#Draco x hermione
runningquill-art · 2 days
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“Feigning a sudden playfulness, Draco bounded towards the man and put his arse in the air (gods) and wagged his tail.
“What does Krotche want?” asked the Marquis. Then, seeing Draco’s bow, he gasped. “Oh, François, he thinks you have a stick! Silly boy, that’s a wand.”
Draco leapt and plucked the ‘stick’ out of François’ hand. He gambolled away – he was becoming quite an expert at gambolling – and then darted back towards François, the wand in his mouth.
François lunged at him. Draco darted away, then darted towards him again.
“He’s playing keep-away with you, François!” chortled the Marquis.
Draco and Granger had practised this particular bit over many hours. The key was to make it look unintentional and harmless.
Draco shook his head and a shower of sparks flew out of the wand, quite at random. Then he tossed the wand to himself and bounded away to catch it, at which point a small flock of birds jetted out of it.
François gave chase in earnest. Draco whipped the wand about and hit him with an Aguamenti, his tail a whirl of doggy delight.
The Marquis was laughing. François was terribly unamused. Granger-Draco made futile attempts to call Krotche to heel.
Draco waited for François to lunge and hit him with a Locomotor Wibbly – in a playful, gambolling sort of way.
François careened head-first into a wall.
The Marquis was hit by a Stunner.” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 30: Samhain, by @isthisselfcare
DMATMOOBIL art 33/40
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sodamnradd · 2 days
“I dare you to kiss Hermione,” said Ginny, grinning conspiratorially in her friend’s direction.
Hermione turned her attention to Malfoy, her stomach fluttering in anxious anticipation. But then she noticed the obvious discomfort on his face and her excitement fizzled. Weeks of studying together, late-night lab sessions—their prize-winning Potions project!—and he couldn’t even stomach the thought of one measly little kiss?
The common room fell silent when Malfoy didn’t budge. A dozen seventh and eighth-years sat around an empty Firewhisky bottle, its neck pointed in Malfoy’s direction like an accusation.
She wished the ground would swallow her whole.
Seconds later, Theo re-entered the room, donning a Slytherin jumper and a lumpy knit scarf, cheeks red after flying a lap around the castle starkers to fulfill his dare.
He looked around, confused. “What’s up?”
Hermione felt a sharp stab of betrayal seeing Theo in the scarf she’d knit Malfoy for Christmas. It wasn’t the cashmere or spider silk fabric he was used to, but Malfoy had seemed genuinely touched by the gesture, immediately replacing his Slytherin scarf with the one Hermione had made for him. In turn, Malfoy had tied his Slytherin scarf around her neck, stepping back to admire her with an affectionate look. The scarf had smelled like him, so naturally Hermione had kept it on all day. Even inside.
And now here was her gift, draped haphazardly around Theo’s neck like he’d grabbed the first thing he’d found on the floor to warm himself up. Message received.
Glaring daggers in Malfoy’s direction, Ginny replied coldly, “Nothing. Malfoy just thinks he’s too good to kiss Hermione on a dare.”
“Oh?” Theo eyed his best mate curiously.
Malfoy opened his mouth to reply, but then his gaze flicked down to Theo’s neck and whatever he’d wanted to say died on his lips as his eyes narrowed.
“I’ll kiss her.” Theo walked up to Hermione and cupped her cheeks. His hands were like slabs of ice, and she shivered, but then his lips, cold and hard, met hers and approximately five seconds later it was over and Hermione felt like crying.
The room seemed to heave a sigh of relief as Theo settled at the foot of Hermione’s armchair and spun the bottle again.
Hermione jumped off her seat and bolted for the dorms, not slowing even as footsteps followed her up the stairs.
“Granger, wait!”
“I just want to be alone right now,” she cried, nearly at her bedroom door.
A hand grabbed her arm.
She glanced down at his pale knuckles and the expanse of blond hair that disappeared beneath a bunched-up sleeve. She recalled the way he'd trembled when she’d traced the protruding veins of his forearm last week, waiting for their potion to boil. His gaze following her touch intricately.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked quickly.
She yanked her arm back, refusing to meet his eyes. “I’m humiliated. You made it seem like I was diseased!”
He made a painstaking groan. “I just didn’t want to kiss you like that. In front of everyone.”
“Right. Heavens forbid they catch you snogging a Mudblood.”
“No.” He shook his head. “It’s not that. Not at all.”
“What is it then?” She looked up, catching the familiar warmth in his eyes when he looked at her. Even mid-argument they held that affectionate sparkle. Seeing her.
He stepped back, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It’s just that—when I kiss you, I want you to know it’s because I’ve thought of nothing else for weeks.”
Her mind snagged on how he’d said ‘when’ and not ‘if’.
Smiling nervously, he touched her hand, stroking his thumb over the swell of her palm. Because of course, on top of his boyish good looks, astute ambition, and effortless sense of humour, the boy had to be sentimental, too. Gods.
He tugged her forward until their legs touched, eyes never leaving her face.
Heart hammering against her ribcage, Hermione lifted her head as Draco descended.
The next morning, he was waiting for her at the foot of the dormitory stairs. His scarf twisted delicately around his neck and tucked into his coat. When she reached the last step, he captured her chin between his fingers and kissed her with breathtaking confidence.
A stunned silence filled the common room as everyone watched Hermione and Draco leave together, their hands firmly intertwined.
(736 words, loosely inspired by a scene from 'Every Summer After' by Carley Fortune)
p.s. hi i missed writing dramione ficlets so here we are.
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willowingscribe · 2 days
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A little ficlet I wrote with Beauty and the Beast library vibes.
Tags: Supportive Narcissa, Meddling, Draco Malfoy is so whipped
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noxmalfoy · 3 days
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cloveswifey · 9 months
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Dad!Tom riddle X Fem!Reader
"Mommy is mine!" Mattheo, your spirited three-year-old, shouted, pushing Tom's face away from you.
"Excuse me?" Tom feigned offense, placing a hand over his chest dramatically. "She is married to me, little buddy." He proudly displayed your ring on his finger, causing Mattheo to cry in despair. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at your husband's playful antics.
Mattheo had definitely entered that clingy phase. He only wanted you to feed him, hug him, play with him, and put him to sleep. He absolutely despised when Tom even gave you a little peck on the lips, and oh, was Tom having fun teasing your little one.
In the past few days, Mattheo's clinginess seemed to escalate. Not that he wasn't clingy before, but now it had become even more intense. As you tried to cook, his little hands would constantly explore your body, causing him to become upset when Tom was around. In an attempt to scare Tom away, Mattheo would even throw his food at him, which only made Tom laugh even harder.
You gave Tom a knowing look and remarked, "I wonder where he got his bad temper from."
Tom affectionately placed a hand on your growing stomach and whispered against your head, "Let's hope this little one isn't as jealous as his brother."
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Hermione: why are threesomes only for sex
Hermione: why can’t I join in on a couples argument if I want to
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doodleholic · 2 months
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As the World Falls Down
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omniluci-estumbra · 4 months
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Remember to stretch before all physical activity! 🫡
Flexible Draco is one of my favorite head canons 🤭
(haven’t had a ton of drawing time the past couple of days so these are just some old pose practices I cleaned up)
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dara-art · 4 months
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«we are made of stars»
color experiments, Hermione in red and shining starry love 💫
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natashazorki · 5 months
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euphoric-dramione · 1 year
god tier dramione fanfics
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare {https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952/chapters/85870804}
Isolation by bexchan {https://archiveofourown.org/works/23461513?view_full_work=true}
Rights and Wrongs series by LovesBitca8 {https://archiveofourown.org/series/1007625}
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19 {https://archiveofourown.org/works/23875939/chapters/57393508}
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm {https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/35668776?show_comments=true}
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting {https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818646/chapters/54531817}
Bring Him to His Knees by Musyc {https://archiveofourown.org/works/24481312/chapters/59089624}
Dragon’s Heartstrings by pinkinku {https://archiveofourown.org/works/46585585/chapters/117313114}
Cherry Mint by dirtymudblood {https://archiveofourown.org/works/21053894/chapters/50081633}
Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites {https://archiveofourown.org/works/28137807/chapters/68944698}
All You Want by senlinyu {https://archiveofourown.org/works/15153092/chapters/35140268}
Apple Pies and Other Amends by ToEatAPeach {https://archiveofourown.org/works/8156101/chapters/18691246}
The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon {https://archiveofourown.org/works/16821571/chapters/39485710}
Love and Other Misfortunes by senlinyu {https://archiveofourown.org/works/14380728/chapters/33204618}
This World or Any Other series by olivieblake {https://archiveofourown.org/series/502333}
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winterssecrett · 5 months
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ღ Draco Malfoy was a dream, and being able to sleep with him was a dream come true.
Or at least that's how Y/n saw it.
The curtains of the boy's room were open and a few rays of sun started to kiss the pale and soft skin of the Slytherin prince. In Y/n’s mind, he looked gorgeous, with his hair made a mess on top of the pillow, and his lips slightly open showing his calm breathing. God, she couldn't ask for anything else in life.
Sometimes she wondered how she had gotten so lucky.
Moving her eyes from her boyfriend's frame she turned around to look at the clock, it was 06:50 in the morning and they had classes at 08:00, the boy's alarms were gonna start sounding in a few minutes and she knew she was gonna get teased for being once again in Draco's bed.
But how could she not be there? If the boy begged her to stay every night cause he was used to not sleep alone.
Blaise's alarm started to sound annoying everyone in the room, Draco mumbled something in his sleep before hiding his face in his girlfriend's neck, he didn't feel like waking up, and no one was gonna change his mind.
“turn that shit off Blaise or I swear to god I will shove the clock in your mouth and make sure it comes out of your ass”
Mattheo wasn't the nicest person in the mornings, or ever, but they were all used to it by now. Theo moved his head to the other side of the room and let out a huff.
“non riesci nemmeno a dormire, lo so, per l'amor del cielo” (you can't even sleep now for fucks sake)
The noise stopped and Blaise locked himself in the bathroom, Draco started moving again, and Y/n left soft caresses on his back.
“Always bothering us” He murmured sleepily making her laugh
“We have class in an hour” she reminded him softly “We have to get ready”
The blonde shook his head in -no- “I have DADA on my first period, Snape can go suck my father's dick”
“Draco!” Y/n scolded, hearing Mattheo cracking up from his bed
“Sorry love” he quickly said, leaving a kiss on her lips “Why don't we stay here, just you and me, we can sleep a little bit longer and then have Dobby bring us breakfast to bed”
His proposal, his voice, his caresses on her waist, everything was making her say yes. How could she not? It was Draco Malfoy.
“Okay, fine,” Y/n told him watching a smile a pear on his face “But this is the last time”
The blonde nodded rolling his eyes, he started leaving kisses on her cheeks and then along her jaw and exposed neck.
“Fuck, I could never get tired of this”
She let out a laugh “I know, Dray, I know”
Blaise finally came out of the bathroom and Theo was quick to get up with his towel in hand ready to have a shower. Mattheo on the other hand walked to the window and pulled out a cigarette.
“Want some, Y/l/n?”
Draco didn't even let her answer.
“It's not even eight in the morning, Riddle, leave my girl alone”
She just smiled “Go back to sleep, babe, it's still way too early for you”
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oxfordelise · 6 months
No matter how many Dramione stories I read, the shift from 'Granger' to 'Hermione' and from 'Malfoy' to 'Draco' does inexplicable things to my heart. every. fucking. time.
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hanneliza · 7 months
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i just know they both get way too serious about wizard’s chess ♟️ ✨
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mysticmiav · 19 days
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She’d fold a hundred thousand cranes if it would give her a bit of luck.🕯
Hermione (and her crane) from Manacled by @senlinyu
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lepra-art · 1 month
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Dramione x Maxton Hall
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