#Dust Allergy
ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months
Dear Eclipse! Do you have any allergies like sun and moon? I know moon is allergic to pepper and sun is allergic to dandelions so do you have any allergies?
"Pfft-haha! Poor Sunny hasn't outgrown that? That was always an amusing sight~
Those two have no idea how better they had it--never had the worry of setting anything within reach ablaze with a simple sneeze.
Yet I still fail to see how it is my fault you humans leave things coated in dust."
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zeherili-ankhein · 4 months
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ohgodimafraud · 1 year
Weaponized Incompetence
hi guys i started watching the devil is a p@rt t!mer the other day and im obsessed
i hope u enjoy
dust allergy, luc//ifer (urush//ihara)
Alciel turns to face the disturbance and has to actually angle his gaze downwards when he remembers how short Lucifer is. The hikikomori is idly rubbing his nose, feather duster trailing on the floor in his other hand. “You’re supposed to be cleaning, Urushihara.” he chastises.
“I think I’m allergic to dust.” He frowns.
Alciel’s eye twitches at the excuse. “You’re always trying to get out of doing anything! It’s disgraceful. Maou-sama deserves to come home to a clean castle. It’s bad enough he’s providing for us!” He wrings out his lord’s durable whitey-tighties over the sink. “It’s the very least you can do.”
“The least I can do is nothing.”
“Oh, you’ve already done something!”
Lucifer weighs his options with a sigh. There’s no way Alciel will let him enjoy himself in peace until the chores are done, not with how worked up he’d been all day after a few cracks from Emi about his housekeeping coupled with seeing the charges to their bank account—so he’d ordered a few online games, sue him. “But it’s—”
“And when you’re done dusting, you can vacuum.”
“I can’t do it like you. I’ll probably make a bigger mess—”
“Enough!” Alciel clips damp clothes to the clothesline and whips his head around and bears his fangs. “Hurry up! He’ll be home in a half hour.”
Lucifer grimaces at the dust coating the feathers. Most of it had remained from 
previous usage. It darkened them so much that they almost match his wings in terms of color. This has been a pointless waste of his time; he’s sure this isn’t doing much other than taking dust from one area and moving it to a new one. “hH’KxSHh!” Even thinking about it is apparently enough to make him sneeze again. “It’s filthy,” he complains.
“Go shake it outside!” Alciel yells, pointing at the door. 
The nerve of this guy. Outside? In the sun? Where there could be people? 
He sighs and reconciles with himself. After this, he’ll play his new PC games. He has
animals to take care of. Trees to plant. Lands to reign over. Soon enough, Alciel will be too busy fawning over Satan for him to be up his ass. It’ll only be another hour maximum. 
He shields his eyes from the sun, even though there’s decent cloud coverage and the temperature outside is almost identical to the one inside the Devil’s Castle. As he shakes out the duster, his eyes begin to water and thus confirm his suspicions. He tries to hold his breath, but he has a feeling it’s too late if the burning itch spreading through his nasal passages is any indication.
“hih’ISCHh! Hehh…hhihtcshh’ih!” Curse this human body. This is terrible. He has to sniffle to keep his nose from running but it has the unpleasant side effect of making the tickle reignite. He scrubs his nose against his shoulder and beats the duster on the rail again. The fallen archangel is no match for the angry cloud of dust that wafts in front of his face. “Tschh! KSChh! heh’ihSCh! h’EDtSZCHhh!” 
This is miserable.
He heads back in, head bent from the dizziness following the intensity of the sneezing fit. Even through the budding congestion, he can smell the concoction of chemicals Alciel has started using to clean the kitchen sink in the minute it's taken him to accomplish his task
“Hey, you’re not combi’ding bleach and ammbo’dia, are you?” 
Lucifer points at the various bottles on the countertop rather than attempt to repeat himself. 
“Of course I’m not! I would never be so careless!” Alciel yells back, double checking the labels anyway. “See? They’re all—”
“HhGHT-! Tschhiew…!”  
Alciel frowns at the intensity of the poorly restrained sneeze. “Why don’t you switch to vacuuming?” 
Lucifer sniffles and hands Alciel the feather duster. Hop off my dick, he thinks with another sniffle. They have no tissues thanks to Alciel’s “budgeting,” so he heads off to grab some toilet paper. 
“Where are you going?”
“Are you kiddi’gg?” he mutters, stifling another sneeze before closing the bathroom door behind him. He blows his nose and is disgusted by how much toilet paper he has to go through before he can breathe through his nose again. And even then…
“Ihh’Khshhh! Huhh…” He coughs dryly into the folded up toilet paper before blowing his nose again. Maybe if he’s quiet enough in here, Alciel will forget about him. He sits himself against the wall furthest from the toilet and tries to breathe evenly so he doesn't trigger another sneeze. He rests his head between his knees and cups clean toilet paper over his nose and tries to get some relief from the worsening sinus pressure. Might as well let his nose run freely instead of attempting to blow it every thirty seconds. 
What a pain. He almost wishes they’d have unwanted company just to get Alciel off his back. Too bad he hadn’t brought the laptop in here with him. With it, he’d probably be able to stay here for at least three days. 
“Urushihara! Stop slacking off!” 
“I’mb sorry my health is—h’KSCHh’hiu! Ugh. Of n’doh co’dcernd to you.”
“I can’t understand what you're saying. Open this door!”
Lucifer’s head feels like it’s pounding as if Alciel’s first has been banging directly against his temple rather than on the door. He has no choice but to oblige. “If I vaccuumb, will you leave mbe alonde?”
Alciel gives him a once over. “Are you crying?”
Lucifer scowls and pushes past him, easily dodging the retaliatory shove aimed in his direction. He grabs the vacuum and finds the switch, and—the bag is full. “What a pain,” he bemoans. “You used it last, Alciel!”
“Call me Ashiya!”
“It’s just us,” he mutters, sniffling again. “Can’t you switch this out?”
“I have dinner on the stove!”
Lucifer shudders at the thought of having udon yet again. If he suggests ordering out, he knows it’ll just result in more headache, so he kneels down to replace the bag. There are only so many buttons on the thing, it’s obviously the one in the middle. He’s a whiz with technology. A natural. As is expected of a NEET. This should be—
Yeah, no he fucked up. 
The bag spills everywhere and Alciel shrieks at the mess.  It’s all over Lucifer’s face, and he doesn’t have time to get a single word out before he's overcome with a sneezing fit. “Heh’edzshhu! Kxsch! Tchh’ih-tschh!-tschh! h’KSCHhh!” 
“If you didn’t know how, you should’ve asked,“ Alciel lectures.
He holds up his hand to wave him off, unable to do much else other than try to get a breath in between the rapid sneezes. “hih’hHdtSChh! Ih’tchh!-kschh! Huhh!- hhihIHTShh!”
“Oh wow,” he says, tone changing abruptly, “You’re really allergic.”
Lucifer manages to shoot him a death glare with the two seconds he’s able to keep his eyes open before he jerks forward with another sneeze. Of course the earlier torture hadn’t been enough. “hehhySChh’ih!” he sneezes, voice cracking in desperation halfway through.
“Here, go wash your face, I’ll clean this up,” Alciel says, managing to sound guilty rather than amused. 
The barrage of sneezing relents enough to let him get up to run to the bathroom. The floor hadn’t been particularly dirty before he’d attempted to vacuum, but it certainly is now. 
“Hehdt’SCHH! Huhh..”
He flushes his eyes with water and then washes his face, the curtain of bangs in front of his eye getting dampened in the process. He buries his face in the nearby washcloth and immediately sneezes again. His throat is starting to become sore from it all, too. But something tells him his suffering will not be in vain. There’s no way they’ll pester him to clean again after this.
“Welcome home, My Lord!”
Lucifer steps out of the bathroom to see Alciel back over the stove. It’s alarming how adept he’s gotten at these chores. It doesn’t even make sense for him to need help. The floor is spotless again like nothing had happened.
“MgRonalds is doing an employee of the month program, and it comes with a bonus!” The Former Demon King and current part-time MgRonalds employee announces. If Lucifer weren’t so distracted right now, his ears would prick up at the word bonus almost as much as Alciel’s do. He starts to praise the endeavor when Lucifer’s nose betrays him again. It doesn’t matter that the allergen is long gone, the damage has already been done.
“—just know you’ll be able to—”
“—and hard work—”
“ihh’tSChh! KXSch!-tschh! Ihshh!”
“Are you okay, Urushihara?” 
Lucifer gives him a lackluster thumbs-up before sneezing again. Satan takes a few steps forward and brings the back of his knuckles to the exposed part of Lucifer’s forehead. The urge to sneeze that’d been building recedes from the suddenness of the gesture, leaving his nose twitching in annoyance. 
“He’s allergic to housework,” Alciel explains.
“Allergic to duh-dust.” Lucifer sniffles indignantly. “And ih’KSCHh! -a’dd guess what he made me do?” He at least manages to cover the sneeze in time, though his shirt is starting to look patchy with different portions of it darkened with spray. 
Satan pats his head. “And yet, you did it anyway. Thank you for helping.”
“I’mb older thand you,” Lucifer hisses under his breath.
“From now on…I will do the dusting!”
“No, Sire!” Alciel protests,  “It is my job to keep up with the housework. I will ensure it gets done!”
It’s so tacky. Lucifer walks away as they have a heated moment and returns to his place in front of the computer. His nose may be beyond fucked, but even he can smell the burning from the kitchen.
“Oh no! It’s my fault, I got distracted!”
“It’s okay, we’ll figure something else out. Or I’m sure it tastes…umm…”
“I’mb orderi’gg a pizza!” he says hoarsely. And for once, nobody protests.
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hannahsnz · 6 months
Continuing to catch up on my sneezes…
This is literally two days in March. 7-8 March. I think I was fighting a cold on top of being assaulted daily by the dust in my car 😅
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arielthedaydreamer · 1 year
I come from dust
And to dust I shall return
But until then
I'll be allergic to it
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violetjedisylveon · 11 months
Your body and brain are supposed to work together to create a functioning being.
But my body didn't get that message and gives my brain shit whenever it wants.
Yes I'm back on my bs of complaining about my health issues online.
I was almost at maintenance for allergy shots but my body said fuck you, horrible allergy attack + other issues, so I'm pissed.
Today's been shitty.
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cloudcatssniff · 1 year
Small scenario based on my experience the other day but like-
A tour guide for a museum with the worst dust allergies, already expecting to be sniffling as they guide groups of tourists and locals through the halls of artwork, only to find that the room full of tapestries in the next room are made of some fabric that really gets their allergies activated-
Speaking with congested sinuses, they sniffle as discreetly as possible, hooked to a microphone and well aware that a sneeze would resound in every one of their guests ears if they were to let it out- during a break in the tour they mute themselves to finally blow their nose, eyes watering slightly.
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snzstuff · 1 year
Short little fit from today :)
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oda-princess · 11 months
Ok so yesterday, a new friend I made invited me to hang out in the morning and we stayed out for most of the day ( I've never done that before). We went to the library, the dog park, had lunch, chilled at the lake, bought teas and went to check out the new apartment she's moving into this week. All in all I had fun! But I guess my body is really not used to this level of being outdoor coz I caught a fkking eye infection 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ps: i think this would be an appropriate excuse to borrow Masamune's eyepatch :)
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suzieb-fit · 1 year
Not sure if I've talked about this before, but when I got my intolerance test results back, I found out that I'm pretty much totally allergic to dust.
Hmm. Ok. And what have I been doing as a job for the last couple of years? Yep....cleaning.
And what are the symptoms of a dust allergy? Well, amongst others that would be excess mucus. Nasal drip.
The thing that's been plaguing me for, oh yes, a couple of years, lol.
So I think I might finally have an answer.
Such a relief, especially knowing that I'm leaving that job in several days.
Plus it gave me a good reason for quitting, rather than just telling the manager that I absolutely hate the job 😋.
Plus the house we're living in now has a mould problem. Nothing serious, but it's there in a few places. Mould and dust are different things, of course, but both are all about potentially toxic spores.
And I'm leaving here too!
I'm not holding my breath (pun kind of intended), but fingers crossed that these two major changes will solve this awful issue that drives me a little insane. I can only hope.
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micvargova · 2 years
Protect your health with the best split air window ACs for allergy asthma
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Split air window ACs are a popular choice for people with allergies and asthma because they do not require the use of filters. The units typically have three fan speeds, and some even include a humidifier. If you want to own one, check out our list of the best split air window air conditioners for allergy asthma in this article. https://bestappliancesreviews.com/best-split-air-window-air-conditioners-for-allergy-asthma/
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nilmasafeplace · 4 months
I'm having hay fever or either allergy because of dust.
Ik heb hooikoorts of een allergie vanwege stof.
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raspberryconverse · 8 months
Spouse woke me at 7:30 (6:30 our time) because my snoring had become unbearable (my allergies went wild after we hardcore cleaned our disgusting house for our pet sitter). I couldn't fall back asleep. I also went to bed at 1.
So much for sleeping in on vacation.
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iexistincrisis · 9 months
man why’d I have to get the one room in my house the heater doesn’t work in?
I guess it makes sense cause it’s the newest and biggest bedroom in the house but the weather ain’t worth it. My old room was small but had the best heating. Now it’s walk in storage closet. Freezing my ass off here 🥶
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ima-ghost-art · 11 months
How my family chose to help me deal with grieving in my recently dad less situation -
Send me to stay in a small dusty room while I'm allergic to dUST
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snzstuff · 2 years
So yesterday I was with my girlfriend and we were walking through a park that we walk through all the time so didn’t think much of it. As we were reaching about the middle of the park there is a little area that has a shed looking structure and some other things that is normally roped off but today it wasn’t and there were other people in it so my girlfriend said we should go see what it was and I agreed again not thinking anything of it. As we approached the shed I got a slight tickle in my nose but again ignored it because it’s fall and I have horrible fall allergies. It was getting worse as we got closer and I still tried to ignore it as I was curious to what was there. Then as soon as we stepped in I saw dozens of Amaranth, Daisies, and Sunflowers which of course are the flowers I am most allergic too, and before my gf or I could say or do anything I was launched into a sneezing fit. I tried to hold back as much as I could but there were so many flowers and to make things worse there were fans going in the corners of the room that were just blowing more pollen and most likely dust from the ground (which I’m also highly allergic too) all over and I couldn’t even see straight my eyes were watering so bad and I couldn’t stop sneezing. My gf had to wrap her arm around my waist and try to guide me out and away from the shed. We finally got back to the other side of the park and my sneezes had died down a little. When I finally caught my breath and could go more than 2 seconds before sneezing my gf said “Jeez sorry Love I didn’t think that those would be in there and you would be suffering that much.” I just nodded my head and sneezed again about 5 or 6 times and she just rubbed my back and kissed my cheek when I finished and said “Let’s get you home and get some medicine in you before you get any worse.” And we walked back to our house and I think I sneezed around 25 times and it’s only about a 5 minute walk.
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