pastasilly · 2 years
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i dont think ive posted these but there’s my version of frostferatu too!! (and my botbots ocs: sweetie-berry and pastarazzi!! + hoppus from mighty magiswords ^^
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wavernot4love · 6 months
hello fun 2ourdust albany things (note i typed this at like 4:30 am last night when i simply couldn't sleep but then passed out before i could post it so it may not be the most coherent)
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- pete talking about upstate being special 2 him due to memories of taking a bus to a tattoo parlor in syracuse and feeling inspired by all these cool achc dudes... god i love hardcore scene lore fob stuff ESPECIALLY when upstate gets brought into it
- reinventing the wheel for the first time in apparently seventeen YEARS (i take full responsibility for making this happen due to my showing up in my tttyg crewneck /s)
- andy waved to us!! long story short about 30 of us were waiting by the wrong buses sadly & just barely missed pete & patrick meeting folks by the right ones. we were pretty heartbroken when we came over & found out, but a combination of the andy thing & meeting/trading bracelets/caroling along to folie songs (if ya know ya know) with cool folks turned waiting after the show into a fond memory regardless. i love the fob community, dude. t/2ourdust has changed everything for me.
and still i just find it worth noting how sick it is that this tour pete & patrick have been taking the time to come out & talk w folks. you don't see that much with bands playing arena shows and it makes me happy to see.
- lots of celebration for the smfs anniversary!
muse live (shit is INCREDIBLE live dude), kintsugi & what a time to be alive for medley, lil pete speech about the record.
- ginasfs instead of sixteen candles as a wild card again!!! i cannot believe i have heard her three times now when if you asked me two years ago i never would have thought i'd hear her once!
- smfs is definitely a worthy replacememt for srar in every sense. i appreciate both similarly, and i love that they recall tourdust's srar performance in the sense of it serving as a great medley transition, also in regard a to collaboration (everyone joining in to sing at the end, in this case joe especially)
- that reminds me, it seemed like pete did a lot of backing vox tonight which was nice
- i may only really know a handful of jimmy songs well but great band and jim adkins is one of those people that just seems nice. i like watching the dude do his thing.
- seeing hot mully in an arena was crazy. was pretty sad they cut featuring mark hoppus but still was nice 2 see them
- i remain wholly not a fan of seated shows, at least not for this kinda music, that did get me down at a couple points as i just can't move the way i wanna (not being able to mosh to cbts etc like at tourdust sucked, as well as just being confined to my seat/row all night) & also it seems to keep the crowd in general way more stagnant.
but at least i could see well + no one around me was particularly disrespectful!!
i also respect fob's ability to make a concert at an arena like this still feel like a SHOW (in the scene sense)
- and finally, have nightmare quality pete randomly crawling inside the inflatable dog (i am currently forgetting dude's name)
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polarsirens · 1 year
Now that Gerard is fully a frog (pain) I can't help but think about the song "Featuring Mark Hoppus" whenever I think about his relationship to Elody
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okay first things first i laughed quite a bit reading the artist's name because hot mulligan. and my thoughts went to a very specific image of mr brennan lee mulligan
now that i got that out of the way, this song. i love this very much, especially this part of the lyrics in relation to the most recent episode:
Hope you’d recognize me now
I don’t even know who you are Memories faded out just like a dark room lesson Clarity lost on resin Maybe I’m just thinking too hard Rather let it dissipate than face my conscience Call it faking progress
ooooh. you're right, pain. lovely
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arcadiabaytornado · 1 year
On the topic of both Max ghosting Chloe and thematically appropriate music, I think Featuring Mark Hoppus by Hot Mulligan is a great fit for Chloe - thoughts?
This song was written for Pricefield and no one can tell me otherwise. Especially because I could imagine it playing during a montage of Chloe missing Max in Before The Storm.
I can't get over how fitting these lyrics are:
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
tagged by @warmupbrawl to post my top 5 most listened songs lately. thanks for giving me a distraction during this hockey game!
anywhere with you — maggie rogers
been rotating blorbos to this one a LOT lately. it’s great for every blorbo-rotating situation: sitting on the train, strolling through the city, driving in the car (even cruising down 95, if u will) (sorry). i’m especially obsessed with the bridge (”would you tell me if i ever started holding you back? / would you talk me off the guard rail of my panic attack?”) — the whole song captures this feeling about being wildly in love and desperately anxious about that love and i just keep thinking about how i want to write something that feels like that.
december (again) — neck deep ft. mark hoppus
this one got randomly stuck in my head a few weeks ago so i threw it on my commuting playlist and i just keep coming back to it. first of all, it’s a bop, second of all, the lyric “i came out grieving, barely breathing, and you came out all right” makes me want breakup/makeup fic so bad.
dismantling summer — the wonder years
i have a normal amount of wonder years songs in rotation on my top tracks at any given moment. this one is getting the most play lately because it’s a summer jam and therefore goes with the great warm weather we’ve been having lately (this current weekend nontwithstanding) (when will the sun return from the war 😩) also obviously i have to get my greatest generation spins in before lpoefest in september.
handle me — muna
i listened to the muna album this is from a lot while writing head above water last year (GREAT album), and then someone commented on ao3 a while back saying that this song is a leon song in that fic, and so it’s been on my commuting playlist ever since, lmao.
born to be yours — kygo ft. imagine dragons
okay look. did i discover this song just because of this video? maybe. is it mildly embarrassing that i’ve listened to it incessantly for a year now? definitely. is it gonna be on my spotify wrapped again this year? yeah probably.
(i pulled this top five from my receiptify monthly report but i think it should be noted that i have spent most of this specific week listening to country music, and also listened to “the saga begins” by weird al like twelve times on friday, neither of which are choices i will be explaining.)
i am tagging: @hopetorun @bropunzeling @postoperation @vivathewilddog @slightly and anyone who wants to do this tbh, i love hearing about people’s music!!
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jackinalex · 1 year
I found a really nice Jalex interview and I cannot believe I’ve somehow missed it since it was recorded and released in 2020. The questions are good and on point and both of them are just honest about themselves and the band. Alex praising Jack for his cooking and songwriting, Jack and the band letting ‘their boy’ go with ‘dad’ Mark Hoppus to do Simple Creatures. I don’t even mind Alex talking about the farm when Jack is present. Basement Noise being a Jalex reminiscing about when they first met and started writing songs, Jack saying that back then everyone wanted to start a band to impress a girl or a guy(!!!). Followed by an awkward chuckle. I’m sorry, did he really say that? It didn’t sound like he was referring to any girl bands. I love how sometimes when Alex talks about Jack he says his name at least three times in the span of like 10 seconds. He’ll be like ‘me and Jack wanted to do something and when Jack came in, Jack said…’ instead of just saying he. Also the fact that it was recorded on Jack’s birthday gives more context to Alex’s state of mind when he wrote that sweet birthday post for Jack on insta that year. So for anyone who missed it like me I highly recommend listening to it.
I haven’t listened to it, either! At least, I don’t remember listening to it. I’m definitely gonna have to add this to the list of things I need to listen to on my way to work. I don’t love hearing about the farm, but I could listen to Alex talk about Jack (and vice versa) forever. Especially when they’re both present! And I am really interested in any insight into that birthday post because it was SO 🥹
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ivanmoon27 · 21 days
Hubo un momento y hubo un lugar… crecí solo hasta los 9 años, mi hermano llego creo que aún que el tenga ahora 13 años y yo 22 nos falta un gran camino para conocernos mejor, siento una extraña sensación de verlo crecer, no creo estar listo para verlo con vello en la cara y con una voz grave, posiblemente sea lo más cercano que estaré de ver a un hijo crecer porque no sé si algún día sea padre, pronto me iré de esta cuidad e iré buscando la aventura, espero dejar todo lo que me avergüenza atrás y ser alguien más arriesgado en ese nuevo lugar, no sé qué día vuelva a casa y no sé si me quedaré hay muchas cosas que no sé… desde que soy un adolescente con acné he querido hacer las cosas a mi manera no me gusta recibir ordenes y no me gusta no tener la razón siempre llevo puesta la camisa del “chico punk que no le asusta nada” cuando realmente sí me asusta, no creo que tenga 2 personalidades pero si creo que tal vez me gusta ser visto como alguien valiente, me gusta esconderme detrás de mis héroes y decir “yo soy así” me gusta tener esa seguridad de Kurt cobain, me gusta mamdar todo al caraja como Ad Rock, me gusta ser el centro de atención como Mark Hoppus y me gusta ser una persona depresiva como Tom Yorke, soy un pequeño collage de pensamientos y sentimientos de esas personas soy un pequeño tributo, no soy falso todo eso lo hago con mi esencia, hay momentos cruciales en la vida y pronto tendré uno, tengo miedos y uno de ellos se ha vuelto muy grande últimamente, siempre he tenido la sensación de que moriré joven (posiblemente antes de los 40’s) y siempre tengo la sensación de que moriré en un accidente de auto, he estado cerca de que se cumpla porque hay accidentes todos los días y casi soy el protagonista, no sé tal vez soy paranoico pero “cuando lo sabes lo sabes”, quiero a mis padres y quiero mi vida, ese sentimiento de muerte me gusta porque no quiero morir de viejo y no quiero envejecer, me gusta ser joven y me gusta ver el mundo con otros ojos, me gusta ver el cielo y mirar las nubes, me gustan los atardeceres y me gustan los pequeños momentos, esos momentos banales que a nadie le importa, me gusta esa pequeña parte de mi vida que no es ser miserable y me gusta cuando estar tranquilo en mi casa, esos pequeños momentos antes de que la ansiedad toque mi puerta y la única manera de calmarla sea comiendo la comida me tiene harto y solo como porque debo, desearía no tener que comer, creo que al final del día uno nunca termina de escribir lo que siente y me gustaría volver al pasado e ir viendo como mi vida fue cambiando y como todo a mi alrededor se tornaba gris, tengo amigos muertos, casados, en la universidad, trabajando y otros pocos que están en las drogas pero yo soy un ¿caso especial? No lo creo aún no descubro que hacer con mi vida pero esta bien tal vez en un futuro sea ese niño que salió de la nada para ser escritor o simplemente muera cruzando la calle, como sea espero tener una vida la cual pueda recordar, espero estar con mi amada hasta el final y espero que todo esto se vaya conmigo, si pudiera ponerle nombre a mi vida seria “UNA VIDA QUE PARECÍA ESTAR PERDIDA PERO QUE AL FINAL NO LO ESTUVO, PERO ESO AÚN NO LO SABEMOS PORQUE NI SIQUIERA HEMOS LLEGADO A LOS 25”.
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legion1227 · 10 months
Blink 182: One More Time Album Review
All the Small Things, Feeling This, Dammit, What's My Age Again.
In my household growing up, I can recall these songs playing a lot. I have an immense soft spot for these tracks and that time in my life. I'm enamored by All the Small Things and its heartfelt lyrics by singer Mark Hoppus to his at-the-time girlfriend and eventual wife. What's My Age Again is a pleasurable bop, especially now as the song follows a 23-year-old who pranks people and acts childish, and I turn 23 myself in a little more than a month from now. Dammit is an excellent break-up song that has terrific instrumentals that help hammer the message that the couple are not getting back together. And the passion of Feeling This moves me in a way that the other songs don't. Blink 182 has a handful of songs I know and adore, though not as much as other bands, but I respect them immensely for the quality of songs they provided decades ago that I still have in a regular rotation.
So, when I heard that Blink 182 was going to drop an album, I felt inclined to listen. While I haven't extensively listened to their previous catalog, I adore the previously mentioned tracks. Maybe there would be something I liked almost as much as those songs, I thought. One More Time dropped on October 20th, 2023. The album tackles themes of relationships and maturity lyrically while providing explosive, alluring instrumental work with its return of guitarist Tom Delonge after leaving the band years ago.
After enduring a 19-track run for 50 minutes, I find the album to be…fairly okay. Unfortunately, there's nothing here that I would hold to a high standard as their previous big hits, but there is certainly nothing bad. Its initial track, Anthem Part 3, starts with strong, bombastic drums and guitars; Dance With Me is similar but falls just a little short for me with a weak chorus. They guarantee an earworm with an unnecessary "ole ole" at the beginning of the hook. Take that portion out, and I would enjoy the track enough to add comfortably to my rotation. Fell In Love and Terrified follow after, and they have good elements but don't stand out much to me. But then One More Time, the track sharing the same name as the album plays and cements itself as one of my favorite songs from the project. The guitar work is minimal as the vocalist takes over for the song, garnering most of the focus. The subject matter reflects the history between the band members and how tragedy has brought them close together, like Mark battling cancer and drummer Travis Barker surviving his plane crash back in 2008. Every facet of the song works immensely here for me as one of the most personal tracks on the project.
Unfortunately, the songs that follow are a mixed bag. The next 6 songs and one interlude all either have fine vocals but instrumentals that don't work for me or could be better. Or it's straight up the other way around. It's not until Bad News where we have another song that I gravitate as much to as I do with the song One More Time. The presentation of a person falling out of love with someone after a lengthy amount of time in a relationship is intriguing here and works as well for me as One More Time does. I can't relate, but it's a bop, nonetheless.
The last few tracks come and go and…that's it. The vocals are a bit shoddy in a majority of the songs, but solid in a good number of them. The instrumentals are solid, and the subject matter varies from something familiar to something heartfelt.
Overall, I find the album to be…okay. I only really enjoy two out of nearly 20 songs, but there's no song here that I find absolutely abhorrent. It's worth at least one listen, but it's still mid. 3/5.
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thisaintascenereviews · 11 months
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Blink-182 - One More Time
Blink-182 has been through a lot of shit over the last few years, but it all culminated with Mark Hoppus getting cancer and Tom DeLonge coming back into the fold. I never listened to their last album, 2019’s Nine, their second with Alkaline Trio frontman Matt Skiba, but I was curious about their latest album, One More Time. I’ve never been a huge fan of them, although I do enjoy songs from them (especially their greatest hits), but their new stuff just hasn’t done much for me. I was curious about this one because they got back together and apparently wanted to harken back to their classic material and make a record that looked back at their career without sacrificing what makes them good.
I wish I liked this album more, honestly. It’s not that One More Time is a bad album, it’s just that it isn’t interesting. If you’re a huge fan of Blink, you’ll probably love it, but if you’re not, you won’t get much out of it. It takes everything they’ve done for the last 30 years and condenses it into a single album, but this album is 17 songs and 44 minutes long. That’s kind of overall for a pop-punk record, even when some of songs are barely 30 seconds, but this album drags. I’m excited by the time it ends, and I don’t want to feel that way about any albums, but this album just drags. It isn’t even that bad, as there are some cool ideas and some catchy songs, but it’s just stuff they’ve done before.
I do commend the band for sticking true to themselves, and this is a Blink album, through and through. It’s just that a lot of this record is the same old cliches and ideas we’ve gotten before, but what makes this a bit different is the theme of maturing and growing older. That shows up on a few songs, especially which reflect on Hoppus’ cancer diagnosis, but it just feels tired and cliched. I wish I liked this more, because some songs are fun, catchy, and loose, but it just doesn’t sound that great. It’s not interesting, and this album goes on way too long. As a Blink album, it’s fine, and it’s worth hearing to hear the original lineup together again for the first time, but once that novelty wears off, just listen to their classic material instead.
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Histórico. Esta é uma boa maneira de definir o line-up da décima edição do Lollapalooza Brasil. Marcado para os dias 24, 25 e 26 de março de 2023, no Autódromo de Interlagos, em São Paulo, o festival acaba de revelar a programação desta grande celebração. Drake vem a São Paulo pela primeira vez e o LollaBR será o ponto de encontro com o rapper. Pela primeira vez no Brasil, a cantora Billie Eilish e a banda blink-182 também estão confirmados no line-up, que lista mais de 70 shows entre atrações internacionais e nacionais. A vinda do blink-182 acontece após 30 anos de espera e se torna ainda mais especial por se tratar da turnê de reunião da formação original do grupo, com Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge e Travis Barker. O rapper sensação Lil Nas X é outro nome que fará a sua estreia por aqui com o show no Lollapalooza Brasil. Queridinhos do público, Tame Impala e Rosalía também estão escalados para a edição 2023, que somará mais de 80 horas de música ao longo de seus três dias. Os representantes nacionais são elementos muito importantes em todas as edições e, em 2023, não será diferente. Destaques do trap, Filipe Ret e L7NNON marcam presença, enquanto as cantoras Larissa Luz e Pitty, assim como a banda Tuyo, mostram toda a potência da produção musical brasileira. Jane's Addiction, Tove Lo, Os Paralamas do Sucesso, Gilsons, Black Alien e Pedro Sampaio também subirão ao palco. No momento, duas modalidades de ingressos estão disponíveis. São elas: o quarto lote do Lolla Pass, ingresso que dá acesso aos três dias de evento; e o terceiro lote de Lolla Comfort by next (Pass), ingresso que dá acesso aos três dias de evento e a uma área que estreou em 2022 e foi um grande sucesso, garantindo um espaço em que o conforto vem em primeiro lugar, com área de descanso, lockers e food trucks exclusivos, banheiros de água corrente, entre outras facilidades. Os ingressos Lolla Lounge by Vivo (Pass) já estão esgotados. A compra pode ser feita no site (https://lollapalooza.sales.ticketsforfun.com.br/ –  com taxa) e na bilheteria oficial (sem taxa). “A cada ano, sempre que anunciamos o line-up de uma edição, temos a percepção de que é a melhor programação que já montamos. Mas acredito que, desta vez, superamos nossas próprias expectativas. Dá muito orgulho olhar para esse pôster e ver os nomes mais cobiçados do mercado nele, como Billie Eilish e Lil Nas X. Sem falar na oportunidade de terminar a longa espera do público para ver um show do blink-182”, afirma Francesca Brown Alterio, diretora de marketing e da área de festivais da Time For Fun. “Além de toda a potência que as atrações brasileiras trazem para essa grande celebração”, ela complementa. Produzido por Perry Farrell, TIME FOR FUN e C3 Presents, o Lollapalooza Brasil 2023 conta com patrocínio master de Bradesco, Budweiser, Chevrolet, adidas, Johnnie Walker e Vivo, e apoio de Tanqueray, Sadia, Mike’s, next, Braskem e Red Bull. 89FM, Mix FM e Eletromidia são media partners. Confira a programação completa do Lollapalooza Brasil 2023: Drake, Billie Eilish, blink-182, Tame Impala, Rosalía, Lil Nas X, Jane´s Addiction, The 1975, Armin van Buuren, Jamie XX, Kali Uchis, Claptone, Fred again.., Alison Wonderland, Gorgon City, Tove Lo, AURORA, Purple Disco Machine, Conan Gray, Wallows, Dominic Fike, Melanie Martinez, L7NNON, LUDMILLA, Cigarettes After Sex, Rise Against, Polo & Pan, John Summit, Omar Apollo, Sofi Tukker, Filipe Ret, Pitty, Pedro Sampaio, ANAVITÓRIA, Modest Mouse, Os Paralamas do Sucesso, Black Alien, Mochakk, YUNGBLUD, Rashid, 100 gecs, Nora En Pure, Dubdogz x KVSH, Liu, Suki Waterhouse, Hot Milk, Gilsons, Devochka, Tássia Reis, Carol Biazin, Tuyo, O Grilo, Black Pantera, Eli Iwasa, Madds, Medulla, Planta & Raiz, D-Nox, Öwnboss, Ana Frango Elétrico, Rooftime, Santti, MULAMBA, Larissa Luz, Melanie Ribbe, Gab Ferreira, Binaryh, Carola, BABY, Deekapz, Camila Brunetta, Aliados, Aline Rocha, Valentina Luz, Brisa Flow, Number Teddie, Carol Seubert, Curol.   Serviço: Lollapalooza Br
asil Dias 24, 25 e 26 de março de 2023 Local: Autódromo de Interlagos, Av. Sen. Teotônio Vilela, 261 - Interlagos, São Paulo Informações: https://www.lollapaloozabr.com/ Siga nas redes: @lollapaloozabr Valores*: Lolla Pass: a partir de R$ 1.500 (lote 4) Lolla Comfort Pass: a partir de R$ 2.450 (lote 3) * Em cima desses valores, é aplicado os 15% de desconto para os clientes de cartões de débito e crédito do Bradesco, Bradescard, next e Digio, além da possibilidade de parcelamento em até 5x sem juros. * Na abertura de vendas gerais (pass), as compras podem ser parceladas em até 3x sem juros.   BILHETERIA OFICIAL – SEM TAXA DE CONVENIÊNCIA: Teatro Renault – Avenida Brigadeiro Luis Antônio, 411, Bela Vista De terça a domingo: das 12h às 20h (na terça-feira, 14 de junho, a bilheteria abre às 10h00) Segunda e feriados: fechado   SITE DE VENDAS – COM TAXA DE CONVENIÊNCIA: https://www.lollapaloozabr.com/ 
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badbitch-mel · 2 years
december (again) ft mark hoppus - neck deep
I don’t even have favorite lyrics bc the whole song is my favorite fucking song. especially this version
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randombubblegum · 3 years
Never made sense to me how someone you are a literal fan of (mark hoppus) can be like “yeah this dudes cool” and his fans go “no fuck that dude he’s a [slur]” like sure you don’t have to have the same opinions as the people you’re fans of but like to be so fundamentally different from the type of person they are but be their fan? Like the amount of homophobes who are fans of people who are very clearly not homophobic? Crazy to me lol
ITS SOOOO WEIRDDDDDD like mark hoppus used to run around buck naked with his bandmates and make gay jokes all the time even in the 90s how are u gonna be a homophobe and like blink-182 ESPECIALLY NOW when mark hoppus is a full on radical lgbtq supporter and hater of cops
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
For the writers prompt! 16 with jalex please and thank you, I love your work!
damn yall are really obsessed with sleepy jalex huh? well i can’t blame you because i am too <3 thank YOU for sending this in i liked writing it
read on ao3
There's a tap at Alex's window. Alex ignores it. Sometimes branches sweep down over the house on particularly stormy nights, and sometimes there are birds, and there's always the possibility that he's imagined it.
The tap comes again. Alex sighs. He knows where the sound is coming from, and it's not like he'd been falling asleep to begin with, so maybe this will help in some way. 
Slowly he kicks away his covers, drags himself out of bed, and opens the window.
"Hi," he says.
"Hi," Jack whispers. "Did I wake you?"
"Not really." Alex shrugs. "It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway. What's up?"
Jack peers into Alex's room, which looks strange for how empty it is. So much of it is in suitcases or boxes, ready to be packed into the car tomorrow and driven off to college. The only thing in Alex's room that isn't quite ready to leave is Alex.
"You wanna sit out here with me?" Jack asks. He's on the roof, a place Alex's parents have repeatedly instructed them both not to climb on. Alex thinks Jack only really does this for the drama of breaking the rule, but he has to admit there is something unique about sitting on the rooftop. Especially doing so with Jack. 
"Yeah," Alex says, because why not. Sleep had been a failed venture, and Jack is a familiar presence. In the strangeness of Alex's room right now, he'll take all the familiarity he can get.
Jack shuffles away so that Alex can slide the window open wide enough to climb through, trying to tread as lightly as he can. It's not that he thinks the roof will cave under them, necessarily, but it's definitely an ever-present possibility of which Alex is hyper-aware. Four years ago, when Jack first climbed up the tree to the roof outside Alex's bedroom window and knocked like some Juliet-esque forbidden lover, they'd both been a lot smaller. As they've grown up — and gotten more freedom — they've taken up residence less and less on this roof.
It hasn't changed at all, though. Maybe it's a little leafier now. Alex brushes away some leaves and stretches his legs out in front of him, and at his left, Jack does the same.
"So I guess you couldn't sleep either?" Alex finally says.
Jack breathes a laugh. "Ya think?" He shrugs. "Yeah. I don't know. I've been excited to go to college this whole time, but now that we're going it feels like…"
"Yeah," Alex murmurs.
"Yeah. I don't think I'm scared, you know? But, I don't know, maybe. It's all just so weird."
"Yeah, who'd have thought we'd ever make it this far?" Alex deadpans. "I thought for sure we'd be high school dropouts."
"I seriously didn't think they would let me graduate," Jack says. 
"Nobody thought they would let you graduate. I'm still in shock."
"Just waiting for the call. 'Hello, Jack Bearcat?'" Alex laughs. Four years at their high school and somehow their principal had never managed to correctly pronounce Jack's last name. "'Yeah, we need to revoke your diploma. You actually don't get to graduate because you skipped so many classes and we hate you.'"
"It's too late," Alex giggles. "They already let you. No take-backsies."
"No take-backsies," Jack repeats, folding his hands together between his legs. "Yeah."
They fall silent, and for a moment Alex doesn't break it. 
Through the open window into his room, Alex can see a bare stretch of wall where there used to be a blink-182 poster. That poster is now folded up and hidden somewhere in the depths of one of the myriad boxes stacked upon Alex's floor. When he gets to college, he'll put it up in his dorm, and hopefully it'll feel more like home. But when he comes back for holidays and breaks, his room won't have the poster. The room where he grew up — really grew up, not from a baby to a boy but from a boy to a man, or whatever it is they’re calling him now — won't have Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge, and Travis Barker's judgmental gazes watching over it anymore, and neither will Alex as long as he's here. 
Packing for college is just deciding how much of home you want to take with you, and how much you want to leave to come back to in the summer. Alex still isn't sure if he's one of the things he wants to leave or take with.
"At least we'll be close," Alex finally says. His voice is a little rough, but it doesn't get better when he swallows. He clears his throat. "Right? An hour, that's not far."
"You won't be able to escape me," Jack says. "I'll be at your dorm every weekend, like it or not."
"I'm counting on it," says Alex. "I’m really gonna miss you, y’know?”
Jack exhales. “I’m really gonna miss you too.” He glances around them. “I’m really gonna miss this. I don’t know what I’ll do when I can’t just walk five minutes and be at your house. Knock on your window. How am I supposed to be your annoying best friend if I can’t wake you up in the middle of the night and make you sit on the roof with me?”
“Hey, you’ll always be my annoying best friend,” Alex says, linking his left arm in Jack’s right. He leans his head carefully on Jack’s shoulder, and Jack slump down a bit so it’s more comfortable for both of them. “And I’ll sit on any roof with you. Time and place, I’ll be there.”
Jack hums. “But I don’t want to sit on any roof,” he mumbles. “I like this one.”
A dizzying feeling swoops through Alex’s stomach. He closes his eyes. “Yeah, me too.”
They’re quiet again, and so is the world. It, like Alex, might be holding its breath, waiting for some kind of resolution, some happy ending to this moment. Where Jack and Alex realize that they would rather stay together no matter the cost, and one of them decides to transfer schools; some kind of sweeping rom-com finale that has the audience in tears. But Alex knows it won’t come. Life isn’t a romantic comedy. Life is just life, and they’re both forging paths. Setting down each stone right before they take the next step across it, maybe, but forging paths nonetheless. 
They’re not starkly different, but they’re not the same. As much as the two of them had dreamt of being together forever, pointing at adjacent unclaimed clusters of stars in the sky with bright, optimistic fifteen-year-old eyes and calling them the Jack and Alex constellations, Alex had never really thought they’d end up in the same place. 
That might be part of the magic, though. If Alex is searching for a silver lining, he can find one in this: however far apart he and Jack drift on the map, they’ll always come back to each other. It’s only an hour now, but Alex knows the way that life can grab you by the collar and whisk you away to another state, another country, another continent, how forcefully it can shake away all the strings you try to attach to yourself to keep you from being adrift in the world. He’d been too young after his first move; now he knows better. It’s not a string this time so much as an anchor, locked around Jack’s heart, braced against his rib cage, and Alex knows with almost unyielding certainty that wherever he goes, or wherever Jack goes, they’ll always find each other. 
“Hey,” Alex says, cracking the silence down the middle. “Can I give you something to bring to college?”
“Sure,” Jack says.
Alex pats his thigh. “Okay. Give me a minute to find it.”
He detaches himself from Jack and crawls back through the window into his bedroom. Compared to the breezy nighttime atmosphere, the house is eerily silent. Alex hurries over to the stack of boxes — thankfully he’d had the presence of mind not to seal them shut yet — and begins digging through the first one. He’s pretty sure it’s in this one. He’s pretty sure it’d been one of the last things he’d packed.
After emptying the box of almost all its contents, he hits jackpot. “Aha,” he mutters, carefully tugging it out from under a stack of notebooks. Ignoring the mess of stuff on his floor, he returns to the window and clambers back through it.
“What’s this?” Jack asks.
Alex unfolds the poster and holds it out for Jack to take. “You should take this to school.”
“Your blink poster?” Jack looks up from the poster and through the window, and Alex knows he’s picturing it fastened to the wall across from them. That poster has been up for almost the entire duration of their friendship. “Don’t you want this?” 
“No, I want you to have it,” Alex says. “If you want, I mean.”
“Yeah, sure,” Jack says, glancing back down at the poster. “Man. The things this poster has seen. The things this poster will see. I hope these dudes can keep a secret.”
Alex knows what the poster has seen: the two of them, growing up in tandem, constantly pulled together by something akin to gravity, making a home not out of any room or rooftop but out of each other. 
If all Jack brings of Alex to his dorm is this poster, Alex thinks that’s enough. 
“I should probably go,” Jack says reluctantly, and panic seizes Alex, because however much he can kid himself that he’s ready to say goodbye, he’s never really going to be. They’ll be counting down the hours once it’s tomorrow, but until then they have forever. And Alex isn’t letting go.
“Please don’t,” he says quietly, looping his arm in Jack’s again and shifting closer to him. “Please just stay a little longer.”
Jack breathes out, leans his head on Alex’s shoulder, and nods. “Yeah. I didn’t want to go anyway.”
The breeze ruffles Alex’s hair. He closes his eyes, cheek to the top of Jack’s head, and breathes as quietly as he can, like maybe if they’re still enough the world will mistake them for statues and they’ll never have to leave. Like breathing slowly will delay the inevitable. These things are impossible. Alex knows that.
But Jack makes a lot of things possible, and Alex isn’t willing to give up just yet.
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pixiegrl · 4 years
Just Want to Feel UnLost
So this fic is completely for @lifewasradical my The Maine buddy, (my wife), who listened to The Maine for 7 hours today and also looped them for the last 4 days with me. I love and appreciate you so much, your constant love and energy and general vibes of love and happiness are so wonderful and I love you! I hope you enjoy this! My love for you is neverending
On ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27733849
Luke’s excited to go out on tour again. He’s been restless to do it, ever since announcing CALM and preparing for the shows. Luke can’t wait to get out on stage, put on his favorite outfits and makeup, to get up there and share their music with everyone, to sing his favorite songs over and over again. He’s been restless ever since they stopped touring last year and he can’t wait to go back out on the road and see everyone again. 
He’s even more thrilled to be going out on tour because it means he can show off his ring. It means he can get up on stage every night and tell their fans over and over again about how much he loves Ashton, about how excited he is to get married, about how happy it makes him knowing that he and Ashton are finally going to formalize their love, that Luke gets to be Luke Hemmings-Irwin soon. He knows it’ll embarrass Ashton endlessly to be put on the spot like that, but Luke doesn’t care. He wants to tell everyone every single day how much he loves Ashton.
Luke’s been in a loop the last few days. While Ashton’s been playing through their set list, going downstairs for hours to practice the drums for all their songs, making sure he knows every note and change and that it's perfect, Luke’s been sitting outside listening to The Maine’s American Candy. He’s been stuck for days, looping the music again, happy and content. He knows he should be practicing, especially as the days to their first show approach closer and closer, but he can’t stop himself, plucking out the guitar chords of the songs, humming along to the music in his headphones. He’s been stuck on (Un)Lost now for a few days, caught up in the words of the song, the melody. The song’s always made him feel at home, John’s singing “Control what you can, Confront what you can’t, And always remember how lucky you are to have yourself,” sticks with him. The idea of not being found, but still feeling at peace in the work speaks to him in a way he never expected.
It’s how he feels about Ashton. Some days, Luke’s still not sure of himself, not sure of where he fits into the world, in his own body sometimes, but he always has Ashton. Ashton’s his home, his blanket, his comfort. Ashton always finds Luke, even when it’s hard for Luke to breathe, lost in the hazy of who he is and where he’s going, Ashton knows how to pull Luke back from the edge, give him a sense of being, ground him. Luke’s been focused on learning the song, wrapped up in connecting it to Ashton, of how much it reminds him of Ashton that he can’t focus on anything else, even their own music, for long enough to stop playing it.
It’s how Ashton finds him, two days before the tour is set to start. He’s outside again, sitting on a patio chair, humming along to (Un)Lost, testing the chords out on his guitar. He’d managed to convince Rian to ask John for the guitar chords to the song and he’s been determined to master them. Luke’s finally gotten them down enough that he can play the song without the music in front of him and he’s thrilled. He’s been out on the patio, hair pulled back with a headband, still wearing his pj shorts and one of Ashton’s old band shirts for the better part of the morning when Ashton joins him outside.
“Are you going to ever actually practice or are you just going to play this song while on tour?” Ashton asks, making his way over. Luke stops what he’s doing, turning his face up to Ashton. Wordlessly, Ashton leans down, kissing Luke on the lips, before sitting down next to him. Luke wrinkles his nose, trying to scoot away. Ashton looks at him, confused.
“You’re all sweaty,” He says, laughing when Ashton purposely tries to wrap his arms around Luke, pulling him in close.
“It’s cause I’ve been practicing for our show, unlike some people,” He teases. Luke sticks his tongue out, setting his guitar down to curl up next to Ashton. 
“I just really like this song.”
“Which one?” Ashton asks. Luke holds an earbud out to Ashton. Ashton takes it, sticking it in his ear. Luke plays it again, watching Ashton bop along to it next to him.
“Why do you like that one?”
“What do you mean?”
“It just sounds sad. ‘Not looking to be found’ and ‘being unaware of where you’re going.’ Usually you like happy songs. What on Earth made you pick this one?” 
“It’s not sad. It’s hopeful. You don’t have to be found or know where you’re going, just that you have a purpose to what you’re doing and that you want to be yourself. I like it. It makes me feel better about being who I am. Besides it reminds me of you,” Luke says, taking his earbud back and setting his phone down.
“Yeah. You help me not feel so lost sometimes. Like, even when I’m confused or uncertain, I know that I always have you to guide me along. Without you, I wouldn’t be confident wearing all the lingerie and makeup that I do. You’ve always encouraged me to just be true to myself. You help me take that leap because I know that no matter what, you’ll catch me,” Luke says. Ashton’s quiet next to him, humming slightly.
Luke glances over at Ashton, blushing when he sees how intensely Ashton’s staring at him. Ashton leans over, pulling Luke into a kiss, peppering them along Luke’s cheeks, his nose, his neck when Luke starts to laugh, squirming in Ashton’s grasp. 
“You’re gonna get me all gross,” Luke complains in mock offense, giggling and snorting when Ashton just tugs him closer, rubbing over him.
“Well, then we can just take a shower after and I can make you coffee and make you practice our actual music,” Ashton says. Luke laughs again, squealing a little when Ashton squeezes his waist, where he’s ticklish. Ashton does it again, smiling mischievously when Luke laughs again, saying Ashton’s name over and over again while Ashton torments him.
“I’m so close to learning this song though,” Luke whines when Ashton finally stops. Ashton stands, smirking as he picks Luke up in a bridal carry, causing Luke to shriek again, clinging onto Ashton’s shoulders.
“Unless you plan to play that song at our show, you have to actually practice our music. Since that’s what people are paying to see and if you miss up any of the words, you know they’ll tease us about it forever. Look what happened with Waste the Night,” Ashton says, carrying Luke inside and up towards their bedroom. Luke pauses, thinking about it. It’s actually not a bad idea for him to play the song on tour. He’s sure he can text Rian, get the number for John and ask (beg) to play the song live. He wants to show off Ashton to everyone, show that he’s engaged to Ashton in front of everyone. This song could be that, showing Ashton his love and appreciation every night, over and over again. What band can argue with that? They got Mark Hoppus to let them cover What’s My Age Again, and this would have to be easier to get permission for. Luke vows to get on his phone as soon as Ashton gets distracted and he can put his plan into motion. It has to be a surprise.
Luke’s vibrating with excitement backstage. He’s been so pumped for the last 30 minutes, jumping around happily and practicing his notes in the corner in between sips of his vodka and cranberry juice. Micahel’s rolled his eyes, calling him unbearably annoying and shoving him off, but he’s giggling just as widely, plucking out notes on his guitar and laughing along with Luke when he starts singing the opening notes of She Looks So Perfect. It’s the first show of the tour, the first night they get to go out on stage in front of everyone and the energy in the room is unmatched. Luke feels at home here, with his best friends, his soulmates, getting ready to do the thing they love. 
Despite how careful Luke is about what he wears on stage, he’s dressed up special for tonight, wearing a black sheer bra and panty set, covered in red and pink embroidery florals and little green vines stitched into it under his red silk shirt and leather trousers with his gold glitter boots. He’s wearing his gold eyeshadow and gold nail polish to match, highlighter dusting his cheeks, body glitter sparkling where his shirt is open, light pink gloss on his lips. He feels bolder tonight with his engagement ring and the thrill of starting a new tour and knowing what he’s going to do on stage. 
Ashton hasn’t taken his eyes off Luke since they got backstage. He’s watched Luke get ready, watched him put on his makeup, watched his mouth, his throat, everytime he takes a drink from his cup. He’s been staring at where Luke’s shirt is open, the edges of the lacy lingerie peeking out. Luke can’t see it, but he knows Ashton’s been looking at his ass in his trousers too whenever he turns around. Luke knows that Ashton loves the leather trousers, loves how Luke looks in them. Luke put them on in the hopes of what might happen after the show, but if the way Ashton’s looking at him, all heat and open desire, is anything to go by, Luke thinks he might be able to talk Ashton into starting now, before they go on stage. 
Luke corners Ashton in the bathroom when Ashton excuses himself. He ignores the knowing glances and eyebrow wiggles from Michael and Calum in favor of chasing after Ashton, darting into the room behind him and locking the door.
Ashton glances over at Luke in the sink mirror, making eye contact with him while he washes his hands. Ashton’s wearing a tight black button down shirt with tight black pants, both showing off his muscles, the material strained around his biceps and thighs. He’s styled his hair, dyed black, in his older Rockabilly style, one curl escaping the hold to fall into his eyes, and he hasn’t shaved in at least a day, stubble covering his cheeks. It makes Luke a little dizzy with want, imaging Ashton pinning him down and fucking him later, rubbing his face into Luke’s neck, over his skin, leaving him red and raw.
“Can I help you?” Ashton asks, aiming for casual, but just coming off as excited. Luke crosses the room quickly, pining Ashton against the sink and kissing him. Ashton gasps into the kiss, tilting Luke’s head to deepen the kiss, and flipping them, pining Luke to the counter. Luke moans into the kiss, throwing his arms around Ashton’s neck and hooking his leg around Ashton.
Ashton pulls back from him, panting a little, gazing up at Luke, “You look so fucking hot Bambi. God, your legs just go on and on for miles. Could eat you up.”
Ashton presses kisses to Luke’s neck, nipping at the skin. Luke gasps, rubbing against Ashton, trying to create friction between them, dick hard. He moans when Ashton bites him a little harder, getting a hand on Luke’s ass and pressing him closer.
“You’re gonna get me all red if you keep it up,” Luke says, broken gasps in between his words. Ashton grins against his skin, rubbing his cheek against Luke’s neck. Luke moans at the sensation, rough stubble against his smooth skin. He feels the curl of heat in his stomach, knows he’s hard and wet in his trousers.
“Maybe I want you to be. Let everyone out there know you’re mine and only mine.”
“I’m gonna be all sticky if you make me cum in my pants, Ash,” Luke gasps, bucking up when Ashton gets a hand on his dick and squeezes.
“So what do you want me to do about it?”
“Will you suck me off? Wanna feel you all night,” Luke moans out when Ashton bites his neck, squeezing him again. Ashton nods, wasting no time unbuttoning Luke’s trousers, pulling them and his panties down, letting Luke’s dick free of them, red and leaking. Ashton gets his mouth around Luke easily, swallowing him and rubbing his cheeks against Luke’s smooth, shaven thighs. Luke moans, throwing his head back, one hand in Ashton’s hair, one hand gripping the counter top. 
Ashton looks up at Luke, hollowing his cheeks and sucking, bobbing up and down, making a point of making sure his stubble catches on Luke’s skin. Luke moans at the sensation of rough and sharp on his thighs, knows he’s going to be pink and raw all night, knows that with how tight the leather is, he’ll feel it all night as he moves around, jumping around and playing his guitar. It’s thrilling, knowing he’ll have a bit of Ashton on him all night, reminding him of Ashton. 
Ashton continues to suck Luke off, running his tongue along the head of Luke’s dick, rubbing his cheeks on Luke over and over again. Luke moans, tightening his hold of Ashton’s hair and tugging. He’s hot, pulled tense from the sensations, thrilled knowing he’ll feel this for the rest of the show. He gasps when he cums, practically sobbing as Ashton swallows, throat bobbing and moaning too, the vibrations going through Luke. Ashton pulls off with a pop, lips wet and shiny, grinning up at Luke.
“God, come here,” Luke breathes out, tugging Ashton up to kiss him, getting his own hand on Ashton’s pants, undoing his button and pulling down pants and boxer briefs, pulling Ashton’s dick out and trying to give his own sloppy handjob. Ashton moans, rubbing his face against Luke’s neck, arching into Luke’s hand, bucking his hips a few times before he’s coming over Luke’s hand.
Luke wrinkles his nose, holding his hand out to the side away from his clothing. Ashton snorts at Luke, turning the water on behind them and tucking himself back into his pants while Luke washes his hands. 
“If you hate being dirty so much, why do you continue to insist on doing that?” Ashton asks, leaning down to take a drink from the sink, swishing the water around and spitting it out. Luke makes a face again, pulling up his own panties and leather, wiggling into it a little to get situated before he starts to button up.
“I just don’t want to get any on my shirt. It’ll ruin the material.”
Ashton snorts, “Should have thought of that before cornering me in the bathroom.”
“You kept looking at me. I can’t not do anything about it,” Luke mumbles, kissing Ashton softly. Ashton gives me a peck back, grinning into the kiss.
“Sap. Come on, we’ve gotta be on stage in 10 minutes and I’m worried the guys will start looking for us soon.”
Luke giggles, letting Ashton tug him out of the bathroom, enjoying the sensation of how raw his thighs feel rubbing against the leather. It’s grounding, a reminder of Ashton he’ll get to wear for the rest of the night, even if Calum and Michael keep giving Luke knowing glances when they get back.
The show starts without a hitch. They make it through the opening number, through the stage banter, through half the set list without forgetting the chords or the words or what they’re doing. Luke’s gotten to make at least 3 announcements about his engagement, held his ring up for everyone to see, called Ashton his soon to be husband enough times that he thinks Ashton’s face is just permanently red. It’s thrilling, everytime he gets to say he’s going to marry Ashton in front of everyone. Luke knows he’s going to have to play the song soon, knows it’s built into the set list right before Amnesia, so Ashton won’t be ready to play drums, but will still be surprised. It worked it out with Michael and Calum and their crew a few days, set it all up so everyone’s ready.
“So, this next song is actually a cover,” Luke announces, glancing behind him. Ashton’s frozen, mid sip of water, confusion on his face. 
“Is it really Luke?” Michael says into the mic, grinning at Luke, eyes flitting between the two of them.
“It is. Not many people know this, but I love The Maine. I love them so much that Ashton, my fiance, probably sings them in his sleep because of how much I play them. And do you know what else I love? Ashton. He’s the love of my life, my heart and soul, and I wanted to give him my own gift. This song is called (Un)Lost. I wanted to dedicate this to Ash, who’s always been my rock, my grounding force. Even when I’m lost and confused, Ashton always guides me home, guides me back to myself. He always reminds me to love myself and to be myself. He’s helped me grow in so many ways and I can’t possibly put into words how much I love him, so I wanted to play this song for him,” Luke says, half turned, staring at Ashton. Ashton’s mouth is opened in a silent “o,” frozen in place behind his drum kit. Luke plays the opening notes, hands working automatically to play the song he’s learned to play over the last week, words coming to him easily. Michael joins him, playing his own guitar chords, working in harmony with Luke as he stares at Ashton. He’s trying to will Ashton to understand him, to hear him as he says I’m not looking to be found, just want to feel unlost, wills Ashton to understand what Luke’s trying to say to him.
He finishes the song, plays the last note, staring at Ashton. There’s a beat where Ashton sits there silently before jumping up from behind his kit, crossing the stage in quick strides, wraps his arms around Luke and kisses him, tipping Luke backwards slightly. Luke stumbles, tilted backwards and off balance, before Ashton wraps his arm around him, steadying him while he keeps kissing him. Luke’s sure Ashton will keep kissing him, that he’ll keep kissing Ashton, if it wasn’t for Calum’s loud wolf whistle into the microphone, Michael’s laughter telling them to keep it in the bedroom. They pull apart, nose to nose while Ashton stares intensely into Luke’s eyes.
“I love you. I love you, so much I forget to tell you because it’s just part of who I am. I’ll find you over and over again if I have to, I’ll be your home, I’ll be whatever you need because I love you,” Ashton whispers, low enough that no one else can hear them. 
Luke tears up, reaching a hand up to brush a sweaty curl behind Ash’s ear, “I love you too. You’re my other half. I’ll be your rock, your everything as long as you’ll have me.”
Ashton grins, pressing a quick kiss to Luke’s lips before letting him go, letting him straighten up, regain his balance and remembering where he is. Michael and Calum are already teasing them both as Ashton goes back to the drum kit, but Luke can’t possibly care. He loves Ashton completely and wholly and everyone knows it. Luke doesn’t want to be found, he just wants to feel unlost, wants to feel purpose and he has that with Ashton. What more could he want?  
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natthemess · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me babe @goldenlvrs 💛🌼
rules: list (and/or create content for) 13 songs that you’ve been vibing to lately!
JEREMIAS - lass dich
The 1975 - I Think There's Something You Should Know
Ultravox - Hymn
Linkin Park - Pushing Me Away (especially the live version ughh Chester is the reason why I can't ever sing you but sing yü instead lmao 💔)
Mayday Parade - Stay
Ava Max - Kings & Queens
We Came As Romans - The World I Used To Know
MARINA - Valley of the Dolls
Declan McKenna - Make Me Your Queen
All Time Low - Melancholy Kaleidoscope
Neck Deep (ft. Mark Hoppus) - December again
The Amity Affliction - Pittsburgh (no intro)
EMO The Musical - Finale (Infect Me & Rain On Me)
This is a wild clusterfuck of my music taste and general state of mind. Don't let anybody telly you I'm not chaotic ����✌
I'm tagging with no pressure @imtheoutgoingsidekick-baby @aphroditestummyrolls @badinee @notaveryinteractiveintrovert @manyofnine @glasmotte @scienceofdeducjohn @mssr-cellophane and anyone who sees this and wants to do this 💕
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darkskarth · 4 years
Jack’s Set List
I know, I am a bit late with this one but sometimes life gets difficult even when you are not that old. Sorry people. Anyway, the last concert of the series. What a shame! I was completely right. Jack’s list was absolutely amazing!! I had a blast during the entire performance! We had super fun songs from older albums, setting a nostalgic mood through our head-banging and singing
1- Lost in Stereo. I think that this song is perfect to describe Jack entirely: you can’t think of him without thinking of it. It’s loud and it’s fun just like Jack.
2- Runaways. I really like this song, again is fun and energetic. Here they are setting the mood for the entire list. “This last concert will have you dancing in your room and jumping on your table!”.
3- Beach. I knew they were gonna play something from `So Wrong, It’s Right` so I put Let It Roll and Vegas in my Bingo Card. Obviously, I was wrong but this song is super nostalgic! No word, 10/10
4- Brake Your Little Heart. I just think of Jack every time I here a song from `Nothing Personal`, am I the only one? I just love it!.
5- The Reckless and the Brave. This song lives rent FREE in my mind. One of my favorite hands down. No thoughts, just this song on repeat.
6- Time-Bomb. Just like Something’s Gotta Give, I put this song in every Bingo Card ‘cause I like it, and it just screams `All Time Low` in some way. Don’t know if it makes sense.
7- Poppin’ Champagne. What is more fun, catchy, and danceable than Poppin’ Champagne? I don’t know, maybe other songs or maybe they are danceable in the same way, but you got my point. Every time this song comes on I bop my head and listen to no one. Absolute jam.
8- Safe. Yeah we got it Jack is funny and loud, but he too can be serious and we had to slow down a bit. It’s not one of my favorite songs and not the one I think of when speaking of “serious” Jack (yup, I am talking about Remembering Sunday, change my mind). Overall an okay song that helps slow down.
9- Tidal Waves. Super underrated song in my opinion. Usually, I am not a fan of featured songs, but this is Mark Hoppus for crying out loud! And this song has a wonderful vibe that always helps to calm me down.
10- Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don’t). See 1 and 4. We slowed down a bit, and now we come back with energetic songs, and we do it right. Super fun, a lot of energy, and something we know that works while playing live. Amazing!
11- Jaesy Rae. Remember when I spoke about nostalgia? Get ready because this time it will hit you like a truck. I love this song! I know that some fans don’t like songs older than `So Wrong, It’s Right` but I am a sucker for Jaesy Rae, Coffee Shop, The Party Scene, and Especially Lullabies. So this was a pleasant surprise.
12- Dear Maria, Count Me In. Tell me I don’t have to explain this one, please. I know that a lot of people (if not the majority) know All Time Low thanks to this song, I am one of them. I had a feeling that the last song to the Basement Noise concert series should have been Basement Noise (duh?) but in my heart, I knew this was a better way to wrap up everything and in my opinion, felt so much better.
And so it ends. I can say that this was my favorite concert of the series. Was I a little disappointed that we haven’t got Keep The Change, You Filthy Animal on Jack’s list? Maybe a bit.  Was it a wonderful experience nonetheless? Yeah totally. Will I go and see them live in the future? I do hope so. I hope we will get more reasons to speak soon, until next time Stay Safe, Be Kind, and remember, Somebody loves you.
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