#ESPECIALLY those last fucking chapters omg
noahmullariii · 28 days
the rage I feel when reading Blood of Olympus chapters 45-56 is almost equivalent in magnitude to the absolute joy I experience when reading The Last Olympian chapters 1-23.
remember when percabeth was good? when they meant the world to each other but had other people they cared about (nico, for one. both of them. so much), other worries and other storylines aside from their romantic plot? and when nico's completed arc wasn't repeated for no reason other than to dump more trauma on the youngest character in the series? when background characters were included in the story not for all the unnecessary last minute romantic subplots but because they were fun and fascinating to learn more about? and were actually friends with main characters? remember when grover was percy and annabeth's best friend forever? and antagonists were actually interesting and intimidating and had compelling goals? and the story revolved around friendship and family and loyalty? and death was definite and loss was palpable and battles were thrilling?
yeah. good times.
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youuuimeanmee · 3 months
SxF Chapter 95 Thoughts
The drought is over.
AAAAAA I know we're nearing the end-semester gala but I never thought we'd get it on THIS chapter AAAADHJDJSKDN
When I saw the chapter is 21-pages long, I made sure to savor it well sskskjs
"Guardians will not be attending the gala." DAMMIT. Oh wait, Twillight can just disguise himself as a volunteer. I forgot.
Lol this is really not good for Damian's poor little heart.
WOHOO Becky cute!!
Huh, looks like Henry and Martha had a history together. Maybe they used to be classmates in Eden? Or something else, maybe.
The party is different than I expected. I thought ALL students will mingle in one place. I thought we'd meet Demetrius here. Oh well.
Damn this is depressing. Reassignation class based on academic performances. It's really happening. Anya will be separated from Becky. Hopefully their classroom will not be that far off 🥲
Damn Damian. Looking fine there, like a true young chaebol.
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ANYA IS CUTE!! She's a princess!! 😭💕 I was surprised with her hair, I thought she'd keep the haircones. It's almost like as long as the little bundle of her hair is protected, any hairstyle is fine. Her dress though... It's darker than I expected; I thought she'd go with light color. But this is fine too. She's cute either way. (lowkey reminds me of a little witch, lol). It's also cute how she and Damian looks matching with black-and-white outfits, hehe. (Then again, this is b&w manga. Will their outfits have different color in the colored illlustration?)
Nicee Ewen, you do know when to give credits when it's due.
Nah Damian you're just making up shit now. You have excellent eyes, you know her dress is not cheap.
Of course Damian would fo anything for any imperial-scholar related. Cute.
Now this is interesting.
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Some people say it's a reference to Harry Potter, so I wonder if some of it will turn out to be true. Especially the last two: "the cursed underground maze in section 4" and "the sealed chamber in the tower of wisdom." Sounds like hella suspicious places for a school filled with top political figures in the country. What if those are the places Donovan entered often? Hmmm. *sus glance* Wonder if DamiAnya gang will tackle the 7 mysteries like in Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun and see something they shouldn't see like in Promised Neverland, lol.
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Anya, you got this! It's the name you learned in the school's interview! She already forgot, lol. But at least she got the "Ben" right!
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Wonder if any of these kids will become Anya's new classmate, lol. Endo really used his break time brainstorming new characters here.
OMG IM DED. Narcis Hubrisse. Brayzen. These fucking fitting names I swear 🤣🤣🤣
Yesss you go Becky. Set your standard high. Don't mingle yourself with these lowly boys.
YAAASS. A GENTLEMAN ASKING ANYA OUT. YOU GO BOY. Even if it's a facade at least it's better than these Hubrisse and Brayzen boys.
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HE'S HEREE HE'S FUCKING HERE. His hairstyle is ugly but HE'S HERE. I was wondering if we're gonna meet him soon. I was righttt, he iss gonna be a recurring character. I mean look at the name reveal from chapter 93. Look at that damn edgy hair. Hopefully he will be Anya's new classmate. But I never thought he'd put an interest in her as a runner-up in the classical language test. What is his background? How is he so good with the classical languange to even reach 90-ish points even though it's rarely taught? Does he have a connection with Anya with his gift in classical language and weird hairstyle? Why does he have such unsettling bow tie? I need to knooww
And he even pull off such a strong reaction from Damian too, skskjsksk. 2nd ML candidate? Lmao
Good to know Arnold's family is B tier. Not bad.
Twillightt you got soft. Letting Anya and Damian do whatever they want? What happen to the mission?
Lowkey sad to see Anya trying hard because Twillight didn't trust she would do a good job in plan B.
Oh mah gahh these preciouss kiddss 😭True homiess 😭😭💕💕
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At least this will ensure Anya to get her place fair and square.
I wonder if Twillight realize Anya is approaching Damian for the sake of world peace she mentioned. Or he's simply motivated with Anya's motivation.
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But at this rate, the dance will be over the moment Damian got his partner, lmaoo
Great comeback chapter! 🔥🔥🔥
*Edit: Screw what I said that Arnold might be the 2nd ML. I don't trust his hairstyle, his droopy eyes, his bow tie, and his polite manners. So far we've seen only adorable children but he could be evil for all we know. Better be cautious than sorry.*
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plzfeedmebread · 1 year
What Do I Tell My Friends Family? Pt. 3
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word count: 7589
Pairing: Recom! Miles! Quaritch x Female! Sully! Na'vi! Reader Tags/Warnings: nsfw, fluff, comfort, bonding, good feels
Author's Notes: Aye yo this took forever omg, my apologies for the wait! 7.5k words later! Hope it's to your liking everyone! The softness! Some niceness for Reader TwT Apologies for grammatical errors.
<previous chapter> | 3 | <next chapter>
It’s him.
It has to be him.
You see it in the way he stands, the swag of his stride. But it is most apparent in the way he tastes. This Demon, though he tastes of something wild and foreboding, there is still this underlying taste that is so wholly Quaritch. And you hate him for it. Hate him for everything he is, for everything he isn’t, and for everything he should be.
You cannot even begin to fathom his creation, dare not even ask him. How does he live without being piloted at the behest of his human body? Whatever the reason, it does not matter, at least not in the present.
You are grateful that the visits to the machine have stopped, at least for now. A small reprieve. The Demon’s visits however haven’t lessened in the slightest. He visits you nightly, you think, and based on that alone, you surmise your stay thus far has lasted 2 weeks, perhaps just short of it.
You stopped resisting after that first night. The threat of losing your kuru alone was enough to instill obedience within you. He leaves as soon as he’s done; you resign yourself to deal with him as he sees fit, anything to get him away from you as soon as possible.
Every look, every lingering gaze, every word of filth that drips from his mouth; a painful reminder of your human. Your prayers to Eywa go unanswered; without tsaheylu, you are far from her reach.
He hates it.
He fucking hated it; to not be in control of one’s faculties. There was a pull, a tug, a thread made taught. And always did it come back to you. He cannot explain it. Your notable sudden obedience is welcome, but it does not stop the guilt that floods him to the core.
He knows what he’s done to you, continues to do to you, is wrong. And yet he continues to seek you out. There is something indescribable he finds, some intangible force that beckons him; it’s as if this cursed planet itself commands it.
He wonders how long this’ll last though. General Ardmore is growing impatient. His squad has yet to produce any results. And somehow, beyond all possible reason, you have remained stalwart against the machine. He admires it at least, such loyalty, such unfettered willpower.
Perhaps he should consider a gentle approach with you, he thinks. It seems to be working with Spider. The kid has become noticeably more friendly with him and his team, and he wonders if he can convince you both to show the squad how to get one of those dragons.
“Colonel.” Quaritch is pulled from his thoughts and turns to regard the Admiral as she approaches.
“It’s time. Bring the prisoner in, put her back in the machine. She’s had enough of a break. This time, we’re going all the way.”
“All the way? Won’t that kill her?”
“Some sacrifices are worth it Quaritch; especially if we get the information we need. Sorry to cut your, leisure time, short.” She leaves without saying another word.
His tail flicks in annoyance, ears pin to the side of his head. There it is again, that ghostly feeling, the unseen guiding hand beckoning him. A whisper of a warning. He needs to make sure those science pukes don’t hurt you.
When you hear the familiar swoosh of the door opening, you sit at attention on your knees, ready and expecting Quaritch.
When he strides through the door, you shuffle to get comfortable. But the look he gives you stirs something uncomfortable inside you.
“Let’s go sweetheart,” the tone of his voice is unsettling and despondent.
Oh no.
No, no, no.
“P—please…Not that…anything but that…” You beg him, eyes watering at the memory of pain. You aren’t sure you’re resolve is strong enough this time. He gently but firmly grabs you around your upper arm, pulling you to your feet.
Immediately you struggle, try to pull yourself back, but it is of little use. He’s just so much stronger than you. As he pulls you along down the winding halls, you start to cry uncontrollably. You claw at his arm, begging in a blend of Na’vi and English.
He calls for Wainfleet and Mansk to help secure you in. He leans in and whispers, “I’m sorry,”.
You don’t believe him.
It feels like fire dances upon your mind. The swift cut of a knife. To tear muscle from bone. The restraints cut into your skin with how strong you struggle against them, thin beads of blood trickle along their edges.
You scream with all your might, throat raw, vocals threatening to tear.
The memories they pull do not make sense; an amalgamation of colours with no discernible imagery.
Quaritch can feel annoyance radiating off the Admiral standing next to him, arms crossed and tapping her fingers. She seems completely unbothered by your cries.
“Give us what we want. Which clans are harbouring Jake Sully?” She asks you, but you make no response.
“What the hell is happening? Why can’t we pull anything clear?” She demands angrily.
“I don’t know mam! The readings aren’t making any sense!” One of the scientists is in a panic, in fact, Quaritch notices they all are. Running around, fidgeting with control panels left and right.
You start bleeding freely from your nose. Your eyes are squeezed shut in painful suffering, tears streaming down your face. It takes all his will power to not push through everyone and wretch you free.
But he’s gotta stop it. He’s gotta do something. He can’t let this crazy bitch kill you. They’d find another way. There has to be another way to get to Sully. And maybe, just maybe, killing his kid was not the best way to go about it.
Spider is definitely not going to forgive him for this. He’s not even sure why he even cares so much about the opinion of one savage raised wildling. After all Spider’s not his son; he’s Quaritch’s son. All he has is that man’s memories. He’s not him, not really.
Before he can really fall into some existential crisis, he perks up at the sound of a very familiar voice.
‘Sweetheart put the damn knife down before you hurt yourself.’
‘Wha-?! I’ll have you know my father trained me!.’
The sound of scoff. ‘Yeah I bet. C’mere and show me so I can see what he did wrong.’
That’s…his voice. And that other one, is that yours? The image on the tiny screen in front of you is slowly coming into focus. He hears a soft giggle, a melody oh so sweet.
‘You’re impossible!��
The image snaps into focus immediately, and what he is faced with, causes every nerve in his body to tense up.
There he is. Human Quaritch, there in your memory, and it seems you’re not that much taller than him. That does not make sense. There’s no feasible way for you to have been born, grow up to that height and age, and interact with his human self. Jake hadn’t been on the planet long enough for that to happen.
 He’s so confused. That shouldn’t be possible. He, that man, died years ago. What the hell is going on here? Where could you have possibly gotten these memories from? Did you make them up somehow? Figure out a way to fool the machine? He looks to you then, and his blood ran colder than the corpse of his former self.
You’re slumped back, no longer screaming, no longer fighting. Blood paints your face, broken by streams of tears. He’s about to reach for you when one final image flashes on the screen. A dark room. Looks like his old bedroom back at Hell’s Gate. There he stands, in the centre. He turns to look at the camera, at you.
‘Well hey there Sweetheart. Now aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes…’
Before Quaritch can even reach for the emergency shut-down button, the machine suddenly sputters to a stop, sparks flying from it’s spinning mechanism. The screen before the admiral flashes red, loud static screeches from within, causing everyone to cover their ears.
The power goes out, drenching the lab in darkness. The only light permeating is that from yours and his bodies. It takes only a few seconds for the power to return.
He looks to the General, and she is pissed.
“Care to explain, Colonel? What the hell was that?” Quaritch holds his hands up defensively.
“I have no memory of her. I don’t know what any of those images were. He didn’t talk about no Na’vi woman in any of his messages, and she sure as shit ain’t in any of the memories you gave me. I ain’t got an answer for ya.”
She eyes him suspiciously. A stare down. He can feel his ears pin back in annoyance, tail lightly swishing. But he spoke the truth.
“Fine. I believe you. Could very well be someone he acquainted with after his memories were backed up. Though that still raises more questions. And I intend to get those answers one way or another.” She looks to you then, completely unbothered by your appearance. She notices the faint rise and fall of your chest. Still breathing.
“Get her out of here. See to it that she’s ready and able in the next few days.” She walks away from him, not leaving any room for argument. She immediately goes to the scientists to assess the machine, a damage report, run diagnostics. Quaritch doesn’t need to be told twice.
Hastily he unfastens you from the machine, picks you up in his arms and rushed you to medical.
The doctors give you a thorough once over, made sure there was no lasting damage. To his utter relief, you were miraculously alright. But you remained fast asleep. After the check-up he brought you back to your cell, carefully placing you on the bed. He tucked your knees into you in an attempt to try and fit all of you on the bed the best he could.
He knelt before you then, stared at your face intently. You looked so peaceful, the slow rhythmic sounds of your breathing luring him in. He brushed some of your hair out of your face, the stain of blood and tears still slightly visible; the scientists did what they could. He’d have you wash yourself proper once you wake up.
His eyes widened. Would you even wake up after something like that? And why does even care, really? You aren’t anything to him; not really. Maybe you were to his human self, but even then, the memories he carries cut off before then apparently. But the longer he stares at your face, the tighter his heart squeezes. An uncomfortable knot forms in the pit of his stomach. Too afraid to dwell on these feelings, he stands and hurriedly leaves the room; he’d check on you later.
He’s got to tell Spider. The kid was going to find out about this one way or another. He’d rather the kid hear it from him.
“There you are! What happened before? All the lights turned off. The power go out?” Spider rushes to him as soon as he enters.
He’s words get caught in his throat as he stares down at the boy. His not-son. But he kind of is, isn’t he? The memories demand it so. The paternal feelings he has for this boy are undeniable. But whatever trust he’s brokered with the boy, he’s all but shattered now.
“Why’re you looking at me like that…?” A worried look crosses Spider’s face. “Did…Did something happen to my sister? Did you guys hurt her? Where is she?! I want to see her!!!” The longer the silence remains, the more agitated Spider becomes.
“I’m sorry kid…The science pukes, and Ardmore…They put her in that brain scan machine. It knocked her out cold.” He feels shame relaying this to the boy. The hurt and shocked look that adorns his face cuts him something deep.
“Let me see her. LET. ME. SEE. HER.” Spider tries to push pass him, but Quaritch stops him with just a hand. Spider pulls his hand away and makes for the door. And so the two start struggling. Quaritch holding him back with all his strength, all the while Spider fights him with all his might and willpower, screaming at the top of his lungs. He had to see you. Had to get to you. You can’t be hurt. He’d never forgive himself. For you to be suffering while he was out having fun with the recoms?
‘[Y/N]? That’s…your name?’ He’s taken aback by the sound of your name. Had he really not deigned to ask it of you all this time? Shameful. Disgusting.
A sharp pain suddenly slices through his skull. He pushes Spider to the side, clutching his head as he falls to his knees. He yells in pain.
Spider is taken aback by the sudden action, picking himself off the floor as he stares intently at Quaritch. Before he can ask what’s wrong, the older man gets up and exists the room in one fluid motion, no words said. Spider bangs on the door, demanding to see you, all the while he can’t stop the tears that start streaming down his face.
Your name repeats itself like a mantra in his thoughts, dances across his mind draped in silk. The pain has subsided, leaving a dull ache in its wake. He stumbles his way back into his room, collapsing onto his bed. He’s grateful that they were made with their new bodies in mind.
He thinks then, about those images he saw on that screen. He called you Sweetheart. And the looks he gave you? He meant it. The very implications themselves were troubling. What the fuck was he doing after he made these back up memories? Over and over he replays them. Those images. The sound of your laughter. And your name.
Sleep takes him before he even realises.
Quaritch opens his eyes with a start.
That’s all he sees. There is no sky, no ground. No floor, no ceiling. Only the bright brilliance of white. He lifts his hands to his face, the blue of his hands a stark contrast to the world.
Where was he? Was he dreaming? He didn’t feel in pain anymore.
He turns himself to assess his surroundings. He finds himself floating, no solid ground beneath his feet. He tries to move then, and finds his legs are held steadfast by an invisible force. He is only able to turn his top half, barely.
A voice then, interrupts his struggling.
“You know, my son…You sure are taking your time. When I put you in that new body, I didn’t expect you to take this long to remember…”
The voice is soft like feathers, the melody of spring. But it is also deep like the ocean, dark as night, hot like fire. It bathes him in sunlight, and burns him all the same.
“Who—who’s there?! Show yourself! Where am I?!” Fear pools into his being. He does not like the feeling of not being in control.
“Silly boy…Always so feisty! It seems then, that you are in dire need…Of a little push.” On that final word, he feels a hand touch between his shoulder blades, and push him with all its might.
The world snaps to black and suddenly he’s free falling. He can’t help the scream that rips from his mouth. He hears a giggle slowly fade above him as he falls further into the abyss.
Quaritch sits up in his room, screaming at the top of his lungs as he does. He grabs his mask and breathes deep, trying desperately to calm himself.
Where is he? Where are you? He looks around his room, confused almost. Right, he must have fallen asleep after his talk with…his son? Miles. No, Spider. His son. His. He looks at his hands, almost expecting the golden tan of his human skin. Human?
Confused by his own train of thought, he stumbles into the bathroom to splash water on his face.
He grips the sink tightly, staring at the water as it goes down the drain.
It feels like he’s been asleep for so long. Everything is so foggy in his mind. Spider is, his son. And he called you his sister…You…You? YOU!
The memory crashes into him hard enough to knock him to the ground. Everything snaps hard into place; he feels as though his mind has been whipped a hundred times over. It is a pain he would be happy to not revisit ever again.
The last time he saw you, in the Dreamscape. You disappeared like you usually do, but then…a voice.
“My son…”
“Oh…it’s you.” He cannot see her. She never shows herself. But Her presence is felt. It encapsulates his entire being. He cannot escape Her influence.  He wonders if She’s here to chastise him about what he’s been doing with you.
“There is something you must do for me, Child. And I am going to put you to rest until the time is right.”
“What? To rest? Why?” Not about you, a good start. Though he finds her request strange all the same. Put a soul to sleep?
“Silly Child. Do not question. When you awaken in your new body, you will not remember. I will let you keep those, fake memories, your fellow Sky People made.” Ah. That.
“Shit…they really gonna go ahead with that?”
He rolls his eyes at the reprimand.
“Why put me back? Wouldn’t the backups be enough to get the body goin?”
She laughs then. As if this was truly the funniest thing imaginable.
“The arrogance of your kind astounds me, truly. No. Your, ‘backups’, will never suffice. I would never allow it. These Na’vi bodies will exist because I allow it. And they will end, because I demand it.”
“Wait, did you say Na’vi?”
And then, nothing.
She must have been true to her word. Cutting him off then suddenly putting him into a sort of stasis sleep.
Quaritch throws up into the toilet beside him, reeling as his mind tries so desperately to make sense of all the memories bombarding him at once. He’s not sure how long he lies there, sorting through it all. Groggily he sits up, and goes to the sink to clean his mouth properly.
The minty feeling brings some relief.
When he sees his reflection, it’s a weird feeling of something he’s never seen, and something he should be used to after being awake all this time. He closes his eyes, rubbing his hands down his face in frustration.
In image of you flashes in his mind.
His eyes fly open and the thought of you. Guilt tears into his flesh, ripping through blood and sinew. He’s hurt you. He really hurt you. Used you. And you gave up, you just, took it all. He has to find you, he has to apologise, has to make it right somehow. He has to explain, he didn’t remember! Else, he’d have never—!
He runs out the room without finishing that thought.
The sound of a door opening is the first thing you register.
Your mind is filled with fog, senses dulled. You muster what little strength you can to open your eyes, but it’s not enough. The only thing you see is a silhouette approaching you, and in the fog of your mind, it looks so much like Your Human. You close your eyes and weep softly.
You think you feel yourself being lifted up, but you're not sure for how long. Next think you feel is the soft feeling of a bed beneath you. There is a hand on your cheek, and it is so warm, so familiar. Then a whisper of your name, and something else.
“[Y/N]…I’m so sorry darling…”
When next your eyes open, the room is dark. But damn do you feel refreshed. You haven’t slept that good since you got trapped in this place.
You sit up and stretch, clicking joints as you do.
Your eyes quickly adjust to the darkness, and your heart skips. This is not your cell.
It is bigger. There is a door ahead, presumably out, and what you can only assume is a bathroom door to your left. The bed you’re on is in the corner of the room, and it’s big enough for your tall body. You look to your right and cover your mouth before you can scream. You shuffle back and press yourself into the wall as if it would swallow you whole. You almost hoped it did.
There beside the bed, uncomfortably sat in a chair, arms crossed and asleep, is The Demon.
Did he bring you here? Where exactly is here?
You gaze around the room once more, taking note of some gym equipment in one corner, and the clothes neatly folded in an alcove on the wall. Slowly you move your hands from your face and breath deep, quietly. The scent is unmistakable. This must be his dwelling. You lean down and sniff the sheets. Yup, that’s him alright.
You try to move off the bed quietly, but the shuffle of the sheets is enough to alert him.
His eyes are on you immediately. You stare at each other.
You break eye contact and scramble for the door.
But he’s just as quick, and a strong arm grabs you around the waist, pulling you flush against his front. His other arm crosses over your chest to hold your arms still. You start fighting, kick and screaming, hands clawing at the arms holding you steadfast.
You’re screaming at the top of your lungs. Quaritch is grateful that the rooms are sound proof.
“[Y/N]! [Y/N], calm down! Please!” But you ignore his plea and continue to thrash wildly. “[Y/N]! Listen to me, please! It’s me!!!” You stop dead at that, and the Demon continues. “It’s me…[Y/N]…it’s me…”
You become stock still at those words. You heart beats hard in your chest, the implications of his words break you.
“No…no it’s not…you look like Him…you smell like Him…but you are not Him…” you spit with as much venom as you can, but can’t help the tears that flow freely. The waver in your voice breaks his heart.
“It’s me Sweetheart…I promise…Here, look at me…please…” You feel him loosen his hold on you. He moves his hands to your upper arms, and slowly he turns you to face him. Your tears continue to fall silently.
You look up at him then, meeting his gaze. And in that darkened room, you see Him. Those golden eyes shine down on you, staring at you with such reverence, sorrow, guilt, longing. It all dances in the liquid gold of his eyes. And the way he pinches his brow, is so like Him.
“…Miles?” He lets out a shaky laugh, a sigh of relief. You do remember him. Thank the Great Mother.
“Yeah…it’s me sweetheart. For real this time.” He moves one hand to your face, gently swiping his thumb to brush away your tears. It doesn’t matter, they don’t stop falling as you stare up at him.
“Seeing you in person like this…Getting to touch you, for real…You’re more beautiful than that Dream ever made you…” You scoff at him, and can’t help the smallest of smiles. His other hand moves to cup the other side of your face. You move both your hands to cover his.
“Skxáwng…I only look like this because of my soul, remember?” The low rumble of his chuckle sends shivers down your spine. Oh how you have missed him. But you can’t forget everything that’s happened. You place a hand on his chest, feeling the fast beat of his heart. His strong heart.
“…Why?” You don’t need to elaborate; he understands what you are asking of him.
“…Eywa, she…She came to me. The last time I saw you. Just after you left…”
“The Great Mother spoke to you?” You are shocked. He nods, and continues.
“She told me, she’s gotta put me back in a body. But I wouldn’t remember anything…Not properly. Before I died, I made a back up of my memories. A contingency plan in the event of my untimely death. Seems the higher ups went ahead and resurrected me and a few others, but in Na’vi bodies. But Eywa, she said, these bodies wouldn’t, exist? Without her say so, I guess. So…I’m assuming all of us recoms, are actually harbouring our original souls, that she kept. For this reason I suppose.”
You swallow thickly. It’s a lot to take in. Your eyes cast downward as you try to process it all. So Eywa, blessed Great Mother, did she foresee this? And she keep these human souls so their Na’vi bodies would live?
“[Y/N]…” Quaritch calls you, and you look up to meet his gaze. “[Y/N], I’m so sorry…I mean that, I’m really fucking sorry…Everything I did to you darling, I hurt you. Really hurt you. Please know, that wasn’t really me. I wasn’t thinking properly. If—if I remembered, I would have never—” You jump at him unexpectedly, wrapping your legs around his waist, arms around his neck. Instinctually he has one arm supporting your rump, his other hand splayed across your back. In this position, it’s your turn to look down at him.
 “It’s…I don’t want to say it’s okay…Because it’s not really okay…But…I understand. And I’ll forgive you, in time…” You see the quiver of his lips, his ears pressed back as he tries to not cry.
“I’ve missed you so much Quaritch…I thought you left me.” You pull him into the crook of your neck, holding his head to you tightly. He breathes deep the smell of you.
“Never darling. I would never have left you willingly. I’m sorry.” You press a kiss to the side of his head. And it’s all he needs to break. He weeps quietly into the crook of your neck. He truly never meant to hurt you, and he will hate himself for a long time for the things he did against your will.
When he stops, you gently push on his shoulders for him to lean back. When once again your eyes meet, it is your turn to wipe away his tears. You smile at him, gently tracing the stars on his face. Carefully you study his face, really looking at him. He really is Your Human, made Na’vi. Such a handsome face.
“This body suits you well, Quaritch. Then again, you were always handsome.” Even in this low light, you can see the blush that creeps on his skin.
“Heh…that right?” He smirks and you all but melt at the toothy grin. You feel his tail wrap around yours.
“Yeah…that’s right.”
You kiss him.
You kiss him and it’s filled with every lonely night, every mournful sleep, every minute of every day you missed him. You move your head to deepen the kiss, the need for breathing be damned. You feel his hands grip at you tighter, feel him press into you that much harder.
His lips are softer than you remember, and you revel in the feeling. You on the other hand, are just as he remembers; something akin to perfection. The Peace of Eden granted to him.
The two of you move your mouths along one another in a hot sloppy mess, filled with nothing but unspoken words, drenched in a cacophony of emotion. It is almost overwhelming. You feel him lick your lips, begging for entrance, and you are all too eager to oblige. You part your lips and go for his tongue first. You moans low into your mouth at your boldness. The two of you don’t fight, but let your tongues dance in each other’s mouth, tasting and drinking deep of one another.
After a time you break apart, you rest your forehead to his, nose to nose, as close as you possibly can while still being able to breath. The air is hot with your mixed breath.
“I have definitely missed you,” you say breathlessly with a smile, eyes half lidded in bliss. He smiles up at you.
“Then, let’s make up for lost time,” he says and gently lets you down back onto your feet. You entwine your hand with his and move to pull him to the bed, but he doesn’t move. You turn to look at him questioningly.
“Nuh-huh sweetheart. This time, it’s all about you.” He says and pulls you toward the door near the bed. He touches a panel on the side, and as you had expected, it opens to a bathroom.
“Come. Let me take care of you. Properly. Like you deserve.” He leads you in, the door shutting behind you. He is gentle and purposeful with his movements. He moves slowly, as if to savour every moment. He begins with undressing you. Ever since he had ripped apart your original clothes, he had given you a tank top and shorts made for one of the recom girls; though the top did little for you, considering your size.
Once you’re completely naked, he starts undoing your hair. He leads you to the far wall, two shower heads, one overhanging the other. He turns a metal knob and hot water shoots out the higher head. It falls on you like heavy rain, and you sigh audibly at the feeling.
Satisfied you’ll be okay for a moment, Quaritch takes the opportunity to undress himself as fast as possible.
Immediately he’s back at you.
You feel him undo the braid of your kuru. He tilts your head back, slowly he massages your scalp. He rubs his strong thick fingers in slow circles on your head, massaging deeply at the base of your kuru. You moan at the feeling.
“That feel good?”
“Hm-hmm,” you hum contently in response. He nods to himself.
You feel him lather something into your hair then. It smells nice, but also, very strange yet familiar. You realise it’s something you have smelt on some of the scientists back at base. It must be something they wash their hair with then. You don’t really care, more interested in the soothing way Quaritch massages your hair. Carefully he washes your hair, being extra careful with the long hair for your braid.
You can’t help but smile at the attention.
A new smell hits you, and you feel his hands on your body this time. Slowly he works, lathering softness up and down your arms, your neck, your belly, your back. When he gets to your chest, he massages your mounds for longer than you think is necessary to clean them. You don’t mind though, and enjoy the soft pleasure it gives you. You lean your head back into his chest as he continues to massage you in each hand. You feel his arousal between your ass cheeks, and it excites you that much more.
He stops himself though, can’t get too excited. He wants to finish what he started. A soft wet material is placed gently on your sex, and you feel him carefully clean your most intimate parts. When he’s done there, he’s back to using his hands, rubbing them up and down your legs, up and down your tail. He lifts one leg to wash your foot properly, and you giggle at the ticklish feeling. You playfully hit him with your tail.
“Hey, I’m trying to work here,” he says as he busies himself with your other leg.
Once his done, you expected him to get back to his feet. Instead you are caught off guard when you feel his hands squeeze both your ass cheeks apart. You turn to him, and find him on his knees, and you can clearly see just how aroused he is.
“Turn back around baby. Brace yourself on the wall, and stick your ass out for me.” You don’t need to be told twice. You pull your kuru over your shoulder to the front, letting it hang before you. He taps your laps and you spread them further. Hands and forearms pressed to the tiles, ass up. He takes your tail and wraps it around your leg, out of his way.
“Perfect,” he hums.
Slowly he stars pressing light kisses to your inner thigh. Up he travels, closer and closer to your apex. But just before reaching your centre, he moves to the other leg, continuing with his worship. All the while his hands gently massage the swell of your ass cheeks.
He stops again just short of your core and you almost whine. He takes both thumbs to either side of your lower lips and spreads you.
You make a startled moan as he does this a few times, pressing your lips together before spreading you, as if to spread your nectar evenly.
“Hmmm…such a pretty pussy all for me. I didn’t think you could grow to be any more beautiful, [Y/N]…” This time you do whine at his words.
He leans forwards and gives you a slow lick to your exposed hole. You inhale sharply at the feeling, immediately becoming slicker at the feeling. Slowly he licks you, up and down, before he moves to your clit and gently sucks.
The noises you make go straight to his hardened cock. He would give anything to be buried deep inside you right the fuck now. But no, first, he owes you this at least. He wants you to come into his mouth, he wants to know what you truly taste like. Wants to know if you taste different with his new body. He removes his mouth from you for but a moment.
“Turn around darling. I wanna see those pretty eyes when I make you come with my mouth,” You turn around, leaning your back to the wall for support.
He wastes no time, mouth back between your legs. But this time, his eyes are on you, and you can’t look away. He spreads your lips again, pressing his nose to your clit, while his tongue rubs along the inside of your entrance.
“Hnnf…Quaritch…” You moan his name, the feeling of his mouth on your cunt sending fire to your core. You feel the build up of an orgasm, pleasure wound tight around your soul.
One hand has you spread open. He brings his other hand up to replace his tongue. He sticks one long finger inside you, gently rubbing your inner walls. Your eyes threatening to close at the feeling.
“Keeps those eyes open, sweetness,” You will yourself to open your eyes, trying your best not to break eye contract. He turns his hand upward, and rubs a soft spongy part of you.
“Aaaahh!” You moan loudly at the feeling of him caressing your g-spot.
“There we go, that’s the spot.” He says and moves to suck your clit. He sticks another finger in, and gently rubs the same spot.
“Yes yes yes please right there! Quaritch! Please don’t stop, don’t you ever stop!” Your mouth hangs open as you moan the words. You can’t stop yourself; a hand moves to grab his short hair, and you press his face harder onto your pussy. His presses his tongue to your clit, caressing it in time with the fingers pumping in and out of you.
“Not on your life, baby.”
You feel your orgasm approaching, hot white pleasure seeming through your veins, wrapping around each nerve ending. An unfamiliar pressure builds along aside it all.
“Quaritch—I’m…I’m gonna—” You can’t get the words out properly.
“Go ahead darling. Cum for me, [Y/N], let me taste you, all of you,”
And when he sticks a third finger in to rub that soft spot, all it takes is one final hard suck to your clit.
The orgasm hits you hard, harder than he’s ever made you cum, harder than you’ve ever made yourself come.
You scream his name as burning pleasure bursts from your cunt, spreading to every part of your body. But the pleasure builds more as he continues to suck, and suddenly you feel like you’re peeing. You are shocked as you squirt clear liquid straight onto his face, there’s so much he doesn’t catch it all in his mouth. You toes curl at the uncontrollable feeling, your body shaking at the overwhelming sensation. Your eyes roll back into your head as you feel yourself orgasm again.
“There it is…That’s my good girl, always knew you could do it,” he praises you, fingers still buried in you. He stands up then, wrapping an arm around your back to help support you. He buries his face in your neck, sucking at your tender flesh. He slowly starts pumping his fingers inside you, you wet squelch of your pussy embarrassing to your ears.
It’s all too much, you’re not ready yet. The pleasure is boarding on painful.
“Hnnnggg…Sto…Quari...hnnff...Aaaahhh!” You can’t formulate whole words, only strangled sounds as your body burns.
“Easy baby, easy does it now.” He removes his fingers from your throbbing core. He lifts you up then, presses your back against the cold tiles, supporting you under your ass. He has one hand on his aching cock at your entrance. Slowly he rubs the tip and down your slit, coating himself in your juices.
“You’re my pretty little instrument to play, [Y/N]; and I plan to write a symphony.” He pushes into you and meets no resistance. A pitched mewl escapes your lips at the new feeling. Never have you ever felt so completely, full. This new body, you knew he’d be big, but it didn’t really register how big he was when you were sucking him off. You only just came, but already you want to cum again on his cock. You walls clench around him at the thought.
“Fuck [Y/N], you’re so tight baby—Perfectly made just for me,” he groans into your ear, but does not move; giving you a moment to adjust to his size. You secure your legs around him, tucking your ankles into the small of his back.
“Please…Please I need to move darling; you’re driving me crazy here…” He begs as he looks into your eyes. You shake your head and it takes all his willpower to not cry in frustration. But he sees you move to grab your queue, holding the tip between you two.
“First…Bond with me, Miles.” His eyes widen when you call him by his first name. His heart swells. “If we bond…know that it is for life. I will never mate with another. There will only be you…There…has only ever been you. Ever since the Dream I… I have only had eyes for you…You are, were, my human. My first love…And…I want you to be my mate...I love you,” You bring one hand up to gently cup the side of his face, gently rubbing his cheek of the stray tear.
“[Y/N]…are…are you, sure? After everything I’ve done, even when I was human…I did a lot of bad things, terrible things…Then after we captured you…Are you sure I’m the kind of man you wanna spend the rest of your life with?”
You giggle at him, wiggling your hips. He sucks in a breath, clenching his jaw.
“It is by Eywa’s will that you are brought back to me. This time, I am not letting you go,” You squeeze your legs tight, forcing him to step forward. The force alone pushes you further up the tiles, the two of you moaning as his dick pushes as far into you as possible. He doesn’t need anymore convincing. He grabs is queue and brings it to yours.
The two of you watch with baited breath as the pink tendrils slowly entwine.
The two of you drop your queues, hands immediately seeking each other as all new sensations course through you.
You feel it, the sensation of being buried deep into your warm centre, and he in turns feels the pleasure of being spread and stuffed by his own dick.
He smashes his mouth to yours, kissing you deeply, passionately. Without warning, he starts pounding into you, unable to control himself any longer.
And you don’t care. You roughly grab the back of his head, deepening the kiss, and he moans into your mouth.
His pace is fast and rough. It feels like his dick moulds itself into the walls of your slick cunt with each thrust deep inside you. You swear you can feel the tip of his cock tease your womb.
This time your orgasm is not slow. It spreads fast like wild fire, burning every nerve in body, setting your core alight with pleasure.
You breathlessly moan into his mouth. He pulls back and bites you in the neck.
“Hnnnnngggg! Miles! Right there! Yes, YES! PLEASE!” You moan at the pain and pleasure, feeling him lick at the bruise forming.
“Tell me! Tell me how good it feels!”
“AAAaaaaaahhh!!!” You can’t respond to his demands, he starts pumping into slower, but harder, grunting each time he bottoms out into you.
“You think I forgot about those shitty brats from your clan? I wonder what they think of you know all grown up, massive fucking tits, these wide hips. Perfect for carrying a baby. Is that what you want, [Y/N]?” You cry at the pleasure assaulting your nerves, his words stroking something deep and primal within you. Never had you ever considered having children, especially since he had been human. But now, with this Na’vi body?
“YES! YES! YES! Please Colonel, stuff me, fuck me, breed me! Cum in me! Put a baby in me! Make me yours!!!”
He chuckles, and the deep bravado of his voice nearly tips you over the edge.
“You were always mine darling. Eywa must’a made you just for me. You’re MINE, you hear me?!” He starts pounding fast again, his pace unrelenting.
“I love you too—I love you I love you—!” he repeats in your ear over and over again. And so the cord snaps, and your orgasm rains on you, pleasure piercing you. Your walls tighten, and the vice grip is all Quaritch needs to finish. He holds himself as close to you as possible, almost painfully into your pelvis bone.
You feel his pleasure through the bond, you hear the guttural sound he makes as he coats your walls with his seed. He rests his head into the crook of neck, breathing heavily. You feel the strain of his muscles as he tries to hold the both of you up.
You untangle yourself to stand, and he welcomes the reprieve.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, and he wraps his around your waist, bringing each other as close as possible. You hold each other like that, with his head in your neck, for a short while. Gently do the two of you sway from side to side to some phantom music.
Eventually though, you start to feel a little uncomfortable being in the hot water this long. He feels this too through the bond, and pulls back, pulling himself from you as he does.
You moan at the feeling of his cum running down your leg. What you don’t expect is him scooping some with his fingers and sticking it back up into your sensitive pussy. You yelp with surprise.
“Don’t waste any darlin’,” he says with a cheeky grin. And he doesn’t stop. He pulls another orgasm from you with just his fingers.
“That’s is baby, just like that…” he whispers into your ear and you squirt all over again.
By time you two are actually done in the shower, you cannot stand on your own. Quaritch didn’t mind though, all too happy to dry you and carry you to the bed himself. He towel dries your hair carefully, mindful of the bond yet to be broken.
You help him braid your hair back over your queue. It is a very intimate thing, and he feels your heart swell at the activity.
“So…does this mean we’re married?” He asks as he finishes the bottom of braid. You giggle at him.
“Yes. You are my mate. My partner. My husband,” you smile sweetly as the words leave your lips.
“Hmm…My wife.” He likes the sound of that.
“Yes, husband?”
He looks at you for a second, confused, before he understands. Oh yes, he definitely likes the sound of that.
“Come here you!” He grabs you and you laugh uncontrollably as he squeezes you to him, peppering your neck and face with light kisses.
He pulls you to lie back down on the bed with him, you nestle into his side, arm draped over his broad chest, head resting in the crook of his neck. He puts an arm securely around your waist, his other hand comes to entwine with yours laying over him. Your bond rests protected under your joint hands.
You plant a soft kiss to his neck, and he looks to meet your gaze lovingly.
“I love you, Miles. Oel ngati kameie.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. Truly. Deeply. Forever. Oel ngati kameie, [Y/N].”
And you believe him.
Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who's been following this mini series! Please do leave a comment and share your thoughts with me!
SO! My friend linked me this AI that kind kind of mimic voices if it's learnt off a good enough sample...You best BELIEVE, I attempted to make Quaritch lmaoooo. Anyway enjoy that. It's a bid hard to find balance between sounding close to the original, but also getting it to emote properly!
It's a work in progress ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @lvangel98, @rsclopez, @onlyreadz @manymaria111, @kristeen31xxx @mechformers @olivia-the-weirdo @essenceinpink @villirios
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bless-my-demons · 2 months
I just wanted to let you know that I am WAY too hooked on Redamancy that I keep just being like I wanna read angst? Oh, it's time to read Chapters 14 and 15! Like, come on, how can you take these okay characters from a weird ass series and turn it into something like this? I honestly think you are doing better than smeyer did! I also hope that soon things get to chill out, and we can see some half fun times with Jas and Emmet! Stay hydrated and well fed!!!
Omg when I tell you this ask made my heart SOAR😭 I’ve loved this series since I first saw the movies in high school (I just aged myself, RIP), but I always imagined them… different than SMeyer did; I’m re-watching the movies this week and I keep noticing what I would’ve done differently. Also, sparkles? You’ll never catch me mentioning that lmao honestly I just take her baseline for the characters/story and make it make sense in my eyes. And honestly I think it’s just the difference in vibes from 10 years ago to now - what we want in romance, perception of paranormal (not that anything about this is realistic, but making it more believable), and having time to criticize the saga.
Jasper is my Roman Empire, he is such a complex character - they all are! They deserve better storylines and just more overall, I just love writing my thoughts with him. But it’s like a coin, the other side is the wolves - more specifically Paul👀 oh my god I don’t even know where to start with the wolves, there’s so much. And I do have a doc started for Paul for after Jasper (there might not be a true and final ‘after’, but like once I crank out BD part 2) for when I can focus my energy on that instead of trying to split it with Redamancy, it’s full of ideas, things I wished we had gotten - especially with imprint relationships. Ugh and then I have that pre-vampire Jasper WIP that’s unrelated to Redamancy🙈 how the fuck do people organize their thoughts to do multiple series at the same time lol
The last part of your ask I’ve been thinking about since I posted Ch29, do you guys like the in-between? Like, the stuff between the timeline events that’s not in the books/movies? I’m always so worried about those parts, because if improperly done, I’m worried you guys are waiting for me to get to the point-to the shit you know is going to happen. Like the grad party, the newborn army fight, big plot points like that; versus the little injects like spending time with Quil, or Emmett, or reader’s mom, those things? I promise those little things have meaning down the road (some for the plot, some to just add angst/fluff/or to just fix SM’s holes) but I’m curious about your guys’ opinions! I’ve definitely read some fics that have had plot fluff that I’ve skipped because I just wanted the meat and I don’t want to bore you guys with that shit if I’m not writing it correctly enough😅
I also just love asks like this that make me think deeper about the story, because it definitely influences and inspires my writing lol thanks love🫶
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seoafin · 11 months
i was rereading chapter 5 of dog days are over and fuck man i just love it so much ik we are all excited for the smut but these chapters before are what make the smut all the more worth it!!! if it was just straight sex without building up their relationship and their dynamic it would fall so flat for me but the way you freaking write geto and his flat smiles and his measured tone of voice anytime he’s slightly displaced or wants to manipulate ripmc to stay longer or eat more food🥺🥺🥺🥺 my heart flutters u can rlly see the cult leader coming in my pookie and my heart starts hurting so muchhhhh have u felt like that when you read a rlly good fic? like ur heart is weightier than before and u can just feel it in ur chest and you’re so nervous but fluttery and geniunly fucking shy as hell too…..or do i just have heart problems omg. when geto asked ripmc if the food wasn’t tasty in front of the waitress to get ripmc to eat while he was ordering drinks my pussy fluttered when gojo said put it all on my card too omg MY MAN RIGHT THERE how do u think of scenes like that scenes that are just so fuckinh them like scenes that until you write them i wouldn’t even think about but then i read them and i’m like fuck yeah geto would not even just geto gojo too and his indiscernible looks i can literally visualize him sitting there with his glasses looking at you and i can feel the weight of his stareeeeew gojo asking for more kisses when yours and getos lasts a second longer i love them so much omg. especially when she’s all like guys let’s keep this a secret and they’re all like ……….fine🤨 JSJWKWKKS so pls take all the time in the world you need to not get to the smut i’ll love the smut but i love these kinda scenes even more. also take some time for yourself to decompress and relax!!! i just love the way ripmc fits seamlessly between the two so bad omg she’s literally their missing piece i’m gonna fucking sob. can i ask? is she gonna tell geto and gojo about the mission that went rlly bad? do they know already🧍🏻‍♀️? omg imagine if they find out nanami knew before them?? also do you think there’s anything ripmc could do to get them genuinely mad and angry cause i was thinking of gojos “you cheatin on me” which btw i literally could imagine him saying those exact words and it was teasing so it made me think do they actually care about cheating? like have they had actual fights about it before geto n gojo? and what would they do if like ugh thsi is so angsty i’m sorry i’m on my period🧍🏻‍♀️but how would they react if like ripmc cheated on them? like a kiss or smt? would they be hurt because their trust was broken or would they be hurt because they think ripmc is theirs? BTW THIS SO MAKES IT SOUND LIKE I CHEATED AND IM JUST SELF INSERTING AS RIPMC I SWEAR I JUST THINK ITS INTERESTING TO THINK ABOUT THE SADDEST OF SCENARIOS IF UR UNCOMFY ANSWERING FEEL FREE TO IGNORE PLS!!!!!! anywaysssss i rllly fucking love ur writing so much and i hope you’re having a blast in japan you deserve it❤️‍🩹 i’m so excited and proud for not being like scared to go after what u want u too omg❤️❤️
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!! can I just say that I LOVE writing geto and his subtle cult leader tendencies in the poly au like YES gaslight gatekeep girlboss (but in moderation lmfao) It's really the small moments where you could think that yeah...this is a guy that totally went off the rails and started a cult lmfao...he keeps his manipulative tendencies but channels them into forcing ripmc to take care of herself and [redacted] he's so awful I love him truly!!!!!
niku also brought up stsg knowing spoiler alert......they know and they definitely aren't happy she talked about it with nanami instead of them. they wanted her to tell them of her own volition, so expect the mission to come back up again in a later chapter lol also for all of ripmc's many faults I genuinely think she can do no bad in their eyes. if she did something it's justified unless it's directly impacted her health as in she put herself in danger and got grievously injured. I can definitely see them getting actually upset and angry with her for that but if anything the repercussions are more like....ripmc being stuck in a room for a week and getting coddled to death until stsg deem it enough 😭
It's not that stsg care about cheating it's more the fact that they are very secure in their relationship with each other and aren't worried about it. gojo might occasionally be annoyed and even pissed when they're arguing about geto being popular but it's never that serious. on the other hand ripmc.... 😭😭 ripmc would never cheat on them and they know it but she's also the most likely to entertain flirtations without knowing someone is flirting with her. when stsg jokingly flirt with another person they're always in control of the situation. they know which lines shouldn't be crossed. they use it as a means to purposefully get the other jealous. sometimes they try to make ripmc jealous and it backfires! another thing is the fact that because the line between lover and friend is so blurred in regards to stsg she doesn't quite understand that there are certain things that only a "boyfriend" gets to do to her which further translates to her not having any sense of boundaries with other people just like she doesn't have any sense of boundaries with stsg. obviously stsg wouldn't be happy about that 💀 if ripmc kissed someone else they probably approached her and asked if they could and she just said yes bc she couldn't find a reason to say no dhjsnfjsndb anyway they'd be more peeved than anything and they'd make it a point to make sure nothing like that ever happens again [ominous]
ANYWAY yeahhhhhhhhh I just think about geto a disproportionate amount aka so much it's unhealthy I'm so obsessed with him
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darlingdarkly · 10 days
🥳🍾 Ok, if you encourage me, then I'll go ahead - though I would hate to distract you from FWTD (Haven't read it yet, I'm still too focussed on 141 and can't cope with splitting my attention too much.) Feel free to ignore this, no pressure.
Would you be interested in hearing about my favourite passages of NYNY, like chapterwise, in case you don't find that boring? I enjoy sharing favourite parts because I find fascinating to see what exactly caught other people's attention and what they like best - especially when it comes to the authors themselves. 🤗
Are there passages you love and are specifically proud of? Like for example you had one sentence/passage/setting in mind and felt the need to create a whole chapter, story or even world around it?👁👁🧠💥💋
(Is that too private to ask? In case you wouldn't want to answer (in public), just let me know.🤫)
((It might sometimes take me a bit of time to answer but I would never NOT react at all sooner or later. Hope that's not too frustrating a prospect...👉👈))
Enjoy the day/night 🤘
YESS OMG! Ok so I’d love to answer this with you but it’s gonna be lengthy LMAO so I’m gonna drop it under a read more 😅
Ok so I’ll give you a little secret about where the idea for him came from in the first place. I came up with this idea back in December of last year, a new movie came out on Netflix called “The Killer” it follows this hit man around who botches a kill and then the people he works for try to clean it up by taking out him but they end up really hurting his wife and so he goes rogue and takes out everyone who had anything to do with the job. His final target is this rich guy who put up the money for the job and he finds out he goes to this fitness club and he goes there while he’s working out to get access to his house. The fitness club/ bougie gym in question was called “Baliquinox” and while I was sitting there watching it the idea came to me and I literally stole the name of the gym and reused it as like a little homage to where the idea came from.
And thus personal trainer Johnny was born! When I sat down to actually write it I had three main scenes I wanted to write, their first ever introduction where he picks her out or part 1, the scene in part four where they fuck for the first time (let me tell you that scene lives rent free in my head for months!) and the ending (specifically like the last paragraph) your girl wrote that WHOLE fic with just those three scenes in mind at the start. Everything else, literally all of it was thought up on the spot.
Funny enough the whole FitBit present he gives her was thought up as I wrote that part. I heard a commercial on Spotify for it, did a little more research and saw all the potential it had. And I had no idea when I wrote it in just how big a part it was gonna end up being in parts down the road. It was kinda just improvised haha
Two of my favorite little tidbits!
The first is in the second part when he’s sitting her down and asking her all kinds of questions that get increasingly personal to the point where she thinks he’s fucking with her (because he is) but I wanted to show that he’s intelligent enough to masquerade his gross intrusiveness as part of his job and then when he’s got you suckered he drops the facade completely and reveals his true intentions. It’s the first of Johnny showing you his true colors and I absolutely loved writing it, it was such a blast and I really enjoy writing manipulations like that. And then when reader heads to the locker room to recompose and dress she has her mind set to set him straight and draw some boundaries which when confronted by them Johnny just pliantly agrees and makes her feel kinda small for making such a big deal of it but we all know he’s pulling the wool over readers eyes again.
Secondly! I loved the morning after the club incident when she wakes up and she’s in Johnny’s bed and she can’t remember anything and Johnny writes the narrative for her and plants a seed. It’s really all it takes. He tells her that it’s OBVIOUS she was drugged last night and there’s no way she can go back home because she’s in DANGER!! (A danger he created the whole time) He played her right into his hands, swept her right off her feet without her even protesting because he’s helping her and doing it for her own good.
A man like Johnny is hyper intelligent and hyper dangerous. When he has his sights set on something he wants he will get it every time because he’s not afraid to play outside the lines. There are no boundaries and no limitations, there’s just the object of his desire and the obstacles in between him and it. And when you’ve walked into the trap and he’s got you, it won’t even seem like a trap. You’ve just suddenly gained a boyfriend and he’s moved you into his home and the sex is amazing and you never have to care for anything ever again. He’s just all in one move wrapped you up into his arms and secured you and it’s where you’ll be for the rest of your days if he can just keep manipulating things in his direction, which is much easier now that he’s got you right where he wants you.
This became so lengthy omg haha but I love him so much! He’s obsessive and he wants you all to himself and he’ll do anything to get it! Please, feel free to reblog this and tell me your favorite parts or add onto mine or discuss!! I would love it! 🫶🫶🫶
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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tonight, you find out who this secret admirer is and more shenanigans ensue. like anon said, reader is slowly entering her dean ambrose era but someone(s) want to put a stop to it before it gets worse. i KIND OF had to like split things up im doin something important just stick around....hotel interactions next chapter!
poor reader getting dragged into team extreme drama is insane like omg. at leaaasstt she can get closer to jeff, YAAYYY. this chapter, something in the air shifted i fear….
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RAW IS WAR // 6:37 PM
Monday came around quickly and yet again, you were back at the arena. Raw was a little different than Smackdown’s set up, but you didn’t really mind. The interchangeable brands, despite how much trouble it caused you, was somewhere you could easily call home.
You and Lita really drank too much, huh? You’ll both have to get those pancakes another time.
You remember Lita calling you and thanking you for allowing her to spend the night, but you couldn’t even respond with how loudly you were laughing once those memories came crashing down.
You swore off of drinking for a while. You also made Lita agree to never take you out to a bar again. At least not before eating anything. And next time, the destination would be IHOP instead of some sleazy bar.
Lita had to beg you to not tell Jeff what she said. In compromise, she said that you could meet her in the locker room before the first match to talk.
Today’s matches were as follows…
At least you weren’t on the card, but Jeff’s got a match with Christian? Looks like Stacy’s got a match too. Perhaps you’d be seeing them very, very soon.
That is, if you had time. The voice of that man over the phone replayed in your head, reminding the time you should meet him. 7:50? No, 7:20. NO, 7:30!
Now’s not the time to have a bad memory. This could be important. If they had some sort of “strategy” to keep Stephanie down for a bit, you wanted to hear it. You came earlier than usual just to ensure that you’d be there in time.
The hushed and murmured voices made you stop. You could hear them behind the door.
“Well, is she in here?”
“Ya’ think I know for sure?”
Okay, just by the tone of their voices, it sounded like Debra and Austin outside of your door. Their questions towards each other had turned into a small argument, something about who’s going to be the one to call you out first.
Why’d they show up? You knew Austin saw how mad you were the night of your match, so maybe he told Debra.
“Come on out, [Name].” Austin calls. “Just want to talk.”
You didn’t want to be chastised. It’s the last thing you wanted to hear, especially from him. “I’m not coming out.”
“Don’t make me break this door down.”
This time you got scared because you knew that he’d do it. So you slowly crack open the door. “Yes?” Of course, those cameras you loved so dearly were rolling. This must be good.
Debra steps forward, an apologetic look on her face. “We’ve been thinking...after what happened back on Smackdown…we think you should start looking into some anger management classes. You see, Mr. McMahon has offered it to certain people who were apart of the Alliance after a recommendation.”
Anger management classes??
It was one thing for Mr. McMahon to pour MORE salt in the wound after a crushing loss to your original team, but to even suggest anger management? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding.
“If I have to look into anger management classes, he has to look into them too!” You point a finger at Austin accusingly.
“Me? Anger management?” Shockingly enough, he seemed appalled at your words. “I don’t need a damn anger management class, goddamnit. All I need is a forklift.”
“You have issues!”
Debra can only shake her head. This is exactly why you should look into it. However, you made a valid case. The more she thought about it, she realizes the both of you needed to go. “That’s it then. I’ll be signing the both of you up for a class next week.” She briskly walks away, not staying around to hear you two’s outburst.
“Hey, no! What if I have a match or something? Debraaaaa!” You complain. Austin wasn’t too happy about this decision either. You walk after her, pleading to not let you go. “Pleaaasee?? Can’t you just send him alone? He’s an angry guy! Like way more angry than me!”
“My answer is final!” She asserted, making you take a step back. “If it makes you feel better, there are other people who you may know that are attending. Why don’t you make some friends?”
“Ughhhhh…” You groan. Debra softly rubs your shoulder.
Once Debra made her mind up, that was it. Looks like you’ll be taking anger management classes with Austin.
Pissed off wasn’t strong enough to describe how he felt about it. He comes closer to you two, rubbing his face. “I need a beer.”
“I don’t have anger management issues, I was just mad!“ You complain. “Throwing chairs at the walls aren’t even that bad! I could do worse. I could do way worse, right?!”
You turn over to Austin, who was simply shaking his head at you. For a split second he was going to say something, but decided not to. So far, the things he’s done in the past have been completely worse than what you’ve did in the last few days.
In an effort to take it off your mind for now, you look between the two. “Err, have any of you seen Jeff Hardy? I’d like to talk to him.”
“Not at all.” Debra shook his head. “Wouldn’t he usually be with his brother and that Lita girl?”
“Sort of, kind of. Not with Lita. They got into an argument or something, but right now I’m not sure if they’re cool. I really hope things blow over.”
“Why talk to him?” Austin just cuts to the chase. “Rainbow hair makes me sick. Him and that girl who can’t pull her pants up.”
You roll your eyes. Of course he had an iffy opinion on them. He’s so old school. You bet if you gave him a keyboard, he’d take forever to type just one word.
“I can’t tell you. But it’s really important.”
“Let the girl go.” Debra waves her hand. “The classes aren’t today. Besides, I need to talk with you about things, Austin.” She then looks at you knowingly, a mischievous glint in her eye. Did she kno—
“Why’re ya’ lookin’ like that??” Austin questioned, switching his finger between you two.
Debra feigns innocence. “Like what?”
“Ya’ looked at her with that look in your eye like ya’ got something planned.”
“We don’t know what you’re talking about!” You smile. “Listen, I’ll catch up with you guys later. I need to find Jeff.” This was very urgent. It’s a matter of life or death.
“Hey, kid, before ya’ go…” Austin holds out his hand, causing you to stop in place. “Almost forgot. We’re on commentary tonight.”
…You’re on commentary?! Seriously?
“Wait, for all the matches?”
Debra shakes her head, thankfully. “Just for the last match I believe. You two need to keep it together. No picking fights. If they start something with you, you walk away.”
That’ll be easy for you, unless, for some reason…someone decides to show up unannounced again. If Jericho decided to mess with you, then that’d be another fish to fry.
For Austin though, it may be a little harder. Incredibly harder.
The Rock was in the match. It was a no-brainer that they’ve always had some sort of tension. And Jericho was there too. Not to mention Kurt Angle. Those men have had problems with him in the past.
Who cares right now?! You had to figure out if you should make a move or not! If Jeff had a thing for you, you needed to strike accordingly, right? You walk back in the other direction towards the locker room.
You still couldn’t believe it though. Lita had really spilled the beans on that one. This whole time, Jeff Hardy may or may not have been interested in you.
If you were fast enough, you could catch him and Christian’s match. It would be best to change right now. Should you wear something nice? It’s not like you were going on a date in the ring or something. 
...Okay, maybe you’re thinking about this too hard.
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RAW IS WAR // 6:50 PM
You were all set. New clothes, feeling energized, and most importantly, feeling confident. Tonight was a new night, so you couldn’t let anyone get you down.
“Hey, [Name]…you look nice…?”
The familiar voice makes you turn on your heel almost immediately. “Oh, you’ve got a lot of guts showing up here.”
Stacy holds out her hands. “Hey! I’m on your side. I don’t think you’ve ever asked me how I felt, huh? Before you try anything, just listen to what I have to say!”
Just this once, you’ll give her the time of day.
“I…I hate Torrie as much as you do.” She admits. “I don’t know how you didn’t realize. We’ve been at each other’s necks for at least a week or two now.”
“If it’s only been a week or two, you’ve gotta give me a break.” You sigh. “I’ve a lot of shit on my plate, Stacy.”
“I understand that!” She seems happy you hadn’t attacked her yet, clearing her throat afterwards. “But I just wanted to let you know before you came after me. Don’t forget, I’m your best friend too.”
Right. She is.
“Torrie’s been spreading some nasty things about you.”
You roll your eyes. This same song and dance. “I know. If it’s about the letters—“
“Oh, no,” Stacy shakes her head, folding her arms behind her back. “Not about letters at all. She says you’ve been sleeping around.”
“First of all, if anyone’s doing the sleeping around, it’s her. Last time, I remember her and Mr. McMahon had some sort of meeting. I hope she knows talent is not sexually transmitted…not like Mr. McMahon is talented anyway.”
Stacy comes over and hits your arm. “You can’t say that! You could get fired, what if someone’s listening?!”
“I’m just saying! Jeez.” You rub your arm. “By the way, you’re lucky you said something, because I was about to fight you right here.”
For some reason, she doesn’t seem to stop talking about Torrie, even if you thought it was over. “Did I mention she says you’re trashing most of the superstars? I mean, even disrespecting legends, wow!”
What? Disrespecting legends? What legends was she talking about?? Now, some of them deserved it. But who exactly?
“Wait, who?”
Stacy opens her mouth, but is interrupted by the door opening.
In comes Lita, surprised to see you two not mauling each other. Sure, it wasn’t Torrie, but it’s someone she associated with. “…You guys are still friends?” She stares at Stacy for a moment, fighting the urge to glare.
Stacy nods. “Of course. That’s my [Name]!” She gives you a tight hug. “I’ll see you later, okay?” Just like that, she was gone. Suspiciously quick.
You simply wave as she walks off. Lita can only scoff. “Her? Really? After I poured my heart out last night?”
“I just think you’re jealous.” You grin. “Litaaa’ss jeaaallouusss.”
Your sing-song tone made her smile as well. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you happy.” She looks at you, then your outfit of choice. “Woah, that’s a transformation if I’ve ever seen one. You really want his attention, huh?”
It’s not like she wasn’t dressed up herself either. Her thong was literally saying ‘hello!’ to you. “You’re talking about me, but do you have a match I don’t know about?” You question, walking over to fold the clothes you decided not to wear.
….You’ve never folded clothes so fast, with shaky hands at that. Lita catches on quickly and takes a seat nearby. She doesn’t comment on it, but she damn sure notices.
“Just accompanying Jeff to the ring. Don’t worry, I’m not stealing him away from you or anything.” She prefaced. “..He just got really hurt at Survivor Series. And in the argument that Matt started, he didn’t want him to perform.”
She didn’t want you to be nervous. In fact, she could even sympathize. Maybe YOU were more shy than she thought, haha.
You take a breather, doing your best to offset the anxiety. “Oohh, I see. No wonder. So, it’s just you and Matt that are having issues.”
“No, no,” Lita shakes her head. “Jeff has problems with Matt too. Me and Jeff don’t have any issue with each other.”
Noooow you got it. She didn’t explain that in depth when you first asked her. She must’ve still been frazzled from the whole thing.
“I just have a feeling Jeff’ll do something risky. As much as I hate to say this, you’ll have to take advantage of that. I’ll pretend like it’s a complete surprise.” Lita pauses for a moment, taking a second to now stretch on the floor. “…If Matt by chance shows up, he’s not gonna be happy Jeff’s in a match tonight.”
You finish with folding things up, zipping your bag shut. “Fine with me. Hey, you’re not gonna screw me over, are you?”
Lita gives you a confused look. “Hell no. Why would I do that?”
“Just making sure.”
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RAW IS WAR // 7:05 PM
You hoped this wouldn’t take too long. As much as you wanted to see Jeff, you had other obligations. You wanted to be in the parking lot at 7:30 sharp, no later than that. It’d be better if you got there earlier.
You’re backstage now, checking out the match on the television. It’s been going on for a while now. You giggle as you notice how Jeff’s shirt was stuck around his ankles. Him being shirtless was one thing, but you were immature enough to giggle at his shirt. You noticed how it limited his movement and Christian was really wearing him down because of it.
You’d ask him how things were going later. It makes you jump in surprise to see Jeff rebound with a enzugiri.
By this point, Matt’s already down to the ring, picking an argument with Lita. While they’re at it, you think it’s time to head down to the ring yourself.
With a pep in your step, you make your way to gorilla. You’d only stick around to check in on Jeff and give him help, but that’s it. Every little bit counts.
You push away the curtains and head down to the ring, catching Lita’s gaze. She fought the smile on her face, doing her best to look upset instead. The crowd cheers at your appearance.
Jeff notices you, confused as to why you’re out here in the first place. You don’t have anything to do with him. You wave at him.
Did you come out for him? For some reason, a small grin appears on his face, but it’s quickly knocked off as Christian clotheslined him.
Christian notices you too. He comes over and even blows you a kiss.
He’s funny.
You cross your arms. You’re not out for him right now! Just for Jeff, but maybe you’ll keep that to yourself for now. You wave at him, feeling as if it’s rude to not respond.
Lita jogs away from Matt (much to his own confusion, a lot of it was going around..) right over to you.
“Started to think you wouldn’t come out here!” She raises her voice so you can hear her over the crowd. “Thought your dad was gonna stop you. I could’ve sworn he told me to pull my pants up!”
You laugh, raising your voice as well. “Yeah, right. Are things going okay out here?”
“Not..really.” She looks away, doing her best to not stare at Matt anymore. “It’s hard being here.”
“I get it. I’m sorry about that.” You turn your attention back to the ring, and Lita returns to her spot nearby Matt. Now you two were on opposite sides.
Christian begins to turn Jeff into the Killswitch, but Jeff reverses it into the Twist of Fate. Matt begins to scream at him to do the pin, but instead he climbs onto the top rope.
Even you thought it was a good idea to pin Christian. Was Jeff really going to be able to do this??
Matt comes over to your side yelling at him and you move further away. Christian, in the meanwhile, rolls out of the ring to safety.
But not for long. Jeff readjusts himself to do a high flying move, but Matt is still yelling. Taking advantage, Christian shoves Matt into the ring post, knocking Jeff straight into the mat.
You wince. That must’ve really hurt.
Christian gets right back into the ring and pins Jeff, retaining his championship. He points down at you with a smile.
You have to say, good for him. You clap, giving him some respect. You had nothing against him.
He rolls out of the ring and you roll right in.
“Jeff.” You get down on your knees, leaning over him. “Why’d you do that?”
He takes a minute to respond, breathing heavily. “Thought…ya’ might like it.”
Before you could say something, the referee shoos you out of the ring and you roll back out to give them space.
Jeff didn’t want that. He struggles to get up and slowly crawls out himself. “Wait.” He rasps, reaching out toward you. You come a bit closer to help him out and back up the ramp.
He’s holding his neck as you two go up, Matt and Lita trailing behind. This isn’t going to be good, you could just tell.
The closer you got to towards the medic, the thicker the tension had gotten. It got even worse after you entered the room.
No one was saying anything to each other. You and Lita could only exchange glances. The crinkling of the ice bag was the only sound heard throughout the room. One of the medics handed it over to you, and almost as if they knew something bad was coming, left the room.
You gently place it over the back of Jeff’s neck, making him quietly sigh. It must’ve been one of relief, because he sets his hand over your own.
“Jeff, how could you be so stupid, man?!”
And there it was. Matt stroked the fire.
“Stupid?!” Jeff immediately gets up from his spot, almost as if he had a jolt of energy. It startled you slightly, leaving the bag of ice in your hand.
“Yeah, stupid. I told you, you shouldn’t even have been wrestling tonight.” Matt got in his face. “But did you listen to me? No. And even when you went in the ring, I supported you. I told you what you should do. I told you; don’t take any unnecessary risks. I told you; do the Twist of Fate and beat him on the mat—“
Jeff interrupts him. “Who asked you, Matt? Who asked you to get involved in the match anyway, huh?”
“Nobody asked me to get involved. I got involved because I care about you. I got involved because I care about the team. Do you care about the team, Jeff?” Matt’s words were coming out almost a thousand miles an hour. It’s almost like this has been on his mind for a while.
You watch as they continue going back and forth for a while. You didn’t want to take sides, you were only watching from the sidelines.
Lita runs her hands through her hair. This was really getting to her. You felt really bad. She shouldn’t have to be in the middle of this.
“—Ever since we were kids Matt, you’ve been trying to run my life, you’ve been trying to control me.” Jeff accuses. “You’ve always thought you’re smarter, you’ve always thought you’re better..”
“I don’t think it’s a question that I’m smarter than you, Jeff. I think that’s obvious. And somebody—“
“Guys, relax, Lita is….“ You try to intervene, but you immediately get shut down by Matt.
“Look, shut up, please. She’s not in this and neither are you. I don’t even know why you’re here.” And now, his attention is on you. “Are you here just for yourself? Which one of us do you want to ruin first? Is it Jeff?”
Ruin? That must’ve been something Torrie must’ve spread. Matt must’ve considered you bad news.
But Jeff quickly stands up for you. “Don’t tell her to shut up. She came to help me, unlike someone I know. She actually cares.”
It goes silent again. You’re not exactly sure what to say.
This time, Lita speaks up. “…I thought you were in here cause’ you cared about Jeff. At the very least you could be nice to someone who’s trying to help. It’s pretty obvious the only thing you care about is yourself.”
She leaves, and Jeff glares at Matt. “Who feels stupid now, Matt?”
Matt ignores his comment, simply giving Jeff a scowl of his own. He calls after Lita and leaves the room.
Now, you and Jeff were alone. He mutters an apology, sitting back on the seat.
You say nothing, instead setting the bag of ice back onto his neck. He sets his hand back onto your own.
“You….look nice today.” Jeff compliments you, using his free hand to toy with his armband. He had no idea why he felt so on edge in your presence. Whether it was the atmosphere of the argument still lingering or just the idea of you taking care of him, he didn’t know.
“Hah.” You let out a strained laugh. “Thanks.”
It’s hard to bounce back from what just happened. And you didn’t know what else to say.
You had an idea though.
You let go of the ice and so does he. Jeff looks up at you questionably as you move to sit next to him.
No one was in the room, no one had to know.
So, instead of saying anything else, you take a chance and just kiss him. “I didn’t know what else to say, sorry.”
Jeff doesn’t have anything to say either, as his response is nothing more than returning his lips to your own. Again, and again. Each time, it was harder than the last. You hadn’t even realized how close you got to him until you felt his body against your own.
He sets his hand on your back, doing his best to keep you as close as possible.
You already felt like you couldn’t breathe. And just as you were going to open your mouth for him just a little more, he lightly pushes you away. Nothing lasts forever, you guess.
You still groan in disappointment.
“If we keep doing this, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.” He admitted. “..and my neck is killing me.”
All you can do is nod. At least he came to his senses, any further and you’d forget your meet up with your secret admirer. You were close to blowing him off.
You finally collect your words. “What time..is it?”
Jeff looks up towards the clock in the room. “7:20.”
Shit. You had ten minutes to get it together.
“I’ve gotta go.” You say, getting out of your seat. “There’s something I’ve gotta do. I hope you get better, sorry about earlier.” In order to not explode, you try to talk about other things. “You guys shouldn’t have to go through that as a team.
Jeff waves you off. “It’ll blow over. Thanks for staying with me. I’ll see ya’ later.”
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RAW IS WAR // 7:27 PM
You were in a mad dash to the parking lot, trying to make sure you were on time. You had about 3 minutes to spare luckily, so here you were, just rubbing your temples.
“Over here, Nitro Girl.”
You turn over to the direction of the voice, a curious look on your face. The curiosity turns into shock.
“Hey, wait, aren’t you….?”
The man nods. He’s a little aggressive as he shoves the bouquet of flowers into your arms. “Hunter. You’re a bit early.”
You just couldn’t believe it.
…..Triple H? He’s the person who wanted to meet you out here? Was this some sort of setup so Stephanie could ambush you from behind?
“Is this a joke?” You boldly ask. “Out of all people, it’s you??”
“No joke..“ He doesn’t seem to be in the best of moods, but you don’t point it out. “I’m going to cut to the chase. I think Stephanie is sleeping with someone else.”
Your eyes widen. That was one hell of an accusation. “How do you know?”
“I haven’t been in the ring and she’s been going on about this whole spiel about becoming business partners with others while I’m away. Because you refused, I think your attack on Smackdown may have been planned. I know how she is.”
“Do you really think it was planned? The only other person I could think of would be Jericho, but there’s no way he would be on it.” You say. “I mean, he’s called her so many nasty names. I don’t get it. And there’s no way in hell it could be Austin.”
Hunter shook his head. “Jericho’s the only one that makes sense. He’s threatened by me and he knows as soon as I come back, I’ll be going for the title spot. He’ll do anything to take me down, even if it means associating with Stephanie.”
“Yikes.” You mutter, adjusting the bouquet of flowers in your arms. “So, what’re you asking me to do here?”
“How about we become business partners?” He suggests. “You want revenge. I want a spot in the title picture. It’s an even exchange, nothing less, nothing more. I want to see what she’ll do next. If it’s true, we’ll officially start. If it’s false, we’ll pretend like we never met. Do we have a deal?”
You had nothing to lose, so you agree. “We have a deal. I’ll let you know if I see or hear anything.”
Neither of you had the confirmation, but once you did, it’d be one hell of a week.
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RAW IS WAR // 7:45 PM
You were able to put the flowers from Hunter away in the locker room. Austin was waiting for you outside to head out to the announcers table. In order to get by him, you passed it off as a secret admirer gift to Trish. Someone gave it to you, so you decided to pass on the message. You refused to elaborate any further than that.
“Let’s get goin’ kid, they’re waitin’ on us.” Austin rushes you out, making you groan. 
“I’m coming, hold on!” You close the door behind you. 
“Took ya’ long enough. I was gonna leave.”
Well, you’re here now!
Once you two hit gorilla, the sound of glass shattering was your cue. Austin walks down the ramp with you behind him. While he’s all serious, you wave to the crowd.
There’s a fan that reaches out a pen and a picture of you. Before you meet Austin at the table, you decide to sign it. You quickly write your signature with a smile and give them a final wave before you run towards the announcer table.
You take a seat nearby Austin, as JR and Jerry greet you before JR begins his introduction.
‘And we are back here on Raw, Raw Zone on the new TNN. At ringside, Austin and [Name] accompany us…..’
Jerry automatically has his attention on you. ‘You look great tonight!’
You gave a thumbs up at his compliment. ‘I take pride in my wardrobe!’
Austin isn’t too happy about you taking too long, complaining as soon as you put your headphones on. ‘She always takes her time gettin’ places because of her little wardrobe!’
‘I have to pick something out! And don’t even start, I was signing an autograph, okay! I was being nice! Debra told us to play nice!’
Before you can continue, the pop of pyro and Jericho’s music immediately gets you hot. You’re so sick and tired of him.
Lillian announces him in. “The following handicap match is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing 227 pounds, Chris Jericho!”
‘Y2J told us earlier this night what was wrong with his game all along,” JR says. ‘He cared about the fans. Obviously, he doesn’t care any longer.’
‘Oh, whatever. He only cares about himself!’ You accuse.
Jericho enters the ring, turning his attention down to the announcers table. He smirks seeing you two, and you can only shoot daggers at him. ‘I fucking hate you!’ Of course, they bleeped your curse word out, but you meant what you said. You were still heated from your own handicap match. 
His music cuts off, changing into Kurt Angle’s music.
“Introducing his partner from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kurt Angle!”
‘Austin, you and Kurt Angle will go one-on-one for the WWF title at Vengeance. The winner of that match will go on against either Y2J or The Rock to unify those championships. How do you feel?’ JR asks.
‘Gotta be nervous, huh? I mean, this is the undisputed championship we’re talking about!’ Jerry adds.
‘I’m not nervous about those sons of bitches at all. I’m coming out of Vengeance as the undisputed champion. Most importantly, I won’t be kissing Vince’s ass tonight.’
Wait, huh? You look at Austin curiously. ‘Woah, I’m confused. What’re you talking about?’
You couldn’t hear anything else after The Rock’s music hits, the crowd coming alive and screaming. ‘I have to say, I’m on Rock’s side! A handicapped match? I can sympathize how hard it is. This isn’t fair.’
“And from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the World Champion, The Rock!”
JR agrees with you. ‘I can agree with you, [Name]. He’ll be lucky to survive this.’
Austin seems offended at your words. ‘You’re on his side? Really? Ya’ weren’t even goin’ in alone!’
‘I mean, can’t you sympathize sort of? The odds were—‘
Suddenly, Ric Flair’s music hits just as soon as the match is ready to begin. The crowd “woo’s”.
You snap your fingers. ‘Oh, I forgot! He bought our stock, huh?’
‘And he made a career of being fashionably late. The match already started!’ Jerry says.
Flair’s raspy voice echoes. “I don’t think my business partner will mind at all the fact that I am changing this handicap match into a tag match, WOO! Without further ado, The Rock’s partner, Kane!”
As soon as he says his name, an explosion of fire comes from the ramp.
Kane was another story. You weren’t quite sure about him, nor have you seen him around. All you’ve heard was that he had a bad, bad upbringing. He was intimidating and you were almost scared. 
This match certainly was something else.
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k temporary spacer thingy. i decided to kind of speed through the like last match since its not as important. what’s important is what comes after it sort of. sorry for cutting the jeff scene so short though, i kinda had to push myself out of my comfort zone since im not that experienced with likeeee all the serious romance stuff. there’s more to come next. btw i promise we’ll see some more superstars soon,,ones that left and all yes yes. btw “nothing more nothing less” my ass smh.
anyone been rushed out before by your parents? like them threatening to leave u if u dont hurry up?? yeah its totally stone cold and [name] lmaoo,,, them anger management classes about to go hard💯
also kane interaction anyone? no? ok i’ll leave…
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ssreeder · 1 year
I'm finally out of lurking yeeyy!!! I don't usually leave comments on AO3 cause I tend to side track a lot and then i feel a bit annoying but i figured here it would be fine <33
I've been reading liab for a loooong wile and just wanted to let you know that in my 10+years of reading fics your work is definitely on my top 3 and one of the coolest thing I've read in general. (Even tho you always update on the weekends prior to my exams week, but i have my priorities in order and Zukka is always more important than an oncology exam 😤)
Buuuut I'm on vacations now so my liab brain rott is high again, and i can think non stop about the great characterization of your fic (especially zuko's i think you do an amazing job writing him).
Last chapter has to be one of my favorites in the whole series fr, it mayy had to do with Zuko being super touchy feely and extra emotional honestly, but they needed a bit of love before they start giving explanations to literally everyone. I'm honestly a bit ( or a lot) worried about Sokka and Iroh's relationship, I'm sure that with time Iroh will warm up to him but with Sokka being as protective as he is right now i don't know if he would take kindly of him to try and push Zuko into the throne ☠️ but we'll see.
Lastly I'm sure we all love the 20k words chapters so don't even worry about it hahaha
I'll go for now, byeee 💕
Oh please don’t ever thing you’re annoying,,, have you seen my authors notes? I’m the most annoying person in the room & i would be thrilled to have you join me.
OMG TOP 3?!?! I fucking love you ahhhhh!! (& I do somehow always update during busy times - don’t worry I plan it that way just to mess with y’all ;)))
(Haha jk I’m not that smart)
Touchy feely Zuko with Sokka is going to be a bit more of a new norm for them and it’ll get kind of explained sort of introspected at some point but yeah Zuko WENT THROUGH IT & now he just wants to be comforted which is understandable.
Dudddeeeee yes. Iroh & sokkas relationship can go so many different ways. It’ll be interesting how they fit into each others lives especially knowing that Sokka knows Zuko who he is now and Iroh knows who he used to be and those two versions of Zuko are VERY different. I think it’ll also depend how much Zuko opens up to Iroh? Idk, Zuko can add a lot of unintentional tension there if he isn’t careful.
Thank you for this ask & i swear my next chapter will be under 20k BELIEVE IT!!! (Sorry I’ve been watching fucking Naruto so now I wanna say BELIEVE IT after everything)
I ALREADY adore you 🕸️ anon
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athetos · 1 year
my very long and devastated thoughts on The Traitor Baru Cormorant:
- Baru and Tain Hu became one of my favorite relationships out of nowhere and I was a fool for thinking it could have an even remotely happy ending.  I was hoping against hope that the author was going to throw us a bone and go out of their way to avoid the bury your gays trope at the last second, but no such luck.  My heart is broken.  I would have been upset but able to accept it if Tain Hu escaped and we never heard from her again, but instead the absolute cruelest possible option was taken instead.  I will never forgive them for what they have put me through... what they have put THEM through... but I understand.  Tain Hu herself is one of the most characters ever and I don’t think I’m prepared to handle 2 books of her haunting the pages.  I’m being very brave though. 
- Baru’s self-hatred and misery is so profound, especially over those last couple of chapters, that I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole.  I knew this would end poorly from the beginning because there is no way to cause change from the inside of something so vast and evil without becoming a monster yourself, but to think that it had come to this...  I hate that I can relate to what she’s feeling, it honestly dredges up memories I’ve tried very hard to forget, and it’s astounding this book is able to do that to me. 
- Tain Hu was the only person who didn’t try to use Baru as a pawn or a way to get power or heirs.  Fuck.
- I did not expect this much political theory and conspiracies but I was extremely surprised and impressed, I feel a lot of things were put into words that I wasn’t sure how to express.  I feel smarter somehow, but also a lot sadder.  Honestly, I think there’s stuff in here put in simple enough terms it’s going to help inform my viewpoints in real life.  That’s a lot.
- “I want to fuck women” was such a powerful and cathartic moment because I’m so used to seeing sapphic sexuality as being sanitized or purified, this innocent “omg i wanna hold a girl’s hand uwu” shit, and it drives me insane.  Like I’m sorry society, but I don’t want to be desexualized into something you’re comfortable with.  I want to fuck women and love with no limits and so that’s why this line was amazing because they could have very easily have said “i like women” or “I want to kiss women” or even “I don’t like men.”  But we got this banger of a confession.  Hell fucking yes, Baru.
- I love that even though most of the characters are pretty big assholes, they each have moments that make them likable, or even sympathetic, if only briefly. 
- I don’t know how to tell Baru this, but I don’t think Mother Pinion or Father Solit are going to forgive her and be like “yeah this was okay.  this was justified.”
-  gonna call it right now, Baru is not going to survive this.  There is no way she’s going to survive this whole thing, get her revenge (or not) and not end up killed, or committing suicide.  Like, there’s just no way.  She’s going to fucking die and I won’t even be mad or even sad in a way just distantly removed like “yep I knew it and it’s the way it had to happen.  Sorry.”
- What I want most from this next book, the Monster Baru Cormorant, is to show more of how beyond fucked up Falcrest is.  I want to see everyone in power, the absolute depravity behind the creation of the Clarified... I want to see all of it fucking burned down. 
- I have the next 2 books on hold at the library and it may take me a while to get through them because holy fuck are they depressing and hard but I need to know how this ends goddammit.  Was Tain Hu’s sacrifice WORTH it?
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darklordofthesimp · 11 months
Seeing the talk about birdy sunshine possibly being one of the only support she has other than saint. Im kinda rooting for it in a way. They remind me of siblings especially between my brother and i.
The whole vibe of fuck you✨✨💅🏽, but be careful out there. Some “let’s agree to disagree 😌”. I feel that sunshine won’t immediately be like “omg ok I’ll be here for you” but sunshine getting straight to the point like “ok who else did you tell so I can play along that I don’t know and see what I can find out”
I tell my friends that I’m a double agent (or a triple agent ? I confuse myself 😌) and that’s the vibe I’m getting from sunshine. In the end they want to help out but in a strategic manner
Konig i hate love you rn you better give me like 2 billion dollars to make me feel better. AND A SCRUMPDILLYUMPTIOUS REASON AS TO WHY you break my trust like that
It had just occurred to me that maybe birdy is a over thinker (twinsies🥰🥰) , since that last chapter ended with a thought. So we don’t really know the rest of that scene. My mind can’t stop thinking about this and it’s your fault 🤺🤺🤺
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Yes yes yes yes
I’m so happy that you agree with the Sunshine/Birdy sibling relationship. I genuinely see them both as doing everything to piss each other off but it’s one of those the second you try to fuck with either of them then they’re both up in arms
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borathae · 1 year
Sibibaby my thoughts are mess rn (thanks to u 🥲) but i’ll try to write what i think about the last chapter 🥺🥺
1- okay first of all i have something to say for Jimin; You can go wherever you want you selfish prick don’t manipulate Taetae (you know he cares for u so much and you’re using it) and don’t upset my babies anymore 😠 (And you should beg for mercy on your knees in front of my baby oc because if she wasn’t in the picture…you know what would happen to u my friend 🤗)
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Puahagah that silly man made me cackle so much HSHAHAH like seriously no joke i’m all serious and mad but than I’m cackling because of him haha🥺
3-hmm the fact that Jimin broke Sophie’s heart in 1956 🤔 made me suspicious for no reason
4- Jealous oc 🤭🤭 She is so cute istg i’m gonna punch or bite something 🥺🥺
5- I really want Tae and oc to spend time together again 🥺 I’m a little mad at him (because he acts like a stupid naive little boy) but i know his heart too and i just want them to be happy together again 🥺💜
6- I’m so sorry for Yoongi 😭 No joke when he said that he loves her with all his heart and every inch of his soul and not because he’s a glutton 😭😭 And the fact that he looked normal again after oc said that she loves him over and over 🥺🥺🥺
Sibibaby no joke i’m in love with all of your stories male leads ( seriously i mean it) but MV!Yoongi is so special to me he’s my all time favorite 🥺🥺🩵
8- I’m so proud of oc 😏 She was so hot while she’s defending herself AND scolding jimin and Taeboy 😏 go girlie I support you 😍
7- The witches 😱😱😱😱😱 omg I didn’t see that coming what the fuck that’s what i call a plot twist 😱😱 (And i kinda think that oc is a witch or something too but who knows I expect everything from you hahah)
8- Not me romanticizing everything and think about Yoongi’s reaction after he realized something wrong 😌Like he killed that witches before she found him but he became weak suddenly and he probably knew that he would not be able to help her and she was scared and screaming his name….so if it’s okay with u Sibibaby can i ask Yoongi Boongie what he felt and thought before he lost consciousness 😭?
9- I hope oc will be okay after that 🥺 Like it’s so traumatic for both Yoongi and oc 🥺 She’s probably so scared (for her family) and i have a feeling that Yoongi would blame himself again… he probably think that he couldn’t protect his family and especially oc 😭😭 gosh i just want to read the next chapter ! 😭😭
I honestly think that Jimin is gonna think about himself for a lil. idk I have a feeling that the conversation with OC AND yoongi's confession kinda made him reevaluate his own self for a bit
JFSAJDFJ this was so funny hahahah also when he went "i hope he gets hit by a car" JFADJ petty boy jfajjja
RIGHT?? she's been acting suspicious ever since we got to know her 👀
FJADJSFJ that part was so cute afjdjsfa
same same same :(
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA!! HE DESERVES THE FUCKING WORLD :( also not you saying he is your fave omfmgm GIRL ogc!kook and aaol!kook are quaking in their boots rn fandnfa
istfg she is so hot you have no idea how much I want her fand
wait I'll do that down below fnadfna
gosh yes I can see both of those things happening :(((((
Okay now to answer your question about Yoongi's feelings. The reason why he was still able to run to her (kinda) was because he was a Creator and therefore it took a while longer for the magic to overwhelm him. Sophie and Shirley got like a "magical signal" from Suzy to start their plan. They tranquilised Jelena with magic and then attempted to do the same to Yoongi, which failed big times as they both got killed by him seconds later afnadf. Then he already heard OC scream for him, but by that point he also felt the magic infilitrate his body which meant he could only really stumble to get to her while his muscles grew weaker and weaker and his eyesight got darker and darker. He was definitely scared out of his wits, mostly for OC of course but also for himself because it's been thousands of years since he last felt that helpless 🥺
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Fire Emblem Engage 24 - End
Spoilers below the cut. These last chapters aren't as good as the rest of the game because I'm not a fan of the new character.
Alear is meeting evil!Alear. Is she seeing the past or? OMG a random time travel plot 😭 why . . .
And why is evil!Alear giving her life story to regular!Alear? The heroes and villains both act so nonsensical in this game.
Aww, Alfred got to say how badly he worried over Alear.
OMG NOOO. NOT A-FUCKING-GAIN. I'm NOT fighting the 4 wolves AGAIN. Please, no. Please, I'm begging.
Oh, thank God, Alear is sending Zephia away.
I wish Veyle would just shut up.
God, this plot has gone off the deepend though. Alear died twice and came back to life twice. There was a failed Hail Mary to try and get me to care about the Wolves. And not time travel because time travel I guess?
So I saw that Veyle and Alfred both had the blue speech bubbles over their heads and figured the other royals would, but only those two got it. Alfred got a little "official" moment over all the other royals and it makes my shipping heart happy. He's worried about the Alear of 1000 years ago. He's a sweetie.
This level only existed for the chance to talk to the other Alear. I'm not too mad about that. I actually really like Alear.
More Zephia. Why. I guess it gives Sombron someone named to talk too. I'd rather the red!Alear though.
Aww, we get to see Lumera meet Alear. Ok, I more than accept this chapter now. I still think the time travel is stupid as fuck, but I'll accept it anyways because I liked getting to see this stuff.
Bunet wants to lick the boulders to see how they taste. Something is wrong with this man.
Seadall seems low-key into Rosado, as he finds him amazingly attractive lol.
Lumera is a zombie thing, right?
I'm guessing Alear managed to act on her own will as corrupted, but Lumera can't because of who summoned them?
Man, and this game had avoided characters doing stupid shit for the sake of drama, but leave it to Veyle to fuck that up by going off on her own.
If she's on the map by herself, so help me God... she can die
Shoutout to Kagetsu, Goldmary, and especially Alfred for forming a little line and holding out against a million reinforcements. Alfred must've killed like 50 enemies this chapter while I picked off all the buddies around Lumera.
Alfred MVP. Deserved. Boy put in the work.
Lumera is such a Fire Emblem parent she out Fire Emblemed all the others and died - TWICE!
This must be so awkward for Veyle.
I think it's cool Alfred is in this scene. I think he's pushed just a bit over the other royal and does feel the closest to a "cannon" love interest for Alear - though I feel the most "cannon" is probably platonic with Veyle.
I feel proud of myself. I'm down to 0 coins and 0 silver. I used it all up nicely.
The men of Firene are prone to fatal illness - Alfred, his father, and Mauvier's father (per his Ivy support)
Alfred's A support with Veyle fucking hurts knowing what I know, talking about how he KNOWS exercise won't really make the problems go away, that it's just about giving yourself a break to avoid getting crushed by what worries you. It's such a simple conversation, except that it's coming from Alfred. Who we know is actually talking about dealing with his terminal illness and also proves that a lot of his behavior is a conscious choice. I think between this and his crit quotes actually being quite serious means he's not truly an empty-headed guy who's nice because he's just that innocent or dumb, but that's he's more self-aware than characters like this usually are and actively choosing to be friendly and kind to everyone. I think learning that is what launched him to my favorite. It's hard to dislike "human golden retriever" characters that aren't annoying, but it adds such an interesting secondary level when you know characters are purposefully and consciously choosing to act this way, and even MORE great when the characters have actually been through some shit and rather than letting the world turn them bitter are choosing to be gentle. It's also why Lucius was my favorite for so long (though, he's more uber pure rather than hyper loyal/friendly) and honestly Dimitri too since he eventually actively chooses to act as a savior king and let go of hatred. I'm just - such a sucker for characters like this.
The Emblems aren't returning, I'm betting. Yep. Man, I'm going to cry seeing all my old protagonists fading away. If that happens. Why is Alear the exception though?
Kinda cool that Sombron offered to just leave, but Alear said fuck no. We really needed another backstory. /s They should've spaced this out a bit more. I also love how he's just chatting with us about it too.
So, who's his Emblem? This guy is beyond obsessed. (Emblem of Foundations - DLC Wave 2? Who could it be? Alm, Eliwood, Seliph, Elincia, Rhea, and Azura are the key missing characters)
Feels bad. Diamant, Ivy, and Alfred got to show up at the very end of that cut scene, but not Timerra. I feel the Solm royals got shafted.
Do we not get the Emblem rings in the final fight? That would suck. That also seemed anticlimatic as a parting. It is cool that, once again, Alfred got the dialogue to represent the royals.
Seeing all the lords get summoned again did things to me. Not gonna lie. I've loved some of these characters for over half my lifetime and seeing them all just lined up like that. 😭
Alear ended up being a lot cooler than I expected.
Ok, I figured Sombron would do something after taking him down at first because that was too easy.
Luna + Critical is one hell of a drug. Alcryst was going to do a measly 3 damage to Sombron but did 51 instead.
Alfred engaged with Alear did the final hit. Seemed thematic. All the favoritism I poured into him returned ten-fold. I know he's not the best unit in the game, but he was the best unit for my playthrough at least. Maybe the RNG was kind to me too.
It wouldn't be a final Engage chapter if we didn't have something taking forever to die.
I don't want to see all the previous protagonists fade away 😭
Ah, fuck, they're doing it one at a time. Why. 😭😭
Alfred got MVP the most. Followed by Chloe. Alear, Katstsu, and Alcryst also got MVP a good number of times. Though, if I stuck Lyn on Alcryst earlier, he probably would've gotten it way more.
Alright, guys, I finished it!
I'm a bit bummed they didn't list the characters in order of least to most used. It's always fun figuring out who's #1, but oh well.
I also REALLY miss paired endings. The solo endings were fine, but still bummed about that. Cool that Sedall and Yunaka are basically cannon though, with their endings matching and being in the same image. It's also going to be impossible for me to "marry" anyone BUT Alfred because of this. His paired ending is a thousand times better, but I also ship Alear and Alfred pretty hard.
I loved all the art at the end too. Alfred planting flowers was too precious. Hortensia visiting her father's grave, the only sad one, only for the next image for Rosado and Goldmary joining her made me so happy. They were all pretty good and seemed to take the character's personality into account.
So my favorites were: Alfred, Ivy, Alcryst, Celine, Chloe, and Alear. Though, there's a lot of characters I didn't see a lot of supports for and didn't use. Fogado seems like so much fun, that I'll have to use him next time, for example.
The only one I didn't really like was Veyle, but I hate her brand of moe and brainwashing so . . . Louis is also low-key creepy, but IDK if that'll stay if I see more of his supports or not.
I will get the DLC, but not sure when. This game is a lot of fun to play, so I definitely want the extra content.
Overall, the plot is basic and stumbles when it tries to be more complex, the characters are mostly good, and the gameplay is fantastic. I really enjoyed it. Only time will tell where it'll fall.
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lovelyelbowleech · 1 year
HELLO!! HAIR ANON HERE!!! I’m SO SORRY this was delayed but I have been crazy busy. Mostly with good things (like graduating and getting my MA [🎉], and working out the details of starting my next MA program!!), but most recently with covid LOL. BUT THE LAST TWO CHAPTERS OF WAR GAMES HAVE BEEN KEEPING ME SANE. Or causing me to lose what’s left of my sanity (that last chapter especially). Honestly probably both at the same time 😂
Bc OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH my GOD that last chapter. I feel VINDICATED. I feel FEVERED (and not just because of the covid lmaooo). I feel YRIEIFOWHFOWHDOWUDOWHDUD. I don’t even know how to describe how I’m feeling other than CHAOTIC and OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE. My brain is fuzzy but I needed you to know this was the most hyped up I’ve been about something fandom related in over a decade. I’m glad my gf wasn’t home bc I’m not sure I would want to explain the multiple screams I let out, or the multiple honest-to-god flails that happened.
IN HONOR OF THAT some of my favorite lines:
“Zuko’s eyes were bright, even in the dim light. ‘No,’ he said. ‘I just wanted to be normal. So I went with it.’” GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. THE IMAGE THIS PAINTS. LIGHTING SOMETHING ON FIRE RN
“No, that wasn’t true. He had plenty in his head. Things like the fact that perhaps, just between him and himself, he could admit that maybe there was an attraction that he had been trying to convince himself was something else, like envy or admiration. He did maybe stare at Zuko’s muscles a little too much, and find the blushing and the way his hair was starting to flop very charming. Cute, even.” THIS…. INVENTED ROMANCE?? THE NOISE I MADE WHEN I READ THIS WAS SOMEWHERE BETWEEN A SQUEAL AND A WAIL
"’The Avatar is not a baby,’ Zuko said faintly, his eyes a little wide. ‘Not all babies are bald.’ He looked like maybe his brain had stopped working.” THIS MADE ME GIGGLE SO HARD SJDKSJDIWID ALSO THE WHOLE SCENE WHERE THEY WERE FIXING THE TENT!!! Toph, Katara, and Zuko had me in HYSTERICS, also I’m SO PROUD of Zuko’s angry stitching, good job, buddy
ALSO!!! Tu’s section was so sad and so good and so beautifully written??? I’m so worried about what’s going to happen to him and the freedom fighters. But as someone who loves your writing I’m also VERY EXCITED to see what happens with them. 😂 And omg YAY SUKI AND SHEN SURVIVING! And Shen *GETTING SOME*! I think I actually said, “YEAH, GET SOME” out loud when Shen rediscovered his dick. Good for him, man. He fucking deserves it (pun only half intended). Now I’m just desperately curious about what Azula is going to be up to in the next chapter, and which of the four groups we’re following are going to meet first 👀 I’M SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT AHHH
Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU as always for sharing your amazing writing and story with us!! I am having the time of my life reading this and I am so grateful that I get to. I’m so excited and am waiting very patiently for the next chapter. I hope you’re feeling better, and thank you so much for sharing, again!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Well done for graduation and getting your MA! Sorry about the covid though, that sucks. I hope you are feeling a bit better!
Glad you enjoyed the chapter 😂😬
"also I’m SO PROUD of Zuko’s angry stitching" > I have such a strong image of what those stitches looked like, and all the rage and frustration that went into them. I might have been projecting a bit 😂
Poor Tu is really going through it, his sections are very short at the moment, but I always pack a lot of suffering into them (like Katara's were before she met back up with Sokka, lol)
Shen's been though a lot, he deserves a treat. Good thing Suki is also there to keep ragging on him and making sure he doesn't get ahead of himself 😂
Thank you once again for the amazing comment! I am glad you are still reading and enjoying! And I hope you are on the mend from the plague! ❤️❤️❤️
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flowerandblood · 7 months
Hello! I am back once more for a review of your amazingly written story, Rage|Revange|Relief, I'll be going over chapters 2 and 3 today <3
Chapter 2 : okay, instantly I am squealing and gasping, Biting my nails, hanging at the edge off my seat -
" He looked at him forcing himself not to smile.
I fucked your daughter yesterday, Criston.
And it felt so fucking good."
The gasp I gosped when I first read that- OMG AEMOND - got me giggling in the club, bestie, that was so good. I'm living for the drama.
This whole scene lives rent free in my kind. Aemond finally feeling like he has the upper hand in the situation so he decides to join the "family" for breakfast only to lead to a one sided victory battle between Aemond and Criston to then having a cheeky moment with the Mc. Ugh, its so good, makes me feel all giddy being in on the secret too.
The banter and the parents being none the wiser over the double meaning being spewed in front of them is silly of them, I love em sm.
Okay but I will say, the subtle but very well written hints that Aemond is clearly falling for the Mc for HIMSELF and not just to get revenge on their parents.
""Mhm. Ready?" He asked completely uninterested in what she was saying to him, noticing his stepsister behind her, she quickly put her trainers on her feet and nodded. "
It's very subtle but I like to view this as him all in all ignoring his mother, therefore the situation at hand, and finally focusing on something he actually wants. For he could very easily tell her that he isn't doing it for her, could tell her a Biting response but because he is focused on something (or someone) completely different he almost doesn't seem to care all that much to even bother to give much energy to the messy family drama. Which is a nice representation of how his relationship with the Mc develops over time because aemond is not just learning to distance himself properly from the affair that had occurred but also grow into his emotions and finding out for himself that there ARE things in life worth feeling emotions for and the he found someone for HIMSELF to be happy and not as a means to vent or push further the family situation onto another person.
Like I said, it's very subtle but to read the development over time is so satisfying to watch unfold especially in this and the later chapters.
"He felt odd about the fact that she hadn't spoken to him the whole way. For some reason he had a feeling she would flood him with questions about what had happened between them last night, or who he was, what he did for a living, if he had anyone."
Again, his want and desperation of wanting to connect - to reach out- is once more manifesting itself within him! He subconsciously wants her to push just a bit to get his attention, he wants her to reach out just as much as he desperately wishes to do but is too guarded to try and do it first! We're seeing that even if he is making himself seem high and mighty and looking down at the people around him for being weak and desperate, he in a sense wants to be just that for the right person. He just needs to get himself comfortable enough to get there and he unknowingly was already reaching that with the Mc without realizing it!
"Looking at his stepsister, he felt empty, because she was full of everything - warmth, peace, understanding, joy, courage, humour.
Everything he was missing. "
It's not just this realization that makes this whole growth stand out but it's the fact he ended it with Alys right after. It's like he realized what has been missing in his life and for once, instead of depriving himself of those things, he finally decided to do the less destructive choice he has made so far and chose to get himself those things for himself. Again, he is seeing Mc as more than their situation, he sees her as a way to actually be able to grow out of his emotionless stump and actually try to prioritize his own happiness for once. He's growing !
I'm also loving the little routine they are slowly developing between themselves. In an odd sense, they manged to find a small sense of normalcy amongst all the awkward and discomfort their homelife bought their own personal conflicts. It's sweet and tender, making their intimate moments even more gratifying.
Chapter 3: "He had no idea what had crossed his mind to ask her if she would become his girlfriend. It seemed to him to be the most embarrassing and desperate question one could ask the opposite sex, but yet in that moment, as she lay in his embrace, his nose pressed against her hair, their hands and legs entwined together, he thought that he didn't give a shit.
That he really wanted her to be his. "
Finally! He has taken that desperate step he has been hesitating to take out of fear of being vulnerable and it payed off, he managed to establish a proper relationship with the person he actually is starting to feel genuine emotions towards and he is seeing the fruition of letting his walls down.
The development of their relationship is very pleasing to see unfold. How much closer they've gotten, how they don't seem to question the fluidity in which they've moved their relationship along. It just feels natural, like it was meant to be and that they found someone to rely and comfort one another without the expectations of something getting in the way.
Especially when their relationship went from physical to emotional, it is now that we see Aemond has gone far and beyond from the drama at hand. He has finally put his wants, his needs, his emotions first and express them with the person he holds dearest. He tells her things he has never told anyone, admits to things he didn't feel comfortable even thinking to himself over and seeing how she only welcomed him further into her arms instead of pushing him away is a learning experience from his end that desperation, the very thing he has spent a majority of his time of looking down at the people around him for being, isn't a completely bad thing and I love that for him.
"He was horrified by what was happening to him then, how helpless and vulnerable he was, how much he needed her tenderness, acceptance and understanding, what relief he felt when she gave him more than he could ever hope for."
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Just let yourself be loved baby boy, you deserve it too 🥹
" "…listen. I know you and my daughter have been close lately. After what happened…you know…she doesn't trust me or confide in me. It seems to me that she has someone, that someone comes to her, I hear sounds from her room sometimes and I just - I just worry about her." He finished embarrassedly, rubbing his chin, lowering his gaze. "
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This whole scene, jaw dropped. The drama, the tea, the punches thrown- THE EMOTIONS!
I kicked my feet and this scene played in my head like if I was watching a dramatic episode of my favorite drama.
AND THEN THEY RAN AWAY TOGETHER - my heart, this is just too good. He not only finally got his revange but he got himself someone by his side to stick with. He got himself his happiness and now nothing is standing in the way of having it.
I'll be honest, I've got nothing but brainrot with this story. Forever living inside the comfort and drama of this story.
This is just so well done, thank you so much for spending time writing it <3
I will be coming for a final time to review chapter 4, so far this story has been a Rollercoaster and I'm loving rereading it to give this well deserved review 💖
I am delighted with how accurate your observations are!!!! You're doing an amazing job!
So, yes, the MC definitely starts to distract Aemond more and more from what's going on and he stops really thinking about Criston and Alicent's romance and focuses on his relationship with her. It is something new for him, because despite the physical aspect, it has a completely different dimension, there is some kind of tenderness and security that he needs.
On the one hand, Aemond craves her closeness and interest, her attention, on the other hand, he consciously wants her to prove to him that she is not a stupid girl who will run after him at his every beck and call, he is impressed by the fact that she approaches it with such dignity that in unlike him, she is an independent individual who likes herself.
He wants to be like her.
Watching her interactions with Dareon and her behavior at home, they are convinced that she is natural and not pretending to be anyone, this thought calms him down and makes him slowly lower his guard around her.
The last scene of chapter 3 when the parents find out about all this was the hardest for me to write! I wanted it to feel real!!! I wondered what my father would do if I did something so crazy?! How would he behave?! I wanted their dialogues not to be over-dramatized, I wanted it to sound like something a person could actually do with sudden, aggressive and terrifying emotions.
I'm so glad you liked it!!!! I'm very impressed with how you figured it out and I can't wait for the last part, hehe!
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pebblysand · 1 year
hey hey good morning and salutations and completely optional Ask!
There is RedditDiscourse about the question of if Harry would find it hard to say 'I love you' for the first time, and re-reading Castles, as one does, I notice that you have him fairly easily saying it to Hermione (along with a beautiful little meditation on the different forms of it), in Chapter 2, but yes, struggling with Ginny--a thing I really like is that you portray it as also him struggling to BELIEVE it from her.
So, anyhoo...Deep Thoughts if you'd like, on this somewhat silly but also central topic--saying it versus displaying it non-verbally, what exactly might make it difficult for my boy to say it out loud, and characterization choices you made in having him able to articulate this to Hermione (would she, in your head canon, be the first person he said that to?)
All very optional, of course. Enjoy your day!
oh wow, redditdiscourse™ - sounds frightening lol 😅.
jokes aside, yeah, that's something i did think about quite a lot, especially when i wrote that hermione scene. initially, i was like 'eh, would he say that?' and remember being a bit unsure. i must also come clean on the fact that i did recently ret-con the hinny break-up scene in chapter 3 re: 'i love you,' - originally, harry said it to ginny as they were arguing to try and get her to stay, now he admits it to hermione, when they're talking on the couch instead:
'I fucking love her,' he says. 'Dumbledore said it would always be enough, he said -’  
that change wasn't so much due to the fact that i thought he wouldn't admit it, though, it was more to do with the fact that i thought as they're arguing, he's totally in shock, and i thought it just wouldn't actually occur to him to say it in the first place. he's still trying to process and she's slipping away, and it all goes too quickly for him to really do anything. he admits it later to hermione cause he's drunk off his mind and has no filter. but, i might change it again whenever i do another re-read. castles is a work in progress and i do change some things sometimes, and so we'll see where i ultimately land with that.
but coming back to your question, i think it's one of those where, when it comes to characterisation, you can really argue both points. on the one hand, love is everywhere in those books, and harry's never particularly shy about it. it's what saved his life, that of his friends, etc. he argues for love in his last faceoff with voldemort, still believes in love in spite of everything that's happened to him, and that's what's remarkable about him, etc. so, i don't think he's scared of love. he's pretty open about the fact that he loves ron and hermione in narration, although he never actually says it to them "on screen". i'd definitely see him say it to ron pretty routinely, the way men sometimes do - like if ron did something stupid, harry'd laugh and say 'ah, love you mate,' and the like.
that's what made me "side" with keeping that line in when it came to hermione, in the end. i was like: this is someone who won a literal war thanks to love, i can't imagine him being shy about it. it's also what led me to initially write him saying it to ginny so early on. when you've lost so many people you cared about so much, you tell those who remain you love them. and, it kind of feeds into the frantic nature of the early chapters, of this sort of post-war euphoria with a lot of Big Feelings and i-love-you-i-can't-believe-we're-alive. it's not necessarily the same kind of love he later feels, but it's a love that's there. be it hermione or ginny, it's like: 'omg, we made it.'
also, harry's not someone who's particularly private or guarded, most of the time. when he kisses cho, he tells his best mates. when he kisses ginny, he does so in front of everyone without giving a fuck. and, this is obviously castles-canon, but he's also not shy about how he feels re:Mia - he knows he loves her, says it, even if it's not the way she wishes he would. i'm not saying he wears his heart on his sleeve, but he's not someone who's particularly secretive about the way he feels. same thing: when he's upset or angry, everyone knows it.
on the other hand, it's true: i don't think he ever says it in the books. so, you could also conceivably argue that he thinks it a lot but doesn't say it out loud, and that he might think it makes him seem more vulnerable. i think his reluctance to say it a second time in chapter 16 is however more rooted in what you pointed out: he doesn't believe ginny when she says it. so, he's more guarded. and, also, i think it just takes him a while to understand his feelings. they're slowly building themselves back up, you know? and generally, i do think that because of his upbringing, he would find it harder to believe it when it came from other people - not just ginny. i think if hermione or ron said they loved him, part of him would think 'ah, they're just saying that.' he's not someone who grew up being wanted. he loves Other People, but can't imagine Other People loving him.
in terms of headcanon, i think the first person he actually says it to is ron, as i said. but again, i don't think it's such a massive deal to him. i do headcanon harry and ginny as this sort of couple who say 'love you!' every time they hang up the phone. again, they're gryffindors. they're not shy and have Very Big Feels.
thanks for the question though, it's a super interesting one.
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veratrance · 5 months
Update from the anon who was debating leaving work early — I DID IT. AND IT WAS SOOOO WORTH IT. You are such a great writer!! That was such an exhilarating chapter!!!!!
(btw - I have an office job and my hours are pretty flexible, especially at this time of year! So there was never any risk of me getting fired or facing any real consequences. But even if there WAS — I would have risked it anyway because I love this story so much) ❤️❤️❤️
AYOOO I'M SCREAMING I LOVE THIS. I'm so honored that you found it to be worth it!! And I'm super happy you had a fun afternoon/evening, as you deserve!!!
My office job is the same! It's very flexible too, which is super useful, especially on those days when I'm just thinking 'fuck it' lol :') I suspected it would be the same for you indeed hehe
(also your last sentence omg ♥️😭 you're such a cutie AHH)
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