virdemption · 1 year
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treasureplcnet · 11 months
btw i love revenge stories i dont think anyone should ever move on peacefully. a bit obsessed with the way weissman went to the synagogue and rabbi and asks, "my choices killed a child. would god take mercy on someone like me?" and the rabbi says "it's not god's mercy you should look for. its the child's" and like you think that would spur this man into charitable activities and to maybe look out for orphans but instead he goes on a 24 hour revenge bender that ultimately ends in two revenge killings and his own death. what's better than righteous anger and wrath and love twisting someone into the worst but also a truer version of themselves <3
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alltimefail · 2 months
Can we take a second to talk about Niko's connection to the Principal?
Because I think we all moved on a little quickly from that!
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General disclaimer before we begin: this is just my own theory and my personal interpretations. <3
As a refresher, The Principal is the Night Nurse's "Superior." We see her for the first time at the end of season 1, episode 8. In this theory, I will be analyzing the potential role The Principal plays in DBDA, especially where our beloved Niko Sasaki is concerned.
A connection between The Principal and Niko is undoubtable to me for two reasons: the first reason being that they intentionally focused the camera on The Principal zero-ing in on Niko's case card, and she has a visible emotional reaction to seeing Niko's name.
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The second being that, before departing, she quotes what Tragic Mick told Niko before the face-off with Esther which ultimately resulted in her death.
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One popular theory I saw floating around in the first few weeks after DBDA released was that The Principal is Niko herself, and while this is a fun concept I can't get behind it because, well, Niko is "alive" at the end of the season. Yuyu has confirmed that she's the one in the igloo with the sprites, and Steve has confirmed that Niko is not dead/off the show as well. While we have no clue where the igloo is for certain, or what state Niko is in, it's safe to say that Niko has not moved on to her afterlife, so she can't be the Night Nurses' superior in the Lost and Found Department.
My theory doesn't reinvent the wheel, but I personally think The Principal could be Niko's mother.
From a non-storyline standpoint, The Principal looks to be a perfectly appropriate age to have a 16 year old daughter. From a casting standpoint, Yuyu and Tamlyn also are a convincing mother/daughter pair. I think their mannerisms (body language and expressions) are even a bit similar:
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But most importantly, from a writing and storyline standpoint, Niko's mother is mentioned multiple times throughout the season but we never actually see her or hear from her - not in a phone call, a voicemail, or even in a picture in Niko's meticulously decorated, aesthetic bedroom. This is what leads me to believe that the persistent mention of Niko's mom is an example of Chekhov's gun being fired.
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Emphasis here on: "If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there."
From the persistent plotline surrounding...
Niko's grief not just with her father's death but also with her mother who sent her to school across the world literally the day after her father's funeral to "escape the sadness,"
to the pile of letters from her mother that she couldn't bring herself to respond to,
to the response letter she finally writes to her mom but we don't learn the fate of,
to Niko telling Crystal that her mom would always say "A mother's intuition is very strong," (which could be why The Principal reacted to Niko's case card in the way she did...)
to even Jenny mentioning Niko's mom in the finale
... and so on, the writers seem to mention her as often as they can, even up to the very end. This makes Niko's mom a sort of looming figure in the narrative, a thought persistently brought back in a "Hey, remember this?" kind of way to the viewer, and that kind of intentional presence needs to serve a purpose or have some kind of payoff later. After all - if it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there... if we aren't going to get some kind of closure regarding Niko's family, especially her mother who is still alive, it shouldn't be brought to the viewer's attention again and again.
Also, The Principal being Niko's mother would make Niko at least half supernatural being (we don't know much about her father, but considering the fact that he's dead we can assume he was likely fully human). Niko being half supernatural-being would explain a few allusive plotlines such as:
Why Angie the fish does not try to tempt Niko into the water.
Why Crystal tells Niko that she should stay behind and not fight Esther because Niko is "Just a human."
Why we don't see Niko's spirit separate from her body at any point, nor do we get Death's blue light.
How the Principal knows Tragic Mick's last words to Niko and why she quotes them to the boys who were not even present at the moment the sentiment was delivered the first time.
Starting with Angie, it's obvious why the boys are not affected by her call: Charles and Edwin are incorporeal spirits, they have no physical body and Angie's call is sent out with the goal of finding food to eat, plain and simple. Niko not hearing Angie's call, considering the fact that she's flesh and bone just like Crystal, is noteworthy to say the least. After all, we can safely assume Angie's call can beckon more than one person at a time because the group is worried about the populated kite festival becoming an all-you-can-eat buffet, essentially. They need to figure out the case and only have 24 hours to do so before area is filled with bodies for Angie to tempt into the water, that's the whole time-constraint conflict that adds pressure to an already delicate situation. The first time Crystal hears the call she is with Charles at the top of the lighthouse with Niko nowhere near Angie, but the second time Crystal hears Angie she and Niko are standing literally right next to each other. Niko then confirms that there's "No voice" coming from the water after they save Crystal, but considering how Niko's grief surrounding the death of her father is such a huge part of her characterization - in the same way Crystal not remembering her parents is critical to hers - it makes no sense that Angie wouldn't try to lure in Niko as well by using the voice of her deceased father.
But let's consider what we learn from the Night Nurse: trans-dimensional beings don't die when they're swallowed by a giant fish, so they do not satiate Angie's desire for food. This is why everyone assumes Kashi is not human because he, like The Night Nurse, is alive inside the stomach of a fish. So if Niko's mother is like The Night Nurse, a trans-dimensional being, that would explain why Angie's call would not effect Niko, because Angie just wants to eat... and ghosts and immortal beings (even if only semi-immortal) do not count as food.
As for Crystal telling Niko to stay behind because she's human: this line felt so... strange to me the first time I watched the series. After thinking about it though, I couldn't help but compare it to Charles' line in the pilot episode right before they enter Esther's house. He tells Crystal that "She still has a life to lose" and they want to "Protect it while they can," and while the sentiment is the same, the dialogue feels vastly more natural and understandable being delivered from the mouth of a ghost - a dead 16 year old boy - to an alive 16 year old girl. On the contrary, Crystal citing Niko being a human when she is also alive and very much a human just as capable of dying as Niko is, feels out of place. There's simply no need for Crystal to clarify that Niko is a human as the audience has already assumed that and been given no reason to believe otherwise. It's a small detail, but the only way for this line to make any sense is if it serves an ulterior motive - perhaps with the intention of getting the audience's gears turning and/or serving as the framework for a future plotline. Again, if Niko is related to The Principal, this would make her half supernatural at least... so, ironically, less human that Crystal is and less likely to face a typical human death...
which also might explain the "Outlook not so good" on the Magic 8-Ball. It's not the worst response you can get, it's not a critical failure or natural 1 in DnD so to speak... but it's also not great. Niko's not alive, but she's likely not as she once was either (but that's an entirely different can of worms).
As far as explaining how The Principal would know what Tragic Mick told Niko, I feel like an infinite trans-dimensional being who works as a higher up in the afterlife's Lost and Found Department would have no issue accessing their own child's file. We know the Lost and Found Department is nothing if not rigid, specific, and detail-oriented, and the files they have include the details of every child's death - it isn't so far-fetched to believe that Niko's file (and all the files, really) would also include insight on what Niko's last day on Earth (interactions and such) were like. Not to mention the fact that The Principal tells the boys she can pretty much do "Whatever she likes..." so she's powerful, she has resources and abilities that might even surpass those of the Night Nurse (who can literally dig around in people's minds and choke people with a snap of her fingers). If she is Niko's mother and she just lost her child and husband in a short amount of time, it would make sense for her to allow Charles and Edwin to keep doing what they do because they are helping people like her daughter, and maybe they could help her daughter again.
Lastly, I can't help but acknowledge how there is some kind of recognition, spark, or tenderness on The Principal's end when she first appears before the boys. I've seen other people say they feel similarly, almost like she seems disappointed or a bit taken aback when they ask who she is. She especially lingers on Edwin for a beat, and we all know how important Edwin was to Niko! Again, this is all just my own theory, but if The Principal is Niko's mother, her sparing the boys of being taken by the Lost and Found Department with the tenderness she does - by using Tragic Mick's words, the ones offered alongside a good luck charm (the last kind act toward Niko before she died) at the boys who loved her daughter and saved her once and could very well save her again - feels tear-jerkingly poetic to me. The Principal seems choked up before she goes, almost as if she's repaying them a favor they didn't know they were owed - the boys saved Niko once, and now that good fortune is coming back around to them.
So what would that all mean for next season? Where might Niko be? Who knows for sure! Perhaps she is imbued with Dandelion Sprite magic, or is currently an "Undead," a zombie, like the kind mentioned in the Night Nurse's book in Episode 6... but whatever she is, I have a feeling the boys and Crystal will find her again.
But all this to say, whether The Principal is Niko's mother, a reincarnation of Niko's father, an estranged aunt or family member we haven't met yet, a complete rando with invested special interest in Niko's case, or shit - even Niko herself somehow - I can confidently say that episode 8 won't be the last time we see The Principal, and that we're meant to draw a connection between her and Niko.
Now we just need a season 2 so we can get some answers @netflix!!!!!
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
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Clark Gable (Gone With the Wind, It Happened One Night)—There's no proof that Clark Gable stripping in It Happened One Night caused the sale of undershirts to take a nosedive, but there's also no proof that it didn't do that. And either way, him saucily undressing for bed in front of a woman who was married—not to him—is too deliciously scandalous to ignore. He deserves votes for this scene if nothing else. He got an Academy Award for this movie! He could play comedy just as well as drama, he earned medals for his bravery as a bomber gunner in WW2, he competed in car races, he has a great mustache and perfect eyebrows for sexy smirking, he's just HOT.
Sidney Poitier (Lilies of the Field, To Sir With Love)—an unbelievably beautiful man, a complete class act. Something about his eyes breaks my heart every time.
This is round 3 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Clark Gable propaganda:
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"Listen, he was "the King of Hollywood" for a reason and a suave motherfucker. Also a Major in the air force during WWII!"
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"So Clark Gable was the king of Hollywood for a reason but honestly what makes him hot to me is his relationship with his wife Carole Lombard like if she loved him so she can't be wrong. Their relationship is so tragic like they met first when they filmed No Man of Her Own in 1932 and like there was nothing between them then but in 1936 they met again at a Hollywood party and this time things were different. Basically from that moment on they were inseparable and had to carry out their romance in secret until his divorce was finalized (he was separated when they met again at the party) and then they eloped in 1939 when he had a break during filming Gone With The Wind. They had a 20 acre farm together with horses, cows and chickens and they loved to do all those outdoorsy activities together. When they were apart for various work obligations they would send each other goofy gag gifts. In 1942 Carole was on a trip to sell war defense bonds when on the flight back home her plane crashed in the mountains of Nevada. Her death devastated Gable he flew to Nevada and demanded he be taken to the spot where the plane crashed despite the dangers posed by its location. Amongst the wreckage they found a hair clip he had given her for Christmas. Her death forever changed him he became more reckless and signed up for the US Army Air Corps in 1942 and he kept her bedroom unchanged in their home. He never stopped loving her when he died in 1960 he was buried next to her. I know Clark wasn't a perfect person and their is some speculation that she was racing home on that plane to him because she was worried that he was having an affair or something but relationships are complicated especially ones occurring in 1930s and 1940e Hollywood amongst two of the biggest starts at the time. (I just wanted to include this so ya know I'm not just looking at their relationship as all sunshine but like you can't deny the love they shared)
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"They had an ineffable quality in romance, the ability to have fun together... they were soulmates who thought life was delicious, and they made everyone's life delicious around them" -Esther Williams
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"GWtW is an epic stretching across years so Clark has a chance to show off a whole bunch of different sides, from Hot Outsider to Husband to Father and so on. But his most attractive is his final line of the movie, made only better by the story that he lobbied the Film Industry to ‘Let Rhett Curse!’ And who is more classic 30s Hollywood than this man?"
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"Also apparently his name was Billy Gable then Glark Gable before finally landing on Clark Gable. A fact that I cant forget now glark gable lives in my mind now"
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Sidney Poitier propaganda:
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jeeaark · 5 months
in a timeline where the illithid invasion never happen, a world where the absolute never existed, what would greygold's life be like? or maybe even lae'zel's? a world where they stumble upon each other without all the destruction around them.
The funny thing is.
Without squids trying to ruin their life, Greygold would have never discovered the power of friendship
Worse even, they'd still be a dispassionate lone ranger with questionable bird ethics surviving the wilderness and living off raw eggs like a weirdo.
Meanwhile, Lae'zel is still a Vlaakith devotee and if they stumble upon each other without a plot to drive them to work together and get to know each other... Bad things would happen! Someone would probably die. Most likely Greygold. But! Lets say. A plot did happen.
Buckle up buckaroos. This train thought went off the rails enough that I had to draw pics. Faster than writing out a 13k+ fic (for me anyway).
Let's say Greygold got the 'steal the githyanki egg ' job from Esther. Let's say they succeeded in sneaking in and out without too much of a fuss (mostly involving cat familiar distractions). And something Unfortunate happens before Greygold could complete the quest, leaving Greygold with an egg that eventually hatches:
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And the githyanki child is not your average run-of-the-mill space lad either (Who loves eating raw eggs now too. It's fine. Builds character. Probably) But uh yeah, that whoosh accidentally cosmos-signaled all the githyankis and Vlaakith to which she reacts with a 'Wtf? Did anybody just get Prince of the Comet vibes from that? With a "I love egg" aftertaste? No? Just me? Hrm.... I do currently have a lot of free time on my hands....Fetch me that child. I want to study him like a bug. I'm suddenly feeling... Creatively ambitious with a side case of nefarious today. Might bury an old big secret if that kid is replacement-viable.' Thus search patrols investigate-
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And never return.
After the first surprise patrol disaster, Greygold has been putting their danger ranger skills to good use via setting up counter-ambushes for all the constant surprise attacks. Classic "who is hunting who?" ordeal.
Nonetheless, there is more of them than there is of Greygold, so they resort to hiding in the Underdark after realizing the githyankis don't have dark vision and it's more environmentally dangerous than the surface. It is also a fun learning experience for the kid. Search patrols continue to never return. Until-
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Lae'zel can't help but notice her mission orders do not add up and her rationality has a mighty need to make sense of it before solving problems with immediate hostility. Meanwhile this has been Greygold's first super tiny dose of kindness involving people interactions in years. Instant crush. Chase Shenanigans Ensue. Until child makes their first hunting trap. Instead of catching food, Lae'zel is captured. It also turns out the over-the-top trap involves sinking sand and a nest of Ankhegs (giant burrowing man-eating bugs). Greygold tries to help Lae'zel. For Reasons.
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Something akin to mutual respect is formed. Stuck working together. Get to know each other. Discuss contradictions with mission. Verdigris worms his way into Lae'zel's heart (as much as she loathes his name). Escape the Ankheg nest which had terribly escalated because a giant fire ant invasion decided to overrun the ankheg nest at the same time.
Everyone is covered in bug guts after this.
Something something bond over experience enough to trust and listen to each other's opinions. Short Rest. Negotiate. Discuss plans to investigate Da Truth together. Shenanigans Ensue. Then Bad Shenanigans Ensue. Argument Ensues, resulting in Lae'zel Splitting Off. Verdigris disagrees with this approach and chases Lae'zel in order to bring back. Unanticipated Ambush happens at most inopportune moment. Greygold is Captured.
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But they escape. Not before confronting Vlaakith's projection and discovering her plans and secrets thanks to one extremely curious Verdigrisgold (Verdi for short omg so long) with ridiculous super psionic powers.
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And then they coincidentally interwovenly meet/save/recruit their bg3 companions anyway because there are no mindflayer abduction to stall certain ill-fated situations from happening to certain Companions-to-be and I need for them to be OKAY. So. Greygold discovers the power of friendship again. But is also now co-parenting a fate-of-the-githyanki-freedom child with Ex-Vlaakith-devotee Lae'zel. How's that for an AU timeline?
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irb-pascalito-99 · 6 months
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I Can Keep a Secret
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader (no outbreak AU)
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: insecurity, jealousy, smut, p in v sex, oral f!receiving, fingering, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, grief
Summary: The relationship between Joel and Ellie’s older sister is complicated after the two share some tense moments while Ellie is in the hospital. Once Ellie is able to go home the two meet up during their lunch break to discuss where to go from here.
A/N: This is an excerpt from chapter eleven on my fic Always an Angel, Never a God. To read more of this pairing check out my a03.
We eat lunch at a diner nearby. The waitress, a tall woman named Esther with thick brown hair and bright blue eyes, comes by the table frequently. She does her best to flirt with Joel, batting her eyelashes and holding his arm as she refills his coffee cup each time she passes by. I fight the urge to say something, a pit of jealousy growing in my stomach each time she reaches out to grab his arm, but Joel doesn’t seem to notice her attention.
She comes by the table again to top off his cup. I watch her manicured hand grip his bicep as she asks if he needs anything else. He looks over at me, raising his eyebrows to ask if I need anything. When I shake my head he briefly thanks her for the coffee and turns his attention back to me.
“So, sounds like you had a long morning. Is it just about Ellie going back to school?” I take a bite of one of my fries.
“For the most part,” I respond. “I also had this meeting with the social worker this morning so…”
Joel nods, giving me space to continue if I want to but not pushing the conversation in any way. I know I should be opening up more. I’m trying not to fall back into my usual isolation, but I keep the wall there. It’s comfortable on the other side, safe.
He notes my apprehension toward continuing the conversation, so he moves on. I watch him rub the back of his neck again. It must be a nervous habit of his.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about the other night,” Joel says.
I take another bite of a fry, fighting the blush creeping up my neck as the memory resurfaces. My body feels hot as I think about it. His hands on my hips. His moans in my ear.
“I just wanted to clear the air a little. It feels like things have been a little tense lately, with the kiss and then the moment at the party. I know you’ve had a lot going on, and I don’t want to pressure you or anything,” He says his words slowly, as if examining each one before he says it.
Esther watched us from the counter, her eyes skipping from him to me. I feel angry watching her assess the situation, like she’s trying to make a claim to something that’s mine. Except, Joel isn’t mine.
I try to ignore Esther and focus on Joel when he continues. “I completely get it, if it was a heat of the moment, just want to feel something, kind of thing. We can just leave it at that and never talk about it again, but I want to know what it is for you.”
What is it for me, the big question. I knew I’d have to define it soon. It’s been keeping me up at night. I think about it while I paint. Every stroke of brown reminds me of his eyes. The golden light filtering through tree lines reminds me of the warmth of his arms around mine.
“I don’t think,” I try to formulate my thoughts. I like him. I know I do, but I have baggage that he shouldn’t have to deal with no matter how much he claims he can handle it. “It wasn’t just a heat of the moment thing. I mean, the moment gave me the courage to act, but I meant it. I wouldn’t take it back. I think I really like you.”
A smile tugs at the edge of his lips. My heart leaps at the gesture. “Me too.”
I bite my lip and push some of the fries back and forth on my plate. He wants me too. My stomach is doing somersaults. I nearly jump up to yell my triumph across the room at Esther, but I think back to Ellie and the promise I made to Marlene.
Jumping into a relationship right now, with Ellie’s best friend’s dad, would put everything I’m working toward in jeopardy. What if something went wrong and it caused issues between Sarah and Ellie? What if Ellie found out and hated me for it? As much as I like Joel I can’t afford any mistakes right now.
“I can’t give you what you deserve though. I can’t give you the whole relationship thing. I have to be careful though,” I blurt out. Joel places his mug back on the table. “In that meeting with the social worker, she said some things. I really like you, but Ellie comes first. Ellie always has to come first.”
“I understand that, I’m the same with Sarah.” Joel responds. He reaches his hands across the table and I take it in mine. “I’ll take you in whatever way I can have you.”
My heart sinks at his concession. It’s sweet, and every girl’s dream, but I don’t feel deserving of it. Why should he be relegated to stolen moments behind closed doors? It’s selfish to ask that of him.
Just then Esther crosses back over to our table. I pull my hand back from Joel’s grasp as she approaches. She grabs his bicep again and I got my teeth.
“Everything alright over here, sugar?” She asks Joel, completely ignoring me.
He flits his eyes up to her face and smiles back at her politely. Blood rushes through my ears as I watch her grip on his arm tighten. Screw it, I’ll be selfish. I grab Joel’s hand again and turn my attention to Esther.
“I think we’re good, thank you.” I respond with my best fake smile. Esther’s eyes move back to me and then my hand holding Joel’s.
“Alrighty then,” she says. She lets go of his arm and sulks away.
I rush to unlock the door the second Joel texts me to tell me he arrived. Sure enough, he’s standing on the front porch, the glow of the porch light illuminating the waves in his messy brown hair.
We’ve kept things quiet over the last couple days, being careful not to act any different around other people. It seems best to keep things secret for now. We’re not in a relationship, it’s more casual than anything. I’ve waited all week to get my hands on him. There was no good way to sneak in a visit during the school week, but the girls are having a sleepover at my house tonight. I texted him when they finally fell asleep and he came over immediately.
I look at the empty street around him and then grab a hold of the collar of his shirt and pull him into the house. He grips my hips for support as he follows me inside, smiling against my lips when he leans down to kiss me. I’m careful to close the door and lock it as quietly as I can to ensure the girls stay asleep in Ellie’s room upstairs.
There’s an excited energy coursing through me. I’m not sure whether it stems from the newness of this thing with Joel, the building pressure off barely having seen him sided we agreed to see what this is, or the rush of sneaking him around like a secret to be preserved just for me. Whatever it is, my body aches to feel him, to hold him, to be felt by him.
“Somebody’s excited,” Joel chuckles as he pulls my body closer to his. He kisses me again, deeper this time while he holds my hips against his.
“I need you,” I respond when we break away from each other. Joel squeezes my hips tighter, a low moan escaping his chest.
“Say it again,” Joel pleads.
“I need you, now Joel.” I say again. He whimpers at the sound of it. We don’t have a lot of time together tonight. He still has to head home when we’re done so the girls don’t get suspicious, and I can’t wait any longer. I press a quick peck to his lips and then take his hand to drag him up the stairs.
He quickly follows at my heels. I take him to my bedroom and push him back toward my bed. He topples onto the mattress, his hands gripping the sheets at his sides as I climb on top of him. I press my knees on either side of his thighs and lean down to press delicate kisses along the column of his neck.
“Fuck baby, what’re you-“ he gasps when my hands reach down to his belt buckle.
His body is already twitching under my grasp while I slowly undo his belt and throw it behind me on the floor. I lower his jeans next. His hands move from where they had been grasping the sheets to squeeze the sides of my thighs. I make quick work of his shirt next, pulling the buttons open and kissing down his exposed chest.
I press kisses all the way down his body, nipping and licking at the skin from time to time as well. When I reach the waistband of his underwear I press a kiss to his hip and slowly pull the boxers down his thighs as he throws his head back and groans.
His cock springs out at me, hard as a rock already. I’ve felt how large Joel was through his jeans before, when he pressed me down on his lap to grind against him until I came, but to see it is a completely different thing. Joel is huge, his cock easily bigger than any I’ve ever seen before let alone been with. The tip is already leaking a bead of pre-cum which I happily lick into my mouth.
His hips twitch as my lips press against his tip and he makes a quiet hissing sound through his teeth. I take his reaction as encouragement to continue, licking a delicate stripe up the side of his shaft. His hands tangle in my hair as he desperately fights to keep his moans quiet. I take more of him in my mouth and start bobbing my head up and down.
“Yes baby, god,” Joel groans. “Good girl, you’re doing so good.”
I hum appreciatively at his praise, causing his hold body to shiver and his hips to buckn further into my mouth. I choke slightly at first, but quickly adjust to take more of him down my throat.
He’s having a hard time suppressing his noises now. One of his hands adjusts in my hair to hold it in a makeshift ponytail while the other moves to his mouth. He bites down on his hand to muffle his sounds as he watches me through heavy eyes. I pull up for a moment, swirling my tongue around the tip before sinking my mouth back down again.
“Fuuuuccckk,” he moans around his hand. He starts to thrust his hips up, unable to hold back any longer. I welcome his length deeper into my mouth, the tip of his chock brushing against the back of my throat with each thrust. I continue to moan while my eyes water.
I haven’t always enjoyed this part, many of my boyfriends before were so rough with it, and quick to move on once they got what they wanted, but the sight of Joel coming further and further undone as I take him in my mouth makes me clench my thighs to ease the pressure at my core. I could do this all night, enjoying the feeling of him taking what he wants, but suddenly he pulls me off of him.
“Stop, stop,” he says exasperated. He breath comes out in pants while his cock twitches against his stomach.
“I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” I ask. Joel leans down and uses his thumb to wipe my cheeks off the tears that escaped while he fucked my throat.
“No baby, that was so good, but if you didn’t stop I was gonna come.” I stick out my bottom lip and pout.
“Isn’t that the point?” I ask. I reach my hand out to start pumping him again, but he grabs my wrist.
“Not before you it isn’t. I gotta be inside you tonight.” I whimper and he pulls me onto the bed.
Joel adjusts our positions so I’m splayed out on the bed with my head on the pillows. He slowly pulls my old t-shirt over my head, revealing my naked breasts. He groans at the sight of them and quickly lick over one of my nipples. My back arches into him involuntarily. It’s my turn now to muffle my sounds as he sucks on my nipple, releasing it with a pop before moving on to the next one.
When he’s satisfied he lowers his lips to nip at the underside of my boob and moves his hands down to push my sweatpants off and onto the floor. He traces his fingers over the center of my soaked panties.
“You’re so wet for me sweetheart,” he says. He moves his lips up to suck on my neck while he moves his fingers in circles over my panties. “She really been needing me that bad?”
I whimper in response, nodding my head in desperation as I squirm underneath him. He flashes a devilish grin.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you what you need.” He promises.
His fingers grip the waistband of my panties and he quickly pulls them off my body as well, leaving me completely bare in front of him. He stands over me, eyes roaming over my figure hungrily.
I move to cover myself, but Joel grabs my wrists and pins them above my head with one hand. His other hand slowly caresses my body while I whimper.
“Don’t you dare cover yourself, you’re too damn gorgeous for that.” He says as his hand moves lower.
He cups my mound and smiles when I buck my hips up for more. He carefully slips one of his fingers through my folds, watching my reaction as I squirm underneath him. I fight to keep my eyes on his face and spread my legs further for him.
His thumb reaches down to gently start making circles on my clit. I throw my head back, panting with my eyes squeezed shut. My back arches and Joel uses one of his hands to pin my hips down.
He slides further down the bed and slips two fingers inside me while his thumb continues to circle my clit. I moan quietly at the new feeling. His fingers are thick. It burns softly as my body stretches to welcome him further, but it’s not enough. I need all of him.
“C’mon baby. C’mon, give it to me.” He says, sending a shock through my whole body as his fingers start to thrust into me harder and faster.
I can feel my climax building. His fingers hurt a spot inside me that causes me to see stars. I bite my lip so hard that I can taste blood. The hands on my hip grips me tighter to keep my ass against the mattress. I climb higher and higher until I break.
I whimper Joel’s name as I come, his eyes never leaving my face while he continues to thrust his fingers in and out of my throbbing pussy. When my orgasm finishes he stops for a brief moment to wrap his arms around my thighs. He pulls his mouth to my core, his breath fanning over my sensitive pussy before he begins licking through my folds.
I thrash underneath him, still sensitive from my orgasm, while he holds me still with his hands on my thighs. He sucks on my clit and then releases it with a pop.
“Knew you’d taste so good,” he groans. He kisses my thigh and immediately goes back to my core.
He thrusts his tongue inside me, swirling his tongue around then going back to sucking on my clit. My fingers card into his hair. One of his hands lets go of my thigh to bring his fingers back to my pussy. I pull on his curls as he slides three fingers inside, immediately finding the spot that makes my toes curl.
He smiles and hums against my clit as my pussy clenches around his fingers. I can already feel my next orgasm building.
“Joel, fuck. Joel.” I chant his name as I feel the edge approach. He moves his fingers faster, his tongue moving in quick motions over my clit as well. When my second orgasm washes over me I rush to cover my mouth to muffle my screams.
He continues lapping my juices as I come down, twitching from the sensitivity. When he’s satisfied he moves back up the bed to my lips and kisses me again. His beard is slick with me and I can taste myself in his tongue.
“You ready for me baby?” He asks when he finally manages to pull his lips off mine. I nod, quickly grabbing a condom out of the nightstand drawer and handing it to him. I need him.
Joel tears the foil open and rolls the condom down his length. Then he reaches down and rubs his cock through my folds. I gasp, tilting my hips against him. He smiles as he rubs the tip against my clit. He notches himself at my entrance and I whimper.
“Please, Joel, I can't wait any longer. I need you, plea-“ he slowly begins to sink into me. “Joel!”
I moan loudly as his cock stretches me open. He moves a hand up to my mouth to stifle my moans, grunting himself as he bottoms out. He is so deep inside me. I’m not sure if I’ve been with anyone as big as Joel before. He pauses once his hips are flush with mine. He reaches down as kisses me as my pussy throbs around him, and then he slowly pulls out almost completely. The breath is forced out of my lungs when he slams back into me.
He sets a steady pace, his cock hitting my g-spot with each thrust. I can already feel the next orgasm building as I focus on his grunts. So good. So good.
Joel moves his thumb down to my clit again. He moves it in small circles as he thrusts into me. My nails rake down his back, sure to leave marks behind, but it just stirs him on.
“That’s it baby, fuck! You gonna come again? You gonna come on my cock?” He asks. I’m dangling over the edge again. I moan out as he thrusts harder.
“Yes Joel, fuck. You feel so good. So fucking good inside me. Fuck! I’m going to come. I’m going to come again.”
My pussy clenches and then I let go, Joel moving his head to bite into my shoulder to keep himself from shouting out while I clench around him. When my orgasm subsides Joel pulls all the way out and flips me around on the bed.
“Hands and knees sweetheart,” he directs. I do as he says, spreading my knees apart for him. He groans as he looks at my glistening folds and then quickly pushes himself back inside me. “Fuck, you’re so good baby. Feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock like that.”
He wraps my hair around his fist and pounds into me hard. Each thrust has his hips slamming into my ass. I’m starting to feel weak after my three orgasms, shaking slightly as my hands try to keep my upper body off the mattress.
A familiar tightening begins in my core. I didn’t know it was possible to orgasm this much in one night, but my next one starts building again. Joel is close too, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he moans more. He leans down to press his chest against my back while continuing his thrusts.
“One more sweet girl,” he whispers in my ear. “Been doing so good for me. Give me one more and then I’ll let go.”
I whimper as I get closer, my fists baking the sheets up tightly as he continues to slam his hips into me. He moves his chest off my back and pulls my hair again which immediately sends me over the edge. My arms collapse and I cry out as the pleasure takes over.
“Good girl, fuck, perfect. You’re perfect.” Joel grunts. He slams his hips into mine once, twice, and then he spills into the condom.
He groans as he lets go, one hand gripping my hips tightly while the other stays tangled in my hair. His body twitches against mine for a couple of minutes until he pulls out, tying the condom and throwing it away. I stay laying on the bed while he slips his boxers on and sneaks across the hall to the bathroom. When he comes back he has a warm washcloth. He gently cleans between my thighs and puts the cloth in the laundry bin before returning to bed.
I immediately wrap a leg around him and put my head on his chest while he lies down. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around me to pull me close.
“If you want to keep this secret I can’t stay all night,” Joel whispers into my hair.
“I know, just a little longer.” I respond. He kisses the top of my head and we rest, listening to the soft sounds of each other's breath until I hear Joel drift into sleep.
I watch the clock with bleary eyes as Joel’s chest rises and lowers under my head. He can’t stay all night, despite how much I want him to, so I stay awake.
I memorize the feeling of his hand on my hip, and the rush waving through my hair with each exhale. I draw patterns on his bare chest with my fingertips, lingering on the raised scar tissue in places. I trace the outlines of his sleeping face in my mind, so tranquil. His usual worry lines fade slightly. They’re still pressed into his skin, inevitably they’ll become wrinkles some day, but they’re faint now.
At 5:30 I wake him up. I say his name softly and press gentle kisses to his skin. He stirs slowly underneath me and blinks while he tries to assess his surroundings. His arms instinctively pull me closer to him, causing my body to melt into his.
“They’ll be up in a couple hours, you gotta go,” Joel groans. He buries his face in my hair. I find myself debating if it really would be that bad if they found out. For all we know Sarah and Ellie could love the idea, but now is probably not the time to test that theory.
He presses a kiss to my forehead before he pulls away and sits up. He stretches out his body, grunting at the effort. I slide off the bed and grab his flannel from the floor. Joel watches me put it on with a big smile on his face.
“What?” I ask, blushing. His eyes moved slowly from his oversized flannel hanging on my shoulders to my bare legs underneath.
“Nothin’” he responds, the twang in his voice more evident when combined with the deep tone of his morning voice. “You just look beautiful is all.”
He slips on his boxers and jeans then pulls his socks and shoes back on as well. Before he walks down the hallway I peek into Ellie’s room. Both her and Sarah are still fast asleep, their heads pressed together as they share Ellie’s bed.
Joel looks in on them over my shoulder and then I quietly close the bedroom door. I hold his hand as I sneak him across the hallway and down the stairs. I feel like a teenager again, sneaking my boyfriend down the stairs before my parents can notice.
He lingers at the front door, gripping my jaw and pulling me in for another kiss. His other hand grips my hip over the top of his flannel and pulls me close to him. I tangle my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.
When we separate he kisses my forehead one more time and walks out the door. I stay on the doorstep and watch his truck pull away, Joel stopping to wave at me before he makes his way out of the neighborhood.
I try to get some sleep afterward, but I end up just tossing and turning in bed while smiling like an idiot. I look at the click on my nightstand and decide I probably still have a bit of time before Ellie wakes up. I take a deep breath of Joel’s scent in the flannel, taking it off to change into my painting clothes.
I check Ellie’s bedroom door one more time before I slip into our parents’ room. The floor crinkles when I step onto the paper I placed on the hardwood in order to protect it from any paint splatter. I pick up supplies and start a new canvas, absentmindedly stroking my brush across the empty space.
I mix different shades of pink, purple, and blue to create a sunrise, but each color also morphs into the shape of him. The dark brown mountain tops shift into the waves of his hair. The golden peach color of the sky adding highlights to his skin. I lose track of everything but the details of the paint until I hear the sound of a knock at the bedroom door. Shit.
I shift the painting out of view from the door and put my supplies back on the dresser. Ellie is standing at the door when I open it. She looks at me confused before she peers into the room behind me.
“I’m so sorry,” I say. I try to leave the room and close the door, but Ellie grabs it from me and opens it wider.
“What are you?” I stand aside so she can see I haven’t moved any of the furniture. She pinches her eyebrows together and looks at the canvases I have laying around the space.
“Nothing, I’ve just been getting back into painting again and I needed some space,” Ellie walks inside while I stand in the hallway. “I know I should’ve told you first. This was their room and it was off limits. If you’re not comfortable with it I can totally move my stuff out.”
Ellie makes her way around the room, looking at the different paintings I have leaning against the walls. It’s not a large collection, but I’ve managed to get a couple done over the last week. She stops in front of the first painting I completed.
It’s a meadow. Wildflowers bloom in the foreground while two girls play in the distance behind them with the evening sun setting under the mountains. Ellie leans in closer to see the faces of the girls, recognizing them as her and I.
“These are really good,” Ellie says with a smile on her face.
I look at the paintings as well. I don’t like to brag, but I truly do feel like this is some of the best work I’ve ever done. I can visibly see the emotion on every canvas. Each piece tells a story. I’ve painted great art before, but there’s a level of vulnerability to these pieces I’ve never attempted before.
“Thank you,” I respond.
I watch Ellie run her hand across the dresser next. She walks to mom’s closet and holds One of her shirts in her hands as it hangs off the hanger.
“She would’ve loved that you’re painting in here.” Ellie says with her back to me.
Ellie walks back to the painting of her and I. I move to be next to her, both of us focused on the painting. The version of us on the canvas are the girls who don’t yet know tragedy. They dance in a meadow of wildflowers with nothing holding them back. They are girls, they are sisters, they are free to live and love without limits.
“I think it’s okay. This space was meant to be lived in.” Ellie says. I bite my lip and nod. “They’re not coming back.”
Ellie turns to me, my eyes watering a bit as I fight tears. I can’t tell if it was a question, or a statement, but she doesn’t wait for my response.
“It’s time for us to move on I think.” She says. A couple of her own tears slip from her eyes. I reach over and wrap her in a hug. She squeezes me tight as she hugs me back.
“When did you get to be so smart?” I laugh, tears escaping my eyes as well. Ellie’s bedroom door opens and Sarah makes her way across the hall.
Ellie and I both let go, quickly drying our eyes before Sarah can notice. She looks at the art around the room as well.
“Wow, this is so cool! You painted all these?” Sarah asks.
She looks at the one I was just working on. I hold in my breath, hoping she doesn’t notice the similarity to her father. She doesn’t mention anything.
“Yeah, I’ve been getting back into it.” I respond. She moves over to the painting where Ellie and I stand.
“You’re really good.” I thank her. It’s actually kind of exciting to see their reactions to my paintings. It feels as though I’ve regained a piece of me.
The girls look at the different paintings, commenting on the colors I used and debating on what is happening in each one. They both ask me if I can show them how to paint which I happily agree to, it’ll be nice to share something with them the way our mom shared it with me.
When the girls are done assessing my work we go downstairs for breakfast. The girls hurry downstairs to start pulling out the ingredients for blueberry pancakes. I open the bedroom curtains before I go, letting the sunlight enter the room one more. When I leave the room, I keep the door open.
To read more visit a03.
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butterflywithsass · 5 months
Watched Dead Boy Detectives last night and I’m obsessed. If you like the queerness of good omens, but with more gore, and in the same universe as the Sandman (death and despair both show up) if you like dark academia gay boys, if you like ghosts, or paranormal stuff, or demons, if you like cats — lemme tell you this show is for you.
So, like, there’s these two ghost boys who are best friends but also gay for each other but also a secret third thing and their names are Edwin and Charles.
Edwin Payne was a demonic sacrifice in 1916 and as spend literal decades in hell but escaped. He’s a repressed Victorian gay who has zero charisma but every single man he meets becomes obsessed with him and wants to sleep with him except the boy he actually likes which is his best friend Charles. His entire character arc is about gay panic and getting over his internalized homophobia — he wears bow ties!!!! He doesn’t know what a hand job is. He’s literally the perfect tumblr blorbo. His superpower is getting tortured. He’s so sassy! His sexual awakening comes at the hands of a cat king and his first kiss is with a crow.
Charles died in like the 90s or something I’m not sure. He’s so optimistic and sunshine but also so full of rage. He’s the most supportive guy 100/10 would trust him with anything. He doesn’t like to talk about his issues. When confronted with the inexorable monsters of hell he solved the problem with a Molotov cocktail. I love him and his single earring he’s a golden retriever who would rather stay on earth with best friend than move on to a peaceful afterlife. His jawline is impeccable he can’t not press a big red button when he sees it.
Crystal Palace I wasn’t sold on because I thought she’d get between my boys but she actually so cool and I developed a bit of a crush let’s be honest I have a thing for curly haired witchy girls, she’s a physic with amnesia and a demon stalker ex boyfriend people stare at her when she hangs out with the boys cause it looks like she’s talking to herself. Everyone she knows thinks she’s insane. She’s a reformed mean girl.
Niko Sisaki I was a little iffy about because it felt like they were gonna go with the bimbo anime Asian girl but turns out she just had a parasite that made pink hearts float around her. She’s so weird she tries to help Edwin with his gay problem by introducing him to explicit gay fan fiction, she tries to get her landlord to date, she likes cool rocks. She has two tiny people trapped in a jar in her room. Her friendship with Edwin is everything. She’s ghosting her mom.
Jenny. I love her so much, she feels so safe which is weird because she chops meat and all her clothes are covered in blood. Everything about just screams big sister and her character arc is learning to embrace that. She goes on one date and almost gets murdered.
Monty. He’s literally a crow turned into a boy. He’s down bad for Edwin. He’s a secret honeypot agent for an evil witch. He has the most adorable smile, the whole time I was expecting him to be an agent of Morpheus. He’s obsessed with astrology.
The Night nurse originally annoyed me a bit (in a good way) I just wanted to get rid of her. When Charles punted her into a giant sea monster I clapped. Then it just got weird and I love it.
The cat king. He’s such a creep, but honestly, I love that for him. He has some of the best lines and he just exudes cat. He’s a classic fairy tale trickster, he a nuisance for the whole season, he’s central to the plot, he’s constantly hitting on Edwin.
Esther. She’s a archetypal evil witch. She gives off mystic trash vibes. She’s obsessed with beauty and revenge. She’s shamelessly horrible. She feeds kids to her giant snake. She literally can’t die.
All in all, I think I’m gonna have brain rot over this for the next year, go and watch it.
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skayafair · 4 months
Ghost Clothes
There were many enough posts on how deliberately and meticulously the costume designers approached the wardrobe choices for the characters.
What I want to talk about is a different thing - how clothes matter inside the show. Namely, the ghost clothes.
It's less prominent with Charles, so I'll mostly talk about Edwin.
Let's start with the fact that none of their clothing exists in a living world. It's not physical, otherwise people would have seen a pair of costumes flying around like with that jar. So I believe their clothes is being deliberately manifested.
Like I said, it's simpler with Charles: his clothing doesn't change much in general and remains mostly as what he was wearing when he died (he took off some because it was cold and soaked through but it still imprinted on his memory and mind). It's mostly just the colour of his polo that changes to reflect his emotional state.
But that's how I came to this whole train of thought because with Edwin it's much more interesting.
Because he doesn't wear what he died in. I'm not even sure it's his school uniform. Sure it has indications of "this is a young man and a student" but all in all doesn't look like a uniform to me. So Edwin chooses it very, very deliberately.
I wonder if he stumbled out of Hell wearing just the same night pajamas he had on when he was sacrificed - maybe just cleaner because it wasn't dirty or bloody back then and that's how he should have remembered it. Or maybe it remained dirty and bloody because Edwin didn't remember much of his life before Hell at that point, all the horrors being too fresh in his mind.
This look is defenseless. It's meant to be worn while asleep - the most vulnerable time. Edwin wore it when he was the most helpless and powerless - while being dragged from the bed and sacrificed. It's also a reminder of his time of torture in hell. It's also plain white - colour of purity - as a sacrifice - but also death. And, moreover, it's PLAIN. It has no distinguishing features. There's no Edwin in it, Edwin is being erased with all the torture. Lastly, this is something - just another thing - Edwin had no control over in Hell, it stayed there by default.
So I BET the first thing he did after pulling his thoughts together in living world was to change that fucking nightwear into something that was him. As an act of regaining himself and control over what was going on with his existence.
After he found out he could do that and how, of course. I wonder if he met other ghosts or just ended up back in school and stayed there for a while.
So no wonder Edwin is so thorough with what he wears. This is him - his armor, yes, but also undeniably and glaringly HIM. His existence, his way of it, his freedom and will, his choice.
Of course it reflects his attitude and relationship with others. With Charles Edwin has no issue with shrugging off both the jacket and the vest, leaving only the shirt - and even it has its sleeves rolled up and collar unbuttoned when he's ears deep in some research or problem-solving mode. Edwin is this comfortable with Charles, we all know that.
With Crystal it's always a full buttoned-up mode or I didn't make a mental note if it was otherwise some time. Hit me up if it was!
With Niko it's mostly a jacket off - which is a considerable step towards trust and comfort.
Anyway, these are little details.
And now imagine ending up back in Hell, but also back in that nightwear. Stripped off everything he was trying so hard to keep. A similar thing happens when he's taken by Esther. No freedom, no choice, no will of his own, no Edwin. Just a soul, a toy, an energy source.
The costume Edwin picked for himself as more or less default one comes back immediately once he and Charles stumble back into the living world. Notice this - he was wearing a different attire when he was dragged to hell.
Edwin regains everything - himself, his freedom, his connections.
Also I'm not sure how to interpret the gesture, but once the Night Nurse's boss proclaims that DBDA can exist as is further and they are let off the hook (although not off the leash), Edwin pats his jacket from top to bottom. I thought it might have been connected to his notebook and episode 4, but it also may be just that - "I'm still here, in one piece, and still me". His clothes is a proof of his freedom of will.
Lastly, there was another case apart from the main two when this is reflected. The girl who took her life because of two jocks - her ghost was wearing a sport suit. At first I couldn't understand why, it was clearly not what she died in (or, well, unlikely). But sport has been the most important thing in her life - her goal, her pride. No wonder that's what she chose to appear in.
UPD. Oh I've just remembered about the Cat King, another example of a character who goes through a variety of costumes. If my pov on Edwin's approach to clothing is correct, his words to the CK in the 8th episode make so much more sense. They really are alike - not just in loneliness.
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vikkirosko · 11 months
Hi, I was wondering, if your requests are open and this was ok with you. Can I ask for, what would it be like for Slasher characters Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Norman Bates, Chucky, Stu Macher, and Billy Loomis were dating female s/o that was like Esther from the movie Orphan. How would they feel about having a dwarf girlfriend that was a killer? What would the relationship be like? I hope I didn't overdo this request. If you're not interested in doing this delete this.😁✌🔪
So. Regarding the characters. Until recently, I didn't know who Norman Bates was, and I didn't plan to write about him. However, now I have watched the first movie, I plan to watch the rest and the Bates Motel series (as it turned out, an actor who I like plays there). I liked Norman and I plan to write about him not only this request, but also something else. However, I can't say that about Chucky. I am not interested in this character at the moment and therefore the part with him is missing here
Headcanons Orphan
🔪 Michael Myers x fem!Reader 🎃
You and Michael met at the sanitarium. He didn't think much of you at first. You were brought there when he was a teenager and he didn't pay attention to a girl younger than him. Other people didn't interest him much, and he rarely paid attention to them, including you, until one day he saw you with blood on your hands. You killed an orderly who often mocked you and you clearly did not regret what you had done
He overheard the doctors discussing you and was genuinely surprised when he found out that you were a couple of years older than Michael. Because of a congenital disease, you stopped growing and looked so young and you took advantage of it. It intrigued him and pretty soon you started noticing that he was looking at you. He saw that you did not give up trying to escape and used a variety of methods for this
You ran away a few months before him and he doubted that you would ever meet, but he was wrong. When he snuck into one of the houses and killed a married couple who lived there, he heard your voice. When he turned around, he saw you with discontent on your face. Even though you didn't know about it, he was pleased that you met again. You were deprived of a foster family in which you planned to stay longer, so you decided to go with Michael and, if possible, get as much benefit as possible. Next to him, you were sure that you were safe
It was difficult to characterize the relationship between you in any way. Both of you didn't have a proper understanding of romantic relationships, but you stayed close and protected each other. You were physically weaker than Michael, but no one expected you to attack them and you took advantage of it. You were the perfect murderous duo and you were both sure that it wasn't the only thing that could connect you
🪓 Jason Voorhees x fem!Reader 🏕
When Jason first saw you, he was surprised. He thought you were a kid who got lost and ended up in an abandoned camp, but your clothes were different from the usual ones. It was more like a hospital gown. He came closer while you were hiding in one of the cabins, and only then was he convinced that it really was a hospital shirt and saw that there was blood on you, although he doubted that you were injured. When he saw a crashed psychiatric clinic car and several dead orderlies in the woods, he realized what had happened to you
He came to you the same night and was surprised when you were not sleeping but sitting holding a scalpel in your hands. You were ready to defend yourself, even though Jason was much bigger. However, he didn't feel any negativity towards you. Jason raised his hands to show that he wasn't going to hurt you. Only after that did you calm down a little. He even treated you to dried meat and brought you clothes from the bag of one of the tourists he killed. It was only when you cleaned yourself up that you quietly thanked him and told him about your name, that you were supposed to be transferred to another psychiatric clinic, and also that you and Jason were the same age, but you looked younger and were much shorter due to a congenital disease
You stayed to live in one of the huts and Jason often came to you. He cared about you and he was sure his mom would approve of it. When there were new tourists who decided to relax by the lake, Jason saw how you killed several of them at night. One of them, a big guy, tried to grab you, but Jason wouldn't let him do it, killing him. You weren't afraid of killing, you were a murderer yourself, and as a sign of gratitude for your help, you kissed Jason on the cheek, which caused him to blush on his cheeks
Jason often stayed by your side. He would put you on his shoulder without any problems and carry you with him. You killed people together, even though you were motivated by different motives. There was a warm relationship between you. You took care of each other and helped each other. Apart from each other, you had no one and your life in the forest suited you both
👻 Billy Loomis x fem!Reader 📞
You and Billy knew each other because of his father. He was friends with a married couple who adopted you and at first he was sure that you were just an orphan girl with oddities. He was sure of it until your foster father was killed. Everyone claimed it was the same killer who was operating in their city, but Billy knew it wasn't him, because neither he nor Stu did it. That's when he started to get suspicious about you
His theory was confirmed when he snuck into the house where you and your foster mother stayed to live. He intended to just watch and maybe find out more about you, but he saw how you stabbed your foster mother. You grumbled obscenities and even cut yourself on purpose to deflect suspicion from yourself. Billy couldn't help but chuckle and you quickly turned to him. You understood that he saw everything and he understood that you were not who you seemed, so he set you a condition. He won't reveal your secret if you honestly tell him who you are
He listened to your story with genuine surprise. You turned out to be a couple of years older than him, and you spent several years of your life in a psychiatric clinic. Because of your congenital disease, you looked younger than your age and took advantage of it. Billy was intrigued by you. Looking at you, smeared in someone else's blood, who shamelessly deceived and killed, he realized that he could not let you go so easily. Especially considering that you also weren't going to let go of the person who found out your secret
His father temporarily took you under his care, and Billy, in front of others, played the role of a caring older brother who sincerely empathized with your loss. However, in fact, he let you get very close to him. You quickly guessed who exactly he was and now you had a common secret. You were both murderers and this secret seemed to bring you closer together
👻 Stu Macher x fem!Reader 🔫
You and Stu have known each other since your first day in town. You were adopted by a couple who were friends with his parents. He heard that they couldn't have their own children, so you became an important family member for them. Several times they came to their house for dinner and Stu tried to communicate with you many times. He was amused to watch you, a girl who behaved not like a child, but like an adult. It seemed funny to him. When your foster parents needed to leave town, they asked Stu's parents to look after you. However, he found out about it only at night, when he returned home covered in blood, confident that everyone was asleep
He climbed into his room through the window and planned to go to the bathroom, but in the hallway he bumped into you. You looked at him with absolute calm, as if there was blood on him. However, he caught sight of a scar. There was a scar on your neck, as if from some kind of belt, usually it was hidden by the collar of your dress, but now you, apparently, did not expect to run into someone. Before he could say anything, you grabbed his arm and dragged him into his room. Despite your calm expression, he noticed a mocking twinkle in your eyes
He expected to hear words of concern, but instead he heard discontent that if he really decided to play the killer, he should at least come home clean and not attract too much attention. Stu was surprised by this, and also by the fact that according to you, you had much more experience in this than he did. During your late-night conversation, he found out that everything he knew about you was a lie, your name, your age and your story. You were a few years older than him, you spent part of your life in a psychiatric clinic and you kill people. You didn't hide that you were planning to kill your foster parents, but now you had a more interesting task. You wanted to see if you could make a real serial killer out of Stu, since he's already started killing people
Stu didn't tell Billy about you, realizing that he could be against it or use you in his plan. When you and Stu were alone, you didn't hide your true identity and he liked you much more like that. He hoped that he could get to know you even better and when his and Billy's plan came to life, you could become a part of their company and his life
🔑 Norman Bates x fem!Reader 🔪
You met Norman when you and your foster mother arrived at the motel. You looked like a young girl in a dress with a high collar and long sleeves. Your mother checked you in and Norman had a little chat with her. She did not hide from him that you are her adopted daughter and that you plan to move to the nearest city after her husband disappeared. Norman was smiling at you in a friendly way, but your face remained calm. He assumed that the reason for this was an emotional shock. Your foster mother rented two rooms, one for herself and one for you
You were quiet and didn't cause any problems, unlike your mother. Norman's mother was angry and she didn't like her, so she got rid of her. When Norman regained consciousness, he hurried to hide the traces of blood and figure out how to explain to you that your mother had abandoned you, as he heard your calm voice. You told him that you were grateful that he helped you. Turning around, he saw you, with a slight smile on his lips. You went up to him and kissed him on the cheek as a sign of gratitude and calmly began to help him get rid of you by your foster mother, as if her death had absolutely no meaning for you
When he asked you how you could stay so calm, you told him that you originally planned to kill her, just like you killed her husband, and a large number of people before them. You told him that you were about the same age as him, that you looked so young because of your illness and that you spent a long time in a bad place where they hurt you, claiming that they wanted to cure you. He understood what place you were talking about. He was surprised that you were the same age as him, but looking at you, looking at you and knowing that you were being harmed, he wanted to protect you. He suggested that you stay at the motel at least for a while, mentally deciding to try to convince his mother to let you stay with them as long as possible
Despite the fact that you looked quite young, you really were an adult woman. Pretty quickly, for the rare visitors to the motel, you were his little sister, a sweet girl who helped him look after the motel and your sick mother. However, in fact, you were much closer to him. You were the only woman his mother was willing to accept and who was willing to accept him and his mother. Maybe you've finally found the family that really would finally be yours
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birdbrainedboy · 5 months
I’m obsessed with this show and fear a hyperfixation anyways here are my thoughts on every character in the show
Edwin Paine: forever my favorite, even back before the show when I read the comics! I think it’s funny that basically every man in the show wants him? I’m intrigued by his character arc throughout the story regarding his sexuality as despite dying in 1916, he seems to have had time to slowly become more accepting of gay people (I’m guessing in part due to Charles, who is pansexual), to the point where there’s only mild internalized homophobia if at all, which just exhibits itself in him denying any possible feelings for Monty. I love how face-value and logical he is while still being a sweetheart
Charles Rowland: he has a pan flag pin on his jacket which confuses me bc can ghosts only wear clothes they would’ve worn when they were alive, or how do ghost clothes work? Because he died in 1989 and I’m near positive he didn’t wear that pin back there. Anyways I do love him but I wonder about some design choices, like the one earring (not sure why it just kinda annoys me). That was more a rant abt his design than his character, which I have nothing notable to say abt since I LOVE HIM he’s so real
Crystal Palace: sometimes she was a bit annoying the way she was trying way too hard to pry into everyone’s lives, but honestly that was just momentary annoyance since nothing could make me hate her. I love how her past was slowly revealed (as someone who already knew it from the comics) and how she came to terms with the person she used to be vs the person she is now. She’s so cool!
David the demon: honestly kind of caught me off guard at first bc the person I’m dating is named David but I actually enjoyed his character. LOVED when Crystal dealt with him in the end. He was very interesting
Niko Sasaki: I love Niko, but I have some problems with her character. First of all, I feel like ditsy anime-loving cutesy Asian girl with dyed hair is a weirdly common trope? But whatever my main issue is that it feels like characters who normalize the fetishization of gay men are so common. Like if Niko had been a guy obsessed with lesbian manga evb would be weirded out, so why is it different? If we ignore all of this tho I absolutely adore her and I’m actually praying she’s in the next season bc she was one of my favorites (esp her relationship w Edwin)
Jenny: She is so hot and cool and funny I’m in love with her
Esther: oh my god words cannot come close to describing how much I love her character. She felt powerless and weak in the past and now she’s become obsessed with making sure nobody has that power over her ever again. She was so fun and I loved her attitude! I’m sure she won’t show up next season, as she was the main antagonist of s1, and while I love her, I kind of hope she doesn’t since I think her arc was finished.
Monty: His personality was like 2020 “soft boy” who acts nice and dumb but is lowkey a manipulator. So obviously this kind of made me like ☠️ bc why is he acting like that… but I still love him to bits because he’s just a crow guys he didn’t ask to be human,, Anyways yeah his personality annoys me but also I love him so much so? It’s confusing. ITS COMPLICATED. I will cry if he’s not in s2
Kingham and Litty: I honestly thought they were annoying but I can’t lie they were so fucking funny. Every time they were on screen I laughed.
Cat King: oh my god. He is so camp. I love him. There’s honestly not much to say he is simply iconic. Love how he’s afraid to be alone so chases after other people, he’s so real AGHH I love him
Night Nurse: Ruth Connell the woman you are… 😍 she reminds me of Muriel from Good Omens, in a way, and I love her! I really hope we get to see more of her in relation to the guy in the fish, and see her get to better understand human emotions and why they choose to cling onto the human world rather than pass on!
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starrypawz · 5 months
AO3 What can I say I had an idea
On the shore of The Dreaming he senses something that ebbs and flows with the tide.
Whatever that something is very…
With a broken heart… 
But the heart still beats strong. 
Gently he reaches out and
A crow? Most curious.
The crow, more than a little bedraggled, tilts their head as they stand.
“Caw?” (weakly) 
“Easy now,” 
Caw…. Caw?... Caw!  (Slightly panicked)
“No you are not, much longer though and you likely would have met my sister,”
Caw!! (Profanity) 
Caw (Apologetic) 
“That’s an… understandable reaction… although I will say she is actually… very nice.” 
“I am known by many names but… Often I am known as Dream,” 
“Caw!” (Introductory) Dream gives a faint smile, “I am aware,it is a  pleasure to meet you Monty the Crow” 
He regards the Crow who has just informed him that he is known as Monty (although he knew that already)  some more and then asks.
“What was your aim?” 
“Caw,” “London?” 
“Caw,” and then “Caw?”
“Unfortunately you didn’t get very far,” 
“Caw,” (Dejected) 
“Agreed, that was a rather foolish idea,” Dream tilts his head, “I must ask why did you undertake this fool’s errand?” 
“I… can only sense fragments, you are rather weak right now,” 
“Caw,” (Panicked)
“Do not worry, you are safe here,” “Caw,” (Grateful) 
Dream pauses.
“So Monty the Crow what was the goal of your fool’s errand?”
“I only sensed fragments, you are… rather weak right now,”
“You are safe here,”
“Caw,” (Grateful) 
Monty pauses and the way his feathers ruffle translates as a sigh before he takes a couple of hops that translate somehow as ‘pacing around whilst trying to get your thoughts together’
“Caw…” Another hop, “Caw… Caw…. Caw,”  Another hop, “Caw” (Dejected) 
“That… that is a rather noble cause,” Dream reaches out and then pauses, “May I?”
Monty nods. 
Dream lightly scratches him on the head, feather soft under his fingers and Dream feels a soft rush of affection run through him as Monty leans into his touch and ruffles his feathers and gives the faintest hint of a smile. 
“I… I sense you have not been treated kindly,” He offers his hand and Monty struggles to hop up. 
“Let me,” He soothes as he carefully guides him into his hand and lifts Monty closer to his face.
“I am sorry that has happened to you,” Dream stiffens, “Who… Who did this?” 
“Caw,” “A witch?” He pauses and… feels, “One named Esther Finch, I know of her and… I can sense she has met her long overdue fate,”
“Maybe that offers you some comfort?” Monty moves his wings in a way that somehow reads as a shrug.
“I… I know what it is like, to be trapped,” Dream sighs, “Taken by someone who seeks power they do not deserve.. Let alone understand.” 
Monty tilts his head again.
“Tell me Monty, Tell me your story,”
“I am fond of long tales…” Dream smiles, “And we have all the time in the world whilst you are here,”
Monty ruffles his feathers and then 
And then after some time. 
“That is… quite the tale.” 
“Yes… now what,” Dream sighs, “I think I can aid you?”
“Do not worry, I would not pull you into such a bargain, I would also not expect you to serve a new master so soon after gaining your freedom,” 
“So…The Witch Esther Finch turned you into a human, tell me Monty do you wish to be back in that form?”
“Caw… Caw…” He pauses, “Caw?”
“I see… Understandable you do not want to be bound to one form… even if you found thumbs incredibly useful,” He gives an amused snort and gently scratches Monty on the head, “I believe… I believe I know someone who can aid you,” 
“No he is not a witch… although I guess he is bewitching in his own way,” “Caw!” (Teasing) Dream swallows, “I am… incredibly fond of him.” Dream pauses, “You… you remind me of him, he is… an incredibly kind soul, eternally joyful,” He smiles, “Even if he is a little foolish at times, His name is Robert Gadling although he prefers to go by Hob, ” Dream pauses, “So Monty The Crow if you agree, once you awake you will find yourself in London,” 
“Very well them,” Dream pulls him against his chest, “Now rest,” 
Monty rests.
Hob awakes to early morning light through the window and realises he forgot to shut the curtains again as he winces  whilst in the background he can hear the ever present drone of the traffic of 21st century London. He finds his laptop in the bed and connects dots he was planning to grade just a couple of more papers last night, but judging from the Turnitin page that greets him when he wakes up the laptop that he’d fallen asleep about a quarter into grading the first one.
Later… later. Deal with that later.  At least two cups of coffee later. 
He’s just about to pass through to the kitchen when he notices something at the living room window.
No that’s not Matthew.
Wait… that’s not a raven anyway, the beak’s the wrong shape and they’re too small that’s a… 
There hadn’t been A Visit last night (It’s actually been a while but not quite long enough that Hob is worried) but Hob had in that point where reality is a little… loose between waking and sleeping had heard a whisper. It’d been somewhat cryptic (He didn’t expect anything less) but the pieces start to slot together. 
Hob shakes his head with an affectionate snort as he lifts the sash window. It’s thankfully a warm morning. 
The crow tilts their head at him. 
“Well… come on in?” 
Hob takes a step back and watches as the crow hops through the opened window, carefully he shuts it behind them. 
There’s a pause for a moment before they hop from the windowsill and then
Falll  to the ground. 
Hob is caught off guard for a second before there’s a ruffle of feathers and then. 
So that’s why there’d been something about ‘spare clothes’ that’d sounded rather out of place coming from Dream. 
Hob now looks at the dark haired teenager who had been a crow moments ago who sits on the sofa. The borrowed t-shirt and shorts hang loose on him in a way that looks more ‘Handmedowns from an older sibling’ than ‘fashionably baggy’ 
The teenager looks up at him through curtain bangs with dark eyes that are bright and… oddly captivating.
Just like someone else I know. 
“So… Monty, right?”
Monty nods. 
“Dream?” They say, voice still croaky, “Sent me to you… somehow? Said you could help me?” 
“Hopefully?” Hob clears his throat, “So… are you hungry?”
“I’m starving,” 
Breakfast. Right. That’s at least a problem he can fix. 
“Ok,” Hob smiles, and hopes it looks less nervous than he feels. “I’ll go make us something and you can tell me all about… whatever’s going on,”
“Sounds great!,” Monty’s voice is bright, almost a little too bright for this time in the morning and gives him probably the softest smile he’s ever seen before Hob turns into the kitchen. 
What the hell have you gotten me into this time?
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skarkkk · 5 months
Ok, ok, so, I read this post (and loved it) and the idea was instantaneous. Maybe I'll write it, maybe I won't, but I need it written down, so if anyone is interested.
Imagine a case of human sacrifices. The boys are called (Niko alive and with them!) to this case through a ghost who was sacrificed and seeks justice and can pay well. Then they find out that these people are being sacrificed to the Cat King. A witch turned one of his cats into a human (Esther and Monty style) and the cat becomes a bit fanatical and sacrifices people as gifts, secret admirer style. Edwin is clearly jealous. And the Cat King helps them with the case, just to get close to his ghost. In the middle of the case or when it ends, Edwin admits (by accident) that he was jealous and the Cat King simply loves that fact. Then he asks permission for a kiss, and it happens. And I would love a more explicit scene from them with lots of dirty talk and compliment kink, but I'll take any crumbs.
First time: in the middle of the case there may even be the cat finding out and going after Edwin and King Cat becoming super protective (and the team, obviously) and having another kiss in front of the people or later, in private. Or the second version, after the affair, like farewell sex, and Edwin talking about how he loved it to Charles or Niko and there's a cute moment of friendship.
Also in the scene there are two possibilities, either the boys and Crystal still living there with Niko to stay with her while she recovers or Niko finding out about the case through this ghost she found in the library or I don't know and talking to the boys and them coming from London (hence the farewell sex) and then returning there, or even the four of them living in London and the ghost going after them (or even Gato Rei asking for help) to ask for help and them going to city of Gato Rei (I forgot the name) and then returning to London (or maybe they stay and open an office?).
Anyway, maybe I thought about this a little too much.
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northlt03 · 6 months
Rosekiller one shot
Tw: death
Barty goes to war, he doesn't have the money nor the influence like Evan does to avoid it forever. He has to.
He goes kicking and screaming and fighting the whole way but he has to go.
When they were younger, not yet directly touched by the conflicts between countries , Barty told Evan about his fear, his only fear . Death.
He never understood his father's points about fighting for honror or dying for their country. He was a child and like a child, he was scared of dying. What would come after it? How would hsi loved ones react? What would he leave behind? Why would any higher power take young lives anyway?
Questions plagued him and Evan didnt have the answers to any.
And now hes in an active war zone, death at his doorstep.
Honestly, Barty doesn't give a shit about either country, doesnt give a shit about his fellow soldiers or his fathers orders to make him porud.
He'd much rather be next to Evan, with the boy's hand in his hair. Evan would drag his fingers across Barty's skin in a manner he deemed utterly sinful.
Even now if he closed his eyes he could pretend the taller boy was in front of him.
Evan was older, although just by a few months. He was all wide shoulders, lazy grins and shy smiles. And his hands, arguably Bartys favourite part of him. They could caress and hold, they could mend and take care but they could also wield an axe and a gun, they could make Bartys mind forget everything and anything, dragging low groans from his throat. They could make him whine and beg, they could steady him or bruise him.
Its these things he thought of late at night under the cover of darkness. Evan.
Just the man, just the name.
Somehow it was always Evan he thought of when things got difficult.
Barty writes to him, for his own sanity. The longer he stays there, the more he loses it.
War is no place for him. Its too bloody, too noisy, too scary. He wants Evan.
He wants to be held, strong arms pulling him close. He wants to be safe. He wants to laugh at Evan's stupid jokes. He wants to kiss Evan, to touch him, to hear his voice.
His body and heart aches with longing.
He doesn't care for the other soldiers who laugh too loud and never sound like Evan. They're terrified of him, of the way he takes life after life in the warzone.
But violence was never his first choice, it was love.
So he writes and he writes and he writes. He never had a liking for literature like his friend Regulus, but he manages fine.
"My only solace is that you're untocuhed by Bellona, by the bloodshed of Mars" He writes. "Although, darling, you'd look divine covered in crimson"
Fuck he loves Evan. And he misses him so much his bones echo with desire.
"I think of you everyday, sunrise to sunset and take a break for dusk, only for you to be in my dreams"
He addresses them to E, his E. Thats all his fellow soldiers know Evan as. "That crazy one's darling E"
Barty hears them wondering about E's name, about how someone could have won Barty's cold heart.
Eloise, perhaps? or Elizabeth? Eleanor, Edith, Ella, Emilia, Emma, Eliza, Elliana, Ellie, Emily, Evelyn, Eden, Esther.
Evan Rosier.
They wouldn't suggest a man's name.
Its a cruel, cruel world they live in, and Barty has never liked it. But Evan always managed to drag out the optimist in him, the mischief and sarcasm he thought he left in his childhood.
"Most of all, its boring, my darling" he writes, "So fucking boring. We barely fight and when we do, we win. Mostly. You'd call me a narcissist and egotistical, but I know my worth. The rest of these soldiers don't know their left from their right"
He tells Evan everything, even if he doesn't always get letters back. Mail gets lost on the way a lot. Sometimes Barty gets upset when Evan doesnt respond only to descover the ship went down. Sometimes Evan writes strong words about scaring him because Barty never replied to his letter, and Barty sends back a response about how he never got it in the first place.
"Really hope the ship doesnt go down again. Such a nuisance, catching you up on everything again" He scribbles down, imagining the expression on his lover's face when he reads it.
War is brutal and unyielding. It stretches on forever. Barty doesn't see himself getting out of it, not now, not ever. But he doesn't tell Evan that.
"We'll go watch a movie when I'm back" he makes false promises, "and kiss in the rain, your lip between my teeth. Just the way you like it. I'll kiss you in front of my father, I dont care"
War is brutal. it takes and it takes and it takes. Are there really winners and losers when the only ones losing seem to be the soldiers that lose their lives?
"My dearest E, I miss you like the sea misses the earth. The water shaking with anticipation in clouds, desperate to return to the ground as rain"
Barty is going to die, he knows it.
There's only way out of this war and its by taking Thanatos' hand.
"Regulus sent me a summary of his reading again" Barty writes, "Some old man a hundred years ago wrote about a man and a woman in love and somehow Regulus made it my problem. Try to punch some sense into him. But don't tell him I might be hooked onto what happens next. Its a guilty pleasure"
Barty doesn't have many guilty pleasures.
You could argue Evan was one of them, but he's not. Barty has never once been guilty about loving Evan, never.
"Regulus wrote to me, telling me Melpomene is the muse of tragedy" Barty could have been jealous of his friends, the ones who didn't have to come to war, didn't have everything stripped from them. But he's glad he's the one suffering because that means Evan doesn't have to and Regulus can keep reading his little stories. He'd die in war a thousand times over if his friends stayed safe. "Melpomene must have gotten quite the story from us"
Evan fills him in on gossip, Dorcas in love with someone, Pandora and her new inventions, Barty wishes he could be there for it all.
Evan can't draw for shit, but his stick figures could rival Michaelangelo for all Barty cares.
Evan, Evan, Evan, Evan. Its all he thinks about, like a broken record spinning and repeating the name. Evan.
He's so much more than a lover. He's a part of Barty. He's seen the good bad and the ugly. He's stuck around for it all.
"Im angry most of the time" He scribbles one night, shaking from barely contained fury after a mission gone wrong. "Angry because my father is the biggest piece of shit to ever grace the earth. Angry because I want you I need you in my hand, in my arms, in my bed bext to me. I'm angry because the world was never kind to us. I'm angry because I wish I could kiss you now. I would. I'd kiss you in front of the world, grab you by the jaw and not let go. I want to taste you, I want you to linger on my tongue, to ruin my life. I'm angry because..." because I'm scared.
Barty never lets anyone see the letters Evan sends, scowling at anyone who ever tries to peek. He's got quite the reputation now. He'd cut off a finger or two before he let anyone have a taste of Evan's words. They're for him. Just for him.
"Come back" Evan writes, "Come back or I'll publish your writing for the world. Let everyone see how embarrassingly in love you are. Regulus alone would have a field day with the poem you once attempted"
Barty laughs because he can't help it. Its so on brand for Evan to threaten him with that.
"My writing is scacred, how dare you?" He writes back. "Maybe that would help the world understand us, though. Maybe one day there would be a world free of war and hate. And just us, together, kissing in front of my father as I flip him off"
"You'd look sharp in a suit on our wedding day" Evan writes back. "I'd love to see you in it. I'd love to take it off"
"Darling, I'd wear a wedding dress if you wanted. I'd do anything for you (and if it pissed my father off)" Barty scrawls with a rare smile on his face.
The last letter Evan Rosier ever got from Barty Crouch Jr was about wearing a dress to their hypothetical wedding.
Decades in the future, when they're all well and gone, buried so they're only dust and bones, their letters are found again.
Love letters from wars always fill people with a sad and romantic feeling. They always remind people that love is eternal, the only constant in the world of destruction and tragedy. No matter how it ended, at least the love was there.
Historians scratch their heads over who the "Darling E" was. Some say Eloise or Elizabeth? Eleanor, Edith, Ella, Emilia, Emma, Eliza, Elliana, Ellie, Emily, Evelyn, Eden, Esther.
Evan, says one.
Evan Rosier. Barty Crouch Jr. Decades after theyre gone, their love makes headlines. Flirty and sweet, cute and filthy, rebellious and devoted, they call the pair.
Barty Crouch Jr died at war, bleeding out in pain, supposedly with his eyes wide in fear and fingers digging into the earth, desperate to live.
Evan Rosier died not long after, peacefully in his bed. Heartbreak, the doctors said.
Their letters were found in a house that used to belong to their mutual friend, Regulus Black.
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misty--nights · 3 months
And finally, episode 8. This rewatch has been fun. It really forced me to pay attention to the details and I’ve found so many interesting thing I’d missed before. I think by now it’s more than safe to say that this has become one of my absolute favorite shows, and I can’t wait for my brain to insist I should watch it yet again.
Edwin's reaction feels so fair to me. I also did a double take the first time I saw Crystal swallow the memories. Love that Charles is trying to be supportive and stuff, but I agree with Edwin on this one. Those things are so big, how is your first instinct to swallow then whole?
Charles' face when Crystal is explaining her name is kind of similar to the one he has in episode 3 and 5 when Niko is doing something amusing. It's a mixture of endeared and a little baffled that I find so charming
Can Esther understand Monty in crow form or is she just pretending to have conversations with him like how you do with pets? Honestly, I'm not sure which one would be better. Both options have a lot of potential
Someone please give Crystal a hug. Or two. The way her voice breaks when she's talking to her parents, how her eyes get dimmer and dimmer the more she realizes that they suck and didn't miss her, how she sounds when she tells the boys about it, ugh. It breaks my heart
Back to another intro detail, but doesn't the surface of the mirror the skelletons go through kind of look like the mirror Charles sees himself in in episode 7. Like the frame is different, but the surface with the grid lines reminds me of the one in hell
I love the rooftop scene so much. Edwin and Niko have such a precious friendship and I wish we had even more of them interacting. Now I know I've seen people mention how Edwin is so comfortable with Niko's touch and how ge lets her cuddle up to him in that scene. But also, up until this point we haven't seen him truly iniciate touch with others (besides Charles) but he bumps Niko's shoulder when he's joking about Monty and offers her his hand to take. I just think that's neat
Crystal looks tiny next to Niko when they're talking to Jenny
"The whole thing was such a mystery" and "no rest for the wicked". The tone the officer uses for these lines? Chilling. I'm telling you, there's something weird about the people in town at times and the Port Townsend police are walking a line btween purposefully useless and downright sinister
There's something to be said about Crystal offering to wipe Jenny's memories, if she wants. We've followed her the whole season trying to get her own memories back, so it's huge that she's willing to take someone else's if that could help. Because she cares about Jenny, in that same, quiet way that Jenny cares about her and Niko. Also the way she emphasizes that she can take the memories only if Jenny wants that is actually so important to me
For some reason I always assume the girls are going to hold hands in that scene where they're looking for the Cat King and Crystal gives Niko her cleaver back. Even though this is the third time I watch it, I always expect it, and I'm always a little disappointed when all Crystal does is change what hand is holding her own cleaver
Not to question old dark magic or anything, but I am so curious as to how Esther's snake works. Did she already have the snake? Did she find it and make a pact with it? How does it transform little girls into youth for Esther? Also, the Cat King calls it Esther's snake, but then later on Esther says "I never thought I'd be eating kids to stay young and beautiful" so I don't know. Many questions about this
Tragic Mick makes a point of saying the bear figure is a gift and is on him, but the girls very much leave the store without paying for the salt so... Two gifts?
Niko keeps insisting she's not brave, but she was ready to charge into Esther's house after hearing Edwin's scream
Litty and Kingham's coats in the igloo have a dandelion decoration on the chest
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fabuladorah · 3 months
Paynland: sue me but I dont think they would work as a traditional couple. They'll kiss once a week AT BEST. Nothing will change when Charles realizes his feelings, except for maybe pet names and also now Charles understand that Edwin's lap is a synomin to chair, no more desk sitting unfortunetaly.
Cryland: GIRL! I got so many thoughts on these two cant even share 'em all, but to keep it short, queerplatonic with kissing cuz they like it. Ill have to do a post just for them BECAUSE.
Palasaki: at first I thought something would happen between them (DAMN YOU PARASITES) but yeah now I prefer them as friends. Niko seems pretty uninterested in finding herself a partner, and I enjoy the besties dynamic.
Catwin: I hate it, but they should fuck at least once.
Payncrow (i guess?) : Monty, dear, you need to realize you were never even an option to begin with.
Kashi + Night Nurse: they should marry and retire to a cottage by the sea. Btw the wedding should be inside that whale.
Esther Finch + Tragic Mick: I like it cuz its funny, but overall no, but maybe yes. And you can't deny that they'd be a hella good looking couple.
That said, Jenny and Maxine are the real ones/ j
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
hi, can you do headcanons about being klaus mikaelson's (romantic) soulmate or mate?
Being Klaus Mikaelson soulmate would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Klaus Mikaelson | AO3
synopsis: in a world where soulmates are more than just a wish, how unlucky was Klaus to have to live millennia before he found his?
warnings: vampire stuff, but that one is way more romantic than bloody
ps: thanks for your request! I didn't know if you meant a color!au or something like this, so I did it on my way. Feel free to ask for more!
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• Two milennia lived and no sign of his soulmate. Two fucking milennia. During his life, Klaus saw sixty years old finding their soulmates at a asylum, politicians finding the love of their lifes in the competing political party, even teenagers falling in love at school, and two times he saw kids with less than five years finding the love of their lifes on a day care center. But he never did found his
• He did even think that it was Nature laughing at his successfull attempt to beat death. For a really long time he believed that his soulmate was dead and whatever chance he had to found them was turned to dust. But, fifty years later, Rebecca meet her soulmate. And it wasn’t just someone who was almost so old as then because someone that the Orginals turned into a vampire spread the gift: it was a person only twenty years old
• Klaus felt hope. He was now sure that Nature wasn’t so cruel. That one day he would finally find the person that will make his world burn. He dreamed about this day. But thousand years can make any hope just die. Maybe he did almost found you, but chose to look ar the opposite direction and lost his chance. Maybe you had died. Maybe Nature chose to be mean only to him. Maybe he, after all, didn’t have a soul to be completed
• That didn’t stopped him from living his life. He had a family, friends and plans. He felt hope, and anger, and frustration, and hapiness, and sandness, and pleasure. Klaus did failed to plan and planned to fail, but he also did win so many times and in so many ways. Klaus did not only survived, beating death, but he lived. And that life, that marvelous and machiavellican life, took him back to Mistic Falls
• And Klaus had plans, big plans, that worked in his favor. He did turned into a hybrid and, by the time we’re his mom organized a ball to celebrate the reunion of the family, he thought that Esther’s presence and his new status as a hybrid we’re what he was celebrating. Little did he knew that his life would change again, and in a way he couldn’t expect, that same night
• As mayor’s campaign coordenator, when he was invited to a party of the new rich family, going with him and his family was nothing but work. You we’re there to help him remember names, informations, and make sure that everything that happens around him was nothing but absolutely perfect. Thats the truth about election year: everything, even leisure, is work
• When mayor finally did something that didn’t need your presence (which was using the bathroom), you had a moment to breath in and breath out. You didn’t sit, he would came back quickly, but you took a glass of wine while talking to Sheriff Forbes. She is a great woman, talking to her was easy because she wasn’t looking for mistakes or gossip, she was just being nice and trying to have a great time
• But you weren’t the only person interested on talking to her, obviously the host would talk to her at some point of the night. You heard the mayor’s criticism that the new family talked to him while you weren’t by his side, which you respond that if he wanted you by his side then he shouldn’t make you talk to one of his campaing donor. So now, talking to Forbes, when a member of the new family approached, it was simply a fact: you two hadn't seen each other before
• His smooth voice was directed to Forbes, so you we're ready to just get out of this conversation and let then alone, but when you looked at his way and you both made eye contact, you with a kindly smile and him with a rough confidence on his eyes, the world tremble.
Klaus felt a blizzard burying him alive. His fingers froze. His eyes went still. Something inside him, something heavy and sharp, pierced through every layer of muscle and skin until it reached the surface. You combusted. Your chest felt like a forest on fire and your mind was intoxicated by the smoke. A hot emotion crept through your body, taking over every organ and limb, and lulled you into a calm never before felt.
Forbes was nothing but a acute voice, and even she stopped breathing, with the entire noom, when she notice. Your chest irradiated a heavy scarlet light, Klaus's glowed navy. Whatever space between you both was just a purple blur. Without sharing a word, the entire could see that you both lived to meet one another. Soulmates. So easy to understand, so easy to see, so easy to believed.
"Finally", that's what Klaus said, the first thing he could even think. He smiled, his entire body relaxing just because of your existence. "I had been waiting for you."
You could never really understand the weight of that sentence, but you felt the same. A life waiting for something you could never be sure if it would happen. A life longing to find the person who will not only be your love, but also a soul mate.
"I tend to arrive late", you whisper. You didn't have force to do anything else. "I have been dreaming about you my whole life."
Klaus took a step closer. "Do you need to be here?" You shaked your head, which makes Klaus to reach out to you. "Then came with me. I need to know you."
Without hesitation, you grabbed his hand and followed him through the night. Nothing, nothing, would have made you choose otherwise.
• Klaus waited a milennia and would wait another one if that means he would have you.
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