#Easily the best one so far
skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
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2024 Chinese Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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tea-time-terrier · 2 months
I need to know does the fish ever get identified as a different breed or mix and what's the weirdest or funniest one you've gotten
Oh man all the time! Even if people know what a rat terrier is, they have a little piebald miniature in mind and pigroast is...neither of those.
She is most commonly mis-identified as a miniature pinscher (I get it), a basenji (until they see the nub), and a doberman puppy (???).
My favourite was kelpie mix though <3
Funniest dog pike has mis-identified? A German pinscher. She was 100% convinced it was a rat terrier.
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Homumiko (HUGE spoilers for DGS after the bingo sheet):
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I have been waiting to get into this ship properly, because I have THOUGHTS and I need to be forced to get them out coherently.
Let's get into the basic ship itself. Honestly? No comment. I think hmmk cheats a bit by relying on the literal decades people have spent shipping Holmes and Watson together, and I doubt that they would be half as popular without this history; but, as someone who has never had strong feelings about HolmesWatson either way, I don't have that bias! Even if we're just going off of DGS and looking at how they complement and trust each other, and are obviously more comfortable around one another than most other people, I don't really have a strong opinion on them. I do think they're close, but whether that bond is platonic, romantic, sexual or some mix of the two is just not something I particularly care about. You know who I do care about, though?
Let's get this out of the way first. Based on my very modern sensibilities, I take a rather harsh stance on Mikotoba's parenting.
Do I think he loves his daughter? Sure. But which parts of his daughter? Because it's very easy to love a child who is always obedient, elegant and the literal embodiment of idealised Japanese womanhood without knowing or truly even looking at her. I think Susato made it easy for him to love her, because she believed she had to earn it. Her father left when she was born, consumed by grief over her mother's death -- her mother, whom she killed. I know the game tries to justify this by saying it was Jigoku who dragged him away (and I do think him leaving was good for him, because I doubt he would have been a good father even if he'd stayed due to his grief), but the point is that he still left. For six years. And when he returned, he didn't even return because of her (whether she knew that from the moment she met him or not is debatable, but I think, at least on a subconscious level, she knew. And, of course, it's also debatable whether he could have returned sooner because of his commitment as a transfer student, but the Mikotobas are a powerful family, and, if Soseki could return before his period of learning was fully up, I think he would have been able to pull strings to return home if he wanted to).
This falls under speculation, so I understand not agreeing with it, but I don't think Mikotoba ever properly spoke to Susato when she was a child, especially not about what he did in England. I believe that a part of the reason why Susato started reading the Sherlock Holmes stories to begin with was because they featured a doctor in London, like her father had been, and she wanted to feel closer to him through those stories. And it probably worked! Her father probably did start engaging with her more after after she picked them up, because it was an easy way to connect with her. That's why I believe she was so insistent on the existence of John H. Watson, as a doctor, when she met Iris and learnt the truth.
There's this distance between Susato and her father which glimpse in moments in the game, like how he remarks on her lack of composure in court (suggesting that he isn't used to seeing her yamato nadeshiko mask slip), how he less requests her trust and more orders or expects it forthright, and how he seems reluctant to face the parts of her that inconvenience him (like how he asks her to play the koto when he isn't home and how, when faced by her real anger, he looks to Holmes to explain the situation rather than actually attempt to himself).
HOWEVER, in the setting of the game (Meiji-era Japan), I will concede that Mikotoba is a fantastic father. He may not have been very present in her life growing up, but men largely weren't expected to be. Their jobs were to provide for their children, not nurture them. And Mikotoba went well beyond his duty in that regard. Add to that the fact that he had her properly educated, ensured she knew how to defend herself, and allowed her to pursue her studies overseas at a level that was on par with any man, and you can see that he's really quite a great father; which is why I don't think he sees his absence as a flaw or even notices he was absent. Susato, though, does.
Now, Susato is obviously a product of her time, too, so I believe she'd be insulted if anyone was to suggest that her father or childhood was lacking in some way. That being said, I do believe she is aware of the distance between them in a way he is not. I think her affection for him is founded on a sense of duty and filial piety rather than pure love (although, obviously, she does love him), and, as she grew older, she stopped vying for his affection; hence why she's obsessed with the Great Detective more so than anyone else when we meet her. I also think that this distance contributed to her becoming so attached to Kazuma, in spite of the fact that he kept her at arm's length, too; he may not have allowed her very close, but he was always there, and he saw her for who she truly was. When she leaves at the end of the first game, Susato is not so much anxious that her father is ill as she is shaken -- she seems more upset that she's leaving her Baker Street family rather than that her actual father might be dying, and I think that's because she knows how to live without him. This distance between them, I believe, becomes all the more apparent to her when she goes to London and sees the deep bond held between Iris and Holmes.
And, speaking of, you know who else I think is aware of the distance between them and the part he played in creating that distance? The Great Detective himself, Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
See, I think Holmes has always known about Susato. I'm quite sure that, from the moment they met, he knew that Mikotoba was running away from something and that he had left an infant daughter back home. He just didn't care.
We don't know what Holmes was like when he was younger, but I believe he was a lot closer to how he appears in a lot of modern adaptations and how Watson describes him in some of the Sherlock Holmes stories: the 'cold, calculating computer' character. I don't think it's a stretch to think that Holmes viewed marriage and children as mere distractions and interferences to the mind; and Mikotoba was, presumably, his first real friend. He wasn't going to let something pesky like a baby back home detract from his friend's obviously sterling character and brain! After all, it's a lot easier to ignore this nebulous, abstract entity when you simply consider its existence, and thus its abandonment, unimportant. It's a lot easier when you don't know what it's like to be a father yourself. It's a lot easier when you don't know her.
Here's the thing: I believe Holmes's image of and relation to Mikotoba began changing from the time he started raising Iris. Suddenly, that inconsequential baby seemed to bear quite a bit of consequence, actually. But it was still all right to keep dismissing her, because maybe Mikotoba's baby wasn't special the way Iris was. Maybe she was a brat or an idiot, and really not worth much time at all! Maybe she could've lived without him and been perfectly fine, regardless...? As time went on, I believe the excuses he made for Mikotoba's decision all those years ago became increasingly flimsy, but he was still able to hold onto them because The Daughter was still an indistinct figure in his mind. She wasn't quite real.
That is, until he met her.
In the game, Holmes tends to keep a certain width between himself and Susato. He very rarely initiates conversation with her the way he does Ryuunosuke, and from a Doylist (ha) perspective, this is obviously because Ryuunosuke is... the main character. Looking at it from a narrative perspective, though, I think he was afraid of hurting more than he already has and must.
Holmes is a very resolute man. He sticks by his decisions regardless of what anyone else thinks, so I don't think he ever regretted what he did. However, I do think he felt guilty. Certainly, he didn't quite take her father away from her, but he did play a role in keeping him from her for so long. I think there was a part of him that consciously guided Mikotoba away from thinking about Japan while they lived together, because, well... he didn't want him to leave.
There's an interesting layer to the separation that Holmes creates with Susato, because, beyond the distance he maintains between her and himself, he also keeps her identity separate from her father's. Contrary to how he refers to Ryuunosuke by his last name, Holmes only ever calls Susato "Miss Susato" or "my dear (madame)", and never "Miss Mikotoba". I view this is his way of, perhaps subconsciously, dividing from that little girl he once decided did not matter. And it's interesting because, to an extent, he tries to do with her and Kazuma, too.
In the SS Burya case, despite meeting Susato first and seeing how affected she is by Kazuma's "death", Holmes largely ignores her in favour of focusing on Ryuunosuke and his bond with Kazuma. He calls Kazuma Ryuunosuke's "dear companion" and pretty much only interacts with Susato when he has little other choice... until he sees her cry.
See, I believe that when Holmes found out Susato was going to England and was about to be wrapped up in the whole messy affair, he was fully committed to Not Giving a Damn about Her. Sure, he would let her and Kazuma live with him, but by no means was he going to allow himself to grow attached to her because, again, he values his relationship and history with Mikotoba too much for it to get complicated in this way. Susato's relative composure throughout the case helps him hold on to this resolution; however, when he catches that final conversation between her and Ryuunosuke in the cabin, he is finally forced to see and acknowledge the amount of pain she is truly in. It forces him to at last face the fact that he can't avoid or fake aloofness around her any longer, because she is not some nebulous, distant entity he can continue to ignore. She is an actual girl with a fiercely strong spirit, a brilliant mind and real, human emotions. A girl whom he's hurt twice-over now and must continue hurting until all his lies finally come to light.
When he makes that decision to enter the cabin and console her the only way he knows how, he throws away any hope he had of feeling anything but apathy towards her. In truth, he probably didn't have much hope of that to begin with, because at his core, Sherlock Holmes is a good man, and he cares.
He cares for her, too, even though he may have no right to. How could he not, when she loves him so openly, trusts him so readily, saves his life? How could he not, when she comes to him in the middle of the night with a secret she can't tell anyone else because his judgement is the only one she wholly trusts and believes in? How could he not, when she refuses to accept he lied despite the living, breathing evidence he did until he admits it himself? How could he not, when after everything he has done, she still looks at him the way she always has and says that she's proud that her father is the assistant of "the Great Detective"?
How could anyone not? How could Mikotoba not... love her the second he laid eyes on her?
And of course this doesn't shatter his love for Mikotoba -- he has no right to these feelings in the first place: no matter how indignant or guilty he may feel, it doesn't change the fact that he has been lying to and manipulating her the entire time they've known one another. He can't even bring himself to tell her that he's been lying; he has to go through Ryuunosuke instead, because, even after all this time, he still can't face the woman whom he's done nothing but cause pain for from the moment she was born. When he can't even give her that ounce of respect, who is he to judge Mikotoba?
So he doesn't. Till the end of the game, he keeps Susato at a distance and pretends that everything between him and Mikotoba is as it was from the start. But, inside, I think he knows it isn't. Because I think Holmes can see that Mikotoba doesn't feel half as guilty about what they've done as he does, and that he doesn't view the fact that he left Susato 16 years ago as a real problem. And while he doesn't judge Mikotoba for that, I don't think he can look past it anymore. That final investigation and dance of deduction, to me, is less an assurance that they are still the same partners they were before, and more a final farewell to their old, uncomplicated bond -- the one that did exist before they grew to love other people and understand what love truly meant to both of them.
Going back to the ship itself, I think shipping them pre-DGS works perfectly well. They both had a huge impact on each other's life and changed one another for the better; Holmes by drawing Mikotoba out from his grief, and Mikotoba by pulling Holmes from his life of solitude and loneliness. They needed each other, but it is also because of these reasons that I think there was an issue of codependency between them, hence the semi-horrible for each other box I gave them. With Mikotoba, it's clear cut. Holmes helped him run away from his very real issues at home and allowed him to live like he was a bachelor with zero familial obligations again. With Holmes, it gets a bit more foggy, but I believe that Mikotoba basically allowed him to live believing he was the only person Holmes would ever truly connect with and properly befriend. Holmes is obviously his own person and whatnot, but I do think there was a bit of unhealthy attachment there on his end if not both.
During DGS and post-DGS is where their ship gets more complicated for me, because, while Susato is still very much there at the beginning of their relationship, her role in their lives and what they did to her becomes impossible to ignore once she and Holmes actually meet. I don't believe that they can just pick up from where they left off because there is now (imo) a fundamental disagreement in how they view their actions and how it affected her. So, even if they do go back to being lovers or whatever afterwards, I feel that there should be this chasm or weight between them that they simply don't talk about or acknowledge in any way. Because I don't think they'd discuss it. Holmes because it isn't his place, Mikotoba because he sees it as a non-issue (maybe he doesnt even notice this distance), and both because sweeping unpleasantness under the rug is so ingrained into their cultures.
My main issue with the way this ship is often portrayed post-DGS (why they got a 50-50 on the I would erase them from existence box) is that it ignores what happened with Susato. The few times I've seen the concern that she might have an issue with their relationship even brought up in hmmk works is always because they're gay. Which, like!! Fair!!! It's the 1800s, I get it, but!!!! You're ignoring the actual, very big issue for why she might be hurt and that's because DGS ends with her finding out that three of the men she's closest to have been lying and using her for their own means her entire life!!!!!!!! And she just has to take it!!!!!!!
Which brings me to the second most popular interpretation of this ship which doesn't just put Iris and Susato in a box somewhere unseen, and that's the one where all four of them are a peaceful happy family with 0 issues! And this one bothers me because it seems like it's taking what Susato said at the end of the reveal as what she 100% sincerely meant down to her core, rather than something she had to say because (1) it is her duty to honour her father no matter what, and (2) because Iris was there. When she learns the entire truth, I don't think Susato knows what she truly thinks or feels about any of it; but she sees Iris, and she sees this little girl who was abandoned through her circumstances as a baby, named after her mother, and forced to grow up much sooner than she should have been, and she sees a girl who is more her sister than anyone else. So she does what she always has and tucks away her own emotions so she might tend to someone else's. She has been the perfect daughter her whole life; she can be the perfect sister.
Even if you don't subscribe to the, admittedly, harsh view of Mikotoba's parenting that I do, I don't see how you can get away from the fact that they still lied to her for a significant portion of time. Especially from Holmes, whom she trusted and believed in more than anyone else! In the face of his shoddy deductions, she still held onto her unwavering belief that he was a genius and a good man, and then it comes out that he's just been lying to her from the first day he met her. I just can't extract the ship from their treatment of Susato, so when I say that I would erase the ship from existence, it's mainly about these two bits. As with Asoryuu, the primary reason why I don't ship them personally is because I can't do that to her.
And, obviously, it's just shipping and fun and games, and everyone should feel free to ship whoever in whatever way they want bUT IN A SPECIAL WORLD MADE PERFECTLY FOR ME. iris would be perfectly oblivious, and susato would have tossed both holmes and mikotoba into the thames and left them to figure it out. In a world that must still vaguely make sense with the canon of the game, though, then Holmes would have given Mikotoba the boot and taken the kids; because he may be a coward, but at least I can see that he knows he fucked up, and he allows Susato to set the terms of their relationship, just like he does Iris.
Anyway, I'm so sorry for how long, convoluted and only tangentially-related to the ask this is, but thank you so much for it, Grace!!!! I don't think I quite got down what I meant precisely, but it's the closest to coherency I've ever gotten so. Thank you 💖💕💗💓💕💘💕
#this one's getting TAGGED bc i spent TIME on it & bc ive been trying to articulate my thoughts on holmes & susato for ages#homumiko#susato mikotoba#dgs sherlock holmes#yujin mikotoba#dai gyakuten saiban#the great ace attorney#dgs#tgaa#honestly i feel like i still didnt quite say what i wanted to but this is the best ive got so far. i like the way their relationships are#handled and depicted in canon but the fanon ones just never sat right with me#i feel like i came across as very harsh to yuujin here wjsjdgak i think he's a good man and he did his best!! grief gets the best of us#sometimes. but i cant get over how he seems to show 0 compunction for leaving susato behind as a baby and openly saying without a hint of#'oh i was also ready to be with my daughter finally' that he was FORCED out of london. like???? ALSO the way he says he wants ryuu to go#back with him & leaves susato out to dry??? i know he says it's respecting her freedom and whatnot but doesnt that seem a LITTLE neglectful#in a way? like it can very easily be read as 'oh i dont need you with me' or 'i cant be bothered to worry about you right now' especially#when he's already abandoned her once like. !!!!! and even if you dont view it that way doesnt it seem a bit dismissive of her role in those#cases? susato was crucial to all the cases ryuunosuke won (and he would attest to that) but yuujin makes it seem like it was all ryuu and#just disregards how important susato was there and i. i dont like that.#some might say that i am unfairly biased towards holmes and that's fair. i kind of am wjsdh but the reason why i dont bash on his parenting#as much is because he never pushes iris to love or respect him as her father. he very much leaves that up to her so when iris asserts at#the end that holmes IS her father you know that there is a real sense of love between them. that's why that scene is so important and#that's what validates their father-daughter relationship#ofc u could still argue im biased bc he did leave a 10 y/o to go on a cruise for who knows how long so. yea. valid WKASGAKSH#anyway. thank you SO much and im so sorry i completely went off the rails there. i hope anyone who read everything got... something from it#💕💘💓💖💖💘💖💕❤️💝💞💗💘💞💞💕💓💞💕💖💖💖💖💖💕#sorrry again grace 😔 i hope i came a little close to giving you what you wanted#mikotoba susato#mikotoba yuujin#dgs spoilers
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Jeromewald Text Meme 6/?
Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
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omgafhsfanin2024 · 5 months
Oh god is my fnafhs phase coming back. I have an AU Idea and it's very magical girl-y help (a Lil summary in the tags)
#basically y'know lily abby maggie toddy and mai? all the best girls? (ok except Abby maybe but I'll save her dw)#ok now imagine them as teen magical girls#a normal 2000's/2010's bff group who also kick ass in pretty dresses#now imagine mai and puppet being magical beings from another planet#kinda like the winx club characters that look completely human but they're fairies n stuff? there's a reason why the twins can look like-#Normal humans tho: their true form is a being like Maipett. they're two maipetts#BUT they can shapeshift to look just like any living beings they see#so they can very easily blend in with humans#now what are these beings? basically they're magical dudes that control the “Shadows”. evil spirits that can destroy life in pretty much-#any abitated planet in irreversible ways#one day some shadows breached from the maipetts control and directed themselves to earth as it was the closest living planet#so mai and Charlie as the strongest most able shadowseekers (group of specialized Maipetts with the mission to bring back Shadows to-#security in case of breaching) got a mission to go to earth find the shadows and bring them back. even destroy them if necessary#now what's the group mentioned earlier have to do with all this?#after saving lily from a shadow attack her and mai become “friends” (keep in mind Mai doesn't really know what friends even are)#but with time they do become very close#and since the shadows are never way too far from each other meaning that other shadows might be hiding in the same town Mai wanted to keep-#Lily safe. so she gave her a tiny rock that contains Maipett powers (Mai likes to keep them on her belt for decoration) and showed her-#basic attacks to at least keep Lily safe in case she gets attacked by a shadow and Mai happens to not be there#after a while tho Abby (Lily's roommate and childhood friend) finds out about her friends' powers and she thinks it's soo cool and things#but Lily and Mai especially aren't so cool about it cus pretty much all the situation is supposed to be a secret#so they and abby make a promise: Abby gets a magical gem and of course some lessons how to use it's powers and she keeps the secret#Abby agrees and she joins the group (that remains unnamed until the others join)#Toddy and Maggi were found by Charlie in the meantime. Charlie saved them both from a shadow attack and so Mai decided to give them-#magical rocks aswell with the deal that Charlie was the one to teach them about their powers this time#Toddy decides to name the group “The Shadowseekers” to reference mai and Charlie's literal job#and yeah they go on adventures around the city™ and sorroundings beating shadow's ass and learning to use their powers and work together#while also keeping the secret#idk it came up to me like some minutes ago#fnafhs
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sariphantom · 1 year
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A little fanart of possibly one of the best TMNT fanfics on AO3 called “Unfamiliar Familiar” by Torable: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41520255/chapters/104131731
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
saw jhonny2cello’s princess kenny video and O|-< oh my god there’s so many layers to kenny it all makes so much sense and the parallels cartman and kenny have in indulging seemingly opposite personas to cope meanwhile stan and kyle tend to simply cave in on themselves and—
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annalyticall · 8 months
As far as companions go Lae'zel is the real sleeper hit in this game
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aria0fgold · 16 days
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There's this new trend happening in the former bird app where people show how long it'd take for a character to apologize by drawing the head and a line connecting to an apology at the end. And honestly, I'm not good at keeping up with trends but this one is fairly easy to do so!
Good timing too cuz I've been thinking bout the scenario of Alec and Ray arguing so I took this chance to do my own spin on the trend!
Also this is what Ray said for easy reading (and for better viewing cuz it's pretty hard to do bold and italic on a single word in ibis):
"Can't you be a little selfish for once?! Can't you at least just THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT CARES ABOUT YOU?! Think about your parents! Think about your siblings! THINK ABOUT ME! IT! HURTS! Every single time you go to who knows where, it hurts! My chest tightens so much and my mind is filled with so much worry at whatever the FUCK you're doing and I don't! I don't even know where you are, WHAT YOU'RE DOING!
And the thought of opening that damn door to someone telling me you're in critical condition or worst yet-- dead-- HURTS! SO MUCH!"
#ariart#ariaoc#ariaoc: Alec#ariaoc: Ray#my fave take on this trend so far is that one mhyk artist cuz its sooo funny to me how when it came to snow and white#the line just made a heart then went off screen and the word at the end is just the twins doing their ''hohoho'' laugh with a ''<3'' heart#its soooo funny. that one made me laugh so much. and the way their take on figaro. murr. and rustica is funny too#figaros line just had this circular blurr at the middle with his spell my guy would just rather get rid of the memory on you#than apologize its the funniest thing to me somehow. ofc the best one is owens (my caiowe heart...) cuz my guy was Not#going to apologize at all he was doing what Owen does best and then theres just that one bit of him going ''kishisama?''#and suddenly he does a very tiny apology. like fellow caiowe enjoyer right there! owen apologizing only cuz cain is nearby!#i wanna see more mhyk artists do this trend with their own takes on the characters. its a pretty fun trend tbf! and easy too!#aaaaannd i ended up talking bout mhyk in the tags of a post for my ocs ohmygod... im sorry its the mhyk brain in me...#ANYWAY! back to the ocs! so like yea-- alec and ray argument with ray dominating most of it by the end cuz well-- hes sorta right#alec at this time was just a feeew years after The Incident. and hes now doing Stuff (pretty dangerous stuff)#and ray is both affected by the Connection and the memory of alecs rescue from The Incident still being rather fresh in a way#and it just worries him so badly that at some point just reached his limit and confronted alec and this happened#in a normal setting tho ray apologizes as fairly easily. love the contrast between the cute chibis and just ray going through it
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ilovejojo · 2 years
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one-half-guy · 5 months
The only defect of the Titanium Ranger is how underused he is, Ryan surely deserved more.
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hauntedwoman · 1 year
the fact that ive been titanicposting since like march and ive only gotten one psycho hate mail ask berating me for liking cal like fuck i've just turned him into some guy you all have to hear abt everyday huh
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moodlemcdoodle · 1 year
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Fake movie poster design I did for this guy as part of my coursework!
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nonkul · 8 months
finally caught up with one night stand and its soosososo good but im trying to wrap my head around the fact (?) that this show has 13 eps because we're only at the halfway point and 80% of the mystery has already been revealed.... i don't see how this show can progress in the next 6 eps but let's see what they do maybe someone else will die
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ljf613 · 1 year
I've spent almost two months trying to get the first chapter of this HTTYD fic written. Some of these characters and scenes just do not want to cooperate. In the meantime, here's a scene that did come pretty easily.
"Are you sure about this, Gobber?" Stoick asked, for what had to be at least the fifteenth time.
"Yes, Stoick," said the blacksmith, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice. "They'll all be fine."
"But did it have to be him? Is he really prepared to handle this? Does he have any idea what he's doing?" Stoick waved his hands, clearly agitated. "No offense, but has he ever even killed a dragon before?"
Gobber considered this, and realized he didn't actually know. Best not to mention that part.
"Of course he has!" Gobber replied. "But that's not important. The important thing is to make sure that the kids learn how to survive, and to do that, they need to know their enemy. And no one knows more about the beasts than he does-- he's practically a modern-day Bork!"
Even Stoick couldn't deny that.
"And why can't you do it? You know, the way you have for years and years." He didn't appear willing to give up on this point, so Gobber just sighed and admitted the truth.
"I'm not getting any younger, Stoick," he explained. "And between my regular duties and training the new apprentice, I just don't have the time or energy to also handle dragon training. I'd think if anyone would understand that, it would be you."
"Aye," said Stoick. "I do understand. I suppose I'm just worried about... you know."
Gobber did know. That was the problem. 
"Mhm," he grumbled noncommittally.
"Speaking of your new apprentice, how is he doing?" Stoick seemed to have decided changing the subject was the best course of action here, and Gobber would not complain.
"Oh, a right terror he is," said Gobber, sighing. "Always touching everything and knocking things over and getting into trouble. Not so different from the last one."
"The last one, eh?" Stoick smiled.
"And just as clever, too," laughed the blacksmith. "I have high hopes for the boy. I have a feeling that when I finally do get around to retiring, the forge will be in good hands."
- Excerpt from “A Better Version of Our Best”
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Very picky about how people write reconciled Crowley and Rowena and even MORE picky over how people write reconciled Cas and Claire. These are the two absolutely devastating spn relationships that you just do not fuck around with in my opinion. Reconciliation plots for them can be done well but if you’re going in on either dynamic without giving the experience of both sides equal consideration then as a writer you have already lost
#If you don’t acknowledge the tragedy on both sides of these relationships you’re simply writing nothing imo#Maybe one side had it far worse than the other but if you don’t at least recognise the feelings of the other side#I think you’re doomed to fail. If your goal is to depict them or explore their dynamic in a way that matters anyway#Obviously if you’re writing self-indulgent wish fulfilment for your own subjective enjoyment you don’t necessarily need to go deep#I’m talking about intentional character studies and such#My posts#Not that Cas and Claire isn’t the most fucked up relationship of all time but I also get why Crowley and Rowena can be trickier#Because getting possessed by angels is Not Real and parental child neglect very much is#Few people can balance acknowledging the hell Rowena went through with not being an abuse apologist for what happened to Crowley#Her mistreatment of him was not a “girlboss moment” like as much as Ruth NAILS the delivery of thee career woman line it’s really not funny#in context.#She later acknowledged the harm she caused him and put real visible effort into becoming a better person#which makes her easily one of the best characters on that whole sorry miserable show but#That still doesn’t mean the way she neglected and mistreated and abandoned Crowley was okay.#(Even SHE knows it wasn’t okay. Who are you pretending it was okay for? Not her!)#But if your brain is wrinkly enough you can also recognise that Rowena was young and was herself was horrifically abandoned#and traumatised by that abandonment to the point where she equated loving ANYTHING with being weak and at someone else’s mercy#which she was so desperately scared of feeling ever again.#AND that she is just not a maternal person who had maternity sprung upon her and then was left high and dry with zero support#and a crying screaming piece of the man who did all this to her. A crying screaming piece of HER that she was too terrified to risk loving#And then when she *did* find people who’d support her they came after her for having a child at all. And she made a choice#You can recognise ALL of this without acting like Crowley wasn’t fucked up for LIFE by her#She was fucked up for life by Crowley’s father as it was. And again it doesn’t make it ok but acknowledgement ≠ apologism#Anyway christ I could write essays about the MacLeod cycle of abandonment so I’ll leave it there#I’m saying all this as someone who loves all four characters mentioned in this post with my entire heart by the way#Which is definitely why I feel so strongly when people write the dynamics while clearly partial to one or the other. They all deserve nuance#To me
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