#Eating with someone around is gonna be mega awkward
lemonxdaisybby · 6 months
Hello, can I ask for headcanons on dating Higashi (aka the babygirl)? Could be general/NSFW, it's up to you! Thank you so much~
I got two Higashi requests at the same time, and I am v happy because he is my favourite in the Judgement gang 💕
Link to the NSFW hcs ✨here✨
I’ve also included a few more below too! Hope you like and thank you for the ask! also sorry this is long I got mega carried away whoops
Higashi is babygirl indeed, yes.
It would take him absolutely ages to confess to you. He’d try so hard to hide his feelings at first, and instead would choose to maintain his usual tough guy facade, trying to appear all gruff and serious.
This would not work. Yourself and anyone hanging around with you two would totally catch him softly smiling or staring at you. As soon as he realises his facade has been broken, he’d clear his throat hastily and quickly return his face back to its signature scowl. He’d probably turn away in an attempt to find something else to busy himself with, flustered that he got caught.
When he does eventually gain the courage to confess, he would invite you to meet him for a coffee at a nice, peaceful cafe, with absolutely no indication of why he suddenly wants to meet up with you, alone. It would be mega confusing, but also it’s Higashi, so you’re not gonna decline a meet-up with this precious angel.
He’d seem so on edge when you arrive, he’d be very jittery and would be wearing a deep frown, and you’d notice that he can’t quite seem to meet your gaze.
He probably made an error in choosing a quieter cafe to make his confession, as it means he has to speak in a lower voice to make sure you two aren’t overheard. You’d probably have to get him to repeat the confession twice as he was so quiet the first time. He’d be gripping his coffee cup so tightly the entire time, you’re surprised it didn’t explode.
He was honestly so happy and also surprised when you accepted his fumbling confession, as though he almost expected you to reject him.
Higashi is an absolute gentleman, so with dating he would definitely take it rather slow, and he would be very conscious of boundaries. He’d absolutely hate to ever make you feel uncomfortable. He would also be rather nervous when the two of you first start dating, so expect some awkwardness.
No PDA. He would get so embarrassed. Not because of you, but because he’s got this tough Yakuza facade to maintain, and also the guys would absolutely roast him to shreds if they ever witnessed him being affectionate. He would however be okay with holding your hand, and when you’re saying your goodbyes he would give you a lil forehead kiss, although the first time he did this his face got so heated.
Higashi would make such a huge effort to make time for you. Any time you need him, he’s there in a flash. Kaito and the guys would probably tease him and tell him he’s whipped (which he would heatedly deny), but they’re also extremely glad that he’s found someone as lovely as you. They want the best for their baby boy.
He would make time for little dates with you through the week too, just little casual outings, such as meeting up for a drink and a small bite to eat at a cafe, or a casual, relaxing evening at a restaurant where the two of you can unwind and enjoy each others company over some amazing food. He’d also enjoy going on little walks with you round the city.
In terms of sex, he was so fucking nervous the first time he fucked you. He is a massive over-thinker, and would maybe worry that he would perform badly or fuck up somehow and embarrass himself. Your first time together was good however. It was clumsy, and there was a sense of urgency almost, as the two of you had probably wanted to fuck long before now, but both were too awkward to initiate it.
He prefers positions where he can see your face, to gauge your reactions so that he can make sure he’s making you feel as amazing as possible. He’s very observant.
Higashi wouldn’t be massively loud, but there would be a lot of heavy breathing, and also low groans whenever something feels particularly good.
He’s not the cuddliest person, but his after sex snuggles would be so lovely. He’d have you pulled close to his chest, with your head tucked under his chin, and he’d be stroking your back slowly, his fingers gently trailing over your skin. You would just feel so safe and loved.
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cower-before-power · 1 year
Sweet Tooth
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Summary: Needing a break from the absolute drag that is your bitchy cousin's wedding, you slip outside for some air. Luckily for you, a cute waiter and a stolen bottle of champagne are ready and waiting to sweeten your night considerably.
Pairing: Modern AU Connie Springer x F!Reader
Word Count: 2,684
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, drinking at work, dub-con (because Reader and Connie are tipsy), implied/referenced sexual content (including unprotected sex, outdoor sex, sex with someone you barely know, oral sex/cum eating), horrible horrible sex puns involving food, rusty writing.
A/N: HEY LOOK MA, I WROTE SOMETHING!! I started this fic ages ago, but only had the motivation to finish it recently thanks to joining The Coffee Corner discord server. This is for their Slice of Life collab, I hope you enjoy some funny Modern AU adult Connie, thank you for reading, likes and (especially) reblogs are greatly appreciated ❤️.
You breathe a sigh of relief as you slip outside into the refreshing evening air. The thumping of music and sounds of people talking dull as the door clicks shut behind you. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t like weddings. It was just that you didn’t like this wedding.
Your cousin had always been a spoiled brat, a pouty, whiney thing that threw tantrums whenever something didn’t exactly go her way. They two of you had never gotten along, and you knew your parents did not exactly like that side of the family. But they wanted to avoid being reamed out for the next 20 years, so when the invitations arrived, your dad checked off “Yes” with a what could only be described as a world-weary sigh. 
You knew she didn’t actually want you there. It was a chance to show off, to show how wealthy her poor (and dumb) husband was and how lavish of a wedding she could throw. If there was one thing that stayed constant, it was her need to always be the center of attention.
“Need a light?”
You whirl around, hand clutching your chest as you come face to face with bright eyes and a toothy grin. Your heart does a strange ga-lump that has nothing to do with being startled; it’s him.
The guy you’ve had your eye on all night, one of the only bright spots in this whole wretched affair. You’ve dubbed him Cute Waiter in your mind, his boyishly charming good looks and happy-go-lucky demeanor like a beam of sunshine through the gloom. He wasn’t assigned to your table, sadly, and you’d been wondering how you would be able to strike up a conversation with him.
Seems like something good may be coming out of this night after all.
“I-I don’t smoke,” you shake your head, frantically trying to reclaim a tiny bit of composure. “Just out for some fresh air.”
“Oh, my bad,” he says cheerfully, stowing the lighter he’d been holding out back into his uniform pocket. “It is kind of stuffy in there, isn’t it?”
You sigh in agreement. “And loud. And mentally exhausting. If my cousin rubs it in my face one more time that she’s married and I’m still “hopelessly inept” at finding love, I’m not responsible for what will happen next.”
Cute Waiter laughs, loud and jolly like he’s auditioning for the role of Santa in a school play. It’s surprisingly adorable. “Yeah, because love is totally in the air tonight.”
You giggle at his words. “She claims it’s love, but trust me; their marriage came to be because of money and the fact my dear cousin does not take no for an answer.”
Cute Waiter leans against the wall of the venue, hands tucked into his pockets as he continues to flash that mega-watt grin. “Yeah, I got the vibe. Wanna make bets about how awkward their night’s gonna be later?”
You snort. “I’m certain she’s just been laying back and thinking of platinum credit cards and shopping sprees for the last two years, and that poor bastard has no idea. He’ll probably be convinced it’s a night of romance while she’s planning the layout of their new mansion in her head.”
Cute Waiter shakes his head, chuckling. “Damn, are we sure they have a chance? Maybe I’ll be serving food at their divorce party. Or his funeral after she murders him for the dough.”
Your face hurts from how much you’re smiling. “Is it bad to say I hope so? The food is very good.”
“Niccolo is quite the whiz in the kitchen,” Cute Waiter agrees genially. “You can’t get much better around here.”
Almost in slow motion, you see your opening being laid out before you. Bolstered no doubt by the two glasses of wine at dinner, and encouraged by the fact he was just so cute and funny, you make your move.
“Of course, I also hope it would mean I’d see a certain man I’ve dubbed Cute Waiter again.”
The man in front of you blinks, eyebrows raising as his face morphs into an strange expression of surprise and amusement. “Cute Waiter, you say?”
“Yes,” you nod, determined to see this through now that it’s underway. “I’ve been wondering how I could get a chance to talk with him all night, but he’s been very busy.” You feel your face warming under his hazel stare. “Imagine my delight to find he’s not only cheerful and good looking, but extremely funny and easy to talk to as well.”
Cute Waiter’s cheeks bloom a lovely shade of pink. “That’s-wow. The prettiest girl at this wedding just-do you really-I mean, thank you,” he stutters out, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m Connie.”
You duck your head shyly at his compliment, your own name murmured softly as you try to calm your thrumming heart. “Hello, Connie.” You stick out your hand out, heat now racing down your neck as you inwardly cringe at your own awkwardness.
Connie grins, taking your proffered hand in a gentle grip. You try not to think of how warm his hand is as his fingers curl around yours. “I think I liked Cute Waiter better.”
You could probably cook an egg on your face at this point. “Well, it’s still a true sentiment anyways.”
Connie chuckles. “You’re good for my ego.” His gaze drops to your still clasped hands. You stammer out an apology, attempting to snatch your misbehaving limb back, but to your surprise (and excitement), he grips your hand tighter.
“Wanna get out of here?”
Your eyes widen as your heart gives an excited thump. “What? Right now?”
Connie nods, eagerness rolling off him in waves. “I’m thinking you, me, and that massive bottle of expensive champagne I saw on the gift table deserve to get to know each other a little bit better. Preferably away from the god-awful vibes this place is giving off.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, but there’s no denying the thrum of excitement beneath your skin.
“You wanna skip out of work, steal someone else’s booze and run off with a girl you’ve known for all of 10 minutes?”
Connie grins. “If that girl is you, then hell yes.”
Laughter bubbles up from your chest like fizz in a soda can. “Then lead the way, Cute Waiter.”
And that’s how you find yourself down by the lake, sprawled out on a stolen tablecloth, tipsy giggles escaping the both of you as the champagne bottle is passed between you. Your animated chatter fills the twilight hour, talking about anything and everything. Connie is easy to talk to, open and free with what feels like a genuine interest in what you have to say. It’s nice. You don’t want it to end.
“This stuff is horrible,” Connie hiccups, shaking his head as he hands you the bottle. “Why do rich people have such garbage taste in alcohol?”
“I like it,” you grab the bottle from him, hugging it to your chest as if it was a beloved teddy bear. “It tastes like sunlight in a bottle. Maybe I’ll serve it at my wedding. If I ever get one.”
“You will,” Connie states matter-of-factly. “You’re super smart, pretty, funny, and nice. The only thing that sucks about you is your choice of drink. This shit is worse than pond water.”
You gasp in mock offense, your stomach doing somersaults at his compliments. “Okay, you are not invited to my hypothetical wedding, Mr. Meanie! How dare you insult the nectar of the gods?”
“Nectar- sweet mother of mercy,” Connie snorts, wrinkling his nose as you take another sip. “You’re too drunk to think straight, next thing you know you’ll be telling me you loved that horrible monstrosity your dear cousin calls a wedding dress.”
“I’m not drunk,” you giggle, “just a little tipsy. And no way am I ever wearing a dress like that. She looked like an over frosted cupcake-and that’s being nice.”
“Mmmmm cupcakes,” Connie sighs, rubbing a hand over his stomach. “Damn it, should’ve nicked some food, I’m hungry now.”
“Oh! I can help, one sec,” You wiggle around so you can reach your handbag, rummaging around until you find what you’re looking for. “Tada! Emergency Twinkies. I stashed some in case the food here was garbage, thankfully it wasn’t at all but you never can be too careful.” You nod sagely at the boy beside you.
“Shit, are you an angel?” Connie breaths, eyes going big and dopey as he takes the proffered treats. “Twinkies? A bunch of Twinkies in your bag. Just in case.”
“I always carry one at least,” you feel your heart going all gooey at his starry-eyed amazement. “You never know when you’re going to need a snack.”
Connie groans, low and deep in his throat, and you squirm at the sudden heat pricking at you. “You are literally the most fucking perfect girl. I am so glad I picked up this shift.”
“I’m glad I came too,” your smile is threatening to break your face in half, but you just can’t help it. There’s just something about Connie that makes you feel  warm and blissful, like the first sip of perfectly prepared coffee as it bursts on your tongue. 
You stare at each other, silly grins and hazy eyes and all the hope of youthful infatuation.
You don’t know who moves first.
What you do know, is that Connie kisses like he laughs; full, deep and with purpose. His mouth is warm and sweet with lingering champagne, and you whine as he cups the back of your neck to push you even closer to him. 
Maybe it’s the buzz of the alcohol, or the sweet song of the crickets, or the thudding of your heart when Connie licks into your mouth like he’s going die if he doesn’t taste every inch. It could be the thrill of being desired, the delicate bloom of two young hearts connecting as if you were in some sort of sappy fairytale. You don’t really know, nor do you really care.
But you let Connie lay you down on the tablecloth, let him ruck your fancy dress up, let him touch you until you’re trembling like the leaves in the warm spring breeze. 
“This ok?” He’s got one hand beside your head, the other stroking your inner thigh gently. “I uh-this wasn’t my intention, not right away anyways, but like, you’re so fucking cool and hot and I really really like you and-”
“Yes, ohmygosh yes,” you interrupt his rambling, clutching at his shoulders desperately. “I’m good. Fantastic. Wonderful. And very horny, so please hurry up.”
Connie huffs a laugh, leaning down to kiss you as you help him free himself from the confines of his pants. After that, only the soft light of the nearly set sun is the witness to your bodies meeting, your groans and sighs carried away on the gentle summer breeze as you let yourself drown in pleasure. 
When you’re both spent you lay beside each other, panting and grinning as your heartbeats slowly return to normal. You feel floaty, fizzy with satisfaction, like you’ve downed that whole damn bottle of champagne in one gulp. You can’t remember the last time you felt so good at the hands of another, and you can feel yourself itching to grab the man beside you and have him do it again.
Suddenly, a thought niggles it’s way into your fuzzy brain, and you snicker loudly.
“I hope that’s not in response to my performance,” Connie reaches over to pinch your cheek affectionately.
“No,” you titter tipsily, swatting his hand away. “I was just thinking….now I’m a Twinkie.”
Connie scrunches his eyebrows. “What?”
A snort leaves you. “I’m a Twinkie….because now I’m filled with cream.”
You dissolve into fits of giggles as his mouth drops open in surprise.
“Ugh, no fair!! You can’t make jokes like that!” Connie digs his fingers into your ribs, grinning as you shriek in surprise. “Not unless you want me to fall in love with you!”
You squirm away from his questing fingers. “Slow your roll there, cowboy,” you warn, but your heart is light and your skin is tingling. “At least take me on a date first!”
“I suppose,” Connie sighs dramatically. “But you better reign in that charm! One more stashed snack or raunchy joke and you might never get rid of me.”
The thought isn’t unpleasant. “You better not come home with me and look inside my bedside drawer then.”
“Oh?” Connie waggles his brows suggestively. “Whatcha got in there, hmmm? Some Skittles and flavoured lube? Fuzzy Peaches and fuzzy handcuffs? Edible candy panties? Please say edible candy panties.”
You laugh as you sit up, feeling for your bag. “Why don’t you come over after work and see? Assuming you still have a job, that is. I don’t think you’re supposed to drink and have sex on the clock.” You shimmy in triumph as you fish out your phone. “Here, give me your number, Cute Waiter Who Is Also Pretty Good At Sex.”
Connie smirks, grabbing your phone as he sits and pulls his own out of his pocket. You take it eagerly. “Don’t worry, I’m still employed. Niccolo owes me like a million favors, considering I’m the reason he and his fiancé, aka my best friend, are even together. That’s why I even have this job.” He winks, handing your phone back.  “Ah, the joys of nepotism.”
“Sexy,” you giggle as you swap phones. You smile when you see what he’s saved his contact as: Cute Waiter Who Is Also Pretty Good At Sex. Part of you feels a sense of disbelief; did you really just hook up with a hot, sweet, funny guy at your cousin’s wedding? And now you’re getting his phone number? After all the shit you got tonight for being the lonely single loser?
Take that, you frigid bitch.
Connie looks at his phone. He groans loudly as he reads what you’ve typed in. “You saved yourself as Twinkie ❤? Damn, woman! I’m never gonna be able to eat those delectable golden treats without popping a stiffy now. I’m rising to half mast right now just looking at this.”
You reach over and toss him the forgotten package, rolling your eyes playfully as it smacks him in face. “Down, boy. Eat your treat like you originally planned.”
Connie tosses the snack away, and you shiver as a hungry look flits across his genial face. “Yeah, these are not gonna cut it anymore. I wanna stuff my face with a different Twinkie now.”
Your insides twist violently, molten heat trickling down your spine at the implication of his words. 
“Ohmygosh,” you groan, already whipping your phone back out to text your parents you’re heading home. “Fuck the rest of this, we’re going to my place. Now.”
Connie pumps his fist in the air as he jumps to his feet. “Hell yes! Do I have a horseshoe up my ass today or what?” He makes a show of trying to look behind himself, as if his behind might actually be sporting one.
Your face feels like it will break in two from the force of your smile. “Just order us a damn Uber, you goof.”
Connie salutes and begins typing rapidly on his phone. You stand, adjusting yourself to contain the mess that’s currently trying to drip down your legs. “Damn. Should have grabbed napkins along with that booze. I’m leaking like a broken facet over here.”
Connie’s phone is already in his pocket, and your heart thumps happily at the warmth of his hand as it slides into your own.
“I’m all the cleanup you need, babe,” he winks, tugging you gently into his chest. You look up at him, all smiles and flushed cheeks, mischief dancing in his adoring gaze. You don't know if you've ever felt so alive, so free, so ready for wherever he takes you.
“After all," he lowers his mouth to brush teasingly against yours, "the cream is the best part of a Twinkie.”
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Ah, that’s not a terrifying image or anything.
After Gus is on edge and Hunter is sad for a bit, Hunter notices plant tendrils beginning to grab him. In the distance, he hears Gus yelping, and he runs over to find… this.
Willow stands here, surrounded by and tangled in her own plants, having snared Gus when he startled her.
Between this and the previous batch of posts, I got an ask that mentioned how Willow beginning to lose control over her magic is similar to how we saw Belos in season two lose control over his body and lash out violently. And you know what? With this image here, I can totally see the similarities. The glowing eyes and the vines acting similar to the tentacles Philip’s arms would morph into… perhaps not the greatest imagery for Hunter to encounter.
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Even though she keeps telling herself ”I can do this! I can do this!” Willow quickly gives up on using her magic to gain control over her plants, instead ripping them apart with her bare hands. A subtle indication that she doesn’t believe her own words.
Before she knows it, she finds herself alone in the caverns, her friends consumed by the very same plants she would use to protect them. In some ways, that would be the ultimate failure for someone like Willow, who has very much been a protector of the group.
(maybe Willow’s magic is trying to protect Gus & Hunter by enclosing them in these cocoons? just a thought)
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Meanwhile, back at Tiara Halls, The Collector is not taking ”Raine’s” warnings very seriously. An expected reaction, the baddest dude around before The Collector showed up got smeared on a  wall by The Collector. Good thing too, that guy was a jerk, I’m glad he’s gone. Isn’t that right, Raine?
(i swear, getting a screenshot where the collector didn’t look awkward never needed to be this difficult. as you can see, i gave up)
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(i watched a few seconds further than this screenshot implies, I just wanted one where everyone was in frame)
As it turns out, Titan magic can cancel out Collector magic, which is probably why our own Lord of the Fireflies was never able to get out of the divine time-out on his own. Secondly, it’s confirmed that The Collector’s ”predecessors” wiped out the Titans, just like I theorized earlier.
The Collectors have a very prominent space motif, with stars and moons and planets and whatnot. They’re from space (and remember, anything can happen in space!). They have this sort of… what’s the word I’m looking for… detached vibe, I guess. I mean, The Collector floats around because gravity doesn’t bother them, they seem unaware how their actions affect others, they don’t even understand the concept of food and what mortals can and cannot eat.
Titans on the other hand, appear as these massive, primordial life forms, whose corpses become islands. While The Collectors become upset when the mortals interfere with their work and will go as far as to wipe them out for it, King’s Dad’s body provides a home and magic power for countless mortal creatures. The Titans appear to be part of the bizarre ecology of the Boiling Seas planet. They put the ”mega” in ”megafauna.”
Even looking at their designs, the Collectors are humanoid (kinda) with these smooth, sleek designs. Meanwhile, the Titans are big, monstrous beasts, covered in fur and bone, with sharp teeth and horns. Collectors wander space, while the Titans are bound to this one planet (even if their blood does pierce dimensions).
I’m not sure how well I’m communicating my thoughts here, but the thing I’m trying to say is that if you look at the imagery and motifs surrounding the Titans vs. The Collectors, it makes sense they would cancel each other out. They’re basically each other’s opposites.
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You know, when I first heard the expression "talk through one's hat" I didn't think it'd be quite so literal.
Oh well, I'm glad we cleared up that misunderstanding. King’s not gonna seal The Collector away again, they’re best buds!
…cue things going horribly wrong in three, two, one…
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dirty-brainrot · 3 years
I do not like him I do not like him I like him I do not like him I do not--
Pairing: Jotaro Kujo x Reader
There's nothing in the world that you hate more than Jotaro Kujo, the school's bad boy. Every girl (and even boys of course.) fell for the 195cm emo man and you didn't know why. He was quiet and would tell everyone who approach him to go away, not to mention, very intimidating.
All the teachers fear him and the rest of the students, who don't fall head over heels for him, are afraid to even look at him.
Then there's you.
"I fucking hate that Kujo guy."
The only person in the school with a deep loathing for Kujo Jotaro. You avoided the man as if he was a plague or like a cat with water.
You huffed as your redhead companion only laughed awkwardly. "This is the 3rd time this week, Y/N..., What did he even do to you?" Straightening your back, you turn to face Kakyoin with a deep frown. "Well for starters, your friend," making air quotes friend part, you continued. "He's just a fucking asshole and not to mention I hate his grumpy-ass attitude." You huffed and crossed your arms.
"Ah..." Kakyoin only sweat dropped while listening to you rant about Jotaro. "Honestly, I don't even know how you managed to befriend that guy..." Your voice going soft as you relaxed and looked at him. "Kakyoin, we've been best friends ever since we were kids and this guy—" You cut yourself once you saw the all-familiar edgy teen, the scowl on your face returned. Kakyoin, noticing your swift change of expression, turned around to see Jotaro.
"Ah, hello Jotaro." He gives him a small smile while you greeted him back the complete opposite with venom in your voice. "Kujo." He glances at you and looks back at Kakyoin, ignoring you.
"The old man, Avdol, and Polnareff are visiting this week." Kakyoin's smile widens. "Is Iggy with Polnareff?" You watch the two of them interact as if forgetting your existence. Getting ticked off, you stormed away while mumbling. "Fuck him and his hat."
As you storm away, Kakyoin glances at your irritated figure. "Ah... Can we invite Y/N too? I just want my friends to get along..." He frowns while Jotaro grunts. "I know you don't like them- can you two try to get along at least just once?" Jotaro thought for a moment and nodded his head. 'He probably won't stop until I say yes.' Kakyoin beamed at him. He sighs and grabs the tip of his hat and said his line.
"Yare Yare Daze..."
It was the next day. You had forgotten the whole encounter with Jotaro yesterday and to make your day better, you found a new game shop! You could certainly ask Kakyoin to hang out with you and check it out.
Walking in the student-filled corridor, you kept an eye out for a tall redhead. 'Hm... Where could he be? He could be possibly with Jotaro.' As you rounded the corner, you bumped into somebody. Gasping, you stumbled back and bowed with an apology. "Sorry-" You were cut off with a familiar chuckle. "It's okay Y/N." You smiled and looked up at Kakyoin. "I've been looking for you! I wanted to tell you that there's a new game shop and I wanna ask you if you wanted to go with me."
Saying you were excited is an understatement. You and Kakyoin have been gaming buddies ever since you were a child and now there was a new game shop which could mean new games to play and trash talk over.
You could see Kakyoin getting excited to check out the shop as well. "Yeah! I'd love to." He responded.
The bell rang before any of you could talk again. "I'll see you at the school gate later!" Already heading to your classroom, you waved your hand goodbye. Kakyoin waves back and walks in the opposite direction. Fate seems to be on your side since you haven't seen Jotaro once today and you plan on keeping it like that until math class at least.
The day went by quickly, all the lesson was messily scribbled on your notebooks and all assignment were passed. Now you just have to wait for Kakyoin at the school gate.
Once you arrived at the gate, you saw Jotaro leaning on the wall, smoking. You glare at him knowing he was probably waiting for Kakyoin too. "What are you doing here?" He glances at you and covers his face with the edge of the hat. "Why do you care?"
You roll your eyes. 'He's extra edgy today.' "Can't I just ask a question?" You could feel eyes on you. It was probably Jotaro's fan club hiding somewhere and glaring at you.
He huffs the smoke and looks away. "Yare yare... Just leave me alone brat."
"The only brat I see here is your edgy ass." You retorted.
It seems to strike a nerve. His scowl deepens and flicks his cigarette away, grabbing you by your collar. You look at him unfazed but ready to strike anytime. "If you don't sh-"
"Geez... You two fight like an old couple.." Kakyoin breaks you two up before any of you could get hurt. He shook his head, "And here I thought bringing Jotaro was a great idea." You laughed loudly making Jotaro glare at you.
Kakyoin sighs as you two have a glaring challenge. "If-" He spoke up and you both look at the redhead. "If the two of you don't fight for a week then I'll... I'll do whatever you say." You stared at him and grinned. Kakyoin nervously gulps at the expression you're giving him. "Sounds like a deal."
Now Jotaro doesn't care about that but you on the other hand have some great plans for the poor redhead.
"Let's go to the game shop then..." You both start to walk until you realize Jotaro was following too.
"... He's... He's coming with us?" You whisper to Kakyoin. "Ah!" He looks at you apologetically. "I...may have forgotten to tell you that I invited Jotaro to come with us..." You took a deep inhale and walked ahead. Not bothering to comment on what he just did. Since you made an agreement after all.
The entire walk was painfully awkward. You didn't talk and Jotaro doesn't usually talk so that left Kakyoin trying to engage you and Jotaro to talk to each other but you just nodded and hummed. 'Damn... I feel like Jotaro now." You snicker quietly.
The game shop didn't have many customers. There were probably around 3 and a single employee at the cashier.
Feeling giddy, you walked inside while dragging Kakyoin with you. "Holy shit..! They have the best RPG game!" Letting go of Kakyoin you ran towards the RPG section and looked at the huge selection of games.
"Damn... My allowance is gonna be dead by the end of this." You thought while you read the cover of a random game you grabbed.
Out of nowhere, you felt a warm breath hit your nape. Flinching at the feeling, you turned behind ready to hit the person with the game you were holding. "Oh." Looking up, it was just Jotaro looming behind you.
Wait a minute.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You furrowed your brows suspiciously at him. He looks at the game in your hand, bored. "I wanted to look for games too."
"Huh... You don't look like a person who plays games." He steps backward and shrugs then walks away leaving you confused. "I should just look for F-Mega..." Forgotten the weird interaction, you looked for the latest F-mega game they had.
After walking around and getting distracted by other games, you finally found F-Mega! Happy with your decision, you went to the cashier and paid. Then looked around to search for your cherry friend.
You have looked around the shop but you didn't find him, plus the shop was small so it was easy to find someone. Walking outside, hoping to see Kakyoin, you see Jotaro smoking. Waving the smoke away, you approached him. "Have you seen Kak?" He throws the cigarette and steps on it. "There was an emergency so he went home early."
"Oh." You look at him dumbfounded. "Kakyoin left you with Jotaro?! It's an emergency anyway..." You sighed and walked in the direction of your home. Surprisingly, Jotaro followed you. "What do you want?" You didn't mean to sound annoyed but it came out like that. "Making sure you don't get into trouble." Huffing, you started to walk faster but Jotaro was able to keep up since he has longer legs.
Too busy trying to get far from Jotaro, you failed to notice the crack on the pavement, making you trip. Thankfully, Jotaro was able to catch up with you. He grabs you by your waist, preventing you from facepalming the floor. "If I wasn't here, you would be eating dirt right now." He pulls you up. You pouted and mumbled. "You were the reason I ran and tripped." Good thing he didn't hear it or else he would've let you go. You straightened the creases on your clothes and quietly thanked him. He seemed to have heard that one and nodded.
Giving up on trying to outrun Jotaro, you both walk in silence. It was only the leaves rustling and the occasional birds chirping. It was surprisingly peaceful since you both didn't bicker.
When you both arrived at your home, the sun was setting down. You opened the door to your home but stopped and looked back.
Jotaro was already walking away, probably towards his home. "Oi Kujo!" You called out to him. He stops walking, not looking back. "I enjoyed that walk. Thank you." His hands were in his pockets as he looks back at you and nodded then continued his walk.
Maybe  Kujo Jotaro isn't that bad.
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whatwouldmickeydo · 3 years
Did you know that Sammi calling the MPs and having Ian arrested was all a fever dream and they actually DID go on their Sizzler date? I’m telling you so it must be true
They came back to the Gallagher house sans Sammi (she spontaneously died in a ditch somewhere)
They went upstairs still giggly and laughing, cleaned off the blood on their faces (missed a spot Gallagher Mickey smirks as he pulls him into a kiss in the bathroom, one of them saying ow before laughing because of a split lip)
Ian gives Mickey a clean shirt to borrow and they head back out to their date, both of them giddy and high on the fact that they’re boyfriends and they’ve never actually had a real sit down date before.
They finally get there and there’s nerves now, like oh fuck I’m on a date with a boy I love I’ve never done anything like this before shit what do I do
A waitress seats them, Mickey eyeing the whole place warily, scoping out the exits like he thinks someone’s gonna jump them at any minute. Ian smiles, bruise forming on his cheek and he leans forward to half whisper hey quit looking so shifty they’re gonna think we’re dining and dashing
Mickey raises an eyebrow at that, “We’re not?”
“Nope, I’m treating my boyfriend to dinner.”
That gets Mickey blushing like a dumb idiot as he tries to hide it behind the menu under the guise of looking for what he wants to eat before he composes himself a bit.
“Alright fuckhead, I’m buying the most expensive thing on the menu then.”
Mickey settles on a sirloin steak, Ian choosing the mega bacon burger.
Their waitress comes to collect their menus and both of them flail a little at what to do now that there’s no menus to look at and their food hasn’t arrived yet.
Ian drums his fingers on the table and looks around, watches Mickey pick at his fingernails and chew his lip.
Mickey looks up. “Hey yourself.”
“I’m glad we’re doing this.”
Mickey definitely blushes at that, eyes diverted trying to look anywhere but at Ian’s very intense stare, a smile growing on his face as he watches Mickey panic slightly.
They get their drinks then and it seems to break some of the feelings of first date awkwardness, the two of them throwing spit balls and kicking each other’s feet, Ian capturing his foot at one point and leaving their legs entwined until their food comes. They talk about random stuff, have a thumb war, and contemplate going to the bathroom for a quickie.
The food itself is great, better than anything they’ve ever eaten at home, way better than any second hand leftovers the Gallagher’s are probably eating tonight.
There’s some more playful flirting, Mickey refusing to share any of his steak, guarding his plate with his arm when Ian tries to steal a bite. He finally relents when he lays exaggerated puppy dog eyes on him and pretends to sulk. Alright, Jesus here, stop looking like a drowned dog.
The bill comes and Ian’s eyes go a bit wide at how much it costs. Shit, Mickey I don’t think I have enough money to cover this he says, pulling out his wallet and the random assortment of bills he has in there.
Mickey smirks, “Guess we’re dining and dashing after all, bitch.”
“This was supposed to be a proper date though, Mick! I wanted to pay for this shit.”
Mickey rolls his eyes. “You can pay for the next one, k?”
Ian hesitates before leaving the $23 and change he has with him on the table, both of them getting up to leave.
They see the waitress heading over to the table and Mickey grabs his shirt, pulling him along towards the exit as Ian makes eye contact with the waitress when she reaches the table, mouthing an I’m sorry! as Mickey hisses Gallagher let’s go!
They burst out into the night, running and laughing down the street before collapsing in a random alleyway near the L, panting and giggling and out of breath.
Mickey’s on him in a flash, pushing him up against the wall and licking into his mouth, both of them laughing into it. Thanks for the date Red, gonna thank you properly now as he drops to his knees.
And then they lived happily ever after the end.
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nanayoungishere · 3 years
Play It Cool (Part Eight)
TK knew the day was gonna be horrible the moment they came to work and saw that the entire diner was filled with cranky old people.
The fact that you weren’t there and your apparent replacement -- a waitress named Tina who may or may not be banging their boss -- came in forty-five minutes late only confirmed that fact.
But it wasn't until the seniors cleared out and TK got to talking with Tina about where you were that they came to realize just how God-awful the day really was.
Tina nodded rapidly, her eyes wide. “Yeah! They passed out and some guy just,” she made a sweeping motion with her arms, “picked them up and ran!”
TK’s head swam as they processed the information, forcing them to lean on the counter to steady themselves. They wanted desperately for it to be a joke, but they knew it wasn’t.
The look on Tina’s face told TK all they needed to know. She was dead serious.
“Picked -- did someone chase after them?! Did you call the police?!” The panic was making TK’s voice rise to tea kettle levels. They ran their shaking hands through their hair, needing to do something to keep their mind off of --
the things they saw on the news the things they saw in scary movies thriller movies crime movies all the horrible horrible horrible things that could be happening to you right now as they just stood there and shook
“I-I don’t -- how did this --”
Tina didn’t seem to be aware of how close TK was to flipping their shit. Instead she went straight into gossip mode, leaning in close like she was telling a juicy secret. “Okay so like, I was waiting tables right?”
TK wanted to shake her. They didn’t need some long winded, dramatic story right now, not when you were fucking kidnapped oh dear God --
“And Y/N walks in and I’m like, what? You know how bad the food is, why would you eat here? But then they order a milkshake and I’m all like, ooooh, that’s why! ‘Cause the milkshakes bring all the customers to the yard --”
“Tina --”
“But then they just keep ordering milkshakes and they look super nervous the entire time, right? Like they’re shaking and muttering and sweating which, ew. But they keep ordering milkshakes, like a dozen of them. And they keep looking super nervous and scared and checking their phone a lot. And then someone came in!”
“I dunno. He was like, super tall? And creepy. And bald which, mega ew. I think he was old or something.” She shrugged. “Anyway, Y/N knocked over their milkshake and went to the bathroom to clean up and when they came back the guy was like, holding out a bunch of flowers which, you know, kinda made up for being bald and old? But after they took the flowers they like, passed out.”
“Passed out?” TK repeated, sounding as though they were being strangled.
“Yeah! I think he like, drugged the flowers? Which was weird ‘cause like, I didn’t even know that was a thing --”
TK wanted to throw up. Preferably over Tina’s shoes because why the fuck was she not taking this seriously and --
Oh God what happened to you.
Oh God what was happening to you right now.
Anything could be happening to you right now! You could be murdered or tortured or ra--
They could feel the bile in their throat. “Oh God…”
“A bunch of the customers ran after them, but the guy was fast. Super fast,” she said emphatically. “He was gone before anyone could catch up and the police, they showed up like ten minutes later asking a buncha questions.”
TK covered their mouth, their face growing paler by the second. “Did -- did they find them or --”
She just shrugged and went back to washing dishes.
Like she didn’t care. Like she couldn’t give any less of a fuck that one of their coworkers was kidnapped by some freak.
Calm down, a distant, more rational part of them said. Maybe there’s a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding. Maybe if you call them right now, they’ll pick up and everything’ll be fine.
TK clung to that shred of hope like a lifeline. They had their phone in hand and your contact on call before they realized what they were doing.
“Y/N, are you --”
“I can’t come to the phone right now! Leave a message after the --”
TK hung up and tried again.
And again.
And again.
Each time it went straight to voicemail, they could feel their heart rate picking up, dread pooling in their stomach.
They didn’t want to think about it. Didn’t want to even consider it because these sorta things didn’t happen to them. It happened to other people, people on the news, people in crime shows, not someone they knew.
There had to be another explanation for this. You couldn’t be --
“I-I’m going on break!”
They threw off their apron and ran to the backroom before Tina could say anything.
Where is it, where is it, where -- there!
A black book, one filled with all the employee contact information. Specifically phone numbers and emergency contact numbers.
TK flipped through it until they got to your information. For your emergency contact you listed your roommate, Lucy. TK wasn’t sure why considering how often you complained about her and her willingness to leave you with all the rent, but whatever. They weren’t complaining.
They called her up, fidgeting at the dial tone. “Come on, come on, pick up…”
It answered. The person on the other line sounded irritated, and oddly breathless. “Yo! Who the hell’s this? I’m kinda --”
In the background TK heard a long, loud moan. It took a second for TK to realize what they were hearing and when they did, they had to resist the urge to immediately hang up.
Jesus Christ.
“-- in the middle of someone, ya know?” she said with absolutely no shame. “It better be important.”
TK grimaced, blushing despite themselves. “Is this Lucy? I’m --”
“Whoa.” The playful tone in her voice dropped, turning into a snarl. “Who the hell told you that name? Who the fuck is --”
“I’m TK, Y/N’s coworker from work,” they cut in. “Are they there? It’s an emergency.”
The phone was muffled for a moment. TK heard Lucy call out to someone in the background. “Nope. Not here.”
“Shit.” Their hands were trembling again. “Did they at least come home last night?”
“I don’t -- hold on.” They heard her yell to someone in the background, followed by a banging sound. The moaning, thank God, came to a stop. “What the fuck is this about? What’s going on?”
TK hesitated before giving her the whole story. She was your emergency contact, she needed to know.
She took it as well as TK did. “WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“I --”
“I’m coming over there right the fuck now. You stay there, understand?” She hung up.
Lucy dressed herself as she walked out the door.
She didn’t even bother to tell her newest “study buddies” to fuck off out of her apartment; she just left.
Halfway down the narrow hall she bumped into the landlord. She didn’t apologize and kept on walking.
“Lucy, your rent is --”
“Y/N got fucking kidnapped at their workplace. I don’t have time for your shit right now, Don.”
Any other time she would’ve fucking cherished the blindsided look on his face. “Wha --”
Lucy jumped down the steps and hit the ground running.
She didn’t have time to waste. Not with you.
Left in the hallway, Don briefly considers the idea of just letting it go.
It didn’t have anything to do with him. You were a tenant, nothing more.
Or at least, that’s what he kept telling himself. Something about you had been catching his eye lately, though maybe that was the lonely divorcee in him grasping at straws.
He scowled down at the phone in his hand before finally biting the bullet and making the call. Fuck he hoped this was an actual emergency, because this was gonna get awkward.
Officer Williams -- also known as Roy to his friends and his Dad -- considered the information at hand.
A handle of witnesses, all who said the exact same thing. Tall, bald, hoodie vest, male, creepy looking. Short, baseball cap and hoodie, very nervous, undetermined gender. Short one passed out, tall one took them away. Flowers were involved.
And by the time the officers came to the scene, they were long gone.
Roy and the officers with him combed the area, but there was no sign of them. If he had to guess, the tall one must’ve taken a car along the way. Which meant they could be anywhere, even out of town for all he knew.
No security footage, because the boss of the place was too cheap to fix their broken cameras. Didn’t catch anything on the nearby traffic or store cameras either.
He knew your name, Y/N, and where you worked. But he knew nothing about the man who took you. Or why you were so scared of him, according to the other patrons.
An abusive ex? A thug shaking you for money? Roy had no clue.
He could look through some of the nearby shops, maybe see if they knew anything about it, but that could take some time. And he already had enough on his plate; maybe he should shift this over to someone else --
His phone rang.
“Hello? This is Officer Williams.”
“Roy, it’s me.”
He blinked. “Dad? What --”
“Listen, I’m gonna need a favor…”
You briefly woke up, hit with the sudden feeling that you were forgetting something.
But the warmth -- fuck, he’s so fucking warm -- curled around you kept you from fully waking.
His arms were wrapped around you. You could feel his heartbeat against your cheek. He was with you, he was yours.
You had never felt more comfortable, more loved in your life.
You snuggled back into your Honey’s arms, ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of your head. It couldn’t be that important. Not compared to snuggling up with your boyfriend.
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neoheros · 4 years
how would haikyuu boys handle falling in love feat. kuroo + akaashi + tsukishima !!
kuroo tetsuro
being in a relationship with him is just a pretty chill experience tbh
i feel like kuroo wouldn’t really date anyone he’s not close to on a comfortable level
people be like: omfg he looks like a player tho
he’s literally not ???? like y’all telling me this man doesn’t look like the idea of having to interact with people he doesn’t know repulses him ? bye
he’s not ignorant, he just isn’t the type to get out there unless necessary yk?
he’s got a good friend group and he’s totally satisfied with that !!!!!!
so when he was 100% sure that he saw you as somebody he’d want to be more than friends with he was just like :0
kuroo at 5:37 am, thinking of that one time you handed him a bottle of water first: oh— oh shit
he doesn’t act on it first though because y’all have been friends for so long and what if you don’t like him back ???
he didn’t wanna ruin the thing he had with you because you were literally the only one who tolerated him sending tiktoks at 4 am in the morning
kuroo: omfg have you seen this one yet
you: bro it’s almost 5 am are you on crack
but eventually he got tired of just staring at you and admiring you from afar and having to make up some excuse when you catch him cause he just really likes looking at you :(
you: bro stop staring at me
kuroo: no, your face bothers me
you: due to personal reasons i will make you pass away ❤️
so one day he just decides to shoot his shot yk?
if you reject him that’s fine, he’ll just have to send numerous tiktoks to wash away the awkwardness afterwards
like he’ll be upset about it because holy crap he flat out adores you at this point but he’s also got a sense of boundaries and will totally respect your decision
BUT !!!! when you told him you liked him too he just 🥺👉👈
this man had the goofiest grin on his face for weeks on end and his heart is all over the place because all the things he imagined in his head to do with you is finally gonna come true !!!
don’t be fooled though !! nothing will change from your friendship !!! you’re still both really chill with each other except now y’all can hug and kiss and !!!!!
kuroo: don’t i look kinda good in this picture though
you: not really, let me take a better one
kuroo: stop taking me out of frame
in retrospect, it’s really fun to be in a relationship like the one you two have because there’s not much things to disagree on and the dynamic you both have just go so well !!!
there’s also not a lot of new things to do or be uncomfortable about because y’all have already done everything as best friends !!!!!!! it’s 🥺
you, seeing kuroo staring at you: what’re you looking at me for
kuroo, unnerved: you’re so pretty
you, caught off guard: it’s my time to pass away now i see 😌
you two joke around a lot but that doesn’t mean you two take whatever you say to heart
somewhere along the line, this made kuroo a bit worried on how you took his intentions though
he knew you were cool with messing with him but sometimes he wonders if what he says ever gets to you
so one night while the two of you are eating frozen yogurt in his car, you in his hoodie and just straight up vibing to the tiktoks that played as background music
he looks up, spoon in his mouth, “you know that i love you, right?”
“you’re so cheesy,” you tell him, laughing while you scroll up to the next video on the fyp
he leans back in his seat, eyeing you under the single yellow light of the car
you, barely looking up from your phone: i love you too though
akaashi keiji
being in a relationship with akaashi is quite literally the most gratifying thing
he’s 97% of your wise decision making and you’re very much thankful for that
when he first met you he honestly didn’t know what to think
his first impression of you? an indecisive impulsive mess
his second impression of you? a very cute indecisive impulsive mess
there’s not a single doubt that he was crushing on you H A R D
he doesn’t pay attention to it though because he knew how crushes often worked and most of the time they didn’t really work out
but the more he looked at you or stared at you from afar with a silly grin that he doesn’t even realize, everyone around him notices just how silent you make him
leave it up to the fukurodani volleyball club to be the best matchmakers in the world
so one night while akaashi was chilling in bed he gets a text from bokuto telling him about an impromptu team hang out sesh
akaashi: it’s 7 pm ..?
you, in the group chat: theres never a wrong time for milk tea !!!!!
when you sent that everyone else in the chat was just so frickin ecstatic because now that you’ve confirmed you were going, it’s obvious that akaashi was now too
he arrived like 2 minutes early from the designated time and the way it wasn’t at all shocking when no one else arrived except for you
akaashi: well they totally bailed :/
you: hey at least now we have a list of people to take revenge on when the purge strikes
it’s okay though because the two of you make most of the night anyways !!
you never thought sitting outside of a 7/11 at 7 pm on a friday could be fun but as you sat there with boba tea and a ramen cup with one of your closest friends next to you, you were just !!!! so frickin soft
akaashi on the other hand didn’t feel anything but utter nervousness the whole time
it was so cold under the night sky and you were so close to him, he’s praying that you take the redness on his cheeks from the weather and not from the rapid racing of his heart
bokuto texting him: bro i swear to god if you’re not taking this chance to shoot your shot i’m >:(
he’s so nervous because it actually was an ideal time to tell you how much he liked you
plus he’s pretty sure that you were eventually gonna notice just how often he glanced at you whenever you came to their practices or in general
so he’s like fine then !!! he’s gonna do this tonight and if you reject him then he’s just gonna have to deal !!!!
akaashi, anxious: hey i really li—
you, cutting him off: i like you a lot and i’m pretty sure bokuto did this on purpose because he knows and i’m sorry if it wasted your time !!!!
akaashi, less anxious: oh
he just smiles softly and tucks your hand in his and tells you he’d like to walk you home that night
after that something just changed between the two of you
suddenly he’s walking you home everyday with little forehead kisses before he leaves
going grocery shopping with him when you run out of food at home because he’s the only one who knows about your secret snack stash
akaashi: you don’t need that much yakult
you: ? don’t be alarmed but i think we just found the reason of our first fight
whenever you go out with him to shop for anything at all, he always has to be the person in front when you walk because he’s the one pushing the cart with his left hand while his right is tightly interlocked with yours
you just stray behind him, pointing out all the things you’d like and he’s the one who decides if it’s worth to buy because you’re absolutely sure that you’d be dead broke if you were left alone
akaashi: this hoodie looks cute, do you wanna try it out
you, recalling the four sweatshirts you haven’t returned to him: nah i have enough
sometimes you’d get in the cart whenever the grocery store you’re in is mega big and he’s just gonna have the most unbothered face as people eye him because he’s pushing a fucking cart with a person in it
you’d get worried though thinking that you’re too heavy for him to push around so you insist to get off but he just doesn’t let you because you were so cute and 😤
akaashi is just so frickin soft when it comes to you like most of the time when someone idly mentions your name a smile immediately comes up to his face and he doesn’t even realize it
he also almost always wake up to numerous snaps of you at 3 in the morning just doing the most random things
he goes through them with such a silly grin and has to fight the urge to screenshot all of them cause u were so FRICKEN cute
akaashi, looking at a photo of you with tears down your face from 4 am: that’s my baby 👉👈
everyone around y’all are just on the fence about the two of you dating since neither of you really cleared what was going on ???
you were scared to call him your boyfriend because there was never really a discussion about it and you didn’t want to come off as assuming
but one afternoon right before he left when he dropped you off at your house, he just stopped and looked at you and you were so confused
akaashi, taking off his sweatshirt and giving it to you: the news said it gets cold tonight
you, on the verge of tears: oh 🥺
tsukishima kei
he’s a salty little shit who complains 24/7 and that’s about as canon as it gets
BUT but !!! if there’s anything tsukishima is good at and i mean anything !!! it’s being observant and keen on the people around him !!! ESP TO YOU !!!
at first you were always just kinda there ?
like he noticed your presence cause you shared classes with him and you were also at his practices a lot cause you and kiyoko would walk home together
so he knew of you but didn’t really know know you, yk?
but then one day yamaguchi came to him introducing you because apparently he’s the only one left on the team who hasn’t met you and it may or may not be because you were low key scared of him
it’s all good though cause once you two shook hands and talked he became more open to actually including you in his life
you guys made out to be good friends considering that you balanced out his snarky attitude with your even worse comebacks
like they weren’t really all that clever but it’s annoying enough to get him to shut up when you want him to
everyone on the team was super surprised at the fact that you were able to talk to tsukishima like that but also they were like: “please don’t ever stop???”
so you became from someone he barely realized was there to always looking for you first when he enters a room
yamaguchi: you know some people would call that having a crush 😗
and he’s all confused cause he knew that the possibility of him getting through high school without having a crush was very slim but jesus christ a crush on YOU??
tsukki, internally: god has favorites and it is not me 💔
but when he gets over the idea that it’s completely revolting to like you like that he realizes something click and suddenly it wasn’t an annoying idea to see you romantically
so in full tsukishima style he asks you out and was pretty surprised when you said yes but you weren’t cause he wasn’t even mildly subtle at hiding his intentions
you: does this mean you won’t be mean to me anymore 🥺
tsukki: no but that’s a nice try ❤️
even when the two of you started dating, he didn’t really want anything to change cause he liked the dynamic he had with you
he was very relieved that you weren’t easily offended and you didn’t really get on his nerves a lot
you guys were hot heads but you also respected each other 🥺
something you quickly became accustomed to after dating though is being codependent when it came to sleeping
you’re usually always over at each other’s houses and his mom is totally over the moon at the fact that his son found someone like you
so every afternoon after school you two are at either houses and just chilling and vibing because school do be very tiring tho
most of the time naps happen and even if it is super hot outside and you’re on the verge of a heat stroke, you just can’t get comfortable unless you’re touching him yk?
tsukishima’s probably the same since he really likes it when his leg is over yours or when his arm is touching your arm
you, under a blanket against tsukki’s back in extremely warm weather: it’s hot
tsukki, sweating: yeah
you: so anyways
he didn’t even realize how much he’s used to you being there when he falls asleep that at night when he actually needs to rest and you’re not anywhere near him he just can’t ???
tsukishima, snapping you a picture of him with tired eyes at 2 in the morning: you ruined my life
you, just as tired, quickly replying: uno reverse card bitch
so it’s 2 am and neither of you can fall asleep and it’s just an entire frenzy of tiring yourselves out
the two of you end up facetiming and just talking endlessly about random thoughts and perspectives on people
his voice is 100% groggy and every 2 minutes he’s yawning but he really likes it when he’s talking to you because it’s always better when it’s you in the mix
he’s telling you all about how he thinks dinosaurs are super cool and fantastic that when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep he’s just like 🥺
he stares at the screen for a while, suddenly regretting that he wasn’t there to make sure you were comfortable
he’s got the softest smile on and he doesn’t even care that he’s staring at you while you’re asleep cause you just looked so peaceful and warm and sweet
tsukki: that’s my baby 🥺
he feels another yawn come up and he ends the call, hoping that the tone won’t wake you up when he does
at this point he’s also on the verge of falling asleep and he’s very glad that he talked to you because you always knew how to get him out of things like this
tsukki, texting you: thanks for falling asleep on me SNAKE
tsukki: love you, gn <3
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sugar-petals · 4 years
BTS Scenario: Taking Care of Them When They Have a Cold
↳ ♡ NOTE ⇁ time for fluff. autumn season is coming, let me set the mood right here, we’re going cozy 🍂
warnings ⚠️ hurt/comfort, brief mention of sexual tension
⌈jimin⌋ ⇢ Jimin’s cold is unusually subtle. In terms of visible signs, it’d take some time to notice it for someone who doesn’t know him or doesn’t check just how heavy another person’s breath is going. But feedback? You will definitely get. Compared to how he’s pouting about it, which will melt your heart is what I’m saying, the symptoms are understated in comparison to the other members. Taehyung’s cough can shatter an entire neighborhood, Jimin sneezing is as graceful as a gazelle. Mind you, his nose is runny, and the slight fatigue of the first two days isn’t negligible, but the major thing to actively mend is more psychological than physical. In other words, his body does its thing, you don’t have to overextend yourself. 
That’s what you have to figure out first to really take care of him properly. After laying him down and bringing both snacks and liquids, talking is what he needs rather than ten thousand types of medications and cool towels all over him. Jimin doesn’t want to see you become sick as well so you don’t sit up close, but at talking range, and you text a lot during the day while you work. He’s worried about not being able to practice and hopes the cold doesn’t show in his appearance. You assure him it takes five days at best and he is okay again and promise a lot of kisses. With that prospect, healing is even sweeter. And, you know the guy, Jimin misses seducing you, so.
⌈taehyung⌋ ⇢ Absolutely enjoys being babied ten times out of ten. Nothing better than you preparing a hot herbal bath. Rosemary, thyme, camomile. The steam spiraling off the water surface looks so relaxing in the candlelight, the classical music you put on sways him into a trance, he lays there for half an hour just motionless. He gets a little tray of coconut cookies on the bed stand, you play the guitar to him, you massage his feet before he sleeps… Which, and he hates admitting it, makes it nice to be sick. By all means not because of the fever, but the extra attentions, the hot chocolate for bed. Taehyung thinks about that twice and concludes something. He doesn’t want to get a cold just to receive this treatment. Not for his own health nor to worry or overwhelm you, he’s not gonna guilt-trip you into being a servant. 
So, you agree for later: It’s good to treat him sporadically just because, whenever and wherever, cue Shakira. That Taehyung so enjoys a good healing and mending time and it just explodes when you both have a reason to, that’s rather something to expand to the whole relationship. Taehyung will do the exact spoiling for you, with a romantic twist the way you know him. It doesn’t need a sickness to resort to doing nice things for your partner. At the end of the day, the body will remember it and get sick again because it sees what it gets through being ill. That’s something to squarely avoid doing, a random gesture is good for its own sake, amen.
⌈yoongi⌋ ⇢ Grumpy, murmuring, disgruntled he can’t work without getting a headache, needs a lot of silence to recover so he curls up on his own with earphones in and fifty playlists on repeat. He’s like tch, only thing I need is tiger balm to whip me back into shape. Or… wait. Wait a second. A cup of steaming hot coffee with extra foam he will not reject. Or a plate of fried rice. Anything fried and super crispy, really. Yoongi likes those things, especially when prepared by you. Nothing is more honoring. Actually? I’ll change the initial statement. Yoongi does accept some help. You simply gotta find out his catnip I mean favorite dishes and either know the place to order it from or have some kitchen basics down. Nothing super fancy though, it doesn’t need a God’s Menu. The right seasoning does the trick already. 
He wants it mega spicy, sweating out the cold is the way to go said Yoongi’s mom back in the day so he goes by that motto. Love starts in the stomach for felines. If another BTS member drops take-out at the door, even better, that uplifts him greatly. When he munches, that’s the most gratifying thing in the world. Yoongi wants you to eat with him by the bed so that means chili in the bedroom but screw it. All that food and you cranking up the heater distracts Yoongi from his cold and some head pats have him on his way to recovery. And, by the way. He’s kinda turned on by you cooking for him so… the frustration is real, you’re gonna fuck like rabbits once he’s okay again.
★ ⌈namjoon⌋ ⇢ The friendly giant will stay in denial about his cough for at least three days and walk around with way too much medicine in his system. He begs for someone to relieve him, mostly himself, but all those sky-high standards are in the way. Responsibility! Hard work and endurance! Solve it in your head! What is the spiritual reason for colds? How many pills keep you awake for an all-nighter to write an album in one go? What’s next on the schedule? So it goes on, you know the deal with Joonie. You have to kick that leader butt so he finally enters the healing cave under the sheets. Don’t kick too hard though, he doesn’t have Jimin-level cushions. He topples over into his sheets fast anyway, he’s that level of exhausted from his own suppression. 
The story goes on, Namjoon feels extremely guilty for getting pampered and still ponders the reasons why he is ill rather than slowing down a minute and closing his laptop for a hot second. It gets a little awkward unless you figure out your secret weapon. What he feels better with is you reading him stories while he rests on the sofa. I’m not kidding. Or if you’re busy or he wants to be alone, audiobooks. That input is like a lullaby to Namjoon who gets knocked out by the soft whispering only to descend into 12 hours of sleep. Ah, he’s namjooning. Yep. His cold will force him into resting, but by the time he recovers, he is six books wiser and has had the pleasure of listening to your voice which he finds soothing. Thankful he is, anticipate an expensive present and flowers.
★ ⌈jungkook⌋ ⇢ Meal and fluid intake: Quantity explosion! Wow, wow, and wow again, the sheer amount that he can snack and turn into what seems even more muscle and more sweetness. Guinness World Record. He knows his system is currently resetting, he wants to hand it the building blocks, he knows the math. Yes, even sick Jungkook is the cutest foodie in the world. Yes, he will eat his veggies. He worries about not being able to work out so you at least help him stretch his legs ever so slightly in bed. He’s missing his boxing gloves like crazy, he wants to see the members in the practice room, he wants his milk. The latter is easy to get for him, and FaceTime comes in handy. 
Namjoon does a little motivational speech, and Jungkook feels better almost instantly. Later on, you have to scold him — well, just a little bit — for getting up in all that enthusiasm to do some of his routine on the second day, but he already knows it’s not good for him to get his heart rate up like that. He patiently snuggles in a cocoon of duvets with only his eyes being visible. Until, finally, his red lil’ nose goes back to normal and his lungs feel a lot lighter. Jungkook really hates being dizzy, so it’s a weight off his hunky shoulders all right. Then, he can join you at the dinner table for a double portion of extra Parmesan Spaghetti, and you settle on the couch to bingewatch romantic animes and any Studio Ghibli movie in history.
★ ⌈jin⌋ ⇢ It simply can’t be helped, he even wants to make this funny. Humor really is a never-ending well, Jin is Spongebob’s long lost cousin if you go by his amount of meme talk. He calls himself Rudolph the Red-Nosed Jindeer, stuffs handkerchiefs into his nostrils, draws smileys on his knees with the cream usually meant for a dry philtrum (he now has very hydrated knees, how about that), does impossible contortions to find the right sleeping or reading position. Honestly, you don’t really have to take much care of him nor worry, Jin will cure himself through laughter. The power of positive emotion. Entertainment is nothing to provide for, he’s a one-man show after all. Jin is the least bored when he’s sick among the group, however! It needs someone else to exchange with, you know. No punchline without an audience. Listening is the best thing. 
Sit, lean back, see what he has to say. The only thing you gotta actively do is stop him from choking on his own spit after a particularly dead-on joke. Maybe it’s introducing some room for serious time that helps Jin enter a different track. I can imagine that. Some talk about memories, talk about sorrows and issues. Jin is a complete man, but he still has plenty of ’em, demons don’t evade handsome people. And those need to be talked through in a silent minute. Jin also enjoys movie nights with a cup of tea in one hand and syrup in the other, that’s the go-to way to unwind. You can finally go all out and pour him his tea, bake for him, serve some self-made popcorn, extra sticky and sweet, oh yum.
★ ⌈hoseok⌋ ⇢ If Jimin and Hobi ever get colds at the same time, this will be the poutiest contest. They’re the most vocal about it in the group. Hoseok, and that will come to surprise you a little, becomes needy. Not at the beginning where he’s confused and emotional about what’s going on with him (someone who works this hard and needs a fully functioning body is thrown out of their lane even by the slightest symptom), but shortly after. You’ll come to understand how sensitive his body is, almost as perceptive as Jungkook’s actually. His body blows up with a strong fever, a hot man heating up even more is just an explosion of physics. 
He needs handkerchiefs, he needs tons of water, he needs music to distract him a little, he needs a heating blanket for his feet once the fever is gone. Granted, every sick person depends on those things, but Hoseok is someone who calls out of the bedroom often because he ran out. He’s not afraid to ask for things unlike Namjoon who would refuse out of overt politeness. You certainly have a lot to do because his cold comes in strong so it’s important you enjoy taking care of him and don’t do it out of obligation. Quality time is what we’re talking about here. It’s not about you doing the things, it’s about the presence. That’s why Hoseok will use his money well and always order proper take-out that’s not just classic fast food, you don’t have to cook or anything.
related: putting bts to sleep after a hard day 
© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 6)
Title: First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 6) aww crap the final part-
Genre: floof. Mega floof.
Pairing: Ushijima/Eita/Tendou/Shirabu/Goshiki x Reader (all separate) 
Notes: Sadly, this is the end of the Haikyuu boys series! I hate typing that up, but it’s the truth. And I can still do some of these for other fandoms if you readers like these. Also, I think I’m going to make a directory once I get some requests posted (following this, of course). Would that make things easier for people to find the request rules and masterlist? Probably - why would I even bother asking that question? 
Also, I apologize for the amount of cursing in this. I’ve been trying to cut back on it when writing, but it slips sometimes. Again, terribly sorry! 
Anyway, read on if you wish! I hope you enjoy! 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Masterlist
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
ushijima is a simple and straightforward man
so, it can be easy to assume that he’d want someone that is very straightforward and simple as well. 
that doesn’t immediately translate to them being stoic and constantly stone-faced, though.
someone that can be considered blunt (to a fault), yet still remains very sociable and charismatic.
yep, they’d be somewhat popular for their aura.
otherwise, i imagine that he’d want to the kiss to happen in private. 
but, something would happen during it that’d kind of ruin that.
like, imagine that the two of you are on a date. 
something very easy-going, maybe even a study date.
there’s definitely some small snacking going on, though.
so like, 
the two of you would be reviewing your notes.
the both of you had been at it for a bit of time, too.
you were getting tired, you could tell that he was too, and you were determined to fix this.
so, your plan?
you discreetly pull your bag over to your side.
while he didn’t notice the initial action, he was pulled from his study-coma due to the sound of a zipper.
he didn’t look over his shoulder until you had tapped his bicep 
(that felt absolutely beaUTIFUL MY GOD-) 
you had a simper on as you waved a small gift card to the nearest fast food restaurant,
“are you getting hungry, too? i’ll pay.”
he glanced down at his unfinished work, and while he did have second thoughts
he did realize that he was hungry when his stomach rumbled.
it embarassed him a little, but he knew that he could trust you enough to be vulnerable 
(as vulnerable as he felt being around you)
his lips twitched up into a small smile, and that was all the confirmation you needed. 
you grabbed his limp hand and pulled him from his seated position
while the normal person may have shied away, you’re dating the tall guy
so his height led to him towering over you 
and you found the whole scene to be adorable
(as did he, but he wouldn’t say that - he still had a filter of a kind)
either way, the walk to the random restaurant was spent in comfortable silence
(aside from the grumbling stomach sound.)
(seriously - both of your stomachs were growling obnoxiously loud, and it left you surprised as to why not a single person had even given you nasty looks.)
(just some odd food for thought - holy shit. food.) 
when you reach the place, you order your food
it couldn’t have taken any longer to come out
and you were getting a little impatient
a little habit you had whenever you were starting to become agitated was making him melt,
you were starting to scrunch your nose up and mess around with your fingers.
you were also starting to pout.
(yeah, that even sounds adorable. to him, the view is an absolute masterpiece.) 
when the food comes out, though
your face lights up from the previous expression, and the way you just glowed in the sun-
he would die from a cuteness overload, and it’d be your fault. 
so, you may have momentarily broken ushiwaka.
good job! 
either way, you two got the food and had made quick succession of walking back to your work to sit and relax.
and yes, while the food was greasy and slightly disgusting, it was quick and allowed you more time to do your work.
though you were unaware of his actions when eating, he was almost too aware of yours.
you were actually going through the food somewhat cleanly, but the way that you smiled when you made eye contact with the food
(if that would even be possible) 
either way, your lips curled up in the most sweet expression, and
“you look cute.”
you paused.
‘did he really just say that?’
you blushed, of course
you blinked, you stood and you came to
he nods, you blush brighter, and he decides that he just has to do it now.
“can i...”
his ears are turning red as he’s speaking.
“can i kiss you?”
you nod, and he awkwardly reaches up to cup your cheek
you turn even redder and he leans in
but he pauses, and you finish the motion for him.
you both are shocked by the actions that both of you had just done
but the feeling of each others lips together?
yeah, that’s forgotten.
you both get a little closer, a little more rough.
there is a lot of control in it, though that doesn’t negate any of the messiness that comes with something like this.
two teenagers that haven’t had a real relationship or kiss, just doing this for the first time? 
yeah, this is gonna be a bit of a tough ride. 
but as tough as it is, it still manages to be very loving.
the two of you indulge in the moment since, honestly, both of you have some trouble with your emotions. 
it doesn’t last though.
and it’s not because of you two, no- 
it’s because of tendou.
the boy barges in on you two, flips his shit, and jumps the gun immediately. 
you laugh, ushiwaka smiles (see above, absolutely precious) 
and everything just slowly gets a little more comfortable between you two following the kiss.
overall, very awkward and very inexperienced. 
but still very loving and controlled, with the passion still coming through. 
and the scenery?
couldn’t be more perfect. 
private (somewhat), intimate, and most definitely quiet. 
perfect for the both of you.
(plus, you got to tease the living crap out of the giant guess monster afterwards due to his reaction.)
(jokes on him, he talks a big game in this area, but he can’t own up.) 
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Semi Eita
boy here is a savage
and a borderline tsundere
so, i find that he might be attracted to someone similar to him in that sense
very competitive, very passionate, and very hot-headed
but definitely better with their emotions than he is
they’d be more open to letting their emotions out, but they’d also radiate bbe
(read: bad bitch energy in spades)
which i also think would mean that the first kiss would happen in an area that would be very emotional to the two of you
possibly a first date spot, possibly a spot where you two just share some huge memories (aside from the first date spot)
but it also wouldn’t happen right out of the gate
nor would it be completely happy
like, imagine this
the volleyball gym.
you two had your first run-in with each other there
you both also had your first date with each other here
(just, i imagine that there would be something super attractive and glorious about the gym, possibly a skylight or something under the stars)
(seriously. can’t leave school grounds? picnic in the gym under the stars, people will think you’re helping me train.)
and to top all of that off, that was where tendou and goshiki pushed you two into each others arms and made you confess to the other.
(yep, you guessed it - you’re a manager, and a 3rd year)
and, with you being a third year-
here you are.
you two are nearing graduation, 
you’ve been dating a for around a couple months,
and you both wanted to relive your memories before you break away from the high school that you’ve attended since you were younger
so, yeah
a very emotional day and following.
so, the both of you had just gone to the cafeteria, the old dorms rooms that were looking barren
seriously, the rooms that the third years had been in were getting cleaned before graduation
which just so happened to be up and coming within the business week.
yeah, cue the tears 
(oh wait, you already cried a fair amount a while ago and you’re saving the remaining ones for graduation.)
either way, you were pretty down about the whole thing
as was semi 
and the both of you just needed the comfort of each other
just visiting the places that brought you joy over the years.
the gym was the final spot, and it was one that the both of you had silently agreed upon visiting.
the stars were out and the time was brushing 10 pm
you two had gone through the motions throughout the day, but now?
you both wanted nothing but to imagine a night under the stars, much like the past dances
so you did
you had pulled your phone out of your pocket, set it right up on full volume
and played a slow song 
semi had wrapped his arms around your waist, yours around his shoulders 
the comfortable aura from the both of you made you both calm down 
and allowed the both of you to get lost in the moment
you were able to ignore the looming feeling of sadness that would most definitely follow
so, that being done, you got lost in each other under the stars 
you were eyeing the way his eyes seemed so drawn into yours, the eye contact being so intense
the way your bodies just molded together
the way the music made the atmosphere lighten up
an overall perfect moment.
and here, here is where that perfect moment was taken advantage of.
“can i kiss you?”
you paused for a second and blushed, but! 
“yes, semi, you can.”
you leaned up and kissed him.
he smirked when you did it, but responded nonetheless
and, in typical semi eita fashion, it was very passionate.
you were just as driven as him, so your response was equal to his 
there was no making out or any trace of a french kiss, but 
it was super sweet and loving, despite the snarky attitude the two of you carried.
it lasted a fair while, and since it was under the night sky 
and was also in an area that was secluded, especially at that time of night.
so yeah, when you two pulled away, you both went on with your action of slow dancing under the stars for the second time.
so, overall?
very sweet, as well as passionate
and yes, while i did hc them to happen during an emotional time,
the two of you would take the comfort you feel from each other, and manifest that into the kiss
(and its also an emotional moment for people that act like semi and his s/o’s headcanon).
but, again, 
very long, passionate, loving, and romantic
(holy shit, who would’ve guessed-)
and it was everything you could have asked for while slow dancing with each other 
under the moonlight
with the stars reflecting the other
beautiful. just beautiful. and perfect.
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Tendou Satori
tendou is a tease, right out.
he’d want a s/o that can dish out what they can take.
and that includes any jokes, “insults”, and pick-up lines that are thrown to either of you.
so, someone witty (and a little sarcastic)
also athletic.
for some reason, i can just imagine the two of them just running around for the hell of it 
like racing each other into grocery stores or the mall, maybe even the gym
and like, measuring up enough to tie on race wins.
they’d definitely be shorter, but their stamina would be nearly endless
but the kiss i feel would come up out of the blue. 
possibly in the hallways to tease the living crap out of each other in the middle of an “insult” battle
so, basically just imagine the two of them are walking from lunch
and they were going at it
semi, reon, and ushijima were starting to get annoyed, but they found of the things you were throwing at each other
still doesn’t make it any less annoying
(honestly, they were just staying close to see who would win or call it time-out before they reached class.)
“so what, tall-ass? at least i don’t have to duck when walking.”
“yeah, and you? i don’t have to worry about jumping whenever i have to avoid you when you’re biting ankles.”
“oh, this again?”
i think you get it.
either way, things were taking a turn for the more impulsive
you had begun to target his shonen, he had begun to target your movie genre obsession
yeah, when you both hit those targets?
things were getting bad.
so, being the parental figure that he is, semi had tried to break it up
and he did...
“guys, calm down. i don’t want to have to separate you in the damned hallways.”
you two quieted down for a bit and laid off the borderline offensive banter
“thank you.”
but semi’s attempt only lasted for a few seconds.
“okay, but seriously, you still aren’t caught up on the last volume, what makes you think you have the right to-”
“one more word, and i’ll kiss you.”
the five of you were still walking, but 80% of the group straight was caught off guard.
you, despite being part of the 80%, still refused to back down when you were still shocked
“oh really?”
“yep. keep going, i dare you.”
“you don’t have the guts.”
“you sure about that, doll?”
“oh, damn straight i am.”
“keep it up.”
this continued on for a while, pushing to an end when you two reached the hallway for your classes
but tendou was determined.
and time was still plentiful.
so when you spoke next, well...
“okay, just face it you won’t-”
and he kissed you.
straight up, in the hallway, in front of the eyes of many students.
and he wasn’t shy about it in the slightest
tendou went full messy on you, you responding similarly.
the shock of it definitely wore off quickly for you.
it was filled to the brim with passion
and yes, while it was a ‘shut up’ tactic,
it worked wonders for the both of you, seeing as this type of stuff would have been expected of the both of you
didn’t make it any less loving though
(at least, after the initial force.)
so, if you know what i mean, this lasted for a while.
(translation: make out session)
yep, you two straight up shared tongue in the hallway 
(and you may have been pulled closer to him and laid against the wall as the people started to disperse following the action and it’s suddenness)
just, quite literally, a surprising mess.
and it took a few to get you two away from each other
(literally, semi stayed behind to try and pry you guys apart but was dismissed when a teacher had come by the scene.)
(yep, you two got pried apart and given a warning)
10/10, would do it again.
overall, though-
again, 10/10, would do it again
that kiss is passionate, messy, and borderline sexual
that doesn’t mean that it is any less loving
(see above for author here’s repetition of the same sentence)
plus the breathlessness that comes with the whole experience
holy shit, yes
plus the scenario in which it happened as well as the setting?
oddly perfect for the two of you
casual, comfortable, and open
(yeah, i can’t imagine the kiss happening anywhere but at school don’t @ me)
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Shirabu Kenjiro
first things first, this boy is a hardass.
but he’s also the only member of the Shiratorizawa volleyball team that didn’t get in on an athletic scholarship.
so, that being said, his s/o would most likely be someone highly intelligent
like, if he’s in class 4, they’d either be in the same class or a higher one
either way, highly intelligent
i also have the feeling that he’d have to have run-ins with them near constantly
think like, team manager?
they’d would also be very introverted and responsible
he already was drawn to their intelligence, what else could be asked aside from basic college-prep class student other than responsibility?
and the introversion is simply because the man is a man of action, i’d reckon
otherwise, for the kiss.
well, it’s in the library.
the two of you had decided to study together before the exams
you both got in on academic scholarships, so you both had to keep the grades up.
it didn’t necessarily help that the two of you also had little time on your hands because of volleyball practice and games.
(stress runs high in this household, y’know?)
 either way, you find a way to work around the stress and go on your merry little studying way
(AKA ‘hope-to-god-that-i-don’t-absolutely-lose-my-mind-before-exams’ way)
besides the point, you had been wanting to kiss him as of late. 
seriously, you two had been together for a good few months now
and you both wanted to take things slow
but the perfect moment had come and go many, many times
and you were starting to get a little POed. 
‘does he not want to kiss me?’
‘does he not like kisses?’
‘does he not like me that much?’
yeah, you are intelligent but you are also pretty insecure 
(and also very pretty, but since people find your straight face kind of terrifying, not many of them talk to you - not like you care, after all.) 
and while none of that is true, from his perspective, of course
shirabu is just shy.
yep, that’s all it is.
he’s seen the moments, he’s wanted to take the chances
but things just haven’t worked out for him.
it’s always at the worst times, and frankly-
it was getting annoying for the both of you.
for different reasons, of course
but annoying nonetheless.
either way, you two came to the library to study, not make out in the surprisingly hidden area that you had chosen-
you both got down to business quick.
flashcards, notes, textbooks, you name it
you needed it, you had it
and the both of you had an amazing grasp on the subject matter
so you both went about your normal study process 
(that had been modified to match the library)
things had been going smoothly for a while.
there had been a few slip ups, on both ends, but there was still a few more days beforehand and you both planned to tear into the study material as they continued
so you’d both be fine in the long run.
you still weren’t happy with it, though.
it’s not a surprise that you two had decided to take a small break to hone and get some water.
and while shirabu took the water and small snack route, you took the opposite
you had shoved your face into your notes and reviewed what you got wrong, even going to the extent to annotate the notes you already had with extra information from his notes and the subject textbook.
shirabu had been watching you as you concentrated, 
eyes grazing over the information with intensity that only intrigued him 
(holy shit, i sound like i’m preaching something, why am i like this-)
the way your bright eyes practically glowed with drive
god, it drove him wild.
and whether it was the stress coming to a head, or just the look in your eyes-
hell, maybe even the lack of care that you had for your health-
he just had to kiss you
(distraction, aid, or not)
he knew that now was the perfect time, that this moment would be the best time to do it
so he knew he had to suck it up
and that he did.
he was still hesitant in his approach, though.
“s/o, look at me.”
“hmm? whaddaya nee-”
straight up smooches you midsentence.
the uncharacteristically bold move shocks you, but he makes it quick
(or at least quick enough to distract you from overworking yourself) 
and as quick as it is, my god-
it is passionate.
veyr rough, very forceful, 
but he was careful not to hurt you.
either way, the love and lack of hesitance came through.
and safe to say, the messiness was very prominent as well.
on one hand, though, you stopped pushing your head so hard to study
and you also managed to take the hint.
“so you felt that too?”
“yeah, i did. now stop studying and get some water, idiot.”
you chuckled at him, but did it nonetheless.
you two spent the rest of the time huddled closer together, as well.
(you two didn’t realize the third years peeking through the bookshelvesn watching this though)
(”my god, our little second years are growing up! T_T”)
overall, though
given the preciseness of the kiss, you both felt content with it for the time being 
(i know, a short kiss despite the many times it failed? damn.)
but yeah, given the circumstance, it worked for the both of you.
the library setting, too, holy-
just, overall a great kiss
short, sweet, a little messy, and very shy
(just like your relationship lol)
(sidenote: you two got teased relentlessly by tendou, but semi shut it down quick.) 
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Goshiki Tsutomu
can we cover this first? 
this boi is awkward. 
yes, he’s driven. yes, he’s capable. and yes, he is intelligent.
but that doesn’t negate awkward. 
this is why i think he’d have to know his s/o before dating them. 
they would be aware of his little quirks and habits, as would he.
but they’d have to be much more sure of themselves in other areas in order to help push him forward
he does the same, of course, but he’d have an odd time handling it.
so yes, they’d have to be sure of themselves and, possibly, even motherly
patience and tolerance would be key to support this boy.
that being said, i have a feeling that he’d try to make the first kiss happen with a cliche romantic build up
i mean, he’s not stupid, but he most definitely is unaware of how to deal with romantic endeavors. 
(that is actually kind of adorable, but hey - he’s oblivious to things like this, so tell him.)
otherwise, he started the date off in a typical manner.
he had walked up to get you at around 5 pm
you had the okay to skip dinner with your family/guardian for the night, you were prepped and ready in your flowing outfit \
(vague for personal reference)
he had also come prepared, dressed nicely and clean
holding your favorite flowers in his hand, possibly even some small candies for you (that are also your favorite) 
just overall, you could tell he had paid attention to the things that you liked 
(no duh though, you two have been friends for years).
either way, he had everything planned.
and it started off with a picnic at the park.
what else would he hold the candies in?
you thought the basket he was using was a little oversized for candies alone
and you were right.
he had everything that he could bring (and knew wouldn’t rot) with him.
what he didn’t know is that there was none of the food he had originally packed in the basket
and the blanket he had prepared wasn’t there 
(his mom had taken the basket he was supposed to use and he took the one she had - potluck problems).
safe to say, you both didn’t really like the food in the basket
and worse yet? the food was nasty with a capital N
yeah, that part of the plan was bust.
your alternative? 
some small amount of money for some small amount of fast food? 
good enough.
not for goshiki, but hey - what can you do?
otherwise, his next plan was fairly simple. 
he’d planned to meet his mother at the amusement park later that night to trade off the basket and enjoy some rides with you.
(and his plan included the ferris wheel) 
anyway, since the ‘meal’ didn’t last long, you settled for walking through town. 
and you did, but...
it rained. 
and the both of you got soaked.
it didn’t last long, thankfullly, but boy oh boy...
goshiki was starting to get a little depressed. 
you noticed, and reached for his hand. 
if things weren’t working out, you’d find a way to replace it.
right now, it was calling your older sibling to come and get you from where you were and taking you to his flat 
(it was the closest) 
either way, he had come by and two had decided to change into off-hand clothing that had been stored there 
(you left some clothes there for when you wanted to see your brother and fell asleep, your brother had some old clothing that fit goshiki)
either way, the awkwardness settled
your brother left you two to your own devices as he had some quick college assignments to complete. 
so you two decided to watch a tv show you both liked while you waited. 
eventually, it happened as such.
your brother had left his room after it was complete and, to keep some secrecy, pulled your brother aside to tell him the plan.
he agreed, and goshiki’s first kiss plan held a chance. 
eventually, as 7:30 rolled around and it started to get dark, your brother told you two to get your stuff and get in the car
“we’re going to the carnival - y/n i’ll pay for whatever you need.”
you both just went along with it.
when you arrived, goshiki walked off for a little bit before running back to you and taking your hand in his.
your brother had already bought a good amount of tickets for you two to use, so you were in the clear. 
you two had ran around, going on a rollercoaster even! 
(you were smiling, goshiki was crying - good times)
but when night fully came upon the sky, he knew he had to act fast.
and, luckily, his luck didn’t screw him over. 
the line to the ferris wheel was short, the sky was getting darker by the second, and he could see people setting up fireworks from his crappy vantage point below the hill.
‘perfect timing.’
and indeed it was.
you had been seated next to him and the ride had begun, and the fireworks had been set off. 
the lights were reflecting, and the pressure of the night just hit him square in the face.
“hey, s/o, i’m sorry about today.”
“what do you mean?”
“the picnic, the walk...it didn’t work out the way i wanted it to and i’m sorry for that.”
you laughed, making eye contact with him.
your bright eyes made him blush and your smile made him melt.
it didn’t help that the neon lights and the fireworks were reflecting in the depths of your eyes.
he knew that the time was now, but he was afraid that if he took the bold chance, you’d push him away.
you, on the other hand, had a completely different idea. 
when he had directed his attention to the floor of the compartment you two were in, you had reached for his chin and pulled his face to meet yours.
you straight up kissed him. 
this shocked the boy, but he went along with it and cupped your cheek in his hand as you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled yourself closer to him
it got more passionate, and much more messy.
hell, you didn’t even realize how breathless the two of you were until the loudest firework went off right as you two reached the top.
you pulled away from each other then
and while the two of you were bright red, you still cuddled up closer to the other for as long as you could before you both had to go home. 
but, just in general, holy-
this boy’s whole attempt was the cutest thing, and the kiss?
same way.
honestly, it was shy and so timid, 
but it held the messiness of the whole thing still- 
it was still immature, no matter the whole ordeal.
otherwise, both of your romantic fantasies were met to the highest standard when you had kissed on the ferris wheel just-
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Could we get nyarlthotep sfw/nsfw senarios? Maybe with a male reader if that's ok?
Bro, I have such a love/hate relationship and he’s one of the only characters I can say has enigma energy (also of course it’s alright if the reader is male, we stan Male Reader rights dammit)
Dating Nyarlathotep
Where do I even begin with this guy- 
When Nyarl has a thing for you, it is the most obvious yet not obvious thing in the world; he’ll crank up the teasing to a solid 20 and then glue himself to your side, running random touches along your spine or brushing his claws against your hip, and then all of a sudden he’s gone and it’s a whole week before he pops up again. And this continues for a good three months, progressively gets more touchy and the periods he’s gone get more sporadic, until either A) you get fed up and confront him about it or B) you begin to give him a taste of his own medicine (AKA avoid the asshole and keep him from touching you)
Which, either way, both scenarios play into Nyarl’s grubby little claws
The A) option would be one where he would lean against a wall/back of the chair while you go off on him. All the while having an infuriatingly easy going smile for you tearing into him; you don’t know if he’s listening and it is pissing you off. In actuality he is, but he doesn’t want you to know that, you’re cute when you’re mad, my guy. So, he’ll just sit there staring at you with half lidded eyes, letting you blow off some steam before he presses a finger against your lips and gives you some bedroom eyes and, it’s up to you whether or not you’re gonna have the do right then and there, but he knows he got you hook, line, and sinker
If the scenario is the B) option, he’ll amp his bullshit up so inconceivably high. He’ll begin to purposely leave risqué touches on your person: he’ll brush his hand against your lower back, maybe even hook his fingers in the back pockets of your pants just so he can drag you back against him, he’ll start resting his face in the crook of your neck (whether your standing or sitting for him to be able to do this) brushing his mouth just close enough to the shell of your ear for you to shiver- and if you’re trying to avoid all his touches to get back at him? Hoooo, boy, good luck;
He’ll get a little pissy at this because he wants to see your reaction (RIP you if you get flustered really easily). So, he’ll begin to corner you, or catch you in the most crowded places just so he has an excuse to press into you from behind. At these points, especially if you’re stuck in a very crowded place like, let’s say for example, a subway train (👀👀), he’ll press up against your back while slipping his hands over your thighs and up to your stomach before going back down to the dip of your hips and pressing you harder against him. And you bet your ass that any movement or- ahem- subtle pressure to your ass is just the sway of the train. He’ll chatter away like nothing too and it is bullshit. He’s an asshole in the fact that he’ll make you two stand like that until the ride is over
Once a relationship gets going between you two, you’re honestly surprised to find out how loyal he actually is- he’s uber loyal, but he doesn’t expect the same level of loyalty out of you? Like, just, he knows that you’ll find other people attractive and he understands you might… you know- want to pursue some sort of sexual interest with them (So, he doesn’t mean you’re a cheater, just that, people are hot and he’s leaving it open on your side)-
 Which is either super insulting or super sad to you, it’s up to you. He mentions a lot (in his own way) that he’s fine if you go off and have a one night stand with someone else, but he’ll get all serious all of a sudden and it is terrifying because he’ll suddenly hover two inches away from your face with that bitchy look he gets when he’s salty about something and straight up be like: “don’t make it a thing though.”
And he’ll go back to laughing and joking with you like nothing happened- What the fuck, Nyarl????? 
Please don’t “cheat” on him tho, it takes a lot for him to even care enough about someone to be a little less of an asshole to them let alone get into a relationship with them. So, he’s pretty attached to you
He doesn’t really believe in the concept of love, but after you two have been together for so long- you’re the closest thing that he’s getting to love, dude, and he kinda hates it???? It’s all fuzzy and he’s warm inside and if you get sad? And it’s his fault? Insta death. 
But he likes you too much to let you go, so, aw well, guess he can put up with it
Surprisingly, a possessive boy- he doesn’t like people talking to you for long periods of time and he’ll get salty if you seem like you’re having more fun with one of your friends then you do when you’re with him; just give him a lot of cuddles and smooches when you get home and he’ll forgive you immediately as he wraps you up in a big ol’ bear hug with his arms and his weird tail hand things will totally join in and wrap themselves around whatever they can grab, which is a really cute gesture that can become awkward really fast depending where they decide to grab
SPEAKING OF HIS WEIRD ASS TAIL HANDS- you’ll have to deal with them having semi-sentience and seeking you out whenever they can and witnessing Nyarl legitimately yell at them over it
It’s so surreal- and honestly, you’re with Nyarl, you should have accepted this by now but- to see him grab his tail in a choke hold and bring up the hands to his face as he tells them to knock it off and then one just reels back and slaps him across his snout, which instigates him slapping the hand back, and they start having an elementary school level slapping fight until one of them hit the other too hard and they’re making grabby hands for you because they got hurt-
And then you gotta kiss their boo-boos 
Also RIP your ass’ personal safety because those hands like to grab it and you’ve almost died a couple of times because they do it out of nowhere
Nyarl will kiss you spontaneously and out of nowhere. There is no preparing for his smooches they just come and go like the wind
Though he does give you a lot of pecks, his favorite types of kisses are french kisses because he likes it nasty 
Since he is passionate about his work you’ll have to remind him to eat and drink water and take breaks because he gets wrapped up in his work a lot- which he really appreciates and if you do the same thing, then you bet your ass that he’ll get you to take breaks because he refuses to let go of you as he hugs and showers you in kisses- at those times it’s soft Nyarl hours
He has no understandings of personal space so he’ll just… always be in your bubble and you have to really convince him to get out of it if you need some space
 If you two ever get in a fight, Nyarl is literally the worst person about it because, not only is he petty, but he’s also, well, Nyarl- so he’ll definitely come off as he’s not caring what’s made you upset by keeping that easy grin on his face and shooting off into crazy ass tangents, but that’s his way of trying to lighten the mood, which has mix results depending how important the topic is to you
He’ll get serious the more the argument drags on and how emotional you’re getting about it
Off of those topics, his ideal date is taking you to a club, but one that’s super fancy and has a VIP floor so you two can dance and be in each others presence and chat while feeling the bass of the music
When Nyarl gets jealous he becomes more sporadic than he already is. Which is a sight to behold because a majority of the time  he’ll somehow cause the conversation to steer back to the person and cause them to put their foot in their mouth. But if he ends up encountering that one person that can actually keep up with his mind games, he’s not above just warping their ass somewhere- which you’ve gotten mad at him before about, because oh my lord, Nyarl, you can’t just do that- 
Dating him means that you’re going to be listening to music 25/8, he likes all genres but when he’s at home, he prefers chill, atmospheric music like Lo-Fi
(Dom Nyarlothotep)
Subs rejoice! For this man (hyena???) is a Switch leaning Dom! So, he’ll definitely be taking over when you both first have sex
He’s a tad aggressive about it since he’s super eager to get at it, so if it’s your first time, you’ll have to remind him to slow down- which he will, but you’ll have to remind him periodically
This is one of the times where he doesn’t get all pissy with his tails for just grabbing you- they like to grip at your thighs the most and if, he’s laying on top of you, they’ll be caressing your sides and fondling anything that they could get their hands on
He’ll also use them to keep your legs open if you get embarrassed and try to close them because this boy likes to S T A R E at your erection standing proud, he gets a weird trip from it, like yeah, he did that to you (but that’s if you’re in a place where you can be on your back without someone just walking in on you two)
He’s a mega tease, especially out in public, so he’ll drag you into an alleyway and push you against the wall and press his body hard against you (no matter if you’re taller or shorter than him) he’ll run his tongue over your neck and the shell of your ear, scraping his canines against the hollow of your neck as he grinds against your erection through your jeans. He’ll make sure you can hear the low groans he’s letting out as he rolls his hips, grabbing your ass in his hands to bring you flush against his hips. He’ll start whispering filthy words into your ear, riling you up as you grab against him and bite your lip to get from making noise
He’s really good at giving oral
If he gives you a blow job, you’re gonna be blissed out by the end of it. He has a long tongue so he’ll start just under the head of it, before he moves to cover the tip of it and lap at the slit with the tip of his tongue, then he’ll bring you into his mouth, mindful of his teeth, but he isn’t above scraping them against your shaft. He doesn’t really have a gag reflex so he has no problem taking you all the way into his throat while he bobs his head while he sucks you off. He’ll also utilize his hands and play with your balls while he sucks you off
When he gives a rim job HE GOES O F F
So, get ready to hold on fam, because you’re in for a ride. He’ll have you put your ass up while he’s nipping at the meat of your ass before he begins to use the flat of his tongue to lave long licks over your twitching hole; soon he’s pressing his tongue into you and groaning at the way you taste on his tongue
When he’s fingering you, he’s mindful of his claws, but he has a tendency to… scare you??? It’s not even that he means it (or so you hope) he just goes f a s t, so sometimes he’ll push against you and you’ll feel them brush a tad to close for comfort on the walls of your ass, but he’ll make you forget about it real quick because, you don’t know what type of fancy fingers this bitch has but he finds your prostate in a snap. And he’ll focus on it because he likes seeing how much of a mess you become when he does-
He’s also extremely thorough about his fingering, so expect to cum at least once from it 
When he’s finally going to press his dick into you, he’s really talkative, even if that talkative is just him whispering filth into your ear, and he’ll rub his tip against the rim of your asshole before he presses into you and sheathes in one thrust (hence why he stretches you so thoroughly)
He’s very vocal in general, a lot of low grunts and moans if your doing some good old exobistionism, but in the privacy and the comfort of your own home, you’d think that you were getting fucked by a porn star: loud moans, extremely talkative, cursing galore, groans, whimpers- the whole shabang
If you have a vocal kink RIP you, bro, because he uses it to his advantage
When he’s topping, his favorite positions are either: pressing your face to the wall while he has a death grip on your hips or doggy style. He has a bit of a dom/sub kink in him
He B I T E S. Really hard. So, if you need him to real it in, he’ll try, but no promises
I suggest a safe word in general tbh
Also, after he cums in you, and if you guys didn’t use protection, he likes to watch it dribble out of you and then clean up with his tongue, so, just watch out for that
(Sub Nyarlathotep)
It takes… a bit of convincing for Nyarl to be the sub
He likes the high he gets off of domming, but, since he likes you so much, he’ll let you top 
He’s a pretty big pillow princess tho, so he’ll definitely act like a brat
You know when I mentioned that he’s really loud as a dom? Well, he’s even louder as a sub
If you give him a blowjob he’ll be really vocal about it and it’s one of the few times that you’ll hear him stutter, especially if you deepthroat him. He will be in bliss, and pray you got a good grip on his hips because he’ll thrust into your throat if you don’t watch it
Nyarl is incredibly neutral on rim jobs but he won’t say no to one
He’ll probably be giggling the entire time as he presses against your mouth. He likes his taint being licked at though
Fingering Nyarl is a fun thing to do because he straight up will buck his hips so hard on your fingers that he’s basically fucking himself on them. He has no chill
He likes positions where he’s still on top despite being penetrated, so, think cowgirl/reverse cowgirl; he feels much more comfortable about being in control of the pace and how hard the sex is
When you do penetrate him, he’ll let out a long moan that turns into a growl and he might overwhelm you a bit as he just starts bouncing on you. But, you get to watch the concentrated face he makes as he works himself up and down on your shaft
He still bites as a sub
So, again, safe word
(After Sex)
Nyarl has a tendency to just know out after sex
So it’s kinda up to you to initiate aftercare, which he’ll find very sweet if you do and will probably tease you for it, but he won’t complain
He is all up for cuddles though, he likes being little spoon, and on the off chance he has enough energy to talk, he’ll have some pillow talk with you
He’ll probably just hum as you whisper to him, but he’ll put a few words in here and there
After sex Nyarl is just compleletly different to normal Nyarl because he got out a lot of that pent up energy he has. He’s actually really cute like this??? 
He adopts a whole baby enigma energy when he drifts to sleep in your arms
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hateswifi · 5 years
Rising from the Ashes: Of Second Meetings and Mysteries
So this is Part Six here is to my Master List and Part Five.
Marinette got up, went to work. Everything was normal a couple more customers than yesterday. Diana closed early because she was going to see family today she closed at three o’clock. After work, she headed home and ate a small snack before the driver arrived. She got into the car quietly and quickly
“Hello, Miss Marinette. I am Wayne’s butler and friend, Alfred Pennyworth,” Alfred said from the front.
“Hi, Monsieur Pennyworth. Thank you for the ride,” Marinette responded with a smile.
“It is no problem and please call me Alfred. That’s what the rest of the boys call me. Speaking of the boys, they're excited to see you again,” he said. Now ten minutes later they pull into a house, well not exactly a house but more like a mansion. The mansion was big, dark, and ominous. “Welcome to Wayne Manor, Miss Marinette. Please make yourself at home for the time you’re staying.”
“Thank you, Monsieur Alfred,” Marinette says, following him into the house. “Would you be able to show me where the last boy is? I’m sorry I was never told his name.”
“The young Master is this way, please follow,” Alfred said, walking down a long hallway. “Last time I saw all the boys were in the parlor. They were playing Ultimate Mega Strike Four. Have you heard of it?”
“I love that game! I grew up playing Ultimate Mega Strike Three. I also won the competition that my school participated in,” Marinette said, happily.
“Well they’re right in here,” Alred said, opening the door. “Boys, Miss Marinette is here. Damian, are you ready for your fitting?”
“Damian?” Marinette asks, looking closer at the boys. She realized it was her mystery first friend. She blushes remembering her conversation with Dick, Jason, and Todd. “You guys were with more for more than an hour yesterday and did it not cross your mind to tell me that he is your brother?”
“Nope. Did you say, Damian? Ohhhh… you mean Demon Spawn,” Jason smirked, wrapping an arm around Damian's shoulders.
“Marinette? You’re doing my measurements?” Damian asked shrugging off Jason’s arm.
“Diana asked me to come over after work, she’s visiting her family,” Marinette smiles. “You ready for me to take your measurements?”
“I’m sure he wants to give you more than just his measurements,” Dick laughs, Marinette blushes as Damian slaps him. “I meant your number, get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Come on we’ll go to my room,” Damian said, grabbing her arm. He leads her to his room, which is quite spacious. He stands in front of his floor length mirror. 
“You know Dick was right about one thing,” Marinette said, measure his shoulder blades lightly touching his back.
“What… what is that, Angel?” Damian asked, turning his head towards the small girl.
“Angel?” Marinette squeaks, surprised by his nickname for her. 
“Sadly, an angel without wings, but even after you got tackled by Titus you tried to pay for my meal,” he turned to look at her then leaned in a whispered. “Plus my brothers told me what you said about me.”
Marinette backs up flustered. “Well, you are incredibly nice, caring, and extremely handsome.” She says, wrapping the measuring tape around his chest to measure it, but was closer than she needed to be.
“Well what I wanted to give you the day we had breakfast was my number, but you ran off before I could give it to you,” she said, measuring his arm. 
“I wanted to give you my number as well but Dick called me to remind me about a meeting,” he said, smiling. “Angel, I was disappointed when I left you. Dick suggested to do a modern Cinderella, but I was embarrassed, especially after what Jason posted.”
“What did Jason post?” Marinette asked, backing up so she could see his whole face. 
“You didn’t see the picture? Oh right, you probably haven’t gotten into Gotham news yet,” Damian said. “He posted a picture of me holding a door open for you.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Marinette asked, crossing her arms. 
“Well I’m famous because of my father and I’m seen as the ‘Ice Prince’ of Gotham because I’m cold to most people,” Damian explained. 
“That’s what the guy at the grocery store meant,” Marinette realized. “I finished measuring you. I guess I should be going.” 
“I overheard what you told Alfred in the hall, do you want to play Ultimate Mecha Strike and maybe stay for dinner? Umm… my brothers like having you around as do I,” Damian offered, grabbing one of her petite hands.
“That would be wonderful by the way can I see your phone before I forget?” Marinette asks. He gives her his phone, she types her number in once she hands it back he names her contact Angel. She gives him her phone so she can put his number in. 
They walk out and join the rest of the boys, when they got there Dick was facing off against Tim. After a few minutes, Tim’s character died and Dick celebrates. 
“Ok Dick, I’m going to beat you, but don’t be salty when you lose,” Marinette said, taking Tim’s controller then sits down next to Damian. 
“Sunshine not gonna lie, I feel like I’m being threatened by a cupcake because those are some bold words coming from such a small person,” Dick says, nonchalantly. 
She doesn’t respond, but once the game starts she knows that Dick realizes he’s about to eat his words. She’s better at the game than the boys thought she would be. After losing three times to Marinette, he grumbles at the loss and crosses his arms while sitting down on the couch, he was being overdramatic. The rest of the boys laugh at Dick’s antics.  
“Damian, where’d you find your girlfriend?” Tim asks, shocked that someone had beaten Dick the master of games. 
“First off, she’s not my girlfriend. Secondly, she’s from Paris,” Damian smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 
“Sure, you’re not dating at all,” Jason sarcastically replied with a snigger and an eye-roll. 
Marinette’s phone ringing interrupted Damian before he could respond. She smiles widely; Adrien was video calling her. “Do you guys mind?” Marinette asks. 
“Nope, not a problem. You can answer it right here if you want,” Jason said. 
“Cool thanks guy,” Marinette smiles, brightly. 
“Buginette! You promised to call!” Adrien exclaimed,  putting his face super close to the camera. 
“I had work today and yesterday. Plus you had school and countless other activities Gabriel has you doing,” Marinette justifies her actions. 
“Mar calm down I’m messing,” Adrien laughs but stops hearing the game. “Are you playing Ultimate Mecha Strike without me!? Mewouch Buginette you wound me.”
“Calm down I was just kicking Dick’s butt,” Marinette laughs. 
“This literally ray of sunshine killed me three times,” Dick cries, pushing his way into the frame. 
“So this is one of my best friends and part of my family, his name is Adrien Agreste. This is Dick Grayson,” Marinette introduces. 
“Take care of my Buginette,” Adrien says with a wave. 
“I’ll take care of the literal sunshine that stumbled into all of our lives,” Dick smiles back as Tim and Jason come up behind the couch. Marinette moves her hand back so everyone, including Damian, is in the frame. 
“Oh my gosh! Bug is that the boy you told Chloe about!” Adrien screamed, trying to point towards Damian, who still has his arm wrapped around her. Tim and Jason sat back down and Dick moved back to play more games. 
“Chaton! Aren’t you and Kagami supposed to be at a match it is Thursday night,” Marinette asks, looking at the time: five. 
“Bug, it’s already eleven here,” Adrien yawns falling onto his bed. 
“That’s why I’m so tired,” Marinette yawns also. 
“You should come home soon,” Adrien complains. 
“I haven’t even been gone a week and while I’m there I don’t want to be someone I’m not,” Marinette sighs. “I’ll probably be back for Chinese New Year though to honor my parents. I’ll let you know when I have a plan.”
“Night Mar, just know Paris isn’t as bright with you not here,” Adrien says, sadly. “Luka misses you too. Chloe was angry, but it’s because she’s just dealing with it differently.”
“I understand bye Adrien love you. Hug everyone for me,” Marinette waves. 
“Byeee!” He finishes as he hangs up. 
Marinette puts her head on Damian’s shoulder. 
“It’s good that you have supportive friends,” Damian states. 
“Ya, I miss them a lot. Chloe got angry last night and hung up on me because she doesn’t deal with her sadness by getting angry almost like a self-defense mechanism. Luka is a mellow person, but I haven’t talked to him since Monday. Kagami is lovably awkward. I think she shuts down a bit with grief,” Marinette explains. She then stands up while saying. “I think I’m going to head to my apart because in Paris, as Adrien said, it’s quite late. Luckily for me, Diana is going into work later than normal because she returning from her family.”
“Can I show you the way out?” Damian asks, standing as well.
“That would be lovely,” Marinette said then turned to look at the rest of the boys as she left. “Bye guys it was nice seeing you again.”
“Wait, are you having someone drive you home?” Damian asks, catching her hand before she could walk out the now open door. 
“I feel like walking. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been on a nice long walk. I’ll text you when I get home,” Marinette says, hugging Damian. She then waved as she walked out. 
Once she was a good distance away from the manor she transformed. She loved the feeling of wind in her hair. She swung up to the tallest building, Wayne Enterprises, and sat on top looking over the foreign city. Not long after she looked over the city she heard footsteps land and crunch in the snow behind. 
She jumps up and is in a fighting position as she demands. “Announce yourself.” 
“I could say the same to you,” a deep voice says from the other side of the building that was somehow shadowy. 
“Stop it, be nice,” another voice answers, then steps into view. “I’m Red Hood.”
“I’m Ladybug,” Marinette responds, dropping her stance. The other person steps into view. “You look like a traffic light. Seriously? Who wears yellow, green, red, and black?”
“Hey! That’s was my suit design!” Nightwing tries to defend himself. 
“How old were you when you designed it,” Marinette deadpanned, crossing her arms. 
“Twelve,” the traffic light boy said. “Wearing this costume is a right of passage and the name is Robin. Your concept isn’t much better. Seriously a ladybug?”
“Master chose to give me this miraculous; I didn’t have a choice. But I’m quite fond of the spots thought and I’m pretty sure I needed Tikki’s luck back when I first got the miraculous,” Marinette said, backing up. “Well, it was nice meeting you guys.” She then jumped off the building. Robin and Nightwing ran to the edge and saw her catch herself with her yo-yo. 
“A yo-yo? Is she an actual child?” Robin sighed. “Do we even know if she is a hero?”
“Red Robin, Ladybug is her name. Find out everything you can about her,” Nightwing states into his comm. 
They finished their patrol quickly and headed back to the manor. He received a text from his Angel that told him that she made it home fine. 
Tim has information on the hero when they made to the Batcave. “She is from Paris.”
“Was she one of the heroes that banned all supers from entering Paris?” Jason asks, pulling up a chair, he sat back facing the computer with his leg on either side. He had come to the Batcave when he had heard of the new to Gotham hero.
“Yes that was her and for good reason,” Tim says while pulling up the video. “This announcement made a little over two and a half years ago.”
A young Ladybug stood in front of Le Grand Paris Hotel while speaking into the crowd and cameras. “To all supers, we had previously reached out to, we no longer want any help from any superheroes besides the ones of either Chat Noir or my own choosing.’
“If akumatized, we don’t know how we would deal with superpowers on top of Hawkmoth’s powers. For the good of Paris do not enter here till further notice,” Chat Noir says. “Not only would the power be unbearable, but Hawkmoth would also know everything you know, including any secret identities. Thank you for all of your patients, have a good rest of your day,” he finishes before him and the young Ladybug jump off the scene.
“They look so young,” Dick says, leaning on the back of Tim’s chair.
“That’s because they were that young. Ladybug, now, couldn’t be any older than me. That means that, if Chat Noir is the same age, they started with this Hawkmoth bull when they were thirteen or fourteen. That god damn city put their faith in teenagers barely in high school,” Damian says, looking closer at the video.
“That’s not right,” Dick says, shaking his head.
“At least we had the choice, but who chooses to be a city’s only hope against the unknown?” Jason says, putting his head on his hands that were resting on the chair’s back.
“They recently defeated the terrorist, who was a miraculous holder named Hawkmoth. He had been terrorizing Paris for three years. Her partners’ names are Chat Noir, Ryuko, Viperon, and Queen Bee, they still do patrols and help with petty crimes. She had more partners, now retired never told why, but their names were Carapace and Rena Rouge, they haven’t been seen in two years. Chat Noir gave a statement earlier this week saying that Ladybug has left, but would be back sometimes or if Paris was in danger. She was last seen at a house fire of the Dupain-Cheng’s house and Bakery all people died. Only two bodies were found,” Tim summed up, looking at his brothers. 
“What’s Marinette’s last name?” Jason asked, looking at Damian. 
“Dupain-Cheng? But she said she was an only child,” Damian thought sitting down in a chair beside Tim. 
“She is by these pictures, but it says three dead,” Tim said pulling up the picture of her family standing out front of the bakery, this was back when she wore her hair in pigtails. 
“She said she didn’t want to talk about her past during the measurements,” Jason said. “Does everyone think she’s dead?”
“That’s true, right here, an article says all the Dupain-Chengs died in the fire two weeks ago on Saturday and were buried last week Sunday,” Tim said, scrolling through the article. 
“But she’s clearly alive, why would she move?” Jason asked, standing
“But more importantly there’s a connection between her and Ladybug. Wait… blue hair and eyes, petite figure. They were both last seen, well accounted for at the fire” Damian said. 
“They’re the same person, both from Paris and they were last seen around the same time. Both, Ladybug and Marinette, had a reason to run even if we don’t know what that reason is just yet,” Tim said. 
“Seriously, even Damian’s girlfriend is special? Why can’t we meet normal people?” Jason said, throwing up his hands and left the Batcave. 
“I’ll ask her about it next time I see her,” Damian said, leaving the Batcave as well.
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tsukidotcom · 5 years
haikyuu characters as boyfriends (hc)
this is my first time doing something like this, so it might be bad! Sorry in advance 🥺
Hinata Shouyou
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If you are shorter than him, even if it’s by less than an inch, he will take that fact with PRIDE!!
He may atease you a little bit but it’s only for laughs and giggles. He knows the frustration of people constantly telling him he’s short. like, No Shit Sherlock! But it isn’t often he finds someone shorter than him, let alone being able to tease anYONE for their height.
Will try to be the best bf eva and still help with reaching the highest shelves. How? Easy! With a little bit of problem solving.
“Hinata, help me reach the top shelf!”
*will feel happy someone finally asks him for help with something he is usually incapable of doing* “Okay!”
he will either give you a piggy back ride or let you sit on his shoulders so you can grab what you want. This could either end really well or really horribly. Worst case scenario is if one of you get hurt in the process but you guys usually laugh it off!
All in all, is gonna be mega soft for you. Treat you like a baby princess. Will always spoon you!! Cuddles!!
Now, if you’re taller than him..?
Total different story.
1000% is gonna be teased by Tsukishima, Kageyama and a little bit by Tanaka. Mostly Tsukishima. But also Kageyama and Tanaka.
You might also tease for laughs and giggles. You don’t push it like Tsukishima, though.
He will use his tippy toes to give you kisses 🥺🥺
Protect him!!! At all costs!! He’s just a baby crow into the wilderness. He’ll surely appreciate you and what you do for him. He will also try protect you back (like he did for the manager kiyoko). It may not be as affective but it’s the thought that counts !!
if you take interest in helping him practice or volleyball in general he may just cry out of pure happiness. If you don’t know a clue about volleyball or how to use the ball HE WILL GLADLY TEACH YOU. IF YOU’RE EYES SPARKLE AT HOW GOOD YOUR BABE IS AT VOLLEYBALL HE WILL S W O O N. You’ll make him feel like the most powerful man on the planet.
If we talk about sleep, he‘s still going to be the big spoon. Yet he doesn’t mind being the little spoon. He likes being both! As long as you’re with him he will sleep soundly like the babey he is.
At this point, height isn’t a factor he cares about. It is all about personality!!!
Really cherishes and cares about you. He’s just a cute bean that loves volleyball. Have a lot of trust and faith in him! He wants to be the best boyfriend ever 🥺 honestly will skip a few practices for you. But you owe him!
He’s very inexperienced. He might not even know how to properly kiss yet! (he’s THAT babey and innocent). You can try to coach him a little bit. If you don’t know much, either, then you guys can work with each other without feeling like you’re doing something wrong. Because y’all don’t know what’s right or wrong. You’re in this together! KDKFK
When it comes to physical attraction he leans towards long hugs and regular cuddle sessions. He likes your warmth 🥺💖 He’ll just lay on top of you. He’s just like a weighted blanket. And he is ALWAYS open to you laying on him, too. Sit on his lap 🥺 he is gonna play with your hair. He has a little sister at home so he probably knows how to do little tricks like braids.
Going to his house for study sessions or just to hang out is sometimes nerve wracking. His little sister can be incredibly annoying and nosy. he doesn’t want her crashing into his room when he can be alone with you. But small playdates with his little sis is always appreciated because he still cares for her (yet its still kinda embarrassing). He prays everytime you come over his mom doesn’t embarrass him, either. Baby pictures? No way in hell is he gonna let you see them. THEY WOULD BE ADORABLE TO YOU BUT REALLY EMBARRASSING TO HIM. He will get really flustered.
Kageyama Tobio
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Before he had feelings for you his mind was crammed with volleyball. There was no other room for anything else. But when YOU came into his life, he felt like things about volleyball was dumped far away.,, Deep in his noggin. He was getting confused about simple things and started overthinking about his movements more. His serves became less accurate/delayed. Safe to say you had an effect on his practice. He kinda got angry at you about it LMAO
Of course the other teammembers figured something was wrong with Kageyama, but they didn’t know why. He’s a very hard person to read,,, that is until he’s around you. He obviously acts differently. His cheeks become a little more pink and he stutrers his words more often. He doesn’t say anything mean to you like he does with Hinata or others. He’s more.. soft around you?? Plus he never stops staring. They INSTANTLY knew he liked you. He was always in denial but they never believed him. This was followed by countless attempts to tease Kageyama. Hinata and Tsuki really got on his nerves at those times.
Once when you guys SOMEHOW got together, he was pretty stoked about it.
Again, the only thing in his brain is volleyball. If you can’t handle him and his passion then the door is right there. Please fully support him with all you have!
He doesn’t care if you play volleyball or not. Just as long as you’re there for him. He‘ll become really bright if you ask him about it, too. Like, his eyes will sparkle and almost show more color. He’ll ramble about it for ages before getting flustered and stopping himself. You could only chuckle,, as you think he’s adorable. You can obviously tell volleyball is his passion.
Cheer him on during matches! Even though he’ll get flustered and will probably be teased by Tsukishima and Hinata, it makes him play better (he wants to look good for you ;]).
It will take a long time until he gets comftorable with you and know what’s okay and not okay. At the start of a relationship he doesn’t want to be wrong. He hates being wrong. Despises it. He wants to always be right so he can be the perfect boyfriend you deserve. So,, to not make a fool of himself, he observes you and takes mental notes of anything you say. He will try to avoid asking directly if something is good/okay, but he will ask if needed. It’ll be a total awkward mess for him but at the end of the day he cares and wants whats best for you.
He isn’t very touchy but in private he digs for cuddles. Being able to sit so close to you like that makes him head over heels for you. He’ll also die if you play with his hair. He’d act like he hates it at first but he could honestly fall asleep as you rub his scalp 🥺
In public he might sheepishly hold your hand. After some time he’ll take your hand without even thinking but at first he’s gonna be scared. ‘was it the right time to hold their hand?’ ‘did i do something bad?’ ‘what if....’ ‘but...’ please squeeze his hand as an act of reassurance. Smile at him, too. He’ll feel a little better afterwords.
With him always observing you, he can tell when something is wrong. He might be able to pinpoint what’s bothering you exactly. He’s that good. He is more of an action than words type of guy so he will purposely give you more attention. He’ll try to hint that he can tell something’s off. If you don’t get the hints he’ll finally ask if you’re okay. Will give you anything that he thinks you want or need. You want to talk about it? He’s listening. Cry on his shoulder? His arms are open. Want to distract yourself? Lets go do something. Movie? Sure thing. Eat? Already on it. Just talk about anything? Okay.
He won’t admit it but he loves seeing your smile so when that’s taken away from him he wants it fixed ASAP.
You guys will have regular study sessions. Even though he’s volleyball smart he’s flat out dumb when it comes to school work (but don’t tell him that). A nicer word would be ‘clueless.’ You’ll help him with notes and homework since you’ll probably have some of the same classes as him. He very much appreciates it. He might show his appreciation by giving you a peck on the cheek or lips (if your lucky).
He will make sure he looks good for you. Make sure he smells good and takes care of his hair a little bit more.
He will also internally freak out if he sees you wearing and smelling his hoodies or shirts. You’re so damn cute he doesn’t know how to handle it. If you ask for a hoodie he probably isn’t going to give you one so you’ll have to steal it yourself. He won’t realize it’s gone till he sees you wearing it. Then he’ll be like;
“........is that my-“
“Yep! But it’s mine now, so..”
*wants to get angry at you but can’t because you look so fucking cute with his hoodie he liteally can’t handle it*
When you two are alone he might just hug you and (if you’re lucky) pick you up off the ground because his instincts says to squeeze you and hold you tight. To protect you. He feels so much aching love for you oh my god it’s oozing out of him. And if he ever gets the hoodie back?? You already know he’s gonna wear it because it smells like YOU now! Your smell makes him so happy and calm.
when he’s in a real soft mood he’s gonna b touching you 27/4. Holding you, hugging you, cuddling you, feeling you. He loves the feeling of his skin touching yours. Like. Your skin is so soft. He’ll just bury his head in the crook of your neck and enjoy your presence. Your body. Your smell. He loves every aspect of you. And when he’s soft he always shows you how much you adore him through hugs and kisses.
And as a setter he’s real good with his fingers ;)
Tsukishima Kei
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Ah, yes.
The myth, the legend.
When he first falls for you, expect for him to suddenly disappear from your sight. Despite being a smart guy he will be very confused/clueless as to why he feels the way he feels. He will think it’s a bad feeling¿ and want to get away from it as soon as possible. At first he wouldnt know it was you who caused him to feel all soft and fuzzy. But when he realized those stupid butterflies were connected to YOU??? He’s gone.
Similar to Kageyama, it hit him hard during volleyball practice. It would take more just to focus on the game. It’s harder for him to move around. He’d get really frustrated and would think this was all your doing. Another reason why he’s distancing himself!!
Obviously you’ll feel sad and think you did something wrong. He most likely wouldn’t consider what it would look like in your perspective. Probably because he thinks your doing this to him on purpose like some sort of witch or mastermind.
THEN he finds himself thinking about you EVEN MORE!! Just the thought of bumping into you again makes his heart skip a beat. He hates it.
The only way for you guys to talk about this is if you go up to him before he can run away OR yamaguchi (or someone else) realizes what’s going on and forces you guys to meet up.
Once when he settles down and realizes it’s because he fell for you there is No Way he is gonna make the first move. You’re gonna be making the first move whether you like it or not. Who cares about toxic masculinity!! Girls can ask guys out, too!
“I like you”
*chokes on water or his own spit honestly* “W Hat ?”
“i.,. i like you, Tsukishima Kei.”
by then you probably figured out he likes you too because id he didn’t he wouldv’e outright rejected you like the asshole he is 💔 but now he’s your asshole ❤️
Like Kageyama, he believes in actions more than words. Verbal communication when it‘s about love is almost nonexistent while being in a relationship with Tsuki. It’s 👏 all 👏 about 👏 ACTIONS!! 👏
Don’t expect him to be all touchy with you, either. He isn’t much of a fan of holding hands or cuddling. He isn’t really into all the PDA. He just likes standing or being near you. Just the feeling of your presence is enough for him.
But he will sometimes kiss you either on the cheek or head. Mostly the cheek. It’s easy, fast, and subtle. If he’s REALLY in the mood he will kiss you on the lips.
During a match he doesn’t care if you’re there or not. It doesn’t hurt him if you aren’t. He knows you’re human and he doesn’t expect you to be there. But you usually are. Your presence definitely makes him more reliable in a game. He tries a little more and a little harder. He wants you to know you’re boyfriend is the best volleyball blocker on the block. When he successfully blocks a powerful spike he is FOR SURE gonna glance your way to see if you saw. Make him feel like he’s the most powerful thing in the world. He gonna get cocky as hell.
After winning a tough match in the finals/nationals he for sure is gonna feel a little pumped. If not more. You feel really happy and excited that the team won, too. So when you run around the halls to see him alone,, filling up his water bottle, you’re gona RUN up to him and hug him. And kiss him. He’ll be surprised but honestly a kiss from you is the best reward after winning a tense match. Suddenly his shoulders (he didn’t even know that was stiff) loosen. His hands explore your hips and waists. Very passionate kiss!! He likes those every once in awhile!!
If y’all get in the z o n e and just keep on kissing he’s gonna be the first to stop it. Not because he’s not enjoying it. But because he doesn’t want anyone walking in on you guys. He does things like this in PRIVATE. He’d never go down like that in a place where he could get caught.
What’s alone time like with Tsukishima? Well, you guys would probably in his room doing your own things. He doesn’t need study sessions because he’s good at school work. In fact, HE would probably be the one giving you study sessions if needed. If you have trouble on a subject he’s gonna help you, but not babysit you. He explains it once or twice and thats it. You’re kinda on your own after that. But he’s good at explaining things so it works out at the end.
He is really geeky about dinosaurs. Nothing much to it. He doesn’t say anything about it because he thinks it’s kinda embarrassing .. BUT! if you’re willing to have a full on conversation with him about dinosaurs he will be ON FIRE. He’s instantly gonna become super informative and passionate about it. Like a child. He wouldn’t mind watching documentaries with you either.
IS A MEGA TEASE. A REAL, STUPID TEASE!!!!!! He’s a sarcastic bitch so try not to take everything he says personally. This is just how he is. How he communicates and shows his affection. Although he knows he could probably go to far/get carried away. If he does you can talk to him about it. You will have to be right on as to what is hurting you because he doesn’t really grasp how his words can hurt you when he didn’t mean it.
“I...You know what you said to me a few days ago..? About ___?”
“Uhh, yeah. Why.”
“..This is stupid, but it hurt my feelings a little bit- I’m sorry I-“
“But why? I don’t actually mean what I said. So why would it effect you?”
“I know you actually don’t mean it. But... you do this all the time so it seems so real.. like you DO mean it. Even though I know you don’t mean it, it still...”
Babey probably won’t fully grasp the issue but will try to watch what comes out of his mouth. If something slips out and you show a negative reaction (you become silent, show a painful expression, etc.) he will probably say that he’s sorry. He doesn’t admit to saying sorry often because he hates being wrong (like kageyama). He probably won’t verbally say sorry when you first begin dating. It’ll take some time till he’s fully comftorable around you.
He will know what to do when you’re angry or sad because he always feels irritated. He might leave you alone because that’s what he always wants when he’s mad. If you’re sad he isn’t going to force you to talk to him about it but he isn’t gonna act like he doesn’t notice. He doesn’t really sugar coat things so he’s gonna flat out say ‘hey, you’re not okay. i can tell.’
At the end of the day he cares for you and will protect you. Make sure you’re okay :>
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h-hart · 4 years
The way to the royal “haven”
practice challenge ((I’ve combined all the prompts here haha))
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“Okay, everyone. I’m off now!” I cry as I grab my bag from the counter.
“Wait, what? Lunch’s ready!” Mom says, before sticking her head out of the window and yelling “BOYS LUNCH!”
“I told you I’m going to a concert today.” I say as I watch my dad and brother walk into the house with their hands full of soil from farming.
“Well, when you said concert, I wasn’t expecting you to leave before lunch!” Mom replies, shooing me out of my way as she pushes her son and husband to wash their hands. “You can’t survive the day without lunch! Especially if you’re gonna scream your lungs out at the songs.”
“I will eat along the way.” I tell her. She puts the pot down on the table and turns around to look at me.
“Haven Hart. I will not have this behavior of yours. Yes, I know girls go crazy over a singer and will try to get there as early as possible to catch a glimpse of him or something. But you will not do that! Finish your lunch first.”
“But Mom! I’m 20 years old! I’m not a baby anymore!” I argue, glancing at the clock in annoyance. I’m gonna be late. My brother must have noticed my annoyance and urgency and he gives me a sympathetic look.
“What about,” Hardin begins as he helps Mom with setting the table. “You pack this delicious pasta into a paper box and let Haven take it to the concert so she can fangirl while she eats?”
I nod hurriedly in agreement and give my mom puppy eyes. She sighs.
“Fine, but since you made the suggestion, you’re packing her lunch.” She states as she slaps a paper box into his hands. He rolls his eyes and stuff some of the pasta into the box lamely. After doing so, he hands me the lunchbox and I give him a grateful smile. He rolls his eyes again, mouths you owe me and I give my parents a kiss on the cheek and run off.
Now, I’ve never been one to lie to my parents, so I didn’t. It’s just that when I said I’m going to a concert, it wasn’t exactly the big expensive pop concerts they imagined. It’s a formal concert at the Hudson Royal Concert Hall, where Angelo Hyson will be singing a collection of songs from different musicals for the entertainment of a rich couple’s anniversary. And I most certainly did not get invited to the party, I was there for Angelo.
I sigh happily as I whisper his name. Angelo has the most angelic voice. While I have never been a big fan of musicals and opera and all that, the moment I heard him sing Music of the Night, I fell. Hard. I was there with Hardin, delivering some of the produce to the kitchen and Angelo was rehearsing. And being the lover of dance I am, my body started swaying and moving accordingly. He caught me from across the room and he came to talk to me and bang. That was it. We fell in love.
After a 30-minute walk, I finally made it to the hall. I look around to see Angelo busy talking to some guy in a suit, so I decide that we can talk later.
Here’s another thing I didn’t tell my parents. I was also here to perform, to be Angelo’s dancer.
Why didn’t I tell them? Simple. I’m supposedly a farmer, a four. But Angelo and being a dancer, is a five.
Which is why I have to put on a mask while performing.
But I don’t care, because for the next hour or so. I would be surrounded by love - dancing and Angelo.
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“Hey.” A voice whispers into my ear as I pack my bags after the performance. I smile at the voice and turn around to place my arms on his. He returns the smile and kisses me gently. “How’s my favorite dancer in the world?” I only smile in response and touch my lips against his again.
“I almost couldn’t get here in time!” I laugh as I fill him in with what happened. When I finish, I look at Angelo to see him frowning.
“What’s wrong?” I ask softly, hating to see him sad.
“Have you read the news?” He asks with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “It came out just now and I overheard some of the people talking about it. The prince just broke up with Evie.”
“Wait, what?” I reply with widened eyes. “But why?”
He shrugs in response.
“Well, okay. But you’re sad because the prince broke up with Evie?” I push, not understanding the whole situation.
“No.” He sighs as he pulls me into his arms. “It’s just that their sudden break up reminded me of how precious and lucky it is to be able to be with the person you’re in love with.”
I smile at his words and snuggle into him happily.
“Which is why I want to know if you’re truly truly happy with me.” He says after a slight hesitation. I widen my eyes and push away from him to look at him.
“Are you crazy?” I ask him. “I love you! I would do anything as long as it means I get to be with you.”
“But I’m a five. I can’t give you the life you’re having.” He reasons. I roll my eyes, having heard him say this a thousand times.
“We had this conversation last month! I thought I reassured you I don’t mind that.”
“Yes, but hearing you talk about hiding us from your parents…” He trails off with a frown on his cute and hot face. I place my hands on his face and stare into his eyes, searching for, I don’t know, something. But all I can see is love and pain. Pain at the thought of me having to be a five and not being able to tell my parents about us.
“Okay, well if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ll tell them.” I declare with a courage I never knew I had. But love gives you courage. “No, let’s tell them. Together. If we’re gonna spend the rest of our lives together, we might as well do this together.”
“W-” He begins before he is interrupt by a kiss from his angel, me.
“Nope. you’re not gonna say another word on this. They are my parents. I call the shots.” I announce, getting up to grab my bag.
“N- now?”
“Yes, now. I’ve never been more sure of anything. Let’s go.”
And that’s how I made the second worst decision I’ve ever made in my entire life.
To say my parents disliked Angelo and I would be an understatement. My mother screamed and my dad almost beat Angelo up. When Angelo left to make it home before the curfew, the screaming did not die down. And that whole night my mom and I screamed at each other, my dad kicked the soil and my brother tried to stop him, only to get a yelling from my mother about how Hardin let “your sister go into a dark path, making the worst decision of her life.” I was thankful we own a farm and live in the middle of it, or else the neighbors would definitely think I murdered someone.
And so the night went into morning, with my mom yelling about how I’m being stubborn and stupid and not giving other boys a chance. And my dad banning the two of us from making any more deliveries, which Hardin managed to slip out of as he argued that he would never have to marry down. He also argued that we needed the money as our farm wasn’t doing too good and my parents didn’t have the time and energy to do the delivering.
Sometimes I wish I was a boy instead.
Oh and that early morning, a sleep-deprived me made the worst decision in my entire life. To show my mom that I really love Angelo, I made a snarky comment about how even if the Prince were to show up at our doorstep to ask for my hand in marriage, I would still choose Angelo. And my mom told me to prove it.
And then because I’m stubborn and thought I would never be that unlucky to get chosen, I applied for The Selection.
And then I got chosen to represent Hudson.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
The rest became some sort of a blur to me. Thus, I shall be recapping the events that happened afterwards in pictures and short sentences. This is all still surreal to me.
The send-off:
It was a bit awkward, but hey, I played my part correctly and smoothly so there’s that. The Hart siblings took one last photo before I headed to the Selection.
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Plane ride:
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I put on a face mask right as I left Hudson, so I didn’t have to explain my weirdness.
I’m gonna miss my family so much. I changed into a nice pantsuit for the plane ride as I wanted to feel more comfortable. I was the last to arrive and was introduced to Brooke, Clara and Tavi. It was really hard to not talk to all those pretty girls, but I couldn’t. I told them I was sick and they became instantly concerned, with Clara cutely offering me some medicine. I declined politely.
I also used my phone to type out the things I want to say so I didn’t have to say them out loud in a weird voice. I missed my real voice. We chatted a bit, with me awkwardly writing things on my phone.
And did I mention they offered champagne on the plane???? Any other time, I would’ve grabbed one. Or two. Or more.
As the plane took off, Tavi, who was next to me, announced she was gonna listen to some music.
“Haven, would you like to join?” She asked me. I smiled and nodded.
“I do have a very mixed taste in music so you’re in for a treat.” She told me as she offered one of her earphones.
And then before I could stop myself. I winked. What. the. Hell. was. I. Doing.
Luckily no one seemed to notice.
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That was the scariest and weirdest experience in my entire life. I have never had a makeover in my entire life. So, I simply dismissed them all and showed them pictures of Haven Hart, the prettiest farmer in Hudson, to prove to them that I can do the makeover to myself. And luckily, I got out of the interview, by once again telling them I’ve simply lost my voice.
But lemme just tell you, there were so many pretty and hot girls in the women's room. And wow, this must be a real heaven for the prince. Talking about a rebound, eh? Gotta take some points from him.
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And finally, everything is over and I’m finally in the safety of my own room. I get out of the ridiculous dress, heels and makeup, before taking a long nice needed bath.
And then I take out my phone to call the only person in the world that I want to talk to right now.
Oh, how I long to finally be able to be myself.
((A mega shoutout to Pia, Simone and Kat for the lovely rp!! @brookelynnsanders​ @tavi-hayes​ @clara-choii​ THANKS!!))
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dumdumdrawstumtums · 5 years
ABB3 and I were talking about this earlier, you see I've recently got into the fate fandom and I was wondering if you had any belly canons for any of the guys, specifically Gilgamesh and Fate stay night's Lancer? Or any other guys you like from the series~ (Ive only seen fate zero and fate stay night so far btw.) ^_^
Oh hey good on ya! I'm still a woeful casual when it comes to the series, but it's provided some real nice guys to fawn over~ But alright lemme see what I can do...
Well the fun thing about G/ilgamesh is that his monumentally enormous ego is matched only by his looks... and hopefully his appetite. Cuz I mean, damn, boy knows how to dress to impress.
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The thing is though that his taste is incredibly high class, so he'll only be dining on 5-star dishes. He's been around modern society enough to know how to get what he likes, after all. The thing is though that he would be so caught up in holding this fact over others heads that he would neglect to take note of just how much he may be eating. Like, I don't see him as the sort to actively flaunt stuffing himself taut. He may even be secretly embarrassed by it, but damn if he won't play it off as something along the lines of course he's privileged to such gorging. Anything like greasy fast food he wouldn't allow to slip past his lips UNLESS his ability to even do so was being questioned. His weakness is having his ego struck in any way, after all. Then he would certainly have to silence the mongrels' barking and prove himself... probably leading to a very full, very upset stomach having so much garbage filling his belly. At that point he might require some belly rubs - something he would order someone he deems capable of providing to do. Perhaps threatening that if they aren't up to task, they may find themself added to the rest of the trash.
Whiiich leads into the headcanons for vore HAHAH// The King of Heroes lords over all, and sometimes he needs to assert his superiority in less conventional, but no less absolute ways. I don't think he would be too actively yearning to eat anyone, since his body is perfection that he doesn't want anyone ruining. It might be once his (admittedly thin) patience is tested in a certain manner (maybe someone questioned his appetite a little too hard?) that he will give them the privilege of being shown just what he can do. Most anyone he eats he would be dismissive of after; they're food now, they should settle down, and don't they dare give him indigestion, or he can make this even harder on them. And again, this is probably something he prefers to keep private. Although if any company shows up, I feel like Gil wouldn't be doing much to hide his large, squirming belly - like, full on sitting back, just idly stroking over the mega bloat, half-attempting to stifle burps or hiccups, mostly just quietly annoyed. Regardless of how awkward that might make the other feel. Nonfatal situations I think require for G/ilgamesh to at least feel a little respect for who he's gulped down? Which is no easy feat of course, so... he would definitely be the "one way trip" sort of pred the vast majority of the time. But even if that requirement is met, it wouldn't necessarily deter him from carrying on his day as he otherwise would, which includes eating and drinking what he pleases, and giving his belly a firm smack if his stomach's occupant protests. Basically, his wants and needs always take priority.
Okay and because it would be a good follow-up, another who my friends like would be O/zymandias. Again, another drop dead gorgeous king~
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Unfortunately though, since they share such similar attitudes, a lot of headcanons for Gil apply to Ozy OTL  That includes the fine taste, being mostly spurred into eating past his comfort levels by having his pride put on the line, and the authoritative aura he carries even when he's aching with fullness. As a matter of fact it's often fun to imagine them being quite the pair when it comes to eating; they're likely to goad each other into eating more and more with neither willing to face the shame of having the weaker stomach. Thank goodness they get along so well... for them, anyway. Maybe not so much for the restaurant they visit, or the unfortunate people who may be included in their kingly feasting.
I think a good distinction to make Ozy stand out more is that he's not quite so much a jerk as Gil would be regarded as? He's got a monumental ego sure, but seems to be less likely to utterly disregard the personhood of others in the process. So it may take a little more to make him deem someone to be his next meal... maybe. Possibly. His body is a temple, he can't very well be making this a habit, after all. Consequently I also think he would be a bit more likely to indulge in nonfatal scenarios, too. And with the mighty pharaoh he would make a little more effort in being a proper host. Oh, and since there was a funny bit a dialogue in the game where he staunchly denied being decapitated in the most huffy, tsundere way, I think that would apply to him having a ridiculously filled gut as well. "There's nothing wrong with my stomach... *grrrgghh...*"
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Another one that friends have a big liking to so of course I'll jump on that too! What we got here is a colossal 9'9" tall berserker bull man, THE Minotaur of legend himself. The fun thing about him is that, as the myth tells, he's canonically eaten people - and plenty of them, too. He's got a great deal of dialogue alluding to how easily he could put even you on the menu as well. So, while he might have some difficulty speaking... his stomach can do the talking for him. Like, he already struggles to control his beastly urges, so who could blame him if he slipped up, caught someone in his inescapable clutches, and ate them? Or even two? He's almost twice as large as normal humans; it would be far less difficult for him to gorge on more than one. Consuming others would be treated as something that just comes natural to A/sterios, like a hunger that was finally quenched.
On the stuffing end (sorry for the reverse order, he's just far more likely to enjoy meat on the very rare side) the bull would require a lot to satisfy him. He's used to eating whole, poor people who were dumped into his labyrinth, after all. And again, this absolute unit is BIG. Not to mention being treated to food beyond "human" would probably be a novel experience for him. He's been in the labyrinth all his life, he has the whole world to see and experience! Poor A/sterios would probably be overwhelmed and adorably yearning to try everything. Very open to being fed, and having his belly rubbed, too! Just, again, both of these things are gonna take a while, given his size.
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Husband material that captured my heart big time when I finally got around to watching A/pocryphaaa// He's got a similar vibe to C/u C/hulainn with his lax attitude and enjoyment in fighting. The differences between them though help to separate my headcanons just a bit. Like, whereas Cu's more laid-back the majority of the time, A/chilles has more of an intensity to him. He's more excited by a challenge for one, and that can play easily into some fun headcanons. Like, any meal he sits down for will be filling him up, but afterwards if he sees there's an eating contest going down, he'd still be going "Yeah I bet I could win, piece of cake *urp* Maybe poor choice of words..." And then claim that filling his stomach up beforehand was just to give everyone else a fighting chance. And he will win, it'll just... be something of a pyrrhic victory. One that he'll still try to take pride in sure, but not without a lot of groaning and claiming that he must weigh twice as heavy now. And as wont as the Greek hero would be to lie back and let everything digest, he's just as quickly to pull himself back up and heft around the gurgling gorge, since he hates to be bored or to seem pathetic. After all, while his ego might not be anywhere near the mountainous scale Gil's is, he still has a hefty arrogance to him that can be used to push him (and his belly) further. Though unlike the king and pharaoh, I think A/chilles would genuinely be unabashed in his bloated state, let alone the thunderous belches that might come about - just sighing with relief after and giving his stomach a pat. Even when receiving some welcomed belly rubs, don’t be offended if you get caught in the blast radius HAHAH
Regarding vore, I think A/chilles would very much have the mindset of "eating someone means claiming total victory." And it would probably be something he revels in just as much as any victory, roughly massaging his stomach, trying to clench his stretched thin abs, etc. What makes A/chilles unique is that, as said, he likes a challenge. That means that while he's groaning for his prey to settle down, he's also outright encouraging them to fight against his stomach, which might not phase him quite as much as it would others since, y'know, invincible body and all. If they're especially feisty, to the point it's making the brash hero gag, heave, have to swallow down lumps rising back up his throat, well then that struggle just makes this all the better. Heck, if they're not up to that point he may even waddle himself over to eat more, just to get himself to that point of barely keeping it together. Even in nonfatal situations, the Rider would undoubtedly enjoy making his carry-on squirm - probably utilizing effective teasing to get them riled up, like hiccuping and asking just how much they weigh, or downing a full gallon of drink to drench them, burping, and saying lugging them in his stomach is thirsty work. Much more inclined to some rough play than the blue Lancer would be, methinks. That includes all the belly play of jostling, prodding, 'accidentally' lying on his stomach a bit, all that goodness~
(I left C/u C/hulainn out because I remembered I already did a big post about him here, among other posts, so enjoy that if you’d like!)
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Kiribaku + Coffee Shop AU!!!
there are So Many things you can do with a Coffee Shop AU. the universe is vast, infinite, brimming with potentialahem
so, i’ve technically sort of done a coffeeshop au before (Everybody Knows That Cats Are Independent), though the coffee shop isn’t totally totally focused on all that much, haha. and there’s the daemons thing.
a less oft seen version is Coffee Shop Coworke- NO NO WAIT
they work…. for different Coffee Shops. on the same road in a busy shopping district, just on opposite sides (i’ve seen this in real life with a couple of ice-cream parlours. can’t help but think what kind of WAR that is)
*cracks knuckles* y’all want coffee puns???
Kirishima works at Fourth Grind
and i’m bringing it back because it made me ugly-laugh when i came up with it:
Bakugou works at Best Beanist
so i figure there’s probably like, some of the class working at one, some at the other. for maximum chaos it’s not all bakusquad at one and dekusquad at another. probably some of the class as customers from other local shops who’re there for the Drama to be Regulars at different places. class B? ehhhhhhhhhhh maybe. okay let’s see:
Fourth Grind crew:
Best Beanist crew:
Anyway yeah, they’re RIVAL SHOPS
So what happens is, Kiri and Baku are really into the rivalry, and no one else is that invested but they let them do their thing. They yell at each other across the street as they’re opening up.
and so it goes.
They start seeing each other in The Wild. Bakugou nearly walks into Kirishima in their local supermarket and they stare at each other with the kill bill sirens going off in their heads, but they don’t want to make a Big Scene in the supermarket by like, brawling or something.
Bakugou accuses Kirishima of having poor taste in coffee. Kirishima says that the taste doesn’t matter as long as it’s quick to make and can buy him extra time. They seethe.
And they keep running into each other, getting into petty squabbles, and going back to their coworkers to Complain. Everyone else is like ‘good, keep your arguments out of work hours’.
The thing is, the further they stray from Coffee Opinions, the more they seem to actually agree on? It’s like they have similar interests or something. How deplorable.
They’re sniping at each other at the supermarket again when some other guy comes up and starts a different argument with Bakugou - probably a rude customer from the coffee shop - and the thing is that Kiri and Baku have the same opinion on that, and they argue from the same side for once and crush the guy.
He leaves, defeated. Kiri and Baku nod at each other and continue doing their own things, minus the sniping.
Now, meanwhile, all the other Fourth Grind and Best Beanist employees? They’re friends. They hang out together. They all earn minimum wae doing basically the same job and they’re gonna have a party to try and get everyone to de-stress a little.
Baku: ew socialising? with the ENEMY?Uraraka: the company is our enemy, BakugouSero: yeah! rail against the corporate scumbags! not the other beleagured workers like usBaku: i can do bothTodo: are you afraid of a party?Baku: wtF NO i just hate partiesTsu: there will be free foodBaku: …I’m in
Kiri: hey i need to find the Worst Possible Outfit, MinaMina, over the phone: this is to annoy Bakugou, isn’t it?Kiri: i’ve never PLANNED to be in the same place as him before. i gotta go all in. it’s gotta be memorable. which pair of crocs should i use?Mina: just ask him out alreadyKiri, spluttering: WHAT NO I DON’t- WHAT- I- NO MINAMina, sighing: i’ll be there in five
So the party is happening. everyone’s chilling. there are some other people some of the workers have invited, it’s a relaxed atmosphere.Bakugou and Kirishima are staring daggers at each other from across the room
Baku, internally: WHAT IS HE WEARING WHAT THE FUCKKiri, internally: Mina is a LIAR I do NOT have a crush on him,,, that’s ridiculous we are EnemiesBaku, marching up to Kiri: ARE THOSE FUCKING CROCS?Kiri, noticing suddenly that Baku is wearing Relatively Nice Party Clothes instead of work uniform or random casual clothes: forgets words for five whole secondsBaku: OI ARE YOU DEAFKiri: NO I’M GAY
Kiri’s panicking internally. Why is Mina always right? But Bakugou just loses it laughing. Kiri is… extremely mega triple gay.
Baku, still amused: well i guess that explains your whole outfitKiri: thanks, i put it together for youKiri, internally: i did not authorise that sentenceBaku: fuckin hell, you want me to tear my eyes out?Kiri: that was the aim, yep.
They actually manage to hold a pretty civil conversation after that. Kiri might have been flirting a little (by accident) but he kept it subtle.
After the party, he goes into Full Gay Crisis Mode and complains to Mina at work. She consoles him. And rolls her eyes.
Kiri: what do I do? ? ? we’re COMPETITORSMina: i can ask Tsu for his numberKiri: why does your girlfriend know Bakugou’s numberMina: Mina: Asui TsuyuKiri: …FROM BEANIST?Mina: WHY DON’T YOU KNOW THIS? Kami: why doesn’t he know what?Mina: that i’m dating a Beanist, apparentlyKami: oh lmaoKiri: IT NEVER CAME UPKami: why forKiri: none of your-Mina: he likes BakugouKami: huhDeku: who likes him?Kami: Kirishima, apparentlyMina: it’s trueKiri: unfortunately…..Deku: you like….. Kacchan. Blond Kacchan. Angry Kacchan. Kiri: yes and it sucksIida: WH Y ARE YOU ALL IN THE BACK IT’S NOT BREAK TIME???
Kiri goes through like, three crises after learning that Mina's girlfriend is from the Other Coffee Shop. he declines asking her for Baku's number, and says he'd prefer to get it himself
things continue on mostly like before except now when Kiri and Baku see each other and find something to argue about, it's no longer as hostile. they're just bickering because they enjoy bickering, and Kiri keeps flirting with Baku (mostly by accident at first)
the problem is - he can't get a read on the other guy. is he reciprocating? is he oblivious? is he ignoring it?
meanwhile Bakugou goes home every time they meet and frantically googles stuff like'i hate this guy but i don't want to punch him any more''what does it mean when you want to see someone so you can fight with them when you don't actually want to fight with them''is seeing a colour and being reminded of someone psychic warfare''what stage of anger affects the heart and stomach''why am i happy to see my arch enemy'
Google: i diagnose you with Crush
Bakugou is Furious that google could come to such a conclusion. So furious, in fact, that he rants about it to his coworkers, who all sort of look at each other with resigned expressions.
Uraraka, Todoroki, Tsu and Sero: ...you have a crush on Kirishima?Baku: NO I JUST SAID THAT I DON'T AND GOOGLE IS WRONG(Tsu, texting Mina: Bakugou has a crush on KirishimaMina: oh sweet)Ura: it's okay to have feelings, BakugouBaku: SHUT UP I DON'T HAVE ANYTodo: i find that hard to believe.Baku: YOU DON'T HAVE FEELINGS YOU REPRESSED BASTARDSero: oh so you're not repressed, Bakugou?Baku: OF FUCKING COURSE NOTSero: so you DO have feelingsBaku: FUCKTsu: alright Bakugou, you don't have a crush on Kirishima.Baku: ExactlyTsu: but you do look forwards to seeing him and spending time with himBaku: ...Tsu: you think about him in a variety of unrelated situationsBaku: ..I...Tsu: and your stomach goes fluttery when you doBaku: .........fuck
So Baku has his own Gay Crisis to work through.
The next time they see each other in the wild, Bakugou's like: okay. act normal.
Baku: HEY KIRISHIMAKiri: BakugouBaku: ....Kiri: ....Baku: ....Kiri: uh what's up?Baku: NOTHING I HAVE TO GOKiri: ...???Baku, internally: nailed itBaku, internally: wait no i didn't wtf happenedBaku, internally: I HAVEN'T MOVEDKiri: dude are you okayBaku: i'm fine.Kiri: ... are you?? leaving?????Baku: i changed my mindKiri: oh okay.Baku: ...Kiri: ...Mina and Tsu, who happened to be on a date, saw Bakugou stomping up to Kirishima and decided to watch from a bush Mina pulled them into: wow they're bad at this
It’s the most awkward interaction they’ve ever had, because both parties know about their own feelings and they’re trying to work out what the other thinks and they’re just. Staring at each other.
Bakugou decides to bite the bullet.
Baku: KIRISHIMAKiri: ah! dude, i'm right hereBaku: date meKiri: whatMina and Tsu: !!! oh he just went for it okayBaku: Date. Me.Kiri: what. I mean, YES but? ? what? ???? ?
They exchange numbers and just sort of... grin at each other for a few more minutes. Idiot boys. Then they part ways and start textin each other and arrange a date.
It goes really well. They actually do get on when they’re not trying to find things to pick at each other about. And Kiri is definitely flirting and Baku is flirting back and it’s just an all-around success. Baku walks Kiri home and they smooch outside his door.
They show up to work the day after the date both of them are like 'hhhhhh' the whole time because the date was so fun and they’re both still pretty giddy about it.
Bakugou is noticeably less crabby and actually tells Uraraka she's doing a good job at one point
Ura, crying slightly out of fear of the unknown: who ARE youTsu: Kirishima's boyfriendBaku: not yetSero: but soon?Baku: fuck yeahTodo: so you DO have a crush on him.
meanwhile Kirishima is sparkling all over Fourth Grind. like, beaming. radiant. clearly head-over-heels.
Kami: what happened?Mina: Bakugou asked him out and they went on a dateDeku: sorry did- did you say Kacchan asked him? not the other way around?Mina: yeah i was there it was hilariousIida: please,,, please wait until your breaks to discuss these things i can't hold the line all by myself
and the rest is just mushy happily-ever-after stuff. they bicker about their tastes in coffee, of course, but the rivalry has turned into Competitive Flirting and now they yell sappy things and stupid pick-up lines at each other when they’re opening up instead of insults
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
Have you ever had a bonfire on the beach? >> Nope. I’ve attended a bonfire in the forest, though, which was quite lovely.
Are you skilled when it comes to working in the kitchen? >> Not particularly. I can do the basics and that’s about it.
When was the last time you went to a campground? >> A few years ago, in Brooklyn.
Do you listen to music while driving? >> Sparrow is the driver and she plays her iPod. We’d switch up but the adapter is a Lightning cable and therefore doesn’t fit my phone. (In Wednesday’s car, the radio does what it wants -- except when Friday’s fucking with it, of course.)
Is there a movie you currently want to see? >> Sure, there are a lot of movies I want to see.
When was the last time you hung out with people younger than you? >> Well, Sparrow’s younger than me.
What is the closest blue object to you? >> A Black Panther blanket.
How much did you spend on your last shopping trip? >> I don’t remember.
Do you wish you had a better cellular plan? >> No, it’s fine for my purposes.
Are you good at buying gifts for people? >> I’d like to think so. I certainly don’t stress out about it as much as most people, which I think has its own benefits.
Would you consider yourself to be generous? >> At times.
Have you ever recieved an autograph from a celebrity? >> Yeah, a couple. But usually I got autographs from band members.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? >> I don’t usually laugh hard enough to cry. Hard enough to lose my breath, yeah. Not so much cry.
Are you currently studying for your driver's lisence? >> No, but I did get to drive for the first time last weekend, and it was exhilarating. And not as difficult as I’d convinced myself it must be (so my first thoughts, before I started second-guessing, were right after all)! I’m still leery about getting on the road with actual other drivers, even in small-ass Wayland, but... I’ll get there eventually, I guess.
Have you ever gone over your cellphone plan by accident? >> Yeah, years ago.
Are you in a relationship with the last person you kissed? >> Sure.
Ever done something that at the time didn't bother you, but it did later? >> Yep.
Can you honestly say you've been drunk before? >> I can honestly say that.
Where did you get your last bruise from? >> I don’t remember the last time I was bruised. It takes a lot to bruise me.
Have you ever argued with a person of authority, and won? >> I don’t think so.
Is there a certain color of eyeshadow you prefer, if you wear eyeshadow? >> I like metallic shades.
Have you ever been addicted to mints? >> No, but I am somehow addicted to mint itself. I’m always huffing my lip balm because it has peppermint in it, lmao.
Are you a person that likes to take chances? >> Sure, sometimes.
Would you consider your life to be great right now? >> Sure, why not.
When a friend confides in you with their problems, do you listen? >> Sometimes. If that’s all they expect me to do, is listen, then yeah, it’s a lot easier. It’s when people want me to react a certain way that I have to determine whether I’m in the mood for that or not.
Do you have a piece of technology that should be dead, but it's still going? >> That reminds me of a netbook I used to have, Gilead, that I had to keep resurrecting because I couldn’t afford a new machine. It was definitely on borrowed time and performed horribly but I had no other option. When I finally got enough money to buy JARVIS, literally the day I brought JARVIS home Gilead gave up completely (probably with a sigh of relief, if computers could sigh). It’d done its best for me and finally it could rest. I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated a machine more in my life than I did Gilead, even when I was frustrated with it.
When it rains, does it put the damper on your mood? >> Sometimes. Also, heh, damper.
What was the latest you stayed up in the past week? >> Probably around 1a.
Have you had an awkward situation with someone recently? >> Not to my knowledge.
Do you always seem to be losing your bobbypins? >> I don’t have any in the first place.
When was the last time you found something overwhelming? >> It probably had something to do with sensory overload. Or video games.
Going anywhere next year for vacation? >> I’m not sure, what with Sparrow going back to school and the wedding towards the end of the year.
Ever sent drunk texts? >> I’ve sent texts while intoxicated, but I think even my intoxicated texts were at least coherent. One time I texted Sparrow while tripping and it might have taken me about a half-hour to type it but it came out perfectly clear in the end, so.
Do you remember the dream you had last night? >> No, I just remember the part that had Hallie in it (probably because that’s the last bit that happened before I woke up).
How many dresses do you own? >> About 5 or so.
Do any of your friends seem like a brother or sister to you? >> No. I don’t know what that would feel like, and what would make it different from friendship.
What bothers you more, cigarette smoke or cigar smoke? >> Cigar smoke, it’s more fragrant and harder to breathe through.
What do you think of Leonardo DiCaprio? >> I think he’s neat. The Oscar-related memes were really funny for a while, and then he won one and killed the meme. :p
Have you ever seen a movie that messed with your mind? >> Sure. I used to prefer movies like that. I still kind of do, but I also can’t watch them all the time like I used to.
Do you look good in hats? >> Not most of them. It’s the lack of hair.
Can you see a noticeable difference between DVD and Blueray? >> I can’t, but that’s a personal handicap.
Is there a song you're currently listening to on repeat? >> No.
Are you going to make a mega wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11? >> I don’t think I did.
Speaking of numbers, do you have a lucky one? >> Nah.
What do you think musical artists who use autotune? >> I don’t have an opinion. I prefer not to listen to Autotuned singers most of the time, but I don’t judge them or anything.
Have you ever held hands with someone for no reason? >> There’s always a reason.
Has anything surprised you today? >> I don’t recall.
When was the last time you played a video game? >> I played Pillars of Eternity 2 earlier today. I didn’t think the Beast of Winter DLC would be so tedious and full of annoyingly difficult enemies, but I’m suffering through it because Rymrgand is my goth-god fave.
Have you ever just watched flames from a fire & just thought about things? >> Sure.
Are there any musical albums coming out soon that you can't wait for? >> I don’t even know what albums are due out.
Have you talked to your significant other today? >> Yeah.
Have you ever sat down and eaten an entire cake by yourself? >> Nooooo.
Do you have perfect vision? >> I don’t know if it’s perfect or not, but I do know it’s pretty damn good.
Is there something you want to buy right now? >> Not at this moment. Unless it’s tickets to see Wardruna in Boulder and the matching transportation tickets. :T
Do you know anyone who can speak Gaelic? >> I don’t think I know anyone personally that speaks it fluently.
When it comes to eye color, do you have a preference? >> No.
What was the most unique pet you've owned? >> Vivek used to have a baby krogan. Its name was Snuggles. 
Is your hair currently dyed? >> No.
Has something annoyed you recently? >> Probably.
Do you like Doritos? >> Nope.
When you buy clothes, do you always try them on first? >> Not always. I often regret that, but.
Have you used bugspray recently? >> No.
Do you enjoy swimming in the ocean? >> I enjoy being near the ocean, but I can’t swim, so I usually just stay in the part where the tide flows in.
Have you ever bitten through your lip by accident? >> No.
Are you good at coming up with dares? >> No.
Do you know someone with the last name Brown? >> Probably.
Is there somewhere in the world you would never go? >> War zones, most likely.
Have you ever tried to sew or knit anything? >> Yes. Oftentimes I succeeded.
Has someone ever told you something that left you speechless? >> Probably.
Has something ever happened to you that seemed like it was from a movie? >> Well, yeah.
Do you find yourself to be a believer in love at first sight? >> Not particularly, but I won’t profess to know other people’s experiences.
Or perhaps, do you believe that there's that "someone" out there for you? >> I mean, there’s definitely people out there who mesh well with me. I’m in a relationship with one of those people, so there’s evidence.
Does money really matter to you? >> Of course it does. I like not starving to death in a cardboard box in an alley, after all.
Is there something you want to do, that you swear you will, no matter what? >> I don’t think I can make that sort of promise.
Do you know anyone who is a germaphobe? >> Yes.
Have you ever just laid out and watched the stars? >> No, but I probably should one day.
Is there a song that gets you pumped up no matter what? >> Skindred’s got a couple songs like that. Sound of Madness by Shinedown is another good one.
How about a song that soothes your anger or sadness? >> I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday by David Bowie. I mean, it also makes me sad, but like... a different kind of sad. A sweeter sad.
Have you ever cheated at a card game? >> No.
Tell me what colors you're wearing right now? >> Grey and black.
Have you ever wandered around drunk with your friend? >> Yep. And high, and tripping balls.
Are you longing for the day that you'll be an adult? (If you're not already) >> I am already an adult.
Have you ever felt like your heart actually stopped? >> No.
Are you a fast runner? >> I don’t know, anymore. I used to be, I think.
What's something you've vowed to never eat? >> Hm.
What emotions do you associate with the color blue? >> Calm, gentleness, melancholy, contentment, heaviness, apathy. Depends on the shade.
Do you have a "poker face"? >> Yeah.
Are you good at holding back your laughter if needed? >> Nope.
Do any of your friends shamelessly burp or fart in public? >> I used to have a friend that did.
When was the last time you had a good cry? >> I don’t know. Most cries are mediocre at best.
Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you? >> Yes.
Is there a soundtrack to a movie that you absolutely love? >> There are several soundtracks like that.
Do you have a place where you keep your keepsakes? >> No.
Have you ever had a "thumb war" with someone? >> Yep.
What's your favorite style of jeans? (Skinny, boot cut, flare, etc) >> Skinny and bootcut.
Have you ever owned a diary/journal with a lock and key? >> Yeah, my first diary as a child was like that.
Do you have trouble sleeping if you sleep anywhere else but home? >> Yep.
Have you ever been so unfortunate to suffer from a hangover? >> Nope.
Do any of your friends have particularly annoying habits? >> I mean, probably, yeah. 
Is there someone you know who can never mind their own business? >> Yep, lmao.
If you need a job, will you take whatever you can get? >> ---
When you were little, what movie did you watch over and over? >> I wasn’t allowed to do that.
Do you rely on caffeine to keep you awake sometimes? >> Nope. Caffeine makes me hyper-aware of my heartbeat and paranoid and shit, so I avoid it.
When it comes to tests or exams, are you a crammer? >> ---
Time goes by faster as you get older, don't you find? >> No. Check back in 20 years.
Have you ever had a panic attack? >> Yes.
Do you own anything made of silk? >> Nope.
Is there anyone you know who looks like their dog? >> LOL no. But I’ve seen that phenomenon in photos.
Are you deathly allergic to anything? >> Nope.
Have you ever had a mouse in your house? >> Yeah.
Has anyone you trusted ever backstabbed you? >> I don’t know, maybe?
Do you recycle? >> Not regularly.
Do you know what you want for your dream house? >> ---
Have you ever seen the movie the Notebook? >> Nope.
Trying to put yourself in someone's shoes can be difficult at times, true? >> LMAO “at times”...
If you download torrents, what torrent program do you use? >> uTorrent.
If you go to school, will this year be different? >> ---
Do you own a trenchcoat? >> Yeah, technically, but I can’t wear it because it’s too small. >:|
The last person you kissed, have they ever done something special for you? >> Can Calah is always doing things for me.
Do you know anyone who DOESN'T have an ex? >> I don’t think so.
Are you able to count to ten in another language? >> Yes.
Is there something you know you have to do, but haven't done it yet? >> Not at this moment.
Is anyone you know really religious? >> Probably.
Can you sing? >> Yes.
Have you ever read "Gone With the Wind"? >> Nope.
If you look back at pictures of yourself from years ago, do you hate it? >> Hell no, I love older photos of myself. They’re adorable.
Have you ever used the photo editing site "Picnik"? >> Oh yeah, I remember Picnik.
Are your eyebrows naturally thick? >> Yep.
Is there someone that likes you and won't leave you alone? >> Not in an unwanted sense.
Has an animal ever taken a strong dislike to you? >> Probably.
When was the last time someone gave you a hand written letter? >> Rez did, with a package she sent me a few months ago.
Has someone ever told you how they felt about you in a letter? >> I don’t think so.
Have you ever told someone else how you felt about them in a letter? >> I don’t think so.
Do you find emails to not be as personal as letters? >> No.
Enough about letters, have you ever broken the law? >> Yes.
Have you ever attempted to cut your own hair? >> I cut my own hair every few weeks. I’m going to do it again tomorrow morning.
Has speaking in front of people ever made you sick? >> Nope.
Do you follow a lot of bands and musicians on myspace? >> I used to, back when it was active.
Have you ever wanted to tell someone how you felt, but never did? >> Yeah.
What was the last movie that made you teary-eyed? >> Oh, god, The Equalizer 2 ruined me.
Do you have a lucky or special coin? >> No.
Do you find you have a lot of notebooks that aren't close to being filled? >> No. I don’t buy notebooks anymore for that exact reason, no matter how pretty they are. I know better.
Do you love ice cream cake more than normal cake? >> No.
Do you sometimes write "lol" when in reality, you aren't laughing? >> Yep. At this point it’s reflexive more than anything else.
Have you had a piece of jewellry that turned your skin green? >> Yeah, so I don’t wear it anymore.
Do you check your email daily? >> I have a Chrome extension that alerts me to new emails, so yeah, I do end up seeing my emails daily.
Is there anyone you know who's in any way, paralyzed? >> Not anyone I know personally, unless it’s someone online who doesn’t talk about it ever.
Your significant other, are they shorter, taller or the same height as you? >> Sparrow is an inch taller than me. Can Calah is generally a little shorter than me, by his own preference.
Is there a certain type of music you love but don't tell many people about? >> Nope.
Do you know all the words to your national anthem? >> Yeah.
Have you ever breathed in helium? >> Yeah. Highly recommended.
Are you currently hungry? >> Nah.
Do you try to be confident and positive about your future? >> I don’t try to be anything about the future.
The truth all comes out when someone is drunk, true? >> Untrue. Maybe in some cases, yes, because alcohol tends to amplify what’s already going on with people... but I wouldn’t take what someone says in a drunken tirade super-seriously unless I had good reason to (based upon sober interactions and prior knowledge of the individual). 
Just a random question, but can you tap dance? >> Nope.
No one really bothers with the legal drinking age anymore, do they? >> ...What?
When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself? >> I don’t remember.
How about feeling disappointed in someone else? >> I don’t remember.
For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? >> Envy.
Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? >> Sometimes, yeah.
Do you have any specific chores you do around the house? >> I do the vacuuming most often.
Have you ever owned a garden? >> No.
Who was the last person to text you? >> Sparrow.
Does a blank sheet of paper sometimes prove to be inspiring? >> Not for me, it doesn’t.
For you, does comfort or fashion come first in dressing? >> It really is a combination of both. Luckily, most of the fashion I like is made to be comfortable, so.
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? >> Yeah.
Do you ever find yourself trying to be the referee amongst your friends? >> Nope. I’m over that shit. Kill each other if you like.
Is there someone who always gives you inspiring advice? >> No.
Everyone has a role model. Who's yours? >> Apparently I am not “everyone”.
Do you ever "play drums" on tables or other hard surfaces? >> Yeah, sometimes.
Has a laptop ever burned your legs? >> Yep.
Do you know anyone who has a scar through their eyebrow? >> Yeah, actually, but I don’t remember who... weird.
Do you feel compelled to brush your hair hourly? >> Hell no.
Who was the last person to flip you off? >> Sparrow, because we do that to each other for the lulz.
Give me a list of the objects currently close to you? >> Okay, nah.
Are you doing anything the day after tomorrow? >> Yeah, hopefully going to the Grand Rapids Public Museum to see the Be the Astronaut exhibit, which I’d been hype as shit for.
Anyone's birthday coming up soon? >> Someone’s, I’m sure. Oh, Vlad’s is towards the end of the month, yeah.
Would you ever wear fake eyelashes? >> I’d try it but I bet they’d make me overstimulated.
Do you make the effort to smile at people? >> Sometimes, if I feel like it.
Are you good at following directions? >> If I feel like it.
Have you ever just screamed really loud in an attempt to feel better? >> No.
Are you in any way, still a child at heart? >> Sure.
Quality triumphs over quantity, correct? >> For the most part. There are always exceptions, I’m sure.
Have you ever danced when there was no music playing? >> Probably.
Do you have someone that you can just act a fool with and not care? >> Probably.
Have you ever listened to the uilleann pipes (Irish pipes)? >> I don’t think so, unless I have and didn’t know what they were.
Do you like Laffy Taffy? >> Sometimes. I don’t really eat candy much, though.
Is there any food within an arm's reach of you right now? >> Yeah.
From where you're sitting, can you touch a wall? >> I could if the back of this futon wasn’t in the way.
Would you ever stand at the bow of a ship & yell I'm the king of the world? >> Maybe, lol.
Do you know anyone who every second word they say seems to be a curse? >> Eh, not really.
Have you recieved a text today that made you go "wtf"? >> No.
When at a restaurant, do you put your napkin on your lap? >> Yeah.
Is there a saying you always seem to be using? >> I don’t know, I can never remember this sort of thing on command.
Are you even feeling the least bit tired? >> Yep. It’s bedtime after this. It’s actually over my bedtime because I underestimated how long it’d take me to get through this.
Is there currently any caffeine or alcohol in your system? >> Nope.
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? >> Electric is fine.
Are your biceps at all noticeable? >> Not so much anymore.
Have you ever seen a walrus? >> Not in person.
Do you have a preference: white erasers or pink erasers? >> My preference is good erasers.
Did you ever have one of those easy bake ovens as a kid? >> Nope.
When it comes to dropping food, do you believe in the 10 second rule? >> No, because it’s scientifically unsound. If I do eat food off the floor, it’s while knowing that I’m taking a risk.
When it comes to driving, do you know about the 2 second rule? >> I don’t know about that, no.
If given the opportunity, would you ride on a camel? >> Hell yeah, I’d at least try it.
Do you believe that cellphones actually do cause cancer? >> I don’t fuckin know. Existence causes cancer, tbh, so hey, whatever.
Is there anyone you know who won't get one because of this belief? >> I don’t know anyone like that, no.
When people you know cry, does it make you feel like crying too? >> Nope.
Laughter is universally contageous, right? >> Not necessarily. But I am more likely to laugh when someone else is laughing, because I like to laugh (and find a lot of shit funny).
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