#Drawing eyes by doodling in the pupil and then drawing the rest of the eye around it has made things so much easier somehow
solradguy · 1 year
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I don't remember what I dreamed about the other day, but when I woke up this came to me like a prophetic vision
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lokisgoodgirl · 7 months
Be Mine [Loki x Reader]
A Link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: A morning meeting has an unexpected twist. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Language. Smutty. Avenger!Loki x Female Reader. Questionable flirting techniques. (w/c 2.8k)
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The muscle at the side of Loki’s jaw flexed. He swallowed; an achingly glacial bob of his Adam’s apple making you want to claw your eyes out.
For some inexplicable reason he had opted to wear full leathers to today’s briefing.
It was seven nineteen in the AM. Thor was sporting a muscle vest boasting not one but three stains of varying complexity and a pair of shorts which left little to the imagination. Scott was wearing his dressing gown.
The rest of the team hung off chairs and flopped on the table in various states of undress. Steve stood at the head of the room as usual; prim and fresh in a crisp button-down and perfectly creased chinos.
“So what we’re seeing here,” Steve said, turning to the group from the Powerpoint, “is an up-tick in biological experiments-”
His eyes narrowed while they roamed over the doodling, distracted and hungover band sprawled around the table. “Lang.” he snapped. “Close your legs; there are ladies present.’
Scott shuffled up his seat, drawing the dressing gown down over his knees while mumbling apologies. A low rumble of mirth circled the room, but Loki’s gaze never left the Captain’s.
The curve of his dark lashes swept upward, features set in performative rapture. Loki's facial expression hadn’t changed as the scene unfolded, but for a miniscule twitch of his lip. Usually the two of you would exchange a few eye rolls; a few knowing smiles during a particularly turgid monologue about shoe storage post-mission...but not today. Today he hadn't even looked at you.
Steve sighed. He extended a finger and pushed his retractable pointer down to a stub. Pacing to the table, he dropped his head, laying his palms flat. When he looked up, disappointed-dad energy was thick in his eyes. “Folks, this just won’t do.” he said.
Natasha’s sunglasses slid down her nose. Scott crossed his legs making the swivel chair knock into Wilson and waking him up. The Falcon’s arms flew wide on instinct, whacking Tony in the chest. “Jesus Christmas-” Tony snorted, blinking wildly. “It was a party.” Natasha drawled, pushing the sunglasses back in place with disdain. “Maybe if you’d stayed after the cake you’d have those tight panties of yours in less of a spick, Rogers.”
“That’s Captain Rogers.” he snapped. “We’re on the clock.” “Calm down, Rogers.” Tony said, cresting his fingers. He was remarkably chipper for a man with whipped cream crusted in his hairline. “You’re all sitting on my clock. Remember that.”
Steve flushed scarlet. His eyes narrowed as Tony’s smirk grew.
“All I’m saying is it’s a sorry day when Laufeyson is the star pupil. Look at him!” Steve said, gesturing incredulously at Loki who remained in position; back straight, chin up. But now, one eyebrow arched. “All of you lot in your skivvies and Laufeyson’s in full dress?” Steve shook his head. “I fail to see the humour, Rogers.” Loki said. “Why is it so surprising that I come to our daily summons dressed thus? Certainly I have never presented myself in a tragic towelling monstrosity like Lang here.” “There was that one time with the silk nightie.” Sam whispered to Scott. Scott covered his mouth.
“A silk robe.” Loki snapped.
“Usually you only bring out the Asgardian shit when you’re brown-nosing. Or when you’ve done something shifty.” Natasha said, propping her chin up with a fist. You bet her eyes are closed. Wanda nodded behind her Starbucks.
“Or trying to impress someone,” the witch said. Natasha waved a finger in agreement. “Sexually.” Wanda added.
Loki released a scandalised snort. “How dare you.” he said. Leather creaked against his biceps as he folded his arms.
Beneath the table, your thighs squeezed together. The only thing hotter than Loki in leather, was an indignant Loki in leather. You suddenly became very aware of your quickened breaths making the buttons of your blouse strain. The god’s eyes darted to the side, meeting yours. “What?” he snarled. “Nothing.” you squeaked, swallowing. An awkward silence hung in the room. The scent of stale vodka suddenly seemed very strong. Steve sighed.
“Let’s call it for this morning-” he said, immediately met with muted hisses of celebration around the table. He patted down the air. “Rescheduled for this afternoon. Thirteen-hundred sharp. Wear clothes.” Approval turned to whines and hushed curses as chairs were swivelled and aching bodies shifted. “Unbelievable.” Loki snarled under his breath.
You watched out the corner of your eye as he stood; the flat of his iron stomach inches from your face. The scent of rich leather filled your nostrils while Loki’s fingers nipped beneath the hem of his tunic, tugging it down. He flipped the length of his cape with a sniff. You saw it swirl around his boots briefly as he stepped towards the window, clasping his hands behind his back.
Taking your time, you picked up each piece of carefully laid stationary at your seat. One by one, the rest of the team left the room. Steve was last, his hand hovering on the door handle while he shot you a wary look. As a parting gift, he opened the door wider. “You didn’t stay late?” Loki’s voice was a thick hum in the growing silence. His tone, inscrutable. “Huh?” “At the party.” he said. “You didn’t stay late.”
This time it wasn’t a question. “I usually head off when Thor starts making passes at everyone. I didn’t see you. Were you there?” “He did that?” Loki bristled. “To you?” There was a pause. “To everyone.” you repeated quietly. Loki’s shoulders stiffened. His fingers twitched, thumb digging into one exposed palm behind his back. He was still staring out the window.
“I’ll see you later.” you said, nerves fluttering in your belly. The god’s hair shortened as his chin dipped. You wondered how it would feel to wind those dark strands through your fingers as you rode him. Wondered how the grunts and signs and pretty curses from his lips would sound wet in your ear.
“No.” Loki said. “Excuse me?” “No,” he repeated.
You steadied against the table-top with the pads of your fingertips. Small stars began to burst in your field of vision. “I think the leather looks goo-good,” you stammered. And you didn’t know why.
The thought of him barring the exit of enemies in far flung realms using only that voice barged through the doors of your imagination with the force of a horny caveman. If that was the last sarcastic quip they heard, by god, you imagined they may just have died happy. And hard.
“It looks good.” you repeated, no more than a whisper. Loki turned his head. The sharp profile came into view at a glacial pace. First the peaked tip of his chin, then the slant of his regal nose, then the harsh peak of his cheekbone, then his eyes. Your ass met the table-top with a stumble. There was a small crease between his eyebrows. “Bold of you to make another jest without your compatriots around you, Agent.” he said. Across the short distance between you, venom dripped from his tongue; his hackles raised. “I wasn’t joking,” you said quietly as his gaze fell to your feet with a sneer. The quick breaths that made your buttons strain were back. Loki’s rising stare lingered on your breasts, a small smile tweaking at the corner of his mouth. Words tripped from your lips, forcing their way from behind your teeth. “I like it.”
Loki’s eyes narrowed. He turned fully with a ceremonial flourish, the hands clasped behind his back moving to the front and rippling his leather and silken cloak. It fluttered.
“Is that so?” he purred darkly. He didn’t believe you.
You imagined how this is how a rabbit felt in the eyeline of a fox. To look away was to admit weakness, vulnerability. It meant death. And yet – it was the only chance to escape. But did you want to escape? Not really. You wanted to feel the sharp of his teeth fasten to your neck as he sucked and bit and made violent love to every inch of you.
You nodded, not breaking eye-contact. Loki inhaled sharply, chin tilting up as he did so.
His eyes wandered over grim foam tiles as though an enemy lurked beyond the suspended ceiling. They narrowed, darting back and forth. With a thundering heart, you noted one of his heavy boots rise from the floor. He paced forwards slowly, ceremonially, stopping inches from you. Your fingers curled tight around the table’s edge, the messy in your panties beneath the skirt becoming intolerable. Loki cleared his throat. “Am I to understand, contrary to common rhetoric, that you find my Asgardian leathers enticing; Agent?” “I think ‘enticing’ is a little grandiose, is it not?” you laughed, cringing at the way you so easily mirrored his speech. Loki noticed it too. He tilted his head. “I am nothing if not grandiose, Agent.” Loki said. “Am I not impressive? Am I not imposing?”
He trailed a long finger down your bicep, his touch light as a feather. “So often, you mortals use such words as insult.” he mused.
“It is merely a reflection on your own feelings of inferiority. This morning is a perfect example. An attempt at ridicule to deflect from their own pathetic presentation. Each one more bedraggled and an abject embarrassment to their purpose than the last.” Heat began to rise in your cheeks as his finger drifted along your collarbone. There was a pause, his eyes dropping to your lips before the finger brushed the skin at the hollow of your neck. It graced upwards, tracing the curve and stopping beneath the tip of your chin. “But not you.” he said.
The god’s eyes snapped to yours. His cheekbones hollowed under fluorescent lights, mischief glowing from the depths of his irises and painted in every light wrinkle on his brow.
“What else do you like, Agent?” he goaded softly. “Do you like the idea of what lies beneath these leathers?” You swallowed thickly. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Loki-” you said, glancing towards the open door. He followed your eyes, rolling his own. With a flick of his hand the door slammed shut. “I want you,” he breathed, leaning closer so that the heat of his cheek warmed your own, “to tell me what else you like.”
You bit your lip, watching his beautiful face come back into view. With a prang, the thought occurred that perhaps you were not the rabbit after all. Perhaps you were the fox. Loki’s gaze lingered on your face, searching it.
Emboldened, you found the words. “Why should I?”
His brows peaked softly. He released a muted sigh, pursing his lips. “As much as I am loathe to admit it, Romanoff was right.” he said. The hand tilting your chin upwards returned to its mate, clasped against the leather tunic. “I was trying to impress someone, but not that insufferable Rogers.”
He raised his eyebrows.
Excitement blossomed deep in your belly; rising like shaken soda and fizzing around your chest. Loki bit his bottom lip.
“You see, Agent, I like you very much. And I’m afraid that now it has reached the juncture where I must know if you like anything about me...beyond my exquisite taste in battle armour.”
The change in his demeanour was so dramatic that you could only gape. But when it came to Loki, could you expect anything less? Without thinking you reached forward and grasped the belt slung over his chest, pulling him forward.
Loki’s mouth clashed with yours, the heat of his lips giving way to the thrust of his tongue. Your hands slid over his metal epaulettes, tangling in ebony waves that cascaded around his shoulders. He tasted like heaven, the scent of him deep and dangerously delicious in a way you’d never known. A scent a girl could lose herself in forever; gladly.
In seconds your back was flat against the table, its cool wood harsh against the heat of your skin through the blouse. Loki’s ravenous kiss consumed you, licking and dancing inside your mouth like a man possessed. His shallow moans ricocheted between slurps of his lips, wetness coating them.
“Tell me, you infuriating woman,” he panted as a thick forearm landed on the wood beside your head. The metal vambrace clanged against cheap wood. Saliva hung between your mouths as he stared deep into your soul; blue eyes darkening. “Tell me what you like.”
“About you?” you panted. Loki didn’t nod, only lowered his chin.
His nose nudged at your lips, dragging upwards, tongue tracing around the bottom one. He had begun to smile. One of his legs nudged your thighs wider. The god straightened and you felt a thrill run from your scalp to the tips of your dangling toes. He towered above like a monolith, leather tight to his rectangular body. Hair fell around his jaw, perfectly imperfectly wolfish curls flirting against his skin. His cape brushed against your bare calves as he shifted his stance, palms sliding up your thighs and pushing your skirt higher. “Yes; I like the idea of what’s beneath all this,” you whined as you pawed at his leather-clad stomach. It was so hard. Loki smirked, watching beneath half-lidded eyes. “I think about fucking you in the showers after training,” you whispered bashfully as your hips thrust up against your will. Loki raised an eyebrow. “More...” he rumbled. “I think about you all the time. All the awful things I want to do to you, y-you do to me- Loki, uhh-”
His hands crept higher as you spoke, fingers hooking around the hips of your panties. “If I pull these down, darling” he said with an air of reprimand, “will they be wet?” You let out a gasping moan, back arching against the table.
“Excellent.” Loki snickered, pulling the panties down the length of your legs before stepping back between them.
A hand flew to your mouth as you watched one long finger dip between your thighs, running lightly between your folds. He brought it to his lips, sucking gently. His cheekbones hollowed, finger slipping out. He swallowed with a groan of appreciation.
Loki settled himself between your legs, pushing them wider. The height of the table pressed your dripping centre against his crotch. You thought you might explode. His palms slid up your waist, exploring the curves of your body while your legs wrapped around his hips. The god’s cock pressed eagerly against the leather, strong and thick up the centre. His forearms came down at either side of your head, metal wrist-guards clinking.
“I will show you what it is to be mine,” he murmured in your ear.
Loki’s cock settled against your sex, rubbing in perfect gyration. “Oh...god,” you gasped as the weight of his body pressed against your own.
Fingers combed up from the base of his neck, tangling in his hair. The next moment, they grasped around his back, pulling him closer, catching in the folds of his cloak which draped across your bodies. The god grunted filthy praises in your ear as his bound manhood sent electric currents of pleasure deeper than you’d ever known. His searching lips found their way to your neck, your jaw. Every utterance from his throat more disgustingly sensual than the last. Hot leather filled your nostrils, the scent of him strong and intoxicating. Mounting orgasm bubbled in waves, a dream-like trance broken only with whispered groans of pleasure from your throats. Loki Laufeyson was about to make you cum. The thought was unbelievable. And yet, your pussy being tugged and massaged and owned by his leather-bound cock into the throes of heaven knew it to be true. Dry-humped like a teenager in the back of a pick-up.
“Be mine...” Loki mumbled breathlessly, a strangled choke gasping from deep in his chest. He immediately dove for a perishing kiss, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth and releasing it with a wet suck. He smouldered down.
Against the bright lights, his dark halo shone; tendrils curling against your cheek and brushing with every calculated roll of his hips. Every muscle in your body tensed. Your legs tightened against his hips.
“Be mine,” he echoed. His face was twisted, and you suddenly wondered how close he was to cumming in those beautiful leather pants. “Loki-” you gasped, clutching at his cape. Back arching, the last thing you heard as climax stormed your brain were the matching pants of the god. The last thing you saw were his peaked brows above dilated pupils so deep you could drown in them.
In the afterglow, all you could manage were garbled phrases as your forearm draped over your eyes. “That was...unexpected.” you panted when the god’s weight lifted from your chest. “Perhaps for you.” Loki winked. “It was very carefully calculated on my part,” You watched in dazed disbelief as Loki sank to his knees, leather creaking, and hoisted your hips higher. He lapped at your soaking pussy, muffled moans seeping from his throat as he buried himself in your fresh pleasure. The flat of his tongue licked a thick stripe from the base to your swollen clit, placing a gentle suck on the tip. His eyes flickered up, meeting yours.
“Immaculate, as expected.” he breathed. His chin glistened.
You groaned as he withdrew; grasping at the air as he went. That small caress of him against your sex was everything you could ever have dreamed. Loki let you reluctantly arrange yourself before offering his hand for the short hop off the table. “Not exactly how I imagined our first time,” you said with a sheepish smile. Loki scanned your face.
“Agent don’t be insulting. That was merely a sample,” he scoffed. “It barely counts.” He stepped forward, pulling you flush against him with a flat palm at the base of your spine. “We must ensure you have eaten something before more intimate activities are indulged in; lest you faint. Or worse.” “Or worse?” “You are only mortal, after all.” Loki smiled slyly. “And this,” he gestured to his cock; hard and straining against the leather, “can be rather a handful. As well can his Master.” You slapped him on the shoulder. Loki smirked. Remembering the unexpected schedule change, you frowned. “You think we have time before the meeting later?”
Loki snorted. “We’re not attending. The two of us fulfilled our obligations, unlike the more cretinous members of our party.” You raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to get me in trouble, I can tell.” Loki’s fingers danced up your back, a light thrust of his hips making your body keen. His dirty exhale flooded your ear, the warm scent of him overloading your senses.
“Oh Agent,” he purred against the skin; his eyes darting covertly to the pair of panties discarded on the floor. “As if you expected anything less.”
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Taglist (continued in comments)
@lokischambermaid @meowmeow-motherfucker @gigglingtiggerv2 @imalovernotahater @avengersalways @littledark11 @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @thedistractedagglomeration @loopsisloops @glitchquake @holdmytesseract @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @fandxmslxt69 @morriggannlostinfandoms @marygoddessofmischief @sebstanwhore @xorpsbane @peacefulpianist @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @acidcasualties @ozymdias @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @skymoonandstardust @justjoanne242 @thenotoriouserg @ladyofthestayingpower @wolfmoonmusic @brittbax @smolvenger @liminalpebble @joyful-enchantress @kaleenjackson @fictional-hooman @kellatron55 @icytrickster17 @multifandom-worlds @buttercupcookies-blog
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wroteclassicaly · 2 months
A/N: Just a little blurb to kickstart my writing for this character off ;)
Pairings: Eric x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut, vaginal fingering, NSFW.
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He’s always like this with you. Gentle, clarifying your wants and desires without words — your consent. That’s never changed, even when the silence has to begin again, when no one knows how safe this island can be. There’s a stillness to your candlelit nights - this one being no different. It’s been a few weeks since you’ve settled into your small tent, most residences being established for those that have come a new.
But having a skylight zip in the roof of your tent and a relatively soft mattress, knowing you’ll have fresh water and food, light conversation in the mornings, a sunrise above water, and a makeshift family — you consider yourself amongst heavenly luck.
With Frodo out frolicking tonight with your neighbor’s cat Prudence, it leaves you and Eric alone in the tent for an hour. He’s been reading his book by the candle light, alternating between drawing his fingers down the wooden sconce, to staring at you through hooded, enriching pools of chocolate. All of this is still new, your two year long online relationship, various letters and video chats, with the arrangement to meet in New York in person, only to receive a text that sounded like a goodbye, hours after landing, but then the invasion happened and you had zero time to look for him, assuming the worst, to ultimately meeting again on the boat. He still looks at you as if he’s known you his whole life, in person. With newly shared trauma, to old shared conditions - you’re honestly not sure you’d be sane right now.
Tap. Tap.
A warm hand pinches the skin of your calve. It causes you to look up from your mindless doodling. He’s got that little soft smile, the flame of the candle dancing in the blown expanse of his pupils. His brows pinch together, his curls drooping over his forehead as he nods for a confirmation in his request. He comes closer and your agreement, knees rustling the sheets and the comforter.
He props himself beside you, one hand cupping your jaw, bringing you in to nuzzle your nose. With the exception of fires crackling, crickets chirping, some residents still up, and the distant sound of the water lapping at the shoreline — all remains a comfortable kind of tranquil. You feel his mouth on your jawline first, fingers tilting you to maintain direction. You push your book aside, listening to the light smacks of his lips as he sucks in the flesh of your neck, lightly biting down, only to release and soothe. His spare hand, it finds its way up your nightdress, resting on your knees, kneading, rolling his palm, until it splays, his dipping fingers tapping your skin.
He pulls away from the divide between your neck and shoulder, mouth red and panting, licking his teeth as his hand leaves your land and his pointer and middle finger make a spreading motion. Your heart drops into your guts, entangled and stifling the air in your lungs. You can’t tug your panties down fast enough, sliding against his chest, taking his own stubble bitten chin into your grip for a kiss as he lets his hand cup your heat, a groan slipping into your mouth. It gets harder to cover when you feel him press at your entrance, teasing the muscle, getting you so worked up that you have to stare him down with your pleading eyes that he’s so fond of. You take two digits with ease, rocking your hips, taking what you need from him, letting him spoil you.
It’s a lewd sound, one that someone couldn’t miss if they were to pass your tent. Eric’s breaths are coming out choppy across your lips, his lap swollen with need. But sometimes, it’s about giving you pleasure that gets him off the most. And you, you’re sure every creature across the world can hear how fast your heart is beating. Your body zoned out, only honing in on Eric, facing him as you near your climax.
It’s going to be strong, you both know it. He sees through his haze enough to cup your mouth with his spare hand as you tighten around his fingers, crying into his rapid pulse, that is buried beneath his wrist. You’re trembling, whimpering, and it attacks that aching fire in his belly, licking, and causes him lower his face into your jugular, warmth spurting from between his thighs and into his boxers. You hold one another through it, smiling against a sweaty daze, and he kisses you again, one finger dropping to write I Love You inside of your wrist.
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chocsra · 1 year
"I'm glad you understand me, though."
15! Dazai x fem! doctor! reader
a/n: sorry I haven't been posting! school starts on tuesday and i am not prepared to deal w these shitheads 🤧 (update, its friday and they are no new fine boys 😔😔)
to all my dazai fans 🫶🫶 also im working on a 15! chuuya x reader oneshot atm too!
also @sosograndii who wanted a dazai fic 😭 also lmk if any of you want a platonic! fem! reader x pm! dazai where its like "when I say I like all women you might actually be the exception" bc that would be hella funny
content: being teenagers, oneshot, swearing, mentions of suicide, injuries, dazai being dazai, reader is lowkey suicidal too, Mori is kinda creepy beware 😨
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"Yes, Dazai?"
The brunette adjusted his white cast, scribbling doodles on the supposed paperwork he was supposed to do. He currently sat across from the Port Mafia boss, Mori Ougai, who was folding Elise's clothes attentively in his leather seat. Dazai shifted and set down the chipped pencil he usually chewed on, facing him properly.
"Do you think there is anyone else in the mafia who rivals my skills?" The Demon Prodigy asks, it may seem like an arrogant or overconfident question, but the boy has been used to being a genius at such a young age; it was rather a question out of genuine curiousity.
"Besides me?" Mori 'charms' with a smile, not so charmingly earning a scowl from Dazai in return. "Yes, besides you." He grumbles begrudgingly, slumping in his seat thinking what to draw next. "No, not at all." The mafia boss states with full confidence, "You are my pupil, afterall." Dazai groans again, dropping the pencil yet again before yawning. "Not every intelligent person is of your work, Mori." He retorts with a bored face, causing the grown man to exhale loudly. "Fine. I suppose there is one person who may be up to your level."
Dazai's ears perked up, turning to Mori interested. "Who?" The man in the white lab coat adjusted his purple tie, fluttering his eyes shut mindlessly. "A girl your age, she wants to be a doctor just like her Boss." He smiles genuinely, causing Dazai to sigh in irritation.
Is what you thought as you stare at the lanky boy who rested on your procedure chair. He was battered and bruised, previous bandages and a large cast wrapped around his left arm stained with sweat and blood; you put on a pair of gloves before grabbing a few tools to clean him up. He was a boy about your age, or so you thought, he was tall and lanky, a black suit with an oversized black overcoat messily draped upon his shoulders. He had messy brown hair thst framed his face, one eye wrapped around bandages along his face; shame, his eyes were a pretty sight.
"Where is your boss?" The brunette asks, watching you attentively as you grab his hand and begin to wipe his beaten knuckles, pushing the bandages wrapped around his hands up. "Out. I'm supposed to take over Mori's job while he's gone." You inform, scooting your chair closer in order to clean all the gashes on his hand. "Oh. So you're that girl?" You cock a brow, turning to look at him.
"That girl?"
"Mori's pupil."
You finish wiping one of his knuckles and dispose of the cloth, motioning the boy to remove his arm bandages before the cut bleeds again. "Oh. I guess." You quip, causing him to tilt his head in interest. "What's your name?" The brunette asks, complying and removing his stained arm bandage, placing it gently on the chair; you picked it up and disposed it yet again, grabbing disinfectant wipes as you wipe his knuckles once more. "[Y/N] [L/N], you?"
"Dazai Osamu, I'm fifteen." You nod politely, wrapping a new set of bandages around his hand. "Cool, me too." Dazai's eyes light up a bit at your responses, "I know." he nods, extending his other hand to repeat the same process.
"So," you pause, carefully applying the new bandages on his other hand, they were quite cold to the touch. "what happened to you?" Dazai sighs, tapping a nimble finger on the hospital chair. "I was trying to kill myself," Your eyes widen a bit at the honesty, giving a casual nod as if it were an everyday occurrence. "However, I didn't know that there were a few men who held grudges against me at the end of the river, so I had to take care of that." He answers, you gave a listening hum at his story.
"That's interesting." You reply, causing him to raise his brows a bit; looking at you as you get up and lift his messy bangs, urging him to take off his facial bandages. "Yep, I'm assuming you get a lot of cases like me?" You wipe his bleeding forehead, causing him to pinch a brown eye shut, "Not exactly; but I mean, I understand you."
Dazai tilted his head in confusion, crimson blood collecting on the abrasion on his forehead; he seemed rather amused yet surprised. "You do?" the boy asks, you nod your head in response, finishing cleaning the wound. "Elaborate, please." he requests, his brown eyes almost sparkled into yours. As if you two weren't terrifying mafia members, as if the world just for a second; stopped to understand a few dumb teenagers in weird situations.
"Who wants to live in this world anyway?" You ask rhetorically, chuckling a bit as you grab a few bandages and carefully guide them around the side of his face. The brunette for a second, was caught off guard; no one underestimated the Demon Prodigy, the greatest mistake for Dazai's enemies is that, they're Dazai's enemies, no? But, this time it was different, just one sentence and accomodating gesture, and he felt a knot tighten in his stomach. Weridly enough, Dazai hummed in satisfaction and fluttered his eyes shut.
"I see." He replies, you finished wrapping the bandage around his head and take off your gloves, feeling satisfied with the mutual agreement. "[Y/N], right?" the brunette asks casually, causing you to nod your head in agreement. "Yeah."
"Would you like to elope out of the mafia with m-"
Dazai Osamu, that fucking womanizer.
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solidwater-arts · 6 months
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[ID: A pencil drawing of Ethoslab. He is drawn wearing a sleeveless jacket with a big hood, long black sleeves, black fingerless gloves, and a mail bag with a "PET" sign on it.
He has phantom wings with stars on them, pointed ears, long and boney fingers, wavy hair partially covering the left side of his face, and dark sclerae. His right eye has a light colored iris with a slit pupil, and his left eye has a darker colored iris with no pupil.
He is standing in a relaxed position, with his right hand in his pocket and his left hand resting on his mail bag. /End ID]
I was doodling and a full drawing appeared in my sketchbook
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
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adam from the weird tmc dream i had last night. more doodles and also an explanation under the cut
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^these were my notes from last night LMAO. i was really tired. i remembered more as i was drawing. basically i was adam and i went into the vol 2 basement(?) and there was a tv (i think) and it was showing me advertisements for microwave dinners (one of them was fettuccine alfredo w peas) and some sort of news segment about a resident evil fan convention (????). can't remember what the 'evil merchant' was about??? anyways. kept walking and it became a brutalist concrete hallway with a glass ceiling and there was a fucked up creature behind the glass
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^looked like that. its eyes kept following me. at some point the ceiling was concrete again but it was bleeding?? and then my body started splintering apart and it was basically catalyst but worse
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^me (as adam) looking up at the ceiling as i became a creature. blood was dripping down the walls etc. some notes abt what i looked like after i transformed (some of this wasn't actually in the dream but i made shit up based on what my body felt like):
-iris/pupils have stopped bleeding, are now 'cracking' outwards (no clue what my eyes looked like. but there was a LOT of blood/'blood' on my face)
-mouth and teeth fused together, can't open (i couldn't open my mouth in the dream)
-two new mouths run down face from eyes. both have tongues and are fully functional (i remember having the vertical mouths w the tongues. super weird feeling. i licked my eye on accident it was gross)
-mouths on neck are cosmetic, not functional (i added them for fun. in the dream they were just holes i think)
-left shoulder got shifted around so much that it just sticks up like that. arm is broken and can't move much. (very stiff movement, just kind of hung there)
-just has a hole in the middle of chest. ribs are mostly normal but some of them can move/curl up like centipede legs. some ribs were sticking out of my back also (i think. felt like it at least)
-right arm got stretched out and fused to side of body, had to use it to walk (in the dream the hand itself was normal i just wanted to draw a weird hand. the arm rest of the arm was still weird tho)
-left leg was relatively normal, just a bit stretched out and broken.
-right leg was. long. it kept getting longer as i tried to limp away, until i stopped and then it stayed that length. i walked on the 'knee' and dragged the rest of it behind me
-also my bones were just. broken. just stabbing myself accidentally bc they stuck out weird and were VERY sharp. moving sucked
and thats all i remember. i know there was SOMETHING going on like. a plot or whatever but i forgot it :( like there was a REASON there was a beast in the ceiling but i cant remember WHY. oh well i got a sick alt adam design out of it lol. sort of. want to make an au based off of this ngl LMAO
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u3pxx · 3 months
✱ frequently asked questions!
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hey there, the name’s den/sun! i’m a filipino artist with too many ideas and too little sleep! i mainly post and draw ace attorney and disco elysium with the occasional dungeon meshi drawing. i also like good omens, danganronpa, tmnt 2012, undertale/deltarune, mob psycho 100, splatoon, fairly odd parents: a new wish, haikyuu, and pokemon! :^]c
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rest of the faq under read more (because it's very long lol) | dividers from here! | faq will be updated every now and then
what program do you use?
old answer: i use clip studio paint ex! as of 06/24/2023: i use clip studio paint pro v3 for illustrations and clip studio paint v1 ex for animatics
what brush do you use?
old answer: i mainly use the gasa gaya line pen for sketching and the t-pen for both sketching and inking as of 09/22/2023: i use the koya pen for sketching and inking and the gasa gaya line pen for inking occasionally. as of 12/19/2023: i use the a pen that feels like a pencil (鉛筆を感じる液だまりペン) with the pen pressure opacity turned on for sketching (i also use it for inking occasionally). i don’t ink that much right now but i still also use the gasa gaya line pen for it. as of 03/07/2024: i use both the a pen that feels like a pencil (鉛筆を感じる液だまりペン) and calish ink for both sketching and inking. as of 07/08/2024: i use the dry ink brush on clip studio paint.
do you do commissions?
yes, i do! currently closed right now because i’m a student and art school is hard but feel free to take a quick look here if you would be so interested! :^] however, i do occasionally open 2 slots for sketch commissions whenever i’m in need of some money so watch out for that pftt <3
do you sell prints?
yep! i have an inprnt!
where else can we find you?
you can find me both in twitter, Instagram, and art fight! i also have a youtube where i haven’t posted in 4 years pftt
can we use your drawings?
you can use my drawings for profile pictures, banners, even your little tiktok video edits as long as i'm credited (with a link back to my art account, please!) (also if you did do little tiktok edits with my art can you please send them to me i would be so delighted to see them)  just so we’re clear too, i don’t allow reposting of my art on other social media without my permission or credit. thanks!
can you draw [insert thing here]?
i don’t do requests! and usually, when i ask for things to draw, it depends if i’m feeling up to it so sorry if i don’t!
can i draw fanart of your au’s/oc’s?
YES! please, i’d be so dang honored! and please tag me too if you ever post it so i could see it and reblog it here! :^D (and also gush wail cry and scream about it forever and ever)
what does your username “u3pxx” mean?
it’s just my name den upside down, the x’s are because my old selfsona design had x’s for pupils and i wanted to incorporate that.
what does your tag “pampabait” mean?
pampabait (pam‧pa‧ba‧it) is a tagalog word that loosely means “to make [something] kind”, since the prefix “pampa-” is used to denote the causing of a state and “bait” means “kind”! the way i use it is also kind of referencing the phrase "nasisiraan ng bait" (losing one's mind/starting to feel insane). it's just a tag i use for some wholesome stuff i see that would stop me from going I HATE EVERYTHING FORVEVERRRR
have you played all the ace attorney games?
i have not! only because i got into ace attorney via let’s plays, instead. me and some friends are however trying to finish dgs though we haven’t been able to play for a long time pftt. we’re currently still on dgs2-1.
who’s your favorite ace attorney character?
look at me in the eye, boy. wheezes but it is apollo justice, trucy wright, and klavier gavin.
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#sunnysidedraws - all of my polished drawings or doodles i consider high-effort #sunnysidedoodles - stuff that i wouldn’t consider polished but hey, they’re cute lmao #sunnysideanswers - all of my answered asks #sunnysiderambles - my general thoughts, rambles, or whatever #sunnysidetutorials - answered asks on how i do certain art stuff of mine #sunnysidelb - liveblogs of whatever i’m watching/reading #sunnysideplays - liveblogs of the games i play (it's just pokemon right now lol) #sunnysidepolls - whatever polls i make up #sunnysidezines - for previews and the finished pieces of all the zines i’ve been in
✱ ART TAG DIRECTORY (in case you just only wanna see the stuff i drew for a specific thing)
#sunnysideattorney - ace attorney art #sunnysideomens - good omens art (includes bad omens) #sunnysidedisco - disco elysium art #sunnysidemeshi - dungeon meshi art #sunnysidepotions - potionomics art #sunnysideprom - monster prom art #sunnysidemons - pokemon art #sunnysidefairies - fairly odd parents: a new wish art #sunnysideball - haikyuu art #den’s gavinners tag - includes all of my gavinners ocs art, rambles, asks i’ve answered about them, and other posts that reminded me of them #den’s aa roleswap au - what it says on the tin, includes my art and also art that others made for the au! :’^D i also have a sideblog specifically for it #den’s bad omens - has all my stuff and art others made for my good omens roleswap au! #disco femlysium - art of fem!harry and fem!kim (and everybody else) #den's disco swap - art of my disco elysium roleswap au #disco meshi au - art of my dungeon meshi au for disco elysium
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voidberryart · 3 months
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Blinked and you've missed me...
[ID: Full color refsheet split up into various parts. Starting with the full body drawing on the lefthand side is seen a humanoid (ish) figure. Its body faces to the viewer's left with its head turned towards the viewer's right. It wears a large white iridescent hooded cloak, its edges fringed with hanging gold beads, the brim of the hood (worn down) lined with a dark stripe, and the inside instead a dark blue like the night sky, filled with glowing light stars. The cloak itself is held shut with a golden broach designed similarly to the shape of an orrery.
The figure's face is a white iridescent mask, branching outwards like wavy sunrays. The eyes are shaped like upturned crescent moons, given extra detail with dark painting along their outsides like makeup, winding up in winged angles and downward into its cheeks. The insides of the eyes are colored like a purple/green nebula, the inside corners darkening to black, while the pupils themselves are near white (and two pupils each eye, one smaller than the other). In place of eyebrows there are silver designs of moon phases (full moon going into half going into crescent from the outside going in), and there is a four pointed star painted in black on its right (viewer's left) cheek.
Behind its head is a misty floating fog-like substance, colored in that same nebula pattern, the parts wisping up at the top growing darker than the parts closer to the head. The figure's arm and legs are also colored like that nebula, the farther down the extremities the darker their colors fade, eventually into black.
The garment it wears is a short straight silhouette dress, crossing downward at a sharp angle to its left (viewer's right) in the front with the inverse angle in the back. The sleeves are long, pooling out dramatically at the edges. The right sleeve covers its arm entirely, angled down at its side, and has two dark rings near the cuff. While the left sleeve pools into the figure's elbow, crooked upwards with its hand extended outward, the matching rings on this sleeve up towards the bicep instead. The color of the garment is a near pastel purple, fading into something more mint/blue farther down it goes, giving off an overall vibe of something closer to shimmering silver. Three white large sparkles grouped together also are embroidered into the bodice's left side. The stripes as well all containing patterns of white constellations.
The figure's legs appear to be wearing some sort of black netting, and the visible hand can be seen with its long claws painted white, fading to a rich purple closer to the nail buds (and just faintly fading from there to green). The feet both appear barefoot, save for how they are heeled with white stars angling the feet upwards.
The entire figure glows a soft blue, the lining of the figure all done in white on its outside and inside around the dark part of the cloak, the rest all lined in black.
The page itself is labeled "Blinked" in the top center with further text information underneath that reading "5'8", it/its/itself, tick/tock/ticks/tocks/tickself/tockself* (the next line is redacted), *(if you've reached level 10 friendship)". To the left of the text between it and the initial fullbody drawing are quick paintings of the bi and agender flags.
On the top righthand side of the page are six flat color doodles of the figure, each wearing different expressions and labeled with different identifiers. The top left's eyes are standard to the main drawing, and it is labeled "neutral". The middle top's eyes are opened wide like longways ovals, and this one is labeled "excited". The top right's eyes are shaped similar to the neutral one, but its pupils are gone leaving the eyes empty, and this one is labeled "tired". The bottom left's eyes are downward crescents, and this one is labeled "morose". The bottom middle's eyes are replaced with swirling spirals, and is labeled "unsettled". The bottom right's are shaped similarly to the excited one, but there are intensity markings around the eyes' edges and the pupils are ringed with glowing purple, backed with sketched messy circles of the same pupil color, and the smaller secondary pupils are missing entirely, this one labeled "furious".
On the bottom center of the page is another flat color bust drawing of the figure, with the smoke-like substance at the back of its head now pooled down over its shoulder, its hand reaching up as if stroking the mist like hair. There is text labeled next to the image reading "→ Acts like hair".
Beside that in the bottom right corner is a closeup detail drawing of the broach, showing all circles of it drawn with several blue rings in each circle, and the entire thing connected to each other with white circles underneath, like star trails. Text next to this drawing is labeled "Cloak broach (appears to be some kind of orrery or timepiece)". End ID.]
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oftenwantedafton · 9 months
Vent - Steve Raglan/William Afton/Springtrap x Female Reader
Chapters 14-17
Rating - Explicit
Warning for sexual content
Also available on AO3 Chapter 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
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Chapter 14 ~ enough ~
William Afton strides into Parts and Service as if nothing untoward has transpired; as if he hasn’t just had his conscience fighting to break free—not gone after all then, a sliver of his humanity still intact, the least human part the most humane, how ironic—his glasses still tucked into his shirt pocket, that shirt now damp with perspiration between his shoulder blades, beneath his arms, the carefully coiffed hair disturbed, wet tendrils tracking across his forehead. He finds you seated at the desk once more, looking a little overwhelmed, but he thinks not by the task you were given; rather, that damned animal trying to expose him, that would be the last time he let him loose, he could not be trusted, attempting to divulge his real identity; and what then, so soon after opening and already nearly revealed, what was the point of waiting so long to play the game once again only to have the pieces dashed from the board now?
“Steve?” You question him, bringing the man back from the brink of his spiraling thoughts.
Yes, Steve. That’s the role he’s playing now. Not the other. Not yet. He drags a hand through his disheveled hair, taking a deep breath to steady himself.
“Are you okay? You look…”
“Mishap in the kitchen,” he says dismissively. “How are you progressing?” He nods towards the computer screen.
“I’ve finished the first track. See what you think of this.” You play a sample for him and he calms further, coming back to himself.
“Well done. You’ll continue with the remainder of the tracks for the rest of the animatronics then.” He hesitates. He’s neglected to close the door behind himself. He reaches out to touch your face, knuckles brushing against one cheek. His eyes fixate on your mouth. “Open,” he commands. There’s no way to explain this if anyone walks in. Maybe he likes the thrill of discovery more than he’d previously thought. You obey, lips parting, tongue slightly extended. He slides his index and middle fingers into the warm, moist space, stopping well short of testing your gag reflex, just letting you get used to the feel of being invaded. “Suck,” he commands, his eyes going a shade darker as his pupils dilate with desire. His breath is a harsh rasp as he watches your lips close around the pair of digits, enjoying the feel of the gentle suction as he’s trapped between the roof of your mouth and your tongue. He wishes you could see yourself the way he sees you at that moment. “Enough.” It’s not, not nearly, but he isn’t going to push too far this early on.
Chapter 15 ~ ink and paper ~
You’re not sure how you feel about your second day on the job as it draws to a close.
On the one hand, you’d enjoyed the actual work you’d done, undeniably proud of how well you’d performed. The time had absolutely flown by. That certainly never happened working retail.
On the other, you’re not sure what to make of the strange encounter with the yellow rabbit, or your new boss’s erratic behavior. You sit on the bottom step leading to the stage, doodling on a page in your sketchbook while you wait for the owner to finish closing the restaurant for the night, the last employees departing. Steve glances at the illustration as he flips the switches for the lights, his fingers freezing before he completes the row. You’ve been drawing without really thinking, your hands recreating the memory of the yellow rabbit from earlier: tall and ragged, shadowed eyes and twin rows of teeth set in decaying gums where the fabric of the jaw has worn away.
You hastily close the sketchbook and rise, shoving it into your backpack, then follow the older man to his car. It’s slightly warmer tonight, a teasing preview of the forthcoming spring. You sit in the vehicle and wait for Raglan to start it, glancing over when he doesn’t.
His head is tipped back against the padded cradle of the headrest. The exhaustion is finally showing, revealed now that the second part of his work day is concluded. His face turns and he looks at you silently. There is a raw ache to his eyes tonight that transcends just being tired. He’s hungry for you.
”Let me see the book you were drawing in earlier.”
You lean forward, unzipping your book bag and handing the requested item to him. You have many drawings there: things you sketch when you’re bored in class, during lunch, after school. Several months’ worth of creations, some real, some imaginary. “You draw well,” he murmurs, flipping through the pages. He pauses when he reaches the latest illustration, the mascot’s haunted features stark against the white background. “Tell me about this one.”
You hesitate. You don’t want to betray the yellow rabbit. You wonder again about his warning. “I don’t know. It’s nothing. Just something I dreamt up.”
”Nothing, you say? This is what you dream about at night?”
You shrug, watching him shut the book. You reach for it but he lifts it away from you, making your arm stretch, your body leaning against his. “You want it?”
You let your hand drop, your fingers closing over his shirt sleeve. He’s not talking about the sketchbook, and you both know it. “Yes, I want it,” you whisper, granting him permission he doesn’t need. You know he’ll take what he wants when he’s ready. A few more heartbeats and the book tumbles from his fingers, already forgotten as his body lunges towards you, his mouth covering yours. You realize you’ve been craving this all day. Only your second time and already you’re addicted to the feel of those ravenous lips. Something flares to life in your core, warm and aching.
You try and fail to put these feelings into words in your journal later on, scribbling out each attempt, the memory of his hot tongue against yours stilling the ink’s trek across the page.
Chapter 16 ~ strawberry ~
Back in the workroom two weeks later, you’re being taught how to swap out a faulty circuit. Steve’s demonstrating the correct order to sift through the complex layers of steel and wires. You want to pay attention, but you can’t help but let your gaze wander to the older man’s features instead, watching his jaw work the gum he’s chewing.
He smirks, apparently well aware of what’s going on in his peripheral vision. “You’re not paying attention.”
“No, I am. I’m sorry.”
“Repeat the last three steps.”
You inhale deeply. “Okay, so I’m lifting this component—”
“Wrong. Try again.”
“I start from this end—”
“Stop. I can see we’re not going to make any progress here if we don’t tend to…other things first.”
Your eyes dart to the door.
“It’s locked,” he says.
So he’d planned for this, then.
Raglan removes his glasses and sets them on the desk. His hand rests on the nape of your neck as he pulls your face toward his, capturing your lips. You taste the artificial strawberry flavor of the gum, accepting it when he pushes it into your mouth, chewing briefly before allowing him to collect it back again. He draws back to study your features, blowing a modest bubble and snapping it. He grins and your insides flutter. His hand slides down slowly, kneading your breast through the layers of your bra and tshirt. This was something new; he’s never touched you there before. Your nipple hardens. He abandons it, now thumbing open the fly of your pants and jerking the zipper down. Another lurch in your center. This was new, too.
“Do you ever touch yourself?”
Your pussy throbs in reply. “A little, sometimes,” you admit. You’d never had much interest in anything sexual until lately; ever since you’d started your ‘lessons’ with the older man. You return home after work each night wet and warm between your legs after your employer’s heated kisses, craving things you’ve never known.
“What do you think about when you do?”
“Ummmmm…” The sound drags out as his fingers stroke you through the crotch of your panties. It feels so much better than when you do it yourself. “Kissing you.”
He hums, enjoying your response. “Hmmm, really? What else?”
“What? I don’t know, I just…I…” You’re incoherent when he shoves his hand beneath the waistband and snakes down through your lips.
“You’re so wet already. I think you’re ready for another lesson sooner than I’d anticipated. But not just yet.” He draws small circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves and you gasp at the sensation, cheeks flushing at his words and the response your body is giving to him.
”Do you ever…do you think about me?”
”Oh yes.” His index finger pushes gently inside your entrance to the first knuckle. “I think about that sweet mouth of yours and I stroke my cock.” Your hips arch, driving the digit in a little further. “You like that, don’t you?” You’re not sure if he means the invasion into your sex or the dirty talk. Maybe both. You definitely like both. His calloused thumb swipes your clit and you gasp. “Stand up.”
The owner withdraws his hand and you comply, easing off of the swivel chair. He kneels, pulling off your sneakers and tugging your pants and underwear down, just one brisk shove and you’re bare all the way to your ankles. He tells you to sit and he finishes removing the clothing from your lower extremities.
“Open your legs.”
You hesitate, suddenly uncertain, watching the steady mastication of the man on his knees in front of you. He rests a palm on one thigh, stroking your skin gently. “You’re going to enjoy this, I promise you.”
You chew your bottom lip, slowly parting your legs.
“Scoot closer to the edge and lean back. That’s it, I’ve got you.” His hands brace your thighs as he looks at your sex and you feel yourself blushing again. “Fucking gorgeous.” He licks a stripe across your pink flesh and you moan, the sound stifled by the hand he clamps over your mouth. “Not too loud,” he cautions. You nod against his fingers and the hand relaxes. Another swipe of his tongue. You whimper this time. You’d never really allowed yourself to fantasize about something like this, but of course you should have known someone so orally fixated would love eating pussy. You wonder if you’ll taste like strawberries now or if the gum will taste like you, and then your thoughts dissipate when he begins working on your clit in earnest, the time for teasing long past, sucking and flicking his tongue over it.
There’s a feeling building inside of you, a coiling tension of pressure that needs release. “Steve, wait, it’s…I’m…” You fumble for an explanation and his hand clamps around your lips again right before your body explodes in his mouth, quaking violently against him. You cry out against the barrier of his fingers.
“You’re so delicious. So sweet,” he murmurs, kissing his way back up to your panting mouth, offering you a sample.
The gum tastes like you.
Chapter 17 ~ mentor ~
The man using the alias Steve Raglan crumples his napkin and tosses it onto the plate in front of him, collecting yours when you nod that you’re finished eating and sets the pair to one side for the diner’s server to take. He points at the textbook sitting on the padded bench beside you. “Time for Calculus.”
“I don’t see why it matters if I bring my grade up when I’m already passing. A B minus is good enough,” you protest.
“You shouldn’t settle for that. You can push yourself to do better. And it will look more favorable when you apply to college.”
“If I go.”
“When,” he corrects.
The mentoring is something that the pizzeria owner had gravitated towards unexpectedly. Maybe it’s penance for neglecting his own children’s academic pursuits. Maybe it’s an apology given in advance for what he’s planning for you tonight.
He watches you scowl but acquiesce, opening the book.
The waitress appears to collect the tableware. “You’re such a good dad, helping her with her homework,” she gushes, taking a moment to balance the soiled plates and empty cups. “I’ll be right back with that dessert,” she promises before she walks away.
The former career counselor’s eyes meet yours. “Do you think she’d have a heart attack if I leaned over and French kissed you right now?”
“Steve! You’re evil. Why didn’t you say anything?” You hiss, sounding scandalized.
“Why didn’t you?” He smirks at your silence.
Dessert arrives shortly after he’s begun guiding you through your first equation. Bitter black coffee compliments the layers of whipped cream and sliced strawberries and dense cake. He’s gotten one plate to share, holding out a forkful for you to consume even though you have your own silverware. He watches your lips part to accept the offering, your cheeks staining red.
He can’t resist dragging you against him when you reach the exit a half hour later, kissing you wet and sloppy right there in front of the waitstaff, simply because he can, because you’re his, because he wants.
Raglan pulls off the road seemingly at random, threading the sedan through a row of trees. He shuts off the engine and listens to your breathing, already detecting an elevated rhythm. He sees you fidget and squirm in your seat and he lets the anticipation build a little longer before he finally relents, surrendering to his own desires.
“Are you ready for your second lesson?” There’s nothing of the concerned mentor in his tone now; no trace of teasing humor. He wants your mouth on him and tonight he’s going to have it; going to teach you everything you need to know about sucking cock.
He waits for you to nod and he reaches for the fly of his pants. Your breathing quickens, a panicked deer in headlights kind of look on your features.
���You’re ready for this,” he says, attempting to reassure you. In truth he doesn’t really care if you are or not. The darker side of him will not be denied this evening.
The older man notices your eyes focused on the dashboard. The button is unfastened and the zipper’s metal teeth parted. He tugs the lever on the side of his seat so it reclines slightly, affording you more room. “Look at me,” he commands. Your eyes meet his. “Let me have a taste of that mouth.” You lean towards him. He thrusts his tongue between your lips, lapping furiously, letting a trail of saliva stretch between your mouths. His erection strains against his underwear. “See what you do to me?” He pants, grabbing one of your hands and pressing it against his crotch, trapping your fingers there. “Why don’t you take a taste?” Steve releases your hand and shoves the waistband of his briefs down.
He watches you shift, bending over, feeling your warm breath against his heated flesh. “Go ahead. I know how much you want it. I bet that cunt of yours is absolutely drenched right now.” A tentative lick across the head. A gentle kiss. It feels good but it’s not what he needs. “Take it in your mouth. Like we’ve been practicing with my fingers.” Your mouth closes over the head. “Further down. Relax, it’ll go easier.” Lips and tongue slide along the shaft in small increments. “You can do better than that.” He threads a hand through your hair, palm shoving slightly against your occipital skull, meeting some resistance. “I know there’s a lot there to take in. Imagine how good it’s going to feel when I fuck that into you one day. How deep I’m going to be able to reach.” He pushes again, firmer, more insistent this time. He knows your nostrils are flaring for oxygen even though he can’t see your face. He feels you gag but he doesn’t let you find reprieve yet. “Suck that cock.”
Suction and a flood of wetness surrounds him, thick saliva cascading down when he finally lets you up, gasping for air. He counts to sixty and then knots his fingers in your hair again. He doesn’t have to push as hard this time. Your mouth slides down and he sets a rhythm, hips lifting gently to meet your mouth. “Better. I knew you’d be a natural at this. You take to everything so quickly.” He allows another brief respite and then he repeats the process, fucking your mouth more roughly now, straining your gag reflex. The head of his cock batters the back of your throat. He groans, praising you again. “You’re doing so well. You deserve a reward, I think. Would you like me to eat you out after?” Some moans around his shaft, the words unintelligible. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, darling.”
He lets you disengage from his prick long enough to answer him properly. “Yes, I want you to eat my pussy,” you gasp. Your saliva coats him thoroughly, saturating the bunched briefs and staining your chin and cheeks and throat.
“Good girl. Make me cum now. And be sure to swallow all of it.” He shoves your mouth back down over his cock. There is no more restraint. His pelvis slams upward roughly, his dick fully engulfed. His head snaps back against the headrest, the muscles and tendons in his neck visibly straining, the fingers in your hair tightening. He curses when the orgasm hits hard, his hips hitting your mouth even harder as his seed spills inside. He can hear the sound of you swallowing that load, the absolute desperate gulp of it.
Your face looks positively wrecked, hair damp from saliva, lips swollen, lashes moist from tears that mark the straining you’ve endured. William smooths away the wet tresses that are mementos of the debauchery and cups your cheek in a manner that’s almost tender. “You did so well,” he praises you.
Ten minutes later he’s licking your own release from your entrance. Twenty more and you’re delivered back to your driveway.
He stays there, watching until he’s certain you’ve made it safely indoors. Such a concerned adult, as if there might be a monster waiting to snatch you in the shadows.
As if he, William Afton, isn’t that very monster.
He returns home and takes a long shower, eventually emerging and swiping at the steam clouding the medicine cabinet’s mirror.
The yellow rabbit does not appear.
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salty-an-disco · 5 months
Man. The character poll got me looking at my designs with new eyes, and I feel like rambling about it, so Imma just do it.
(pretty long artist ramble under the cut)
The thing about me is that a lot of the choices I make when I’m designing something are mostly intuitive/subconscious; just me following a Vibe and seeing what works for the feeling I want to pass on. Not to say I design stuff without thought, I’m just not aware of those thoughts until the design’s done lol
All this to say the character poll got me analyzing my own designs and realizing what my intuitive brain was going for when doing these aissmdmfjdm
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this was the first ever concept I drew for these guys, and you can already see some of the building blocks for my final designs here.
The thing that I focus most on, at first, is the overall silhouette and posing. Which is why I wasn’t worried about specific details or polishing up anything in this drawing, I just wanted to get a feel of these characters and see what kinds of shape worked best for them.
Going through each design and my process for them–
Cold was both the easiest and most difficult one for me. While I had a pretty strong idea for his overall shapes from my first drawing and knew what details were important (fluffy collar and head shaped like a water drop), specific details eluded me. I wasn’t sure what to do with its legs or cloak. Eventually tho, I decided I wanted them to be almost completely covered in feathers, leading to their white plumage with dark hands, feet, and face. Something simple, but effective, and I was happy enough with it. I was torn between a diamond or the X for its cloak’s clasp, but eventually decided the X was a more striking detail, and connected her to Spectre more.
Hero is another one that came very easily to me, but whose specific details I struggled with some. I gave him pure white eyes at first, but it limited his expressions, so I ended up giving him those black with white pupils eyes while doodling around. I figured out the helmet shape almost instantly while doing my second ever drawing of him, going for that beak-shaped helm with fiery feathers; tho the rest of his clothes I was really unsure about. Whether to give him a full set or not, if I give him a cape, or metal cladding, etc. The solution came by trial and error, simply giving him different pieces and seeing what fit best, and I eventually arrived on the set he has now!! The secondary clothes just kinda appeared as I doodled him in more casual scenes, and the hair came because I was looking at all the puffy-haired Hero designs and suddenly felt like mine was too bald lol. Overall, I’m really happy with my fluffy and smol son <3 (oh, and yeah, I always pictured him as short in my mind and never thought much about it isjsjdndjndjc)
While it too me a bit to get a doodle of Smitten out, I also figured him out almost instantly. The main thing I wanted for him was to look bright, approachable, and expressive. He’s the only one who has normal-ish eyes because of this, and the side cape was something I gave him to differentiate him from Hero and add to his dramatic flair.
Oppy was definitely the one I struggled with the most, as I had too many ideas in my head for him that all clashed with each other. He didn’t have a set design in my head for a while because of that, which you can see in my early doodles of him where I very clearly didn’t know what to do with his suit lol. His head shape was the first thing I figured out for sure, with those antennae hair strands being present ever since the first doodle I did of him, and for his suit, I just put Reigan Mob Psycho and Larry Pokemon Scarlet in a blender and that car salesman looking ass was the result (centrist politician was another vibe I was going for). I’ve been told he looks deceivingly handsome, tho personally, I just think his face is very punchable.
Broken was prolly the easiest one for me, and one I was satisfied with the first true try (I consider those first sketches up there more of a ‘test run’). I wanted them to look the most similar to Quiet (even more so than Hero), but, well, broken. A reflection of the state Quiet was left in by the Princess in the Tower lead-up. The horn tufts have been ripped off, there are a lot of slashes and cuts across its body, their feathers look unkept and like they have been torn off, and lots of its scales are missing. The sack covering its body is their measly attempt at covering their injuries, and I tried to make all the bandages look old and makeshift.
While the funny corvid face in my first attempt at drawing Contra is very neat, it just wasn’t very fun to draw or allowed them to have many expressions, so I changed it to the face you know now. The curly hair was mostly just me wanting my favorite blorbo to have my favorite kinda hair to draw, and it just so happened that it also fitted with them lol. Them being the only one out of my voices that wear pants instead of some upper body wear is something I always had in mind for them, and the suspenders were more of a little ‘extra’ thing I added to give them more of a clown look alongside with their hat. Something I find funny about my design for Contrarian is that, while it didn’t change much since my first full drawing of them, you can tell something about that first drawing seems off. A little scruffed and odd-looking, and that was mainly because I simply wasn’t used to drawing these humanoid bird things and you can really see me getting the hang of it with how I drew Contrarian, specifically.
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(even the colors saturation is something I slowly figure it out by trial and error)
Paranoid was the next one I did, and not to brag but, I think I nailed it that second try aidjkxmddkfkkfc only thing I knew about her design was that I wanted her to have large eyes and a bold spot on her head, and then everything else I just kinda drew around that. And honestly? Really happy with the result!! The bald spot ended up looking a lot like part of her brain was straight-up exposed, so I just rolled with that, and she probably has one of the most fun faces to draw. Her silhouette is also very distinct, with the cloak + fluffy head and horn tufts kinda looking like pigtails giving her a very fun shape. I just love how she turned out, not my personal favorite design, but definitely the one I’m most proud of. She looks like a weird bug and I love that.
While I had very strong images for Cheated’s, Hunted’s, Skeptic’s and Stubborn’s design, it’d still be a while before I actually sat down to figure out their details. But once I did, they all came quite easily.
For Hunted, I just wanted it to look like a Creature. I had the idea of having leaves stuck to its feathers as a sorta camouflage thing, but that’d be to much of a hassle to constantly draw, so I scrapped that and just kept the camouflage marks on its cheeks. I wanted its body shape to look slender and nimble; slightly malnourished. The head shape was mainly me wanting its beak to look the most distinct from the other’s beaked voices, more of a ‘wild’ look, and the cat-like tufts was also added for that more feral look.
For Skeptic, I went back and forth on some details, but the hat, big gloves, and scarf were the things that stuck to the end. Something I find really funny with him is that he wears no clothes besides those accessories and its just the way his feathers are drawn that gives the impression of a suit, or some kinda coat under that scarf lol. His color pallette is the one I find the nicest. It’s mainly monochrome, but I think it works well for him.
Only thing I wanted for Stubborn is Big Soft Kitty. With scars. That was about it tbh, I just wanted him to look big, stronk, and huggable, he’s just a big kitty to me.
Cheated I also knew from the start what I wanted to do with him, as you can see by how similar the first concept and final designs look. Main thing I wanted for her was this sorta ‘uneven’ look, with her clothes seeming like they used to be symmetrical before being sliced and torn up. The slices on an ear tuft and a brow is something that just sorta appeared as I doodled him.
So… yeah! This is about it. It took me a while to reach to this final result, but I’m really glad with how all my designs turned out and seeing that others likes them too makes me incredibly happy!! :D
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steakout-05 · 1 month
drawing my Craig fan design for REAL!!!!! + stupid little doodles
earlier i made a post talking about how i was planning on making my own canon where Crarry could still feasibly exist (as well as having other story beats and whatnot) and i mentioned how i refined my Craig design a little bit from the last time i drew him. i finally got around to actually drawing a proper full-body sketch of him and what he's supposed to look like!!! i think i drew his eyes a little more far apart than i intended but. whatever.
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he's my skrunkly. he's my baby. he's got perpetually bored resting face and a phd in Pocketbeasts lore. he's got messy hair and a few stray whiskers as he tends to forget his own personal hygiene, what with being a hardworking scientist who usually doesn't show his face and all. i redesigned his eye to have more of a prominent scratch on it that warps and distorts his pupil, as i felt like that'd be the most fitting for his facial scar and the type of injury he has!
and for fun i'm gonna do a general timeline of the evolution of how i've drawn this design over time, because it's actually changed quite a bit since i first drew him back in 2022!! (click for better quality)
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god it is. so weird looking back at that first design. it's so..... why is he so square shaped............. lol
now, in terms of differentiating this Craig from Canon Craig, i've thought of giving him some slight personality enhancements that i've always thought would fit him. i haven't seriously thought about it yet (i am tired) but here's some basic little traits i want to make more apparent in his character:
Logical Knowledgeable Creative Naive Perfectionist Fearful and Cowardly Not a very high self-esteem; Afraid to take charge Easily exhausted Not physically strong; Makes up for it with his quick-thinking skills Easily irritated when presented with inaccurate/false information Easily embarrassed; Tends to erase memories when this happens Reliable Honest Earnest Nerdy; LOVES to infodump about any given special interest he has Focused, sometimes to a fault Detail-oriented Introverted
this will likely be expanded on and developed more, but these general personality traits are quite fitting for how i headcanon Craig to be as a person!
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i love how whenever i get attached to a character or even just really like them, i always bestow my best headcanon onto them in high regard: the autism headcanon. gonna try to keep this short so i don't infodump for 12 hours but the major autism traits i like to imagine Craig displaying are issues with social skills (unaware of many cues, accidentally says things in an inappropriate way/unintended tone, takes things literally, misconstrues sarcasm as genuine statements), a speech affect (monotone affect), low empathy (doesn't feel what other people feel and has trouble reacting to and feels uncomfortable with certain emotions), has special interests (robotics and engineering, Pocketbeasts, cats, and he loves infodumping about them!!), stimming (rubbing the back of his head when uncomfortable, fidgeting with and studying a particularly intriguing object or tool very closely, doing little puzzles that make little clicky noises that are very pleasant to listen to), experiences sensory issues (joint pain, eye strain, sensitivity to loud and sudden noises, despises certain tastes and textures, often experiences shutdowns), has a strong need for a solidified routine (sudden routine changes can cause distress for him, as he needs more time to process his surroundings and has a strong need for structure in his daily life), a few motor control issues (he's quite clumsy and has issues with spatial awareness, causing him to bump into stuff. this has unfortunately resulted in him bumping his thigh on the edge of a table way too many times.) and a few other things i've probably forgotten about. a lot of these are inspired by a few of my own traits as an autistic guy myself. the dude's like a combo of Data, Barclay and Geordi mixed into one dorky nerd (apologies for any non-trekkie followers who don't know who those characters are :skull:)
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Craig seems like the type of person who, once you get him started, will infodump to you about his special interests for HOURS and he still wouldn't even be done yet. just like me fr. also tiny little Craig getting his face smooshed
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get squoshed idiot
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this is an older sketch i did when i was still finalising Craig's design along with doodling other stuff on the page. this was a little expression test of Craig blowing his face up with chemicals because 1. i thought it'd be funny. and it was. and 2. i've never really drawn him with big wacky expressions before, and i LOVE drawing big wacky expressions lol. it will be a rare sight to see Craig making a face like that but it'll still be funny nonetheless lol
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no comment. only moob. i feel the same way about barry tbh HAHAHAAH what who said that
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i fucking LOVE the Yababaina music video so much, it's absolutely insane and fun to watch, although it does put my eyes out of focus when i look at it for too long. heavy eyestrain and seizure warning for anyone who wants to check the video out, it's extremely fast-paced and has a lot of bright saturated colours. here are my three boys drawn doing that little handholding thing Miku, Teto and Zundamon do in the video. also first drawing of Prince Runingunin!!! he's so silly <3
that's everything i have today. i'm excited to draw this version of Craig more and make more art of him and Barry together!! just sucks i have to sorta swerve around canon with a convoluted solution but whatever. i like diverging from canon and making stuff up into my own thing anyway lol. blond nerd craig my beloved
#jetpack joyride#jetpack joyride 2#craig the scientist#barry steakfries#prince runingunin#alternate canon#i'm sure gonna have an excuse to draw this craig a lot more aren't i#heheheheehehee#also if you are wondering. i'm just gonna start shipping prince runingunin with barry in canon#it's the next best thing really and i've liked the idea of shipping them for a while so#unless HE also gets confirmed to be barry's second dad out of nowhere 😭 /jjjjjjjjjjjj#do not jinx it#anyway yeah. in my canon barry and craig are autistic and gay#not only because I Said So but also there's actually a surprising amount of justification to them being neurodivergent if you read into it-#-a lot and have a think about it#like i wasn't even looking for evidence of them being autistic on purpose and yet. i have crafted a whole entire headcanon that fits#and it fits shockingly well#anyway uueeuerem. really tired right now so not much else to say#craig is my little guy and i'm probably gonna make some super gay art with him and barry#it's what i do best :D#just a shame it has to be restricted to my AUs and self-contained canon but like. what are you gonna do about it.#craig's gonna end up being a whole fucking oc at this point loooolll#kinda don't want him to end up being an oc though.... like i still want him to be recognisable as craig before the jj2 shorts#i want him to be craig but different from canon basically. take everything i knew and loved about craig until the reveal and keep that goin#-in a separate canon where the silly dad reveal never happened#hueueugghhuh im gonna go sleep now#ignore the barry moob sketch. forget i said anything. what that wasn't me who said that what are you talking about. sshshhhhshh
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landrysbf · 1 year
drawn to you (ethan landry x gn!reader)
hi sexy beasts im new here [: i just kinda write shit when im bored, and this is one of those! look forward to ethan x male readers soon teehee
795 words
use of y/n
no specific pronouns
“y’know what’s funny?” you tapped your foot against ethan’s shin, the professor’s lesson barely entering your ears. ethan cocks his head towards your face, a light pink dusting his cheeks.
“i’ve kinda had my eye on you since the semester started.” you cocked your head identically, a short exhale exiting your nostrils. at ethan’s eyes widening, your lips were forced into a smile.
“wait, really?”
“yeah.” you slid his notebook between your arm and ethan’s, resting on the table. “this might be really weird, but i would try to draw you from memory.
“dude,” ethan batted his eyelids, no longer paying attention to the economics lecture. he was already impressed, and you hadn’t even opened the notebook yet.
“just try not to laugh, ‘kay?”
ethan sheepishly opened the notebook as he struggled to look away from your eyes; those gorgeous eyes of yours were ethan’s weakness. you flickered his gaze to the open notebook, ethan’s quickly following. his face heat up as he looked at several small doodles of a boy that resembled himself.
“[y/n], these are—”
“they get better,” you chuckled, tapping the corner of the page. so, ethan turned the page.
back to back were full page sketches of, definitely, ethan. one from behind where he seems to be listening, likely to a lecture. the other was of him laughing.
“chad told you something hysterical that day,” you piped up, a blush slowly rising on your cheeks. ethan looked up at you. “i was studying for my english midterm, but…” a lovesick smile crept onto your lips, your eyes glued to the sketch. you clicked your tongue. “i saw that smile and… well, i wanted to keep that moment close to me.” you darted your eyes over to ethan’s face, your gazes connecting almost instantly. “it wasn’t my moment, but i wanted it to be.” you paused, then subtly gulped. “i’m just, really glad you were at that frat party.”
ethan’s lips were slightly parted now, his pupils dilated more than he could imagine. without thinking, he stood up, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of the lecture hall. you said a few things, but ethan didn’t understand any of it. he had one thought racing in his head, and he wasn’t going to let a stupid econ lecture get in the way of it.
as soon as the two of you were outside of the lecture hall, ethan pulled you out of the way of the door, smashing his lips into yours. his hands held your face, pulling you impossibly close as you leaned your back against the wall. you let your hands rest on the base of ethan’s neck, your fingertips toying with some of the brunette’s looser curls.
your lovestruck kiss quickly turned into a make out session as ethan opened his mouth mid-kiss for air, the softest moan slipping from his throat. your quickly reciprocated, pressing your tongue against ethan’s lips with a soft groan. ethan felt his knees ever so slightly wobble, silently trusting you to hold his weight up. you chuckled into ethan’s lips before barely pulling away to speak.
but ethan’s breathless voice spoke first.
“i’m so crazy in love with you,” he huffed. you can’t help but smirk slightly. “like, it’s fucking crazy. you’re the only thing i can think about, dude, like… those drawings, man, those were so amazing, and— and i couldn’t even think straight, because it feels like this is destiny.”
you just listened to him ramble. this idiot’s voice gave you butterflies.
“i feel so safe around you, and i never wanna leave your side, dude. you’re like, the perfect human being ever made and i’m the guy that you want, which is unbelievable!” ethan pulled his face back further, his lips moving faster than his brain. you admired how emotive ethan was with every word. “like, me, just some fucked up guy, you chose me.” ethan’s tone could’ve brought you to tears. “and i love you, so much, i love you for that. i love you more than anything, literally ever.” ethan paused by pressing his lips into yours again. “please stay with me,” he begged softly, his tone changing again. “i don’t wanna live without you, [y/n].”
you could barely speak. all you had was a big, dumb, lovestruck smile on your face. you nodded through a chuckle, wrapping your arms around your perfect match.
“i couldn’t have said it better myself, baby,” you said into ethan’s shoulder. ethan hugged you back even tighter, as if he would lose you if he ever let go. “it’s you and me against the world.”
you could have sworn you heard ethan sniffle. your suspicion was quickly confirmed when, through a gentle sob, ethan spoke again.
“thank you.”
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stepswordsen · 2 months
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
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【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
Did some doodles of my fave Magi character, Judar 🥰💗🫶
I love drawing him sm! I doodled this and then experimented with drawing different eyes on my other doodles
In my HCs, Judar wears a type of hanfu called Ruqun (襦裙). Ru (襦) is the cross-collared top of a hanfu, and the wrap-around skirt is called Qun (裙). The coat jacket is called Da Xiu Shan (大袖衫)
He'd look great wearing black and red hanfu with white and gold accents~
The rest of my doodles and rambles are under the cut as usual!
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I also think these doodles are improved versions of the ones I posted before
I haven't drawn his hanfu earrings yet, but I imagined they'd be gold with a red jewel, or something similar! 🥰❤️
I compiled the most recent ones I like!
The one before the read more is the 1st one
I like all of these except 4, but my faves are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Like the eyes on 4 are nice but it doesn't really fit him much cuz it makes the expression look softer? While the others have more intensity to it which just fits him better in my own drawings
(Just gonna repost this cuz I did a bit of an edit)
1, 2, and 5 especially have really nice eyes~
Oh, and the last one is the one I did before. I still like this one, actually, but I'd fix some stuff
I've been experimenting with drawing different eyes.
I think drawing a cat-like mouth with the fangs poking out also looks cute…
Nyan nyan. Nyam nyam 🐈‍⬛
Sen: CEO of Nyam Nyams (Meow meow mfs)
My fave character type~ Black and white colour schemed meow meow mfs who are violent, bloodthirsty, murderous, smug, evil, unhinged, and morally questionable (and/or morally bankrupt)
I sketched 8 in total. The eye style I've been experimenting with honestly looks nice???
My faves are 1, 2, 5.
And then runner ups are 6 and 7
In terms of the ones I like the most
I'm so picky with my arts so I've just been constantly trying to outdo my own sketches and make them even better to see which ones I should turn into concept art ref sheets for myself. Cuz I wanna make a ref sheet of my Judar hanfu HC so that I can commission arts of him in it
But I like these ones a lot actually. Hehehehe 😚🙏
I drew slightly different eyes on the 5th, 6th, and 7th ones!
Different from my usual style, but inchresting…
It's definitely still very "me" though, especially with how sharp the eyes are drawn, the way they're inked, and the eyelashes. It's like a trademark of my art style.
Like it's still very Sen-core in the way the eyes and underlashes are thickly lined but they're even more thickly lined than usual
The eyelashes are just thicker and the pupils are just inked differently. I like experimenting with different ways to draw his pupils. I have like 3+ different types of ways I could draw them
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2d-dreams · 1 year
unwilling gods, forgotten gods
[Context for the images (character design description):]
These are black ink drawings in lined notebook paper. There are two characters: Providence (they/them) and Nature (she/any), humanized Spacelander and Flatlander.
Providence is a bulky person with a spherical head with one singular eye with two eyelashes and a thick eyebrow. They are wearing an olive wreath on their head.
They are also wearing a sleeveless turtle-necked shirt and short wide/baggy pants. A long piece of cloth that looks like a banner falls from their rope belt with a symbol that is a straight line with a small circle near its bottom endpoint.
They wear sandals with parts that wrap around their legs, and also have bandages covering their forearms and hands.
The second character is Nature, a very thin humanoid with only an eye as their head and a tall and thin sharp spike ontop of it. She is wearing a shawl with a sun symbol on it. Her arms are covered in tattoos and bracelets and her hands are claw-like.
She is also wearing a cloth wrapped around her hips like a skirt, falling all the way down to where her knees should be. The ends of this cloth have a blocky zig-zag pattern. The skirt is fastened with a belt with a sun symbol with strings hanging from it.
Instead of legs, her lower body is very long and snake like with similar tattoos to her arms in the upper part near her 'skirt' and at the tip. The tip also has a pincer-like mouth.
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[Description of first image: Providence is standing with an arm outstretched and the other on their side, looking at Nature. Nature is sitting on their arm looking to the side with a bored expression, with an elbow on Providence's shoulder and holding up her head. Her long body is curled up as if her legs were bent and her other hand is on where her knees should be. The rest of her tail curls around Providence's hand and falls to the ground, curling around their feet with the mouth tip pointed up. /End ID 1]
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[Description of second image: Nature is standing up, one hand on her hip and the other holding up her tail. She has a neutral expression and her tail is wrapped around her arm and falling from her hand. There are a few doodles surrounding her. One is a drawing of Nature in another form. She is a very long and curved line, curling in several spots to fit in the page. There are many lines along her thin body. The top endpoint of the line holds an eye with a short sharp point emerging from what seems to be the pupil with four whiskers surrounding it, becoming shorter the closer they are to the point-tip. The other end has an open mouth with three pairs of whiskers and a long forked tongue. Beside this drawing there is a closeup of the line's face in her literal form. Above is a small doodle of a circle with an eye and a surprised expression, looking like a cross-section of a sphere. /End ID 2]
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[Description of third image: Several drawings in one page. The first drawing at the far top is of Pollux, a hexagon with legs and arms floating in the air. He has three pairs of angel wings, each with a crescent moon. He has a crescent moon on his face instead of an eye, with the moon connected to each of his angles by a line. Under him is a drawing of Providence with their arms crossed, giving their back to the viewer. Their eye is closed and some tattoos on their upper arm can be seen. There is a similar drawing beside it, but only up to Providence's shoulders. This one has their eye open, looking over their shoulder. Beside the drawings of Providence is one of Nature, with her tail stretched and its mouth open. She is looking up and her arms are both stretched up with the hands open as if calling to someone above. Beneath it there is a small fullbody drawing of Nature, with her tail wrapped around one arm and its mouth closed around her eye as a reference to Ouroboros. Beside it is one drawing of Providence holding Nature (with the mouth covering her eye) close. Nature has one hand around their waist and the other on their arm. /End ID 3.]
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[Description of fourth image: Nature is standing with her tail stretched all the way off screen, a hand on her hip and the other raised, elbow bent and hand open. She is looking at what would be the viewer. /End ID 4]
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themightywolftiger · 8 months
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Jimmy was... afraid of being trapped within the timeloop. Afraid of being alone, afraid of being forgotten, and afraid of what would happen if the loop didn't get fixed.
In his fear, the canary hybrid sought out anyone that would listen to him. Anyone that could still see him despite his ghostly, looping state.
Jimmy wound up finding someone that would here him out: Skizzleman.
The angel/bird hybrid was confused at first, but he really did want to help Jimmy out. Jimmy tried to explain what was happening, but the crash of lightning and Martyn's deranged laughter cut through their chat.
In that moment, Jimmy acted upon instinct alone. He grabbed Skizz by his hand as the world went grey. Skizz eventually woke up back at Team B.E.S.T's base. And once he returned to his ghostly state, He and Jimmy eventually found a ghostly Joel.
And now, when the world stops and eventually begins to go back, Joel and Skizz find themselves falling through a plane of purple. However, as the world around them shifts and changes as they fall, there's something that always the same:
In the distance, a clocktower with two familiar figures falling as well.
(My ramblings below the cut)
So, with Hermitcraft 10 revealing Joel and Skizz being new hermits, my work on Frozen Over being a bit halted (Drawing and writing are both hard), and my continuous enjoyment of Timeloop AUs coming back, I've figured that I should talk briefly talk about Joel and Skizz's involvement within Limited Loop AU.
Both lifers are brought into the loop by Jimmy (By force/accident and/or by willingness). But once aware of the loop, they both are willing to help Jimmy (and even Martyn) fix the loop and rescue everyone.
Little things about each of them:
Skizz doesn't quite understand what caused the loop. But, he does know that Jimmy needs a shoulder to cry on and a hug.
Skizz is in charge of getting the rest of B.E.S.T to help Jimmy once they're ghosts (and even when they're alive)
He's also in charge of morale.
When a ghost, Skizz constantly emits a blue glow.
Joel wasn't found in the best state before he joins the loop. His anger boils over quite easily (his eyes turn fully red and his body crackles with electricity).
However, despite this, once he's able to breathe, he's fully willing to help Jimmy fix the loop.
Joel's job is primarily recon. He constantly keeps watch of the other lifers and tries to help Martyn find what he needs to fix the loop.
When a ghost, Joel constantly emits a green glow.
Joel and Skizz both have the ability to bring others into the loop, like Jimmy. It's significantly weaker though.
Like Martyn and Jimmy, the two hybrids have hourglass shaped pupils (it doesn't affect their vision and it only seems to affect one eye)
Bonus doodle of the two on a solid black background, mimicking the drawing of Jimmy's ghostly design:
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Drawing wise I tried to keep to their Limited Life skins to the best of my ability. But, to be honest, I didn't want to draw Skizz in a speedo (That's why he's in heart boxers).
Also, the clock tower is a reference to another drawing I did for Limited Loop:
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dragoncxv360 · 1 year
Some doodles of Sun and Moon with chest upgrades and shirts ‘cause I wanted official shirts for their outfits so I that if I can recreate them in real life eventually, I’ll have an actual shirt design for them
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[Image IDs: the first drawing is a doodle of Sun from my security sun au. She is smiling while looking up to the right side of the screen. Her left eye is blue and her right eye is yellow. Both her eyes have white pupils. Her arms are held out to her sides and her tail is shown behind her curling up to the side. Her tail ends in a small glowing yellow sun. She is wearing a red and yellow outfit. The sleeves are puff sleeves with little ruffles lining the bottom edge. There are two pale yellow shapes on each sleeve (idk the proper word for them but think of Snow White’s leeves). The sleeves are connected together by two triangular pieces of fabric that join in a small collar (the sleeves are part of a cropped jacket). She is wearing a shirt under the cropped jacket with a sweetheart neckline. The shirt hugs her body and goes does to just below the edge of her chest piece, ending in an upside down v shape with ruffles that match her sleeves. Her pants start about midway down her waist and are tight at the waist and flare out at the hips. There is a strip of bare casing between her shirt and her pants. Her pants have the same yellow pieces on them that her sleeves do and they are split into thirds down the front, with 3 golden buttons on the inner part of each side of the middle section. She is wearing long red ribbons on her wrists with golden bells attached to them.
The second drawing is a doodle of Moon from my security sun au. He is smiling while looking down to the left side of the screen where you can see part of the doodle of Sun. His left eye is blue with a white pupil while his right eye is red with no pupil. His sclera are black. His arms are held out to his sides and his tail curls around to his side. His tail ends in a glowing yellow star. He is wearing a dark blue capelet that cuts in an upside down v shape across his chest and reconnects in a v shape behind him. It is dark blue with white stars and fur trim. The inside of it is dark purple. His hat and pants have the same colours, pattern, and trim. His hat has a large golden bell at the end. His shirt is the same dark blue as the rest o his outfit but has no stars on it. It has a sweetheart neckline and hugs his body. It is tucked into his pants which begin midway down his waist. He is wearing long pale blue ribbons on his wrists with golden bells attached to them. /end image ID]
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