#Don't breathe a word. Sshh.
aeolianblues · 24 days
'oh I cannot say horrible things because of the Woke' well boo hoo, I cannot say mean things about bands I dislike because they love my show and will beat me up if I slag them off
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oharaslove · 4 days
Miguel O'hara as a cat
word count: 2,7 k
summary: Your boyfriend is just like a cat, but he doesn't accept it. Maybe all it takes is an encounter with an anomaly to change his perception.
warnings: Miguel x Spider!Reader, apparent death of someone, fluff?
Hi guys!!! I took a break from the main series because I couldn't focus and I don't want to give you a lazy work. Besides, I also don't think I would do it justice, it is a great idea and I want to execute it right!
Anyway, I had this idea for quite some time, and I finally decided to write it. I was inspired by this tiktok and also this beautiful drawing by @sweetimpurity
Part 2 >>
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Part 1
Miguel O’Hara is the definition of a cat. Not a cat person no, a literal cat
Not only his personality, but also the way some people view him. He literally seems cold, out of love, that he doesn’t care about anyone, but you know another story
Just like with a cat, you only had to understand Miguel’s love language. Obviously, first, you had to break down all the walls he built around himself, but that’s another story.
The comparison between Miguel and cat popped in your head not long after you two started dating.
That man could go from being angry, rough and asserting dominance to his employees to begging for love, asking for cuddles and resting on top of you in a span of minutes.
Besides, he probably thinks he is slick when he steals your crunches, but you notice every damn time. The worst thing is you don’t know where he hides them, you’ve searched everywhere!!
When you were a child, you’ve always wanted a cat, but you didn’t think you would be stuck with a man that acts like one. Not that you are complaining tho.
It was always tricky trying to love on him. For example, if you went up to his office and attacked him with kisses and hugs, 90% of the time he would tense up and tell you that he was working, and that he would pay attention to you later. You never took it the wrong way, you knew he was a busy man, and you were aware of what you were getting yourself into.
But that other 10%? Oh, those were dangerous. Those were the times you appeared in the precise moment were he craved love, were he craved you. Not sexually no, (I mean, obviously sometimes yes), but there were times he just needed to hold you close, cuddle you, feel your scent in his skin. Only you could calm him down.
Today was one of those days
You entered Miguel’s office with a skip on your step. You’ve always been a happy person, everyone knew that, which is why everyone thought it was weird you ended up with Miguel, but opposites attract right?
Darkness swallowed the office, as usual. The only source of light being the screens on Miguel’s platform. As if he knew you were coming, the platform was just a few centimeters above the ground, saving you the time of swinging to it.
“Hi Miggyy” you said, jumping into the platform and hugging your boyfriend from behind, wrapping your arms around his waist and wresting your chin in his back.
“Hola amor” he replied, turning as much as he could to see you, with you wrap around his middle. “Come here.”
He grabbed your arm, pulling you towards his front, so he could hug you properly. You didn’t resist, you round him and pressed your cheek against his chest, standing on your toes.
Miguel embraced you without wasting a second, pulling you flush against his form, barely letting space between you too, but enough to let you breath.
He kissed the top of your head rapidly a few times before giving you a long kiss on the crown of your head while also smelling. He pulled away, sighed contently and rested his chin on your head.
“Are you tired Mig?” you mumbled, feeling sleepy yourself.
“Mmm” was all he said, kissing your head again and stroking your back with one of his hands, while the other remained on your waist holding your weight and to keep you close.
“Why don’t we sit, mm?” you said, pulling back a little, causing a groan to emit from him. “Sshh, I knoww.” you coo, caressing his cheek with the back of your hand. Using his shoulders as support, you stretched yourself as high as you could to peck his lips. As you opened your eyes while pulling away, you couldn’t help but smile.
Miguel was so sleepy. His eyes barely open, face peaceful, all the lines caused by the stress gone, lips in a pout, mumbling about something, too incoherent for you to understand.
You giggled to yourself. No one would believe their angry, moody boss was putty in your hands right now.
You would stay like this forever, admiring him, but you knew he was going to get even more moody if you didn’t cuddle with him in the next five minutes.
“Okay Mig,” you said, planting the palm of your hands in his broad chest. “step back, let me guide you to the chair.”
“Mmm” was all he answered, making you bite your lip to suppress a giggle.
Carefully, you guided Miguel, who was walking backwards, to his chair. Once the back of his legs hit it, he sat down, pulling you on top of him by the waist, without wasting a second.
“Migueel” you squealed.
"Stop moving" he mumbled against your neck, tickling you in the process.
“Stop making me laugh then” you replied, trying to push him off, as a result he grabbed you tighter and pressed you against his chest. You pressed your cheek against his head, trying to get comfortable, as his head was between your neck and shoulder, nose nestled just were they connect.
As seconds went by, you could feel Miguel’s breath against your skin. His chest was raising up and down slower every time, your own breath, your scent and you playing with his hair luring him to sleep. You were his safe place, as he was yours.
The peace didn’t last long. The quiet and wholesome moment was rudely interrupted by the screens flashing and Lyla appearing in front of the both of you.
“Wake up love birds,” she chirped. “Duty calls.”
Miguel groaned loudly against your neck, taking his hand away from your waist to swat Lyla away.
“Sendanotherteam” Miguel drawled.
“What was that?” Lyla asked, fixing her glasses
“Send another team!” he snarled, taking his face away from your cozy frame.
“Sorry can’t do” Lyla replied. “It is a busy day, no one else is available.”
Before Miguel got angrier, you decided to interject, “It is okay Migs. We go together and we will be back in no time” you said, stroking his cheek and chest, aiming to calm him down.
He looked down at you with tired eyes. You smiled at him, and he mirrored it.
“Okay.” he said, standing up, lifting you with him. He kissed your cheek before putting you down on the floor.
“What’s the anomaly Lyla?” Miguel asked.
“Earth-232997A, there is a variant of the Lizard..” Lyla answered
“Let me guess,” you interrupted, crossing your arms and arching your brow “transforming everyone in lizards?”
“Not exactly” she replied “He is transforming everyone in animals. Apparently they transform in the animal their personality is closest to”
“Well, that’s new.” you said laughing “Hope it doesn’t get to you Migs, or we will be stuck with two Spider-cats”
“I am not a cat” he objected, rolling his eyes, fumbling with his watching, inserting the digits to the desired dimension
“I have to agree with y/n here.” Lyla insisted. “You do behave like a cat.” You two bumped fits, making Miguel groan.
“Whatever” he mumbled, “let’s go amor” he continued, while opening the portal.
The portal manifested itself across from you, past Miguel.
“Ohh, don’t get grumpy mi vida” you pouted, walking to the portal “You are my kitty”. You tickled him below his chin, before laughing and rushing to the portal.
As you entered the new dimension, from the rooftop you were in, you could see the chaos this variant was causing. Animals roamed the streets alarmed, and the people who still weren’t transform, were just as confused.
“I am not a cat” you heard behind you. You turned to look at your boyfriend, as the portal disappeared behind him.
You giggled. You couldn’t believe he was taking this so seriously. “I know Mig” you said. “I was kidding, love.” you were not.
You walked up to him and tried to kiss him, but he lifted his head, acting annoyed. You pouted, kissing his chest instead.
“Alright, where is this Lizard?” you questioned, turning around to scan the city.
“Most animals are running from the north to the south” Miguel replied, joining you on the edge of the roof “I suggest we start there”
“Good, let’s go” you said, materializing your mask on your face before swinging off.
With Miguel following, you swung across the city looking for the lizard. There were animals EVERYWHERE. Some looked like the lizard, but you figured he was going to have a weapon in his hands, and you hadn’t seen any yet.
After what felt like an hour searching, you decided to stop on the side of the building to catch your breath. Miguel dropped next to you and took of his mask.
“Any luck?” he said, sounding out of breath too.
“No, I didn’t see him, you?” you answered. He shook his head, scanning the city.
You nodded, and proceeded to do the same.
“There!” You exclaimed, pointing down. The Lizard was walking the street two blocks away.
Miguel took the initiative and swung his way.
As you were approaching from the air, he turned around, sensing you. He jumped around, aiming his weapon towards Miguel and yourself. The beam that emanated came right at you, but Miguel and you jumped out of the way, dodging it.
“Don’t let him hit you” Miguel shouted at you. “I don’t want to get stuck with a dog” he joked.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, but you couldn’t help but laugh.
The Lizard continued to aim the weapon between you and Miguel, you both jumping around trying to distract him from one another, to let the other have a clear flank to attack. But he was good. It didn’t help that he had a long tail, preventing you or Miguel from attacking him from behind.
You were growing tired. All this jumping around wasn’t doing shit, only making you lose energy.
“Miguel!” You screamed between jumps. “I am going front, I am tired of waiting”. Without wasting any second, you threw yourself to the Lizard.
Thankfully, he was looking at Miguel, so you managed to punch him in the face. He was strong, so it only disorientated him a little bit, stumbling back.
You took advantage of the distraction and webbed the weapon, trying to take it off his hands, but the lizard recovered fast. He used his tail to knock you off your feet, making you lose your grip on your web.
You tried to stand up as fast as you could, but it was too late. The Lizard used his tail again to tie your feet together and punched you in the face, throwing you down in the floor. You hit your head pretty badly, making your eyes glossy and everything blurry.
You could hear the sound of a fight around you, probably Miguel trying to keep the Lizard occupied, distracting him from your vulnerable state.
Your vision came to you little by little. Every second that passed, it became neater. You lifted your hands to your face, seeing them clearly. Your brain was still screaming at you, the back of your head burning from the impact.
You sat up slowly, still trying to pay attention to the sounds of the fight, listening if Miguel needed help. You touched the back of your neck, looking for injuries, but there were any. Thank god, it could have been nasty.
Carefully, you stood up on your feet, testing your balance. You were okay, good. Now back to the fight.
As you turned around, you saw how the Lizard threw Miguel towards the nearest wall. Debris, posters and cardboard falling on top of him.
“Miguel!” you shouted, running towards him.
He didn’t move, he was probably unconscious. Please Miguel, please. Move! you thought as you were sprinting towards the Lizard, but you were far away, and your brain wasn’t cooperating.
The anomaly aimed his weapon towards Miguel, and you couldn’t reach him in time.
“Hey!” you screamed “YOU BIG UGLY LIZARD” you tried to get his attention, but he didn’t budge.
He shoot the weapon, and in the place where your lovely boyfriend was laying, there was nothing.
“NO!!” you cried. “What did you do!?”.
You were angry. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You charged towards the Lizard at full force.
Miguel wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be. He was just a really small animal. Yeah! That was it. You said to yourself, trying to convince yourself that your boyfriend was still alive.
The Lizard loaded the weapon again, aiming at you, but this time you were ready. As he was about to shoot it, you shot a web towards its opening, prohibiting the beam to escape.
The weapon overloaded, which made it explode in the hands of the Lizard.
Now, without the weapon, the anomaly wasn’t that powerful. Thanks to your webs and your new founded speed, you tied him up in no time, and threw him on one of Miguel’s cages.
As soon as you made sure he was locked, you ran to where Miguel was supposed to be.
“Mig?” you said carefully. He wasn’t there. He was a big man, 90% of the times you could see him in plain sight. Tears began to well up in your eyes.
“Mig” you whispered. You dropped to your needs now fully crying, not being able to stay stron anymore.
Tears were streaming down your face, wetting your cheeks and falling to your legs. You covered your face with your hands, sobbing into them. You began shaking uncontrollably. What were you supposed to do? How could you tell everyone what happened? THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE EASY! You were supposed to capture this anomaly and go back to cuddle. And now you were alone.
Between your sobs, you heard rustling near you. Maybe you shouldn’t be crying in the ground when there are a lot of wild animals running around. You know they are people, but you don’t know if they keep their conscience, one could attack you.
Regaining some control over your body, still weak from all the crying and the fight, you stood up, dusting your legs. You rubbed your eyes, wiping your tears away. As you were turning to take the Lizard back to HQ, you heard more rustling coming from below the card boards and debris that fell over Miguel.
Right in front of your eyes, a blue and red Maine Coon wobble out, looking confuse. It stretch himself, before looking around and spotting you. You looked at him wide eyed. A blue cat? you thought Those aren’t normal, but again, you ARE in other dimension.
It walked towards you and stopped at your feet, sat over his back legs and gazed up at you. It meowed at you, as urging you to do something.
“Do you want me to pick you up?” you asked, hoping it would understand.
It meowed at you again, before standing up and rubbing his body against your legs.
“Okay, okay buddy” You said, before bending down and picking the cat up. It was a tricky action, given that the cat stretched out was as tall as half as you. And he weighted too.
“There you go, bud” you mumbled, looking at the beautiful cat, now in your arms. You swayed your body, as trying to make a baby sleep, and the cat started purring, closing his eyes.
“I wish Mig could see you” you sighed, looking at him. That made him stop purring, and look at you.
“What?” you asked. Why is it looking at me like that?
The cat meowed and trill, headbutting your chin. Wait! A blue and red gigantic cat. THIS WAS YOUR MIGGY
“Miggy?” you asked, before getting your hopes up in vain. The cat purred and headbutted you again.
“MIGGYYY” you squealed, holding the cat from beneath his front legs with your arms stretched. “I told you you were a kitty”. At that, he hissed.
“Oh, I am so sorry darling” you said, pulling him close to your chest and kissing his head multiple times, at which he purred.
“Let’s get you back at HQ, hmm?” you said
And with that, you opened a portal to Miguel’s dimension and threw the Lizard into it, before hugging Miguel to your chest and crossing the threshold.
<to be continued>
Part 2 >>
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I'll write a part 2 of the Kitty adventures, featuring obviously more of Kitty Miguel!! I wanted it to be a One-shot, but it became sooo long, so well. A two part it is!!
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thefallennightmare · 10 days
Tina I have a REALLY dirty thought that won't leave my head. So enjoy:
Matt &/or Noah, having you pinned to the bed, as he achingly slowly takes his time, petting and rubbing your overstimulated, over sensitive, dripping wet pussy. Just teasing your clit over and over again, until you're crying from the pleasure, and audible to speak. You can only make soft little whimpering sounds.
And him saying "sshh. I know babygirl. I know." In such a soft, gentle, sweet way, As he peppers your jaw and neck and cheeks with soft, gentle kisses. And he whispers "just gimme another one, then I promise we're all done babygirl. Gimme another one. You can do it. For me." In such a caring, encouraging, sappy way.
All because while he was away at studio, you'd had such a bad, awful, rough day whether it was from answering work emails or just the amount of chores was overwhelming. Or an ex called you one too many times.
And you've never been a brat before. Never. You've been so so so good, this whole relationship. And now you're one, tiny little someone breathes at you wrong, away from absolutely exploding.
So you call Matt &/or Noah trying SO hard to be so polite and not come off as demanding. But per usual, he can ALWAYS tell when you're having an off day.
So he comes home and now you're here, pinned under him, as he praises you, telling you "what a good girl you are for me." And "such a good girl for not bein a brat" and "good girl, asking so nicely for my help."
As he trails warm kisses down your shoulders, and as you finally cum for the umpteenth time, shaking from how intense it is. He let's you hold him tight and snuggle into him as you come down.
and he lays beside you, holding you protectively and gently rubbing your back, and combing his fingers through your hair, til you're able to speak again.
He runs you a hot bath afterward, and he takes such good care of you. Cause he's the aftercare king of course.
IT'S NOT EVEN THE AFTERNOON YET! But I need to add just a smidge more to this if ya don't mind. A little Feral Friday if ya will.
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Matt's sweet words are easing away the stress of the day as his fingers work intricate circles on your clit, bringing you closer to the edge. Your body is ready to collapse, give in to your final orgasm, and he kisses you slowly. He wants to take his time with your lips, savoring how they always taste like your favorite lip balm and it drove him mad.
Your hands worked through his hair, loving how soft it felt between your fingers. He would never admit it, but secretly held those moments close to his heart when you would braid it.
"You've got one more for me, baby," he cooed in your ear.
You lazily shook your head. "I can't."
Matt smiled devilishly and stopped drumming his fingers went a warm mouth closed over your clit, sucking up your already dripping arousal.
"Yes you can, angel," Noah's breath fanned over your clit after he pulled away. "You know you can. For us."
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atinycafe · 15 days
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part 1 | part 2
"Let's go pretty girl, I found some canned peaches, we're gonna eat good tonight"
The sound of footsteps echoed through the ruined streets of the city, broken by the occasional shriek and howl of the undead as they roamed aimlessly. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie orange glow on everything it touched, highlighting the dust that had collected.
You nod silently, allowing Wooyoung to lead you back into the zombie-infested city, your heart still pounding in your chest from the encounter. His words offer a small distraction, and you cling to them as you follow him, taking comfort in his presence.
As you walk, Wooyoung keeps a watchful eye around him, glock in hand, ready to defend at a moment's notice. You manage a small tired smile, grateful.
The journey to the apartment feels like an eternity, as if time itself has slowed down to a crawl in the face of the horror surrounding you. But finally, after what feels like hours, you reach the building, and Wooyoung leads you to a ground-floor apartment.
As you approach the portal, you feel a familiar sense of relief wash over you. You know you're safe for now, at least for as long as Wooyoung is by your side. You enter the apartment, and he locks the door vigilantly, knowing it is the only thing between you and what lurks outside.
Inside, the apartment is dark and dusty, everything covered in a thin layer of grime. Wooyoung sets down his bag and begins rummaging through it, pulling out cans of peaches and a few other items he's gathered.
You take a seat on the worn couch, a soft sigh leaving your mouth. Wooyoung turns on a small, battery-powered lamp, casting a muted light on the room. He begins to fix a simple meal of canned peaches and other rations, placing the food on a certainly-not-sanitary plate.
He hands you a can opener, and you can't help but notice his hands shaking slightly. Despite your situation, you feel a pang of worry for him; he's fighting his own battle even as he tries to keep you safe. You reach out to grab his hand instead of the can opener and drop a small kiss on his knuckle, a silent way to thank him.
With Wooyoung's help, you manage to open the can of peaches, and he scoops the contents onto a plate. He serves you first, offering the food with a gentleness that belies the harsh circumstances.
“Come sit next to me,” you mumble, a shy look on your face. You don't like how he's sitting on the floor, feeling bad for his tired body.
As you take your second bite, he joins you, sitting next to you, silent for the most part, but his eyes never leave you. Once he's done with his part of the meal, he manages to pull you on his lap, nuzzling his face in your neck. You can sense the weight of his responsibility, and it makes your heart ache for him.
"Wooyoung," you whisper, your voice barely audible against the backdrop of the isolation.
He hums in response, his breath warm against your neck. His fingers interwoven with yours, grounding you in the grim reality that lies beyond the dimly lit room. You feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath you; a comforting rhythm that soothes your anxiety.
"I...," Your sentence trails off unfinished, but he seems to understand, pressing a reassuring kiss to your hairline. You feel like a burden.
"Sshh," he murmurs, his voice no louder than a whisper. "You don't need to say anything." Feeling the vibrations of his voice against your ear, you let out a soft sigh of contentment. For a moment, there is silence. The only sounds are of your synchronized breathing and the faint rustle of cloth as Wooyoung tightens his hold on you.
"I'm grateful," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "Grateful I found you." You turn slightly to look at him, your eyes locking onto his. You can see a glint of something in his deep brown eyes. Vulnerability? No, it was more than that. It was love.
His confession hangs in the air like a well-spun web, delicate and intricate. A few moments pass before you respond, bringing up a hand to gently brush away a loose strand from his face.
"I'm grateful too..." you murmur back, meeting his intense gaze with a sincere one of your own, "more than you know."
Wooyoung's full lips, slightly parted and glistening, gently press against yours. His eyes are closed, his face relaxed and full of tenderness. His lips are warm and slightly salty, the taste of the peaches lingering on your tongue. The soft sound of his breath as he kisses you, the slight smack of his lips, all combine to the quiet hum of contentment coming from deep in his throat.
The taste of him overwhelms your senses, locking your attention solely on him, and you find yourself lost in the affection. You offer no resistance as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss, pulling you closer into his embrace.
As you lean back, his grip tightens and he lets out a low moan of protest. Unable to let you go, he pulls you towards him, his lips moving against yours with a near aggressive drive.
Half-lidded eyes meet yours and in them, you see your own feelings mirrored back at you — raw, profound, and endless,
“I love you.”
masterlist | taglist in comments | feedback is appreciated :)
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kunikireyu · 1 month
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Note:- sometimes it's okay to cry in your partners arm after horrible dream
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You wake up covered in sweat and look towards the clock it's 3:36 past midnight. With your sudden moment satoru wakes up from his slumber "what's wrong?" You hug him tightly he smiled and started to hug you back tightly as he placed his chin on your shoulder "everything alright?" You sigh "I had a horrible dream" He took your hands into his and held them gently, his loving, soft smile remained on his own face as the mood was suddenly now serious. He looked into your eyes, with a sweet, gentle look as he spoke, with a soft, calming voice" horrible dream?.. Would you want to share it my love?.. I'll help you calm down from it.. i promise." You stutter " su- sukuna killed you before I could reach you help you i-" you hug him more tightlyhe felt as though his heart dropped into his chest when you mentioned about Sukuna killing him, he took a deep breath and started to speak in a calm, sweet and gentle tone as he continued to hold your hands."My love.. it was just a dream.. i'm here, alive and well.. Sukuna isn't anywhere in sight.. just look around you my love, you're at home with me." You cry his name "satoru"his eyes widened as his heart felt as though it broke as soon as he heard you cry and sob his name, he hated the sound of you crying. He pulled you close to his chest and held you tight in his arms as he gently caressed your back while you sobbed into his chest."Sshh.. sshh.. don't cry.. please don't cry my love.. sshh.. sshh.."he said, repeating the words over and over as he comforted his wife. "I love you satoru"he smiled and he kissed the top of your head multiple times as he continued to hold you tight and close in his arms and held you close to his body. his heart beat softly but fast in his chest as he whispered into your ear."I know my love.. i know.. i love you just as much as you do.. it's alright my love.. i'm not going anywhere.. i'll never leave you.. i promise.." you hold him dearly he smiled as he started to feel you hold him even more dearly and lovingly than ever, his heart started to feel warm and fuzzy as he held you tightly against his chest."You don't have to hold onto me tighter.. nothing is going to take me away from you my love.. i'm not going anywhere.. don't overstress yourself.. i'm not going."he said softly and lovingly with a gentle voice, before he kissed your temple gently.
Just like that you fall asleep again in your husband's arms safely holding him like he will get lost as soon as you let go he smiled and pulled you closer into his arms when you held onto him even more. He held you close and kissed the top of your hair as he started speaking softly as he continued to stroke your hair while you slept.
"You are adorable.. i love you so much, but please, don't cry over me again my love.. if you do i will cry for you too.." ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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I don't know what happened to me there...I have so much love to offer it's bursting now ughhh let me love someone
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
hi, I saw you were back in the request game!! would it be possible to get a request for a smutty HSR Himeko x f!reader with naked cuddling/comforting/pampering? (sorry if that's too vague) I just know she's really nice to curl up with... thanks so much!!! love your work!
Of course, anon! Himeko will always have a special place in my heart no matter the game <3 *cue Dr Strange 2's I have loved you in every universe meme*
Type: Smut and Fluff (boob play, fingering, kissing, praising, very slight angst, established relationship, comfort sex)
Character: HSR Himeko X Fem!reader
The Astral Express soared through the starry space after departing from Jarilo-VI, the planet of Eternal Freeze. Everyone was sound asleep in their rooms after an eventful journey at Belobog while you decided to meet the navigator, Himeko— who was also your lover but the rest of the crew hadn't been told yet.
You found out she was still awake, drinking her coffee as usual and reading a book beside the window. She happily allowed you in to sit beside her and offered you some coffee which you refused, making her curious since she knew you liked the coffee she made.
"Um, Himeko....I wanted to talk to you."
Himeko smiled and put her cup down then held your hand and guided you towards her bed, you both sitting down beside each other as she patiently waited for you to speak. She slowly extended her hand towards your face and cupped it, making you look at her and she was taken by surprise by the look on your face.
"I sensed it earlier but I didn't think it was so serious....What's making you so upset, sweetheart?"
A tear rolled down your cheek which she tenderly wiped away with her thumb then wrapped her arms around your head and pulled you towards her chest, hugging you lightly. More tears flowed down your eyes as you held onto her, silently weeping, her hand continuously caressing your head.
"I feel....v-very sad about what happened at Belobog, with Cocolia...She didn't deserve that, I wanted to save her but...."
Your breath hitched as you struggled to form words, telling your true feelings to your beloved.
"I understand why you feel that way, my dear. But you have to know some things can't be helped...."
You nodded and held her tighter, your face buried in her neck.
"Also, I miss everyone...the people at Belobog. And....I don't want to do the mission by Kafka, I have a bad feeling about her...."
Himeko's eyes widened for a moment, she wanted to ask some questions but held back and instead cupped your face to pull up and gaze at you lovingly before leaning in and connecting your lips together in a gentle kiss. You quickly melted into the kiss as if you were craving for it, without any hesitation.
Before long, your clothes were discarded as you laid on the bed together holding each other closely. Your face was nestled between her boobs, fondling with one hand while sucking the other. She caressed your head and softly moaned, her angelic voice was music to your ears and gave you comfort.
"Mhm~ Y-Y/n....aahn~ You are being...q-quite intense!~"
"Sorry, I was just feeling....a bit down."
Himeko chuckled and kissed your forehead, "I know, I'm not going to deny you. In fact, let me care for you instead~"
"It's okay, I can ju—"
"Sshh~ Leave it all to me, my darling~"
You nodded with a blush and followed her as she pulled you closer, your face burying in her boobs while she slid her hand towards your abdomen. You immediately flinched feeling her fingers tease your clit and tightened your hold around her. Her rosy scent clouded your senses, making you feel at ease as she slowly rubbed her fingers over your folds.
"Just relax, Y/n. You worked very hard back there and your insecurities are natural but I want you to know that you don't have to force yourself through them alone...."
Himeko's angelic voice rang in your ears now and soon enough, her fingers parted your folds. All of your body was wrapped in her and all your senses were engulfed by her, you felt heavenly at this moment. You gently kneaded her boobs while her digits fingered you, your voice moaning out at the sensations. She was everything you needed at this moment, all your worries were washed away and replaced by her.
"H-Himeko......mhm~ I-I'm close...."
Her fingers slowly thrusted in and out of you, hitting your most sensitive spots while her lips planted several kisses on your face.
"Let it out, my love. Entrust yourself to me~"
You had completely given up at this point, you suddenly hugged her even more and your walls clenched onto her fingers. She thrusted and scissored a few more times before you finally released, moaning into her neck as you held her. She smiled and held your face to place kisses all over— your cheeks, eyelids, nose, forehead— every place she adored.
"I'm always here for you, my sweetheart. Don't think you are ever alone on this journey, share your burdens with me, alright?"
Tears welled up in your eyes at her deep words then you nodded with a smile, "Thank you, Himeko. I love you..."
"Hehe, I love you too~"
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Baby Spider Part 2 (Marvel WOSO AU)
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You heard a beeping sound. You felt so tired and sore, You were lying down and felt the fabric that layed on you. You were in a bed and by the sounds of the beeping, You were in a hospital, You then started to feel fear, if your in a public hospital, your secret will get out. You groggily opened you eyes only to be met with confusion. you were in your room.
You felt slightly dizzy and a really, really bad headache, You groaned and raised your hand to your head "Oh thank god, Your awake" you heard your mother's voice, You opened your eyes and saw Lucy. you immediately wanted to latch onto Lucy and have her hold you but you felt nauseous when you tried to move to her. You felt her hand cup your cheek, You looked at her, bags around her eyes. Her hair was down which was rare. You felt your heart ache, you were scared on what she was going through and what she felt. "Don't move much or sudden movements. You have a concussion darling" that explains the headache and nausea
You looked at her "I-im sorry mum, i- i" you tried to finish your sentence but just broke down unable to fight back the fear and sadness in your stomach. You felt lucys strong arms wrapped around your head and pull you towards her chest and rest her chin in top of your head. "Sshh it's ok babe, everything is ok" She said softly as she patted you back. You fought through the tears "I'm so-rry i didn't t-tell you" You took a deep breath controlling your breath "I wanted to but I knew you would s-stop me a-a" you broke and just cried as your mother held you. "Just breathe babyboy/Girl." She started to hum a melody, her soft voice and her heartbeat comforted you. It felt like you were there forever.
You finally broke apart, your mother layed you back "I'm so proud of you" You looked wide eyed at your mother "I mean kid, your La araña. You saved countless life's and more. You think I would hate you for that" you looked down, wiping away the tears that were running down your cheeks "You brilliant, stupid boy" you mother said making you smile whilst you looked down and fidgeting if your fingers. "Sorry for hitting you" You said sheepishly. You felt your mother eye roll. "I mean i did start it, so my fault" You looked at her, Lucy now had her hand on your arm "You do pack a punch lad. But i'm not the one with the broken nose" You grimaced and started to fear about your mother Alexia. You felt her grip softly tighten, You looked at Lucy. "She is ok, Its just" She sighed
"Your mother, she is taken this very hard." You looked down at the words " All of this is a lot for her. Seeing you in that state shook us both but we also caused it. Its still" She stopped for a moment before sighing, She started to hold your hand "Its still hard for both of us and you being La araña. You are my Son/Daughter, i know you can handle yourself and you have shown the world what La araña can do. But this effected her a lot." You sighed deeply, wiping your tears "I need to talk to her" Lucy smiled sadly. You will you just need to take it slow. You...Abilities have heal your body fast but still not 100%. Which reminds me after this is all said and done. We are gonna have a long talk about your vigilante shenanigans" Lucy said as she patted your hands as she walked away "Oh and Alexia will also get a talking to" Your eyes widen "She called through your suit's ear piece. Don't worry she is ok" You felt slightly better knowing she would not worry about you. You notice your mother was gone and you presumed to go get Alexia.
You sat there twiddling your thumbs before you leaned back and started to think about how that convo would go. You heard a creak. You looked at the door and saw Alexia standing there. with a bandage on her nose, slight bruises and a cut lip healing. She slowly walked towards with a sad look. You looked down, She was so quiet and you hated it, You could feel the dissapointed eyes burning into your soul. She sat down next to you, You also heard Lucy sit on the other side of the bed. You stayed there as Lucy touched your arm to reassure you. It felt like forever you stayed like that, Anxiety building, tears threating to come out. Untill you felt Alexia lightly touch the bottom of your chin and made you look at her. Her eyes were starring into yours. "You could of been killed doing this....this charade Y/N. Her voice was stern "We could of....." She started to breathe and control her anger. "You have your whole life ahead of you! why would you throw that away. What fool voluntary pu-"
She grew quiet, Her? what did you mean "You joined the army as soon as you could" Lucy looked at Alexia with a 'They are right' look "But i had people around me who knew and helped me. What if you needed help or what if Alessia got taken by being involved with you"
"YOU ARENT EVERYWHERE" Your mum's eye's both widen at the outburst. "S-sorry." You said before continuing "But when you guys are away on these Avenger level threats. Who looks after Barcelona. Who looks out for the neighbourhood." You looked at Alexia, who was looking at you dissapointed but her eyes betrayed her Her eyes looked at you with slight pride in her eyes. Lucy had a full on grin. "That who i am, I am the one who looks after Barcalona and Spain whilst you are gone. Being La araña is what i want to be." You said defiantly. Alexia leaned back placing her mouth over her mouth and looked at you with a unreadable expressions. You couldnt help but feel tears fall from your eyes and down your cheek. Alexia leaned forward and wiped away your tears "My Hija/hijo" She said nothing else as you embraced her, her holding you tight. You felt Lucy's hand on your back.
It felt like forever as she held you, she held you, You cried into your mother's shoulder, Feeling love and protection wash over you. But it had to eventually break by a Alexia looking at you sternly. "We will let you continue to be La araña IF you follow the rules we give" You smiled and nodded as you wiped your tears "Firstly you will train on your combat with me, Kerr and Leon." You were excited but also grimaced at the fact of training with Hawkeye and Black Widow. Then lucy cleared her throat
"And there is no way, None, nadda, not a chance I am having my child swinging around in plain spandex. We got a." She held up your ripped suit with her thumb and finger with a disgusted look. "A lot of work to do" You gave a offended look "In the suit lab" You went wide eyed. The suit lab, where mum kept all her iron suits. You NEVER got to go there ever since you were 8. Lucy loved to let you play there and show off but then you got burnt on the arm by one of the blasters miss firing when you touched it. That resulted in a 4 month separation of your parents but that was a long time ago.
*Belly grumble*
You and your mother's looked down at your belly.
"Let's get you something t-oof" "LET ME THROUGH" You went tensed up as you saw a Millie Bright flying at you and engulfing you in a hug. "Thank goodness your ok!!" Lucy recovered and crossed her arms and laughed at the sight. Whilst Alexia smiled but it faltered at the idea that her Son/Daughter still being La Araña.
Next telling the Avangers
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yuyu1024 · 6 months
Pairings: Seonghwa × y/n
Genre/tags: friends and more
Warning: 🔞🔞 smut/angst, cursing, sensual touching/making out, needy/clingy, Pet name, semi public, bj [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.2k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: likes and reblogs much appreciated ⭐️
Check pinned post for more✨️
Half asleep, you wake up early in the morning to force yourself to jog. You've been slacking with it for the past month already. School have really messed up your routine.
Before you go and get ready to wash your face up, you decided to go down the kitchen first to grab a glass or water and prepare the tumbler you will be carrying for the run.
It's still a bit dark and again, half asleep, that you didn't find it weird that when you entered the kitchen area, the lampshade near the dining table is on. So when a deep ass voice started speaking behind you, you almost dropped down on the floor and faint.
"Fuck!" You gasp as you finally see it was Seonghwa. "You scared the shit out of me." Your hands on your chest and trying to collect yourself
"I didn't mean to..." he say then leans his lower back on the island counter top. "You're up early." His arms crossed over his chest.
"I'm going for a run... need to release some stress..." you say as you open the fridge and grab a bottle of water. "You?"
"I'm horny." He spat, making you almost choke on the water your drinking
You wipe your mouth. "W-what did you say?!?"
He puts his index finger over his plump, rosy lips. "Sshh... they are still asleep."
He is pertaining to your brother, Wooyoung, and the other boys. Some is sleeping up stairs in Wooyoung's room while Yunho and probably San is sleeping in the guestroom downstairs since they were up all night playing video games.
It's the beginning of summer so they are all in your house, having some boys slumber party. And they will be here for a few more days.
"You guys drank a lot last night... why are you awake now?"
"Again....as I said..." he stands up straight and lips curved in a small smile. "I'm horny... if you don't get that... It means I want sex... I want to fuck... I want..." he's moving closer and closer to you until your back touches the fridge. "I want to eat you..."
Your bodies are close to each other that you could actually feel his hardness through his pajamas and yours.
"W-why... me?"
"C'mon darling..." he leans down to whisper, "you know why... you've been teasing me since yesterday..."
You blush at the thought. Yes. You actually did. Not gonna lie, maybe it's because you had a few drinks too but not to the point your drunk. It just became liquid courage for you.
You've been crushing on him for more than a year now. He's been friends with your brother for so long. But you have no idea where this crush actually began. You thought it was just nothing until it got solidified more than a year ago.
How can you not like Seonghwa? He's sweet, kind, caring, passionate and such a good friend and person in general. Plus he's good looking and smart. And probably, one thing you like about him too is his naughty side.
But this KIND of naughty, is new to you.
"Wearing a a fitted top and those tiny shorts of yours?" He tugs your hair behind your ear before he takes you by your chin and make you look at him. "And when we were playing games... you make sure I get to have a good view of your ass and then brushing your chest onto my arm purposely..." he leans in again, lips close to your ear. "Just thinking about it makes me hard and ready to burry my d!ck in your pu$sy."
Oh shit. Your knees weakened a little. He sound so fucking sexy.
"What do you say? Darling... should we try... if you could take my d!ck well?"
His eyes are burning. He's different from the Seonghwa you see often. This is intense. In a good way.
"Ahm..." your breathing is all over the place as his hands begins to roam around your body.
"Give me your consent, darling." He pushes his pelvis to you more. His fucking hard as rock. "I've been wanting to fuck you since last night... but the boys are night owls and I can't find the timing to pull you out of your bed."
You are shaking and excited at the same time.
"What do you want to do?"
He smirks devilishly. "I want to fuck that beautiful mouth of yours first... would you like to try?"
You suddenly got brave and cup his bulge. "Feed me." You tease before you tip toe and go for a kiss.
His eyes widens after the cute peck you gave him but then the warmth in his eyes changes to something dark.
"Go down on your knees." He orders
Your mouth goes dry. This is your first time doing something like this. You've dated a few boys but didn't got to this. Seonghwa is a man and you're not a little girl anymore too. Making out is just basic. This is more than basic.
Slowly pulling down his pajama pants down, you almost choked on nothing as you see it clearly and close up. The length. The veins. The redness. The leaking tip.
"Fuck." You hiss as you grab him using both hands. "Wow..." You quietly move forward and begin to taste him.
You tongue run from the bottom to the tip. Feeling those edges that are so freaking beautiful that makes you wonder how it will feel if he puts it inside of you.
"Ugh... ah... that's it... ahhh...holy shit..." Seonghwa is moaning, nonstop as you let your tongue play around his length. "Fuck! darling, I never knew... you'd be this..." he pauses as he felt the warmth of your mouth. "Ohhh yes..."
You bop your head, sucking and licking every bits of him making him crazy. You're making sure he'll be wanting more from you or if not, will never forget the service you've given him.
"Y/n!" He cries. He puts his hands on the fridge for support. "Damn it!"
He pulls you up from your knees and start to make out with you.
"Fuck!" He looks at you, eye to eye. "You're not wearing a bra?" His hand is on your right boob, squeezing. He could feel how turned on you are under the shirt you are wearing. The tip is very hard and pointy. "8 guys... 7... less Woo...in this house and you're not wearing... a fucking bra? Do you know how dangerous this is?"
You smile putting your arms around his neck. "Do you want me to put on a bra or you'd want to taste it?"
A wide devilish grin spread across his lips. "You one naughty little princess..." he licks his lower lips and grinds his exposed length to your still covered core. "You'd regret turning me on even more... coz' darling... I'd bet you can not go jogging after I'm finished with you."
"Give it a go then..." you glance at the wall clock in the kitchen. "We have less than a hour before sunrise... before my parents and the rest of the boys wake up..."
He growls at your challenge. "Alright then..." he adjusts your positions and making you face the countertop. "Bend over..." he orders "and make sure to keep quiet..."
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I wanted to req for abyss lumine x sub reader, where lumine is a mean dom as she degrades the reader and fucks them crazy🤌
Idk y but i am really getting crazy thinking abt this 🤩
Thanks ❤️🥰
omgosh, freaking yes 😤💕
let me see what I can do with that bby
warnings: smut, dom!lumine, gn!reader (i tried it), nsfw, no minors
note: I did not proof read it but I hope you like it 😩💕
As usual you and Lumine where going through a lot of documents from his brothers adventure in Teyvat. You both where sitting beside each other but you noticed Lumines hand resting on your tights. Slowly caressing it in circles, Lumine then sighs and turns her attention to you.
"Isn't this getting boring?", she asked you not really expecting an answer from you. Your mouth open but got shut down real quick as soon as Lumine picked you up on her lap. With a flushed face you looked into her eyes. Those eyes... oh you know what will happen, they were filled with lust and annoyence.
"Sshh... do not make any sound."
Those words filled the room while she slowly undressed you completly. Now completly naked, the cold air brushed against your skin which makes you shiver while Lumine took her time to smirk on your appearance. "You look lovely, my love" As she said it, her hands wander down your body while she breaths into your ear "I want to break you so badly..."
As soon as her hands reached down your inner tights you moaned out.
"Oh look at you, being all wet from nothing then touches... Are you asking for punishments?" As Lumine said it, she stands up and turns you around to meet the pile of documents on the desk. Your hands holding tight on the edge of the desk while Lumine started working on you. Slowly caressing you genitals.
"I will tell you when you are allowed to come."
Oh no, this turned you on so much more. You loved when she started to get dominate. It makes you shiver and drool on the thoughts of it. You couldn't hold your moans back while Lumine slowly enterted you with one finger. Pushing it in and out in a slow motion, it drove you crazy. "Please Lumine...", you stated out that you wanted more than that. But your begging was soon shut down by harsh slaps on your ass.
"Oh... (y/n) don't you dare to beg for more. Hold it or else I won't let your cum."
Lumine then waited for a moment before entering her finger again into you. This time she went faster in and out of you, before adding another finger. With two of her finger it made you moan louder. As soon as you let out louder moans, Lumine hit your ass again this time a lot harder than before. "What did I say to you, slut?" It was impossible do not stop moaning while she did such good job to make you feel good.
"S-sorry... Lumine, please let me make you feel good too~"
Excactly what she wanted to her. She let go of you and sat down on her seat, spreading her legs apart. "Come here and lick it up" You turn around to see her sitting like a goddess in front of you. Without hesitation you burried your head into her inner tights and kissed her clothed pussy. "Y-yes, anything for you Lumine!" She chuckled at your words and helped you undress her underwear. Her wet pussy ready for you to make her feel good. You carefully started licking with short licks her folds before searching for her cilt. A suprised moan came out of Lumine. This made you smile. You were made to only please her... so you started adding more speed on your tounge actions before entering her hole. As a responds from Lumine herself, she held your head closer to her. You were sure if you do it faster she will come over you.
"Faster (y/n)~" Lumine moaned out your name so angelic, that it made you excactly what she wanted. You didn't lose anymore time and speed up your actions.
While kissing and slurping her wet pussy, one hand of yours slide down your own genitals. You wanted to feel good as much as Lumine. While Lumine was in her ectasy she didn't noticed your needy self and soon gushed over your mouth. You desperatly sucked all of her nectar while cumming on your hand too.
"Ohh.. you did came without me allowing it"
Her tone was dark and you looked up to her apologizing. This is going to be a rough night for you.
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Crowded - Cody Gakpo
Who: Cody Gakpo Prompt: "You're shaking." Notes with request: Reader experiences an anxiety attack and Cody notices. Requested by: anonymous Word count: 508 Warnings: contains descriptions of panic / anxiety attack
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Large crowds had never been your forte. In the past, being in a crowd had more than once led to you having a panic attack, but you had learnt to deal with it and nowadays you were mostly fine. You still didn't like large groups of people around you, but at least it didn't send you into a panic anymore. Especially in a stadium, watching football, you were completely unbothered.
With Cody out with a slight injury, you and him attended Liverpool's home match as spectators today. You were perfectly fine and enjoying yourself, until, around the 20th minute of the match, someone bumped into you rather harshly. It was accidental, and the person apologized extensively, but you felt the oh so familiar tightening of your chest immediately.
Your breath hitched, as the sounds of the stadium became distorted, and you felt yourself sink away into the panic attack. You wanted to scream, tell Cody something was wrong, but your ability to speak was completely lost.
You finally managed to reach out a shaking hand and grab a hold of Cody's sleeve. "Oh, you're shaking. Are you cold?" Cody tore his eyes off the match. His face fell the moment he looked at you. He saw the wild panic in your eyes and how you now trembled all over. "Okay, it's alright." He slung his arm protectively around you and started guiding you back inside.
Cody took you into one of the business lounges, in which he knew very few people would be at the moment. He sat you down in a chair, kneeling down in front of you. "Deep breaths, baby." He slowly ran his hands up and down your forearms. "I'm here. You're doing great, it's alright." "W-why?!" You sobbed, shaking. "Why is this happening again?! I thought this wasn't happening to me anymore!" "Sshh," Cody soothed, "don't think about that now. Just deep breaths. You're going to be fine, I promise."
Cody moved to sit in the chair next to you. He slung his arm around you once more and pressed you tightly against him. You buried your face in his chest, your hands curling into fists around his T-shirt.
It was there, safely in Cody's arms and with his softly whispered words of comfort, that you finally calmed down. Cody didn't let go of you, though. He kept you in his arms, softly caressing his thumb over your shoulder and whispering an endless stream of soothing words to make you feel at ease again. You quietly soaked it all up. It made you feel safe and loved, and finally gave you the strength to pull yourself free of the panic attack.
An almighty roar of the Anfield crowd told you Liverpool had scored a goal. "Oh, no!" You gasped, lifting your head off of his chest. "I made you miss a goal." "Doesn't matter." Cody kept his arm around you and made absolutely no attempt to go back outside. "That's not important right now. The only thing that matters to is that you're alright."
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Request an imagine | Writing masterlist
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imagine--if · 2 years
Soft Yandere Eddie comforting a reader who had a bad nightmare about losing him 🥺. He comforts her for an hour straight until she falls back asleep saying stuff like "shhhh everything is alright my sweet angel. Nothing will ever separate us I promise."
A/N: Yep, here it is!! I've gotten a lot of requests for nightmare comfort with Eddie, it's a super cute idea 🥰 enjoy!! I'm working on the next To My Hope chapter and some more matchups for you all too for soon 😄
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Fluff and comfort 💚
Words: 618
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They were horrible taunts, flashing images of the worst-case scenarios your mind just loves to plague you with. Even though he promises you it'll never happen, that you'll always be safe and loved with him... at night, there's always the ugly side of things you can't seem to get out of your head. Like tonight.
Flashing red and blue lights slicing through the calm blues of the sky, cold, firm handcuffs being snapped around Edward's wrists, and the solid bars and dozens of guards whose only purpose seemed to be keeping the two of you apart. You don't know what you'd do without Eddie. He doesn't want to know.
Of course, he's a light sleeper, and as he feels you toss and turn beside him, fists clenched and bunched around the sheets in distress. Edward quickly shuffles closer, grabbing your wrists and pulling you to him, gently shaking you and pressing his forehead against yours. You choke on a gasp as you wake up, your eyes immediately meeting Eddie's worried and sympathetic green gaze. You collapse in his arms and melt in the feeling of his hands stroking up and down your back soothingly, cradling you as if you're the most precious thing in Gotham. He rests his head on yours, kissing your hair and whispering hushes into it.
"Ssh, ssh, shh..."
Your hands trail to his wrists, and it calms you down a little more to feel the absence of imaginary cuffs, just his smooth, warm skin. You try to level out your breathing as your face is pressed up against his top, and Edward pulls away just enough for your eyes to meet again. He looks so upset, almost pained to see you in such a state, his eyes scanning your face in adoration and concern.
"Oh, angel... you're okay, darling, you're safe... sshh..."
You almost cry at how comforting and gentle he's being; Edward seemed to be amazing at affection as soon as you two were together and you made the first little step. All that love and softness hidden inside his quiet, odd self, just waiting for the right person to suffocate with it. You.
"Promise you'll never leave," you breathe shakily, surprising yourself by how desperate you sound, since it's almost always the other way round. Edward frowns slightly in confusion. "You won't, will you?"
"I- of course I won't!" Eddie responds, stating the obvious with wide eyes. "Why would I? Sweetheart, what did you dream about?"
"Them," you reply, wincing at the fading, but harsh, memories of it all. "They took you away because you're The Riddler, and I couldn't do anything, I couldn't-"
Edward sighs in pity, smiling as best as he can as his fingers hook under your chin, making you look up at him properly. "You listen to me, okay? I'll never, never leave you. They," his tone sharpens momentarily in distaste at the thought of the GCPD, "can't find me, see? They only did last time because I let them. But I've got it all under control. You trust me, don't you, baby?"
You nod immediately. "Yes."
"Then don't let yourself torture your mind with the impossible! If you're having nightmares about it, it must be in the back of your head. But it'll never happen, okay? Nothing will ever separate us, my sweet angel."
You finally relax in his embrace, and nod again, burying yourself in his familiar warmth and snug cuddles. Edward keeps on whispering sweet nothings, smiling fondly as he coos the loveliest things you've ever heard, and as you drift off to sleep with a faint smile, him pressing little kisses over your skin, you're almost certain you'll never have that same nightmare again.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @phantomofthecathedral @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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mymessedupthoughts · 8 months
Bad Blood 🩸
Wilhelm stops in his tracks, blinking a few times to make sure that the guy is real and not a fragment of his imaginations. The guy is still there, and now he moves, slowly walking to Wilhelm, until it is only six feet between them.
“Uh…” Wilhelm feels like his feet are glued to the ground and he doesn't know any words to say, he’s not sure why. Maybe because of the beauty, or maybe his instinct screams danger? But the boy looks so delicate, he mustn't be dangerous, right?
“Hi!” the pretty guy finally says, voice clear and careful. He smiles sheepishly to Wilhelm, showing his perfect white teeth with cute little fangs that stick out a bit from the neat row of teeth. He reminds Wilhelm of a tiny kitten. 
“Can I help you?” Wilhelm asks warily, pulls out his earbuds and puts it in his hoodie pocket.
“Mmhm, yeah, technically I do need your help.” The guy moves again, slower, calculating his every step. Like a predator going to pounce the prey. The eyes flashing dark, “Um, I need food?”
Wilhelm swallows. Okay, that’s so fucking creepy. No one ever asks him for food in the street, in the middle of the night, with that much of hungry eyes. Now his instinct of danger is getting stronger. He slowly steps backwards. 
“I don’t have any food, but–”
Just before he can talk or move any further, the guy suddenly jumps with a lightning speed and pushes Wilhelm to the nearest wall, pinning him with a forearm presses on Wilhelm’s chest. The other hand pushes against the wall next to Wilhelm’s head to prevent a hard collision. 
“Fuck!” Wilhelm yelps, shocked, eyes wide in surprise. His messenger bag dropped on the pavement, laptop and phone peeking from the lid. 
“Sshh…keep quiet,” the curly haired guy whispers coldly. “I’m sorry, but this is urgent. I’m starving, really need food..” He leans back, shows an inhumanly smirk, eyes dark and hungry, not looking sorry at all. 
“I–I said I don’t have any food. But I–uh– I have some money,” Wilhelm stammers and squirm, trying to move out of the other guy’s grip, though the forearm on his chest doesn't budge. The guy is a few inches shorter than him but definitely stronger. “Please..uh–my roommate will be looking for me. And I–I need to feed my fish. And, my professor will kill me if I don't finish my essay, then my mamma will also kill me if I fail again on my course. Just–please let me go, I have money, I’ll give it all to you…I won’t tell anyone.” Wilhelm's eyes frantically look around, hoping someone sees them, but the street is quiet and empty.
The guy huffs a laugh–if Wilhelm is not on the brink of death he will find it adorable–and lick his lips. “I don’t need your money..” He tilts his head predatorily. Face sneers, bare his teeth, showing the cute little fangs.
Wilhelm feels his breath getting erratic, and in his mortification, it’s not only from fear. He really shouldn't be aroused at the time like that, stupid horny brain. He definitely needs to get laid. 
“Sorry, this will hurt a little, just take a deep breath..” the guy mutters, the sneering face slowly approaching Wilhelm’s neck.
Involuntarily, Wilhelm tilts his neck, closes his eyes tightly and swallows, half brace himself for stabs or something, and half forcing his arousal to die down. He whimpers, feeling cold presses on his neck. What is happening now?  
Read on AO3
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sicjimin · 2 years
34, 80 🫶🏻
With sick Yoongi and caretaker Hoseok, like maybe they’ve fought but eventually they make up because Yoongi gets sick and Hoseok can’t stay indifferent for long
a.n : another quite long overdue request is hereee .. aha. hope you like it anon ~ sorry if this wasnt quite angsty sjdjskd
34. "Who's asking? Because I know it's not you." — 80. *stomach makes loud gurgling noise* "Yeah, sorry, my stomach's just going haywire."
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Yoongi groans, unconsciously pulling the blanket close up to his chin, and burying himself further—why is it so cold? Did Hoseok turn on the AC again?
He sniffles, feeling how his nose becomes stuffy and it's kinda hard to breathe. Yoongi scoots, hands reaching for some warmth that he usually gets from someone beside him ...... oh.
Yoongi's hand stops on its track when he feels nothing beside him. No warmth and no someone that he usually pulls closer and will hug him tight, ruffling his hair, and pinch his cheeks until he gets annoyed and wakes up.
"Hyung, wake up, we're gonna be late. There's breakfast on the table"
Yoongi barely can open his heavy eyes, blinking blearily, more so to register all the words that were thrown at him, "Huh?"
Yoongi could see the other roll his eyes in annoyance, and it irked him for some reason. "You're late .. wake up", Hoseok says before closing the door and disappearing.
The rapper stares at the door for another good second, before sighing and resting his head on the pillow once again—groaning as his mind finally click on what happens for his usually cheery and sweet boyfriend to become icy cold.
How could he forget their fight last night? because Yoongi was going home late for the last 3 days, barely eating as he's running for his album deadline, and Hoseok feel neglected and, "There's no use for me for chattering you like this, when you never actually listen to me. It feels like how i care about you is useless", Yoongi quotes, and another that jabs on his heart, " Do whatever you want, i don't care"
Yoongi groans to his pillow, feeling his heart clenches along with his stomach, and his head pounds even harder at the memories from last night.
He will apologize to Hoseok later .. yeah, he will.
Hoseok frowns when it's been 20 minutes. His breakfast has been finished, and he already wash his plate again—when Yoongi still hasn't showed up.
Hoseok scowls, looking at his watch for the second time. Truly pissed this time, before he trudge in upstairs and decided give the older pieces of his mind—dragging him from the bed if he needs.
"Hyu—", Hoseok scolds died in his throat when he sees Yoongi whimpers, tossing under the blanket. He could see the sheets were wrinkled under the older tight grips as he visibly shakes, "No.. no .. don't leave", a low but panicked whimper comes into Hoseok ears.
He jumps to the side of the bed before he could think of anything. "Yoongi hyung .. hey", he pats the older shoulders gently.
"No ...", Yoongi's breath picked up its pace.
Hoseok bites his lips, before he leaned down beside the sick man, pulling him close slowly to not startles him, and start to run his fingers through his black locks that already dampen with sweats. "Sshh, hyung .. you're safe .. wake up", he whispers near Yoongi's ears. He keeps chanting that, changing the motion of his hand into patting the latter shoulder. And it seems to do the trick.
Yoongi's eyes snap awake, before he grimaces as the sudden moves bring a pound to his skull. "Seok-ah?", he rasps.
"Are you okay? You're having nightmare", Hoseok frowns, "and you're burning up, gosh .. hyung", he continues.
"Is it you that asking me?", Yoongi slurs, squinting his eyes as he slowly pulls away, "I know it's not you .. not Hoba ..", he continues, curling himself further under the blanket. Hoseok tugs it, not wanting Yoongi to suddenly suffocate under the thick blanket, but Yoongi pulls it over again, "He's still mad at me"
Hoseok almost coos, if it's not because suddenly there's a streak of tears running from Yoongi cheeks. "No no no .. Yoongi", he chants, shoving the blanket away and wipes the latter cheeks—cupping his face that feels like burning his palms, "I'm not mad at you, okay? I'm here .. ", he slowly says, "We're fine .."
Yoongi sighs, "But .."
"No but", Hoseok says, "We will talk about it later. Now you need to take medicine hyung, how could you not tell me you're sick?!"
Yoongi groans, pressing his face agaisnt the pillow, "Dont talk too much ... head hurts", he mumbles, " 'm fine .. will sleep .. then better"
Hoseok scoffs, once again carding the older hairs, while massaging its scalp. He knows Yoongi loves that when he had migraines or headache. "You're burning up, silly. How is it fine"
" 's okay"
"Do you want to take shower hyung? It will help your fever", Hoseok asks, "And i will prepare something to eat and medicine"
"No ..", Yoongi grunts, shaking his head, "I will puke if i eat .. or moving now. Later ..."
Hoseok hums, decided to give the older times to calm down his body—from the sickness and the nightmares. He shifts to make himself more comfortable, that followed by Yoongi as he throw his hand around Hoseok's waist, and nuzzles into the younger. " 'm sorry"
"We're gonna talk about that later hyung", Hoseok sighs, "I forgive you .. you have nothing to be sorry for"
"I feel awful .."
"I know", Hoseok murmurs, "But it will pass"
It didn't take long until a soft snores can be heard from Yoongi. Hoseok quietly slips from the older grips, and make his way to the kitchen, preparing light food, medicine, and wet cloth to get the fever down.
"Hyung .. love", Hoseok whispers, patting Yoongi's feverish cheeks gently to wake him up, "Let's take medicine first, okay? We need to get your fever down"
Yoongi stirs, grunts—but still comply as he trying to sit up. He grimaces, shakily pressing his fist over his lips when he feels his stomach rumbles loudly, and a sour gas running up to his throat.
Hoseok chuckles at the noise, "Are you hungry?"
Yoongi shakes his head. Gulping furiously as saliva seems to pool in his mouth, "No ..", he breathes out. "Peachy .. my stomach feels like its going haywire"
"Ah ..", Hoseok take the bowl, ready to feed the sick man, before he almost laugh at Yoongi disgusted expression, "Do i have to?"
"Yes, love. You can't take your medicine if you're not"
Yoongi pouts, hesitantly open his mouth and swallow the bitter food.
5 bites, before Yoongi flinches, and clamp his mouth as he jolts forward—wetly gagging into his palms. Hoseok's eyes widen.
"Hyung .."
Yoongi gags once again, before shoving the blanket away and run to the bathroom.
Hoseok snaps from his shock at the sound, and quickly places the bowl on the tray, and run to his boyfriend.
"Sshh, you're doing great hyung ..", he murmurs as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist to steady him, and take the older hair, pulling it into a bun, then move his hand to massaging his nape, "Let it out"
He can't help but grimaces when he sees the soup he made earlier, pouring out from Yoongi lips, in it's undigested form.
Yoongi barely can register anything, even Hoseok's soothing words nor touch as his senses, all of it, heightened. He gags weakly, then belches as his stomach contracts again, pushing everything up—more of food spraying from his lips in rapid pace. He coughs and shuddered when some of it even comes out from his nose.
"Breathe hyung .."
He nods, taking a sharp inhale before the next round hit. This time, thicker vomit that's coming up. Mouthful after mouthful plopping into the toilet—coating it in disgusting brown color.
"Fuck ..", he rasps, panting, when his stomach finally calm down—and after few fits of dry heaving.
"Done?", Hoseok asks, wiping his forehead that drenched with sweats and tears, before moving around to flush the toilet. "Feeling better?"
Yoongi shakes his head, "Don't know .. feels like my soul has sucked out of my body", he whines, letting his head slump against his boyfriend—hiding his head on Hoseok's crooks.
"While we're here .. how about you take a shower, hm?", Hoseok suggest, while keeping a firm grip on the older waist ; afraid that the latter legs might give out with how much energy he spent on vomiting. "You're drenched hyung"
Yoongi hums. Not having energy to argue. He will just comply with everything that Hoseok says.
Hoseok presses a soft kiss on Yoongi's temple, before peeling himself away, "I will prepare it for you", he says, "With bath bombs?"
Yoongi sits on the edge of bathub, looking tiredly at his boyfriend that starts moving around. "With you"
Hoseok snorts, flicking his forehead before he turns on the taps to fill the tub. "Stop sweet talking to me"
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
If you're still taking prompts: soft sweet Matt and Foggy having a two person bday party in their dorm room
23 YEARS OF LIFE masterlist / AO3
author's note: aaahhh! this is so cute ty for this! word count: 484 content: alcohol.
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"cheers to 23 years of life buddy," foggy yelled over the music, still clumsily turning it up with his left hand, his right being occupied by his 4th can of beer for the night.
matt laughed kicking his feet out as he danced to '2005's top 100' playing from foggy's radio, his half drunken state not too focused on the beer in his left hand as it sloshed in the can and splashed out onto the floor periodically. foggy left his desk and came up to matt to dance with him, the two of them falling into a rhythm of switching sides of the room ever so often as they danced. the song ended and gave way to a more soothing instrumental, giving the men time to catch their breath and finish their beers, foggy going to fetch two more from the mini fridge left of his bed.
back closer to the dance floor matt had sat on the ground by his bed, his back resting on the bed frame. foggy came to sit by him, handing his a beer and they opened it together, a soft ker-sshh released to the air before matt spoke.
"how'd you even pay for these? you lost your job ages ago," he smiled as held up the beer in his hand, cold but beginning to drip condensation.
"don't worry about it id been saving up before i lost it," he took a sip of his beer, heaving out a relaxed sigh as he swallowed, "i told you last year i wasn't gonna let your birthday go uncelebrated again and i wasn't kidding."
he looked at matt with raised eyebrows and a certain humour in his voice but under it there was a clear unrelenting care. matt smiled, splitting his face in half before he took a sip of his beer.
"thanks buddy," he said, patting foggy on the shoulder closest to him. "you'll never know how much this means to me."
foggy laughed, "oh i do! but only because now you've gotta outdo this for mine!" he shot to his feet, shimmying backwards as a more upbeat song built up to its chorus.
"oh c'mon! you've had birthday celebrations your entire life how am i gonna outdo that time your parents took you to that dinosaur exhibition!" he laughed, almost entirely covering up the music as he shuffled to his feet, "that exhibition moved out of new york ages ago!"
foggy took him by the hand and started dancing in circles around him, "that's for you to figure out!" he took the beer in matt's hand and set it on the table next to the radio before taking both of matt's hands and pulling him with him as he danced.
matt groaned, his head tilted back towards the ceiling as he feigned annoyance yet willingly went with foggy as he moved.
"you're such a bad best friend!"
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soobprised · 2 years
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TW: panic attack
"AGh-!" a camera flashed in his eyes, making them water. he rubs his eyes.
"Beomgyu! Beomgyu! do you have a girlfriend yet? tell us!" they were practically screaming down his ear. Beomgyu winces continue by all the flashes of the cameras. He tries to cover his eyes with his hands, looking down to watch where he's going.
"Beomgyu, did you hear about the-"
beomgyu couldn't take it.
the cameras didn't even flinch as they take more pictures of him yelling.
"beomgyu look here!"
the bodyguard that had been leading him and his members opened the van for him, letting him in first.
Beomgyu sat in the far corner, taehyun sitting next to him. beomgyu leaned his head on the window and wept. He was just frustrated with everything. He felt upset at himself for loosing control of his emotions and lashing out. He thought that he should already be used to the cameras and dumb questions. He just felt agitated.
taehyun noticed beomgyus state and wrapped his left arm around him, rubbing his back. "hey...it's okay...beomgyu...sshh." taehyuns soft words fell on deaf ears, beomgyu couldn't control himself.
he couldn't control his emotions now, and the fact that he knew he couldn't was making him more frustrated.
All the members were in the car now and they were off to go to a photoshoot.
"hey hey- is he okay??" yeonjun turned back to beomgyu, who's breath was very hitched now. breathing in and out, almost choking.
taehyun held beomgyu. beomgyu was leaned in on his chest, petting his hair. taehyuns face was against his head, he was whispering to beomgyu, but it was incoherent to the other members.
Huening was sat next to taehyun, he reach his hand over to squeeze beomgyus knees as a way to comfort him. Kai was never really was good at comforting crying people, so he would just simple hug them or give them a pat just to show that he's there and he really does care.
All the members were staring at beomgyu, they were all worried about him. beomgyu whispered to taehyun, to which taehyun spoke up for him. "guys stop looking at him please." everyone turned away, whispering small sorrys.
beomgyu was calming down and soon enough he had stopped crying. he lifted himself from taehyuns embrace and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
the whole car was tense, and it wasn't because of beomgyu crying, it was from all the cameras and people and the crowd. they all felt stuffy and exhausted, yet they still had a photoshoot.
"I just don't understand why they-" beomgyu started but taehyun shhed him and rubbed his back comfortably.
"once we get back to the dorms we can all make some ramen and watch whatever you want." Soobin spoke. beomgyu couldn't help himself from smirking, rising his eyebrows at his members. "look what you did" yeonjun said, rolling his eyes but still smiling. yeonjun was just happy to see beomgyu as his usual self. he was also thankful to soobin for lighting up the mood. but then he started feeling thankful to all the members for making beomgyu more at ease. Smiling harder while thinking of how comforting each member is, and overall how each of you have such a strong connection. knowing when to make jokes and when to be comforting.
"I love you guys" yeonjun spoke. beomgyu and soobin laughed at him. Kai said "thank you" with his aegyo voice. taehyun just smiled. "don't be cheesy now..." beomgyu mumbled.
the members giggled and went on about.
the day soon ended, everyone exhausted and sleeping, ready for their next day.
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The sudden appearance of Orchidsmoke had not gone unnoticed. Despite being shown time and time again that the rest of the crew meant no harm – most of the main crew, anyways – she'd often kept herself and her kits away from them. Yet now she stood there, having just stumbled into the clearing, eyes wide and her kits nowhere in sight.
Ferndoe had always liked Orchidsmoke, even if how the other molly hissed and spat at her hurt. She understood why, of course – word of a cat killing their own kits spreads fast, just like anything else, and a queen who had only her kits to care for now wouldn't want anybody of that sort near them. Ferndoe could recognize the look in Orchidsmoke's eyes: the wild look of grief, anger, sadness, guilt – she'd seen it in herself in the days before she died, after she killed her kits, in the scarce moments where she could stand to look at herself in streams and puddles.
The words tumbled out of Ferndoe's mouth before she could stop them. "Where are your kits?" And the moment they did, she regretted it instantly. Orchidsmoke's face twisted, and she shook, ears flattening, and all she said in response was; "They're gone." Ferndoe barely made it there in time to hold Orchidsmoke before she collapsed, breathing hard and sobbing harder.
"Who did it?" Jackdawfoot growled, and his eyes burned with the rage only a father could have. "We can kill them back!" Smalljump immediately butted in. "Anybody who kills kits here gets double-killed!" He'd gotten so much braver since his training with Gorseheart, and Ferndoe felt pride swell in her chest before it quickly died, as Orchidsmoke shuddered in her paws.
"They forgot them," the other queen sobbed out, her voice shaking, "how could they forget them? My babies, my sweet little daisies, they–" Orchidsmoke broke off in a pained whine, digging her claws into Ferndoe's pelt. It hurt, but Ferndoe didn't mind. "They're gone. I couldn't do anything. They're gone…" This time, Orchidsmoke's whine became a keening wail, and Ferndoe only held her closer.
"Sshh, sshh… It'll be alright, sweetheart," Ferndoe cooed as gently as she could, gently licking the side of Orchidsmoke's face. "I know how you feel–" "You don't." Orchidsmoke growled, though even that still shook as she pushed Ferndoe off of her. "You don't know how I feel. You don't understand." The black molly bristled in front of her, face still wet with tears, teeth bared and claws digging into the wet mud.
Ferndoe frowned. "I lost my kits too, you know." Orchidsmoke hissed at her, fresh tears rolling down. "Because you killed them. I didn't." Ferndoe's own paws shook, and despite her best efforts, her temper broke. The topic of kits dying was never her strongsuit. "At least I never made them kill anybody!" And that seemed to do Orchidsmoke in as well – she let out a wordless scream of anger as she threw herself at Ferndoe, clawing and biting at her.
Ferndoe clawed and bit her as well, and the two mollies hissed and spat, rolling around in the mud and dirt and blood until one of them kicked the other away. They faced each other, bloodied and crying. "I did what was best for them! What I… What I had thought was best." Ferndoe panted, voice cracking in the middle of her sentence. "I regret what I did everyday. And I know that you- you wanted them to be safe. I understand how you feel."
Orchidsmoke only stared at her, shaking, breathing heavily. Ferndoe continued. "I understand your pain, of losing your kits, and… and knowing you'll never see them again." Ferndoe straightened, making her fur lie flat. "And I understand that right now, all you want to do is hurt everybody and blame yourself for letting this happen, but…" Orchidsmoke's body eased, and she tried to stifle a sob, only to fail.
"You can't blame yourself for this." Ferndoe slowly padded toward Orchidsmoke, letting her tail stay low. "You couldn't control what would happen. Time passes and… sometimes, it takes cats with it too." For a moment, all of the other Dark Forest cats Ferndoe had met in her afterlife went through her mind, the ones who'd since faded, and it was with a twinge of pain and guilt that she realized that she couldn't remember their names or what they looked like.
"And we can't fight it when it happens." Tears rolled down Orchidsmoke's face again, and she whined again. "But I want to. I want it to take me instead, I want them to still be here." Ferndoe smiled as gently as she could as she finally came to a stop in front of Orchidsmoke. "You can't." Orchidsmoke collapsed again, and Ferndoe held her again, letting the other molly bury her face into her chest.
Jackdawfoot stood by Ferndoe, and nuzzled her for a moment, before wrapping his paws around them both. Then there was Smalljump, and Hootpetal, and pretty soon it felt like everybody was there as Orchidsmoke cried her pain out. Occasionally she blubbered something about 'my cloud', how her kits 'never got to see him'.
Ferndoe's wounds stung, and she knew she'd have to lick them soon. But that could wait. Right now, she'd stay there for as long as Orchidsmoke needed until she felt okay again. And when she didn't feel okay? Ferndoe would be there for her again.
"Feathercloud! Feathercloud!" Feathercloud's ears pricked at the sound of a familiar voice calling his name, and turned to see Orchidsmoke cresting the hill, running toward him. "Orchid!" Feathercloud gasped, watching as she came to a stop in front of him, panting. "What are you doing here?"
"You're supposed to stay in camp." Sandpatch, WindClan's deputy, butted in. "Badgerbrook said that you were sick." Orchidsmoke shook her head, eyes sparkling with joy. "No, no, I'm not sick, I'm–" she turned to Feathercloud, laughing. "Feathercloud, I'm pregnant!"
For a moment, it felt like the world stopped and went silent, and for a heartbeat, everything felt unreal to Feathercloud. Then came the overwhelming happiness and love. "We're going to have kits?" He breathed, and Orchidsmoke nuzzled him. "We are. Badgerbrook said it's likely we'll have three."
Feathercloud could barely imagine it – his and Orchidsmoke's kits, their… their little daisies, playing in camp, growing up, becoming warriors… He couldn't stop the tears that came from his eyes as he wrapped his paws around his mate, holding her close as she cried as well.
"Bless the stars! Congratulations, you two!" Sandpatch purred, soon joined by the other patrol members, Petaldawn and Larkgrass. "Yes, yes, congratulations!" Larkgrass chirped. "It'll be so nice for Sheepfrost's kits to have some friends," Petaldawn purred, "they already keep her paws so busy, I'm sure she won't mind letting them play with yours, Orchidsmoke!"
Orchidsmoke pulled away from Feathercloud, and laughed. "I'm sure she will! Bless her heart, but Pricklekit's such a little troublemaker!" "Should we think of names soon?" Feathercloud asked, licking Orchidsmoke's cheek. She purred, and licked him back. "Badgerbrook said that I still have a moon or two before they're born. We have time, Feather!"
"Yes, and you still have a patrol to finish." Sandpatch added. "You two lovebirds can plan out your kits' lives once he gets back, alright?" Despite his serious sounding tone, Sandpatch's smile was teasing. "Orchidsmoke, are you sure you can make it back on your own?" Orchidsmoke nodded. "Yes, I am," she nuzzled Feathercloud again. "Stay safe, my cloud." Feathercloud nuzzled her back. "I will, my orchid."
"No, no, please!" Orchidsmoke's voice broke as she clutched her kits closer to her chest. She could barely make out their forms by now, so transparent that they almost blended in with the ground. "Wispkit, Stormkit, Cinderkit- please! You can't leave me!"
Even as their forms continued to fade, the queen could still make out Wispkit's eyes as he looked up at her. "What's happening, mama?" His voice was still sweet as ever, but weak, and distant. It echoed in her head, and tears seeped into the ground. "Please, don't leave me." Orchidsmoke whispered.
Stormkit's barely-visible paws weakly pressed against her muzzle, and she could just hardly make out a small smile on his face. "Don't cry, mama. Please don't be sad. It's okay." Orchidsmoke choked, nuzzling gently into her kits. "You can't go. Somebody has to still remember you. How could they ever forget you? You're so important to me."
Cinderkit weakly licked her face, purring. "It's okay, mama. You'll still remember us, that's all that matters. We love you." Orchidsmoke sobbed again. "Don't go. You can't leave me. Your- your father, he still needs to see you! Don't you all want to meet him? Please, please don't go."
Only silence met her ears, and Orchidsmoke realized that she could no longer feel the fading fur of her kits.
Throughout the Dark Forest, a long, mournful wailing wound through the trees.
Alone on a grassy, starry hill, Feathercloud stood. Gentle winds blew around him, the tall grass rippling in a smooth wave. The scent of prey tickled his nose, but his eyes were focused on one thing only – the distant form of the Dark Forest's edge, where the sky grew dark and the earth became black and ashen.
His heart ached at the thought of Orchidsmoke, and at the thought of their kits. He'd only seen them for a moment, small and huddled against one another as the council decided to send them to the Place of No Stars with their mother. His claws dug into the ground. It wasn't fair. He'd never even learned their names. Had Orchidsmoke used the names they'd come up with together? Had she used the one he liked the most – Cinderkit?
Feathercloud had done everything to try and see them again. He'd begged, pleaded, even threatened anybody who he thought could help him in getting into the Dark Forest, if even for just a moon. All that had gotten him was lectures. Feathercloud couldn't understand – didn't they see the injustice of it all? Banishing a mother, let alone her kits, to the Dark Forest? They'd be torn to bits in there.
Feathercloud shook, and tears spilled from his eyes. None of this was fair. None of this was just. He should've made them send him to the Dark Forest. His face twisted, and he let out an ugly sob, breathing heavily. Feathercloud's belly burned with rage, a low growl rumbling in his throat. If asking wouldn't work, if asking wouldn't let him see his orchid and little daisies, then he would make them put him there.
"My orchid," Feathercloud whispered, determination bubbling in his heart. "I'll see you soon, I promise. No matter how many lives I need to ruin, no matter how many cats I need to kill, I will see you and our little daisies again. I swear." He breathed deep, letting the last of his tears seep into the ground. "I love you, my orchid."
Alone on a hill, Feathercloud stood, waiting for a response that would never come.
- actually almost made myself cry while writing this
- while writing this i sorta started shipping ferndoe an orchidsmoke . whoopsie
- yess i will b submitting feathercloud soon enough i prommy
- also wrote this while listening 2 lenore's death theme
- feathercloud will also hav 2 go thru mourning once he gets himself in2 cat hell
- in my own hc only df cats fade away, since if both starclan an dark forest cats faded away then uhh ,,, feathercloud would hav faded too by now . an that would hav hurt orchidsmoke even more an i didn't wanna put her thru THAT much pain
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Hold on.. give me a second… I need a second, man… hold on
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