#Dragon Age/BG3 crossover
teamdilf · 8 months
So, I’m noodling around a Dragon Age/BG3 crossover in my head, which is basically an excuse to write Astarion tormenting Solas and becoming buddies with Dorian.
One theory I’ve incorporated into my Dragon Age work is that elves are spirits who have taken a body (before the veil - after, things are more complicated). Iris Lavellan is a spirit of Hope that slipped through the veil, finding a body “in the oven”, so to speak - something Solas was able to discern pretty early on. In The Wolf’s Flower, Solas, desperate not to be the one responsible for shifting Iris’ nature from Hope to Despair, sends an old friend of his, Creativity, to keep her company. Another friend of his, Loyalty, appears to her later on in the fic, and opts to take a physical body.
Now, this crossover would tentatively have Petra and Astarion entering an eluvian they find in a coven they’ve dismantled while they’re in the midst of looting the place. They wind up travelling through the Crossroads, ending up in the Deep Roads a year or two after the events of The Wolf’s Flower. Iris, Solas and Dorian find them in the Deep Roads and they all need to travel to get to another eluvian to escort Petra and Astarion home. Solas and Astarion really do not like one another - they admire parts of each other, but Astarion thinks Solas, as a sad sack ancient godlike being who nearly destroyed the world again, is wasting his power and potential. Solas thinks that Astarion, as a man who has seen the worst people are capable of, and who survived horrors, should have more empathy and do more to help the downtrodden around him. Iris and Petra just wish their boyfriends would stop bickering already.
One thing I’m pondering is what sort of spirit Solas thinks Petra and Astarion are. Their natures are a bit different, on account of the fact that they’re from another plane of existence (and Petra is a half-elf, which don’t exist in Thedas). Petra, I’m leaning towards Creativity or Vivacious.
Astarion is tougher. Maybe Resilience? He has such strength to have endured and survived all he did, but it’s a strength he doesn’t seem to be aware of. I think his loudest trait being something he can’t see in himself fits, as a man who is still learning who he is and what he wants to be, after so long without control of his body, or any say in what he wants in his life. But, an argument can be made for Vanity, or Wit as well.
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namespara · 9 months
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Hello strangest target audience of fellow sad mage enjoyers
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esthesiaart · 29 days
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The crossovers between Gale and the mages of Dragon Age continue. After Morrigan and Anders, today it's the turn of Solas, one of my favourite characters of the series. I wanted to play on the divine aspect of both, and the costumes they wear when they manifest as such <3
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gaiah · 10 months
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The (un)holy trinity
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apostatehobolife · 8 months
O sweet Mythal. Sir, might I suggest you find a nice sunny spot to stand in? Uh, or a wooden stake to hold, perhaps?
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Did you see something?............
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bluerose5 · 7 months
Zevran: You know, I have never considered using magic in combat. Then again, it was never an option for me back in Thedas, but that was kind of fun!
Astarion: Majority of elves know at least some magic here. It's in our blood, after all, but to think that you've only scratched the surface.
Zevran: That sounds promising! You must show me more, yes?
Astarion: Of course, it would be my pleasure, but uh... Should we help your friend out over there first?
Zevran: Who? Him?
Fenris, laid out on the ground, staring up at the sky because he cast a cantrip in the last battle without even trying:
Zevran: No. Look at him! He is simply resting. That fight must have taken a lot out of him.
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homey-comb · 2 months
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Meemaw Minthara and Peepaw Loghain playing chess ♟️🍷
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bg3scenarios · 3 months
Gale: I know, you’ve been feeling unappreciated
Lucanis: Yeah
Gale: And misunderstood
Lucanis: Yeah!
Gale: But you aren’t worthless
Lucanis: Not at all
Gale: Now let’s say it together
Gale & Lucanis: I’m proud to be the camp cook!
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sobeesknees · 6 months
tiktok the treasure that you are
context: they made their pawn into Solas and made him catch them lol (kratos did the talking tho for some reason)
i was gonna joke about the solas girlies still fighting for their lives but this comment made me choke on my spit
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src: tiktok
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kitozune · 2 days
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Never played Dragon Age before, but when I see a necromancer? 👀
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innepttia · 3 months
I just think Dorian and Astarion would be besties if they ever met
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esthesiaart · 15 days
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After the crossover of their divine versions, here is the one in which they appear on screen for the first time! I am so fond of these outfits!
(Is it just me or does Gale look good in all kinds of wizard outfits?)
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gaiah · 1 year
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Pick your poison
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apostatehobolife · 8 months
Also, I totally mean to stir the pot don’t mean to stir the pot but you might also have a new rival for position of Beloved Egg Man. How do you feel about deep gnomes???
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Someone please uhhhhhh remove Astarion from the room. He is upset.
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bluerose5 · 1 month
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Because I'm a slut for this crossover, I did this for fun, because why not? Have some Justice!Anders in bg3.
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bleeding-star-heart · 6 months
Sebastian Vael in Faerun, pt 1 (maybe)
So this has been inspired by @bluerose5 's little series of ficlets/posts- I take zero credit for the crossover idea. The only thing I've added to this is a recent mini-fixation on Sebastian Vael.
Sebastian Vael: *limping as he rubs his temples to relieve the pain of the recent tadpole insertion* Ow. Ow. Oh, Maker, why-?
Astarion: Hurry, I've got one of those brain things...*sees Sebastian's injured leg and the way he's holding his leg* Holy shit. What happened to you? Sebastian: *lets out a long sigh* I have not the slightest idea. Astarion: *shrugs* Well, what's the last thing you remember? Sebastian: Well, I was standing outside the Chantry when all of a sudden this giant, monstrous thing made of tentacles appeared in the sky. It... reached down with its tentacles and started...destroying things. Houses were falling down all around, people were screaming... Astarion: *not sure what a Chantry is* So you were in Baldur's Gate, then? Sebastian: *blinks in confusion* Baldur's Gate? What's that? No, I was in Kirkwall and then...and then I wasn't. I was in some sort of horrid black cage with a glass- Astarion: *points to the nautiloid capsule he recently escaped from* Like that? Sebastian: *Nods vigorously* Yes, that's exactly it! How did you?- Astarion: I was on the nautiloid myself. Sebastian: *winces* The nautiloid? Astarion: *smug* That's what they call mind flayer ships, if I'm not mistaken. Sebastian: *groans* So it was real. Maker, I was hoping this was just a bad dream. Astarion: *laughs sharply* Well, I hate to disappoint, but I'm afraid it is real. All of it, including whatever that gods-forsaken thing they shoved down our eye socket is.
Sebastian: *rubs his temples and groans* Maker.
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