#Double for girls. He have said that im his reference to ... Girls in general are and such and im feel bad for him
mrfoox · 1 year
My boy... Fabian... Needs help im crying
#miranda talking shit#I think IM autistic and thus bad at socializing and being Normal ™ and then theres him...#Hes planning to hit up an conversation with a girl at the gym tomorrow and i... He asked me how and for tips#The first things he said made me scream and i had to explain to him that he cannot say that shit#...he overheard her talking that shes planning to train at the gym tomorrow at 3pm again... And he wanted to#Open an conversation with her with that 'i overheard you saying you'd be here today so i wanted to say hi' like my dude my guy thats#So scary DO NOT !!! then i explained it and said it outloud to him and he was like 'okay now that i hear it. Its creepy'#Yeah... Dont say that shit holy hell. I know he has 0 experience with talking to girls outside of like... School#But damn my dude i fear for you 😔 i know him so i know hes a nice guy but he really... Don't ... Know how to talk to people ....#Double for girls. He have said that im his reference to ... Girls in general are and such and im feel bad for him#Im mentally unstable and ill and just has 0 filters... Majority of girls aren't in my catagory...#I really am wondering if hes on the spectrum too or just ... Extremely socially inept... Im kinda glad he tells me and asks me before#Anything... Bc that... Oh no buddy that could be bad ... I want to encourage him to step out of his comfort zone and be social with#New people but also im like bro... Be normal please i beg you... Be cool...#I gave him suggestions on what to say or ask. Aka ... Ask some gym question since you both gym... If she listens to#Music maybe ask what shes listening to? Just be... Safe and boring. You dont know each other yet so just make contact and then go#Hi i was in the discord channel in bed and he jumped into it and gave me an heart attack and then dumped this on me#My many conflicting feelings are hitting me badly like goddamn. He's obviously nervous and excited about just talking to her potentially#And yeah. Him asking me an autistic person who has social problems in my diagnose criteria is both hilarious and worrying#I think he'll be okay now tho... But damn.
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
hiii weird question so sorry if you dont feel like answering this (bc thats totally okay) but i have a question about world building in royal aus… im literally about to knaw my entire fist off clean out of frustration (💀)
thank you in advance for reading and i hope youre doing well !! ! !! !
Hello my angel!! Is your question just generally, like, what goes into worldbuilding for a royal/historical type of AU?
If yes then I'd love to tell you what I know--although it's like, very little lmao. The only royal AU I've written is in cinders (and war paint kind of, since that's a tie in), and I was woefully inexperienced when I wrote both.
But for in cinders, the story focused largely on class differences, so a lot of the world building I did was to supplement that point. Basically I had two main tasks:
Establish a recognizable hierarchy
Supply some detail to emphasize that hierarchy
And I think in general, the way we observe historical periods is through things like clothes, living/working conditions, and linguistic cues--so those were the places that I chose to supply the detail.
Establishing a hierarchy
Okay so to establish our ranking system, I basically just janked existing noble titles and ranks. I found this Wikipedia article, and narrowed everything down to the European titles as those are the ones I am most familiar with--and as in cinders is a Cinderella retelling and that is a European fairy tale.
Obviously our love interest Shouto was gonna be a prince, but I made sure to weave in other ranks as well to make it clear there was a peerage system at play. Bakugou became a Marquis, Asui become a Countess, Camie became a Lady (as a daughter of a minor noble like a Baron/Viscount might be referred to) etc.
I also wanted our poor Y/N to be at the bottom of the totem pole because I am a monster, so I also looked into the hierarchies among servants. I can't find the exact resources I used but I basically googled around to find out a) what typical castle servant roles were, like in this article, and b) what that reporting structure would have looked like, as in this article.
Scullery/kitchen girls are like, the lowest ranked (RIP) so Y/N got assigned that lmao.
Supplying the deets
Now that we have our vague hierarchy established, it's time to emphasize it! Like I said, historical periods (and class distinctions therein) are usually analyzed in terms of clothes, living/working conditions, and linguistic cues, so that's where I chose to add detail.
For clothes, I mainly drew attention to Y/N's low rank by how much she admired clothes that weren't her own. When she stole Lady Camie's dress, she narrates the "luxurious thickness of Lady Utsushimi’s skirts," implying her own skirts are thinner and more barren. Y/N's own clothing is described more in terms of its state and function: "You shook your head, grasping your soot-stained skirts and glancing meaningfully at her clean chair."
Shouto's clothes draw less of that distinction but still help set the fantasy/historical context. I basically gave him a bunch of historical buzzwords like breeches and doublet to show the period: "He wore a doublet in a blue color only one shade lighter than your own gown, and the high points of his starched collar curved up towards his sharp jawline," and "You noticed he was dressed plainly, a soft linen shirt, unadorned, tucked somewhat untidily into simple breeches."
In terms of living/working conditions, I emphasized Y/N's lack of means again by recounting a lot of her job duties: peeling vegetables, scrubbing pans, sweeping out the kitchen fire places, not exactly high-class stuff. I also put her and Ochako in a supply closet that doubled as a sleeping chamber to drive it home that wow, they poor af. For her sleeping arrangements, I gave her a straw pallet so poorly constructed that straw kept poking through and stabbing her in the back.
In contrast, Shouto's living situation is described with a mind to emphasizing how large and fancy all his shit is. He has rooms plural, and a ton of things to put in them: "The prince’s chambers spread out before you, so large they could fit the kitchens three times over. You looked to be in a sitting room, peppered with low tables and couches overstuffed with bright pillows. A large, ornate writing desk sat against one corner, covered in papers. On the far wall, a series of double doors lay open, leading deeper into his apartments. You caught a glance of a four postered bed deep within, covers dripping off the sides to lay crumpled on the floor like they had been kicked off in haste."
And lastly, linguistic cues! I don't know enough about upper class vs lower class speech in historical periods and also wasn't willing to invest huge amounts of time in this, but I did want to give some nod to a historical/fantasy setting with word choices that aren't quite modern.
If you've ever heard a Shakespearean insult, it's so clear that one of the major places modern English differs from something like Elizabethan English is insults. So when Y/N insults Kamiko, instead of having her call her a cuntwaffle or whatever choice phrase we might use today, she calls her a toad. Shouto asks if Y/N's mother has been called a dog, and Y/N replies with something like, no, a swine--as apparently back in the day people liked to toss animals around as insults.
I also just jammed a bunch of old-timey sounding phrases into everyone's speech, like perhaps and a bajillion forgive mes and until tomorrows. And I think even if a lot of the other speech sounds modern, those kinds of phrases still help highlight that the setting we are in is not 21st century.
Anyway all of this to say, when writing a historical/fantasy/royal AU like this one, you should focus on the elements that are key to your story--what ways of life are you detailing; commoners, adventurers, soldiers, nobility etc? Then, with that in mind, research key points of period expression unique to those ways of life: clothes, speech, living conditions, and sprinkle those details throughout!
I am also still a novice writer though, and I am a notorious skimper on details, so if anyone else has better tips please feel free to jump in!! Otherwise, I hope this helped!!
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trigun stampede
vash is waifu material. he's cute i want to eat him
this show has a thing for people losing arms. the village kid lost his arm. mad scientist dude and his cyborg son both lost an arm, bomber dude lost his arms, vash has a cyborg arm
uuuuuggg im getting confused: april/inepril (og anime), may/mei, june/Juneora Rock (og anime, town in stampede), july/julai, august/augusta, september (stampede), october/octovern, november (stampede), december.
I can't believe these people don't have solar powered water purification plants. do Plants collect carbon to make biomass or do they like poof it into existence, because if it's the later that could be the basis of terraforming, meat has a lot of water in it and that water doesn't just disappear from existence after you eat it. weird how people have a meat based diet such that plants are a luxury food. what are the sandworms and bird things eating?
where is everyone getting so much blood. humans have like 1.5 gallons max.
why the hell did roberto and merly stick around vash. they even said that if its discovered they're with him they're going to get fired also probably jailed. i wonder what their budget for the trip is like they're going to have to contact their employers eventually. although meryl gives sheltered rich girl vibes so maybe money isn't as much an issue. i find it hard to believe the publishing company is willing to pay for so long a trip.
typhoons are ocean derived phenomena. these people have never had a typhoon.
this is so christian in the least christian way
ep 5: the achronological order of events here made me think very hard. vash knew rollo as a baby and as a child. rollo was experimented on and 5 years later killed everyone in the town. vash returns with medicine at some point after he's taken. 20+ years after the town is wiped vash and co return. so rollo's like 35 or more when we see him. nicholas is the clean up assassin for human experimentation dude and he's probably after vash.
ep6: what is that symbol. its not the 3 cities. its associated with the windmill town cult, the yellow helmet suit people, the sand ship, and the orphanage nicholas lived in. oh ok so we have no idea how old nico is either. if his age could be accelerated the other dude's could have been too. oh not the sandship thats julai's, i got it confused with a flashback. what i dont get is if you dont want anyone to die, why isn't anyone disarming livio like there were at elast 3 opportunities to take his guns.
ep7: you all need deescalation training
huh in most single cour anime these episodes between intro and climax would be the slow section but stampede has done well with the pacing.
ep8: ah i was wondering why they were called Plants and not like Manufactories or Fabricators the double meaning of plant was intentional. so most plants are made clonally so asexual reproduction? but vash and knives were... uh born? sexual reproduction??? reminds me of wolf's rain (both series from the same era of edgy dystopian cyberpunk) and chell who's a human Flower hybrid. "his genetic makeup is very human" uhhh brain hurts. if rem is 29 and born on earth then the seed ships can't have been traveling for more than 1 generation. i was going to say so plants can make electricity and non organics huh but electricity is just chemistry too so it could be organic.
i was wondering if that grey pattern on vash as a kid was clothing or skin. if the later why would it stop at the neck? in his current outfit the only skin below the neck he shows are two fingers on his right hand. ok it was clothing
ep9: the plants are referred to as kanojo (her, women). why did Knives crash the ships. His hatred from the exploitation and use of plants happened 5 years after the fall. its been 150 years guess that answers that question.
Why did the SEED ships leave Earth? If they had Plants the resource scarcity problem would be no worse on Earth than No Man's Land. If they didn't have Plants and developed them while in space how did they survive the initial years in space. Both the above are plausible options, the former it could be because pollution/toxins/not a resource scarcity problem, for the later they could have stocked enough resources for many years while developing Plants or cycled matter in a closed system.
ep10: bro get a bulletproof vest. Everyone get a bulletproof vest. Was wondering if/when meryl's idiocy would come bite her. Poor roberto dying for her character development. Who's that kid? Looks like vash but they never met. Knives? Colors are wrong. More plant kids?
Ep11: a higher dimension... mentioned earlier but still ugg. What is this? promare??? "it was aliens all along" what is this gainx ending
tesl was created 50 years before vash and kni. If Rem is 29 than independent plants were made before seed ships. that or rem cryoslept and 29 is her biological age not her chronological age.
Wow the guilt tripping. "You caused the crashes" to "i crashed them for you". gaslight king
Not the pregnancy metaphor. And did no one notice that the bottom trailing part of Plants looks like legs
12: SEED spent 200 years in space. Weird luida and brad didnt show up as important memories for Vash given that he spent more time with them than anyone else.
Lol they just sent out an intergalactic flare. Ok so cross the wall of light makes me think the higher dimension Plant stuff again but "from earth"? That implies humans werent wiped out on earth and have discovered faster than light travel. This changes the tone of Stampede from gritty apocayptic, brink of extinction, sole survivor vibes to one of empire politics and No Man's Land being a very small part of a whole.
I was wondering if the memory thing would have permanent effects. Because knives deleted/overwrote all vash's memories, but then he remembered rem kinda. its unclear while fighting for the cube how much vash actually remembered or if he just remembered that he had a task to complete and a brother to stop. post timeskip dude didn't even get himself a new arm with his reality/matter manipulation powers.
vash is so cute. He's got that irresistible failboy swag. Pathetic and sopping wet.
Plants vs plants/flora. I find the ideological struggle between Luida and Conrad interesting. Luida is invested in terraforming the planet with plants/flora even if its the slower more risky option that could take hundreds of years or more and humanity could go extinct in the time it takes to accomplish. side note i know its more aesthetics but it sure is weird that all the flora gardens we see in the SEED ships are ornamental species instead of that space, energy, and water being used for food. In contrast Conrad is invested in Plants as the future for humanity, continuing to use Plants to generate the resources needed while modifying humanity to need less resources to survive.
I found the ost to be beautiful but an odd choice aesthetically for the series. the ost was similar in design to a lot of anime osts which are often orchestral with inspiration from the romantic and impressionist periods. And this is my favorite genre of music but given the strong visual identity of Stampede I was expecting a more distinct audio style to match? Like perhaps a mix of jazz and american folk or ragtime to match the Western aesthetic of the planet with some synth or electronica similar to Olafur Arnalds or Carlos Cipa to matching the futuristic space faring aesthetic. The ost reminded me of interstellar's ost at some points.
visual foiling between vash and knives in the finale. Knives is in all white with a sharp, metal, mechanical wing and uses long striings of blades to attack. Vash is in all black with a more organic looking wing and he sprouts root like structures and makes a giant figure out of plants (roots, stems, flowers).
I just learned why roberto de niro sounded familiar. Robert de niro is a famous actor i cant believe studio orange kidnapped a celebrity.
i was so distracted i forgot to write about how vash getting traumatized gave him a fighting game palette swap
I also found it interesting how he's a character that is constantly in motion, all his actions are oriented towards other people. He's very considerate in that way, even as those actions are tied up in his crushing guilt. The cheerful puppy-like demeanor is also fun to watch.
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sothischickshe · 3 years
What do you mean you didn't enjoy the Dave content???? 😱😱 He's my favourite character this half-season! 😂
lol, well tbf i havent rewatched s4 & maybe i'd be able to enjoy him more with some distance but i found him particularly and the secret service plot generally pretty boring and kinda repetitive of the previous fbi stuff while being de facto less interesting (due to lack of turner) & therefore at least low level annoying, and (as a result?) a time suck from stuff i wouldve found more interesting/particularly wanted to see, especially from a final season.
i think the longer the show went on, the more both beth and rio managed to irritate me, and the more of a turner fan ive retroactively become lol. one of the things that annoys me the most abt the s2 finale is the squandering of the beth + rio + turner dynamic, which is doubled down on by turner's (apparent!) death in the s3 premiere. we only get one beth + rio + turner interaction in the whole show! and they're never all active participants in a scene together!!! wtf??!??!?!
i was fine with the law enforcement storyline being dropped (tho i still think it's super weird that we never got a realisation of or acknowledgment from the girls that rio was (presumably!) responsible for turner's death?? like wtf???!! is he ever mentioned again????), so to have another one almost immediately with less interesting characters seems a bit...silly? i mean it's kind of an upping stakes i guess but it just felt needlessly repetitive, and i think as with other things in the later seasons (e.g., beth getting rio arrested again, or kidnapping 2.0) couldve been easily improved with concrete references to previous occurrences from the characters! even if kind of oblique?
like the secret service storyline was overall pretty inoffensive but i just found it quite bland/boring, and it frequently stretched the limits of my ability to suspend disbelief? (tho being not american im sure helped lol.) i sometimes enjoyed phoebe (and particularly her dynamic with beth), but i think the show squandered the opportunity to do something with the ~women in male-dominated industries thing, like that didnt really go anywhere? i thought ew guy (i wanna say henry?) was a kinda fun character, and i was hoping he and annie were gonna meet and get stuck in an ew off, but he swiftly disappeared into the bg?
also the weird all of law enforcement are gay thing was just.... so odd??? (i did super enjoy that nick's assistant lampshaded it lol.) if dave didnt fuck dean on the books & kick off the dean coming out storyline we deserved....i just dont really get what the point was yknow? and along with the unfulfilled potential of the women in male-dominated fields thing, it feels like there's a sort of wasted opp to properly mirror the phoebe/dave & beth/rio (~professional) relationship thing.... or like.... idk it feels kinda like the show accidentally said the key to career success is either to get your boss to leave his wife or fall in love with you LOL (am now obsessed with the idea that dave and rio went to the same management conference offscreen at the tail end of the season and suddenly learnt how to listen to women tho....)
the wrap up of their storyline with the blatancy of the beth protecting rio / beth and rio as the co-presidents of the we hate nick club WAS super fun but it repeatedly felt kind of preposterous that dave and phoebe were being so agreeable to the girls?
ultimately i'd put a lot of the secret service stuff in the chaff i didnt really care about column, which is frustrating when there was other stuff i wish the show had had space to focus on e.g., why set up this beth-stan conflict to just have it putter out?! we deserved a scene of the two of them absolutely losing their shit at each other!!! And/or destroying everyone at scategories!!!!! christina and reno as scene partners was such a treat!!!
and like honestly....law enforcement exist to kick off a brio fake dating ploy... turner understood this.... all of fanfiction understands this.... why were they there otherwise yknow?!
plus i def think the whole thing could have benefitted from a surprise: turner’s actually alive reveal!!!! #mencantdie
but im glad someone was getting some serious enjoyment from his presence, haha
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maskedjoker · 4 years
We are getting really close to the scene in lost fragment of snow that was genuinely confusing in the book, and it's the scene were everyone in the circus is killed. I think what we will probably get is a scene were mana finally ends up giving into despair after he is hit and then allen is fed to a lion.
I think that with more current info, i can say for sure that sleeve earl and mana are a hybird. This will likely cause a resurgence of sleeve earl into taking over the body and becoming whole. This only lasts for a short time however and when cross confronts him after the rest of the circus has died from the audience turning into akuma(which i suppose are implied to be constantly just around the earl and is probably one of the many reasons cross warned Allen to stay away) some exchange of words or damage causes a lots of control. This damage however also hurts mana(or potentially just being forced out off control) causing him to loose even more memories as seen when mana and Allen reunite the next day.
Now i think we can agree that sleeve earl exists as a third entity, especially since her recent art exhibit interview, as she talked about the suit being a super sophisticated golem. I think in this case as with tim and lero yhat "golem" refers to AI. Id argue with the weird phrasing like helix of life and all the biotech style that magic is more often than not just more advanced technology, and wherever the noahs came from likely was, hence why they say they only seem strong because we have become so weak. This is only further shown with innocences resemblance to machines like its gear like parts and percentage resonance.
The noah memories in general i think are some kind of AI that passes through generation lines, carrying significant portions of its past forward and then fusing with a similar person in their lineage. For example early on road would have been just road, then through some means either became an AI(or was given a piece of someone that counts as one under golem, its unclear). Regardless once connected to the noah memory, it acts like a save file and becomes more sophisticated with time. It carries each life and gives all those memories, feelings and drives to a new body. So new road would remember being road, her life and everything, but also the life they had been living up until the two combined. Over time the noah memory keeps getting larger and larger to the point new experiences are so small, relatively speaking, that it overrides much more than normal. Since they are fuzed as one being they likely cant be separated without mutually assured destruction, were the current entity will die and any remains will not be the origionals, if anything remains at all. An example of this is that tyki could not be made human by Allen I their fight i the arc, despite having a blade that should destroy only part of him. Admittedly tyki is a special case though, and more tyki backstory is needed.
Changes from body to body become more subtle, but the base, which likely has a distinct core function as seen by its response to certain tasks and ideas, remains a strong aspect. This creates an almost reincarnation like effect for them, needing to only find a new body to continue.
The suit is like this, but different. I don't know how the original earl split, but i do think that some aspect of him was placed on the suit. I would like to say its the original version of the noah memories of the earl and nea got like a brand new copy, but i actually have no idea what memories he has of being past earl so its mostly a guess. Regardless the noah actually all seem to transform in some way when they get mega pissed. Im looking at you skinn, jasdevi, and tyki/joyd. So the suit is likely that kind of thing, but way more distinct and capable of acting autonomously. Since they all have different forms it makes sense that his would also be unique. They all probably represent some inner desire related to their memory. Skinn is just rage so big angry man works fine. Jasdero and devit are bonds so they want most to be one. Tyki got all fucked up before he changed so i got nothing, but it had a heavy does of sadism, which I guess is pleasure? Taking into account that killing in horrible graphic ways is his guilty pleasure it kinda makes sense.
So because of that, this sentient AI is constantly trying to pair with half a fucking brain because nea and mana only share one brain cell. Some kind of resistance from mana or strain causes him to constantly fall ill or comatose. Now to be clear on naming, sleeve earl does not refer to themselves as adam in the mirror scene nor does he refer to mana as adam, and only uses "we" when talking to mana about being the earl. Oddly enough the earls self pronouns are we, using wagashi which is kind of like the japanese equivalent of the royal we used in europe for the entirety of the series. For the record, mana in the flashbacks uses male or single they pronouns, i don't remember if he uses boku or watashi, but he uses at least one if not both.
So from this it seems millennium earl is a title, used by whatever is paired with the suit. Adam is the original name of the noah, and is the preferred name of the current earl aside from the title.
This circumstance was likely caused by the rest of the noah, who are using the earl for something related by the pillar. His separation either by accident or by intent was likely by the hands of his family trying to keep control for their ends. This is why the current earl is called a broken puppet and has so many things around him related to acting and stage plays. He is playing a role, the red clown to allens white clown as stated in the ark arc. He even wears a mask. His memories and mind have been damaged though, therefore broken. However broken puppet for both allen and the earl could also refer to a puppet that doesnt work as a double meaning, implying they can no longer be controlled or puppeted.
It is also implied that he is still unaware of this betrayal, but it is likely nea does to some degree as it would explain why he became a traitor and killed his own family. To be clear, i dont think all of the noah know everything, and i dont think they dont actually care for the earl. It seems they still genuinely follow him to their death and see him as one of their own, especially in cases like road, tyki and wisely.
Now early i said that different generations of noah would cope woth reincarnating differently. Since the earl only died once before 7000 years ago, id say resetting to a new body with only 17 years would be just smashed flat by any algorithm with that much data. However manas feelings are still the newest, and so still have an impact even on the current earl.
Now we come to resurrecting mana. How? Why? Well i dont know. But my guess is whatever part was the memories of mana for the 20 or so years he lived, or at least his memories at death, are in allen. His curse and weird hallucinations of mana seem to suggest it. Alternatively that part of his soul may have passed on, or it fuzed with the noah memory making the origional mana part of the hive and much like tyki and his noah memories cannot be seperated. Not good regardless.
As two additional things, i want to mention that hoshino is a twin and has always been obsessed with it, so having twins in her book was inevitable. What is extra weird is hoshino was actually going to be a triplet, but either her or her sister absorbed it before birth. She has mentioned it in dgm interviews and i cant PROVE it translates to anything in the plot but its suspicious. She also still list mana, nea and the earl as distinct in every book up to date in extra novels and at the start of her books. Oh and her favorite hat for the earl right now? The one featured on the most recent chapter? Has two faces on the front that are visible, and one in the back thats hidden, and the most recent art has the back face as the only one visible, angrily staring allen down. Great art foreshadowing if im right. Its also usually sleeve earl, if not exclusively, that wear it.
The second thing is mana talking about love and drive in the most recent chapter just brings up the earl having the noah memory of love or devotion or something for me. Ive written about it before but it just seems to fit. This character is all about that from the ability to fuze loved ones together to the hearts he talks with and his drives being based on grand acts of devotion, being by their side etc. Mana also loved and adopted both and dog and a homeless child and keeps talking about how the world is so beautiful despite all the bad. The earl literally acts like the whole noah clans mom by his own words and cooks for them, and both of them go out of their way to be cartoony to break tension. The earl literally goes and buys a single red rose from a poor girl while tyki pontificate on how he doesnt act like a villain. He doesnt take an umbrella because he wants to feel the rain. He talks about how what he does is in human nature and requires a connection between two people. He is even designed with his ideal colors as red and purple with white, as well as being designed after flowers. I know this probably doesnt make sense, but its stuck in my head.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
Trophy chapter four
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Warnings: Adult Themes Dubcon,Controlling Behaviour, Swearing, Smut +18 Only
Chapter 0ne Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter five Chapter Six
Your escape doesn’t go as planned as Henry reveals just how much power he truly has.
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You were just over a week into your 'stay' at Henry's manor and had just about had enough. Youd spent the last few days in a constant fit of frustration. I had become very clear in the first few days that you were nothing more than a toy, a doll for him to coo over and manipulate. Or maybe a better way to discribe it was the girl in a childs music box being made to dance when ever the owner decided to open the lid. Either way you felt trapped used and helpless, at first he made sure you spent as much time as possible together taking you to the office when he had to work, sitting you on the sofa with a book or parade you around the house.
After that he would put you in what became your daily cell tho never alone if he wasnt with you kal was. Day after day you were left in here a freshly decorated room that youd heard the guards refer to as the play room, it was like a large airy living room like somthing from pintrest a plush looking corner sofa around a light coffee table,large tv on the wall above the fireplace with games consoles neatly tucked away,two floor to ceiling book cases either side ,there was a cabinet full of dvds and games behind the sofa opposite there was a sideboard filled with sketch books, pens and pencils ect and a two seat small dining table sat between the two cabinets. The room was a mix of soft pale pinks and blues and was chock full of soft furnishings pillows and various blankets draped here and there and huge faux fur rug . The window was locked being ground level ,that was the first thing you checked when left alone ,not that you'd get far across the gravel drive he had made a point not to give you shoes. The saying bare foot in the kitchen sprung to mind.
He would visit you when you were in here at lunch forcing you to eat with threats of spanking sometimes worse. Being treated like a child was wearing thin and to be quiet honest you were becoming scared,finding it easier to go along with his insanity, you called him daddy without a thought somewhere in the back of your mind you knew it was wrong but after just over a week he had managed to drum it into you. It was frighteing just how quickly you could be conditioned you had to get out soon. He was overbearing always helping himself to you, kissing ,touching and generally trying to act as if you were a couple until you did something he didnt like then it was back to threats and reality hit.
Today was slightly different you woke up curled on your side his henry lazily running his finger through your hair you squinted rubbing your eyes as he leant over kissing your shoulder before running hi hand across your tummy spreading out his fingers and pulling you back against his crotch, he rocked against your bottom groaning quietly into your hair as you felt his cock springing to life he grinded harder against you before shuffling pinning you flat on your back straddling you pulling your legs to rest either side of his hips you whined in protest trying to shuffle from under him when he pulled you down tight against him he just tilted his head raising and eyebrow. The warning was clear behave. He rubbed against your mound sliding his cock along the seam pf your pussy. You closed your eyes tight already feeling the arousal build inside of you dreading what was to come, you couldnt help how your body reacted you tried to just let him get on with it but each morning he managed to coax you into participating a little more, not letting you distance yourself any longer. He grunted low i his throat as he pumped himself against you resting his weight on his hips one hand cuped the top of his cock squeezing it against you as he pushed it against your clit. You gasped as you felt his throbbing cock against you pulling high pitched moans and whines as you bit your lip trying to keep quiet. He chuckled
"Oh fuck... thats it baby girl ...come on let daddy hear you." You shook your head back and forth as your pussy weeped onto him soaking both of you you found your self panting hard when he groaned grabbing one of your hands replacing his over his cock you tried pulling away and he growled at you.
"Stay still baby.... fuck thats it good girl.. your so good for daddy" he groaed deep as he sped up before leaving wet open mouthed kisses on your collar bone then kissed up to your lips trying to pry your mouth open you turned your head away. He sighed moving his hand into the boxers that you wore finding your swollen clit flicking and pinching harshly causing you to buck and cry out, he quickly took the opportunity to invade your mouth tasting your tongue sucking you into a passionate kiss he let go of your hand placing his hand pressing your knee up to your torso spreading you out for him rubbing his cock faster with jerky thrusts skimming your opening with every movement you gripped the sheets twisting them as you felt your walls trying to clench onto him desperate for him to fill you you rocked back against him looseing yourself in him as he smothered you he released your mouth biting down on your neck leaving a mark alongside yesterdays. You became hot, to hot as you flushed under him chasing your own end grinding up against him
"Oh! oh god please! Please i cant" you babbled incoherently as he repositioned his hand thumbing your clit and thrusting into you harshly with his fingers bouncing your body across the bed you let out a load moan as his hand worked furiously rubbing amd curling his finding your soft spot befor zeroing in and running his fingers harshly across it you cired bucking out at him unsure of you wanted hi to go faster or get off your climax built and he chuckled as your clamped down on his fingers to the point of pain
"Aww baby you want to cum dont you? Thats it good girl so good is it to much?" he didnt relent still masaging that spot you nodded and cried tears falling down your face you couldnt breath it was to much
"Then cum, its ok you can cum, cum for daddy ,all over daddies fingers" you hated how his wods pushed you over the edge and even then he didnt stop he seemed to double his efforts when you arched violently with a silent scream gushing over his fingers he continued moving draggin out your orgasm he moved higher running the underside of his cock across your mound with stuttering hips.
"Oh..OH shit YES YES fuck! OH GOD Little one fuck" he let out a long gruntle moan as he finished spraying cum up your front you both laid there panting. Shame washed over you like it had done every morning he did this. You felt dirty and used he rolled on his side tucking you in his arms kissing your head praising you for how good you were and telling you how much he loved you as you curled ijto him wetting his tinto him overwhelmed. After a few moments the saddness past and you laid stock still against him as he pulled you to lie across him head on his chest stroking your hair once again.
"Iv got to go out today pet. I trust youll be good whne im gone and if your lucky I'll get you a treat" you froze at his words gojng out... that meant youd be alone the thlught filled you with dread and anticipation.
"If your naughty you will regret it when i get back."you both laid there for what felt like hours he wouldnt let you move. Tho he finally let out a breath and ushered you to the bath room showering with you. After getting dressed and having breakfast he left and you noticed he didnt put you any where. You dread to think what he was doing. But you were left the run of the house. So here you sat in the kitchen alone in the huge house apart from the security he kept on site. 'This was it.. or was it a test?..' you raced to the living room window and watched an expensive car leave the gates at the bottom of the drive as it dissapeared behinde the wall that clossed off the property. You debated in your head if he was just waiting to see if you were going to try and run or not. You had to try, somthing was happening to you here ,you didnt like how complacent you were getting with him. It was cruel really the only person that was aloud to interact with you was him, you find yourself almost craving him, you enjoyed his praise lapping it up liike a love sick school girl.
Deciding that this may be the last time you could escape before it was to late you walked into the kitchen slowly as not to alert anyone to your plan even tho your heart was racing ten to the dozen. Quickly and quietly you pulled a small packet of plasters from one of the draws. Throught out your stay you learnt a few things all the doors leading outside and your 'play room' had pressure alarms built in you'd set one off on your forth day trying to get out into the garden resulting in another painfull and very embarassing spanking in the kitchen then experienced your first corner time, the other thing you learnt were all the guards had shifts and patrol routes the house ran like clockwork youd freighed interest in him and he'd waffled on about how it wasnt all bad and he'd take you out when you'd acclimated to your new life then boasted about the cars he had in the basment garage but you'd 'never get to drive one as driving these fast cars is to dangerous for his baby girl'. Tho you hadnt made a thing of it you kept the information locked away youd been behaving hopeing he would let down his gaurd. Once you got the plasters you put them in the pocket of your cardigan and grabbed a butter knife hooking it in the back of your jeans wedging it just under the tight waist band.
"What are you still doing in here? Get to the playroom" you screamed in suprize as the voice came out of no where you spun round faceing the man and nodded walking past him quickly.
"Wait. What have you been doing in here?" He said grabbing your arm pulling you to a stop you huffed tugging your arm.
"Let go i havent done anything" you twisted around as he patted you down you froze mouth going dry as you thought he was going to find the knife in your jeans he didnt instead his hands found the packet of plasters the cocked an eyebrow
"Im doing some crafts today these are incase i get a paper cut...im clumsy and tthought i should take a pack the keep in there just incase" he eyed you for a few seconds befor smirking at you
"So the princess was sneaking about for some plasters, im suprised you werent trying to sneak candy, would be more fitting for his baby girl." He laughed as you glared at him venomously
"Fuck you ,you cunt" you spat in his face he growled before grabbing your arm in a bruising grip dragging you out of the kitchen down the hall as you screamed at him, a few others poked their heads around to watch asking what was wrong as you were dragged down the hall once outside your day room he stopped pressing a card to the reader next to the handle disarming the door and answered their qeustioning stares.
"Nothing just a temper tantrum im sure she will regret later when Boss finds out." He turned back to you.
"He might even make a show of it, i wouldnt mind seeing her bent over" you growled as he opend the door throwing you in , grunting as you landed hard on the floor he whistled for kal and let the dog enter behind you befor shutting the door arming the device again. Shaking away tears in your eyes as you heard then others laugh about how theyd love to see 'a piece of that ass' kal sat beside you nudging you for a cuddle you hugged him breathing deep nuzzling his thick fur, he was the only company you enjoyed here after snuggling with him a few minuets you pulled away putting your plan into action you got out suome supplies fro the art cupborads scattering them hear and there to make it look like you had been drawing, hopefully if anyone came in and found you missing they would assume that you had asked one of the others to let you use the bathroom as the ensuite to this room wasnt finished. You aproached the door pulling out the knife and lowered it to the door handle, the worst thing about this system was that you werent technically locked in, the door opend but set off an alarm that was indicated by a small red flashing light on the card reading panel. Breathing deep you pulled out a plaster removing the tabs on it sticking oneside to your finger. Gentle you pulled down on the handle until you couldnt anymore easing the knife alongside the door pushing on the plate you pivoted your body opeing the door enough to get your hand in the gap and stuck the plaster over the bottom of the pressure plate securing it down. Holding your breath you waited a few moments before summerizing that it had worked when noone came rushing down the hall you quickly slipped thrpugh the door catching kal befor he could make his way out and shut the door fully. You blinked then jumped for joy you could bearly see the edge of plaster on the frame. Quickly you jogged to the end of the hall ducking low realising that not having shoes might be a god send as you were almost silent as you moved you got another plaster ready on your hand as you ducked and dived behind the counters in the kitchen making your way around to the door Henry had left through.'it must have been to the garage' you though you made quick work of the door not waiting to see if the alarm had set off as you heard foot steps coming your way you slipped through the door closing it behinde you and ran down the stairs into a large garage on the left there was lots of hooks with keys on them you toke shaky breaths scanning them befor looking over the cars there must have been about eleven in total ranging from massive range rovers to calssy two seater sports cars. 'I need on that can blend in, a hatch back or somthing, maybe a saloon' you thought running down the line of cars the most normal looking one was a Jag you quickly ran to the keys looking for a set with the same logo as the car finding two you grabbed them both pushing unlock on one set seing another car across light up you threw them on the floor using the other one to unlock the car getting in quickly you felt your tummy tie itself in knots turning on the ignition and pulled the seat forward you put on your seatbelt out of habbit then dojng a small cheer when you saw it was an automatic you put it in drive wincing as it growled to life louder then it needed to be you pulled it up to the garage door and it opend you pulled it forward going up the bank once at the top you saw a gaurd stopping staring befor shouting out to the others.
"Dont let the gate open!!" You panicked and floored it the car took off down the drive skidding you a stop near the gate the instantly began rolling open. On gaurd was sprinting down the drive behinde you. You looked down for a button to look the doors finding it by the window controls you flicked it on and heard the click at all four doors locked lokking up you saw the gate had stopped half way you spun the wheel throwing the scar around squeezing the car throuh the gate clipping the wing mirror off in the process putting your foot down you gave a triumphant shout as you tore down the road away from that house. Leaning back into the seat relaxing as you made yourway towards the town, it was the only way to get to the motorway that would lead out of the area. You wiped tears from your eyes as as relief flooded you sobs wracked your body the drive to the town took longer than you thought it would and you were suspicious as no one had chased you from the house and had spent the whole drive flinching at every car that pulled up behind you. Pulling up to a round about you stopped recognising the area deciding to take a less busy route pulling off to the outskirts of town you parked up into a superstore looking threw the car for money finding a few £20 notes a tap at the window you screamed turning it was a police officer you gulped looking in the rearveiw mirror seeing a squad car pulled up behind you blocking you in, he indicated for you to roll down the window.
"Yes can i help you?" You asked trying to sound normal
"Miss did you realise your missing a wing mirror?" You followed his gaze and smiled meekly. Getting a bad feeling in your gut.
"Yes, its my boyfreids car i borrowed it and hit a sign back there im going to book it in now hopefully get it done and he wont find out i hurt his baby" you ended with a chuckle patting the steering wheel he didn't look convinced and motioned for his colleague to join him
"Uh huh, so are you insured to drive this car? Sure you didnt hit another car?" You shook your head
" Well i hope im insured he said hed made me a name driver and no i didnt hit anyone, the car caught me by suprize i hadnt realised how much oommf it had and still getting used to the size its a bit wider then mine." You explained hoping you were convincing enough he smiled the held out his hand to you.
"Can i see your licence?" You froze then pretended to look around the car for it
"Oh shit i dont have my bag on me sorry can i give you my name instead and you can look it up on the system?" You pleaded hoping that he would let this one go
"So you dont have your purse on you? When your taking his car to the garage to get it fixed?.... yeah im gonna have to ask you to step out of the car now." He said moving back from the door you looked behind you panicking there was no way to pull out.
"Wh-what? Why?" You cried out as he put his hand in the car opeing the door
"No! No you cant do this you dont understand please!" You shouted at him as he undid your seatbelt pulling you out of the car cuffing your hands behind your back reading you your rights.
"Your under arrest for car theft,careless driving and driving with out insurance , you have the right to remain silent anything you do say can harm your defence and used in court ,Call it in we found Mr cavills car" you froze, hed called in that his car had been stolen. He used the police to track you. You wailed twisting against him as you realised why no one had chased you, he was using the police to bring you back to him.you cried as he dragged you to the squad car.
"NO! You dont understand he kidnapped me! Please you have to let me go! He's mad he locked me up please you have to help me." You kicked out as he forced you into the back seat on the car slamming the door you sobbed in the back seat as they locked up the jag and got in the front of the car.
"Please do make me go back i dont know what he'll do" you cried pitifully they sighed looking at you threw the plexiglass.
"Im sorry love there's nothing we can do for you... i wish there was but its our asses on the line" then he started the car driving towards the station. It wasnt long befor you found yourself in a cell heavy metal door between you and your escape laying on the bed crying and terrified of whats to come. Panicking everytime you heard foot steps down the hall thinking it was him. It was over an hour later when you jumped as the heavy lock on your door opened with a loud bang revealing a calm looking Henry standing beside a sympathetic looking officer he shooed them away.
"Give us a minute" he didnt take his eyes off you as he stepped into the room seemed to take over the small space you shuddered backing away from him sending a pleading look to the officer who ingored you and left.
"Well pet have you got that out of your system now?" He said crossing the cell in large strides his suit jacket hung over one arm that was in his pocket. You shook your head crying
"Pl-please im sorry i-i had to" you flinched as he brought his hand to your face. Smoothing back your hair
"Sshhh shh its ok now everything is going to be fine" he calmed you pulling his outher hand up wiping your tears away before for twisting his fist in your hair you yelped clawing at his hand trying to relieve the pain in your scalp.
"You've been a very very naughty girl havent you?" He tugged your hair back forcing you to look at him still wiping your face with his other. It summed him up caring and kind yet brutal and cruel. He grinned a sadistic grin
"I should let you know that im not pressing charges, what kind of boyfreind would i be if i did?" He teased you letting you know he was told your cover story you cried in pain as he dragged you the few steps towards him forcing you onto your tip toes
"STOP! Please Henry your hurting me!" He tutted at you looking at his watch
"Three hours away from the house and were back to Henry? What happened to Daddy? Well it doesnt matter i hope now you realise that there is no escape. You cannot run or hide from me love i have eyes everywhere." He lowerd you back down releasing your hair clutching you to his chest trapping you in a strong grip as you sobbed shaking like a leaf more out of anxiety then anything else.
"Shh shh. its ok little one... i know its been a scary day getting out , nearly crashing into the gate and then being arrested? its all going to be ok, now that you've got this out of your system you can finally settle at home. Ihave been waiting for this little blow up from you i was beginning to think the gun fiasco was it" His words filled you with dread as you began to sink in this was it for you, that there was no way out, he would find you at some point. Rocking you backwards and forwards with your arms trapped at your side he tucked his nose into your hair kissing it every so often.
"Tho this is probably my fault it was enavitable for you to try and run again, i havent trained you properly yet, not givin you the attention you truly need, but dont worry we will start once we get home. I want you to know daddies not angry, no no he's just dissapointed" he pulled back draping his jacket over your shoulders.
"I hope you know that your still in serious trouble when we get home young lady i warned you this morning that youd regret playing up" he murmmerd into your ear as he walked you out of the cell down to the reception he didnt hold you because he didnt need to there was nowhere you could go.
"Mr cavill would you sign these ,I assume your not pressing charges?" Henry looked up winking at you
"No no my girlfriend couldnt help herself, she's like a child in that respect no self restraint. Never thinks of her consequences" You shuddered catching the his unspoken threat looking down as tears of humiliation the officer chuckled as Henry said this sighing his name
"Well she does look distraught, dont be to hard on the little thing I'd jump at the chance to drive one of those myself."
Henry laughed out loud drawing some attention from the others in the waiting room
"Oh dont you worry about her, she'll find a way to make it up to me somehow wont you babygirl" he said winding an arm around your waist pulling you against him squeezing his hand painfully tight. You looked down nodding hearing a few snickers and scoffs from women in seats behind you.
"Now apologize to the officer for wasting his time baby." You scowled up at him being met with a shit eating grin opening your mouth to tell him to fuck off thankfully you were interupted.
"Oh now thats not nessasary saving a tiny thing like her from herself isn't wasting time ..I'm glad I could help" Henry smiled at you kissing your cheek feeling please with himself.
"Now isnt that nice sweety. He's happy to help us" you gave a jerky nod as Henry finished the paperwork.
"I will have someone collect the car today" he called over his shoulder as he forced you along side him stopping before he got out of the door.
"Oh baby Wheres your shoes?" He asked smirking at you knowing damn well that he hasnt got you any, you felt the eyes of the other people on you as he shook his head picking you up cradling you recieveing a few awws and judgmental stares from the women. Unable to take it anymore you tucked your face into his neck crying.
"Im sorry please im so sorry i wont do anything like this again". He sighed pushing throught the doors and made his way to the car park climbing into the back or a range rover holding you in his lap as the car began moving.
"Its a little to late for sorry baby, daddy has to punish you for being an extremly naughty little girl. Stealing and damaging daddies car running away and getting arrested lying to the police? What kind of daddy would let you get away with all that?" You shuddered mind wandering what he had instore for you, not just for punishment but the training he mentioned in the cell you squirmed in his lap as you mulled it all over feeling sick to your stomach.
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask question about the movie Paris Texas? I am not sure if youre the right personbut i have always wondered why it is so highly revered. Like I liked the movie, i thought it was good. i could feel the longing the characters are going through, i liked how it was shot(?),i can see why the 'booth' scenes are always replicated in music vids & other shows & stuffBut idk what makes it iconic- like everytime i listen to people talk about films, they bring that movie up.
my favorite actors and directors for around the world even mention that filmLike i enjoyed it and know its good, but i am not sure on what makes it great. what are your thoughts on this film?
ahh hello! lmao im so happy people are asking me to talk about film lmao this really does excite me. and im so glad you came to me with this! just in general! thank you!
trust me like...i get it. paris texas is a great film, and i did enjoy watching it, but i see where you come from. i can understand why its been so revered, so hopefully i can shed some light on that for you. but! i really do understand where you come from. if im honest, theres a lot of flaws and issues with the film. its slow, doesnt actually handle the heavy themes the script attempts to portray very well, and doesnt really actually offer any nuance to janes character. shes actually a really complex character, but shes boxed into the role of like...the manic pixie dream girl, except not that. shes not and ideology of freedom or growth or perfection the way that trope is usually portrayed. instead she exists to further a male centric narrative and the depiction of women is really shallow, so trust me i get why there is a dissenting opinion. 
that said, there are a lot of things that make the film as cult and important as its become among cinephiles. they range from the use of americana as a plot device, colour theory, voyeurism, the breakdown of the american dream, etc. ill be breaking down some of the major points here under the cut, but there are even more ways to read this. and!! i stress!! it is ok to read all of this and still disagree! thats the beauty of film studies.
to really understand fundamentally why this film is so important we need to focus on two intertwining notions - that the film is a portrayal of america and this portrayal of a america is coming from a foreigner. the director of the film is win wenders, a german filmmaker, who has always claimed to be fascinated by the history and character of america. effectively, america itself becomes a character within the film. it does not matter that ‘america’ is the backdrop - it plays such an integral role in shaping the narrative of the story, one could argue it has more autonomy than jane. take for example the opening scene - it opens with the scene of a man walking aimlessly through the desert with a gallon of water - nameless and aimless. from this very first moment, we are presented with land. an endless expanses of land in which there is no real ownership; from this moment, we are meant to understand this america shapes the lives of its people as much as this perspective on america is shaped by the director of the film. 
furthermore, if we consider the opening shot; the saloon; the fact that a full 26 minutes elapses before the main character says a single word, we can argue the mise en scene within each of these scenes a visual alignment to the classic genre of western cinema. here, too, in this genre is the stress on land as it relates to and symbolizes the importance of freedom, autonomy, and identity, but moreover is there a stress on the notion of the anti-hero. by cultivating this understanding of america and the western, we can immediately align travis with the failed man, the failed husband, a failed owner of land, and a failed dream. 
but...did he fail? or did the notion of americana and the american dream fail him, instead? this seems to be the case as we considered the continual use of americana references. one of the fundamental aspects of americana is the nature of nostalgia - americana is traditionally idealized as the desire to return to small towns and cities from the turn of the century. the hope of creating a home, only for that essence of home to be lost; the period of exploration from 1820 to 1880, and then the comfort of being settled from 1880 to WWII. these are the fundamental aspects to understanding americana but they are foundational in the nostalgia that drives the narrative. aspects like: a barber shop, a diner, route-66, etc these small town notions are the driving pieces of nostalgia. and these are the elements of nostalgia that generate the plot device of paris texas.
im taking a moment here to really stress the following: western films and the concept of americana is inherently problematic. it exists on wester colonization, appropriation, and genocide. americana is a white-washed version of history and that, explicitly, is why all the elements of americana, nostalgia, and the american dream fail within this film because, again, it is america from the perspective of a foreigner and the perspective is profoundly unforgiving. 
(also, like, i literally hate western films because they are so racist and sexist and hyper-masculine, from any historical or modern perspective, so again...me being me saying i understand why you might have had a hard time with this movie lmao but when you realize this is not speaking in favor of those things it kind of hits you like...oh, damn. like, imagine this film from the perspective of a white american male, you know? travis would be a king, someone admired rather than someone youre not even sure you like or tolerate by the end)
right! so! now that we understand how important the elements of a failed america and american dream are to this film, we can see how nostalgia continually presents itself - not for a home lost, but for the hope and the opportunity lost. consider: the colour, the wide, open expanses of land (could have been owned, but are entirely empty), the way characters gaze at their own reflections - hell, the conversation between jane and travis at the end, double sided mirrors, jane forced to look at herself in the mirror while travis looks at nothing because its his memories and his memories are presented at a visual and emotional distance. memory presents itself through illusions, reflections, and disorganized narrative structures - it is not that they cant remember, but that they want to remember without criticism. this comes to a head when they view the home movies, another example of how life was or could have been - how it was supposed to be, and the sudden confrontation that it very much is not that. 
primarily for me, the thing that makes me enjoy the film (apart from realizing wenders has an extremely unforgiving view of america) was the colour theory. you cannot talk about this film without discussing the colour. the predominant tones in the film are red, white, and blue - americana and american flag. but why all the green (i.e the doctors office)? why the isolated events of solid red (i.e the strip club)? well, green and red are put perpetually at odds with one another. green, a usually soothing colour, is subverted to denote internal conflict; red, becomes regret, falsehoods. the colours in the film exist to at a sub-textual layer that speaks for the characters when they refuse to speak for themselves. and by the end, the colours return to a normal palette. black, beige, tan - travis recounting their history to jane in a room that is natural. things are finally exactly as they are meant to be, the intense colours of their emotions faded by distance and time, and forced now to confront their truth. 
but still...the elements of voyuerism exist. because he can see her...if he chose to. she cannot see him. she can only see herself. and so we are left, then, understanding that there is no hope. no connection. the achievement of the american dream is a falsehood of nostalgia that exists to drive our motivations, forcing us to live in a time or a place or a hope that never once was tangible, but craved just the same.
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polygon-streams · 5 years
April 23, 2019 - Mortal Kombat 11 Story Time
Pat played Mortal Kombat 11 on his channel, major content warnings for blood, gore, graphic violence.
Link to VOD, starts at 00:09:45.
He’s got cyberpunk lighting, oh shit he’s HACKED IN [Watch Clip]
Thanks his new subs at the beginning of the stream (including Faith)
Has not played game beforehand, runs tutorial at beginning
One beverage of the night is a watermelon ale
“One small step for scorpion, giant leap for gamer-kind”
Pat says it’s the third game in mortal Kombat series, starts w #9; everyone was in a fighting ring and it went so bad someone time traveled and reset it
He got 1000 coin $$
Has played Mortal kombat X (second one); says game is relatively similar
He brutally stabbed a guy in the tutorial and said “oops”
He says that thick blood is “thick jelly” for the game
Plays multiple rounds in the tutorial to be more familiar with the game
Got more coins after his second round $$$. Capital Pat $
Fiddles w the setting before going back into gameplay
Says game requires people to memorize combo functions to play and if they don’t get it right, they can get punished (like Dragon Ball Z)
Gets hit with a massive combo and goes “mmMM IM FINE”
“This is some Looney Tunes shit”
Chooses to stay in tutorial; hears about “fatal blow”– which the cpu gave him last round
Requires more timing for fatal blows than previous mortal kombat; used to be able to hold down a button and give a fatality, apparently
“It was an accident; it was fucking cool tho”
Pat uses a character whose main weapon is a chain they can use to grapple on the enemy; is still figuring out the mechanics of the character
He referred to his stream as the pizza party
He entered the customize menu babey
Every menu option MUST start w a K instead of a C in the spirit of the game
Chat feels good about input controls
Chat plays caught and compromised when the boss of the game is revealed [Watch Clip]
Piss clip interrupts dramatic intro scene
Content warning: “everything in the game is NASTY”
BIG kw on this one (stands for “kontent warning”)
Military girl gets promoted to commander bc nepotism, but still needs to duel person promoting her: “I need to kick YOUR ass ma'am”
“My mom kicked my ass”
Looks up special moves bc he can’t beat his mom (also the mom is Sonya, which I think is a char from a previous MK game??)
Mom continues to kick his ass
“RIP mommy” (i detest this man)
“Damn, mom with the MIX UPS”
Finally beats the mom after three or so tries
Kung Lao can do hat decapitations
Pat wants to direct mortal kombat
An intense laser went off in the story and someone played the piss clip at the same time [Watch Clip]
Gives more shoutouts
Thinks the notion of guns in mortal kombat is funny bc guns are never used in the fights
Pat says memeshart should run the streams
*Pat, mocking the storyline* “The BONE temple”
Faith is responsible for many of the piss button presses in this stream
Wants to play as Jackie in the game; doesn’t want to play as Cassie (probably bc she’s not in previous games?)
Hour mark goes by, chat presses h to hydrate
Character says “fuck you!” after a long battle; Pat agrees
Mom is buried by some rocks, Pat: “she could get out if she were a little boulder” (chat proceeds to yell at Pat)
LincolnCarpenter used all of their piss bucks 😔
After the dad realized his wife had died, someone in the chat played the Donkey Kong has Died music; Pat erupts in laughter, “I’m sweaty” [Watch Clip]
Prisoner has a colosseum fight. Pat: “this is so fuckin stupid”
Characters (and Pat) react to time travel element of the plot. Pat remembers some, but not all of the characters. Chat (and Pat) makes memes about characters seeing different versions of themselves
Some of the gore freaked out Pat
Gets new fighting avatar, checks out moves, butchers one of them: “huEHhe”
“I’m just gonna mash the buttons”
Roleplays as his new avatar to himself
I think this game calculates points in decimal?? Why
An assassin appeared out of a cloud of blood from a previously killed enemy. Pat called her his “blood wife,” then sipped on some ale
He has a brief cowboy noise discussion; “they all sound like McCree” (character from Overwatch)
Calls the blood of his enemies “gamer fuel” while still fighting the cowboy
Calls a character “our anti-imperialist bae” (eat the rich)
(sing-song voice) “Gamer fuuuueeeeeeel in my mouth”
“D’vorah” apparently means “da fuq” in mortal kombat (to Pat, during his entrance)
Questioned how Raiden is pronounced (Raid-en in MK, Ry-den in Metal Gear)
Game: “There are two eras” Pat: “Aaaah yes that’s how time works”
Doubts the game’s explanation of how immortals don’t have duplicates, but mortals do. Laughs at plot holes
Tfw you accidentally call your general mom, “General Mommy” [Watch Clip]
Pat has to fight a baby scorpion (the character)
A character the chat calls Hat Man invented dabbing (bc game takes place 20 yrs before dabbing was a thing)
Plays as the Hat Man during a fight, spends first couple seconds figuring out how to throw the hat
“I’m dead. He’s gonna rip my spine out of my ass”
He did a cool combo and said “Good.” with so much authority
Poses question to the chat: “if you and your best friend are on a mystical quest and run into evil, double versions of yourself, do you fight your evil double, or your friend’s evil double?”
Chat is making Christmas Carol memes bc the time travel discussion
Hat Man runs into his evil double “Same hat”
Characters made decision to fight their own evil doubles
Pat remembers cyber machines
Pat smiles in a :D way and does a little dance [Watch Clip]
Sub-Zero is introduced, “Hey Boy” soundbit plays
Pat mocks robot death bc no feelings “my dreeeeams” [Watch Clip]
Characters walk by heads floating in tanks, dismembered body pieces, “NASTY, this game is gross”
character gets sawed in half; pat makes a loud, grossed-out noise
“God damn you Cipher!” sound bit plays while an evil ice lady is revealing plans
Pat fights a character named “Noob Saibot” (chat reacts as you’d expect)
“Caught and compromised” soundbit plays again
Stream wraps up, Pat is sleeby and does a Big Yawn, thanks the mods
Raids Thomas “Strawbiery” Biery
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ladynonsense · 6 years
A Royal Disgrace (TRR/PM Crossover) Part 9
Catch up on my masterlist
Pairings: Damien x Liam, Liam x Riley, Damien x m!Kai 
Rating: PG-13
Summary: About last night...
Words: 1900
Tag List: @hustacks @hopefulmoonobject @brightpinkpeppercorn @perriewinklenerdie @pixieferry @nazariobae @zaffrenotes @ritachacha @h3llostrang3r @choiceslife @blackcoffee85 @wannabemc2 @sleepwalkingelite @debramcg1106 @furiousherringoperatortoad @bobasheebaby @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @jovialyouthmusic
“Good morning, sunshine.”
Damien’s eyes shot open, squinting into the bright morning sunlight streaming in through the window. He blinked several times, trying to get his bearings. Asleep on the couch, naked under his blanket, with his phone resting on his chest. And Riley standing over him, smirking.
“Um, hi. What time is it?” He noticed his balled up pajamas and underwear at his feet, and tried to stealthily cover it with his blanket.
“8:00. Late night? I didn’t even hear you come in.”
He yawned, stretching his arms over his head. Riley stared shamelessly at his chest as he flexed and relaxed. “Eyes are up here, Riles.”
She rolled her eyes. “You could’ve slept with your clothes on.”
“Well at least one of us fell asleep wearing my clothes.” He raised an eyebrow at her, walking around the apartment in one of his t-shirts. As he said it his eyes fixed on the lacy black panties that were peeking out underneath. She turned away from him to walk into the kitchen, swaying her hips a little more than was necessary. “Now whose eyes are wandering, Nazario?”
He grinned, shaking his head. Baggage aside, that old chemistry was still going strong. It was good to see her back to her usual annoying self, instead of the scared, withdrawn woman she’d been the last few times he’d seen her.
“Have you heard anything from Liam?”
Guilt and shame washed over him like a cold bucket of water. “Um, just that he’s OK. His security team is keeping him at the hotel and turning away visitors for now. Bastien gave me a phone number to reach him at if you want.”
She shook her head as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. “Nah, that’s OK. He doesn’t like us to communicate electronically until we know for sure who’s been conspiring against me. Better not to leave any traceable evidence of our relationship.”
“Right. Smart.” He shifted under the blanket, trying to sit up without making himself indecent. He realized his stomach was sticky and cringed. Definitely shouldn’t have fallen asleep without cleaning himself up first.
Riley settled into the chair across from him, digging into her cereal. “So what’s the plan for today?”
He scratched his head, trying to think of an elegant way out of this. Nothing came to mind. “Riley...I’m naked under here.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Completely?”
He cringed. “Completely.”
“Ugh, can you just turn around or something, please?”
She rolled her eyes and noisily scraped the chair on the floor as she turned it to face the wall. “Pull yourself together, dude.”
“I’m trying.” He frowned as he grabbed his balled-up pajama pants and boxers. Desperate, he used the boxers to wipe the mess off of his stomach and then shoved them down between the couch cushions, then pulled on the pants. “OK. I’m decent.”
She turned the chair back around, scraping the floor just as loudly as before. “If you call that decent, I guess.”
He got up and headed for the bathroom, pausing to kiss Riley’s forehead on the way. “Don’t pretend you don’t love it.”
“Whatever, old man. Fix yourself up; you look like shit.”
“Why do people keep saying that to me?” He murmured to himself as he locked the bathroom door behind him. “...Oh.” He leaned over the sink, studying his face in the mirror. His eyes were red and tired, with dark circles under them aging him badly. He splashed cold water on his face, trying to freshen up, but ‘tired and damp’ was not really an improvement over ‘just tired.’ Sighing, he stripped and hopped into the shower.
He was just massaging the shampoo into his scalp when he heard pounding at the door. Groaning, he turned off the water. “What?”
“Kai won’t stop calling you,” Riley complained through the door. “Hurry up.”
Kai was up bright and early, working at Damien’s office doing his favourite thing: pinning pictures up on the big wall.
The night before, he’d gone straight to the office after Damien called him from the ball. Damien had overheard the assassin refer to somebody as ‘Your Grace,’ the traditional address for a duke or duchess in Cordonia, so he’d compiled a list of all of them. Fifteen total duchies, most of them governed by a married couple, left him with twenty-six names. Narrowing it down to only those who had daughters in attendance at the ball brought it down to twelve.
He’d scoured Cordonian gossip websites for the best headshots he could find of all of them, and made full-page colour printouts of each of their faces at the 24-hour copy shop down the road. And now, after a two-hour power nap and a potentially deadly amount of coffee, he was tiling them carefully on the wall, along with images of the daughters in question. His rainbow-coloured yarn, on loan from Nadia, was itching to start making connections.
“You look chipper.”
He hadn’t heard Damien come in over the sound of the ‘Monday Motivation’ playlist he’d been blasting through the tinny computer speakers. “Hey, you! I thought you’d never show.”
Damien ran a hand through his still-damp hair, looking over the wall of photos. “It’s nine a.m., Kai. What’s all this?”
“I’m glad you asked, Detective!” Kai turned back to the wall with a flourish. “One of these rich fucks tried to kill your girl. Is it him?” He pointed dramatically to a photo of a very generic-looking middle-aged man. “Or is it...HER?” He pointed to a photo of a perfectly nice-looking woman. “Maybe this prick? OK honestly I do think it’s this prick.”
Damien stepped closer to read the label on the photo Kai was pointing to. “Duke Karlington. That’s Madeleine’s father. He’s been on my list since day one.”
Kai was practically bouncing with excitement and caffeine. “Of course, right? It makes perfect sense. He wants his daughter to be queen, but the king is like, ‘I don’t want to marry this blond demon!’ so this old Duke is like…”
“Yeah, Kai, I get it. I appreciate the very spot-on impressions, though.”
He bowed dramatically. “Thank you. But yeah. This guy totally did it, right?”
Damien nodded, still studying the wall. “Yeah...yeah, he totally did. But we’ll need proof. The NYPD and LAPD have basically given up on this, now that they’ve got their shooter and the person pulling the strings is almost certainly overseas. We’ll have to coordinate with Liam’s royal guard to nail this guy before this goes any further.”
“Liam,” Kai repeated. “Just your buddy Liam, your casual pal, ordinary dude Liam.”
“Oh, fuck off.” The slight grin on Damien’s face did not go unnoticed. “His Majesty, King Liam of Cordonia. Better?”
He couldn’t help himself. “Is that what you call him in bed?”
“Kai.” Damien flopped into his desk chair and buried his face in his hands, groaning. “You’re the only one who knows about that, you know.”
“Yeah, I figured. But you know you have to tell Riley, right?”
Damien looked pained, but nodded. “That’s a discussion for another time. We need to make sure they’re going after this guy. The king’s guard will have access to evidence that we don’t.”
“Right. So you’re going to see him.”
“Liam? No, I’m going to see Bastien Lykel.”
Kai hated himself for how relieved he was at that. “So what should I do?”
Damien threw an arm around his shoulders and gave him a quick squeeze, making him blush. “You should finish this beautiful wall of yours, and make sure we’re not missing something with these other potential suspects.”
He smiled at that, picking up his bag of yarn. “On it. Go get ‘im, boss.”
Damien fidgeted nervously in the hotel elevator, unsure what to expect when he got to Liam’s floor. How many low-level guards would he have to sweet-talk to get to Bastien? He plastered on his most charming smile as the doors began to open.
To his surprise, the hallway was deserted. He walked slowly down the corridor, wondering if he was on the wrong floor. Rounding a corner, he finally spotted Bastien and one other guard standing outside of a set of double doors. Bastien looked his way immediately, enough venom in his gaze to stop him dead in his tracks.
“Mr. Lykel…” he began, trying to shake off the sudden nerves. “I’ve got some information…”
He was striding towards him already, holding out a hand to stop him from coming any closer. “Mr. Nazario. I must ask you to leave. The king is not available to you.”
“Right, I know, orange alert and all that. I’m here to see you actually, I brought my files…”
“Let me be clear,” Bastien went on, still staring daggers at him. “The king is not available to you, period. You will not try to contact him again.”
He was dumbstruck. What was happening? “He’s my client…”
“And I will personally ensure you’re paid what you are owed. But you will not hear from His Majesty again.”
Damien was torn between pleading for him to just listen, or telling him off for being an asshole. He settled for just staring blankly ahead, mouth hanging open like a numbskull.
To his surprise, that seemed to work. Bastien’s furious glare softened as he took his elbow and led him into a small sitting area. Without a word he passed him a phone with an audio file loaded up on the screen. Feeling a cold dread settle in his stomach, Damien hit play and held it to his ear.
Breathing, just heavy breathing. And then a familiar voice: “Do you remember how I felt inside you, Damien?”
The phone fell from his hand as the cold dread turned to hot panic. It bounced on the carpet before Bastien slowly retrieved it, not taking his eyes off of Damien.
“You said...the number...it was secure…”
“I was wrong. And now I’m running a skeleton crew while everyone who would have had access to the phone is suspended from duty until I can determine who compromised it.”
“How long is…”
“It’s all there, Mr. Nazario.”
Bastien frowned. “Blackmail, obviously.”
Damien sat down in a daze. His chest was tight and his stomach had turned, his face burning hot with shame. “This is my fault.”
“I told you he was never safe.”
“What do they want?”
“We don’t know yet.”
“I’ll guess: for him to honour his engagement to Madeleine.”
“I guess we’ll see.”
Numbly he handed over the folder in his hands. “It’s Duke Godfrey. I can’t prove it, but I’m almost certain.”
Bastien nodded, flipping through the folder’s contents. “I’ll look into it. Thank you.” He turned to leave.
“Wait,” Damien called after him, his voice shaking. “Could you...just...tell him I’m sorry? I never meant to fuck up his life. I just…” he trailed off, unsure what he could possibly say to make anything better. “I’m just sorry.”
Bastien nodded again, returning to his post in silence.
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unholyhelbiglinked · 6 years
Camp Beaverbrook | 007
Hey Mom!
It’s been what? A week since I’ve last written. I’m not really sure if they’re sending these letters on Fridays or if they actually spend that much money on postage. Part of me thinks that they don’t send them at all and they’re just sitting in those big plastic cases that Gail always keeps under lock and key. It’s been fun, though, but I’m ready to be a counselor now. I think this is the perfect send off.
She mindlessly pushed the three lone carrots against the broth backdrop. They looked sad, all of their coating having tinted the liquid that they swam in. They looked like little life rafts that could carry a whole person if a person was an ant.
She had her lip between her teeth, her stare trained in the general direction of the counselors. On one counselor that had the sunlight hitting her just right as it rose against the mess hall. Emily had a full conversation with her yesterday, one where she only choked on her words once or twice. She knew Aubrey, had seen her every single day at camp for the past three and a half years but still- each time was met with her heart in her throat and an instant moisture to her palms.
The blonde did a bit of a double take, first catching a gray gaze before shooting back down to her own food and up again. She offered up a kind smile and a half-hearted wave. Emily fumbled with herself, cheeks inflamed as she lifted her chin in a nod and looked back toward the grooves of the table that had gotten so interesting. An onion clung to the back of her spoon.
“You are helpless.” Hayley tore a generous piece from a roll, dipping it into the broth. “Just jump her bones already.”
“What?” Emily hissed, voice low “I don’t want to- I mean, she’s flawless but that doesn’t mean I need to have sex with her. Honestly just being in her presence-“She trailed off, gulping in a heap of air “Where’s Jane?”
“Nice change of subject Michel Emerson.”
Emily let out a deep grumble at the reference. Hayley was playing to her weakness; a shitty movie about vampires that hung from the bottom of train tracks. Michel Emerson had risked everything for a pretty girl with an alluring personality, even if it did turn him into a creature of the night. “Seriously, asshole, she hasn’t shown for lunch, and now dinner?”
“So? Jane never shows. She probably passed out after her time slot on the lake. Yeah?” Hayley rolled her eyes.
She had spent more than enough time talking Emily down. She had kept the clumsy girl from nearly drowning in the lake when Aubrey told her to simply cool off. It was getting late, there was sleep eating away at the edge of her mind and it showed in her demeanor. Not particularly sunny, but often times confused with discontent.
“Sure.” Emily agreed, not having anything else to do. She had lost all appetite for any type of dinner. There was a sneaking pinprick at the back of her mind. Something that she had gotten before. Her mother used to say the uneasiness was a clear sign that she needed to listen to her gut. But that was only before she put her on a plane for a class trip to New York with enough money to buy mace as soon as they touched down.
Now it was rocking her whole entire sense of being.
Emily let her spoon fall into the soup that was mainly untouched. It created a loud noise and beef broth soaked against her cheek. Hayley flinched, lifting her eyebrows. “You’re going to offend the chef.”
Coffee eyes shot towards the kitchen, Jesse was bringing the knife down on what looked like more onions. It certainly smelled that way. He had bulky headphones over his ears and a towel against his shoulder, head bobbing along. Somehow, she knew he would be okay.
She rolled her eyes and swung her legs over the bench. “Wha- where are you going?”
“I am going to go check her cabin,” Emily said, throwing her napkin down against the bowl of soup before gathering it all together. She didn’t wait for Hayley to open her mouth in protest, instead, she walked towards the very window that supplied the neon light of the kitchen.
Jesse glanced up, lifting his chin slightly before she gave him a wary smile and dropped the bowl before anyone else had, careful not to spill the broth. He went back to bobbing his head, and Emily exited the mess hall trying impossibly hard not to look towards the counselors.
There was a frigid chill to the air that made her seek for any type of warmth, a jacket over her simple cotton t-shirt, something to ease the cold that presented itself the moment the sun started to lower against the pine needle trees.
She shoved her hands into her jean shorts and walked against the path that had been carved out ages ago. There were boot prints, and even bare feet tracked in the loose dirt. Her breath pressed into the air in a soft cloud, something she used to exhaust. That small prick buzzing like her table was ready at a family restaurant.
The cabin looked bigger than before, almost like each of the three steps that she took up to the screen door were miles long. Her legs ached and shook, but she still pulled it open and glanced around the space: Her bed had been made this morning and was still left untouched. Hayley’s was a mess under her own, and Jane was empty. The covers were pulled back and the setting sun highlighted it in a ghastly orange.
Emily let out the breath that she didn’t know she was holding onto. Her lungs burned, and her ears were ringing now. A pressure and anxiety that she couldn’t fiddle with tugged at her. The door creaking open as she turned to face it.
She leaned against the doorframe, eyebrows raised. “Not here?”
“No, afraid not.” Emily let out a deep breath. “Dinner over?”
The girl nodded and flopped down on her mattress, stretching her hands out over her head as she groaned as her back popped in just the right way. She didn’t think she took that long to walk to the cabin across the camp, but she had, dragging her feet and begging for a reason to make the ringing stop.
Emily could feel her throat tighten and she blamed the cold air, not the deepening feeling in her stomach as she shook her head and pushed past her screen door, standing staggered against the steps to her cabin. It was crowded this time, kids trying to get back to their bunks before the mountain night grew chillier.
She watched as kids that wore a mix of forest green and golden yellow walked among counselors that were far from finished with their nights. She would often see the fire rising from the rocky shore and smell the beer in the metal trash cans that next morning. The thought made her skin prickle.
Aubrey Posen stood by the edge of the path, her arms crossed over her chest as those deep green eyes peered into Beca’s. The girl was shorter than her superior, but the way she puffed out her chest and sneered made Emily think that she had more gall than the woman she was looking for. Chloe had an even hand on her shoulder as if to hold her back or pull her to their shared cabin. The archery instructor lifting perfectly sculpted eyebrows up in discontent.
Emily steeled her nerves and walked forward, cutting across the crowd as a few people mumbled while others stared directly at her. She kept her distance, but not too much, Beca Mitchell shooting her midnight stare her way as if to acknowledge her presence.
“Hey, Em” Chloe offered up warmly, trying to defuse the situation, Aubrey’s own stare had softened a great deal, though, she never let her shoulders drop. “What’s up?”
She wanted words for form, really, she did. But they seemed to stall in her throat. At the crackling sound that she let out, Aubrey straightened her shoulders and turned herself completely towards the camper, knitting her brow. “Em?”
“I don’t want to bother you, it’s just- Jane, my cabin mate, I haven’t seen her all day.”
She knew she was taking it slow, mumbling. Four sets of eyes were on her. The surrounding area had been voided of kids, all of them sneaking liquor in their own cabins. Smoking loose cigarettes that they had hidden in their t-shirts before spraying a thick layer of lavender spray.  
“She usually misses breakfast, but never lunch, or dinner. I’m uh, I’m worried about her.”
“Jane Eide?” Stacie asked, shoving her hands into the pockets of her oversized sweatshirt. “I’ve been working with her. She didn’t show today, though, figured she had fallen asleep.”
“I pulled her from the water the other night,” Beca admitted, “Late. She and two others were out on the lake after dark.”
Aubrey pulled in an easy breath, one that was far too calm for a situation like this, there was an unknown type of fear that was behind her darkened eyes. One that she wouldn’t really admit to, but Emily could see it. She could feel it.
“Right, so no one has seen her since last night?” All silence and blinking eyes. “Emily, did you hear her come in last night?”
“No, I didn’t. Neither did Hayley.”
“Okay. Stacie, you go back to the mess hall with Jesse, search the mess hall and the quad.” Aubrey had a certain stiffness to her voice. “Chloe, Beca. I need you to go to the north building and check the phone log- maybe she phoned home. Emily, follow me.”
No one made a move for a few seconds, just staring at the woman in front of them until she clapped her hands together and snapped everyone out of a haze that felt like a hazy dream. Campers didn’t just vanish. Some would get homesick, sure, but they would call their parents and get picked up begrudgingly. The feeling Emily had seemed to stem within the circle of them and extend- Stacie the first to nod and step away, doing a slight jog towards her station.
Chloe took reign and used the hand still on Beca’s shoulder to drag her towards the building that housed a small desk and the white postal bucket that everyone placed their letters in. There was a phone and a yellow log to write in, hopefully, Jane had.
“Come on,” Aubrey said, and Emily followed like an obedient dog on a short leash. They were walking in one clear direction and Aubrey was moving fast the cold not seeming to get to her, so Emily rolled her shoulders back and forgot about her own chilled bones.
Aubrey pushed past the door to her little cabin, something that looked out over the east side of the lake and was isolated to everyone else. No one dared come this close to a place like this, the place that Aubrey would sit and drink coffee before anyone disturbed her.
Emily didn’t know what to expect, but it looked almost normal: There was a little television that was an obnoxious shade of blue and had rabbit ears stretching to the sky. A nicely made bed and a small table with two chairs on either side of it. There were lights strung up over a floral bedspread. It smelled thickly of lavender, and it pulled Emily in. She struggled to stay against the threshold.
“Here,” Aubrey seemed slightly out of breath, she stretched forward and handed Emily a hard metal flashlight. She had palmed one herself, its silver shell reflecting the fairy lights. “We’re going to check around the lake.”
“Okay,” was all Emily could mumble, the woman pulled open what looked like a closet instead of a dresser. She produced a brown leather bomber jacket that had a fur collar, folded and covered in patches. It looked worn and overwhelmed her with scent as it was tossed in her direction. “I can’t-“
“It’s cold,” Aubrey said tenderly. She was wearing a sweatshirt herself, adjusting the collar as she flicked off the light and pressed herself through the doorway. Emily could feel her heat against her front.
She hurriedly slid it over her shoulders before closing the door and jogging slightly to catch up with Aubrey, she had already flicked her flashlight on. It created a circle of yellow that she swept over the grounds that they walked against, their sneakers loud compared to the silence of the night. Emily couldn’t hear crickets.
Her shoulder would bump against Aubrey’s every couple of steps, and she savored the touch, moving her own beam of light close to the water’s edge. It lapped at the stones and made them look prettier than they really were.
“I lost my hamster once.” Emily finally said timidly.
There was a slight hint of a laugh, or maybe a scoff, that pushed past Aubrey’s lips. Either way,  its splayed against the darkness of the sky in a puff of white. “What?”
“Yeah, when I was six, I had a hamster and he got out of his cage somehow. We couldn’t find him for a couple of days- maybe a week. I don’t remember. I was six. But we finally found him, you know.”
“Where was he?” Aubrey asked, pulling a branch up for the both of them to duck under. It smelled like pine and dropped dead needles at the movement. The lights from the camp were getting smaller as they wandered into the large isolated parts of the perimeter. The lights from the cabins looked like they were put through a funhouse mirror as they reflected off the inky water.
“He was in the television.”
“Your hamster?”
Emily hummed in response, letting her light move against the stretch of trees. They looked scarier at night. “Yeah, in that little part where the speakers usually are. He had chewed through all of them, so at least we knew he didn’t starve. The little guy lived four more years after that… so uh, maybe we’ll find her. You know?”
“Jane is a person, not a rodent.”
“Oh, I know,” Emily’s shoe slid on the closest rock, the sound splaying oddly as Aubrey instinctively reached and clutched onto her arm, keeping her from sliding too much “Thanks. I just don’t think I’ve lost anything else before.”
Aubrey stopped then, her back to the forest as she parted her lips. Emily didn’t know if it had anything to do with her eyes adjusting or the fact that the moon had risen to its fullest point, but it was easier to see. Every part of Aubrey looked milky blue, her lips and eyes darker than the rest of her subtle features. She looked like a siren, playing oddly with the rubber button on her light. Almost like she was nervous.
“I have,” Aubrey said, so softly it was almost muted by the water lapping the shore. “My father he uh, he left when I was fifteen, maybe sixteen? I don’t think we tried too hard to find him but it um, it feels kind of like this. You know?”
“Like someone is holding your heart and just kind of… squeezes it?”
Aubrey let out a long-held onto breath “Yeah, yeah. Like that. Is it getting tighter for you too?”
Emily chewed on her bottom lip. She had to admit, the feeling seemed to melt away around Aubrey. She was a calming presence, an authority figure that she gawked at if anything. Aubrey sniffed, eyes sad in the moonlight as they flicked towards Emily’s mouth. “Yeah, I think so.” It was no more than a whisper.
“Yeah, Aubrey?”
The older woman’s hands were cold as she took a fluid step forward, her fingers curling around the back of Emily’ neck as she let the other hand hold tight against the flashlight. Emily had kissed people before, hell, she had done it often and diligently, but this was different. This was soft and Aubrey tasted like a mix of cinnamon and heat. Her nose was cold against her cheek as her touch moved against Emily’s jaw delicately.
Emily pulled away with a sharp breath, leaning her forehead against Aubrey’s. That hand around her heart had released its hold and let it flourish as the blood rushed past her ears. “Whoa.”
“That was-“Aubrey swallowed, her hand dropped her hand down “I’m sorry, I misread the situation, I’m sorry.” She apologized twice in one sentence, wanting to move away completely, but she had found Emily’s hand curled around the collar of her sweatshirt, holding her in place.
“No,” She whispered, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to do that but-“
“It’s not the right time.” Aubrey finished her thought, swallowing roughly. “We need to keep going.”
Emily nodded and eventually dislodged her fingers from the girl's coat, even if it was the last thing she wanted to do. They returned to walking in silence, their feet crunching against dried leaves and gravel. She could swear she felt the ghost of a cold hand.  
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crwdgoinapeshit · 6 years
Episode/Tarot Card Breakdown Episodes 1-5
i’ve always wanted to break down the tarot card the writers’ chose for every episode, see which character it refers to and if it’s reversed or upright so i thought why the hell not. it was admittedly interesting and im glad i did.              *sn it’s long but really cool
Episode 1 La Ermitana: The Hermit Tarot Card - Reversed
"The Hermit stands alone on the top of a mountain with a lantern in his hand. Mountains typically symbolize achievement, growth, and accomplishment."
Character: Teresa
In the premiere we see that Teresa has doubled what she's earned since leaving Mexico and is moving 30 kilos weekly through Malta. She has grown in the game of narcos, however, she does so in hiding and isolation. She has Pote by her side but as we see in the episode she acts singularly which is why he states she can not build an empire alone. King George also lectures her on the importance of delegating and not doing certain things herself. At the end of the episode she pulls the Hermit tarot card in its reversed position signaling that she's isolating herself too much.
"...the appearance of the reversed Hermit may suggest that you are spending too much time alone in excessive isolation. You are literally becoming a hermit and cutting yourself off from others. While this period is helping you on a spiritual level, you may be feeling temporarily isolated and alone. Do not underestimate the value of staying connected with others, even while you are going through your own spiritual journey."
James' appearance moments after she gets the Hermit tarot card opens the door for her to challenge her isolated state and let someone in. I mean the next episode does end with him asking her to let him in. coincidence..i think not!
Episode 2 El Calgado: The Hanged Man Tarot Card - Upright​
"The Hanged Man is a willing victim, someone who has chosen the path of sacrifice to accomplish a higher goal. The Hanged Man represents the willingness to forsake the temptations of instant gratification for a higher cause, and because of this willing sacrifice he accomplishes the goals he has in his heart. He is like the ultimate martyr, putting his self-interest aside and giving up his personal needs for the greater good."​
Characters: Pote, James(?)
Pote is tortured by Cortez & Camila's people for Teresa's whereabouts, however, he refuses to give her up. He even tells her, in code, to flee Malta and leave him behind to be killed by Cortez's men; the ultimate form of sacrifice and martyr-ship.
James could also represent the hanged man, though to a lesser degree. He surrenders himself completely to Teresa and willingly leaves himself defenseless as a way to show her that his intentions are good. He spends the episode putting aside his safety to make sure she stays safe.
Episode 3 Reina de Oros: Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card - Upright
Character: Teresa
"The Queen of Pentacles is a very ‘motherly’ card, expressing practical energy. She is the original Earth Mother. She shows her love for others by cooking, cleaning, keeping a warm and inviting home and bringing in a decent income to support the family financially........She strives to create a warm and secure environment for her family and loved ones, and gives love and support freely."
Teresa symbolizes the queen of pentacles when she goes on her crusade to rescue and free the abused girls Rocco de la Pena traffics. Her desire to protect them can be interpreted as "motherly" in a way.​
Episode 4 La Fuerza: Strength Tarot Card - Upright
"....the Strength card represents inner strength and the power of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle. The meaning of the Strength Tarot card is about knowing that you can endure life’s obstacles by drawing upon your inner strength and confidence. You have great stamina and persistence, tempered by an underlying patience and inner calm. You are focused on what you need to do, and you go about it in a way that demonstrates great composure and maturity......The Strength Tarot card also reflects a compassionate approach."​
Characters: Teresa, Camila(?)
The strength tarot card is upright for Teresa when she gets to Arizona. With her dealings with the La Commission she demonstrates a calm confidence and she's focused throughout. With Mayo she makes a slight blunder when she doesn't realize that Pecas sold her out him, but she readjusts and comes out "smelling like roses" as Pecas stated. Initially she wanted to go down a more upstanding route, one could consider that to be a "compassionate approach", when getting the sheriff to back down, however after he murders the reporter she realizes just what he is. She sends money to the family of the reporter who Mayo murdered as well, an act of compassion.
I'm iffy on whether or not this can apply to Camila due to the whole compassionate part of the tarot card(she sets up a woman to be murdered by Boaz's siccario), but if you ignore it it does represent Camila this episode as well. She patiently plays a long con against Boaz baiting him into an assassination attempt in order to get Reynaldo to ax him out the business. She showed composure, confidence, maturity and patience in this episode which is what the strength tarot is generally about.​
Episode 5 El Juicio: Judgement Tarot Card - Upright"
“The Judgement card shows a number of naked men, women and children rising up from their graves.......The people are appealing to the angel, ready to be judged by the power of the Universe. In the background, there are huge mountains, or even tidal waves, which signify insurmountable obstacles and the impossibility of avoiding judgment........The Judgement card calls for a period of reflection and self-evaluation. The Judgement card suggests that you have had a recent epiphany or an ‘awakening’ where you have come to a realization that you need to live your life in a different way.....This integration has healed any deep wounds and you are now in a position to put the past behind you. Your memories no longer haunt you, and you are able to understand and value what has happened to you and what it has taught you about life."
Character: James
One way or another James will be "judged" for the death of Susie, a little girl who died in an explosion he set up after murdering her parents. James will either face his judgment from Devon or Teresa once she learns the truth. He’s willing to surrender himself over to Devon to be "judged" for what he did knowing full well that Devon plans on killing him, instead Teresa makes a valiant show of “forgiveness” by grabbing guns and standing her ground in defense of James. Previously in episode two James said that he wanted to do things in a different way, the death of Susie pushed him into this epiphany; he no longer believes in the words he told Teresa in 2x02 because Susie’s death and the time he spent with Teresa. Teresa's display of kindness, forgiveness, and acceptance helps James move forward.​
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nyodrite · 7 years
@becausemyfriendskeptasking said:
@kunoichi-ume said:
okay I am onboard.
Yessss, join usssss
@kitsune0neko said:
Yyyaaaaaaaaaaaay! I really like this. Especialky bc dragons r awesome and a love for them would totally transcend death.
This is absolute truth, dragons are awesome and love of dragons transcends such flimsy barriers such as  d e a t h
@seladorie said:
... i didn't know i needed this but i do
i want this so bad
i wanna see this team 7 meet kakashi
i want charlie!sakura to needle sasuke ONLY to see his fire dragon technique
While Kakashi is internally just,,,okay so apparently this one is obsessed with scaly, sparky flapper cryptids but at least she's not a fangirl??
@ruelukas22 said:
oh wow O.O senpai noticed me!
Does this mean you’re actually going to fic it? Because that could be amazing!
Would anyone else be reincarnations?!
How does Charlie like being an only child?
Does he refer to himself as a he in actual conversations sometimes?
Does he get a wild hair cut?
Does he like kunoichi classes?
We see the beginning of him interacting with Naruto, how does that continue, does he like Kurama and the other Bijuu? (“Giant, village destroying creatures. I love them.” “Honestly Sakura…”)
What does he think of giant summons? (“Sakura! The snake is trying to kill you, stop fawning over it!”)
.....sen...pai..? .....suddenly i feel more powerful then ever before.
Tentative yes on a fic but, whoa do I get distracted easily.
As for any other reincarnations, no? Not here, but @owldork1998 and @cassandrasdreamworld and I did talk about two people being reincarnated as Sakura around the same time. In fact there was talk about Charlie being reincarnated as Sakura while Newt Scamander was reincarnated as Inner Sakura.
Being an only child after being one of many is kind of lonely, but there's Ino whose kind of like a sister and who comes as part of a package deal with Shikamaru and Chouji so Kura makes do with pseudo-siblings.
While it wouldn't really matter or be noticed in English, since personal pronouns like don't lean towards a gender, Kura does do that. Kura's personal pronoun is "ore" all around instead of the expected "watashi", it's chosen simply because it's shorter and thus easier to say. This does, however, kind of affect things.
it's been, due to the time spent together at the academy, normalized for Kura's generation - in fact some of the younger girls at the academy start doing the same
ninja, on a whole, really don't care because there could be worse quirks for the kid to have - like peeping in bath houses, or wearing green spandex
clanfolk, even ninja ones, kinda do a double take but are generally just huh, alright then.
older people, even ninja, like the Council are disapproving it's partially about propriety but mostly about this fool kunoichi will endanger the mission if she is ever to go undercover or otherwise infiltrate some place
civilians range from shrugging it off as "ninja weirdness" or being scandalized, Kura's parents (who are in fact civilian in this) are on both sides - father shrugs it off and is even amused, mother is Not Happy
there's also little, awkward side conversations with first Iruka then Kakashi about if Kura is experiencing gender dysphoria and if it were better to use different pronouns or look into having a sex change
Wild hair? Kind of? Less cut though. Kura's hair is long, it is messy and pulled into a ponytail until it eventually grows so long - takes so long to clean in the shower - that Kura just hacks it off with a kunai. So, yep! Wild hair cut! (eventually)
Kura is ambivalient about kunoichi classes; sewings only practical, as is cooking, tea ceramonies and kimono are interesting in a foriegn way, make-up is kind of weird but mostly tedious given he was still around when little Ginny wanted to play with their mum's make-up and demanded he let her make him "pretty" and is now resigned to it, but he's actually good with flowers - entirely Bill's fault who once tried to impress a girl be carefully selecting flowers that were meaningful
Bijuu, yes Kura loves them. Once he finds out that they are actually real - and how are giant chakra monsters more believable then dragons?!? - he's stoked and all NO INO/NARUTO/SASUKE/SENSEI YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I HAVE TO MEET ONE I WILL LITERALLY DIE IF I DO NOT. Then he finds out about them being sealed away and is just WAT NO YOU CAN'T CAGE SUCH WONDERFUL CREATURES THIS IS A CRIME OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER
Giant summon, he loves them also and yes that's pretty much how it goes - that and a mix of frantically taking down notes because there's no Newt Scamander here to learn and write about the creatures of this world so now it is obviously my solemn duty to do so in his absence
and yes! i love you're tags - these ones also! sasuke is definitely the one shoved into the place of the Voice Of Reason between his two teammates - Let's Be Friends! and Can I Pet It Sensei, Please!? - and Kakashi is despairing the the tiny, traumatized ball of rage is the voice of reason out of his genin
kit123 said:
This was so much fun! Lol Ino acting like she is too popular to read but secretly being super smart. Hahaha Charlie "I don't have time for that stuff when I have to find dragons" Weasley KILLED me. He's going to annoy every Uchiha ever figuring out how that fire dragon came to be. I bet Shisui ends up semi-adopting him. The Uchiha massacre is averted just because a seven year old was obsessed with dragons.
more seriously, yes i was toying with the idea that the massacre is averted because Kura is just PLEASE CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT DRAGONS I NEED TO KNOW and shadowing random Uchiha who are too bewildered by this - usually people want to know about their eyes??? not??? dragons???????? - to do anything can even be misinterpreted as negative so the entire village sees the Uchiha tolerating a tiny, pink haired civilian girl following them around and pestering them and are just maybe they're not all bad???
on the other hand if the massacre were to happen and Sasuke gets his same team 7 intro, Kura would just be "Mate, don't lose you're nose" while thinking about Voldemort while everyone else is jusy "???"
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flakandforay · 7 years
Converse High Analysis
this is the analysis for their 3rd mini album, 화양연화 pt. 1, 7th track - Converse High
i will be analysing several components - music, lyrics and choreography
disclaimer: this is just my personal opinion, feel free to disagree. do let me know your thoughts in my ask box
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overall: this fun youthful track is produced by namjoon in which he wanted to put in his mixtape initially but instead decided to put inside this album instead to become a group song. not to mention, he even purposely named it ‘converse high’ in which he mentioned in an interview before that his ideal girl in 2015 was one who owned a pair of red high tops converse sneakers which led to the name of the song. 
music: it starts off straight away with the use of cymbals inside, specifically the hi-hats and the use of electrical guitar chords that sound more reggae and hippie in the beginning. namjoon also comes in with an adlib of ‘yeah’ as if to feel the groove of the song and to set the mood. actually throughout the first few seconds of the song, namjoon is using it to his advantage to ride the groove etc and only till 0:10 does he begin the song, but he starts it off softly so as to prepare for the impending drop. not to mention that one could hear jungkook doubling inside towards the end of namjoon’s lyrics and that the beat now includes claps inside in time with the hi-hats. then namjoon wraps up the intro with ‘converse high’, intentionally slowing down so that the drop would have more impact as listeners would listen out to it more.
so jungkook comes in at 0:19 with that sweet voice of his to which at the beginning one could hear this ‘shimmering synth’ as now the percussion and guitar chords are dimmed down to amplify jungkook’s vocals. the key part of this song is ‘woah woah woah’ at 0:28 in which it is constantly repeated throughout this song, giving it its own groove.
jimin then comes in at 0:29 at the second part of the chorus and again at 0:37 with the ‘woah woah woah’. one could notice that the chorus is actually more choppy - in a way, several breaths are being taken to sing the chorus as they time their singing with the beat and also to sustain the ‘woah woah woah’. to be honest, almost all of the vocal line members’ make it obvious that they are taking breaths especially seokjin however jungkook is the one that makes it less obvious that he does so.
and the after this chorus, there is this short piece of drum melody that signals the start of the verses - actually namjoon’s rap and he’s taking it more chill together with the claps of the beat ( the hi-hats and guitar chords are already dimmed down in this verse ). what’s interesting is that at 0:49 with his lyrics ‘f u’, it adds on to his style of rapping here, clearly showing he could manipulate the beat of the song. yet, he repeats the ‘f u’ several times as he makes a statement.
and then at 0:59, namjoon’s part abruptly ends but is quickly overcome with hoseok’s part as he takes the next verse, as the beat accelerates and picks up speed. the claps actually occur every crotchet and it appears to have ‘speed up’ the song because of it occurring every beat but again, i feel that this is just an ‘audio illusion’, the speed didn’t change, it just sounds faster because of how many more beats there are in a bar. hoseok, too, also knows how to play along, easily integrating his laughter at 1:16 as part of the song.
then at 1:18 with that shimmering synth, taehyung takes over the prechorus and instead of claps, what one could hear are the snaps, the snapping of the fingers to be precise but of course synthesized to make it sound more electronic. in this prechorus, one could hear the adlibs of jungkook and jimin inside as they make up for the loss of percussion inside and guitar chords. and at 1:25, that nice vocal riff by jimin and possibly jungkook as it moves on to the second part of the prechorus which is done by jimin at 1:28. then there is that one synth that signals jimin’s entrance. only during this part did the hi-hats actually come back to play together with that descending synth. again there are some adlibs being done here but subtly done as it is only the middle of the song and not towards the end.
and one could hear yoongi’s ‘ack’ at 1:38 before it makes way for the chorus to start at 1:39 with jungkook and to be honest, there is the percussion that’s in time with the words that adds on to the ‘choppy’ feeling that one could hear. seokjin takes over at the chorus at 1:48 to wrap it up with the drum melody at 1:57 to signal the repeated part of the chorus which actually has a lot of jungkook’s adlibs inside, though very subtle, sounding more like riffs. 
at 2:07 it’s yoongi’s part coming through and for some reason, the song sounds as if it picked up speed again because the claps are back again but in quarters, constantly keeping yoongi’s rap in check. not to mention the use of hi-hats are back in again. yoongi’s small adlib of ‘ah yeah’ at 2:14 as well just to fill in the small gap in between. i like how his voice kinda got dragged down at 2:18 as he said ‘numbers’, something called like text painting where his voice goes down in time with the beat also going down - descending for that matter. but that brief pause ends when he comes back in full speed at 2:19 but he seems to be squeezing more words in a bar in this second part of his rap. and he even dragged his last word to tie in to the prechorus at 2:27 with jungkook.
again, nothing much has changed in the prechorus except that jungkook and seokjin are the ones singing this time round. one could hear yoongi’s adlib again at 2:47 before the beat drops for the final time.
one could tell that this is the last chorus with the number of adlibs being done in this chorus specifically by jungkook such as in 2:49 and then at 2:58 where taehyung takes over, one could hear jungkook harmonizing with him. jungkook’s adlibs could be heard again at 2:59 and at 3:01.
that short drum melody is used again as the go for the coda at 3:05 and jungkook’s adlibs again at 3:08, 3:13 and even hoseok contributing by saying ‘ah yeah’ at 3:17 and that nice melodic riff by jungkook at 3:21 and then at 3:23, hoseok’s giggle that just added more to the youth theme. and then one could hear that drum rhythm at 3:25 before namjoon ends off with ‘converse high’
lyrics: the lyrics here are more laid-back, maybe because the song is called ‘Converse High’ and are singing some praises about the brand ( but then again, who doesn't own a pair
also namjoon did mention before in 2015 in an interview that his ideal girl would actually wear a pair of red high tops converse shoes and is seen here in the lyrics in his rap 
흰 티에 청 반바지 빨간 컨버스하이 that’s it
White t-shirt, jeans and red Converse Highs, that’s it
note: it is not common for people in Korea to actually say the brand or name of a product hence which is why when bangtan performed this song on Mnet Countdown, they changed it to ‘Lover’s High’ to be in check with the broadcasting rules 
저 하늘 별보단 오늘은 니 신발의 별을 볼래 하하 다 남준이 몰래
Rather than the stars in the sky, I wanna see the stars on your shoes Haha, without Namjoon knowing
now in hoseok’s rap, we see the mention of the brand, converse again, even adding his own humour in his rap lyrics by including namjoon inside 
니가 좋아 그래도 컨버스로우는 신지 마
I like you but still don’t wear Converse Lows
this part of the pre chorus got me dying, the clear preference for high tops instead of the low cut converse shoes lmao
너의 컨버스하이에 꽂혔나 봐 별 수 없나 봐 나는 wo 너의 컨버스하이에 꽂혔나 봐 너무 좋아 다 자꾸 wo
너의 컨버스하이 I really really want yo 컨버스하이 I really really like yo 컨버스하이 I really really need yo 컨버스하이 컨버스하이
I’m so into your Converse Highs I can’t help it I’m so into your Converse Highs I like it so much
Your Converse Highs I really really want yo Converse High I really really like yo Converse High I really really need yo Converse High Converse High
so this chorus and sort of coda talks about how one loves the shoes on that special someone, im here thinking do they dig the person or dig the pair of shoes or the special person they dig wearing those converse shoes being a bonus? 
컨버스 컨버스 i really hate a 컨버스 화려한 니 겉모습에는 말야 검정스타킹에 아찔한 하이힐 그래 그것은 사기야 근데 더 어울리는 것은 조던 numbers Ha 모르겠니 컨버스는 니 매력을 죽이는 옥의 티 아무튼 날 만날 때는 컨버스를 신지마 무엇보다 벗기가 무척이나 힘들잖아
Converse Converse, I really hate a Converse When you look all flashy with your black stockings and your high heels That’s just a lie But you look better with Jordan numbers Ha don’t you know? Converses kill your charm Anyway, when you meet me, don’t wear Converses It’s too hard to take them off of you
so yoongi’s rap lyrics are actually funny to me, because he is going against the general idea of a girl wearing converse shoes being attractive, here he states, he rather have them wear jordan sneakers instead of those converse shoes and that they are even harder to take off ( is this suggestive hmmMM ) especially since converse shoes are laced up unlike high heels which could easily slip off
i feel that this song, for some reason, is very appropriate, maybe because of the fact that most youth, whether they own a pair of converse shoes, are very familiar with this brand, especially in Korea. i feel that the moment you own a pair of shoes with laces, you have reached that period of youth - which technically overreaches this whole concept of their album - youth. 
Reference: Colour Coded ©
choreography: the choreography for this one is laid-back, possibly the same level as Boyz with Fun choreography  ( which you could see here )
that cute footwork in the beginning, of course. for some reason they all look like boys who see their crush ( or maybe thats what they were going for ) 
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and when the chorus hits, here they are dragging their feet, honestly i think the main point of this whole dance is to literally exaggerate their footwork, possibly because the song title is Converse High. 
i dont know, i just really thought that this whole dance was cute?? 
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this part when hoseok comes in, well let’s all admire the formation, all i can just say that this whole dance focuses more on their footwork, highlighting those parts which then become the main point of the dance etc 
a cute dance to be honest 
last thoughts: regardless, i think this is still a fun song, not a hype for sure, but one that could still lift the mood
[Photo Source] Bighit Entertainment  Credits: maxine ☕️ DO NOT REPOST ©
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