#Warning Shot teaser trailer
oddballwriter · 1 year
The New Teacher’s Aid
Summary: Mike has Abby signed up to be part of the after school program at her school since he can’t pick her up due to him working, there’s nothing too special about it until a staff member catches his eye and he tries to explain it without thinking the obvious. 
Warnings: Reader is kept gender neutral and is a teacher’s aid and member of the staff that work in the after school program. This is in second person perspective at first but shifts at times. “Y/n” is used two times in here. Mike has a crush on you lol. I actually can’t think of many things that are actual warnings but if there are any just let me know
Author’s Snip: Surprise! I’m alive! I’ve been relaxing since I took the summer semester off to unwind from my first year of college. Anyways, I’m sure some, if not most, of us have seen the teaser and trailer for the FNAF movie. I’ve been seeing people going bonkers over Mike and William and so have I a little. This thought came to me last night and I wanted to write it so bad but it was 2am then and I had things I needed to do with family so I wrote it down in my notes so that I didn’t forget. 
Notes: This is sort of meant to be before Mike takes up the job at the abandoned plazeria. And I just saw that there are some implications that Abby walks/rides a bike home to and from school but I’m just going to ignore that because I can and because then this shot doesn’t really work. So yeah. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
  You’ve been working at the school for a month and a half now as a teacher’s aid and an additional member of the staff that work in the after school program. The program wasn’t much if you had to be honest, it was pretty much just babysitting kids who didn’t get picked up once school was over. 
  You weren’t complaining though, but then again, you worked in the spare classroom with the older kids rather than the younger ones. This group wasn’t too much of a hassle. Usually these kids would talk, do their homework, or some quiet activity and rarely cause any trouble. That’s how you met a little girl named Abby. 
  Abby was like the other kids who minded their own till their parent or guardian came to pick them up. You noticed that she didn’t interact with any of the other kids and either drew or did her homework quietly at a desk. You decided to check on her. Now you two have formed a really nice bond. You usually help her with her homework or talk about whatever comes to mind which helped pass the time since she was one of the kids that stayed the whole time the program operated. 
  Speaking of which, it was rolling around that time. You knew that the person who usually gets her is always here when the clock hits  five pm but it always makes you a little worried that they won’t come since after five there wasn’t meant to be any students still on campus. 
  “Okay, last one. What do you think?” you say, you were helping Abby finish up a tricky math sheet. Abby stared at the problem for a moment and worked it out on a blank space next to it before writing down the answer she came up with. “There you go! Great job. Now you’re all done, you don’t need to do any at home.” you smile. Just then you hear a knock at the door to the room. When you turn, you see a man in his mid twenties or early thirties standing in the doorway. You stand up to go talk to him but you hear Abby chirp “Hi, Mike!” to the man. He gives her a nod as a hello back as you grab a clipboard and walk up to him. 
  “Hello. Can I get a name?” you ask. This was common check out protocol whenever someone came to pick up a child from the program. “Mike Schmidt.” he responds. You nod and check the name that’s correlated with Abby, it checks out. “And the password?”, that was another part of the protocol. He says the correct one and you smile with a nod before letting him sign his name as the last part of the process. 
  By then Abby had already packed up her things and skipped over to Mike and took a hold of his hand to leave. “Goodbye, Abby!” you wave. She waves back with some more energy to it, “Bye, (y/n)!”. You give a wave back to Mike as well out of courtesy, “Goodbye, Mr. Schmidt.”. He gives you a small wave goodbye too as he leaves with Abby by his side. 
  With Abby gone home, you were set to pack everything in the classroom so that you could leave. You usually did this earlier but the other staff member went out and hadn’t come back yet, so you needed to keep an eye on Abby. Usually they checked Abby out to Mike, who you were told was her older brother, so she could go home. But since they still weren’t back, you met him for the first time. You were a bit surprised to finally see him. He was actually older than you thought he would be. The age minimum for someone who could pick up a child was sixteen and that Mike met that requirement, but you thought that he would be younger. Turns out he’s around the same age as you.
  Abby actually told you a lot about Mike. As already mentioned, he was her older brother. She also told you that he works and that the two of them live together. She’s also told you about how cool he is but that’s a given since most younger siblings think that their older siblings are cool. 
  You didn’t think too much about Mike after that, but strangely enough, Mike spent a good part of the evening thinking about you.
  “Are they a new staff member? I don’t think I’ve seen them before.” Mike asked Abby while she picked at the reheated veggies on her plate. “No, not really. They’ve been here for a while.” Abby responded. “They seem nice.” he mentioned. “They are. They help me with my homework and we talk. They even said they like my drawings!” Abby explained with a smile. “ Well, that’s nice to hear.” Mike said as he got up from his seat at the table. “You finish those off before you try and watch TV, alright?” he said with a little bit of demand as he pointed to the uneaten food on her plate before heading off to get ready for the rest of the night. 
  Soon after that, Mike had formed a habit. Everyday, just before getting out of his car to go pick up Abby, he would check himself in his rearview mirror. He would subconsciously fix any loose hair, fix up his jacket to look neater, or check for food in his teeth. He didn’t know when it started but he noticed it when he was fighting with a piece of food from his lunch earlier that day that didn’t want to leave it’s spot between his teeth. “Why am I even doing this? It’s barely noticeable.” he thought to himself. But something irked him to get it out before he got out. 
  After he finally got the pesky piece out, he stepped out of his car and made his way to the classroom that the program was held in. Abby noticed him but the staff member who came to check her out to him wasn’t you. After he gave all the information, signed, and took Abby’s hand, he found that he felt slightly disappointed that it wasn’t you this time and thought that he fought that food between his teeth for nothing. 
  The drive home consisted of silence as Abby stared out the window and Mike stewed in his thoughts on why he wanted see you every time he came in. It shouldn’t matter if it’s you, or the new teacher Miss Hill, or the old teacher Mrs. Flores, or someone who was a part of that group. 
  “Did you have fun with (Y/n) today?” Mike asked as he peaked at Abby in the rearview. Why did he ask that? “Yeah. I didn’t have a lot of homework so we spent most of the time talking while I drew.” Abby responded. “What did you talk about?” he questioned. “Not much. They talked about being a teacher’s aid and how they want to be a school teacher.” Abby commented, Mike nodded his head. “I talked about us a little. I told them that you work and take care of me.” she explained, “And they said that’s really nice of you to be doing both.” Abby referenced. Mike thought about that for a second. “Did they?” he responded. 
  The rest of the evening and night went on as normal. But Mike found that he didn’t really pay attention to the late night TV like he usually does. He was caught up on what Abby said today about you. Mike tried to brush it off but just couldn’t, and he didn’t like it all that much. It made him feel dumb. Why was he so consumed with what you thought of him, with Abby saying that you think he’s nice for taking care of his little sister and being their breadwinner and him recently starting to care about how he looked under the possibility of you and him seeing each other while he got Abby. 
  There was no way he had some stupid crush on you. You were just some staff member who took care of Abby after school and he was just her older brother. That’s all you should be to each other. 
  He thinks that while also thinking about how maybe he should pack a mini toothbrush and toothpaste tube so his lunch doesn’t end up in his breath in case you catch it next time you talk. 
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 10<-
Part 11
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Pairing: Jeongin x reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!Suggestive Themes, Swearing, pet names, unprotected sex (just don‘t!), bloody nose
Word Count: 5.4k
Note: Sooo. What do you think of this part? Maybe you noticed where I got my inspiration from (M/V. Making off?) Love our baby bread who is not so baby anymore… For real have you seen the 5-Star Trailer? Uffhhgg watched it like 10000000 times
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
When you took the note off your door in the morning, you wanted to break down and cry on the spot.
But you didn't have time for that. So you stuffed the paper into your pocket and headed off to work.
Only when you got to your office you dared to take the paper out again, and you had to read it at least three times before you understood the words on the yellow background. Your hands shook and despair gripped you as soon as the word 'eviction notice' even came into the corner of your eye.
Although you tried hard to remain calm, you could feel the frantic typing as you entered the number in your phone that was at the bottom of the letter.
After endless beeping, the administration of the building complex you were currently living in finally answered. You had gotten the apartment out of luck via relationships and it was a miracle that it was affordable despite the ideal location for you.
And now you were supposed to move out within a week because the building was going to be demolished.
After several questions, the annoyed administrative worker could only confirm to you what was already on the note anyway. You had to leave your apartment by the end of the week.
With the current rent prices it was impossible to find a halfway affordable apartment within a week and the panic of being homeless until the end of the week spread more and more inside you.
But when there was a knock on your door, you furtively wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes and put on a carefree smile as soon as Chan poked his head into the room:
"Morning, babe. We're about to take off."
You had completely forgotten about that with all the stress. Quickly, you nodded:
"I'll be right there!"
Today was the teaser shoot for the music video.
You had no choice but to put on your professional mask and start working.
As you got into the car with Chan, where the guys were already waiting, you were showered with energetic vibes. They were all looking forward to the first shoot and the energy soon transferred to you as well.
Even though you couldn't completely banish the dark thoughts from your mind, you had to focus on your work when you arrived.
The film crew was getting everything ready while the guys were sent to makeup to change and get ready.
The video would be set in a sports hall and the guys would be playing basketball. There would be some sporty and handsome shots that would surely please the fans.
Han was the first to notice that something was wrong with you.
"You look tired... Are you okay?", he asked as everyone just waited for Chan and Hyunjin's hairstyles to be done.
"Yes all good, Ji. Don't worry about it", you said quickly. Too quickly and that's when the Director began to speak.
He gave the guys instructions on how they would first shoot individually or as couples and then mimic a little basketball game as a team.
You retreated to the bleachers with the film crew and when you had a few free minutes, you looked for possible apartments, but that brought you much closer to a breakdown. You couldn't afford any of them and most of them were way too far away. You would need several hours to get to work and that would not be possible with the strict schedules.
When out of nowhere you felt a hand on your leg, you flinched violently and almost threw your phone off the stand. Jeongin looked at you with wide eyes and raised his hands placatingly.
"Take it easy! It's just me."
Behind him, Felix followed, and they both looked like they could see right into your head.
"Are you guys finished yet?", you asked, trying a half-cheerful smile.
They took you in the middle and Felix didn't hesitate to pull you into his arm.
"We just have to do the group shots. Hyunjin and Changbin are on it right now."
You put your temple against his with a sigh and breathed in his sunny scent.
They all looked really really good with the school uniforms. So the video should have a nostalgic vibe and even you felt transported back to your school days when you saw the typical uniforms. But in the past, the guys at your school had never been as attractive as the ones who were now chasing the ball in the hall.
"Do you want to talk?", he asked, and he stroked your arm reassuringly.
With a quick glance at Jeongin, who gave you a sweet smile, you sighed. So Jeongin had pulled out the secret weapon to elicit the reason for your worries.
You couldn't lie to Felix. He was too kind and bright. It was impossible to hide your feelings from him.
"The building complex I live in is going to be torn down. I have until the end of the week to get out of my apartment“, you explained quietly.
But no one heard you anyway. The song played on and off while the cameramen were busy getting good shots of Hyunjin and Changbin with the basketball.
"This sucks", I.N commented and you had to laugh bitterly.
"I’m sure we‘ll find a solution“, Felix tried to cheer you up, but you could just shake your head.
"I can't afford most of the apartments and it's impossible to find something in that short time."
The guys gave each other meaningful looks, but before Felix could answer, he was called by the director. It was time for the whole group to take group shots.
It was too funny to watch the boys trying to recreate a real game. Han was so afraid of the ball that he kept running around the others, Changbin and Chan tried to shoot at the baskets, while Lee Know and Hyunjin chased each other around the court, screaming at each other.
It took forever for them to get a few scenes halfway done, but they had so much fun doing it that they infected everyone on the staff with their good humor.
You raised your eyes as Hyunjin came up to you with his camera between scenes filming the making off.
"How do you like our godlike basketball skills?", he asked, and Han latched onto his shoulder.
You raised a thumb at the camera and said:
"You guys definitely play like professionals!"
"Why don't I believe you?", laughed Hyunjin, zooming in on Han, who posed with his legs wide for the camera:
"I'm the best player, though."
"Yeah because the rest of us are extremely bad!", Hyunjin shot back and then all you saw behind him was the basketball flying and slamming hard against Jeongin's face.
Hyunjin screamed out, who happened to have the camera right on it, and Chan was already running to the youngest, who was holding his face with both hands and wincing with pain.
Before you got past the stands, the director and the cameramen were already with him and handed him a cloth, which he pressed firmly against his nose.
But it was already too late. Blood ran down his mouth and chin and dripped onto his blue jacket.
"Who threw the ball?", asked Chan sharply, looking at stunned faces. Hyunjin had lowered the camera and Changbin slowly approached.
"That was me", Lee Know came forward, sounding concerned.
He pushed past the Director who was talking at Jeongin, but gradually the white cloth ran out.
"Sorry, Innie... Shit, I didn't mean to throw so hard."
Jeongin squinted his eyes and waved it off with one hand.
"It's okay... Never mind."
You took out more wipes from your bag and handed them to him so he could press them further against his nose.
"Stuff it up your nose until it stops!", said Chan, looking like a father tending to his small child who had fallen off the swing.
Gently, you grabbed him by the arm and said through the commotion around you:
"Come on, Innie! I'll help you clean this up."
Chan nodded curtly at you and when you saw the stressed expression on his face, you wanted to take all the heavy weight off his shoulders, that he carried around all the time.
You sat down together on one of the higher benches of the stands so that the others could continue working undisturbed. You sat down opposite him, both one leg to the left and one leg to the right of the bench.
He still had his head back and tissues stuck up his nose.
"Does it hurt a lot?", you asked cautiously, glancing down the stairs where one member of the team was already joining you.
He shook his head and his voice sounded nasal, due to the blockage in his nose:
"No. It's not that bad."
He was always like that. Just not a burden to anyone and always functioning at full speed.
The director's assistant had reached you by now and handed Jeongin more cloths and a cold pack.
"Should we call a doctor to take a look at the nosebleed?"
You were about to answer in the affirmative, but Jeongin beat you to it.
"No! There's no need for that. It's already stopped bleeding."
Pressing your lips together, you looked at him questioning, but he continued to refuse.
"Maybe the nose is broken", the assistant said, to which Jeongin again shook his head vehemently.
"Y/N can palpate me, but there's nothing broken. I can keep going!"
While the assistant tried to continue talking at him, you moved closer to Jeongin.
"May I?", you asked, and he nodded.
Then you gently ran your fingers over the bridge of his nose. As you did so, his face hovered so close to yours that you inevitably saw his gaze move to your lips and how he suddenly tensed up.
Blood still stained his chin and mouth and a few drops had also landed on his jacket.
Only because of the assistant who was present were you able to tear yourself away from his engaging eyes. Like a fox, he regarded you attentively and with so much intelligence in his expression that you trembled.
"The nose isn't broken. It all feels normal", you said quickly, pulling away before the assistant noticed that crackling energy between you.
By then, there was a call for him as well, and he finally gave up.
"I'll take care of Jeongin!", you assured him, and with that he finally gave in and disappeared.
"Thank you! Really", Jeongin said, clearly relaxing. He grabbed one of your hands and unobtrusively pulled you closer again by it.
"Let me clean your face!", you said, smiling softly and taking out a couple of makeup wipes from your bag that you always carried in case you needed it. He nodded and you began to wipe the blood from his skin with concentration and careful hand movements.
While doing so, you couldn't help but inhale his cologne. He smelled like a heady mix of fresh florals, woody lime and the first rain on a sunny day.
His charisma was more than attractive and when he was that close to you, you became restless. There was something unpredictable about him, behind the politeness, the funny weirdo and the loving nature.
It was the self-confidence that lay dormant in him that regularly blew your mind. Even though he was just a few months older than you.
Bracing yourself with a hand on his shoulder, you tried not to hurt him.
"Y/N?", you heard his soft voice ask, and you felt his heartbeat quicken under your hand.
"Huh?", you hummed busy and that's when you heard Hyunjin standing next to you again, holding the camera on you.
"Since Lee Know tried to kill our Maknae. How are you I.N?"
You looked at the camera and threw away the bloody cloths.
Jeongin raised a thumb to the camera and said:
"It's all good. It's really not as bad as it looks. And Minho's throw was also too bad to really do any damage."
"Should I try it again? Maybe next time you faint", shouted Minho then, and you smirked as you felt Jeongin's knee pressed against yours.
Hyunjin laughed and Minho looked fierce but you both could see the concern in their eyes despite everything. They were family, after all and cared for each other no matter what.
Then Hyunjin was distracted by Felix who was trying to shoot baskets with Chan and went to join them. Jeongin took the scraps of cloth out of his nose and threw it all in the trash by the stairs.
"You should cool that so it doesn't swell any more", you said, already activating the cold pack by bending it.
"Does it look that bad?", he now asked again without the nasal tone.
You shook your head quickly. Once the blood was gone, the minimal swelling on the bridge of his nose didn't seem so bad either.
"No. But we don't know what it will look like tomorrow."
He nodded and closed his eyes as you held the cold pack to the bridge of his nose. A soft hiss escaped him as the cold eased the throbbing in his head, enjoying your gentle touch.
For a while, you just sat there together, enjoying each other's presence. Jeongin could have endured for hours the way your fingers stroked his face and dabbed his nose with the cold pack.
"Does it feel good?", you asked after a while, and that's when he opened his eyes again.
"You have no idea", he murmured, relaxed, and when your eyes met, you noticed the closeness between you.
His thighs were pressed tightly against yours from the outside and you could feel his breathing on your cheek as your face was only a hand's width away from his.
An embarrassed smile flitted across your lips and immediately his eyes were fixed on it. He could just look at you and your knees went weak.
You put your other hand to his cheek to hold his face tightly because you just wanted to touch him while you continued to cool his nose. Slowly he lifted his gaze and your eyes locked together. You got all excited as he licked his lower lip and all the sounds of the shoot faded into the background.
Before you could stop him, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on your mouth. It only lasted a few seconds, yet your heart jumped out of your chest and you stared wide-eyed at him before looking around to see if anyone had watched you.
He too seemed surprised himself and couldn't quite believe he had actually done that without thinking. Looking down at the crew, you breathed a little sigh of relief when you saw that everyone was busy taking videos of Changbin.
Chan and Felix were listening intently to the director and Seungmin's hair was being fixed.
Only Hyunjin looked in your direction and slowly lowered the camera.
He tried not to let notice, but gave you a warning look.
This was too much and too public.
It was just too dangerous and you knew it. It had just happened and you hoped nobody saw it.
"Sorry", he whispered, seeming a bit overwhelmed.
You had to swallow hard and nodded quickly without looking at him.
"You should take off that jacket. Maybe we can get the blood stains out by the sink", you said, hoping that if you just didn't address it, it never would have happened. Together you walked down the bleachers and asked a couple of women from the staff where the nearest sink was. They sent you straight to the hallway and there you found a sink on the wall behind the next corner.
Jeongin slipped out of his jacket and watched you try to wash out the dark stains with water. But it was quite hopeless. The blood had already sunk too deep into the fabric.
"I think that's it for the uniform", Jeongin said, taking the jacket from you to hang it over the edge of the sink.
Just in the white shirt and tie made him look like the main character in a K-drama. His hair fell into his forehead and he shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he looked at you uncertainly. All this time he'd been strangely silent and you couldn't look at him any longer without staring. He looked outrageously handsome with his sleeves rolled up under which the veins on his forearms stood out.
"I'm really sorry about earlier", he finally broke the silence, and when you did look him in the eye now, you realized he was worried about you.
"I didn't mean to attack you like that. You took such care of me and you look so beautiful, I just couldn't control myself and I..."
You had to interrupt him, not being able to stand the way he was torturing himself.
He looked at you questioningly and stepped from one foot to the other.
"I didn't think it was bad."
"You didn't?", he asked uncertainly, and you immediately wanted to kiss him to exorcise all the self-doubt. He stepped closer until your hands were against his chest and he had to look down at you.
"No. I thought it was really nice, and if there hadn't been so many people there, I would have liked to kiss you too."
A relieved laugh escaped him and he took his hands out of his pockets to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
"So you want me to kiss you?", he asked softly and you had to smile at his uncertainty. He wanted to make sure you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"I want you to do so much more than just kiss me“, you replied with an ambiguous undertone and immediately his cheeks turned rosy and he stroked his fingers up your neck to your chin, where he lifted it slightly and placed his lips gently but intensely on yours.
Slowly you opened your lips and returned the kiss. As if in slow motion, he pulled you to his chest and deepened the kiss. He tasted honey-sweet and touched you with so much passion that you melted right against his chest. With your eyes closed, you felt his tongue on your bottom lip before he took it between his teeth and gently pulled on it. Burying your hands in his hair, you pulled him closer so he could slide his tongue into your mouth and set off fireworks in your head.
The kiss lasted an eternity and you never wanted to stop your tongues dancing together.
His fingers stroked down your back and he kissed you so passionately that your body automatically curved into his. His hands went under your skirt, grabbed your ass and pulled you closer to him until your upper body was pressed tightly against his.
You slid your hands under his shirt and stroked his firm stomach, that's when he broke the kiss to gasp into your mouth:
"I'm already dying to take you right now. Don't tempt me, sweetheart."
"I want you... right now", you gasped, and the sizzle between you was about to explode.
"Everyone else is in the other room", he whispered in your ear and kissed your neck.
You knew that, but you also knew how wet you were by now, just at the thought of feeling him inside you.
You took his hand and slid it between your legs. With wide eyes he looked at you, but immediately stroked your covered cunt with two fingers, feeling how soaked your panties already were.
"God... You're so wet", he gasped and began to move his fingers lightly against your core. Your parted lips and your fingers digging into his chest in the process made him completely lose his mind.
He instantly got hard and you felt his cock against your lower abdomen.
"Do you like it when I touch you like that?", he asked, pushing your panties aside to rub your clit directly, eliciting a gasp from you.
"Yes. But I want all of you!“, you whispered, while stroking his bulge over his pants and grinding your hips against his fingers.
Because of the sounds of the shoot behind the wall right next to you, you realised that someone just had to come around the corner to catch you.
"Fuck it…“, he suddenly muttered then and took your hand tightly in his. As he pulled you down the long hallway, you glanced over your shoulder in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"We're leaving. You have no idea how many naughty fantasies I had about you..."
You giggled and together you ran to the exit, like little kids who had done something wrong and tried to get away with it. You felt transported back to your school days, where you secretly made out with your crush and it evoked the most exciting feeling.
In the garage, he led you to the big car.
"Do you have the key?", you asked in wonder, and when he just opened the door, you glared at him.
"We usually leave the car open. Someone always forgets something. I know it‘s irresponsible but practical.“
He opened the sliding door and let you climb in until he too came in and pulled the door shut behind you.
"This is still pretty public", he mused aloud, but you were already shoving him into the back seat, where he had been sitting between Hyunjin and Han while you had droven here, and climbing onto his lap.
Immediately he pulled you into a kiss again. Only this time he was more impetuous and you could now feel his boner clearly pressed against your cunt. Quickly you took his tie and literally ripped open his shirt to touch each of his abs one by one.
"Take off your panties! Now!", he demanded and he didn't have to tell you twice. Hastily you slipped out of your thong and at the same time Jeongin pulled down his pants and underpants.
"I want you to ride my cock. I need your pussy so bad, jagi!“
He was impatient and directly his hard length jumped out.
"Since when did you start becoming so naughty, maknae ?" you asked teasingly, climbing back onto his lap.
"Since I tasted you."
He ran both hands under your shirt and pulled it over your head. Your bra popped out and immediately he kneaded your breasts and spread kisses on them.
When he pulled back, he looked at you with a grin as you positioned yourself above him and suddenly put his hand around your neck.
With the other, he pressed you down on his length and it felt like he was splitting you into two parts. With the tight grip around your neck, you felt him fill you completely and you couldn't help but moan out loud.
"Fuck... You're gonna crush me", he growled, continuing to guide your hips until he was completely engulfed in you. You were breathing heavily as you tried to adjust to his size and he unclasped your bra and tossed it somewhere to the front of the car.
"Move!", he said and you began to roll your hips against his. His head dropped to his neck and he moaned loudly as you took him as deep as you could. Your fingernails dug into his chest as you were able to use his length the way you wanted and after a few seconds you rode him with faster and faster movements.
He held you by the hips and every gasp and moan you could elicit from him spurred you on even more. While he helped you rock back and forth on his cock, your clit was swollen and aching, begging for more. It didn't take long for your climax to grab you and you came on his dick while moaning his name. But you did not stop. You wanted to satisfy him and you felt him already twitching inside you as you tightened around him.
"God. I'm gonna cum soon, if you continue to take my cock so fucking good", he moaned and kissed your neck and even bit into it lightly, making you gasp his name.
"Come inside me! Fill me up, Innie! Please!"
Your words brought him over the edge and you felt him come and empty deep inside you with a choked gasp. You slowed down and sunk down on his cock.
"Should we stop?", you asked, breathing heavily, while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. In reply buckled his hips into you and began to push you up and down by your hips on his still hard dick.
Your clit was ridiculously sensitive from the first orgasm and you were not sure if you could handle a second one right now.
"Come around my cock again, sweetheart! Then I'm going to fuck you, like you deserve it."
His words turned you on again and you started bouncing on his throbbing cock again. You rolled your hips against his and you could tell Jeongin was holding back from bucking up into you, giving into his greedy desires.
"Shit, you're still so tight", he moaned, staring up at the ceiling, trying to concentrate on not cumming again. You knew that anyone could hear you, even through the doors of the bus, but you were just too drunk on his dick that you could care right now.
Your hands were tightly pressed to his chest, while you worked yourself to your next orgasm, which was already making your whole body tingle.
He didn't meet your gaze, instead, he watched the way his cock disappeared into your stretched hole, admiring the way your juices looked on his member.
"I love hearing you moan like this, angel", he said and guided your hips as you began to lose control due to the high that gripped you for the second time, flooding your entire body with heat. He wasted no time and while you were still working out your orgasm, he started thrusting into your cunt.
"You feel even better than the hyungs had described."
You probably would have blushed at the fact that the boys were talking about you like that, but the youngest of them was penetrating your sore pussy too much for that.
"Innie, oh god... please", you moaned and his gaze finally met yours.
"You like that? Being fucked like this?"
You might've been on top, but you were completely at his mercy by now. You were under his spell since the day you met him, hypnotized by him and his charming smile. He was tantalising you with his dark obsidian eyes. You lived for the lust-driven look in his face and his sweet groans. You bent down and cupped his face, hungrily kissing him. You kissed frantic and heated, desperate to taste each other. He licked his lips as he watched your breasts bounce with every thrust of his hips.
The filthy squelching sounds of him fucking his cum back into you filled the car and he removed his hands from your hips to reach up to cup your breasts, taking one in each hand, squeezing them.
You completely lost the sense of time, but couldn't stop urging each other to the next high. At any moment the shooting could be over and they could come back to the car.
His cock prodded against your cervix. You wondered who taught the boys how to fuck like this. Each of them fucked you in their own way and all of them were gods in this area.
Especially now you were totally addicted to the way Jeongin fucked you.
But finally you were overwhelmed by an orgasm that made you tremble. Your insides seemed to boil and as you tightened around his dick, he also came with a painful grip on your breasts.
Overwhelmed, you worked your highs out for as long as you could before you sank against his chest, breathing heavily. He ran his hand through your hair and pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
"Was that good?"
You laughed lightly, with your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, still dazed stroking his neck.
"That was amazing, Innie."
He breathed a sigh of relief and stroked your back until your breathing calmed down.
"Move in with us!"
You looked at him questioningly, and he knew he didn't have the right or the power to decide that, but he wanted to. You were worth it.
"We have a spare room in the new apartment. Right now it's just for storage, but you could have it."
"JYP wouldn't allow that."
"Why not? Before it takes you hours to get to work because your apartment is far away, it would be a solution. Besides, it would make our job extremely easier."
You couldn't say anything more in response, as the two of you heard muffled voices from outside, peering through the darkened windows.
"Shit! They're coming back!"
Quickly you jumped off his lap and slipped into your underpants and skirt. You felt the mixture of your juices and his cum making a mess in your panties, but you had no choice. You couldn't find your bra, and yet you saw that Chan and Seungmin had almost reached the bus.
Jeongin had already pulled his pants back up and was buttoning his shirt.
There was no more time, so you put on your shirt without a bra and just dropped into the seat next to Jeongin when the sliding door opened.
Chan poked his head in first and when he spotted you, he turned to the others.
"They're here! I told you they went ahead."
One by one, everyone got in and sat down. The driver wasn't here yet, so they looked at you curiously. Jeongin's hair was a mess and his cheeks were flushed. You probably didn't look any better.
"Where were you guys?", asked Lee Know, turning around in his seat to face you.
"Y/N was helping me with that bloody nose you gave me!", he said and Lee Know raised his hands defensively.
"Hey I already apologized!"
"We tried to save the jacket, but it was for nothing", you tried to explain your absence, but it was obvious that no one believed you.
Han had his hands clasped under his chin and was looking at you with a knowing grin, and it would only be seconds before he would say something dumb.
"You certainly had to comfort him", Changbin said then with a laugh, and Jeongin immediately stared at his shoes in embarrassment.
Then Seungmin suddenly bent down and pulled something out from under his seat. Startled, you stared at your red lace bra in his hand, which he now held up.
"Did any of you lose this? Because it's not mine."
"I usually wear black lace underwear", Chan replied, clearly enjoying the whole thing. Quickly, you jumped up and snatched your bra from Seungmin's hands.
Just in time, as the driver boarded and announced the start.
With your head burning, you stuffed the bra into your pocket, feeling the entertained looks of the others on Jeongin and you. On the way back, they continued to tease you for quite a while, but that's when Jeongin started:
"What if Y/N moves in with us?"
Immediately there was confused silence. So you explained your situation to them and that's when Chan said:
"We could ask. Maybe that's really a good idea."
"Would you really want to live with us?", Felix asked over the others and now they all looked at you attentively.
Briefly you looked down at your hands and then answered:
"I think so. Yes. It would make my job a lot easier if I didn't always have to go back and forth between the dorm, work, and my apartment. Plus, I think it could be fun."
"Don't get too excited. Living with 3Racha is like living with three wild animals", Hyunjin said, making you smile and took a punch in the side from Changbin.
Back at JYP Entertainment, you were up to your neck in work, but the idea of living with Stray Kids solidified in your thoughts and you kind of liked the idea.
->Part 12
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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@poisonivy21 @elizalabs3 @chartrucewhore @smutlemononeshot @hgema @bookwyrm28 @gemini-demon @jeongchaos @jihanlovic @comingupwithacoolnameishard @marked-unknown @yuhjoeyuh @bakedlilgoonie @itstorimf @toomuchtellyneck @ana-stasssiaaa @galaxypox @n034sy @amara-mars @purple-belle @amararosesblog @tori719 @rindomo @freakinthesheets-excelexcel @niaalove @crazyllamasurfer @luunaruwu @jenseok17 @mariegalea @kimseungminsprincess @julciaqwerty @officialshania @whore4stucky9104 @foxinnie8 @i-dont-know-me-either @sirenthalia @uno7 @jeonnginns @mixling-blog @httpsmultifandom @hyunlixwife @eastleighsblog @tzalethhwang @queenofdragons12  @fixation-dump @midsoulz @emmxxsworld @scarletrosesposts @sugahannie @jinniespuppy
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ethical-cain-vinnel · 11 months
hear me out, you and anakin have been enemies for years like just constant head butting and competition, and one day y’all both are training and your both trying to show off competitively, and afterwards, just to piss him if you say your master is kind of attractive or something and what happens next happens 🤭 sorry i’m famished for enemies to lovers anakin stuff
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x reader
Teaser Trailer: Your Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi usually has you and Anakin separated when training. He’s worried that the animosity between you two could eventually lead to one of you getting hurt because you two don’t know when to stop. But today, on the rest day for training, he’s woken you two up and has decided that you two would hash out your differences and train together for the first (and probably last) time.
Tags/Warnings: Bickering, porn with plot, very little use of Y/N, no gendered terms (girl, she/her, etc) but AFAB anatomy (im sorry idk how to write AMAB anatomy), hatefucking, lowkey dubcon at the start but quickly turns consensual, mentions of Padme (they’re broken up in this), bath sex, rough sex, little to no prep (make sure to prep irl or that shit HURTS, coming from your local whore), unprotected p in v (don’t be silly, wrap ya willy), choking, fluff at the end
Notes: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I LOWKEY HAD NO IDEA HOW TO START IT LMFAO but im really glad you sent this in cause I had a lot of fun writing this!! I did change it a little bit but it still has that enemies to lovers plot that you said you were jonesing for so I hope you like it! Also im so sorry if anakin is ooc i really tried to make him true to his character.
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In the heart of the Jedi Temple, a place of serenity and wisdom, were two dickheads who couldn’t stop bickering and driving their master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, absolutely insane. Every word moved him more and more to the dark side (kidding, not kidding). “You’ll never be a true Jedi, Skywalker,” You taunted, your eyes flashing with defiance. “You let your emotions control you too easily.” “And you’re too focused on rules and regulations,” he shot back, his tone dripping with disdain. “The Jedi Code has made you blind to the real world.” You were about to respond when your master spoke. “Enough. Both of you.” He turns around and gives you both a sharp glare. This shuts you both right up. “Sorry, Master,” You both mumble like scolded children. Obi-Wan sighs and continues taking you to the training ground.
When you arrive at the grounds, you and Anakin shoot each other confused looks before Obi-Wan begins to speak. “In the past, I have not let you two train together. This is because I am afraid one, if not both of you, will have bad physical injuries by the end. But,” Flashes of annoyance and exhaustion from months of your constant bickering show in his eyes. “You two have officially worn me down. Today, you will train together. I will not be supervising because I feel you two should work this out by any means necessary. As long as you both come out of the training alive, I don’t care what happens here.” You begin to feel a bit guilty. You and Anakin have indeed pushed your master to his limits. But that’s quickly replaced by excitement and needing to beat Anakin.
Obi-Wan laid out the rules of the training before quickly leaving the grounds. With Obi-Wan's departure, you and Anakin found yourselves standing on the training ground, lightsabers in hand, the tension thick enough to slice through. Anakin couldn't resist taking the first jab, both verbally and physically. "Well, Y/N, let's see if you can back up all that talk." You smirked, your eyes glinting with determination. "Oh, Anakin, I've been waiting for this moment. Let's see if you can finally prove that you're not all bark and no bite." The clash of lightsabers rang out as the duel commenced, the blades creating sparks of energy that mirrored the sparks flying between you. "You're still too aggressive, Anakin," you taunted, sidestepping his lunge. "The Force doesn't respond well to blind rage, you know," Anakin grunted, his frustration evident. "And you're too busy following the rule book to see the big picture. Sometimes, you have to do what's necessary." Your retort came swiftly, "Sometimes, what's necessary isn't letting your emotions run rampant. That's how we fall to the dark side." The battle raged, each strike and parry accompanied by another biting remark. It was as if the Force itself reveled in your ongoing rivalry, fueling the intensity of the duel.
"You know, Anakin, maybe if you focused on your training more than your obsession with winning, you'd improve," you quipped, dodging a particularly aggressive swipe from his lightsaber. Anakin's eyes blazed with anger, and he pushed harder, but you deftly countered his every move. "And maybe if you let loose a bit, you'd discover there's more to the Force than ancient texts and lectures." Your movements became fluid, almost graceful, as you expertly parried Anakin's attacks. "I'll take wisdom over recklessness any day, Anakin." As the duel continued, your words stung as much as your strikes, and it was clear that Anakin was growing frustrated, his resolve wavering. He overextended himself in a moment of vulnerability, leaving an opening you quickly seized. With a swift maneuver, you disarmed him, sending his lightsaber flying out of his grasp. You held your lightsaber at his throat, a triumphant smile on your lips. "Checkmate," you declared, breathing heavily but victorious.
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Later that night, you were getting ready for bed. The training with Anakin was rewarding but so fucking tiring. You had bruises and small cuts all over your body that stung as you entered the hot bath, the salts meant for relaxation causing your muscles to tense up and a small, involuntary whimper to leave your mouth. As you sunk deeper into the water, you relaxed more. Your cuts still stung, but it was all worth it to wipe that stupid smile off of your rival’s face. God, his stupid face. You had no idea what Padme sees in him. His stupid brooding blue eyes, his full lips that always turn into a scowl when he sees you. Fuck. Even you, his number one rival, can’t deny that he’s really hot. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you hear someone enter the bathroom. You immediately make sure your entire body is below the water, the bubbles covering you. You look to see who it is and it’s Anakin. “Anakin, what the FUCK?? GET OUT!” you begin to scream when he covers your mouth, glaring down at you as he leans over the tub. Your voice got caught in your throat as his glare sent shivers down your spine and warmth down to your pussy. When he can tell you’ve officially shut up, he slowly takes his hand off of your mouth and for a moment, you two just stare at each other, a mix of hatred and lust. “You're a real spoiled bitch, you know that?” he seethes and you scoff. “Oh, I’m spoiled cause I was able to put you in your place?” His hand shoots to grab your neck, choking you slightly and you let out a small whimper, not expecting it. He smirks and pulls you into a rough kiss, your mind going a million miles an hour. You pull away and he lets you, not wanting to force you into anything you don’t want to do. “What is wrong with you??” You say, obviously bothered. “You’re dating Padme and you’re trying to kiss me and fuck me?? What is wrong with you??” You fume. He smirks a bit, thinking your reaction is a bit funny. “Padme and I broke up a month ago.” Those words make your jaw drop and your eyes practically bug out of your skull.
But he knows that all of your inhibitions were limited only to him not being single, as you immediately pull him into another heated kiss, tongue and teeth clashing as you help him hastily strip off his robes and you pull him into the tub with you. You lay back against the porcelain and he gets on top of you, his hand coming up to choke you slightly again. He begins to kiss down your neck and to your collarbone, his free hand coming to pinch your soapy tits and you whine. Your hand found his cock in the water and lined him up with your entrance. He quickly pushed in and gave you no time to adjust to his (massive) size as he began pounding you roughly. “Stupid spoiled bitch. Always a pain in my ass yet I’m dicking you down.” He mumbles breathily as his cock hits your g spot over and over again, leaving you breathless. “Say thank you.” He demands but you’re already too fucked out to hear. It isn’t until he slaps you across the face that you can listen. “I fucking said thank me. Do it and maybe I’ll let you cum tonight” “Thank you!! Thank you Anakin!!” You moan loudly and his hand comes back to your throat, a smirk on his face “Yea thats what I fuckin’ thought. Good fuckin slut f’me. So fuckin good” He pants as he fucks your pussy with reckless abandon. He can feel your cunt clenching on him, signaling that you’re close to cumming and if he wasn’t also on the brink, he woulda stopped right then and there and ruined your orgasm. “Cum f’me. Cum f’me, baby” He moans and the chord in your belly snaps, covering his cock with your juices as you moan his name. He whimpers softly and you feel as he fills you up with his cum. You’re both left panting and after a few moments you two start to laugh softly, looking at the mess you made. Water and bubbles all over the floor, the water in the tub left white and milky and your bodies sweaty and bruised. He looks at you in a way he never has before and he leans down to kiss you sweetly. “C’mon. Stand up and I’ll help you shower” He says with a sweet smile. You have a feeling things are going to be different from now on between you.
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chronicsyd · 4 months
oKaY, now that I'm done freaking the fuck out about the new teaser for S2 I didn't actually mention anything specific that I found in it (mainly cuz it is only 12 seconds and I was mainly having gay panic over Vi and Caitlyn) but there are a couple things that did stand out to me:
the outfits are a Significant improvement over what they had previously been wearing under Marcus, like why on earth were the women wearing Dresses? also the beret's be bomb as hell (Jinx will probably start on her "Hat Lady" tirade with Caitlyn lol) (I also want the "You're own WHAT?!" line but i don't think it's happening)
Vi definitely looks begrudging (is the best descriptor i think) in the few frames of this, like she doesn't look all that happy to be in an Enforcer uniform (not that I can blame her, all things considered)
solely based on Caitlyn's face, I can tell we're entering our "Unhinged Caitlyn" era and girl looks ready to be on the warpath to go after Jinx.
the only spoken dialogue is "we've got a few surprises of our own" does she specifically mean Vi here? or a new group of Enforcers all together. or maybe she's being warned to "not underestimate Jinx" and she's saying "we have a few tricks up our sleeve" as a response to it in some fashion.
people think the ginger on the left is Marcus's daughter, i don't think it is, his daughter looked to be around Powder's age in act 1 (around 11ish), and the other looks closer to Vi/Caitlyn's age and i don't think the jump in time (if there is one) would be That significant. (Edit: Actually i think I'm gonna redact my statement on this cuz looking again, Caitlyn does seem to have a more "mature face" to me so there might be a time jump where this particular scene comes up)
Caitlyn is clearly sporting a new hextech rifle to go along with Vi's gauntlets (which clearly have been fixed) (in fact the first shot of the gem is what's going into the gauntlet, from the looks of it)
the small callout to Vi's tutu thingy in her LOL design
the gem placing scene and the glove being moved to reveal Vi are two separate scenes, the gloved hand placing the gem back most definitely belongs to Jayce (seeing as he's probably the only one that knows how to fix it) (Also there's a very clear cut between the two scenes as the second clip's focus is on the upper part of the glove, not the gem)
(Sorry for just completely spamming today, I've just been overall freaking out, lol. god, if I'm This riled up over a 12 second teaser you guys are SO not ready for me when an Actual Trailer get's released! but that's all I have for the time being, se ya!)
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kaybreezy3000 · 7 months
Master Post
I like to write, and I hope there's a little something on here for everyone to enjoy. Short one-shots, the occasional requests if I get them, long novel length stories- All pairings, no pairings, etc.
This is a full list with links for my stories and some of my art featuring Number Five (TUA). For direct Tumblr posts for art and stories, hit here.
-see summaries and detailed tags on individual stories once you click the links below.
⚠️Since this came up for me: Please do not repost, translate, or reproduce my works in any format to other sites or this one. REBLOGS ARE THE WAY TO GO, AND I ADORE ALL OF YOU THAT ARE KIND ENOUGH TO HIT THAT BUTTON AND HELP ME GET MY WORK OUT THERE FOR OTHERS TO FIND. ❤️
Worlds Collide -Five Hargreeves X 6 separate Female reader inserts
A steaming hot and humorous deli Five story, and An Ode To All The Fives We’ve Loved Before.
Written by: @badkitty3000 and me, @kaybreezy3000
(Rated Mature for Sexually Explicit Content, 6976 words)
Note: All six reader inserts in this one were inspired by characters we wrote in our other stories about Five. But if you haven't read any of these stories, you can still easily enjoy this one. If you find that you want a little more of Five and any one of these lovelies, links will be provided at the end.
Looking for Happy
Hilariously simple but true summary: Five Hargreeves is sad and horny, and all he wants is you. (Don't worry, I will take you a little emotional rollercoaster that's not all the dirty-dirty 😂👍)
(Reader is post-top surgery and pre-bottom surgery.)
(Rated E for explicit sexual content. 18900k words. Anon request for a Five X male or Five X ftm pairing.)
Content Warnings and additional tags: Dom Five and some Sub Five, small 'Scream' movie add in per anon's personal love of the movie with sexy Billy and Stu, light praise kink, daddy kink, rough sex, choking, spanking, public sex, Five being sweet, Five being a cocky jerk, masturbation mentions, flirting)
NOTE: This story takes place during season four and after it, using a series of flashbacks, so it moves between past and present several times. Also, this was obviously written before season 4 came out, with an alternate season 4 ending written my way. It has lots of season 4 trailer and interview mentions to make it more fun and hopefully tie in a little with the real season 4.
Five Hargreeves Dirty Headcanon ABC's
(Rated M for sexually explicit content, 5438 words, the last one for Z is sort of a mini story for you to enjoy. This list explores Five and his relationship with 'you' while taking a small dive into his very complicated psyche and looking at some of the reasons why he is the way he is. This is written with 'you' as anyone-not male or female specific.)
He Who Holds The Power~(rated Teen and Up or General) (10,409 words)(alt season 4 story with ending)(Not a Romance- reader insert style that lets anyone be the 'you' character) (original Five cover art painting made by me and a little photoshop story insert to make it more fun)(real friendship and healing)
This one is a little season 4 teaser short story I dreamed up that gives us a look inside Five's world both before he jumped to the apocalypse and post season 3.
~~~~~~~~It all begins and ends with Five....
warnings: mild description/mention of child abuse, and signs of panic attack, potential trigger by mention of bombing a building
tags: not romance, whump, fluff, trauma, heartbreak, love, revenge, forgiveness, Mr. Pennycrumb, all the Hargreeves and some of our new character mentions from season 4, Five deserves better, Klaus is awesome, You x Five, reader insert, Five is amazing and with this one you get to imagine yourself a part of his story/future be it as a friend or whatever you want to imagine👍
Under Your Hat~ (rated M/Explicit for sexual content but you can still read this and enjoy it by skipping those parts using the ⚠️ symbol in the story for start and stop points.) (9827 words)
You never know what kind of trouble you might find if you put yourself out there and speak your mind, and tonight, that kind of trouble is Five Hargreeves.
~Set post season three. (the 5ish years later thing) Five is older, but still struggling with life and you happen to find yourself at a party with him.
Warnings: explicit sexual content, rough sex, spanking, daddy kink, humiliation play, and Five pretty much being the sweet and sexy guy I like to think he is under that hat.
'Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys ~(rated G since you can easily skip the sexually explicit parts and still enjoy the story. There is a clear point to stop if you are avoiding that stuff 👍) (8711 words)
~Five is your employer and he's not happy with you. As the night unfolds, you have a very unexpected encounter with him...
~This story takes place where we left off with season three, but 5 years later. The name is a nod to hints of what might be coming, though I doubt the Netflix writers are going with my little storyline I have created for you.
~This one is sort of gift to all fanfiction readers and writers. May you always keep passwords on our documents and devices, or maybe not... 😂👌
'Free at Last' - a short, general rated, image based/comic book style story blip of Dolores and Five
‘Bad Things’
Five Hargreeves/Reader Insert (rated explicit for sexual content)(Dark and very messed up version of Five mixed with some ideas from the comic books, submissive Five, mental issues, making huge mistakes and overcoming past trauma,)(see story for specific tags) (49,996 words)
~Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, the inability to distinguish between right and wrong, poor behavioral controls, and behaviors that contradict social norms which then commonly result in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior. Enter, Five Hargreeves, everyone's favorite little psycho. Having been left in a new world with nothing, his mental state growing more and more dangerous, Five Hargreeves finds something he feels will keep him from going off the deep end, but just like in so many things he thinks that are wrong, the fact that he thinks this already proves he has.
Full Summary and Chapter One and Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five, Six, and Seven
‘The Anti Hero’s Pitfall of Arrogance’
Five Hargeeves/Female OC (rated explicit for sexual content-see AO3 version for the Teen and up version)(starts when the Hargreeves are sixteen so that changes the timeline from the show a bit, but it still follows cannon material fairly closely)(see story for specific tags) (44,599 words)
Chapter One and Two
Chapter Three and Four
Chapter Five, Six, and Seven
AO3 Teen and up Version
‘In The Flesh’
Five Hargreeves/Reader Insert (rated G) (5337 words) (special request based off an extended scene from 'The Anti Hero’s Pitfall of Arrogance.’)(meant to be dark and very disturbing but with a heart filled message that is very Five. )
Link to 'In The Flesh’
'The Devil Within’
Five Hargreeves/Reader Insert (rated explicit for sexual content) (This one is the smuttiest Five fiction I have ever written so there is no way to avoid those parts) (see story for specific tags but I leave many off to keep you surprised as you read) (23,134 words)
Chapter One and Two
Chapters Three and Four
Paramour (The Umbrella Academy 3-part series)-Rated Teen because you can skip the many sexually explicit parts or potential triggers with chapter warnings and detailed end notes for what you missed in those parts. It's a love story but about 85% or more of this story is really about healing and focuses on Five but features a lot of all the Hargreeves and even the Sparrows in part 2 and 3.
-If you love Five and long rollercoaster ride stories that you can get lost in than this is a great read for you.
Five’s POV and centered on him, but it has all the Hargreeves and Female OC love interest, stays very true to cannon themes and for Character’s personalities.
- See specific tags per-story on A03
Part One: 'Number Five and the Girl  (227,442 words) (Starts pre-season one, age 16, coming of age angst, humor, sexual activity and trauma)
Part Two: 'Infinity’ (417,307 words) (Starts right at start of season three but not a show rewrite, and full of shockers and fun and angst and fluff and plenty of explicit fun)
Part Three: 'Oblivion’ (152,100 words) (Hurt Five and Sexy Five galore, my version season four finale)
'No More the Victim’  
(132,130 words) (rated E-🏳️‍🌈trans female pairing-see tags in AO3) (Five in a very dark place/hurt/comfort/redemption)
Starts after very dark post Season Three but does get much lighter, angst, first-time, finding yourself, revenge, unexpected romance, sub/dom, sexual humor, overcoming tragedy. seeing yourself and others with openness and love, Five’s time travel fix-it optional finale to the show. 
My co-authored works with Bad_Kitty
Link to all Bad_Kitty’s private works on AO3)
'The Text Mess’ (5576 words) (rated Teen and up) (Five and Klaus)
A text-based format story done with actual textboxes and phones to make it more fun. Not a love story/romance. Full of hilarious images, sexual humor, Five is Five and Klaus is Klaus in this make you laugh and get the feels short story. Takes place in a blip in time post season three.
'Sharp Dressed Man’  (5514 words) (rated Explicit for sexual content)
Five and his lady love Vivian one shot based off of Bad_Kitty’s Halo Series-see link above. Humor based, sexy Five doing his sexy daddy thing. Christmas time story with a few of the other Hargreeves. Closet sexy craziness.
'When Number Five Steps out, He’s Gonna Do you In’ (8730 words, rated Explicit for sexual content)
The sequel one-shot to 'Sharp Dressed Man.’ Sexual humor, frustrated Five doing New Years things with the family. Lots of feels, sexy Five, a few of the fam, daddy Five getting it done and checking his naughty list off for the year. 
My Art Featuring Number Five (TUA)
To view my Five art features on Tumblr hit this link
For stuff not on Tumbler see Original Five art from my various works  at this link (rated General)
Hand drawn sketches, graphic art in later chapters. 
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mewsmagic · 5 months
Spoiler warning for Arlecchino’s character teaser!!!
If you haven’t yet, watch it here!!
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Look look. I really did not expect Arlecchino to be comprehensive, understanding or merciful (of her children) since in the Fontaine trailer she was critical of Lyney and Lynette and we did have other harbingers calling her a wolf in sheep’s clothing and things like that
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Oh fuck I screenshotted this at the wrong time LOLL anyway
Despite telling her that she told her recklessness would lead to failure, she was not mad at her AT ALL – and I mean, completely fair, girl was literally on her deathbed – and instead decided to deal with the problem herself 😭😭😭😭😩😩😩🤯🤯🤯🤡🤡🤡 I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS FROM A SUPPOSEDLY “STRICT AND UNFEELING FATHER”
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Also, this isn’t my main point but the way she showed up like fricking bogeyman and crushed the nasty man’s skull with her HEEL was insane (positively) for me
Anyway LOL then she went, killed him, exposed his crimes and robbed all his money SO SHE COULD ADOPT MORE HOMELESS CHILDREN LIKE PLEASE THIS IS EXTREMELY CHAD AND BASED OF HER
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Not only that, but she went back to her child and saw her off herself 😭😭😭😭 this shot of her closing her eyes, gosh this made me really emotional, especially considering what comes next
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She did mourn her death!!!! Not only that but she called her “her child”!!!!! Although she appears inexpressive, it must’ve been so hard to see the children you raised part like that.
And considering we’re talking about a whole orphanage, this is definitely not her first time, and won’t be her last either, it must be so hard to be the director of the House :(
Now, I gotta say I like her character even more after all this 😭😭😭😭
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I am all for villains who are actually evil and nasty flawed people and I do like characters like that as well, but I feel like in Alrecchino’s case, it was kinda necessary for her to have a softer side?
I mean, again, we’re talking about an orphanage here. Her underlings are literally her own children, children like her who were abandoned at a young age, had nowhere to go and no one to take care of them. Not only that, but she has to train them to become underground agents and deal with dangerous situations at a young age. To become criminals even.
And this is all without even mentioning that she had to deal with generational trauma too. It’s a tendency for this type of children to become the opposite of their parents, and try to do better than them even if they do still have their own flaws. And I think this is shown wonderfully in Arlecchino.
She tries to put a front of a cold and strict father, but on the inside, she’s not as ruthless as she makes herself out to be. Even to the Traveler, who has been an “enemy” of the Fatui in various situations, she did not care about it and instead judged them to be a valuable ally (AND SHE WAS NOT WRONG!!!!)
It's really no wonder Lyney admires her and wants to be like her. Tbh I would feel the same way if I were in his shoes LOL Lynette and Freminet seem to respect her a lot as well, from what I've seen in the Archon quests and the story quests I mean.
I did not read all of the Hearth siblings lore however, so I may be missing some information about how she raised them, and there’s still the story quest and the Boss fight that still wasn’t released and I don’t look at this type of leaks LOL but still, you got my point!
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Another point I wanna mention is that this front of cold, unfeeling and harsh could be considered her flaw, even if it’s just a mask.
I mean, it is considered a toxic trait to pretend to be something you’re not. It could be people pleasing (no shame btw I am one myself), could be narcissistic traits like the previous Knave showed, and it could be pretending to be tougher than you really are, like in Arlecchino’s case.
In this case, she’s not only neglecting her own feelings and not letting them out (i.e.: not crying for her child’s death for example), but it can give the wrong impression to her children as well.
It gives the impression that she doesn’t care about them, especially at a young age, and especially considering they’re homeless children who have already been abandoned by their biological parents, and by the world itself.
According to studies on psychology, this situation makes children even more vulnerable to insecurity, low self-esteem, and gives them even more need for emotional connection and reassurance, which Arlecchino doesn't give them bc she's cold.
So yeah, Arlecchino IS still flawed and questionable in her own way, the children do feel the effect of this and her “good side” was necessary for her position and done wonderfully in my opinion.
Personally, I LOVE it when villains/anti-heroes are unhinged at the right people/moments but at the same time still have their kind side and their own issues. I mean, questionable people in real life do also have their good side, and this is exactly what makes them fucking nasty when they're nasty.
But I'll definitely talk more about this whenever I do make a post about Firefly from Star Rail! Gosh I have so much to say about her, just wait for me guys!!!
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an-odd-hobbit · 3 months
I am once again digging clumsily through the ancient halls of ff.net to see what fics were being published for the Lord of the Rings around the time Fellowship was released.
The very first teaser dropped online on April 7, 2000 and gave everyone (with top-notch internet) a first look. You can watch it here:
But since most people who had internet access in 2000 (somewhere between 43-53% of adults in the US, from what I’ve seen on various websites) were operating with slow dial-up connections (and I MEAN slow - 56kbps speeds; if you’ve got gigabyte internet now, it’s 18,000x faster than dial-up connections.) that couldn’t play video well, I think most people would have gotten their first look when the first in-theater trailer was dropped on May 25, 2001 (before Pearl Harbor).
The second trailer released on September 24th, 2001 on television (during the premiere of Angel on the WB, and two days after Bilbo’s and Frodo’s birthdays on the 22nd - shame they could make that line up to premiere it then!). It was only shown the one time.
The Fellowship of the Ring premiered on December 19, 2001.
Now keep in mind, ff.net didn’t distinguish between Lord of the Rings fics for the books vs the movies - the only category for Lord of the Rings was under books. So it’s hard to tell in the oldest LotR fics on their site how much was influenced by Peter Jackson’s films. Certainly the films changed the game for the fandom, but I’m really curious as to when that really started to take off.
The earliest Lord of the Rings fic on ff.net was published on May 15, 2000, a month after that online teaser and a year before the first in-theater trailer: The Jewel of Brandy Hall by FernWithy, which looks to be about an OC hobbit lass. Of course, the NC-17 purge didn’t occur until 2002, so it’s hard to tell how many fics were lost in that, or have been deleted by their authors in the past 24 years, that may have come before the Jewel of Brandy Hall.
There’s actually a surprising amount of poetry in those early archives - something I’m not sure I’ve seen ANY of in the past decade or so. I wonder if that’s because people are more likely to post fandom poetry outside of archives, such as directly in a tumblr post, or if fans just don’t write as much poetry now because of a perception that it’s hard to pull off, or for some other reason. Poetry was a big part of Tolkien’s works, so it’s endearing to see that shared by 2000-era fandom.
There’s also a lot of ‘humor’ in those early days…some of which did not age well (the early 2000s were a mean time).
The oldest slash fic for the Lord of the Rings that still exists on ff.net was a 487-word one-shot: Kneeling In A Field At Sunset, published Sept 15, 2000, featuring Aragorn/Halbarad(deceased). The same author (Amy Fortuna) published two other short Aragorn/Halbarad one-shots the same day, and more in the following weeks. Halbarad wasn’t featured in Peter Jackson’s films, so this appears to be book fandom.
Although the Jewel of Brandy Hall featured an OC, most of what I see published in 2000 explore existing characters. OCs start to pop up more beginning early in 2001, particularly OCs that are related to characters or are there strictly to come along on the adventure. In the fall of 2001, we start to see more OCs as love interests to main characters. I have such a special fondness for self-insert fics because I remember writing (or sometimes just imagining) my own when I was 12 or 13. It’s such a sweet look into girlhood.
Interestingly, there’s a note on a fic from Dec 4, 2001 that references how ‘you all take so much pleasure in trashing [movie Arwen].’ Our first bit of juicy fandom drama! A little later on Dec 23, 2001, there is a fic that kindly includes a warning in the description that chapter two contains movie Arwen bashing.
After Dec 19th, 2001 and the movie premiere of Fellowship, the Legolas fics start rolling off the production line! This is no surprise; I remember the THIRST for Legolas and/or Orlando Bloom that had a stranglehold on what felt like every teen girl in the early 2000s. Heck, I still have a 2000s-era Legolas poster in my room that I keep for nostalgia.
I’m going to continue going through the archives and see what else I find, but I would love to hear about your experiences in the fandom as the movies were coming out. I’m also curious to dig into lotr-specific archives that might still be around from that time.
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trobedgirldads · 15 days
because the actual trailer comes out TOMORROW OMGGG… here’s all my thoughts on the lovebug teaser trailer/sizzle reel!!!
fair warning… this post will have very little structure… it’s just my train of thought as a rewatch the teaser for the billionth time lollll
(also content warning bc i vaguely discuss abusive relationships in this post bc it’s very relevant to the film i’m talking about)
-empty diet coke glasses???? they’re beautiful for indicating period right off the bat but is there water in them or are they literally just completely empty 😭😭
-the music sounding like a heartbeat is so interesting to me.
-douglass’s fidgeting vs gracie’s stillness in the first overhead shot of them in bed together is such a good way to show that everything she does is calculated while he just makes choices without necessarily thinking it through
-“you’re special” hits me so hard
-i have nothing insightful to say about this but dougie’s signature is gorgeous
-THE LIVING ROOM CLIPS okok so in all three of these, she’s working on something while he’s just kinda hanging out, which really establishes the dynamic in their relationship
-and then the next shot where she’s the one driving… same thing with establishing relationship dynamics. she’s the one in power. she’s the one who makes the decisions.
-my big thing… omg omg omg i’m obsessed with the way it builds it up like it’s a kinda raunchy but overall cute and sweet romcom (with just a few hints otherwise that you don’t catch the first time around) UNTIL you get like 2/3 of the way through and you’re hit with “you should be grateful…” (i’m not about to write out the whole speech but yeah). it really well represents what a toxic/abusive relationship like this really feels like, when you think it’s all great and you’re in love, but a few things start to crack and then it all shatters and you realize how bad it really is. playing it from this angle and showing the build of how people find themselves in these dangerous situations is so important
-the hesitation when he repeats “dougie style” like even from when they first start out he isn’t confident that this is what he wants but he does it anyway bc he thinks she knows best…
-i will say tho i still have a very mild fear that i have read way too deep into this and this movie isn’t going to take this topic as seriously as it should and i’m gonna end up being really disappointed… hoping not tho!!! bc wow it really could be the most incredible representation of abusive/toxic/controlling relationships if it’s done well so i really hope it is
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Caitlyn Kiramman doesn’t miss
by BioTina
Her rifle never failed her and she never failed it. Caitlyn Kiramman never misses a shot but there is just one time in which she wishes she did.
Post Season 1 - Season 2 theory from the teaser trailer
Words: 3252, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends), Tobias Kiramman, Jayce (League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Angst, Guns, Hurt No Comfort, Father-Daughter Relationship, POV Caitlyn (League of Legends), Caitlyn Needs a Hug (League of Legends), Caitlyn Needs Therapy (League of Legends), Caitlyn Needs a Break (League of Legends), Sheriff Caitlyn (League of Legends), Enforcer Vi (League of Legends), Vi Needs Therapy (League of Legends), Post-Season/Series 01
Read on A03. from AO3 works tagged ‘Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)’
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revserrayyu · 6 days
2.5 Xianzhou continuance thoughts [part 3]
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**SPOILER warning** for the entirety of the Feixiao boss battle and the quick Lingsha & Dan Heng scene that follows after it. Of course if you haven’t reached this part of the story yet, I kindly ask you turn away before reading any further. Also.. there’s a bunch of scenes featuring our Lacking General here, so you won’t see me lacking in praises as I go crazy about her.
Soon after recovering from Yanqing’s icy blade, Hoolay starts wreaking havoc by tearing his bloody heart out and driving fear into all the foxians onboard the Skysplitter, which is just.. grand. I’m honestly kinda relieved that Jiaoqiu wasn’t around for this because if I had to witness Feixiao taking him down, or vice versa depending on whomever went insane first, I probably would’ve cried.
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I do think it’s a bit comical that the 2.5 trailer used this shot of Feixiao with her giant wolf spirit summoned behind her to make it seem like she was our next enemy when she’s so clearly about to help us and handle the situation herself.
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So devouring the heart is indeed the cause of her losing control, which I assumed would happen the first time Hoolay mentioned the blood heart and.. I’m kinda glad this is the true reason? She chose to eat it in order to save the other foxians from breaking out into a mad frenzy at the cost of her going insane instead. She wasn’t a secret accomplice of Hoolay nor did he take control over her like I feared upon watching the teaser trailer. I also thought that Feixiao’s moon rage might’ve overtaken her courtesy of Jiaoqiu not being around to treat her in time or she simply gave into the rage after hearing whatever torture Hoolay put Jiaoqiu through. So yeah, I think it’s best she deliberately intended for this to happen and trust the kids to snap her out of it rather than have her emotions getting the best of her while Hoolay stood by on the sidelines watching all smug as Feixiao betrays everyone.
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Oohhh, the red in her eyes is still such a simply terrifying detail. You really feel like you’re in danger being started at like that.
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I wish they were able to change up her model to reflect the red ring though considering how small of a change it really is. I understand it wouldn’t be too noticeable during battle when she’s all the way across the field, especially if the player has the battle speed turned up, but it would’ve been nice. (I also wish they did something with Jiaoqiu’s eyes too at the end of the story, but that’s something I’ll ramble about next post.)
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Sigh.. I know my first thought shouldn’t be “wow, wish that were me right now instead of Yunli,” and yet it’s all I can think about right here so.. sorry not sorry.
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I’m torn between “I can fix her” and “she doesn’t need to be fixed.” Her bright, blue eyes were mesmerizing before and now they’re twice as gorgeous, even if she’s five seconds away from ripping off my limbs. Where’s Jade with that “What pretty eyes. Tell me, do they shine in the dark?” line when you need it. I’m a fan of that devilish smile too.
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Sudden brief flashback to knock me out of my bewitched trace and land a critical hit on my heart, aaaah! No breaking promises allowed here! Especially if it involves your life! I’d much rather have you both keep your promises to each other please!
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This whole ordeal inside her mind very much reminds me of when we looked upon Cocolia’s memories mid-battle, only this time we’re seeing Feixiao’s possible future if she chooses to follow in Hoolay’s footsteps and become the new borisin warhead. It was kinda reassuring learning about how our strong General does fear something, with how often rushes into battle without hesitation more often than not. Makes her feel more human rather than if she was truly fearless.
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Kudos to her keeping her composure upon hearing about Jiaoqiu’s “death.” Feixiao either sees through Hoolay’s bluff and knows he’s only swaying her resolve so she cooperates with him as she’d have no other options of recovery without Jiaoqiu, or she trusts in her healer’s ability to stay alive. There could always be other reasons that I probably didn’t come up with too, I dunno, but her eyes did narrow upon hearing his name if memory serves correct. It does make me wonder why Hoolay didn’t straight up end Jiaoqiu’s life.. or perhaps he thought he did but never bothered to check? Which would’ve been so foolish but I digress. Still thankful that our handsome foxian is alive but hearing this taunt did worry me at the time.
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Well, duh, of course Feixiao would refuse. If becoming the Xianzhou’s enemy is her worst fear, then I doubt she would yield to Hoolay and his plan, but I guess he didn’t think that point through very well. This also means General Huaiyan’s quote “Merlin’s Claw, you have betrayed the alliance” from the trailer was all a trick for us to believe Feixiao would turn on us too. Hoyo is being real deceiving this patch.
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Oohh this flashback.. I knew bits about it already since I read Feixiao’s ascension character stories right when I got her but couldn’t remember off the top of my head which name belonged to Feixiao, but Hoolay eventually confirms that her real name before being saved by Yueyu and joining the Cloud Knights was Saran.
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From trying to escape with Neergul, to the countless battles she’s fought it, Feixiao is always set on saving every possible life she can. No wonder she ate that cursed heart to spare the nearby foxians of madness.
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The scene where she prays to Lan sorta reminds me of when Qlipoth gazed upon the Trailblazer and we gained the lance, if only because Feixiao’s battle axe comes crashing down from a beam of light moments later.
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Speaking of heavenly beings, thank all the Aeons that we don’t technically fight Feixiao but Hoolay, who ends up transforming into her because if we had to harm this woman ourselves I’d be so sad. She’s been through enough fighting throughout her lifetime, I didn’t want to cause her any more pain! I’d lose the battle on purpose.
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I’d gladly beat up Hoolay though. Especially after all the torment he caused Jiaoqiu. Feixiao certainly looks ready to give the warhead some hell too.
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I’ll admit that I wasn’t too thrilled when we first learned we would be returning to the Xianzhou for the Wardance, but it turned out to be quite an experience. Half of my enjoyment of this continuance mission comes from how great the story was.. while the other half is strictly because of Feixiao. Of course I loved meeting and learning about the other new characters, especially the Yaoqing trio because they’re simply precious and I adore them all so much, but Feixiao just hit different for me in a way where I haven’t been this excited for character in a long time. She would no doubt be my favorite if Serval didn’t already exist.
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I don’t know exactly why, but for some reason this frame reminds me of that one Jojo meme:
“Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?" "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."
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Ah right, at this point the boss battle already happened, yeah? I don’t have much to say about it either, which is odd.. all things considered. It didn’t give me any trouble either, thankfully. I don’t really remember the battle theme they used though, which is a bit of a letdown after leaving Penacony with Aventurine & Sunday’s boss themes in mind. I was expecting another bop of a soundtrack but oh well. I’ll have to go back and listen to it again. Perhaps I was just too focused on Feixiao to notice. That must be it. When that girl takes the jacket off then you know things are about to get serious.
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The final slash of the battle axe after she and Hoolay charged straight at each other gives such anime fight scene vibes and I’m totally okay with it. Congrats on defeating your inner demon, sweetie.
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Aww the kiddos. Props to them for standing up against Feixiao (and surviving) while helping her return to reality.
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GOD that smile of hers is so soft and precious AAAHH. She’s so proud and thankful for their assistance and sorry for putting that kind of pressure on them.
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DANGER! The happy feelings are effectively nonexistent and all I feel now is sheer PANIC. You can’t even give me a moment to relax huh, Hoyo?? Pretty sure I audibly gasped upon reading those last couple words.
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Yeah it’s great that us and Moze were able to find Jiaoqiu wherever he was left to die, but to cut to this scene with Lingsha & Dan Heng right after was such a dirty move, like I’m already so worried about our foxian and now we gotta try and focus on something completely different? Aaahh.. I feel so bad because I’m sure finding out who orchestrated the prison break and their reasons for doing so were important to the plot but I just couldn’t find it in myself to care at this moment.
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I did love seeing Dan Heng summon Cloud Piercer to attack this dude and send him flying into the wall. The scene happened so darn quick I couldn’t even manage to snag a decent screenshot, but what I enjoyed even more was Dan Heng getting smart with him by saying the rules preventing this man from getting hurt while at this location don’t exactly apply to him. I’m gonna chalk this up as another time we’re a bad influence on our companion. “Rules are made to be broken” after all.
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Again, I wish I paid more attention to that last scene but I was way too concerned about Jiaoqiu and the aftermath of the boss battle to not speed through it. Anyways, one more post to go.
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moonlightheretic · 3 months
Possible sequel to The Heretic
Well, never thought I would be contemplating this.
Actually never thought I would be writing more than a one-shot here and there since I ended it.
But all this news...has me so inspired. At first I was rejoicing but then I started to mourn as Bioware's game took shape in trailers, articles and teasers. I AM fundamentally overjoyed that the game is coming out this fall. But I must admit that the game feels so far nothing like what I thought it would, but that is to be expected.
I got lost in my own Head-Canon for nearly 10 years. That just isn't reality for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, it just never will be. It is a process of accepting and letting go for me. Not that I had hoped DATV would look anything like The Heretic, but more so I couldn't fathom the game itself without it. Perhaps that sounds pretty stupid, but I wrote my fic to fill in the vast void Bioware left over these years and now it is time to yank my head-canon out of that void and replace it with what Bioware has cooked up. Its just, well, a lot at the moment.
However, instead of ripping up my Head-Canon in preparation for the game this fall, I am thinking up an audacious idea. What if I bridged the gap between them? A mini sequel that leads up to The Veilguard?
If you read The Heretic to the very end then you will be wondering "Wait, what? How? I thought----"
Moon'Hwa is dead. But the Inquisitor is coming back in DA4 (Which holy fuck yes!!! This is confirmed!!) So um how is that going to play out???"
Well, you are correct, she is dead, very dead and her spirit is repurposed inside the ever-growing Wolf monster Solas keeps just beyond the Veil. And Solas has promised the Circulum to Mythal...
Here is the thing, Varric and co. didn't promise anything to anyone, perhaps Solas has accepted the fate of Moon'hwa but certain former Inquisition companions have not. See where I am leading with this?
and what if Solas has preserved Moon'Hwa much like he did for her father 26 or so years ago...tucked away in his sanctuary he now has to leave for Arlathan forest...unattended. *screams*
Honestly, one of the main reasons I killed her off was to accept the new protag in the new game. Because like 7 years ago Bioware said that the Inquisitor's journey was over and that they would NOT be coming back. Yep, well that fucking changed. Sorta wish I hadn't killed her now. I am however not bringing her back for convenance. I do think I could write something compelling that bridges The Heretic and DATV together nicely, while building my new character for Rook.
Okay well anyway. I have the very very rough opening to this possible sequel. CW for * dead, decaying birds. *
"I knew you would come."  Leliana croaked as she caressed the black feathers of the deceased raven. “This little bird slammed its body against the bars of my window.” She held it aloft, spreading its wings with her thumb and index finger. “A little warning wrapped up in twine.” She kissed its bulbous skewed foot. “So many little warnings.”
“I would not sully myself by sharing your air." Candlelight swept viciously over his face as the wind ushered its fury into the hollows of the stone.
"Yet here you are. Desperate like any other man searching for something lost. Your most powerful weapon gone and dead. Oh, what will you ever do?"
"Where is she?"
The former spymaster snaked a gleaming grin, "The mighty Dread wolf chases his tail. The rumors said you couldn't be fooled. Did you spread that yourself so that no one tries?"
Solas's eyes fell, downcast upon the decrepit stone flooring, scanning the plucked feathers and accompanying avian bones strewn about aimlessly.  "Such a waste. What will you do with so much guilt?" "She deserved to die!" Leliana lashed out, the dead raven husk snapping in her fingers. "As do you, but you will suffer first."
Y'all am I insane? I think I am insane.
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twinsunstars · 1 year
What We Now Know of The Marvels
(I apologize in advance if I missed something, please bring it to my attention!)
The Marvels teaser trailer finally got released on Youtube on April 11, 2023, and has a release date set for November 10, 2023. Being part of Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are new plot points to explore after the conclusion of Phase Four, and explore a character that now fits the story after being introduced in Phase Four. In this post, I will go through the teaser trailer and discuss some points that stood out.
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The teaser begins in the vast scenery of space, with Nick Fury instructing a space-suited Monica Rambeau to head towards a multi-colored border standing in space. When I saw it, the border somewhat looks exactly like the color and texture of Kamala Khan's powers. It's unknown what Fury and Monica are doing out in space, but Monica was clearly instructed to go and investigate this powerful border.
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As Monica reached out for the border and made contact with it, she immediately got thrown back, and it isn't Monica's scream that we start to hear. Kamala Khan, or also known as Ms. Marvel, floats towards Fury, who squeals with delight when she sees THE Nick Fury. Kamala floats away uncontrollably, asking, "Is this an Avengers test?" Gosh, I love her.
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Who knows what they are, but Monica was whipped away to what looks like the moon, and is forced to fight these aliens.
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If you've seen Ms. Marvel, you know from the end credit in the finale that Kamala was thrown back by the powers of her bangle, causing her to wreck her closet door. When she stands up, it's not Kamala we see, but Carol Danvers. Carol is very shocked to see the atmosphere of Kamala's bedroom, seeing posters and drawings of herself. I mean, just look at the drawing Kamala drew of herself being friends with Captain Marvel! Carol immediately runs out of the room, and we'll see what happened right after that shot when we see the movie.
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Moments later, Monica and Fury pay a visit to Kamala's home, meeting her family and asking for her. Kamala appears quickly, giddy to see Fury again, which makes her family confused. They sit down with Kamala's family as Monica explains that their powers are somewhat connected. How? Start making room for theories before the movie comes out.
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Kamala decides to show her powers to everyone, and despite warnings, she uses her powers, which causes her to be thrown back again. Carol shows up again instead of Kamala, furious that she was transported somewhere else. Kamala's mother questions where their daughter is, concerned for her safety.
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The place where Carol was before being transported to Kamala's house again is where Kamala was transported to. She lands in a sci-fi themed area on the ground, where she has a fateful meeting with Goose the cat/flerken; yes, the same lovable cat from the first movie, and also the cause behind Fury's eye. Kamala witnesses him beat a bunch of people with those tentacles that come out of his mouth, leaving her fearful. In a small clip of the teaser, we see multiple cats running down stairs, so are we going to see more of Goose's kind?! I can't wait to see more cats (I mean, flerkens) on my screen.
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There are a few vibrant sceneries we get to see, as this will definitely be a movie filled with some brightly colored humor. The people on the right were dancing, and to me, it looks like a huge Bollywood scene.
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Carol is wearing something that looks like a jellyfish that hides her face atop her head, and when she peeks out, she looks visibly concerned. Something tells me this planet will have some kind of chaos ignited.
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We will be introduced to some new characters for the MCU in The Marvels, and fans are raving about it. Park Seo-joon, known for his roles in the South Korean dramas What's Wrong with Secretary Kim and Itaewon Class, will be playing the role of Prince Yan D'Aladna, and in the teaser, he appears to be leading his soldiers towards something, shouting as a battle cry. On the right, we see Zawe Ashton, who is set to play a character named Ael-Dan, and fans are loving to see the footage of her already. I can't wait to see more of these two characters.
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JUST LOOK AT HER FACE! Kamala gets the opportunity to travel through space with Monica and her hero, Carol. Kamala will love every second of it, and she definitely accepts that they're all a team, even if Carol and Monica disagree.
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Please, they're definitely a team. The three women are ready to shine and show off their powers, and we'll be here for it.
Captain Marvel is one of the movies that mean a lot to me as a woman, and I am a big fan of Ms. Marvel with its Muslim representation, unique cinematography, and how relatable Kamala Khan is; a big fangirl of the Avengers and loves to write fanfiction. I know that Monica will definitely mean a lot to young black girls out there, as they get to see another strong Black female superhero on their screens. These women will display strong empowerment and have us cheering at the screen, and I can't wait to see them fight in their new suits.
The Marvels is set to release November 10, 2023.
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Day 3- From the Pieces of Your Shattered Memories
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With a little help from @lordoftherazzles I FINALLLY decided on a title for this fic, so thank you Razzy! This was the winner for "my future WIP". Since posting the first chapter on AO3 would just be basically posting my previous teaser, I thought I should offer you guys a little bit more. So consider this the fic "trailer". 😆
From the Pieces of Your Shattered Memories
Rating: T
Warning(s): N/A
Ship: Bagginshield
Words: 1780
Summary: Paramedic/Amnesia AU; Bilbo was just checking on a coma patient that he might have a teensy little crush on. That was it. Even though he’s a paramedic, his job doesn’t get terribly exciting. Now, he’s on the run with said man who can’t even remember who he is as they escape assassins and potentially uncover a plot that will destroy Erebor.
Previous Teaser
The remainder of the ride to the alley where Bilbo found Oakenshield was met with silence. Though it was far from comfortable. Bilbo was constantly checking his mirrors awaiting the inevitable car chase that would just top his day on ‘shit he wasn’t built to handle’. However, to the relief of his shot nerves, there was nothing. No gunmen, no cops, nobody suspecting anything out of the ordinary. Bilbo parked the ambulance next to the meter at the entrance of the alley.
“Well, this is it.” Bilbo explained pointlessly.
It sat between the Mathom House, a local museum, and the Green Dragon, a bar and pub. The best Bilbo and Theo could figure, Oakenshield had left the pub when he was pulled into the alley and mugged. It was common enough to hold weight, even if Oakenshield’s blood alcohol level came back 0. After all, Bilbo was a big fan of GD’s fish and chips. It was entirely possible he went in just for lunch before he was snatched into the dark alley.
The only thing that was causing Bilbo to second guess himself was Oakenshield’s James Bond self-defense abilities. If he could take out two gunmen in less than a minute in the hospital, how could he not defend himself against a few thugs? 
Oakenshield moved gingerly thanks to the bullet wound in his side, but his eyes scanned the area fiercely. Bilbo could tell from the furrow of his brows that he was frustrated though. Bilbo stuck his hands in his pockets wondering when exactly would be the best moment to duck out and leave the man to his own devices. 
“Can you explain to me how you found me?” He asked softly.
It startled Bilbo from his thoughts as he took a step forward, nodding dumbly.
“Yeah, sure. You were laid out here.” Bilbo stated going to the spot. “Bludgeoned to the head, contusions over your body, heavily emphasized to the ribs and abdominal area. It looked like a textbook mugging.”
“I think after what we experienced in the hospital we can rule that out.” Oakenshield snapped.
Bilbo glared at him. “Well it’s not like we knew that at the time.”
He ran a hand through his long dark hair. “I know.” He groaned. “This isn’t helping like I thought it would. Nothing about this looks familiar.”
Bilbo heaved a sigh before placing a hand on Oakenshield’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry. This must be frustrating to you. But I told you these things take time, you can’t just force your memories…”
Bilbo let himself trail off as Oakenshield walked away from his touch towards a dumpster. He felt his lips press together tightly. Well, good talk then. He was glad he could help. He was going to offer to leave when Oakenshield pushed the dumpster away from the wall slightly. He then bent down to retrieve something on the ground back there. Bilbo couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose at the action. He was far less disgusted and a bit more curious when Oakenshield flipped open a wallet.
“How did you know that was back there?” Bilbo asked in amazement.
“Because I suddenly remembered to look for it.”
There was no money, no credits card, or ID of any kind. It definitely looked like it had been cleaned out which made the mugging theory more credible. Bilbo could tell Oakenshield was getting discouraged when a small photo fell out of the folds. There were three people in the photo, but none of them were Oakenshield. 
There was a beautiful woman with brunette hair and dark eyes with her arms wrapped tightly around two young boys. The older one had sunshine hair and Oakenshield’s blue eyes. The youngest had dark hair, a bright grin, and was clutching a graduation cap to his head. Bilbo felt sick looking at the picture. Oakenshield had a family. Where were they? Why hadn’t they tried to find him?
“Do you…recognize any of them?” Bilbo finally brought himself to ask.
Oakenshield shook his head, his jaw clenched tight. 
“I-It’s okay, Oakey. It’s not your fault.”
“Stop!” He ordered, pulling away from Bilbo once more. “I should know! I should be able to know my own family! If that’s who they are.”
He bent down groaning as he clutched his head. Bilbo went into medic mode and immediately rushed over next to him trying to take his pulse until Oakenshield shook him off. He was certainly proving to be a stubborn patient, but Bilbo thought he was fine. Probably just lingering headaches from the memories he was trying to force as well as the blunt force he took.
Bilbo wasn’t exactly sure what he was still doing here. He said this was all he was going to do. And it really would be in his best interest to walk away now. He didn’t know this man, he was vaguely terrified of him, but not as much as he should be which was the troubling part. Bilbo took another look at the photograph, his eyes zooming in on the youngest boy. More accurately his sweater.
“I know that crest. That’s my nephew’s school, well cousin once removed actually, but technicalities.” 
Oakenshield perked up, looking between Bilbo and the photo.
“What school?”
“Buckland Prep. It’s on the east side of town.”
“Can you get us in there?”
Bilbo hesitated. He could still walk away. He could remind Oakenshield that this was the end of the line for their temporary partnership, and good luck to him. However, there was something about him that was so magnetic. Bilbo would almost blame those hopeful blue eyes, if it wasn’t for the fact that he felt this way even when the man had been asleep in a coma. 
“They’re not going to let us ask for records on another kid. At least if we’re not on his contact list.”
Oakenshield’s lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes reflected his disappointment. 
“But,” Bilbo sighed, hating how much his heart swooped at seeing Oakenshield’s demeanor brighten. “I bet Prim is at home, and maybe she’ll recognize him if he’s in Frodo’s class.” 
“Then let’s go!”
Oakenshield was up and practically running to the ambulance before Bilbo stopped him. He managed to convince him that they were better off ditching the ambulance and switching vehicles in case anyone came looking for him. It was rather fortunate, actually, that Bilbo’s cousin, Odo, ran the Mathom House. Perhaps more so that Odo owed him a favor so borrowing his car for a couple of hours shouldn’t be a big deal. 
“Also, Oakey?” Thorin brought to his attention Bilbo’s slip of the tongue.
Bilbo felt himself flush, but tried not to act like it had any effect on him whatsoever.
“Do you know how much of a mouthful ‘Oakenshield’ is?” 
“So you gave me a nickname for your nickname?”
“You know what, remember your actual name and I’ll stop.”
Bilbo had just a moment to be horrified at letting his mouth run away from him before Oakenshield let out a deep, loud chuckle. A smile immediately bloomed across his face as he felt himself preen. All the while trying to remind himself not to get his hopes up. Remember, he’s a psychopath. Possibly has a wife and two kids.
“You know, you’ve been giving me all this crap about me being the spy, and then you do something like this.”
“Now I have no idea what you could mean by that! I certainly didn’t kill two men with my bare hands!” Bilbo squawked, rounding on the taller man.
“No.” Oakenshield agreed, his eyes twinkling. “But you picked out that little symbol on the sweater, knew exactly what it meant, and now you’re having us ditch our ride in favor of something that will be more under the radar. Are you going to hotwire it for us?”
Bilbo rolled his eyes. “Nothing nearly as dramatic. The only thing I’m guilty of is having a big family in a relatively small town. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to deal with one of my least favorite cousins.”
Before Bilbo could proceed, he was stopped by a hand on his arm. He turned back around to Oakenshield, with his head cocked and eyebrow raised. The man gave him a small smile as his eyes bore into him with an intensity that caught Bilbo’s breath.
“I just realized I haven’t really had the proper chance to thank you. So…thank you. I’m pretty sure I’d be dead, at least twice over, if it hadn’t been for you.”
It was on the tip of Bilbo’s tongue to argue with him. After all, picking him up that day had been a routine job, and Theo was the reason they had answered the call instead of packing it in for the day. As for the hospital, Bilbo had very little to do with getting them out of that situation. Oakenshield had practically saved them single-handedly. And maybe that’s why Bilbo hesitated. Because this incredible, attractive, please don’t let him be psychotic, talented man thought Bilbo was amazing. That he was actually worthwhile simply because he could follow a series of clues that might unlock this man’s memories. 
“You’re welcome. Of course. I’m happy to…yeah, I’ll just be a moment then.”
Without further ado, Bilbo ducked his head and slipped inside the museum hoping beyond hope that he could somehow get the imprint of that man’s smile out of his brain before he wound up hurt. And he certainly didn’t mean physically, but that was definitely a valid concern.
Teasers from Future Scenes/Chapters:
“Here he is! Kili Archer. He’s actually a few years older than Frodo.” Prim declared, her finger pointing to the same boy in Oakenshield’s photo.
“Could your last name be Archer?” Bilbo questioned the man.
His lips pursed together. “It doesn’t sound familiar.”
“Listen closely, Bilbo Baggins, you have no idea who you’re messing with. If you don’t give my brother back to us, you’ll have the entire weight of Erebor’s militia hunting you down. Now where. Is. Thorin?”
“You didn’t realize that the man you’ve been carting around this whole time was the King of Erebor?” The bald man demanded.
“He. Had. No. Memory. How was I possibly supposed to know that?!” Bilbo shrieked in response.
Bilbo stared down at the rainbow colored gem. This was it? This was what was worth killing Thorin over?
He heard the footsteps creeping up behind him, and Bilbo immediately spun around only to freeze at the sight of the gun pointed right between his eyebrows.
“You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, Medic. Hand over the Arkenstone, or I might just have to kill you.”
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(the screenshots are gonna be sorta outta order bc of grouping for analysis)
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First thing, there’s those twisty green things that were over ganon in the first teaser! It’s interesting that one of them is in Hateno… especially because that other shot doesn’t seem to be over Hateno, so there’s multiple?
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What are these dudes??? Mini-Dragons??? Are they related to the three dragons we already know of??? I’m terrified by the fact that they can carry other enemies…
Also that’s a heat-seeking arrow!!! Will there be other new arrows???
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There’s more of those markings, like from the Title Reveal Trailer! Still no real evidence of where they came from, though…
Plus, the third image has that glow around the towers… It kinda makes me wonder what role they’ll have during the new game? Is this an indication of the towers also being lifted into the sky alongside the castle? Because this shot appears to be prior to the islands appearing...
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In fact, there's only one shot of a sky island that's in the stormy weather! But, meanwhile, there's numerous shots from on top of sky islands, as well as with plenty in the background.
This leads me to a belief that there's going to be a part of the early game which comes before parts of the ground (such as hyrule and the towers) lift into the air, and that part of the game will be in stormy weather. Then, when whatever happens with ganon's corpse... happens, everything will be lifted into the sky.
However, I don't think we're just getting new areas in the form of the sky...
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...because it seems pretty clear there are some major cave areas now, too! Besides the fact that the First-Look Trailer takes place fully underground, it seems like some pretty major parts of the story are related to the underground. I find it interesting that both these shots are mini-bosses. Kilton's gonna have something to say about that.
Also, what's on the Hinox's neck? I don't think we've seen anything like that before. It is that same shade of green from the spirals earlier in the trailer/from the First-Look Trailer, which is interesting...
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The Blood Moon seems like it's gonna be a lot more involved this time around. I almost feel like you might actually have to be actively able to keep playing while it occurs, instead of it just being a weekly cutscene.
Also, the side of the castle looks to be absolutely coated in malice, though that's not much of a surprise.
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This scene really caught my attention. It's so strange!!!
Those are definitely guardian arms, and the floor's texture is reminiscent of a shrine (actually, we don't physically see any of the shrines in any of the trailers, which is strange...). But the rest of the building is very clearly Hylian-made. It's even got a Sheikah logo in the corner.
Plus, this is very clearly just a building somewhere since you can see the outside under the curtains. I wonder if this is a new tech lab built on some newly uncovered Sheikah structure's remains. A new tech lab, maybe? Kakariko didn't have one, after all, and Link's got a new piece of clearly-Sheikah tech attached to him...
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On the topic of structures, actually, there's a couple parts of the floating islands that are very geometric. In fact, the cube in the second shot (which appears five whole times in the trailer, jeez.) is actually the North Lomai Labyrinth, I noticed, which is absolutely insane.
Is the other structure a new labyrinth? Because both the others in botw were rectangles... Also, isn't the North Lomai Labyrinth attributed to the Zonai, the group that people are speculating will be heavily involved in this game... it's all very interesting.
Also, it's worth noting that that giant-drone thing Link is on is the third of three shots of Link piloting various vehicles.
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The fact that there are multiple modes of aerial transport makes a lot of sense, because the only real "flight" Link has is the paraglider, which can't go upwards on it's own, and I doubt they'd make us rely solely on finding updrafts and using Revali's gale for the whole game (if we even have access to the latter anymore).
But the car is very interesting. The fact that we'd need a car at all implies that getting around on the ground is gonna be rougher than before. And it also looks very much like it's Zonai-made based on the structures we've seen which are attributed to them. Mainly the dragon heads on the front wheels, that's blatant Zonai. The hovercraft also looks Zonai, though the hot air balloon is definitely Hylian.
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We also visibly see Link fish a wheel out of the mud in another shot (using his new arm, no less!). And that chest in the background also looks to be of similar origin, and also locked? It seems similar to the skull chests that open upon defeating an enemy camp... I wonder if those chests have a different task connected to them. (A replacement for Korok puzzles, perhaps?)
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Jumping somewhere completely unrelated, there's so much to unpack in this shot.
First off, I have almost no clue where this is. I thought it was that forest with the flat-topped trees before, but it definitely doesn't look like that upon closer inspection. It actually appears to in some giant cave, which lends more to the idea that we'll be venturing both in the sky and below ground.
I think the enemies here are malice-infected Lizalfos and a Bokoblin. I find it very interesting that the Bokoblin are mining. It seems like the enemies are definitely smarter this time around. (Which does align with Ganon's dialogue that begins on this shot.)
That glowing tree in the background is also very strange, but I don't know enough about Zelda lore as a whole to really make any calls there, I think. Best I can say is that it looks significant.
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This is another very perplexing shot. It's obvious what's going on; Link's moving the island with the weird floaty thing, again using his arm. The floaty thing he's controlling seems to be the same shape as the island, no less.
It looks a bit similar to the Apparatus from a couple of the same-named shrines in BotW, which makes me worried about motion controls, but I'm too elated over the trailer to actually be that nervous about it.
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This scene is very interesting. It's clearly pulled from a cutscene of sorts, but who's in it and what's happening is hard to parse.
First instincts told me this was a new scene of Link being re-knighted in some way, or something along those lines, post BotW. The white dress is very remiscent of Zelda, and we know Link has the hand. But then I thought about it a bit more and realized that didn't really make all that much sense.
I saw a different post that said they might be the princess and soldier from 10,000 years prior to BotW, the ones on the tapestry. That post also made me consider if this is Hylia and Demise.
Though, then I wondered (and someone with real Zelda Lore knowledge is gonna have to help me here); If Hylia's reincarnations are Zelda and Demise's reincarnations are Ganon, do we know who's reincarnating as Link? If we don't, is this them? Is this when Hylia recruits a protector for the Zeldas throughout time?
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And, of course, this shot. If this doesn't confirm Zelda as being playable, I don't know what does. "But Link, I'm not sure you'll be able to stop him. Please, lend me your power!" is Zelda's full quote in the trailer, and it sounds very "It's dangerous to go alone"-like. The second half is over this shot, even, which I feel adds to the evidence that Zelda will be an active player this time.
(Also, Zelda's pose in this scene looks like that one horizontal figure from the mural in the Name-Reveal Trailer, right?)
But anyway, I've hit the image limit for Tumblr posts, so that's as far as I go with this post. I'll be making a lot more posts about TotK in the next few months, and I've decided to delegate them to a different blog, @robot-gaming, because I wanna spare my mutuals and followers from this being the only thing I post about for the next half of the year.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Strangely Comforting
Strangely Comforting by A Multifan
Chat Noir sat on the edge of a building and tries to handle his withdrawal symptoms. What will happen when Ladybug shows up unexpectedly?
This is only a teaser!
Words: 741, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Fate has its own ways
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Post-Hawk Moth Defeat, Not Canon Compliant, Light Angst, Withdrawal, Miraculous Side Effects, Drabble, Short One Shot, Teasers & Trailers, Pre-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45673513
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ogradyfilm · 11 months
Scorsese Sunday: Killers of the Flower Moon
[The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
When this money started coming, we should have known it came with something else. They’re like buzzards circling our people.
Comparing the villains of Martin Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon to a flock of ominous carrion birds is fairly apt, reinforcing the film’s recurring metaphorical imagery of scavengers, vermin, and predators. Indeed, the first teaser trailer juxtaposed a roomful of greedy opportunists with an illustration of ravenous wolves.
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The most contemptible, conniving, and insidious of these thieves, grifters, and conmen is undoubtedly Robert De Niro’s William Hale, a venomous serpent masquerading as a benevolent, respectable philanthropist. Disarmingly charismatic and ostentatiously affable, the self-proclaimed “King of the Osage Hills” slithers through every scene, his keen, calculating eyes searching for any sign of vulnerability. In public, he offers his Native American neighbors warm smiles, friendly handshakes, and intimate words of comfort; behind closed doors, on the other hand, he ruthlessly exploits and abuses their trust, utilizing bribery, coercion, and intimidation to ensure that the tribe’s newfound oil wealth “flows in the right direction”—namely, into his own wallet.
Unlike Goodfellas, Casino, and The Wolf of Wall Street—which explore the inherent allure of crime (both organized and white collar) in order to more vividly expose its thoroughly rotten core—there’s nothing glamorous about this movie’s acts of deception, fraud, and murder. Hale is the sole beneficiary of his machinations; his assorted accomplices, underlings, and associates are merely expendable pawns. This includes his nephew, Ernest Berkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio, dramatically distancing himself from his pretty boy roots), a simple-minded war veteran lured to Oklahoma by the prospect of an easy payday. At his uncle’s behest, he marries into an especially affluent local family, giving him access to their considerable fortune. Against all odds, the unabashed gold digger actually falls madly in love with his bride of convenience, Mollie (Lily Gladstone, effortlessly projecting quiet, unwavering determination)—and, perhaps even more surprisingly, the feeling is mutual.
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Unfortunately, the sincerity of Ernest’s affection does little to dissuade him from participating in the systematic eradication of his wife’s entire bloodline; ultimately, he’s just too timid and subservient to defy his uncle. Although his (admittedly inadequate) scruples seemingly invite the audience to sympathize with his plight, however, Scorsese refuses to absolve his protagonist of his guilt. “I got nothing but regret,” he laments after finally turning against his fellow conspirators—but remorse does not guarantee forgiveness (nor should it). When Mollie admonishes her husband for portraying himself as a passive victim rather than accepting accountability for his innumerable transgressions (particularly those perpetrated against her personally—tampering with her insulin, deliberately poisoning her over the course of several months, incessantly gaslighting her), he meekly denies the accusations. Disgusted by his utter lack of moral fortitude, she immediately ends their relationship, abandoning him to rot in prison—an appropriately grim fate for an unrepentant sinner.
This nuanced variation on the theme of redemption—a favorite of the director’s since Mean Streets—demonstrates Scorsese’s tremendous growth as an artist. It’s become a cliché to argue that whatever his latest movie happens to be is also his most mature work yet… but that doesn’t necessarily make the sentiment any less true. His depiction of violence, for example, is no longer quite as spectacular or stylized as it was in Taxi Driver or The Departed; here (continuing the trend established in The Irishman), bloodshed always occurs abruptly and unceremoniously, framed in detached wide shots that are almost oppressive in their unflinching objectivity. More importantly, he meditates on the role that storytelling plays in shaping the perception of history. The delightfully postmodern epilogue reveals that Mollie’s real-life obituary makes no mention of the massacre of the Osage. Scorsese tolerates no such omission: he allows the camera to linger on each corpse, acknowledging the slain by name via voiceover narration—confronting the tragedy and injustice of the senseless slaughter head-on, in excruciatingly minute detail.
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Thus, Killers of the Flower Moon is Scorsese’s most scathing deconstruction of “the American Dream” to date; his approach to the relentlessly dark subject matter (the corrosive nature of materialism, the cruel indifference of corrupt institutions of power) is as compelling and insightful as you’d expect from a filmmaker that boasts over a half-century of experience without sacrificing any of his youthful passion and enthusiasm. In recent interviews, Scorsese has mused that his time may be running short, speculating that he only has a few projects left in him before age takes its toll. I certainly hope he’s wrong; the industry needs his creativity and clarity of vision now more than ever.
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