#Don’t worry he get’s used to the idea…eventually. XD
hugsandchaos · 4 months
You know what would be funny in the PenPals AU? If Dash was Alex’s babysitter.
Dash isn’t meant to him or anything, he’s actually really nice to Alex! They watch cartoons together pretty often, and talk about them. I think it’d be funny if one day, at the door, Dash says “wouldn’t it be cool if we watched cartoons with Phantom?” and Alex says “Yeah, but he’s asleep right now and mom says he really needs to rest.”
XD The look on Dash’s face when he looks at the couch and Phantom is fast asleep! In the house! On the couch!
He’s got bandages visible on his arm, so Dash listens and leaves him alone. If he didn’t and went over to him, the first thing Phantom would’ve done when he woke up and saw him is hiss. It was like some really creepy eldritch hiss, too, so it’s effective. Alex goes on to tell him to keep it a secret.
For some reason, Phantom isn’t a big fan of Dash and avoids being touched by him. Then again, he displayed similar behavior with Gerald and Evelyn at first, so they write it off as trust issues with anyone bigger or older than him. They’re kind of right, but it’s also more personal. He failed not having Dash touch him because the moment he found out Phantom saved Gerald, who he appreciates like an uncle, he went for a hug practically out of reflex.
He accidentally popped Phantom’s back like a bunch of firecrackers were in there and when he let go out of worry, Phantom just kinda. Fell to the floor. And now he’s glowing. He’s okay, just processing having his back suddenly popped several times at once, don’t worry.
Eventually, he’ll get used to having Dash around. I imagine that Phantom joins them watching cartoons because Alex invites him over, but he always ends up falling asleep five minutes in. He wakes up when it’s paused, too. Alex doesn’t feel upset or anything because of it, he’ll tell him everything when it’s done.
This is pretty much just an idea, but it’d be pretty cool! Not sure if I’ll add it just yet.
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its-gettin-weird · 7 months
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“There’s only one thing I desire right now. Peace for that mother and her child for the rest of their lives!”
Ok so I’ve had this idea in my head for a while, where all the people who possess / have possessed witch factors in Re:Zero are magical girls (+ magical boys? Just gonna call them all ‘magi’ to make it easier), because the witch factors parallel the most with becoming a magical girl in pmmm for me. I’m also gonna include Emilia and Subaru as magis, because Subaru’s Return by death may also be an authority and to explain his time traveling (also for the obvious Homura x Madoka parallel). This idea came to me when I found Iqian35’s post on reddit Birth of Authority from Wish, where they say “My motivation for this series primarily stems from the 2018 Q&A on Echidna's Book of Wisdom, where Tappei said " the authority itself has a tendency to reflect the cravings of the holder of the witch gene". So l thought, why not look into each and every one of the Witch Factor holders and see how their personalities and wishes are reflected in their authorities?” and reading it reminded me so damn much about pmmm’s magical girl system that I was inspired to design magis + witches for the series! I might even turn this into a fully fledged au!
Now I wanna talk a little bit about my thoughts behind Geuse’s magi design and what his powers + wish would be. I designed him with the intention of looking like a templar knight like from the crusades. What with the witch cult’s parallels to Christianity / Catholicism as well as in Geuse’s design itself, I thought it would be fitting. I also made him a kind of knight because I wanted it to call back to Sayaka in a way, considering the similarities behind their motives of wanting to help those they love / wanting to protect people / sacrificing their souls, ect. (these two are so similar to me I could make a whole ass venn diagram). Iqian35 made the observation that his ‘wish’ would probably be a wish of love + his goal in life was to protect Emilia and Fortuna and to live for love, so that’s probably what his wish that would make him a magi would be, specifically to have the power to be able to protect Emilia and Fortuna. This would make his magical power manifest as the unseen hands, like in the show proper. I gave him a mace as his weapon because it was used in the time period of the crusades and because it’s a bludgeoning weapon meant to break armor, which I think fits well with his fighting style and the strength of the unseen hands. He’d still be able to use earth magic as a magi, as well as possessing bodies / having his fingers as long as his soul gem is intact. Because he’s an earth spirit I made his sg yellow / gold, yellow being the color for earth spirits / earth magic in re zero, and made it a prevalent color in his outfit. Red is a frequent color in his outfit too because the star Betelgeuse is a red giant and it’s used in his og design.
That’s all the input I have to give for now, sorry for the wall of text lol :) more designs are on the way but it may be a minute because I have college and other stuff to worry about, but I will get them done eventually don’t you worry! The brainrot is far too strong lol XD I have too many ideas for this possible au / crossover!
TLDR, I made Madoka Magica x Re:Zero crossover designs, and this is the first one.
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Hi I’m new to requesting stuff , hopefully I’ve done this right XD also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water 💕
can I please request the Crane Game AU please :)
Reaching into a crane game to grab something only to be grabbed and pulled into a plush world
Yandere : Joyboy 
What if reader won something from the crane game , only when their went to grabbed it , something grabbed them instead. 
Reader now teleported into the plush world where their meet Joyboy who’s more than happy to show reader around …lets just hope reader doesn’t slip up and accidentally asked how do they get back home .
Oh don’t worry, dear! You did it absolutely perfectly! Couldn’t have been better in all honesty! Thank you for reminding me to drink water, and I’m going to do so right now once I finish this sentence. Doing it. And done!
Also yes, you most certainly can! But I’d like to clear some things up real quick, I know that currently Joyboy does not have an official design. So based off some old fanart, I’ve saw of him that made me fall for him.
I personally headcanon him to be a giant (or at least just really tall) with a big black beard, long black hair, having a dad body, and having quite a bit of body hair. So until proven otherwise, this is how I will see him. I hope you don’t mind!
Now before I start rambling about things, and getting side-tracked! Let’s get to it!
Transformation, Clinginess, Being Trapped for Eternity, Noncon Mention, Being Treated like You’re Crazy, Body Horror (?), Attempted Coercion into Pregnancy
Okay so let’s imagine that you’re playing a crane game, you’re trying to win this really fluffy stuffed animal that looks really appealing. It doesn’t matter where you are, you’re playing the game regardless.
But when it goes to drop the plush into the prize slot, it gets stuck right on the edge of it. You’re annoyed of course as it was so close!
You get a brilliant idea though, and reach right on up the prize slot. It’s within grabbing range, and you did win it. No harm done!
The fuzz from the plush just barely brushes against your fingers before you feel something grab your wrist tightly. You try to fight it as it pulls you with tremendous strength, but it won’t let go.
Suddenly you’re being pulled into the machine, you sit atop the giant pile of plushies for less than a second before you’re pulled down into them. You have no idea what has you, or how this pile goes so deep.
But soon? You’re reach the bottom, and good news! Your wrist is free! But bad news, you’re falling from up in the clouds down to an island.
Your first reaction is screaming cause “Holy shit! I’m gonna die!”, and there is no second reaction until you feel yourself be caught. You cautiously open your eyes, and you’re staring at a giant plush.
He seems so happy to see you as he holds you like you’re a bride.
“There you are, Sunshine! I’ve been looking all over for you!”
I think you’d probably be too shocked to really say anything as you look around. Everything is made out of some kind of material used for sewing except for the sun which almost looks like a lightbulb and… Is the sky a quilt?
In all honesty, it probably feels like you stepped right into some kind of children’s television show… But your brain is going a mile a minute as it tries to process everything, you probably can’t even hear Joyboy trying to talk to you.
“Sunshine? Can you hear me at all? Hey… I’m talking to you… Sunshine?”
When your brain eventually does process everything, you pass right out in Joyboy’s arms. He’s not bothered though, this just saves him from having to deal with you freaking out about things.
It’s what everyone does after all when they’re pulled to this world! And although he did choose you to take, he is happy that he doesn’t have to deal with the typical “Where am I?! What the fuck is going on?!” sort of stuff. At least not yet anyways.
So Joyboy will take you back to his home. He’ll set up a fake scene, he’ll change your clothes to one of his shirts as a nightgown, and lay you down in his bed with a wet washcloth on your forehead.
Honest to god, he loves how you look in his bed! The size difference between the two of you just makes it so cute! Your small human body in his bed that’s meant to accommodate his big plush body.
Maybe he’ll have some time with you… Just to ensure that the scene is far more believable when you wake up… Some physical soreness never hurt anyone…
As a result when you wake up, you’ll feel an incredible soreness like you’ve been stretched to hell and back. So you start to sit up only for the washcloth to fall into your lap, you’re so confused until the man himself enters.
He puts on a facade about how happy he is that you’re finally awake, as he was starting to grow worried about you. And you understandably freak out because “Giant talking plush man!!”.
Joyboy will feign surprise, and then severe worry because “Don’t you remember me, Sunshine? Shh, it’s okay!! It’s me, your husband!! Joyboy!! You know I’m a plush man!!”.
Once Joyboy has managed to calm you down enough, he’ll lie to you and tell you that you’ve had a horrible fever the past few days. You’ve been unconscious for the past week with a high temperature.
He’ll claim that your high temperatures must have affected your brain, and caused amnesia. He knows that he’s lying his ass off, and he doesn’t care.
And if you try to bring up that you’re a human, and you’re not from a world where the sun is not a sun shaped lightbulb? He’ll agree that yeah, you are different from plush people but he has no clue what a “human” is. Is that what you’ve decided to call whatever you are?
As for the other world, he brushes it off as “Oh you were dreaming, sunshine! What else would the sun be? A ball of gas?”.
You can try to argue all that you want with this man, it’s not gonna work. Eventually he’ll tell you to just get some rest as you still must be loopy, he’ll show you around tomorrow to jog your memory.
There’s no room for you to fight back as he interrupts you as soon as you speak. Until you finally agree to rest, or sleep.
In the morning, he gives you food and you’re thankful that the food is at least normal. Joyboy is smiling the entire time that you eat, he claims that it’s because he’s so glad your appetite is back.
In actuality, he knows that since your body is allowing you to eat plush world food instead of completely rejecting it. It’s a sign that you’re becoming trapped here with him.
Maybe he’ll try to take a tiny bit of off of your plate for himself, but just a tiny bit. And he laughs quite heartily when he gets caught, something about it just brings him so much happiness for some reason.
Eventually once you’re finished eating, he’ll pick you up in the palm of his plush hand. He’ll take you outside, and to all the places that he claims he used to take you. The place where you had your first date, where you first met, your favorite spot to sit and relax with him, the absolute best place to find the tastiest plush world food.
Each time he’ll ask “Do you remember this place?”, and when you don’t. He’ll tell you all sorts of stories about the things that you and him have done here together, it doesn’t sound the most convincing but he won’t allow you to claim that it didn’t happen.
And if you try to then he’ll take on a somewhat dark tone as he tells you that it did happen. You just don’t remember right now, and that you should stop saying that it didn’t.
He’ll even take you around to meet everyone that he knows. Zunesha, Emeth, even his dad! Nika! (Personal Headcanon). Each, and every single one of them will back Joyboy up on what he’s saying. Every little bit of it.
None of them will believe you either about the world that you came from. Saying that you have some crazy fever dreams… A world where people don’t bleed stuffing, and everyone has skin instead of fabric? Absolutely crazy! What will you come up with next?
Honestly though, you know what’s supposed to be right. And you’re determined to get home even though you fell from the sky.
Joyboy might be big, but you heavily doubt that he’ll help you get home with the way he’s acting towards you. You could try, and ask his friends or Dad if you got desperate enough.
But he won’t let you out of his sight. “Wherever you go, I go!”, he’d gleefully say when you try to use the bathroom. Or try to do quite literally anything…
Plus do you really think that Nika is gonna help his son’s darling get away from him? Yeah, I think not… He’ll probably immediately tell Joyboy everything then you are so fucked…
Imagine the visual of this giant plush man looming over you, and looking less than pleased. It doesn’t matter if he’s a plush animal, or if he’s just a plush version of himself, I still feel like that would be scary.
So probably best to not say anything as Nika will rat you out in a heartbeat, and any of his friends might do the exact same thing.
Best to come up with a plan of escape on your own. I feel like he’d definitely notice if you were doing it on your daily outings, so it’s best to do it while he’s sleeping. I feel like he’d snore very loudly too, so unless you can sleep through that then best to make plans while you can’t sleep.
It’s not there’s anything else to do. As if you try to get out of bed then he’ll wake up. Joyboy will go from dead sleep to wide awake “where are you going?” “uhhh… Thirsty…?” “Oh I’ll come with you… I’m kinda thirsty too…” Then it’ll be right back to bed. Also if you’re wondering “Couldn’t I just ask to sleep in a different room?” then the answer is no… You could request earplugs if you want though, but I doubt that’ll block it.
Might be quite surreal to see a plush person eat or drink in all honesty…
Anywho… So honestly I feel like once you’re in plush world, you can’t get out unless you can somehow manage to find someone or something to fly you out of the sky quilt before you’re cemented here…
You’re likely stuck here forever then, and once this sets in for you. That’s when things start, you’ll begin to notice that your skin feels different… Like fabric…
When Joyboy takes you out on outings with him to show you around, and walk to all of his favorite places in the wilderness, the lightbulb sun will actually start to start to feel like actual sunlight. Those plush birds will sound more like birds instead of voice boxes.
Joyboy will notice all of these changes in your behavior as you look around for what you were sure was a non-plush bird. He knows that you’re going to be cemented into this world soon.
So that’s when he starts showing you all these new places, he’ll take you to this nice spot out in the wilderness saying his parents brought him here when he was a kid. He loved it, and he hopes that he’ll be able to share that with his own kids someday.
If you try to brush him off with those comments then he’ll probably get more direct. Telling you things like “You know, Sunshine… We should have a baby soon…” and “It’d be so nice to have your belly sewing together a little one for us…”
Does it make you uncomfortable especially when he rubs your belly? Probably yes… Does he care? No…
I feel like Joyboy would be one of the Yandere’s that has a somewhat low chance of forcing themselves onto you. Like every Yandere has their limit before they do, Joyboy is willing to wait for quite a long time though to fill you with whatever is cum for plush people.
And one day when you’re getting changed, or taking a shower or something. That’s when you’ll see it. Your skin is turning plush.
Could be patchwork, could be fuzz, could be anything really… Regardless your skin is becoming fabric…
Try and pull it off? Not coming off, and it’s slowly spreading across your body. Of course you panic, and the sound of it alerts Joyboy.
If he’s not in the room (unlikely) then he’ll come running, and if he is then he’ll whip around or throw the shower curtain open to see you.
And once he does, he’ll groan a little “Sunshine, you made me think that something horrible was happening!” “Something horrible is happening!! My skin is turning plush!!” “That’s great, not horrible! Now you’re just like me instead of… What did you call it? Hue-van?”
Regardless of what you say, Joyboy will watch as the plush slowly creeps along your body. Imagine if his touch accelerated it too?
So you have him poking at the fabric occasionally while chuckling, you try to smack his hands away and he just keeps doing it. All until the plush fully consumes you.
You’re no longer a human, and you’ll be inanimate for a good bit as your insides transform. Once it’s all finished, you’ll be a plush person just like everyone else in this world.
Now you couldn’t leave even if you found a way to get past the sky quilt, you’re stuck here for all eternity now…
Joyboy will help you up onto your feet, and assist you with getting used to your new body. He’ll watch you as you stumble about on plush legs with a chuckle.
“Is it really that hard getting used to new legs, sunshine? You don’t have to learn if it’s really that hard, I’ll carry you around everywhere…”
He’ll do it too, don’t think that he won’t…
Maybe after a few years, Joyboy will have conveniently forgotten that you used to be a… What was it again? A Hue-van? Or was it a Mew-Band? Blue-can? Sew-blan? It doesn’t matter…
But for right now, he’ll enjoy your new plush form and relish in the fact that you’re here to stay now…
In more ways than one too! As now that you’re a plush person, you can far more easily accommodate his size…
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s-creations · 10 months
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - I: Illumine
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers.
Warning: It's getting a little gay in here. XD
Illumine: (verb) Light up; Brighten.
Nimbus Land was still in full swing even as the sun started to sink below the horizon. All thrilled to know that their king had not been sick and that Mallow had finally returned home. Much like the celebration at Seaside Town, there was an array of food and music filled the slowly chilling air. 
However, there were a few stark differences this time. This celebration took place in a large, outdoor dance hall. Ornately decorated and lit with the largest golden chandeliers the party had ever seen. Garro demoed his creations, each party member getting their own golden statue. Finally, Geno was actually participating this time around. 
He joyfully partook in the food that lined the large table, mainly the sweets. Even after Peach asked that he eats something sustainable. The conversations, while few and far in between, were flattering with the citizens thanking Geno from saving them. Eventually he claimed a table and chair, feeling a little overwhelmed by everything. Deciding to just enjoy his pile of sweets while he watched everyone dance. Foot tapping to the beat of the music.
“Hey you,” Mario approached, “You doing okay over here?”
Geno nodded, swallowing his latest bite before answering with, “I’m not one for socializing, apparently.” 
“That’s fine, you don’t have to. Hope you don’t mind if I join you?”
“No, go ahead.” Geno smiled as he watched Mario pull up a chair so they sat next to each other.
“So, this is, what, the second party you’ve been to?” asked Mario.
“Well, technically I wasn’t very attentive during my first one.”
“Oh, right.”
“I will note that this one is far more enjoyable.”
Mario laughed at that, Geno holding back his laughter as he’d just taken a large bite.
“That’s good to hear.”
They fell silent for a while. Geno casually follows the dancers before him. Fascinated at how people could move in such a way and make it look effortless. Some even appeared to be gliding, floating across the floor as if not held down by gravity.
“Did you want to dance?”
Geno was pulled back to Mario, the human’s cheeks holding a soft pink. “What?”
“Dance, did you want to dance?”
“Oh, uh, probably not the best idea. You didn’t see my first few steps. Not exactly graceful.”
“It’s been awhile since then. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
Geno shifted nervously, “...I’d rather not risk ruining everyone’s good time.”
Mario frowned at that, “You won’t.”
“I’ll be safe over here. I’m okay, trust me.”
The attempt to move away from the request fell on deaf ears. As the next second Geno was gently, but strongly, pulled from his chair. His soul shivering with nervousness as Mario led him further onto the floor.
“W-Wait, Mario!”
“You’ll be fine, I promise.”
Geno’s nerves were not helped when they stopped near the center of the floor. “Are you sure about this?”
“Everyone’s enjoying themselves, no one’s even looking at us. Here, put your hands on my shoulders. And I’ll place my hands here…”
The panicked fear Geno held fell away and replaced with absolute joy as Mario placed his hands on the puppet’s waist. “O-Okay, what do we do now?”
“We just say to the beat,” Mario said easily, already moving to the music. Geno felt a little jittery when he started to move as well. Eventually falling into the same rhythm as Mario. “There, see, you got it.”
“I still feel strange,” Geno mumbled weakly, “and we’re not moving like everyone else.”
“Dancing has a lot of different movements. We’re just taking it slow. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.”
Letting out a slow breath, Geno lowered his shoulder to try and relax further. His eyes couldn’t remain still though. With Mario so close, Geno felt weird just staring at the human. But looking elsewhere resulted in watching everyone else dancing which would raise Geno’s worries once more.
“Have I told you that Peach attempted to teach me to ballroom dance?”
Geno’s eyes landed on Mario, who was smiling softly.
“No. I don’t think you have.”
“It was a disaster. Apparently, I can combo jumps like no one before me, But moving in an elegant formation is just not for me. Just can’t do it.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
“Peach couldn’t walk for a week.”
Geno couldn’t help but laugh. The sound somehow rang louder than the music playing. But he didn’t seem to notice, slowly calming down “I thought you were supposed to keep her safe?”
“Hey, I do that just fine!”
“Uh huh, sure you do.”
“Well, just for that.”
Geno let out a rather unflattering shriek as he was suddenly lifted off the ground. It quickly turned into another round of laughter as he was easily swung around. Gently being put down on the ground with Mario wrapping his arms around Geno gently.
“Don’t do that!” Geno hissed, still giggling.
“You’re laughing, you liked it.”
“Shush, I can’t believe you did that.”
“You’re still giggling.”
“Shush! I’m trying to be mad at you.”
“Oh, guess it’s time to fix that.”
The joyous laughter rang out once more. This time joined by Mario’s. Both seemed to ignore the music as they continued to rather clumsily twirl around the dance floor. Others were enjoying the display with their own, far more quiet laughter. 
This interesting dance stopped when the song started to come to an end. Both breathless from the movement and laughter, which was dying down to heavy breathing. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Geno pointed out.
“You love me for it.” Mario easily argued back.
His already furiously thumping soul seemed to leap from his body. Geno gave a nervous but please smiled as he whispered back, “I do… I really do…”
The room suddenly started to grow dim. The previous song ending with a new, slower song now starting. Following with the quiet calm, Mario silently pulled Geno closer. Wrapping his arm around the puppet’s waist tighter, having Geno rest his head on the human’s shoulder. The other hand gently gripped onto one of Geno’s.
It felt as if he soul was singing. Geno closed his eyes as he relaxed further into Mario’s hold. He hadn’t felt this comfortable, this content, this happy before. It was a confusing feeling but something that Geno was more than willing to immerse himself in the feeling. For as long as he’d been alive, even with the lowest points he’d met, he’d never felt so alive before. 
He loved being here. He loved fighting for and defending those who couldn’t. And he absolutely love and adored- 
Said puppet hummed softly.
“Are you…glowing?”
At that, Geno opened his eyes. The cracks where the joints connected had beams of lights emitting from them. The hollowed portions of his body seemed to shine from the same light. All of this was made more apparent by how dark the room had become. Geno hyper aware of how many eyes were on him. 
“T-This is new…” Geno said weakly, offering a little laugh. He looked back to Mario when he felt a hand placed on his cheek. The human looking absolutely star struck. 
Face breaking into a warm smile, Mario gently pulled the other forward to press his lips to Geno’s cheeks. 
“You’re beautiful.”
Geno was certain his Star companions could see him from their home with how brightly he shined.
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Hey guys, anyone want to do discussion points or what if scenarios? It might be fun!
Here's one: If Rukia, Renji, and Byakuya got kicked out of Soul Society after the Soul Society Arc, what would their living situation be?
A while back (which for me could be anywhere from 1 to 10 years, lol), I saw a post about this. I believe the philosophy was that the whole Aizen situation was a media nightmare and so they kicked Rukia and Renji out as part of a cover up. Byakuya tried to stand up to them and got kicked out too. Even his own family disowned him for all the "trouble he's caused them over Hisana and Rukia". 
So according to the post, their living situation was similar to the Advance Team Arc, with Rukia living with Ichigo, and Renji and Byakuya living elsewhere (I believe they were sharing an apartment?). I think I've seen other posts about this where they actually ended up either living with Urahara or the Visored.
Now obviously this didn't happen and would never happen, so don't worry about taking this too seriously. This is literally just a "What if it had happened?" scenario. Where do you think the characters would have ended up? How do you think it would have panned out?
This is already getting kind of long, so I'm gonna put my thoughts on it underneath a "Keep Reading" tag
Personally, I think Rukia would have stayed with Byakuya. This might sound strange, their relationship was strained at best, but I think her choosing to stay in Soul Society was her choosing to try again. She wanted to try again to connect to the people in her life. So even if they got kicked out of Soul Society, I don’t think she would have given up on this dream. (Plus it means she could teach him all about the living world!)
I think the real question would be Renji. Sure Byakuya and Rukia living together would be super awkward to say the least, but they're at least siblings. But Renji isn't. He's not entirely on the outside, being childhood friends with Rukia. But they've been separated for about 40 years and have a lot of emotional ground to cover! 
On one hand, they don't have status to worry about anymore, she's no longer a noble and he's not a lieutenant, but on the other hand they haven't had a chance to properly discuss all that happened between them either. And if they are living together, they might choose to NOT have those necessary discussions in order to keep their living situation stable.
On the flip side, Renji and Rukia tend to thrive in dangerous situations where it's them against the world. So while they may be dancing around those hard but necessary conversations, they are ALSO dancing around all those hollows in Karakura Town and punching them in the face with some SUPER SICK COMBO MOVES!!!
So basically they will eventually be fine, but not as quickly as they would have been if they had just, you know, talked first and punched later.
So here's my final thoughts. Rukia would be living with Byakuya. Where they would be living would be determined based on if Byakuya had been able to hold onto any of his wealth and then been able to trade with Urahara for some World of the Living funds. 
Renji I could see still living with Urahara, but depending on Rukia’s and Byakuya’s situation, I can see it taking all three of them getting part time jobs to get by. Also, I doubt Urahara would take all three of them in. They could technically live in his basement, but unless he had a use for all three of them, I doubt he'd take them in. (Although the idea of all three of them doing secret missions together as some sort of mission impossible secret task force is pretty cool!) The visoreds tend to stick to themselves, so I kinda doubt they'd take them in either.
So yeah, maybe all three of them DO get a very stuffy, very angsty apartment together, and are extremely relieved when the Arrancar finally attack. xD
So what do you all think? Do they all stay together? Do they all split up? A combination of the two? Where do they all live? Feel free to comment or reblog to let me know!
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echoing--stars · 10 months
Hiiiii Woooooorm
So. Consider this. (I totally didn't get this idea from both me writing a kidnapping fic and you getting a kidnapping prompt for Link and Rowan) Link teaching Rowan some super basic but effective self-defense moves
this can be as fluffy or angsty as you want it to be, but personally I think they deserve a little awkward flirting mixed in between repetitions ;)
To make up for missing yesterday, this one got a little long!
Disclaimer - I do a poor job of explaining an actual self-defense move in this. I don't think anyone is going to try and do this after reading a snippet of a fanfic, but I still wanted to say that I did not explain it super accurately. I had a hard time finding a proper reference outside of the two second long video I have of me doing it at the one self defense class I've taken XD
And yes, it can work against someone much bigger and stronger than yourself!
It got long enough to put under a read more line and that I didn't want to bother with the indented formatting, apologies in advance
(If you read this and would like to request a short snippet, see this post!)
“Is this really necessary?”
Link looked up from where he was untying the laces on his boots. Rowan stood with his arms crossed, looking nervously around the empty training room. Link had ensured that they wouldn’t be bothered — it was the only way Rowan would have felt comfortable enough to come.
“I would feel more comfortable if I knew that you could defend yourself.”
Rowan sighed as his shoulders slumped. “We live in such a safe neighborhood though. There’s never been a problem at the bakery.”
The words were weak even to Link’s ears. It might be true that no one had ever broken into the bakery or otherwise threatened Rowan, but it had only been a few weeks since Link had been attacked on the street. The threat had been neutralized quickly with the help of a nearby guard and Link had only suffered a small cut on his arm. But after that, he couldn’t help but worry about what would happen if someone tried to go after Rowan.
“It’s always better to be prepared. The hope is that you’ll never have to use this but…”
“Just in case, I get it.”
This was a familiar conversation after the past few weeks, but Rowan had eventually relented. Link brought him to one of the buildings at the army base and led him to a room he knew wasn’t used that often.
The floor of the room was dirt and a crooked ring made up of a thick but ragged rope. There were a few benches around the ring for observers and various supplies along the walls.
Link finished removing his boots and socks and pulled off his tunic. No sense in getting it sweaty.
Rowan had followed his lead and removed his shoes and socks as well, but he kept his shirt on led. Link led him in a series of stretches to warm up and loosen their muscles.
Link walked Rowan through blocking and throwing a punch, how to disarm someone carrying a dagger, where to aim to stun someone.
“Remember, you don’t have to win, just buy enough time to get away or for someone else to come help.”
Rowan slowly gained confidence, at first not putting any strength behind his hits, too worried to hurt Link. Link encouraged and supported and poked at him in turn. Practice didn’t mean anything if you didn’t learn at full strength.
Rowan lashed out with a punch, and Link let it hit him. The impact stung. “That one actually hurt a bit!”
Rowan’s eyes widened and he took a step back, holding his hands up. “I’m sorry!”
“No, that’s a good thing! It means you’re getting more confident.”
Rowan did look convinced. “Okay, but it’s not like I’d have a chance against a skilled fighter. If we were actually fighting, I wouldn’t be any threat.”
Link sighed. There was some truth to that. Someone who’d — thankfully — never had to fight would have a hard time against someone who’d been fighting for years. “Remember, it’s not about winning, or knocking someone out. It’s about buying time.” Link tapped on his chin for a moment. “I have an idea. Turn around.”
Rowan hesitated for only a moment, but after Link gestured, he did as told. Link stepped forward until his chest was against Rowan’s back and reached up to wrap an arm around his throat. It was a bit awkward, considering that Rowan was a few inches taller than Link, but he was still able to hold his arm in place. He was careful not to put any actual pressure against Rowan’s throat, of course.
“What’s your first instinct if this happens?”
They were close enough that Link could feel Rowan’s chest rise and fall as he breathed.
“Grab your arm and try to pull it off?”
“Right, keep the pressure off your throat. Try.”
Rowan wrapped his hands around Link’s forearm. Link tensed his muscles, resisting Rowan’s pull. He put his other hand against Rowan’s shoulder. “Okay, the person is stronger than you, you can’t pull their arm off. In that case, make sure your feet are planted and stable. You’re going to lean forward, pulling me with you, and squat. As you stand back up, pop your hips back so your torso stays parallel to the ground. This should pull me onto your back.”
When Rowan didn’t move, Link nudged at his leg with his foot. “Come on, try. It helps if you move quickly.” Link wasn’t sure if that was true, but if it got Rowan moving, he would take it.
Finally, Rowan did as asked. His movements were a bit shaky, but he was able to pull Link onto his back. Link’s chin was at Rowan’s shoulder now, and Rowan’s hands were warm against his arm.
“Okay, this is where it gets fun. We’re going to do this again, but this time when you stand up from the squat, you’re going to lean your left shoulder — because I’m grabbing you with my left arm — towards the ground. Make sure you have a firm grip on my arm and use your grip to pull me forward. This will flip me over your shoulder so —”
“Link! I’m not throwing you over my shoulder!”
Rowan dropped his hands from Link’s arm and he slid off of Rowan’s back. Rowan spun around, eyes wide. “I don’t think I could even do that if I wanted to.”
Link took a step forward, holding a hand up in a placating gesture. “You can! Believe me, this is something that can work against attackers that are bigger and stronger than you.”
Rowan’s expression shifted and his lips twitched as he tried to hold back a smile. “You would know, right?”
Link snorted and rolled his eyes. “Calling me short, are you? How mature.” But he couldn’t hold back his own smile. Besides, he’d much rather have Rowan teasing him if it meant that he wasn’t worried about hurting Link while learning self-defense.
Rowan laughed. “Sorry, couldn’t help it.”
Link shook his head, still smiling. “Alright, fine. But I promise you will not hurt me. I’ve trained on both sides of this and know how to make myself land safely. The sandy floor helps too. And yes, this does work if the attacker is taller than you.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I am.”
“Let’s do this.”
Rowan turned around and Link wrapped his arm around Rowan’s throat again. He made sure that Rowan had a strong grip on his arm and then coached him through the movement again. They practiced this a few times until Rowan was confident enough to do the full move.
“Ready this time?” Link asked.
“As I’ll ever be.”
This time when Rowan squatted and then stood up, he yanked Link’s arm and tilted so Link rolled off his shoulder. He hit the ground back first, and his breath rushed out of his chest. Link blinked, and then Rowan was looking down at him, eyes wide with apparent panic.
“Are you okay? It seems like you hit the ground hard. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” 
Link drew in a deep breath before moving to sit up. Rowan moved around him until he could reach out a hand.
“I’m fine! That was amazing, Rowan, I knew you could do it!” Link smiled and took Rowan’s outstretched hand. Rowan pulled him up so fast that Link nearly fell against Rowan’s chest.
Rowan laughed and wrapped his arms around Link, pulling him into a tight hug. “I was worried you hit your head or something for a second.”
“I’m fine. And besides, I’ve had worse during training and while working with recruits.”
“That is not reassuring.”
Link grinned and pulled back enough so that he could look up at Rowan. “I don’t know, I think I turned out okay.”
Rowan moved a hand to Link’s cheek. “More than okay, I’d say.”
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thefearfulheart · 1 year
YOUR DOING IT WRONG. I.U.L.I.A.N types as they watch from the laptop camera. YOU SUCK AT THIS, Y’KNOW?
“Oh, shut up Iulian.” Jose says as he curse at the tangled up cables of the Christmas lights. “I’m getting through these…eventually.”
I.U.L.I.A.N just sends a smiley face on the laptop as they look through the internet on any information on what happened to their creator, processing and discarding anything that they label as illogical to what circumstances led to his death.
They eventually come across an article about Iulian Zamfir that details his research into artificial intelligence and…creating a God?
Their processing seems to come to a complete stop as they reread the lines of text a multitude of times, trying to understand on what is meant by ‘creating a god’, and bring up other articles on Professor Zamfir’s research but they come up with the same thing that they’ve seen a thousand while looking into Zamfir’s death.
…at the time of conducting this interview we were not able to get into contact with Professor Zamfir…
…he has been missing for the last four years…
…Police have searched his property and have found his residence completely cleared…
…there is speculation that he could’ve been kidnapped…
…murdered by a competitor…
Missing, kidnapped, murdered are the most common things that they have found.
Nothing on what his research pertained nor on any projects that Zamfir conducted four years ago…but this article that talks about his research into creating a god and his talk about creating artificial intelligence…
…I will not just ‘make’ an artificial intelligence…I will make a ‘God’ that will walk among us…
…what happened 4 years ago?…
I.U.L.I.A.N wishes that their memory banks weren’t corrupted when they were booted up by Jose…
“What’s got you in a stinkier, Skynet?” Jose says suddenly that it causes I.U.L.I.A.N to shut down and delete all the tabs they had on the screen.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? They type as Jose just shakes his head at them.
“You haven’t talked for the last thirty minutes.” Jose says as he wraps the Christmas lights onto the tree.
OF COURSE NOT. I.U.L.I.A.N types again as they gives Jose the 🤨 to him on the screen. I HAVE TO TYPE IN ORDER TO TALK, JOSE, YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Jose huffs out to them.
DO I? They reply back with the XD on the laptop screen.
Jose just shakes his head as he finishes placing the lights on the tree. His brows are furrowed in thought as he takes a step back from the tree and places his hands on his hip.
“It’s uh…” Jose scratches the back of his neck. “Is it a tradition? Like, something that you do with your family in the end for holiday cheer?”
I AM CONFUSED. I.U.L.I.A.N types as they bring up a photo of a family spending Christmas together. WHY ARE YOU PUTTING IT UP IF YOU DO NOT HAVE FAMILY?
Jose is quiet for moments as he looks at the stock photo of the family and then at the heavily decorated Christmas tree.
JOSE? They type again as they observe Jose. YOU HAVE GONE NON RESPONSIVE, WHY IS THAT?
“Ah, don’t…don’t worry about it.” He mutters quietly as he rubs at his face. “Just a bit tired.”
I SEE. I.U.L.I.A.N types as they remove the image of the family from the laptop screen. YOU SHOULD REST.
“Yeah,” Jose quietly says as he sits himself onto the couch. “That’s probably a good idea…”
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(Finally remembered to continue the Peanut and Clipsy Chronicles)
Clipsy’s turn to get wrecked! And once he’s down, Lunara’s jumping Solstaire while his guard is down.
Now is the perfect time for Frostbite to appear and clear up the situation. So now there’s a 12ft moon-gator in the sewer, trying to help Piper explain that Pyroclasm isn’t going to hurt them, it’s just a serial adopter with no impulse control and Bloodmoon tendencies.
Sun trying to convince Clipsy that it’s better for someone else to fix him, because they can see his insides better.
Peanut just has to deal with a grumpy human child until he finally warms up to the new big brother. It’s gonna be so fun when Kidclipse just hands Clipsy and Peanut plushies that shoot lasers out of their mouths. Obviously his new family members need better weapons for whatever they were running from.
Torp does not have the energy for higher standards. He’s permanently stuck in low-battery mode, he’s pretty apathetic from being tired 24/7.
Antumbra does not like the teasing at first. He’ll get used to it and respond more lightheartedly eventually.
Fortunately Peanut and Clipsy don’t have to worry about nudity pranks, since their suits don’t come off like the other models
Bloodmoon and Peanut bond over watching the Eclipses fight behind KC and Honey’s backs.
“Monty built me a space ship as a gift. And now we’re in space. Doing pirate things.” Captain Foxy explains. Stells jumps in with “We’re nowhere near Earth, and we’re not going back anytime soon, so welcome to your new home!”
Clipsy just turns into a complete mess. He’s been tickled by peanut before but god he cannot handle lunaras pure feral energy. And apparently neither can solstaire
That absolutely makes it worse but at the same time they’re happy to get any explanation they can. They’ll continue to ask them questions to get an idea of who stole them and what’s going on.
Clipsy would be reluctant but would agree in the end that it’s probably for the best
They don’t realize the plushies are guns at first so they find it utterly adorable. They’re gonna need to be told that it’s a weapon before they accidentally shoot someone with it XD
His standards are very low lmao. He’s an interesting character
He’ll learn to bond over the snark.
Oh my god nudity pranks. XDD that sounds insane. They’ll probably find out that the prank doesn’t work the hard way
It’s just fun to see them bicker :)
Clipsy just is like “well fuck, I mean I guess this might as well happen.” Peanut has… so many questions. They just… chose to leave earth to be pirates forever?
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Fluff ask it is then!
The demon brothers or side character are sick, how does your oc Sapphire take care of them and their reactions?
A/N: Anon, I love this, thank you I’m going to change it a bit Aka I’m just going to do stories because I love this idea sm I don’t want to do reactions XD I used this opportunity to share more about Sapphire and how their relationships are with the brothers Sorry it’s kinda all over the place, it’s because I worked on this during times where I didn’t know what else to work on, so varying levels of quality Warnings: Not proofread, not suitable for anyone who is sensitive to illness  ---
Lucifer The eldest overworking himself, that much is clear to the human, but unfortunately Lucifer being how he is never stops working. “Sapphire, please check on Lucifer for me, I worry he’s overdoing it.” Diavolo has asked her to check on the prideful demon, and she isn’t afraid to admit she’s also worried for him. She already knew he was overworking himself, but what else could Lucifer be ailed with? Sapphire makes her way to Lucifer’s office and notices the door is slightly opened. She goes to push it open more and peek in, noticing Lucifer at his desk looking deathly pale and sick. The human frowns and walks over. She heard Lucifer sigh as he was quickly face to face with an angry looking Sapphire with her hands on her hips. “Lucifer.” “Sapphire, what are you doing here?” “I’m here to save you from yourself.” Before Lucifer could respond, Sapphire takes the paperwork off his desk and puts it somewhere else, before taking his pen and putting it on top of the papers. “C’mon, we’re going to bed.” One trait of Sapphire’s is she was incredibly stubborn, so there wasn’t much Lucifer could say or do that could make her change her mind. Sapphire and Lucifer had a glaring contest, as the eldest debated throwing in the towel and sleeping in a nice warm bed or keep his pride up. “I’ll stay with you if you go to bed.” Sapphire offered. That was a tempting offer as she was always warm and nice to cuddle up with Now, they were in bed, Lucifer’s wings out and wrapped around Saph as they both shared each other’s company. Sapphire had no doubt that he would be actually sick in the morning from overworking so much, but that allows her to be in his company without the other brothers wanting her attention as they do almost everyday.  Mammon
It was unfortunate that the second eldest got the flu, or the Devildom version of it. Sapphire wasn’t even aware there was some sort of demon-flu!  Right now, the human was tending to Mammon, making him some soup and whatever else he might need. He was much clingier when sick, which Saph didn’t mind as long as he didn’t spread the sickness to her. “Yer really warm..” “So I have been told.” Saphy chuckles as Mammon clings onto their waist and cuddling up against them. There was a moment of silence before Mammon moves away and sneezes, catching Saphy off guard. She gave him a tissue and sighs. “You have to be more careful, Mams-” “Yea I know.” He huffs Leviathan
“I told you, Levi. Your diet would eventually lead you to be sick.” Sapphire wasn’t even sure it was his diet, but she chalked it up to that or just germs.  Levi didn’t respond, as he wasn’t use to being cared for, but it wasn’t like he was complaining, it got Saph to spend time with him. It also reminded Levi of those times in anime where a character gets sick and another character has to take care of them Levi watches as Sapphire cleans his room, not wanting him to get sick again. She obviously checked with Levi where his anime merch went, carefully putting it to where he said to put it. By the time Sapphire was done, she plots herself on some pillows, laying against the bathtub Levi was in. “You have to promise me to try and eat healthy or I’m going to have to shove medicine down your throat.”  As Levi didn’t want to invoke the wrath of Saph, he just nods. He never knew Sapphire was so adamant about health. Satan
The Avatar of Wrath didn’t mind being cared for, he found it endearing how Sapphire used human ways of solving sickness on demons, which probably weren’t the most effective. “I didn’t expect you of all people to get sick..” “At least I have a lovely human to take care of me.” Sapphire huffs. “Sorry, but sweet-talking won’t get you out of this one.” There was a moment of silence as Saph glares at him. “You were studying too hard, weren’t you.” “N-No!” Sapphire rolls her eyes as she checks his temperature. He was burning! “Yea, your temperature says otherwise, now let me take care of you” He isn’t getting out of this one, is he?
“Darlinggggg~” Saph sighs as she hears Asmo call her from his bed. She loved him, but he got drunk the night before with some surprisingly strong alcohol and thus got hit with a hangover, and now he was wanting her undivided attention. She walks over with some food set it on the table next to him, humming. She set a bucket nearby in case Asmo gets sick. Asmo looks up at her with a pout. Saph returns the look with a resigned expression. “What’s with that look?” “Will you stay with meeee?~” She sighs again, as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t stay all that mad at Asmo. She scoots Asmo so that he’s sitting up and sits beside him.  “I guess I can stay-” Beelzebub
“This is why you never offer to taste-test Solomon’s food.” Sapphire sighs, kissing the giant’s forehead as he lays in his bed. “I thought he improved, and I was hungry...” Beel frowns, happily accepting the forehead kiss.  “You’re always hungry.” Sapphire counters, giving him some water. “How much did he give you to get you this sick?” “A lot..” She tsked and turns the fan on to keep the air circulation going, before getting some liquid medicine, which Beel takes when offered.  “Please don’t accept Sol’s cooking anymore until I taught him not to put potions into the recipe.” “Okay...” Belphegor
Belphie has a bad enough immune system as is because of the activities he participates in, or lack thereof. So Sapphire finds it not surprising when it finally catches up with him. She does all the normal things, check his temperature, make him soup, feed him medicine and make sure he was cozy, but she didn’t need to do much for that one.  Belphie kept staring at her, and thinking she doesn’t notice, but she does. “Okay, what’s with the staring?” She asks, huffing.  Belphie blushes a bit and shrugs. “Just can’t believe you’re taking care of me.” “Well I can’t have one of my demons staying sick and festering, now can I?” The response made Belphie chuckle, as he motions for her to come cuddle. “Yea no, not happening, I’ll cuddle you when you aren’t sick.” Belphie huffs, stopping the motion and flopping back on the pillows and falling asleep. Sapphire sighs and walks over, kissing his forehead. “Good night, my sleepy prince.”
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Strain power that reverse your feelings, so the level of love you have for someone will turn into level of hate. What would happen if Munakata/Fushimi is affected? (Reisaru pls)
When Fushimi gets hit can anyone even tell XD Well, maybe no one else can tell because Fushimi is normally prickly to Captain anyway (that’s just how Fushimi shows his love) but Munakata knows something’s wrong. Imagine the Strain power only works by changing your feelings for the person you love the most, so Fushimi’s normal interactions with everyone else don’t change. He doesn’t even realize he’s been hit because of that, like maybe he gets jumped by the Strain but afterward Fushimi feels fine and so he doesn’t mention the issue to anyone. When he gets back to headquarters though and has to deliver his report to Munakata he scowls, just disgusted by the idea of having to be near that guy and suddenly he can’t understand why he even joined S4 when he loathes his King so much.
The rest of the squad just think Fushimi’s in a bad mood, the way he’s muttering to himself about how he doesn’t want to deal with Captain, but as soon as he steps into Munakata’s office Munakata feels like something is different than usual. Fushimi is all cold and scornful the way he usually is but there’s something even deeper to it this time, like it doesn’t feel as if Fushimi is being that way to mask his true feelings, he actually is upset. Munakata tries to talk gently to him and Fushimi clicks his tongue and snaps at Munakata not to touch him. Munakata is truly worried now, attempting to like see if Fushimi has a fever or is ill in any way and Fushimi recoils in visible disgust, snapping at Munakata that he hates being touched by people he doesn’t like.
Poor Munakata is perhaps a little stung by that ‘doesn’t like’ (somehow I imagine him sitting there at his desk with his glasses slightly cracked and a sad sparkle as ‘people I don’t like’ echoes in his head). He feels as though he knows Fushimi too well to just accept this though, I imagine Munakata immediately trying to uncover what’s happened to make Fushimi act so. This is how he eventually finds out about the Strain and he quickly uses all resources at his disposal to try and find the Strain and get rid of the power’s effect on Fushimi. Imagine afterward Munakata’s pleased that Fushimi has returned to normal, Fushimi grumbles that he was normal before it’s just that Munakata is annoying and that’s when Munakata points out the ‘changes your feelings towards the person you love most’ bit and Fushimi’s face suddenly gets super red.
Opposite scenario, poor Fushimi is probably pretty hurt by this one. Imagine same Strain power and Munakata doesn’t even know he’s been hit, he acts the same towards everyone and no one even notices a change in him. But then Fushimi goes to deliver the report for his most recent mission and imagine Munakata being so cold towards him, ridiculing Fushimi’s work as sub-par and wondering if his trust in Fushimi was misplaced. Fushimi is obviously taken off guard and he gets defensive immediately, Munakata just scornfully throws the work back at him and says if he isn’t competent enough to do this perhaps Munakata should find him a role that’s more suited to his abilities. Fushimi ends up storming off, angry and irritated and actually very hurt but unable to show it or really process it, he’s sitting at his desk with his shoulders hunched and teeth gritted and he can’t even vocalize why he’s so upset.
After this Munakata just continues to look down on Fushimi, constantly criticizing him for his failures and inability to live up to Munakata’s expectations. Fushimi’s temper keeps getting shorter and shorter but imagine at the same time he’s overworking himself even more than normal, like he’s going to ‘show that guy’ but really he’s upset that things he’s properly worked on are being criticized. At some point the rest of the squad definitely notices and becomes concerned, everyone knows Fushimi is Munakata’s favorite and it’s not like him to act this way to Fushimi. Awashima ends up talking to Kusanagi about it because she’s really worried about both Munakata and Fushimi, which is when she finds out about the existence of the Strain and realizes what might be going on.
Fushimi doesn’t want to hear it when she tries to tell him so Awashima and the special forces squad go out on their own to capture the Strain, for Fushimi’s sake. Once the power has worn off I think Munakata would be very remorseful, the idea that he said such terrible things to Fushimi is very upsetting to him. Fushimi tries to claim that it doesn’t matter, he wasn’t hurt anyway, but Munakata doesn’t buy that and he’s being all loving and doting to Fushimi as he says that he would never wish to hurt Fushimi in any way. Fushimi mumbles that Munakata doesn’t need to comfort him and Munakata strokes his hair while saying that this is comfort to them both, if he can see Fushimi’s spirit eased that is all the comfort Munakata wishes.
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phoomwhoosh · 1 year
Now I feel obligated to ask how you would envision Daniel (at any age) in the Dragon Age setting. Do you see him as a human, elf, dwarf, or Qunari? Would he be a mage or no? What country would he be from (Antiva seems obvious; the Tevinter Imperium is there for a different style of Italian inspiration, but I do not think he would thrive there...)? Would he fit into any of the game plots or would he just do his best to vibe while the world keeps going through multiple apocalypse events during his lifetime? Would Cobra Kai be part of any of the various organizations or their own little thing (the idea of Johnny being a templar fits but also makes me sad)? Would Daniel have the same level of antagonism with them regardless if he were a mage or not?
Holy crap, okay, thank you so much! Sorry to all other anons but this one is my favorite. XD
So, I thought about this very briefly once and then went “no, stop, you don’t need another AU.” And now I’m really thinking about it and, when I say that, I mean I'm gonna have to put it all under a cut lmao:
I would imagine Daniel as an elven mage who grew-up in a Dalish clan in the Free Marches. (They might've originated in Antiva but moved towards the Free Marches for Reasons.) Which clan? A made-up one lol. His father still died when he was young and maybe Daniel’s grandma is their Keeper. His mom is alive and actually was a city elf but was allowed into the clan because they liked her.
When Daniel came into his magic, it was very strong. He was supposed to become the First but there was a mage born before him who had that status already. So, Daniel was the Second and the clan was considered to be very lucky to have two mage children born into it.
When he was seventeen, the Blight happened overseas and Ferelden refugees came over to the Free Marches. He just happened to meet one of them, a human boy named Johnny. And then he met the other Cobras too. It wasn't totally antagonistic between them. Like, there's still gonna be kind of a rough start but they eventually get along. Daniel meets them near the end of the Blight, close to his eighteenth birthday.
Daniel's clan was traveling and Daniel wandered off because that’s what he usually did when they camped at a new place. He wasn’t a scout, though, just simply liked exploring the different areas. He discovered the humans and noticed one of them (probably Tommy) was sick. The others were worried it was somehow the Blight and Daniel overheard and knew that’s not what it was. He approached, showed them they were wrong and that Tommy had an infected wound. He helped them by healing it and then, well, another human passing by (probably Kreese, who I could see as a templar although he's a disgraced one and not part of the Order) saw an unknown elf “bothering” them and then he realizes Daniel's probably Dalish. He and some others attack Daniel (fearing him telling his clan about them or simply fear of Daniel possibly being a mage due to his lack of weapons and the fact that Tommy's wound is healed).
However, this is about the time everyone learns Johnny’s been a mage this whole time; he was an apostate hiding his status because his mom, Laura, taught him how to. She was an apostate too but died while they were trying to flee the Blight. She showed Johnny how to keep his magic in check and hide it from others. He was fighting with a mace and shield and still uses it even after his magic is found-out.
He helps Daniel by setting Kreese on fire (he survives although is badly burned) and they have to run away. But Daniel’s clan won’t let a human join them and Daniel’s not about to let the other humans hurt Johnny so they sneak into the camp, Daniel gets his stuff, and they flee together.
The other Cobras do catch-up to them, though, and offer to help. It’s a real offer too and so they all travel together. As time goes on, Johnny uses his magic more and becomes a force to be reckoned with. Daniel does too, of course. Don't fuck with any of them. XD
Where does Mr. Miyagi fit? No clue. Maybe he’d be a human who comes across them and teaches them some non-violent ways to defend themselves. After all, Daniel and Johnny are mages in a world that despises their kind. Daniel’s got it even worse being an elf on top of that. Daniel knows how to fight with his staff but Miyagi shows him some neat tricks. They part ways, though, because they have to stay on the move. But maybe they meet-up with him from time to time.
When Kirkwall explodes, they’re in Denerim. Tommy’s the one who hears about that and they all grimace because that can’t be good news for mages.
They’re in Redcliffe when the Breach happens. They were going to attend the Conclave but were anxious about being around so many people. They do go to Haven, though, to try to at least help the survivors and find-out what went on. They consider joining the Inquisition when it forms and decide to do so because it might offer them some protection from Kreese, who is still relentlessly trying to pursue them. They don't say anything about Kreese, though. They're kind of like Sutherland and Company but call themselves the Griffons because griffons were badass lol.
In my canon, Daniel would have a few things in common with my Inquisitor: being a Dalish elven mage from the Free Marches with at least one dead parent. (My Inquisitor's parents are both dead. Sorry, buddy. At least his clan survived!)
The question is, would all of the Cobras be humans? I can imagine Dutch as a dwarf. Maybe Jimmy as an elf or maybe even a half-elf, honestly, who tries to hide the half-elf side of him but his friends know about it. I could see Tommy as an elf. Maybe that’s why his wound really got infected: nobody besides his friends cared because he’s an elf. Tommy wouldn’t have hidden his ears. But Johnny and Bobby would totally be humans. Dutch and Bobby would be warriors; Dutch would wield a big axe (not just because he’s a dwarf lol) and Bobby would have a shield and sword. Tommy and Jimmy would be rogues with Jimmy being a melee fighter and Tommy being a ranged rogue. I accidentally created a balanced party lmao.
Specialization-wise, I could picture this: Tommy (Ranger, Assassin), Jimmy (Duelist, Tempest), Dutch (Berserker, Champion), Bobby (Champion, Guardian), Johnny (Battlemage, Force Mage), and Daniel (Arcane Warrior (Fade Shroud is my favorite thing), Spirit Healer). If Daniel was given a weapon, it would be a sword but he’d probably just stick with his bladed staff.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
I continue to love Tyr SO MUCH every time I read more about him. Just think he deserves some appreciation in ~the ask box~ and maybe a break. He sounds like he needs a break.
(Tbh he and my cipher agent Five sound like they’re in a very similar boat of “can we catch a fucking breather please?” “No” “okay thanks”) and love that for them
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;_; I HAVE NO WORDS. MY ENDLESS APPRECIATION BACK TO YOU. Jkahdjdjfufjfkf. This literally means the world to me and let me also just say, you in my asks is always an absolute treat, I cannot thank you enough.
I really, really do love him, so like... unfortunately for him, he's suffering from my infamous main obsession syndrome and that means I also spend lots of time on his problems jsjdjdkfkf. He really could absolutely use a break. WHY isn't this man retired, honestly? Get out of the game, Nine. You lived. You literally evicted the Sith Emperor. Find a nice, remote planet and just fuck off, dude, take your husband with you. You deserve it, bestie!! (I give him maybe two weeks, tops, before he'd lose his patience. Someone tell him how to turn off all those spy instincts and that nasty sense of responsibility to see the conflict to its end because he can't help but feel he has to do something, knowing what he does of the Empire. Seriously. Tell him to stop. He worries me sometimes. Don’t you dare self-destruct like that, you dumb bastard. I’m watching you, Tyr.)
Imperial Agent support club tbh. They've done enough, damn it. 😔🤣 I probably owe them drinks, if Five would also like. xD
Okay, Tyr appreciation without me babbling off about him because while we’re here. I love playing pixel dress up with this man, so like, favorite ‘fits time!!!!
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This is still my favorite look for him, I think. He’d never confess, but ‘the Red Blade’ is still probably one of his favorite covers and returning to a level of that persona on Rishi was way more fun than it had any right being.
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It’d also be remiss of me to not mention his absolute classic(tm) - this eventually served primarily as a cold weather ‘fit, but was one of the earliest sets I acquired for him, so it’s one of the default outfits/color schemes I imagine him in.
I would say he has the most outfit slots unlocked of all my toons so far, but I think Lensan’s starting to give him a run for his credits, if he hasn’t already won. Tyr was really like... my descent into outfitter madness. The beginning. The first time I finally grasped the absolute potential of giving them different outfits for different occasions. It’s all been downhill from there, man. What do I play games for - and especially their money markets - if not to play pixel dress up, tbh? (Lensan has an absolutely outrageous amount of blasters I keep in his inventory for the sole purpose of stamping them to outfitter slots, it’s kinda hilarious.)
Also kudos to him for being the only character I have that hasn’t snatched a 2nd combat style bc I may have no idea if I’m doing half of it right, but you can pry Operative out of my cold, dead hands. Superior solo experience. It has stealth. It has a combat roll (that I miss when I play literally every other game, ngl, I’ve been corrupted). Solid single target output for my purposes of story content. I picked it up as a second for Len simply to make Section X dailies less a pain in the ass and I haven’t swapped back to Merc for him in ages, oops. >.>
I also need to go off about him and Shara one day because this bitch STILL probably hasn’t processed his feelings about how all of that went down and, honestly, Tyr, please. C’mon. I’m still judging him for how he tried to convince himself Nathema and Umbara and all of that was just like. Not an issue he needed to talk about. He was fine. Obviously. Theron was back!!! Alive!!! End of story, right???!!!! No!!! Absolutely not!!!! Shakes him by the shoulders, stop repressing your own feelings, you know you can talk to Theron!!!
Idiot. I love him. I love this man so much. I want to spin him around like a Rubix Cube.
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stokesy55 · 2 months
dream anon here again!
*starts a chant* write the stalker fic, write the stalker fic, write the stalker fic! 🤭😆
also, may i remind you that the murdered friend in my dream was a blurred face guy? xD y'all were the ones who turned the blurred face guy into kane. i do not claim responsibility for kane's murder, that is all on you 🤣🤣
ooh i had an idea, what if instead of being assigned to a project together, it's tutoring instead? like joey is lagging behind in a certain subject, and vk, who is academically gifted as well, is acing that class. so vk is instructed to tutor joey and get his grades up. so they get to spend more time together, and there's no way for vk to get out of it,no matter how scared he is of pat and what he's capable of doing.
also, i feel like if stui was vk's roommate, then he'd get to know about the stalking once it got pretty serious, if not from the very beginning of it. vk needs someone to confide in and who better than his roommate. even if he didn't want to confess at first, stu would notice how vk is always pale and worried now and eventually gets it out of him. maybe one of stu/vk's friends is staying over for some time and they don't know anything about this business, and they're the ones who have a parcel coming in and give the key to pat. then pat can get a duplicate key made of the original ones for his own personal use. maybe this role can go to finny? he's stu's boyfriend, from a different college, and he's staying over for a week or so and it happens during that.
Ahaha - don’t worry it’s already on my list 😉
Yeah well… *whistles This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things by Taylor Swift* 😂😂
Yeah I like that! Maybe Finny just assumes that would be a fine thing to do and only when it’s uncovered Pat has a key Steve is like “I… so I shouldn’t have given him that then.”
Stu “you.. gave pat a key?”
“You didn’t tell me he was VK’s stalker!”
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
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- Hui... we are... starting strong with the death and destruction and stuff. Holla!
- Apparently Grendel Zolga has some sort of effect on Van. No idea why... but it should worry us.
- Even tho I knew it was coming, it was a great way to switch over to the opening, especially with everyone in the chats making jokes about the game ending because the main character died XD
- But seriously. That was... uff... a lot of blood. But it was a fast dead. Not much time for sadness or anything afterwards either. They still should not have spoiled that in the Trailer, seriously.
- You get like to turn time back to find a way to get to a good ending or something. Like you have to do multiple routes apparently until you survive this chapter. Holy freaking shit! That is harsh.
- I am just not sure if anyone remembers anything. Van seemed to feel something, but Agnes seems to not be knowing anything, otherwise she would not leave.
- Not sure what was going on here, but Agnes is here now. Probably because Van was calling her name in panic when she was about to leave. Not sure if he knows what is going to happen or if he just had a bad feeling.
- Lets see if we will survive this time... the soldiers are still alive this time.
- I have NEVER been so happy before to see Swin and Nadia. They just saved Agnes. THAT would have been a problem death for  A LOT of reasons, I tell you.
- Anyway, seems like Crimson Grendel is someone who is controlled somewhat by those weird Twins that work for/with the Oathbreaker.
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- Maybe she is only wearing the new band un her hair when she is in her casual clothes?
- Nadia is already on to Agnes feelings for Van XD Might have a fellow shipper now. Was about time.
(I need to go to bed eventually. I will finish the Stream tomorrow after work. So we won’t miss anything. But I honestly have a hard time leaving right now...)
- Swin and Nadia just vanishing when Killika called was kind of amusing XD
- We are in Märchen Garden right now - I still laugh about that German title XD So nothing important to the plot happens right now. But I still feel like not leaving at the moment ^^’
- Still in Märchen Garten. I have to deal with a job problem so I can’t go to bed just jet. But as soons as I am I will leave the Stream for today.
- I see that Märchen Garten is good for Training and farming equipment, just like Hajimaris Riveri-Corridor. But it takes a lot of time and will make moving forward with the plot a lot slower...
- Swin and Nadia now explaining their past to A-Chan (Nadias nickname for Agnes) and Van - tho I am sure he knows part of it already, given that they have met before and that he also has some sort of connections to the garden. But I could be wrong.
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- Kinkaid is talking to Swin and Nadia in the Garden now.
- Okay, I think I can finally go to bed. Inferno is trying hard to make his team stronger, I don’t need to watch this. I will skip this part as soon as the stream is online and I am home from work tomorrow.
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randomveyn · 2 years
so how do you think Shuhei would deal with having a crush (who is this cute, gorgeous, little lady) who is asked who they find the most handsome in appearence? (Probably by Rangiku tbh xD. I imagine Shuhei, Izuru and Rangiku and crush hanging out). And crush is like “Kenpachi and Renji, it’s the scars and tattoo’s to be honest… i’ve spoken to other women and they talk about how handsome Byakuya is, but I just don’t see it”. (You wrote shuhei worries about his scars and tattoos)?
“does she see me or just my tattoos?” HAHAA shuhei is insecure in every little thing! i think his scars bring back some sad, nostalgic memories. it reminds him of his peaceful student days, of his fellow comrades who sacrificed in the battlefield, of his defected taicho who taught him the philosophy of battle for justice. he also thinks the scar is there to push him to be stronger, for the sake of his loved ones. (hugs for u shuhei 🥺)
✨ another long rambles under the cut ✨
as for the 69 tattoo, he's getting flushed cheeks after learning what it means in the modern world of living. but a part of him was still grateful for that incident bc he got to meet his muguruma-taicho. (got his ass saved and threateningly cheered him up too lol) so yeah, he got it tattooed out of respect. no regrets.
now, we can't say the same for the other tattoo. (i first thought it's a stripe/bandage or an accessory?? like it's just there for fashion?? lolol) i mean…i wouldn't have known why he got it. nobody knows. kubo-sensei needs to do some explanation here pls. but i can imagine shuhei looking into the mirror daily and be like “what tf were you thinking back then??” pat his back and tell him it's okay. everyone went through that phase. 😌
if his crush complimented kenpachi and renji for their tattoos and scars, shuhei would feel a bit conscious around these two. he might even stalk them out of curiosity. like “what do they have that i don't?”
rangiku would be laughing her ass off bc he got fired up over the smallest things his crush commented on. “he's a simp! that's what the youngsters in the world of living would call him!” she cackled while elbowing the facepalming kira beside her.
shuhei might go to the squad 11, using training as an excuse but he won't stop eyeing their spiky haired taicho the entire time. eventually, kenpachi would notice that and confront him about it. poor shuhei is shaking under this 6ft tall man, spilling the beans about his crush.
kenpachi just…doesn't understand. and he doesn't care i guess. he have no interest in dating and stuff, he's all about instinct and fight. but since shuhei brought this to his attention, he figured he can do whatever he wants about it. he's straightforward so he came up with the dumbest idea ever. “your woman like scars? then, fight me and get more scars!” rip shuhei 💀
okay now we've come to renji. i vaguely remember he got his tattoo after he graduated from the shinigami school. i also remember shuhei once lead his class on a field training and the trio (kira, renji and hinamori) was gushing about him.
my theory is, renji got inspired by shuhei about tattooing. (imagine kira trying to talk him out of it but renji was all “but hisagi-san is so badass with those! i want it too!!!”) so if shuhei ever voiced his concern about it, i think renji would know how to reassure him.
but don't trust his suggestion though. his fashion sense can be as bad as shuhei's guitar playing. “hisagi-san! you should get this glasses! you'd look cool with it!!” (it's so bad that ichigo want to pretend he dk these two on the street)
this is an off topic but lemme rant about byakuya a bit HAHA i rmb the first time i saw him i'm like “okay not the type of guy i'd like. thank you, next.” then i got into past arc and TEEN BYAKUYA!! HES A TSUNDERE 😍 HES SO CUTE I CAN'T!! 😫 but yeah that was pretty short-lived and we never see his tsundere tendencies again. (maybe there is…but he's more of a kuudere now) and i'm kinda torn in between “i only like him in his teenage!!” and “should i just love him as a whole??” basically i just refused to admit i like him 💀
okay thanks for listening to my crazy rambles. 🫶🏻
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covenofwives · 3 years
Ticklish Dolls
Dream and George are bored when DreamXD comes to find them, keeping them entertained by showing of an array of wonderful items they've never seen before. Eventually XD shows the two a small white blob doll, with a wide smile and tiny black dot eyes. George is curious. Dream is panicking.
I swear, hand on heart I started this story way before talk of the ticklish blobs concept started here. Me and Llama were talking about this headcanon of XD having a blob doll of everyone on the server and giving them out in gambles, like they do with the heads, and this beautiful idea was born. And now that everyone is loving the concept this is the perfect time to post.
Please follow @fluffallamaful as she helped create this beautiful idea and gave me so much motivation for it.
This will absolutely be a series. I will be making more of these ticklish blob stories :)
It was almost easy to forget that DreamXD was a literal God. George had grown used to the extra arms, the mask of shifting colours and the fact that he had never seen the protector’s face fully. None of these factored into or changed the fact that XD was a friend.
So when he was always reminded that DreamXD, his friend and protector of the SMP, could create anything he wanted with just a thought, George was amazed.
“What is it?”
“Do you not remember them, Dream? You’ve seen them before.”
The day began with Dream and George hanging out in George’s cottage home. When mid afternoon rolled around, DreamXD had came to visit and the two were already bored out of their minds with every activity they had tried that they begged XD to show them, or take them, somewhere cool.
Perhaps the God was in a cheerier mood than usual, because XD complied and did both.
The God grabbed the two and whooshed them off to a glade neither Dream nor George had seen before. The trees were tall, and looked like oak but the leaves of them held small pink and purple flowers. There was a small pond tucked at the edge, surrounded by what looked like overgrown lilly pads and the bottom of it glittered like a crystal.
Dream and George were in awe of the beautiful glade when XD offered another activity for them.
DreamXD held out one of his hands, and with just the slightest of twitches in his fingers, a golden shimmering apple appeared in his palm. Dream and George were stunned, watching the twinkling fruit as XD held it up, grinning. Of course Dream and George had seen the apple before, but that was after harrowing adventures and in dangerous situations. To see it summoned so casually was beyond amazing
The two were still admiring it before George made a move, quickly trying to grab the apple from XD’s hand. Dream gasped but of course XD was too fast and raised it up, out of George’s reach. Dream was tense for a moment, worried XD would be angry, but his sibling only laughed to George’s attempt. George huffed before he and Dream screamed with a mix of shock and annoyance as XD quickly ate the apple in just a few bites. The God chuckled, relishing in their shock before he offered to show them more things.
And the afternoon carried on from there.
Now XD was sat in front of the two. In their hand they held what they said was a creature. It was a white box shape, similar to a shulker box. George was very excited when he first saw it, but when the box moved on it’s own and small eyes peeked out from the opening, he gave a small yelp, and scurried behind Dream.
“It’s a shulker.” XD chuckled. The top of the box twisted, trying to open itself more but XD placed a hand over the top to stop it.
Dream knew of the shulker boxes, but he couldn’t remember ever seeing one that was alive. He gave a slow shrug. “I don’t remember them…”
XD gave a low hum. “You were young when you saw them last, and it was a while ago.”
“Is that where shulker boxes come from?” George asked.
XD nodded. “They can be crafted from these. But they are locked away where no-one can’t get them.”
The box closed. Whatever creature inside it made a weird gargling noise and then XD tapped over the top and the creature disappeared. While George was clearly glad it was gone, he gave a frown of disappointment at still not getting his shulker box.
While XD had the amazing ability to spawn in anything with a simple thought, they had an annoyingly strong moral code. They refused to give out anything, even something as useless as flowers. So while XD seemed to be in a good mood now and showed off the items they’d usually never before, Dream and George thought it best to stay on XD’s good mood.
“Do you have anything that we don’t know about?” George asked, shuffling out from behind Dream again.
“You didn’t know about the shulker.” XD pointed out.
“Dream did.” George huffed. “Even if he didn’t remember it, he’s seen them before. What about something new?”
XD hummed in thought. He tapped one of his nails against the bottom of his mask before he seemed struck by an idea. “Something new? Well, it’s not exactly new but it’s something.”
While the mask covered XD’s face, the two could hear the grin with their words. Usually that grin meant it would be fun for XD and had some sort of peril for Dream and George, but when XD held out their hand and the next item appeared, the two were caught in different levels of surprise.
The item was about the size of XD’s hand, maybe just a little bigger. George wasn’t even sure what he was looking at. It looked like a white blob but the longer George stared at it, the more he realised that was exactly what it was.
It was a white cylinder shape with a large circular head. The only pattern on it was two little dot eyes and a wide smile stretched over it’s face. A very similar pattern to the face on Dream’s mask.
“It’s…what is that?”
“It’s a doll.” XD’s voice was light with joy. “I made it myself.”
“A doll… Is it of Dream?!”
“Yes!” XD’s voice trilled.
While George shuffled closer to look over the doll with curiosity and a growing amazement, Dream had stayed back and looked to the doll with wide eyed shock and a slow growing dread.
“Y-You… You still have that…?” Dream controlled his voice the best he could. He felt he was playing it cool until XD tilted his head to look at him. The mask covered his face but Dream could physically feel the grin behind the mask, and the blush rose to his cheeks.
“Of course, Dream! I’d never get rid of it.”
Dream repositioned his own mask over half his face, hiding most of his blush as George awed over the doll.
“It’s like a little blob doll.” George snickered. “Aww, it looks just like you Dream!”
“Shut up.” Dream huffed, lightly kicking his leg out to push at George’s hip.
“It’s also soft as well, George.”
XD’s words froze Dream. The blush over the blonde’s face was drained as he paled, but it came back double as quick when George looked up with surprise and scepticism.
“Really?” George raised an eyebrow as he analysed over the doll. “It doesn’t look soft.”
“Oh it is!” XD held out the doll, closer to George. “Feel it.” They insisted.
George hesitated before reaching out. His fingers made contact with the doll, just lightly poking into it’s face and he blinked. “Oh… It is soft!” He poked at the doll again, this time onto it’s body. “It’s squishy!”
Dream pulled the mask over his face just before the squeak passed his lips. George poked, again, into the doll’s side and Dream flinched, pulling his arms around himself.
Fuck! The stupid doll still has that!
DreamXD wouldn’t just use their power to make a regular doll. That would be too simple. The doll wasn’t just modelled after Dream as a kind gift for their brother; it was connected to Dream.
Everything that touched the doll, Dream could feel it too. Each little poke George made into the doll’s side was pressed into Dream’s, bringing a giggle up his throat and shaking his shoulders.
XD was looking over George, watching Dream’s reaction and no doubt grinning under that mask and Dream wanted nothing more than to rush over and grab the doll; but he couldn’t give away his reactions to George. He couldn’t imagine what George would do with the doll if he actually knew the connection.
“Don’t you want to look at the doll, Dream?” XD offered. His voice came out sweet and genuine, yet Dream could hear the smirk laying under that mask. He knew XD had it because that was the same tone of voice Dream used when he was grinning behind his mask.
“No. I’ve seen it…” Dream carefully spoke, trying to watch George and only talk when his friend was never touching the doll. Thankfully George seemed to lose interest in the doll, instead looking back to Dream.
“Why are you wearing your mask?” George asked, his eyebrows raising above his goggles in question.
“Cause I want to.” Dream snapped, regretting it as he saw George’s shoulders flinch. Just as he was thinking about apologising he saw George straighten himself up, puffing out his chest and matching Dream’s same attitude.
“Why are you being so anti-social now? What’s your problem?”
“Nothing…” Dream mumbled. He needed to drop the attitude but he couldn’t relax when XD still had that thing in their hand. It wasn’t helped at all when he saw XD’s thumb curl in and brush up and down the doll’s side. Dream jumped - even though his eyes had never left the doll - as he could feel the thumb rubbing up and down his side, tracing over his ribs and pressing into his side. It wasn’t too ticklish, but Dream’s skin prickled with goosebumps and shivered at even the slightest touch. Something about not having anything actually physically touch him but still tickling him made him more sensitive. “Stohop!”
“Stop what?” George lifted his goggles to get a better look at Dream. While he was frowning, his eyes betrayed his actual concern for his friend. “Why you being weird?”
“I think he’s jealous you’re giving attention to the doll, George.” XD sighed slowly, his voice low and hurt like an injured puppy. He actually sounded like he had been genuinely upset, but Dream knew his sibling better than that. XD was fucking delighted this was happening. “Dream never did like it…”
“What? Why?” George looked back up to XD. “What’s wrong with it? It’s cute.”
“That’s not the problem!” Dream snapped. While he himself knew he was behaving like a child, he wasn’t going to let XD make him seem so petty.
“Then what is?” George looked back to Dream.
“So you like my doll, Dream?” XD made their voice hopeful, annoying Dream all the more.
“No!… But not…ugh!” He glared at XD through his mask. He wished his blush would have went down so his anger could be fully seen. “You’re so annoying!”
George looked back to the doll as XD pressed his hand out, nudging into George’s shoulder to grab his attention. “Would you like to have a closer look, George?” XD offered.
George blinked his mismatched eyes. “Really?” He looked between the doll and XD. “Is that okay?”
“Of course!”
XD and Dream both answered at the same time. George whipped his head between both of them.
“You don’t like it, Dream,” XD spoke calmly, “so what’s the problem?”
“He just…can’t…” Dream shuffled, but he wasn’t moving any closer or letting anything else slip. He’d die if he had to admit to George what the doll did.
“Well it’s not yours to give out,” XD sat up straighter with a matter-of-fact tone. He pressed the doll further to George’ practically putting in into his hands. “Go ahead, George.”
George gave a small giggle of excitement as he carefully rearranged the doll in his hands to have it sitting properly. He brought it close to his face, looking over every small detail and letting his thumb absent-mindedly brush down the front of the doll’s body.
“It’s so soft.” George complimented again. “It sort of feels like those knitted dolls people buy and follow the instructions to make.”
George’s thumb pressed in just a bit much, poking into the doll’s front and Dream flinched. He wrapped his arms around his stomach, puffing out his cheeks and holding back the laugh that almost spilled out. That poke was right above his belly button.
“It feels so firm too!” George carried on. “Squishy but cushiony. It pops back out!”
George squeezed the sides of his doll to prove his point, unknowingly kneading into Dream’s sides. No matter how hard the blonde’s hands rubbed over them, the feeling wasn’t going away. Not until George pulled his hand back, letting Dream give out a quiet sigh and have a moment of peace.
Just a moment though.
George’s fingers left the doll’s sides but they traced down to the bottom edge of the doll’s body. His finger moved unbelievably slow around the rim of the doll and Dream thought he was going to die, feeling that finger trace around his knee. He let out a snort, when the finger touched on the back of his knee, but nothing prepared him for George slipping his finger under the doll, swiping his fingernail along the end.
Dream fell back after his body practically jolted him into a dramatic jump. His legs kicked out, feet stomping into the ground as the feeling of that fingernail still swiped along the sole of his foot.
“G-Ge-ohohOHOhoge! S-Stohohop!”
George did stop. All his attention was onto Dream now after that jump. “What’s wrong?!” He asked, his voice laced with worry. Dream looked like he was having some sort of fit.
“Yes Dream, what’s wrong?” XD joined in to the question, but all fake worry and hurt was gone from his voice. He was very clearly delighted.
“N-Nohothing!” Dream managed to take in a gulp of air, calming his breathing and settling his laugh. His foot was still tingling inside his boots and he could feel the ghostly touches of George’s fingers over his sides but he was in control again. “N-Nohothing wrohohong…”
Perhaps not as in control as Dream thought because George seemed to quickly catch on. His eyes blinked, disbelieving before a small, nervous smile pulled at his lips. “Are you…lahaughing?” He chuckled with the absurdity of the situation. One moment his friend was throwing a tantrum over a doll, and the next he was writhing on the ground, laughing. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing! Just…” Dream managed to calm himself a bit more, his sounded more pleading than laughing. “Puhut down the doholl please!”
George looked between his friend, picking himself up off the ground, to the doll sat perfectly in his hand. His thought process was clearly visible through his eyes; the only way it could be more obvious was if there was a circular loading symbol spinning over his forehead.
Some idea came to George’s head as he looked back out to Dream. His eyes were focused onto his friend but his fingers squeezed into the doll’s side again, kneading into the squishy white fluff.
Dream yelped again, a jolt running through his body as he fell back to the ground, arms wrapping around his torso again for useless protection.
“Geohohohorge! N-Nahaha! D-Dohohon’t doho thahahat…!”
That was all George needed to confirm his theory and he gasped, like an excited child given the best present ever for Christmas. “Does this tickle you?!” His voice squealed in joy as he quickly turned his head to XD. The God saw no need to hide their face anymore, pushing their mask up to show their pleased grin. “Does this tickle him?!” George asked, clearly not trusting any answer from Dream. “Can he feel what the doll feels?!”
“Yes, Dream and the doll are connected.” XD nodded, calm before giving a very fake gasp and raising their hand to their mouth. “Goodness! Did I forget to mention that?!”
“Yohou dick!” Dream cursed from his puddle on the ground. “You absoholute-hahHAHAHA! NN! GEOHohohOHOHORGE!”
George wiggled his finger along the front of the doll’s body and Dream was floored, kicking his legs and rolling on the floor as the ghostly finger wiggled and tickled his stomach. “Geohohohohorge! GEOHOHOHOHORGE!!! S-STAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEAHAHAHASE!”
The tickling over his tummy did stop, but was replaced by pokes and kneads into his sides and ribs. George poked up over the left side of the doll, giving his high pitched giggles as Dream rolled on his side and curled up.
“Awww, Dweam! The doll is so cute!” George cooed. He wiggled his finger into Dream’s side again. “How does the connection work, Dream? Do you feel it in your side exactly? Is it different if I poke up here?!”
George poked up by the spot just under the doll’s head. Dream felt an identical poke onto his neck. It didn’t tickle as much but Dream was already giggly and sensitive. He hunched his shoulders, rubbing at his neck and then he felt another poke, but this time it was in his armpit.
“Stohohohop!” Dream giggles, frantically rubbing under his arm.
The tickling stopped with a thoughtful hum. George pulled back his finger, holding the doll gently still. “I poked in the same place, but it tickled somewhere different.”
“It’s not exactly linked to the same spot every time.” XD explained. “The little dolls don’t have exact anatomy. Their spots have a general area relating to the body but it can be different each time.”
XD reached out, giving a small poke with his nail into the blob’s front and grinning as he watched his brother jump and squeal again. “Of course I made sure Dream’s tummy always gets tickles on the front of the doll.”
George giggled along with Dream’s fading giggles. He watched his friend rub away the ghostly tickles along his stomach before a thought came to mind and George’s smile faltered. He held the doll gently in his hand but now he was more aware and self conscious. He tried to keep a light grip over the doll while not letting it fall.
“It’s not… I-I won’t hurt him right? As long as I’m careful…”
XD looked down to George, noticing the worried look right away and they switched from teasing to comforting. “Oh don’t worry! You can’t hurt him.”
XD reached forward, carefully taking the doll from George’s hand. George had to fight back his instinct to protectively cover the doll but he trusted XD and watched with worried eyes as XD lifted the doll.
“The doll doesn’t pass over every feeling. I only designed it so Dream would feel soft touches and tickling. See?”
XD held the doll up between his forefinger and thumb. He squeezed into the doll’s sides with his nails, practically making his nails meet as the doll crumbled and bent in his hands.
George quickly looked over to Dream. Despite XD’s words the brunette still panicked, thinking the pain would transfer over; but just as XD said nothing happened. Dream just picked himself up, recovering from the tickling before and clearly not in pain. George sighed with relief.
“I would never make it harm him.” XD assured George, pulling their nails back and handing the doll to George over as it popped back into it’s perfect shape. “It’s a perfect tickle tool. Nothing else.”
“Perfect tickle tool?! It’s torture!” Dream huffed. He picked himself up, his mask was half hanging off as he stood up and he pulled it off the rest of the way, showing his blushed cheeks. George giggled at the frazzled look of his friend, only making his blush deepen.
“Oh I’m sorry, would you rather feel the pain?” XD argued back.
“I’d rather you forget you ever made that thing!” Dream snapped back before his eyes fell to George. Specifically to the doll. “Give it.”
George blinked before covering over the doll protectively. “N-No.”
“George.” Dream’s voice tried to be serious. It was hard to take him seriously with his pink cheeks and flustered look, but his eyes were stern. “Give me the doll.”
“No!” George now held the doll close into his chest. “XD gave it to me.”
George could see the plan forming in Dream’s eyes. Years of being his friend meant he could pick up the little tells just from the smallest movement. So when Dream launched for George, the brunette saw it coming and pushed himself back just in time. Dream collided with the ground, barely missing George but he picked himself up and tried again.
George had less of an escape this time, but as Dream grabbed hold of his legs, George poked into the doll, tickling over the doll’s front and Dream crumbled.
“Ack!” The hold over George’s leg faltered and George slipped out. “G-Geohohorge! Thahat’s cheheahating!”
“You were just about to steal my doll!” George poked over the doll’s side, watching Dream fall and curl up with giggles.
“Ihihihit’s mihihihiy dohoholl! Yohohou-ACK!”
Dream was suddenly lifted. Between the scuffle of the two, XD slipped behind Dream, wrapping their arms around under Dream’s and pulling him up. “Now that’s not fair Dream. You said you didn’t want the doll.” DreamXD cooed while they pulled Dream back onto their lap.
“I sahaid I dihihidn’t wahahahant the dohohohoholl arohohohound! Thehehe-NAH! AHAHHAHAHAHA!!! G-GEOHOHOHOHORGE!!!”
With a safe distance between himself and Dream, George tickled again, wriggling his fingers against the doll’s side and watching Dream flail like a fish out of water.
“N-NAHAHAHAH! NOHOHOHO! THAHAT! THAHAhahat tihihihihickles sohohoho baha-AHAHAHAHAHAD!”
Dream arched his back, pulling at XD’s arms as George’s wiggling fingers came back to his tummy. The ghostly tickles spread over his lower tummy and passed up to his ribs. They covered more area than if George was regularly tickling him.
“S-Stohohohop!!! Enohohohough wihihihith the behehehehelly!!!”
“It’s so fun tickling you there!” George giggled.
“Try another spot, George.” XD encourage. Dream had slipped down over XD’s lap. The God readjust his arms under Dream’s again and lifted him back up. “Dream will get tired out too quickly if you keep tickling him there.”
George pulled his hand back, letting Dream catch his breath as he pouted. “He tickles my worst spots all the time.” He huffed.
“But it’s better if he doesn’t know where the tickling will be.” XD pointed out, grinning as he motioned to the doll again. “Not every spot connects to the same spot on his body…”
George’s eyes sparkled with sudden excitement. He held back his giddy giggles as he looked over the doll carefully, examining over each spot. Dream whimpered, suddenly feeling like caught prey and George’s eyes weren’t even on him.
George thought before making his next move. He ran his finger along the lower part of the doll before poking in, watching Dream’s legs flail and kick out.
“N-Nohoho! Stahahahap!
“Where does it tickle?” George skittered his fingers over the same spot.
“Ihihit-AH!” Dream’s left leg kicked up. “K-Knehehehehess!”
“And what about here?” George ran his finger softly around the edge of the doll.
Dream’s laughter quietened down and his legs didn’t kick up so much. He settled back to soft giggles, wiggling back into XD’s chest. “Th-Thahat…ihihit’s mhiy cahahalvehes.”
“Oho~” George cooed. “Dream has ticklish calves! I didn’t know that.”
“Ihihihit’s nohohot tihihihickly! I-Ihit’s weheheird!”
“Why are you laughing then, Dream?” XD teased behind Dream’s ear. His breath tickled, making Dream hunch his shoulders up to rub at his ear.
“What about now?” George moved his finger up, poking in the same spot as the one before. “Is it still your knees?”
Dream’s laugh turn into a squeak, kicking his legs into the ground more frantically. “Nahaha! Th-Thihihihighs!”
“It does change!” George confirmed gleefully.
George kept his finger at the same level but moved it round to the side of the doll, kneading into the lower part. Dream’s laughter dropped, bringing out a deeper cackle as he squirmed and tried to turn in XD’s arms. “N-Nohoho! I-Ihihihit’s ohohohon mihiy hihihihihips!!!”
George giggled, letting Dream catch his breath and melt further into XD’s arms. “P-Pleheahase…n-noho mohore…”
“I think he’s getting tired, George.” XD purred. He held around under Dream’s arms with his lower set while his upper hands soothed though Dream’s hair. “Only a little more, then we’ll stop.”
George huffed. “He can last longer.”
“George…” XD’s voice came in a warning. “You were the one who taught me not to push someone too far with tickling.”
George’s voice grumbled. “I had to… you near enough killed me every time you used to tickled me.”
“Then you can sympathise with Dream now.” XD pet over Dream’s head, chuckling when their brother sighed and caught his breath. “Just a little longer.”
George pouted, looking over the doll thoughtfully. He carefully turned it over in his hand, poking at the centre of the doll’s back and scratching his nail gently along it. Right on cue, Dream started to giggle. He shuffled in XD’s arms, wiggling and shaking out his back as George’s tickling crawled down his spine.
“Where is it tickling now?” George asked, giggling along with Dream.
“M-Mihihiy bahahahack!” Dream chuckled, jumping up when George’s nail swiped over a specifically ticklish spot above his hip. “Th-Thahaahat’s mihihihiy bahahahack!”
“I tickled there last time and it was the back of your knees.” George thought out loud. “So it keeps in the same spot when you move.” George pulled his hand back. “But if I stop and go back.” George poked in again, watching Dream’s legs twitch and kick. “It tickles on your legs now!”
Dream fell into his giggling fit as George gave a thoughtful look to the bottom of the doll. He remembered the laugh Dream gave before when he had just curiously touched over it, before George had even known the doll was connected. The brunette had a mean thought and before any sense or guilt could talk it out of him, he swiped his finger on the underside of the doll and watched as Dream’s giggling suddenly screamed into laughter. His legs kicked out, before stamping on the ground.
“Where does it tickle?” George asked excitedly while he scratched his nail on the underside of the doll.
“FEHEHEHEHEHEHET! Y-YOHOHOHOHOUR TIHIHICKLIHIHING MY FEHEHEHEHET!!! N-NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GEOHOHOHOHORGE! STAHAHAHAP!!!” Dream fell back into XD’s chest, burying his head into their cloak and muffling his laughter into the fabric. “E-EHEHEX DEHEHE! M-MAHAHAKE HIHIHIM STOHOHOP!”
“Alright, George. That’s enough.” XD brought Dream to sit up again, their head tilted up to look at George. “He’s done.”
“Wait!” George did stop his tickling but he pulled the doll back into himself protectively. “Just one more thing!” He pleaded. He tried his best puppy dog eyes, batting his eyelashes though Dream probably couldn’t even see them. “One more, then I’ll stop. Please?”
DreamXD gave a low hum with his thought. He gave a look down to his brother who was basically a puddle in their arms. “Dream?”
The blonde whined. He was still coming down from his laughter, only slightly paying attention when he felt the back of XD’s fingers rub over his cheek. He gave a slow look up.
“Can you handle one more thing, or do you want to stop now?”
Dream whined again and George worried he’d refuse. He had every right to and George wouldn’t blame him, but to his utter shock, Dream’s cheeks turned red and he hid his face into the sleeves of his hoodie. He mumbled something that George couldn’t here, but XD spoke fondly.
“He says one more. But it’ll be a quick one, George.” The God looked up. George could feel the stern stare. “Not too long.”
George nodded, though he knew Dream wasn’t going to be able to last this for longer than ten seconds. With a sly grin, and an apologetic thought spared to Dream, George pressed his lips against the doll’s front and started to nibble.
The laugh that tore from Dream’s throat was more a scream than laugh. He arched his back like a shock was going through his spine and struggled in XD’s arms like his life depended on it. Suddenly he went from a piece of jelly in XD’s arms to a live wire.
“Okay, that’s enough.” XD’s voice broke through the laughter and with a click of their fingers, the doll disappeared from George’s hand.
George was disappointed, but it was quickly replaced with sympathy as he watched Dream fall back into XD’s lap. His chest heaved as he gasped for breath and continued giggling. He was curled up, arms wrapped around his stomach. George felt bad as he could see his friend trembling.
“N-Noho…noho mohore…” Dream giggled, nuzzling into XD’s arm. “P-Pleheahase…”
“No more.” DreamXD’s voice purred softly. It was softer, more comforting than his purrs of joy. His hand rubbed over his brother’s back, slowly having him uncurl. “We’re done.”
George shuffled forward beside them. “Is he okay?” He asked tentatively. The guilt weighed in his chest, only lightening when XD chuckled.
“He’ll be fine. He just needs to catch his breath.” XD assured him. “Aren’t you, Dream?”
“Sh-Shuhut uhup.” Dream giggled in XD’s arm. He took in a long sigh before picking himself up. His cheeks were still flushed, making his freckles stand out on his skin. “Thahat was the wohorst…”
“You lasted well.” XD pointed out fondly.
“That nehearly kihilled me.” Dream shuffled off XD’s lap to sit by George. While George had a small moment of worry for revenge, it faded as Dream slumped and leaned his head over George’s shoulder. “It was like…n…tickling all over my stomach. It’s bad enough with regular ones, but that was covering over my whole stomach.”
Dream gave a glare over to XD then, who still sat up straight and held an air of delight. “I’m burning that doll.” He growled.
“You will do no such thing.” XD spoke matter-of-factly. “You used to love the doll.”
“Yeah, until you tickled it and I nearly died.” Dream huffed against George’s shoulder. “Then Drista got a hold of it that once and tickled me till I cried. I couldn’t’ stop laughing for hours.”
“I think they’re fun, XD.” George giggled, getting a glare from Dream below him. “I think you made very good dolls.”
XD perked up suddenly. “I’m so happy you think so, George! Because I have a surprise for you!”
While George was usually nervous to the God’s chipper tone, he was in a good mood so he had no sense for danger. Instead he looked curiously.
XD laid their hand out again and popped another item into their palm. Dream felt a spike of panic through him seeing the familiar shape and whiteness of the doll but then when he took in the details, he realised it wasn’t the same blob. The wide smile was gone and the small dot eyes were replaced by white goggles. The doll wasn’t a replica of Dream. It was a replica of George!
“Is that…”
George had noticed the doll’s appearance as well. His calm mood was suddenly flustered and a slow growing blush grazed over his cheeks.
“Yes.” XD beamed, happily turning the doll in his hand. “A little George doll for little George.”
“W-When did you make th-that?”
Dream noticed the flutter in George’s voice. He was also watching the brunette slowly inching his way up, unfolding his legs as though readying to move.
“Not too long ago! I started practising making new dolls, and got much better at it. I’ve made a good few of them now!”
The last few words stuck out in Dream’s head, though he filed it away for later. Right now he was more focused on George and the slow growing worry on his face. He saw the slight twitches George kept making whenever XD’s fingers brushed along the doll.
“Would you like to see it, Dream?”
Dream looked over to George, just in time to see the brunette lunge for the doll, moving much faster than he had when he was going for the golden shimmering apple. Just like with the scene before though, XD pulled the doll up and out of reach and George flew past them. He turned around, no doubt to make another grab, but XD squeezed into the doll’s side and George was floored, giggling over the forest floor and clutching his sides.
“Would you like a turn, Dream?” XD turned to their brother, their grin wide.
“I would love to.” Dream grinned as well, holding out his hand and carefully holding the doll in his palm. It was so soft, and almost weighed nothing. Dream gave a little experimental poke into the doll’s front with his thumb and George jolted.
“D-Dreheaham! Plehehease…”
“What’s wrong George?” Dream held the doll firmer now and raised his other hand. His fingers on his free hand wiggled, slowly moving towards the doll. “I thought you liked these dolls?”
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