#Dracula L'Amour Plus Fort Que La Mort
fayn3ko · 30 days
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"And yet you're young... handsome, charming, attractive and terribly-" - "Cold!"
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purecommemasolitude · 7 months
every time i watch a french musical i think to myself "surely i will be able to understand the plot this time! surely the sequence of songs and the transitions between them and the lyrics' application to the situations will make sense THIS time"
and every time. i am wrong.
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emptymasks · 2 years
Alright time for me to make one of these, and as I'm always curious about European musicals, but for now let's go a little more niche than that. I'm currently working on a video essay about the wild world of vampire musicals or something similar. Essentially looking at the vampire musicals that bombed and flopped, other ones that I just personally find strange, and then finishing out by gushing about a certain Austrian vampire musical. So if that sounds like something you'd wanna watch let me know because it's gonna take some time to make but I miss making long video essays and I hope this one can be fun (and spread the word of our lord and saviour Drewlock).
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scarlet-fangs · 5 months
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Sharing here one of my favorite musical: I know it is in french (my native language) but the songs and costumes are so cool..., and it is not that known ... (It came out at the same time at Mozart l'Opéra Rock) It's more of a loose adaptation but I love it (Sorci my beloved ❤️)
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mangledpuppet · 1 year
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your honor, i would like to grab him and rattle him around
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charliemonroe · 2 years
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"Dracula l'Amour plus Fort que la Mort"
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video (russian subtitles) sourse
video (korean subtitles) sourse
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so there's a french musical adapting dracula
it has the "dracmina" and "mean girl seductress lucy" tropes, BUT it also has Jonathan being a main character, singing two songs about "god i love mina", one of those being the song closing the first act
with jonmina kiss
It's basically a Jonathan/Mina/Dracula love triangle, with I think themes of Love vs. Passion? Anyway, not my cup of tea as an aroace reading dracula daily, but I can cheer at the Jonathan appreciation
also if you take it as its own separate story it's pretty cool to watch. nice choreography
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Anäis Delva - Lucy Westenra
Dracula L'Amour Plus Fort Que La Mort
Image as basis of portrait taken from the music video of 1, 2, 3
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if you don’t mind me asking what are your fave musicals if you have any? any language is fine
im not big on musicals so i only know the big ones and ive basically loved them all..... off the top of my head my faves are notre dame de paris (italian version), le rouge et le noir opéra rock, jesus christ superstar (in all its versions), sweeney todd, 1789 les amants de la bastille, six the musical, and the early starkids productions + the guy who didnt like musicals. bonus: aggiungi un posto a tavola (that i think did wonders for every italian who later developed a priest kink)
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rallamajoop · 2 years
Dracula canons in Yuletide 2022
Unsurprisingly, in the wake of that whole Daily Dracula thing, there were a lot of Draculas nominated for this year's Yuletide exchange this year ‒ not just a lot of Dracula characters, but whole different adaptations of the novel. And being that kind of terrible Dracula-nerd, I figured I'd make a list and share some notes on which-version-is-which. Now, I've only seen about half of these, and can't speak to what all the other folks who actually nominated them loved about them, but I'll take any excuse to ramble on about different Dracula-adaptations at this point, so here we go.
We've got a couple of movies, a couple of telemovies, a TV series and even a musical to cover here, so I'm just gonna put them all in chronological order, starting with the novel.
Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897)
Nominated characters:  Abraham Van Helsing  Arthur Holmwood  The Correspondent  Dracula  John "Jack" Seward  Jonathan Harker  Lucy Westenra  Lucy Westenra's Mother  Mina Murray Harker  Mr. Hawkins  Mr. Swales  Quincey Morris
Damn, Daily Dracula has done it's thing: folks have nominated basically everyone. (Well... except Sister Agatha. GDI, where's Sister Agatha, people?! Has that 2020 Moffat/Gatiss version put everyone off?)
But, moving onto the adaptations-
1. Dracula (Movies - Hammer) (1958-1974)
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Nominated characters:  Dracula  Lawrence Van Helsing | J. Van Helsing  Lorrimer Van Helsing
Okay, yes ‒ this nomination was me. Look, Peter Cushing's Van Helsing was being reincarnated into whole new eras and having confusing chemistry with Christopher Lee's Dracula long before anyone ever thought to do the reincarnation-thing with Mina, and I want all the fic about it, is that so wrong? (Or, you know, the excuse to write some myself. Or really anything about these versions of the characters interacting ‒ I'm not picky!)
2. Count Dracula (1977)
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Nominated characters:  Abraham Van Helsing  Jonathan Harker  Mina Harker  Renfield
One of the two British telemovie Dracula adaptations to come out of the 1970's (the 70's was a BIG decade for Dracula). This one was the more faithful to the novel ‒ too faithful, if anything, since some new ideas or creative storytelling could have gone a long way to distract from the limitations of the budget. That said, I did like their Dracula: the costuming isn't much to write home about, but he has enough presence to elevate every scene he's in (and, I mean, if you're going to get one thing really right in a Dracula adaptation...)
3. Dracula (2006)
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Nominated characters:  Abraham Van Helsing  John Seward  Lucy Holmwood  Mina Murray
Yet another British television Dracula, this time one where Arthur Holmwood is tricked into helping bring Dracula to British shores by a vampire-worshipping cult, in the mistaken belief the Count can somehow cure him of congenital syphilis. No, really! Seriously though, my biggest disappointment with this one was it didn't go wild and weird enough ‒ the sad soap opera life of Arthur & friends just can't hope to compete with all that high-gothic camp, and 90 minutes just isn't time for all these ideas to breathe. But it must be said, Marc Warren makes a surprisingly compelling Dracula, and his one big vampire-sex-scene with Lucy is... quite something. Basically, I can definitely see why someone might want fic about these versions of the characters ‒ there's lots in this universe left to expand on.
4. Dracula: l'amour plus fort que la mort - Ouali (2011)
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Nominated characters:  Jonathan Harker  Poison  Satine  Sorci
Well, okay. This one is, er, a French musical version? XD God, do I love the stuff you'll find nominated for Yuletide! So: not a version I'm familiar with, but going by this one summary I found, what we have here is one of the (MANY) post-1991-Coppola-version rip-offs where Mina is a reincarnation of Dracula's wife... but also one where Dracula hasn't spoken since his wife's death, and now employs three very gloriously campy servants to speak for him (Poison, Satine and Sorci, from the noms above). As someone who doesn't speak a word of French and knows this thing only from 5 minutes on youtube (I mean, the whole show's up there, though the quality's not great), these three are great value, and I can totally see why someone would nominate them for Yuletide.
5. Dracula (TV 2013)
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Nominated characters:  Lucy Westenra  Mina Murray  Alexander Grayson | Dracula  Jayne Wetherby
A short-lived TV series reimagining of Dracula, where the Count shows up in London posing as an American steampunk inventor called Alexander Grayson, and yet another of the (many) post-Coppola versions where Mina is the reincarnation of Dracula's tragically-dead-wife, etc. Admittedly, this is an adaptation I know only by its reputation as the show that that finally gave us lesbian!Lucy (!!!) only to have her turn around and sleep with Jonathan for dubious plot reasons (theFUCK?) ‒ but I'd be the last to judge anyone who enjoyed it as a guilty pleasure and/or just wants to run away with the characters and let them have some real fun.
6. Bram Stoker’s Van Helsing (2021)
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Nominated characters:  Abraham Van Helsing  Arthur Holmwood  John Seward  Lucy Westenra
Huh. Well, okay. First point: the poster is a lie ‒ this actually seems to be a fairly-straight, (very) low-budget film adaptation of the novel ‒ just one that starts about when Van Helsing arrives (ie, when Lucy is already very ill). So, more drawing-room-drama than Hugh-Jackman-material. Have not seen it, but have a trailer! Now you know just about as much about it as I do.
Honourable mentions
In the "do I even count this?" bonus round, we've also got the 2016 Van Helsing TV series (nominated characters: Axel Miller and Catherine) ‒ a show set post-vampire!apocalypse and starring a Van Helsing descendant. There's also a character called Van Helsing nominated for the Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu | The Vampire Dies in No Time manga, and a "Dracula Vance" nominated for a video game called Panilla Saga, about whom google will tell me nothing very illuminating. Ah, well. Seriously though, the total number of different Van Helsings nominated in this year's Yuletide must be some kind of record.
I'd also be remiss not to mention that the original 1872 Carmilla is also nominated, as is the excellent 1970 Hammer adaptation The Vampire Lovers. And rounding out our list of Victorian vampire lit, some weirdo has also nominated Varney the Vampire, but that one really needs its whole own post...
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salut encore ! as-tu des recommandations des chansons françaises, en général mais particulièrement pour l'écriture et les personnages ? ma collection n'est pas grande :(
aussi, peux-tu parler un peu à propos lorelei et/ou némésis ? elles sont très intéréssantes ! bien sûr, seulement si tu veux
(quand j'écrivais en haut, je pus penser des mots espagnols mais pas français haha . . . ça fait longtemps que j'ai écrit en français mais osef)
Coucou ! Alors honnêtement je ne suis pas la meilleure personne à qui poser cette question 😬 la musique française et moi on a une relation... compliquée. Mais j'ai quand même quelques chansons françaises sur ma playlist donc :
Ta reine de Angèle
On brûlera de Pomme
Tournent les violons de Jean-Jacques Goldman
Requiem de Alma
(Tango) Princesse, D'où je viens et Si je m'en sors de Julie Zenatti
Faire semblant et Je sais si peu d'Élodie Frégé
A ma place d'Axel Bauer et Zazie
Je dors sur des roses de la comédie musicale "Mozart l'Opéra Rock"
Encore du temps de la comédie musicale "Le Roi Soleil"
Je serai ton ombre et D'un souffle ou d'un cri de la comédie musicale "Cléopâtre"
Generally speaking the french musicals have killer soundtracks so you should definetely check them out! Most of them are on Youtube and you can easily find the songs + lyrics video ^^ Of course, some of them are better than others (and some are just *chef kiss*) so, good luck
Le Roi Soleil ; Mozart l'Opéra Rock ; Cléopâtre la dernière reine d'Égypte ; Notre Dame de Paris ; Roméo et Juliette ; 1789 les amants de la Bastille ; La légende du roi Arthur ; Robin des Bois ; Don Juan ; Dracula l'amour plus fort que la mort ; and probably more I've forgotten. Have fun !!
ALSO THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY BABIES !!! Yes I would love to speak about them but I'll probably make a separate post and tag you in it, if you don't mind ? 😊
(@ladyniniane if you have more french songs to recomand, don' hesitate to jump in 👀)
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fayn3ko · 1 month
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✧˖° Sorci °˖✧
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(for context i haven't watched dracula, l'amour plus fort que la mort yet but)
sometimes i recollect about how it took me AGES to figure out that en transe... ylvanie the "en transe... ylvanie/un transe se maquille" and also the title were about a trance ("in trance... ylvania/a trance is forming" essentially) and it wasn't a song saying that all vampires are transgender
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leahsstuff · 2 years
French Dracula Facts
If anyone wants to know, there was a completely bonkers French musical theatre adaptation of Dracula a few years back where he's basically a mute dancing prodigy with scales on his back and everyone else sings very intense rock tunes about love and lust constantly. Here's one where Lucy succumbs to "l'amour et son contraire" (love and its opposite) and gets turned into a vampire, complete with ceiling acrobats and wolf costumes
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margridarnauds · 2 years
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Favorite Music Video: Encore (Dracula: L’amour Plus Fort Que La Mort)
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mangledpuppet · 1 year
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finally an easy access to dracula l’amour will be posted tn :3
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