#DreamMare candy
star-sara · 1 year
¡Nuevos ships canons de Candyverse!
──・──・・✧ ・・──・──
Cake!Nightmare x Juice!Dream
Marshmallow!Nadia x Cookie!Epic
──・──・・✧ ・・──・──
Cake!Nightmare, Juice!Dream, Cookie!Epic y Candyverse → me pertenecen
Marshmallow!Nadia → @kai-drawnarts
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candy-cryptid · 4 months
New Freed Bird fic dropped
AU Co-owned with @confusedgoblin
Mind the tags and read at your own discretion
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!! <3
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skumhuu · 1 month
okay this has been sitting in my notes app for like a month because i wrote it off anon and got too scared to send it even though I've sent u an ask off anon before but it was only asking about if Throne was on ao3 for archive users... so i copied and pasted it somewhere where i wouldn't lose it so i could send it when i wasn't so scared
anyways i wanted to tell you that i love your art so much. Like SO SO SOO much. especially your dreammare art. it's fucking eye candy to me, I love it so much. Even the art that's not dreammare, I love your art so much, you have such a beautiful style! I can't wait to see more of your art in the future thank youu for your time 🙏🏼😋
I hope I’m not TOO scary 😂 Proud of you for sending in an ask!!
Thank you so much!! I have a lot of projects planned that im excited about! I can’t wait to share, but im kinda on a bit of an self enforced break lol trying to keep my style messy and loose lately to avoid perfectionism. Hope you have a lovely rest of your day 💚💚💚💚
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inkyl3af · 1 year
My fav Sanscest ships:
Dreammare(My Au)
WaterMelon candy (Watermelon sans x Candy sans x Suger sans)
Mermaid sans x Pirate sans
Alter x King
PoisonPurge (My sans aus)
Nebula x Magic(My sans au)
Universe x Paranoid (Universe is mine Paranoid is NerdVB)
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
Gathering Storm
Chapter five of the confession series. Chapter one here. Previous chapter here. AO3 link. 
characters and pairing: Dream, Nightmare, Horrortale Sans, Dust!Sans, Killer!Sans, dreammare
warnings: none
word count: 2,614
Summary: Dream collects the fruits and nuts so they don’t get ruined before an oncoming storm hits the garden and castle. 
I would like to thank @trashydragonartist7 for helping me edit this fic
tagslist: @anxiety-is-married-to-depression @angelofthehalfmoon @trainwreck-of-skeletons @hisame-amadashi​ @therandomskelekey @capisnotonfire
It was incredibly strange to see how their world had changed in the three hundred years that he had apparently been trapped in stone. The sky - when clear - was a dark rust red during the day, and a strange violet-grey at night, with only a couple of stars that dotted the sky. When it was foggy, it was a dense, impenetrable grey mist that seemed to sap all of the light and energy out of everything that it touched. Or so Dream felt, in the three months since he had woken up. Nightmare had changed as well - he was... Dream shuddered a little as he recalled a recent memory.
Dream had just finished baking a dozen hand pies filled with the meat that Hatchet preferred most. The positive spirit didn't much care for the taste of it, but he dutifully followed the recipe that he'd been given - including the amount of spices, and they looked and smelled really, really good. There had been some pie dough left over, and both because Dream knew that Hatchet really hated it when food - any kind of food - was wasted, and because he was a little bored while waiting for the hand pies to cook and had already cleaned up all the things that he'd used in preparing the dish, he had rolled out the pie dough and used a cookie cutter to make a bunch of butterfly-shaped cookies - making some chocolate frosting as he knew that Killer had a sweet tooth as well, and planned to share them with the other.
Dream had been very careful about the amount of magic that he used in making the cookies - as he wasn't following a strict recipe - and the last thing he needed was to accidentally create another living confection that followed him around for a couple of weeks before it died and crumbled into crumbs, the magic sustaining it spent. He'd even found a small bag of very delicious mint candies to put on the cookies for eyes - they were light and sweet and melted in his mouth like butter. Dream had put the cookies on a plate and went off in search of Killer, having set the hand pies on a cooling rack so that their undersides wouldn't burn.
He had been half-way across the castle - as the other was in one of the sparring rooms, when he felt a wave of fury hit him with enough force to cause the positive spirit to stumble and fall, collapsing against a nearby wall, his limbs refusing to move. Dream was barely able to catch the cookies before they fell onto the floor and break apart, crawling forwards on his hands and knees to do so. He shuddered and groaned, coughing as he slumped over, a second wave of pitch black wrath slamming into him and rendering him completely unable to move. A soft sound of pain left the positive spirit before he could stop himself as a third wave of outrage hit him, and Dream instinctively summoned a shield to try to protect himself. He blinked blearily as he stared at the nearly transparent golden dome that surrounded him, having never seen this before - but it was clearly made from his own magic - and was taking a frightening amount of magic to maintain in this deeply negative space.
It shattered and vanish as a fourth wave of ire hit the positive spirit, and Dream realized that the darkness at the edges of his vision signaled impending unconsciousness. With the last of his waning strength, Dream forced himself to teleport close to the source of the anger, his eye lights shrinking to pinpricks as he realized that he was in the hallway just before Nightmare's throne room. The commander of the Dark Papyri guards who protected the entrance came rushing forwards, worry in the other’s aura which caused Dream to whimper a little - the extra negative emotions not helping the weakened positive spirit whatsoever. "Your m-majesty! What's wrong?" They spluttered, dropping their weapon as she caught him as he fell forwards.
"T-Too... m-much ne-negativity... N-Need to calm... the p-person down..." Dream managed to say, determined not to pass out, even as he found himself wholly incapable of any further movement on his own. None of the dark Papyri moved or spoke - but the fear and alarm in their emotive auras caused the positive spirit to frown - they knew who he was talking about. "Please... Into... the throne room... I need... To calm this person down."
Before any of them could speak, Nightmare's voice - louder and more threatening than he'd ever heard it, even when the other had been trying to get the last positive apple from him. "IF ANY OF YOU DO SOMETHING SO STUPID EVER AGAIN, I WILL MAKE YOUR FINAL MOMENTS A MISERABLE ETERNITY OF AGONY. YOU WILL BEG ME FOR DEATH, AND IT WILL BE A MERCY I GRANT YOU SLOWLY. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?"
Another wave of fury hit Dream as the other screamed, and he shuddered a little, a small whimper left his lips. He called out as loudly as he could, weakly reaching out for his furious mate, curling in on himself as the Dark Papyrus who was holding him shifted a little, the fear and concern in their aura rising a great deal. "Ni-Nightmare? Wh-What's wrong?"
Some of the rage vanished - replaced by confusion and surprise. Nightmare teleported in front of the both of them and rushed towards the both of them, grabbing Dream out of the Dark Papyrus's grip, checking him over and frowning, worry filling his aura. "Dream... Why is your MP so low? What happened?"
"T-Too much negativity... P-Please calm down, Nighty..." The positive spirit confessed, golden eye lights mostly fuzzed out, shaking a little at the unexpected wrath and fury he could still sense within the other, completely taken aback.
Panic and uncertainty filled Nightmare’s aura, but his other half started to do some breathing exercises that caused the dark emotions to ease. “I… I am sorry I didn’t realize that me losing my temper like that would cause you harm. I’ll… I’ll do all I can to not hurt your like this again.” The other pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, surprise, guilt and worry in the other’s emotional aura. “... Rest, Dream. We can enjoy the cookies together later, alright?”
“I… Okay…” Dream realized that he was very tired. He yawned and nuzzled into his beloved. “Mngh… Cuddles, please? At least while I fall asleep?”
Nightmare nodded, his aura still worried and unsure, but also filled with love and care. “Of course. I’ll take you to our bedroom so that you can rest properly.” The negative spirit had then held him a little bit closer and teleported the both of them to their private rooms.
Dream had tentatively asked the other later, what had caused him to be so furious. Nightmare had answered - but only after a really long time - knocking on one of the wooden bed posts of their bed, and starting a game of Confession Time, explaining that he’d lost his temper. It had been caused by a couple of his people very nearly been followed back to this Universe by a couple of dangerous enemies - which might have endangered the lives of the mortals who lived in this world, as well as putting Dream in danger. Nightmare was terrified of losing him to these mysterious enemies of his. Dream had been wanting to explore other world, but he hadn’t asked to after that, knowing that asking bothered his beloved and not wanting to make the other worry that he’d wander off on his own if not allowed to wander at Nightmare’s side.
That had been a couple of months ago. Dream very much wanted to explore the wider multiverse - and not in the least bit because he knew that both of them could create portals. Nightmare was able to open portals to worlds that had negativity in them -  the darker the world, the easier that he could traverse into them, and the stronger he was... So the reverse was true for Dream himself. The positive spirit mentally shook himself as he focused on his surroundings, smiling a little as he continued to pluck more of the ripe berries in the garden that his beloved had created for him. It really was quite beautiful.
He shivers a little as a cold breeze stirs through the berry bushes, and Dream glances upwards, frowning a little as he notices the very dark and ominous looking clouds that were sweeping across the rust-red sky. Dream had been gathering as much of the edible fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs and spices as he could for the past couple of weeks - as one thing that hadn't changed was the weather, and from what he'd been able to tell, they were going to be hit with a bad storm soon - and the last thing that he wanted was for all of the lovely, magical food to go to waste because no one gathered it up first. Not that Nightmare allowed anyone but the two of them into this place still - although why he was so stubborn about it, Dream had yet to pry from his beloved.
The positive spirit knew that he had another three-four hours if he was lucky, less than one if he wasn't. Still, Dream moved as swiftly as he could, gathering the last of the berries that he could find  - making sure to separate them by type in his inventory. He teleported just in front of the castle gates before running inside as the rain chased him inwards, heading to the kitchens to begin preparing the fresh produce so that they wouldn't spoil. Killer was currently sitting on top of one of the fridges, hissing a little and swiping his dagger at Dust - who was attempting to take some of the chocolate clutched tightly in the former's other hand. Hatchet was glaring at the both of them and rubbing his temples with his hands.
"Uhm... What's going on here?" Dream called out, confusion and concern filling him as he hoped to diffuse the situation before they could hurt each other. He knew that it irritated and worried Nightmare when they fought like this.
"Dream! I st- bought some chocolate in and Underfell AU and Killer took it from me! He won't let me eat my chocolate and it's not fair!" Dust protested, lobbing a bone at Killer, probably with the intention of pinning the other in place.
Killer dodged and batted the bone back at Dust with his knife and growled back "Like hell! This is my chocolate I got from a Havenfell, and that jackass is trying to steal the chocolate that is rightfully mine! If he wants chocolate, he has to go ask boss to open a portal so he can get some of his own."
Dream happened to have 180 cocoa pods from the six cocoa trees that Nightmare had planted in the garden - which from what he'd read up on how to make chocolate... Which would make between thirteen and eighteen pounds of chocolate. "You know... If you help me make chocolate, I will give you a portion of it. Nightlight planted cocoa trees in the garden and the pods were ready for harvest, so I grabbed them. And a whole bunch of other stuff, but I can't make food in the kitchen if you’re fighting..."
Both Dust and Killer were suddenly in front of him, their eye lights wide with delight and curiosity "Soo, what do we need to do? No, no more fighting here, Boss Dream!" Hatchet also looked curious, and the tallest of Nightmare's friends/top lieutenants moved closer as well.
Dream chuckled a little, his eye lights shining brightly with the others' enthusiasm. "I've been doing some research, and-" He explained the process of turning cocoa pods into chocolate, finishing with, "All told, it's going to take a couple of weeks, but I'm sure that the end process will be worth it - besides, I have an earlier batch of cocoa beans that are ready to process - he planted two different kinds of cocoa trees. We also need to process the rest of the food - there's a bad storm coming soon and I didn't want the food to spoil."
The other three skeletons nodded, and Dream begun to pull out the fresh ingredients, laying them out on the table - each of them working quickly to weave preservation spells on the incredibly tasty ingredients. They were about half-way done when a loud, low rumble seemed to shake the castle to it's very foundations. Hatchet, Killer and Dust paused for a moment before shrugging a little - it must be one of the occasional thunderstorms that came through this AU.
Dream on the other hand, froze up, a frightened squeak leaving him as his eye lights vanished. He trembled a little and hunched on himself at the second clap of thunder that rumbled around them seconds later... And at the third, Dream ran from the room, his breathing fast and shallow. "No... No no no no!" He had to get somewhere safe, it was too open - too dark and negativity pressed against him from all sides. He had to- to escape. He had to find Nightmare and they had to find someplace calmer - before... Before... The positive spirit skidded to a halt as he stared up at his beloved in horror - the other's form dripping with corruption and malice, the frightened supplicants kneeling before the throne of skulls and death "Ah!" He exclaimed, teleporting off and hissing in shock as wards slammed down around him, pinning him down in the corridor, even as he clawed and scratched at them with his hands and magic, desperate to escape, the concussive rumbling thunder filling his head and his soul with fear.
He shoots the rune binding him in place with a bow and arrow he doesn't remember ever possessing, stumbling forwards and nearly falling as the bonds keeping him in place snap and shatter into nothingness. He has - he has to escape. Dream tugs at the thing pressing against his neck, terrified that everything is about to go black as cold nothingness will envelop his mind, trapping him in a dark, empty void where he can only dimly sense his other half occasionally, unable to see, move, hear or speak.
The guardian of positivity continues to flee, dodging the grasping hands of the corrupted beings who are trying to surround him - their voices and negative, confused and confusing emotions that he can sense from them battering at his senses. He shoves his way clear of them- dodging the slick tentacles that will choke and consume his consciousness again if they touch him, and a golden circle that promises safety appears before him as he runs through, and he hears it snap shut, even as familiar-strange voices yell for him to come back, echoing in his head as Dream runs through it.
He blinks twice as he staggers through the snow - startled at the sudden drop in temperature. Strange mortals all stare at him and Dream focuses on two of them.
They're skeletons - one of whom looks like an uncorrupted version of a dark Papyrus. the other looks... a lot like himself? He blinks a little - the light blue clothing, rounded smile. Something presses against the back of his frightened and exhausted mind "Oh... You're... a Swap... Sans..." He collapses face forwards into the snow, the shock of the increased positivity around him too much for him to handle at the moment - particularly since it's been so terribly negative in his home timeline for so very long.
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byakoyuuki · 6 years
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He name is Darkhope, my new Fanchild, Dreammare’s Fanchil.
He loves candy, is shy, love read and play board games.
Darkhope love your dad, Nighmare, and your mom Dream.
Have 13-14 years
Your birthday is on 6 july.
Sorry because I have a despical english
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star-sara · 2 years
No pregunten, solo gocen :›
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Yyyy voy a aclarar algunas cosas, la primera es que ninguno de estos Ships es CANON, solo los hice porque quería ver cómo se verían estos como pareja
Y sinceramente.. me gustaron jsjs pero no los haré canon eh
La segunda es que la imagen de frutaffy!ganz y Candy Apple!horror solo es de “Friends Forever”, ya que como dije frutaffy!ganz tiene Filofobia y además Candy Apple!horror no está interesado en el amor por el momento
Con todo esto aclarado, me despido
Bye bye mis pequeñas almas~✨♥️
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
Angry Dream
Fandom: Undertale multiverse AU
First in the series here. last here
characters and pairing: Horror!Sans, Dust!Sans, Killer!Sans, Nightmare, Dream, Dreammare
warnings: cursing, fighting
word count: 3,698
Summary: Dream finds Nightmare and they have a shouting match.
Dream felt a little bit guilty as he glances back at Sci - who’s passed out on the exam table he’d carefully put him on. But the younger skeleton would have continued to ask questions about Nightmare and… Quite possibly either called Ink or tried to follow him through the portal and… The positive spirit didn’t want anyone else exposed to the powerful and dangerous fallen guardian of negativity. His home timeline looked just as desolate and miserable as the last time he’d been here - frantically fleeing from his other half, so as to avoid getting turned into stone for another thousand stars-damned years… Or worse. Dream stared mournfully at the twisted, dead remains of the tree of feelings before mentally shaking himself. He had to find Nightmare if he was going to get better.
He turned to where the other very likely was - the tall, imposing castle that loomed threateningly in the distance and grimaced. Due to the low positivity that this AU had, he didn’t have much access to his magic - and he was still being drained of magic due to the fact that they apparently weren’t supposed to be apart from one another for a long time. Dream supposed that made sense. As they’d been created to guard an immobile tree in the middle of a largely peaceful universe. He grabbed a handful of monster candy and ate them, feeling a little bit of magical energy return to him. Sighing and trying to suppress his rising irritation and desire to just flee from the situation and damn the consequences (if he was getting weaker, surely that meant that Nightmare was too… Which was probably a good thing?), Dream teleported as close as he can to the castle. There are wards preventing people from trying to enter or leave the castle unless their magic is coded to be permitted to do so - which Dream’s isn’t.
Dream walks up to the unguarded front gates, pushing one of the large wooden doors open - sighing a little as it squeaked in a way that, were one prone to being jumpy and skittish - it would be seen as terrifying. He was pretty sure that Nightmare had tried to engineer this place to be as intimidating and spooky as possible to the hapless beings who were forced to make the trek up here. The winding path that led up to this place was littered with ominous signs of Suffering and Misery. Overdramatic asshole. He was pretty sure that at least one of the Dark Papyri guards had spotted him - not that he’d seen any of them patrolling the battlements, but as he wasn’t even trying to be the least bit sneaky - he… Needed Nightmare’s attention, apparently, according to Sci. He could distantly sense Nightmare and he was starting to feel a bit better. Stars damn it all, Sci had been right. Then again, as far as Dream could tell, the younger skeleton had no reason whatsoever to lie to him.
He walked confidently through the dimly lit hallways, his head held high and back straight - doing his best to project a sense of purposeful calm, despite wanting to be literally anywhere else in the entire multiverse. Nightmare was probably on that ridiculous throne of his, surrounded by skulls and generally being a terrifying  ass. Maybe he had mortals brought up from one of the scattered and small villages to beg for their lives for his own amusement… Again. Because he could sense non-Papyri and not-Nightmare beings in the castle, though his ability to sense others was much diminished due to the low-positivity of this world.
There were four dark Papyri guarding the door to the throne room, and they tensed up in visible surprise when he came marching into view. One of the two on the left shifted the pike that he was wielding and called out “Halt! His Darkness is currently meeting with other beings at the moment. State your name and business.”
Dream sighed and summoned his staff, twirling it idly in front of him, despite how much energy it had taken him to do so - knowing that the purposeful spike in his magic should catch Nightmare’s attention “I am Dream, guardian of Positivity. You will let me past, I need to talk to Nightmare. I don’t care who he’s terrorizing for energy, this is important.”
“His Darkness will not take kindly to someone just bursting in and demanding his attention. Least of all someone claiming to be his opposite.” The Dark Papyrus who had spoken earlier stated, shifting into a more battle-ready position. “He is in the middle of an important meeting, and-”
Dream sighed before transforming his staff into the bow that he used, notching an arrow and pulling it and the string back, levelling it at the other, saying “It doesn’t really matter what you think needs to be done. Either let me in or I will pin you by your souls to the wall and enter myself. It won’t kill you, but it will keep you trapped there for a couple of hours, which is how long it will take for the magic to dissipate. I’m not here to fight or to challenge this dark king of yours.” And he wasn’t. The very thought of trying to actually fight Nightmare sent a cold shiver down his spine. Dream had no idea if he was actually capable of doing so. “I…” He lowers his bow a little, the effort of keeping it summoned and one of his positive arrows intact taking more magic than it should. After a moment both bow and arrow flickered out of existence and he fumbled for a glamburger, directly absorbing the magic with his hands as he fought to stay conscious swaying a little.
He was not going to pass out in Nightmare’s castle and wake up in a cell somewhere, or laid out on a bed, like some sort of delicate creature, stars damn it! He was every bit the fighter that his other half was, despite everything… And the helpful healer persona that he cultivated with Ink and his collection of mortal allies. He was going to face Nightmare on his own two feet… Righteous anger filled him as he thought back on everything that had happened between the two of them and he slammed through the door - noticing that stupid ominous squeak again, even as the Dark Papyri flailed and failed to grab him. He charged through the large, spacious place, noting that there were three beings standing in front of Nightmare, each in different blue hoodies. Were they Sanses? That was irrelevant right now - though one of them seemed to have a giant crack in his skull.
Nightmare was sitting on his throne, lounging casually (having absolutely no right to look that content or stupidly handsome) saying “-and he looks…” The other trailed off, staring at Dream, tilting his head a little in surprise “Like the person behind you. Hello Dream, is there a particular reason why you’re here?” There was a knowing smirk on the other’s face, and surprised delight in the other’s aura.
The three beings standing in front of him turned - and yep, they were Sanses alright, although Dream didn’t recognize which AUs they were from. They looked startled and confused. The one with the crack in his head asked “Err… Boss, what do you want us to do?”
Before Nightmare could respond, Dream ran over to the other, yelling “YOU INSUFFERABLE, SMUG ASSHOLE. I BET YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, DIDN’T YOU?” He was glaring up at Nightmare, at the foot of the other’s throne - the raised dais it was on making it so that he would have to clamber up there to better shout in Nightmare’s face.
His darker half sighed, and first instructed his Sans minions (since when did he have Sanses?) “You three are dismissed - inform the dark Papyri guards that they are to leave this area as well. The two of us have a great deal to speak about and Dream isn’t likely to stop yelling any time soon. He’s rather unreasonable like that.”
“I’M THE UNREASONABLE ONE?! YOU TURNED ME TO STONE AND MURDERED ALMOST EVERYONE IN OUR TIMELINE, YOU- shit.” Dream hissed, rolling to avoid one of Nightmare’s tentacles as he swiped at him, having to focus on dodging the other’s attacks rather than shout at him. He was furious that he needed the other, despite all that had happened between the two of them. And he was also desperately trying to figure out if he was better enough to take a portal out of this AU if Nightmare didn’t catch him first.
“Yes boss.” The Sans with a crack in his skull responded, turning and starting to walk off.
The other two Sanses hesitated for a moment, one of them - with strange black marks on his face - drew a pair of knives from somewhere and called out “Aww… Boss, are you sure you don’t want a hand? He looks like he could be so much fun to play with.”
“Killer, leave.” Nightmare growled, his cyan eye light glowing brightly as he glared down at the other.
The three Sanses left - mostly because the injured Sans dragged both of the other two - who were shorter - grumbling “Boss said to leave, and I’m pretty sure we don’t want to get involved in this bullshit.” The other two protested a little, but didn’t seem to mind being carried off like that. The throne room doors swung shut with a dull, echoing thud.
Nightmare stopped trying to attack him with his tentacles as soon as they left, and arched a browbone at him “I am curious - I thought you decided to run away from me permanently.” Was… Was that a bit of hurt that Dream could sense in the other’s aura?
That did not make the guilt that he was feeling any better. The wrath and frustration were easier to feel and Dream hissed, livid “I only ran because you were trying to hurt me! What was I supposed to do let you turn me to stone again?”
“What, so you decided to abandon me? Then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised by that. I was never high on your list of priorities. You were so enamored by your many mortal fans who fawned over your every word and movement to ever care about what they might be doing to me.” Nightmare growled back, glaring down at him. “I’m curious as to why you’ve come back. Clearly it’s not to ask forgiveness for all you’ve done to wrong me.”
The positive spirit froze for a couple of seconds, guilt and fury warring inside of him. Of course he regretted some of the things that he’d done in the past. Of course he wished that he’d been able to save Nightmare from falling - that he had realized what the villagers were doing to him. But Nightmare had always denied that someone was hurting him - that he had just been clumsy, or had been reading while walking and smacked into something. Dream’s voice was slightly quieter, but still intense as he half-yelled “I tried to get you to talk to me about what was going on! You never told me - you always lied or avoided the subject and me for days at a time! Do you have any idea how much pressure I was under, trying to deal with all of the attention and expectations they had for me? That if I tried to pull away from them, they clung more desperately to me? I… I didn’t know it at the time, but the… The villagers had grown… Ad-Addicted to my presence. I was trying to get them b-back off a little and you were pulling more and more away from me, no matter what I tried to do to reach you! Don’t you fucking dare blame all of what happened on me…N-Not when I-I…” Dream stopped yelling, feeling something warm and wet drip down his cheekbones. He raised a shaking hand to his face and realized that he was crying. Shit.
“Not when you what, Dream?” Nightmare hissed back, his aura darkening as his tentacles started to reach for the positive spirit again “Do you blame yourself for what happened? You should, at least in part. Had you ever actually proven to me that you wouldn’t wander off as soon as things got tough or I wasn’t as pleasant as you wanted me, scampering off to your mortal worshippers, I might have told you what was really going on. Not that you would have been able to do much other than to cry at them to please stop hurting him without doing anything real to get them to stop.”
Dream flinched and took a couple of steps backwards, staring at Nightmare, feeling as if the other had physically struck him “I… I don’t… Do you r-really think that if you… You’d confided in me what they were don’t that I… I wouldn’t have actually done anything to stop them from abusing you?” His voice was barely a whisper and the tears that he’d been struggling to stop fell faster and harder. Dream felt his knees go weak and he fell forwards a little, staring blankly up at Nightmare. He… He couldn’t have been such a flighty and inconsiderate mate, could he? No - no no no. The other was trying to manipulate him into giving into his guilt and shame for failing the other. He had to stay angry “How-How fucking dare you accuse me of that!” Dream hissed, managing to wipe the tears from his face as he forced himself to stand as he glared at Nightmare, wanting an answer. His voice was starting to go out on him a little, and he tried to clear his nonexistent throat a little.
“No, because at the time I thought you to be too gentle, too delicate to be exposed to the darker nature of the beings around us. I was trying to protect you from the true cruelty that they were capable of.” Nightmare growled out, glaring a little “Did you know that I didn’t start eating the apples until after they struck you? I had hoped up until that point that your connection with them might be enough to get them to stop. Once one of them hit you with enough force to send you to the ground I knew that they were going to kill us - not that they would know that killing me would take your life as well. I was desperate and filled with the desire to protect us both when I consumed those cursed fruit. I dealt with the threat against us, and how do you repay me? You ate the last golden apple and tried to attack me.”
“I… I didn’t… I w-wasn’t… You were killing everyone! Including the beings who were trying to run away! I… I had to try to st-stop you, to c-calm you down! Not that it worked because you turned me to stone and murdered almost everyone in our timeline!” Dream hissed, coughing a little as he glares at the other challengingly.
“They weren’t just running away. They were going to rouse another, larger mob. They were going to try to take you from me and kill us both!” Nightmare hisses, his tentacles lashing out at Dream at high speed as he growls.
Dream manages to dodge most of his tentacles, gasping in shock as it wrapped itself around his waist and yanked him into the other’s lap, struggling in the other’s grip as he hissed, his voice mostly gone “Let… Me… Go!” He didn’t want to escalate the situation by using his magic… Or actually hurt Nightmare so he just struggled in the other’s implacable grasp.
“No! You’ve finally come home to me, and I’m not going to let you go!” Nightmare growled, his voice much quieter than before - and not because he wanted it to be, if the frustration in his aura was anything to go by.
The positive spirit growled back, his golden eye lights burning brightly with irritation as he suddenly leaned closer, aggressively kissing the other’s teeth, his arms wrapping around the other’s neck  and shoulders in order to bring him closer.
Nightmare kissed him back just as aggressively, his arms wrapping around his waist, his tentacles wrapping around Dream’s arms and legs, in order to pin the other in place. The lighter guardian was currently straddling his lap, and there was no way in hell that the king of darkness was going to allow the other to move any time soon.
Surprise flared from behind the door, and both of the emotive guardians shifted a little, noting for the first time that there were three slivers of eye lights peering at them through a crack in the door. Dream blushed a bright gold, but shifted a little in his other half’s lap and grip, leaning further into Nightmare, having no intention whatsoever on moving anytime soon.
Nightmare’s voice was pleasantly rough - causing Dream to shiver a little in anticipation - as he called out “I am going to give you three ten seconds to leave, or the consequences of you all watching my… Argument with my mate with be severe.” The eye lights vanished and they could hear the scrambling footsteps of three people trying to run as fast as they could while also running into two others.
Dream frowned and poked one of Nightmare’s shoulders firmly, shaking his head a little. He tried to speak, but could only manage out a creaky “NIightmArE!” before his voice completely gave out on him. He felt himself blush again and decided that kissing Nightmare would be punishment enough for being rude.
The fallen guardian chuckled softly, pulling away from Dream enough to ask - his breath warm against Dream’s lips “Hmm? Yes? What is it, darling? Unless of course, you’ve managed to yell yourself hoarse.” He teased, though he could feel his own voice starting to give out on him.
The positive spirit pouted up at Nightmare a little, huffed and nodded a little before leaning in closer and lightly nipping one of the other’s cervical vertebrae in vengeance for the teasing, causing the other to startle a little. Dream grinned a little and pulled back, smirking at the other, pleased with himself.
Nightmare’s visible eye lights brightened a little as a smirk of his own appeared on his face. One of his hands slowly trailed up Dream’s body, causing the other to shiver and squirm a little in wanting anticipation until he was cupping one of Dream’s cheeks “Well… If you want to play things that way, I suggest that we go somewhere a bit more comfortable than my throne room to continue this. Unless  you like the idea of the two of us becoming close again here? I wouldn’t be opposed to that, though I suppose I shouldn’t be so surprised. You always were shameless when giving affection.”
Dream let out a squeak of protest and lightly poked Nightmare’s chest, glaring and pressing a little bit closer to other, leaving another couple of light nips against the other’s neck, managing to get himself to say “Bed, please?” though he was unable to say much more. Was Nightmare really so much more powerful than he was that he hadn’t noticed the MP loss, and the lower energy levels? It would be something to talk about once he was able to talk in more than a squeaky whisper.
Nightmare nodded, the smirk on his face turning into a wanting smile and he teleported the both of them to his bedroom, pressing more kisses to Dream’s teeth and face. He carefully set Dream down on his feet and the two of them rushed to the bed, unable to keep their hands off of each other, grinning wildly as they pressed close, kissing and touching.
Hours later, while the both of them rested after reconnecting with one another, their limbs tangled around one another, Nightmare asked quietly, his face carefully neutral - though there was an undercurrent of nervousness in the other’s aura as he spoke “Are you… Are  you planning on leaving again?” There was the slightest tremble in his voice, not that anyone but Dream would have probably noticed again.
“I… I don’t want to. I want to stay by your side…” Dream answered quietly “It’s all I’ve ever really wanted… And the opportunity to wander across the multiverse.” He really hoped that Nightmare didn’t try to force him to choose between him and the ability to wander. He wasn’t sure he could make that choice and be happy with what he decided.
“I like wandering as well - and as you’ve likely noticed, I’ve acquired a couple of Sanses. Their timelines are… Bleak. In exchange for helping their people, they work for me.”
Dream’s eye lights brighten a little as he shifts closer to the other, asking quietly “What sort of things do you have them do? How do you help their timelines? Wait…” That meant that Nightmare interfered in the running of other AUs… Which, Dream could understand the temptation of. Ink said that they weren’t supposed to… But why? “I… Sorry, I don’t mean to ask you those sorts of questions while we’re cuddled up together like this, but I… I’ll admit that I’ve been curious as to what you’ve been up to since we’ve been apart.” He yawned a little and nuzzled into Nightmare a little, purring happily. He was pleasantly tired.
Nightmare stretched and yawned a little, the ends of his tentacles curling a little in a way that Dream found incredibly  endearing, and murmured quietly “I promise to explain everything… But perhaps after we’ve rested, darling? Then you can tell me what you’ve been up to as well?”
Dream nodded and snuggled into his beloved, smiling warmly “Sounds… Sounds good to me.” The two of them dropped off to sleep, a blanket draped around the pair of guardians. Neither one of them so much as twitched when Dream’s phone started ringing - and kept ringing - getting messages and phone calls from his friends and allies - including Ink.
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