neptunite-stars · 1 year
i think if i force myself to not draw tmr i think i may actually go insane
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lolexjpg · 10 months
ok since f2 is cancelled 2day i guess i'll gif liam
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nebulouspersonality · 2 years
*sits patiently in the queue room for mcci, reading a book titled"how not to suck at pvp games for dummies"*
0 notes
hyunfilms · 8 months
blue side of the sky (lmh) | twelve.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 4.5k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing, more of a lighthearted chapter hehe but a very oc x minho centered chapter! JJ & chan share some words with minho, hanging out and spending time together, cute lil flashback, small sweet kisses, lots of thoughts about recent events lol, holding hands, feelings being aired out, quickly edited so pls excuse any errors! also pls trust that things will fall into place as they should 😩
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"Dude, what the fuck are you doing? I got this. Just goooo." JJ whines and tries to shove Minho out of the back area of the café. "You're hanging out with Y/N today and the first thing you think about is coming to the café? Weirdo."
"Shut up, okay? I wanted to bake something really quickly."
"Where are you guys hanging out at now? Is it just you two this time?" Minho nods. 
"Yeah. She said she's been wanting to go to the Conservatory of Flowers, but hasn't since it's kinda far. I offered to take her."
"Hm." JJ hums. "What did Jisung say about this?" Minho shrugs.
"Nothing. We haven't been talking too much. I know he's still mad, but I'm sure we'll talk about it soon."
"I mean truthfully, it's valid. Cause you fucked up." Minho glares at him before shaking his head. "But, I know you're trying to not make things weird. I just hope you both don't fuck this up."
"Yup." Minho pops the 'p' in his response, tired of people associating him and Jisung with 'fucking things up.' Him, mainly. He gets it, though.
"No, but on a serious note. Are you going to tell her?" Minho pauses.
"I will. I will eventually." He looks at JJ.
"As long as you do it and it comes from you. Nobody else." JJ looks at him worriedly. "Promise me that, please? It's the least you can do for Y/N." Minho continues to keep eye contact with his cousin, pursing his lips before letting out a sigh.
"Yeah, I know." Is all he can respond with before swallowing the lump in his throat. It has to come from him. It wouldn't make sense for Jisung to do it, and even if they were fighting about it now, he'd never let Jisung take the blame for this.
It needed to come from him.
"Alright." JJ says. "So, what are you baking exactly?"
"Nothing for you, if that's what you're asking." Minho chuckles. "Kidding. I did get a head start on these brownies for you, though." He sets the timer aside, peeking into the oven at his special for the day. "7 mins left." Minho washes his hands and sets the hand towel aside.
"Didn't you make these already?"
"Yeah." Minho purses his lips together before heading towards the back door of the café. "They're Y/N's favorite."
"This dude." JJ mutters to himself as he watches his cousin hop into his car and drive off. He has to stop by home really quickly to get a few things together [esp himself] before swinging by to pick you up.
"Where are you going?" Chan asks as Minho steps through the door and hurriedly heads up to his room.
"I need to take Y/N to the conservatory."
"For what?" Chan chuckles.
"Just cause. She wants to go." Chan hums.
"I'm assuming Jisung doesn't know about this?"
"He does."
"No, that's not what I'm saying." Minho stops in front of the bathroom to look at him.
"Then, what are you saying?"
"You. Your feelings for her."
"He's aware, I guess." Chan shakes his head and shrugs.
"We can't keep hiding this from her, you know? Especially if you're starting to have feelings again."
"Yeah, I know." Minho sighs. "But Jisung just doesn't wanna talk to me about it. He doesn't wanna talk about any of this. Wants to play things safe."
"It's not going to be safe forever. We're going to end up hurting her more." Chan looks at him worriedly. "Besides, you've called it quits with Kat, right? Officially? No more back and forth shit. You— that—" Chan pauses. "That whole thing was fucked up." Minho's eyes soften and all he can do is respond with a small, subtle nod. "When you say you're done, please mean it. For both their sakes, especially Y/N."
"I know. I.. I mean it. That's done with."
"I get it. The whole accident was hard to process but falling onto Kat shouldn't have been the first thing you thought about while Y/N was in there. But, you should know that's why we're equally scared about the outcome of this, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"Alright then." Chan shrugs it off as if he didn't know what else to say. Of course, he couldn't continue to lecture the guy— he's aware Minho has heard it time and time again. "Well, enjoy the conservatory." 
"Mm, yeah. I will." Minho rushes into the bathroom to end the conversation and finish getting ready. The topic has started to dwindle on him and it's been messing with his mood a bit. He knows JJ and his friends come from a good place, and he knows he has to tell you.
It just never feels like the right time.
Or, he's just afraid of ripping that bandaid. He tells himself it's never the right time because he wants to avoid re-opening the wound.
Inevitably, it will re-open and he has to understand that.
By the time Minho is finished getting ready, Chan is also on his way out to head to the studio. They bid their farewells and go their separate ways, Minho brushing off the talks that just happened to put himself in a better place before having you in the car.
Uncle Adrian is just about to get into his truck when Minho pulls up to the curb. He gives him a small smile and wave before hopping in. Minho waits until he pulls out of the driveway with one final goodbye before stepping out and heading to the backyard. As he approaches your cottage, he can hear the soft music playing in your living room area while you hum along. 
"Y/N?" He knocks and calls your name.
"Door's open! I'm almost done." He hears you say before twisting the door knob and entering your space. A gentle, calming smell of lavender fills the room, and it fills Minho with nostalgia.
You brought home some fresh lavender. Like you used to.
He plops on the couch and manspreads, catching up to the group chat with his roommates. He chuckles to himself when he finds Seungmin and Jisung going at it over a certain video game, with Chan trying to change the subject and prevent it from going on. 
seungmin: dude you're full of shit, that game is sooo bad
seungmin: i've seen better
chan: what time is everyone getting back home?
jisung: maybe you're the one who's bad at playing it?! i highly enjoyed it
jisung: the complexity, graphics, story line? chef's kiss
minho: both of you could greatly benefit from being quiet
jisung: all of a sudden
jisung: go pay attention to y/n
jisung: since you wanna be all knight and shining armor now
chan: ooooookay lets relax lmao
chan: so, what's for dinner tonight?
Minho lets out a small, dry chuckle at Jisung's continued passive aggressiveness, but he knows he also just needs a moment to talk to him more about this; to let him know that he acknowledges he was wrong first and foremost, but he truly means it when he'll do better this time around—
"Hi." You pop out of your room in a cute little sundress and your sneakers.
"Hey." He smiles at you and stands. "You look cute." 
"Thank you." You giggle.
"Are you ready? Do you need anything before we go?"
"Mm, no." You grab your bag and phone before looking back at him. "Thank you for taking me. I know it's probably going to be so boring for you. I really would have been okay taking a cab and going by myself."
"No, I don't mind it. I'm happy to take you." He chuckles as he steps out and waits for you to lock your door. You walk alongside of him and scrunch your nose when you look up to meet his eyes.
"You sure?"
"Of course." Minho laughs, letting you settle into the passenger seat before he hops in. This really wasn't unusual for him, anyway. You used to drag him and Jisung to the monthly free admission days that a few museums participated in. He'd go, he loved spending time with you. With his bestfriend. It was always good times.
"Wake up!" You yell as you run into Jisung's room, letting the door hit the wall harshly.
"Cielo, what the actual fuck?" He mumbles sleepily, bed head poking out of his covers. "It's so early."
"It's literally almost 11am and time to start the day." You smack the covers. "Get ready! We're going to the science museum!"
"Have you lost your mind? On a Saturday?" Jisung tries to bring the covers over his head, but you tug on it and pull it back. 
"Nope! It's free admissions day! Minho's already getting ready." Jisung groans. 
"Yeah, because he's your boyfriend! Just take him!
"Nope, you're coming along too.
"I swear to god."
"I'll buy you food later." He groans even louder before tossing the sheets off of him and waddling over to his closet.
"Fine." He mumbles, shooing you out of his room so he can pick his clothes out and get ready in peace. 
Once the two are finally up and ready, you take them to the science museum downtown. It takes about a good 25 minutes to get there with the daytime traffic already beginning, plus finding parking in the garage proves to be even more difficult until you hit the lower levels. The admissions line is a bit lengthy, but it moves quickly, finally allowing you, your boyfriend and your bestfriend to enjoy the museum. 
"What exactly are we doing here?" Jisung's bitter ass wonders as he adjusts his hat.
"To learn new things." You face him just as you slip your hand into Minho's. 
"Okay then, lead the way princess." Minho gives you a toothless smile before letting you begin the journey around the museum. Eventually, Jisung slips out of his exhaustion and begins to enjoy the visit— now also joining in and excitedly pointing at the huge dinosaur exhibit and the aquarium right past it.
As Jisung settles to watch the divers swim around the coral reef exhibit, Minho lags behind you to snap a few candid photos before slipping his arms around your waist and planting a soft kiss against your head.
"Enjoying yourself?" You giggle as he continues to hug you from behind, the both of you a few steps away from Jisung [who is nearly pressed against the front and center with the kids]. 
"Yeah, told you it'd be fun."
"Baby, I never even had a problem with it." He laughs a bit. "At least he's enjoying himself now." You both chuckle at Jisung joining the kids and pointing at different fish.
"I know, grumpy pants." 
"Hey." He gently taps your waist. "Face me."
"Why?" You look at him slyly before turning in his hold to face him.
"Just cause." He smiles before kissing the tip of your nose, down to your lips. "Glad you're having fun."
"Are you having fun?"
"Course. Nothing beats spending time with my girlfriend and the child." You laugh. "Look." He pulls out his phone to show you the pictures he's taken of you. "Like 'em?"
"They're cute! May I have permission to post these?" You ask cutely and Minho laughs.
"Yeah, but. I need a little tip." He puckers his lips, and you give him what he asks for— slightly tiptoeing to kiss him on the lips again. 
"Thank you."
"Mhm." He boops your nose.
"Yo, lovebirds! Let's go check out the insects please." Jisung pleads.
"Why? All you're gonna do is cry about it when you actually see one." Minho furrows his brows and laces his fingers with yours as he follows him to the insects section.
"Oh yeah, so funny." Jisung says sarcastically. "And what about you, funny guy? Like you're any better!"
"At least I don't scream and make a scene when they move!" They continue to bicker as you silently follow along and make your way into the insect section—
Where, as expected, Jisung flinches and nearly knocks a child out after seeing the tarantula on display.
☁︎ END 
"This is for you, by the way." He hands you a small pastry bag with a brownie inside.
"My favorite!" You let out a small gasp before taking it out to begin munching on it. "You wanna share?"
"I have it too many times, Y/N." You chuckle at the small head tilt he does.
"Did you eat or have some coffee?"
"I did. I'm good, promise."
"Okay." You happily eat away at the brownie. "I hope there aren't too many people since it's still early."
"We'll be fine."
"I felt bad for leaving Mrs. Pak alone today, but she said I should go. She went recently and said they have new plants and flowers decorating the place." You look at him. "I think I'm gonna take a few pictures and try to paint some."
"That sounds like a good plan. Did you ever draw the beach from the wedding?"
"I did. Rough draft. I wasn't too happy with it. Maybe I'll work on it a bit more later."
"I'm sure it looks great."
"I'm rusty." You shrug it off. "I asked Jisung if he wanted to come but he said he's seeing his parents today."
"Yeah, he left really early this morning. But, I think he'll be back for dinner. The guys were trying to figure out what to make for tonight. Which, good for me. Gives me a break from feeding their asses." You laugh at the way he slightly huffs after the response.
Sooner or later, Minho pulls into a spot along the curb since the conservatory sits within a bigger central park. The both of you walk towards admissions to buy tickets for the day and walk in, feeling the warmth increase a teeny bit. You pause in your tracks to take in the view, admiring the colorful blends of all the exotic plants and flowers decorating the place. 
Mrs. Pak was right.
Minho does the same with his hands tucked into his pockets, following closely behind you as you take the time to stop in front of all the exhibits so far. You happily read out the facts to Minho as he stands next to you and takes all of this in.
You gently place your palm under some of the flowers to admire them closely, and Minho takes this as his opportunity to start snapping photos of you— just like before. Most of the time, you don't say much to him because you're so engrossed in the plants, the flowers.
And that's okay, as long as you're enjoying yourself. He wants to see you happy.
"Minho, look!" You smile at the huge monstera leaf, holding it in your hands to show him how big it's gotten.
"Hey, that's cute." He says, holding up his phone to take a picture and showing it to you shortly afterwards. "Here." Your eyes glow at the picture, the shyest smile creeping at the corner of your lips once you meet his eyes again.
"I love it. Thank you, Minho. Did you.. take more?"
"I did. I like 'em all. But— " The two of you continue to walk alongside of each other as he scrolls through the pictures he took of you. "This is my favorite. Besides the one I just took." He chuckles a bit, showing you a picture of you tipping the Medinilla flower close to your nose with a cute smile on your face. 
"You actually took photos of me?" You giggle.
"Why not? Gotta capture the moments, right?" He chuckles. 
"I'm shy."
"Why? It's just me, Y/N."
"Cause. It's weird to see myself in photos. I can't really explain it." You giggle and shake your head, subconsciously holding onto his arm as you continue to walk through the conservatory.
"Hm." He hums. "You look beautiful to me." He looks at you with the softest, sweetest eyes.
"You're sweet." You look down at your feet, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. Minho is your bestfriend, but he feels more to you. You crave for him, his comfort.
He feels special, feels like something deeper— to you.
"Did you like it? Do you wanna stay around for a little more?" Minho asks when you finally hit the end of the conservatory. He watches as you glance around before shaking your head, smiling up at him with your phone in hand.
"I did like it, but I think I'm good. I took photos of all the plants I want to attempt to paint." 
"Cool." He holds his arm back for you to hold onto. "Wanna go on a walk?"
"Where to?"
"I don't know honestly, let's see where it takes us." 
"Okay." You chuckle.
Minho leads the way down a random path that goes around the central park and into the residential neighborhood that has a few small shops lining the streets.
The sun is still up, and the streets are busier now that it's hitting the early afternoon. Minho gently moves you to the side and away from the street, taking the busier side to keep you safe. The both of you talk a bit about the café and JJ, which then reminds you about San.
"I hung out with Sannie the other day."
"Yeah?" Minho says, kicking the rocks beneath his feet as you continue to walk around in the surrounding area. "How was that?" He's trying his best to not give away the fact that he saw you two happily walking into the theater together. With the way it was going, it was easy to tell you had a good night. He's assuming you'll tell him he made you happy, and he asked you out. This is how the news will be broken to him. He hates thinking about it, but he needs to be here for you first and foremost. If you were happy with San, then he needs to hear it and he needs to be happy for you. He will be happy for you. You are his bestfriend before anything, and you are important.
"Good. We had dinner at that fancy unagi place. Then we ate dessert at Peace Piece before catching Spirited Away at the theater."
"Oh, for the Studio Ghibli event?" Impressive, Minho thinks. He honestly thought San was going to take you to see something else. "That sounded like fun."
"I know, I kinda missed you guys while sitting in the theater. Not that San isn't good company, but it would've been nice to see it with you guys, too." You chuckle. "Hopefully, they do it again."
"Yeah, I'd be down." He responds. "What else did you guys do?"
"Hm, nothing really. He took me to the beach and we talked about some things." Minho looks at you with a brow cocked up— definitely his way of prying for more info. "He.. kinda confessed that he liked me? Not kinda, but.. you know what I mean." You feel the heat rise to your cheeks again, and you suddenly feel shy, maybe a bit embarrassed, to be telling Minho this like it's some silly elementary school crush. 
"Mm. Can't say I didn't see that coming." Minho responds with a drip of sarcasm, making you gently push him with a giggle.
"What do you mean?"
"It's obvious he likes you."
"I guess? We just clicked easily." You sigh. "To be honest, I thought I'd have some genuine feelings for him. But, I realized I felt like I was forcing myself to feel a certain way just cause he was there and we've spent time together." You pout a bit as you look back down at your feet. "Anyway, I told him I wanted to stay friends. I don't wanna ruin what we've built. We just seem.. good this way. I think that's what my mind was trying to tell me and I feel content saying that out loud."
"I'm sorry. I know that's tough, though."
"Hm, it's okay." It falls quiet for a bit before Minho's head shoots up and slows his pace a bit. You almost bump into him with the way your head hangs low, unsure of what is stopping him from moving forward.
"Ice cream?" He points towards the ice cream shop.
"Before dinner?" He laughs.
"It's the only way to do it. Plus, it's a nice little picker-upper." You giggle, letting him lead the way into the ice cream parlor. You two stand off to the side, eyeing the menu before stepping forward to order your ice cream. Minho settles for his to be in a cup, while you fully indulge in a waffle cone. He pays for your ice cream shortly after, with you savoring the flavors on your way back to the car.
As you continue the trek back, you hear sounds coming from nearby. You gently tug Minho in the direction, loosely lacing your hand with his to figure out what's happening at this time of day. To your surprise, there's an event happening in one part of the park nearby, with people laid out on their blankets. It seems to be a family friendly movie event, being that there are a ton of kids running around if not seated with their family. 
Minho takes a seat at an open bench facing the screen and shaded lawn area, leaning onto his knees as he eats away at the ice cream scoops sitting in the cup. You sit as close as possible to him, with your legs brushing against his. He likes the feeling, he likes being close to you. It brings him comfort. 
"Oh, look! They're playing a Disney movie."
"Toy Story." Minho responds. "Such a classic."
"Did you plan this?" You look at him slyly before he chuckles and shakes his head.
"If I say yes, does that give me more brownie points?" You giggle and shake your head, chomping onto your waffle cone. 
"I can say that grabbing ice cream before dinner was the right idea."
"See." He looks at you and smirks.
"Good thing it isn't super cold."
"You're not too cold now though, are you?"
"No. I'm okay." The movie starts and the both of you actually start to watch even though this wasn't really included in the original plan. Minho finishes his cup of ice cream first, tossing it into the trash can nearby before plopping back down next to you. He sits back against the bench, lazily throwing an arm onto the ledge and behind your back. You silently giggle to yourself, assuming Minho was probably trying to be slick about his actions. You don't mind it though, and it makes you settle into your seat a little more— back pressed against the bench, bodies close enough to exchange warmth.
"You sure you're okay?" You look at Minho when he suddenly pops the question, wiping at your mouth once you've finished the cone entirely. You let it marinate for a minute, wondering what he could possibly be hinting at. 
"Of course, why?" You ask him, stuck on what could possibly be bothering you.
"I don't know. The whole thing with San?" Minho hates to ask, but he wants to be sure you're okay. You make an 'o' shape with your mouth before nodding.
"Oh, yeah. I'm okay. I think." You shrug. "I just hope we can continue to be the same as friends. We've built a really good friendship in such a short amount of time, I'd hate to lose that." You look at Minho. "I'm just getting used the world again. You know? Exploring everything, making friends. It'll be terrible to lose a friend already."
"I know, but you won't, Y/N. I'm sure it'll be okay. He seems to feel the same way, and I'm sure he understands."
"I—" You look at Minho worriedly, and he slightly furrows his brows in response.
"Hm?" He hums.
"I think it's my turn to sort out my feelings." You chuckle a bit. "I'm not really sure how to explain it."
"That's okay, Y/N. Take your time." You pause, fiddling with your fingers as your feet sway over the edge.
"Would you find it weird if I said I feel attached to you?" He chuckles a bit. "I feel comfortable and safe with you. Like you've always taken care of me. It's nice."
"No. I wouldn't be surprised." He looks at you again with a small smirk. "I've always been the fun one compared to Jisung, anyway." You laugh and playfully push him. "Kidding."
"Seriously. It's not weird? I can't explain it."
"No." He says softly. "We've.. always been—" He pauses as if he's trying to choose his wording. "Really close." He purses his lips. "We've gone through a lot together." He sighs. 
"I see." You respond because you're not sure if you should continue to ask. Perhaps, this was what he wanted to talk more about. But, he wasn't ready. It's obvious he wasn't ready. He knows he should tell you. He's just afraid. Of course, he doesn't wanna be selfish— though, at the same time, he looks at you and realizes he just can't lose you again.
This is the first time Minho has been able to look at you for long. 
"I've really.. missed this." There's a slight pause in between his words, and part of you has to prevent yourself from prying more. You won't out of respect to him, but you also aren't sure what to make of this feeling when you look at him.
Like you love him, adore him— like he means much more to you than you think, than you know.
"We're here now, right?" You smile at him. Minho looks at you, really looks at you— adoration twinkling in his eyes as he softly smiles back. He doesn't say anything, even as he throws his arm around you and pulls you close, planting a sweet kiss on your temple. You lay your head on his shoulder as you two continue to sit there, admiring the surroundings, casually watching the movie.
Sadly, part of you is also overthinking. You can't help but wonder why he wasn't in photos with you. Or, why he was so distant in the beginning. It couldn't just be that he hated taking pictures, or that he was learning how to cope. You were surely missing something to the puzzle. Something that didn't end well, something that happened? Kat? Maybe two young lovebirds who didn't expect their turns in the relationship? But, you trust in Minho to tell you when he's ready.
And who knows, maybe you won't be ready to hear what he has to say. Or, maybe you won't understand what this is all about. Maybe, it'll give you the time that you need. You just hope it isn't entirely heartbreaking.
Whenever it comes.
You trust him.
That's probably what sucks the most because Minho knows you trust him, but you won't after he tells you. He doesn't wanna ruin that today, not just yet— he'll just need to find another day where he can tell you before he gets too wrapped up into this, into you. 
But he will tell you, he will rip that bandaid. And when that day comes, he'll only hope that you will let him show you that he's better— that he's acknowledged his mistakes and that he is learning from them. Hopefully, you'll still be able to trust him no matter how long it takes.
Hopefully, you'll still look at him with the same love, the same twinkle in your eye.
Hopefully, you'll still smile at him the same way you smile at the blue sky— the sky that makes room for everchanging weather, like dark clouds or thunderstorms. But, the blue sky has always waited behind every dark cloud, or every thunderstorm just to shine again.
Hopefully, you'll see that what you've longed for has always been here, just like the blue sky. 
Minho is your blue sky.
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⇢ 12.5 [cloud days]: here
♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintific @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr @dprkbyn @xxibreinaxx @mxnsxngie [bold = can’t tag 😭]
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Bookshop Worker Gai au
The first time Kakashi visits the bookshop he walks in, claims a book within five minutes, pays, and walks out. All without saying a single word to gai
The second time he visits he does the same thing, except when he hands Gai his book to purchase Gai decides to take a risk and ask for the cute strangers name. When Kakashi doesn’t give it to him right away he informs him he can’t sell books to someone without a name
Kakashi could take offense and complain, but instead he finds this weird dude ransoming his book for his name intriguing
The third time he visits, Kakashi hovers around the till for five minutes listening to Gai chatter until he finally rings him up, and never once asks him to ‘hurty up’ or ‘get on with it’s like other customers tend to
This goes on for months until one day while Gai is ringing him up and chatting his ear off Kakashi points to the essay he’s working on and asks what it is he’s studying
Five minutes of regular chatter turns into thirty minutes of passionate explanation of his chosen area of study, and not once does Kakashi look like he’s getting bored or wanting to escape this conversation
In fact, he’s loving it. He still looks rather board, but that’s his default expression
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void-spells · 6 months
Okay got distracted writing fic but i have returned to playing Survivor! Notes:
I love when the battle droids are genuinely SO funny. Snuck up on one and pushed him off a cliff, then he yelled "WHATS HAPPENIIING" as he flew
Already adoring these creature designs. Hey wait. Hey hold on. Are those fucking boglings.
Greez what have you DONE
Speaking of! GREEZ!!!!! What! Happened! To! Your! Hand! And why do you look like you smoke weed now!! And WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAND!!!
Cal's room I'm gonna cry
So many plants! Greez is just waiting for the day Cal decides to move in I'm so EMOTIONAL
"Hold the line" Hm. This hurts. This hurts deeply and severely. Sure is funny how this game is called Survivor and Cal is having just the WORST go of it with survivors guilt, huh
Okay yeah so. Boglings are now an invasive species. What the fuck. That's not good-OH SHIT I CAN PET THEM SO MANY TIMES!!! CAL GIVES THEM SCRITCHES!!!
Wow they really show Cal slamming the entire back of his head into a rock as he falls and then go "Yeah he'll just. Get up after that." The rest of this game is a concussion-induced dream I think
Oh neat! Zee! I. Dislike her. No fault on the game I just! Find her a little annoying!
BODE IS BACK AND FLIRATIOUS AS EVER! Hope Cal let's the guy down easy. If he ever picks up on it
I was not prepared for how overwhelmingly large this map is. Very beautiful though! It actually tops Kashyyyk for fav maps now!
I completely forgot about the whole confusion thing. Whoops.
Poor Cal is just getting eaten alive by these bugs. It's a cute idle animation but MAN
Really love these puzzles! Except when I hate them.
Stepped out once I reached the Forest Array and realized how long I had been playing. Hands hurty....
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firespirited · 4 months
I got to give belly scritches to both ginger cats this morning but my phone crashed right as I tried to get photos (I think it might be model specific, the LG G5 crashes repeatedly if the charge is under 60% and will not start at all if it's under about 45). They also played with the string of the dog lead before getting distracted with a brotherly play fight.
I've been stuck unable to craft or do much except rest after pulling my left shoulder somehow. Neck neuralgia is so stupid. Arm hurty so gonna make your eyes not work and woopsie doo brain feels too big for the back of your cranium in a way that's going to ramp up into pain so odd it'll feel like you don't have a body just a big ache that outlines the exact shape of your skull from the inside.
Felt sane enough to try a little konmari without throwing out baby and bath with the bathwater. I could tell the difference between aesthetic enjoyment and nostalgia, personal spark vs rarity/sunk cost but it passed within five minutes. I was looking at newer monster highs and some work in progress that can't currently be finished that I've displayed with mixed dolls and couldn't get the clarity and then doubts took over.
So next time: fully dressed dolls among their similar shaped/unfinished 'peers' and try again.
Still not doing the craft supplies, it's too fraught. It could really do with some reorganising but I could so very easily give away all the painstakingly collected stashes because of the uncertainty that comes with neck injury and the big worry that comes with the pain.
Like I'm currently struggling with taps (faucets?) and spreading butter so everything handicraft related feels slightly threatening. There's no pressure except a very limited amount of personal space and clutter blindness.
Paperwork and email inbox sorting is on hold because it got out of hand and is going to take some courage 😂😁
Getting registered to vote is proving difficult: they want paperwork to prove I lived in British addresses from before I was ten: they have my birth certificate and passport details but I wasn't exactly on the bills or receiving official mail as a kid. If they really cared, they could see my NHS records but I suspect they want 'expats' only not emigrants, the types with a second home, double citizenship or who left after retirement. It was open to any brits but they want proof of diplomas (16+), work payslips and bills. I had a bank account at 7 (granddad felt it was a very important rite of passage to have one even though I didn't get an allowance) but that doesn't count either. Frustrating.
I'm very fond of late winter, the skies are spectacular and you get to see the frost sparkle as the sun rises. I don't mind wearing double socks because there are no mosquitos. The slap in the face that is cold wind makes any heated building feel magically cozy and the birds make a racket up til 7 thirty. Even saw what looked like a bat this morning but I don't know what they eat in this weather or if they hibernate. Off to wikipedia.
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bukvarsbitch · 6 months
happy 25 songs of paul f. days!
day 4: "what kind of problems (does an irish cart tart have?)" from the final off book (#52)
i love this song so much; i also forgot how iconic melissabeth is after this one, so go give it a listen if you haven't. this song features an iconic thing in musical improv that makes me laugh every time: two people trying to sing the same thing at the same time without having a clear idea what the other one's doing, just a general one. also, the entire fucking witch sequence is so out of no where but i adore it. this is the last song from this episode, but if you haven't listened, i'd recommend it, especially if you've listened to the year before this ep (and even if you haven't!).
fav bits!
"tAHP of the morning to yA! it's me: caHRL tart!"
*cup rattle* "i'm sorry i fell down!"
"as long as we've known you, you've been an irish man. that's what this timeline has" "ahh tis true, tis true" *wheezing*
"i just like to go on scott's show and talk about the troubles"
the troubles irish cart has: sometimes, he doesn't want to get out of bed; sometimes, he gets an ache inside of his head; sometimes, he sees his shoe's untied; and sometimes, his dear old mother has died
"i'll tEHL you some mORE of my trAHBLES"
some more troubles irish carl tart has: sometimes, his dry cleaning is late; sometimes, he's broken his favorite plate; sometimes, he's fell into a ditch; and sometimes, he's been cursed by a witch
"tis a sad tale.. i wAS WALKING" and the entire witch scene
"i saw a witch and thought, all right"
jess' weird little into the woods-esque witch of irish carl tart <3
"you are cursed forevermore— that you can't go inside a sneaker store!"
"that's me sAD story"
"paul f. tompkins— notable zoo keeper"
"i don't know, there's no chorus, so it really doesn't feel like something you're interested in"
"what kind of troubles does a zookeeper paul f. tompkins have" at the same time as "does a zookeeper pft have" and how it takes zach and jess like three times to realize that one of them should wait
the troubles zoo keeper pft has: the monkeys often won't stay off the rails; it's often hard to get the penguins into the tophand tails; sometimes, he just feels like he needs a break; and, sometimes, he's gotta go and find a snake
"they're not a problem for everyone!" "no?" "i'm irish"
the troubles firefighter eliza has (except for fire): it can get pretty hot because of her, but not (not not) because of her fire; sometimes she just wants to shout "help me!"
"i feel like you're more self-sufficient than that eliza" "that's what people think, but it's not true!"
the troubles ghost podcast scott has: he has to dig up graves; his hands get really hurty; he's super super dirty; the bones smell bad; he's got a weird relationship with his ghost dad (not bill cosby! a different one!)
"but we have these guests in a line; and now i think we're out of time. forthisfirsthalf" *laughter*
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ivorydice · 1 year
for your WIP ask game, I am most intrigued by "arthur's got no sense what a prat" because that is a most excellent document title and also sums up arthur in a nutshell 🤣
I honestly cackle every time I see the wip title lmaooooo. Its tentative title is "What The Shadows Hide", but I'm still very unsure about that one.
This fic is my very first venture into writing for Merlin! Despite the fact that I've been in love with this show for more than 10 years lol! And I've always read hurt!Merlin fics for this fandom, but apparently my brain wanted hurt!Arthur for my first fic OH WELL XDD So it's over 30k of angsty hurty Arthur, and some slight hurt!Merlin because WHY NOT.
An assassin is loose in Camelot, and Arthur has been suddenly cursed into losing one of his senses every day. Naturally, he's super angsty about this because he hates being vulnerable and it gets worse with every sense he loses, with his father growing increasingly distant, with Gaius not able to find a solution or a way to help even though time is fast running out, but of course Merlin is on the case to find a way to stop the curse no matter how hopeless it seems.
Merlin is a bit of an awesome servant in this fic to be honest, he keeps trying to lift Arthur's spirits and not let him drown in his own head, and there are some nice friendship moments between them. Honestly it's been really fun exploring ways to write their friendship, even if it might be a little awkward because I'm not used to writing for them AT ALL lol. The weird thing is, I'm awkward writing everyone…except Uther and Gaius??? Their voices just come out so naturally?? Should I be writing about them instead lol???
The fic is in the final stages so it should be posted soon enough, even if I have been hesitant about sharing it lol. But I'm kinda proud of myself for finally writing a Merlin fic after all this time, posting it up on my AO3 page will be like sticking a picture I'm proud of up onto the fridge XDDD
And here is a snippetttttt from the intro scene:
The feast picked up in pace and noise again, music and chatter filling the room and echoing off of the stone walls. Servants bustled back and forth with their trays of food and drink, soldiers and knights laughed and slapped each other on the back, noble men and women preened and gossiped with each other. It was a banquet like any other, happy and free and celebratory, with laughter and cheer.
It felt in terribly bad taste.
Arthur wasn’t one to shoot down a successful mission. The encampment of sorcerers had been taken out, after all. Cleanly and swiftly and with no casualties on their side. It was everything Camelot could hope for.
But to celebrate killing other people seemed distasteful, whether they were practitioners of magic or not. He wasn't new to bloodshed by any means, sometimes killing was unavoidable; but to have music and laughter and entertainment afterwards sent something uncomfortable shivering down his spine.
Arthur picked up his goblet and held it out to the side, wiggling it pointedly.
Merlin, hovering close behind and to his right, responded immediately, a pitcher of wine in his hands and a raised eyebrow on his face. He looked an awful lot like Gaius when he did that. “Perhaps you should take it easy on the wine, my lord,” he murmured as he poured, voice barely audible under the music.
Arthur sent him a sardonic look. “And perhaps you should shut up.”
Merlin rolled his eyes and moved away, and Arthur drank from his goblet again, revelling in the way the wine warmed its way through his body and in his veins and up into his head until things became a little more fuzzy.
They had been sorcerers. So he shouldn’t feel so strange about it. Sorcerers were the enemy, they were dangerous, and they had to be stopped. A single magic user alone could cause untold damage; five of them banded together on the borders of Camelot had been far too great of a risk to simply let go.
Arthur eyed the crowded hall, the smiling faces and the easy going attitudes. His father beside him, laughing with Morgana.
He drank again.
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On A Scale Of One To Wine How Are You A Venti?
Diluc X Venti
CW: Mentions of alcohol. THIS IS AN UNFINISHED PIECE
A/N: Title make no sense but it’s funny to me so we keep it. Is this set in the same universe as my fic “Sea Foam and Lava Rock”? Nah not in the slightest. Is does still DiluVen? Yes! :D
Under the read more cause it’s a mess
One of the things Diluc plans for is theft. His family wine and fruit are famous for their quality, that many rival brands or even those desiring to make a quick buck would try to steal.
The problem was that his thief had good taste. Another was that they left all sorts of odd...treasures in place of the stolen goods. Pearls, gold, jewelry, and more that must've been found on the sea floor.
Of all the things Diluc expected to be pilfering through his merchandise, he didn’t expect it to be a mermaid of all things.
Rats? Sure.
A stowaway? Possibly.
A mermaid? Not a chance. 
Mermaids weren’t real and if they were they must have kept well hidden and steered clear of human activity, especially if those legends of humans hunting mermaids had any merit.
But here they were anyway, with a pale thin webbed hand holding a rather expensive bottle of grape wine and a half eaten apple in the other. The light of his lantern reveals their iridescent teal tail, half dipped into the sea below the dock.
Now he doesn’t know much about mermaids- again they weren’t real so why would he bother- but clearly- and he’s making a guess here- but he could definitely be wrong.
Mermaids live for thousands of years if he remembers right, so despite them looking so young they could be anywhere from twenty to a thousand years plus.
Their confidence though admirable is foolish. Diluc knows that even if he's not the sort to capture or harm a creature - again they didn't exist until just now- if those tales were true shouldn't they be more careful?
Diluc’s eyes scan the docks, quiet as usual this time of night, not a soul except for the occasional light from the look outs. His eyes look back down at the mermaid- merman? He doesn't know if human gender terms even apply at this point.
Their curious yet mesmerizing teal eyes glimmer in the lanterns light as they chew their stolen apple slowly.
He needs to deal with them, mermaid-merman-whatever, he might not be strapped for cash but profit loss is profit loss.
-------- End
Thanks for reading! Not sure if I’ll ever continue this piece but if I ever do here’s my notes below I guess???
OG Idea:
Little merman Venti gets caught in Diluc’s net after stealing one apple too many from his ship, Diluc let’s him go only to be stuck with a merman who keeps flirting with him poorly...but is it really poor flirting when it’s working even with the language barrier? (if this ain’t a cute comedy I will riot and fight you(me))
Of course this did not happen but this little thing inspired “Seafoam and Lava Rock” and honestly I just wanted to see some cute merVenti and Diluc that’s really why I wrote those.
vvvv what I wanted to write to continue the current fic but didn’t cause brain hurty for a whoooooooooooole year+ D:
< What Happens Summed Up: Venti confesses to not having enough to eat because the sailors have fished far too much/are too close for comfort and how he's been hungry for a while and saw that the humans eat these fruits and such and diluc is like ugh I guess I'll feed you now can you like transform or something or is that a- o holy shit you have legs and are very naked oh my god...then they stay together for a while as venti decides to be a singer for his ship since he does work part time as a bard for some ships but got thrown over for insulting the captain for being a buffoon and braggart with no actual claim that or just make it him irritating Zhongli cause that’s funnier and then it’s just cute fluff forever I just want them to be happy and hold hands very softly at the end with like a cute promise or something I’m not crying you(me) are every second you’re(me again) not writing this aaaaaaaaaaaa ;v; >
<A line that’s suppose to be in the story vvvv
Curse my bleeding heart-
"Alright you can stay”
And he begins to cheer [insert bard talking grumpy bird man here]
If I ever decide to finish this well...you’ll all know cause I will make a nice post :D
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bluealexa · 2 months
Been playing talos principle 2 lately, very near endgame I think.
First, a gameplay review - much easier than the first game in certain keys ways. The first one had a few puzzle elements that could kill you (reset the puzzle! Even if you were mostly done!) and some of them had anxiety inducing beeps when near you. So far I haven't found any such elements in the sequel. Lots and lots of puzzle elements and difficult puzzles, but I rarely die (usually a fall from a great height and it's fully on me... Except when the anti grav elements confuse the fuck out of me.) and only sometimes have to reset a puzzle because I soft locked myself out of a solution.
I never finished the first game because I could never cope well enough with certain puzzles to finish enough to unlock an ending. I love how much philosophy was tied up in the first games lore and I've heard about the different possible endings - but I have no emotional connection with those endings because even reading a guide I simply cannot get to any ending of that game.
Talos principle 2 though - I won't say I haven't read guides when stuck. Often enough it's that I misunderstood a puzzle element and even a small hint would get me on the right track (like when I was determined to solve one a particular way but I couldn't get the parts over where I wanted it - found a thread where someone did what I was trying to do and it didn't solve it anyway! So I backed down and looked for a new solution and found it 5 min later.)
But oh man the philosophy. There's so much lore, either in conversations with characters or to read off a screen or little voice note time capsules left for you. Bonus, if you have hurty hands, these are little breaks to sit the controller down and just listen.
The philosophy tied up in the lore is so amazingly captivating. I love it so much.
And so far still no puzzle elements I cannot tolerate. Not even on the optional puzzles that are just there to unlock other special things which I expect I'll get to after I get a clear of the main game.
I don't know yet if there are multiple different endings but I love that certain dialogue trees that ask me to state my opinion of the philosophical questions have sometimes 6 or more answers. I get to indicate my level of optimism about the problems, my level of determination to believe in the beauty of the universe, my tolerance of existential pessimism on the society level (hey it's fine if you're a pessimistic person but if society gets pessimistic then everyone loses the will to try to improve and that fucking sucks).
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grapecaseschoices · 9 months
questions here
I am brain-rotting dropout, so.
1- If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Hayden: I don't even know. But I think she would be a rather good game show host. Because she is a raccoon and a lizard. What is a filter? What is remorse? Hayden has a sort of ON energy -- it is hard to describe. It isn't quite peppy, it isn't quite gremlin [though it isn't not not quite gremlin]. It is like jittery but not in a nervy way. It is a 'Hayden doesnt know how to sit still in class, but I can't even get mad at it because Hayden's cheeky smile is so so adorable'. Hayden was going to be a lawyer and it is FITTING. DEFINITELY the kind of person TV lawyers think lawyers are.
Actually, I can see her in a Family Fued or Whose Line Is It Anyway sort of thing. But certainly more "unbothwred" than Steve is by the stuff people say. She is less likely to stare at the camera in with a 'Save Me Sweet Jesus' face and more likely to crack up / shrug it off.
Lloyd: I think Lloyd would be better for something quieter. The most intense he could probably be is an America Home Videos thing. Where the crowd is a stage away and the contestants are often responding via video chat. And even that might make him nervous. But it would be easier to pre-prepare and stick to a script there. And with a script he would he able to actually be more at ease, letting his impish charm show. But I think a trivia game show would be more him. Something like that new Kelly Ripa show with the kids and their grandparents.
2- Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
Hayden: The recorder all children in America were probably forced to play [i mean idk is it different for zoomers?]. I think Hayden was forced onto percussion instruments like the triangle and the tambourine -- and people got away with it because she dug it - because no one trusted Hayden with drums or the symbols.
I think she would because it is a thing to do. A bucket list kinda thing but she has no strong driving force, just I will do this by the time I'm 80.
Lloyd: He taught himself/is teaching himself the guitar. He wants to add the keyboard to that. Lloyd LOVES music and in another life that would be his major. He also I think wants to prove to himself that he can.
3- If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
Hayden: I actually had other names for Hayden but I don't remember what they are. I don't know that I would. Maybe something else that ends or starts with den? I liked Dennys as a nickname.
Lloyd: Vincent. I wanted a more oldy sounding name for him. Something a touch poetic but also serious. I went with Lloyd because of Loid Forger. Another tummy hurty blonde.
4- How does your oc fare in the dark? Are they scared? Do they trip over things really easily or navigate like they have night vision? (Or do they have night vision?)
Hayden: Can't see shit even in the light jshsheh. She's a four eye [its cool I can say that, I used to be a four eye]. She doesn't trip REALLY easily because she has good balance/can catch herself and because she walks with her hand extended. I don't think Hayden has been scared of the dark, except for one time and that was probably because someone jumped out at her as a kid. Lmao
Lloyd: actually has good spatial Awareness, so while he doesn't have night vision, he can remember placement and can make a pretty good guess of what things are with minimal lighting. Lloyd is no longer scared of the dark but it does make him uncomfortable. He is the type to triple lock his door and leave at least one light on in the house.
5- How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
Hayden: Unless it was as a gym teacher, I don't think very well. I feel would learn but it would be hard to measure what they learn. And I think she would probably make some kids cry, not intentionally but idk that she would change her vibe [she would make some parents cry too -- probably on purpos]. Gym would probably be the best. Not that she wasn't good at more booked based stuff but she loved Gym. Least: Chemistry.
Lloyd: Once he got of his head and stopped being so stiff/letting the kids harass him, he would be a great teacher. He is very sensitive and can be very passionate about his interests. He has that bubbling excitement that lights up his face that makes you hang onto his words / want to follow his words. Best: Music or English Worst: Math.
6 - What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Hayden: We are still learning but I imagine belligerent. She was definitely always hitting her head against the walls they put up "for her benefit". I think there is love there because I think there is understanding that they want the best for each other [Hayden to make them proud, and them for her to have a good futur] but there is frustration through speaking different languages. I think Maude
Lloyd: Has a more submissive, almost fearful relationship with his parents. It wasn't what either of them wanted but that is how it turned iyr to be. But we will see once I play him. Lloyd loves Maude but I kind of see him looking at some of the other characters in a big sibling way -- even if they weren't much older [maybe Statler and Wanda??]
7 - Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
Hayden: She has a latex allergy -- but like from stuff used to make latex. So she won't blow up if she eats a kiwi but she will get a rash when ij contact with latex gloves/balloons.
Lloyd: Pollen drives him wild and he has to wear a mask during spring / when in woods and stuff. And after it rains sbbshdgd
8 - Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
Hayden: Surprisingly, Hayden likes quiet time but she doesn't have a strong preference. She isn't a crowd monger but she does well with it. She can handle rather large crowds before starting getting antsy [like in the 100s]
Lloyd: Likes people he knows. A group of familiar people is fine-- to a point. He actually doesn't like being completely alone but he will take that before an unfamiliar group. He can take at least two handfuls of people he is familiar with or loves around him at a time. If it is strangers... 3?? Lol. [He definitely went to class with bis hoodie up]
9- How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why?
Hayden: Doesn't have difficulty talking to new people... per se, but new people can have difficulty with Hayden. Hayden doesn't really curb herself for others. So. That can rub people wrong but she's great fun and people dig the sarcasm so sue has a lot of casual friends.
Lloyd: Can in a quiet, constantly seeing each other setting. Forced proximity. But generally know because he doesn't like unfamiliar environments and sometimes feels like he is being judged. He also isn't shy per se as much as has... nerves speaking outloud.
10 - How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
Hayden: I want to say yes but I also want to say no. So I will come back to this. There IS the bucket list and she does thing with gutso ... but I wonder...I'll ponder aidhshdh
Lloyd: Surprisingly yes. It is easier with things than with people. He likes to learn. But slow and steady.
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potatochip-oc-dump · 1 year
ok list of concepts I have thought of but can't draw atm because Hand Hurty
• I've been toying with the idea of princess maybe being linked to Moonlight somehow by her mother? like her mom and moonlight interacted for something? but I realized I think Gary would fit that sort of role better bc they look more like their mother and also it gives them something to do !! I love them but they are very underdeveloped I thinks...
• this leads to an exchange between Gary and Chip that goes a little something like:
Gary: do you have prophetic dreams too :D???
Chip: i mean i guess you could call it that
• here's the big thing I've been thinking about for a while. I think... Gary visits the Castelle Castle to. kill their parents, because they still assume them to both be there and because he was traumatized by them & thinks they are horrible people. cause they kind of are. but instead finds Princess (and Chip and Gidget)
• And. so princess and Gary reunion. Gary would never kill Princess bc they used to be very close!! but Princess is sort of like.. convinced that she needs to be like her parents and that she needs to revive the kingdom and such. she's like "if I don't I will disappoint my whole entire family *FORCED SMILE*" because she is Also Traumatized. and Gary is very very very against this.
• .......... eventually this conflict escalated when Princess finds out why Gary arrived in the first place and so a sibling quarrel takes place except Gary Has A Fucking Sword and Princess is out for blood (not really but she's now kinda fearing for her life here. do not get it twisted though Gary had no intention of hurting her at all)
• So now they are both scratched up and both ? I guess? coming to some sort of understanding? or they are on that path. not quite there yet. That's why I draw Princess with scars sometimes, that's where she got the notch out of her ear from.
• Eventually Eventually they both reconcile and start to heal and just. they are good and I love them very much. I love the Castelle Siblings !!!!!!
• princess has a bee theme going on. and I've been pondering the idea of how she managed to survive in thw tower for so long. so maybe........ she lived next to a bee hive or something..... which would maybe make her sick of both bees and honey by the time she is rescued. Gary fuckin loves bees though
• speaking of, princess regularly feels awkward around other people and likes to isolate herself in the tower. like she will go back in there because it's what she's used to. :(
• Monty and Wallace beat the shit out of both Midnight and Moonlight. if you even care
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
thinking out loud about art process/medium
pros of tablet (screenless):
-no art supply costs after initial cost (in my case it was like 80 bucks cause i use an old bamboo pen&touch)
-hand doesn't get in the way of seeing
-1 physical tool for everything (pen)
-can resize, undo, erase ink, and very importantly use bucket tool
-coloring is easier (see bucket tool)
-hotkeys (ctrl-z....)
-no need for scanner, digital only takes up less physical space
-pattern brushes! 3d models! assets!
- rulers, grids, snapping etc. shift for straight line, line tools
-change colors easily
-choose canvas size arbitrarily and at any resolution i want, plus cropping and cutting, copying, pasting etc.
-screen doesn't need a light on to see (at least not these days lol)
-text tool
-some tablets come with free software bundles (mine came with photoshop and corel, though not the new ones lol)
-if tablet is durable, may be cheaper in the long run (my first lasted about 5 years? i think? only busted because cable got damaged; current one is still fine)
-weird filters and effects, blur, etc.
-bitches love layers (i'm bitches)
-i can resize shit when i inevitably fuck up proportions
-upfront cost is expensive if it breaks (tho there are more cheap options on the market now)
-less intuitive for my brain-to-hand connection and coordination personally... harder for me to recreate lines digitally --always impressed by people who can follow their sketch precisely cause it's literally impossible for me 😂 i've gotten better at the intuitive stuff since i first started 10 yrs ago but it's still always a liiiittle awkward haha... but tbh this is still true for traditional to a lesser extent
-i get tangled in my cables a lot 😂
-digital storage on pc only, have to have printer for physical copies and colors can come out weird since i draw in rgb lol, risk of deletion or file loss or corruption
-using refs can get cluttered on only one monitor
-handwriting becomes even more illegible and calligraphy pens are kinda meh (at least defaults are)
-hand hurty because cramped space
-future...? longevity not any clearer than physical media tbh. might last forever or might be gone in an instant, even before considering future of technology... shrug! lol
-screen colors and brightness?! girl help my art looks different on every device i own 😂
-if you forget to save it's gone (luckily i save compulsively)
-csp text tool kind of mediocre tbh
-companies want you to buy new programs, stop supporting old ones, charge subscriptions, etc etc etc....
pros of traditional art:
-tactility and naturalness of hand on paper makes lineart and stuff a little easier--i'm still not very coordinated though so i still have issues with this regardless of medium...
-can look at reference on screen separate instead of swapping between tabs or cramming on one screen or canvas (physical references like books or objects make this moot for either medium tbf)
-medium experimentation easier than digital in that it lets you feel the different textures and behaviors in a way that's less functional digitally (tho there are some great brush sets) and more tactile or even potential 3-dimensional (ie thick layers of oil paint or mixed media painting with sculptural techniques)
- handwriting is (marginally) more legible...
-physical object, already exists, cannot be deleted (but ...)
-color not completely dependent on screen (but can still be affected by lighting or fading, in fairness)
-i like doodling with ballpoint pens (i do all my thumbnails with bic pens and yellow legal pads or sketchbooks lol)
-if you don't save, nothing happens because it's just an object you made irl lol there's nothing to save; it exists (see physical object)
-no cables
-no download or program (or subscription) required (not that i use Photoshop except the free copy that came with my tablet but it's relevant as a digital artist)
-buy new art supplies constantly cause stuff runs out; markers are expensive (though ink refills in long run less expensive than buying new markers, still needs frequent replacement for certain colors such as skin tones, still adddds up)
-have to buy or otherwise acquire everything separately, can't experiment in different mediums without buying more stuff... different paper.... different pen types... ink types.... etc. and then if you don't like it or use it, it's like.... ok i'm out $20 (or more)
-hand is always in the way! ahh!
-no undo or any of that and no saving copies unless manually tracing or you scan it first
-if you are bad at letter placement you can't move or resize 😂 i def have trouble with this sometimes lol
-i don't like coloring in traditional mediums and filling large inks is time consuming and generally unpleasant... alcohol markers are better but i am just not a colorist at the end of the day... obviously other people like it more (i enjoy abstract watercolor though)
-can't change colors after the fact... (probably good to swatch huh)
-erase erase erase ugh i hate erasing...
-can't hide layers or group together cause it's all one layer (at least, in practice. i'm sure it's technically scientifically in layers of ink, paint etc.)
-white gel pens never work 😂 and i can't do large areas of white on top unless I'm using opaque paint (not always feasible) (maybe i should have become a painter, huh)
-shitty or cheap materials feel tangibly worse to use; also my inking pen of choice is microns and similar felt tip technical pens, and they can feel unpleasant on a lot of paper types, plus fast lines are harder to do without skipping and scratching, and larger nibs often aren't very good tbh (maybe my pens are just cheap?)
-have to manually measure out frames, panels, borders, use physical ruler for straight lines, often with pen bleed if you do it wrong....
-doesn't have any of those easy assets, models, pattern brushes etc. (well, partially; they do make stuff like screentone, manga background assets, and you can do collage in theory or trace stuff if you have a lightbox)
-messy or smelly depending on what you use (paint pens, alcohol markers etc), sometimes requires extra ventilation or working outside for safety (tho really at that point you probably wouldn't be using a technique that works digitally anyway so i guess it's an inevitability lol)
-some materials take longer to dry than others, need protective coating or are not archival/will fade
-physical object, requires scanning and editing (esp to make copies), takes up space, can be destroyed or lost (not so different from digital in that regard) also takes up more physical space to store lots of drawing or paintings, art supplies, etc.
-requires working space especially if you work larger or are using lots of colors etc.
-needs light (... usually. i did make a painting in the dark once but that's usually not practical lol)
-cannot type on drawing (well. you CAN but it's less straightforward than clicking a text tool)
-hand still hurty
-no resizing! have to live with fucked up proportions 💀 (i'm working on it)
no point to this just thinking about things i like and dislike about both ways of creating
when it comes to writing i will take typing over handwriting any day though
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calpalsworld · 2 years
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Fart, N00bly, and Snake absolutely turned out less ironic than the Milky_Dad and Gaylord_Steambath ones, but I still think they're pretty biblically accurate.
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toomuchdickfort · 3 years
#insert rant about cycles here and whatnot but I’m really jumping back to thoughts and crisises I had like 3 years ago huh#or like 2.75 or smth idk math#but like. i know for a fact that ‘I just don’t think I deserve to hurt quite this bad’ is an exact thought I had between deciding I was gonn#*gonna move out and when I had my bf at the time just drive me to mom’s house instead of taking me back to dad’s and then I didn’t talk to#anyone from that house for several days#which. doesn’t entirely count as moving out Bc that happened a couple days after my bday technically but#not the point of this.#I’m also doing a lot of pushing my problems onto arson but w slightly different flavoring which.#could take the exact same Thought anf hand it to them and it’d be a p similar context to this rn. mostly physical pain#a healthy side of general distress and exhaustion that leaves you laying on the floor for hours listening to only the air conditioning unit#outside the window because everything is a Lot#anyway at least like. as a vent character? they can get mad and not feel bad about it#don't mind me#apologies for the fact that this probably doesn’t make the most sense. it feels a little coherent maybe but not that much#but in my defense it is just a ramble post and I feel kinda fried#brain fried body achy energy at like 2%#hey fun fact last night I couldn’t sleep except on my side but I didn’t have my normal pillow setup so my shoulders were Furious with me and#have stayed hurty all day and also dads house has stairs and my brothers kept bringing me up and down the stairs so also my calves hurt and#also also it’s pain week so my torso hurts and also the rest of my back and I’ve got a scrape on my knuckle that I keep knocking on shit bc#I’m dumb and also it’s at the outside side of my main hand and#I would like to not be hurty please. and also I would like to not feel like a paper towel that fell into the mystery juice that sits at the#bottom of a trash can at work when like 4 people just dropped their drinks in there and there was a hole in the bag#anyway. at least I’ve got my overly specific examples of shit.
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