#Dustin Fairbanks
mindblowingscience · 1 year
Dustin Stewart has been obsessed with dinosaurs since he was nine years old. But he never dreamed he'd grow up to study 70-million-year-old footprints in Alaska. Scientists have found dinosaur tracks in the Denali National Park before, but never anything on this scale. Stewart, a paleontologist and graduate from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), says there are thousands of newly found prints crawling up vertical walls "like Spider-Man."  "Seeing that for the first time, oh, we were on the next level. Unbelievable. Everyone was excited," he told As it Happens guest host Paul Hunter. "[They were like] 'Oh, my God, look at that one; look at that one.'" 
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dinodorks · 1 year
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[ A wall of hadrosaur tracks within Denali National Park and Preserve. Photo by Patrick Druckenmiller. ]
"Dustin Stewart has been obsessed with dinosaurs since he was nine years old. But he never dreamed he'd grow up to study 70-million-year-old footprints in Alaska. Scientists have found dinosaur tracks in the Denali National Park before, but never anything on this scale. Stewart, a paleontologist and graduate from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), says there are thousands of newly found prints crawling up vertical walls "like Spider-Man." "Seeing that for the first time, oh, we were on the next level. Unbelievable. Everyone was excited," he told As it Happens guest host Paul Hunter. "[They were like] 'Oh, my God, look at that one; look at that one.'" Stewart is a lead author of the study that analyzed what researchers say is the largest known dinosaur track site in Alaska. He worked alongside Patrick Druckenmiller, the director of the Museum of the North in Fairbanks. The findings were published last month in the journal Historical Biology. Stewart and his team set out to learn more after hearing about the site from national park employees, who first noticed some of the tracks in 2015 on a rocky outcrop researchers have since dubbed the Coliseum. After hiking for seven or eight hours, he said they weren't very enthusiastic about what they found at first. "We were exhausted, and we were seeing there [was a] wall that had some dinosaur tracks on it. But not [as many as] we were kind of expecting," he said. However, when the sun started setting and "hit this perfect angle" on the wall, he says they saw dozens of tracks — and then hundreds, and thousands more. "Immediately all of us were just flabbergasted, and then Pat said, 'Get your camera.' We were freaking out.""
Read more: "Researchers discover thousands of dinosaur footprints in Alaska" by Muzna Erum.
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sensedim1938 · 10 months
Dünyada yalnızca 14 milyon Yahudi var;
~Amerika'da 7 milyon,
~Asya'da 5 milyon,
~Avrupa'da 2 milyon,
~Afrika'da 100 bin
Adet Musevi yaşıyor..
Soru: Pekiyi de kaç adet Müslüman İnsan var?
Cevap: 1,4 milyar Müslüman;
~1 milyar Asya,
~400 milyon Afrika,
~44 milyon Avrupa,
~6 milyon Amerika
Kıt'asında Yaşıyor.
👉Yâni Dünyada 1 Musevi’ye Karşın 100 Müslüman Var...
İyi ama Yahudiler Müslümanlardan niçin 100 kat daha güçlü ve daha zengin ve daha eğitimli ve daha mucitler?
Tarafsız ve Bilimsel Yollarla tespit edilmiş nedenlerini öğrenmek istiyorsanız lütfen okumayı sürdürün.
👉Tüm zamanların en etkin bilim adamı Albert EİNSTEİN bir Yahudiydi.
👉Psikanalizin babası Sigmund FREUD bir Yahudiydi.
👉Karl MARKS Yahudiydi.
Tüm İnsanlığa zenginlik ve sağlık katmış Yahudilere bakalım;
👉Benjamin Rubin insanlığa aşı iğnesini armağan etti.
👉Jonas Salk ilk çocuk felci aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Gertrude Elion lösemiye karşı ilaç buldu.
👉Baruch Blumberg Hepatit-B aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Paul Ehrlich frengiye karşı tedaviyi buldu.
👉Elie Metchnikoff bulaşıcı hastalıklarla ilgili buluşuyla Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Gregory Pincus ilk doğum kontrol hapını geliştirdi.
👉Bernard Katz nöromasküler iletişim kaslarla sinir sistemi arası iletişim alanında Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Andrew Schally endokrinoloji metabolik sistem rahatsızlıkları, diyabet, hipertiroid tedavilerinde kullanılan yöntemi geliştirdi.
👉Aaaron Beck Cognitive Terapi’yi akli bozuklukları, depresyon ve fobi tedavilerinde kullanılan psikoterapi yöntemini geliştirdi.
👉Gerald Wald insan gözü hakkındaki bilgilerimizi geliştirerek Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Stanley Cohen embriyoloji embriyon ve gelişimi çalışmaları dalında Nobel aldı.
👉Willem Kolff böbrek diyaliz makinesini yaptı.
👉Peter Schultz optik lif kabloyu, Charles Adler trafik ışıklarını,
👉Benno Strauss paslanmaz çeliği,
👉Isador Kisse sesli filmleri,
👉Emile Berliner telefon mikrofonunu,
👉Charles Ginsburg ilk bantlı video kayıt makinesini geliştirdi.
👉Stanley Mezor ilk mikro işlem çipini icat etti.
👉Leo Szilard ilk nükleer zincirleme reaktörünü geliştirdi.
Peki, ama;
~Son 100 Yıl içinde Yahudiler sadece Bilimsel alanda 104 Nobel Ödülü kazanırken,
~1.4 milyar Müslüman neden yalnızca 3 Nobel kazandı
Yahudiler niçin bu kadar yaratıcı ve neden bu kadar güçlüler? Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu yatırımcılara ve işadamlarına ve markalarına bakalım;
* Ralph Lauren (Polo),
* Levi Strauss (Levi's Jeans),
* Howard Schultz (Starbuck's),
* Sergei Brin (Google),
* Michael Dell (Dell Bilgisayarları),
* Larry Ellison (Oracle),
* Donna Karan (DKNY),
* Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins),
* Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Doughnuts)
* Richard Levin (Yale Üniversitesi'nin kurucu başkanı).
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu sanatçılara bakalım:
* Michael Douglas,
* Dustin Hoffman,
* Harrison Ford,
* Woody Allen,
* Tony Curtis,
* Charles Bronson,
* Sandra Bullock,
* Billy Crystal,
* Paul Newman,
* Peter Sellers,
* George Burns,
* Goldie Hawn,
* Cary Grant,
* William Shatner,
* Jerry Lewis,* Peter Falk...
Yönetmenler ve Yapımcılar arasındaki Yahudiler:
* Steven Spielberg,
* Mel Brooks,
* Oliver Stone,
* Aaaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
* Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
* Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1 /2 / 3),
* Michael Mann (Starzky and Hutch),
* Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus),
* Douglas Fairbanks (TheThief of Baghdat),
* Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) ,
* Kohen Kardeşler,
* William Wyler.
* William James Sidis
Sorun kendinize;
250’lik IQ derecesiyle Dünyaya gelmiş en parlak insan hangi dine mensuptur?
Sorun kendinize;
Neden Yahudiler bu kadar güçlüdür?
Cevabı şudur;
Her çocuğa ve her gence kaliteli eğitim verirler...
Bu eğitim türü sorgulayıcı (teslimiyetçi değil), araştırıcı (ezberci değil) ve yaratıcıdır (bilgi üretmek/bulmak içindir)
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indiejones · 1 year
1. .Harrison Ford 2. .Michael J. Fox 3. .Charles Chaplin 4. .Bruce Lee 5. .Cary Grant 6. .Jackie Chan 7. .Gary Cooper 8. .Macaulay Culkin 9. .James Stewart 10. .Clark Gable 11. .Clint Eastwood 12. .Sean Connery 13. .Peter Sellers 14. .Marlon Brando 15. .Humphrey Bogart 16. .Tom Hanks 17. .Mel Gibson 18. .Steve McQueen 19. .Leonardo Di Caprio 20. .Martin Sheen 21. .Orson Welles 22. .Gary Oldman 23. .Fred Astaire 24. .Robin Williams 25. .Kirk Douglas 26. .Eddie Murphy 27. .Keanu Reeves 28. .Jim Carrey 29. .George Clooney 30. .Gregory Peck 31. .Charles Laughton 32. .John Cleese 33. .Hugh Grant 34. .John Travolta 35. .Roger Moore 36. .Charlie Sheen 37. .Gene Hackman 38. .Douglas Fairbanks 39. .Daniel Radcliffe 40. .Tommy Lee Jones 41. .Christopher Plummer 42. .Al Pacino 43. .Rowan Atkinson 44. .Henry Fonda 45. .Peter O’ Toole 46. .Albert Finney 47. .Timothy Dalton 48. .Brad Pitt 49. .Michael Keaton 50. .John Wayne 51. .Steve Martin 52. .Christopher Reeve 53. .Pierce Brosnan 54. .Walter Pidgeon 55. .Michael Douglas 56. .Brendan Fraser 57. .Christian Bale 58. .Dustin Hoffman 59. .Johnny Depp 60. .Jeff Goldblum 61. .Michael Caine 62. .Robert Redford 63. .Danny De Vito 64. .Jack Lemmon 65. .Dan Aykroyd 66. .Ethan Hawke 67. .Ronald Colman 68. .Jon Voight 69. .Kevin Bacon 70. .Mickey Rooney 71. .Sylvester Stallone 72. .George C. Scott 73. .Peter Ustinov 74. .Jack Nicholson 75. .Robert De Niro 76. .Arnold Schwarzenegger 77. .Bruce Willis 78. .Morgan Freeman 79. .Walter Matthau 80. .Richard Gere 81. .Spencer Tracy 82. .Colin Firth 83. .Martin Lawrence 84. .Tom Cruise 85. .James Cagney 86. .George Kennedy 87. .Richard Burton 88. .James Woods 89. .Patrick Swayze 90. .Kevin Costner 91. .Gerard Depardieu 92. .Rex Harrison 93. .Fredric March 94. .Woody Allen 95. .Mike Myers 96. .Charles Boyer 97. .Daniel Craig 98. .Montgomery Clift 99. .Robert Downey Jr. 100. .Chevy Chase
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tctmp · 1 year
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Warning Shot: Directed by Dustin Fairbanks. With Tammy Blanchard, Guillermo Diaz, David Spade, Bruce Dern. A single mother and her young daughter struggle to make ends meet until they inherit their family's farmhouse. When a business rival covets their water rights, the situation spirals out of control.
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rp-oc-bs · 1 year
A thing
Emma Molloy’s related people
Milly Shapiro
Miranda Lambert
Lucy Molloy
Abigail Shapiro
Carrie Underwood
Violet Wakeman
Emma Howard
Cassie Levy/Joanna Christie (Katie); daughter named Oona Nora with boyfriend Jeff Summers (Kai)
Cait Fairbanks (Christy)
Logan & Nora Wakeman - Christy & Kai
Gabriel Egbert & Jill Paice
Seth Monroe
Jack Broderick (Christy)
Santino Fontana (Kai)
Kendra Monroe - Kai
Analise Scarpaci
Annabelle Madden - Christy
Ava DeMary
Laura Osnes
Shiane Parkington / Ramsey - Katie
Beatrice Tulchin
Phillipa Soo
Charlotte Daaé
Oona Laurence
Samantha Hill (Katie)
Christine Dwyer (Kai)
Anjuli Kaur - Katie
Frenie Acoba
Aurora Hamilton / de Chagny - ???
Anna Kendrick
Melissa Frost - Christy
Bailey Ryon
Amelia St Clair
Sophia Gunnusa
Leonardo Ethernington - Kai
Natasha Alkaev/Ethernington - Katie
Jeanna de Waal
Hailey Leo - Kai
Hamlet Madden - Christy
Nathan Johnson
Kat Schwartz (m) - Kai
Marcus D’Angelo (child)
?? (adult)
Hayden Whittaker’s related people
John Lloyd Young
Charlotte Daaé - Katie
Oona Laurence
Samantha Hill
Allegra McKenna - Katie
Erin Mackey
Devonny Hamilton - Katie
Hayley Westenra
(Devonny Hamilton DeRouen de Chagny)
Dimitri Saylor
Jarrod Spector
Andy Jay Matthews
Shonn Wiley
Zachary Davison
Erich Bergen
Carson Spencer’s related people
Corey Cott
Ellie McDaniel - Katie
Kara Lindsay
Jeremy Wakeman - Christy?
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Irena Klein - Katie
Laura Osnes
Katherine Erwin - Katie
Hannah Elless
Amanda Wells’ related people
Lisa O’Hare
Ariana Wakeman - Kai
Lauren Worsham
Dustin Wind - Christy
Bryce Pinkham
Autumn Wadsworth - Christy
Catherine Walker
Emily Webster
Kristen Beth Williams
Misc people, different full name
Joshua Abram Hoff
Matthew Hydzik
Alix Heisburg - Katie
Autumn Hurlbert
Timothy Andersen
Wesley Taylor
Athena Gomez - Avery
Krysta Rodriguez
Ellie Wilson - Avery
Sandra Mae Frank
Elijah Marlow
Kevin Massey
Samantha Underwood
Alex Caldwell
Megan Kaufman
Veronica J Kuehn
Adrian Gardiner
Reeve Carney
Lillian Bishop-Levitt - ???
Annika Larsen
Charissa Hogeland
Adrian Blakeney - Katie
Carrie Hope Fletcher
Penelope Bernardi - Avery
Jennifer Damiano
Emi Hashimoto
Yuga Yamato
Sylvia Morris
Ruby Lewis
Ariana Wakeman - Kai
Gabriella Pizzolo
Lauren Worsham
Josiane Richard - ???
Kara Lindsay
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] As It Happens6:36Researchers discover thousands of dinosaur footprints in AlaskaDustin Stewart has been obsessed with dinosaurs since he was nine years old. But he never dreamed he'd grow up to study 70-million-year-old footprints in Alaska.Scientists have found dinosaur tracks in the Denali National Park before, but never anything on this scale.Stewart, a paleontologist and graduate from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), says there are thousands of newly found prints crawling up vertical walls "like Spider-Man." "Seeing that for the first time, oh, we were on the next level. Unbelievable. Everyone was excited," he told As it Happens guest host Paul Hunter. "[They were like] 'Oh, my God, look at that one; look at that one.'" Stewart is a lead author of the study that analyzed what researchers say is the largest known dinosaur track site in Alaska. He worked alongside Patrick Druckenmiller, the director of the Museum of the North in Fairbanks. The findings were published last month in the journal Historical Biology. 'We were freaking out'Stewart and his team set out to learn more after hearing about the site from national park employees, who first noticed some of the tracks in 2015 on a rocky outcrop researchers have since dubbed the Coliseum. After hiking for seven or eight hours, he said they weren't very enthusiastic about what they found at first."We were exhausted, and we were seeing there [was a] wall that had some dinosaur tracks on it. But not [as many as] we were kind of expecting," he said.However, when the sun started setting and "hit this perfect angle" on the wall, he says they saw dozens of tracks — and then hundreds, and thousands more."Immediately all of us were just flabbergasted, and then Pat said, 'Get your camera.' We were freaking out."A look back in timeThe tracks are believed to trace back about 69 million years, placing them in the Cretaceous period. Stewart says he believes most tracks were from the Pachyrhinosaurus and Nanuqsaurus — the latter a cousin of the Tyrannosaurus rex. He says multiple footprints show different types of dinosaurs that were right next to each other, which makes him believe that one dinosaur walked a path one day, and another the next day."We're seeing this area of tracks through time and in multiple events that created this kind of environment," said Stewart. A close-up image of a all in Alaska's Denali National Park and Preserve shows numerous hadrosaur footprints. The ice axe in the lower left of the frame is approximately 0.91 metres long, for scale. (Patrick Druckenmiller/University of Alaska Fairbanks)The researchers believe the Coliseum, which looks like vertical layered rocks pointing outwards, was once horizontal and flat on the ground and near a watering hole.Many different creatures would gather there for water, he said, which would explain why so many different types of tracks could be found in one spot."It is probably similar to something we see in Africa where you see these animals we don't really associate with one another — lions, giraffes, alligators, and they're all there .... in the same area," said Stewart.The shapes of the footprints ranged from blobs and holes to more defined footprints."You can see the shape of the toes and the texture of the skin" in some of the prints, Druckenmiller, senior author of the study, said in a press release.Possible evidence of dinosaur migrationDonald Henderson, a paleontologist from the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Alberta who was not involved in the study, says the findings are pretty amazing."Normally we just get, you know, maybe, a few metres long and one or two metres wide, but they've got this huge expanse of rock exposed," he said.Henderson said tracks that lay flat on the ground can be obscured over time. Nearby rocky hills are "constantly being eroded" and can settle onto the ground. Plants can also further obscure tracks as they grow over top them.However, since the Coliseum "walls" are vertical, nothing can really accumulate, he said.Last year the museum reported on a dinosaur track site in southern Alberta and found evidence of the same creatures as those Stewart's team found in Alaska.Henderson said that this discovery shows that animals were living all the way from the far north to the south such as the United States.During the late Cretaceous period, the planet could be described as a "greenhouse world" with no polar ice caps, Henderson said. Still, dinosaurs living in what is now Alaska probably experienced "long, long dark" polar nights, possibly leading some to migrate."That might explain why you've got basically the same dinosaur as in Alberta and Alaska," he said.Stewart is optimistic there are even more tracks to be found at Denali National Park in the future."We're going to find more of [them] every single year we go out there," he said. [ad_2]
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kermodefan94-blog · 2 years
All My Friends Hate Me. Very Quick Review.
British black comedy that is inarguably one dimensional in a lot of ways but is still worth checking out regardless.
This BFI-backed British black comedy is a somewhat one-dimensional but effective examination of the idea that the supposed collective experience of education holds no emotional weight whatsoever. A graduate is excited when his university buddies Arrange a slap-up birthday weekend at a lavish country house. When our hero gets there he very quickly realises his “friends” have regressed and indulged…
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All My Friends Hate Me
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All My Friends Hate Me    [trailer]
Pete is cautiously excited about reuniting with his college crew for a birthday weekend. But, one by one, his friends slowly turn against him.
I found it a lot less funny than apparently a lot of other people. It felt mainly silly and immature, and the characters annoying. Maybe it helps if you're British.
I know, social anxiety and all. But why stay at such a "party" where everyone just wants to make you feel - real or imagined - unwelcome and uncomfortable.
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
ALL MY FRIENDS HATE ME | Official Trailer, Images & Poster
It's Pete's birthday and the old gang from college are throwing him a party out in the country. During what’s meant to be a joyful weekend reunion, Pete finds himself increasingly unnerved by his friends’ inside jokes and snarky comments.
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As the atmosphere goes from awkward to terrifying to downright surreal, Pete is pushed to the breaking point. Is he being paranoid or is he the butt of some elaborate joke?
From director Andrew Gaynord (The Characters) and co-writers Tom Stourton & Tom Palmer comes All My Friends Hate Me, a dark comedy- horror mash up for anyone who’s ever experienced social anxiety and lived to tell about it.
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ALL MY FRIENDS HATE ME stars Tom Stourton, Charly Clive, Georgina Campbell, Dustin Demri-Burns, Antonia Clarke, Graham Dickson, Joshua McGuire, Christopher Fairbank, and Kieran Hodgson.
SUPER will release ALL MY FRIENDS HATE ME in theaters Mar 11th & digitally Mar 25th, 2022.
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twins2994 · 4 years
Rays Bats Come Alive To Even Series.
Rays 6 Dodgers 4 W-Anderson (1-1) L-Gonsolin (0-2) SV-Castillo (3)
The Tampa Bay Rays haven’t hit particularly well, but have gotten the job done on their way to their second World Series ever. Tonight, the Rays bats woke up and the pitching was very good in Game 2. Tampa Bay got the scoring started in the first inning this evening. With one out, Brandon Lowe crushed a Tony Gonsolin fastball out to left-center for a solo homer. This put the Rays up 1-0 and they got back to work in the fourth. Randy Arozarena started the rally with a one-out walk. Manuel Margot singled and Joey Wendle doubled home a pair and the Rays extended their lead to three. Tampa Bay continued to add on in the fifth. Austin Meadows ignited it with a two-out single to center. The next batter, Brandon Lowe smoked a Dustin May slider out to left for a two-run homer. Lowe’s second homer of the night put the Rays up by five. The Dodgers finally figured out Blake Snell in the fifth. Kike Hernandez kept the fifth alive with a two-out walk. This brought up Chris Taylor, who drilled a Blake Snell hanging curveball out to right for a two-run homer. The Dodgers pulled within three, but the Rays would get one of those runs back in the sixth. Ji-Man Choi and Manuel Margot each singled to start the inning. Joey Wendle hit a sac fly to left and the Rays were back up by four runs. The Dodgers would inch closer in the bottom of the sixth. Will Smith smacked a Nick Anderson slider out to left for a solo dinger and the Dodgers pulled within three again. Pete Fairbanks came on and threw a perfect seventh, but struggled in the eighth. Corey Seager greeted him with a blast off a slider for a solo homer. This pulled the Dodgers within two and Justin Turner doubled. Fairbanks retired the next two batters and Aaron Loup came on and got Cody Bellinger looking and strike three to get the game to the ninth. Aaron Loup got the first two outs of the ninth and Diego Castillo came on for the last out. Chris Taylor struck out on a check swing to end the game and the Rays evened the series at a game apiece tonight. 
-Final Thoughts- Tony Gonsolin did okay as the opener tonight. He retired four batters and allowed a run on one hit with a walk and a strikeout. Dylan Floro retired all four batters he faced, Victor Gonzalez allowed a run in an inning of work, and Dustin May got knocked around because his slider wasn’t sharp. He gave up three runs in 1 1/3 innings. Joe Kelly struck out two and allowed a run in the sixth. Alex Wood threw two scoreless innings and struck out two. Jake McGee had a clean ninth after allowing two hits. Corey Seager had two of the five Dodgers hits. The Dodgers hit 0-for-6 with runners in scoring position and left five men on base. The Rays only hit 1-for-9 with runners in scoring position, but got the job done. Tomorrow will be an off day before Game 3. Walker Buehler will face Charlie Morton on Friday night. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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Teaser Trailer for Warning Shot (2017)
Teaser Trailer for Warning Shot (2017)
Warning Shot Teaser Trailer. A single mother and her young daughter struggle to make ends meet until they inherit their family’s farmhouse. When a business rival covets their water rights, the situation spirals out of control.
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page58-blog1 · 7 years
Watch David Spade In Dramatic Role in 'Warning Shot' (Trailer) Inspired by True Events With James Earl Jones
Watch David Spade In Dramatic Role in ‘Warning Shot’ (Trailer) Inspired by True Events With James Earl Jones
    “Your grandfather owned 80 acres, you have any plans for it if he leaves it to you?” “I was actually thinking it might be cheaper for us if we live there.” Inspired by true events the story line of ‘Water Shot’ centers on a single mother and her young daughter struggling to make ends meet until they inherit a farmhouse from their grandfather.  “These water rights have been in this family…
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moviesandmania · 3 years
ALL MY FRIENDS HATE ME (2021) Reviews and overview
ALL MY FRIENDS HATE ME (2021) Reviews and overview
All My Friends Hate Me is a 2021 British dark comedy horror film revolving around a birthday and reunion gathering of old pals. Directed by Andrew Gaynord (The Characters) from a screenplay co-written with Tom Stourton and Tom Palmer. The movie stars Georgina Campbell, Joshua McGuire, Christopher Fairbank, Tom Stourton, Dustin Demri-Burns, Antonia Clarke, Kieran Hodgson, Graham Dickson and Charly…
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indiejones · 2 years
As most of y'all enjoying Indies produce all these years, would've sensed for long, we at Indies are a bit classical at heart ! And in keeping with those richly steeped tastes, bring to you our latest (as also I'm sure hugely interesting & awaited) all-time historic list! The Indies Top 75 American Actors Of All Time ! (And only reason Indies don't extend this list any further, is for the sheer impossibility of it!..the gulf btwn below esteemed list & most other actors through the century of American cinema, assessed, being just too wide, upto 150+ spots atleast, to carry on further.) Enjoy ! & A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year To Everyone !
1.       Gary Cooper
2.       James Stewart
3.       Daniel Day Lewis
4.       Charles Boyer
5.       Spencer Tracy
6.       Joe Pesci
7.       Gerard Depardieu
8.       Walter Pidgeon
9.       Fredric March
10.   Henry Fonda
11.   Charles Laughton
12.   Charlie Chaplin
13.   James Cagney
14.   Jon Voight
15.   Jack Nicholson
16.   Al Pacino
17.   Peter Ustinov
18.   Albert Finney
19.   Michael Douglas
20.   Kirk Douglas
21.   Christopher Plummer
22.   Harrison Ford
23.   George Kennedy
24.   Mickey Rooney
25.   Montgomery Clift
26.   Cary Grant
27.   George C. Scott
28.   Clint Eastwood
29.   Gary Oldman
30.   Walter Huston
31.   Laurence Olivier
32.   Marlon Brando
33.   Gene Hackman
34.   John Gielgud
35.   Douglas Fairbanks
36.   Paul Muni
37.   Paul Newman
38.   James Mason
39.   James Caan
40.   Alec Guinness
41.   Dustin Hoffman
42.   Peter O’ Toole
43.   Tom Hanks
44.   Humphrey Bogart
45.   John Wayne
46.   Ronald Coleman
47.   Gregory Peck
48.   Rex Harrison
49.   Richard Dix
50.   Claude Rains
51.   Anthony Hopkins
52.   Franchot Tone
53.   James Dean
54.   Robert Duvall
55.   William Powell
56.   Arthur Kennedy
57.   Geoffrey Rush
58.   Steve McQueen
59.   Johnny Depp
60.   Richard Burton
61.   Clark Gable
62.   Michael Caine
63.   Laurence Harvey
64.   Conrad Veral
65.   Sean Penn
66.   Ralph Richardson
67.   Warren Beatty
68.   Rock Hudson
69.   William Holden
70.   Robert Redford
71.   Nick Nolte
72.   Walter Brennan
73.   Leslie Howard
74.   Michael Shannon
75.   Sean Connery
76.   Robert de Niro
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tctmp · 2 years
Comedy  Horror
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