xivartref · 8 months
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sokeanshu · 9 months
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At Least She Looks Cute
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neriyon · 4 months
Huton change will trip my muscle memory up so bad fjfbfbd
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its-raining-cats · 1 year
Goodbye ninja you son of a bitch. See you next summer when the level cap is increased.
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fawnshy · 2 years
who at square enix is responsible for this change because. i just want to talk.
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enchantingpeachfury · 3 months
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takamoris · 4 months
Ninja might actually be the best job holy shit
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leviathanmirror · 1 year
The other reason I don't like melee dps in group stuff (and black mage) is because I don't have the patience for all the interruptions to my rotation.
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fjotla-vithir · 1 year
Always remember what Uncle Iroh said about single target doton:
Wisdom has always been chasing you, but you have always been faster.
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justsomeoneunordinary · 10 months
ok listen i love the trope of the uchiha loving spicy food while the senju only consume bland food with zero tolerance for anything spicy/hot - it's fun! - but since i'm a big fan of trope inversion and subversion, what if it was the other way around?
the senju with their doton and mokuton and healing abilities obviously know all kinds of herbs and spices, and so naturally, they experiment with them in their food as well, which is how they end up being known for their aromatic/flavorful/spicy food
and they assume the uchiha must be the same because they practically breathe and live fire, aye? wrong. "we blow fire OUT of our mouths, we don't want any fire IN our mouths, what the fuck is wrong with you, senju!?!?"
i just think it would be funny if hashirama were to casually bite into a chili like a snack while madara watches with pure horror in his eyes and thinks "fuck, that's why they call him the god of shinobi" lmao
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childotkw · 7 months
Could you share with us some Regulus & Tobirama friendship shenanigans? Izuna's reactions to those shenanigans are very welcome xD
"And you're sure the earthquake wasn't your doing?" Izuna asked, blank-faced but despairing on the inside.
Tobirama - the asshole - nodded, still unfailingly calm despite the frantic movements of the shinobi around them, trying to put out the portion of the forest that was on fire. There was an Akimichi in the background desperately using doton to repair the fissures that had split open the ground.
Regulus at least had the grace to look guilty when Izuna turned to him. His friend was fretting quietly, watching the chaos around them with a little furrow in his brow while nibbling at his bottom lip. It was a confused kind of emotion though - the associated guilt a bystander might feel at not helping.
Izuna really wanted to sigh.
"Do you...know what caused the earthquake at least?" he asked, some exasperation slipping through. Fuck, but he had been dead asleep when the call had come in. He wasn't awake enough to be the responsible one.
"An unexpected shift in the earth's tectonic plates that exacerbated the current issues of this region," Tobirama rattled off, making Izuna squint at him. He was doing it deliberately, Izuna just knew it.
"It was a natural occurrence," Regulus translated. "But we think a lot of earth-related jutsu have been used in this area and it's damaged the stability, so when a tectonic shift occurs, like just now, the impact is compounded."
Izuna looked at him, tired and frustrated. Regulus looked up at the sky for a moment, then back down.
"The ground's weak," he said, simplifying his language and speaking slowly in a way that would normally piss Izuna off. "You people throwing rocks at each other has made it worse."
"Is this going to be an immediate issue or can this wait another hour?"
Why was it always Izuna? Why couldn't Madara deal with this shit instead? His brother was the one who actually wanted this fucking village.
Tobirama finally stopped standing there looking pretty, and actually bent down to press his finger to the ground. To investigate Izuna's question or just escape the conversation, he didn't care. Whatever bullshit sensoring technique he was doing, Izuna left him to it for the moment, focussing back on Regulus.
"What were you two doing out here in the first place?"
He had said it casually, more an idle complaint of why his two-thirds of his social circle were out in the middle of the wilderness miles away from Konoha - but the way Regulus' expression abruptly smoothed out had Izuna's interest sharpening.
"Just an experiment," Regulus said waving a hand dismissively.
Too dismissively.
Izuna's suspicious mind rumbled to life.
"I wanted to see if I could increase my control over fire," Tobirama unexpectedly interjected, shamelessly taking the blame when the blaze was still being put out.
That was how Izuna knew they were lying.
His rival was, much to Izuna's chagrin, actually proficient in fire release. The wily bastard could use all the elements with minimal effort, though his water release was still his most devastating skill.
Tobirama would never have lost control over a fire, even as a child. He was too good to make such a mistake.
That he was here, admitting to such a misstep - that he was hinting at a deficiency in his abilities at all - was more revealing than if he had just stayed quiet.
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• Naruto's calligraphy
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Naruto not only added some nosebleeds or sticking out tongue or drawing poop on the Hokage faces. But he also added calligraphy on the face of Hashirama, 「アホ」 (aho) - means dumb/fool and 「バカ」 baka- stupid.
• Naruto's training
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A training menu is posted on the wall: 「こ れを毎日やる」 Do this everyday, 「修業」 training, 「修業あるのみ」 The only thing to do is training, 「打倒サスケ!!!」 Defeat Sasuke!!!
修業 is acquire learning skills from someone, such as academics and techniques for work or other purposes. It used in lifelong training of martial arts.
打倒 means to beatdown, to knockdown, to overthrow, to defeat...
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Kakashi dolls shown in the manga at other times↑
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打倒サスケ!!! This poster was shown again in ch. 227 during Naruto's monologue (Vote 1) and in ch. 696 - Naruto's flashback (vote 2)
「トレーニングメニュー!!!」 torēningu menyū !!! Training menu!!!
「マラソン10km」 marathon 10km
「うでたて100」 push-up 100
「ふっきん100」 sit-up 100 (abdominal exercise)
「はいきん100」 pull-up 100 (back exercise)
「術・印」 Jutsu seal (Hand signs)-> Ninjutsu training
「カカシ人形をなぐる100発」 punch Kakashi doll 100 times
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The scrolls on the table
「土遁」 Doton= Earth Style
「火遁」 Katon= Fire style
「水遁」 Suiton= Water style
「風遁」 Fūton= Wind style
「岸本流」 Kishimotoryū= Kishimoto style
「お色気」 Oiroke= Sexy style
「武器」 buki= Weapon
「口よせ」 kuchiyose= Summoning
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In fact, this is not the first time Kishimoto has appeared in the manga. In ch. 3 Kishimoto appeared in the form of a promotional poster, 「岸本齐史」.
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indigosabyss · 2 months
DCST x Naruto: Transferred Habits
"Okay, then, everything's set." Kakashi brushed off the remaining grit on his hands from the Doton he'd used to bury Senku's latest contraption.
The inventor sat by, looking exceedingly unimpressed, "If we want to prove this works without chakra, we should have buried it by hand."
"It's just a prototype to make sure we can simulate an earthquake. Cutting out all chakra from the process is unrealistic." Kakashi reminded him, "Now get out of range."
Senku grumbled still as he got up to walk to the approximate perimeter of the device's range.
Kakashi landed beside him in a wholly unnecessary Body Flicker, and looked at him consideringly, instead of pressing the trigger.
Senku looked at him, "Spit it out."
"Why do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"When you get up. You always stall for a second. Brace your knees lightly like you're going to fall. Why?"
"I get dizzy-" Senku started to say, before it occurred to him that he didn't. Not here anyway, "Just forget it."
"We should get that checked out. My cute apprentice can't die because of unchecked dizzy spells."
"I don't anymore. It was just a while back, when my chakra imbalance was really fucked."
Back in the vague memories of a world without chakra.
Guess more than a few facts carried over from there.
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
God I love when tanks cooperate with Doton. Instant comm from me tbh
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caffeine-yeen · 23 days
Single-target doton is the sign of an impure heart and shows that you do not have enough brouzouf to escape the cycles of guilt
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