#Dragonyule alt
xander-wolk · 9 months
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Secret Starfall gift: Dragonyule Delphi 💜✨
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claitea · 3 months
i miss dragalia lost :(
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jodefrostwallart · 2 years
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Sketched some alts I’d wanted in Dragalia 😔 I have made the Pipple kebab a reality
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valeriefauxnom · 5 months
Dev's (C)Leo Biases,
A Comprehensive History of How Leonidas Became Nearly Everyone's Object of Thirst
So, among the Dragalia Lost team, it was rather well known that they admitted to a strong Cleo bias.
It's pretty easy to see, in anything from Cleo's early spate of alts, like Dragonyule and Summer in quick succession, to the utterly random unique outfits they flaunted in ch.9 that you can just tell they drew for funsies but really liked them and wanted to put them in the game despite it serving no real purpose...
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The dev team just really, really loved Cleo and drawing her. But after they apparently used up their Cleo allowance to make Gala Cleo probably the single strongest character in the game at the time, they cooled it down a bit.
However, as much as they were apparently thirsting over Cleo, I would joke that somewhere along the way, some part of the dev team, feeling desperate now that the yearly Cleo Allowance was running dry as they prepared to release Gala Cleo, decided to find a new fixation to quench their addiction.
And since Cleo was off-limits, they turned to the next best thing: crossing out the C in Cleo to find their newest substitute Dev Thirst character.
That's right, we're talking about the one and only Leonidas.
Leonidas had kinda just melded into the background with the rest of the siblings at this point to my observations. Sure, he was a campaign antagonist. People weren't particularly clamoring for him in particular over the other siblings, though. Honestly, I'd wager Emile was more popular at this stage, even in a 'love to hate' sense, just because we'd already seen him so much.
But then, it started. Whether it was art like this being posted on their twitter just a few scant months before G!Cleo's debut...
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...They just seemed to have a certain edge in artworks featuring Mr. Curry in a way to make one squint and tilt your head sideways.
For instance:
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It's one of those cases where you just kinda get a feeling the artist(s) found x attractive in a way that simultaneously still can give you a moment of self-doubt if that's not just you projecting because there's no blatantly obvious signs, you know? Whether it's something about the posing, or angles, whatever it is, I got this air increasingly whenever they put out any Leonidas art.
Thankfully, they decided to put me out of my misery and just flat out make what's likely the single most suggestive wyrmprint (or honestly art piece in general since Dragalia was thankfully very very very tame) starring none other than, you guessed it, Leonidas.
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(Secret Cygames/Nintendo conversation, probably: "As you can see, it's vitally important that we draw this character in a speedo with sparkles around him." Nintendo: "...I'll allow it. This time.")
Even if he puts on some more clothes in the refined version, we're still back to that air I mentioned, as the shot focuses almost entirely on him instead of the wildly popular Chelle or his pet panther (which, yes, seemed to be an actual pet of his):
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Even the Ilia-damned funny chibi comics got in on this thirst train as it went on and made quite possibly the raunchiest joke in the entire 400+ comic run featuring Leonidas, even if the exact same joke didn't make the translation overseas, however they tried. You can see a brief breakdown of that in THIS post.
Not content to restrict it to art and comics, Leonidas also dropped this line that is permanently engraved into my mind with just how shocking it was to see anything of this caliber in Dragalia, in his baby brother's story to boot!
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At this point, I could no longer deny it: the devs and artists had collectively acquired a new fixation to satiate their once insatiable Cleo appetite in the form of Mr. Currymeister. (Don't worry about Emile there, he's just drowning, he does that all the time in waist-high water)
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And this attitude even extends to in-universe, too! People increasingly fawned over the first prince, who very much was filling in the role of 'this prince you know vs. his hotter and more competent elder brother', as virtually represented by my expert skills in Microsoft Paint artistry as such:
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Naturally, there was only so much time before the people IRL could succumb to Leonidas Fever (and no, this time we're not talking about all the people who were so devoted to this dude to effectively set themselves into a fatal, firey, steroid-filled death!) at this unrelenting onslaught.
It was hard not to see comments such as these that started pouring in (and yes, all of these were just about Leonidas exclusively):
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(I'll attribute the misspelling to being overcome with Leonidas Fever, a grave illness indeed!)
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(Another serious symptom: the decline of any self-preservation instinct around Leonidas, who is indeed Very Dangerous and Will Kill You!)
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Ahem. You get the picture. Thus concludes the slow, insidious buildup from just another sibling for Euden to probably commit a whoopsie-daisy fratricide in the future to one of the fandom's favorite menaces, all carefully plotted-out by the collective efforts of devs who were the first to succumb to the sickness...Right?
This concludes my professional historical report on this very serious issue that I suspect lingers to this day. The Fever has but been put into remission; it has not faded yet.
So a long time ago I commented that some of the royal family seemed to have pointier teeth than normal, which I speculated because they deliberated giving a bit more 'draconic' traits to define dragonblood, and I didn't realize how pervasive this was until I saw Emile's model there. Look at his fang!
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...How did I forget the weapon skin of Leo's gun is additionally named "Royal Dominator"?
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canotop-fanart · 5 years
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“Pleasant Surprises”, Norwin and Orion for @dotpyenji !
He received a bouquet of roses and a book titled “Many Tragic Stories of adventurers in Alberia”...or something like that. Happy Dragonyule!
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wormprint · 5 years
listen cygames rep who reads through the Tumblr and ao3 tag I will pay real money for a fritz and/or vix alt thanks
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halidom-confessions · 4 years
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I think the devs forgot about Felicia and Phantom... At this point, every event up to A Clawful Caper *aside* from theirs has gotten either a rerun, a sequel, a place in the event compendium, or a combination of the above. I know the latter is impossible for raid events, but still, it hurts... In the meantime, I'm gonna hope for Dragonyule alts for the two of them. I think the angelic aesthetic of the choir would suit them well, or just a random fairy tale event because I'm a sucker for those
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Man, now I know how people felt about Halloween Euden.  That Dragonyule Laxi is precious, where the hell is that alt?
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princeshroob · 4 years
Since it’s the anniversary, I thought I would share who I use in each of my five main mono-element teams.
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First is my Fire team. Main character is Gala Sarisse, while my three AI-controlled teammates are regular MC, Nobunaga, and Nadine. Sarisse is one of my favs, Nobunaga is because I was born in the year of the horse and she’s the horse wyrmclan leader, and Nadine is because the way she attacks is hilarious! As for MC, he’s more a place holder than anything. I...don’t really have many favorites in the fire element, to be honest. I did dream summon Ramona a while back, but now I kinda regret it (and not just because I got her from a free summon soon after the dream summon expired). I just...don’t really like Ramona that much, to be perfectly honest. idk who to really put there, but if anyone like Odetta or Cleo gets a fire alt, MC is the first to be benched!
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Next, my water team, consisting of Monster Hunter Sarisse, Halloween Odetta, Dragonyule Cleo, and Gala Elisanne. I’ve already explained how I feel about Sarisse, Odetta is best girl, Cleo is best mom, and Elly...look, I just really like her a lot, okay? I’ll explain Elly more in the Light team, but honestly, everyone here is a favorite of mine, and this water team is pretty much set in stone, to the point that I gave Odetta and Cleo wyrmprints that would give them 100% Burn Res so I could do solo mHBH without them burning to death.
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Third, wind team, and it’s probably the weakest in who my favs are. Elly’s still a fav, Lin You I didn’t really have any strong attachments to until I beat eCiella with her, Gala Leif is really only there for damage purposes (and because I had the HDT2 sword for when I tried to beat eCiella with W!Elly), and Lowen...okay, he’s a great kid and all, and power to you if you think he’s best boy, but there’s a reason why I haven’t made an Agito or HDT2 staff for him there. I just...eh, don’t feel particularly strongly towards him. I’ll probably replace him with Summer Sinoa, honestly. But anyways, that’s my wind team.
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Next up, shadow team is Gala Cleo, Ieyasu, and everyone’s favorite gay couple Heinwald and Curran. Ieyasu was actually the first dark 5* adventurer I ever summoned (get bent, nefaria) and he was really fun to play as tbh. Overall though, I like Cleo more, and were it not for the laws of this land, I would have regular Cleo replace Ieyasu (yes, that would give me two healers, what about it?) but alas.
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Finally, my light team, which pretty much has 3/4 of the characters from my water team, hilariously enough, so this team is equally as set into stone as that. I have Summer Cleo, Xiao Lei, regular Odetta, and Halloween Elisanne. Xiao Lei is a math freak, just like me, so I identify heavily with her. Also fun fact, I can switch between Summer Cleo and Odetta in co-op eTartarus whenever the resistances aren’t equally split, and they both served me well in fighting Tartarus (helps that I have Thor.) As for Elly, the reason I waited until this point to talk about her is because I more or less had a love-hate relationship with her, and the reason for that is because HER FREAKING HALLOWEEN ALT REFUSED TO COME HOME THE FIRST TWO TIMES SHE WAS AVAILABLE. Heck, I whaled a bit the first time she came around, but even that wasn’t enough and it nearly caused me to quit the game. Dragonyule Cleo probably would’ve been the last straw if she didn’t come home either, but she did, and that was probably the one event that caused me to continue playing this game up to the present, and thankfully third time was the charm as H!Elly came home after 2 summon vouchers. This was certainly a wild ride, and there will probably be more to come, but I’m really happy because thanks to this game, I branched out slightly from my own social circles and joined another server on Discord that was also passionate about Dragalia Lost, and I’ve been a lot happier since then. Gacha is still h-e-double hockey sticks, tho
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rainbowdonkee · 6 years
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Wyrmprint- The Prince of Dragonyule
We keep seeing Euden being interested in dressing up for the past 2 occasions! Let Euden have a seasonal alt since they keep teasing us!
Stage 1: Is this a Saint Starfall outfit? I didn't know I'd be getting one too! "I thought it'd look good on you, so I decided to make one for you as well." "Thanks, Cleo! What a wonderful gift."
Stage 2: I was actually thinking of becoming Saint Starfall and delivering some presents. "Heh. Then why not put on your outfit so we can head into town and do just that?" "That sounds like a great plan, Cleo!"
Stage 3: Here are your Saint Starfall presents, everyone! I hope you enjoy them! "Well, you're rather into this, aren't you? People may mistake you for the real thing." "Heh. You really think so?"
Stage 4: Just look at all the children's faces after they've been given their presents, Cleo. "They all look very pleased indeed." "Seeing how happy they are is making me happy, too."
Stage 5: Well then, shall we be going? "Hmm? Going where, exactly?" "To the next town! We have gifts left, and there are plenty of kids there." "Then by all means, lead the way."
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xander-wolk · 2 years
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Holly Jolly Durant :’)
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claitea · 3 years
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thank you mars trial for giving me the perfect excuse to use my favorite character again
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bigbluetiger · 6 years
Mordemun got into Dragalia Lost
Wait, so if Dragalia Lost started in September, and each event had a main character get an alt... - Halloween Elisanne - Dragonyule Cleo And if they go in order of when you meet them, VALENTINE’S RANZAL IS HAPPENING NEXT. AND THEN EASTER BUNNY SPRINGTIME LUCA.
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redwylde · 5 years
Euden 9?
9. My favourite canon outfit of theirs.
Oh man, the good boy looks perfect in everything but I HAVE to go with his Prince of Dragonyule outfit~
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He looks sooooooooo festive and handsome in his suit! His little waistcoat, the bowtie, the santa jacket!!!! The fuzzy red gloves and boots!!!! It’s all too good, he’s killing me why haven't I unbound this print yet tbh I have 3 keys...
We were robbed of this alt, devs have some explaining to do.
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trainzelda · 5 years
Dragalia's biggest mistake is making all these alts non limited units. They would make so much money on the wedding and summer alts if they only came back once a year. It's absurd that they didn't learn from the wedding mistake and are doing it again
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callieskinhelp · 5 years
(Flower emoji) Elisanne or Cleo from DL!
★★ ohhh 2 very good characters!! hmm i love elly and i have all of her alts and she's honestly p calliecore but ultimately I don't think I'd kin her
and cleo was like, my first big fave from this game... i have 0 of her alts (fingers crossed dragonyule!cleo comes home during the event rerun) but i just love her so much,,, and she's certainly a big mood at times. I'd kin her
- ★ mod callie 🌸
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