#Dylan larkin one shot
equallyshaw · 2 years
auld lang syne with dylan larkin
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auld lang syne, is about catching up with old friends and loved ones or time long past; hence this imagine :)
Warnings: nothing much just talks about past toxic relationships. but this is a looong one haha.
Word Count: 3.5k +
← day four. day six. →
dylan and faye had been broken up for about 4 years by the time they saw one another in their infamous detroit bar; darcys. both of them were set to be married this upcoming july, and on this cold, wet and rainy march evening, the duo were reunited and had much to talk about.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?
faye sat down at the bar, instantly ordering a vodka lime and soda to start before moving her way down the bar. today was a frustrating and long day with the final wedding planning. her mom was killing her, stressing her about anything and everything, her sister was freaking out over the seating chart and her fiance and her were stressed to the max over their budget. it had been a day, and she just needed a strong drink and some solitutde.
dylan walked into the bar, and waved to the bartender and got his usual. it had been a tough practice as the playoff's were just around the corner, and he needed to relax a bit before going home.
both of them looked over at one another, without realizing it. their eyes both went wide as they realized who one another were. both looking away instantly, thinking they should forget about one another. maybe the other would, get up and move away. they hadn't spoken or seen one another since the break up 4 years ago. it was a bit amicable and a bit not so amicable. though they stuck it up, like adults and moved on with their lives in a healthy and mature way. though, there were definetly days where they cursed the other and what not, that was expected. faye rubbed the back of her neck, her ring in full view for dylan. he choked on his drink and wiped his mouth instantly. she looked over at him and quirked an eyebrow, as if to ask if he was ok. he nodded, looking down at his drink before sighing. was he really going to do this?
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
faye watched as the tall brunette took a few steps and was now sitting next to her. he stared at her ring, a vintage round diamond set on a gold band. "im getting married in july." she stated, and he smiled a bit. "me too, actually the 23rd." he responded. "me on the 16th." she smiled. the two nodded, and looked in front of them. the last time they had spoken was a bit tense, and therefore this meeting was a bit uncomfortable. "you struggled right? you struggled after our break up right?" faye blurted and gasped as soon as she realized what she had said. he looked at her and nodded, "yeah, how could i not? we had an amazing four years despite the last year." he stated and she nodded, "good, i didn't want to feel like i was crazy for doing so." she responded. he acknowledged the change in her body language, she sighed a sigh of relief. "yeah, i was a wreck after. it took me about a year before i met my fiance." he added. she smiled softly, "same here." she mused pulling some hair behind her ear. "do you remember when we first came to this bar?" he quizzed as he finished his drink. she smiled a wide smiled, remembering that cold winter night. "oh yes! phil here, for sure made sure we had a good time. the drinks kept coming!" she laughed. that memory replayed in their mind's, remembering.
it was a snowy and cold janurary night as the two wandered into the desolate bar. "welcome to darcy's bar, what can i get for you two lovebirds?" phil the older bartender asked. dylan and faye looked at one another and blushed. a vodka lime soda for her, a whiskey on the rocks. the two sat down at the bar, and looked around at the outdate italian bar. nobody elese was in here, besides phil. "yeah, when it snows badly i tend to be alone for the evening. though i am happy that you strolled in." phil said genuinly. faye smiled, sipping her drink. "us too, we've never come over this way so we haven't seen the bar before." dylan responded. "oh i know! i would of remember you two." phil stated with genuine fondness.
it was around four hours later at 2 am that dylan and faye were finally making their way out of the bar. phil poured and poured for the young couple and at one point made a call with dylans phone for a teammate to come fetch the two. and throughout their four years, they ventured in here a few times a year and always made sure to catch up with phil who became somebody they came to for some wisdom or advice.
faye and dylan smiled at one another. "that was a great evening, i had realized that i was falling in love with you." she confessed and he nodded. "me too especially when you got up on on the booth seat and sang party in the usa." he said bringing back a vivid memory and faye immediatley covered her face in embarrasment. that was here go to song when she was drunk and did karaoke. "noooo, no that was horrible thank god phil was not in the room at that moment." she said in between fits of laughter. she wiped her eyes, almost crying tears of laughter. dyland couldn't hold back his laughter either. that was a night they would always remember. "remember when we had the christmas get together here our second year together? the team most certaintly enjoyed their time here." faye said and dylan nodded enthusastically. "yeah and i cant forget out karaoke duet of dont stop believing." he said and faye laughed. the two's laughter settled down after a minute, "i always loved that song. i always thought of that as our song." she said hesitantly. dylan smiled to himself, because he had thought that too. "me too, i always thought that would be our first dance song, even from the gecko." he said sheepishly. faye felt her heart drop, because she too had thought that. she chugged the rest of her drink and set the cup back down. she needed more alcohol for this conversation than she previously thought. phil popped over, and smiled. "what may i get you miss faye?" he questioned, already knowing the answer. "a moscow mule." dylan responded like second nature. faye blushed a bit and nodded, and phil smiled. "coming right up." he said promtly, and whisked himself away. faye sat back in the bar chair and looked over at dylan. she smiled leaning over and fixed his tie a bit. she smoothed it down, awe overtaking his face. she pulled away, and took the drink gratefully from phil who handed dylan another drink.
We too have run around the slopes
We've londoned many weary foot
Since auld lang syne
dylan and faye became close rather quickly about 7 years ago. together from their first year at university of michigan at the age of 18 and to ages 22. spending every free moment of dylan's together, and between her overdemanding fast track for her international relations degree so she could get her masters quicker. there relationship was overall amazing, but they definetly had their up's and down's during the transition from michigan to the nhl. dylan never let up over the constant nagging her did on himself, and sometimes faye.
"stop yelling at my dylan! youre hurting my feelings!" faye screamed at dylan. the two were in his new home outside of detroit and dylan was frustrated with moving in. having offered to help, dylan made it known that the way she was trying to help and make things easier was not helping. "dyl- just stop." she said frustratingly as she wiped away some tears. she leaned back against the kitchen counter and shut her eyes. dylan was never very good at keeping his emotions, feelings or thoughts in check. which made faye upset especially if he was throwing out the things he was saying. dylan stood across the room with his hands on his hips, and began to pace. faye had had enough, this was one of the last straws that finally broke the camels back. this was unfortuntly one of the last conversations they had had before their breakup. faye sighed, walking towards her bag and started to walk towards the front door, dylan instantly going after her. he stopped the door from shutting by grabbing it, she looked back and he saw the defeated expression. she was done, she was over everything. "im done dylan, let me know when your done. ill come over then since i don't seem to be much help." she stated before walking towards her car. she opened the door, slammed it and drove off in a span of 2 minutes. dylan stood there with the door still open, as he watched her drive off. fuck that, faye thought as she drove towards her on campus apartment. if he wasn't going to treat me with respect and as an adult, she wasn't going to stand around and solve nothing.
a week later the two were at dylans house eating thai takeout and talking about the previous week. "are you unhappy with me?" she asked curiously, as she set down her food. he looked up from his food and gave her a shocked look. "what do you mean?" he questioned, sipping some pop. she sighed, rolling her eyes. she stood up, and rubbed her exhausted eyes. "you've been treating me horribly dylan. this past year has been shit and ive felt like shit. i feel like im not good enough, especially now that youre in the nhl- i dont feel like im good enough." she began and held her hand up as soon as he tried to defend himself. "no, youre constantly upset. always needing a punching bag and that punching bag is me. i cant catch a break. im so close to fucking graduating, i dont need or deserve the extra stress that makes me feel physically sick dylan, i just don't. i shouldn't have to walk around you with egg shells all the time." she said exasperated as she stared at him with tears in her eyes. she felt a physical release of all the pent up thoughts and feelings subside, just a bit. dylan looked down at his hands, trying to find the right words. "there's nothing you can really say dyl that'll make me forget or forgive." she paused taking in his reaction. he looked up, but didn't give her a distinctive reaction or emotion. she swallowed her tears, not suprised. "theres nothing you can say or do that will change my mind. i love you dyl, but everytime i see you a little bit of me dies everytime. you make me miserable, angry, sad and lonely. it's not worth losing myself every day a bit more just trying to appease you." she said the last part softly. he stood up and walked over to her and paused. she looked at him unsurely, and he wrapped his arms around her. he felt her tense up before relaxing, and she placed her arms around him. she had tiptoed around dylan for the past year and she was tired, and frankly over it. even though she would always have immense love for him, she would rather watch from afar than be in his life. "im sorry, for everything faye." he said kissing her head and then releasing from the hug. faye walked out of the house for the very last time that evening, and never looked back.
"yeah after you told me what i had been doing, i really focused on myself that year. i went to therapy, got on some meds for anxiety. never realizing until then that i took out my anxiety on you in the form of anger. and i deeply apologize for that. i learned a lot about our relationship and myself in that year, and since then i haven't been able to stop going. it helps me a lot and my fiance appreciates that i take the time to do so." dylan confessed and faye smiled, placing her hand on his. "im so glad dylan, that's all i wanted for you." she beamed catching his brunette eyes. "yeah, i told myself that after the four years i wouldn't date anybody for a long while. but fate had other plans." she giggled, amusing herself. he quirked an eyebrow, "oh why's that?" he inquired sipping his drink. "i met my fiance four months after we broke up when he moved into the same townhosue complex as me. he had a golden retriever and collie mix, named felix who i absolutley was smitten with the very first time i saw him. he had somehow gotten off his leash in the complex and ran over towards to me as i was walking towards my door. i joked to my fiance that he needed to get a harness for his dog but the dog loved me. felix was cupid, we like to joke." she blushed. dylan studied the twinkle in her eye as she talked about them. that was how he looked when he spoke about his fiance. "and then it took about a year before i said yes to getting coffee." she said looking over at dylan. "playing hard to get?" he joked, and she giggled. "yes and no, you were very hard to get over mr.hockey player." she joked pushing his shoulder. he jokingly grabbed his chest where his heart was, and pretended to act hurt. "still a big baby huh?" she joked.
We too have paddled in the stream
From morning sun to night
But the seas between us broad have roared
From auld lang syne
the year after the couple broke up was difficult for both of them. they didn't know life without one another. with dylan in therapy, and faye becoming recluse. they fought their battles alone and without one another. they had to overcome guilt, shame, anger and sadness throughout that year. still to this day, the way things ended sometimes pop up from time to time when new situations arise with their partners.
"have you, you know thought about me at all?" dylan asked nervously while they got their fourth drink for the evening. the same for him, and a expresso martini for her. she shrugged, "you were my first with everything dylan; its hard not to think of you sometimes." she said smiling at phil. "you?" she questioned, sipping her drink. perfect, she thought. he nodded, "yeah. what we shared was different than what me and my fiance share now. and ive been reassured that that is true with a lot of young couples our age when we were together. a lot of immaturity on my part not yours, and things constantly changing." he responded and she nodded. "i feel the same. at the beginning of my relationship, i would compare with what we had and then at one point i was like, no. stop. that isn't healthy and i think sometimes hurt him. and it wasn't fair to him at all, either i was gonna be all in or not." she stated. dylan grunted in agreemant, "yeah my therapist was very blunt with me when i started dating her. i needed to put the past in the past and have it not be so constant. over time it got easier, but when we went to niagra falls a few months back i couldn't help but remember our trip up there. the little bed and breakfast we stayed at, the coffee and pancakes. things like that, our experiences sometimes creep up." he said thinking about their trip to niagra falls the summer between her sophmore and junior year. she nodded, "well when him and i got in our first fight which fighting is pretty rare with us now but i remember closing off because i kept getting flashabcks of how you were when we fought. which was a lot." she paused giggling and rubbing her face. dylan understood, it was the same for him and his fiance. "he had no idea why i stopped talking when i walked into the other room. he didn't understnad that i had fought with somebody who didn't know how to express their emotions without acting like a five year old." she winked, and he smirked. "touche miss franklin." he tipped his drink towards her. he wasn't upset at her dig, he understood where she was coming from. old him, would of lashed out and said somethings that he wouldn't have been able to take back the following morning.
"its taken a lot of positive experiences to kinda erase the hard year we faced togther. grandite it was only a small piece of our relationship but it defintatly left a scar on me. it was the last thing i knew, and it hurt me very deeply." she said honestly and he nodded. "yeah me too. i forgot what a healthy relationship felt like." he stated and faye tipped her drink towards him on that.
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
their relationship for three years was healthy, positive and exciting.obviously, things took a turn that fourth year with him having his second year in the nhl. after talking things through the messy parts of their relationship and breakup they couldn't help but talk about the good times.
"your first nhl game was something else." faye smiled with fondness. "your mom i thought was going to break my hand while we watched you throughout. especially then when you scored, i had never seen her scream so loud and jump." she paused giggling, "your dad was certaintly having a great time as well. remember how we celebrated afterwards? the champagne would not stop coming." she smiled. dylan nodded, "yeah it was a great night. especially with you by my side." he smiled. "though we had only been dating for a year, i knew. i knew you were the one." he confessed. "and then along with that night coming in here underage." he joked causing her to giggle. "oh god yes, phil was so kind!" she laughed. dylan agreed, rubbing the back of his neck. "i brought you a promise ring the next day. a nice one at that." he prompted and she smiled. "yep, that nhl money really came in handy." she joked causing him to throw his head back in laughter. "one positive thing that came from the nhl and hockey." she said with a double meaning. dylan knew what she meant too. dylan a year into his nhl career, became angry and had outburts. his anxiety was at an all time high and didn't understand and realize how that was affecting his personal life, life away from the rink. thus, adding to the breakup. "yeah youre right." he simply stated. she gave him a small apologizing smile. "what's his name?" he asked, and she looked up at him surprised. "morgan fox." she stated. "hers?" she questioned. "mackenzie smith." he responded and she nodded.
faye looked down at her phone and realized it was 1 am, and saw texts from her family and morgan. he was wondering what time she'd be home. she texted him that she was at darcys and that she would be getting an uber home. he said no, and that he was on his way over. she looked back up at dylan and the two sat in silence until their rides pulled up. they walked outside, and saw their fiances waiting. dylan faced faye and she did the same as well. she pulled him in for a warm and inviting hug, "good luck with the wedding. i wish you guys the best." she smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. somewhat shocked. "you too, though i know you don't need it." he half joked ahd she smiled. they let go of one another, and morgan walked around to open the car door for her. she thanked him, placing a quick peck on his cheek and hopped in. mackenzie smiled up at dylan as he hopped in the car, and as he placed a quick peck on hers.
the two had shared a lot that night and we emotionally drained as they headed to their respective homes. they both shared to their fiances what happened, and both of them agreed that it was good to get that closure that they had been longing for for years. two old friends and partners catching up with a drink in hand. both about to start a new chapter in their lives, reminiscning about some parts. they could finally go into their chapters with clarity and with their wholehearts; no longer clouded or stuck in the past.
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@fayefox: so grateful for you my love. Here’s to forever. 🤍 #meetthefoxs
455 likes, 120 comments.
Tag: morganfox
Location: Denver
@morganfox: my girl forever 🫶🏻
@dylan.larkin: congrats you guys! Wish you all the best.
@morganfox: thankyoy man! Appreciate it.
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@dylan.larkin: my partner for life :) #happyeverlarkins
Tag: @kenzielarkinn
Location: Ann Arbor
23.9k likes, 1.4k comments
@kenzielarkinn: love u mostest 🤭
@fayefox: ahh the hair lol. Congrats you guys!
@kenzielarkinn: Thankyou Faye!!!
Hope you all enjoyed :)
RANDOM tags: @jayda12 @fallinallincurls @mack-samo @13hischier @nolanmoylee @blankenlove @nicoleloveshockey
please like and reblog-- apprecaite it!!!!
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 months
ꨄ 𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 ; 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 ꨄ
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➪ summary: aubrey goes to alex's first home detroit game and when she meets one of his teammates, she realizes that he's going to be different then all the rest
➪ warnings: none? i think
➪ word count: 1.8k
➪ file type: au (once in nine lives) fic
➪ sunny's notes: i am so so so excited for this au, so send in thoughts whenever you please. the biggest help is @slutforseider so if the idea isn't mine it is probably hers tbh. but like i said, i'm very excited for this au so hopefully it'll show with my writing
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It wouldn’t be Aubrey’s first hockey game she’s been to, not even her first Red Wings game she’s been to, but it would be the first time seeing her brother play on the team and meeting the team. Alex was her number one supporter and she was his, so when she got the news that her brother would be living practically thirty minutes away from where she went to school, she was more than thrilled. 
She wore her new Alex DeBrincat jersey, loving her name plastered on the back of it. She always wanted to get a jersey for every team her brother played for and sharing their last name saved her money. She met up with Lyndsey two hours prior to when they had wanted to leave there and Archie ran into her arms as soon as he laid his eyes on her, “Hey little man.”
“Auntie Aubrey!”
“You excited to watch daddy play today?” Archie nodded his head ecstatically. 
She looked at the two of them in the mirror, fiddling with his jersey, “And look, we match!”
He grinned up at her, content with staying in her arms for the rest of the night. She talked with Lyndsey until it was time for them to go, both of them getting into their respective cars and making their way to Little Caesars Arena. As they got out of their cars, Archie begged his mom to hold his aunt’s hand on the way in and she agreed, grateful for the moments her sister-in-law was around.
Aubrey talked to Archie excitedly about the game tonight and about Alex playing as they made their way to where Alex had said to meet them. As Archie continued to walk, he grew tired and asked Aubrey to be picked up, which she did without question. Alex stood talking with some of his teammates as the three of them arrived, immediately stopping their conversation to walk over to them.
Lyndsey kissed him before turning her attention to her son and his aunt, both of them giggling at each other. Alex walked closer to them, poking Archie in the side to gain his attention, “Daddy!”
Aubrey handed him over to her brother, smiling slightly at the interaction, “Hey bud. You excited for tonight?”
“Yeah, me and Auntie Aubrey are going to make fun of you the whole time.” 
She let out a nervous chuckle, “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Her brother raised an eyebrow before setting his son down to hug her, “Nice to see you, Aubs.”
“You too, Lex. How’s the team doing?”
“Good, good. I think we got a shot this year.”
She smiled at him, “Good, you deserve it.”
“Come on, let me introduce you to them.”
The three of them followed after him, passing by a few of his teammates along the way before stopping where a large chunk of them were. Alex gained their attention and he looked between his family and his team, “Guys this is my wife Lyndsey and my son Archie. And this is my little sister, Aubrey.”
His eyes darkened before looking at the younger ones of the bunch, “No dating her, no touching her, don’t even smile at her.”
“Lex…” Alex held his hands up in defense before continuing, “And, this is our captain, Dylan Larkin, Ben Chariot, Lucas Raymond, Jake Walman, Simon Edvinsson, and Moritz Seider.”
The three of them nodded and waved, Aubrey trying to keep her emotions in check. But her mind didn’t stop her as she started spitting out random facts at them, “Oh yeah, Lark had a 13.1 shooting percentage, Ben you had 19 points, and Lucas had a 29.4% face off win percentage, Jake had 47 hits, Simon had 13 shot attempts and 5 shots, and Mo had 40 penalty minutes-”
She looked at all of their faces, “I did it again, didn’t I?” Alex nodded, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “It’s fine. I guess I would like them to know you’re nerd now rather than later.”
“Uh hi, I go to Michigan and I’m studying sports management. That isn’t usual, actually yes it is. I tend to blurt out facts when I’m nervous or I’m meeting new people, it just-” She took a deep breath, “Sorry.”
The boys stared at her in awe and Alex wasn’t having it, “Okay pretty and smart, we know. Time to go, you three.”
Aubrey didn’t have to be told twice and immediately rushed out of there with Archie and Lyndsey in tow. The whole game Aubrey felt embarrassed by what had happened, if it was anyone else she would’ve been fine with it, but her brother’s teammates? Her brother’s cute teammates? She felt like she could cry. 
It wasn’t often that she found her brother’s teammates cute, and it was often that the attraction that she felt for them was this strong. Sure she would find the occasional teammate cute, Lukas Reichel, Alex Vlasic, Brandon Hagel, Kirby Dach. But it wasn’t like she was attracted to them, mostly because she knew she wouldn’t be allowed to date them. 
However, this time around, she couldn’t help but find one of them attractive, nor could she help the feelings that she might’ve already had for him. She shook her head as she continued to watch the game and make comments about her brother with Archie, she was not going to let herself fall for one of his teammates, it was forbidden. She couldn’t break the one promise she had made Alex, the one promise she was determined to keep. 
After the game, the three of them met up with Alex once more, Archie taking his post-game nap on Aubrey’s shoulder. Archie truly loved Aubrey, he would always be by her side when she would come over, always asking to hold her hand when they went out, always asking her to do stuff with them. Since he was born, the two were attached at the hip, and everyone knew it wouldn’t change. 
She kept her grip on her nephew firm, not wanting to startle him by any sudden movement. Some of the players came out a little too loud and she immediately shushed them, she wasn’t going to let anyone wake Archie up, if she knew them or not. The players who had passed them apologized softly before moving on, some of them even patting his head gently as they walked out. 
Alex walked out and she cursed mentally when she saw him walking beside her brother. Of course this would happen to her, one little slip up and the Universe was trying to make her pay for it. She smiled at Mo and her brother, still keeping her grip on the boy, “Nice game, guys.”
“Thanks Aubs, how long has he been asleep for.”
“Probably like five minutes before we got here.” She handed him over to him, watching as he and Lyndsey walked out of the arena.
The two stood there awkwardly, none of them sure if they should start a conversation or just wave goodbye and leave. And just as Aubrey was about to do the latter, he spoke up, his German accent making its way to her ears, “So Michigan, huh?”
She nodded, “Yeah, they had a really good sports management program and it was close to a hockey city, so it was kind of fate.”
Mo stuck his hands in his pockets, “I’m assuming you like hockey then?”
“Yeah, both of my brothers played it but I could never. So when I figured out I liked math and that sports had a lot of statistics, I fell in love with it.”
“Math? I’ve never understood it.”
She chuckled, “A lot of people don’t but that’s also kind of what I love about it. It’s like I know something that people don’t in a weird way.”
The two started walking, both of them not wanting their conversation to end despite how awkward it was. Aubrey thought back to earlier and blushed, “I’m sorry about earlier. Or not sorry to you but to myself.”
“It’s okay. It’s really impressive actually. You said I had 40 penalty minutes last year?”
“Yeah.” She took her hands out of her pockets to fiddle with them, trying to focus on something other than her small nerd outburst from before. 
“That’s cool. So what other things do you know about me?”
Her eyes widened and looked up at him, “What?”
“I figured if you knew my penalty minutes from last year there must be some other things you know about me, hm?” He smirked, stopping and looking down at her. 
“Oh, uh.” The blood rushed into her cheeks, turning them a color close to maroon. 
“C’mon, you can tell me.”
“You had 5 goals and 37 assists, a total of 42 points. 3 of them were on even strength, one was a power play goal, and one was a short handed goal. You had 187 shots and 355 total shot attempts, leaving you with a 3.7 shooting percentage which was less from the year before.”
“Hmm, cute.” She looked down and waited for him to move, and once he did she followed him. 
He walked her to her car, leaning against the back driver side door, watching as she fiddled with her keys, “So…”
“So… what?”
“Can I have your number?”
“Bold aren’t you?” She finally unlocked her door, pulling it open and throwing her bag on the passenger seat, “Also I thought my brother said no dating.”
“Who said anything about dating? I can’t befriend a pretty girl?”
“Oh, um. Okay then.” She honestly thought it was embarrassing how easily it was for him to make her flustered. It only took him to call her pretty or for his hand to flex and her cheeks were flushed. 
He handed her his phone, watching her carefully as she typed her number into the new contact she had made. When she handed him his phone back, he grinned slightly and patted her head, “I’ll text you when I get home.”
And then he walked off, leaving her a stumbling and blushing mess. She got in her car and sat staring out into the practically empty parking lot of the arena. Driving back to her dorm room she listened to anything to get her mind off of the interaction she just had but she couldn’t. Everything she listened to reminded her of the way he dressed, the way he smiled, the way his eyes twinkled. God, what was she turning into?
She got back to her dorm and changed into her pajamas. She flopped onto her bed, talking a little bit with her roommate and then scrolled aimlessly on her phone. Just as she was going to put her phone down she got a notification from an unknown number, “ I hope you didn’t give me a fake number, pretty girl. Because I was really looking forward to texting you."
Yeah, she was fucked.
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mobirights · 6 days
I was thinking of Hockey AU's and then tiktok reminded me how Hockey players have "Hockey butt" so now I just need a Jegulus fic (maybe even a one-shot I'm not picky) of Regulus going absolutely feral for pro-Hockey player James' ass.
Ya'll know that one Dylan Larkin (NHL player) dress pants commercial where he full on SQUATS in front of the camera talking about Hockey butt? James Fleamont Potter right there everybody.
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catboygretzky · 7 months
Hi hello I'm sorry to bother you but you are the biggest hockey blog i know and adore so you are who came to mind when I found myself looking for a hockey video here on tumblr that I can't find anymore.
I thought maybe you or one of your followers would remember it and know where to find it? Hopefully? So the video was about like hockey bromances and like friendships being torn apart by trades? I specifically remember a clip in the middle of Dylan Larkin almost crying over Bertuzzi and it ended on a shot of Nolan Patrick walking down the tunnel. I know that isn't a lot but! I thought I would shoot my shot :)
Omg I don't know this video but I know many gay people that might
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tessisawriter · 5 years
Be There For You (Dylan Larkin)
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Request (anonymous): Can you do a #15 with Dylan Larkin? Maybe when you’re about to go on a study abroad or something and he doesn’t want you to leave because he’s going to miss you?
A/N: I have no idea whether UMich has a special program with the Sorbonne, but if they don’t, I’m going to pretend that they do.
Warnings: One swear word, anxiety, angst
Word Count: 927
Out of all of the goodbyes you had to say, this was by far the hardest one.
You were in the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend in Detroit, and you didn’t want to leave. The two of you were lying on his bed, Dylan with his arms wrapped around you while you pressed your head into the crook of his neck.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do without you, Y/N,” you heard Dylan say, “You’re going to be over 3,000 miles away!”
In less than ten hours, you were leaving for Paris to spend a semester abroad at the Sorbonne. It had been a dream of yours ever since you were little to live in Paris, and for a few months at least, you would get to live that dream. But that didn’t mean it was easy to leave the person you loved most in the world behind.
You and Dylan had been dating for over two years. You met him in your economics class during your first semester at UMich, and the two of you hit it off immediately. Dylan asked you to be his girlfriend by Christmas, and your relationship survived his transition to the NHL the following year. While it was true that he didn’t move far (Detroit was only 45 minutes away from Ann Arbor), it was still tough, and the constant road games were hard to get used to. You did, though, and he asked you to move in with him this fall. While many relationships fell apart at that stage due to differences in living habits, you and Dylan had no problems living together; it felt natural. Since your relationship had survived so many hurdles intact, you were confident that it was strong enough to endure for a few months while you studied abroad.
“It’s only a few months, babe, and then I’ll be right back here with you,” you said.
“I know,” Dylan replied. “The thing is, though, I can’t even sleep when you’re not beside me on roadies; what’s going to happen when you’re gone?”
Your heart broke. You knew he didn’t mean to, but he was making you feel guilty for leaving.
“God, please don’t say stuff or I’ll never be able to leave!” you said, and you couldn’t control yourself anymore: you started sobbing into his neck.
“Shit, Y/N, please don’t cry,” Dylan murmured into your hair, trying to soothe you. “I didn’t mean to make you feel badly. I’m just going to miss you so much.”
You calmed down enough to look up at him. “I know. But you act like it’s so easy for me to pick up and move to Paris. FYI, it’s not: I’m scared out of my goddamn mind. What if I don’t find any friends? What if I have a hard time doing most of my coursework in French? I know I’m fluent but I didn’t grow up speaking the language like everyone else there…”
Dylan rubbed your back as you spilled your deepest fears. When you were finally done ranting, he said, “Feel any better?”
“A little,” you admitted. There was something cathartic about getting your fears out in the open. Once they were no longer living in your head, they seemed less scary, and sometimes, you didn’t even know why you were so anxious in the first place. You didn’t trust many people enough to open up to them, but Dylan was different. He was always different from everyone else; he made you feel at ease.
“You’re going to have no problem finding friends, Y/N. And UMich has tight connections with the Sorbonne, so if you’re having problems with the language barrier, they’ll be there to help you.”
“The latter is definitely true,” you conceded, “But I’m scared that I won’t fit in, or at the very least, that I’ll miss you too much to open up to anyone.”
There it was. Only when you said your biggest fear of them all out loud did it feel like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
“God, I feel like such an asshole,” Dylan said, “I should never have made you feel guilty like that.”
“It’s not about what you said before, Dyl,” you replied, “It’s just really hard for me to open up to people. When I’m around you, though, I feel safe enough to be my true self.”
Dylan was quiet for a moment before saying, “Look at me, Y/N.” You had been averting your gaze, but you forced yourself to look into his soft but steady brown eyes. “You don’t need me to open up to people. You are the smartest, funniest, and kindest person I know. I don’t know why you don’t believe in yourself the way I believe in you, but you’ve got to.”
You swallowed. This was the other thing you loved most about Dylan: even though it was hard to hear sometimes, he called everything like it was. You were using him as an excuse to fail, and you knew it.
“You’re right, babe,” you said. “Thanks for always believing in me.”
“Of course. And you know I’m just a phone call away, right? I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night: if you need to talk to me, I’ll pick up.”
“I know,” you said. “Thanks for being there for me.”
“Always,” he replied, pressing you closer to his chest. Your heart fluttered in your chest. It felt good to know that you had someone who would always be there for you no matter what.
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samgirard · 6 years
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└ stars & strips showdown - for jj
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School Crossed Lovers
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A/N: So I wanted to write one while I was feeling it lol I had a lot of fun with this one as my first one back! As a U of M fan it was interesting to write from the opposite perspective but I hope I did okay! 
Request:  Omg I love your writing so much. Is it possible to get a Dylan Larkin imagine where he's still playing at Michigan and his girlfriend (the reader) goes to Michigan State, and you watch him play against Michigan State? Maybe State wins so you're happy but Larks is grumpy? Thanks a billion love ❤
On any other day Dylan had a game you would have happily donned the U of M jersey that he had gifted you on your first Christmas together. Whether you were at the game in person or holed up in your apartment with your friends, streaming it to your TV you never failed to show your support for him.
Today was different though. Different because Dylan wasn’t just playing any old team, he was playing Michigan State. His biggest rival and your school. While you loved your boyfriend, fully supported his hockey career, and generally loved watching him win, you also had undying loyalty to your school which meant today was going to be different. Today you tucked the U of M jersey back into your closet, opting instead for the green and white jersey that was so well worn. It had been in your family for the last four years, gifted to you by your older brother on the day that he graduated from MSU. Part of you felt like you were betraying your boyfriend as you threw up your hair, the spartan stickers on your cheeks a stark contrast to the usual maze and gold you would have donned on another day.
“Are you sure you’re going to have a boyfriend after this?” Your roommate, Alyssa, teased as she saw that you weren’t holding back on your support for your school. She found it funny, she had seen you nearly fight a frat boy for bashing on the U of M hockey team after a loss to Notre Dame and now you were doing a complete 180. 
You stuck your tongue out at her, flashing her the beaded Larkin bracelet you wore on your wrist. It was an early memory of yours and Dylan’s relationship, a simple babysitting job for your cousin resulted in hours of bracelet making. He had made you a beaded bracelet, mainly blue and yellow, but the six letter beads that sat in the middle were what made you smile every time you glanced down at your wrist. 
“Oh yes because from the ice he will for sure see the tiny bracelet on your wrist, covered by your green and white jersey.” She nodded, sarcasm dripping from her lips.
She wasn’t meaning to worry you, but admittedly there was a small pit forming in your stomach. You had always supported him at hockey games, having missed just about every MSU vs U of M game for some reason or another. This would be the first rival game you could attend in person and you weren’t going to wear his jersey. 
“He knew I was a Spartan when we started dating, not like it’s a newsflash for him. I root for MSU every football game, I don’t see why hockey would be any different.” You waved her off, grabbing your student I.D. and leading her out of the apartment. 
The drive to Munn Arena was short, giving you little time to focus on your impending problem. You had shot Dylan a good luck text that morning, knowing the closer it got to the game, the less time he would have to talk. You had just conveniently left out the part that you were secretly rooting against him this game. 
Not exactly against him, just his team, you wanted a victory for the Spartans. Call it pride, but you were a sore loser even when it came to sports you didn’t play.
You made your way to the student section, finding a few other friends who had managed to get there earlier than yourself to snag good seats. Meaning that you couldn’t even hide your jersey in the section, you were right up front where Dylan was undoubtedly going to see you. 
“Gotta make sure your boyfriend remembers where your loyalty lies.” Your buddy Jack teased, elbowing you lightly as you punched his arm. It seemed your jersey was going to be the talk of the group today, you were more intent on focusing on the guys beginning to pour onto the ice.
You caught Dylan’s eyes faster than you had prepared for, noticing the way his smile faltered for just a second before he shook his head, what looked like a chuckle escaping from his lips. It brought you ease, he didn’t seem overly angry that you were going to be donning the green and white today but you wouldn’t really know until after the game.
Needless to say, your anxiety returned when the final buzzer went off. The game had more or less gone the way you wanted to, MSU had emerged victorious, clear as the fight song that blared around you.  Dylan had played well too, so that was a benefit, but you could see from the look on his face that he was frustrated.
The Spartans had dominated the ice early on in the game, scoring in the first five minutes which seemed to be a preview for the rest of the game. It seemed while your team was on the top of their game, Dylan’s was slipping. Sloppy passes leading to turnovers which lead to goals. A 5-2 loss was never an easy thing to swallow, but it was even worse when it was to your rival team.
You split off from your friends, knowing Alyssa would catch a ride back to the apartment with one of the others, as you made your way to wait outside of the visiting locker room. You tried to keep your joy of your team winning to a downlow, out of respect for Dylan and his team who would have to pass you to leave. That didn’t mean you weren’t buzzing with excitement, the rush of a team victory coursing through you.
 You shifted on your feet as a few members of the team filtered out, recognizing you as Dylan’s girlfriend but not feeling the need to stop, especially given the fact that they could clearly see who you supported today. Dylan was the last one out, his movements stiff, something you assumed came from the hits he had taken in the game.
“Hey..” You trailed off, fiddling with the beaded bracelet on your wrist as you shifted your weight again. You shouldn’t be nervous, it’s not like he was going to break up with you over a jersey. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel like you were rubbing in a victory. 
“Hey.” He greeted, a quick peck to your lips as he set his bag down at your side, the short answer was enough to clench your stomach again.
“You played really well Dyl.” You offered, reaching out to hold his hand, in an attempt to get some kind of a smile from his lips. 
“So well, for sure. The scoreboard definitely reflected that.” He muttered sarcastically, glancing over at you as he felt you squeeze his hand. He must have sensed your nerves because he chuckled a little, shaking his head like he did out on the ice.
“I’ll chalk it up to bad luck considering my own girlfriend decided to betray me for my enemy.” He teased and you scoffed, all the stress of the day lifted off your shoulders as he joked about it.
“You knew this was part of the package when you asked me out babe. I am a Spartan! It’s in my blood! Besides it’s not like I wasn’t supporting you!” You protested, showing him the bracelet, which brought a full laugh bubbling to his lips.
“You aren’t allowed to come visit me tonight if you wear that. I’ll respect your decision this time but my roommates will not.” He pointed out, you had made plans to drive to Ann Arbor after the game, staying with him for the weekend in his apartment following the game.
“You got a better option?” You quirk your eyebrows challengingly, watching the smile cross his lips.
“Actually I do.”
Which was how you found yourself tucked into a U of M hockey sweatshirt, ‘Larkin’ spread out in block letters on your back, crossing the parking lot towards Dylan’s apartment an hour later, seeing him leaning in the doorway.
“See, you look so much better in maize and blue.”
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braden-holtbys · 4 years
Call Me
A/N: Hey all, so I’m back for now. I’m a bittttt rusty, so sorry if this isn’t as good as my other fics. Anyways enjoy and as always it’ll be under the cut.
“I can’t keep doing this Y/N,” Dylan suddenly said, his gaze looking downward at the ground to avoid any eye contact. “I think we just got caught up in our romantic feelings for each other and it got to be too much.”
“Dyl, maybe we can talk this out,” you replied, your voice was barely above the noise of cars passing by. 
“I’m sorry Y/N,” he said before backing away. “I need to get back to practice.” And just like that, he walked back into the Red Wings practice rink. 
Larkin, Dylan Larkin. That was the last time and the last conversation you had with him and that was over three months ago. So far, you’ve been doing okay. Some of your friends, occasionally family, hell even some other players or their wife or girlfriend came over to check up and hang out with you. 
There were days where you absolutely missed Dylan and wondered what went wrong. You’d lay in bed staring at the ceiling with the tv on in the background or be in the kitchen making something to eat and think about him. It did you no favors when you think about him and wonder if he’s thinking about you at all. 
“Hey wanna watch a movie?” Dylan asked as you plopped down on the couch with popcorn.
“Yeah. Whatcha thinking about?” you replied, cuddling up with him. He flipped through the channels trying to find something you both would like. To no avail, he put the remote down and looked at you.
“How about a studio ghibli movie?” he asked again before grabbing some popcorn.
“Absolutely,” you said with a smile. God, he knew you so well. 
Memories like this sometimes flooded your mind when you thought of him, but you tried your best to keep moving on with your day.
I’m sorry ‘bout last night. I called you to apologize but I’m not sure my voicemail went through. That sad look in your eyes cut me deep like a sharp knife. I don’t know how to make it up to you.
“Larkin why did you leave her?” Mantha pressed once again for the millionth time in the past few months. The team was in the locker room getting ready for the game. “I mean you’ve been looking down since ya broke it off.”
“Look, it was getting bad for me because I feel like she was getting too clingy,” Dylan replied, pressed because of how tired he was from being pestered by mates.
“Okay but was it getting bad for you or is it really on her?” Ryan added, passing by to sit in his stall. Dylan scoffed, but it made him think about it more. “You know she really cares about you.”
“How do you know? Have you seen her around?”
“Well some of the girls have passed by her place,” Mantha stated. “She says that she never meant to come off as clingy, but wanted to see more effort or loosen up a bit when you come home.”
“She said that about me?” Dylan’s head perked up to look at the guys, the sparkles were in his eyes.
“Straight from the source my dude. At least that’s what some of the girls said to us about what she said,” Mantha replied as he got up to get his stick. “Maybe you should call her sometime.” 
Your phone buzzed and you wondered who could be texting you so late at night. Picking it up, you saw the notification on the screen. Dylan. 
‘Can I call?’
“What the fuck....,” you whispered as you put your phone down and flipped through the tv channels. You didn’t even bother texting back, it was too late at night and you were too sleepy to even think about it. 
Over the next few days, there were a few missed notifications from Dylan. Mostly calls and some texts, but why would he try this months later? It was beyond you when he was the one who ended it. 
You called me a lot of things. You called me this, you called me that, when are you gonna call me? You called me a lot of things but when are you gonna call me back? Call me! You know I’m waiting, know I’m waiting by the phone. 
Occasionally you’d flip the channels to see if the Red Wings were on. You’ve been even more curious since the relationship was over. You wondered if the girls or the other mates said something to him to warrant him wanting to talk again. 
You finally found the channel they were on and stuck to it. 
“Goal by Larkin!!!!” the announcer exclaimed. “The Red Wings finally get one on the board, twelve minutes into the second period.” 
“Yes finally, the captain gets his tenth goal of the season,” the other announcer added. You can see the sparkle in his eyes as soon as the camera panned to Dylan. A smile came on your face, somehow making you forget for a bit that you were feeling down because of him.
You know I’m waiting all alone. Every time my phone lights up, I’m so let down. How long are you gonna keep this up? I need you now.
The game had finished, unfortunately with the Red Wings losing 4-2 to the Blues. You went to do something else halfway through the post game interview since you weren’t really interested in whatever was on anymore anyways. 
As soon as you walk away, your phone starts to ring. You rolled your eyes as you got your phone off the coffee table to see the screen light up with Dylan on the phone. 
“Y/N,” he started to say. “Thank god you picked up.”
“What is it?”
“I wanted to talk because I made a mistake-”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh really now?” “Look Y/N, let’s meet up. Are you free tomorrow?” “Uhhh yeah in fact I am.”
“Great, see you tomorrow. The usual spot?”
“Yeah that’s fine.”
Your phone buzzed again from a text from Dylan with a date and time.
I wish I could rewind back to the good times, the sunsets out in Malibu. When my hand fits just right in the back pocket of your Levi’s, I wish I was back there with you. 
You sat at your favorite cafe waiting for Dylan to show up. It felt like an eternity yet your phone only showed that eight minutes had passed. But Dylan finally pulled up and pulled out his seat.
“Hey Y/N, long time no see,” Dylan said just as he sat down.
“Hey Dyl. So what did you want to talk about?” you asked. 
“I wanted to say that I’m sorry. I really made a mistake with the break up-” he spoke quietly. “I just thought it would be better.”
“Why? Did you think I was holding you back? Did I seem too clingy?” you asked again.
“Y-yeah, but-”
“Look Dyl, I’m sure you heard from the boys, but I honestly just wanted a little more effort in the relationship. You know, more than just the times that we watch movies at home. I love you a lot, and the break up still hurts me though. I never really understood why being a little too clingy was the breaking point,” you stated.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I made you feel that way. Would you still try again with me?” he asked with a small smile. 
“I mean---- I guess I’m willing to give it another shot. Mister Larkin,” you cooed. “Guess we both got something to work on. 
Ooooooh I can't live without you. Ooooooh Know I'm all about you. Call me, call me, call me.
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hockeyfun · 7 years
Dylan Larkin # 1
Requested by Anon: Dylan Larkin imagine where he and the reader move in together and they’re both not used to being a serious relationship so they have to do all this cute domestic stuff and Dylan keeps messing up simple chores and it’s just goofy and cute
Warnings: cussing, doubt, sexual innuendoes 
Word Count: 1756
Author’s Note: Thank you for your patience! I’m sorry it took forever! I tried really hard with this but I don’t feel like it’s very good so I apologize  :( Any way enjoy what you can! And please don’t be afraid to request again even though it isn’t my best work! 
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Your feet were tucked under your boyfriend’s legs. You had a book in your hands while Dylan was watching hockey on your TV. You two finally got to spend some time together after a long three weeks of not seeing each other. The reason? Your boyfriend played professional hockey for the Detroit Red Wings and you had your own busy working life causing both of your schedules not to match. But finally you got some time together.
Dylan let out a large sigh indicating he wanted your attention. You rolled your eyes, placed a bookmark in your book, and looked up at the boy. “Larkin?” you questioned. He began to comfortingly rub circles on your lower legs. “I was just thinking how great it is to be with you,” he stated. You rose your eyebrows in surprise. “It’s great to be with you too,” you responded happily. You returned to your book thinking that the conversation was over. “I like this. Being here with you,” he continued, “I was thinking…” he stopped and waited to get your attention. You once again put your book down. “Uh-Oh Dylan thinking? This can’t be good,” you sarcastically replied. He rolled his eyes at you. “Listen,“ he commanded. “okay you have my attention, Larkin,” you moved yourself so you were closer to him with your feet tucked under you. “I think you should move in with me,” he admitted. At first you laughed, thinking he was joking. He kept his face straight. “Oh my gosh, you’re serious,” you noticed. You were skeptical. This was a huge step in a relationship. As much as you love Dylan, moving in could possibly kill the relationship. “I don’t know, Dyl,” You speculated. “Just think about it. Your rent would be cheaper. And we would see each other so much more,” he said. “Dyl,” you started. You were cut off by Dylan’s lips on yours. The kiss was passionate and left your head foggy. Dylan came at you with so much force he knocked you down into the couch. He was laying on top of you. You tangled your hands into his beautiful dark brown hair. You pulled him closer to you trying to feel every part of him. He pulled away quickly. The sudden lack of Dylan’s body heat left you shivering. The fact the kiss was heating up and now he was gone, left you uncomfortable. You gave him a confused look and he smirked at you, “So will you move in with me?” he asked. Instead of answering the question you went in for another kiss. You needed to feel the passion again. He turned his head just at the right moment so your lips met with his cheek. You pulled back and glared at him, “What are you playing at Larkin?” you questioned. Once again he gave you his signature smile that took your breath away. “Will you move in with me?” he asked again. You still didn’t respond. “Will you move in with me?” he asked for the third time moving closer to you. “Move in with me,” he stated. His lips were almost touching yours again. Your breath hitched, hoping he would plant his lips on yours again. “Dylan,” you whined, needing the kiss. “All you have to do is say yes,” he whispered. “Fine, yes,” you officially agreed. You grabbed his face, and finally pulling his lips to yours.
1 month later
The Detroit Red Wings season was over. You and Dylan both agreed it was the best time for you to move in. “I can’t believe that I agreed to this,” you complained as you hauled in a large box of your stuff into Dylan’s apartment. He was right behind you bringing more stuff. “How much stuff do you have?” you heard him say. You gave Dylan a playful glare. “Hey this is what you wanted, Larkin,” you commented. He just gave you that smile that told you everything. He did ask for this and he was happy about it. You placed the box you carried in on top of another one. Most of your stuff was being brought over tomorrow by a moving company but you still had a lot you wanted to bring over yourself. “Well, let’s get unpacking,” Dylan called out. You smiled and set out to it.
Unpacking didn’t take that long due to most of your things being brought tomorrow. You currently were sitting in Dylan’s arms. You stared up at him. His defined features sticking out to you. Your favorite part was his rosy cheeks. It created a false sense of innocence to your boyfriend. You smiled thinking about how lucky you were to be with him. Dylan felt you looking at him and in return looked at you, “What?” he questioned. You smiled up at your boyfriend, “nothing,” you giddily responded. He just shook his head at you
 You had been living with Dylan for a little over a month. To say it has been a learning process was an understatement. This was the first time both of you had ever had lived with a significant other. Living with Dylan was currently training this particular morning when you heard a knock on the front door. You went to answer it when three ladies were standing there with a cleaning cart right next to them. You gave them a confused smile. They then told you that they were here to clean the house   You raised your eyebrows in surprise. Dylan never told you he got his house cleaned. Then you thought of something. You told the cleaning ladies to take the day off and you still have Dylan pay them. You were amused Dyl had to have his house cleaned. “Spoiled brat,” you jokingly said out loud to yourself.
Dylan came into the house as you were sitting at the kitchen table “Hey babe,” he greeted you with a sweet kiss on the lips. “Welcome back. Did you have a good training session?” you questioned. He nodded his head as he got out a protein shake from the fridge. “Good,” you responded lightly, “we had some visitors today.” Dylan turned quickly towards you. His face was laced with confusion. You laughed, “The cleaning ladies,” you reminded him. His eyes widened in remembrance. “I sent them away. You need to learn how to clean the house on your own,” you laughed. Dylan just rolled his eyes at you. “I have the money to get my house cleaned. Why not,” Dylan said. His voice did that thing that was a dead giveaway that he was lying. You gave him the look that said ‘really’. “Okay so I don’t really know how to clean,” he embarrassingly admitted. You broke out laughing. His cheeks heated up. “Oh babe, I’m going to teach you how to clean,” you said as you gave him a hug.
Luckily you had cleaning supplies from your move in. Dylan was awful at cleaning. Honestly you didn’t understand it. You told him what to do and yet somehow he ended up making a bigger mess. Like how currently you two were cleaning the kitchen. You told him to clean the sink. Just a dab of baking soda, soap, and water. He made it too soapy. By the time you caught his mess up the sink was overflowing with bubbles and was starting to flow out onto the counter and toward the floor. He looked over at you with a scared face. “Help me,” he whined as the soap got bigger. You couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Dylan’s face was mortified. “Help me!” He asked louder. “Turn off the sink,” you said between laughs. He reached into the sink causing for himself to get all soapy. He reached the knob and turned the sink off. The pile of soap finally stops growing. He looked at you still laughing. He was covered in soap. “You think that’s funny?” He sarcastically asked. You nodded your head. “Well I think this is funny,” he said as he lunged towards you. You weren’t fast enough and he had you in his arms. Soap seeped into your shirt. You finally wiggled out of his grip. You took some soap from the pile and threw it at Dylan.
The soap fight as one can imagine didn’t end well. Soap covered the entire kitchen. Some of the soap began to dry and make anything covered sticky. You and Dylan laid on the floor in a pile of soap. “This is your fault,” Dylan announced. “It’s not my fault you don’t know how to do the simplest of tasks. Even when I told you step by step what to do,” you laughed. He joined in on your laughing. He turned over on his side so he was facing you. You followed suit. He brushed a piece of sticky soapy hair out of your face. “I love you,” he said sweetly. Your heart jumped at the words. You took in his beautiful face. “I love you too,” you responded. He leaned into kiss you. Dylan was probably the best kisser in the world. His lips were soft. His hand danced along your body making you feel sexy. He pulled your body on top of his in just one strong tug. He was amazing at everything he did, well except cleaning. You giggled at your thought. You felt Dylan’s lips turn into smile at your small laugh. You pulled away from him the moment you started to taste soap. It was sour and gross. “Ugh,” you groaned and rolled off of Dylan. You looked at the mess of the kitchen. Dylan stood up next to you. “I’m going to call the cleaning company and see if they can send people out,” Dylan announced. You nodded your head in agreement. “Yeah, I’m not cleaning this up, and I for sure in hell don’t trust you to clean it up,” you poked fun at him. Dylan let out a playful sigh, “you’re never going to let this go, are you?” he asked. “Nope,” you popped the p in the word. You ran your hands through your sticky hair. “I need a shower,” You turned away from the kitchen. “I’ll be in to join you in a minute,” Dylan said as he gave your butt a playful smack. You turned around and swatted his arm, but in all honesty you loved his cheeky side. You smiled to yourself as you walked towards the shower, thinking to yourself how lucky you were to live with Dylan Larkin.
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churchofrileytanev · 4 years
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my nhl hot takes with analysis: atlantic division 
i said what i said
shea weber - simply put: he’s a big bitch, like that is literally the hulk, super quiet and gives off big brooding vibes, mans is from the same area in BC i am so we are kindred spirits, his apocalypse weapon will be his slap shot like homie has nearly murdered multiple people with it and broke a net at the 2010 olympics
patrice bergeron - what a kind canadian man, literally donated $50,000 to BLM he really said let me open my wallets love, ICONIC
jack eichel - i realize i maybe should’ve put him in free him but he still qualifies for the baddies only tier as he is one
steven stamkos - him riding a jet ski in that video is simply a cinematic masterpiece periodt, defs an amazing player
victor hedman - from the interviews i’ve seen he’s very soft spoken and pretty articulate you go glenn coco
anders nilsson - him being the first open ally for the LGBTQ+ community (he has a pride flag on his helmet) is really amazing and i really appreciate that, seems like such a kind swedish man 
jonathan huberdeau - deadass thought people had panthers as pets.... wholesome french canadian king
jesperi kotkaniemi - “MINT”, would say he knows a place and then takes you to tim’s for ice capps, smol child but he’s like ripped now after quarantine???
carey price - release him from his hockey contract so he can live as a hunter-gatherer in the pacific northwest he just wants to fish
dylan larkin - i don’t know much other than he is on detroit which was a tire fire, so free him i suppose
brady tkachuk - he looks like he smells like glue and probably would bite people in elementary school
detroit 2020 draft pick - i feel bad for them plain and simple
max domi - okay, i sorta like him because he’s diabetic (like me) but he really had to go out and be a trump supporter :/ his service dog is cute tho
brad marchand - conflicted because he’s an actual sewer rat on the ice but he seems like a nice dude off of it, i only like him when he’s on team canada 
auston matthews - bad vibes, gives me ‘my shit doesn’t stink’ energy and is an asshole piece of shit for harassing that lady, why did they give this man-child so much fucking money on his first contract? what was the reason?
john tavares - mans out here having a personality like wet paper/unseasoned oatmeal and is making all the rest of us virgos look bad (how can you literally be such a stereotype???)
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kikiskeysgame · 4 years
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The Blackhawks picked up their first victory of the 2020-21 season as they defeated the Detroit Red Wings 4-1 on home ice, ending their four-game losing streak. It may have been a tough start for the Hawks, but things are starting to look up for them.
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In the first period, the Blackhawks finally scored the first goal of the game as Patrick Kane scored his 3rd goal of the season on the power play with assists by Alex DeBrincat and Dylan Strome, giving them a 1-0 lead.
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The Hawks extended their lead in the second period as Calvin de Haan scored his first goal of the season with assists by Strome (with his second point of the night) and Ian Mitchell (with his first NHL career point).
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In the third period, Andrew Shaw scored his first goal of the season and his first goal since last season back on November 7, 2019 with assists by Kane and DeBrincat (who each got their second points of the night).
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Although Dylan Larkin broke the scoreless drought for the Red Wings, making it a 3-1 game, Mattias Janmark extended the lead with an empty net goal with assists by Connor Murphy and Lucas Wallmark, giving the Blackhawks their first victory of the season and Kevin Lankinen his first NHL career win.
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I thought that Kevin Lankinen had a great game tonight; he was on his "A" game from the start, stopping the first 24 shots that he faced from the Red Wings and made some outstanding saves during the game. 
Even though it was only his second NHL game, he's been doing very well; he looks confident in the net, he works hard and he pulled off another strong, solid performance. I hope that Lankinen continues to keep up the great work and I wouldn't be surprised if he got the start on Sunday against Detroit. The big surprise to me so far this season is how well the Blackhawks' power play has been lately; they scored two power play goals in tonight's game, making it the fifth consecutive game that the Blackhawks have taken advantage of their power play opportunities which is something that had not been done since the 1993-94 NHL season. The Hawks also did a good job with their penalty kill, killing off every single one of their penalties; however, I was not pleased with the unnecessary penalties that they took during the game. As I've mentioned numerous times before, the Blackhawks need to tone down on the unnecessary penalties because it will not only leave them shorthanded, but it'll give the other team a chance to do something with their own power play when they get the chance.
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The Blackhawks and the Red Wings will face each other again on Sunday morning. I hope that the Hawks continue to keep up the good work and build off from the momentum of tonight's win; if they're able to do that, I have a feeling that it's going to start putting them in the right direction again as long as they continue to stay consistent & on their "A" game at all times. Until then, go Blackhawks!
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equallyshaw · 2 years
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coming december 18th with the following....
1. surprise for christmas w tyson jost
2. baby come home w mat barzal
3. all i want for christmas w nico hischier
4. when christmas comes to town w quinn hughes
5. auld lang syne w dylan larkin
6. last christmas w kent johnson
7. this time, next year w luke hughes
so as you see it will be for the 7 days leading up to christmas !!!
hope you guys enjoy !!!
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swissboyhisch · 5 years
You know I love you right?
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Pair: Dylan Larkin x Reader
Requested: Yes/No Could you do a complete Dylan Larkin fluff like he had a bad day or something
Word Count: 864
A/N: This was actually surprisingly easy to write though sorry it’s a bit short. I’m seeing my boyfriend tomorrow so that could be the reason this came to me so quickly. (Y/F/M) = Your Favourite Movie
Warnings: Pure Fluff.
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You watched Dylan missed his shot in the shoot out, meaning the Red Wings lost for the fifth game in a row. With the sound of Panthers fans and the team celebrating, you knew that Dylan wouldn’t be happy with how he played, even though he got an assist. You bid goodbye to your fellow WAGs who you were sitting with before slowly making your way to the locker room, knowing he’d want to go home straight away. You waited outside of the locker room, playing on your phone as Dylan was probably doing some post-game interviews. 
Knowing Dylan would be in a bad mood, you had your best friend go to you and Dylan’s shared apartment (she has a spare key and lives in the same apartment complex) and turn on Netflix, light a few candles, pull out the couch into a bed, place many of your blankets on the couch and have your Chinese order sitting on the table in front of the couch in preparation for the two of you.
Once Dylan exited the locker room, first one to exit, you opened your arms for a hug which he walked straight into.
“Come on, let’s go home.”
He hums before following you to the car you had arrived in. You drove the pair of you home to your apartment, leading the way up to your top floor apartment. You had text your best friend just before when you had arrived to leave and take the elevator because, for some reason, Dylan liked taking the stairs. When you reached the door, you pulled your car keys out of your pocket and slipped the key in the hole, opening the door for Dylan. Dylan hummed in content when he saw the setup.
“Thank you,” He smiles, pressing a kiss to your temple before heading to your shared bedroom to change from his grey suit to a pair of sweatpants. You follow his lead and changed into one of his old MU Hockey shirt and a pair of pants. The pair of you made your way to the couch, Dylan sitting and slipping under the covers first before opening his arms for you to crawl into. You snuggled into his side after grabbing your Chinese, sharing the two combos you got. 
“Use the chopsticks properly,” Dylan chirps, watching you struggle to use them. 
After watching you for a few minutes, he laughs and gives you his plastic for he got with his favourite whilst grabbing the chopsticks from your hand. You blushed before grabbing the remote, flicking through things on Netflix.
“What about (Y/F/M)?” You suggest when you come across it in your Watch Again section.
He groans quietly, but loud enough for you to hear it. “We watch it last week. And the week before that. And I’m pretty sure the week before that. Can we watch something else?”
You sigh but nod, understanding where he was coming from. But after another 10 minutes of arguing over which movie to watch, he sighs.
“Let’s just watch (Y/F/M),” He gives in.
You couldn’t help but grin up at him before flicking through Netflix to find the movie again. 
Throughout the movie, the pair of you cuddled, enjoying some downtime together. It was rare the two of you ever got downtime together. With your schedule and his hockey schedule, it was hard to coordinate your downtime. It was often only a breakfast together before he’s often to practise and you’re off to do your own thing then a bit of time between game and work that you see each other. But you both treasured what time together you had. Especially when it was times like these where it was just the two of you.
One thing Dylan loved about you was how passionate you could get about the things you loved, which included this movie. Dylan looked down at you mouthing the lines of the movie, too engrossed in the movie to notice he was staring at you. He knew he loved you, from the moment he saw you dancing around the house to your favourite music one morning, making him breakfast before he had to head to practise. But at this moment he realised you were his future, the one he wanted the spend the rest of his life with.
“You know I love you right?” He stated, breaking the comfortable silence.
You looked up at him with your doe eyes, “Of course I know you love me. I love you too, always.”
He smiled, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss on your lips, “Thank you.”
“For what?” You smile, giggling at his attitude.
He simply shrugs and smiles, “Everything. I’m just really grateful you chose me.”
“Because it’s not hard you’re you,” You reply, placing a hand on his cheek. 
His smile widens even further before he presses a kiss to your lips before you return to your previous position. With a final kiss to your forehead, both of your attention was directed back at the tv but in the back of Dylan’s mind, he was thinking, I’m going to marry you one day.
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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svechnikoffee · 6 years
take me back to where i belong
take me back to where i belong – nokantrol for @babrielandeskog
words: 6k, last time i checked?
warnings: language & one brief, brief mention of the blackhawks. beyond that, nothing I can think of beyond a gratuitous love letter to whataburger with a side of tyler seguin/jamie benn
notes: a belated happiest of holidays to you, b! thanks for your patience on this wild behemoth of a fic. the holidays are just as good a reason as any to bring together dumb colorado boys and dumb dallas boys, esp over airplanes and biscuits & gravy.
as one of my favorite writers ever, it was an absolute honor to be able to write for you—hope you enjoy!!
title taken loosely from “home” by morgxn, which I only came across after it played in the background of a dylan larkin video haha
It’s dawning on you that you definitely should’ve taken up your mom on her offer of earplugs and a sleep mask as you were hurrying out of the house this morning. It’s been a headache of a day—you’d woken up early to help her cook Thanksgiving lunch, then spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with your cousins and tickling the little ones while their dads sat around the TV watching football.
You’d even managed to slip away into your old bedroom to FaceTime with Tyler and Jamie, and Jamie’s friend Tyson. He seemed nice enough, though clearly unprepared to meet new people given that he was in the middle of shoveling down a DQ Blizzard when Tyler turned the camera to him. You might’ve been preoccupied with stuffing your belongings back into your suitcase, but you were genuinely relieved that Tyler had found someone to hang out with during the brief holiday.
Tyler had straight up begged you to stay in town for Thanksgiving, claiming he needed your company to get through the loneliest holiday for a Canadian in America. You just snorted and patted his head, which had been in your lap like always, shushing him with a finger to his lips.
“You’re so full of shit, you know that Ty?” He waggled his eyebrows in response. Part of you did feel sorry for him, though. He’d spent last Thanksgiving with Rads “going stag”, as they called it, but the older man had worked out a visit from Makar and his parents over the long weekend and looked like he was going to keel over from excitement. Which wasn’t really a stretch from his normal self, but still.
Last you’d heard, Jamie was having a BC friend visit, and even Jackie had booked an Alaskan cruise with her girlfriends after Tyler insisted he’d be fine on his own. Now, you just feel bad for the poor guy. He’d been taking a break from going out—I’m just trying to look out for my liver, (Y/N)—and you knew he’d be a sad sack and spend the night in with the pups.
So you compromised and took the beginning of the week off to spend with your family in Chicago, and promised Tyler you’d be back by Thursday night at the latest. It all worked out perfectly since he and Jamie didn’t have a game again until Saturday…which brings you to this moment right here, sitting in a darkened plane with the hottest guy you’ve ever laid eyes on. And you regularly find yourself around some pretty fucking beautiful people. Klinger still won’t tell you what he uses for his skin.
The worst part about flying from Chicago to Dallas is there are never any direct flights with a legitimate shot of you getting on. You can’t complain, considering the fact that working for an airline means you fly for free, but after a jam-packed day like today, you’d like to put your feet up and skip the layovers.
Luckily, the flight you’d managed to get on flew through Denver without a plane change, which meant you were peacefully out for the count while the second batch of passengers got on. You’d been on so many flights for work within the past few months that falling asleep was just second nature to you now. Plus the luxury of a window seat? Score.
Of course, things don’t always work out like they should, so you were jolted from your nap with a loud snort and slurp before spotting the straight up god sitting at the end of your row. Seriously, you’d taken enough flights to know that meet-cutes just didn’t happen, but here you were now.
The blond man has his reading light on, which is a definite faux pas in your mind, but you pause at the fact that he’s actually reading a physical book. Not just any book at that, but you recognize the dark purple cover and intricate detailing of one of your favorite reads of the year. He must notice you staring, because he just turns the page and smiles before asking, “See something you like?”
You blush and scrub at your cheek before realizing the man hasn’t even lifted his eyes from the page.
“Actually, I do.”
That’s enough for him to raise his head and give you a full look at his face. He has gentle eyes that you can just bet are a blue you could get lost in, given what you can see in this lighting. The man’s beard is cropped clean and short, and you wish you could send a photo of his face to Tyler with a message reading, Real men don’t leave spaces in their mustaches.
“And what might I interest you in?”
“The book you’re reading, it’s one of my favorites,” you admit. You know you’re not the type to play coy and charm the pants off this guy, so you decide to do the best with what you’ve got. If he doesn’t like that, it’s not your problem.
It must be a good open though, because his eyes light up in response.
So it begins, from talking about how good All You Can Ever Know is, and how the author makes the nuance surrounding adoption and racism so poignant and real to their audience. You find out the man’s name is Gabe, and there’s a barely noticeable lilt to his words that he attributes to being from Sweden. Gabe glares at you when you jokingly ask for help setting up the new IKEA bookshelf in your living room, and in turn you offer him the extra cookie you’d saved from your earlier flight.
He tells you his plans got derailed last minute and that he was planning on crashing a friend’s Thanksgiving, because there just isn’t enough time around this holiday to head all the way back to Sweden. After a few hours with him, you’re not sure you want to let him go just yet, so you offer to drive him to his friend’s place since you’d left your car at the airport anyways.
You cringe inside when you realize how creepy that must sound and are a second away from laughing it off when he looks you in the eye gratefully and accepts.
After telling him about your travels, which is something you have in common, Gabe probes deeper and asks about the things that make you you, and something stops you from giving him the canned answer you give everyone else who asks.
“I’ve always wanted to be a writer. Walk into a bookstore and see my name on the shelves, you know?” You sigh wistfully at the dream you’ve had since you were a kid toting around a notebook and pen everywhere you went.
“Imagine that: (Y/N)… what’s your last name?” He quirks an eyebrow at you.
“You’re not getting that out of me—you could be a stalker, for all I know!” You laugh when he rolls his eyes in response. “It’s (Y/L/N),” you finally offer. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Worst comes to worst, he’ll probably just find your LinkedIn and ask to connect or something.
“Wait…(Y/N) (Y/L/N).” His eyebrows scrunch up and you can see some kind of gears turning in his head. You’ve never seen this guy before in your life (you definitely would know if you had), so you wonder how he could suddenly be so familiar with your name. There’s nothing to do but laugh again when his face literally bursts into a sunbeam in recognition, the smile overtaking his eyes. You want to take a photo of it; it’s too much to take in with the naked eye all at once.
“You wrote that article in the inflight magazine, the one about the travel tips to Chicago!” You freeze, your grip running tighter on your phone.
“How do you even know that?” You exclaim, eyeing him suspiciously. “I was asleep for like 10 minutes before you started talking to me!”
“I get bored,” the man explains easily. “And I always check the Hidden Gems features because I travel a lot for work. It didn’t hurt that you wrote about one of my favorite cities.” He winks at you and you know you’re blushing now. Guys don’t really bother to flirt with you, let alone big, beefy ones with big, rugged hands and soft blue eyes.
“Oh, well. That’s quite a compliment, considering I write all of them. Thank you,” you manage to get out. Goodness, why did you have to be so awkward all the time.
“You’re welcome,” he replies earnestly.
“Listen, if you’re not in a hurry to get to your friend’s place…have dinner with me.” Something about Gabe makes you feel bold, like you’re the Sun and it’s up to you to rise and seize the day. You know you shouldn’t trust this stranger you’ve literally just met (your mind supplies that you were the one to offer him a ride in the first place) but the alarm bells aren’t going off in your head just yet, so you figure it’s worth a shot.
“Yeah. I know a place.” Actually, you can’t think of any places that might be worthy of housing Gabe, but you’ll act first, and deal with the repercussions later.
“Sure, let’s do it,” he replies easily, smiling up at you from his perch atop his carry-on.
Of course, you have to keep up the bravado from just moments before, all the while racking through every restaurant you can think of nearby. You’re not sure where Gabe’s headed, and while you’ll most likely stop by Tyler’s before heading back home, you want to stay relatively close by.
“How do you feel about fast food?” You blurt out, your mind immediately jumping to the Whataburger you frequent on your way to work in the mornings.
Gabe smiles wryly at you before nodding. Patting his stomach lightly, to which you vehemently fight against imagining the abs that must live beneath his sweater, he musters out a nonchalant, “I’m sure I can break my diet tonight, just for you.”
You roll your eyes and shove at his arm; you feel like you’ve known Gabe for years as opposed to the few hours you spent with him 35,000 feet above ground. Maybe time doesn’t exist that high up in the air.
“Your parents live in Chicago. You live in Dallas,” Gabe checks off as he shoves a spicy ketchup smothered fry into his mouth. “What’s the deal with that?”
“It’s not that complicated, really. I grew up in Chicago, loved it, got an internship in Dallas during college and loved the work, and I’ve been here since I graduated. I get homesick a lot though, so the flight perks come in handy.” You bite your cheek to keep from getting emotional; any mention of missing your parents still gets you teary.
“Wow,” Gabe breathes. You’re too preoccupied with trying to discreetly blink the tears away before he notices, that you don’t have time to gauge his reaction.
It’s the truth, though. You never thought you’d leave the Midwest, with its ability to shift through all four seasons in a day. But you did, and you can’t feel bothered to apologize for the fact that you’re still not sure where you would call home. What you loved about Dallas the first time around was that it was your space. Everyone you knew in Chicago had practically known you since you’d been in diapers, and you never realized how heavy that burden had been until you left.
You’re just about to say something when Gabe clears his throat to speak.
“(Y/N), I can’t believe you moved over a thousand miles away from home right out of college and have been sticking it out this entire time. You’re really brave.”
“Oh, um. Thank you?” You wipe your nose and sniff before taking a bite of your burger. No one had ever reacted like that before. You’re used to people ribbing you for your flight benefits or joking about how there’s no way you can go back to Chiberia after a few years in the South.
“I get it, though,” Gabe continues. “I moved to Canada when I was in, what do you call it, high school? Then after a few years, I settled down in Denver for work, and that’s where I’ve been ever since.” You quirk an eyebrow, wondering if his parents had been in the service given how he’d had to move all over the world. Now, your move seems small in comparison.
“And you mentioned you were born in Sweden, right? I’ve always wanted to go,” you say wistfully. One day, you’d get your backpacking trip around Europe. One day.
Gabe nods eagerly, and thankfully doesn’t comment on your blatant change of subject. He reminds you of a big golden retriever with how often he smiles and seems to enjoy every moment he’s in. He runs a hand through his hair before diving into what it was like growing up in Stockholm, and how he feels like he’s back home anytime he can smell salty sea air. It’s not all too different from Jamie’s childhood, you realize belatedly. You think they’d get on well.
The two of you continue to trade stories back and forth in the tiny Whataburger down the street from Love Field, and you can’t ignore the want bubbling up from deep within.  
When Gabe inputs the address into Google Maps and holds it up for you to see, you have to blink and bring his phone closer to your face to get a better look.
“Wait. Gabe. Whose house are you going to?” Gabe pauses, looking uneasy for the first time since you met just a few hours ago.
“I told you, he’s like my best friend’s best friend. Jamie.”
“Oh. My. God. Oh my God. Gabe. Gabe.” You burst into peals of laughter and have to hit your steering wheel multiple times over because no fucking way. This cannot be real life, right now.
“(Y/N)?” He still looks hesitant, and you’re sure you know why.
“Gabe,” you wheeze. “Gabe. Oh my god. You’re going to Jamie Benn’s house right now? How do you even know him?”
His eyes narrow for a long moment, assessing your frankly embarrassing stature, and he shifts to take his phone back. You’re aware of how you probably look, like a huge Jamie Benn stalker or something, but this turn of events is just too ridiculous to wrap your mind around, let alone, stop laughing at.
“Do you…know him, too?” He asks warily.
“Gabe,” you repeat. “He’s one of my best friends here in Dallas.”
If real life played out the way it did in cartoons, you know you’d see a series of anvils falling from the sky or something equally ridiculous to depict his surprise. Gabe looks flabbergasted, and at a complete loss for words if his sputtering is any indication.
“No fucking way, (Y/N). You sure you’re not just messing with me right now?” He’s finally able to squeeze out right when you start wheezing again. You nod and wipe at the tears streaming down your cheeks; it’s unbelievable how this guy’s got you crying twice for two astronomically different reasons, all within a span of 30 minutes. Gabe must be just as delirious or amused as you are, because he joins you quickly after.
When your giggles finally subside and you trust yourself to drive, you slot your key into the ignition and get started on the drive over to Preston Hollow. You make this exact drive nearly every day, what with the airport being so close to work, but the drive from the airport to Jamie’s house is one you know all too well, having literally gone straight from various work trips to movie nights at his place numerous times over. Just a few weeks ago, Tyler had been walking Gerry over and you’d nearly run the puppy over when he bounded into the street at the sight of your car.
“So, (Y/N),” Gabe starts when you pull out of the Whataburger parking lot. “How exactly do you know all these Stars players?” You bite back a groan; Tyler always gets a kick out of how much you hate telling this story.
“I told you I interned here during college, right?” Gabe nods, and you just barely keep yourself from slamming on the brakes when he flits his tongue to swipe across his upper lip.
“I fell in love with Dallas, and with my line of work being what it is, it’s all about who you know. So after I moved back to Chicago to finish school, I knew I had to make some connections if I wanted to find a job in another state. There weren’t many networking events here, so I kind of had to improvise. My friends took me to a lot of Stars games when I was interning, and I remembered that Casino Night was coming up…” you trail off as you slowly come to a stop at the next red light.
“So I’m guessing you went and seduced some big, sexy hockey players, huh?” Gabe moves closer to dig his elbow into your arm.
“That’s exactly what happened, how did you know,” you deadpan.
“No, for goodness sake’s, Gabe, I didn’t seduce them. I’ve never followed hockey that closely, so I didn’t recognize their faces. Jamie talked to me for almost 20 minutes about working in the Metroplex before a random PR girl came to take him away.” You laugh at the memory of a bumbling Jamie Benn trying to talk to you about taxes and insurance benefits before Tyler had swooped in and hip checked him before winking at you.
With the help of alcohol and some distance from the cameras, Jamie was all soft excitement and fun innuendos while Tyler had just melted into a literal puppy after the event ended. Jamie had asked for your number after you shared some drinks with him and Tyler that night, and you’d always wondered what would’ve happened if you hadn’t had to fly back home the next morning.
Regardless, you kept in touch with the boys until you got a full-time offer with the company you’d interned for the previous summer. When finally making the move to the Big D, you suddenly had 15 fully-grown hockey players at your service when you pulled in with your giant U-Haul. No way could you have imagined any of that from your failed attempt at networking.
“So…your best friends are hockey players, then,” Gabe trails off. You’re not sure where he’s going, but you just nod.
“Yeah, I go to their games and I can finally tell them apart on the ice, but I’m more of a baseball girl myself.” It’s true, you’d grown up in Cubs territory and their World Series win ranked in your list of favorite moments from your entire life.
“Do you know any other hockey players?”
“Mmm, I don’t think so. I guess I know who Sidney Crosby is? But that’s only because Tyler’s obsessed with him.” Gabe laughs brightly and you hear an of course he is under his breath.
“Wait…do you know Tyler, too?”
“Um, yeah (Y/N). I kind of have to, considering I play hockey, too.” This time you really slam on the brakes, which is just fine because no one’s on the road, anyways. You’ve only got another mile or so until you make it to Jamie’s place, and you’d like some time to wrap your head around the fact that this dream of man regularly plays against your best friends.
“You’re a hockey player from Sweden…who plays in Colorado,” you utter our slowly. “You’re somehow friends with Tyson, who’s friends with Jamie, which probably means that Tyson’s a hockey player too, right?” Everything is wild and nothing makes sense.
Gabe at least has the courtesy of looking sheepish. He scratches at his neck and shrugs.
“Yeah, Tyson’s one of my best friends in Denver. You can’t tell him that, though, or else he’ll get a big head.”
“Okay, just give me a second to wrap my head around this. Also, get out your phone because we need to record their reactions when we walk in together. Good thing I have a key,” you whisper conspiratorially.
“I think I kind of like bossy (Y/N).”
You know Jamie’s already expecting you, especially since Tyler had texted he was still hanging out with the guys. Gabe’s already got the video rolling on his phone when you slide the key into the lock. You call out a hello as you slip off your shoes and gesture for Gabe to follow when you hear an “in the kitchen!”
Marshall and Cash come bounding up to you while Gerry takes a moment to survey the new guest. Gabe gives him a generous amount of pats, which has Gabe on his knees scratching the puppy’s belly in no time.
“And that’s why we gave a key to (Y/N) in the first place—she somehow always brings us free Whataburger.” You roll your eyes at Jamie’s bravado, he’s clearly raised his voice so you could hear him.
“Holy shit! Landesnerd!”
You turn and mouth Landesnerd? to Gabe in question, to which he shrugs and probably just zooms in on your face with the camera.
Tyson runs over to see Gabe, bypassing you completely. Jamie’s slower to stroll out and he raises an eyebrow at you before pulling you in for a squeeze. He smells like cedar and soap like always, and it’s so familiar to you now that it almost hurts. Tyler comes steamrolling out of the kitchen yelling your name and throws himself into your arms when Jamie finally lets go. This one’s all Aveda shampoo and Armani cologne, and you playfully bite at his shoulder, which has him yelping and jumping away as always. It’s only been a few days, but you’ve missed your boys something fierce.
Plus, it’s only a matter of time before they realize who you walked in with.
“Hold up, hold up, hold up.” Tyson finally pauses, literally scratching his head at the sight of you. “Do you guys know each other? Gabriel, how did you even get into this house?”
Gabe’s still getting everything on video, and you’re so glad it’s all getting caught on tape. Tyler tilts his head side-to-side, glancing between you and Gabe before finally turning and elbowing Jamie in the ribs. He makes a few contemplative noises before finally whispering to Jamie, who’s eyes shine with mirth when he lands his gaze on you, of all people.
“Hey, Landy, what’s up man? How do you know our girl (Y/N), here?” Tyler continues smoothly, pulling Gabe in for one of those complicated handshake turned bro taps. Jamie does the same, but you can tell from the way Gabe shoves at his chest that Jamie’s chosen to chirp him. Of course.
Tyler just waggles his eyebrows at you suggestively when Gabe finally responds, ruffling Tyson’s hair at the same time. 
“It’s just gotta be fate, right? We were on the same flight over, we had Whataburger together, and here we are now.”
“You watch yourself, Landeskog, throwing around words like fate and together. Our (Y/N)’s too good for Colorado scum like you!” You lunge to tackle Tyler to the ground, which just begins an all-out brawl once Marshall and Cash get word of the fun. 
Jamie just sighs all too knowingly, and stops in the kitchen to grab the bags of chips he only saves for special occasions. Something tells you it might be a Goon night after all.
When Jamie officially deems it too late for you to go home, he sends you to the guest room on the second floor to spend the night, just as you have numerous times before. You’re thankful he’s pulling the trigger and has a shit ton of extra rooms for everyone to stay in, one of which already has a new toothbrush and one of Jamie’s spare hoodies.
When you wake up the next morning, it’s to the smell of hazelnut which has you out of bed and downstairs almost immediately. Tyson doesn’t even look half awake yet, but Jamie slides over a mug of black coffee to you wordlessly. The shower’s going down the hall, which tells you exactly where Gabe is.
“Can we do breakfast,” you whine at Jamie. He’s become the big brother you’d never had, and you know he dotes on you as a result of being a lifelong youngest child. Jamie just grunts in response as Tyson flops his hands over his ears with a long, pronounced groan.
“Let’s do Norma’s, I want biscuits,” you continue. Jamie nods and pulls out his phone, presumably to check in with Tyler. 
“It’s good, I promise,” you reassure Tyson. You pat his head of curls gently and get another sad moan in return. Poor guy, sleeping in must definitely be a BC thing.
You and Gabe are the first ones to arrive at Norma’s an hour later, Tyson texting that he and Jamie would pick Tyler up on their way over. You knew if you were to confront either of your friends about what they were trying to do, the big dumb cow eyes would come out to play, and you really didn’t have time for that right now. You just want to enjoy the time you have with Gabe before he leaves, and be able to keep moving forward without even more unrequited feelings weighing you down. Fuck, you don’t even know if it’s been long enough to characterize these feelings as feelings.
As Gabe steps into the bustling diner, you can see the exact moment everything begins to process in that big, blond brain of his. He opens his mouth, then shuts, just smiling down to himself. He stands off to the side while you give your name to the hostess, and make your way over to join him against the wall.
It smells like heaven, if the celestial beings cried tears of grease, and the diner itself is packed with people of all ages. There’s a booth just next to the bar that’s opened up, and you can’t suppress the giggle that erupts when you imagine yourself and four massive hockey players squeezed into it. Gabe calls your name quietly, and you look up to see mirth dancing in his blue, blue eyes.
Completely unaware of the image burned in your brain, he asks, “What’s with all the Texas flags everywhere?”
You have to chuckle at that. Norma’s is known for straight-up Southern comfort food, and their infamous booths decked out in full Texan attire. It was the first thing you’d noticed your first visit, after the giant pies up front that were easily the size of your entire torso. You still remember trying to take sneaky photos to send to your parents all those years ago. Now, they all knew you by name.
“G, it’s Texas,” you reply simply. There really is no other way to put it. “Sweet tea, Whataburger, and good ol’ American football—that’s the Texas way,” you drawl exaggeratedly.
It’s only a couple minutes before the rest of the boys make it to brunch, and if y’all didn’t stick out before, you definitely do now. Tyson’s the closest to you in height, but there’s no denying he’s just as capable as the others in easily benching your weight.
While the people in Texas can be a little softer in the middle, they’re that much kinder in spirit. The city boy in Tyler has slowly been weathered away over the years, and you can’t even pinpoint the Canadian in Jamie anymore. Which is why Gabe with his perfect face and eyes and hair and everything sticks out like a sore thumb in this establishment. It’s like trying to stuff the Sun into a one story home, and telling yourself you still need a lamp.
Tyler kicks at your foot lightly, and it snaps you out of your reverie. The hostess is already leading Jamie, Tyson, and Gabe to a larger booth in the back, so you and Tyler pull up the rear. He offers you his arm, just like always, and he leads you to your seat with a flourish. Jamie’s already saved a spot for Tyler right next to him, patting the cushion with his paw-like hand, which leaves you with the seat next to…Gabe. Of course.
Jamie’s smirking at you when you look up, so you pointedly gesture to the arm he has stretched out behind Tyler to get him to stop. His smirk turns into a shy grin then, and he just shrugs good-naturedly before turning back to his menu. You already know what you’re getting—a Number 7 with extra gravy, as always—so you turn your attention back to Gabe, who’s bouncing between studying the laminated menu and looking around the diner to see what everyone else is eating.
“The biscuits here are the best things I’ve ever tasted,” you offer. Gabe’s brow is still furrowed, eyes flicking back and forth between the menu choices.
“Okay, but can it beat Denver Biscuit Company?” Tyson all but yells from Gabe’s other side. Some other customers nearby turn their heads in interest, and the curly-haired guy is straight up lucky there’s no one with a fishing vest on in your vicinity right now. Don’t mess with Texas is right.
“Oh my god, Four, we can’t take you anywhere,” Gabe hisses, reaching under the table to pinch at Tyson’s thigh.
“Gabe! What the fuck! It’s a free country, Landesnerd!” Tyler’s straight up giggling now as he leans even further into Jamie’s side, and you’re always a sucker for his giggles.
“This has to be a Colorado thing, why are you guys like this?”
“Oh yeah, Benny? Wanna tell Tyler and (Y/N) about the shit we got up to in Kelowna? Don’t kid yourself, bud, you’re not that great.” Tyler’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline and he mouths over a what to you before turning back to Jamie, who’s huge eyes are looking extra cow-like with a side of feigned innocence.
This time, it’s Gabe’s turn to laugh and turn the conversation to shenanigans he and Klinger got into when playing at Worlds together. You don’t know for what, but you feel like you’ve been rewarded with something when he turns to give you a private smile after ordering an extra side of biscuits.
“For us to share away from the hooligans,” he whispers.
Jamie and Tyler had a quick practice over in Frisco after breakfast, so you’d brought Gabe and Tyson back to your place to hang out before meeting the guys again later. Tyson had holed up in your den to call his girlfriend Emma, and last you had checked he had fallen asleep on your futon. You hadn’t expected anything less. Now, you and Gabe are left watching Love Actually in your living room while sipping on some leftover apple cider you’d reheated on the stove.
“Hey Gabe?” It comes out as barely a whisper, but his eyes flick to yours as he murmurs in response. He taps your ankle with his toes, stupid fuzzy socks nudging against your bare skin. You wish you had the liberty of reaching over and tucking your hand into his, pulling him to wrap his strong, wiry arms around your frame. He looks like a scene on your couch, with your favorite throw strewn across his frame.
“Yeah, (Y/N)?”
“What happens now?” You’re scared to even utter the words, afraid he’ll just brush it all off. Luckily, he seems to have given this a lot more thought than you have.
“Well, I know I really like you, and I think you like me,” he replies easily. “We can be really good together, and I want to give it a shot—give us a shot.”
This is crazy. You’d met him only 24 hours ago, and here he was talking about a long distance relationship. Friends of yours had done this in the past, but you never imagined a whirlwind meet-cute like this for yourself. It was ridiculous to even wrap your head around—this legitimately only happened in rom-coms.
“You sound crazy right now, Gabe.”
“Here’s the thing, though. I’m all in. I don’t mean to sound cocky or presumptuous here, but I have the means to fly us both back and forth even if you didn’t get free flights. I don’t know how we got here over the past day, but I do know that I trust you and I’m willing to try. Are you?”
“Pinch me.”
“What?” Gabe barks out a surprised laugh.
“Pinch me, Gabriel. Prove to me that I’m not dreaming.” And because it’s Gabe, he does.
“Ow! Okay, I get it, I’m not dreaming. You didn’t have to pinch me so hard with your dumb big hockey player fingers!”
“(Y/N), come on. Seriously?”
“I have thin skin! Also…if you’re that committed to this, I can be too. I really like you, too. Also, mess with my heart, young Gabriel, and I’ll send the dogs after you.” You point a finger at his amused face and realize that yeah, maybe it’d be nice to allow good things to happen to you.
“Don’t worry, I can take Tyler in a fight. Jamie…maybe not. But you can’t tell him that.” You don’t get the chance to respond as he pulls you in for the first kiss of the rest of your life.
One Year Later – Chicago, IL
“I love Chicago—ever since a buddy of mine forced me to explore with him a few years ago, I fell in love with the architecture.” You expect the tips of his ears to go pink sheepishly or something equally indicative of embarrassment, but he sounds bold, confident. It’s always a turn-on when guys are unapologetic about their passions, but you never would’ve expected his to be architecture—even then, that of your hometown.
It makes you love him that much more.
“It’s the clean lines of all the modern buildings,” he continues, “and the way it contrasts with everything around it. Look at the Wrigley building or the Tribune building and compare it to the Sears Tower.” He sighs contentedly as he peers out the window of the train car, skyline still just about the size of your thumb from this distance.
“You really know your stuff, eh, Blondie?” Gabe’s head whips around at that, and you bite your lip to keep from snorting right then and there.
“Blondie, huh?”
“It figures, though,” you continue. “Big head must mean a big brain for all that random shit you know.” If anything, spending time with Gabe and the boys in Denver has only provided you with more material to help keep the big Swede in check. It must show, since all you hear is a muffled, “Fuckin’ Four” in response.
It feels good to hop off the Orange Line and feel the cold air on your face. Having spent the last few winters in Dallas, it’s disorienting to feel the pins and needles pricking your face again. Gabe slots his fingers through yours and smiles toothlessly as he presses a chaste kiss to the back of your gloved hand. This city might not be home for you anymore, but this smart, kind, hilarious, ridiculous human being next to you has proven himself more than worthy of that title.
“Oh come on, you sap. You said we had dinner reservations!” Gabe had, indeed, told you in explicit detail what he looked forward to doing to you that night, and it encompassed a lot more than just dinner plans. You’re glad it’s so chilly outside, because you can blame your cheeks flaming pink on the weather.
The two of you walk for a bit in comfortable silence, and the familiar streets make way for a slew of old memories. You remember running from campus to the old train station with your college roommate so you could catch the last train to Schaumburg, sitting in front of the Bean with a box of macarons crying over your ex-boyfriend, and even the time you’d somehow ventured into the shady part of town late at night and had called your dad in a panic.
They’re all fond memories, of course, crucial parts of the saga you call your life. But when Gabe tightens his grip and smiles down at you with so much warmth in his eyes, you can’t imagine ever looking back at this city without thinking of him and all that he adds to every moment of your life. You have all the tools and willpower to make your life yours—just like he pointed out that first night, you moved to Dallas on your own and made an entirely new life for yourself. But he adds so much color and meaning you’d never even considered before, that he makes everything more. If you were functioning on a solid 7, he’s the one that dials everything up to a 12.
And you’re struck with this huge revelation as you’re walking down Wacker in the freezing cold that you want this, want him, forever. It doesn’t make any sense, but your heart starts pounding in your ears, and you never really were very good at keeping a poker face, because all you want to do is tell him all of it now now now.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, babe.” Gabe chuckles and runs a thumb across your cheek. “But I have a feeling that’s not all you want to say.”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
His eyes widen almost comically, and if you weren’t so nervous about what you’d just said, you might be making fun of him for it.
“Seriously, (Y/N)? You couldn’t wait just three more hours?” His voice is suspiciously watery, and he sounds like you’d just sucker punched him in the solar plexus.
“Wait. What?”
Gabe shakes his head fondly. “Look up,” he whispers.
Too caught in your thoughts earlier, you hadn’t realized where he’d brought you. The sun’s just setting and the sky’s an inky violet lit up by the various buildings comprising your favorite skyline. You look up and gasp at what beholds you because, goddamn.
The first time Gabe had come to Chicago with you, he’d brought you to this exact building on his impromptu architecture tour of the city. Gabe had told you how it was urban legend that the architect of this building had scrapped all his original designs after the death of his fiancée, and designed the building to take after her engagement ring when looked at from the sky.
“No. No fucking way. Gabe.”
There’s no response, so you turn to grab his arm but he’s no longer where you left him. Panic comes over you for a brief second, but it all melts away when you turn to find him kneeling on the ground next to you. He has a huge smile painted on his face, and it almost distracts you from the little jewelry box engulfed by his huge hands.
“(Y/N), I should’ve known that you’d ruin the surprise somehow, but I guess it’s okay because it just brings you one step closer to being my wife. When we came here the first time and I told you that story of the architect, that was me promising you that one day you’d be back with an engagement ring of your own.  
“You complete me in a way I never could’ve imagined—you’re it for me, you complement me in every way. You inspire me every day because I see how hard you work for every single thing, and I’m so damn lucky to have found someone that brings that kind of resilience into our relationship. I love you to the end of this earth, and there’s no one else I would rather choose to build my life with.
“Man, it’s really fucking cold down here, (Y/N). Marry me?” The tears have been spilling down your cheeks for quite some time now, so it should come as no surprise to Gabe when you nod and throw yourself into his arms.
“Of course, Gabe, of course. I love you so much.” Gabe presses a loud, wet kiss to your temple in response and laughs heartily when you groan.
“Thank you for choosing me,” he whispers before untangling your limbs and taking your left hand in his. Pulling off your glove and holding it between his teeth, as he does, he slips the ring onto your finger, and you know you’re crying again at just how perfect everything feels. So you pull your new fiancé close and press your lips against his, while Gabe sweeps his tongue in little kitten licks against your lower lip in an effort to deepen the kiss. It only serves to make you laugh though, pure joy coursing through your veins.
“I can’t wait to be your wife,” you say when you finally pull back.
“Don’t you mean, you can’t wait to be Mrs. Babriel Landeskog?” You shove at his shoulder as he smiles unapologetically, taking the opportunity to nuzzle his face into your neck.
Your ring finger suddenly weighs more than it ever has, your favorite human has his arms wrapped tightly around you, and you can hear faint remnants of the carolers singing just a few blocks away at the Christkindlmarket. But what really gets you is the promise of the future as you feel Gabe smile against your skin. A crucial part of what makes a home is having him by your side, and luckily, that’s where he’ll be for the rest of your lives.
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andrewuttaro · 5 years
New Look Sabres: GM 12 - DET
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One day my children will ask me what it was like to watch Jake McCabe in his prime. They’ll ask me: Daddy, how did our hero block shots so much and still have the strength to score goals and wreck fools? I’ll tell them it was the enduring power of the crossed swords crest and they’ll be Sabres fans forever. I’ll also tell them the Buffalo Sabres really turned the page from the dark days when they started responding. Responding to what, daddy? Losses, child: when they decided to start following losses, ugly losses, with shutout wins every single time, that was when they really turned the page. Speaking of the pages of history: I’ve been diving into the Buffalo Sabres 50Years Special Section of the Buffalo News for a couple weeks looking at their most historic games. I was prepared to default to that list for my reoccurring segment “Greatest Game Against” after each divisional matchup. When I put it out on twitter however I got some real beauties including a submission from @RegalMoustachio (Dan Ball) that is… for lack of better phrasing: Very 1980s. Allow me to paint you a picture: it’s December 23rd, 1987. Christmas is only a couple days away. Ted Sator is Head Coach and Phil Housley is the top defenseman (mind you Lindy Ruff is the Captain of this team) for a Sabres club mired in mediocrity for closing in on a decade. Sabre Kevin Maguire takes a run at Red Wings goalie Zach Stefan after Sabres goalie Tom Barrasso had apparently taken a fist in the shnoz earlier in the game. Here’s the link () go watch it, I can’t do it justice. For the next five minutes after the hit on Stefan it just escalates and escalates. Eventually Bob Probert fights Maguire and it got ugly. I don’t mean to glorify fighting but dear lord, watch that highlight and tell me that doesn’t color the history between these two teams. Last night’s game was Jake McCabe’s revenge game. He was taking revenge on all us nerds who said he’s not an absolute G. Sure he’s no Rasmus Dahlin, but he puts the Buff in Buffalo Sabres. And he did it in a game we really needed it. For the third time this season they responded to a loss with a win. For the second time this season they responded to a loss with a shutout win. For the first time this season my man Linus Ullmark has a shutout!
I was at Frightworld in Tonawanda for the entirety of this game, but the early returns clearly tended toward a snooze-fest. It appeared the Red Wings were dominating that telling statistical categories like 5 on 5 scoring chances and expected goals. They dominated the most basic statistic that is shots for the first period as they got doubled up 12-6. Luckily there were no goals against. You see a period like that and you kinda expect the worst. I went on record before this game and said if they don’t demolish the Red Wings then the first rant of the season from yours truly was coming. That rant was being prepared as I walked through the Storm Area 51 house fearing the Sabres would lose to two bad teams two nights in a row more than the face-panted acting students jumping out at me. Unfortunately we got another Rasmus Dahlin stinker this first period. I feel like I said everything I needed to say about Dahlin’s sketchy play lately after the Rangers game, but I didn’t say what I wanted to change other than don’t give over turnovers, bud. What I probably would’ve asked for occurred: Henri Jokiharju was moved up to Dahlin’s pairing and they had quite a bit more chemistry than Dahlin and Colin Miller had. In spite of that roster move, Dahlin was trying to move the puck out of the defensive zone and somehow yielded it right to Andreas Athanasiou. Athanasiou took a shot, got in back and passed it to another guy who almost out maneuvered a stick-less Ullmark. Luckily that was the worst it got in the first… well other than that Valtteri Filppula breakaway in the first five minutes… ugh, we were really lucky to survive that period scoreless weren’t we? Yikes.
The Red Wings are a team you’re not allowed to lose to. They’re like the Ottawa Senators, they’re biggest goal right now is to get a high-first round draft pick. They have real NHLers in the minors. Detroit has a team caught between then and now. You got the ghost of Niklas Kronwall on one line and USA Hockey Magazine poster boy Dylan Larkin on another. Evidently they’re taking one more dip in the tank in this year’s spicy good draft and so you have to beat them because frankly they want you to! Both the lines of REO Speedwagon and the Roaring Twenties had their chances through the first half of this game but how are you being out-chanced by the Red Wings! How? I very well could go on a rant but kinda like the night before I just have too many early good feels about this team right now to rant at em after a win. To their credit they actually got more shots and high-danger chances in the second period. All the while Jake McCabe is blocking shots like and absolute hero. And so it was his time to be the star before any of the big names that have found their way onto this club: Eichel gets knocked to the ice after laying a hit on Tyler Bertuzzi and Jake McCabe gets the puck near the Wings blueline and thinks for a moment. He decides to take the shot and it zings right past Jimmy Howard into the net for the first goal of the game. 1-0 Sabres with 8:20 left in the second. Buffalo finally had some good play for the remainder of the period including almost another goal from McCabe. Almost. Either way Jake McCabe became my Hard-Working again this game. He’s one of those phenomenons in cities like Buffalo where the populace just canonizes players they deem tough and diligent. I understand he’s not actually that good as anything more than a role player. That’s fine. Let’s celebrate the role players too because we’re winning games we don’t look so hot in because of them right now.
The third period was rowdy. So we’ve established Dylan Larkin is hot stuff. Evidently on a tanking team he takes on the role of penalty drawer. He gets Kyle Okposo for interference; he gets Colin Miller for tripping; watch the replays that data wasn’t all that convincing to me. No amount of powerplay time could save his team now though. The Sabres got a powerplay after Trevor Daley high-sticked Kyle Okposo and the mercenary unit that is this team’s powerplay that we fell in love with in the first six games came back with a vengeance. With all the video replay powers of modern technology I still don’t think I have enough angles on the absolute gem of a goal Sam Reinhart tapped in. It went from Jeff Skinner to Jack Eichel to Victor Olofsson to Sam Reinhart parked in front of the net and in. It was a thing of splendor and maybe one of those goals we look back on months from now. I mean… Jimmy Howard definitely botched that one hard but nonetheless the 2-0 goal here for the Sabres was just beyond magnificent. Unfortunately that goal deserved better than this game. For the remaining 18+ minutes Larkin went on drawing penalties, getting shots and Detroit never looked out of it. You look at 2-0 box score and think that may have not required a herculean effort from a goalie, this one did. Linus got his pad or a stick or a blocker on so many shots this game. He earned his first shutout of the season blocking 41 shots! That’s only 6 shy of the shots blocked Hutton got in his shutout Tuesday that earned him an NHL star of the week honor. I love Ullmark but he shouldn’t have had to do that much work against Detroit. This is a game the Sabres should have dominated a bit more than they did. They could not manage the clean zone exits and entries they did in the very early going of this season and had Detroit not skated around wasting minutes on end on offense then this game could’ve turned out differently. Nonetheless this one ended 2-0 Sabres and our squad improved to 9-2-1 leaving only one game left in October against a very hot Coyotes squad. Isn’t it nice to think at the absolute worst they’ll end this month 9-3-1? Crazy times we live in, eh?
A couple notes before we turn wholeheartedly into Buffalo Bills mode tomorrow: Sabres Stats tweeted in his 164 games as Sabres coach Phil Housley got them 5 shutouts while in 12 games as Head Coach Ralph Krueger has already gotten them 3. That’s a stat that one might call almost worthless, the Robin Lehner years were fraught but there is a grain of something telling in there. I also share the sentiment of many Sabres fans that a Skinner-Eichel reunion feels necessary at this point. “Skinhel” as I’ll call that combo because I’m feeling spooky, is something that can be unleashed like the blue shell powerup in Mario Cart. You use it when you really need to save your ass. We’re not to that point yet but I too feel that temptation. Before we warp this up your reply guy tweet of the game goes to none other than NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman who when asked about the efficacy of the current playoff format responded: “We think the format works well… unless you’re a Leafs fan.” BURN! That burn was so hot it just ensured it’s going to be a mild winter in southern Ontario! I can say for myself that such a comment is immediately my favorite Gary Bettman quote of all-time. There’s no beating that. Like, share and comment this blog as you go about your Saturday fun. I have nothing to say about the Coyotes Monday night other than maybe don’t let em get every shot they want like Detroit did last night. They will probably make you pay more often than not. Let’s Go Buffalo!
Thanks for Reading.
P.S. What are you looking to about the trip to Sweden for the Global Series? I am so not used to my sports teams getting fun opportunities like that. I don’t know how to get pumped for it.
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tessisawriter · 5 years
Last updated: June 2, 2021
Players I Don’t Write For
One-Shots Playlist
## = Completed Series
HC = Head-Canon
NHL (alphabetized by last name):
Sebastian Aho:
Red Hoodies
Freddie Andersen: In Love for Ages
Tyson Barrie:
My North Star
Sounds Like a Plan
Mat Barzal Series:
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Part 1 / Part 2 ##
What Real Support Looks Like: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 ##
Mat Barzal One-shots:
Movie Night
Flash Flood
Simple Pleasures
Caring Too Much
Mat x Flyers Fan: Loyalty
Love and Karaoke
Bad Time
School Project
Rip Off the Band Aid
Snow Day
Late Nights
Little Black Dress
Tell Me the Truth
All You Had To Do Was Stay
Through the Flames
Brock Boeser:
Worth the Risk
The Things We Do For Love (ft. Matthew Tkachuk)
Those Three Little Words
Andre Burakovsky: Meant to Be in Love
Cole Caufield:
Going All Out (ft. Carey Price)
Kirby Dach: No More Secrets
Noah Hanifin: Six Flags
Nico Hischier:
Green With Envy (ft. Andrei Svechnikov)
Let You Down Series: Part 1 / Part 2 ##
Jack Hughes: Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me
Tyson Jost: If It Makes You Happy
Clayton Keller:
Number One
The Next Step
Adrian Kempe:
Birthday Surprise
Not Losing Me
Spencer Knight: Isn’t It Obvious?
Travis Konecny:
Under Pressure
Don’t Delete the Kisses
Such a Pest
Worth It
Dylan Larkin: Be There For You
Cale Makar: No Matter What
Mitch Marner:
In This Together
Make You Feel Loved
William Nylander:
My Hero
Duty Calls
Colton Parayko: Invisible String
Nolan Patrick:
Weathering the Storm
New Beginnings
HC: Wedding/Honeymoon
Elias Pettersson: Night Changes
Morgan Rielly: Unfinished Business
Andrei Svechnikov:
On Your Side
Break My Heart
Tell Him (ft. Braden Holtby)
Teuvo Teravainen: Never Let You Fall
Alex Turcotte:
Dance With Me
Love Back
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