beloveds. And Commander of the South, you look fierce and I love you already
"Celebrimbor and the secrets of his craft are safe." The fuck they are, Gil-galad. Those words will come to bite you in the arse and Celebrimbor will suffer for it
also Galadriel being cryptic again and not speaking plainly, I swear she does not learn
where is Elrond for I much desire to see him
"... waters running dry." That's the rivers you just mentioned shielding Eregion, Gil-galad. Wake up and get Celebrimbor out of there for fuck's sake
also gentle reminder, Halbrand has also gained Celebrimbor's trust in case we've all forgotten that. He's even more susceptible because no one bothers to tell him anything and he has no idea what's going on. Let's stop worrying about Galadriel and start worrying about our favourite smith, okay?
lol the way Galadriel still calls him Halbrand and Gil-galad will have none of it. Glad he's got some common sense left
"Supposing I was not alone." Don't you dare drag Elrond into this, babygirl, don't you fucking dare
Celebrimbor denying Sauron entry - yesssss!
but it's not because of the message of warning, but because he promised Galadriel. This is not good. This is very not good
"Messengers from Lindon shall arrive with news any day." No they won't. Dammit
epic riding scene is epic
I see Ciaran Hinds has exchanged the terrors of the Arctic for the deserts of Rhun (seriously though, I have loved him since HBO's Rome and am always happy to see him - now I also need Tobias Menzies to be cast)
loving the moth magic
I'm taking it back. It's that crazy magic lady from s1 (though I do love that her cloak looks like moth wings from behind)
what was that growling noise?
no no no, we're not slaughtering any halflings here, I forbid it
"No one can give you a name." That's a very powerful message
I love the harfoots' ability to hide in a matter of second and I'm glad we're seeing more of it
oh no, I've just realised Moria darkening means the tree in Durin and Disa's home will probably be dying. Nooooo
yes, Disa, you tell them not to trash talk your husband and adopted son
oh no the stone singing is no longer working wtf
this is what's going to make them susceptible to Sauron, right? Their desperation to save their realm. Fuck
Disa being the voice of reason. I love her. I met Sophia last year (and Owain as well) and she shines just as beautifully as her character does
oh I feel those blisters, Durin. I got one on my thumb on a dig in Poland once and made the mistake of washing my hands after it had opened. I think I jumped three feet into the air in pain (and then proceeded to shower with my hand held above my head for a week afterwards because fuck those things hurt)
"Climb off your high peak" - I love that! Very fitting for the dwarves
and yep, here's Galadriel dragging Elrond into her mess. I knew it
not Elrond thinking he's no better than a dog - worse yet because he has his own mind and doesn't follow orders blindly. My boy has been disappointed by everyone around him and is seeking solace in shipcraft and I am not okay
"And why would he think that?" Oooooh I love salty Elrond
"And now he's done the same to Gil-galad and every elf in Lindon." I feel like this is poignant and deliberate because Elrond is not an elf. He's a half-elf and this line clearly shows how apart he feels from his people
Elrond holding onto his beliefs even though everyone is against him - someone hug him, please
no Galadriel, don't you guilt-trip him into this. Thank Eru Elrond sees it for what it is.
oh Elrond is not okay. Look at the pain on his face when Galadriel has left. My heart
okay, I see where Cirdan is coming from but why can't even one person tell Elrond that he is right to worry? He does not just fear the power of the rings. He fears Sauron's influence on them, and on Galadriel who bears one of them. What the fuck is he supposed to do if Galadriel goes full on dark queen like Sauron wants her to? He does not have a ring to counter her power, and we have already seen that his words mean nothing to any of the ring bearers.
have I mentioned that I love Poppy? Because I do. She's the best and not happy at all about dragging her tall friend through the desert
oh shit that bell ringing is not good
yep that did not take long
lol not me waiting for Imhotep's face to appear in the sandstorm
that new staff did not last long, did it?
no no no, Nori and Poppy can't be blown away wtf
ooooooh Ithildin?
YES ITHILDIN! Are we going to see the creation of the Doors of Moria?
the way Celebrimbor can't stop thinking about Halbrand. Just like Galadriel. Ugh this is so painful to watch
and of course Sauron exploits every weakness of Celebrimbor's because he knows him and knows exactly what chains to yank
Charles Edwards the actor you are. Celebrimbor's emotional reaction is everything
lol Celebrimbor going straight to the (First Age) bottle to celebrate
there will be fics about this, won't there?
no, Celebrimbor, you are not his friend, do you hear me? You are not
aaaaah and here the idea of the Nine gets planted
oh fuck, the silence in the dark tower is scary
I know everyone was making fun of him having the same face as Halbrand but given how he reveals himself to Celebrimbor it makes so much sense and i love it
"I am your partner." Annatar beginning to seduce his next future ex
but oh how it pains me to hear the "sharer of gift" line
oh Elrond's new tunic is gorgeous
Elrond leading the company? Fuck yes. And of course Galadriel is not happy about it because it always has to be her way or no way
no no no not the dwarves going to Eregion
but also yes because that means Elrond und Durin (and hopefully Disa as well) will reunite and I need that to happen
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nigel-banyai · 2 months
/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿INTRODUCTION (ASKS OPEN)/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
I've been here for a while and haven't made one of these posts yet, so I figured I might as well should, My asks are open to anyone, ask me questions, (or the admin), and I'll try to answer you as soon as I fuckin' can...
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About me:
𐂂 Nigel Banyai | don't fuckin ask for my middle name, only 2 people know it, Han and Twitchy.
𐂂 35 years old
𐂂 Proud Romanian 🇷🇴
𐂂 I'm a gangster | Family business and all that? HMU if you want weed ;)
𐂂 I am currently single, feel free to flirt with me and I'll engage back, sweetheart~
𐂂 Don't touch what is mine and we'll be on good terms, okay?
╰┈➤ Cars, guns, old western films, James Bond movies, Papanași, Țuică, Tattoo's, dachshund dogs, Italy + Their food (and men), Country shit, weed and cigs, I smoke Chesterfield Reds if you want to buy me any ~ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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| Relationship : Complicated Lovers | CANON
Hannibal is the first person who's made Nigel have a 'gay panic' and made him back track and realize he likes men as well as women, Hannibal is the first man Nigel has EVER been attracted to besides once when he was a boy reading a magazine about cars and seeing someone, Hannibal is Nigel's psychiatrist, they have a semi rocky relationship (From Nigel's side) because Nigel tends to use a 'push and pull tactic' from his bpd, constantly withdrawing because he is scared of opening up, often missing sessions because he can't stomach seeing Hannibal, then popping back up - however he has gotten better at this and does this less frequently; Nigel sometimes will drive to Hannibal's house, park outside and watch the door because he is worried, other times he shows up wounded with cuts or bruises on him, one time even a broken bone from getting into a fight, other times it's for dinner or a meal when he skips them, as he HEAVILY likes Hannibal's cooking and will frequently ask for seconds or to take home some; Nigel obeys Hannibal's rules in his house and office and wont smoke near the buildings or inside, and will get into altercations with people if they don't listen to said rules.
| Relationship : Complicated |
Nigel see's him as annoying, but also an equal in a way, Hannibal is the only person Nigel considers to be on the same level to him - and Hannibal is always trying to knock him down a few pegs, however regardless; Nigel is like a puppy - and would follow him around (sometimes) and would fucking murder someone for him, Call's him 'Han' if you see him ever say 'Han' it's about this guy, he always call's him Lecter too, Since Hannibal dislikes the nickname 'Han'
| Relationship : Close friends |
Nigel views Luke as a close friend, Luke and him often talk, share some of the same interests despite Luke not knowing much about James Bond and his villains - Nigel cares about Luke a lot and will try his best to protect him
| Relationship : Complicated |
Nigel think's Adam is weird - and quirky, but knows Adam has autism and has tried to subtly ask Adam questions about said autism, example : 'Whats the best thing to do when someone with Autism is overstimulated' so he can learn how to help Adam, he does care about him, and tries to research Autism in his spare time.
| Relationship : Complicated-Acquaintances |
Nigel want's to be Will's friend, but is also a tiny bit intimidated by him at times, as Will is another person that is willing to knock Nigel down a few pegs, and for that Nigel is upset at times, but knows Will has good reasoning for it, and for that Nigel views Will almost as an equal - while simultaneously wanting to be his friend.
| Relationship : Friendly |
Nigel is friendly to Matthew, he doesn't necessarily view him as someone dangerous, nor as someone he should be intimidated by, Matthew is in the middle for him.
»»————————————⍟————————————«« @ask-zephyrkane
| Relationship : Cuddle buddies / friends |
Nigel thought he liked her when he first met her, diving headfirst, he had attempted to kiss her, but recoiled as he realized he didn't like her romantically like that, and ended up making both of them awkward, he offered to buy her dinner (Non romantically and actual dinner) as an apology, and they talked under a tree afterwards while 'snuggling' (keeping warm both were stupid and didn't bring a coat) Nigel still lets her call him nicknames whatever she pleases; since he doesn't have romantic feelings for her, he even opened up one time about liking Hannibal for her advice, making her the second person to be aware of Nigel's internalized homophobia.
| Relationship : Complicated |
Nigel views this one as a squirt (someone short or a child) and often will say it proudly, Nigel however highly respects this one's parents (m0n5t3r-3n3rg7) and therefore won't hurt him.
| Relationship : Same as above but friendly-er |
Nigel is often MORE open to showing Sel some hugs and stuff, but will still pick on Sel as if you were his child.
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If I forgot to leave anyone out let me know, I'm including anyone who has interacted with Nigel, you are also free to ask to be removed ~
➤ You're encouraged to be weird to your hearts content, ask Nigel questions if you're curious about something, flirt with him, ask for hugs, or affection, he only bites sometimes (and certain people)
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ However Flirting - as well as any sexual comments should be made by adults, as I am one, and so is Nigel and that would be rather weird, keep yourself safe guys ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I am open to
Short term - or long term roleplays with Nigel - - SFW or NSFW
Relationships (platonic, sexual, romantic) as well, or flings,
My asks will always remain open, as well as dm's for anyone, I do have discord as well~!
P.S Nigel smell's like cedar wood, musk, and bourbon, as well as cigarettes.
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thesullengrrrl · 1 month
baby wants, baby gets
"Oh yeah, that's it," Elaine groaned, her head falling back against the couch. "Hmmm...so good!"
She looked at her husband whose expression is a mixture of surprise and adoration and disgust.
"Rosie, I think this is the best we've ever made."
Her cravings were fairly normal in the beginning—chocolates, apples, spoonfuls of peanut butter (she had her own jar), that noodle soup from a specific Chinese restaurant three blocks away...until the bump started showing.
Ice. Sauerkraut. Olive oil drizzled over vanilla ice cream. Pickles with cheese and hot sauce. Almost everything with hot sauce.
And now...a half-eaten sandwich with potato chips as a filling and the other small plate was filled with slices of pickled onions.
Rosie swallowed as she offered the sandwich to him. "Baby, you should try it. The pickles just cut through the greasiness of the chips..."
"Don't worry about me," he told her instead, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I want you girls to eat more."
"You really think we're having a girl?" Elaine beamed. "I always thought you were hoping for a boy."
"Don't men always wish for a boy? To continue their name, something like that?" she answered, finishing the last bite of her sandwich. "Men from your time, mostly. I think."
"Well, yes," he nodded. "But I don't know, I have this feeling we're gonna have a girl. Little Laney crawling around, chasing dogs or running around the house..."
Her heart warmed. "I hope the baby has your eyes."
"No, I want the baby to have your eyes," Rosie protested, kissing her hand. "Sage eyes."
"I think I like your ocean eyes better," she retorted, smiling. "Then your curls...our baby's gonna be so cute."
"Have you come up with names yet?"
His wife shook his head. "Although I'm vetoing Robert Junior for a boy. I don't want my hypothetical son to have a name that sounds like he has a mortgage upon birth."
Rosie let out a laugh, imagining a frowning baby staring at him. "You don't want my child to be named after me?"
"That's my kid too!" she protested. "So no, no Robert Junior, Robert. I swear, if I see the birth certificate and it says Robert Junior, I will stand from my bed, all bloody and have you change it."
He raised his hands in surrender, knowing his wife might actually do it. "Okay, Robert Junior no more. But maybe for a girl..."
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dyns33 · 4 days
Without warning part 2
Poor Frank. He deserves happiness but life and fate seem to have something against him.
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Frank knew very well that falling in love again wasn't cheating on his wife or forgetting her.
It was still difficult for him when he met Y/N. It was all Max's fault, damn dog.
The little monster had decided that his master wasn't walking fast enough in the park, choosing to go off on his own to explore new places without worrying about scaring Frank.
When he found him, Max was covered in mud, on his back, his tongue hanging out, very happy because a young woman was petting him and saying he was a good boy.
Of course, Y/N jumped when she saw Frank. Even though he told her his name was Pete Castiglione, she seemed to have recognized him, keeping her distance carefully.
"Sorry about your pants, ma'am. Max has no manners." he mumbled, tapping his leg so that the dog would come near him.
"He's adorable, so I forgive him."
He couldn't explain why he stayed a little while to discuss the weather with her instead of leaving right away. But that was what he always did, with everyone. Because he was wanted, because he didn't want to put innocent people in danger, because he didn't deserve to be happy.
But there was something about Y/N. He made a stupid joke that made her laugh and he found himself years back, making Maria laugh. Except it wasn't Maria.
He wasn't angry with the girl. Unlike Ghost, it wasn't fate that had made them meet. Only chance, and it was different. It was pure, and far from this hell that his life had become.
However, it began to look like fate when they crossed paths again in a store, then in the street, then very often. Each time, Y/N looked as surprised as he did, almost panicked, as if she wondered if he was following her.
"We really need to stop meeting like this." he mumbled as he sat down at a bar, turning his head to meet her shocked eyes. "And you shouldn't be here."
"Why ?" she asked, and Frank wasn't sure which sentence the question was intended for.
"Saint Margaret's. Not exactly a recommendable place."
"But you're here."
"That's what I'm saying."
"How's Max ?"
Frank was glad she changed the subject, while implying that he couldn't be that horrible when she'd seen him talk to his dog like a baby so many times.
Maybe he could have told her that he was the fucking Punisher, with blood on his hands, hated by every guy in that pub, and not even for his crimes, but because he had shot his soulmate.
In hindsight, he felt a bit guilty now. It wasn't Ghost's fault that they were related after all, she hadn't asked for it either. Frank was rather happy that she was gone.
He couldn't say how he would have reacted in front of her dead body. It was a good thing that she was alive, and that she was staying away from him. He didn't want to see her, to know her, to be around her.
It should have been the same for Y/N, and yet he cherished every little moment spent in her company. During those moments, he felt human.
Always on her guard, which showed her intelligence, the young woman had ended up relaxing after several months, and their meetings were now planned in advance, like dates.
They didn't talk about love. They were barely friends, and they certainly only stayed friends for security reasons.
They didn't talk about destiny or soulmates either. Y/N still didn't say anything, but he could read in her eyes that she knew who he was. She didn't mention Maria, not asking if she was the one.
Even though he tried his best to be discreet, the dear little vigilante group had heard about his "girlfriend". The Spider had a lot of questions, Micro asked when the wedding was, Karen smiled stupidly at him. Only Red was kind enough not to bother him with that, knowing what those kinds of things could do to him.
"You don't go near her." he growled, making the others snicker, because they didn't mean to.
What he meant was, 'you don't put her in danger. She's already in enough danger because of me, selfish idiot, and I've already lost everything once, so if I'm going to risk being happy again, don't ruin it all'.
He never asked for news from Ghost, and Deadpool didn't participate in these discussions when he was present.
But the fact that he had heard about Y/N, being so close to his soulmate, didn't please Frank too much. The mercenary could say whatever he wanted, he had heard things.
The guy was unstable. Dangerous. Greedy for money and violence. And he had really taken it badly that the Punisher tried to put a bullet in his "sister"'s head.
The time he heard him muttering incomprehensible things to his voices that he called Yellow and White, surrounding Y/N's name, he knew that something had to be done to make him disappear.
But Deadpool couldn't be killed. He was strong. And even if they found him unbearable, Daredevil and Spiderman wouldn't agree to hurt him.
It was Micro who gave him the idea to contact those FBI assholes. The enemy of my enemy, all that. There was a secret program that aimed to lock up dangerous mutants. There were few details, but Wade Wilson was clearly a dangerous mutant, uncontrollable, unstoppable.
The plan was simple. Lure him to an isolated place, blow him up, and let the special agents do what was necessary to take him away. Everything was going perfectly well. The unexpected came from elsewhere.
Because if he had thought about the risks that Deadpool represented, Frank had ended up forgetting Ghost.
The thief had not reappeared since their meeting, not a word, not a whisper, and even the others had not seen her again, thinking that she had perhaps left the city. It would have been better for everyone.
The FBI had asked questions about her, visibly disappointed that the Punisher did not know where to find her. Even if she was not charged with any known murder, she was close to Deadpool and her powers made her dangerous, impossible to catch or stop.
If one day she wanted to kill the President or take the nuclear codes, it would be child's play for her.
But Frank had said he didn't know, and he didn't want to know. Because he didn't want to see her again, and maybe because he didn't want to make her suffer either.
Too late though, because Ghost also saw Wade Wilson as her brother, her only family really, and he had just taken him from her. He knew that feeling well. He could predict what was going to happen next.
He tried not to think about it too much, because even if he had helped, he wasn't the one who had taken Deadpool directly, and he had no idea where he was being held, but his name had to appear somewhere in a report.
So his soulmate would come to visit him at some point to demand accountability.
He could understand.
So it was in anticipation that he decided to distance himself from Y/N.
The poor girl didn't seem to understand his sudden change in behavior. They had taken some time to tame each other, to calm their fears, to the point that Frank had almost kissed her once.
Even though she knew very well now that he wouldn't say anything, she asked a lot of questions, her eyes sad, which didn't make things easier. Maybe she dared to ask because he himself couldn't hide his sadness, despite his desperate attempt to make her hate him.
"Talk to me, Frank. I don't understand what's going on. This week… This week is already very difficult for me. I need you."
"Well I don't need you."
"Stop. I know you're hiding something from me." she sobbed, taking his hand, which he was too weak to take away. He hadn't even reacted when she called his name, and not Pete. "Something happened. You can talk to me, I'm here."
"I can't stay here… This can't happen again…"
"I don't understand what you're talking about. Someone… Someone is after you ? Like… No, I don't want to lose you too !"
It was stupid to let her hold him. This was not what he was supposed to do at all. If life had been perfect, maybe they could have been together. Frank wanted to be with her.
They would have run away, far away. He had enough money for that. To a small island, in the middle of the forest, in a small house. Start all over again. They could have been happy together.
But the Punisher knew life well.
So he kissed her on the forehead, before getting up without being able to look at her, like when he had to go on a mission, leaving Maria and the children alone.
Y/N would have probably tried to hold him back, if she hadn't received a message at that moment. She hesitated, leaving a hand on his arm, but instinctively taking her phone, as if it couldn't wait.
And then, the sadness in her eyes disappeared a little. Replaced by something cold, from a long time ago. Frank knew that look, he saw the same one every time he passed in front of a mirror.
It was strange that she looked at him like that, slowly backing away.
"It's you."
"What are you talking about ? If you mean th Punis…"
"It's your fault. You took him."
"Y/N… Babe…"
"You took Wade !" she growled, now crying with rage.
When she suddenly disappeared, and he was thrown against the wall, Frank only thought that he should have known, since he knew life.
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