#Ed Soon
bizarrelittlemew · 11 months
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calling it right now that season 3 starts like this
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medusajellyfish69 · 6 months
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felix you bad bad man
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@cure-icy-writes hey your chronic pain Ed and Den prompts opened an Entire possibility in my brain
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
The stable still has my horses...  Mr Ed.. We fought calamity together.. a lifetime ago..
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madootles · 2 years
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it’s always october 3rd somewhere
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lylahammar · 7 months
I’m so happy I’m fat 🥰 I love grabbing substantial handfuls of my tummy and feeling its comforting weight 💕 I love shaking my body around and feeling myself jiggle like pudding 💖 I feel really sexy when I wear bodycon outfits and fill them out, or let my fat rolls peek under my crop tops ❤️‍🔥 I love that my my body is a comfortable place for my girlfriend to lay, and that I can carefully squash the lights outta her when she wants pressure 💘 I love that my body fat keeps me warm when the power goes out during a winter storm and our house gets down to 32 degrees inside 💗 I’m so glad that I got over my teenage obsession with staying skinny and grew into a fat and happy adult 😊
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
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No because, the way Stede keeps his eyes blissfully closed well after the kiss ends, and the way he looks so fondly at Ed when his eyes finally open, and the way you can see Ed’s cheeks tilt upwards with the start of his own smile, and the way Ed keeps his hand gently on Stede’s face, and the way they stay so impossibly close together, and the way Ed’s nose brushes against Stede’s because they’re so close together, and—
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zomboivex · 2 months
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Haha when I am sleep deprived I become funny
Sorry don’t fucking remember where I got the original thing from but I immediately went
This is Them™
Thanks to dopamine-withdrawal!
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theemployees · 7 months
Can Misa be a customer
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Of course you can be a customer! Everyone’s welcome in run of the mill!
Disclaimer: not everyone is welcome at ROTM due to our policy against assholes, trauma givers, and people fighting in the restaurant; the only exceptions are arsonists because if we removed them we wouldn’t have staff.
Art by @coyotecam
Featuring Characters by
@littlemissartemisia, @bambiraptorx, @iobsesswaytoomuch, @koolaidashley, @midnightcreator12, @star-sparkler, @quirkycorgianimations, and @disgracedghostprincess
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rickybaby · 2 months
Daniel comments on the FIA increasing the minimum weight for drivers | Grand Prix of Belgium 2024
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candied-cae · 1 year
I know some folks have been saying “Ed wanted to die in the same place he laid next to Stede-“ WRONG! HE WANTED TO DIE WHERE STEDE LAID NEXT TO HIM!!!
The place Auntie points out as being where his head was crushed by the cannon ball is the exact spot where Stede’s head had been during the arrest and that’s even more insane than the first option. (Anyway, I wanted to correct that assumption. It’s only a matter of like 2 feet, but I still find it an important detail, and figured a visual might help!)
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queenie-ofthe-void · 19 days
A Desperate Fool - Part 6
Part 5
Last Time: Nancy starts filling in the gaps of everything Eddie's missed
Max, Lucas, and Erica were the first to quit calling. Hell, they’d always been more Steve’s than Eddie’s, since he’d adopted Max with the last of his parents’ trust money when he turned nineteen. After the kids graduated, Steve had set himself, Max, and Robin up in a cheap two bedroom apartment in Chicago where they all started school. Then Lucas moved in only a few months later– Max and Lucas in one room, Robin and Steve in the other. Only for Eddie to then uproot Steve to LA just before he could finish his degree, selfishly isolating him from his family.
Dustin was the next to disappear. They were close, and Eddie considered the kid one of his best friends. It apparently didn’t matter, which–just like with the other three–he should’ve seen coming. Steve was practically a brother to Dustin, same as Max. Eddie just always thought the split was more fifty-fifty with Dustin. It was a thick pill to swallow, but he managed.
He reached his final breaking point when Nancy and Mike started ignoring him. Eddie could make excuses for the rest of them, they were Steve’s adopted, puzzle-piece family. The Wheeler’s were Eddie’s family by blood. 
His parents kicked him out for kissing the neighbor boy– well, his adopted parents. Turns out Karen Wheeler had put him up for adoption three years before she met Ted, but was too scared to reach out, hoping he was happy with his new family. When little twelve year old Eddie showed up with a social worker at her door the next day, however, Karen welcomed him with open arms. He figures he’d be dead if it wasn’t for them, caught up running petty crimes just like his dad.
But that all meant Mike and Nancy were supposed to love him, not Steve. He called non-stop once he’d finally understood what was happening, but they never answered. Eddie remembers lying in bed for days, ruminating on how they’d picked golden boy Steve Harrington over their own family. Old feelings of neglect and rejection curdled up in Eddie’s stomach. A reminder that he was just a burden. Some lost, broken, queer kid they never asked for, forced onto them when Karen and Ted already had three mouths to feed.
Eddie's resentment towards everyone carried the band through their first national tour. He wanted to kick-off on a festival tour in Europe once they finished, but the band was exhausted. They were desperate to take a break while Metal Munson was still riding on top of the world, a full-fledged rockstar getting invites to behind-the-scenes parties, walking the red carpet, and casually dating celebrities. 
But he still loved his Corroded boys, so he agreed, thinking the break would allow them time to recover and give him more time to reap the benefits of a rockstar lifestyle. 
Except staying out every night started to lose its shine. The parties were duller than he remembered, the lights less bright. Mindless flirting with boys only interested in Metal Munson strained his smile. Strange, strong hands started to feel like sandpaper across his bare skin, the tangled sheets between them constricting Eddie until he couldn’t breathe. 
It all came crashing down when he woke up in an unfamiliar bed next to a man with fluffy brown hair, moles scattered across his back. Brilliant, sky blue eyes staring back at him.
Eddie quit going out. Stopped answering phone calls– not that the calls came from anyone who actually mattered. 
Because Steve never called. Not once, still hasn’t. And Eddie doesn't think he ever will.
Part 7
Tag List!!!
@sadisticaltarts @5ammi90 @blacklegsanji21 @jaytriesstrangerthings
@thewickedkat you didn't actually asked to be added to the tags, but I included you bc of your comment on the last part. If you'd like to not be included next time just lmk <3
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The top two contestants in this poll will move on to a second polls for the finale of the finals!
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bookshelfdreams · 11 months
the only retirement YOU get is death. i'm different though.
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jessaminekaldwin · 2 years
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❝  so ends the interregnum, and now emily kaldwin the first will take her mother's throne, after a season of turmoil. you will stand at her side, corvo, guiding her young mind, and protecting her from those who seek to exploit her, or cause her harm. you watched and listened when other men would have shouted in rage. you held back instead of striking. so it is, with the passing of the plague and emily's ascension, comes a golden age, brought about by your hand. and decades hence, when your hair turns white and you pass from this world, empress emily -emily the wise, at the height of her power- will lay your body down within her mother's great tomb, because you were more to her than royal protector. farewell, corvo.
DISHONORED: 9th of october, 2012.
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tolkiens · 5 months
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Justice: In Conversation, SXSW 2024.
Do you guys ever have creative differences?
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