#E-commerce WordPress themes
seohabibi · 9 months
Unlock the potential of your website with our curated list of the top WordPress themes for 2023. This comprehensive guide showcases the latest themes that offer stunning design, cutting-edge features, and the flexibility to create a website that truly stands out. Whether you're building a blog, portfolio, e-commerce site, or a business website, these themes are handpicked to help you make a powerful online impression.
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auspicioussoft01 · 1 year
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Kalles - Clean, Versatile, Responsive Shopify Theme with RTL Support
In the world of e-commerce, having an attractive and functional online store is essential for success. Shopify, a popular e-commerce platform, offers a wide range of themes to help businesses create visually appealing and user-friendly online stores. One such theme is Kalles, a clean, versatile, and responsive Shopify theme with RTL (Right-to-Left) support. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Kalles, along with its RTL support, to understand why it is a great choice for businesses looking to cater to a global audience.
Section 1: An Overview of Kalles Theme
Kalles is a premium Shopify theme designed to meet the diverse needs of online businesses. With its clean and modern design, it offers a professional and visually appealing interface that enhances the overall user experience. The theme's versatility allows it to be used for various industries, including fashion, electronics, furniture, and more.
Section 2: Responsive Design for Seamless Mobile Experience
In today's mobile-centric world, having a responsive website is crucial. Kalles ensures a seamless user experience across different devices and screen sizes. Its responsive design adapts to the user's device, whether it's a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, providing a consistent and optimized browsing experience.
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semiosissoftware · 17 days
Magento vs WordPress are both popular platforms for eCommerce, each with its strengths. Magento, designed specifically for eCommerce, offers robust features out-of-the-box, scalability, and customization options, ideal for medium to large businesses. Its advanced inventory management, payment gateways, and marketing tools cater to complex eCommerce needs. On the other hand, WordPress with WooCommerce plugin provides a user-friendly interface, extensive plugin ecosystem, and flexibility, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. It's easier to set up and manage, with ample themes and plugins for customization. Ultimately, the choice depends on the size, complexity, and specific requirements of your eCommerce project.
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Dream Site Pro Review - Good or Bad?
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is not just an option, but a necessity. Whether you’re a small business owner, a freelancer, or an entrepreneur, your website is your digital storefront, the place where first impressions are made and lasting relationships are built. But let’s face it—building a professional, eye-catching website can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not a tech wizard. Enter Dream Site Pro, the game-changing platform designed to simplify website creation with the power of AI.
What is Dream Site Pro?
Dream Site Pro is a revolutionary AI-powered tool that allows anyone to create stunning, professional WordPress websites in just minutes. Whether you’re an experienced web designer or a complete beginner, Dream Site Pro provides the tools and templates you need to bring your vision to life without the headaches of coding or design complexities.
How Does It Work?
Dream Site Pro’s magic lies in its simplicity and AI-driven features. Here’s a step-by-step look at how it works:
1. Select a Theme: Start by choosing from over 200 beautifully designed templates, organized into more than 30 niches. Whether you’re looking to create a site for a coffee house, a travel blog, or a dental clinic, there’s a template that fits your needs.
2. Customize with Ease: With the intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily tweak the layout, colors, fonts, and other design elements to match your brand. The AI tools also offer suggestions to enhance your site’s appearance and functionality, ensuring it looks professional and is user-friendly.
3. Enhance with Features: Dream Site Pro comes packed with built-in features like call-to-action management, Google Maps integration, and social media tools to boost engagement. For e-commerce needs, the seamless WooCommerce integration allows you to set up an online store effortlessly.
4. Publish and Optimize: Once you’re happy with the design, you can publish your site with a single click. Dream Site Pro handles all the technical details, ensuring your website is fast, secure, and optimized for SEO.
5. Manage and Grow: The platform includes advanced lead management and analytics tools, helping you track performance and refine your strategies. Plus, with the built-in autoresponder integration, you can automate your email marketing to nurture leads and drive conversions.
Why Choose Dream Site Pro?
AI-Powered Efficiency: Dream Site Pro leverages AI to simplify and accelerate the web design process. From automatic SEO optimization to compliance with ADA and GDPR regulations, the AI handles it all, letting you focus on what matters most—your business.
Cost-Effective Solution: Forget about expensive developers or recurring monthly fees. Dream Site Pro offers a one-time payment for lifetime access, making it a budget-friendly choice for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Versatility and Customization: With a wide range of templates and customization options, Dream Site Pro is versatile enough to cater to any industry or niche. The drag-and-drop editor and AI enhancements ensure that your site is not only unique but also highly functional.
Commercial Licensing: Looking to expand your business? Dream Site Pro comes with a commercial license, allowing you to create and sell unlimited websites to clients. It’s a fantastic opportunity for freelancers and agencies to boost their revenue.
Comprehensive Support and Training: Dream Site Pro provides extensive training resources and dedicated customer support to help you every step of the way. Whether you’re setting up your first website or managing multiple client projects, you’re never alone.
Real Success Stories
Dream Site Pro isn’t just another web design tool—it’s a catalyst for success. Take Sarah, for example, who skyrocketed her website traffic by 200% after switching to Dream Site Pro’s AI-powered designs. Or John, who saw a 300% increase in revenue within three months of using the platform. These are just a few examples of how Dream Site Pro is transforming businesses and lives.
In a world where digital presence is key to success, Dream Site Pro offers an unparalleled solution to web design challenges. It’s more than just a tool; it’s a partner in your entrepreneurial journey, empowering you to create stunning websites with ease and efficiency. Ready to take your online presence to the next level? Discover the power of AI with Dream Site Pro today and watch your business soar.
So why wait? Unleash your creativity and build your dream website with Dream Site Pro now. Your digital future awaits!
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898268 · 1 month
Storefront WordPress Themes: Transforming Your Online Storefront into a Customer Magnet
Online store is essential for businesses to thrive. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned e-commerce expert, the design and functionality of your online store can make or break your success.
This is where Storefront WordPress themes shine. Tailored specifically for e-commerce websites, Storefront themes offer a plethora of features and benefits designed to enhance your online store's appeal, performance, and ultimately, your bottom line. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of Storefront WordPress themes, exploring their advantages and providing actionable insights to help you create a standout online shopping experience for your customers.
A Storefront WordPress theme is specifically designed to meet the needs of e-commerce businesses. It offers a range of features and functionalities that are essential for creating a successful online store. From customizable layouts and product showcase options to seamless integration with popular e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce, Storefront themes provide everything you need to create a professional and engaging online shopping experience for your customers.
Storefront themes offer professional, modern designs, customizable options, mobile responsiveness, SEO-friendly design, WooCommerce integration, and performance optimization. They are designed for showcasing products, engaging customers, and improving website visibility. They are fully compatible with WooCommerce, a leading WordPress e-commerce plugin, and optimized for speed and performance.
Storefront WordPress themes provide a professional design, customization options, mobile responsiveness, and SEO-friendliness to create a visually appealing online store. They enhance the shopping experience, drive sales, and create memorable experiences for customers, ultimately leading to increased conversions and business growth. Explore the wide range of themes to elevate your online store.
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websitiasworld · 3 months
Celestial Dreams: A Daily Planner Diary for Inspired Living
"Welcome to 'Celestial Dreams,' your daily companion for inspired living! Embrace the magic of each day with this beautifully designed planner diary, featuring celestial-themed artwork and motivational prompts to fuel your journey towards your dreams. Size - (21cm * 29.7cm) pdf formate
Inside 'Celestial Dreams,' you'll find:
Schedule Section: Organize your tasks, appointments, and priorities for each day, ensuring you stay on track and focused on your goals. Self-Care Section: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by reflecting on the blessings in your life and expressing appreciation for the little joys. Habits Section: Boost your confidence and motivation with empowering affirmations that inspire positivity and self-belief. Notes Section: Capture your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations in the spacious notes section, allowing creativity to flow freely.
link - https://payhip.com/b/HEAUq
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jnexttech · 3 months
Operating a business is not easy! It needs a lot of hours, resources, and efforts to start, sustain and run it efficiently. Right from product manufacturing, or service engineering to customer conversion- multiple teams are involved to get from the starting point to the end! We have a best WordPress Development Team for wordpress upgradation nad migration services.
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joelewisscoopglobal · 3 months
In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, having a visually appealing and functional website is crucial for success. Choosing the right WordPress theme can significantly impact the user experience and overall performance of your online store.
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theantfirm · 10 months
Benefits of Using WordPress Premade Themes
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Using WordPress premade themes offers numerous benefits for businesses and individuals looking to create a visually appealing and functional website. These themes provide a wide range of design options, saving time and money on custom design. Additionally, they are often equipped with helpful features, such as responsive design and SEO optimization.
For professional design and development services, check out The Ant Firm website today!
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In today’s digital age, having a website is essential for businesses and individuals alike. It allows you to establish an online presence, showcase your products and services, and reach a wider audience. However, building a website from scratch can be a daunting task, especially for those with little to no coding experience. Fortunately, there is a solution that is both user-friendly and efficient: WordPress. WordPress is a content management system that has gained widespread popularity for its ease of use and versatility. In this article, we will explore the benefits of WordPress for web development and why it should be your go-to platform for creating your next website.
WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used content management systems (CMS) in the world, and one of the primary reasons for its success is its ease of use. With WordPress, even beginners with no prior coding experience can create professional-looking websites with ease. The platform’s intuitive interface and simple navigation make it easy to add and edit pages, create posts, and customize your site’s design. This user-friendly approach has made WordPress a go-to choice for individuals, small businesses, and large corporations alike, looking to establish an online presence quickly and efficiently.
WordPress’s ease of use and intuitive interface mean that you don’t need to hire a professional web designer or developer to create your website. With the vast community of WordPress users, you can find a wide range of tutorials and guides that can help you create a professional-looking site with little to no coding experience. This DIY approach can save you from $900 to $3000 on development costs and help you get your website up and running quickly.
One of our clients, Almсo Plumbing, had a website built solely with HTML and CSS, which made it inconvenient to make edits for SEO optimization. Therefore, the website was rewritten using WordPress, with a user-friendly admin panel. This allowed SEO specialists to have more opportunities for optimization and content modification.
Hovewer, if you need help on building your own website on WordPress, feel free to contact IM4U Digital Marketing Agency. We offer you professional  turnkey website development services on different CMS, including WordPress.
One of the most significant benefits of WordPress for web development is its cost-effectiveness. As an open-source software, WordPress is free to download and use on your own server. This means that you don’t have to pay for expensive licensing fees or software subscriptions, making it an excellent option for small businesses and individuals with limited budgets.
WordPress has more than 60,000  plugins that can add functionality to your website at a fraction of the cost of custom development. Many of these plugins are available for free, while others come with a small price tag. Regardless of their cost, these plugins can save you a significant amount of money compared to building custom features from scratch.
Another key benefit of WordPress for web development is that it is highly SEO-friendly. WordPress has been designed with search engines in mind, making it easier for your website to rank higher on search engine result pages. With built-in SEO features such as optimized permalinks, clean code, and fast loading times, WordPress ensures that your website is optimized for search engines right out of the box.
Another aspect that makes WordPress highly SEO-friendly is its ability to create mobile-responsive websites. With an increasing number of people accessing the internet on mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive website is essential for SEO. WordPress’s mobile-friendly designs help improve your website’s user experience on mobile devices, which in turn helps your website rank higher in search engine results.
For one of our clients, Decks Toronto, we undertook the redesign of their websites from Laravel to WordPress. During the migration, we ensured that no SEO positions were lost, and we seamlessly incorporated all the necessary SEO requirements. As a result, the website ranked in the top 3 for the relevant keywords.
If you already have a website and are looking for ways to make it visible for your customers, then SEO optimization may help you. Book a free SEO audit for your WordPress website and open the new channel your business can grow.
WordPress is a highly scalable platform for web development, making it an excellent choice for businesses and individuals who want to start small and grow their website over time. Whether you’re starting with a simple blog or building a complex enterprise-level website, WordPress can handle it all.
As your website grows, WordPress’s capabilities can be extended through plugins and custom development. You can add new functionality to your website without having to rebuild it from scratch. The scalability of WordPress means that it can handle everything from small personal blogs to large-scale enterprise applications with ease.
WordPress can handle high traffic volumes with ease, making it suitable for websites that receive a lot of visitors. With its robust caching system and optimized code, WordPress ensures that your website loads quickly and smoothly, regardless of how much traffic it receives. This scalability and reliability make WordPress an excellent choice for businesses and individuals who want to build a website that can grow with their needs over time.
Using WP plugins we can develop landing page in a month. Contact us if you need to create a converting landing page for your business.  Over time we can add additional pages and create and scale your business in months.
One of the key advantages of WordPress for web development is its flexibility in providing customizable designs through a vast selection of templates. They help cater to various industries and purposes, allowing you to personalize the design to represent your brand by changing the color scheme, layout, fonts, and other design elements. Furthermore, WordPress plugins are also available for almost everything, from contact forms to social media integration, providing you with an easy way to customize your website without custom development.
For optimal speed, SEO, unique appearance, and ease of administration, we recommend a custom design on WordPress. Website builders like Elementor have limitations when it comes to fine-tuning capabilities. They are designed to be universal, resulting in loading unnecessary elements that increase the site’s size and loading time.
You may be interested in what type of website does your website need? If so, check our article “7 most popular types of websites and what they include”. This will help you to understand what type of WP theme you should choose.
One of the significant benefits of WordPress for web development is its large community support. With millions of users worldwide, WordPress has a vast community that provides continuous updates to improve security and user experience. These updates ensure that your website is always up to date with the latest security patches and features.
In addition to the updates, the WordPress community offers extensive help documentation, forums, live chat groups, and online courses to help you get the most out of your website. If you have any questions or encounter any problems, you can easily find support from other WordPress users or experts.
This community support makes WordPress a user-friendly platform for web development, especially for those who are new to website building. You’ll never feel alone when building a website using WordPress, as there is always someone who can help you out.
Future-proofing is a crucial benefit of WordPress for web development. With millions of users worldwide, WordPress has an extensive pool of developers, designers, and testers that continuously push the boundaries of what WordPress can achieve. This means that innovative solutions, such as AI, will be developed and integrated into WordPress in the future. You can already look for AI plugins for WP and automate site creation. 
By using WordPress, you can ensure that your website remains modern and up-to-date with the latest technological advancements. WordPress updates regularly, and keeping your website updated with the latest version ensures that your website is secure, fast, and future-proof. For example Elementor v3.13 is already offering you AI writing functionality along with an intuitive interface to create better content for website visitors.
WordPress’s multi-user support is a valuable benefit for those who manage multiple websites or work on team projects. With WordPress, you can assign specific roles and permissions to team members or clients, ensuring that they only have access to what they need.
This feature eliminates the risk of accidentally deleting critical information while collaborating on a project, giving peace of mind to website managers and team members alike. For instance, a content editor can be given access to edit and create new content, while a developer can be given access to the website’s backend to perform coding tasks.
WordPress’s multi-user support is flexible enough to cater to businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business owner or part of a large enterprise, WordPress can handle the diverse needs of your team members and clients.
WordPress is a fast website building option due to several reasons. It can be installed easily in 1 hour, even by people without technical expertise, as most web hosts offer one-click installation options. Moreover, WordPress has a vast collection of pre-made themes, which can be easily customized to meet specific requirements. This reduces the time and effort needed to design a website from scratch.
WordPress websites offer faster launch times compared to custom-built websites, as there is no need to develop custom functionality. This CMS offers a user-friendly interface, which is easy to use and navigate, even for people with no technical background. Content can be added and edited quickly and easily. Additionally, WordPress is designed with SEO in mind, and there are many plugins available that help optimize a website’s content for search engines.
Building a website on WordPress can vary in time depending on the number of pages and complexity of the design. However, WordPress is known for its efficiency and user-friendly interface, which significantly speeds up the website development process. For a basic website with a few pages, it is possible to have it up and running within one day. This includes the installation of WordPress, selecting a theme, customizing the design, and adding content. If the website requires more pages or additional features, such as e-commerce functionality or advanced customization, the development time will naturally be longer. In such cases, it may take up to a couple of months to complete the website, depending on the complexity and the amount of customization required.
WordPress has a massive plugin library, making it easy for website owners to add new functionalities and features to their websites. The WordPress Plugin Directory contains more than 60,000  plugins developed by third-party developers that can be easily integrated into your WordPress website, allowing you to add everything from contact forms to eCommerce platforms with just a few clicks. Popular website plugins include Yoast SEO, Jetpack, Contact Form 7, WPForms, WP Super Cache, Akismet, Elementor, All-in-One WP Migration, WP Rocket, and WooCommerce. But we don’t recommend using a large number of plugins as they can slow down the website.
The wide range of plugins available means that you can customize your website to meet your specific needs and goals, without having to build everything from scratch. Many of these plugins are available for free, while others may come at a cost. However, even the paid plugins are often significantly cheaper than developing the same functionality from scratch. 
Are you ready to take your business to the next level with a powerful e-commerce website? IM4U Digital Marketing Agency is here to help! Our team of experts can create an online store that is optimized for sales and conversions using the WooCommerce plugin.
WordPress is famous for its themes library, which is one of the most significant advantages of this platform. In total, there are more than 31,000 themes available for WordPress, which includes both free and premium options. You can easily customize the look of your website without needing to be an expert in web design. These themes can be easily installed and switched with just a few clicks, allowing you to change the entire layout of your website in a matter of minutes. Whether you want a clean and modern design or a more traditional one, you’re sure to find a theme that matches your needs.
In addition to having a massive selection, WordPress themes are built to be responsive, ensuring that your site will look great on any device. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, having a mobile-friendly website is more important than ever, and WordPress themes have got you covered. Moreover, premium themes often come with added functionalities that can make your website more interactive, such as custom widgets, page builders, and advanced customization options.
Another significant advantage of WordPress themes is that they are easily customizable, making it possible to create a unique and tailored website that stands out from the competition. With access to the theme’s code, designers and developers can make modifications to the design and functionality of the website, adding a personal touch and making it easier to achieve specific business objectives. This feature makes WordPress a preferred choice for businesses that are looking to establish a distinctive online presence and stand out in their market.
WordPress offers a robust e-commerce solution through its plugin, WooCommerce. WooCommerce is an open-source, free-to-use platform that seamlessly integrates with WordPress, providing businesses with a complete e-commerce solution. WooCommerce offers a range of features, including product management, payment gateway integration, shipping options, tax management, analytics, and customization.
One of the benefits of using WooCommerce is its user-friendly interface, which allows businesses to easily manage their online store, including inventory management, pricing, and variations. WooCommerce supports a wide range of payment gateways, making it easy for customers to make payments using their preferred payment method. Additionally, businesses can customize their online store using WooCommerce’s customizable templates and themes, allowing them to create a unique and visually appealing store.
WooCommerce also offers built-in analytics tools, providing valuable insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and website traffic. The platform also supports multiple languages, making it ideal for businesses that target international audiences. With its easy integration with third-party applications and plugins, businesses can add functionality and features to their online store. WooCommerce is also a secure platform, with regular security updates and plugins that help protect online stores from cyber threats.
If you’re looking to start an online store, be sure to check out our article on the 6 best e-commerce cms for online stores.
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If you’re looking for a professional digital marketing agency to develop a WordPress website for your business, look no further than IM4U! Our team of experienced developers and designers will work closely with you to create a custom website that meets all your needs and exceeds your expectations. Contact us today to get started and take your online presence to the next level!
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astoundify · 1 year
🌟💻🔌 Are you a WordPress user looking for high-quality plugins and themes to enhance your website's functionality and appearance? Look no further than Astoundify!
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As a leading provider of WordPress products, Astoundify offers a wide range of premium plugins and themes that are designed to meet the needs of businesses, bloggers, and online entrepreneurs. Whether you're looking to build an e-commerce store, create a membership site, or simply enhance your blog, we have the perfect solution for you.
Our plugins and themes are built with the latest coding standards and are optimized for speed and performance, ensuring that your website runs smoothly and efficiently. We also offer top-notch support to help you get started and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
At Astoundify, we believe that customization and flexibility are key to creating a unique online presence. That's why our products are fully customizable and come with a range of options and settings that allow you to tailor them to your specific needs and preferences.
Our themes are also designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring that your website looks great and functions seamlessly on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
With Astoundify, you can rest assured that you're getting the best WordPress products on the market. Our team of experienced developers and designers is dedicated to creating products that are not only functional and reliable but also aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.
So why wait? Browse our collection of premium plugins and themes today and take your WordPress website to the next level. With Astoundify, you can build a website that is both beautiful and functional, and that will help you achieve your online goals.
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spoxor · 1 year
10 Ways for Web Developer to Earn Money Online with WordPress
10 Ways for Web Developer to Earn Money Online with WordPress
As a web developer, you have the skills and knowledge to take advantage of the many opportunities for earning money online using WordPress. In this article, we will explore 10 ways you can use your skills to create and monetize a WordPress website. Create and sell WordPress themes and plugins: With your development skills, you can create and sell custom WordPress themes and plugins to a wide…
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View On WordPress
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Ella - Multipurpose Shopify Theme OS 2.0: A Game-Changer for E-commerce Stores
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aropride · 10 months
listened to a podcast from tumblr ceo matt mullenweg abt his plans for tumblr and such and wrote down some quotes i found Interesting . (some are not word for word bc auditory processing + memory etc but i tried to stick to what he said as much as i could)
(on being ceo of a social network) "it is as hard as being the leader of a country"
"it needs to do a good job at showing you things you want to see- so both the people you follow but maybe also exposing you to new things you don't know about yet"
"people want their own home on the web, they want it to be something reflects them, not the needs of an advertiser"
"how do we make this amazing and really give the tumblr community what they deserve, and also give the world an alternative from these closed-proprietary advertisement-driven social networks?"
"you can have custom themes, you can customize it every little bit .. what we wanna do is making it be the best of both worlds, giving you the full customization that u currently have on tumblr, that u also have on wordpress, but still provide a streamlined interface, particularly on mobile ... you kind of move in and out of that full customization"
"that's ultimately what we're about, is giving power in the hands of users"
"what people really want isnt what they say they want ... its kind of like expressed preferences vs stated preferences ... thats probably why [other social medias] dont give u total control over ur algorithm"
"i want to have a path where you can start with, call it 'just' a tumblr ... but if you want to turn that into an e-commerce store, or customize it in a different way, or build a newsletter, or a mailing list, or create a membership site- these are all things that are supported by wordpress today"
"tumblr's userbase are primarily young .. more women than men which isnt common in technology .. its a very safe place and vibrant community for lgbt+, i think its over a quarter of the userbase.. kind of a place for art and artists"
"how do we make that a path to the wordpress open source community ... excited about ..bringing a younger demographic into wordpress"
"[the amount of new users from twitter/reddit are] less than you would think in the long term"
(to reddit/twt migrants) "give us feedback! what do you miss from the old thing when you move over?"
"i'd definitely like it to be as big as twitter or instagram"
"for tumblr for example i think [AI] could make our developers a lot more productive, their coding could be checked/tested by ai, .. that'll allow us to do a lot more .. maybe our pace of development could increase."
"ai can be a huge help in assisting on moderation, if it could help flag things before people even report them, that someone could look at and review."
"the algorithm [for the feed/dashboard] is a form of ai- its really machine learning, people use the terms interchangeably- if we could make the feed a lot better, we could tweak it and really learn the things u want to see and the people u want to follow"
"it could provide some really cool tools, when u think of the generative ai stuff, whether its dall-e or midjourney. so much of what people do on tumblr is expressing art and creativity, and theres some people who are resistant to this, but im actually hearing far more artists that are like 'wow! this is another tool in my toolbox!' its not just like using it instead of doing ur work, it's helping with the first draft, or helping u come up with new ideas, or maybe accelerating part of a workflow. so i see it like a new type of paintbrush, or new colors they can use. they see it as a new way to express their creativity. to me that's also the future. .. just like any other tool, like when we moved from typewriters to word processors."
(asked if generative AI worries him) "bad actors using ai to do more bad things .. that's definitely smth that's gonna happen, that's true with any new technology. if u rob a bank before, u used to have to get away on a horse, now you can get away on a car [laugh]. so like, think of it like that. we don't say "oh, banks are gonna be robbed so much more cuz now people can drive away faster". the good guys have cars too, so the police have cars .. it becomes something that is part of society .. there's more good people than bad people"
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vinhjacker1 · 9 months
The Evolution of PHP: Shaping the Web Development Landscape
In the dynamic world of web development, PHP has emerged as a true cornerstone, shaping the digital landscape over the years. As an open-source, server-side scripting language, PHP has played a pivotal role in enabling developers to create interactive and dynamic websites. Let's take a journey through time to explore how PHP has left an indelible mark on web development.
1. The Birth of PHP (1994)
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) came into being in 1994, thanks to Rasmus Lerdorf. Initially, it was a simple set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries used for tracking visits to his online resume. However, Lerdorf soon recognized its potential for web development, and PHP evolved into a full-fledged scripting language.
2. PHP's Role in the Dynamic Web (Late '90s to Early 2000s)
In the late '90s and early 2000s, PHP began to gain prominence due to its ability to generate dynamic web content. Unlike static HTML, PHP allowed developers to create web pages that could interact with databases, process forms, and provide personalized content to users. This shift towards dynamic websites revolutionized the web development landscape.
3. The Rise of PHP Frameworks (2000s)
As PHP continued to grow in popularity, developers sought ways to streamline and standardize their development processes. This led to the emergence of PHP frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter. These frameworks provided structured, reusable code and a wide range of pre-built functionalities, significantly accelerating the development of web applications.
4. PHP and Content Management Systems (CMS) (Early 2000s)
Content Management Systems, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, rely heavily on PHP. These systems allow users to create and manage websites with ease. PHP's flexibility and extensibility make it the backbone of numerous plugins, themes, and customization options for CMS platforms.
5. E-Commerce and PHP (2000s to Present)
PHP has played a pivotal role in the growth of e-commerce. Platforms like Magento, WooCommerce (built on top of WordPress), and OpenCart are powered by PHP. These platforms provide robust solutions for online retailers, allowing them to create and manage online stores efficiently.
6. PHP's Contribution to Server-Side Scripting (Throughout)
PHP is renowned for its server-side scripting capabilities. It allows web servers to process requests and deliver dynamic content to users' browsers. This server-side scripting is essential for applications that require user authentication, data processing, and real-time interactions.
7. PHP's Ongoing Evolution (Throughout)
PHP has not rested on its laurels. It continues to evolve with each new version, introducing enhanced features, better performance, and improved security. PHP 7, for instance, brought significant speed improvements and reduced memory consumption, making it more efficient and appealing to developers.
8. PHP in the Modern Web (Present)
Today, PHP remains a key player in the web development landscape. It is the foundation of countless websites, applications, and systems. From popular social media platforms to e-commerce giants, PHP continues to power a significant portion of the internet.
9. The PHP Community (Throughout)
One of PHP's strengths is its vibrant and active community. Developers worldwide contribute to its growth by creating libraries, extensions, and documentation. The PHP community fosters knowledge sharing, making it easier for developers to learn and improve their skills.
10. The Future of PHP (Ongoing)
As web technologies continue to evolve, PHP adapts to meet new challenges. Its role in serverless computing, microservices architecture, and cloud-native applications is steadily increasing. The future holds exciting possibilities for PHP in the ever-evolving web development landscape.
In conclusion, PHP's historical journey is interwoven with the evolution of web development itself. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a web development powerhouse, PHP has not only shaped but also continues to influence the internet as we know it. Its versatility, community support, and ongoing evolution ensure that PHP will remain a vital force in web development for years to come.
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