#justice for merrin
mrsometimes11 · 1 year
Best Father Figure
I know Father's Day was yesterday, but I'm doing this anyway
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void-spells · 5 months
Survivor time! (Actually 2 sessions bc I got a new PC between em)
Mission with Bode!!!
Go's I wish Bode was a woman bc I would be SO in love with her
Damn Rayvis saw Cal and just went. Yoink!
Is it just me or does Dagan's general cadence sound a lot like ROTS Anakin? Is that intentional? Every time I hear him speak all I hear is "I have brought PEACE! FREEDOM! JUSTICE! and security to my new Empire!"
Did....this this fucker just call Cal a wretch? Hello????
Escape pod ptsd.....my baby boy,,,,,,,
The middle part hair style just kinda. Makes me think of Tim Minchin ngl. All Cal needs is the messy eye makeup and a fresh mental breakdown
New PC Time!
It is also cold and rainy so I have me some warm spiked apple cider!!
Oh man this is a whole different game when I can turn graphics as high as they go...windswept hair still looks terrible when it moves
I'm supposed to go to the crumbly moon but....I wanna explore Koboh some more.
Also WHAT did Cal do to his shoulder!!! Why are like threw of his idle animations stretching out his right shoulder!!!!
Oh wait i accidentally wrote that with my fic Sugaan Essena, didn't I...
I should write a "how Cal fucked up his shoulder" fic but on purpose this time
Oh shit! BD has a taser gun now!!
Rip in pieces Rickaroni the door guy
Have this sick ass screencap I got in honor of Rickolas
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Okay....now I will go to the shatter—oh wait I can open new chests with the taser gun
Okay NOW I will go to—what's over here?
....I feel like this will be important later....
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Very surprised nothing happened in the suspiciously arena-shaped room with the echo at the far end of it and a big ol door
Okay. NOW—lemme get more bourbon
NOW I go to the shattered moon!
Ngl I fully forgot she came to Koboh..finished chatting with Bode and Greez on the Mantis and turned around to see a whole other person
Merrin why are you LOOKING at him like that!!!!
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Rayvis stop TALKING to me! I'm literally gonna GET you!!
Oh fuck two spiked apple ciders in is NOT the time for this Big Laser Dodging
Why is every bad guy so OBSESSED with Cal! He isn't into you!!! Stop talking to him!!!!
I am so SO enamored with how this fucker died. A vision
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RAYVIS FIGHT RAYVIS FIGHT! He creeps me out almost as much as Malicos did every time he spoke to my boy
Weeps and sobs in 2 part fight.....
Takoyaki time
Cal I support you killing anyone who picks you up like an invasive gecko the way Rayvis did on the Lucrehulk
Don't beat yourself up Cal!! You did good!!!
Also makes me feel Emotions how Cal is honestly comparing Dagan turning against the Jedi and going insane over Tanalorr to....him being a little intense about fighting back as a victim of genocide. Sweetie. Those situations are so uncomparable
Return to Koboh!!!!! And I will have another drink and go to bed!!
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topherromijn · 9 months
Topher was on the hunt, and had been for the past few months. No matter what people told them, they knew the murderer was in town, and they knew they’d seen them a few times already, they felt it. And the murderer of Merrin had to come to justice, but that seemed to be too difficult for the local police, so they had stopped asking them to get their shit together. Now there were so many more unsolved murders, but Topher knew it was all the same person, it had to be, these were connected. Starting with one and another one and then moving up until there were so many bodies. 
They felt sick at the thought of what might happen next, so they had to act. And clearly the murdered liked the full moon, so Topher was getting ready. They had a night vision camera on their head and wired it to their computer at home. They had a baseball bat and a hidden knife, and they would patrol the lake and the duck pond tonight, where something was bound to turn up. Even if it was just the shadow again, at least a sign would tell him that he was on the right track.
Instead there was no sign, that was… unless if the universe putting him close to Evanora was a sign. He wasn’t so sure. 
“You like dark places,” he said.
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Your doing request now? Well can you do this emotional redraw but with my two lesbians ocs Amber and Merrin?
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I hope I did them justice!
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littlestsnicket · 1 year
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[ID] caucasian woman wearing merwyn makeup consisting of dramatic blue eyeshadow and gold foil accents. [/ID]
a few more pictures but mostly rambling below the cut
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i was thinking of something slightly self depreciating to say, but actually, given my relatively limited experience with both dramatic makeup and portraiture, this is amazing and i'm very pleased with myself. merwyn is my favorite poor little meow meow and she makes me want to hold her in my hands to shove in people's faces and say 'behold this deranged woman!!' and i am happy to have gotten even remotely close to doing her makeup justice.
i probably should have put on elf ears and falsies, but those are both kind of icky and i wanted to eat dinner. the gold flake was both easier and harder to apply than i thought it would be. was worried it would be either too sticky or not sticky enough, but i should have been worried about how fragile it is and how hard it is to get the bigger flakes she has in most of her looks, but is it very good for a first attempt.
also could have made my eyes look even bigger if i had drawn the crease line higher but i would have had to start over again to do it better. i also learned that the hack makeup artists on youtube do to get really crips lines by cleaning up with foundation only kind of sort of works if you've decluttered all of your foundation and only have tinted moisturizer. it does not have adequately cover up dark blue.
if i did this again i would:
get purpose purchased eyeshadow (blue/purple instead of blue/green, also darker and lighter neutral colors to get better dimension) and foundation, cause you need to be able to erase the blue smudges
teeny tiny makeup brush for cleanup
try a little harder to mimic merrin mack's eyebrow shape
acquire a crown
do this earlier in the day so i had better lighting to take pictures and wasn't too hungry to be bothered to put on ears
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firealder2005 · 2 years
Whumpcember 2022 Day. 10 “I WON’T LEAVE YOU”
Featuring: Ahsoka Tano & Luke Skywalker!....and angst. and no comfort, only hurt. it’s disney canon compliant, so....ya know...not my fault all these characters are probs dead if they in Luke’s Order....
just a fair warning lol
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43503735
Ahsoka Tano wasn’t surprised when she found out Anakin and Padme had a child - two children, actually. She and Rex had a laugh over it after he told her the news.
What she was surprised about, however, was just how alike both Luke and Leia were to their parents.
It was insane. Sometimes she’ll look at Leia and see that set in her jaw that Anakin had when he was firing himself up for an argument. She’ll see Luke frown, and suddenly she’s looking at Padme’s thoughtful expression as she contemplates how to solve a problem.
It made her heart ache as much as it made her smile.
She remembered quite vividly the last time she had spoken to Anakin Skywalker - and the last time Darth Vader was in his stead.
The former she wished good luck too, but the latter tried to kill her.
She had left her master, her friend, her brother behind and that tore her apart. And when she saw him again…what he had become…
Even though he had tried to kill her, had refused to see the help she was offering, she had been determined to not make that same mistake again.
That she wouldn’t leave him, not again.
Technically, she had left him, but she held no ill-will towards Ezra - he had done it to save her life after all, and she was no good to anyone dead.
This time, however, now that she knew, really knew, Anakin’s children, she was determined to fulfill that promise she had failed to keep with their father.
She won’t leave them.
Not this time, and not ever.
I promise.
A light breeze blew against Luke’s weathered face as he gazed over the waters of Ahch-To.
He never thought he would one day find the birthplace of the Jedi, but find it he did.
It was safe, hiding his presence as well as Dagobah had hidden Master Yoda’s, which was useful, since he was the only survivor of the Jedi Order.
He closed his eyes, feeling his heart pound at the sheer number of students, friends, and family he had lost when his own nephew burnt his life’s work to the ground.
The younglings that he taught himself, who were so bright, so eager to learn of the mystical Force that ran through everything, that they would one day learn how to wield for good and justice.
The padawans, who trained so hard, who tripped over themselves to impress him whenever he sat in on their classes, who did dare-devil, adrenaline-rushed things that made the older learners freak out.
The masters who had battled their own darkness, conquered it, and found peace with their Order.
Reva, who had confided her sheer volume of hatred towards Luke’s own father for murdering her friends when they were all just children, but had stopped herself from taking her rage and vengeance out on Luke himself when he was merely ten years old.
(And wasn’t that something? Luke could hardly remember his life on Tatooine, let alone a moment when he had been unconscious! Too much had happened. Too much had been lost.)
(And it still hurts to think of his beloved aunt and uncle’s burnt bodies left to rot by the Empire.)
Cal Kestis, another Order 66 survivor, who had brought learning of other cultures of the Force into the Jedi Order by way of his wife, the Nightsister Merrin, who taught the padawans about Nightsister magic and The Father, The Daughter, and The Son.
She and Ahsoka had many conversations about the Ones, and Merrin had been very interested that Ahsoka had met them years ago during the Clone Wars, alongside Obi-Wan and Anakin - and the two of them had put their heads together to find out what all three Ones being gone now meant for the Force.
Luke wryly smiled as he recalled passionate debates the Nightsister had also gotten into about the Force with his good friend Lor San Tekka, a member of the Church of the Force and very knowledgeable of the Whills.
Who knew there had been so many different practices of the Force, besides his own chosen path of the Jedi, and the one of the Sith?
There was yet so much Luke didn’t know of the Force, and it was likely he never will find it all.
But the Jedi Grandmaster would admit that the one he had learned from the most was his father’s old padawan, Ahsoka Tano.
Luke and Ahsoka had shared many conversations about the Old Jedi Order, their teaching, their doctrine, and their political stances, trying to see where it all went wrong.
Ahsoka had been a great help. She had seen with her own eyes just how distant the Jedi had become from the galaxy at large - being seen as nothing more than mystics who rarely left their Temple.
And how that affected even the people who needed the most help who lived right under their noses.
Luke leaned forward, elbows on his knees, as he watched the double suns begin to set.
He wished she was here, to help him see what to do, where he had gone wrong.
He had learned so much from Ahsoka…and now she was gone.
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harrylee94 · 2 years
In the Footsteps of Luminous Beings - Chapter 18
You can also find this on AO3!
Summary: “You know you’re already in my good books right? No need t’ start making me think you like me.”
Mando shifted on the spot, and for a moment Cobb thought he’d gone and made the big bad Mando nervous, but it seemed he’d only taken him by surprise.
“What would you do if I did?”
Now Cobb felt wrongfooted. “If things were different, and we weren’t in the middle of at least two separate cases of problem solving, I’d offer to share a drink or two, get to know you better maybe. Get a screen or somethin’ so you can hide that pretty face o’ yours.”
“Who says it’s pretty?”
“That smile in your voice does.”
Notes: Let the flirting BEGIN! (As if they hadn't been flirting this entire time)
Also extra note; there are actually more people in Mos Pelgo in this than there are in cannon thanks to Cobb making some peace with the Tusken Raiders, so the meeting's even more crowded than it was in the show!
TW for mentions of death.
Chapter 17
Town Meeting
Arriving back in Mos Pelgo, Cobb remained perched on his modified pod engine of a speeder as the Mandalorian dismounted beside him.
The past few days had brought him more information than he knew what to do with; the krayt dragon was even bigger than he’d thought, he’d somehow managed to get his people volunteered in an attempt to kill said creature, with the promise that the Sand People would no longer leave them alone, but now help them learn how to survive the Sands, and to top it all off, it turned out that the kid was in need of training, something that Cobb could potentially offer but hadn’t discussed at all since that morning.
He could have done with a few minutes to think things through, or even to process some of it, but the Tuskens were already following behind them and they only had so much time to warn the town what was happening before they arrived.
Still, he could take this moment to breathe at least.
Mando pulled the kid from the satchel on the back of his speeder, allowing him to settle down on the ground now that the markers had been removed and the sand on the main thoroughfare had been levelled out again. Some of the other children in town were playing a little further down the road to where they’d pulled up, one of them waving when they’d arrived, which Cobb had dutifully returned, but now he just stared up at the sky and wondered how his life had become this… full.
“Marshal?” the Mandalorian called, and Cobb realised he’d come to stand nearby, though the kid seemed happy to explore the area a bit for now.
“Yeah,” he said with a sigh, realising his breathing room had already vanished, and he huffed. “It’s been a long time since they attacked us, but most of my people still remember a time when we’d lose friends and family to them a few times a year.”
“The town respects you,” the Mandalorian said. “My guess is they’ll listen to reason.”
“I certainly hope so,” he said, then called for one of the kids. “Merrin, could you go round and call everyone in for a meetin’? We might have a solution to our krayt problem but we need to discuss it first.”
“Really?” Merrin asked, staring up at him with her big, blue eyes.
“Really really,” Cobb said with a smile. “Now shoo! I want everyone here in twenty minutes!”
“Yes, Marshal!” the girl proclaimed, running off to her friends to spread the word faster.
“... You’re only proving my point,” the Mandalorian said, following Cobb towards the cantina and scooping up the little one along the way, much the the kid’s disgruntled annoyance.
“This town’s full of individuals with their own ideas on what justice should be,” Cobb said. “It’s only ‘cause of my history and what I can do that they let me wear this badge.” He tapped the buckle on his belt.
“If they are what you say, then it sounds like you more than earned it.”
Cobb sent him a smirk. “Now there you go again, stroking my ego,” he said. “You know you’re already in my good books right? No need t’ start making me think you like me.”
Mando shifted on the spot, and for a moment Cobb thought he’d gone and made the big bad Mando nervous, but it seemed he’d only taken him by surprise.
“What would you do if I did?”
Now Cobb felt wrongfooted. “If things were different, and we weren’t in the middle of at least two separate cases of problem solving, I’d offer to share a drink or two, get to know you better maybe. Get a screen or somethin’ so you can hide that pretty face o’ yours.”
“Who says it’s pretty?”
“That smile in your voice does,” Cobb replied, giving one of his own.
From the way the Mandalorian held himself Cobb could see that he was finding the conversation amusing, which made it even more frustrating that he had to bring it back around to more serious matters.
“Once this is all over, we can talk more seriously about how I can help with the little guy,” he said, looking down at the child in Mando’s hands as he did. “I’ll jump through whatever hoops you need me to, and if I fail, then I’ll try and help you find another Jedi, deal?”
Mando nodded. “Deal.”
They shook on it, just as the first of the townsfolk started to appear, so once again the discussion was over before it could really begin.
It didn’t take long for everyone in town to make it to the cantina, the kids told to play outside, including the little one, after some of the others begged with their big eyes for long enough. It said a lot that Mando trusted his people with his child already, and he certainly hoped his people wouldn’t disabuse that trust.
Once everyone had settled, he placed himself next to the bar with his new friend, looking out at the crowded room. He gave a whistle, waited for the chatter to calm down, and hooked his thumbs into his belt.
“This here’s a Mandalorian,” he began, nodding in his direction. “You know what that means?”
“We’ve heard the stories,” Taanti called out, and several others murmured their agreement.
“Then you know how good they are at killin’.” There were a few more murmurs, but they faded quickly. “Now this one’s got a problem; I got a suit o’ salvaged armour, and the Mandalorian creed says it’s his to take.” A few more people made noises of concern or disbelief, but he met the eyes of Taanti, Myra and Her’or, who had all realised the significance thanks to their conversation after he’d first appeared with it, looking at Mando with even more curiosity. “But I’ve got a problem too; the krayt dragon’s been peeling off out pack animals, and sometimes, taking our mining haul with it. It's just a matter of time before it grows tired of banthas and goes after a couple of you townsfolk, or even, so help us, the school.”
That got him a bigger reaction, as he’d expected it to. The youth of their community were the most precious things about Mos Pelgo, not the silicax, not the buildings, not the history. The youngest of the children were the first in generations to have been born free, and that safety and freedom was protected by everyone in the town.
“As much as I've grown fond of the armour, I'm even more fond of this town. The Mandalorian is willing to help us slay the leviathan in exchange for returning the armour to its ancestral owners.”
“Well that settles it,” Gribb called, one of their more experiences miners, and a few others nodded. But here’s where things could go sideways.
“There’s more. We can’t take on the krayt dragon alone, and the Sand People are willing to help.”
A few voices rose up then, though fewer than he’d expected. Most everyone here had lost someone to the Tusken Raiders, but it had been many years since the last loss. Grudges could be hard to let go of though, and some would not forget the price those people had cost them.
“They’re monsters!”
“They killed our friends!”
Cobb sighed, but he could see some others try to soothe those old hurts. He wanted to wait a few moments more before continuing, but the Mandalorian had other plans.
“I've seen the size of that thing, it will swallow your entire town when the fancy hits it,” he said as he stepped forwards, taking the attention off of Cobb. Myra sent him a look, and he could tell he would be having an interesting conversation later. “You're lucky Mos Pelgo isn't a sand field already. I know these people. They are brutal, but so is the Dune Sea. They've survived for thousands of years in these sands and they know the krayt dragon better than anyone here. These people keep their word, and we have struck a deal. If we are willing to leave them the carcass and its ichor, they will stand by our side in battle and vow never to raise a blaster against this town until one of you breaks the peace.”
Cobb raised an eyebrow, finding the omission of the other part of the deal curious, but it got his people to calm down enough to listen to him again.
Calling for volunteers to join them on this potentially suicidal battle against a iant sand monster was hard, but ask he did. Perhaps half those gathered agreed to come with them, including Jo, which almost broke his heart. He didn’t want to see anyone dead in the sand, but he’d seen her grow up, and he knew it would hurt more if he lost her.
It didn’t help that her mother pulled him aside just before they left.
“You make sure they come back, Marshal,” Myra said to him. “Alive, if you can.”
Trust her to be the more practical of the two of them. He nodded.
“I’ll do everything I can to keep ‘em safe.”
“I know you will,” she said, then leaned closer with a twinkle in her eye. “Plus I’ve got some teasin’ to catch up on.”
“Don’t think I didn’t see how you looked at Mando when he took over!”
“I wasn’t—!” he began, only to run out of steam when she raised her eyebrow at him. “So what if I was?”
She smirked, victoriously. “I can see why. Looks like he could take out an anooba with barely a sweat!”
Cobb snorted. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he could.”
“Plus that voice of his… hoo! He could talk to me about anythin’ and I wouldn’t tire of listenin’.”
He couldn’t help but hum in agreement. There was definitely something about it that made something inside him feel warm.
“You’d best snap him up before someone else does,” Myra said, nudging him with her elbow, “‘cause if you don’t, someone will. And that someone could be me.”
Cobb shoved her away as she laughed at his misfortune and quickly headed off to join their hunting party, who were all climbing onto the speeder they used to get to and from the mining site. They’d agreed to meet the Sand People out there, as he and Mando had realised that dealing with a beast of that size would have to involve some explosives, which Cobb and the town would be happy to provide considering the cause it was going towards.
There were some heartfelt goodbyes before they left, everyone all too aware of how dangerous this hunt would be, and Cobb waited beside his speeder bike for them to finish.
“Was that your wife?”
He should have been getting used to the way Mando could sneak up on him, and yet still it surprised him when the man slid up next to him, the little Force bonfire of a child held protectively in his arms once again.
“What, Myra?” Cobb asked, then shook his head with a snort. “I think she’d rather kill me than get stuck with me.”
Cobb glanced at him, wondering if it was his own imagination, or if he’d really heard a hint of hope in Mando’s voice. “She says I attract trouble like nobody’s business.”
“Do you?”
“... I might.”
Mando chuckled, and oh Force was that a sound. “That makes two of us,” he said, then glanced down at the little guy’s coo. “Three.”
Cobb smirked. “Sounds like we should steer clear of each other, or somethin’ monumentally dangerous’ll happen.”
“You mean like making a deal with the Sand People to kill a krayt dragon?”
Cobb pretended to consider it for a few moments. “Y’know, now that you mention it, that does sound a bit dangerous, don’t it?”
The two of them broke into quiet laughter together, and Cobb wondered if this was what it felt like to share everything with another being.
(This is becoming one of the longest things I've ever written... love it!)
Chapter 19
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officertariq · 2 years
Who: Closed ! @liraluzamorim​​ When: Monday evening Where: Fenrir Library
There were plenty of whispers going around the library that Tariq was catching only bits and pieces of. He wasn’t actively trying to eavesdrop on them. Not really. But the vigil certainly wasn’t only tears and mourning the dead. For Tariq, that was pretty average par for the course. He’d always had that sort of personality to him, searching for answers rather than wallowing in the sadness of it all. At least if he had an answer, there might be meaning to it all. Or at the very least, some justice for the dead.
At least it was nice to know he wasn’t the only one trying to piece together what was happening in Fenrirswood - though granted, he might be among the only ones whose job it was to do just that. Him and Lira, maybe, whom he’d spotted across the way. Wait, no, that hadn’t really turned out to be her job, had it?
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“So what’s your take on all this?” Tariq asked as he approached the former journalist, an eyebrow hooking upwards. “Sorry, that...that might’ve been insensitive. You - did you know any of them? Merrin - were they...a student of yours?”
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stardustandash · 1 year
For the fic game, 5-7!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
There's a bunch. I think it depends on if I feel like I can do the idea justice or if it feels like the work would be too small or too big. The most recent being an idea for a "mentor Merrin teaching Kata Nightsister magick" fic, but I'm not sure I could do it justice so it's just going to stay in my brain.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
YES! I love going back through archives for fandoms and rereading all the fics I've loved. I usually go back through the J:FO, BBC Merlin, and Linked Universe archives at least once a year. Sometimes I go back and reread a long fic when the last chapter gets posted, just to fully absorb the story with the final chapter.
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
A few. I've had a sw clone rebellion fic/series simmering in the back of my mind, as well as a couple Horizon Zero Dawn things. That being said the Jedi series has me in a chokehold right now so most of my ideas are for that. I've also recently been feeling the urge to pick up The Stars They Glow again (probably because of that Jedi series chokehold).
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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velcoriaexploration · 2 years
Difficult questions # 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 14, 19 & 20 for Merrin
1. Do you think that you’re a good person?
I believe so. Or at least I try to be.
2. Do others like you? Do you want others to like you?
I have had plenty of compatriots over the years. Most have been good to me. And I think anyone wants at least a few folks to like them.
6. Do you think that killing is ever justified?
Yes. Unfortunately, there are some times when ending a life is the only way to save a horrible person from themselves. But I prefer to at least give them a chance to turn from their wicked ways if possible.
7. Have you ever done anything that you feel to be very morally wrong?
I almost fell to evil in my early years as an adult. Young, dumb, and in love with a foul woman who I was too blinded by my affections for to see the errors I was making.
13. What could make you break your own moral code? 
See above. At least younger me would.
14. Have you ever doubted your own beliefs? (Spiritual, philosophical)
Yes. Questioning your beliefs and faith is quite normal even when it’s strong.
19. Could you ever forgive your worst enemy?
Yes. Even if the situation was untenable enough that I had to bring them to justice by the blade or smiting, I still could forgive them.
20. What would you like to achieve before you die?
I’m honestly happy with my current situation. Adventuring and minor battles are for the young. I am a teacher before a warrior now. It’s what I love to do. Doesn’t mean I won’t go on another adventure or into battle against a great foe, but I would be happy enough with things as is.
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klarex · 2 years
Request are CLOSED!
Main masterlist
Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit:
Anyone from Avengers Universe
Five Nights at Freddy's:
Star Wars:
Obi-wan Kenobi
Mandalorian/Din Djarin
Boba Fett
Fennec Shand
Cal Kestis
Poe Dameron
Kylo Ren
Dance Central:
Dr. Flug
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss:
Batman (Justice League)
Flash (Justice League)
Billy Batson
Freddy Freeman
The Sandman/Dream of the endless/Morpheus
Disnay, Pixar and Dreamworks, etc:
Halo Paramount series:
Master Chief/John 117
Czech Republic
Ghost Band:
Sodo/Dewdrop Ghoul
Rain Ghoul
Papa Emeritus IV/Cardinal Copia
I don't write:
Smut, Nsfw, etc.
Husband or wife x reader,
Yandere or tsundere,
Pregnant reader or character,
Cheating and break up,
I only write x reader!
You don't have anyone to text to? Felling down? You can text me!
You guys can also asks me some questions!
Have an awsome day/night!❤😚
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zorallens-writes · 2 years
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Merrin was too young to remember most of what happened when her sisters were massacred. One thing she did recall, as bright as their light, were the sword-like instruments that cut through her people. The very same weapons - that this so-called Nightsister in front of her - had hanging by her belt.
 “You claim that you are not Jedi, yet you wield the same destructive weapon as they.” Through magicks, Merrin conjured an illusion of a lightsaber into her hands, activated its switch and allowed a bright blue to cut through the temple’s shadows.
 Unlike Merrin, Asajj had such vivid recollection of the memory, for she was in the midst of it all. She blamed herself for what happened, for allowing her anger at Dooku be deflected back to these women who have been nothing but kind to her. She carried this burden with her when she had left Dathomir, and even now, as she had returned, the guilt that bore its weight on her shoulders threatened to return.
 “When it comes to lightsabers and raging foolishness, the Jedi aren’t the only experts.”
Asajj’s response was solemn. No more was the fierce pride that colored her voice back in the days. She had come to realize and accept her responsibilities, her past, and moved past them. Th death of the Nightsisters marked the death of her dark history, and she rose from the ashes with newfound wisdom, bravery, and kindness. She was no longer afraid, not even in admitting her own failures.
 “No amount of apologies could ever bring them back, but you deserve it nonetheless. Deserve more, even.” Asajj paused with a sigh. “I am sorry, sister. I am sorry for the darkness I brought upon our people, and for the darkness I left with you in it.”
 Merrin tilted her head toward the other, green wisps of smoke curling on her palms as the lightsaber in her hands vanished. “What? I’m supposed to just forgive you?!” She narrowed her eyes, sparks of flaming fury threatening to escape. It was an anger that Asajj knew all too well.
 Ventress shook her head. “I didn’t come here for forgiveness, nor am I asking you to. Mother Talzin was the one who told me to find my path outside of Dathomir, and it is she who called me back here today.”
 Disbelief and confusion colored Merrin’s face as she took a step back. “Mother? Why would she, after all that you have done?”
Asajj knew the answer from the moment she saw Merrin. With the young woman, she saw the same pain, the same anger that drove her down a cursed path- the path of revenge. There was no justice to be found in vengeance’s bloodied waters, only more hurt and destruction.
 The former Sith assassin began to slowly pace the room, her eyes examining the once great pillars that now befell into ruins. “Tell me, child-”
 “-I am no child.” Merrin fiercely cut her off.
 Asajj scoffed. “No, you are not, sister. You were forced to grow up the moment you lost everything.” She stopped in front of a stone wall, carved with Nightsister’s glyphs, as if they wrote of the story that both women had suffered.
 “You had to learn to survive and to lean on yourself because you had no one else.” As Asajj narrated, Merrin had quietly walked beside her, looking toward the same wall. “We have that in common, sister. The difference is, I’ve walked through the very path you are contemplating to, and look at what those choices caused.”
 For a moment, nothing but silence filled the void between them. Asajj knew her words had stirred Merrin’s thoughts, and hoped they led her toward a better path.
 “You ask me why I’m here,” Asajj broke the silence and turned toward Merrin, who had now faced Asajj with a softer expression. “Mother Talzin wants you to learn from my mistakes. You may have lost everything, but you still have one thing- you. If you go down this path, you will lose yourself.”
 Merrin frowned. “You’re here now. You found yourself again.”
 “Perhaps. But it took me years. I didn’t just lose myself. I ended up inflicting that very pain toward others. Giving into your anger traps you in an endless, vicious cycle, and drags the people around you into its orbit.”
 “Maybe they deserve it.”
 “Did you?”
 The question hung in the air, piercing into Merrin’s heart. She was just a child, too innocent to fully comprehend the war that seeped its way into Dathomir. The further she searched her feelings, the more she realized Asajj’s words rang true.
 “If not revenge, then what?” Merrin looked to Asajj for counsel.
 “Leave this place. Honor the sacrifice of our sisters by allowing yourself to live. You cannot do that if you stay shrouded in the shadows of your past. Don’t let your pain bury you in here too.”
 Asajj gave Merrin some time to ponder, then the latter nodded. “All right. I’ll go. But where?”
 Asajj smiles warmly. “I can take you off-world to a planet of your choice. There are whole worlds waiting out there for you to discover, sister.”
 The prospect of interplanetary travel excited Merrin. As a child, the sight of ships coming and going made her yearn to see the galaxy. That heart for traveling may have hidden itself underneath the rubble that invaders’ destructive ships had brought, but for the first time in so long, she found a glimmer of hope.
 “Merrin,” the younger introduced herself with an outstretched hand, “you may call me Merrin.”
 The other grinned and met the hand with her own, firm shake. “Asajj.”
 As the two women paid respects to their fallen sisters and bid farewell to the temple that was once home, they left Dathomir together, to find a brighter future for them both.
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galacticshq · 2 years
ANONYMOUS ASKED: ideas for ivanna sakhno?
oh, she would be a gorgeous addition to the dash !  here’s some ideas:
canons: eirtaé, juno eclipse, merrin, rachi sitra, brianna, danni quee, maris brood, mira, 
a CLOUD RIDER who watched their beautiful mountain planet crumble to sand due to the empire's resource mining and the syndicates profiting off the citizens in the aftermath. since witnessing their society collapse, they quickly joined the ranks of the cloud riders in the desires to prevent that from ever repeating. they quickly became lost in the ranks of the sisterhood and its pursuit of justice against the empire and crimson dawn.
an AGRICORPS MEMBER of the jedi order during the high republic era. they were not selected to be anyone’s padawan by the age of thirteen, but happy to go to the agricorps, as they were never interested in knighthood. they excelled in agricorps and became an expert at consitor sato. they vastly preferred the hands-on work of revitalizing systems that had been devastated by a natural disaster and enjoyed teaching the younger members of the corps.
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donora-ann · 2 years
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She’s nine months old, my Good Friday girl whom we named after a priest. No picture that I could take or nothing that I could otherwise say could ever do her justice, but I did find this for her at a sample sale just before she was born, perhaps the most beautiful Easter dress ever made.
She idolizes her big brother and her father, and she adores crawling around and trying to grab everything from me, especially while I’m eating or working. Then she laughs, like she already knows that the game of the entire world is spread out before her and she’s going to win it.
Happy nine months out, my beautiful Merrin, and thank you. I love you so.
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justabigassnerd · 4 years
You heard all that?
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Pairing - Cal Kestis x reader
Word count - 1,330
Warnings - mentions of injuries/blood
Summary - you patch up Cal in the aftermath of his battle with Darth Vader and confess your feelings as he’s unconscious 
A/N - wow it’s been a while since I posted a Cal Kestis fic huh? this was an anon request and I hope I do it justice, I haven’t played Fallen Order in a while (although it is still on of my favourite video games ever) anyway this is the last request I have to write and my next fic is an idea of my own (ooh scaryyyy) and as per y’all, please send in requests and enjoy!
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“They’ve been down there for quite some time. Are you sure they’re okay?” You worriedly ask Greez, the captain of the Mantis as he checks his comms again.
“Last I heard Cal was heading up to meet us, he’s got the holocron but Cere…” He says, turning to face you and casting his gaze downwards at the mention of his friend Cere who he believed to be dead. You take in what he said carefully before looking out of the window of the Mantis down to the planet where Cal Kestis was. You had been part of the Mantis crew for a year or so, your experience as a medic helping when the others got hurt in a scrap and they had recently found a young Jedi your age named Cal Kestis and the two of you became friends quickly and you had even caught feelings for him but you tucked them away, determined to not ruin your friendship. While Cal and Cere had gone down to the Empire’s fortress to find a holocron containing information about all the young children with a connection to the Force you felt nerves eating away at your stomach and you couldn’t help but ask Greez to bring the Mantis closer to the planets surface. You knew with the spell Merrin was muttering the Mantis would be invisible to the eyes of the Empire and you wanted to make sure you could pick them up quickly and make your escape. Greez listened to you and flew the Mantis closer to the surface, hovering above the large body of water surrounding the fortress. As you watched out of the window you noticed a familiar head of ginger hair under the water and upon closer inspection you could see Cal swimming with Cere in his arms and he was struggling and needed help. You ran over to the door and pressed the button, opening it.
“What’re you doin’ kid?” Greez yelled worriedly at you.
“I need to help Cal, once I’m out find somewhere to land!” You shout to Greez and immediately dive out of the ship and into the freezing cold water, looping an arm around Cal and Cere and kicking wildly with your legs to get them to the surface, the two of them unconscious. You couldn’t see where the Mantis had been parked until Merrin appeared alongside you in the water, she grabbed Cere while you kept your tight grip on Cal and you felt BD-1 climbing onto your back, beeping furiously about the water.
“Hang on Cal, just a little longer and I’ll help you. Just don’t die on me.” You mutter as you paddle towards the Mantis as you see Merrin walking up the gangway with Cere before you reach the land, BD-1 leaping off your back and darting onto the ship while Merrin re-emerges to help you get Cal on the ship.
“Greez go now!” Merrin calls to the pilot while you move Cal into his room, laying him down on the bed.
“You help Cere, I’ll deal with Cal.” You say, watching as Merrin nods, heading to Cere’s room to deal with her and any injuries she may have sustained while you immediately noticed the blood stain on Cal’s shirt and you lift it up to reveal a large wound, which you assumed to be one from a lightsabre. You grab your med kit from the table in the main space of the ship before returning to Cal’s room. You grab bandages and bacta pads to clean and bind the wound. You work quickly, reassuring BD-1 that Cal will be just fine once he’s patched up. Once you’ve finished bandaging Cal’s injury you sit back in your chair, allowing yourself to sigh in relief knowing Cal is going to be okay now that his wound has been cleaned and patched up. You don’t leave his side, changing his bandage when necessary and just keeping an eye on him. Merrin brought you food and insisted that you rest and that she’d make sure Cal was alright, but you’d just turn her offer down. The second night after you rescued Cere and Cal from the fortress you found yourself talking to Cal’s unconscious form.
“It’s been about a day since Cere woke up so we’re waiting on you to wake up soon so we can look at that holocron you recovered. This is the weirdest thing and I don’t know how to say this, but I need to say it and the fact you’re still unconscious is probably the reason these words are about to come out of my mouth. I like you Cal, more than a friend, from the moment I met you I knew you were special and not just because you’re one of the only surviving Jedi. You’ve always been nice to me and everyone else around you and that’s part of the reason I love you. I could list them but I’d bore you and BD-1, he’s sat here with me too, he misses you and wants you to wake up just as much as I do. I hope you wake up soon. I love you Cal Kestis.” You say before getting up and heading over to Cal’s workbench where you had placed a bunch of medical supplies ready for whenever you need to use them and while your back is turned you hear a familiar voice speak up.
“I love you too y/n.” You flinch at the sound of Cal’s voice, as he hadn’t shown any signs of coming round as you spoke and you just assumed that he just played unconscious while you poured your heart out to him.
“You heard all that?” You ask, turning to face Cal whose eyes were now open as he smiled at you.
“I heard enough.” He replied, going to move but you quickly rush over to stop him, pushing him back down with your hands on his shoulders.
“Take it slow Cal, you’ve been out a couple of days. I’ve cleaned and bandaged your injury but it’s up to you to make sure it heals as well as it can.” You say, not wanting to avoid the discussion of your confessions but to make sure Cal doesn’t injure himself further.
“That’s one of the reasons I love you. You care so much about others.” Cal confesses, smiling as your cheeks redden and you hide your face, your hair falling in front of it.
“Stop it Cal.” You mutter, a smile on your face as you look up at him. Cal lifts a hand and tucks your hair behind your ears and the two of you gaze into each other’s eyes. Before either of you could do anything Greez bursts into the room, making you fall off the bed and Cal burst into laughter.
“You’re awake kid, that’s good news. Anyway, I’ve cooked up some food if you’re hungry. Just thought I’d let ya know.” Greez says before turning around and leaving the room while you get to your feet, rubbing your back where you landed on it. You look over at Cal who’s still laughing before he quietens down.
“You okay?” He asks, watching as you nod and sit on the stool next to his bed.
“Where were we?” You ask, moving closer as Cal sits up slightly to meet you and as your lips touch you instantly run a hand through his hair, and he does the same. When the two of you pull apart you rest your forehead against his as you smile at each other.
“Stay?” Cal asks, looking at you with his gorgeous green eyes as you nod, laying down beside him as he wraps an arm around your waist, and you rest your head on his chest. The two of you didn’t need to share any words after that, your actions alone were enough to display your love and you allowed yourself to sleep next to the young Jedi who owned your heart.
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droidrights · 3 years
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“Malicos. You spare the thought to poison the air with the charlatan's name.
You can't pinpoint the exact moment but you've already made the decision to kill this man. He is a Jedi well and truly fallen from the creed, turned to a way of wrong-doing and harming others. A deceiver and manipulator who begs for the justice of your sword with every attempt he makes to grab at crumbs of power. Pathetic.
A wave of uneasiness passes through you as the connection in your mind is made and cannot be undone. You could be describing yourself.
 You're different. Cal is different. The denial would be crippling if you refused to admit there are similarities but when it comes down to it, Malicos isn't like you. He may not be better or worse but he is different in a way that matters.
“I'll help you.” you blurt without thinking. It's so sudden Merrin barely hears you.
“You'll- you what? How?” She needs clarification.
“Don't you want him dead?” The weighty matter is so simple to you. It's difficult to imagine there was a time you would balk at the idea. There is no doubt in your mind now that the universe would be a better place without Taron Malicos in it.
“More than anything.” Her response is immediate and vehement.
“Then that's what we'll do.” You don't understand why she looks so shocked. Isn't that what friends do?”
image by veron-argentum 
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