nekoannie-chan · 11 months
I can't believe it
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Title: “I can’t believe it”
Ship: Eclaris (Love).
Word count: 540 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: G4 “Dealing with a betrayal”.
Summary: Can Marcos forgive Lorna and protect their child?
Warnings/Tags: Betrayal.
A/N: This is my entry to @marvelrarepairbingo​  @marvelrarepairs​ MarvelRarePair Bingo Round 2 2023. Annie MRP-066.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​ @navybrat817​ @angrythingstarlight​ @shield-agent78​ @charmed-asylum​ @caplanbuckybarnes​  @sapphire-rogers​ @nana1000night @talia-rumlow​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted​  @chemtrails-club​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @patzammit @kmc1989
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Marcos felt betrayed. For years, he and Lorna had been inseparable. They had shared laughs, secrets, and adventures together. But all that changed that fateful day.
Lorna had decided to join the Hellfire Club, a dangerous and feared gang in the city. Mark couldn't believe it—how could Lorna choose that dark path instead of staying with him so they could have Dawn protected?
He sat in his room, staring at the picture of the two of them together. He remembered how they used to walk in the park before the chaos started, laugh carefree, and dream of a future together. Now, all that seemed so far away.
Marcos couldn't help but feel abandoned. He wondered what he had done wrong and what had led Lorna to make that decision. Hadn't it been enough for her?
Anger and sadness gripped Marcos. He had to do something to keep them safe; he knew Dawn should not be in that place, as she was more likely to be in the sights of enemies.
He decided it was time to look for answers and, if possible, take his daughter with him. He knew where to find them, so he went to the place, but instead of confronting her, he decided to observe from a distance.
He saw how Lorna looked like she belonged there and how she was developing. He wondered if he had ever really met her. Was this the real Lorna? Or had she simply been swayed by the influence of her new "friends"?
Mark stood there, hidden in the shadows, watching Lorna as she interacted with the members of the Hellfire Club. He wondered how it had come to this—how the girl he had fallen in love with had ended up like this.
For several more days, Mark continued to go, needing to carefully observe everything. As time passed, Marcos began to notice a change in Lorna. Her gaze became colder and more distant, and her laughter was no longer sincere.
He knew he had to act, not only for his own sake but for Dawn's as well. He couldn't allow his little girl to be exposed to that dangerous environment.
He decided it was time to talk to Lorna, to try to make her see the reality of the dangers Dawn was exposed to. Although it seemed that all communication was impossible, she wouldn't even return his calls.
The last time he went to spy on her, he noticed that Lorna seemed distant; something strange was going on, although he didn't know if she talked to him. He wasn't sure if she would be able to forgive him. However, what worried him more now was Dawn's safety.
Mark knew he had to somehow get Dawn to safety, but he couldn't be alone. He was sure he needed help to change her mind; he had to go get the rest of the team.
It took him a couple of hours to get back. As soon as he entered his bedroom, he got a big surprise: there was Dawn. Next to her was a note where Lorna asked him to take care of her; later, she would explain what had happened.
Marco was worried about what would happen to Lorna.
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volkanaltinors · 1 year
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What is your favorite?
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magnetos-dynasty · 2 years
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Polaris making an Aurora :)
Although the astute observer may note that this art only has one character in it, it was in fact made for the Marvel Rare Pair Bingo. The concept is that this is in the Gifted universe, in an AU from mid-season 2.
Lorna has followed fully in her father's footsteps - a path where Marcos can't join her. But she still shines for him. Every night he watches the sky in hopes of seeing the shining light of his North Star.
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dick-helmet-magneto · 2 years
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resol-losed · 3 months
weed cung
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i donthtink eclari mo4 would ever date a man but thats just me
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artparks-sculpture · 1 year
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A sculpture titled 'Decorative Form (Abstract Architectural statue)' by sculptor Badri Goguadze. In a medium of Eclari Stone and in an edition of 1/1.
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rhcenyra · 3 years
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THE GIFTED ⇢ 2x10 | eneMy of My eneMy
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maurawrites · 4 years
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Sean Teale + Emma Dumont in ‘The Gifted’
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ryuto12 · 3 years
Marco Polo.
The Gifted headcanon I've kept to myself for far to long:
Sometimes at the Mutant Underground, people get bored.
So John and Sonya made a game early on when Marcos and Lorna started dating.
John, at any random and boring part of the day, would yell: "Marcos!"
And Sonya in return would yell: "Polaris!"
It quickly caught on, and at any slow part of the day, someone is bound to yell "Marcos!"
And a whole group of people within earshot are going to end up yelling "Polaris!"
And anyone within earshot of them will yell "Marcos!"
And it just keeps going.
There's a record for the longest it ever went on being three days, before someone finally told the others to shut the fuck up, some people were trying to sleep at night.
Andy is a starter of this often whenever he wakes up in the middle of the night. Reed, Caitlin, and Lauren have all told him to stop it, but he refuses.
Clarice has a thing for starting shit, so she's normally the one who yells "Polaris!" back at the stupid hours of the night.
"Stop instigating him." John often complains as he walks by with a big-ass coffee in hand, not having time to sleep with how busy he is.
Sonya has to throw her pillow over her head, wondering what the hell she'd done to start this.
Meanwhile, Lorna and Marcos themselves are actually very invested in this.
But Marcos wants to sleep at night, Lorna wants to yell shit late at night.
It wasn't so much fun though that one time they were doing the deed and somebody yelled back.
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captnswilson · 3 years
"I know the perfect place for this occasion." Erik looked back at Charles. "A very romantic spot near the lake. If you have to propose, I suggest you do it there."
"Oh. Thanks." Marcos looked at Erik's hand and then straight into his eyes. "So does it mean you're giving us our blessing?"
"I cannot require you to ask my permission for her hand. Times have changed, women should decide for themselves. Besides, I have not been present in Lorna's life and she would only get upset with both of us if you did."
Marcos smiled, thus agreeing with his future father-in-law's words. For a moment they both seemed almost happy. Marcos did not realize what was coming but Wanda sensed it. She knew Charles did too, because he looked away, shaking his head. At the same moment, Erik tightened his fingers on Marcos' shirt and pulled him closer.
"But if you ever hurt her," he drawled through his teeth. "If I see a single tear on her cheek caused by you, I swear I will destroy you from the inside out, manipulating the natural iron within your blood."
"C-can you actually do it?"
"Yes," Erik smiled, "and I'm going to teach Lorna the same thing so she can finish you herself before I get to do it."
"Jesus Christ, Erik…" Charles shook his head again and again.
Read chapter 15 of The Tragedy on AO3
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snailsgifs · 4 years
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nekoannie-chan · 11 months
No puedo creerlo
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Título: “No puedo creerlo”
Pareja: Eclaris (Amor).
Palabras: 531 palabras.
Rating: B.
Square: G4 “Enfrentando una traición.”
Sinopsis: ¿Podrá Marcos perdonar a Lorna y proteger a su hija?
Advertencias: Traición.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para el bingo de Marvel Rare Pair Round 2 2023. Annie MRP-066.
También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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         Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Anótate en mi taglist aquí.
Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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Marcos se sentía traicionado. Durante años, él y Lorna habían sido inseparables. Habían compartido risas, secretos y aventuras juntos. Pero todo eso cambió ese fatídico día.
Lorna había decidido unirse al Club del Fuego Infernal, una pandilla peligrosa y temida en la ciudad. Marcos no podía creerlo. ¿Cómo podía Lorna elegir ese camino oscuro en lugar de quedarse con él y que pudieran tener a Dawn protegida?
Se sentó en su habitación, mirando fijamente la foto de ellos dos juntos. Recordó cómo solían pasear por el parque antes de que el caos comenzara, reírse sin preocupaciones y soñar con un futuro juntos. Ahora, todo eso parecía tan lejano.
Marcos no podía evitar sentirse abandonado. Se preguntaba qué había hecho mal, qué había llevado a Lorna a tomar esa decisión. ¿Acaso no había sido suficiente para ella?
La ira y la tristeza se apoderaron de Marcos. Tenía que hacer algo para mantenerlas a salvo, sabía que Dawn no debía estar en ese lugar, ya que era más probable que estuviera en mira de los enemigos.
Decidió que era momento de buscar respuestas y si era posible, llevarse con él a su hija, sabía donde encontrarlas, así que fue hasta el lugar, pero en lugar de confrontarla, decidió observar desde la distancia.
Vio cómo Lorna parecía que pertenecía a ese lugar, la manera en la que se desarrollaba. Se preguntó si alguna vez la había conocido realmente. ¿Era esta la verdadera Lorna? ¿O simplemente se había dejado llevar por la influencia de sus nuevos “amigos”?
Marcos se quedó allí, oculto en las sombras, observando a Lorna mientras interactuaba con los miembros del Club del Fuego Infernal. Se preguntaba cómo había llegado a esto, como la chica de la que se había enamorado había acabado así.
Durante varios días más, Marcos continuó yendo, necesitaba observar cuidadosamente todo. A medida que pasaba el tiempo, Marcos comenzó a notar un cambio en Lorna. Su mirada se volvió más fría y distante, su risa ya no era sincera.
Sabía que tenía que actuar, no solo por su propio bien, sino también por el de Dawn. No podía permitir que su pequeña estuviera expuesta a ese ambiente peligroso.
Decidió que era hora de hablar con Lorna, de intentar hacerla ver la realidad de los peligros a los que Dawn estaba expuesta, aunque parecía que toda comunicación era imposible, ni siquiera le respondía las llamadas.
La última vez que fue a espiarla notó que Lorna parecía estar distante, algo raro estaba pasando, aunque no sabía si hablaba con ella… no estaba seguro de que fuera capaz de perdonarla, no obstante, lo que ahora le preocupaba más era la seguridad de Dawn.
Marcos sabía que debía de poner a salvo a Dawn, de alguna manera, pero no podría solo, estaba seguro de que necesitaba ayuda para hacerla cambiar de opinión, tenía que ir por el resto del equipo.
Le tomó un par de horas regresar, en cuanto entró a su recámara se llevó una gran sorpresa, ahí estaba Dawn, a su lado una nota donde Lorna le pedía que la cuidara, luego le explicaría lo que había ocurrido.
Ahora Marco estaba preocupado por lo que le pudiera pasar a Lorna.
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safaiagem · 4 years
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Hello everyone and welcome to another Fic Back Friday. My last entry on my Pacific Rim OT3 novella Start Spilling Our Sweat (And Not Our Blood) last week got precisely zero likes and reblogs aside from my self reblog so that was a thing. We’re going to try again this week with another dead fandom and see what happens. At least I’m producing some #content for my blog. 
Anyway, I was one of maybe 5 people in the world that not only liked the Fox X-Men show The Gifted but I actually really enjoyed it. It wasn’t exactly high art but there were some really awesome moments and some of the casting was on point. It is, to date, the only show to give one of Magneto’s daughters her crown and the scene where Polaris makes it is one of the highlights of the entire show. I wasn’t that into the main ship of the show but I did write two short fics in 2018 for the other main ship of the show and I’d like to share them. 
So Much Sunshine to the Square Inch -  Words: 4,156 - Rated: T - Marcos Diaz/Lorna Dane 
Post-Season One: “We need your help,” Clarice said. “The Purifiers have taken someone and we want to make sure we get them back. Our powers are all largely defensive and you two are offensive. We want them back with as little bloodshed as possible.” Lorna felt her heart sink as she looked between the three of them. Marcos wasn’t here and he wasn’t a coward. He would face her if he was able to and he wasn’t here.
“Where is Marcos?” Lorna asked. “Tell me everything.”
This first fic I wrote for this series and just some nice whump because of course there’s whump it’s me we’re talking about. I actually got some pushback in the comment section for how I had certain characters react to the season one betrayal but I stand by my reactions and this fic. 
Worst Nightmare -  Words: 1,926  - Rated: T - Marcos Diaz/Lorna Dane 
Lorna has been hidden away in a secluded cabin with almost no metal in it while the Inner Circle tries to figure out with her pregnancy related power flares. She’s only six months pregnant, they still have three months to go, so someone needs to figure this out. No one is supposed to approach the cabin except at designated times so Lorna is ready to defend herself when she feels someone trying to sneak up on her on the second day.
Look, I can write short fics! This was one of those “this scene will not leave me alone” stories that I just had to get out of my head. I still like this one quite a bit. I understand why Fox didn’t renew the show for a third season but considering the final scene in season 2 and what they could have done in season 3? It’s a shame we won’t get to see it and an even bigger shame that the fandom isn’t large enough for anyone to really tackle their own season 3. 
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magnetos-dynasty · 3 years
hello! this is a bit of random question but you're the biggest comics lorna stan i know so i'm curious... what did you think about marco/eclaris on the gifted, and how would you feel about him/it bleeding over to the comics? the show is long over now, so i don't necessarily think it's something marvel is likely to do, but i really liked him/them as a pairing (and imo it's way better than what 616 lorna has actually going for her re: romance). i don't know that much about lorna in the comics, though, so i wonder if it could even work out there, with her background being so different from the show
[So sorry it took me 37 years to respond to this, I hope you see it, anon.]
First, let me start with -
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I have never been so flattered in my life, thank you 😭
Anyway, on topic.
I didn’t actively ship Marcos/Lorna in the show for personal reasons completely unrelated to the quality of the pairing, but I did love their dynamic.
Any adaptation would have to deal with certain issues of plot, but given a bit of creativity and the nature of comics that’s a pretty small hurdle. Since Marcos is original to the show, his backstory could be easily manipulated as necessary.
Easiest option, you just swap out “…and after becoming disillusioned with the cartel, Marcos was approached by Lorna Dane [and Proudstar] to join the Mutant Underground”, with “…after becoming disillusioned with the Thieves’ Guild, he was approached by Lorna Dane to join the X-Men,” and you’re pretty much good. (Or X-Factor Investigations, or the Krakoan citizenry, what-have-you. Whatever team she’s on at the time. If I had free choice I’d put him on one of the 2012-2015 X-Factor teams, but that ship has, y’know, flown.)
I think the aspects of their dynamic that I like in the show would actually translate over perfectly to the comics (and, uh, make for a better relationship than basically any other she has in the comics).
- Marcos respects Lorna, on all levels. He respects her physical power (and is fully aware that she is far more powerful than he is), but also -
- He respects her agency and right to choice. That’s, uh, something that tends to be an issue for Lorna, in the comics, from every side. The X-Men put her in a mutant-suppression collar; Magneto manipulates her and uses her as a battery; people on all sides keep alternately magically causing and “curing” her mental health issues; etcetera, etcetera. Beyond the mechanical use of powers to remove agency, most of her friends and family - and especially people she’s paired with romantically - tend to treat her as though she doesn’t have a right to free choice, or the capacity to choose “correctly”.
- He respects her as a person with a severe mental illness. He provides support as necessary, but also knows and accepts that not everything a mentally ill person feels or thinks is because of their mental illness - they can have “”“real””” emotions and thoughts too. And having an illness doesn’t mean a person should automatically be treated as incompetent to make decisions.
- He supports her, on all levels.
- He recognises that she is awesome and sexy and the absolute shiz and that is #relatable content.
- None of that means that the relationship is perfect and boring.
In fact, some of the things that make the relationship good are also the ones that, when taken too far, cause problems. Respecting your partner’s agency is great! But if your partner blows up a plane takes your kid and runs away to join a terrorist organisation… uh, an organisation that’s a bit further along on the freedom fighter to terrorist scale than yours is… it’s fair to request that a bit of discussion be had.
And he is, himself, very far from perfect, which is very Good And Important. They take turns reminding each other about that whole morality thing, and how ends do not necessarily justify means, but also sometimes you need to remember about the bigger picture and not sacrifice many people for a single person.
Which would fit perfectly with comics!Lorna.
(Overall, Lorna really doesn’t need to be in the ‘which one’s the crazy amoral one and which one’s the perfect long-suffering partner sacrificing for them getting nothing in return’ pairing cliche. And The Gifted did a fairly decent job of avoiding that, across the show as a whole.)
In conclusion look at this scene and picture how much better it would have been with Marcos “simp” Diaz instead of Alex “can’t remember my girlfriend’s a girlboss bc I’m too busy hanging out on my undeserved moral high-horse” Summers. Thank you
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black-widow134 · 4 years
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Lorna Dane | Polaris
Comics Vs live action
“It’s not easy being green”
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resol-losed · 3 months
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making these icon thingys. might post thegm latuerr….
i cheered so loud oh my goodness the smiler hello taiyo hello bachikin helo eclari waow ,,, ijumped up and down and squished taiyo into an incomprehensible blob with my finger
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