#Togakure ryu
sokeanshu · 9 months
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gensokyogarden · 7 months
Listen, in a land of supernatural monsters where combat has always decided who is right you've gotta know how to throw your hands (no you don't I just like martial arts):
... Also because of how I'm formatting this this'll have to be a multipost thing. At some spots if you go over the image I have included some notes on the character's placement.
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Hung Ga
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Zui Quan
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Tai Chi
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Araki-Ryu (Primarily chain focused)
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obmains · 2 years
Muto dori sabaki gata
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Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.It is believed that Takagi Yoshin-Ryu Jutaijutsu was developed from Takenouchi-Ryu Jujutsu, and was influenced by Kukishinden-Ryu. The advantage of heaven the advantage of earth perseverance, effort and invention personal power.For reference, some of Morikawa Tetsuro's postscript.Yamabiko 2: A complete view of Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu.Yamabiko 1: A few words directed at modern Budo.Letter to Soke (Chris Roworth) / Yamabiko.My experience of Toate Fudo Kanashibari no Jutsu (Someya Ken'ichi).Yamabiko: A Ninja's view of Abebe's run (from Tokyo Sports Newspaper, 1964).Be forever young in your training (Ishizuka Tetsuji).Yamabiko 1: "Let us all buy advance tickets to paradise while we are alive" (Takamatsu Toshitsugu).Soke and Kyojitsu Tenkan (John Cantor) / Yamabiko.Chester Taikai (Pedro Gomez) / Yamabiko.The Grace and the Energy (Nathalie Delalande).Find the right path (Sveneric Bogsaeter).People who study Budo (Robert Matson) / Yamabiko.Names of human Kyusho and parts of a Katana.Letter to Soke (Mariette van der Vliet).I became a 5th Dan in Atlanta / Looking back at three world Taikai (Uehara Hiroshi) / Yamabiko.Mysterious healer (Ben Jones) / Yamabiko.Frankfurt Taikai: Friendship and Harmony (Steffen Froehlich) / Yamabiko.Murphy's Law in Ninjutsu (Arnaud Cousergue).Recording the Daisho Sabaki, Muto Dori and Shiraha Dome Videos / 15 days walking with Hatsumi Sensei (Pedro Fleitas) / Yamabiko.Videos, Tokyo Dojo training nights, Daikomyosai.Reflections on my Fifth Dan test (Yoshida Shin'ichi) / Yamabiko.An unforgettable moment (Sveneric Bogsaeter) / Yamabiko.Ninjutsu - practise and self-defence (Elias Krzywacki) / Yamabiko.Life Value of a Ninja (Jack Hoban) / Yamabiko.1993 Argentina Ninjutsu Taikai BUDHA Taikai (Daniel Hernandez) / Yamabiko.Dawn Course of Argentina (Manaka Fumio) / Yamabiko.Bujin Juyushi: Training & Teaching Schedules.Yamabiko: Birth of the Bujinkan Juyushi.Letter of thanks to Soke from the author Mine Takaichiro.Moment of relief after "Memorial service for 3000 slaughtered souls".Memorial service for 3000 slaughtered souls (Editors).Yamabiko 2: Tale of a world-famous singer.Honesty is the best policy (Brin Morgan) / Yamabiko.Taikai - my reflections (Sveneric Bogsaeter) / Yamabiko.Letter to Soke (General Kemper) / Yamabiko.Articulo para Sanmyaku (Jose Maria Conejo) / Yamabiko.NIN exhibition at Chiba City Folk Museum (1979).Let them cut your flesh, and cut their bones.Stories of living martial heroes (Editors).Kamiwaza at the Huelva Taikai (Ben Jones).Shooting the Bojutsu Video (Oguri Koichi).Filming the Rokushakubo-jutsu Video (Kan Jun'ichi).Stories from the filming of the Bojutsu video.The merits and demerits of sports martial arts (Nagato Toshiro).Letter to Soke from his Buyu "Gorilla" (Ricardo).The point of balance: the human being between spirit, body and mind (Pedro Fleitas).Unless otherwise marked, all articles are by Dr Hatsumi, the Bujinkan Dojo Soke (in particular the "Yamabiko" articles, which are often a response to the one listed immediately before). Note: actual issue numbers vary depending on the country - the list here is based on the order of publication in Japan. Bujinkan Densho Sanmyaku: index Contents of Sanmyaku by issue
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Takamatsu Sensei Words of Wisdom #selfworth #facts #wisewisdom #selfcon...
Toshitsugu Takamatsu, often referred to as Takamatsu Sensei, was a renowned martial artist born on March 10, 1887, in Akashi City, Japan. He is particularly famous for being the last known heir to several ancient Japanese martial arts traditions, including Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu and Gyokko-ryu Kosshijutsu.
Takamatsu Sensei began his martial arts training at a young age, studying under various masters and receiving instruction in a wide range of combat techniques. He was known for his exceptional skill and deep understanding of traditional martial arts.
In addition to his prowess in combat, Takamatsu Sensei was also a spiritual and philosophical thinker, incorporating Zen Buddhism and other traditional Japanese philosophies into his martial arts practice. He believed in the importance of harmony and self-discipline, not just in physical combat but also in daily life.
Takamatsu Sensei's teachings and legacy were passed down to a select few students, including Toshitsugu Takamatsu's grandson, Masaaki Hatsumi, who became the current Soke (grandmaster) of the martial arts traditions associated with Takamatsu Sensei. Takamatsu Sensei's influence continues to be felt in the martial arts world, particularly within the ninjutsu and bujutsu communities.
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thedojoofintellect · 6 months
Martial Arts
The martial arts are battle-tested traditions that have existed for millenia. Their etymological underpinnings are based on them being the Art of Mars, who was the Roman god of war.
The are quite a few forms of self-defense originating in the Far East. These include various forms of Karate such as Bushinryu, Mas Oyama's Kyokushin, Chojun Miyagi's goju-ryu, and Gichin Funakoshi's Shotokan. Gichin Funakoshi is known as the father of modern Karate.
Some other forms of martial arts include the Japanese discipline of Aikido (the "Art of Peace" which was founded by Morihei Ueshiba), Sumo wrestling, Wing Chun Fist (a type of Chinese Gung Fu), and other forms of Kung Fu like White Crane-style, Flying Crane-style, Northern Praying Mantis-style, and Southern Praying Mantis-style.
There also exists the combat systems of Jigoro Kano's Judo (the "Gentle Way"), Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Hwang Kee's Tang Soo Do (the "Way of the Tang Hand" - a reference to China's Tang Dynasty), Taekwondo (the "Art of Punching and Kicking" which later became popularized in the United States by Jhoon Rhee), Hwarang-Do (based upon the practices of Korean warrior-poets), Nunchaku-Do (techniques of Nunchuks), Dojutsu (a subsidiary of Ninjutsu), Kiaijutsu (a style based upon utilizing the vocal chords as weapons), Shurikenjutsu (throwing star techniques), Bujutsu (military arts), and Bojutsu (Bo staff techniques).
Aikido has to do with redirecting energy through joint locks and wrist locks. Aiki is internalized energy whereas Kiai is externalized energy. Wing Chun Fist was designed to defeat an opponent bigger, stronger, and faster than you.
Ninjutsu, the "Silent Way", was pioneered by the disciple of a Chinese warrior-monk during the 12th century. That disciple's name was Daisuke Nishina and his mentor was called Kain Doshi. The Shinobi (Japanese term for ninja) were the wizened mountain elders located in Iga Prefecture. Daisuke Nishina changed his name to Daisuke Togakure after founding the Togakure-ryu, or the "School of the Hidden Door". One of his remote successors was Toda-sensei, who trained Jutaro (later "Toshitsugu Takamatsu" AKA the Mongolian Tiger who mentored Masaaki Hatsumi).
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ozartesmarciales · 4 years
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musodavi · 6 years
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oni-gami-ryu · 7 years
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TOGAKURE RYU NINJUTSU La escuela de la puerta escondida Los tres secretos de esta escuela eran: 1. Senban shuriken: estrella arrojadiza de cuatro puntas, exclusiva de este Ryu. 2. Shuko: pieza de metal con cuatro garfios, que se colocaba en la mano y se agarraba a la muñeca con una pieza de piel. Se utilizaba para escalar y en muchas ocasiones, como defensa ante ataques con espada. 3. Shindake:…
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA-tE8xK9lM)
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sokeanshu · 1 year
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shinobiscience · 3 years
Unconventional Lesson
Teki Gaeshi is a Chuden level Koto Ryu kata. A couple of weeks ago Mark was teaching this kata in the Togakure Ryu class I take. He was explaining it from the Togakure Ryu view point and demonstrating it that way.
Togakure Ryu uses the Koto Ryu and Gyoko Ryu katas in unconventional ways to make the same outcome happen to the uke/opponent. Today I asked Dennis if we could look at this kata so I could train in it to better understand the lesson Mark was teaching. 
So we took the original kata from Koto Ryu and put it in Ninja Lab. I had not seen the Koto Ryu version before. Training in it I discovered so many cool things.
I have a habit of holding my arm a certain way that is appropriate for the Koto Ryu katas I have studied but not for this one. What I thought was the entry strike to the person did not get the correct result, after experimenting I found the correct strike and location to off balance the person. This result led to the proper alignment for the kick in this Koto Ryu version.
The Togakure Ryu version Mark had shown did not have a kick but the same results were achieved as the Koto Ryu one we worked on today. Playing with the Koto Ryu version helped me better understand the Togakure Ryu versions I had seen previously. I look forward to training and exploring with both versions more.
We look forward to training with you.
P.S. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Shinobi Science click below.
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aristeianews · 4 years
Tsutsui Takumi: Ο 35ος Soke της Togakure Ryu Ninpo
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surejaya · 4 years
The Illustrated Ninja Handbook: Hidden Techniques of Ninjutsu
Download : The Illustrated Ninja Handbook: Hidden Techniques of Ninjutsu More Book at: Zaqist Book
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The Illustrated Ninja Handbook: Hidden Techniques of Ninjutsu by Remigiusz Borda
Learn to master ninjutsu techniques and the Budo warrior ethos with this informative and entertaining martial arts guide.Welcome to the secret world of the ninja master! The Illustrated Ninja Handbook is your ultimate guide to the esoteric knowledge and teachings of the ancient Japanese shinobi. It provides ninjitsu devotees with the first detailed understanding of this shadowy and mysterious martial art form.This handbook contains step-by-step instructions that allow you to master the 40 most devastating ninja fighting techniques. It was created with the blessing of legendary ninjutsu master Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, who taught for many generations in the Bujinkan School—recognized by many to be the leading ninjutsu school in the world.The Bujinkan Dojo encompasses nine separate ryu-ha or martial arts schools that are based in Japan and headed by Hatsumi. Bujinkan ninjas use both armed and unarmed fighting techniques, with weapons such as swords, bamboo shinai, and staffs. They also learn to defend themselves unarmed against weapons attacks. Author Remigiusz Borda studied and taught Bujinkan ninjutsu for many decades, and in this book presents the unique system created by Masaaki Hatsumi—the 34th Grandmaster and head of the Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu lineage.The Illustrated Ninja Handbook is based on hundreds of years of actual ninja combat experience and contains the traditional knowledge of the legendary Shinobi warrior clan who were instrumental in helping found the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Download : The Illustrated Ninja Handbook: Hidden Techniques of Ninjutsu More Book at: Zaqist Book
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jpf-sydney · 6 years
The Ninja
Book review:
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A book for ninja historians and martial art afficionados.
It might be surprising but historical ninja did not dress in the black robes that have become their defining image. In similar vein, researcher and martial art practitioner, Kacem Zoughari has authored a work that aims to present the ninja in a factually accurate manner. It posits the origins of the shinobi as a convergence of factions including warrior monks, refugees from the remnants of defeated armies and other dwellers of secluded mountainous areas.
A large portion of this work is given to modern day ninjutsu, specifically the Togakure ryu. The current master, Hatsumi Masaaki, and his predecessor, Takamatsu Toshitsugu, are central. Their lives, impact and knowledge are given significant exposure.
While this book may have benefited from a little more editorial oversight, particularly in the spelling department, it’s nonetheless a very concentrated and earnest investigative effort that digs into one of the cultural icons of Japan.
Shelf 789.8 ZOU The ninja : ancient shadow warriors of Japan / Kacem Zoughari. Zoughari, Kacem. Tokyo : Tuttle ; Enfield : Publishers Group UK [distributor], 2010. 1 v. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 26 cm. Text in English ISBN 9780804839273
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ozartesmarciales · 4 years
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dragon-inside · 8 years
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Togakure Ryu by  CristianAC .
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