#Double-0-agent Bucky
literaryavenger · 6 months
Love Is A Battlefield
Summary: Bucky gets hurt during a mission and you can't help but blame yourself.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Language cause why not. Mentions of Bucky's past. Injuries. Overprotective reader. Description of violence. Fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: This was inspired by this post and a dream I had lol. I couldn't help but start writing and this is what came out. Enjoy.
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"Who the fuck do you think you’re calling a bitch, you ass?" you sneer at the guy to your left right before kicking him in the stomach and then bringing his head down on your knee when he doubles over, effectively knocking him out.
"Language!" you hear in you earpiece and roll your eyes.
"Why don’t you shut the fuck up, Rogers." you tell him while making your way through the corridor, taking Hydra agents down as you go.
"Can’t you do this without cursing so much?!" he sounds more exasperated at you than at the agents he’s supposed to keep distracted outside.
"Can’t you stop bitching in my ear? I’m a little busy here!" all he answers with is a groan and you know you won this round.
You hear Sam crackling before he says "1-0 to Y/N." which makes you laugh.
"Thanks, Sammy."
"Anytime, baby." you roll your eyes at his nickname, the small distraction allowing an agent to get too close to you and you feel a sharp pain in your forearm and almost drop your gun.
"Shit!" you hiss at the pain and zero in on the idiot that cut you.
You can hear the concerned voices in your ear, but don’t allow yourself to get distracted again as you take care of the last few agents on your side of the building.
"Y/N, are you okay? What’s happening? Can someone get to her?" you hear Bucky’s voice for the first time since the mission started and you can’t help the warm feeling it brings, the concern in his voice making you answer almost immediately.
"Just give me a minute!" you say as you battle the last guy standing.
Once you’ve successfully knocked him out, you take a second to breathe before addressing the voices still coming to your ear while you make your way through the maze of corridors in this Hydra base.
"I’m okay guys, but apparently all these people have some sort of collective knife kink." you say and you can hear Steve’s annoyed groan and the rest of the team’s laughter as you check out your cut. Not too deep, you think to yourself.
You think you hear a relieved sigh between the laughter, but almost instantly forget about it as you finally come to the door you’ve been looking for.
"Clint, status?" you ask him since he’s on the roof, being the eyes on the whole operation.
"Everyone’s thoroughly distracted out here." he answers.
"Good. James, Sam, are you done with the explosives?" you can hear Sam grunting as you enter the room, locating the computer you need and turning it on.
"Just a second!" Sam says, you hear a couple of punches landing and then "Done. This place is ready to blow as soon as you have the files."
"And hurry, we can’t hold them off forever." Steve adds.
"Inserting the USB now, I need at least 5 minutes for the download to finish. Friday, remember to copy Hill at Shield HQ and to save the files in the Avengers private server." you tell the AI as you make your way through the office, grabbing files that seem important as the digital ones download.
"Really? Why the private server?" Steve asks between punches.
"Because, Captain Dumbass, these files could contain sensitive information about one of our own. We have to be careful with them." you say while still looking through the cabinets of papers.
"Do you have to be so mean to me?" he almost whines.
"Hey, it’s your best friend that I’m looking out for." you say almost laughing.
"Yeah, I’m sure it’s me you’re doing this for." You can basically hear the smirk in Steve’s voice but before you can answer, Natasha cuts in.
"Are you two done bickering?" she says annoyed.
"Oh no, please, let them keep going, this is so entertaining." Tony comments, but you get distracted from the conversation when you find a black box in one of the desk drawers that was previously locked, you open it and can’t help the gasp that escapes you. Bucky’s dog tags.
"Guys… do we have to blow up this base?" you ask, quieter than you’d like, leaving everyone else confused. Between all of the “what”s you hear Steve say your name.
"You know the drill, we download the digital files, save as much of the paper ones as we can and then blow the building up. This one’s no different." he tells you, but you can’t help but disagree.
"I think it is…" you can hear them asking you to explain, so you do, trying to find the right way to say this "I think… I think this is the first base they took James to." you say, still talking quietly but loud enough for them to hear.
The comms go silent, everyone processing what you just say, only the sound of battling going on, but you’re only worried about one person.
"James, are you okay?" you can’t help but worry, his silence snapping you out of the trance you were in, you close the box you were still staring at and put it safely in your pocket, your hand going to your ear instinctively.
"Bucky?!" He still doesn’t answer.
You hear a bip behind you and Friday lets you know the download is complete, you take the drive and make your way out, your worry only increasing with every step.
"Does anyone have eyes on Barnes?" you ask the rest of the team.
"Oh no." Clint says, and you stop immediately, your heart beating out of your chest.
"What?! You can’t just say ‘oh no’ and not elaborate, Barton!" your mind is going into overdrive, not knowing what to expect.
"I have eyes on him, but you’re not gonna like it."
"What do you mean, Clint?! just say it!" this time Steve is the one to snap at him.
"He’s getting surrounded, it looks like he’s passed out." you swear you can actually feel your heart stopping.
"Can anybody get to him?" you say desperately.
"He’s got maybe 2 minutes before he’s surrounded, everybody’s too far or too busy." yeah, Clint’s really not giving you any good news today.
"Can’t you help him out?!" you almost yell at him.
"Not without hurting him, there are just too many!" he sounds more worried with every word and you know it’s bad. "Technically you’re the closest." He informs you and you frown.
"What do you mean, technically?" You look out the window of the corridor you found yourself in, looking towards the roof and find Clint already looking down at you while he speaks without stopping his aid of the others with his arrows.
"The second window to your left. He’s right under it." you go to said window and try to open it, but it’s closed shut.
"These windows are bulletproof, Clint can you break it somehow?"
"I can, but you could get hu-"
"Just do it!" you yell, cutting him off.
You can see him aim an arrow to the window, it hits its target and you can hear Clint counting down from 3 before it shatters.
You take no time to be careful of the glass as you take a little disk from your belt and press the button while pointing it at the ground.
A rope shoots out of it and anchors to the floor and, while attaching the other end to the back of your suit, you make a mental note to thank Tony for always updating your tactical suits with new useful gadgets.
You leap out the window, landing with your feet on the wall, basically running down on it as you take out your guns and start shooting down at the now dumbfounded agents.
Before they can even figure out where the shooting is coming from, you're on the ground next to Bucky, cutting the rope with a knife, then stabbing the agent closest to you.
You’re punching, kicking and shooting, trying your best not to get too far away from Bucky, basically shielding him with your body.
You hear a faint ‘holy shit’ from Clint and the other’s voices come through but you can’t follow the conversation, your whole focus on keeping Bucky safe.
You stray a little too far away from him as you do the take down move Natasha taught you on one of the agents, your legs around his neck as you bring him down to the ground.
When you turn around you see one guy getting dangerously close to Bucky’s unconscious body and you feel a sudden burst of possessiveness throughout your own body.
"He’s mine." you basically growl, taking a knife from the body of the guy you just took down and throwing it.
It lodges perfectly in his throat and he goes down right away, blood pouring out of him. You have no time to be disgusted as you keep taking down agents and, one after the other, they all drop.
The second the last one touches the ground, you're kneeling down next to Bucky.
"Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please don't be dead..." you keep repeating, looking for the button on his tactical suit that monitors his health. Again, thanks Tony. You find it and press it "Friday, vitals."
"Heartbeat detected." the AI says and you immediately let out a breath of relief, not even knowing when you started holding your breath. "Head injury detected, possible concussion. Various cuts throughout his body. No other injuries detected."
It could be worse.
You give yourself a second to breathe while looking at Bucky, then talk into your comm, not taking your eyes off of him.
"Ok, guys, uhm... Bucky’s ass may be cute but it’s heavy. I’m gonna need a hand here." you hear some snickers and then Clint’s voice. "Cap and Sam are on their way."
You’re still looking at Bucky, almost worried that the second you take your eyes off of him his heartbeat is gonna stop, when you hear footsteps behind you and, almost automatically, you grab a knife next to your foot and throw it.
You hear it before you see it, the metal of the knife hitting Cap’s shield before he lowers it and, his face shocked and glad for his fast reflexes, he says "Relax, it’s just us."
"Sorry, I’m a little jumpy."
"Gee, wonder why." Sam says sarcastically as you turn back to Bucky.
"Just take James to the jet, Sam."
"Why do I have to carry his ass?" he whines like a child.
"Because you can fly, birdbrain, you’ll get there before we make it to the front gate." you’re almost irritated at this point, but when you turn to the duo and Sam gives you an unimpressed look, you sigh and try to calm down.
"Sorry, just… take him to safety. Please." Your voice is soft now, Bucky’s well-being the only thing on your mind. Sam picks up on your concern and gets serious, moving towards Bucky to pick him up.
"I’ll take him to the jet. See you guys there." and with that, he takes off.
You watch him go for a second before you feel a hand on your shoulder, turning around to see Steve’s equally concerned face.
"Relax, you heard Friday, he’s gonna be fine. Even if he does have a concussion the serum will heal him in an instant." you know he's right, thanks to the serum his bones heal overnight, a concussion is nothing.
But still, you can’t help the worry you feel.
"I’ll relax when he’s awake and I can see he’s fine." he’s about to say something back when you hear Tony’s voice in your ear.
"If you two are done making out about it, we really should be getting out of here." you roll your eyes and smile a little at the pink color Steve’s cheeks were turning while you start making your way to the front courtyard of the base where Natasha and Tony are still holding off the remaining Hydra agents that just seemed to keep coming.
The second he sees you both giving them a hand, Tony takes off towards the roof. "Incoming, Robin Hood, get ready for take off."
This is your cue to get to the jet, Steve, Natasha and you making your way to the front gate while still fighting, the remaining agents scrambling away the second the explosions inside the building start.
You all get to the jet and, after making sure everyone’s inside, Steve turns to Clint. "Take us home, Barton." he merely nods and makes his way to the pilot's seat, immediately taking off.
You make a beeline to where Bucky’s lying on a gurney, still unconscious.
"How is he?" you ask Bruce without taking your eyes away from the super soldier’s face.
"He’s okay, his cuts are already starting to heal themselves, so should be his head injury. He should wake up maybe within the hour, two tops." you nod and make your way to the chair beside his bed, taking his right hand in both of yours. 
You don’t know why you do that, now that you think about it you’ve probably not even touched Bucky in general more than a handful of times.
You’re not the closest of friends, you work well together in the field and get along outside of it, you hang out in group settings such as game and movie nights, team trainings and the team-building outings Tony forces everybody to go on, but that’s about it.
The lack of one on one interactions, though, didn’t help you escape your growing crush for the long-haired super soldier. You just can’t help the warm feeling you get every time he’s even in the same room, let alone when he looks at you.
You can hide it when you’re in mission mode, always being professional, but the second it happens in a normal setting like the living room or the kitchen or the gym you turn into a flustered schoolgirl, stumbling over your words and blushing every time you have his attention.
You’ve convinced yourself he doesn’t notice, if he has he hasn’t said anything, but for your own piece of mind you pretend he just doesn’t.
Sometimes it seems like he does it on purpose, though. He’d get close enough that you can smell his cologne and basically feel his body heat.
Sometimes his hands hover on your waist while he passes by you, never actually touching you but just close enough to make you almost pass out at the feeling.
And you can swear you can see a smirk on his face, but it always disappears so fast it’s just easier to convince yourself you’re imagining it.
He would have the most innocent face while asking you if something’s wrong, and all you can answer with is a small ‘I’m fine’ before basically running away, never once seeing the smug look on his face at the flustered state only he manages to put you in.
You’re brought out of your head by Steve’s hand on your shoulder, again, as he says "he’s gonna be fine."
"It’s my fault…" you say quietly, ignoring his attempt at comforting you.
"It’s not y-" you interrupt him before he can even finish.
"Yes, it is. I distracted him." You say firmly before your voice softens. "They were so close to getting him, Steve..."
You can’t take your eyes off of Bucky, almost willing him to wake up, so you could apologize. "Do you have any idea what would’ve happened if they got to him? What they could’ve done to him…" you trail off, not wanting to voice all the possibilities out loud.
Of course you know Steve knows. He worries more than you for Bucky, his best friend, basically his brother, the only family he has left from his past life.
But Steve is having none of it.
"You wanna play the blame game? He wasn’t even supposed to be on this mission, but I couldn’t stop him. He knew what it entailed, he knew it was a base full of hydra agents, but he didn’t back down because it was the right thing to do. He wants to do good and help us take down Hydra for good, he knows the risks but it was his choice. You can’t take that on you." Logically you know he's annoyingly right, again, but looking at Bucky laying motionless you can’t help the guilt that creeps up on you. 
"Friday," you say quietly, ignoring Steve’s confused look "play the footage of Bucky before he passed out coupled with the audio from our comms."
The hologram on the table in the middle of the jet lights up and Bucky’s figure can be seen fighting, then you can hear your own voice telling your theory to the group and Bucky halts for a second, he almost gets punched but avoids it at the last second, hitting the guy with his metal arm.
Steve turns to you with a smug look, knowing he was right, but you raise your hand before he can say anything and keep watching.
You see Bucky fighting and hear yourself calling his name and you can see his eyes rolling when you call him James. He’s asked you countless times to call him Bucky, but you always refuse, not sure why.
All you know it’s that it kind of annoys him but in a different way than when Sam or Peter annoy him, you can tell he’s not actually upset, it’s kind of your own little thing with him seeing as he doesn’t allow anyone else call him by his first name.
You can see Bucky still fighting and ignoring you, but when he hears you call him “Bucky” for the first time he stops, right as an agent is throwing a punch.
You see Bucky get hit in the jaw, stumble and fall, his head hitting the wall behind him pretty hard. He doesn’t get up, but you see the last agent standing get taken out by an arrow, Clint you assume.
You can hear your alarmed conversation with Clint as more agents slowly creep up on Bucky, probably being cautious, worried he could wake up any second, then there’s the sound of bullets flying and agents getting hit.
Suddenly you’re there.
You take your eyes off the screen, about to tell Steve that even he can’t deny now that it was your fault, but the whole team's attention was on the footage of you mercilessly taking out man after man, even Clint’s there watching after putting the jet on autopilot.
The look on your face frightening to the point where you almost don’t recognize yourself.
You don’t want to relive the moment, so you shift your attention back on Bucky, your hands still holding onto his.
You can hear Clint’s “holy shit” and then your “he’ mine” and you feel yourself heat up at the possessiveness in your voice.
The video gets paused and you can hear Tony asking "what the fuck was that?" his voice clearly amused, and you know what he’s asking you.
Before you can answer though, you feel Bucky’s hand squeeze yours softly, your eyes snaps down to it and then to his face while getting up from your chair.
He’s mumbling something that sounds very similar to your name but his eyes are still closed.
"James?" he slowly opens his eyes and they instantly find yours, a smile forming on his face that you can’t but mirror.
"How do you feel, Buck?" Steve asks him from beside you.
"Like I got hit really hard in the head." he groans while he tries to sit up, his hand still holding onto yours while you help him.
"Take it easy," Bruce tells him while stopping next to him on his other side "you probably don’t have a concussion, but I’d put some ice on your head to help with the headache."
"I’ll get it." you let go of Bucky, and walk to the mini freezer to get the ice pack.
Bucky takes a moment to look around him, his eyes landing on the screen where you’re frozen mid-fight.
"Friday, unpause the video." he says, curiosity taking over.
He watches you fight, protecting him with your life and he swears he’s never been more in awe in his life. He sees you get on your knees next to him and hears your whispers, praying for him to be okay, over and over.
He sees the relief in your face when Friday tells you he’s alive and he hears you call his ass “cute” as you ask the others for help, making him smile again.
"Friday, stop the footage." you say, ice in your hands but maintaining a safe distance from Bucky, embarrassed that he saw how worried you were for him.
You stand there in silence for a second while Bucky turns to look at you, the smirk on his face definitely real. You blush, cursing your body for how it reacts to his gaze, while Steve clears his throat.
"Why don’t we give you guys a minute..." he ushers everyone to the front of the jet, almost having to wrestle Tony to take him away from what he called 'his new favorite show'.
Bucky extends his right hand for you to take and you do as you get closer, your left hand going to carefully place the ice on the back of his head.
He hisses a little at the contact and you wince, giving him an apologetic smile, but his eyes never leave yours and his hand squeezes yours, letting you know he’s okay.
"I’m sorry." That's all you can say and, whatever you were expecting him to answer, it was definitely not what he says next.
"You should be." you bite your lip to stop it from trembling, your emotions getting the best of you and your guilt only growing, but he keeps going, "You distracted me. You’ve never said my name before, and it was the sweetest sound to ever come out of your mouth. Shame on you for keeping it from me for so long, doll."
He brings you closer to him, taking your hand in his left, his right going around your waist as he rests his chin on your stomach while looking up at you, your left hand still holding the ice to the back of his head.
You giggle at the puppy look he’s giving you, trying to resist the urge of leaning down and kissing him.
"Smooth, Barnes." he laughs with you, before growing more serious.
"You looked really worried." you feel your emotions bubbling up again.
"I was…" you say, your voice small "I’m sorry you got hurt because of me" you're basically whispering, afraid that if you raise your voice any louder the tears you’d been trying so hard to hold off will start falling.
"It’s not your fault, doll." before you can protest, he keeps going "and I’m fine. We’re all fine. I just took a little nap."
You roll your eyes at his attempt at a joke but can’t hide the smile starting to form on your face while he gives you a grin of his own.
You're so lost in his eyes that you almost forget about the reason all of this happened.
You let go of his hand and he gives you a confused look with a slight pout on his lips that just makes you smile more.
"Bucky," you start, taking the little box out of your pocket, but he interrupts you with an exaggerated gasp.
"Are you asking me to marry you, doll? Because, don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered, but maybe we should go on a date first." you can't help but laugh as you gave him a little shove, careful not to hurt him more.
"I’m not asking you to marry me, you jackass." you get more serious as you look at the box in your hand.
You don’t even realize you're biting your lip until Bucky reaches up and tugs it out. You look back at him and feel weirdly nervous, not knowing how he'll react.
"I found this at the base, and I’m pretty sure it belongs to you" you laugh a little out of nerves as he lets go of you to take the box and opens it.
He lets out a real gasp this time, fishing out the tags and holding them in his flesh hand, his face unreadable.
He looks back up at you and for a second your brain goes to the worst case scenario in which there's a lot of blood and screaming, but that image is quickly forgotten as Bucky gives you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on his face.
He places his hands behind your thighs and effortlessly moves you to straddle him, his movements so fast that you drop the ice pack out of surprise, but you don’t have time to do much as Bucky starts peppering kisses all over your face.
Your surprise turns into giggles and he slowly stops his assault, the smile never living his face, the look on his eyes that of pure adoration. "Thank you, doll… You don’t know what this means to me."
You don’t know if you’re imagining it, but you think Bucky’s starting to lean up and you think he’s about to kiss you when you hear a whistle followed by a slapping sound and an “ow”.
You both turn towards the sound to find the whole team looking at you two, Steve has a smirk on his face, Tony’s next to him, rubbing the back of his head and the rest of them are snickering.
"Seriously?!" your irritation does nothing to hide your blush, Bucky’s own embarrassment clear as he hides his face in your chest. 
"What? Capsicle said a minute, we gave you a minute!" Tony said, earning another slap on the back of his head from Steve.
"Just go away!" you say laughing and they all go back to the front of the jet but you can hear their little laughs while they whisper, making you roll your eyes before looking down at Bucky who’s already looking up at you.
"Can you do me a favor, doll?" he asks you and you nod.
"I’d hate to lose these. Hold on to them for me?" he says, holding up his dog tags.
"Are you sure?" you ask uncertainly as he puts them around your neck.
"I’m more than sure." he says while looking at them on your chest and then looking back into your eyes, his smile impossibly big and you’re sure yours looks the same.
He wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you closer and you wrap one arm around his neck, your other hand going to play with the tags around your neck. You’re looking down at them when Bucky speaks again.
"So," He starts, his smile becoming a teasing smirk. "you think my ass is cute, huh?"
You groan, hiding your face in the crook of his neck while he laughs at your reaction.
You can hear the others laughing too and can’t help the laugh that comes out of you, more sure now than ever that everything is gonna be okay.
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Pretty As A Picture - Chapter 3
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
Warnings will be per chapter.
For this fic reader will be British, but let your imagination replace if needed.
Chapter Summary: Everyone is confused, nothing makes sense and what does Romanoff know?
Chapter Warning: Mentions of vomiting, sad Steve, sad Bucky.
It didn’t take long for the team to jump into action, naturally separating to try and best support their soul brothers.
Sam and Tony followed the heaving of Steve into the bathroom, Rhodey started pulling out cold bottles of water from the refrigerator. Bruce, Natasha and Wanda knelt in front of Bucky as Vision took the photos Wanda was holding scanning through quickly for anymore of their soulmate before putting them and the frames back into the print room.
Steve had finally lost it, he thought to himself as he harshly threw up the sandwich Sam had made him at lunch. First he sacrifices himself and then he’s in the ice for seventy years, he wakes up in a fake room and his first thought is his soulmate, then Bucky, followed by ‘why is this room fake’, and he runs. Everything is different, absolutely everything. He’s never felt so alone. He meets the team and discovers their his soul friends, making them soul family. None of it makes sense. Why did he have a soul brother, Bucky, and a shared soulmate, for everyone else to be in this new life. It makes no sense and he still feels alone. Nat and Clint are close, Bruce and Tony bond over science and Thor leaves to return his wayward brother to Asgard. He finds Peggy but there’s no sign of their soulmate. They’ve been deleted from every statement, every plan, even archive footage and then in a lucid moment Peggy mentions their girl was admitted to a mental institution. Shipped home and locked up, she says, and for a moment she tells him how she tried to get a guardianship in place but then she’s gone again. Lucid moment over.
After the fall of S.H.E.I.L.D and before Ultron, Steve breaks down, too much Asgardian mead in his system and too many soulmate couples around. He doesn’t even have a grave to lay flowers at. Pepper and Nat wrap him in a hug, Tony starts looking through his Dad’s old paperwork, Sam starts looking for graves as well as looking for Bucky and then Natasha looks again. Not like she hasn’t looked a hundred times already and there’s no sign of their soulmate anywhere. Then Peggy’s estate is finalised and a British agent, double 0 something hands Steve a file during a liaison meeting and their soulmate is found. There’s no photographs but it’s full of information, her role within British Special Forces, a rarity even during the war. How Peggy had seen some of her mapping and plans and had snatched their girl away to work with her and The Howling Commandos and then the mental institution. Steve thinks about that file and decides he needs to look at it again, for what will probably be the thousandth time. He tries to get up but struggles. He hears Sam’s voice and there’s hands around him pulling him to his feet.
Sam guides him out of the cubicle and to the sink where he washes his hands and face. Tony appears from somewhere with a toothbrush and mouthwash. They both look concerned but also confused. Neither knowing what to say. The silence is broken by Rhodey entering the bathroom and handing Steve a bottle of water.
“You OK?” he asks. Tony and Sam roll their eyes.
“Not exactly.”
“That was a stupid question wasn’t it?”
“You think?” “Yep” came Tony and Sam’s replies.
“Barnes needs you. He’s not responding to the others.”
“Shit” and Steve’s feet are moving before the rest of him is engaged and he’s almost falling into the corridor before he knows where he is.
The others pull away and Steve is pulling him to his feet. He hugs him with everything he can, even in his washed out state. Bucky pulls away and finally speaks again.
“It makes no sense Stevie.”
Broken. That’s how Bucky sounds and Steve is pulling him back into his arms. The team watch them as they seek comfort in each other. Wondering if this is how they were before but with their soulmate between them. Comfortable in each other’s presence. Bucky comfortable with affection and Steve open about his emotions.
“I know Buck but it means she’s here. We’ve found her. We’ve got our girl back.”
Tony brushed a stray tear from his cheek and cleared his throat.
“Does someone want to start explaining? And by someone, I mean you Romanoff, and don’t think you three are exempt from this either.” Tony said, pointing at Bruce, Vision and Wanda. “Do you remember when we came back here? When we came back together? We made a promise? No more secrets.”
“Tony.” Bruce went to interrupt, keen to defend his own soulmate.
“No, we don’t brush over this. You’ve known for how long? HOW LONG?” Tony snapped. The team jumped in surprise, even the super soldiers, surprised by his outburst. Tony could barely stand them at the moment and now he was sticking up for them.
“What’s going on?” Pepper’s voice suddenly added to the conversation as she joined them in the corridor. She wrapped her arms around Tony and he held her tightly. Pepper’s eyes scanned the team as she leaned out of the embrace. Wanda and Nat looked tearful, everyone looked puzzled. “OK, let’s try again, what’s going on? Why are you watching Steve and Bucky hugging? Should I call the therapist again?”
Sam was the first to break and let out a small laugh, nervous laughter but it set Rhodey off too.
“You know I didn’t think our whole soul family thing could be anymore fucked up but here we are.”  He laughed out.
“But really should I call the therapist?” Pepper asked.
Calmed by his soulmate’s presence, Tony was the first to answer.
“Pep, I love your dedication towards us figuring out this mashed up family but the therapist can’t help with this one.”
Steve smiled softly at them both, still wrapped in each other’s arms. Bucky pulled away from Steve and stepped towards Pepper, passing the photos to her.
“She’s pretty. Who is she?”
“She’s our girl.” Bucky almost whispered. It didn’t slip Pepper how broken Bucky sounded or that his eyes were bloodshot and his face was wet with tears or that Steve looked like he’d seen a ghost. He kind of had. It also didn’t slip passed her that their soulmate wasn’t alone in these pictures.
“You knew? You two knew? You promised me Natasha. You promised me you looked. That you tried to find her!”
Natasha went to speak but Pepper was quick to cut her off.
“I don’t want to hear it. Everyone in meeting room four now. Two days. I’m gone for two days and this happens.”
Pepper stormed down the corridor with a smug looking Tony trailing behind. He loved it when she was assertive.
One by one the team joined them. Bucky was first, sitting immediately across from Pepper and he didn’t miss that although the therapist may not have been present, she’d picked the room most like a therapists. Soft couches and pillows, with plants dotted around.
“Please may I have her back?” Bucky asked Pepper.
“The photos I mean, I’d like to look at them please.”
“Sorry Bucky of course” she replied passing them back.
“You holding up OK?” Tony asked, taking Bucky by surprise.
“Not really.”
Rhodey was next to enter, coffees in his hand, passing one to Tony and one to Bucky. Thank yous were muttered as a sheepish Wanda entered carrying a tray with a pot of camomile tea and cups, followed by Vision. Sam was next with more coffees, followed by an uneasy looking Nat and Bruce. Steve was last carrying the file. The file double o something had given him placing it on the table. Tony noticed the handwriting immediately. Peggy Carter’s.
The atmosphere was uneasy as Steve looked around the room, he glanced to his left where Bucky sat alongside him, full of emotions. He knew then he needed to take the lead, push his emotions to one side, piece this together and get their girl back. He sat straight in the chair and in what the team had called his ‘Captain voice’ broke the silence.
“Romanoff start talking.”
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2023 Darcy Lewis Bingo Masterpost
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Thanks to the weekly prompts, I got a lot of fills this year in the Darcy Bingo. I also stretched some muscles, writing drabbles and creating moodboards.
List of fills under the cut
A1: Coffee shop AU - Gen - Bucky/Steve - No archive warnings apply - 1111 - Of family, Hanukkah, and idiot ex-boyfriends
R1: The Twin dilemma - Teen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 1344 - Superman was a bit of a perv, who knew?"
C1: Running the Candy Cane 5K - Teen - N/A - No archive warnings apply - 500 - Running the Candy Cane 5K [Drabble Sequence]
Y1: "On a Dark and Stormy Night" - Teen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 547 - the secret to life and success are the love of a good man (chapter 2: check you for injuries)
D2: New Girl in Town - Gen - Gen - No archive warnings apply - 0 - A Paris Internship [Moodboard]
A2: AU: AirBnB Mixup - Mature - Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis - no archive warnings apply - 1729 - Autumn in Vermont (Chapter 1: A MixUp at the Rental House)
R2: Opposites attract - Mature - Bucky/Darcy - No archive warnings apply - 827 - Autumn in Vermont (Chapter 3: Bucky and Stella?)
C2: Malibu - Gen - Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 600 - Steve's an Army man
Y2: Watching Scary Movies Together and the Lights Go Out - Gen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 585 - an excuse for cuddling
D3: Omegaverse: Courting - Mature - Bucky/Darcy - No archive warnings apply - 1059 - Alphas and Omegas and Heats, Oh My! (Chapter 1)
A3: "When I needed a friendly face, you were there" - Explicit - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis; past Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne; future Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis/Bruce Wayne - No archive warnings apply - 1547 - I’d know that breathing anywhere on this planet R
3: FREE - Explicit - Darcy Lewis/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis/Bruce Wayne - No archive warnings apply - 3214 - just another night (just another night with you)
C3: SHIELD Agent Darcy - mature - Nathan Ford/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 899 - Of red wine, broken hearts, and Paris
Y3: Groundhog Day Loop - Gen - none - No archive warnings apply - 200 - Stuck in A Time Loop [Drabble}
D4: Neighbor AU - Teen - Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 643 - her neighbor in dress whites
A4: A Long Autumn Walk - Mature - Bucky/Darcy - No archive warnings apply - 1442 - Autumn in Vermont (Chapter 2: An Accidental Kiss.... )
R4: Aphrodisiacs - Mature - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Bruce Wayne - No archive warnings apply - 2257 - I’m going to barely poison your boyfriend
C4: Emergency Room - Teen - Darcy & Clint; Bucky & Steve - No archive warnings apply - 1601 - “So, come here often?”
Y4: Mutual pining - Gen - Scott Lang/Darcy Lewis - no archive warnings apply - 200 - Longing [Double Drabble
D5: Found a Puppy - Gen - tony/bucky - No archive warnings apply - 1691 - A Kitten for a Sergeant
A5: Exes - mature - darcy/bucky - No archive warnings apply - 1642 - well, this is awkward
R5: Omegaverse: Nesting - mature - Darcy/bucky - No archive warnings apply - 967 - Alphas and Omegas and Heats, Oh My! (Chapter 2)
C5: Kidnapped AU - Teen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewsi - No archive warnings apply - 1638 - this isn’t your usual style, dude
Y5: Amnesia AU - Gen - one-sided Darcy/Tony - No archive warnings apply - 200 - part-time Soulmate; full-time problem
Adopted (June 2023 Party): Coney Island - Gen - Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers - no archive warnings apply - 0 - Coney Island [Moodboard]
0 notes
tonystarktogo · 5 years
An Unwise Murder (An Inconvenient Survival)
Summary: “Someone within SHIELD sold out an Avenger. That was their first mistake.” When Avenger Steve Rogers is declared killed in action, everyone expects his best friend and fellow agent Bucky Barnes to go on a rampage. It’s the quirky mechanic with a sharp tongue and a secret talent for less-than-legal hacking that throws the whole agency for a loop. Featuring: A dead Steve (but when is Steve ever dead), a very pissed off, fucked-up secret agent Bucky (so basically your usual Bucky), and a very civilian Tony (who is exactly as harmless as you’d expect Tony Stark to be).
Read on AO3
Here is, as promised, the first part of the Double-0-Bucky/Hacker-Tony fic! To most of you, this part will probably be familiar already, but we have to start at the beginning *shrugs* and don’t worry, the next part will follow soon. Enjoy!
Part I 
Funerals aren’t meant to be a pleasant event, so Bucky doesn’t bother to put on a show.
His face could be carved in stone for all the emotion it conveys, and his muscles are tense, coiled, trembling faintly with the desire to grab his gun and pull the damn trigger.
Bucky isn’t sure if he’d stop shooting once he starts though. Not with how many tempting targets currently surround him. Not with how it would finally shut Pierce the fuck up. People tend to talk a lot less after you’ve emptied a magazine or two into them  — and Bucky has always been a man who appreciates silence.
Fuck, Bucky doesn’t even know what he’s here for. He doesn’t attend mandatory events. It simply isn’t done. The few weeks of the year that Bucky spends in his own country, he wastes drinking and sleeping around, often both at the same time. What’s to stop him from walking straight out of this impersonally sterile room filled with people he doesn’t trust, and go back to his favourite rundown bar to knock back vodka until he can’t feel the cold on his skin anymore?
Oh right. His best friend just got himself killed in action. The lucky bastard.
On a fucking nightmare of a mission in France of all places. If it had been Russia or Iran or North Korea or even just Sokovia (and really, it takes skill to be wanted by all four sides of the conflict), Bucky could have dealt with it.
But France? Bucky takes that as a personal offence.
Avengers don’t get killed in France. Avengers get killed the way they kill: brutal and messy, with no one left behind who’d bother to avenge them. Because justice is a fairy tale, and every act of peace is built on the actions of someone smart enough to wash the blood off their hands before they step in front of a camera.
At least the acknowledgements are short and free of false sentimentality. A whole lot of bullshit, sure, but it’s not like there is another choice. Not when the truth amounts to Steve Rogers died on a mission we weren’t authorised to give, in a country he wasn’t supposed to be in, over intel that we won’t admit exist.
Bucky doesn’t laugh. Barely huffs a a breath, but the people on both sides of him twitch tellingly.
Like all Avengers, Bucky has sought out the back of the room, where he can keep his back to the wall at all times, has a clear view on all available exists and a good excuse to keep an eye on the crowd of mourners.
The thought that one of them — multiple ones, possibly — are faking their sorrow makes Bucky clench his fingers against the urge to start an interrogation right now, Avenger style.
“Don’t kill anyone you might need to sign you off on field work again,” Barton mutters to his left, the words barely audible.
Bucky forces the tense muscles in his shoulders to relax, adopts an at-ease position that won’t fool the other Avengers, but at least won’t traumatise the attending techies and lawyers. The psych department always makes such a fuss when you break their precious, civilian employees.
There’s no point in fooling his colleagues though — if the Avengers can even be called that. It’s not like he meets them for brunch or goes out drinking with them in his downtime. They’re the elite of a internationally operating spy organisation for a reason, and it’s certainly not their ability to play well with others.
Just hours after having one of their own killed in a SHIELD-issued safehouse, all the Avengers are on edge. More so than usual. That the entire op smells like foul play all the way across the Atlantic does about as much to deescalate the situation as throwing a hand grenade into a room filled with weaponized uranium.
Someone inside SHIELD sold out an Avenger.
That was their first mistake. Their second was taking Steve out without killing Bucky as well.
There’s a shift in Bucky’s peripheral vision. Natasha Romanoff, codenamed Black Widow, looks as affected of recent events as she always does: not at all.
Is she the traitor? Bucky wonders as he tilts his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement. The rivalry between Black Widow and Steve is no secret. It isn’t a friendly one either, not that any of the Avengers are the sort of person one might associate the word “friendly” with. She betrayed the Red Room at eighteen. What offer would it take for her to turn on a fellow agent? An Avenger at that? Is she tense because she expects me to do this country a favour by killing Pierce or is she afraid to be found out?
The service lasts barely twenty minutes — unsurprising, considering how much isn’t said, can’t be said, because living within the specter of the highest security clearance makes for a shoddy eulogy — but to Bucky it feels like forever.
It doesn’t help that half the people around him are waiting for him to fly off the handle in either grief or blind rage. Blind rage admittedly being the more likely outcome.
It doesn’t help that the other half undoubtedly suspects him to be the traitor — who better to kill Steve Rogers than his best friend, after all? Especially when Avengers so clearly don’t have best friends — though Bucky can’t fault them for the sensible assumption.
He’d suspect himself too. The black hole that is four years of being held as a POW on his résumé hasn’t left him with what one might call a solid standing within the agency. Or a stable life in general.
Bucky has simply been lucky that Avengers don’t have much use for stability as it is. (Also, Steve was planning a revolt, should they stop attempting to recover Bucky. Not that anyone likes to acknowledge that. Pierce’s secretary still pales every time she catches sight of one of them.)
He’s been lucky that he’s too useful to be killed.
That might change now — Steve Rogers’ death changes a lot of things — but if it comes to that, Bucky will make damn sure to take the traitor with him. Another outcome isn’t acceptable.
And Bucky is very, very good at getting what he wants.
But first, he needs to find someone clean — meaning unaffiliated with SHIELD in any way — who can take a look at the USB flash drive he’s found in one of his dead drops two days after Pierce declared Steve KIA.
Fuck, but the first thing Bucky is gonna do when he sees Steve again is punch him in the fucking face.
Tony has always had an interesting way of making friends.
For example, Tony meets his best friend Pepper during a hostage situation when he’s sixteen. He’s never before seen a girl throw high heels at a guy’s head with such a deadly accuracy. Suffice to say Tony likes her immediately — and promises to buy her all the shoes she needs to knock stupid people down, naturally.
They keep in touch afterwards, and it’s the start of something great.
He meets his brother in all but blood much the same way, only Tony barely remembers that one because those kidnappers were smart enough to drug him before trying anything funny. Luckily, Tony has Rhodey for the straight thinking part — or at least he does after that episode.
On another, memorable occasion, Tony befriended one of his kidnappers.
In his defence: they were some pretty alright people, for being criminals holding him for ransom. No unnecessary threats or bodily harm, and they actually gave him drug-free food too. Also, you have no idea how mind-numbingly boring being kidnapped is. Well, not the getting kidnapped part but the staying-kidnapped-whilst-your-kidnappers-fail-to-get-their-money part.
Sadly, some people still believe that Stark Industries will pay for the disowned heir Tony Stark’s safe return. And usually they don’t react too well to being proven wrong. That time being one of those rare exceptions. In no small part thanks to a certain member of the crew whose identity Tony will protect until the day he dies. Or something.
Never mind.
The point is, Tony is used to meeting cool people under very hazardous, extraordinary circumstances.
Which is why — as he will later explain to a very exasperated Rhodey and an even more distrustful Pepper — when Tony locks up his garage at 7.40 pm after a long day of changing oils and busted tires, only to suddenly find himself face to face with a hooded stranger — after he’s already locked the doors, though he won’t share that part with his friends — he doesn’t panic.
He greets the guy — there’s a twenty percent chance Tony knows him, okay, hiding their faces as they track him down isn’t exactly a rarity — like a civilised person instead.
“Hi there,” Tony says with his best customer smile. “How may I help you?”
The guy — who definitely has more upper body strength than Tony, not that he notices or anything — doesn’t so much as twitch. He just stands there, body turned towards Tony, face shadowed by his hood. Tony really should have switched out the broken light bulb ages ago, maybe then he wouldn’t have to squint at his visitor like a sceptical squirrel, trying to make out the guy’s features.
“Anthony Stark?” the guy asks after a moment, voice low and rumbling, like gathering clouds on the far end of the horizon, as a violent storm approaches.
It’s that specific, unfairly nice sound that decides it: Tony definitely doesn’t know this guy. There’s no way he would have forgotten a voice like that.
Tony lets his smile brighten a little because if he’s about to be kidnapped — is it that time of the month already? Tony wouldn’t know, his last calendar sorta had a small accident involving a fire and DUM-E using up all the fire extinguisher on Tony rather than the actual fire. It was a pretty sweet, protective gesture, actually. Tony may or may not have teared up, just a little, but that didn’t change that half his equipment had to be replaced — then he’d like to start their working relationship on a good note. The kidnapping attempts tend to have less violent endings that way.
Additionally, Tony really doesn’t want to start a fight in his garage. This is his work place — which is basically holy, ask anyone. His cars are in here. They are not acceptable collateral damage, no matter what Pepper says.
“Do you know a Steve Rogers?” is mystery guy’s next question.
Which is a damn shame because it takes all of Tony’s not inconsiderable self-control to not tense at that particular inquiry. Steve Rogers.
God fucking damn it.
Tony forces the memories, the reflexive questions — a bloodied, broken body, screams of pain, narrowed, blue eyes glaring at him even as strong hands push him out of the line of fire — down immediately, takes care to keep his expression calm and clueless instead. He’s got lots of practice doing that. It’s just like being confronted with an obnoxious reporter who won’t stop bothering him with stupid questions about why he denies his father’s legacy. Bloodthirsty reporters, bloodthirsty assassins, it’s really just more of the same.
Tony has been handling shit like this since he was nine. If mystery guy expects him to trip up and give up even a single piece of information the easy way, he’s got another thing coming. Tony Stark doesn’t do easy.
Especially not when it concerns people he almost considers tolerable. Those gems are hard enough to find as it is — well, among the boring, totally legal working crowd at least — Tony will protect them with all he has. Not that he wouldn’t do the same for people he doesn’t like, he just wouldn’t be as happy about it.
Mystery guy is in for a surprise.
“Rogers?” Tony furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “That doesn’t ring a bell.” Close enough to the truth to count.
Then, the grin slides completely off Tony’s face and his eyes narrow in open suspicion. “Not that it matters. I don’t make a habit of handing out contact information to strangers who can’t be bothered to introduce themselves. Client privileges, I’m sure you understand.”
And yeah, some sarcasm may slip into those words, but can you blame Tony? He’s been working for almost ten hours in that special place reserved in hell for customer service, and, frankly, Tony is done with the world for the day. That he’s most likely dealing with what’s either a very diligent mercenary or a very strange kidnapper does little to lighten his mood.
Both options are far less appealing than mystery guy’s sexy voice initially indicated. Tony feels a little cheated.
“Oh, I understand,” mystery guy murmurs ominously.
When Tony squints, he can literally see the shadows behind the guy blacken. On an unrelated note, he really needs to stop binge-watching those horror flicks. Clearly it’s messing with his mind.
Not that this keeps Tony from bristling at Mystery Guy’s threatening tone — if anything, it has Tony reflexively square his shoulders because he does not fold.
Mystery guy snorts, and Tony has the fleeting impression that the stranger has the gall to be amused by him. He kind of wants to deck the guy just for that.
“I can see why he liked you.”
Something in those words freezes Tony into place long before his brain has puzzled through their meaning. By the time his mind catches up to the past tense that refers to a person it should absolutely not refer to, mystery guy has already taken a few steps towards the only functioning light bulb in Tony’s garage and slips his hoodie back.
The bleak light reveals a pale, handsome face with a strong jaw and icy, blue eyes. Absently, Tony approves of the way the hoodie has messed up Mystery Guy’s wild hair into something untameable and unfairly attractive, but it’s kind of hard to melt into a puddle of appreciative goo when you’ve just learned of the death of a friend.
Or well, acquaintance maybe. Rhodey always reminds Tony that he can’t just go around, adopting friends left and right just because he wants to. And with Steve it’s hard to say. The guy is almost impossible to read.
Still, it’s Steve they’re talking about. And whatever mess he’s gotten himself involved in, Tony doesn’t doubt for a moment that Steve thought he was doing it for the right reasons. He’s annoyingly self-righteous like that. It sucks even more when you listen to him rant and realize he’s got a point, not that Tony will ever admit such a thing to his face.
Which will be hard to do if Steve is actually—
Tony presses his lips together and defiantly stares up at Mystery Guy. Who is, in fact, taller than him. There really is no justice in the world.
“Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?” is what Tony settles on to summarize the maelstrom of confusing emotions wrecking chaos inside him.
The man takes a threatening step closer. Of course, it’s not that hard to come across as threatening when you’re half a head taller and made of muscles and steel. Still. The guy could at least try to keep his looming on the downlow.
Not that Tony does him the courtesy of giving up an inch. This is his garage, damn it. No one makes Tony feel afraid in his own home.
Mystery Guy growls and there is a lethal coldness in his eyes that Tony doesn’t think a human should be able to portray.
“I was Steve’s best friend. And you’re going to find the people who killed him so that I can return the favor.”
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myreadings · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Library
My favorite fics about Sergeant James "Bucky" Barnes
Started: 08/10/2021
Last Update: 08/10/2021
Total Works: 76
“Have you ever heard of personal space?” by @make-me-imagine
Birthday Kisses by @sarahwroteathing
Little Hints by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Two hands are better than one by @after-avenging-hours
Photographic Memory
Whipped Soldier by @fatbottombucky
HYDRA by @waiting4inspiration
The Owl and the Wolf
Differently by @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo
Unanticipated Moves
Is that mine? by @fossntwriter
Bucky and His Cupcakes by @capsicletho
A Million Dreams by @wokeupinawalnut
The Five Times You Fall Asleep on Bucky by @captainrogerss
The Proposals by @just-dreaming-marvel
All The Time In The World by @startrekkingaroundasgard
One Double 0 by @sgtjbuccky
No Parachute
Fire Burns Brighter In The Dark by @buckywintersoldierbarnes2017
A Tortured Mind
Dangerous Obsession
Bare Left Arms by @lazydoodlesandfanfic
I’ll Kill Him
Pretty Woman
New Member
white shoes by @buckybarnesthehotshot
Forties by @staarkindustries
my hair by @itsallyscorner
Steve's best friend by @buckyjamess-archive
James by @writerzunite
Bucky + Rainy Mornings
Maybe by @wandas-sunshine
Graveyard by @wkemeup
Crawl Home to Her
Strangers in the Night by @redgillan
Orange Zest
One in a Million
Acies by @forever-more-never-again
Shoot by @wienerbarnes
i wished on the moon for you by @sunmoonandbucky
Took You Long Enough by @starbxcks
Bathroom Floor by @daffodilsbucky
“I can’t go to sleep without you next to me.” by @marvelsswansong
night time wanderer by @nev3rfound
past by @agent-ccarter
Please Remember Me by @speechlessxx
Sleepiness by @storiesnobodyreads
I am always tired but never of you
Introduce me
I love how brave you are
A little reckless
Once Upon A Time by @oneshots-imagines-and-that
I Like You...Funny Right? by @capsheadquaters
Bucky speaking Romanian, but not expecting you answer back by @moonlit-imagines
Imagine getting close to Bucky by @yeahbutimagine
‘He’s gone, but I’ve got you.’ by @ijustwant2write
washer & dryer by @vhsbarnes
buggy code by @creme-bruhlee
imagine giving Bucky a compliment by @wannabeschyulersister
“Sam, what have I told you about calling my girlfriend that?!
“So, no plan.”
Thumbs Up, Buddy! by @imerdwarf
"you're a lot smaller than I thought."
I'm Yours, Sarge
Late night confession by@marvelsmylife
Imagine being obsessed with Modern!Bucky's dog tags... And he likes it by @sinner-as-saint
The Magic of You by @fictionalmemoirs
Fond of Me
Bucky the Dork
The Shirt
𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔡 by @soap-bubble-nebula
Water Bottle by @cloudybarnes
the one where he’s not ready by @romanofforgana
𝑐𝑜𝑛f𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠. by @wintersfilm
from stars to the balcony by @vanillann
Masterlist Part 2
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athenasbloodyspear · 3 years
Say Something to Stop Me: Chapter 9
Writing Master List | Say Something to Stop Me Master List
(There’s a double asterisk ** at one point in the story, I recommend playing the song I mention “Every Step You Take” by The Police as you read if that’s your thing! It’s what I wrote the rest of the scene to and I think it just makes it feel like a movie.)
Dr. Cho did end up having to put a few stitches in Bucky’s eyebrow and it turns out he was hiding some nasty bruises under his shirt. He looked like he’d gone through a meat tenderizer. The bullet proof vest he wore kept most of the shots from being fatal, but the smattering of bullet shaped bruises on his chest nearly tore you in two.
You sat in a chair across the room and watched as Helen finished his stitches and felt around on his chest for any broken ribs or potential internal bleeding. You found yourself just staring at him while they ran various diagnostics. He was definitely worse for wear, but he was so unbelievably beautiful that you felt your heart squeeze in your chest.
It was funny, this dynamic between you two. A push and pull that you hadn’t experienced before. It was like when you worked together on missions. When one of you moved, the other adjusted to fill the space you had left. When he had needed your calming touch and level head, you’d been able to provide it for him.
It struck you then, how long you’d been living in a relationship that was only push, no pull. You’d let someone dictate your emotions, your reactions and responses to nearly everything. You had shoved yourself into a box for him, trying to fit exactly how he wanted you.
Bucky let you be exactly how you needed to be in each moment. He stepped in to fill holes and support you where you needed it, but stepped away and let you go when he knew you could stand on your own.
He trusted you.
You trusted him.
You loved him.
After they’d finished, Tony told him to get his ass cleaned up and to bed.
“And I mean sleep Barnes. If you rip those stitches because you can’t keep your hands off her, I won’t let anyone come close them and you’ll have to restitch them yourself.”  
You let Bucky rest most of his weight on you as you helped get him back to his room. At this point you knew that there was no risk of Bucky ripping those stitches. He needed sleep badly.
You assisted as he peeled his bloodied pants and boots from his body, then held under his arms as he slowly lowered himself into the bath, being careful to keep his right arm above water. Everytime he winced in pain you felt a sting in your own chest.
He’d be fine, you knew. He healed abnormally fast. That didn’t make the moments of his pain hurt any less to watch.
After he’d finally lowered himself into the steaming water, you’d told him to lay back and relax while you rinsed and lathered his hair and scrubbed at his neck and chest to remove the layers of sweat and dried blood. Then you’d gotten him dried off and dressed in pajamas before helping him curl up in his bed.
He was asleep before you could even pull the covers up to tuck him in.
The next few weeks passed quietly. Sam was mostly bed ridden, so you and Bucky spent a lot of time in his room generally bothering him and making him wish he could heal faster just so he could get away from you both and your endless supplies of one-liners.
One night, you both helped him make the long trip to the common area under the guise of a change in scenery. Really, Peter wanted to keep watching the Fast and Furious movies and making Sam watch his least favorite movies when he didn’t have the ability to leave on his own was hilarious.
Were you terrible people? Maybe.
Sam did admit he would have done the same thing if given the chance.
Pretty much everyone joined in. Steve had helped Nat up from her room. She was in much better shape than Sam and was pretty much 100%, but Steve stayed close to her most days claiming that just because she seemed better didn’t mean something couldn’t happen to her.
Wanda and Vision came to watch the movies as well, which ended up being the best part of the experience. Vision kept pointing out the flawed logic in many of the action scenes and Wanda kept trying to patiently explain to him that the movies weren’t intended to be logical. Vision's distress nearly made Peter pee his pants laughing.
When you were taking a snack break between Fast Five and the 6th installment, Tony wandered into the kitchen slowly. Looking at his hands.
“Hey kid. Can you come chat over here a second.”
“Uh. Sure Tony.”
You stood from the couch, having to untangled yourself from Bucky’s hold, and sauntered to the kitchen island.
“How you feeling, kid?” Tony asked.
“Fine…” You murmured. “What’s going on?”
“Uh. Nothing major. Just trying to gauge how you’re doing emotionally before I say what I have to say.” Tony was looking at pretty much anywhere but you, fiddling with spoons and forks that were on the counter.
“Out with it Tony.”
“Uh…” Tony hedged. “Well I just want you to know that Elijah…” He trails off.
Saying his name is enough for everyone in the room to suddenly quiet and look in your direction.
“Just say it Tony. I’m fine. What about him?”
Bucky gets up from the couch and takes a few steps toward you before stopping a few feet from the two of you. The rest of the group stays where they’re seated, staring.
“Elijah’s dead.” Tony finally finishes.
It takes a moment to fully process that thought. You really hadn’t been prepared to hear anything about him today, let alone that he was dead.
“He’s what?” You whisper.
“I’ve had an agent tailing him since that day in Brooklyn.” Tony says softly. “I just got word that he’s dead.”
You whip your head up to look at Bucky.
“I swear to god it wasn’t me.” Bucky says, holding his hands up in surrender. “But when I do find out who it was, I will probably give them a kiss on the mouth.”
You grab a wooden spoon off the counter and whip it at Bucky’s head. Bucky ducks easily and Steve reaches up and grabs it out of the air behind Bucky before it can smack into the glass wall behind him. You also let out a small chuckle. You can’t help it.
“I’m thinking you won’t want to, Barnes.” Tony remarks. “Considering the cause of death was the dumbass getting himself good and drunk and wrapping his fancy sports car around a tree. So unless you’d like to kiss the man's corpse, you’re shit out of luck.”
Bucky huffed and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes at Tony.
You sat down abruptly at a stool at the kitchen island. Bucky took a few quick steps toward you and laid a hand on your back.
“Sweetheart, are you…?”
“I’m fine.” You whisper. “I’m fine.”
And you were, you realized. You basically felt nothing. Of course, you felt some twinge of sadness at someone you had spent so many years of your life with dying in a horrific car accident.
But you felt fine really. No shortness of breath, no panic at the thought of him. You were clear headed and calm.
There was no threat of the sea of emotions lapping at your heels. You didn’t feel like you were about to drown.
“I’m fine.” You murmured again. Looking up at Bucky. “I’m fine, Bucky. Does that make me a monster?”
Bucky stepped in to you then and wrapped you in a warm hug, kissing the crown of your head. “No. It does not make you a monster sweetheart.”
“So. Not to bring up a touchy subject or anything…” Sam piped up from his spot where you and Bucky had propped him on the couch. “But, this man was your fiance, no?”
“Yes.” You murmur back. Bucky’s arms tensed a bit around you, you felt his head shift and you assumed he was leveling Sam with a death glare.
“And, we’re totally fine with him being dead? Like don’t get me wrong, I’m on your side no matter what I just feel like I’m missing something.”
“Sam, she doesn’t have to…” Bucky started.
“No, Buck. It’s okay.” You said, placing a palm on his chest and giving him a little push so you could turn to look at Sam and the rest of your family in the living room.
“Yes. He was my fiance. I knew him for most of my life. I kept him a secret from you all because he hated SHIELD and all of you. He hated that I worked here.” You started. Bucky was watching you carefully, with a hand placed on your back. He seemed poised for attack, like if there was any indication that your heart rate picked up or you lost your breath he would snag you in his arms and run out of there like a bomb was going off.
You loved him.
But it was time for your family to know.
“We ended things when I got back from Budapest. He was abusive, to say the least, and manipulative. I was angry at myself for letting it get that far which was why I isolated myself from you all for so long.” You sighed and offered your family a small smile. “But, I’m feeling more like myself again.” You looked at Sam then. “So, no. We don’t really care that he’s gone, beyond normal human discomfort with death. Even if that makes me a little evil, I kind of don’t care.”
It was quiet for a moment. Then Sam spoke. “Well good riddance then.”
Nat spoke up next. “I am a little disappointed you didn’t take a crack at him Barnes.”
“Trust me I wanted to.” Bucky chuckled. “But my priorities were elsewhere.” He snuck a look at you with a little smile.
“Thank you for telling us.” Wanda said softly. “You didn’t have to.”
“I know. But you’re my family.”
Steve stood up then from his spot across the room and crossed to you. He wrapped you up in a big hug. The next thing you knew, Bucky, Nat, Wanda, Peter and even Vision were joining in. You teared up a bit standing in the center of all of them.
“Get in here Tony.” Steve muttered.
“Sorry pal, I don’t do group hugs.” Tony quipped from where he leaned against the kitchen island.
You peeked through the holes between arms and saw Sam sitting on the couch smiling at all of you. You pouted a bit as you looked at him, offering your apologies that he was stuck on the couch.
“I’m there in spirit, gorgeous.” Sam smiled at you. “When I can stand on my own I’ll give you a better hug than any of these assholes could dream of.”
You giggled then. The whole group devolved into arguments on who gave the best hugs.
Right as Nat and Steve were going toe to toe (arguing vehemently that the other gave the best hug) Tony spoke up. “What do you all say we go to the bar down the road and celebrate?”
“Celebrate?” You chuckled.
“Yeah kid. I think it’s about time we let loose as a family. I’ll give Sam the bottom half of a suit or something so he can walk on his own in the bar.”
“You mean to tell me these past few weeks I could have just borrowed a suit? What kind of sick bastard are you?” Sam yells incredulously from across the room.
“Don’t push your luck birdboy.” Tony looks at you again. “What do you say? Fancy a night out with your family?”
You couldn’t think if anything you’d love more. “Hell yes.”
You all piled into various vehicles at the compound and made the short trek down the road to the bar. (Not before Sam finally gave you a big hug. He wasn’t kidding, he was a really incredible hugger.)
You all made quite a scene rolling up as a unit and pushing a bunch of tables together. Luckily, most of the patrons at the bar seemed to be wise enough not to cause a scene with the entire Avengers team in one spot.
You sat and marveled briefly at everyone laughing and drinking and enjoying themselves. It was still amazing to you that all of these people, who had seen so much and suffered so much could be together here now, laughing and joking with each other.
You were proud to be one of them.
Peter was slinging spitballs through straws in Sam’s direction which Sam was artfully trying to dodge, his iron legs supporting him now. Tony, Steve and Bucky were sniping back and forth at each other. Vision and Wanda had gotten up from the table to dance to the songs playing on the jukebox.
“Hey hot stuff.” Nat said, dropping down next to you at the table. “Whatcha thinking about all quiet over here?”
“Just amazed I’m here, is all. It’s everything I always wanted, but really didn’t think I could ever have.”
“I know what you mean.” Nat said softly. “I didn’t know if I’d ever really have a family like this. I didn’t think I could.”
“I tried so hard to make it work with Elijah, nearly destroying myself in the process, because I wanted to belong somewhere. For somewhere to be home.” You muttered.
“I know.” Nat said. “Seems silly now doesn’t it? I fought for years against belonging here. It scared the hell out of me. Still does most days, especially when one of you gets hauled through those doors all messed up. Emotionally or physically.” She looks at you pointedly then. “But I’ve learned I’d rather be terrified of losing you all than never having you, you know?”
You both sit in silence for a bit, sipping on your beers and just taking in the scene. Just then, “I Ran” by A Flock of Seagulls came on and you bubbled up with laughter.
“What’s that giggle for?” Nat asked.
“Nothing. I just got an idea.” You drained your beer and stood up from the table you were sitting at. “Hey, can you turn it up?” You sent the bartender a smile. He nodded and spun to turn the volume up in the bar. “Wanna join?” You tossed over your shoulder at Nat as you placed your hands on the bar and hopped up. You started moving your hips to the music, the same way you did a year ago in Budapest.
Nat glanced over to where Bucky was still mostly oblivious to you standing on the bar, his back facing you as he talked to Steve and Tony. “Hell yeah I do.”
Nat hopped up on the bar with you and sidled close to you, moving her hips with yours.
Wanda saw you and quickly hopped up on the bar. A few other women in the bar looked up and watched, and you three waved them over to have them join. The bartenders quickly moved the glasses on the bar out of the way so you all had a clear space to dance.
There were a few whoops and hollers from some of the men sitting at the bar on the other end, and you spun, ignoring your real prey and sending flirtatious smiles and giggles toward the men down the bar.
The attention of the other men finally got the attention that you had been looking for in the first place.
Steve’s head popped up from their conversation and his eyes widened at the sight before him. You, Nat and Wanda dancing tightly together, hands in the air. Without tearing his eyes from you he quickly punched Bucky in the shoulder. You could tell Bucky had probably asked what the hell Steve’s problem was when Steve just pointed in your direction. Bucky turned slowly to look.
You weren’t looking directly at him, you were still making eyes at the guys down the bar, but from your peripheral vision you saw his jaw drop open before he quickly shut it, grinding down on his jaw. He leaned back against the table, resting his elbows on the surface and spreading his legs out to assume an arrogant laid back stance. Clearly intent on enjoying your show.
It took every ounce of will not to hop down off the bar and climb him like a tree.
As the bridge of the song sped up and the electric guitar started shredding Nat, Wanda and you really turned it on. You saw Steve put his face in his hands as he released a long groan. Bucky just leveled you with an arrogant smirk. As the final tones of the song played you finally looked fully at Bucky, giving him a haughty smile as if to say What? I’m not doing anything.
Bucky just rolled his eyes at you as the song ended and the first notes of “Every Breath You Take” by the Police started**.
It was just like that first night in Budapest. You, up on a bar dancing, and Bucky staring at you from his place at the table, a dark heated look in his eyes.
Except this time, it would end differently.
Bucky stood up abruptly from the table and stalked toward you. Nat and Wanda took that as their cue to step away and off the bar, leaving you standing there alone. When Bucky reached the bar he wrapped his hands around your waist.
“C’mon babygirl. Let’s go home.” He chuckled as he lifted you up off the bar. As he stepped back he started to lower you down from where you towered over him. You slid down the front of his body as he set you back to your feet. Once you were safely on the ground, he kept his hands on your waist as you looked up at him. You smirked at him and batted your eyelashes innocently. He groaned low in his throat and leaned down so his mouth was even with your ear. “You’re killin me sweetheart.” He rose back up to his full height and looked down at you. His eyes raked over your whole body and you flushed and bit down on the corner of your bottom lip. “Fucking hell.” He growled.
He picked you up, tossed you over his shoulder and made a beeline for the door. You squealed.
He snagged your coats off the back of his chair as you passed the table that everyone was sitting at.
“Got someplace to be, Barnes?” Natasha crooned as Bucky rushed past where she now sat next to Steve.
You blushed and giggled, waving to everyone from your place on Bucky’s shoulder as he continued out the door, not slowing down for anything.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind you he dropped you back on your feet and roughly grabbed both sides of your head, crashing his lips against yours. You pressed your body against his, your hands grabbing two fistfuls of his t-shirt and yanking. You wanted him closer.
He finally ripped his mouth from yours and stared down at you as his chest rose and fell rapidly, he was as out of breath as you were. “I love you.” He breathed.
You didn’t answer him. He knew.
You just launched yourself into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist and your hands tangling in the ends of his hair when it curled against the back of his neck. You dragged his lips back to yours. His hands caught you around the waist, his metal arm lowering down to hold you under your hips and keep you from slipping.He started to walk you backwards toward where his bike was parked across the parking lot.
You devoured him, nipping at his bottom lip and running your hands through his hair. You had one hand gripping the back of his neck to keep him from moving too far away from you.
Suddenly you heard a voice call out from near the door of the bar. Sam, standing on his own with a pair of iron legs assisting. “Fucking nasty. Get a room!”
You heard the chorus of chuckles from your friends, your family, as they all spilled out the door of the bar.
Bucky pulled his head back just enough so that there was enough space between you that he could yell back “Trying to!” before smashing your lips back to his.
Once he reached his bike, he set you down before quickly mounting the bike and hitting the kickstand. As soon as he was stable you giggled and jumped on the back, wrapping yourself around him and burying your face into his neck.
He revved the engine twice, yelled “hold on” over his shoulder and took off.
You lifted your head to look at everyone as Bucky ripped out of the parking lot. A huge grin on your face, you lifted a hand to wave at your family. You could just make out the sound of Nat yelling “See you at home!” At the same time that Sam yelled “I’m gonna need a different floor to sleep on tonight.”
You giggled again and faced forward in the seat, squeezing Bucky again as he turned onto the asphalt and hit the gas.
You hurtled down the road toward the compound.
As you were flying down the asphalt you decided that you were going to finally just start living without fear that someone was going to take it away from you. The fresh air was pelting your face and it was so strong it wiped away any doubt. It wiped away the thought that you didn’t deserve to have moments like this.
You wanted to feel it all. The pain of the whipping wind, the sting of the air on your eyes, the smell of gasoline in your nose.
You wanted to feel every moment you could with Bucky. The good, the bad and the boring. You wanted to spend time with your family and be there for every moment in their lives and never miss a month with them again.
You wanted to be totally free.
You started to peel your arms away from Bucky’s chest. One of his hands left the handlebars and he grabbed your wrist.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I wanna feel the wind!” You yelled back. “I wanna feel everything, Bucky.”
He paused only a second before patting your wrist twice, and dropping his hand to your thigh to hold on to you. You squeezed your legs together, gripping him tighter as you released your hands from his waist, slowly lifting them so that they were above your head.
Your hair was flying wildly around your head and the only things you could hear were the sound of the engine and the wind. It was the most amazing feeling in the whole world.
You let out a loud whoop as you just let yourself go, laughing at how absolutely wonderful it was to just feel.
Against your chest you could feel Bucky’s back rumble as he laughed with you. He squeezed your knee once, put his hand back on the handlebars and pushed the bike a little faster.
You wanted this forever.
Just you, your man and the wind.
25 notes · View notes
chalantness · 5 years
fic: Meet Me Under the Spotlight - part iv
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~4800 Characters: Steve/Natasha and the ensemble Summary: A continuation of that celebrity social media au no one asked for.
A/N: During my little "writing hiatus" in December, when I thought about which stories I really wanted to revisit, this was definitely at the top of my list. I had a lot of the "plot" for the 'Marvelous' show in this 'verse planned in my head while writing the previous installment, and I had a lot of fun finally sharing it with everyone in this piece! There's less cast interaction because I have such a focus on the plot of the show itself, but I still enjoyed the change of angle for this chapter.
Read On: [ ao3 ]
The Cast and Crew of ‘Marvelous’ Take to Instagram to Give Fans a First Look at Mid-Season Finale
January 1, 2018. 2:09 AM PST.
We’re all still a little bummed that we won’t be ringing in the New Year with the fourth episode of Marvelous Season 4 tonight like we were supposed. (Thanks, CW, for pushing back the schedule because you thought we would need a week to recover from our New Year’s shenanigans, but trust us: we Marvels would’ve happily been on our couches to watch that new episode, hungover or not.)
But at this point we should’ve known that something was up. Because in true Marvelous fashion, at the stroke of midnight, the official Marvelous Instagram gave us our first looks at the mid-season finale, which is scheduled to air two days before Valentine’s Day. And if that wasn’t reason enough to expect the mid-season finale to be one of the most romantic episodes yet, these surprise Instagram posts are all the proof we need!
SPOILER ALERT! The rest of this article contains screenshots of episode stills from the Marvelous mid-season finale, Episode 9, “Shot Through the Heart” taken from the official Marvelous Instagram profile.
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff sitting on the bed of a plain room in an unknown setting. Steve is braiding Natasha’s hair, now dyed blonde, the two of them smiling and talking close together as Natasha plays with the diamond ring on her finger.]
MarvelousOfficial Redhead or blonde, Cap will always be smitten with Widow’s hair. Now that’s what we call love! #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Wanda Maximoff in a grocery store setting, disguising herself in a beanie and sunglasses as she stands in between aisles. She’s looking off to the side, wary, with one hand over her stomach.]
MarvelousOfficial Scarlet Witch just can’t catch a break, can she? #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Thor Odinson sitting shirtless on a stool while Maria Hill stands behind him, cutting his hair, the two of them laughing over something.]
MarvelousOfficial If you heard a sniffle, that’s us crying over the loss of those glorious blonde locks. #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Sharon Carter, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, and Sam Wilson in an unknown laboratory setting. Sam and Tony are standing at a table of equipment parts, watching as Sharon speaks to Pepper in front of a holographic monitor displaying schematics for the new Iron Man suit model Pepper is wearing.]
MarvelousOfficial Looking good, Pepper ;) #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Clint Barton in a café setting, wearing a disguise of a hoodie and sunglasses as he sits with the Mystery Agent, guest star Laura Barton. On the table between them is a photo which looks eerily similar to the farm setting from Hawkeye’s dream sequence in the Season 4 Premiere.]
MarvelousOfficial Friend or foe? We’re not even sure if Hawkeye knows... #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Pietro Maximoff and Bucky Barnes outside at night, huddled together and talking seriously on the porch of a cabin in an unknown mountain location. In Bucky’s hand is the ring Quicksilver had given to Scarlet Witch during Season 2 to help focus her control over her powers, which is shown with the gem broken in pieces.]
MarvelousOfficial We sure hope that Scarlet Witch won’t be needing that anymore. #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
[Image Caption: Peter Parker, T’challa T’chaka, and guest star Shuri T’chaka shooting on location, Peter and Shuri talking animatedly while gesturing to a device secured to Shuri’s wrist while T’challa watches with an amused smile.]
MarvelousOfficial If you thought Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were the only real life siblings that get to play siblings on screen too, then think again! #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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JANUARY 1, 2018
Just like every other seasoned Marvel, we were ready to theorize the hell out of these episode stills! And we still will. But don’t forget, we’ve got five whole episodes between now and the mid-season finale to account for.
Which episode still was most surprising for you? Let us know in the comments below!
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Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 25       It’s the most #Marvelous time of the year, so we’re bringing back #MarvelousLiveTweets with the cast for tonight’s episode, 4x03 “Before Dawn”!
T’challa T’chaka @ttchalla - December 25       Next time, let’s not put the cat in a tree. I still have scars from those branches... #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 0:55 clip of Black Panther perched in a tree at night between the branches as an armored truck drives underneath, which Black Panther jumps onto, alerting the driver and passenger of his presence. The passenger hurries to shoot at him out of his window, but Black Panther’s suit ripples in purple light as the bullet bounces off, and he stalks up the truck.]
Pietro Maximoff @theothermaximoff - December 25       I’m not crying, you are #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 0:45 clip of Falcon driving the jeep into the Facility hanger with the rest of the Team waiting. Winter Soldier helps a battered Scarlet Witch out of the back seat, and Quicksilver speeds to their side, enveloping his sister in a hug that she instantly melts into, her body beginning to shake as she starts to cry. Winter Soldier swallows as he watches, feeling helpless.]
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat - December 25       Just tell him already!! #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 1:25 clip starting with a flashback from Season 2, with Captain and Black Widow driving through the country in a pick-up truck. Captain tells her to take her feet off of the dash, to which Widow teasingly replies that she didn’t realize manners applied to stolen cars, earning a laugh from the Captain. Widow continues to watch him as he keeps his eyes on the road, but then his smile grows soft as he glances at her, knowing she’s watching. She pulls her feet off of the dashboard and hugs her knees to her chest, smile widening as she looks out her own window. Then the flashback is cut off as, in present time, Captain calls Widow’s name in the kitchen and snaps her from her memory. He asks what she was thinking about, and she hesitates before saying she was wondering what she has to say to get him to make her dessert. It’s obvious he knows this isn’t entirely true, but he smiles and lets it slide.]
Thor Odinson @corethor - December 25       Sorry finding my powers almost killed you, but if it’s any consolation, losing them almost killed me too @littlewandamaximoff #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 1:05 clip of Agent Hill sitting at Scarlet Witch’s bedside with Thor standing beside them. Scarlet Witch tries to recount in as much detail as she can remember about her captor and what she saw in his laboratory, then looks at Thor, her eyes watering as she admits that she saw the device that stripped him of his powers. Thor and Agent Hill look at each other, recalling the incident where Agent Hill found him doubling over in pain in the training room, and neither look surprised when Scarlet Witch goes on to tell them about the device exploding in reaction to her powers and collapsing the entire structure. Guilty, she tells them that she hadn’t sensed its energy anywhere in the wreckage afterward, but Thor reassures Scarlet Witch that it’s not her fault, taking her hand and squeezing it gently.]
Clint Barton @cbarton - December 25       If you think my wife trying to kill me on screen is indicative of our off screen marriage.. you might be onto something #MarvelousLiveTweets           [Video Attachment: 0:55 clip of a ballet studio with girls dancing to a routine of classical music. The Mystery Agent (guest star Laura Barton) from Hawkeye’s dream sequence stands in the corner watching them as a woman’s voice off-screen comments how beautiful their potential is, how each of them is a clean slate. But no one’s mind has been quite as malleable as hers, to which the Mystery Agent turns to face the speaker, revealing her as an unknown blonde woman in a black catsuit similar to the one the Mystery Agent wears. She then announces that “they’re ready for us”, and the Mystery Agent takes one last moment to watch the girls before following the blonde woman out of the room.]
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn - December 25       If this was an obligatory holiday episode, I would’ve fought for a mistletoe kiss right here #MarvelousLiveTweets             [Video Attachment: 1:45 clip of Captain in the training room, rapidly beating into a punching bag, unaware of Black Widow walking over to him with a wary expression. His hits quickly grow harder and more violent, until Widow braces her hands against the bag, giving him resistance that snaps him from his trance. His fist slackens, lingering on the bag as the beginnings of a smile form on his lips, before he blinks and glances away. When she asks him what he’s thinking about, he hesitates, then admits that she always had a knack for sneaking up on him, referring to her habit of doing so before she lost her memories. Then he meets her gaze with a real smile this time, small but still there, and says that he’s glad that at least some things haven’t changed. Widow holds his gaze for a moment, then Captain gently turns her by her shoulders so that she’s standing in front of him, facing the punching bag, and tells her to show him what else she might remember, and she smiles widely as she starts punching the bag with swift hits.]
WATCH: ‘Marvelous’ Sneak Peek #1 - 4x04 “Simple Lives” - Scene: Captain and Iron Man in the training room
Marvelous CW - Published on December 25, 2017 - 984,203 views
Access Entertainment! Exclusive: Newlyweds Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff Dish on Surprise Wedding
December 30, 2017. 9:58 AM PST.
The confetti and champagne had only just started to settle from our celebration over their engagement, but it seemed like Marvelous co-stars Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff weren’t done making us swoon! As everyone was busy tearing into festive wrapping paper and jolly stacks of pancakes on Christmas morning, the cast and crew of Marvelous were online, posting picture after picture of Rogers and Romanoff’s surprise wedding ceremony on the Santorini Coast - taking place only a month after Rogers proposed!
“It’s been three years in the making, so why wait?” Rogers had joked when he and Romanoff called into the Access Entertainment! studio for an exclusive phone interview this morning to serve us all the juicy details. “It’s no secret that I’m impulsive, I know what I want and I go for it, you know? But even before she said yes, even before I bought the ring, we knew there was no waiting for either of us. When it’s right, it’s right.”
Did they know they were getting married when they hopped on that plane at the start of the mid-season filming hiatus? “More or less,” Romanoff laughed. “There wasn’t any announcement or anything, but I went to Jane [Foster, head of costume design for Marvelous] and asked her how realistic was it for her to pull dresses for me without this public mayhem coming about, and then by lunch everyone knew. They were the ones to choose Greece, actually.”
We’re guessing everyone was more than happy to follow? “Of course,” Rogers shared. “If we even attempted to elope, they would’ve ambushed us. But that was always the plan. We talked about it for filming, actually, when Nick [Fury, writer/producer of Marvelous] for Cap and Widow’s wedding in the show - we based it off of them but also a little what we wanted for me and Nat in terms of intimacy and having it outside in some destination place. So having everyone with us like that was always going to be the plan.”
So where are the lovebirds now? “Not in Greece anymore, so sorry if you were already on your way,” Romanoff teases. “We flew in, spent a few days with everyone sight-seeing and eating everything after the wedding, and now we’re somewhere quiet and cozy. We’re soaking up the sun now before we come back and hit the ground running to finish up [filming Marvelous] Season 4.”
Now if only Captain and Widow can turn their “dream” wedding into a real one this season, then our lives would be complete!
“Well, we know he [Captain] gets a ring on her finger, so who knows,” Rogers laughed, referencing the stir caused when Rogers and Romanoff were spotted filming on location at a Toronto shopping mall back in October. Romanoff was spotted wearing an impressive diamond ring on her left hand, and when asked by fans if the ring had to do with the show, Romanoff responded with a coy and cryptic “What do you think?” that we Marvels have spent far too much time wondering about.
Well, until we get a real Captain and Widow wedding, we have plenty to swoon over for Rogers and Romanoff’s ceremony!
What did you think of their beautiful Santorini wedding? Let us know in the comments below!
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Marvelous @MarvelousCW - January 5       Only 3 days away! #MarvelousSneakPeeks #MarvelousScripttoScreen 404 “Simple Lives” written by @nickfurry ft. @iambuckybarnes @littlewandamaximoff             [Image Caption: Screenshot of a script that reads:
Scarlet Witch turns her palms upward, watching the red wisps spiral out from her fingertips as the overlapping whispers in her head grow louder. Her mind is bombarded by flashes, nonsensical and overwhelming, and she slowly starts to spiral, the walls closing in on her, her powers humming louder as if about to explode out from inside of her...
      WINTER SOLDIER (O.S.)             Scarlet?
Scarlet Witch startles when she feels someone touch her, gasping as another memory slams into her - clear and crisp this time, she watches through Winter Soldier’s eyes as his hand just barely misses the Captain’s and he begins to fall, as if being sucked into the snowy blizzard swirling around him. Scarlet Witch is engulfed in his fear, nearly drowning in it - but a rough shake of her shoulders snaps her from the empathetic link, and she realizes she’s on her knees and so is Winter Soldier, his grip on her arms the only thing keeping her upright. He looks visibly shaken, but still in a better state than she is.
      WINTER SOLDIER             How long?
Scarlet Witch begins to deny, but Winter Soldier doesn’t give her a chance.
      WINTER SOLDIER             (worried for the answer, but insistent on hearing it)             How long has it been this bad?
      SCARLET WITCH             I’m fine.
      WINTER SOLDIER             I felt what you felt, and that wasn’t fine.             (softer this time, pleading)             How long?
Scarlet Witch melts into his embrace, exhausted and entirely defeated, and Winter Soldier holds her like he’s terrified she’s about to break.
      SCARLET WITCH             Since the lab... They did something to me. They broke something in me and I’m... I’m terrified.
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - January 5       Okay, just ONE more... #MarvelousSneakPeeks #MarvelousScripttoScreen 404 “Simple Lives” written by @nickfurry ft. @stevefrombrooklyn @iambuckybarnes              [Image Caption: Screenshot of a script that reads:
Cut to Winter Soldier and Captain in the kitchen, sitting at the island with two cold mugs of tea in front of them, untouched. Both are hunched over in their chairs across from each other, pensive and feeling out of their depths.
      WINTER SOLDIER             All I can do is just watch her suffer. I couldn’t save her from becoming a science experiment in that lab, can’t save her from her own head...
      CAPTAIN             That makes two of us.
      WINTER SOLDIER             What a couple of sad sacks we are. At least Widow seems to be coming around.             (back-pedaling, realizing what he’s said)             Not that that’s better than losing her memories to begin with...
      CAPTAIN             No, you’re right. It’s still an improvement. I’m getting parts of her back.
Despite the somber conversation, Winter Soldier gives the Captain a knowing look.
      WINTER SOLDIER             ‘You’ are? It’s like that now?
      CAPTAIN             It’s always been. Just took a while to realize it.
Winter Soldier nods, his amusement softening into genuine happiness that Captain has finally caught onto the big picture.
      WINTER SOLDIER             About damn time.
[Image Caption: Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, and Sharon Carter photographed sitting together in their set chairs in full costume. Wanda’s brunette hair is now dyed a fiery light red, Natasha’s red hair is still dyed blonde - as was previously revealed on her guest appearance on The Late Night Show in early December - and Sharon’s blonde hair has been darkened to golden brown.]
littlewandamaximoff A brunette becomes a redhead, a redhead becomes a blonde, and a blonde becomes a brunette... We’re a little mixed up, but still oh so glad to be back on set for #Marvelous Season 4B! @nataliaromanov @carters13
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JANUARY 7, 2018
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Thor Odinson posing together with their arms crossed as they stare each other down. Steve’s once clean-shaven face now has the beginnings of a beard, and his hair has grown out a little more. Thor’s long hair has been cut short - as was previously speculated in glimpses of photos from Rogers and Romanoff’s wedding posted to Instagram in late December, then confirmed when episode stills from the mid-season finale were released to reveal a scene of Maria Hill cutting Thor’s hair.]
thorodinson Spoiler alert: the season finale will be a battle of our beards. (Another spoiler alert: I crush @stevenrogers into the ground.)
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JANUARY 7, 2018
[Image Caption: Clint Barton, Tony Stark, and Pepper Potts on the Facility control room set. Clint is decked in a new version on his stealth suit, his hair now shaved on the sides and cropped short on top; Pepper wears a new Iron Man suit model, holding the helmet in her hands; and Tony stands in between them, posing with an exaggerated frown on his face.]
thetonystark Am I the only one that doesn’t get a dramatic transformation this season?? @cbarton @pepperpotts 
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JANUARY 7, 2018
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff sitting at a table at craft services, with Natasha laughing as she sits in Steve’s lap and Steve smiling up at her as he plays with a chunk of her blonde hair.]
MarvelousOfficial Don’t worry Steve, we miss the red, too! @stevenrogers @nataliaromanov #Marvelous #MarvelousSneakPeeks
WATCH: Newlywed ‘Marvelous’ Co-Stars Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are Cozier Than Ever as Season 4 Resumes Filming
AE! News - Published on January 8, 2018 - 905,258 views
A ‘Marvelous’ Way to Get Psyched for the New Year!
December 28, 2017. 10:14 AM PST.
Marvels everywhere were a little (okay, a lot) disappointed when the CW announced they would be pushing back their airing schedule to skip over New Year’s week, meaning that we would wait an extra week between Marvelous Season 4, Episode 3 “Before Dawn” and Episode 4 “Simple Lives”, which would have premiered on New Year’s Day if the network followed its regular airing schedule.
But of course the team at Marvelous knew the perfect way to make it up to us. Not only did they release the official episode synopses for the remaining lineup of Season 4A this morning, but they also announced that the network would be officially renewing Marvelous for a fifth season!
We never doubted it for a second, but there’s nothing quite like the sweet sigh of relief when you hear the word “renewed”!
(Screenshots taken from the official Marvelous Twitter account.)
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       It’s official, Marvels! Our favorite heroes will be BACK for Season 5!!! #Marvelous
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Margaret E. Carter @mspeggycarter             Yes, you heard right: #Marvelous is officially renewed, and my director’s chair will be right next to @nickfurry all season long!
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Tony Stark @thetonystark             What’s better than Season 5? Season 5 with @twopeasinpott and @jamesrhodesisland as SERIES REGULARS. Finally! #Marvelous
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Wanda Maximoff @littlewandamaximoff             Season 5, here we come!!! So blessed and psyched to have another year working with my favorite people on the planet!! #Marvelous
Marvelous @MarvelousCW - December 28       Marvelous Retweeted:       Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn             This show has brought me some of the best moments of my life, and also brought me the love of my life @therussianprincessnat - can’t wait to see what this next chapter brings us! #Marvelous
Now that you’re all properly hyped, here’s our official episode guide for the remaining lineup of Marvelous Season 4A:
SIMPLE LIVES - Season 4, Episode 4
Captain (Steve Rogers) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) struggle to reach an agreement when Iron Man suggests that they use Hawkeye’s (Clint Barton) stolen designs to engineer more weapons, which leads to Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) intervening. Meanwhile, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) turns to the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) as her grip on her powers grows more unstable, and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) tries to test her skills by undergoing training with Agent Hill (Maria Hill), Agent 13 (Sharon Carter), and the Director (writer/producer, guest star Nick Fury).
Air Date: January 8, 2018
MIND GAMES - Season 4, Episode 5
While Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) are performing tests on Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) in an attempt to cure her of the effects suffered from experimentation, a fluctuation of her powers affects several members of the Team caught in its current. Trapped within alternate realities inside their own heads, Thor (Thor Odinson) rejoices having his powers back as a mythological king with his brother Loki (guest star Loki Laufeyson), father Odin (guest star Odin Borson), and mother Frigga (guest star Frigga Asgard) still alive and by his side, though at a grave cost; Captain (Steve Rogers) is thrown back in time to a quiet civilian life where he and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) share a son, though the appearance Crossbones (guest star Brock Rumlow) takes a turn for the worst; Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) governs a peaceful utopian city, until a ghost from his past (guest star Erik Killmonger) threatens to destroy it; and Iron Man enjoys an extravagant lifestyle with Rescue (guest star Pepper Potts) at his side, but he quickly discovers that the absence of War Machine (guest star James Rhodes) has terrifying implications.
Air Date: January 15, 2018
WIDOW’S BITE - Season 4, Episode 6
After discovering a possible way to lure out the Mystery Agent (guest star Laura Barton) that left Iron Man (Tony Stark) for dead and appeared to Hawkeye (Clint Barton) in his dreams, Hawkeye recruits Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) and Falcon (Sam Wilson) to track her down, though the reappearance of an unexpected threat (guest star Yelena Belova) gets in their way. Meanwhile, the Captain (Steve Rogers) and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) grow closer as they aid Spider-Man (Peter Parker) in upgrading the Team’s stealth suits. Elsewhere, Agent Hill (Maria Hill) is joined by Thor (Thor Odinson), Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff), and Iron Man to pursue a lead on the organization that had abducted Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff).
Air Date: January 22, 2018
COUP DE FOUDRE - Season 4, Episode 7
With the Team away, Captain (Steve Rogers), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), and Spider-Man (Peter Parker) are left to defend themselves when the Facility comes under attack. Meanwhile, when Agent Hill (Maria Hill) fails to return to their rendezvous point on time, Thor (Thor Odinson) grows restless to find her, and Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) call Agent 13 (Sharon Carter), Falcon (Sam Wilson), and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) for reinforcements. Elsewhere, Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) runs into a familiar face (guest star Nakia Shauku) as he carries out a special mission from the Director (writer/producer, guest star Nick Fury).
Air Date: January 29, 2018
GOD’S RIGHTEOUS MAN - Season 4, Episode 8
After fleeing the wreckage from the attack on the Facility, the Captain (Steve Rogers), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes), and Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) seek refuge in a place that brings back ghosts from the Captain and Winter Soldier’s pasts. Elsewhere, Agent Hill (Maria Hill) continues to nurse her wounds with Thor’s (Thor Odinson) care as Iron Man (Tony Stark) reunites with Rescue (guest star Pepper Potts) and War Machine (guest star James Rhodes), who finally gives the Team some good news. Meanwhile, Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) and Malice (guest star Nakia Shauku) reunite with Man-Ape (guest star M’Baku Jabari), who reveals that Golden Jaguar (guest star Erik Killmonger) has resurfaced.
Air Date: February 5, 2018
SHOT THROUGH THE HEART - Season 4, Episode 9
When Black Panther (T’challa T’chaka) reunites with the Team with his sister (guest star Shuri T’chaka) at his side, she proves to be the missing piece that Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Iron Man (Tony Stark) need to complete their blueprints, while Agent Hill (Maria Hill) and Thor (Thor Odinson) come to a realization that could change the Team’s next course of action, and the Captain (Steve Rogers) and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) unearth vital secrets within the Team’s past that could give them an advantage. Meanwhile, Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) confides in the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) about a secret that they fear may threaten Scarlet Witch’s (Wanda Maximoff) newfound control over her enhanced powers, though unknown to them, she is unnerved by a secret of her own. Elsewhere, a risky meeting between Hawkeye (Clint Barton) and the Mystery Agent (guest star Laura Barton) brings out a shocking revelation. 
Air Date: February 12, 2018
Is your head spinning? Because ours certainly are!
Which episode are you most excited to see? Let us know in the comments below!
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[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff standing on the beach in front of a gorgeous sunset. Steve is in a black tuxedo and Natasha is in a flowing white dress, one of her arms draped around Steve’s neck as she holds her bouquet between them. Steve holds Natasha in his arms, their heads are angled together as the camera catches them mid-laugh.]
littlewandamaximoff A perfect picture to capture a perfect day :’) @stevenrogers @nataliaromanov 
View all 2,942 comments
DECEMBER 25, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers in a tuxedo, sitting in a chair in the bridal suite as Natasha Romanoff stands behind him in her wedding dress, her hands covering his eyes as she leans in to speak into his ear, both of them smiling widely.]
ohsnapwilson He wanted to be traditional, but also missed the sound of her voice after 3 hours apart. If that’s not straight out of an epic date night movie, I don’t know what is.
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DECEMBER 25, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers in a tuxedo and Natasha Romanoff in her wedding dress as the couple dances under a canopy of flowers and twinkling lights against an evening backdrop by the beach. Steve’s head is bent with his face pressed into her hair, one of his hands holding onto one of hers as the other rests at her hip, holding her close as she laughs against his shoulder.]
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nataliaromanov You are the best surprise of my life.
DECEMBER 25, 2017
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn - January 10       @therussianprincessnat hey.. i love you :)
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat - January 10       Replying to Steve Rogers:             i’m sitting right next to you, you dork
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat - January 10       Replying to Steve Rogers:             ps. i love you too :)
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catbirthdays · 5 years
I dont get the milk scene between Bucky and the other guy. I think I need context please!
(sorry if im answering this late!! :‘0 )okay!! so its a bit complicated if you’ve never seen the 2nd movie, so forgive me if i dont make any sense.the man with Bucky in that scene is Pierce, a guy who works for SHIELD, but is actually a double agent who really works for hydra (the super evil bad guys). he wanted to kill a shit ton of people. you know, bad guy stuff.
the milk scene is particularly fucked, because Pierce is one of the men who is currently responsible for Bucky’s condition. Pierce talks to him casually, asking him “friendly” questions, as if Bucky is a guest and not someone who is literally being controlled to see Pierce. Somewhere in Bucky’s mind he recognizes not just the question, but the concept of a question, yet he cannot answer. he doesn’t have the choice to answer. Pierce KNOWS this, and is taunting him with it anyway. because hes a giant dick. its an eerie scene that really highlights how much of a scumbag Pierce is, and how Bucky cant do anything about it. one of the comments on that post was “pierce is showing his ability to exercise his free will in front of someone who has none,” and yeah!! that’s spot on.
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ao3feed-buckyxtony · 5 years
An Unwise Murder (An Inconvenient Survival)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TbbRuX
by petroltogo
“Someone within SHIELD sold out an Avenger. That was their first mistake.”
When Avenger Steve Rogers is declared killed in action, everyone expects his best friend and fellow agent Bucky Barnes to go on a rampage. It’s the quirky mechanic with a sharp tongue and a secret talent for less-than-legal hacking that throws the whole agency for a loop.
 Featuring: A dead Steve (but when is Steve ever dead), a very pissed off, fucked-up secret agent Bucky (so basically your usual Bucky), and a very civilian Tony (who is exactly as harmless as you’d expect Tony Stark to be).
Words: 2642, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Alexander Pierce, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Double-0-Agent Bucky, Double-0-Agent Steve, Character Death (Double-0-Agent-Style), Hacker Tony, Mechanic Tony, Tony did not sign up for this, Tony Accidentally Adopts A Killer, Tony Makes Friends In Weird Places, Betrayal, BAMF Tony, BAMF Bucky, Canon-Typical Violence
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TbbRuX
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galwednesday · 6 years
@chibisquirt: Do you ever do soulmate stuff?  How about a soulmate take on Steve/ (somebody of your choice)?
I saw this and had to laugh, because at some point when I opened prompts a year ago, you sent me an All Caps soulmate prompt that I wrote this ficlet for, after first getting an idea for a much less silly fic that wanted to be MUCH LONGER, and guess what one of the many WIPs I’m procrastinating on is? In lieu of a new ficlet, here’s a chunk of that WIP:
Sam didn’t know what the driver was seeing, had no idea what he was thinking or feeling. As soon as he’d lost sight of the man wearing the Captain America costume, doubt had crept in--it was a trick of the light, Sam was coming down off a combat high and his emotions were clouding his judgment, it was a deliberate deception by SHIELD, anything and everything except the man really being Steve Rogers. It couldn’t be real, couldn’t be him. His whole life, Sam had known that his soulmates were dead.
But Sam didn’t jump out of the car. If there was a chance, even just a chance, that Steve Rogers was alive, Sam needed to know.
(continues beyond the cut)
The car stopped in the garment district. The driver turned to look at him, her face calm, the authority in her voice absolute. “Stay in the car.”
“I was a soldier, you know,” he told her.
“Are you currently armed?”
Just with the knife in his boot. He’d gotten into the habit of carrying it overseas, less for combat and more for the assurance that he could cut through a soldier’s uniform to reach an injury, or through his own flight harness if he crashed and got tangled up in the wreckage. Sam shook his head. That wasn’t the kind of armed Hill meant, and he knew he was being a dumbass, anyway. SHIELD had always been clear that the only reason they weren’t surrounding him with 24/7 bodyguards was that obscurity was a more effective defense than personnel. He was just tired, all his nerves frayed, and it chafed to be treated like a civilian when he felt like he was suddenly back in a warzone.
“Then you need to stay in the car.”
Sam sighed and slumped back, fighting for the self-restraint to not kick the seat in front of him like a frustrated toddler. Whatever role Hill had played in the invasion, it was a safe bet her day had been longer and worse than his. Giving her a hard time now wouldn’t get him anywhere, and probably none of this was her fault.
It was hard to be fair about that with Steve Rogers is alive still ringing in his ears. It could be a lie, a manipulation, but if it was, it was going to be transparently obvious the moment they put Sam in the same room as the imposter. Soulmate bonds couldn’t be faked.
Hill came back a couple minutes later and opened the door. “They’re ready for you.”
She escorted Sam through the doors of a textile showroom, the bolts of colorful fabric looking ludicrously vibrant after a day spent sifting through concrete dust. There were two agents standing at the foot of a staircase leading up to an office on the second floor. One of them went ahead of Sam, one falling in step behind, while Hill took up the guard position on the staircase.
When the man opened the door to the office, Sam saw it was already occupied. Fury was there, and a handful of agents, and that was all Sam had time to see before his eyes locked onto the man sitting on the edge of the desk, looking at Fury with wary annoyance. He was blond, broad-shouldered, wearing a too-tight shirt emblazoned with the SHIELD logo. His face was unmistakable.
Sam had spent a lot of time pouring over archival footage of Captain Rogers, and this man was either him, or his clone.
“Glad you could make it,” Fury said. Sam barely heard him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Steve Rogers.
Steve only glanced at Sam and the agent who’d come in with him before his gaze settled back on Fury. His clothes were clean and his hair was wet, like Fury had pulled him out of the shower for this meeting, or told him to clean up before it.
“Captain Rogers,” Fury said, “meet Sam Wilson.”
Steve’s head snapped around to face Sam, his eyes wide and utterly shocked. Sam had been braced for a my soulmate is black? double-take, but this was way beyond that, and Sam realized Fury hadn’t warned Steve about who was coming to see him.
“Hi,” Sam said, hopelessly banal. “It’s good to meet you.”
Steve was sure looking at him now. He still looked stunned more than anything, but when Sam reached out a hand, Steve stood up to take it, his movements jerky and too fast. “You’re Sam Wilson?”
“Yeah.” Sam had to remind himself to let go of Steve’s hand. They stood a few feet apart, staring at each other, both at a loss. Sam hadn’t expected meeting his soulmate to be so damn awkward.
Steve opened his mouth, then shut it. The shock was easing into the same hard wariness he had worn when Sam first came in the door. The realization almost made Sam laugh; Steve didn’t believe him.
Fury was looking as mild as you please, but the other men in the room weren’t as good at controlling their faces. The ones behind Steve had their hands near their holsters. Fury, what the fuck have you and SHIELD been doing to this guy?
On second thought, what had Steve done to them? One of the men in the room, the one with his hand actually on the grip of his gun, had a big handprint bruise along half his neck, mostly faded, too old to be from fighting during the invasion. How had Steve reacted to crashing in wartime and waking up in unfamiliar hands?
Sam felt the familiar irritation of going into an op with bad intel, and carefully set it aside. He’d had practice at this. Treating this like a mission helped him calm down enough to think things through.
Who’s hurting? Steve. What’s he need?
Sam looked at Steve, thought about how disorienting it must have been to wake up alone in a strange new world, and the answer came easy.
Someone to trust.
Sam’s awareness of the other people in the room, all of them watching closely, made his skin crawl, but there was no help for it. Steve wasn’t going to believe Sam was his soulmate without proof. Sam pushed up his sleeves and started undoing the cuff buttons.
“Director Fury,” Steve said sharply.
“We’ll be outside,” Fury said, and just like that, everyone else in the room filed out, Fury closing the door as he stepped out last.
Sam waited until the door shut to start moving again. He unbuttoned his left wrist cuff first, folded the fabric back to his elbow, and held his arm out to Steve. It was the first time he’d shown his mark to another person since the day it had arrived.
Steven Grant Rogers. Steve looked at it for a few seconds, then took a deep breath.
“Could you--may I see the other one? Please.” Steve’s whole body was rigid, his hands clasped behind his back. Sam wondered if they were shaking. Sam’s hands weren’t; his whole body had reverted back to combat mode under the force of the adrenaline, and combat medics developed steady hands.
Sam peeled back the other cuff, revealing James Buchanan Barnes in much neater handwriting. Steve stared at the name for a few frozen moments before his face crumpled. His hands flew up to cover it, his shoulders hunching forward.
“Oh, hey--” Sam couldn’t stop himself from reaching out, lightly touching Steve’s arm. “Fury didn’t tell you I was coming, did he? I’m sorry to spring this on you, man. I know it’s a lot.”
“It’s fine,” Steve said, his voice a lot steadier than Sam expected. When Steve dropped his hands, his face was already back under control, although his eyes and nose were reddened. “Sorry. Thank you for showing me.” His hand hovered over Sam’s left wrist. “May I?”
“Be my guest.”
Steve traced his name on Sam’s skin, all the breath shuddering out of him as his fingers made contact. “Sam,” he said, voice raw. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“Hey, I wasn’t waiting,” Sam said. “I thought you were dead.”
Steve huffed something that might have been a laugh. “I don’t know if that’s better or worse. Oh, sorry. Here, let me just--” He pressed his thumbs to each of his wrists, the matte black material of the cuffs suddenly interrupted by rectangular blue panels showing 0 - 9, like a PIN screen, running down his forearms. Steve tapped a ten-digit code into each cuff. The cuffs split down an invisible seam and fell aside.
“Wow,” Sam said, staring. “And I thought SHIELD was paranoid about my marks.”
“It’s some kind of nanotechnology, I don’t know, Stark made it. All the active duty agents wear them. Everyone told me not to go without them unless I was in the shower. I didn’t get what the big deal was.” Steve held his arms in front of him, inviting Sam to look. “I thought you were gone already, that we’d lost our chance to find you. Never thought I’d get a second chance at this.”
Steve’s James Buchanan Barnes looked exactly like Sam’s. Sam ran a thumb over it just to acknowledge it, acknowledge him, their missing third. Steve didn’t say anything, but he stopped breathing, and didn’t start again until Sam’s thumb lifted off of his skin.
Sam touched the first S in Samuel Thomas Wilson on Steve’s other wrist, then flinched away from the sudden tingling heat in his fingertip. “Woah.”
“You’ve never--of course you’ve never.”
“No,” Sam said hoarsely. Steve and Bucky might have touched each other’s marks every day for all Sam knew, but Sam had never had this.
“Go ahead,” Steve said, his voice weirdly gentle. He held his arm out, patient and steady.
Sam touched the W in Wilson, braced this time for the sensation, which was like pins and needles mixed with the wash of a hot shower, a rushing, vital feeling of energy and connection. He knew what it meant now that soulmarks couldn’t be faked. The feeling he got from touching his name on Steve’s skin was one of absolute certainty. He and this man were made for each other.
“Hey,” he said softly, not really paying attention to what he was saying. Steve was smiling at him, his eyes still a little red at the edges. “There you are.”
“Yeah.” Steve wrapped his fingers around Sam’s wrist and sighed like a man sitting down after being on his feet all day, relief and pain and comfort all in one. “I’m here.”
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
An Unwise Murder (An Inconvenient Survival)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TbbRuX
by petroltogo
“Someone within SHIELD sold out an Avenger. That was their first mistake.”
When Avenger Steve Rogers is declared killed in action, everyone expects his best friend and fellow agent Bucky Barnes to go on a rampage. It’s the quirky mechanic with a sharp tongue and a secret talent for less-than-legal hacking that throws the whole agency for a loop.
 Featuring: A dead Steve (but when is Steve ever dead), a very pissed off, fucked-up secret agent Bucky (so basically your usual Bucky), and a very civilian Tony (who is exactly as harmless as you’d expect Tony Stark to be).
Words: 2643, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Alexander Pierce, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Double-0-Agent Bucky, Double-0-Agent Steve, Character Death (Double-0-Agent-Style), Hacker Tony, Mechanic Tony, Tony did not sign up for this, Tony Accidentally Adopts A Killer, Tony Makes Friends In Weird Places, Betrayal, BAMF Tony, BAMF Bucky, Canon-Typical Violence
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TbbRuX
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
I’m a disaster, I have a lot of WIPs, but now I’m trying to organize everything, so here are my ongoing and coming soon works.
Ongoing works:
Unexpected love part II (Bucky x Reader)
Summary:  Your family had hired Bucky as your bodyguard, what will happen when you realize he regrets all his past crimes?
Sadness memories of a summer part II (Steve x Rumlow! Reader)
Summary: On Y/N’s birthday, all are memories.
Illusions (III-X & alternative ending (Steve x Rumlow! Reader)
Summary: From the first moment that Steve saw you, he felt something different, but your brother Brock knew the dangers if you had a relationship with Steve
Terrible wonders (III-?) (Brock x OC)
Summary: Stella Grace Rogers believed that her twin had died that day, Steve did not know that he had passed with her when he woke up until they found her, what will happen when they meet again? And when Grace meets a certain STRIKE Commander?
A diary of secrets (III-VIII) (40! Steve x Barnes! Reader)
Summary: Y/N Barnes decided to write a diary telling everything that had happened while she waited for Steve and Bucky to come back from the war, what happens when Bucky found out everything that happened between his little sister and Steve?
False happiness? III (Steve x Reader)
Summary: You thought you were happy until Steve appeared in your life, but does happiness last forever?
New horizons (III & IV) (40! Steve x Reader)
Summary: Y/N is an upper-class girl has met Steve, fell in love and started a relationship, will she be able to tell Steve who she is?.
Complicated (II & 0) (Brock x Reader)
Summary: You denied your feelings, but Brock would do anything to have a date with you.
Undisclosed desires (II & 0) (Brock x Reader)
Summary: Brock and Y/N met at HYDRA Academy, what will their beginnings as double agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. look like?
Deadly nightmares (II-IV) (Steve x Reader)
Summary: You daren’t fall asleep because if you dream, you know the killer will get you.
 En progreso:
 Amor inesperado parte II (Bucky x Lectora)
Sinopsis: Tu familia había contratado a Bucky como tu guardaespaldas, ¿qué pasará cuando te des cuenta de que se arrepiente de todos sus crímenes del pasado?    
Tristes memorias del verano parte II (Steve x Rumlow! Lectora)
Sinopsis: En el cumpleaños de T/N, los recuerdos aparecen.
Ilusiones (III-X y final alternativo) (Steve x Rumlow! Lectora)
Sinopsis: Desde el primer momento en el que Steve te vio sintió algo diferente, pero tu hermano Brock sabía los peligros que podría conllevar el que tuvieras una relación con Steve
Terribles maravillas (III-?) (Brock x OC)
Sinopsis: Stella Grace Rogers creyó que su mellizo había muerto aquel día, Steve no sabía que había pasado con ella cuando él despertó hasta que la encontraron, ¿qué pasará cuando se vuelvan a reunir? ¿Y cuándo Grace conozca a cierto Comandante de STRIKE?
Un diario de secretos (III-VIII) (40! Steve x Barnes! Lectora)
Sinopsis: T/N Barnes decidió escribir un diario contando todo lo que había pasado mientras esperaba que Steve y Bucky volverían de la Guerra, ¿qué pasará cuando Bucky se entere de todo lo que realmente pasó entre su hermana y Steve?
¿Falsa felicidad? parte III (Steve x Lectora)
Sinopsis: Creías que eras feliz hasta que Steve apareció en tu vida, pero ¿la felicidad dura para siempre?
Nuevos horizontes parte III y IV (40! Steve x Lectora)
Sinopsis: T/N una chica de clase alta ha conocido a Steve, se enamoraron y comenzaron una relación, ¿será capaz de decirle quien es realmente a Steve?
Complicada parte II y 0 (Brock x Lectora)
Sinopsis: Negabas tus sentimientos, pero Brock haría cualquier cosa para tener una cita contigo.
Deseos no revelados parte II y 0 (Brock x Lectora)
Sinopsis: Brock y T/N se conocieron en la Academia HYDRA, ¿cómo serán sus inicios como agentes dobles en S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Pesadillas mortales parte II (Steve x Lectora)
Sinopsis: No te atrevas a dormirte porque si sueñas, sabes que el asesino te atrapará
 Coming soon:
Anniversary cake complete version (Steve x Reader)
The prize
Possesionem (Brock x OC)
The last mutant (Brock x OC) probably 4 chapters
Flowers in my hair (Steve x Reader)
Not my world (Steve x Reader/Brock x Reader)
Queen (Steve x Reader) probably 4 chapters 
Untitled (entry to Marvel diversity challenge) probably 4 chapters
Not professional (Brock x Reader)
A quiet place
In the darkness
Untitled Brock request
Untitled (entry to Wombat ugly 4k challenge)
Untitled (entry to Vic’s 500 followers writing celebration)
Drunken (Brock x Reader)
Untitled (entry to One word prompt challenge! A 200 followers celebration)
When the party is over
Faded (Bucky x Reader)
Hidden (Bucky x Reader)
Untitled Wattpad request
Untitled Wattpad request
Untitled Wattpad request (Clint x Reader x Loki)
Present (IceRogue)
Do you love me? (Quake x Reader)
Always together (Pietro x Reader)
Magic part I & II (Strange x Reader)
Propose (Peter Maximoff x Reader)
Deconstruction of love (Caitlin x Reed Strucker)
Is there a future? (Brutasha)
Aurora (Eclaris)
Failed experiment
Collective madness
Fake movies
Traitor or suspect or murderer?
Don't play in the woods
 Secretos (Steve x OC) **This only will be available in Spanish**
Sinopsis: En un mundo donde en la mayoría de lugares los mutantes no son bien recibidos Kathleen Rains entenderá que no tiene nada de malo ser uno, ella será la encargada de guiar a Steve Rogers en este siglo; mientras tanto S.H.I.E.L.D. buscará la manera de echar a andar la Iniciativa Vengadores, integrándola como uno de los superhéroes.
¿Cuántas veces hay que caer y cuántos errores hay que cometer para ser felices?
¿Qué más puedes perder cuando crees que has perdido todo?
¿Será correcto que una mutante y un súper soldado se enamoren?
¿Con tantos enemigos podrán hacer funcionar su relación?
Este longfic lo he estado publicando en Wattpad desde 2018, sigue en progreso, comenzaré a publicarlo aquí, pero si quieres ir leyéndolo este es el enlace.
Capitán HYDRA
Pastel de aniversario versión completa (Steve x Lectora)
El premio
Possesionem (Brock x OC)
La última mutante (Brock x OC) probablemente serán 4 capítulos
Flores en mi cabello (Steve x Lectora)
No es mi mundo (Steve x Lectora/Brock x Lectora)
Reina (Steve x Lectora) probablemente serán 4 capítulos
Sin título (entrada para Marvel diversity challenge) probablemente serán 4 capítulos
No profesional (Brock x Lectora)
Un lugar silencioso
En la oscuridad
Sin título Brock pedido
Sin título (entrada para Wombat ugly 4k challenge)
Sin título (entrada para Vic’s 500 followers writing celebration)
Ebria (Brock x Lectora)
Sin título (entrada para One word prompt challenge! A 200 followers celebration)
Cuando la fiesta se termina
Desvanecernos (Bucky x Lectora)
Ocultos parte I & II (Bucky x Lectora)
Sin título (Pedido de Wattpad)
Sin título (Pedido de Wattpad)
Sin título (Pedido de Wattpad) (Clint x Lectora x Loki)
Detalles (IceRogue)
¿Me amas? (Quake x Lectora)
Siempre juntos (Pietro x Lectora)
Magia parte I & II (Strange x Lectora)
Propuesta (Peter Maximoff x Lectora)
Deconstrucción del amor (Caitlin x Reed Strucker)
¿Hay futuro? (Brutasha)
Aurora (Eclaris)
Experimento fallido
Locura colectiva
Falsas películas
¿Traidor, sospechoso o asesino?
No juegues en el bosque
0 notes
ao3feed-clintbarton · 5 years
by petroltogo
“Someone within SHIELD sold out an Avenger. That was their first mistake.”
When Avenger Steve Rogers is declared killed in action, everyone expects his best friend and fellow agent Bucky Barnes to go on a rampage. It’s the quirky mechanic with a sharp tongue and a secret talent for less-than-legal hacking that throws the whole agency for a loop.
 Featuring: A dead Steve (but when is Steve ever dead), a very pissed off, fucked-up secret agent Bucky (so basically your usual Bucky), and a very civilian Tony (who is exactly as harmless as you’d expect Tony Stark to be).
Words: 2643, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Alexander Pierce, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Double-0-Agent Bucky, Double-0-Agent Steve, Character Death (Double-0-Agent-Style), Hacker Tony, Mechanic Tony, Tony did not sign up for this, Tony Accidentally Adopts A Killer, Tony Makes Friends In Weird Places, Betrayal, BAMF Tony, BAMF Bucky, Canon-Typical Violence
0 notes
Infinity War deadpool
Infinity War deadpool
The Infinity War deadpool (IWD): $20 minimum. No maximum
deadpool (definition):a game of prediction which involves guessing when/if someone will die.
Send bets via Cash App to user https://cash.me/$avengersdeadpool
Mission:The Infinity War Deadpool is designed to make an already cool movie even more fun. We’ve all heard rumors that someone in the movie will die, so this is your way to get in on the action.
All major characters are as follows: Iron Man War Machine, Captain America Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Vision, Antman, Wasp, Black Panther, Hulk, Thor, Loki, Star-lord, Gamora, Agent Everett Ross, Drax the Destroyer, Groot, Nebula, Rocket, Nick Fury, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier, Mantis, Heimdall and finally Thanos.
Character death bets must be stated clearly in the “For” section of Cash App transfer.
Winning wagers will be announced 1 week after movie premier to avoid spoiling on May 4, 2018. Winning proceeds will be sent via Cash App in the same manner your wager was placed.
3 types of bets:    
I. Which major character will die? (One character per bet) You can win your share of 80% of the money in this bet's pool (details below). 
II. How many major characters will die? (Major characters are listed below) You can win your share of 80% of the money in this bet’s pool (details below).
III. What combination of characters will die? (Must list 2 characters and BOTH characters must be confirmed dead. Otherwise, you did not win) You can win your share of 90% of this bet’s pool (details below).  
Bet Type I - for Iron Man - $100
Bet Type II - for 0 characters to die - $100
Bet Type III - for Iron Man and Loki - $100
Transparency:The IWD will post updates weekly as the Bet Type pools of money grow.
Details: Because some of you are technical, let’s define what The Infinity War Deadpool constitutes as “dead.” The IWD administrators reserve the right to determine who is dead in the film, however, we will only consider a character dead if he/she is confirmed as dead by the end of the movie. If they are revived in the film, they are not considered dead. Whether they are brought back to life in a subsequent movie or series is irrelevant.
For context, Quicksilver from Avengers 2 would be considered dead, whereas, the Red Skull from Captain America would not.
Payout: Each type of bet has its own pool of money. Therefore, if you place a wager for Bet Type I you can win 80% of the money in the Bet Type I pool of money which is separate from the Bet Type II and Bet Type III pools of money. Furthermore, in order to keep things fun and fair, if you win, you receive all of the money you wagered plus your share of the money other non-winners wagered in the same Bet Type pool. Therefore, if you wagered $100 in Bet Type I for Captain America, and Captain America dies in the film, you will win $100 plus your share of 80% of the money people wagered on characters who did not die in the film.
Payout Shares: Your share of the winnings is based solely upon how much money you wagered on a winning bet. Therefore, in the same scenario where Captain America was the winning bet, if you bet $100 on Captain America but someone else bet $200 on Captain America, you would both win the money you wagered but the person who bet $200 on Captain America would win double the amount of money from the pool of losing wagers than you. Lastly, The Infinity War deadpool or IWD is in no way affiliated with, associated with, employed by, or any other way related to Disney, Marvel, Sony, or any of their subsidiaries. This is just a group of friends holding a friendly wager to guess one of the resulting story line outcomes of a popular movie we plan to see. We’re just opening the pool to others in order to enhance the pool of winnings.
0 notes
komicoshea · 7 years
She may have started out as a KGB spy but he soon turned her efforts to working for SHIELD becoming their greatest agent. Introduced in Tales of Suspense #52 (1964)  by Stan Lee and Don Hecks, Natasha Romanova (or Romanoff) was raised by Russia’s Red Room cell into being their greatest spy. As a child she was rescued by Captain America and Wolverine. She trained in espionage as well as being a talented ballerina and her body was enhanced which slowed down her aging. She later met Bucky, who was being used as the Winter Soldier and began a long relationship with him. She was later sent to spy on Tony Stark, who the Russian believed could turn the tide of the Cold War. She tricked Hawkeye into helping her but eventually fell in love with him and defected to the West. She soon joined SHIELD.
Black Widow teamed up with many heroes over the years, including a long romance with Daredevil, Iron Man and flirting with Cap. After a brief stint in the Avengers, he helped formed the short lived team of the Champions. She would also be one a number of Avengers team, even leading it for a while when Onslaught had “killed” the rest of the team. She was later recruited by Iron Man and Ms. Marvel (Danvers) to join the Mighty Avengers. She later infiltrated the Thunderbolts run by Osborn, when she pretended to be Yelena Belova (the other Black Widow).  She later rejoin the Avengers as a member of Cap’s Secret Team. She later was forced to defect SHIELD when she was framed for being a double agent but cleared her name. She has recently believed to have been killed by the evil Steve Rogers.
Black Widow always been a strong fan favourite thus has had a load of figures over the years. TB release on in their series 8. Hasbro ran a fan poll in which they showed a number of figure that people choose to be released, which Black Widow won second place. It not only came with a Winter Soldier figure but there was a variant with her in her grey 80’s costume. It would be years later after Hasbro focused more on her MCU appearances, but they then released not one but 2 figures, one in the Vintage Line and another in the upcoming Riders sub-line.
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Vintage Wave 1 Black Widow
Having defected and retired from being a spy, Natash grew tired of the boredom. She decided she would began again as a hero and design a new costume to show this off. This costume with become her signature deign to which all that came after it would be based off of.
 Why you need it for your collection?:
If you are a Black Widow fan then this is a most as it is her most signature costume. It would also would for many of her earlier team (and alot of later ones). However, this is part of the Vintage line, which was focus more for MCU collector, and was the only “new” figure for that line so it might be hard to find.
Does it need a remake?:
Grey Suit
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Toy-R-Us Exclusive Marvel Legends 2-pack Wave 3 Black Widow with Winter Soldier (Variant)
During the 80’s almost all of Marvel’s character had a redesign.This is one that Black Widow wore for most of the 80’s and the 90’s. It is also the costume she wore during the Resurrection of Elektra storyline in Daredevil.
 Why you need it for your collection?:
While this is an iconic costume, it was part of a extremely rare figure and is now a bit expensive. Unless you are a huge Black Widow fan, then I say not to try and track it down.
Does it need a remake?:
Yes. With high call for a Black Widow solo movie, maybe this could be used in that wave as a comic version.
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Toy-R-Us Exclusive Marvel Legends 2-pack Wave 3 Black Widow with Winter Soldier
Black Widow had tried to build a new team of Avengers after it was believed that the old team had been killed by Onslaught. However, she was forced to stop after being threaten to be sue by the Maria Stark Foundation. This cause her to become extremely stress and when the heroes returned, she quit the team. She would later return to being an agent of SHIELD with a updated classic costume.
 Why you need it for your collection?:
The same as the grey suit, this was part of a hard to find 2-pack (though alot easier to find, then it’s variant). You could probably find it going cheaply now with the release of the Vintage and Riders wave.
Does it need a remake?:
Yes. One a new updated body.
VS Weeping Lion
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Riders Deluxe set Black Widow
In Mark Waid’s most recent Black Widow storyline, Natasha was framed for being a double agent and was force to deflect and flee from SHIELD. She later was blackmail by the criminal Weeping Lion and learned that the Red Room, now know as Dark Room, was still up and running. She worked to stop the program and prevent an assassination of the US President, clearing her name.
 Why you need it for your collection?:
This or the vintage wave is the ones I recommend getting. While the vintage wave is cheaper, this one will come with a really nice bike as well as being a more updated costume for her.
Does it need a remake?:
Below is a gallery of costumes that still need to be made. Click on the image to see chances of it being made. Please note that this is my personal opinion and not fact. If I missed anything, please let me know in the comments below.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
No Chance
High Chance
Low Chance
Low Chance
Marvel mot famous Spy, The Russian beauty Black Widow, NCS is up. She may have started out as a KGB spy but he soon turned her efforts to working for SHIELD becoming their greatest agent.
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