advestager · 4 months
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i was browsing ao3 before bed and now i need to go acquire a smoking habit just so i can reenact the exhausted ben affleck meme
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skzkiyoon · 1 month
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💤 A IS FOR :
“all that’s on my agenda today is sleeping. please go away.”
💤 B IS FOR :
“bro thinks I don’t know the trick he tried to pull.. ahah. STAY, say goodbye to hyunjin. I’m bombing his dorm room with missiles.”
💤 C IS FOR :
💤 D IS FOR :
“do I look like I care about a hater? girl bye talk to my manager and i’ll meet you outside my company building.”
💤 E IS FOR :
“everyone has just been wished goodnight. except for minho. i hope he wakes up in a cold sweat to a dream of his cats falling off a cliff. JUST KIDDING!”
💤 F IS FOR :
“from this day forth I’m no longer a stray kids member. CALL THE MANAGER!”
💤 G IS FOR :
“gogy moy my brethren. it’s a good day. that might change if changbin doesn’t stop screaming this early in the morning.”
💤 H IS FOR :
💤 I IS FOR :
“I’m about to kick you in the ass if you don’t sit down.”
💤 J IS FOR :
“‘jypapi’— HELP WHAT IS THAT?!”
💤 K IS FOR :
“‘kie you look like a tired mom of 3 kids’ actually I’m a tired mom of 8 kids.”
💤 L IS FOR :
“let’s sacrifice changbin to the demons.”
💤 M IS FOR :
“motherflipping tammy better hurry her ass up, big girls got to eat.”
💤 N IS FOR :
“no I will not steal chan’s laptop… or will I?”
💤 O IS FOR :
“originally I was going to tell hyunjin he looked like a prince, but instead I was a little devious and called him a quadrilateral crooked looking toe.”
💤 P IS FOR :
“put that back. I’m not buying that and YOU’RE definitely not buying that either.
💤 Q IS FOR :
“quokka prince? more like furry prince… my bad.”
💤 R IS FOR :
“right when we were filming skz family I tripped over my heels.. that’s where I got this bruise from guys don’t worry.”
💤 S IS FOR :
“seungminnie told me to watch his puppy.m while he did his laundry. this is such an honor.”
💤 T IS FOR :
“today is national pay kie money for babysitting 8 grown ass men. STAY, YOUR MONEY WAS DUE 7 HOURS AGO. PAY UP.”
💤 U IS FOR :
“uhhh.. so when am I getting my paycheck?”
💤 V IS FOR :
“very well done.. what are you expecting? a cookie? some chips? a gold medal?”
💤 W IS FOR :
“well I’m not going outside. why you ask? it’s currently mating season. you think I wanna be out there with all those hungry hooligans?”
💤 X IS FOR :
“‘x minus y is equal to—‘ just because I said I was bored doesn’t mean I wanna go through hell and back all over again…”
💤 Y IS FOR :
“you’re the first person that just so happened to pop into my peripheral view.. so now I’m holding you at gunpoint because the store I just tried to uber from doesnt have my snack cakes or the tea that I want. this is a total nightmare.”
💤 Z IS FOR :
*sleeping with hyunjin and han*
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meltingpotimagines · 3 years
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this mans
is not husband material
for the right girl? he may be willing to play the part
listen, mans may not be a simp but he is cHARMING okay? he got potential
besides he’s lowkey a simp for the right girl but whatever
was very romantic when he proposed
managed to rent out an entire park perks of being the #2 hero
decked out a gazebo with fairy lights, candles, and rose petals
considered making a heart with the rose petals but decided just scattering them around would be classier and less cheesy
set up a picnic with a basket f u l l of food
sandwiches, cheese, fruit, desserts, the works
and ofc a bottle of champagne bc tonight you two would be celebrating
or so he hoped
you wouldn’t say no right?
i mean who could say no to that gorgeous face pHEW
pulled out the ring box right as you swallowed the last of the macaron you’d been nibbling on
his heart sped up as your eyes widened, a breathless ‘keigo’ escaping your lips
“i know you might not be ready, but the more i get to know you, the more i realize that i don’t want to live the rest of my life without you. you’re the girl of my dreams, and i never want to wake up. would you marry me?”
“are you s t u p i d? ofc i will!”
his grin has never been as bright as it was at that moment
slipped the ring onto your finger and immediately pulled you into his arms and took off into the air
slowed your assent as you two soared above the clouds and spun around, unable to contain his joy
gazed at your face with those golden eyes, taking in your beauty, before giving you the sweetest, most tender kiss you’ve ever felt
oh boy the wedding
when i tell you this was an e v e n t i mean anyone who was anyone wanted to go to this wedding
but only those that were close to the two of you were invited
haha suckerrrs
somehow got all might to officiate
who knew all might could officiate weddings? 
certainly neither of you
no one really knows how that decision came to be but i mean no one was complaining either so
he let you make all the decisions except for one
the flowers
he h a d to be involved in the flowers
he appreciates pretty flora and if the bouquets and floral arrangements at his wedding weren’t the prettiest possible he would n o t be satisfied
teared up as you walked down the aisle (which he will neither confirm nor deny)
not that he wasn’t lookin’ mighty fine too
just imagine: tan suit with a black button up and a gold tie, gold cufflinks with a ruby set in each
i know those are his costume colors but he looks good in them so y’all can fight me
dipped you for your first kiss as husband and wife to everyone’s amusement
best believe a few different cameras caught that
the timing of the wedding was planned out so the reception was held at night
semi-sheer white tents and custom black ten-feet tall candelabras
the soft glow from the candles combined with the moonlight made for the perfect dreamy vibe 
he managed to find a florist that could dye white roses black and cover them them with a thin layer of gold glitter
was it necessary? no
did it look good? heck yeah
the gold glitter shined beautifully against the black roses
the way your eyes sparkled as you danced with him was far more captivating
you two had flown up into the sky to dance your first dance together
your silhouettes against the bright moon made for a perfect picture
the only reason you ended up coming down was because neither of you had eaten much that day and a guy’s gotta eat
he gonna need stamina later *winky face*
you cannot convince me the man wouldn’t insist on fried chicken
like a whole buffet table of different flavors
but i mean fried chicken is good so can’t blame him
everyone expected him to smear some cake on your face when he fed you that first piece
instead wiped off the frosting that got on your lips with his thumb and licked it off
your best friend caught t h a t one on camera and will never stop teasing you about how flustered you got
he kept up a great image of a polite host but on the inside he was ready to g o
it had been a long day and he was ready love on his wife
he likes the sound of that
peppers your face with kisses on the ride home
yeah yeah i know h o n e y m o o n but where y’all were goin’ was forever away and mans just wants to shower you with affection as soon as possible (esp considering he had to keep his hands off you all day since you two never had a moment alone)
scoops you up the second you’re out of the car and carries you over the threshold
gives you a soft kiss before putting you down
and that’s the last soft kiss you’re gonna get for the night lolllll
definitely the type to make you breakfast in the morning
also the type to cook in nothing but an apron and boxers but anyway
you better be up in time to see that sight bc if not, you’re getting breakfast in bed not that i’d complain
he’s not the best cook but mans can manage some bacon and eggs
plus some fresh fruit bc it makes it more visually appealing and less like he doesn’t really know how to cook
he set the tray on your lap and climbs back into bed, pulling you into his side so your head can rest on his chest as you two munch on breakfast
there’s something so soothing about the sound of his heartbeat
a soft little rhythm that nearly puts you back the sleep
didn’t help that he was unconsciously running his fingertips along your arm, drawing random squiggles and shapes
will tilt your head up by the chin every so often to give you a little peck on the lips
if you do fall asleep, he’ll just gaze at you softly while lightly tracing your features
still can’t process that you’re married
someone actually loved him enough to marry him
there was someone that didn’t just admire or use him bc of his quirk
didn’t give him attention purely bc he’s the number 2 hero
you saw all his flaws and shortcomings and insecurities and loved him regardless
if he’s dreaming, please don’t wake him up
you cleaning him wings for him is something he loves so much
it’s such an intimate task that makes him feel cared for
how much time you take in cleaning them and how tenderly you handle each wing
it’s one of his favorite ways to spend time with you
it’s nice being taken care of for once, esp when he’s always taking care of others
absolutely loves taking you on night flights
will take you in his arms and just soar above the clouds
with the clouds below you and the stars above, it feels like you two are the only people that exist
definitely dances with you during some of those flights
wraps one arm more tightly around your waist and take your hand in his and just… slowly spins in the air
it doesn’t look like much but when you’re just looking into each other’s eyes, it feels like the most romantic and intimate moment you could ask for
your life is quite literally in his hands but you’ve never felt safer
even more so when you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook
his arms wound securely around your waist, the comforting smell of his scent, the kisses he presses to your temple every so often
it feels like home
likes startling/scaring you a lot
will sneak into the house after work just so he can tap on your shoulder from behind 
the gasp you let out as you freak out for half a second never fails to amuse him the jerk
will always make it up to you with long, deep kiss
if he gets home late after a long day he’ll just crawl into bed and pull you into his arms before burying his face into your hair
no talking, just breathes in your scent before he crashes
he sleeps really well like that, but, although he won’t admit it, he sleeps best when you hold him, his face buried in your chest
he feels warm and safe, like it’s okay to be vulnerable for once
absolutely flirts with you while at work
probably definitely sends you a few spicy pics or texts
it gives him such smug satisfaction knowing the affect he has on you when he’s not even physically there
picks up take-out when he knows your too tired to or would rather not cook
like to back hug you and wrap you up with his wings
9/10 times will bury his face in your neck and nuzzle
sometimes if he spots you while on patrol, he’ll fly over and flirt with you
“how you doin’, gorgeous? the name’s hawks. what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doin’ in a neighborhood like this?”
sir, this is one of the safest areas in the city pLS-
but if you actually a r e in danger? oh boy
no one, and i mean no one, touches his girl
honestly i’d rather fight bakugo one on one than deal with keigo’s wrath
he’s one of the chillest people you will ever meet, but when he’s that mad? s c a r y
will keep a close watch on you for a while after that
asks you to always let him know where you’ll be and to text him when you get home
definitely considered installing a tracking app on your phones
he’ll calm down eventually, but for the moment he’s extremely anxious
although he certainly tried his best to hide it
he didn’t want to stress you out too, especially if you had any anxieties from it yourself
he was just afraid to lose you
he doesn’t know what he’d do without you
after all, you’re the most precious thing in the world to him and he loves you more than he could ever put into words
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piedpiperslists · 2 years
JJK: Strangers to Lovers AU
List of all Jungkook fics under 'Strangers to Lovers' AU:
* ² - two shots s - contains smut sm - social media format
* Last updated: 18/02/2024
[drabble] by hansolmates rich!Jungkook, middle-class!reader
[drabble] by hobibliophile street performer au Summary: “We are leaving. Now.”
[drabble] by ragingcravings Summary: “That cashier is staring at you.” + “Babe, check it out.”
* 6:43 PM by likeastarstar neighbors au
* 11:31 PM by likeastarstar
A Packaged Meet-Cute by madbutgloriouspond Summary: Hanging lights on your porch goes a little sideways. Thankfully someone is there to catch you.
“After all, it’s tradition” by joonieskinks bestman!Jungkook, bridesmaid!reader
After Last Night by theiris-storyvault strangers au
Always by onlyswan strangers au Summary: In which Jungkook is a fleeting bus ride crush.
An Ethereal Belief by hobi-is-golden fuckboy!Jungkook Summary: Jeon Jungkook is a fuckboy. He has no problem with that fact because love isn’t real, so what does the whole thing matter. It’s just another party, but it causes Jungkook to reevaluate his strongest belief.
Boxing by whatifyoulivelikethat strangers au
Cake and Bells by bonvoyagenoona Summary: Floor cake fluff! You meet Jungkook at your mutual friend Jin’s birthday dinner. Plays on this adorable Alan Alda story, and how Jungkook believes he’ll hear a bell when he meets his soulmate.
Coincidence by bunnybubae Summary: Is this what it feels like when you fall in love at first sight?
First Dance by jeonbunnie best man!Jungkook, wedding au Summary: Jeongguk teaches you how to slow dance.
Is It Just A Dream? by tinylint idol au, soulmates au Summary: Jungkook keeps seeing a face in his dreams - but does he believe in soulmates?
Lost (Myself) & Found (You) by taephilia soulmates au Summary: Based off of 'Kimi No Na Wa'.
Puppy Love by btsrunmylife Summary: You’re both walking your dogs and they somehow fall in love with each other in the two seconds it takes for them to pass by one another.
Sweater Weather by jvngkook97
Under the Stars by madbutgloriouspond university au Summary: You're always looking at the sky and Jungkook's only looking at you.
Waiting Game by kthvluvr college au Summary: either im rlly ugly or i just killed you with my good looks
* You by hazytaezy Summary: Jungkook sets up a blind date that changed his whole life in an instant.
“You can hold my hand, if you want.” by taleasnewastime tattoo artist!Jungkook
Again by baobaojng s wc~7.7k / rockstar!Jungkook, waitress!reader Summary: Where rockstar Jeon Jungkook wonders if he’ll ever see you again.
Best Decision Ever by full-of-jams s wc~4.4k / strangers au, PWP Summary: You meet a pretty boy at the club and promise him that talking to you is the best decision he’ll ever make.
Blackout by bonvoyagenoona s wc~16k Summary: You’ve just been laid off, and all you want to do is eat some dinner, curl into bed, and forget. Unfortunately, the neighborhood block party is tonight, and the festivities turn downright chaotic when the entire city loses power. Don’t fret, though. Jungkook will help take your mind off things for a while.
Blink And You’ll Miss It by satnin-darling s wc~13.3k / lawyer!Jungkook, street racer!reader Summary: Jungkook is just trying to do his job by bailing you out (on top of being a busy attorney in the city) but you seem to be hell-bent on making that ten-times harder for him. Street racers aren’t known to be slow, in fact, you have the reputation of ‘blink and you’ll miss her,’ so what’s the deal?
Blueberry Haze by caelesjjk s wc~6.6k / drummer!Jungkook Summary: He had been eye fucking you from the stage all night. But you never expected anything to come of it. But when you run into the beautiful blue haired drummer after the show, you decide to let him show you some of his other talents.
Calling You Mine by artaefact wc~8.5k / college au Summary: After the failed fifth blind date, or rather, skipped, Jungkook finally reveals to his friends that he is already enamoured with someone else. Someone he has never spoken to despite seeing her every Tuesday and Thursday. However, it’s a fact that Jungkook swears will change soon.
Castaway by hamsterclaw s wc~8.3k / desert island au Summary: When your charter plane crashes on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific, you’re the only survivor. Well, you and the most irritating man in the known universe.
Cause & Effect by btsrunmylife s wc~6.4k / infidelity au Summary: He didn’t take his friends seriously when they told him to stay away from you. Frankly, he didn’t care. Little did he know what a mess things would turn out to be.
Concrete King by bratkook s wc~16.7k / skaterboy!Jungkook Summary: When a cute boy in a tacky Hawaiian shirt lands a trick in your honor there's no way you could ever say no to him.
Cowboy Take Me Away by jvngkook97 s wc~4.5k / cowboy!Jungkook, city girl!reader, strangers au
Daddy's 95 by bambikisss s wc~3k / street racers au Summary: You were a successful underground street racer with an annoying past. He was an up-and-comer who wanted to prove himself and get the hot girl’s number.
Date in a Box by jimlingss wc~9.7k Summary: If you're in a hurry then we're here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don't fret, we're here.
Dear Stranger by jeonstudios wc~3k / ex-firefighter!Jungkook, strangers au Summary: Lucky you, getting stuck in an elevator, your worst nightmare come to life. Lucky you, getting stuck with a stranger.
Dumb Pink Bunny (I Love You So) by jinjikook wc~8k / soulmates au Summary: When you awoke with a mysterious tattoo on your side, you had to figure out where it came from. Unfortunately, life had other plans for you as you were forced to put the hunt on hold to work your day job. Luckily, fate has something in store for you while you’re there.
Edge by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~8.4k / PWP Summary: You're on Tinder because you're horny. Horny, but not stupid. Min Yoongi is helping you sort through the assholes and he can spot an asshole when he sees one. Someone familiar pops up, someone Yoongi recognizes - Jeon Jungkook, who he says is a "nice asshole... sometimes." By the way, Yoongi expects to hear all the details of your date. Turns out, it's less of a date and more of a horny fuckfest. Oops.
Gravity Check by gimmesumsuga s wc~14k / strangers au Summary: The one where Jungkook is your oh-so-handsome climbing instructor.
Hold You Tighter by arcticguk wc~5.6k / college au Summary: Jeongguk doesn’t want to take Taehyung’s advice, but when he’s falling asleep in class, he thinks he might have to. Although, he was not expecting the pretty girl that woke him up in said class, to be the one that Taehyung calls for help.
Inked by taleasnewastime s wc~5.3k / tattoo artist!Jungkook, strangers au, PWP Summary: You were just going for a tattoo, or so you thought. Turns out the hot guy you’ve been speaking to for weeks is incredibly turned on by the placement of your tattoo, and, well, you can’t let him have all the fun.
Irresistible by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~8.3k Summary: Jeon Jungkook provokes you into fucking him. Just not before you finger-fuck his mouth in the middle of a kitchen that belongs to neither of you as a summer party rages outside.
Joyride by minisugakoobies s wc~12.8k / ft KTH, college au, strangers au Summary: Senior year spring break sucks, thanks to the annoying spoiled little rich boy who won't stop trying to get your attention. When a scenic drive in his ridiculously expensive sports car goes wrong, you meet two sexy mechanics who decide to teach him a lesson - and show you the real meaning of "joyride."
* Kismet by satnin-darling s wc~14.2k / fantasy au Summary: In this life, you get to choose what to believe in, be it fate or chance. But little did you know that some people above are messing with you, in the most non- prearranged way possible. Enter Jimin, who works for the department of Fate, with his unlikely colleague, Taehyung, who works for the department of Chance. They quarrel to no end, pulling at the strings that hold up the universe to fashion something that resembles destiny or coincidence. As a result, you and Jungkook end up being mere puppets to their ploy, which begs the question: is it fate or coincidence?
Koi No Yokan by namfinessed wc~6k Summary: Koi no yokan; a Japanese phrase which doesn’t mean love at first sight, it roughly translates to love at second sight, it’s described as the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them right away, but it’s inevitable that you will. And Jungkook thinks its the best way to describe how he feels about you.
Last Call by xjoonchildx s wc~4.4k / bartender!Jungkook, strangers au Summary: Jeon Jungkook is the hottest bartender in the city. Everyone has their sights set on him, but it seems he has his sights set on you.
Late Night by whatifyoulivelikethat wc~3k / pining!Jungkook Summary: Jeon Jungkook leaves his apartment to buy Pokémon bread, only for a woman to be standing there staring at him. The same woman is wearing his white t-shirt. The one she stole from him.
Le Deux by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~3.2k / strangers au, PWP Summary: One rebel from the waist down plus Jeon Jungkook in a sleeveless tee equals two in the back of a car, fucking like animals as Jungkook takes pictures of it all on your phone. Per your request, of course.
Legend by hamsterclaw s wc~10.6k / selkie!Jungkook Summary: The man you help one day insists that he owes you everything.
Little Surfer Girl by ppersonna s wc~9.8k / surfer!Jungkook, lifeguard!reader Summary: Every summer you watched Jeon Jungkook turn into a perfect, professional surfer. Every summer, you wanted him more. This summer, you were determined to make him yours.
Lowkey by joonbird s wc~6.2k / strangers au, college au Summary: Jungkook is the nude model for your art school’s life drawing class.
Lunar Violence by taetaesbaebaepsae s wc~7.4k / band au, werewolf au Summary: You’re not a big fan of your best friend’s favorite band, Lunar Violence. Their werewolf gimmick makes you roll your eyes, even if the music isn’t too bad. When she drags you to a concert just as the blood moon rises, though, everything changes.
McD*ckin by jinned s wc~10.9 / fastfood worker!Jungkook, customer!reader Summary: It’s no secret that you live your life by the rules. The only thrill you allow yourself is going to McDonald’s to interact with the exuberant drive-through employee who likes to give you a little bit more than what you originally ordered.
Mean Girls by taetaesbaebaepsae s wc~9.1k / tattoo artist!Jungkook Summary: Jungkook is usually bored at his job as a tattoo apprentice, but the day you walk in, he finds it a lot more interesting.
Medicine by bratkook s wc~9k / ft KTH, strangers au, PWP Summary: A drunken night at a dive bar after a show was always a given, finding yourself in some form of chaos before the night was over, and as two strangers walk in with eyes that sparkle with mischief, you make it your personal mission to have them be your reckless decisions of the night.
Miss Kitty by whatifyoulivelikethat wc~4.3k / strangers au Summary: Oh, Miss Kitty, you're so bad but so good, so damn beautiful that you make me sick, ah, for real tho, Jeon Jungkook swallowed too much alcohol and ice-cold chaser at once and now he's sprinting to the bathroom to vomit. But, oh, he does want all those kisses so damn bad.
Mugs & Kisses by minisugakoobies wc~6k / barista au Summary: Jungkook has something he'd like to tell you, but he can't find the words. So he's thought of another way.
Muse by satnin-darling s wc~8.8k / photographer!Jungkook Summary: You were someone that held Jungkook's interest. Clad in satin dresses with a hummingbird tattoo on your skin, you occupied his thoughts, consuming him with a curiosity that toed the line into desire. And so the story goes: a photographer and his muse.
No Longer Strangers by soft4gguk s wc~9.4k / PWP
Nobody by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~6.8k Summary: Someone is standing in your spot. Great. All you wanted was to stand in your spot and be a nobody, solitarily working on your novel, but instead you are looking at the single, most famous person in your town - Jeon Jungkook. Model, well-loved, somebody, exactly the opposite of what you want to be. He's crying. Sigh. You just want to be a nobody. And yet he says to you, “You could be my nobody.”
Ode To The Nature Of Romance by yeoldontknow s wc~9.9k Summary: As a classical violinist, you understand passion and romance better than most. So why does Poetry professor Jeon Jungkook seem to have such a difficult time getting you to understand?
Of Honey and Cinnamon by ephemerlskies wc~14k / musician!Jungkook Summary: What makes a three-day train ride back to your hometown anything but dull and dreadfully long? The answer, and your salvation from a boring trip home, was being stuck in the same cart as Jeon Jungkook for the entire ride there. Unknown to you, he would turn this mundane trip into an unexpected adventure.
Of Insults and Flowers by breadoffoxy wc~5.3k / florist au Summary: You weren’t sure what to expect when a hot customer comes barging into your shop, but the depletion of your flowers representing insults and falling in love was definitely not on the list.
One Night by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~12.3k / one night stand au Summary: That one night, that one time, that one woman. Jeon Jungkook didn't think it was possible that the drunken memories of one specific encounter would ruin all sex for him, but it did. At least drunk him remembered to save her number. Years later, sober Jungkook impulsively sends a selfie to that number – and then promptly fucks everything up.
Oops by shuadotcom s wc~6k / college au Summary: You don’t know who the wonderful voice singing in the shower is, but you need to know.
Past Midnight by tae-bebe wc~10.5 / college au Summary: Jungkook somehow gets into the habit of meeting a beautiful girl in various slightly strange situations at various slightly strange hours of the night, and somehow ends up falling for her along the way.
Petal to the Metal by luxekook wc~7k / jewelry maker!Jungkook, florist!reader Summary: Every Sunday, the farmers’ market took place in the center of town. Vendors from near and far traveled to sell their crafts, their produce, their teas. As the local florist, you figured that running a booth each weekend would boost your business and bring in new clients. At least, those were your reasons in the beginning. But, now? Now, you returned just for the handsome jewelry-maker whose booth was next to yours.
Places by sugalaritae s wc~4.5k / ft MYG, roadtrip au, strangers au, PWP Summary: You push yourself against Jungkook and slip a leg between his as you begin to move to the music.
Punchline by kidguk wc~2.5k Summary: Jungkook fluff in which yes, it was as embarrassing for you to hear that “meeting you was worth the blow” as it was for him to say it.
Punisher by onlyswan s wc~3k / strangers au Summary: Either I’m careless or I wanna get caught.
Regular by ttttaehyungie wc~6.8k / film major!Jungkook, convenience store worker!reader Summary: It’s been just a couple of weeks into your night shifts at the convenience store and you’ve caught yourself looking forward to the patronage of the two regulars who come by to purchase ramyeon and the sight of a certain bunny-toothed grin. Little do you know, you’ve caught the eye of the very pair of doe eyes you so adore.
(Right) Hook, Line, and Sinker by blog-name-idk s wc~12.5k Summary: Your horrible friends trick you into going to a haunted corn maze, where you inadvertently punch a zombie. Jungkook is, of course, in love.
(Road)tripping for You by latetaektalk wc~31k / roadtrip au Summary: It was just supposed to be a roadtrip; your best friend, her boyfriend, his best friend, and you. But it gets a little more complicated (and a whole lot more awkward) when your best friend and her boyfriend have to drop out and you’re left to go on the trip with none other than Jeon Jungkook, a complete stranger. Well, a complete stranger except for the fact that you hooked up two years ago.
See You Around by ddaengtae s wc~13.9k / fitness instructor!Jungkook, college au Summary: You know those beautiful strangers that you admire from afar and obsess over with your friends, but know there’s about a one percent chance they’ll ever talk to you or even know who you are? That’s precisely what Jeon Jungkook was to you; a piece of delicious eye candy that you could daydream about all you wanted, but had to accept that it was too unrealistic to ever happen. Or so you thought. After an embarrassing accident at the gym that makes your worlds collide, maybe you had been wrong about your chances all along.
(Seven) Days a Week by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~12.2k Summary: It only takes seven days (a week) for Jeon Jungkook to get you in his bed to fuck you right. And showing up in weird places. And kissing in the rain. He's crazy. Okay, it's kinda complicated.
simply.cute97 by httpjeon s wc~6.5k / camgirl!reader Summary: You’re popular camgirl simply.cute97. domjeon09 is your biggest fan.
Soft by hamsterclaw s wc~5.7k / cop!Jungkook, autopsy technician!reader Summary: Jungkook doesn't think of himself as being overly emotional. Why does everyone keep telling him he wears his heart on his sleeve?
Speaking in Bodies by yeojaa wc~5.1k Summary: The holidays have never meant much to you - less a promise of Christmas morning joy and more a reminder of all the things you’ve lost. Some would call you a grinch; others, just a plain old asshole. Jeon Jungkook would call you both. The more time you spend together, though, the more you thaw, melting beneath the sun that seems to sit right in the centre of his chest.
Spring Blooms by snackhobi wc~20k / florist!Jungkook, author!reader Summary: “You’re in love and you didn’t tell me?” Jimin sounds affronted. “Who is it? Are they cute? Where are you hiding them? I knew you were lying about those flowers, you lying liar.” or: the story of how you meet a pretty florist with soft hands and warm eyes, how he mends your broken heart, and how he helps you realise some other things along the way.
Summer Nights and Morning Dew by jeonstudios wc~11k / alpha werewolf!Jungkook Summary: “As if we don’t know where you go every night.”
Sunday Morning by 7cypher wc~6.8k / college au Summary: Every Sunday, Jeongguk went to the laundry room. The space was empty, a peace he could only find in the early hours of the day, but the quietude didn’t last long when his heart beat a little faster at the sight of you.
Sweeter than Strawberries by cinnaminsvga wc~4.5k / bakery au Summary: At Euphoria bakery, seasonal changes also bring seasonal menu items. When you find out that your favorite strawberry shortcake milkshake was phased out after the end of summer, it takes only one puppy eyed look from you for Jeon Jungkook to make it for you anyway—just don’t tell his boss about it, alright?
Sweeter than Sugar by jungkxook s wc~22.2k / CEO!Jungkook, sugar daddy au Summary: When infamous playboy Jeon Jungkook comes to you with a proposition that you know you should say no to, you can’t. Because all you really know is that being spoiled has never felt so sweet before.
Sweets&Ink by extravaguk s wc~5k / tattoo artist!Jungkook, baker!reader Summary: Jungkook was everything you feared but exactly what you needed to heal your broken heart.
Take a Sip by ve1vetyoongi s wc~9.4k / waiter!Jungkook, rich!reader, countryclub au Summary: Your best friends engagement party was a dreadful reminder of your painfully barren dating life. That is until you laid eyes on the tattooed waiter who can’t stop staring - after all, the wine tastes sweet but he tastes sweeter.
The Monogamy Monologues by kpopfanfictrash s wc~42.7k / wedding planner!reader Summary: The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend.
The Quest to Bedding the Lead Singer of Frontman by kpopfanfictrash s wc~9.5k / punk!Jungkook Summary: Frontman is your favorite band in the world and honestly, the only reason you waited this long in line is to stand at the front for a shot with the lead singer. Enter sexy sound boy, who just won’t leave you alone.
Wanderers by kidguk wc~2.8k / memory loss au Summary: A twist of fate has you loving him at 8.23 but forgetting him at 9.44. At 9.45 you start falling in love with him again.
Waste It on Me by byeoltoyuki wc~21k / gang au Summary: Being a journalist, you were familiar with the concept of taking risks and pushing your limits to get the best story. But when a gangster by the name of Jungkook tries to involve himself in your quiet, safe personal life, you are forced to reconsider the limits of your comfort zone, your boundaries, your morals and even your feelings.
What Money Can Buy by jeonstudios wc~17.8k / sugar baby!Jungkook, CEO!reader Summary: In need of money, Jeongguk signs up as a sugar baby, assuming he’ll be paid for sex by some old kinky woman. He never expected to meet someone like you. What were you doing on that site, and why would you have to pay for company?
Wordless by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~5.4k Summary: A library is full of words and quiet. Jeon Jungkook liked to go to the public library a lot. It turns out, so do you. And that’s how it begins, from passing glances, to words on a screen, to Jungkook now sitting shirtless in his bedroom, heart racing as he presses the record button.
Worth the Wait by sketchguk s wc~13.3k / barista!Jungkook, college au Summary: You have an unwritten rule about swearing off relationships to pursue your studies, but your willpower wavers when you meet Jeongguk, the barista with commitment issues and a soft spot just for you.
T W O S H O T S / S E R I E S
A Still Day or a Hurricane by ahundredtimesover s pastry chef!Jungkook, lawyer!reader, single mom!reader Summary: Driven by your perfectionist attitude and need to have everything in order, you planned that by age 30, you’d have made junior partner, bought your own apartment, and have children. You achieved them, of course, and while the last bit required you to take matters into your own hands - no thanks to your ex-boyfriend who dumped you but to your best friend who directed you to a fertility clinic - you’re now a 31-year old who pretty much has her life under control. You’re ready to raise your child on your own, that is, until the 20-something pastry chef flirts his way into your heart, messing up the perfect little life you worked so hard to have for yourself.
Ardent by gukooky sm barista au Summary: Jungkook’s a barista at your local coffee shop and you fail to remember you went to high school with the guy.
Birds by listlesslibrarian s doctor!Jungkook, travel blogger!reader Summary: In Jungkook’s world, stability is key. He knows exactly what is expected of him as head doctor of Seoul’s ER Unit. He eats at the same cafe every Saturday. He spends his free time with the same six guys and watches the same movies so he doesn’t have to stress about the endings. But when an unfortunate collision lands him at your bedside in his ER unit, his stable world shifts.
Cable Management [pt2] [pt3] [pt4] [pt5] by 19pancakes s Summary: Your job is more hassle than it’s worth. Horrible layouts, even worse cable management and to top it all off… there’s extremely rude (and hot and weirdly cool?) men staring at your ass in the hallway. You’re also hungry.
Chess of Ice by jimlingss sports au Summary: Jeon Jungkook is a rising star, aka. hockey captain of a team heading for the Olympics. The last thing he expects is to begin a whole ‘nother sport, holding a broomstick in his hand, sweeping the ice and throwing dumb stones towards a target. As if that wasn’t bad enough, his love life is about to turn into a game of chess as well….and you’re his opponent.
Devil in a New Suit by yeojaa s Summary: Money’s something that makes the world go around. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with securing the bag. You don’t shame anyone for doing what they need to do. That is, until you come face to face with the poor guy that’s being suckered out of both his heart and cash. You simply can’t let it go on.
Diamond in the Rough ² by kimvtae s Summary: When a business heir from Busan, Jeon Jungkook, meets you, a poor girl from Daegu, he doesn’t expect to fall as quickly as he does. He’s been told for his entire life to avoid Daegu, a town riddled with gangs and a history of a brutal murder in Busan, but he can’t stay away from you, even when he’s warned that you’re not good enough for him.
Fools Rush In by btsqualityy s photographer!Jungkook, tennis player!reader, age gap au Summary: You are a world-renowned tennis player at the top of your game, while Jungkook is freshly graduated from university and figuring out what the hell he wants to do with his life. A chance meeting and instant chemistry between the two of you leads to you falling into bed with each other, and the course of your lives changing as you know it. When you end up pregnant, you and Jungkook are left to figure out not only how to make room in your lives for this sudden change but also how to make room for each other. As you both navigate a pregnancy while getting to know each other, you begin to learn that maybe the best things in life are unexpected.
Ghosted by fortunexkookie s bartender!Jungkook, patron!reader, arcade bar au Summary: There are a lot of things to love about the local arcade bar, Drinking Games, but you definitely have your favorites: sinking countless hours into a Ms. Pacman knockoff and lovingly tormenting one of the bartenders. It turns out he’s one of the bar’s owners, a friend of one of your friends, and he just might like you back.
I Gasp Once, and in That Breath, I Accept You In [pt2] [epilogue] by inkofyoonkoo s FWB Summary: In which Jungkook arrives to your small town to spend the holidays, and you slowly let go of all the ghosts of your past.
Just Another Boy by srwbrycke sm YouTuber au Summary: In which Jeon Jungkook, self proclaimed playboy, not so smoothly shows his “cool” side to Y/N.
Lost Stars by yoongiofmine s idol au Summary: Jungkook was lost. He didn’t know who he was anymore, so he decided to leave and find himself. But he wasn’t expecting to find you along the way, an island girl who has no idea who he is. Jungkook has a secret. But so do you.
Liability by alexlwrites best man!Jungkook, best friend!Taehyung, maid of honor!reader Summary: The one where your best friend of years and love of your life is getting married and wants you to be the maid of honor. Luckily for you, the best man is not exactly happy either.
On Call [pt2] ² by yoonjinkooked s doctor!Jungkook Summary: After a catastrophic first date, you end up leaving the hospital angry, tired and date-less. Hoping to have a drink or five, you end up in a nearby bar, sitting next to the same doctor who caught your eye earlier.
Piece of You by dntaewithluv s pizza delivery boy!Jungkook Summary: After three months of pining over the cute delivery boy, as well as ordering a questionable amount of pizza, you decide to finally shoot your shot with him by slipping him your number during one of his deliveries. When Jungkook actually takes you up on your offer and calls you on a Friday night to see if you have plans, you’re quick to invite him over. Seeing the blonde haired beauty at your door with pizza and beer in hand makes you think maybe you’re in for something a little extra tonight, and that for once it won’t just be the cheese on the pizza.
Pub Golf by taleasnewastime s Summary: One night. One stupidly hot man, who just keeps appearing in every pub you go to. Six friends. Nine pubs. Nine drinks. Ten million stupid rules. Let the chaos begin.
Rebound by yoongiofmine s rockband au Summary: After being dumped by your boyfriend of three years, your best friends decide the best way to get over someone is getting under someone else. A dingy dive bar in the middle of nowhere is the perfect place to find a rebound. But what happens when you end up on the bed of a punk-rock lead singer who can’t seem to get enough of you?
Spin Cycle by miscelunaaa s Summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.
Stockholm Syndrome by taleasnewastime s gang au Summary: You’d tried so hard to run away from your troubled childhood. Now in your final year at university you’re starting to feel like maybe what’s in your past will stay there. Then a beautiful stranger shows up and befriends you, but not everything about him is as it seems.
The Art of Revenge by heartbeatan s Summary: Sometimes, getting even can be hot.
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amajikilvr · 4 years
ugh i love your fluffy alphabet on tamaki 🥺 so if it's okay, can you do one for bakugou, too?
headcanon corner - katsuki bakugou sfw alphabet
word count 1.8k
reader type gender-neutral
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
In the beginning, Katsuki’s affection will come out quite stubbornly and will be harder to see at times. Later on, it’s obvious how much he cares for you. His heart is full of love despite his aggressive attitude. He’s not afraid to show PDA, no matter who’s watching, and you’re often the recipient of his rare compliments. Katsuki is always ready to say “I love you”.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
That’s a tricky one. Befriending people isn’t exactly on Katuski’s radar, but he’d prefer someone who could “keep up with him” if so to speak. Reliable helps too. This friendship might start with him genuinely, although reluctantly, praising your quirk or skills.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
“This is fuckin’ stupid,” He’ll mumble as he wraps his strong arms around you, but he’s loving every minute of it. Katsuki’s down to snuggle in front of everyone, but if you’re the one initiating, he’ll be a tad bit embarrassed and no one dares point it out. When you two are completely alone you’ll get to see his softer side and you might even be the big spoon for once.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’ll want to settle down in a sense that he needs to be sure that they’re his and he’s theirs. The method of doing so will depend on what’s best for both of you, but moving in together is probably in the cards. Katsuki makes a fantastic roommate because, among his many talents, cooking is one of them. He’s also a bit of a clean fanatic and you might wake up to him vacuuming or doing the dishes at 7 AM or something.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Firstly, he would fight tooth-and-nail against whatever was threatening the relationship because he’s not letting you go easily. If it absolutely came down to ending things, Katsuki would make it straight to the point and as quick as possible. He wouldn’t be able to remain ‘just friends’ with you and would never truly move on in his heart.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Katsuki is beyond committed and he firmly believes there are several ways to show it besides putting a ring on it. If you two were to eventually get married it would be later on so your careers could be focused on. He just wants you both to succeed and achieve your dreams more than anything, but if the marriage was something you really wanted, he might consider tying the knot earlier than previously planned.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Although I think Katsuki is actually a sensitive person, he can definitely be on the rough side of things. He can read and interpret others’ emotions, but relating to them can be a challenge. I don’t believe he’d ever act maliciously towards you or anyone else he cares for. He’s got a soft touch and even the occasional kind words during the most surprising times.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Katsuki’s a bigger fan of kisses, but he does love hugs! He’s always, well, touching you. Huge bear hugs. Squeezy. Warm. The type to literally lift you off of your feet. He’ll leave little tickling kisses on your neck and shoulders while whispering words against your skin.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’ll say the words in every possible way… besides actually saying the words. It’s like a mental block of Katsuki’s because he’s admittedly scared of proclaiming his love in such a straight-forward way. Once he gets over that first hump, it’s no problem for him. He won’t be throwing the words around like candy, but he’ll always say what’s on his mind.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Katsuki is emotional and jealousy is a familiar feeling for him. Being a bit of a hothead definitely doesn’t help either. This jealousy stems from his insecurities and can be overbearing. At the beginning of the relationship, it will probably be the cause of some arguments between you two. Later on, jealous Katsuki will just include him being extra pissy and extra cuddly.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Passionate. Always. If he’s kissing you, he’s going all the way. Even during your first kiss, he gave it his all. Sure, it was an awkward mess of spit and teeth, but he was eager and didn’t hesitate! Katsuki’s skills have improved by now and he never fails to showcase them. It doesn’t matter where, if he’s kissing you, then he’s happy. It depends on your preferences. And as for him… his neck is especially sensitive and he’ll never admit it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Well, after the remedial lessons episode, we know he’s not very good. At all. Despite that, I can imagine him still wanting kids eventually. An “I can’t stand any kid except my own” type.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Katsuki is your typical morning person. He’s up at the same time every day and it amazes you. Well, unless you’re a morning person yourself, that is. If you’re a heavy sleeper then waking you up on time will be his new personal mission. He’ll probably make you a nice breakfast and get as many kisses as he can in before work.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Haha! This guy goes to bed at like 9-pm. He’s got a strict schedule and if you somehow manage to get him to stay up later to watch a movie with you or something, he’s gonna fall asleep on your lap and it’s adorable. It’s the perfect opportunity to play with his soft hair without having to hear him grumble about it the entire time.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s going to take a while to break through his outer shell, but he’s not exactly secretive about his feelings and his past. Katsuki trusts you enough to be open with his mistakes and he won’t hide anything if you just ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I think this one is a bit self-explanatory, but it’s not very often that he gets angry at you.He’s getting better at controlling his anger and you tend to bring out his gentler side too.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
In the moment, it may seem like simply he brushes it off or doesn’t really acknowledge it, but that’s actually not the case. Katsuki always remembers and takes everything into consideration. The number of little things he keeps notes of might surprise.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One Saturday afternoon, Katsuki decided he was going to try out a new chocolate cake recipe and you decided you’d try your hand at baking for once! He was absolutely willing to teach you and it was going well… until you somehow managed to drop an egg yolk right on Katsuki’s sock covered foot. His favorite pair of socks at that. The kitchen was quiet until he swifty flicked flour at your forehead and it was game-on from there. The next thirty minutes were filled with lots of flour and kisses.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Katsuki couldn’t be more protective of you and he’s more than willing to use his quirk if needed. He’s prepared to fight for you in the blink of an eye, no question about it. His job as a pro-hero means so much when you’re someone he has to protect, but he also knows it’s a mutual feeling. He completely believes in your own physical abilities to keep him safe and your reassuring words make him truly feel like the greatest.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s certainly not lazy when it comes to your relationship, but at the same time, Katsuki finds things like fancy dates and lavish gifts kinda pointless. He couldn’t care less about eating at an expensive restaurant, all that matters is that he’s with you. That’s not to say that he won’t give you nice things because he will be spoiling you, especially on anniversaries and holidays.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His inferiority complex has always been his biggest enemy. There are times when he just can’t shut off his competitive side and it can turn things ugly when he lets his insecurities get the best of him. His temper is also something he’s struggled with and is still learning how to manage.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Katsuki really doesn’t care about that kind of thing. Of course, it does fuel his ego and boost his confidence when you compliment his looks. He considers himself to be an attractive person, but nothing too special. (You think differently)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He likes to believe otherwise, but yeah, he really would. He couldn’t imagine a day without you. It’s just a scary thing for Katsuki to accept that he relies on someone other than himself for once.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’ll never admit it, but spiders really freak him out. Let’s just say he won’t argue if you offer to take one outside.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who gives up easily would just kinda irritate him. Katsuki knows people struggle, hell, he’s definitely one of them, but seeing someone simply not try and throw in the towel when things don’t go their way is something that would get on his nerves.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He’s somehow got a cute snore. Yup. It’s not even really a snore, more like some kind of soft breathing noise, but it’s noticeable and something you’ve grown to love. It’s also difficult for Katsuki to fall asleep in places other than his own bed.
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momoshin · 3 years
Ryujin fluffy alphebet a-z 🥺🥺
Tumblr media
A = Activities (What do they like to do with you? How do you spend your free time together?)
PICNICS! making your own food (or buying it sometimes) and setting a blanket in the middle of a nice park where kids and dogs could be easily spotted. she’ll ask you to read poetry to her, play her guitar for you, you’ll sing together, just two fools in love. also, scrapbooking! it’s something you both discovered you liked doing together very early on in your relationship.
B = Beauty (What do they admire about you? What do they think is your most beautiful feature?)
loves your lips, eyes and waist. she loves kissing you, but just looking at your lips makes her heart race, same with your eyes, she could keep eye contact with you forever, she just loves everything about them. and your waist is her hand’s favorite place, whether you’re sitting or standing, one if not both of her hands will always be on your waist.
C = Comfort (How would they help you when you feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
ryujin won’t bother to pull you aside, she doesn’t care if there’s anyone around, she will stop what she’s doing once she sees any signs of you struggling and asks if you need a breather or if she can help in any way, if you say no, she will stay by your side and let her hands run up and down your back to help you calm down, will hug you if you let her and tuck her chin on top of your head while humming melodies to you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
she’s so selfless, even with dates she’s always making sure you’re comfortable with wherever and whatever you’re doing, hands always entangled and she’s always willing to pay for whatever you want
E = Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
dominant for sure, whether it’d be in bed or not
F = Fights (Would they forgive you easily? What are they like while fighting with you?)
she would hate fighting, the possibility of upsetting you to the point where you’d rather sleep on the couch than with her terrifies her, and as soon as you grab your pillow and a blanket, she grabs your wrist and tries to convince you to stay with her, puppy eyes full of apologies that her words couldnt quite express
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what you are doing for them?)
SO grateful, ryujin is generally grateful for her life, where she is and such, but she always thanks you for doing small things for her, making her breakfast, anything really.
H = Hugs (What is their favorite way to hug and cuddle you?)
she personally loves when you casually come up to her and without interrupting her conversation, press up against her and wrap her arms around your shoulders yourself.
I = Inspiration (Did you change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
ryujin definitely holds less grudges ever since she met you, she doesn’t feel the need to see the people who have made her suffer, suffer, she doesn’t feel the need to prove herself to anyone, doesn’t listen to mean comments or people who just want to bring her down.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
mm depends ? she trusts you more than anyone, and she trusts both your friends, so when she gets jealous its more of a “why the fuck is that guy looking at my girlfriend like he wants to eat her” kind of thing, it usually involves someone she’s never seen before, and it leads to her walking over to the two of you and not so subtly placing a hand on your waist, calling you all sorts of nicknames while glaring at them
K = Kisses (Who initiated the first kiss? What kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
she initiated the first kiss! she’ll peck your lips so many times in the day but as soon as she has the chance she will pull you to the side and get her well earned dose of kisses. her kisses usually range from short, repeated pecks, they are goofy at times, sensual even, and she finds herself biting your lip gently every once in a while
L = Love Confession (How would they confess to you?)
in bed, the two of you looking at each other silently and then she just says all these things that sounds like she’s proposing because it’s so detailed and you can tell she loves you so much it’s quite inevitable for you to cry or get teary eyed as she talks about everything she loves about how and how good you make her feel
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would your marriage be like?)
Yes but not yet, she would probably propose at a meaningful place for your relationship, and i have this vivid image of her wearing a bodysuit like the one for the gda’s last year for her wedding, she’d let you make the important decisions but would be completely involved whenever you asked for her opinion and would try to help as much as she could so it didn’t all pile up for you.
as for marriage, i think the dynamic would fit you both perfectly, the shiny bands on your hands, loves the way ‘my wife’ slips off her tongue as she introduces you to someone, or whenever someone asks you about each other and uses the ‘your wife’ it just gives you both butterflies all over again.
N = Nicknames (What do they call you?)
baby, angel, my love, short versions of your name sometimes!
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
everyone can notice, it’s like an aura she carries around and she’s instantly bubblier, in situations that maybe would’ve gotten a rise out of her she’s more patient, she’ll be nicer to her members and such,, she makes sure to text you good morning and good night, throughout the day, that she misses you, that she loves you, sends you small details when she can’t make it to deliver them personally, just always reminding you of her appreciation, besides, she never shuts up about you, her members claim are sick and tired of hearing ‘y/n this, y/n that’ but in reality, they love seeing ryujin so happy and loved.
P = Parent (What kind of parent would they be?)
idk if i can see ryujin with kids, but in the chance you do have any, she would be such a cool mom, taking them to her studio just so they could hop around to music while she choreographed something, maybe she has a room for them to play and nap if necessary too, and if you have a boy, she would be his hero literally, he’ll always want to be like her and copy her every move.
Q = Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship or a cute quirk they have that many don’t know about)
she’s such a good cuddler/can make people fall asleep so easily, the way she expertly runs her hands through your hair or back lulls you into a deep slumber almost instantly, the kisses she presses on your nose and forehead only helping the matter
R = Romantic (How romantic are they? What would they do to make you happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
ryujin is so romantic in general, she just loves to express how much she loves you and cares for you in more ways than just saying it. and the long-lasting smile on your lips when she susprises you is so worth it too, it can range from bringing home a dish of chocolate covered strawberries to setting up a bath with rose petals and candles, to just taking a drive around the city to a pretty place she heard about, talking softly about everything and nothing
S = Secrets (Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
you pretty much share anything, honesty is very important for her and your relationship. plus she enjoys telling you even about the smallest details of her day
T = Thrill (Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?)
she doesn’t need to, ryujin is perfectly happy with your dynamic and so are you, but whenever the topic comes up she’s not opposed!
U = Unbearable (What habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
EATING IN BED. i know y’all have seen that livestream of her eating tangerines in bed, sticky, juicy tangerines. so whenever she brings a snack or anything to eat to bed she’s expecting your side eye to what she responds promising to not make a mess and to clean it if she does.
and her, she hates your incredibly weird eating combinations, the fact that you will offer some to her to try too, she finds herself gagging just at the sight or smell and threatening to break up with you for laughing.
V = Videos (Do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
of course she does, like i said, the two of you enjoy scrapbooking, that means making your own scrapbook with your own photos taken by each other or strangers you asked on the street, writing down funny highlights of your dates to remember whenever you go through it. also, she has you as her background, it’s a funny yet endearing sight to see her flaunting the front of her phone to everyone so they would catch a glimpse of you as her wallpaper.
W = Wedding (What is your wedding like?)
so much fun, lots of dancing, kissing, and teasing, specially when it’s time to take your garter off ;)). but the most endearing moment is cutting the cake, it’s funny, nerve-wracking because everyone is looking at you, yet a beautiful memory you’ll hold on to forever as long as the photos capturing the moment.
X = eXtra (What is an interesting fact about them that they’ve only told you?)
maybe that she wants to have a farm at some point in her life
Y = Yearning (How do they cope when they’re missing you?)
she’ll call you, of course, talk to you, but ever since you made her a playlist, songs that reminded you of her, of the two of you, whenever she’s missing you she will listen to it, even if she knows the song letter by letter she will listen to all of them until the pain in her chest dissolves into something lighter. even when she’s sad and with you, she’ll play the songs and lay in your arms, sometimes crying with the soft murmur of your singing in her ear.
Z = ZZZ (What is it like sleeping with them? Do they like to cuddle or do they need space?)
i don’t think she moves at all lmao, like you will find every hair and muscle just the way you last saw it before closing your eyes, most of the time she likes cuddling, i feel like she is a bigger spoon type of person, but she will hide her face in your chest every once in a while to be able to go to sleep.
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dracos-eternity · 3 years
Cedric Diggory- SFW ABC's
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Request by @myhusband-namedcedric -can i get a sfw or nsfw abc for Cedric pwease 🥺
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?) Your eyes, he's in love with them.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) Yes, he just loves the idea of having kids with you.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?) Spooning, he loves being the big spoon and he'd never tell anyone but when he's sick, he loves being the little spoon.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?) Amazing, normally its just a picnic by the black lake.
E = Edible (food that reminds them of you and why) Peaches, your hair smells like fresh peach cobbler.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?) On your one year anniversary, he saw the way you hair shined against the yellow skin tight dress, eyes glowing, lips stained pink with lipstick, he knew he loved you
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?) Ced is so gentle, absolutely. In every way.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?) He loves how small your hands are in contrast to is so he absolutely adores when you wrap your entire hand around his index finger.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?) That you were a klutz, adorable but, clumsy.
J = Jewelry (Do they buy you any, is it expensive, how often? Do they let you wear theirs, etc.) He buys what he can afford and he is always down for you wearing his stuff, despite how big it is on you.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?) Him, you were shy and Cedric was bold.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?) Him, again, he bold bold
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?) Your first time meeting, it was in the library, you tried to grab a book and failed, pulling a book down with you as you tumbled to the ground. He quickly saved you from being hit by the book and falling to the ground, getting lost as you smiled up at him.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?) Yes, not with money though, little homemade gifts and affection.
O = Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?) Pink, he gave you pink roses once and your eyes lit up with happiness and face turning a bright red as you blush at the way he compared your beauty and the roses.
P = Pet names(What pet names do they use?) Love, Darling, Princess
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?) Football, for Hogwarts, this is non-modern.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?) He loves to bake cookies -watch you bake while he eats cake batter- and cuddle and watch movies.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?) He practices to cheer up and when your sad he buys you snacks and cuddles with you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?) Quidditch! MANS IS IN LOVE WITH QUIDDITCH and herbology.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?) Practicing and hot baths and naps with you 
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) You, he loves showing you off.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?) In year seven, after his final quidditch match, he dropped to one knee in the middle of the field and said seven simple words, “I love you, will you marry me?” 
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?) Be Happy-Bob Marley, he loves singing it to make you giggle when your upset and it just radiates Cedric energy.
Y =Yearning (Are they clingy/needy?) Definitely not, he gives you all the attention you want and loves when your clingy but he gives you plenty of space.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?) Dog, Golden Retriever. Change my mind.
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footballerindreams · 3 years
How I Met Your Mother - Park Jihoon (one shot)
Jihoon had been a successful MC for not only with Inkigayo, but also with some other shows. Heck he even had a chance to host the likes of MAMA and SMA, a feat that rarely happens.
And well, through hosting he was able to meet the future other half of his life.
He met Y/N when Jihoon was nominated for as best host of the year and Y/N was invited on the yearly event with her team of newscasters because one of her colleagues was nominated for Best Documentary. And fate let them sit at the same table…and beside each other.
Jihoon being an extrovert and a social butterfly that he is, he became immediately professionally close to her and to the team, sharing stories and jokes while the award show is going on.
Jihoon may not been able to win the award, but he was able to win the hearts of those people around him…especially Y/N.
The next day he and his fellow Treasure members were enjoying their day off and had a chance to watch the review of the award show that last night.
“Hyung! Look at this!” Doyoung shouted and Jihoon, Jeongwoo and Mashiho gathered in their living room and watch the show.
“Showbiz bits! Treasure member and last night’s nominee for best host Park Jihoon, is seen getting close with newscaster YFam/N Y/N. Last night’s award show has been memorable and most especially for the fans that were watching it. The number of times Mr. Park has been caught by the camera getting close with Ms. YFam/N, talking about something made a ruckus on the internet. Tweets over the two to be a potential couple has been massive and so far, the fans expect something more. Well, we’ll see about it.”
Mashiho, Doyoung and Jeongwoo looked back at their hyung and Jihoon is nervous.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Jihoon backed out a bit.
The three suddenly smiled at him in an eerie way.
“You’re interested in her.” Mashiho started.
“What the hell are you talking about, I was actually talking to the rest of the people there. Not only to her?” Jihoon defended.
“Well, if you say that, and the way she looks at you, I think she likes you, hyung.” Doyoung said.
“Stop with the nonsense Doyoungie. Why would she like me? I’m just an idol.”
“Who would not like you, hyung? Girls are falling for you. Your smile, your wits. Not to mention that great body of yours. Oh, how I wish I have that too.” Jeongwoo said.
“Shut up Jeongwoo. There you go again with your low self-esteem.”
“Why don’t you give her a chance, hyung? Even probably as friends?” Mashiho suggested.
“I’m too busy right now to give attention to women. And so are you, you and you.” Jihoon said pointing his fingers one by one to his dongsaengs.
The next time Jihoon and Y/N saw each other was in the building of YG itself.
“Hi Park Jihoon-ssi.” Y/N waved and greeted.
Jihoon just got out of the cafeteria together with Hyunsuk and Junghwan, finished their breaktime by eating and chatting.
“Hey! Y/N-ssi! What brings you here?” Jihoon replied.
“Well, me and my team had an interview assignment here. We are going to meet Bobby-ssi.” Y/N gladly replied.
“Oh! With Bobby-hyung…I mean Bobby-sunbaenim. I did not know you are doing a music segment. You are usually in charge of weather forecasts.” Jihoon said.
“Yeah. New assignment. My boss said that I could fit as well for the segment and decided to give it to me and give it a try. This is the first time so I don’t have an idea what shall I do.”
“I know you can do it. I believe you.” Jihoon assured.
“Thank you so much, Jihoon-ssi.”
Hyunsuk suddenly and politely interrupted, “Uhm. Are you looking for Bobby-hyung? He’s at the 5th floor right now. I had a chat with him today. He said he has an interview in a short while. I guess he means you.”
“Thank you so much Choi Hyunsuk-ssi.” Y/N was about to go when she suddenly turned back and when to Jihoon.
“If you don’t mind, can I get your number? I might need help again with something here in YG and I think you are close with the other artists here aside for your members.”
Jihoon was in his room looking at his phone. Displayed was Y/N’s name and number.
“Damn Jihoon! You’re so lucky!” Hyunsuk said. Slapping the other’s shoulder.
“Ouch! Why slap me like that?” Jihoon rebutted and lock at his phone (for “protection”).
“What are you doing?! The girl is into you!” The older leader reprimanded.
“What’s the big fuss? She just asked my number for important reasons and she gave hers. That’s it.” The younger replied.
“You don’t have any idea, do you.” Hyunsuk is starting to get amused, frustrated, and mad at the same time.
Now Jihoon is nervous and curious. “What?”
“Y/N is one of the beauties of newscasting. Many, as in many guys want to date her. I heard that she got a lot of date offers from a lot of guys, especially in the music industry but it seems she rejected all of those.”
“And what’s your point?” Jihoon was now skeptical.
And Hyunsuk can’t take it, he gripped his hair hard. “Don’t you see it?! She talks to you! Twice already! Not to mention she asked your number, and she gave hers. Are you dumb or dumber?”
“Hyung, out of all the members here I was expecting you to be levelheaded. You sound like Jeongwoo and Doyoung.”
And Hyunsuk had enough. “ugh! Gosh. I’m outta here. My future wife called. She said Seung and Yong are looking for me.”
Y/LN Y/N calling…
“Hello?” Jihoon answered the phone.
“Hi Jihoon-ssi. I hope I’m not bothering you.” Y/N spoke.
“No. Not at all.”
“Oh. Thank heavens. Uhm, I had a favor to ask.”
“What is it?”
“Can we meet somewhere. I need to talk to you about certain things.”
“What kind of “certain things”?
“Ok? Where then?”
And the two met at a secluded but fine coffee shop in Bukchon.
“Nice to see you again, Y/LN-ssi.” Jihoon greeted as he sits down in front of the news reporter.
“Oh please Jihoon-ssi. Just call me Y/N.”
“Ok. Then about Treasure. Why me? Hyunsuk-hyung knows the members better since he is the oldest.
“Well actually, my coworker had contacted him and he said that he cannot come because he has a schedule too and he recommended you to come.”
Jihoon is always intuitive. When Y/N said that he knows that Hyunsuk planned it. He knows the other leader had no schedule for today.
“If he wasn’t my hyung, I already jiu-jitsued him.” He thought.
“Ok then. What do you want to know, Y/N.” Jihoon asked with a smile on his face.
Their conversation went on for hours. From Treasure, the members, their fun lives, and even their own personal lives. Jihoon was amazed to know about the girl in front of her. Coming from a middle class family, she challenged herself to become who she is today. He also knew that she is a big IKON fan and the only girl and youngest in the family.
Their secret coffee shop meeting became a regular one. In those meetings they became more closer and knew more about each other. Y/N realized that when Jihoon is excited, he automatically switches to his Busan dialect without him knowing and she finds it amusing.
But one day, everything was about to change.
“Jihoon-ah! Where are you?” Hyunsuk was in a panic looking for his dongsaeng in the dorm, barging in the door without even knocking. It was early in the morning.
Doyoung, being an early rise came out of his room. “What’s wrong hyung?”
“Where’s Jihoonie?”
“In his room, hyung. He’s probably still sleeping.”
Hyunsuk did not bother and went directly to Jihoon’s room and barged in, and waking up the boy in his bed.
“Jihoon, wake up.” Hyunsuk nudged him forcefully.
The Busan boy stirred and looked. “Wha-? Hyung? What’s wrong?”
And Hyunsuk shoved his phone in front of Jihoon’s face for him to read.
Park Jihoon and Y/LN Y/N dating?
Treasure member Park Jihoon was spotted with newscaster Y/LN Y/N in a coffee shop at Samchon-dong district. According to some witnesses within the area, they have seen the two regularly for the past few months spending time with each other, casually talking, drinking coffee, and eating desserts. Their meeting is estimated to be long as two hours and then they go out. Our correspondents in Dispatch tried to ask a statement from the coffee shop owner and management but they refused and opted not to speak saying the two are their regular customers and they do not intrude to any topics the two are talking about.
The two were started to be adored by the public after an award show being looking good together.
Now the question is, are they an item now? Or are they a thing? Our team will still get the statement of both YG Entertainment and Y/LN Y/LN’s broadcasting company over the matter. Stay tuned for more information.
“I know you will say you are just friends. But if it is something more or something questionable, please talk to each other about it. I care about you and her. Not just because I am one of the leaders of Treasure and I have to defend you and our reputation, which is really easy by the way, but because I don’t want you to regret and to be happy whatever relationship you have right now.” Hyunsuk asked.
Their conversation was interrupted by a call from Jihoon’s phone.
“Y/N” Jihoon answered.
“Can we- Can we meet and talk?” Y/N asked.
“Okay. Same place?”
And they found each other again on the same coffee shop. But quieter than usual.
After a few minutes of silence and only the clinging of mugs can be heard, Y/N started to talk.
“Jihoon. It has been fun talking with you but  I think this will be the last time.”
“What? Why?” Jihoon started to worry.
“I’m sure you’ve seen the tabloid. I don’t want to jeopardize your career-“
“You know well that I can stand up for whatever heck they throw at us-“
“And I don’t want to hope more that you will return my feelings for you. I’ve been liking you for some time, Jihoon. But it seems this is one-sided.” And Y/N started to stand up and get her bag. “Goodbye, Park Jihoon-ssi.”
And Jihoon sat there frozen, with his cup of coffee, and a slice of cake Y/N loves to eat.
Jihoon returns to their dorm that night.
“Hyung, do you want to eat, I cooked---, are you okay?” Mashiho asked.
Jihoon only gave a faint smile. “I’m okay Mashi. I’m just tired. I’ll go to sleep ahead.” And then he went off.
Mashiho only looked at him, knowing something happened.
Jihoon laid in his bed, sobbing. He does not understand why he is crying, but he feels the hurt that Y/N decided to stop their acquaintance. He already knew what he is to her and now he starts to ask questions; what is she to him? What are they? What do they have the whole time? These questions bombarded his head to sleep.
He woke up that morning surprised. Hyunsuk was beside his bed looking at him with concern.
“Hyung.” Jihoon said.
“Mashi called me last night. He said you came home with tears in your eyes. He was worried.” Hyunsuk said.
And Jihoon started crying again and hugged his hyung.
“I’m so stupid, hyung. I let her go. I don’t know if I was ignorant or am I just afraid of loving her and she ended everything because she thought we are going nowhere.”
“But do you love her?” Hyunsuk asked.
“This time, hyung…yes.” Jihoon was sure of his answer.
“Then it’s not yet too late.”
And Jihoon found himself in a bustling newsroom studio looking for Y/N. It took him some time to find her until he saw him in a green screen area of the room, looking beautiful as ever. He just stayed there on the side as the recording of that day’s news happen. As Y/N was saying her lines, she had a glimpse on the side and saw Jihoon. She continued like a professional she is, not being distracted by his presence.
After the recording, she stepped out of the newsroom and Jihoon started to follow her. She knows he came for her. So she walked faster trying to get away from him.
Jihoon noticed it and hurried up as well.
“Y/N, wait!”
HE catched up with her and held her hand to stop her.
“I know you don’t want to see me. But give me this only chance. I’m sorry. I was stupid. I was afraid. Not because of my career to be at stake, but because I did not realize I am in love with you  and when I was, I felt that I will not be enough for you. That’s it. I said what I need to say. It’s up to you now. If you’re still going away, I will let you. I will accept my stupidity. I---”
And Jihoon was interrupted by a kiss on the lips. He was surprised at first but then he gave in. He never thought how soft Y/N’s lips were. He held her tight on the waist, not giving a damn of the people who are already surrounding them inside the newsroom.
Jihoon and Y/N confirmed their relationship two months after the newsroom incident. (The people there kept quiet about it until it was revealed.) And two years later they tied the knot. Their wedding was simple but so beautiful and classy. Some wedding planning critics dubbed it as the wedding of the decade. And a year later their daughter, Dahee, was born.
For @treasuredays
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sexy-monster-fucker · 4 years
Eddie Brock|Venom NSFW Alphabet 
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Eddie is very very caring after sex.  He knows Venom can be rough so he wants to make sure you are okay.  He LOVES to cuddle after sex.  Very touchy.  A lot of forehead kisses.  
B - Body Part (Their favorite body part of their partners)
Eddie loves your hands.  He loves intertwining fingers with you.  Venom, on the other hand, loves your neck.  He loves to wrap his hand firmly around it.  
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Venom loves finishing inside you.  Eddie would never admit it, but he does too.  
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)
Secretly, Eddie has a HUGE daddy kink.  He never told you, but one time you let that name fall from your lips and it drove him mad.  He adores being called that.  
E - Experience (How experienced are they?)
Eddie may have a tough guy exterior, but he actually does not have that much experience.   He always tends to wait until he has rather strong feelings for the person he is with before deciding to sleep with them.  Obviously, Venom is only as experienced as his host. 
F - Favorite Position
Any position where they get to be the dominant one.  They adore being on top for real.  
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Eddie and Venom are both very serious in the moment.  They love having sex and consider it to be very intimate.  They do everything to make sure it’s perfect for you.  
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Well, Venom does not really have hair.  That one is self explanatory.  Eddie keeps himself groomed, but there is hair always.  
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Eddie is one of the most caring people on the planet.  He loves to make sure you know how much he loves you.  
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Venom has a very high sex drive, so sometimes he ends up getting Eddie worked up.  Eddie often has to take care of it as not to bother you.  It often happens at the worse times, so Eddie does not like bothering you with it.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Eddie has a secret daddy kink.  Venom himself has a breeding kink.  He gets off on the idea of his seed impregnating you.  He longs to reproduce with you.   
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Eddie loves to do it in the bedroom.  Call it old fashioned, but he loves taking you into the bedroom after a night out and ripping your clothes off you.  
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Eddie loves to be seduced by you.  When you graze your fingers up his arm or chest it gets him going.  He also loves when you kiss his neck.  
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Neither of them want to share you ever.  They both are super overprotective and only want you to be their’s.  
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Eddie and Venom both LOVE to eat you out.  They love being in control and watching you squirm under them.  
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Both Eddie and Venom tend to be rough during sex.  Eddie is more on the sensual side, usually taking things slowly before getting rough.  But Venom loves to get rough real quick.  He slams into you as hard as he can and moves quickly inside you.  
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Venom would have sex with you anytime anywhere.  Eddie, however, prefers to take you home first.  So when Venom gets him worked up in public, Eddie usually rushes you home.  Whispering in your ear, “He’s decided it’s time.  We gotta go.”  It sends chills down your spine.  
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Eddie is usually down for anything.  There are a few things Eddie won’t do.  But most of the time, Eddie loves to try anything you want.  He always has to be careful thought because Venom can get out of hand.  
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Eddie can go a few rounds, but does not want to overwork his partner.  Venom can go all night if he is feeling it.  He goes until he decides he is done.  After a night with Venom, you are usually so tired and worn out you are seeing stars.  
T  - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Eddie adores teasing you in public.  Like if you are out at dinner, he loves inching his hand up your thigh.  He gets achingly close to your opening and just sits there.  Or he will lean into your ear and whisper something rather nasty.  “I’m gonna rip that little dress off you when we get home,” or “You have no idea what’s in store for you when we leave here.”  He loves driving you crazy.  
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
They both are not very loud.  Grunting and whispering your name or curses is about the loudest they get.  
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Venom loves to wrap his long tongue around your neck.  He loves choking you with it.  The taste of your skin drives him crazy.  
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Venom can be any size he wants.  Eddie is packing himself.  
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very.  Eddie wants to do it multiple nights a week.  Venom, however, would do you multiple times a day if you would let him.  This sometimes leads to Eddie having to take care of things himself.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Eddie loves to cuddle afterward.  He will stay awake until you fall asleep.  He wants to make sure you are comfortable and cared for.  
@odetteacanto ~ @chasecharmer ~ @gliderbudgie ~ @ihaveaseriousclownproblem ~ @melancholy-applesauce ~ @katnisswa ~ @true-king-of-monsters ~ @tastemybuns ~ @ashycole~ @raposinhachan ~ @weebiemo ~ @syiamorea ~ @danielsbransonx~ @haurashaave ~ @kurochan3 ~ @skrilltia ~ @cutebutpsycho83 ~ @mai-sun-and-stars ~ @lucacangettathisass ~ @mababees ~ @bossyboyd03 ~ @more-than-a-little-sinister ~ @its-sexy-beastington-to-you ~ @emi-leigh16 ~ @sir-skelly ~ @kittywillcutyou ~ @centerhabit ~ @that-mom-friend ~ @lil-brown-furred-boi ~ @thirsty-venom-posts ~ @itaddict ~ @peculiar-monstar ~ @grotesquegabby ~ @sylinica ~ @mccrps ~ @hopelessdisasterr ~ @sarasxe ~ @deaths-maiden ~ @magicaldoremimimi ~ @venomsprincess ~ @sebastianmichaelisthedevilwith ~ @gae-artss ~ @piinkitydrinkity ~ @wintar1234534 ~ @kiratsuyoshi ~ @forgets-me-nots-blue ~ @legoticatrevosa ~ @grand-fanfic-ing-central ~ @therealautobotgirl ~ @raginghealer ~ @avaeda ~ @xcasiferx ~ @goth-pigeon~ @pale-butterfly ~ @abigfanofyours ~ @red-writer13 ~ @meganthemug~ @winterwendig0 ~ @nicimixerxoxo ~ @fandomtrashgoddess~ @cinnabearice ~ @moose-squirrel-asstiel~ @caughtyoulackin ~ @ellar21 ~ @snow-massacre ~ @iliketurtles1022~ @crazyfreckledginger ~ @impossiblepickleherringsoul ~ @roman-reigns-princess ~ @sincerelysinister ~ @hey-its-caroline ~ @torntaltos ~ @izzyd ~ @siliethkaijuy ~ @killercatastrophe ~ @tattoedgipsybunny ~ @orphan-kilig ~ @sassysergeant ~ @kellendriaaa ~ @mrshiddlescumberbatchlove ~ @undertaleandotherfandomlover ~ @bijou-pomme ~ @allkundsofwrong ~ @bloody-jinxx ~ @skywolf-kink-boy ~ @rueinn ~ @skatedate67791 ~ @the-sea-hawk ~ @pendent123 ~ @emmamikaelson95 ~ @markusstraya ~ @tifablog ~ @im-marie-poppins-yall ~ @lets-venom-and-chocolate ~ @homeiswheremykittyis ~ @taliarozlyn ~ @douchecrypt ~ @sierra884-blog-blog ~ @abundant-chaos ~ @chanderefk ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @symbiote-queen ~ @thirstyforvenom ~ @starguardian319 ~ @shadeyenora ~ @brokenpizzapiez ~ @marvelfangirllll ~ @waltz707 ~ @cherubclover ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @midnightwritingrussiancoffee ~ @vengealis ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @izzy-the-ginger ~ @cryalluwant2idc ~ @weirdfuckingtrainwreck~ @cart-disguised-as-a-buggy ~ @jaxcliffaconda ~ @ceylon-morphe286 ~ @war-and-chaos ~ @captaindrholmes ~ @xsmallplum ~ @sinningsummers ~ @nmagawida ~ @baoxiii ~ @strawberrysuperhero ~ @queen-of-eggyolks ~ @that-one-smart-american ~ @seachelle-the-tideborn ~ @pennysgirl ~ @richietoaster ~ @whitestar-16  ~ @omg-the-nutella-queen  ~ @that-one-smart-american  ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @shaderwaii ~ @yangfire08 ~ @raceylacy ~ @emo-kitty-love ~ @sadboysclub11 ~ @mawkishmondays  ~ @sthorkronstrangy ~ @bokchoishota ~ @voyagestothestars ~ @the-lululemon~ @bear-rose123 ~ @mynahx3 ~ @alli-cat99 ~ @onebymanynames ~ @hebambi555 ~ @cassiopeia-barrow ~ @alledeglyfunny ~ @roryshitposts~ @x6-15 ~ @alex–awesome–22 ~ @deepdarkvoidchild ~ @nickyl316h ~ @nomajdetective ~ @randomshizzles101 ~ @fillechatoyante ~ @venoms-cave~ @shadymegan ~ @ultrasparkledeath ~ @infinitytheproxy3 ~ @whitestar-16 ~ @coralineexz ~ @i-like-dark-stuff ~ @missotaku34 ~ @momostuffsblog ~ @crazyminnesotagirl ~ @the-cake-isnt-a-lie ~ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow ~ @fosterthe-peter ~ @heif ~ @smilingthroughmysnarls ~
\\ If you no longer want to be tagged in my Venom x Reader Fics, please do let me know. Or if you would like to be tagged in future posts, let me know! //
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70swizards · 3 years
marauders in a bakery
would absolutely LOVE to work with dough
would make the biggest mess
tries to act like those italian chefs that spin the pizza dough, EVEN THO HES NOT MAKING PIZZA
refuses to clean after himself. what’s cleaning?
wears “kiss the cook” apron
gives you literal “helping his mum in the kitchen” vibes
listens to muggle music in the bakery and everyone is just so fed up bECAUSE HE HAS TO HAVE IT AT ITS HIGHEST VOLUME
initiates food fights
teaching baby hazza his recipes and lily walking in screaming, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING- DONT CORRUPT THE CHILD” even though she’s looking at him with so much fondness
early morning pancake surprises
breakfast in bed for whoever he’s living with
edits recipes to make them so much better
glasses go all wonky and he’s got bits of food all over them after cooking
all the mess it worth it at the end bc the resukt is perfect
seerius blek:
his favourite part is dusting the pastries with powdered sugar
gets lily accidentally involved in food fights and ends up running for his life
“i’m the best cook!” *burns pasta water*
he uses box mixes for cakes and tells remus he made it from scratch, and after remus finds the box in the trash sirius just turns into a dog and goes “you wouldn’t hurt a poor innocent dog would you 🥺”
cries over james’ lava cake
he does it as a prank and everyone else is just like wha t t h e f uc k is wrong with this man while he just eats the dog food happily
often gets banned from the bakery
leaves the dishes to “soak” so he can clean them later
never touches the dishes ever again
hazel said sirius loves jelly so sirius loves jelly and would force james into making it for him often
“that’s NOT my hair in your food.”
sobs like a child when cutting onions
remmy the ratatouille:
“i’m literally not even a rat”
somehow makes the most food eith the least mess
it’s bc of this magical thing he does
it’s called cleaning after himself
“james i love you so much but get the fuck out i cant watch that, please i’m begging you”
*right after calling james out for being messy* *drops the bag of flour followed by fluent cursing*
“it seems to me that you’re the one making the mess rem”
usuallt says he doesn’t wanna help but when he sees someone doing something in a different way he’d go “can we please do it this way? like this- look” *does it himself, smiling*
was once reading before coming to the bakery so his glasses were up in his hair
while he was making cake batter, he looks down and the glasses just fall into the batter and he almsot cried because
acts like he hates food fights but as soon as he gets hit- it’s over for everyone. to say the least, make sure you’ve booked a bed at the infirmary
will fucking throw you off the eiffel tower if you even think of tasting raw batter
never uses specific measurements
“i’ll just eye it”
mostly controls and monitors them
loves to make cinnamon rolls and sirius makes the icing
peter pan:
will knock everyhting down accidentally
pro taster, will immediately know what’s missing
bowl licker
when cleaning after himself, he turns the tap onto the highest setting and just splashes himself and everyhtunt arounf him
cooking is his love language
LOVES to work with puff pastry
will literally make up recipes from scratch in class and give them to james to try
he picks at everyhtunt he’s making so he’ll start off with enough to serve 12 and end up with enough to serve 8
who listens to serving proportions anyways
cooks or bakes when he’s bored
coukd litwrallt start a business
gets his mums cooking notes to show the marauders
refuses to use magic when cooking
lily flower:
if you’re working with fish, eggs, meat, chicken, or anything of the sort, she should supervise bc she doesn’t want you to make a mess with them.
proceeds to spray clorox everywhere
will carry baby hazza in one hand and cook with the other
owns a bakery with a little library on the side
peter is the co-owner
she never lets james cook dinner bc she does not appreciate the mess he leaves behind
but always let’s him cook bc she knows he loves it
helps james clean the kitchen but ends up becoming a make-out session with her sitting on the countertop and james standing in front of her
hazel thought of orange juice so lily loves orange juice 
makes harrys birthday cakes with james and lets baby hazza help in the tiniest ways
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galraluver · 3 years
May we get some Ranveig A-Z fluff headcanons?
Why yes, you may:)
A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
~ Ranveig is an old, tough Warlord, but he's affection with you
~ He prefers to be affectionate with you in private, but if someone's ogling you he'll make sure that everyone knows that you're his
~ If you want to hold his hand while out in public he'll let you
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
~ Ranveig's best memory with you is when you were sitting on his lap during an important meeting at Galra Central Command
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)
~ Ranveig is more of a dog person, especially if they're big dogs
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
~ Ranveig has already accomplished what he always wanted in life; he's a powerful Warlord with you, a cute female Human, by his side
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? Do they go out? Do they read?)
~ Ranveig prefers to stay in during the evening and look over war plans
~ Either that, or he'll cuddle with you and tell you war stories
F = first date (what was it like?)
~ Galra don't date, but when Ranveig started courting you he'd bring you the best courtship gifts that he could get his hands on
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
~ Ranveig's laugh is deep and kind of hoarse
~ He doesn't laugh very much, but if something's funny enough he'll laugh
H = hugs (do they like hugs? What kind of hugs do they give?)
~ Ranveig actually likes hugs, surprisingly enough, but he has to be very careful with you
~ Normally, he just lets you hug him so that he won't accidentally squash you
~ He loves gently hugging you against his chest
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)
~ Ranveig secretly plays something similar to the flute
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
~ Obviously winning battles makes Ranveig very happy
~ You also bring joy in his life and so does your cuteness
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
~ Ranveig is a soft, passionate kisser whenever the two of you are alone
~ However, in public when he's showing everyone who you belong to, he's a somewhat rough kisser
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
~ At first, Ranveig acted like he only thought of you as a burden
~ After a while he started treating you nicer and even gave you better food and living conditions
M = memory (what’s their favorite memory?)
~ Ranveig's favorite memory is when you showed him that life wasn't all about destruction
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
~ Ranveig can't stand the sound of nails down a chalkboard
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)
~ Ranveig already has his dream job; a powerful Galran Warlord
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
~ Ranveig would be the type of parent who wants his kids to turn out like him, but have some of your traits as well
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
~ Ranveig wants to know how a woman's intuition works
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
~ Ranveig is somewhat clueless when it comes to being romantic, but he tries his best
~ He's tried making a romantic dinner to share with you once, but he accidentally burned it
~ He will bring you flowers every so often, along with various other gifts
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
~ Just you being cute is enough to make Ranveig smile, even on the worst days
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
~ Ranveig isn't clingy, it's just not something he does
~ He's a busy man, but he always makes time to spend with you
~ You both always eat together no matter how busy he is
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable?)
~ Ranveig has a bad habit of misplacing things around his and your shared habsuite
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
~ Ranveig prefers you to be the one who takes photos during your relationship with him
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?)
~ You and Ranveig had a traditional Galran wedding, but a wedding cake was involved and you wore a regular white wedding dress with a long veil
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
~ Ranveig has practiced opera singing, but he only does it when no one's around
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, scent, word anything)
~ Ranveig hates being called cute
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
~ Ranveig is an extremely heavy sleeper; not even world war 3 could wake him up
~ Ranveig sleeps on his back and prefers to have you sleep on his massive chest
~ Ranveig always wakes up in a neutral mood unless he's taking the day off, then he wakes up in a good mood
~ Ranveig always purrs when he falls asleep because with you on his chest he's super relaxed
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What is your age? 31.
What annoys you? Eating sounds will definitely do it.
Do you have any allergies? Seasonal and to tangerines.
Do you know anyone named Billy? No.
When is your birthday? July 28th.
Who is your best friend(s)? My mom.
C What's your favorite candy? White chocolate.
When was the last time you cried? A couple days ago.
Have you been out of the country? I’ve been to Mexico once.
Do you daydream? Yeah.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I know I’m biased, but Labs and German Shepherds.
What day of the week is it? Friday.
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, over-easy, hard boiled, and deviled.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Yes.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Breathing is for a lot of people. 
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yes.
Do you use fly swatters? If needed. I can’t stand flies.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: No.
G Have you pet a goat? Yeah, at petting zoos as a kid.
Are you a giver or a taker? I’m probably more of a taker, but I do love giving to my family when I can.
Do you like gummy candies? Nah, not a gummy fan.
How are you? Tired and hungry.
What's your height? Like 5′4.
What color is your hair? Naturally it’s dark brown, but I dye it red.
What's your favorite ice cream? Strawberry, mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and birthday cake.
Have you ever ice skated? No.
Have you cheated the IRS? No.
What's your favorite jelly bean? I’m the odd one who actually likes the black jellybeans. They’re the best.
Do you tell jokes? I’m not much of a jokester. 
Do you wear nice jewelry? I haven’t worn jewelry in years, but I think I have some nice jewelry pieces.
Do you want to kill anybody? Uh, no.
Do you want to have kids? No.
Where did you have kindergarten? At a local school.
Are you laid back? I think I come off that way to people who don’t know me.
Do you lie? I’m definitely guilty of telling white lies. <<< I’d be lying if I said no this question. I’m not a compulsive, habitual liar, though, or go around making up extreme things. What I tend to do is downplay things more than anything.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? Uhhh. I have no idea.
Ever talked in a microphone? Yeah.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? Yes. I love Disney.
Do you like mangos? Nope.
Do you have a nickname? Just Steph or Sis.
What’s your favorite number? 8, I like the way that it’s shaped. <<<
Do you prefer night over day? Yes.
Are you an only child? Nope, I have two brothers.
Do you wish this was over? Nah.
What is the closet orange object near you? Hmm. I don’t see anything orange nearby.
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Losing my loved ones.
Do you play any instruments? No.
Do you think you are pretty? Nope. 
Are you quick to judge people? I try my best not to.
What do you keep quiet about? How I’m really feeling a lot of the time. I keep to myself or downplay things.
Do you have any quirks? I think we all do, but I feel like that’s something you’d have to ask someone else and see what they’ve observed about you.
What’s a good reason to cry? Stress.
Do you think you're always right? Absolutely not.
Do you watch reality TV? Yeah, I’m a sucker for it.
Are you a social person? Nope.
What states have you lived in? Just California.
what is your favorite season? Fall and winter.
When did you last sleep in a tent? I’ve never slept in a tent.
Do you like tomatoes? I do.
What time did you wake up? Around 715. I had a doctor appointment at 8.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? I don’t have a car or an umbrella.
Do listen to Usher? I like a few of his songs.
Describe the underwear your wearing? They’re blue.
V What’s the worst veggie? I’m picky, so I’d say most of them. It’d be easier to say which ones I like, which are spinach, broccoli, potatoes, green onions, green beans, and corn.
Do you like movies with violence? Some have violence in them.
Where do you want to go on vacation? I need a beach trip.
W Ever been on a wave runner? No.
Where do you work? I don’t.
Do you wish on stars? Nope. I’ve actually never even seen a shooting star.
Have you ever had an x-ray? Yeah, I’ve had countless x-rays of various types throughout my life.
Do you own a xylophone? No.
Have you watched the x-games? Nope.
What did you do yesterday? Same stuff I do everyday.
Do you like the color yellow? Yeah, it’s one of my favorite colors.
What year were you born?: 1989.
Do you believe in the zodiac? Nope.
Has your bank account been at zero? No, thankfully.
Ever been to the zoo? Yeah, many times.
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propertyofwicked · 4 years
Could you do an a-z of dating Tom Blake pls??
ty for the request, i hope this is ok x :)
a-z of dating tom blake
obviously, we’re going to pretend THAT scene doesn’t happen and he just ends up with a tiny surgery nd some stitches :)
warnings: slight sexual references but only like twice lol
a - argue
tom is STUBBORN. that boy will be so wrong yet will be adamant he is correct till physically proven otherwise. this was usually the start of arguments. you too are stubborn, but not to the extent of tom. any argument results in tom going for a walk around the town, to let out all of his pent up anger as he couldn’t bare to shout at you for something so petty. you’d sit in the living room silently, waiting for him to return, which gave you time to think about what to say. once he did come back, he’d sit on the sofa next to you, and take your hands in his, and you’d talk through the problem rationally. since the war, he would get angrier much quicker, the smallest things being able to send him over the edge, so he’d take the time to apologise, as would you, and he’d show you how much he loves you ;)
b - body (his favourite body part of yours)
thomas blake is an ass man. any time he can have his hands on your lower back, resting on your arse - he would. he loves to walk behind you, just to show his appreciation for your curves and whenever he’d stand next to you, his hand would be on your arse squeezing it playfully when nobody is looking. 
c - care (caring for each other when you’re sick)
tom likes to pretend he is tough and no illness can beat him, and because of this, he will work himself to the bone instead of resting. he’d wake up in the morning, his voice deeper than ever as a cough tickled his throat. as much as he tries to hide it, the moment you notice, he’s back in bed with a cup of tea on the bedside table. when you’re ill, however, tom takes the day off work and just lays in bed with you day, not caring if he got ill as well - as long as you were content. 
d - dates (what do you guys do?)
you and tom would have really basic dates, enjoying each other more than an expensive meal. often, in the summer months, you’d walk down to the river and have a picnic, or sometimes you’d lay down in his mother’s orchid, watching the petals fall around you. it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re together. 
e - engagements (how he proposed) 
it would be just dropped into a conversation, nothing fancy and very unprepared in true thomas fashion. like you could just be laying in bed, or cooking dinner and he’d look at you and go “hey, should we get married” and very casually you’d just reply “yeah sure” before realising he was serious and falling into his arms to give him the biggest hug you could. it just so happened he had his grandmother’s ring in his possession so he just used that.
f - friends and family (do they like you/him?)
his family ADORE you. his brother likes you, as you were raised intelligent and could have a good conversation with him - you were also a prime babysitter for him and his wife. his mum loves to finally have a girl tom’s age around, as she had spent 30 years being in an all-male household other than herself. your dad was wary around him towards the start of your relationship, but he soon welcomed him into the family after tom had helped him fix a bookcase. your mum was glad to finally see you happy, glad you’d managed to be comfortably settled down from a young age. since you lived a while away from each other's families, your friends from home never really knew your partner.
g - gifts
you guys are not terribly poor but you’re also not the richest, so surprise presents were fairly rare. whenever tom went home to visit his family, he’d return with a cake baked specially from his mother. sometimes he’d return from work, hiding something behind his back, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face and after asking him what he was hiding, he’d produce flowers that he got on the cheap from the market on his way home. 
h - how you met
you worked as a nurse in the war, so when tom was carried in, blood pouring from his abdomen, it was your job to take care of him. something in you nagged at you to accompany him the furthest you could, which is how you ended up in a base hospital tending to this soldier. over the months he was in your care, you got to know each other well, and promised to keep in contact when you returned home. 
i - intimacy (how often are yall getting down)
thomas blake has the stamina of a KING. he is ready to go to town every night and every morning for as long as you can manage - and the look he gave you before was enough to give in almost every night. 
j - jealousy
tom gets jealous of the relationship between you and his brother. he felt as if he had also been in his shadow, the younger, less handsome brother. it was obvious when he got like this because he’d go quiet, unlike his usual joking self. you didn’t tend to get overly jealous, as you could tell tom was whipped for you and barely batted an eye at anyone else. 
k - kinks
tom has a lowkey breeding kink i reckon, not like 40 kids kinda kink, but he loves the idea of getting you pregnant and seeing you carry his children and raise them. having grown up in a loving family, he wants nothing more than to have one for himself. 
l - long distance
whilst you were both away at war, you tended to be in various areas of france. the only contact you had was letters, where he’d tell you about his day or some funny story he witnessed or overheard. you told him of the wounds you saw, as it was the only way you could really pass them through your mind so they didn’t haunt you forever. it was the best part of the week, receiving letters from tom and he felt the exact same when the post came by and a letter with his name in your handwriting was handed to him. 
m - moving in
you moved in together at the end of the war, in your correspondence, when the days got long and boring, the only thing you could talk about was the future - where you’d live, how the living room would be arranged. it was more optimistic that truthful but when the war ended and you met again, you both knew it was something you had to do. tom was so glad he could live with someone who had witnessed the same pain and distraught he had and you were so glad that you both had each other in the hard nights. 
n - nights out 
you’re not much of a party go-er yourself, much rather preferring to listen to the music on the record player. sometimes, you and tom would go out dancing with scho and his wife but it was fairly rare. 
o - open with each other
the mutual experiences of the war allowed you two to be so open with each other. if there was anything on your mind, something you couldn’t get off your chest, you knew that you could tell tom and even if he couldn’t get rid of it, he’d make it so much better. tom often had nightmares of the day he got injured and every time he woke up in fits of sweats, you would be there to listen to him and tell him how everything was going to be better. 
p - pda
you two aren’t over the top in public but often are reminded with a sly cough from will that you were in fact, in full view of everyone. tom can’t keep his hands of you most of the time, grabbing your arse at any possible chance he got. you prefer to be more cute with your affection, taking his hand when walking down the street or pecking his cheek randomly. 
q - questions (what you talk about late at night?)
as mentioned before, you guys normally talk about the war. it makes it so much easier to cope with the horrors that loom over you like a shadow. sharing the experience allowed you both to cope with your own thoughts a lot better.
r - reproduction (do you want kids?)
Y E S. tom wants a house full of miniature versions of him, and it is something he discusses with you often. you want whatever tom wants pretty much, and having a product of the love you shared was a dream of yours. 
s - surprising (what surprised you about him)
he’s very affectionate when he’s sad. rather than bottling up, tom knows how to talk about his problems really openly with you and he’s not afraid to show emotion. 
t - together (what you do together)
towards the start of your relationship, after the war, you two would go on cute dates in the forest or on the river bank almost weekly, but you now you guys prefer to stay home and make use of that bedroom ;)
u - under the influence (drunk vibes)
tom is even funnier when he’s drunk. he comes home from a night out with will and some other friends and just sits, staring at you. every 5 minutes or so he’d mumble something along the lines of “you’re gorgeous - do you have a boyfriend?”. it was cute to start with but by t eh fifth time, you're laying him down on the bed and trying to lul him to sleep.
v - vacations
tom likes to go to cornwall with you. it’s where he frequently went on holidays as a child, and he loves to take you to the places he visited in his youth. 
w - wedding
you guys have a small wedding, just in the church near your house. you couldn’t afford a massive wedding and you didn’t really want one. so you held the ceremony with your families and your closest friends and chose to spend the reception at your house, listening to music on the record player and having a roast dinner. 
x - xray (when he’s hurt)
obviously, you had cared from him in the war, but sometimes the scar on his stomach would cause him pain if he moved it in the wrong way. there wasn’t much you could do, but you would lay with him and comfort him, or bring him medicine with his food. 
y - you (a random headcanon) 
“tom have you seen my glasses anywhere?” you called out to the house, hoping and an extra set of eyes could help.
“no, sorry! where did you last see them?” he called back.
“i can’t remember. they were here one moment then the next they weren’t” you trailed off as tom made his way into the kitchen. he took one glance at you, then burst into laughter, leaving you standing there in confusion.
“what? what are you laughing at?”
“baby, have you checked the top of your head?”
“oh my god!” you said, realising they had been there the whole time, your face going a new shade of red in embarrassment.
“awh bless, you really do need glasses,” tom smiled coming over to you, taking you in his arms.  his lips pressed to your head in a quick peck before he walked back to where he had been sat before. 
z - zzzzzzzzzzzz’s (sleeping routine)
you’re usually in bed first, choosing to read a book before packing in for the night. tom would stay downstairs longer, reading the paper or going for a shower. but when he did come upstairs, he’d just stand in the door frame and gaze upon you, like he had never seen something so angelic. once he got into bed, you’d mark the page and close the book, leaning into his side and his arm moving to wrap around you. 
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Joe Mazzello NSFW Alphabet
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Warning: This contains SMUT and like a lot of it so be v v prepared 
Y’all thirsty for this but so am I so let’s do it
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Joe might be 50% chaos but he’s also 50% cuteness so you bet his goofy ass is snuggling you while also cracking jokes. I also get the feeling that he’s the type who likes to make jokes with you about the sex you just previously had like maybe you make fun of him for being so sensitive (ticklish) on his thighs and he’s just like “yeah okay but at least I don’t like getting choked ya kinky fuck” and then you guys just roast each other and snuggle until you eventually fall asleep
B = Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
So when it comes to sex, Joe definitely loves his arms. He doesn’t spend multiple days in the gym during the week working his arms just so he looks good in leather jackets no no no, he spends all that time getting built so he can pin you down while he eats you out or hold you up against the wall while he takes you just about anywhere and anytime he wants. He used to like his hips the most (mostly because of the noises he’d get out of you when he slammed into you from behind) but one somewhat drunken night you went on for a solid hour about how turned on you got when you saw his arms and then they just became his favorite since you loved them so much.
His favorite body part of yours was definitely your tits. Speaking of drunken confessions, Joe once slurred out how much he wanted fuck your tits - which would be super sexy except for the fact that it was at a very public bar and in front of Ben and Gwil (who were too drunk to care at the time but definitely brought it up again). You did eventually let him have his way with your chest days later, but not without a proper scolding and then poking fun at him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I’m a disgusting person) (i am so sorry for the FILTH that is this paragraph like w o w )
We already know Joe loves your boobs so obviously he loves to finish on them. Especially after you’ve blown him, his cum hitting your chest is just icing on the cake for him. However, when it came to taking your relationship to the next level (i.e. wanting kids/ baby making time), Joe loved to cum inside of you. He loved when you’d ride him, his orgasm hitting him like a ton of bricks and then watching as you pulled off of him while his cum dripped out of you. If he wasn’t already fucked out, that did him in.
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Clothed sex. The man may be 36 but damn it if he doesn’t love to feel like a horny teenager again, fooling around with you whenever he could. The fact that you can rile him up without ever shedding a layer both stunned him and made him want to fuck you even more. The very few times you made him cum in his pants, Joe was pretty sure he was 18 all over again and also thought he might have seen heaven with how hard and fast you could make him cum and mess his very expensive trousers. He wishes it happened more often but he’d never say a word to you (bc dirt secret duh)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You take one look at that man and you try and TELL ME he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He could make you cum in SECONDS if he wanted to.
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
If he’s feeling fast and freaky: Joe loved to either bend you over any surface he could find (he’d settle for holding you against the wall if a counter or tabletop didn’t see fit to his requirements) OR he’d lie back and let you ride him and have your way with him.
If he’s feeling in love/soft: Joey boy loves some vanilla sex. Missionary. Hand holding. Eye contacts. I love you’s. All the mushy gushy stuff. He eats that up and he knows you do too. The man loves to love so he does it right.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It doesn’t matter what kind of sex your having, fast, slow, quickie, or all-day long, Joe will always be a goofball. The first time you guys had sex, he was so nervous that he tried to crack a joke just to ease the tension and it made the both of you laugh so hard that you had to take a break. Needless to say, Joe’s humor in bed kept you guys grounded, and it just made you love your chaotic, goofy boy even more.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
He’s well-groomed. Nothing too crazy and he isn’t completely stripped either. Just nicely trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
As mentioned in F, Joe likes a mushy gushy moment, but every sexual moment had some sort of soft intimacy at some point just like it had some type of goofy moment. Joe adores you and he never wants to let you forget it, so even if he’s railing you against a bathroom counter at some fancy LA party, he’ll still look you in the eyes and tell you how much he loves you before and after you both cum.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Whenever Joe had to go away for work, he’d always FaceTime call you so you could lend him a virtual hand. On the days you were anticipating the calls (he’d text you a pic of his not so little problem tenting his boxers with the caption “FaceTime?” and like ten prayer emojis) you’d get out a little lingerie and something to cover up with. Some days you’d throw a big tshirt over yourself to look like you weren’t all dolled up underneath while other days you’d opt for a silky robe or one of Joe’s Yankees jerseys, the latter of which drove him absolutely wild. While he loved to watch you get off while he did too, you always insisted that he was more stressed out so he should be the one who comes first. This was always a relief for Joe as he’d be incredibly worked up before he called you so just seeing your face had him nearly cumming on the spot. On days he couldn’t FaceTime you, he’d pull out the polaroids you took of the two of you during one of your all night escapades and envision that you were there with him, touching him the ways you always did so perfectly.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Joe is a chaotic being so of course he’d be quite... adventurous. He loved the idea of public sex/ getting you off whenever and wherever he could. The fancier the place, the quicker he’d be trying to get his hands up your dress or have your mouth on his cock in whatever bathroom or hallway he could find. 
He’s also big on nicknames. He preferred giving you them but he never complained when “Joey” passed your lips. His favorites for you were “princess”, “darling”, and “baby” though when you two were getting especially frisky “you little minx” might pop out. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
While he was adventurous, Joe still thinks nothing beats good ole fashioned bedroom sex. The way you looked sprawled out on his bed sheets, hair splayed around your face, the soft light of his nightstand lamp making you look ethereal - yeah, there was no greater sight to Joe. Nothing else could compare to the absolute bliss that came from taking you in his bed and then holding you close, never having to switch locations from love-making to cuddling. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Cliche as it sounds, everything you do gets him hard. Joe sometimes thinks he has a real problem, seeing as just the sight of you bending over to pick up something has him adjusting himself or taking you right then and there. But what really gets his cock hard is when you tease him, soft caresses over his jeans, whispering dirty things in his ear, anything you could do to allude to what was to come later got him harder than a rock and usually ended in him whimpering to you and begging for you to touch him.
N = NO (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Joe would never do anything to hurt you or degrade you. Aside from some light mid-sex spanking, Joe would never hurt you on purpose or call you any type of name that was less than your character.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I think it’s a toss up for which he prefers more. You mouth on his cock, sucking him dry while he moans like a goddamn pornstar was always top notch; but hearing you cry out his name and tug on his hair while he gives you as many orgasms with his mouth as he could managed have even brought him over the edge quite a few times. So Joe sees these as pretty evenly stacked bets, but he thinks if he really had to choose, your pleasure would beat his in the end. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc)
Joe’s default setting on sex was always and will always be set to soft and sweet. Not too slow, not too fast, just the right pace to have you to both losing your minds while also feeling incredibly intimate. These setting changed of course based on his and your moods. Stressful days called for fast and rough while morning sex was reserved was slow and sweet loving.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Quickies for Joe were like grabbing a bag of chips instead of eating the full meal. Yes they were delicious and satisfying enough to tide him over, but they were never the real deal and thus he always craved something more substantial. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
Joe’s game to experiment but only after talking it over and making sure there was mutual want and consent for the experiments in question. As you relationship progressed, he’d get bolder and definitely be more spontaneous as long as you were down too.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Joe usually surprised you with just how long he could last. While there were quite a few occasions in which Joe came sooner than expected (what can he say? you knew how to work him up), he almost always held out until he was fully inside of you and you were on the brink of your final orgasm. On the nights where he was too worked up and came much sooner than expected, giving himself a few extra minutes of working you up and hearing you beg him for more usually got him going again. Needless to say, his stamina was pretty damn good.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Joe didn’t own any toys himself but when he found out how fast you could lose control with a vibrator on your clit, well, Joe made sure to grab a few different kinds for future use. He mostly used them on you, but he’d be lying if he said he’d never used them on himself (See W for more details...)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Joe is a pretty straight to the point kind of guy so he’s not one teasing. He leaves that job to you since you seemed to do it so well. There were moments when he’d lightly tease you, usually when he went down on you. He’d run his beard along your thighs, plant open mouth kisses on your lower stomach, and - his favorite form of teasing - he’d leave hickies just about anywhere he could before finally allowing his mouth to touch where you needed it most.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Joe is LOUD and I will take no arguments on the matter. (note that one borhap interview where he just openly fucking whimpered like hi sir where is your self control) He loved to make noise and let you know just how goddamn good you made him feel. His noises could range from whimpers to moans of your name, and he’d always have some string of cuss words to accompany ever grunt and groan that fell from his lips.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Joe knew just how much you loved your vibrator so one day he decided to try it for himself. In his defense, you left it in his suitcase from your last weekend getaway and Joe happened to find it just as he was getting ready for bed while away for filming. Knowing you couldn’t FaceTime that night, he made himself comfy in his bed, pulled your pictures out to rile himself up and went to town. The absolute euphoria he felt when he let the vibrator, set to its lowest level, graze the head of his cock was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. It only took him a few minutes of stroking himself while he pressed the vibrator to the base of his dick just above his balls before he was cumming hard and fast, eyes closed and whimpering your name. It was almost too much for him and Joe decided that he’d store that option away for when he was really desperate and needed to get off quick (or just when you were there and could help him feel even more risky).
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
I have been waiting to talk about this because there is just a way that Joe carries himself and speaks that have had me saying on many occasions “WE GET IT JOE YOU HAVE A BIG DICK” and I firmly believe the man is packing some serious heat. I understand the use of cups and their way of accentuating things but if you look at him in Undrafted, like, that’s a pretty big cup my guy and those things are meant to fit a certain way and like hug so... I’m just saying... *insert the eyes emoji like six times*
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I think he’s got a pretty moderate sex drive. He’s always down when you are but there are plenty of other things he like to do besides dick you down. Joe’s got the biggest boner for domestic bliss so even if you’re not jumping each other’s bones he’s still perfectly happy. He has his moments when he absolutely aches for your touch but those are usually when he’s been gone filming too long or when you’ve been teasing him relentlessly.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s not one to pass out immediately afterwards, but he’s definitely a tired boy. Joe makes sure to take proper care of you, cleaning you up and making sure you’ve peed and that both of you have what you need before you pulls you in close and snuggles you. Sleeping isn’t the first thing on his mind after you two are done, in fact it might even be the last. He loves to hold you close and talk to you about anything and everything, all the while tracing patterns on your skin with his fingers or playing with your hair. Anything to have you close to him physically, emotionally, and mentally before you both finally drift off to sleep.
Tagging people who responded to my post about this so they can see it:
@spunky-town @michael-is-bae @fallinlovewhenitsdone @deanscroissant @mrsjosephmazzello @givemeunicornsorgivemedeath 
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
BTS During Sex
Maknae Line
Summary: Title speaks for itself, really, just filth
Warnings: Smut, filth, only sinners welcome, look there’s probably kink warnings but idk if you’re reading this you know what’s up, anyway I’m thirsty
anonymous asked:
BTS during sex? kind of like how you did the break-up one 👀 if thats too much then just for jeon jungkook
A/N: I am doing a Jungkook one tho theoreticalthot01
Word Count: 2579
Taehyung (V)
The most contradictory of all the boys sexually
Wait I’ll explain in a minute
He’s traditional
Most likely if y’all are fucking you’re in a long term relationship
He’d really be real bad at casual sex and not catching feelings (See my FWB reaction)
So if he’s fucking you, he’s probably in love with you
This means slow strokes, looking into your eyes, PRAISE so much praise Tae is your personal hype man
Loves missionary because he wants to look at your face and kiss you
Tae would make out with you and nothing else for 4 hours if you’d let him
Best kisser
When I say he’s vanilla I don’t mean he’s boring, just stay with me
He’s s o f t
Deadass will not let you give him head unless you just really really want to because he feels so guilty when you gag or if you look uncomfortable he can’t come
Will eat you out all the time and if you look tired he won’t even try to fuck you after just straight make your legs shake and go watch Netflix with you with pussy juice all over his mouth
Actually he loves the taste he’d fucking put it in a cup and drink it if it were possible
Definitely the best at going down on you of all the boys because he loves it so much
Tae’s dick is either totally average or fucking HUGE, idk the world may never know
Sex is sweet and you’ll never doubt how much he loves you
But lowkey after a while you might doubt how much he wants you
Very controlled (I can hear you thirsty hoes complaining just WAIT)
But at some point in a relationship, you will do something that will make him snap
Tae is extremely visually stimulated
So for his birthday you buy some sexy lingerie and as an afterthought, throw in some Gucci logo sheer tights
You set everything up it’s all romantic and shit, rose petals on the bed, candles lit, and you in a crotchless teddy, the tights, and 4 inch stilettos
You’ve curled your hair, full face makeup, the whole works
The icing on the cake is that you wrap a purple ribbon around your waist and tie it as if you are his birthday gift
So you lie on the bed and wait for him but he’s late getting home and you fall asleep
You wake up to his strangled moan and he’s standing over you, shirt unbuttoned, cock out, stroking himself
You’re shook because he’s so hesitant when asking you for sex usually, making sure you’re down
Shook but also, instantly wet, because goddamn, what a sight
When your eyes pop open he’s crawling across the bed toward you like a panther
You expect him to say he’s sorry he woke you but he doesn’t say shit
He just grasps the ribbon where it’s tied around your waist and looks up at you as if asking if he can open his present
“Anything you want, baby,” you whisper, voice kinda hoarse from sleep and now, thirst
“Anything?” He kinda growls and you’re like YES SIR
So like sex with Tae has always been great, he’s a giver like Hobi and he always makes you come but like this? Fucking god tier
He usually takes his time with foreplay, works you up for an hour, but now he’s uncharacteristically impatient, just slides his fingers into you and when they come out wet he huffs and grabs your ankles, yanking your ass to the edge of the bed
He. Is so. LOUD
He fucks you so hard you feel like your hips might break, slamming into you and groaning, cursing, which he doesn’t normally
He’s still praising you, though, “You’re so fucking perfect; I love you so much”
He looks like a fucking god, bronze skin, sheen of sweat, head arched back, baring his teeth as he gets closer to coming
You tell him you want him to come inside as you’ve gotten on birth control just for this particular occasion and he groans so loud your ears hurt
He has no idea you’re on birth control but he doesn’t give a single fuck
Highkey has an impregnation kink and you’d think it was weird but really it’s just hot and kinda sweet
He’s talking so dirty you’re blushing even as he fucks you mercilessly
“Oh my God, I’m gonna fill you up until your tight cunt is dripping with my come; gonna get you all nice and round and full of our baby because I love you so much.”
He growls and grunts so loud when he comes you feel like someone is gonna call the police
ANYWAY so Kim Taehyung has an breeding kink and that’s that on that
You can never go off birth control and he’s lowkey disappointed when he realizes you are on it
Sex is still sweet sometimes but you know how to get him going, just have to wear something sexy and beg him to come inside you and it’s ON
When he loses control, it’s a sight to behold
He definitely loves to eat his come out of your pussy it’ll make him hard all over again
Is the sweetest baby with aftercare though like he’ll leave bruises on your hips and ass and kiss them all one by one
Kinda proud when he leaves a big mark somewhere visible, though, he’s lowkey possessive
God help you if you do get pregnant, he’ll want to fuck all day every day the entire pregnancy
He says shit like “I wanna get you pregnant every 9 months for the rest of your life because you look so fucking gorgeous this way” 
If you don’t want children really you’re shit outta luck no way he’d be with anyone who didn’t at least eventually want them
And he’s not good at one night stands because he isn’t comfortable enough to let loose so I mean look if you wanna fuck Taehyung be prepared to marry him and have his babies I don’t know what to tell you he’s just like this
So anyway outside of the breeding kink he’s kind of an exhibitionist
would 100% be down to make a homemade porno with you and would watch it instead of porn while he’s on tour
Has like 200 nudes of you in various positions
Who needs porn when he has you? His attraction is 95% emotional, anyway so the more in love he is the more action you’ll get
Ok so hot take but Jimin is lowkey a sub
I mean he’s a switch but he leans sub
Very high sex drive will be down anytime, anywhere
You can make him hard with a wink and a smile 
No one has ever, in life, had as big a praise kink as Park Jimin
You’ll find that out real quick
If during sex, you say something like “you’re fucking me so good,” or “God, you’re so good, Jimin” he will come like a firehose like, immediately
In the top three best of the group at eating you out
He lives to please, honestly, so it’s one of his favorite things
He’s so proud when he makes you come hard
If you’re a squirter he might wife you
Is a little shit, will tease you for hours and loves it when you do the same
He is not too proud to beg he will love it when you tease him
Will praise you just as much as you praise him, telling you how hard you make him and how much he loves your cunt
If you want him to be a sub, he can do that, but he’ll be bratty as fuck and he would definitely never like a degradation kink or anything he’s not built to handle that kind of thing
He could take or leave head but if you go down on him just know he’s stupid loud so you won’t want to do it anywhere someone can hear you
Will always come in your mouth, doesn’t want it too messy unless it’s you coming and then he lives for you being a mess
He wants you shaking and begging him to let you breathe
O v e r s t i m u l a t i o n
Like, every time, and he likes it when you do it to him, too, that’s the only time he really truly loves a blowjob is when you suck the soul out of him
Ok so I know I said he’s sub leaning and he is
But if you make him jealous he will wreck you
And if you stand near a houseplant and not him long enough he’ll get salty so I mean it might happen a lot
He just wants all the attention, he needs all eyes on him, especially if he loves you
So if you laugh too hard at a joke someone makes or have an impromptu lunch date with a friend and he feels left out you are in trouble
He’ll be rough, pulling your hair and leaving all kinds of  marks all over your neck, he’ll bite you 
So like if you want Jimin to fuck you into next week just lowkey flirt with the waiter at dinner and you got it
A whole exhibitionist
It’s so hot watching him jerk off, honestly, it makes you so wet
He could be a camboy star, for real
Gets off on knowing how much he affects you
Loves to send you thotty pictures but not too many dick pics, just like sexy selfies and shit
Asks for nudes every single day he’s on tour
He deadass will make a pic of you spreadeagled his lockscreen
If you agree to make a homemade video with him he will be SO happy and watch it all the damn time
If he wasn’t famous he’d post that shit on Redtube just for the comments
Would never under any circumstances do a threesome with a man or a woman he’d lose his whole mind if you even suggested it
Just tell him he’s a good boy he’ll be yours forever
So he’s not real experienced but eager to learn
He’s like Hobi he’ll try most things at least once
No one has ever loved blowjobs as much as Jungkook don’t @me
Will fall in love if you can deepthroat
Will always reciprocate, though, and will like it when you tell him exactly what you like
He’s r o u g h
I mean he’s sweet in general but rough in bed, if you’re giving him head he’ll grab your head and force you down, if you’re riding him he’ll grab your hips and buck up beneath you, he’ll go hard in doggy style because he likes to watch your ass jiggle
You’ve always got bruises on your hips like he won’t let them go away
H I G H E S T sex drive
You will be so tired
Sleep? Who needs it. Food? Maybe between sessions
Y’all are fighting? Ok, y’all are gonna fuck it out for like a whole day
Angry sex is SO good with him though
When he shoves you against a wall to kiss you and grind into you, you know it’ll be a good day
If he’s not trying to fuck you then he’s not into you, sorry I don’t make the rules
He likes it when you tease him a little but he gets frustrated quick and dicks you down
If you were into something like cockwarming he’d try it but it would not work out
He’d be inside you for maybe 2 minutes before he’d start fucking you into the mattress
Really leaves an unnecessary amount of hickies you own 7 turtlenecks
He’s oddly shy about mutual masturbation if you suggest it and he won’t finish that way, he’ll get so hot watching you that he’ll dick you down instead
Also part of the “Put a towel down” club when you’re on your period
If you’re out of commission sexually in any way he will beg you for blowjobs and handjobs, anything
Or will fuck you in the shower
Particularly loves it when you suck him off while the water’s hitting his back
He’ll get you all worked up, too, be touching you everywhere and you’ll be lowkey mad you can’t fuck
M o r n i n g s e x
You wake up every goddamn morning with his dick poking you in the back and him kissing your neck
If you tell him you’re too tired he’ll back off but he’ll be huffy
If he falls back asleep 2 hours later he’s trying you again
If you wake him up with a blowjob he’ll be so sweet to you all day, like he’ll fall in love all over again when he lifts the covers to see his cock in your mouth
He’s not too vocal during sex but he is loud during blowjobs because he just loves the visual
He doesn’t have a ton of stamina he’s too much of an eager bunny to fuck you for hours but he’s back up in thirty minutes so it’s not a problem
Never not asking you for nudes, won’t send you a single dick pic even if you ask
If you wear his clothes around him, you won’t be wearing them for long
He loves the way you look in his tshirts
One time it was laundry day and you put on a pair of his boxer briefs and he walks in and says no words to you just jumps you, starts kissing your neck and sticks his hand down his boxer briefs and makes you come in three minutes fast
You should only wear them if you want him to be all over you all day
btw he’s very good with his hands, the best other than Yoongi
He will NOT fuck you in public if you tease him in public though be prepared to be fucked into the next century when you get home
He gets hard at a moment’s notice he won’t even kiss you with tongue if you’re not in private
A strong breeze will give him a boner, particularly if it lifts your skirt a little bit
Will do Skype sex but be embarrassed while doing it, all blushy when you ask him to let you see him he’s so shy about it at first
But when he gets closer to coming he’s all winks and smirks and eyefucking the camera and you lose it
He could watch you touch yourself all day, has a collection of videos you’ve sent to use while he’s on tour
He will deadass jerk off to you in favor of porn
He admits to you with a blush that he’d jacked off to your social media pictures before you even started dating
Would never in a million years make a video with you or of himself he would be so embarrassed to see himself fucking on camera or even in front of a mirror
If he hurts you during sex because he’s too eager he’ll be very sorry afterward
He actually might cry
You’ll end up comforting him instead of the other way around but he’ll be so sweet to you for days
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Yessss!!!! I’m so happy you like the arcana Asra is my personal favorite he deserves so much love!! If you wouldn’t mind could you do some yandere hc’s for Nadia and Asra what would they be like???
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♡ Asra Alnazar ♡
🔮 Asra is that yandere that you really don't see coming. He is very good at hiding his obsessive and possessive tendencies, but if you monitor him more closely it is obvious that some things really do bother him. For example, we all know that Asra loves to travel. One of his favorite things to do is to bring his s/o along to his travels so that they can be alone together. Asra does his best to show his s/o the most beautiful and exotic places in the whole world and he always tries to always make it at least a little romantic. But sadly, things don't always go so smoothly. Asra and s/o almost always encounter a lonely traveler (or a group) and they almost always need some kind of help. His sweet s/o is just too kind not to help the lonely stranger. While Asra does admire s/o's gentleness and kindness, he just can't help but wish for the stranger to just go away. He wants to romance his s/o, he wants to sweep them off their feet, and how can he do that if their attention isn't focused on him?!
🔮 Because of this, Asra often has Faust to follow s/o. She always brings back juicy details about s/o, which Asra will gladly use to woo his s/o. Oh, you like roses? Well what a coincidence, because Asra just bought a fresh new bouquet! Oh my, you want something sweet? Don't you worry your pretty little head, Asra has some sweets in his bag! Isn't that delightful?
Asra will always be three steps ahead of his s/o, and s/o will always be left speechless by Asra's random gifts and sweet gestures.
🔮 For a grown adult, Asra sure can get cuddly. He can get so cuddly that he will outright refuse to let go of his s/o, and he might cast a spell on the bed so that his s/o can't leave. He just loves feeling s/o in his arms and he adores playing with their hair. His heart never fails to excelarate whenever he is so near to his s/o, but he isn't complaining.
🔮 s/o will often catch Asra staring at them with this dreamy look in his eyes. He looks at them like they are the most beautiful person in the whole wide world and that they are the only important person in his life. But that dreamy stare will quickly turn in to a dark glare once s/o isn't focusing on Asra anymore.
🔮 I think Asra won't realize that he is a yandere for a good chunk of time. But once he gets jealous all of the negative emotions and thoughts will get to him. He hates how so many people talk to his s/o. He hates it when his s/o doesn't give him any attention.
He hates them. He hates anyone who dares to take his s/o away from him.
🔮 Asra will often put diferent spells on his s/o, and they will all be under the guise of "protection". Oh, he just doesn't want his sweet little apprentice to get hurt while he isn't there with them! He just wants what's best for his s/o, that's all!
🔮 He is also often a huge tease. He lives to see s/o's cheeks turn in to that beautiful shade of red! But if someone else tried to tease or flirt with his s/o? Oh no, no, no, this won't do. This won't do at all! Asra has no qualms about killing this person if their intentions are to take his s/o away. He would prefer to keep his hands clean, but for his s/o, Asra will bathe in blood if it is necessary.
🔮 After a while of trying to control his jealousy and obsessive thoughts, Asra will simply snap. Just the thought of his s/o being with someone else that isn't him brings him to tears. He is terrified that he will lose them for good at that's why he will find a damn good hiding spot where he can keep his s/o. He will furnish the place nicely and of course, he will put quite a few charms and spells around the area. And to add icing to this hellish cake, he may or may not ask his dear old friend Muriel to help him.
🔮 All in all, Asra is a absolutely terrifying yandere. The best thing to do is to stay on his good side and not to make him angry. Of course, he will find s/o's escape attempts amusing, cute even, but after a while he will just get super angry. Asra's punishments often vary on how badly his s/o behaved, but they all have something in common. His s/o will always get either a mental or a physical scar as a reminder of their disobedience...
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♡ Nadia Satrinava ♡
💋 Ah, Nadia. I imagine Nadia to be a delusional yandere. The very idea of her s/o leaving her for more then five minutes brings her to utter fear and she always makes sure that s/o has some kind of task or chore that pretty much forces s/o to stay close to Nadia.
💋 At the end of the day, Nadia would love nothing more then to have dinner with her s/o. It is one of her favorite activities, and on these little dinner dates she always tries to find a way to learn something new about her s/o. She always has a blast doing so, and bonus points if s/o gets a bit shy during the conversation! She doesn't want s/o to be too uncomfortable, but she can't help herself when it comes to being a tease.
💋 Because of s/o Nadia will lose a lot of sleep. Whenever she closes her eyes she always sees s/o's face and this is driving her absolutely insane. How can one person have such a strong impact on her? How can o e person be so gosh darn perfect?
She has no clue, but this only gives Nadia even more determination and obsession to make sure that her s/o is safe.
💋 Nadia would love nothing more then to spoil the Hell out of her s/o. Her s/o deserves to wear only the finest jewelry, the smoothest and silkiest of clothing and deserves to eat the best food there is. So, little or lavish dates throught the city are very common. Nadia always feels a sense of pride start to form in her chest whenever someone makes a comment saying how the Countess and her new love just look so amazing together. A true power couple they say, and Nadia soaks up every single word.
💋 She gets very red about this, but she always tries to find a excuse to hold her s/o in any way, shape or form. She just loves been g affectionate with her s/o, it brings GA her endless joy! And sometimes when she has trouble sleeping, Nadia asks s/o if they can maybe sleep with her in her bedroom?
Pretty please?
Nadia will understand if this makes s/o uncomfortable, but she will be thrilled if her s/o says yes. When they are in bed together, Nadia would love nothing more then to hold her s/o in her arms. It just feels so amazing, like s/o was meant to be there... Before actually falling asleep though, Nadia will just look at s/o's beautiful and peaceful face. She feels like she's under some sort of spell, she just can't look away. Hm, did her s/o actually cast a spell on her? It would make sense, why else would she feel this way? But she knows that this is no spell, and that the only magic used here was charm and true love.
💋 The more sweet, affectionate and submissive her s/o is, the harder will Nadia fall in love or become freaking obsessed to the point when she can't breathe properly because of s/o. Those kind of people are her absolute favourites, and the bigger sweetheart s/o is, the faster they will find themselves chained to Nadia's bedpost. It takes s/o by complete surprise. It just comes out on nowhere! s/o will one morning find themselves to be chained to the bedpost while Nadia patiently waits for s/o to wake up. When s/o demands an explanation, Nadia will confess how she truly feels and that this needs to be done! This is the only way for s/o to be safe! After everything that has happened, the plague, Lucio... This truly is the only way for s/o to be safe! And Nadia will proudly proclaim her love to her s/o, while s/o realizes that there is no going back...
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