#Donald speaking
“The average US president has been charged with 1.54 felonies” factoid isn’t true. The average US President has been charged with 0 felonies. Donald trump, who has been charged with 71, is a statistical outlier and should not have been counted
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percypaints · 2 months
Trump survived. Here's what will happen.
Every media, news outlet will be showing this photo. Not of a convicted felon who was impeached, who summoned violent terrorists to the white house, who sexually assaulted many women, but of a survivor, a hero.
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And Trump will win 2024. The Alt Right and his MAGA supporters will see this and be more motivated than ever to vote Trump. Centrists will see this and think "the left is so much more extreme than the right" and vote Trump. Fuck, even liberals, after seeing Bidens disastrous debate performance might vote trump. In their eyes, he's a survivor now, he's strong now, he's worthy now. If you don't believe me, wait and see the top comments of news articles, the Reddit posts, the twitter quote tweets.
It isn't if Trump wins, it's when Trump wins, Ukraine is Fucked. Palestine is extra Fucked. And of course, America is absolutely Fucked.
I don't like Biden, but Americans have to remember: you live in a two-party system.
It is Biden or Trump.
And I'd much much rather an old husk of a man that has done so much good for trans rights, social policies, and human rights in general, than Trump. Yes, Biden has sent aids to Israel. Do you think Trump won't do the same? Do you think Trump won't do worse?
"Vote for a third party, they're both awful" you might say. Come on, be realistic. This is about holding the line against fascism. It is going to be way WAY easier to change the system when you're up against milk toast Joe than an actual dictator. So,
For the love of god, vote Biden in Novermber.
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mischieviem · 2 months
I think people need to realize that they are never going to like a politician 100%
Unless you are ignoring all the horrible things about them. Which you should never do.
It sucks to choose between two evils- but there IS a lesser evil.
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sher-ee · 2 months
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serglesinner · 11 months
recently I've been infected by her and it's bad
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miz-orque · 5 months
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Try again, Noly-canoli.
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sneegsnitties · 7 days
if i had a nickle for every time someone shot donald trump and missed id have two nickles which isnt a lot but its real sad that it happened twice
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”Why aren’t there laws against people running for president in prison?”
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antsday · 2 months
the best way i can describe the presidential race is like. it's like in death note when L dies and appoints his protege as the new guy who's gonna solve the yaoi mystery and Light loses his fucking mind
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Fun facts of the day!
- State charges cannot be pardoned by the President of the United States. They have to be pardoned by the governor of the state in which the crime was committed
- the governor of Georgia does not have pardon power, that power was stripped in 1943 by the Georgia state legislature
- TV cameras are forbidden in federal court. TV cameras are permitted in state court. It’s already been stated that Donald Trump’s Georgia trial will be televised
- Donald Trump will be booked, processed, fingerprinted, and have his mug shot taken just like any other person who enters the Fulton country jail. They don’t believe in special treatment down there
- the Georgia RICO statue carries a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence which cannot be revoked by a judge
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browniefox · 3 months
My biggest problem with Ducktales 2017 was probably that I quickly became obsessed with Donald and wanted it to be about him which, by premise, it is not.
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sher-ee · 5 months
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Speaks volumes doesn’t it?
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we were watching the debate in my government class and playing bingo and when the moderator said "there are no states where it is legal to kill a baby after it is born" everyone burst out laughing. we had diehard conservative country kids laughing at trump. thats how badly he embarrassed himself
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batknot · 2 months
On Kamala Harris
Disclaimer: I will be linking articles but I have my own biases so feel free to correct me or just interact.
My credentials: Asian-american citizen, autism (this is my special interest), polisci, etc.
Who Is Kamala Harris?
She's the first female vice president as well as african american and asian american. She's held the positions of district attorney, attorney general, and senator. She's supported abortion rights, gay rights, expanded job training for criminals, and supported federal legalizing of medical cannibis in 2015. In march, she called for ceasefire from palestine.
Will she really be president nominee?
We dont know that for sure, but its incredibly likely that she will. Not only is she currently VP, skipping over her would be an incredibly stupid move from the democratic party that would likely bring backlash to whoever else they would pick. She also has access to funding and campaign plans from Biden's run as well as name recognition. Whether she will win depends on voter turnout, her VP pick, and the next four months.
Why do people dislike her?
Top Cop. Harris has a history as prosecutor and attorney general which while beneficial made her controversial during 2020. Its hard to reach a consensus here because much of what is being said is misinformation. Heres some facts: she's advocated for lynching to be a federal crime, and she's also sponsored legislation that would ban choke holds, racial profiling and no-knock warrants. She is against the death penalty but swore to uphold it anyways as is her job.
Immigration. Her role in immigration is very misunderstood. In her role, Harris has focused on convincing companies to invest in Central America. In March, the White House announced Harris had secured a commitment from the private sector to invest over $5 billion to promote economic opportunities and reduce violence in the region.
Personal opinions
I believe that most of her controversy comes from being a black woman. Trump's presidency was hellish and he's been open about stating that it'll only get worse. Voting for her will be the best opportunity we have.
Other resources: r/whatbidenhasdone
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ranmagender · 2 months
So Kyle Gass made a joke about wishing that the bullet had killed Trump in the recent assassination attempt.
Jack Black (long time supporter of Autism Speaks despite pleas from autistic people not to support them) responded thusly
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[ID: Instagram post from Jack Black that is black text on white background that reads: "I was blindsided by what was said at the show on Sunday. I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form.
After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding." END ID]
This is beyond spineless, cowardly, to throw a lifelong friend under the bus like that. Why don't you just bow down and kiss Trump's feet while you're at it Jack
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