sokeanshu · 7 months
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kultofathena · 9 months
f you’re not following @thejade.eye already then you should be! His content is incredible.
The sword he uses in this video is The Hanwei Practical Shinobi Ninja-to (SH1071)
It’s in stock, battle ready and ready to ship!
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What if the Zanpakuto aren't all Katanas?
We've seen both in the manga and the anime instances where the sword don't seem to possess that characteristical curvature a Katana has.
Senbonzakura is mostly depicted as a straight (pun not intended) blade, no curvature at all. Even the Kageyoshi appearance doesn't resemble Katana blades...
The Shinigami precede by a lot the appearance of the first Katana.
What if some of them are actually Ninjato?
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ninjatoswords · 3 months
Ninjato: The Ninja's Stealth Weapon
Myths Versus Reality: Uncovering the True History of the Ninjato
The Ninjato, often depicted in popular culture as the quintessential weapon of the ninja, is shrouded in mystery and myth. The image of a black-clad ninja wielding a straight-bladed sword with a square guard has become iconic, but how much of this image is rooted in historical fact?
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The Mythical Ninjato
In movies, comics, and video games, the Ninjato is portrayed as a short, straight-bladed sword designed for quick, efficient killing. This portrayal, however, is largely a modern invention. The ninja, or shinobi, were covert agents in feudal Japan, specializing in espionage, sabotage, and guerrilla warfare. Much of what we "know" about them comes from folklore and later embellishments.
The idea of the Ninjato as a distinct sword type is relatively recent. Historical records from the periods when ninjas were active (the Kamakura, Muromachi, and Sengoku periods) make little to no mention of a specific ninja sword. Instead, ninjas likely used whatever weapons were available and suited their missions, including common samurai swords like the Katana and Wakizashi.
The Historical Ninjato
Some historians and Katana Swords experts suggest that the Ninjato might have been a shortened or modified Katana. The straight blade often depicted might be a simplification for ease of drawing and sheathing quickly, which could be advantageous during a stealth mission. However, there is no concrete archaeological evidence to support the existence of a distinct Ninjato.
Practical Design Features for Stealth
Despite the debates about its historical authenticity, the Ninjato's design as portrayed in popular culture has several practical features that would indeed make it suitable for stealth operations:
Straight Blade: A straight blade is easier to draw quickly from its scabbard, especially in confined spaces. This could give a ninja a crucial advantage in a surprise attack.
Short Length: The shorter length of the Ninjato, compared to a typical Katana, would make it more maneuverable in close quarters and easier to conceal. This would be beneficial for stealth and surprise tactics.
Square Guard (Tsuba): The square guard could be used for practical purposes beyond protection, such as climbing. It could be wedged into surfaces to provide footholds or handholds, aiding in scaling walls.
Simple Construction: The simplicity of the Ninjato’s design, with fewer ornamental elements, might have made it cheaper and quicker to produce. This would align with the ninja's need for functional and disposable equipment. You may customize your samurai sword.
Utility Beyond Combat: The scabbard (saya) of the Ninjato is often depicted with multiple uses. It could be used as a breathing tube underwater, a club, or a tool to store other ninja gadgets like caltrops or blinding powders.
The Ninja's Arsenal
While the Ninjato is fascinating, it’s important to remember that ninjas used a wide array of tools and weapons. They were masters of adaptability, using whatever was at hand to complete their missions. This included not only swords but also daggers (tanto), short spears, and various tools for climbing, distraction, and escape.
The Ninjato, as popularly imagined, might be more myth than reality, but its design features reflect the practical needs of a stealthy, adaptable warrior. Whether it existed historically or not, the concept of the Ninjato embodies the ingenuity and resourcefulness that made the ninja legendary. By blending historical facts with modern interpretations, we can appreciate the Ninjato not just as a weapon, but as a symbol of the ninja’s elusive and enigmatic nature.
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obstinator · 10 months
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(via "Ninjesus " Premium T-Shirt for Sale by obstinator)
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coolkatana-store · 1 year
Ninjato is the exclusive weapon of ninjas and is sometimes called shinobigatana. The length is shorter than the katana, the blade is straight, and the tip is square, but they are used in almost the same way as the katana, and now they are mainly used for cosplay or collection by ninja enthusiasts.
Coolkatana provides you with ninjato, designed for practical use, the shape is designed in Japan, and the products are hand-forged by swordsmith with 200 years of casting technology in Longquan, China.
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dokonskit · 3 months
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Duke Nukem от Ninjatoes
It was very difficult to make it, as it has a lot of parts with a lot of faces, which increases the risk of improper gluing. Basically, that's what happened: he can't stand on two legs, so I had to weight his feet, and his gun doesn't fit in his hand, which is why I decided to insert it under the armpit of the other hand. Cripple Duke.)
Его очень сложно было делать, так как в нём много деталей с большим количеством граней, что увеличивает риск неправильного склеивания. В принципе, это и произошло: он не может стоять на двух ногах, поэтому мне пришлось утяжелить ступни, и его ружьё не помещается ему в руку, из-за чего я решил вставить её под мышку другой руки. Калека Дюк.)
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jmd-creative · 1 year
So cool!
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Ninjato Collection ROM
"1- Sharp, Sturdy and fully functional Katana, great for actual practicing or collection
2- Full tang, made of hand-forged Carbon steel.using traditional heat treatment method to increase the hardness of the edge
3- Standard length, perfect balance, comfortable grip,
4- Beautifully crafted, included all traditional katana elements. The blade is hand polished using ancient method.
Ninjato Collection ROM" Visit: https://romanceofmen.com/collections/ninjato
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
HII I saw your requests are open and you wanted um. Neji. Reqs. Hi. um.!! Could you write something of him with a reader thats not from a strong clan (They are well known but not for fighting or even field work) and doesn’t have a Kekkei Genkai or anything but is strong regardless,,, wields a sword and is great at fighting physically and all that. She teases him a lot and gets not his nerves but it’s all affectionate! She does get underestimated a lot though. I’ve had this idea sitting in my head ever since I watched naruto,, saw team guy and fell in love they are my roman empire
Neji With an S/O Who Isn’t From a Prominent Clan
Idk if i capitalize titles right tbh. I forget how it’s done honestly. I don’t remember if “With” gets capitalized.
Anyways, thank you so much for your request!
This is a little harsh in the beginning. So WARNING! For asshole genin Neji.
No gender specified, but “beautiful” is used
An uneven number of shinobi graduating from the academy was so oddly unheard of that at first, you ended up training alone with some jonin who took pity on you.
And at first, Neji had said something to his team about that just being the fate of people like you. Destined to be alone and a failure.
No need to give you some chance for a big break in life, this would happen any way you put it.
Neji didn’t ever figure he’d be willing to die for you one day. (Maybe he’s not the character to say this for…)
He dreaded when Gai Sensei introduced you as a new teammate of team 3.
Of course Gai would go through the trouble of taking pity on a wimp like you. He should have expected no less.
Tenten was excited that you wielded a weapon, however.
And Rock Lee was excited to have a new teammate! Not to mention, you were beautiful. He was just a little smitten…
Overtime, he watched you train. And as Tenten marveled over how well off you were in your skills with your ninjato! (A ninjato is a straight sword, if you don’t know. Sasuke uses one)
And in the same way he thinks Rock Lee or Naruto are destined to never make it anywhere, he thinks the same of you.
After the chunin exams and the Konoha crush, he begins to think differently of you. He thinks differently of himself, Rock Lee, and Naruto as well. Even Lady Hinata.
Overall, he becomes more pleasant to be around. And you both start to talk a bit more often.
Soon he fines Lee’s insistence on flirting with you so openly is annoying, and not just because he won’t shut up anymore, but now it’s that he’s jealous.
He’s jealous?
He’s jealous.
And when he watches you fight while on missions, he’s got a different way of looking at you.
Maybe somebody with no Kekkei Genkai and no prominent clan can really make it. Maybe you aren’t destined for failure. Maybe that challenge is just something you can overcome, become stronger.
And you have.
I think being with him would be a classic case of you fell first, he fell harder.
You didn’t fall immediately. You were very sweet, but anybody with a brain knew Neji was a total asshole. Even if you were rather nice to him, you didn’t have eyes for him beyond thinking he was pretty for a guy.
So once he starts to be nicer, you quickly realize he’s not just visually your type. You really like the guy.
It takes him a couple years to fully realize he fell for you.
And a bit longer to realize Lee, as much as he cares for him, is testing his patience asking you out. When will he give up?
So he realizes, if he keeps quiet, are you gonna give in and let Lee have a chance with your heart?
So he ends up asking you out on a date after pulling you off to the side. Making sure you were out of earshot from anybody, especially your team.
You both keep it silent from Tenten, Gai, and Lee. Anybody really. For a while.
He wonders how none of them notice the way you tease him more than the others. The way you’re just a bit too touchy with him. (Tenten noticed, but she keeps her mouth shut for a while)
The way you insist on braiding his hair or tying it up for him before training or something to get it out of his way.
Or just beg him to let you braid it for fun. No real reason.
Usually he rolls his eyes, groans, and says no. Firmly. But he’s not so firm with you.
He looks so pretty with his braided hair. Let’s just say that.
Until finally Neji snaps a little bit at Lee, “When will you realize, y/n has a boyfriend, Lee.”
Lee’s eyes go wide, and he’s visibly upset. But soon his brows just furrow a bit as he exclaims “WAIT, WHO??”
Neji realizes his mistake, but he’s not ashamed of you. So maybe it is time to say something. So he informs Lee, and the rest of the over enthusiastic team, that he is, in fact, your boyfriend.
He’s actually so proud of your skills.
He’s not the type to show you off by PDA, but he will smirk and look all smug when somebody compliments you or you do something awesome.
And when the clan’s branch system gets dismantled, eventually he starts figuring your name would sound real nice with Hyuga as a family name.
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howlingday · 9 months
Blake: So, what kind of ninja are you?
Jaune: I'm a freelance ninja.
Blake: A freelance ninja?
Jaune: It's a hustle, y'know? Employment is really hard to come by these days, so you gotta really talk people into ninjas. I'm working on my own right now, self-employed and all that. And once I get something I can sell... I'll sell it.
Blake: Who will you sell to?
Jaune: The highest bidder.
Blake: Right, so are you black-clad with a sword and smoke bombs, or...
Jaune: Mhm. Definitely black-clad. I also have some more modern stuff, since Naruto is really popular these days. That's why I wear a headband with my business card on it. You know, for advertising, since I'm freelance. You gotta advertise in this business. And also all business.
Blake: Right, right.
Jaune: Also, I couldn't get any ninja shoes, because they're all custom made, so I'm wearing sandals and socks, both of which are black.
Blake: So... black flip flops with black dress socks?
Jaune: Yup. But they're all black, so it fits in with my other modern black clothes. You know, black jeans, black shirt, black gloves and, uh, a sort of neck gaiter. A real modern ninja.
Blake: Uh-huh... So, what kind of weapons do you have? Do you have a katana? An odachi? Maybe a ninjato?
Jaune: Well, most of my stuff is made at home, in the garage. Like, I've got this hunting knife and a grappling hook that I made.
Blake: ...You know what? I respect it.
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sokeanshu · 9 months
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disvain · 1 year
list of OCs :]
a brief thread (that i'll try to update) with my characters and a brief summary of them so you can ask them stuff if you wanna :3
(also, if you wanna draw them, please ask first!!)
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disvain - sweet wanderer (he/him; in his mid 20's)
a sea otter who barely holds any memories of his past. his body still knows how to swiftly move with a sword. he's been travelling around the universe to find clues about his past.
his blade, the Tizona, is forged with a metal said to come from another realm, and allows him to cast a variety of nature-related spells.
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hiroko - cold mercenary (she/her; in her mid 20's)
a river otter who seeks to seeks to find the culprit behind her village's fire. being left alone at a young age because of it, all she has left from her parents is the Leviathan - a ninjato said to be forged with the same metals as the Tizona and able to cast water and ice focused spells.
despite being fond with using daggers, her fighting style mainly focuses on a mix of martial arts.
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epsali - warrior princess (she/her; in her late 30's)
despite her royal status, epsali is a fire dragon who would rather train and fight than attend to her duties as a princess; that's part of the reason why she often wears her royal guard's armour instead of her dress.
although her people seems to dislike the royal family, she cares for them. she carries with her a massive axe which she was told is made of emerald.
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livefe - shy healer (she/her; in her early 20's)
adopted by epsali at an early age, she looks up at her almost as a motherly figure, although she's still unsure what sort of dragon she is. all she has from whoever left her at the castle's door is her ruby pendant.
she's diligently been studying light magic ever since, and her staff helps her amplify her spells. no-one in the castle is too sure what these seals around it are, though.
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vintagerpg · 9 months
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Like its companion book, Samurai with Katana, I suspect Ninja with Ninjato (1985) was released to capitalize on the success of Oriental Adventures for D&D. Despite the top bar on both books indicating it was part of a larger series of “Heroes and Monsters of Medieval Japan,” no further installments appeared.
Unlike the Samurai, who is a conventional combat character, the Ninja, of course, comes with a number of trick cards — blinding powder, caltrops, itching powder, kusari-fundo, poison, shuriken, sleeping powder and a smoke bomb — that can be used in place of typical attacks. These draw on a special pool of gimmick points and give the Ninja…I don’t want to say unfair advantage, but like the spells introduced in the Tome of Red Magic, they introduce tactical problems that are challenging to nullify.
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modeus-the-unbound · 7 months
Actually now that I’m really thinking about it…what blade is razor?
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At first I thought it was a Kangxi style dao. But then I realized the sharp slope of the blade as on the cutting edge and not the dull side (the side that would normally be facing the wielder.)
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So I think her arm blades were partially inspired by the japanese Ninjato. A sword that for all intent, may not have ever existed. It was supposedly a shinobi tool of combat and close quarters assassination, but as with all things associated with ninjas, it's hard to seperate myth from reality.
Either way, its the only straight edged sword with a straight edged slope on the cutting edge that I could recall.
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