#Dr. Pryce
cranberrybogmummy · 2 years
Miranda Pryce (Wolf 359)/Manuela Dominguez (the magnus archive)
There is an implication of Manuela Dominguez 's statement is that she is a woman into other women. And also like a scientist before she becomes an Astronaut. And like Women in aerospace in general aren't exactly common, and they meet at a conference before Manuela becomes an avatar of the dark, they both get along and have a very short relationship, and there is talk of sending her into space for Goddard because she's super smart and qualified .. but like they really clashed about how they saw the future of their work and well mixing business with pleasure is never a good idea it ended badly and Manuela went off to join a fear cult.
Pryce calls Cutter up at like midnight or later: "Hello?" Pryce: "She stole my eyes, Marcus" Cutter: "Whaattt?" Pryce: "The bitch Manuela, took my spare eyes, when she moved out." Cutter: *trying not to laugh* Cutter: "Wow, She was very fiery, wasn't she?" Cutter: She really left you in the dark, didn't she? *Bursts out giggling*
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in-abstrxcto · 1 month
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Here's the Season 4 poster to celebrate!
To the cast and crew (if they somehow happen to see this) (I doubt any of them are on Tumblr so I'll just ramble to the void):
This show honestly changed my life. I know it's cliché, but really, it did. It also helped me as a writer — watching the AMAs to hear what the writers said and studying the scripts improved my skills exponentially. Furthermore, the plot, the voice talent, the sound design and the soundtrack are all crafted amazingly — you can really tell the show is brimming with passion! It's really a love letter to sci-fi fans too.. gosh, I could honestly talk about why I love this show for hours, but I'll keep it short. Essentially, if you see this, thank you for creating something so wonderful. Thank you for inspiring so many people. Thank you for creating such a great story.
To everyone else (I know it'll mostly be fans seeing this, but just in case one of my followers hasn't listened):
If you haven't listened to Wolf 359, I highly recommend it. 10/10 show. And it's definitely a good starting point in terms of fiction podcasts; since it's so cinematic, you can visualise everything you hear very easily, making it great to listen to! Also, for a show that's 10 years old, it aged really well. Many shows like that fall to the issue of having outdated jokes and references, but Wolf 359 is a truly timeless one.
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praggmatic · 2 years
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Miranda Pryce. Enchanté~ (Companion piece to Cutter.)
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ghostcat-cosplays · 4 months
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And so god made man in her image… in her image it was made.
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
Thanks for the Wolf 359 WIP Snippet Request! I haven't done as much writing for that one (I should) but here it is:
“Do you look like me?” asked Miranda, who in spite of herself, was beginning to grow curious.
“What?” asked Hera, suddenly sounding slightly offended.  
“Oh, just…do you look like me?” repeated Miranda, a little louder.
“You said I created you, and you sound like me. So presumably I created you based off myself, which I thought might mean that you look like me. Sorry, I mean, it’s just, since I created you, that sort of makes you like my daughter, so I thought it would make sense that-”
“-no,” corrected Hera, sounding more than a little aggravated by her choice of words.
“Dr. Pryce, you are not my mother, and I am not your daughter. I sound like you, because you made me sound like you, so that you could control me. But I don’t look like you at all. My body type, my hair, my clothes, my eye color, it’s all completely different. I act nothing like you, I think nothing like you, and I am nothing like you, so I look nothing like you.”
Update: The completed fic
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And many more.........
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autumn-opossum · 5 months
Crack fic/daydream/fanart prompt idea:
Imperial love is blind. You’re a rebel who gets kidnapped by the empire to be on the show as a joke. Most of the imperial participants are obligated to join, but don’t necessarily want to. [sw imperial of your choice] is one of them, and they’re the one you get paired with. You’re both very clear from the beginning that you want nothing to do with this show or with each other. But then - plot twist - you’re the only two out of all the couples who actually falls for each other and stays together in the end. Throughout the show the other contestants and the crew and the viewers can all see the obvious chemistry you two have despite not wanting anything to do with each other.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Rachel Young could do the Mercymorn speech.
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trashburgersblair · 1 year
unethical scientists
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upirprince · 1 year
“Listen up you unworthy whore deepthroating the rod of unethical medical practice like it’s about to cum an Edwin Grant Conklin Medal—”
— Roman Godfrey to Dr. Pryce at some point probably
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aeaeaexxzd · 2 years
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He put his whole pussy into embodying the evil gay scientist who listens to classical music and outshone everyone else. He understood the assignment of the show he was in, he saw the vision, unlike all the other characters. amen
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eutravels · 1 year
Tales from New Earth
Now this is some refreshing content! Apparently people don't like this boxset very much? Personally I'm totally fond of it, it's a wonderful sequel to the New Earth trilogy from the TV series, Devon and Hame are great at leading the show and the Lux is truly a menacing and interesting villain.
I don't think it will get a Volume 2 but I don't think it needs any anyway, so it works great.
I was a bit startled at the Tenth Doctor bits because of the oddness of how he's inserted through third person narration by Devon while the rest of the characters speak normally. Hodgson's impersonation does the job but it does not hide the absence of Tennant in the cast, especially when his character was not really needed for the whole story to work out. I'd rather have listened to it without the Doctor in it, even though I love him really much.
Each story is really unique so it'll be way more interesting to talk about each individually!
Escape from New New York
This one really hooked me up. It's probably my favourite from this boxset. It sets up a lot of background for Devon as well as for the rest of the story, and it's great to see Hame again.
This whole story is a great pilot, it establishes the Lux really properly and all the events within it demonstrate how and why Devon is about to get so invested in the battle against the Lux.
Death in the New Forest
This is the first one in which the Doctor appears. As expected it's not that great. He takes too much light away from Devon but it still doesn't feel like a Doctor Who story. In the end, both are wasted in this.
The story in itself is really great, there's tension, suspense, you keep wondering who did it until the reveal: just great. It does not really live up to the previous one, but it shows what a casual Tales from New Earth story looks like (since the first establishes the characters and situations). It's a good start, even though it could have done well even without the Doctor.
The Skies of New Earth
This one was a wonderful piece of action and political discourse. What are you supposed to do when the two possibilities you have are as bad as one another? Doing his best, Devon convinces both camps to fight against their common enemy: the Lux.
It's a great start, but it gets messy as soon as the Doctor comes in. Having some Tenth Doctor content once again is great, but the same phenomenon as the one before happens, the Doctor shines way more than the main character, who then becomes an observer of the Doctor's doing. In a sense, he is supposed to be just an observer, he even pretends to be a journalist in this one, but it's a great let down from the first story.
Anyway it does not take away the other qualities of this story. The side characters are lovely, especially Oscar the Solar Bear, and the Lux is as frighteningly mad and powerful as ever.
The Cats of New Cairo
More Hame, less poor man's Tenth Doctor, what's not to love?
I really liked the character of Sister Jara and her rivalry with Hame, which shows how much Hame has learned from the events of the TV series. It's even more obvious during Hame's talk with The Most Exalted High Persian, her dedication to New Earth and to her Senatorial duty is remarkable.
Otherwise, the story was just great, not the boxset's best one, but definitely a great one. It's a good finale, and I liked the senate bits at the beginning and the end of it.
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in-abstrxcto · 5 months
I love these guys.. the petty girlboss duo!
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Anyway, I like to think the evil dream team discuss their evil plans over a very evil brunch..
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ataraxiamfrp · 2 years
it's me once again asking for Witcher characters. Or Wolf 359 characters? please and thank you.
joins the chorus for MORE WITCHER CHARACTERS!
also, please, Doug wolf 359 could really use more friends from home!
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the master as o collecting conspiracies definitely got wind of goddard futuristics and for sure determined they were like legit doing something funky and definitely thought about how funny it would be to apply for a job there and see how long it would take them to figure him out
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Oh boy oh boy a Wolf359 fic snippet ask!
I do have to warn you anon, this next fic is gonna take a long time to write. The words keep on coming, and it might be months before I have the time to really write it out. But I do have the introduction. It's quite long, but I think you, and even some of my non-Wolf359 mutuals might enjoy it:
What would you do if you woke up with amnesia and were told that in a previous life, not so long ago, you were one of the worst people who’d ever lived? Not just criminal bad, but “evil dictator major unspeakable human rights violations” bad?
You’d say sorry, of course. What else is there to say but sorry? You don’t remember what led you to that and you can’t exactly argue with the people around you or object that what they say is untrue, because after all, you don’t remember anything, it’s not like you can prove them wrong when faced with the evidence. Tapes and recordings of a person who sounds like you, looks like you, and you know must be you, but who is also the most awful, heartless, horrifying individual your imagination could ever picture.
What do you do when faced with something like that, but with no way to deny it, no way to know why you were like this, and no knowledge or idea of what to do next?
You do what so many people with cognitive difficulties, memory loss, and impaired abilities do when they find themselves unable to live without the assistance of others. You acquiesce. You do whatever others they tell you to do, and you agree and accept whatever information they give you, like a dependent child who still has no idea how the world works and relies on adults to explain things to them. Obedience, submission, and compliance, for as dangerous as they are, can be a surprisingly effective survival strategy, especially when you have limited abilities and information. It’s actually a fairly common survival strategy that most humans use, to some extent, every day, whether they wish to acknowledge it or not. You trust that experts give you the correct information on subjects you are unfamiliar with, you trust translators to give you an accurate translation of words in languages you don’t understand, and you trust that those you depend on would not lead you astray. After all, the lure of complete control and independence, as tempting as it is, fails when one is forced to consider their own limitations and the fact that they can accomplish much more when through mutual reliance on others than they can by themselves, despite the risk of being used.
But in this particular thought experiment, the people you acquiesce to are not family, friends, or even trusted coworkers or qualified professionals. They are your self-declared enemies, who readily admit to having hated you for what you did to them, who have set up a situation in which you find yourself completely dependent on them due to your complete lack of memory, and also entirely in their debt for their forgiveness of who you were. Trusting what they tell you seems foolish. Why would they be so forgiving if you’d really hurt them and those they loved as much as they claim you did? Surely something must be awry. But your compliance is still what you need to survive, and so you do comply, and it works, or at least, it gets you to a certain point. A point of survival, acceptance, comfort, and as the years go on, perhaps even little moments of joy and friendship, or at least, as much friendship and goodwill as can be expected under the circumstances. But in the back of your mind, you always question their intentions. Whether you can really trust the self-proclaimed benevolent strangers who have taken charge of you, a heartless monster, and given you new life or rather, from your perspective, your only life.
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