#Dr. Haggar
galraluver · 2 years
*Dr. Haggar helping (young) Sendak out after he and the Paladins get injured* 
Zarkon: How does Sendak look?
Trigel: A little better than you, actually
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garlicgoon · 1 year
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365 Submissions Day 17: Ok, just one more set
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MCU’s Multiverse of Madness vs. VLD
A friend streamed for me Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness today after hearing that it was similar to Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 8, but if s8 were good? So I’ve watched it, and I have thoughts. There are definite similarities, but I’m not sure these are enjoyable similarities, lol. So I’m just thinking out loud about what in the world I just watched...
(Spoilers for the MCU movie and VLD under the cut): 
Unsettling Similarities: 
A witch woman goes evil and rejects the sanctity of life because she can’t be a mom to the very children she...*checks notes*...previously rejected maternal obligations over in her own backstory (WandaVision, VLD s6), and then decides at some point off-screen that she just can’t live without them? (Did I miss something about Wanda’s character arc into depravity? I feel whiplashed after watching WandaVision?) 
It’s a Dr. Strange movie in title, but he’s not the focus in his own movie. It instead is really Wanda’s story and to some degree a totally new character, a magical teenager named America. Similarly, the all-powerful Voltron mecha takes a pretty major backseat to VLD s8 Honerva, her evil mecha, and Altean magic as the final showdown focus in VLD despite Voltron being the title character of the show.
Both shows intentionally push the limits of their rating. They both have an increased tolerance for showing melty bodies and using specific horror tropes compared to previous setup for these characters...and yet the rating is not increased to reflect that update. (For example, while other MCU PG-13 movies swivel away from showing blood or frightening/focused images of decay, it was surprising that this movie focused on Dr. Strange’s decayed body as a center point of the visuals, a monster’s eye being ripped out in a very bloody way, and Wanda consistently covered in blood from her mass murders, with scenes taking inspo from the 1986 movie Alien, which is rated R. Likewise, while VLD’s earlier seasons were not afraid to show skeletons and a couple jump scares, earlier seasons used visual direction to avoid showing an active character’s state of mutilation in death. Meanwhile, s8 just up and shows a mutilated Lotor body on top of the original, living Haggar being sucked dry of life, Mummy style in a flashback. In addition, s8 capitalizes on monsters hunting the team in classic horror-trope fashions, with later seasons in general pulling content from the ages 16+ Voltron comics and the TV-14 GoLion anime, which were rated higher than the VLD show’s rating of Y7.)
Both shows update certain characters to be women of color (a black Captain Marvel, for example), only to kill them off for shock value specifically in a way that is not supported by the worldbuilding for that character. (For example, Captain Marvel suddenly can’t survive a statue falling on her despite this character being one of the most powerful in the MCU, with god-like abilities and the power of foresight? Did I miss something about this variant version? And Allura is supposed to be dead at the end of s8 despite her own life force being connected to a limitless power source, and despite regenerating the multiverse in an area of space-time where life and death don’t even exist as concepts?) I get that beloved fictional characters die in stories sometimes, but damn. If it doesn’t even make sense for that character on top of not making sense for the story’s surrounding context, why are they being killed off? 
The men with the noodle hair (Dr. Strange, Lotor) have their bodies used as zombie puppets during a fight scene. (Which, sure, it serves a purpose in either story, but also that’s just…hm. The concept of possessing a dead body was tolerable in Men in Black (1997), but I don’t feel it works under the circumstances in these other shows. At least to VLD s8’s credit, we didn’t see a decayed Meltor actively moving around for himself or talking.)
Both Dr. Strange and Lotor are heavily criticized for their morally gray tactics used to achieve an end of peace, but then the other characters capitalize off of said tactics or even repeat said tactics themselves or agree later that it was the only way.
There are some generally pointless cameos, in reference to Professor X appearing in the MCU (how is he defeated that easily by Wanda after all the crazy stuff he’s put up with in the X-Men universe?) and Merla in VLD s8 (she goes from being Voltron franchise’s ultimate femme fatale supervillain to a loyal sidekick of the shoehorned supervillain?). Like…why even include them, then?  
That said, both shows did have some interesting visual direction. Me and my friend felt Multiverse of Madness might have been more enjoyable to watch if it were in 3D, just based on the type of the shots used to capture action. And VLD in general, while having quality issues, still did some pretty cool stuff from a visual perspective and set an animation quality precedence for future reboots of the franchise. 
But overall, I’m not...feeling this Multiverse of Madness as a positive successor for VLD’s concepts? The concept of a multiverse is ubiquitous in the science-fiction genre, with the heartbeat of both MoM and VLD s8′s worldbuilding having been previously explored in Michael Moorcock’s ~1960s stories about a multiverse that can be damaged in attempting to travel it. But both shows here feel ultimately anticlimactic in regards to that very concept (in MoM, America magically and unexplainedly obtains control to fulfill Wanda’s demands without multiverse destruction, while in VLD, Allura pulls a deus ex machina with an unprecedented and logically unsupported magical fix to undo the undo-able damage). 
I don’t at all begrudge anyone who enjoyed Multiverse of Madness or VLD; in fact, there were things I did enjoy about both. I’m just very fascinated at how both suffer from trying to squeeze life out of a story that’s been stretched beyond its limits. 
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soul-sparx · 7 months
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My full roster for Capcom vs. Sega, in a post of its own. as much as there are characters that hurt to not include, I'm still VERY happy with it
Characters' names under the cut
Base Roster
Zero, Roll, Mega Man, Morrigan Aensland, Sir Arthur, Ryu, Leon S. Kennedy, Nina, Chun-Li, Monster Hunter, Strider Hiryu, Akuma, Captain Commando, Poison, Mike Haggar, Jin Saotome / BX-02 Blodia (Giant), Devilotte / Super-8 (Giant)
Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Akira Yuki, Centurion, Ichiban Kasuga, Jacky Bryant, Alis Landale, Goro Majima, Honey, Bayonetta, Blaze Fielding, Gilius Thunderhead, Tyris Flare, Opa-Opa, Dr. Eggman / Death Egg Robot (Giant), Kyle Fluge / Blue Dragon (Giant)
DLC Wave 1
Juri Han, Dante, Jill Valentine, Gore Magala (Giant)
NiGHTS, Billy Hatcher, Alex Kidd, Nyarlathotep (Giant)
DLC Wave 2
Tron Bonne, Jon Talbain, Firebrand
Aigis, Sketch Turner, Arle Nadja
DLC Wave 3
Sakura Kasugano, Rouge, Kyosuke Kagami
Beat, Rodin, Joe Musashi
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 21: It'll Be A Cold Day Season 1, Episode 22: The Deadly Flowers
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Episode 21: It'll Be A Cold Day
And we open with Lotor evil laughing, great start
Oh, so this is the continuation of the episode where Romelle got kidnapped, she's in a dungeon with other women now Lotor tried to force a kiss on her after he compared her to Allura again, disgustang good for Romelle, she managed to slap him in the face
With the editing it doesn't really look it but Lotor knocked out Romelle and carried her away only for her to return by herself and collapse before she starts crying, something very nonconsensual happened to her,, poor girl
While knocked out she thinks back to when she was captured, Bandor officially became crown prince after their father went insane apparently, pollux is a patriarchy which is good to know for world building The other ladies in the cell are helping her out and making an escape plan, something tells me this is going to go wrong
Oh, shit they did it, similar to how the boys did except they LITERALLY COMMITTED ARSON BEFORE STEALING A SHIP, girlbosses every single one of them
Lotor's already on their tail, somehow his attacks set the ship on fire which you'd think couldn't happen because there's no oxygen in space but ok also they're crash landing on Neeve? I didn't catch the planet name, but Romelle sent out a distress call which obvs the team and Bandor picked up
The team and Bandor meet up, apparently they formed voltron but I think it's so funny that they ended up deactivating formation anyway, what a waste of energy lol
Allura finds one of her mice down her uniform as they're all out scouting in the snow, then proceeds to put them back into her collar, so they can keep warm why do I feel like lance should be saying that he wishes he was that mouse? Maybe it was in golion because he definitely doesn't say it here
Bandor and the team run into the ship but find it empty, then Allura notices a scrap of fabric and almost gets attacked by haggar disguised as romelle after the door closes behind her this is like the second time Haggar's disguised herself as allura's family, does she have beef with them specifically? The mouse saves her though which gives the boys time to get to the princess
Man they make Pidge such an acrobat in this show lol, he flips in the air and PUNTS HAGGARS CAT AWAY AFTER IT STARTS CHASING THE MOUSE SDOVINSDV
obvs haggar escapes but not without bandor, the team chases after her straight into the worst case scenario, being on lower ground Lotor demands Allura to be traded for her cousins, of course nobody trusts that he'd actually follow through
Allura starts heading towards lotor as the pollux siblings head towards the lions, but Keith is the leader for a reason, and he hides his uniform in snow before swapping places with allura so lotor still thinks its her also lotor unleashes a robeast when he gets close enough
Lotor v Keith again, except the siblings come back and want to attack lotor themselves for being a POS Romelle gets knocked out and kidnapped again,,, girl gets no break
Voltron forms, robeast is taken out, and now onto lotor apparently romelle gets set free? It's very vague because they catch lotor and tell him they'll tail him to pollux to make sure, but then they're back on arus? We'll see ig
/episode end
Episode 22: The Deadly Flowers I've seen so many screenshots of this episode onvsdo
Some random seed pods fell from space and sprouted on arus in abundance, immediately that's a sign that things aren't right
The mice pick some for Allura though, and they end up dancing together for a bit, how cute Immediately cut to doom, and we find out the flowers are haggars doing, which are supposed to make anyone who smells them sick
Coran calls an emergency meeting because the flowers are rapid response ig, people are blacking out left and right so Allura wants them treated at the castle by their doctor Dr Gorma The flowers of planet Lyra apparently are medicinal and should help
Lance has literally started a wildfire apparently because Coran told him to burn the flowers that started blooming maybe not the best idea guys
Allura has an idea to get past the magnetic field that surrounds planet Lyra but obvs she smelled the flowers so now she's out cold too just when we were getting somewhere too >:/
Lance ditches the team to go to planet Lyra by himeself in blue hey his suit finally matches lol
"I know, and I've got special equipment! Intelligence, charm, personality, good looks, and a rabbit's foot" *(winks)* -Lance ICONIC
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aaand the bad guys are on planet too, of course, except they think it's allura and go off to try and capture blue
Lance finds this weird divot filled with honey like liquid AND FUCKING TASTES IT, MCCLAIN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS also the natives started attacking, this is why you don't stick your fingers into everything Lance
ooh pretty girly to act as diplomat, apparently the roses are worshiped and not given away so easily so Lance gets grabbed and taken to the king for that permission only for a doom cruiser to pick him to go there, yeah definitely not good
lotor bitch slaps lance for not being allura, luckily for lance he's near something sharp, so he starts cutting his ropes without being noticed Farla is the girls name and she doesn't seem to understand that lance and lotor know each other so she asks to give him flowers which Lotor is glad to hear because voltron is out of commission atm
Lance is loose and starts a sword fight with lotor before his sword gets stuck on the highly magnetic rocks on the wall of this cliff they're on, Lotor shoves him off into the river below where apparently nobody has ever survived falling from obvs that's about to change real soon
Lotor wants the roses for allura himself and the king of lyra tries to extort him but lotor fucking KILLS THE GUY, LIKE STRAIGHT UP THE TEAM WHO EDITED THIS EPISODE STOPS THE SCENE AND FADES IT TO RED FOR CENSORSHIP HOLY CRAP
Lance lived and is back in blue, hooray! Except Lotor's crew is destroying all the flowers except for what they needed, Farla tries to stop them but she got smacked into the water before Blue came out to crush the troops
Falra pulls through and before she faints (dies) she gives Lance a bag of seeds for him to plant on arus, but he promises to plant them on Lyra instead he's such a fucking sweetie i love him omg
As the other boys try to fight the robeast lotor sent out on Arus, Allura stumbles her way to castle control and flies red since lance and blue are still gone man this girl has flown 3/5 lions already, girlboss
lance returns, voltron is formed, robeast destroyed, and lotor runs off, except dad calls and chews him out for destroying the flowers though lotor gets out of it by saying he's brought enough flowers to keep making the meds he apparently needs to stay alive for a long time, call ends and lotor calls zarkon stupid dude i feel like he'd know if his meds were missing/short how was that a good plan
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Special reward for a special guy
Pidge tries to get a kiss too but gets smooched by a mouse instead, maybe that's where vld got the idea in the first place sovsdv
Lance still remembers planet Lyra, and he rushes off to plant the rest of the flowers with Allura coming along too
/episode end
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bulletblade · 4 months
As chosen by you, the spinoff for Challengers of Smash is Marvel vs. Capcom.
With the exception of 5 characters, every playable non-assist/boss/secret/Norimaru character will be your roster.
For Marvel: Blackheart, Black Panther, Black Widow, Cable, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Cyclops, Deadpool, Dormammu, Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange, Gambit, Gamora, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iceman, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Jubilee, Juggernaut, Magneto, Marrow, Mephisto, Modok, Nova, Omega Red, Phoenix, Psylocke, Rocket, Rogue, Sabertooth, Sentinel, She-Hulk, Shuma Gorath, Silver Samurai, Spider-Man, Spiral, Storm, Super Skrull, Taskmaster, Thor, Ultron, U. S. Agent, Venom, War Machine, Winter Soldier, Wolverine, and X-23.
For Capcom: Akuma, Amaterasu, Amingo, Anakaris, Anita, Arthur, B. B. Hood, Cammy, Captain Commando, Chris Redfield, Chun-Li, C. Viper, Dan Hibiki, Dante, Dhalsim, Felicia, Firebrand, Frank West, Guile, Haggar, Hayato, Hsien-Ko, Jedah, Jill Valentine, Jin Saotome, Ken, Lilith, M. Bison/Vega, Mega Man, Monster Hunter, Morrigan, Nash, Nemesis, Phoenix Wright, Roll, Ruby Heart, Ryu, Sakura, Servbot, Sigma, Sonson, Spencer, Strider, Trish, Tron, Vergil, Viewtiful Joe, Wesker, X, Zangief and Zero.
See you Monday for Round 1.
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thegroundhogdidit · 1 year
Dreamworks Villains Bracket Masterpost
Round 1A
Gunmar vs Sendak
Lord Farquaad vs Tai Lung
Ryker Grimborn vs Fairy Godmother
Red Death vs Alvin the Treacherous
Horde Prime vs Lotor
Kai (Kung Fu Panda) vs Haggar (VLD)
Shadow Weaver vs Trader Johann
Scarlemagne vs Pitch Black
Round 1B
Prince Charming vs Hordak
Catra vs Morgana
Big Jack Horner vs Grimmel
Viggo Grimborn vs Lord Shen
Krogan vs The Colonel
Drago Bludvist vs The Verminator
Death vs Dagur the Deranged
Dr. Emilia vs Gallaxhar
Round 2
Lord Shen vs The Colonel
Death vs Drago Bludvist
Kai vs Pitch Black
Big Jack Horner vs Dr. Emilia
Catra vs Hordak
Red Death vs Tai Lung
Horde Prime vs Gunmar
Shadow Weaver vs Fairy Godmother
Round 3
Pitch Black vs Tai Lung
Lord Shen vs Death
Big Jack Horner vs Catra
Horde Prime vs Fairy Godmother
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Homeland Security Committee on the Irish Republican Army (MI-6)
Chief Chamberlin: Mitch "Dragfield" McConnell.
Senator Supervising: Barack "Habeebi" Obama.
National Security Agency: Sandi "Khelkhet" MacDonald.
US Army Intelligence: Ben "B-Rock" Carl.
NKVD Vietnam: Dennis "Thresh" Fong.
British Navy: Silver "Stitches" Laventi.
Republic of Ireland: David "Chet" Charlebois.
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Alexandra "Miasma" Rhzanova.
Red Alert Team:
Persian Intelligence: Jeffrey "Dr. Leo" Lange.
Al-Qaeda: Amanda "Gemma" Schuck.
Chicago Poly Mercantile: Pat "Haggar" Ware.
NYPD: Momo "Kobun" Yubari.
Boston Gennero: Uma "The Bride" Thurman.
Harrison's Betting Parlor: Maureen "M" Charlebois.
Personal Bearing ("Chet", Republic of Ireland):
Target: Proctor and Gambol, police unions of dairy.
Jack Napier: Boy Scouts of America.
Edward Nygma: DC Comics.
Victor Fries: National Security Agency.
Jonathan Crane: Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps.
The Joker: Homeland Security.
Bane: Committee for Security Services (KGB).
Oswald Cobblepot: Eros (North Korean MSS).
Digger Harkness: Sinn Fein.
Eric Needham: INTERPOL Taiwan.
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rebelbrat · 2 years
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Does magic play a role in your world? How important is it and under what circumstances is it used?
Galra have antimagic, a force that is to magic what antimatter is to matter. It operates just like magic, except for the fact that if it should encounter magic, the two of them will violently cancel each other out. Most beings in the universe are magic, just as everything in this universe is made up of matter rather than antimatter. Devourers are among the only beings in the universe that employ antimagic. 
The Galran magical tradition is actually quite underdeveloped compared with the magical traditions of other cultures, unless we’re talking about the development of bigass antimagical weapons. Despite being the most powerfully antimagical beings in the universe in terms of raw strength, most Galra (including the Fulsa) have a strict code of achieving battle objectives through “open” and “honorable” means, which excludes the use of antimagic in basically any form except for badass weapons. The Galra would be quite powerful with curses if their cultures believed in using them, but such methods are considered cheap, sneaky and dishonorable tactics because they give you a shortcut to winning. Using more positive spells such as spells for love and money are also discouraged, because the Galra have a belief that doing spells to earn those things means you didn’t really earn them; once again much like curses such spellwork is seen as taking a sneaky and underhanded shortcut to getting what you want. Outside weaponry, the main source of magic that’s been developed is direct combat magic--not intangible things like curses, but rather things like the dark magic balls of energy that Haggar fires. And even then, there’s a huge debate about whether those spells are honorable or dishonorable…
TL;DR The Galra have a huge gift and they choose to squander it for such abstract and intangible things as their own fucked up sense of honor. For shame. 
How are criminals punished?
One of the oldest legal codes of humanity is “an eye for an eye,” and Galra methods of punishment are the same. In Galra cultures that are more legally structured, we would consider their punishments primeval: cutting off hands as retaliation for theft, cutting out the tongue in retaliation for slander, gouging out the eyes for ogling someone disrespectfully in public…They do love destroying body parts that they think people no longer deserve! Death penalties are equally grisly: death by a thousand slices, death by drawing and quartering (with 4-5 Galra pulling you apart instead of horses), death by boiling alive, and death by any sort of creative method that the ruler provides for. 
Most Galra, however, don’t even use that system--they go for a system that’s arguably far worse. In the “honor duel” system, crimes are settled exclusively by, well, honor duels where the wronged party fights the criminal in order to punish them. If the wronged party wins, they get to choose whatever punishment they want for the criminal, no matter how cruel it is or how disproportionate it may seem to the crime. If the criminal wins, however, they are immediately declared innocent no matter what the evidence is they committed it and the wronged party can NEVER complain about the wrong committed EVER FUCKING AGAIN. This doesn’t just apply to things that humans consider crimes--they would apply to what we consider topics of civil cases as well, such as negligence, breach of contract, and defamation. But honestly, given how shitty both possible outcomes are, it’s a lose lose either way. 
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pageofqueens · 3 years
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galraluver · 2 years
Can I get a fluffy imagine for Dr. Haggar being a sweet pediatrician and how she would treat kid!reader to put them at ease during their visit?
You sure can 😁😊. That's actually a really cute idea, so here's a really cute story for it 💖
When it was time for (Y/n's) yearly physical she tried hiding from her parents so that they wouldn't find her; she was due for a vaccine that year which the young child hated more than anything. (Y/n) didn't mind the rest of her annual physical too much, but she was extremely scared of vaccines since they hurt and long needles were always a part of the process. As the galran child hid underneath her bed she heard footsteps approaching her bedroom, dreading what would happen if she got found. (Y/n) stayed as quiet as she could, hoping that her parents wouldn't find her; she was exceptionally sneaky for a child, so she could hide for a very long time. In all honesty though she was one of the sneakiest children in the entire neighborhood, she could even sneak snacks out of the kitchen in her house to share with her friends.
"(Y/n), it's time to go to the doctor. I know that you're hiding under your bed." (M/n) spoke in a knowing tone as she stood in (Y/n's) bedroom doorway, crossing her arms over her chest.
"The faster we get to the doctor, the faster it'll be done." (D/n) added as he stood right behind (M/n), his ears twitching a little while they patiently waited for their youngest daughter to come out from under her bed.
"No, I don't want to get a shot!" (Y/n) told her parents with a frightened tone, her voice wavering a little as she spoke.
"I know that you're scared, but Doctor Haggar is really good at not making the shots hurt. Will you at least give her a chance?" (M/n) asked (Y/n) with a calm voice, hoping that she would come out of hiding on her own.
(Y/n) thought about it for a moment, uncertain if she should come out of hiding or not considering that if she did she would have to go to the doctor. Her previous doctor was terrible at giving shots, but now that she had a new doctor, one who was apparently better at giving shots, she might not be in as much pain when it happened. Her parents looked at each other, both of them hoping that (Y/n) would come out on her own without them having to retrieve her. After thinking about it for a few moments (Y/n) crawled out from under her bed and stood up, a bashful expression on her face while she pinned her pointy/fluffy ears back a little. (M/n) and (D/n) shared a knowing look and smiled, both of them thankful their youngest child wasn't being overly stubborn.
"O-okay, I'll go." (Y/n) said with hesitation as she looked up at her parents, feeling a little more nervous as she spoke.
(D/n) and (M/n) softly smiled down at their daughter, both of them happy that they didn't have to drag her out from under her bed like they had to the previous year. (Y/n) walked over and hopped up onto her father's back when he turned around, clinging onto him so that she wouldn't accidentally fall. (D/n) helped keep (Y/n) up like he always did when she rode on his back, thankful she wasn't too big for piggyback rides yet. (M/n) walked ahead of her husband on the way out of their house, knowing that she made a good choice when she selected a different doctor for their children. Their other children were with the Dayak (M/n) and (D/n) hired to educate them, leaving (Y/n) at home since she had to attend her yearly physical.
When (Y/n) and her parents arrived at the local clinic they sat down in the waiting room as usual, the couple knowing how nervous their daughter felt during that moment. (Y/n) was hesitant to get off of her father's back but she knew that she had to once her parents brought her to the clinic. A nurse led (Y/n) into Haggar's office and helped her get up onto the examination table before promptly leaving, causing the child to feel scared and lonely. As (Y/n) patiently waited for the doctor she eyed the candy jar that sat on the counter, wishing she could eat every piece without worrying about getting in trouble. Within only a few short moments Haggar walked into her office and smiled at (Y/n), knowing that she was nervous; she was used to dealing with nervous kits, so she knew (Y/n) would be no different.
"You must be (Y/n)." Haggar greeted with a friendly tone as she stood next to the examination table, kneeling down so that she was eye level with (Y/n).
(Y/n) felt too nervous to speak, so she only nodded her head as an answer to Haggar's question; Haggar seemed nice enough, although (Y/n) still felt anxious around her. (Y/n's) previous doctor was a nice person, just like Haggar, but he was really bad at giving shots and it always hurt. As (Y/n) looked at Haggar a slight smile appeared on her face after a few seconds; she didn't want to be rude since Haggar was being so nice to her even though she really wanted to hide underneath her bed at home again. Haggar knew exactly how scared (Y/n) was feeling during that particular moment because she could smell her pheromones, so she took a moment to plan how to keep (Y/n) calm during the appointment. They just stood and sat perfectly still for a moment, neither of them knowing exactly what to say next until Haggar thought of something.
"You know, when I was about your age I was scared of getting shots too. But you know what, after learning a newer technique I can make it not hurt." Haggar calmly told (Y/n) as she looked into her eyes, still smiling while she spoke; with one hand, she removed the cap to the shot she was holding, thankful that (Y/n) wasn't paying attention to it.
"Really? How are you going to do it?" (Y/n) queried with curiosity, finally saying something; she didn't know that a shot couldn't hurt, so the concept itself intrigued her.
Haggar's heart skipped a beat; she had to keep (Y/n) distracted, otherwise she would feel her give the vaccine. (Y/n) didn't think anything of it when Haggar started asking her what her favorite color was and other such questions, ones that she always liked answering when talking to someone new. Since (Y/n) was wearing a short sleeved shirt it would be easy to give her the shot; giving vaccines wasn't always easy, but thankfully (Y/n) was being cooperative. While (Y/n) was busy talking about one of her favorite snacks she felt a very slight pinching sensation on her upper right arm, but it was barely noticeable and she ignored it. (Y/n) talked about her favorite animal next, her mind no longer on the vaccine that had to be given during her physical.
"There you go, it's all done." Haggar announced after giving (Y/n) the shot, happy that she was able to keep her distracted enough.
"It's done?" (Y/n) questioned in disbelief, watching as Haggar stood up, threw the empty vaccine away and came back with a purple band aid; (Y/n) couldn't believe that she didn't feel the needle pierce her skin.
"Yes, it's done. You did really well." Haggar confirmed proudly, smiling as she put the band aid over the vaccine location so (Y/n) wouldn't bleed.
(Y/n) winced slightly when Haggar put the bandaid on her arm, feeling a little more pain afterwards due to having something covering the area. Even though the shot was done (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a little nervous about the rest of her visit even though the worst of it was done. She already knew what to expect since it happened every year, although she still felt a little anxious about it. Haggar took the opportunity to grab her tablet so she could put a check mark for (Y/n's) vaccine, adding it to the clinic's permanent records. (Y/n) didn't say anything as she sat on the examination table, looking at the bandaid on her upper arm which was almost the same color as her skin.
"Don't worry, you're in good hands." Haggar reassured (Y/n), noticing how nervous she still looked despite the vaccine part of the appointment being done.
"O-okay." (Y/n) stammered nervously, pinning her ears back a little as she looked up at Haggar.
Haggar started talking to (Y/n) again, knowing that it would help her stay calm throughout the rest of her appointment. Haggar had done physicals on other children who were difficult, so she was thankful that (Y/n) wasn't one of those children who put up a fight. Throughout the rest of (Y/n's) physical she felt better while she talked about more of her favorite things, rambling a little as children were known to do. She still didn't like the cold feeling of the stethoscope on her chest and the part where Haggar had to check inside of her ears, so she remembered what her mom told her about dealing with it, even though she disliked it. Thankfully, (Y/n's) physical was over before she knew it and she was given a piece of candy for being good; (Y/n) made sure to thank Haggar for being gentle during her visit before her parents took her home.
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themmnetwork · 7 years
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Meowvel vs Catcom Infurnite! by suzuran
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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Jin Saotome - O super-esquentadinho piloto de Mechas da Capcom
Em 1979, surgiu a Capcom, e com a empresa, diversas franchises que popularizaram a empresa, como é o caso do game 1942, lançado em 1984, e Ghosts ‘n Goblins, que foi lançado em 1985, com a premissa de um cavaleiro doidão que perambula pelos mais diversos ambientes do mundo dos demônios para derrotar um poderoso rei demônio e resgatar uma princesa. Mega Man surgiu em 1987, e conta a história de um garoto robótico azulado, designado à tarefa de derrotar um exército de robôs desordeiros e entregar um certo cientista maluco à justiça. Street Fighter ‘87 foi lançado em 1987, mas não causou muito impacto no lançamento, deixando o verdadeiro sucesso da franquia florescer com Street Fighter II, que surgiu em 1991 e posteriormente teve diversas atualizações. Final Fight foi lançado em 1989 com a premissa da donzela em apuros, ou seja, Mike Haggar, junto de Guy e Cody, partem às ruas para destroçar a gangue Mad Gear e para resgatar Jessica, que foi sequestrada por eles. A Capcom elaborou outras franquias, tais como Resident Evil(1996), que inaugurou o gênero Survival Horror, Darkstalkers(1994), um game no qual entidades assustadoras inspiradas em monstros do gênero de terror digladiavam entre si, e Marvel VS. Capcom(1998), um crossover entre os heróis da Marvel Comics e alguns personagens da Capcom. 
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Mas, e Jin Saotome?! O que podemos falar sobre ele?! A primeira aparição do personagem se deu em Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness(1995), sendo que o mecha sob o qual ele assume comando, BX-02 Blodia, foi usado antes em um game chamado Armored Warriors(1994), um beat ‘em up com super-robôs, com um outro protagonista, com uma temática de crise interplanetária. Em Cyberbots, somos apresentados a um jovem chamado Jin Saotome, que busca seguir os passos do pai dele, Ken Saotome, ao estilo de um soldado tradicional japonês. Embora tenha inspirações no pai, Jin auto-aprendeu as técnicas de luta dentro e fora de um Variant Armor, e embora ele seja um autodidata, sem, qualquer alistamento oficial, os traços do jovem Saotome são uma representação paródica exagerada dessa imagem, incluindo uma adesão ao Bushido(武士道 lit. O caminho do Guerreiro), que em um passado muito distante, era o código de moralidade samurai. Jin é extremamente esquentado, mas ainda assim é um rapaz boa-praça. Jin tem amizade com Gawaine Murdock, o antigo mentor do pai dele. 
Visão geral
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Enquanto que Jin Saotome compartilha muitas similaridades com Domon Kasshu, protagonista de Mobile Fighter G Gundam(1994), Kinu Nishimura declarou que a base para a criação do personagem foi Kakugo Hagakure, protagonista de Apocalypse Zero, outro personagem baseado em uma versão exagerada de um soldado japonês da Segunda Guerra Mundial, ambos usam versões de armadura de ficção científica de uniformes de piloto de caça com lenços gigantes e detalhes espinhosos. O nome do personagem refere a dois personagens de Getter Robo, Hayato Jin, e o Dr. Saotome. Em Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness, Jin Saotome é dublado por Toru Furuya, que é o mesmo dublador do personagem Amuro Ray, protagonista da primeira iteração em anime de Mobile Suit Gundam, que foi ao ar em 1979. Toru Furuya também dublou o Cavaleiro de Pégaso, Seiya, da série Saint Seiya, e o desastrado Yamcha, de Dragon Ball Z. Em Marvel Vs. Capcom, porém, Jin é dublado por Yūji Ueda, que também dublou Strider Hiryu, e Sanosuke Sagara, deuteragonista de Rurouni Kenshin.   
Ken Saotome(Pai de Jin), era integrante de uma força especial de elite que foi dizimada em uma ação que foi suposta para ser um acidente um ano antes dos eventos de Cyberbots. Para honrar o legado do pai dele, Jin vai para a Terra, descendo de uma colônia espacial, com a finalidade de se tornar o melhor piloto de Variant Armor e provar o valor dele no circuito de batalha de V.A., para fazer fortuna. Ele se questiona sobre a morte do pai dele após o primeiro confronto com Shade, que por sua vez, era o responsável. 
Marvel VS. Capcom
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Em Marvel VS. Capcom: Clash of the Super Heroes, Jin Saotome aparece como um personagem jogável, invocando a mão gigante do BX-02 Blodia para um super-soco efetivo e consistente, denominado BLODIA PUNCH, e muitos dos ataques efetuados por Jin têm o efeito de fogo, que incendeia o adversário. Em Marvel VS. Capcom 2, Jin reaparece, no entanto, não há nenhum enredo no game, ou seja, é pancadaria pura rolando solta. Em Marvel VS. Capcom 3, o personagem faz apenas uma aparição especial. 
Ryu presta homenagem a Jin Saotome no Street Fighter 5
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Em Street Fighter 5, há um DLC especial no qual Ryu traja o uniforme do protagonista de Cyberbots, mas dentro do game, ele utiliza as técnicas de luta que aprendeu quando era mais jovem, tais como Hadouken, Shoryuken, e Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, mas como na época os sons do CPS-1 eram muito abafados, o que causa muita estranheza, e muitas pessoas interpretavam os golpes de muitos personagens de maneira errada, dizendo frases como Adugen, Horyugen e Ostrektrektrugen... Tiger Robocop, por exemplo, é o nome que foi dado ao golpe Tiger Uppercut, técnica de combate de Sagat que se assemelha ao Shoryuken, técnica de Ryu... 
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freakxwannaxbe · 7 years
Some massive Voltron venting under the cut, to save y’all from spoilers. Mostly continuing on my Narti was a spy for Haggar all along theory.
Season 4, best season yet. Aside from episode 3, the rest of the time, I was legit at the edge of my seat. Last two episodes? I was yelling at the screen and shaking because of the adrenaline.
Also really annoyed by the “does Lotor deserve an redemption arc”, like w h o cares. Let him be the great character that he is, not everyone needs a redemption arc. I’d prefer it if he was kept mostly as an shifty anti hero who does his own thing but shows up occasionally to not let everyone die, like in the last episode.
I strongly believe Narti was Haggars spy. Whether a sleeper agent that was activated at that one point or not, up until we are told otherwise, she was sent to be part of their group to keep an eye on Lotor for Hagar. 
I knew she was going to be the one to betray them since we got the first sneak peak in that one trailer of Lotor being pissed and attacking someone off screen. I knew that was absolutely her. She was the most distant and cold of the Generals, barely interacting with the other three, it was already being set up for her to be an outlier. And the second I saw that damn cat, I knew something was up with her. It’s little clues like that that fill you in.
Like I stated before, Narti was given custody of Haggar’s cat, the first quintessence infused creature she made as Honerva, which absolutely means she has close connection to her. Narti and Kova shared a deep bond, which means they knew each other for a while, so when exactly did she get Kova, and more importantly, when did she get it from Haggar? 
Even during his initial exile, there is no fucking way Haggar would let the blood heir of the Emperor go unchecked. She had Narti installed in that group, and gave her her cat. When they are leaving the ship, the two obviously are facing each other in a way where it shows they are communicating, or at least, Haggar is activating her sleeper protocol.
At the moment that the entire Galra fleet was upon them, and they were about to die, Lotor realized who the leak was. He was careful, he removed anything from their ship that could get them tracked, the only other thing was the other person on board. The distant general. The one who sees through the eyes of others. The one who can manipulate memories of others. He realized who is about to get all five of them killed. Knocking her out and taking her, no way to know that would sever the tie with Haggar, who he knows is powerful beyond imagination, he dealt with her his entire life. Knocking her out and leaving her there, Narti is still a liability. Who knows how much of Lotor’s plans she knows, and what she could share with the Empire.
Narti had to be gone to save him and the remaining generals. Otherwise, risk being found again if she were still there.
Btw, theory, Haggar has been Haggar so long that almost everyone forgot she was Honerva, and even Lotor doesn’t know that she is her mother. Probably she doesn’t even know, or at least, not yet, since her memories seem to be coming back.
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crownofwhispers · 7 years
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   Initially, I always thought that Throk’s biggest fear was failure (as so common the case), but thinking about it and examine his behaviour so far, I’d have to change my assumption (such is the way of RPing characters, you learn interesting things about them) that he’s not honestly scared of failure, if anything he’s quiet adapted at taking the punch on the chin, learning and getting back on his feet fast.    No, what scares Throk the most is the loss of control, of control of himself to be exact. It’s been slipping out of his fingers since the end of his quintessence treatment and he’s finding himself falling back into old habits (drug usage, taking unnecessary risks), gaining new ones as a means to cope (attempting to manipulate others, taking prisoners to secluded spots to torture them often ending in their horrific deaths, destruction of his personal items as well as his body.)
   He sees this and knows that he’s losing himself, he knows without an authoritative figure that’s both stronger and wiser than he is, he will end up destroying everything as he’s once done before. He needs someone to point the way, needs to have someone remind him what the end goal is and needs to know that someone will stop him if he starts going too far and he’s just as willing to listen a toxic superior as he is to a calm and collected one.
   Despite this need, he’s not going to just roll over for anyone. It’s likely going to take a lot of persuasions, a lot of testing and a whole world of hurt before he’ll bow down to anyone outside of a few exceptions. He wants and needs the sense of stability and control which is why he even signed up to join the Imperial forces to begin with, and he’ll make damn sure it can hold his weight.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Hmmm... "tfw ur evil mom doesnt like ur bf"
Despite the glib file name I gave it, this one is actually pretty serious.
This one takes place in my Paradigm Shift AU, which is an AU in which not only was Keith raised in space, and not only did he join Team Lotor, but he and the rest of Team Lotor (or Team Revolutionary as I call this version of them) became the Paladins of Voltron and are fighting a revolution against the Empire. More specifically, this WIP was an AU of my AU, and more specifically still it's a, "what if Haggar controlled Narti in Paradigm Shift the same way she did in canon? What if the Narti Incident still happened?" After I considered the question I couldn't get it out of my head, so I had to write it down—or at least start to write it down, before I got distracted by other things.
TL;DR: Haggar uses Narti to spy (against Narti's will), and Lotor (in a moment of trauma-induced panic) tries to kill her as in canon, only to be stopped by Keith . . . and things get worse from there. Narti does end up escaping (nothing but unrefrigerated women in my AU), but Team Revolutionary is pretty badly fractured as a result of what Haggar makes her do after Keith intervenes, how Lotor reacts to what she does, how Ezor reacts to how Lotor reacts to what she does, and all the emotional fallout that comes with it.
I actually had quite a bit written, so I'll give multiple snippets:
So one Sincline ship was necessary, absolutely, but Lotor had ordered the construction of four more with the remainder of the comet they had secured from an alternate reality. At first, Acxa hadn’t understood why. They had their Lions, and while she couldn’t speak for Zethrid, Ezor, or Narti, Acxa herself was pretty attached to Red. She didn’t want to trade for a Sincline ship. But Lotor had, when she had questioned him, pointed out the fact that they would not be able to pilot Voltron forever. Eventually, they would die or move on to other things. And when they did, and Voltron passed into other hands, it may be necessary to have a check on its power, just in case.
“At present, the Sincline ships are the only ships in the known universe with a hope of meeting Voltron in a fair fight,” he had said. “They will only be five ships, one per Lion, when completed, but that is still five more ships than the universe had before.”
“But we have them,” Ezor had said, “so aren’t we just making a check on ourselves?”
“We have them now,” Lotor had said, a little smile playing at his lips, “but we need not have them forever. Nothing is eternal, Ezor.”
With that decided, construction had progressed on the remaining four. Acxa had to say, they were impressive. While she still felt a strong attachment to Red that she wasn’t willing to break, the Sincline ships gleamed in the light of their hangar, and their cockpits had a soft scent that was comforting and welcoming at once (“New ship smell,” Keith had called it, and Acxa wasn’t so sure about that, but she also couldn’t think of anything to counter it). The third ship was about halfway complete; between the mechanics they had recruited and the droids they had built for this purpose, construction was coming along at a brisk pace, and so Lotor’s smile as the six of them watched its progress from the doorway of the hangar was (in Acxa’s opinion) completely warranted.
“At this rate, we should be able to begin testing on the third ship within the next few months,” Lotor said, his voice raised a little to be heard over the sound of the ore being soldered. “Acxa, have you checked the calibration and pilot test results from the second ship?”
“Yes,” Acxa said. “Calibration of the second ship is complete, and it passed all other tests with no errors. It’s in perfect form.”
Lotor cast one last satisfied look at the half-completed third ship before he turned and left the hangar, the rest of them turning to follow suit. Well, most of the rest of them; Keith alone lingered for just a moment more, smiling a little as he looked back at the ship, but when he turned and caught Acxa watching him, his smile fell.
“Nothing,” Acxa said, and though she resisted the urge to roll her eyes, she couldn’t keep a little smile off her own lips as she followed after Lotor, Ezor, Narti, and Zethrid down the corridor. “Attached already, are you?”
“I like ships,” Keith said, a little defensively as he fell into step beside her. “That’s all.”
“I know,” Acxa said. But though it was childish of her, and though there was no reason to rile him over being excited at the construction of the Sincline ships, she still couldn’t stop herself from adding, “Nerd,” under her breath.
She glanced at him in time to see him roll his eyes, but he was smiling a little again as he stepped to the side to knock his shoulder against hers in a playful bump, and that made her own smile grow.
[. . .]
It had been six weeks since an agent of the Blade named Ulaz had infiltrated the castleship looking for someone named Shiro—six weeks since Keith saw a symbol on Ulaz’s weapon that he thought looked vaguely familiar, and six weeks since Ulaz had looked at Keith with an expression caught somewhere between joy and heartache, like he knew him, somehow, but couldn’t acknowledge that even to himself. Ulaz had given them the coordinates to one of the Blade of Marmora’s bases, and had urged them to go there as soon as possible. Keith wanted to; it was obvious that was what he wanted without him having to say it. But he had said it after Ulaz had left them, his jaw set and his eyes burning holes into the floor as he spoke privately to Acxa and Lotor.
“I think I . . . there was something kind of . . . familiar about him. Like I knew him, maybe. And he—there was something he said, before he died, that made it seem like maybe he knew me, too. And I don’t know how, or why, but . . . maybe if I meet with the Blade like he said, I’ll figure it out.”
The logic was sound. It made sense. And it was something, Acxa knew, that Keith was fixated on, even if he didn’t bring it up regularly. But though Ulaz had infiltrated the castle six weeks ago, they had yet to trace the coordinates he had given them to visit the Blade of Marmora’s hidden base. Their delay was justified; there was always more work to be done. But all things considered, Acxa felt there was a good chance Lotor was delaying their visit on purpose.
Acxa glanced sidelong at the frown Keith was sending Zethrid’s way before she faced forward again.
It was selfish of Lotor if that was the case, but if she was honest with herself, Acxa couldn’t say she didn’t understand.
[. . .]
By now they had reached the base of the stairs leading up to another floor (there being too many of them to all cram into the elevator), and whatever had hit the castle did so with enough force to tilt it briefly up on its side. Ezor flailed and grabbed the banister, while Acxa was thrown sideways into Keith, who stumbled and barely kept his balance as she was thrown into him. Narti spread her arms and straightened her tail to keep her balance, Kova digging his claws into her shoulder, while Zethrid grabbed the other banister and Lotor was nearly thrown back off the stairs he had just started climbing. The attack (because Acxa didn’t know what else it could be) was powerful enough to cause the castleship to tremble with aftershocks even after the blow ceased; and as they all stood up, Ezor looked at the rest of them with wide eyes.
“What was—?”
The security alarms blared to life, drowning out Ezor’s voice and causing Kova to leap off Narti’s shoulder with a startled, angry yowl. In lieu of answering Ezor, Lotor tapped the communicator on his wrist, and as soon as the hologram screen flared to life above it, snapped, “Bridge, report! What’s happening?!”
“We’re being attacked by Empire fleets!” Dune, a member of Auxiliary Team One, cried. “Two, three—at least three of them, from different ang—!”
Another attack crashed into the ship, this time from the opposite side. Acxa caught herself against the wall, and held out her other hand to brace Keith was he was nearly thrown into her. Ezor and Zethrid were gripping the stairway banisters for dear life.
“Use Keith’s console to raise the particle barrier,” Lotor ordered. “We’ll be there momentarily.”
“On it!”
Dune’s voice had already been a crackle through Lotor’s communicator, but her response was even more clipped than normal as Lotor cut the communication in a sharp snap before he turned to head up the stairs again. Acxa and the others immediately hastened to follow suit, Kova climbing up Narti’s back to cling to her shoulder again, yet even as the lot of them sprinted up the staircase, Keith took the stairs two at a time to match Lotor’s strides.
“Lions?” he asked, and before Lotor had time to answer, added, “It’d be faster if we doubled back instead of going all the way to the bridge. We can get to the Lions through the Sincline hangar.”
“No,” Lotor said, and perhaps sensing the rebuttal in Keith’s frown, explained, “If we’re being attacked by this many fleets it wouldn’t be wise to counter. We’re better served using a wormhole to relocate until we can better plan our next move.”
“But how did they find us?” Acxa demanded. “Even if we leave, if we don’t know how they found us in the first place—”
“We had to have been tracked,” Zethrid said, and though Acxa agreed, that didn’t ease the knot in her throat, or the fists her fingers instinctively curled in.
“But how?” Ezor asked, a nervous frown on her lips. “Last time we were tracked by those other reality Paladins, right? By their Lions?”
“But they left a while ago,” Keith said, “and Dune didn’t say Zarkon was here. She would have mentioned it if he was.”
“If she knows what’s good for her, anyway,” Zethrid said.
“Then how did the Empire find us now?” Ezor asked. “If it wasn’t the other reality Paladins and their Lions, then what? How were we tracked?”
Lotor hadn’t broken stride the entire time they climbed the staircase. He hadn’t offered his own input, nor had he shown any indication that he heard their conversation at all. Yet as he reached the second floor he slowed, and finally came to a full stop just as Narti made it to the top of the stairs. Ezor and Zethrid, who had managed to pull ahead of him in the mad sprint up the staircase, noticed and stopped as well, both turning to look back.
“What is it?” Acxa asked.
Lotor didn’t answer her. He gave no indication to show that he even registered that she was talking to him. She was near enough to him so that she could see his profile, and while she couldn’t say why, exactly, what she saw was enough to make ice take up root in her chest. Lotor was staring at the floor, his jaw clenched. His hand was resting on the hilt of his sword. Acxa opened her mouth to call out to him again, yet thought better of it in the next tick. She looked over to Keith instead.
But for once, Keith didn’t return her glance. Instead, he was watching Lotor. His eyes were narrowed, his lips tugged in a sharp frown. And slowly—so slowly that Acxa almost didn’t catch it—he palmed and raised the Black Bayard so it was level with his waist.
Acxa restrained the impulse to reach for her Bayard in turn.
The moment, which felt like hours even though it could have only been a few seconds, ended with the ferocity of a lightning strike. Lotor whipped around as though a bolt had gone through him, his eyes wild, bright, and locked on Narti. In the next tick he threw himself forward, his sword clearing its scabbard as he brought it up in a high arc—
And a ring of steel upon rift ore echoed in the corridor as his blade clashed against Keith’s, Keith having thrown himself between Lotor and Narti like a living shield.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Keith demanded. He pushed back, knocking Lotor’s sword up and away, yet though Lotor took a step back, the wild look in his eyes didn’t fade.
“Keith,” Lotor said through a clenched jaw, “move.”
“No. We’re supposed to be under attack from the Empire, not each other,” Keith snapped. “What’s your problem?”
Lotor was gripping his sword so hard his arm was shaking. “You don’t understand—”
“I don’t think anyone could understand why you wou—” Keith froze mid-sentence, and glanced back over his shoulder. “What—?”
Keith’s voice broke, not in a yelp, but in a gasp as his spine arched and he jerked forward.
“Keith!” Acxa said, as both Ezor and Zethrid came closer. “What—?”
Her question died in her throat.
Narti had grabbed Keith. She had grabbed his arm for support, Acxa thought—had thought. She had grabbed him to give him support through whatever spasm had suddenly seized him. But the spasm wasn’t caused by anything to do with him. Three long, claw-like blades crafted from rift ore protruded through the front of Keith’s Paladin armor, dripping with his blood. They had been driven straight through, and Acxa recognized them. They all did. They were Narti’s blades, from her Bayard, as it took the same shape it always did for her. She had run them straight through Keith’s back, pushing them through until they cut open his stomach with three, evenly spaced wounds.
The one prolonged, solitary moment in which everything seemed frozen while they all processed what happened broke. Narti pushed Keith forward, and in the same moment pulled her blades out of his back. They retracted back into her Bayard with their customary shing-click as Keith—his eyes glazed even as they fluttered shut—collapsed. Lotor lurched forward, knees bent in a crouch, to catch him; his arm looped around Keith’s waist to support him as Keith sagged, limp and unresponsive, against his chest. The Black Bayard fell from Keith’s now slack grip and hit the floor with a clatter, but Lotor did not release his own weapon even as he wrapped his other arm across Keith’s back in a secure, though gentle, embrace.
Lotor’s expression was stricken, his voice strangled as he choked out, “Keith—”
The castle gave another lurch as something rammed against—it, Acxa supposed, or against the particle barrier—and though it was sudden, disruptive, and violent enough to cause them all to stumble once again, it was also enough of a shock to break through the lock her mind had slammed down in an effort to reject what had just happened. She didn’t—she didn’t want to accept it, but there Keith was, bleeding out—bleeding out in Lotor’s arms, and—
The shock, the reminder that they were under attack—it was all Lotor needed, too.
Acxa was only awarded a glimpse of his face—one tick to see not the rage, but the hatred in his eyes—before he jumped over Keith and threw himself at Narti, bringing his sword down in a vicious arc. He missed; Narti leaped backwards and hit the center of the staircase in a back handspring that allowed her to flip the rest of the way down.
Lotor wasn’t deterred. He didn’t hesitate for a heartbeat as he tore down the staircase after her. And Ezor, her eyes wide as she realized everything that was happening—
“No . . . Lotor, no!”
—she, too, sprinted right by Keith and took off after.
Ezor was chasing Lotor, who was chasing Narti, who was trying to escape, but Acxa had no time for any of them. She didn’t register when she hit her knees by Keith’s side, or even what she was going to do as she grasped Keith’s shoulders to try to pull him up, but the moment she realized what she was doing—as the reality of the situation kicked in, and she fought against the urge to kick herself for not taking command of the situation sooner, before it reached this point—she said, “Zethrid!”
Acxa stood and stumbled backward as Zethrid swept forward and easily hauled Keith up off the floor.
#WIPs meme#series: paradigm shift#fic fix#voltron#prince lotor#keith kogane#acxa#narti#ezor#zethrid#keitor#keith & acxa#so basically the situation ends up being:#Narti escapes & is forced to pilot a stolen ship to wherever Haggar is since her cover was blown#(it's not a Lion or a Sincline ship; just a normal one)#Narti is pretty devastated over what she was made to do bc Team Revolutionary is / was her family - Keith included#& she vows that while Haggar made her coat her hands in Keith's blood that the last coat of blood on her claws#will be Haggar's#meanwhile while Team Revolutionary does manage to escape the attack they are just a mess#Keith is on life support in the medbay; it's unclear whether or not he'll survive#Ezor is in love w/ Narti & is sure there is a good reason for why she did what she did & is furious at Lotor for trying to kill her#Lotor is beside himself w/ rage & grief at Narti's apparent betrayal & Keith's potential death & is further furious#Zethrid doesn't want to admit it but tbh she agrees w/ Lotor that Narti is obviously a traitor which further infuriates Ezor#esp bc she assumes Acxa agrees w/ Lotor & Zethrid bc of how close Acxa & Keith are#(Acxa has known Keith the longest; they were each other's found family before anyone else)#Acxa honestly doesn't know what to think beyond the fact that her whole entire family has fallen apart in what feels like 5 minutes#& she cannot handle the thought that Keith might actually die - which he very well could still#later when they're alone Lotor tells Acxa to promise him she'll kill Narti next time they encounter her - bc as a distance fighter she's#the only one who safely can. & Acxa agrees tho rly this whole situation just has her miserable#it's a hot mess & it's all thanks to Haggar being evil as usual. thanks Haggar. you're the best
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