#Eddie is so good at backrubs
morimementa · 5 months
Eddie rubbing the parts of Jaime's back where the scarab meets his skin and Jaime absolutely melting from it, send tweet.
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 72
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On the other end of the line in the middle of the night in London the receiver to the ringing phone was lifted and raised to the ear of the exhausted aid in charge of answering said phone to take messages to hand over to the King in the Palace that came in on his nightly shift. After the usual introduction statement he asked, “How might I be of service?”
Eddie on the line from his early rise from bed at the drop of the ferocity of the storm enabling the first chance to call out stated, “Hi, this is Eddie Pear. I wanted to call you guys for my Sister Bunny.”
The aid’s lips parted and he readied the pen on the table in his hand to hover over the pad he brought closer, “Yes, was there something the Baroness was requiring aid with?”
“Not aid no, we were told by King George to let him know about the babies, well after two days of labor Bunny gave birth to three girls just before midnight. All healthy and seven and a half pounds. The Doc said to keep her in bed for a couple weeks to recover or she would have called herself.”
As he wrote the details he asked, “Is the Baroness recovering from a particularly debilitating injury from the birth?”
“No, just some bruising mostly and she didn’t get much sleep at all. We know the King is a busy man and it’s early over there but we just wanted to start letting people know now that the phone’s working again from the storm as it’s losing power.”
“Thank you, Mr Pear, The King will be informed when he awakens. And please know that even until the King knows that from all of our staff her in the Palace the Baron, Baroness and their daughters in our thoughts and prayers.”
“Thank you, same to you all.” Goodbyes were traded and Eddie hung up to smile and make the call back home to Brooklyn. Sharing the news that by nightfall would explode through the town. And even farther with his next call into the Bugle to give them the scoop for the morning paper to follow with a picture promised when his sister would be up and in the mood to pose for one.
You didn’t know pain like this, even from after that explosion you endured back in the war. Not just any pain but a lingering rigidity deep down to your very bones that in James’ ease out of bed to tend to the fire and fetch some food to answer the growl from your belly that had woken him while you wavered between sleep and the conscious world. Warmly his lips had pressed to your forehead and before he could leave the bed Victor had eased across the room and on the bed behind you and he asked in a low concerned rumble, “Would you be up for a backrub?” Unable to roll or move your head gave a slight nod and he smirked in a reach for the covers he eased back to gently lay his hand on top of your back. “I’ll start on your back, let me know if I press too hard.”
Nice and smooth his hand began to move to try and ease the evident stiffness in your body. At ease in the lack of the iron leeching as your other bruises during the pregnancy lacked that effect on them. “You are phenomenal, Pipsqueak.”
“I didn’t do much,” you whispered back.
“Those babies beg to differ. Two days, just pain,” at that he leaned over your side at the scrunch of your face and burrow of your face into the pillow with a teary sniffle. “Pipsqueak,” he said in the plant of his second hand on your back. “You did so very much more than you give yourself credit. All we did was hold your girls you created when they gave the sign they were ready.”
“I didn’t even push,” you squeaked out in a try to wipe your cheek on your pillow to calm yourself. “And it was over, and I passed out.”
“I would have passed out too. All of us would have. Three babies after all that pain so sudden. I’ve had teeth yanked and I wanted to pass out after, the girls were safe inside you for so long and then suddenly they’re out and crying.”
“They cried?” you asked in a concerning squeak and he leaned over your side at the turn of your head to glance back at him to nod with a proud smile.
“They did. Nice and loud. Right away no pinch or anything.”
“It was like I was in a tunnel. How it always is, before I drop. Just, felt pressure, then the tunnel and bloody towels and I was out.”  You paused and said, “I hoped I wouldn’t pass out.”
“Eddie mentioned that. James should have a breakfast ready for you here in a bit and Herc should be in to check on you not long after. Girls are still asleep. Nice and steady didn’t make a peep for us to sleep last night.”
“We’ll need to take a picture soon.”
“No pictures until you feel up to it. And you’ll have to fight me on that.”
“I should-,”
“Stay exactly where you are. Your body is bruised and you need your rest. We will bring the girls in later to try and feed them again, just a bit of milk and they were right off to bed.”
“If I beat someone into the ground for two days they would need time to rest. You carried them for 48 weeks, fed and protected them, let us carry and change them for two. We did the same for Dawn and for Norma, now don’t you force me to have you tied down.”
A gentle claim of your hand came with firm presses and squeezes across the stiff hand and arm attached up to the shoulder his hands circled to give a mild squeeze and rotate your shoulder. And in a guided slow lean onto your back as your legs still locked in bent position rested against his side.
Over the top of your foot he pressed and all over his fingers and palms worked to try and ease strain in the bruised sole of your foot. The ankle came next with rotations when it was loose. Lower leg, then the knee were followed by a steady work up your thigh he warned of inch higher to your hip. “Just going to press my palm and not squeeze,” he hummed to the feel of a wish to pull your leg back if you could from the pain the kneed of his fingers that triggered searing pain up and down your legs and into your hips to ricochet through your back.
“Better?” he asked and you nodded urging him up a bit more in timid slides the closer he got to what he imagined to be the most painful spots near to your hips and groin. On the side of your hip his hand settled and to hushed guidance while you grimaced and bit back whimpers through the difficult stretch and rotations. “Very good.”
“I can’t even straighten my leg,” you panted out in a cracked voice trying not to cry at how little control you had over your body. The next leg came next when he saw that it was as good as he was due to get out of your stiff joints.
“You are doing magnificent. Have you back to limber again in no time. Maybe a bath later will help.”
And by the time he managed to stretch your second leg James came into the room with the wheeled cart coated in a hefty spread of food that even in his lingering exhaustion he took as a sort of celebration that in some small way you showed hints of being mobile to some extent after such a battle. “Tons of food to get you back to peachy.”
“Up you get, Pipsqueak,” Victor hummed in a hug around your torso gliding you a few inches up against the pillows.
James smiled as he finished settling the ridiculous amount of food on pop up trays around you and hummed, “Our girls are still sleeping soundly under your parents’ watch.”
“Herc said they’re healthy?”
“Oh yes, he’s going to head to Alberta to turn in the birth documents. Ran into Eddie on his own check he shared he called the Palace for us. Should be on the radio when the King releases the news. Hours after Brooklyn will know of course, he called the Bugle.”
“They’re going to want a picture.”
Victor tapped you on the nose, “No pictures.”
James said, “Pictures can wait.”
Like they said Herc did come in when you had finished off the entire spread that surprisingly did little to relieve the exhaustion and near empty feeling that only heightened your nerves on the recovery to come. Worries of what you could do to help with mothering your girls he caught onto and in his full body check gave a good prognosis for this first morning post birth. And he gave you the once over of the latest scans and blood panel he had taken and at your anxious glance at your chest to an odd feeling he said, “We could try the breast pump for you now if you wanted to? I’m not fairly certain what it feels to be ready to feed however your circulation has increased to your mammary glands.”
“Is that what that feeling is?” you murmured. And from a second bag he brought out a small pump he showed you how to turn it on and ease the cups into place. The brothers paid special attention in the process of bottles he attached to the tubes that with a flick of a switch showed the path of the milk that filled four bottles that he helped Victor to add nipples to. As if on cue your parents arrived with the freshly stirred trio who were fed by your parents and James to the final check of a brain scan to check hormones and synapses for the status on their recovery. The rest of the adults of your family had joined the chance to catch you conscious after being warned sleep would take up a large chunk of your days to come. Before you could help it however your eyes drooped to Edie’s try to fix your braid and she sat humming to you for her turn to sit with you for a break until you fell asleep again for another nap.
Two days you seemed to slip in and out of sleep to find yourself in another man’s arms from your family to issue words of comfort while each pass off of the girls who had been fed by bottles you filled and random bouts when you would try breast feeding again naturally for smaller snacks in between larger milking collections. Every time you handed them over the lack of ability to get up or sit up on your own brought on tears again in the small breaks when you were alone to mull over the failure at mothering you were growing to be.
Another shared statement that the girls were adjusting to a clear schedule had you waking to dried tears across your nose and cheeks that your husband was using a damp cloth to wipe away. “Brought you some visitors.” When he eased back to set the cloth down a grin eased across your lips and he helped you scoot to the trio of babies like upside down turtles who had their arms and legs tucked up showing the gloves and socks that matched their dresses in their assigned shades.
“Hey,” your voice was followed by three coos and on the pile of pillows James stacked for you from his arms in a loving scoop for the move your side rested. And you got a good view of the trio who reached up to grab at your face. “You know me, don’t you?” Again they cooed and let out happy squeaks between your gentle pecks on their cheeks, noses and covered hands. “Breaking out the mittens early?”
“They have silver nails,” that turned your head to catch his gaze, “Just for a week according to Herc. Vic was impressed Belinda gave him a slice on the nose when he woke her. They have been taking to the mittens though.”
You nodded and leaned in to press your nose to Nova’s foot, “I know this foot, you’re the one who liked to kick my bladder.” Making James smile and Eddie in his creep into the room lift the camera he’d brought to snap a picture of this moment.
“And you, you like to push on my ribs,” you said to Belinda.
Eddie chuckled and said, “Nice to see you aren’t holding grudges.”
You smirked and asked, “Why would I? They didn’t do it maliciously, and they know they’re grounded for years already.”
“Vic refilled the film and is printing the one before this.” Eddie said as he sat down on the bed.
“Won’t you need it for, Teddy’s birthday party?” and you sighed realizing it as you said it, “I’m gonna miss his party.”
Eddie chuckled and said, “No you won’t. Sarah’s gonna stay in here with you and the babies and then Teddy is going to bring you your slice and get his birthday hug.” Eddie leaned in to kiss your forehead and said, “He knows you are tired. Even stole a peek at the girls yesterday and he knows when the drizzle clears you’ll be able to go out and play when you feel better.” You nodded and he said, “You aren’t missing his party, he just gets a special moment with you all on his own. All the more special for him. And when you aren’t so tired you can have coloring sessions in bed and maybe a story time or two between naps.”
James, “Herc says you are healing well, and you are taking as much time as you need.” The wriggling girls demanded your attention again as Norma and Dawn came in for their own visits. Erik and Edie were next with Victor to follow while the photos hung to dry in the dark room.
Everyone being there had you grin and hand over the camera to Herc at his offer to see you seated back up against the pillows to hold two of your girls, halfway against James’ chest while he held the other. One photo with just you was taken with care to hide the obviously vanished belly under the girls and thick covers. Followed by another with everyone settled on the bed around you including Marigold, Leanora and Teddy who were nestled around you both with smiles all their own in this moment captured before the planned party for Teddy would take all but your mother away.
Again the girls were laid beside you to let you lounge on your side as the four of you let out an adorable ripple of yawns proving to the others that even outside of your belly the link still held strong as Herc warned to allow mothers to get ample rest after birth as well as newborns. “Now you get some more rest, and I will wake you when Teddy comes back with some cake for you.” Sarah said lifting the covers she nestled around your settling body to the close of your eyes. Smiling widely to savor these moments with her daughter and granddaughters even while they slept.
Soon to be joined by your father until the pre-scheduled time for cake, when the little boy would accept help up and smile as his dad handed you and him slices of cake that he would eat and giggle through sharing on his new family present and art supplies.
“You can play soon?” he asked with an almost pout, “Mommy said you’re sleepy.”
That had you grin at him and say, “I will try my hardest to get out of bed to play as soon as I can. I’m just a bit sore still. Herc said to stay in bed for a couple weeks.”
“Herc is a Doctor,” he said and you nodded making your mother smile at the both of you along with Eddie who had been stealing more pictures of you all together by means of Venom being stretched out as far as he could reach.
“Yes he is.”
“Then you stay, till he says so.” He said with an authoritative furrow of his brows.
“I will. The sooner I get better the sooner I can play with you again. And now the girls are out of my belly I can run again, and swim, and so many other things,” you said with a smile widening his into a small fit of excited giggles on more playtimes to come. Warm and quick he leaned in for a hug and peck on your cheek before he hurried to be let down to find his uncle Victor who promised to build castles with him. “Have fun,” you said to Eddie in his chuckling path to join the others while leaving your camera behind.
Back down you laid on your back in a scoot lower and turned your head to look at the girls still asleep who flexed their feet to your gentle finger taps to the soles of them.
Again you nursed the little you could get the girls to suckle naturally and she left to dispose of the used diapers you helped her to change. “Enjoy your cake, Darling?” James asked in his trip across the floor to the bed smiling wider with every step closer to you and the girls.
“Hey handsome, I did. You enjoy yours?”
He nodded and said, “Got the call from the lawyer and he’s driving out next week to update our wills.”
“It is a bit ridiculous.” You teased.
And he responded in a playful chuckle, “But necessary. In case we need to fake our death or something.”
You sighed and in his place seated in front of you he smirked at the guiding tug on his shirt to turn and lay back. When your hands eased around your oldest girl to scoop her up he grinned and undid his shirt and shrugged out of his suspenders to avoid laying her on buttons that could hurt her. From her back to her belly she was rolled over and laid carefully on top of his chest where her curled hands in the mittens tucked under her chin. “Aww, all those wrinkles. So serious in her sleep.” Making your mother in her return giggle with you as he rested his hand on her bottom to keep her from rolling in his breaths.
With hold of the camera you floated over you angled yourself to take the picture that soon had you trading out that girl for the second and then third who were then eased back to their prior napping spots with sweet kisses from both of their parents. “Even picking them up I feel tired, and I just took a nap.”
James hummed, “You need more than cake,”
“Exactly,” your father said in his entrance to your room with another cart of food. Let’s get you up and eating, and I have some bottles for our girls and you can try to pump some more milk after.”
“I take it this is part of the schedule now?” you asked with a hint of a smirk.
“You will get used to it.” He replied.
“Let’s just hope that I get accustomed to it and on my feet by the time the tutors arrive.”
“Oh you will,” James hummed, “You have all of us here for you. Called into town too, no sign of any package for you yet for your class work.”
Firm and steady up your thigh Victor’s palm worked in timed presses and he hummed through your try at a quiet sniffle, “Feels softer than yesterday. Up another inch, just let me know when you want me to stop.” He kept saying this in these daily massages as he worked down from your ribs or up closer to your groin. Always making certain that even at your weakest point he was toeing the line of respectful contact while ensuring that while he did all he could to work out this stiffness from your bruised body you were in control. A simple grip of your leg was next and with it came the worst part for you, stretches and rotations of the stiff hip joints and thighs he had just worked out. Followed again in a grip on both hips to work up and over the silver toned belly next.
“People aren’t going to believe I had triplets looking all muscular like this. I haven’t been this small since the war.”
“We’ll plump you up again, and at the worst we could say we got you back on the military regimen to get back to shape. With how we look it wouldn’t be unbelievable. ‘You could bounce a coin of that brother of yours’, direct quote we’ve heard back in Brooklyn.” That had you let out a weak chuckle. “Plus, six babies around the place hard not to stay in shape.”
“I’ve never felt like this before. Even when I was little, almost empty.”
“You’ll come back to yourself. You have a peachy patch around your belly button now. A good sign.”
“Is it the one spot that is a good sign or the fact it’s my belly button?” You asked in a tone trying to sound playful as you bit back a wince in a painful rotation of your hip.
That had him chuckle and from the doorway Herc gave a gentle knock on the door and crossed to the bed to do his daily check up on you and said with a smile, “The belly button is always a good sign. Your blood levels are evening out. The milking schedule and hearty meals are doing you good. As are these daily routines. On my way to scan the girls again, all healthy as horses and adjusting well. They are due for a feeding which produces the best results, get a full view of the digestive system in action.”
“That’s good.” You said and watched while he explained the rest of the results to the exam to you then made his way out to check on the girls as promised.
Again you wiped your cheek on your shoulder and Victor sighed and stretched out beside you to ease you into his arms with a kiss on your brow. “As much time as you need. Every parent has their times they feel they could do more when they physically couldn’t. You need time to recover. We are all so proud of you. Out of all the years ahead of the girls two weeks isn’t very long at all.”
“But it’s the first two weeks.” You murmured back and he brought you closer to his chest.
“They sleep mostly when we have them. You get to watch them wriggle around, open and show off those silvery lilac eyes of theirs. And since you wanted the picture done I printed spare pictures of you, Jimmy and the girls for the papers. It’s already been on the radio and we’ve gotten calls from just about everyone. Even Peggy, quite a quick call she was on the way to some sleuthing gig she wasn’t invited to.” And playfully he added, “Did mention something about a picture with Daniel after.” You let out another weak giggle and he said, “Even in letters your work has been skillful.”
“I didn’t do much of anything. He was halfway gone when she walked in our home after Venom snatched him. I bet the birds were lovely today.”
Again he chuckled, “Still raining. Not very many birds. They’ll come back in swarms when the rains stop, luring all the worms up.”
“So you just rest up and when you get back on your feet we’ll have a huge lusciously green bird filled garden for you to chase Teddy around in.”
Asleep again once your daily five hours of collected conscious time had been met his eyes shut as he nestled you more into his chest. Norma had been prepping more and memorizing her new script from Howard and so when it was time for his Petal’s naps he would come and rest with her here. Always he worried about his beloved baby sister who seemed so impossibly unmatched now brought to a point where it took the whole family to even get you to eat or move or even to be bathed and changed with only promises of a Doctor from another planet who gave them hope you were in fact improving. Even Venom had taken to his own turn to pace through the night as your parents did in silence to not disturb you or James.
James in his entrance said to the clear sound of your slumbering breaths, “When Herc said the first birth would be a hard one I have to admit I didn’t expect this.”
Victor said to another stroke of his crossed arms over your back, “No, but our Pipsqueak is pulling through. Looking forward to the birds when the rains stop.”
James walked around the bed to sit in his view and be able to stroke your legs, “I keep wanting to cry when I see the girls. They’re so big, I just don’t understand how it could take two days. I have never seen a labor that long or hard.”
Victor said, “Our girl’ll bounce back. Be bounding about in no time.” Lowly he added more in a sort of plea, “She has to.”
They couldn’t do this alone, not if you were gone, even if you could come back like your parents in some span of years. They couldn’t wait, not a single minute, even with Dawn and Norma here they couldn’t wait and raise your girls without you. Not after you had lost everyone and everything you had planned for yourself, even your name. You just wanted to be free from being a weapon, free from being seen by the world knowing just how they would use you.
But now the King knew and had made plans of his own, something Truman now had followed suit by naming you as still active duty. They could die, and die, and die and always come back but no one could protect your babies like you could and if they lost you there was no oath in the world strong enough to keep them able of fighting off the world who would want the powers your babies might inherit. It is so different now from their first families they chose, the world wasn’t so ignorant as it was then. Even a new identity would be hard if needed, the world knew their faces and names. Just one more chance to fight in a war they believed in and now there was no escape. Not for any of you.
Elliot settled beside you after another bout of pumping and a nap interrupted bout of coloring with Teddy smiled as you managed to prop yourself up against your pile of pillows smiled as he unwrapped the box that arrived this morning, “You have received your first lessons.” His smile spread as he across the pop up table top he settled over your lap the Twins brought in got to taking turns as your Professor in each lesson and watched you fill out the assignment sheets and write the small required essays to finish out the full box as best you could each day for the rest of the week.
Screams, wails, shrieks in the near blinding void a sea of glowing half physical half something else beings who were seen in temporal pulses of misty primary colored orbs similar to pinecones, seeds and acorns who then flinched to other forms of aquatic beings in silver or white mists depending on their moods. Now in the grey nesting doll shaped forms to show their fear they cowered away from the dark figures of the First Mortals who had come after them. Cries for help appeared to go unanswered as the glowing plant life in the endless chasm of a void they dwelled in began to tuck inwards to protect themselves as the intruders neared their keep.
And all at once as the whites of the first invader’s eyes fell upon the cowering creatures of Time a galaxy colored mist exploded from nowhere between the two. Inside of which were spotted a pair of silver eyes of a creature who gave a clear warning enforced by a funnel of energy that shot up from around it then in a mushroom cloud cast the invaders out back to their original lands that collapsed to ruin as punishment. The cloud dispersed and behind their savior Time crept closer reverting to their peaceful colorful forms and to the turn of her head they named her in the fade of her essence away to where else she was needed.
“Mother.” The name echoed from countless mouths over the ages and in a sudden snap of your eyes open from the odd memory of a dream and in bed you found yourself alone. Well not entirely alone. Above James’ empty pillow hovered a peacefully floating bright yellow acorn that had you sit up before you could realize it and in an echo of a giggle was gone. Up a bit more you sat and turned your head to find dozens more seed or fish shaped glowing creatures who vanished in the same glad responses to your eye contact with hundreds more who flickered in and out to do the same.
Down from the far wall when their parade of gleeful congratulations your eyes sank to your hands coated in a silvery blue glittering mist that in a brush of the covers lower you watched it sink into your skin now free from silver patches or the weight that had been holding you in your bed. And with a spreading grin on top of your mattress you stood to walk across it on the way to your closet to get dressed.
‘And as we have reported the Palace has released an official portrait of the three newborns and their parents the Baron and Baroness Howlett. The photograph has been distributed to be published in print, along with which we can now with clearance share the names of the stunning triplets, The Honorable Aurora Nyx Pear Howlett, The Honorable Belinda Rhea Pear Howlett, and The Honorable Nova Carina Pear Howlett. All said to be the mirror image of their mother Baroness Bunny, with silvery lilac eyes and their grandmother Sarah’s blonde hair. No doubt well deserving to be named after celestial bodies to grow into great beauties with unseen strength like their parents.
Very much unlike other triplets with watch of a specialist to see to her health after a daunting two days of labor following an unheard of full nine month term inside the womb. Through what our Brothers and Sisters upon Canadian soil have dubbed the electromagnetic storm of the decade. Coincidentally we have learned was much like the one the Baroness was born in that brought havoc to New York for the few weeks surrounding her birth, the girls who were born at a stunning seven and a half pounds are all confirmed to be in good health as is their rightfully resting mother. And after such an ordeal even with word from King George himself of updates given by family members I know I am not alone in saying until Baroness Bunny does appear publicly again fully recovered she will be in our thoughts and prayers.’
The radio message played again as it had hours prior as news had been sent of public filing of the birth records of the babies had been alerted to the press. Brooklyn to their own copy shared the image elatedly while only a few papers stuck it out choosing to not jump to granting congratulations just yet even with Truman and the King sending off the news. Fully sharing the odd repeated phenomenon of these storms and what the reason behind them could have been and what poor luck it proved you held with it happening not once to you but twice. And ignoring the shift of the station’s focus to talks of possible first play dates when the Princess was next to give birth and after what her friend had pulled through she was sure to have an easy birth herself to give the King his first grandchild James gathered the breakfast he made to bring in to you.
“Jaqi?” The bed when he came in the room was empty and his head turned to the open bathroom door as he pushed the cart in more.
“Hey handsome,” he heard from the doorway of the closet and turned his head to spot you in the doorway dressed in white high waisted shorts and a flowing sleeveless floral blouse that had his grin widen to the sight of you dropping your ponytail down your back. “I had another weird dream,” you said crossing the room to your husband who elatedly wrapped you in his arms, holding you in your toe top stance for the kiss you lured him into. “I can hug you again now,” you said against his lips making him chuckle and lean in to claim another kiss as your arms eased up around the back of his neck.
“Let’s feed you,” he said in a lift of you in his arms that made you giggle in his walk to carry you to the sitting area where he settled you and arranged the food on the table between you.
Hugs from your parents came in the following trip to the nursery where they made certain to let you know things were being kept in the places where you had first put them. And everyone else in the group breakfast lit up seeing you on your feet, especially Teddy. Who when you stepped around the baby carriage holding your napping freshly fed girls raced over to be lifted in your arms for a tight hug you used to carry him to his seat that he giggled to at your kisses you peppered across his cheeks. Eddie was right there when you set Teddy in his chair to wrap you up in a tight hug. Starting the ripple around the table that you sat down at in your usual seats beside James, who kept easing the carriage back and forth between glances their way and strokes of his thumb across the hand of yours he kept hold of. With a smile he held to the spare piece of toast you snacked on that Victor buttered and offered to you.
“Go play,” your dad said. And with a spreading smile as he took hold of the baby carriage after you’d put away the fresh milk you’d just pumped.
And like a bunch of kids while Eddie and Dawn were off with Marigold James, you, Victor and Erik were off to explore the garden and surrounding land with Teddy in tow for an exciting chance to play with his aunt. Hours until Teddy had to go to take a nap you played then came in to help change and feed the girls again with a snack for you to follow before you were off again for an eager race through the woods.
Lunch came next with a pump of two bottles when you stopped to feed Nova naturally at her own impatience while James and your mother fed the other two to the sound of your father reading the first of a slew of letters that had arrived by official postage. All from several world leaders including another letter from the current Pope to add to your collection. Congratulations for the long awaited blessings you had safely delivered all somehow someday hoped to meet.
Pt 73
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @changlingkhat​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
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threshprince · 6 years
3, 9, 10, 19 and 20! For Bad day self ship ask c:
3. How does your partner cheer you up?
Eddie notices when I’m feeling down really easily and can read it super easy. It’ll depend on the situation but if I am wanting physical attention he’ll draw a bath for me and after he’ll go out of his way to give me a super nice backrub (dang is he ever good with those) and lots of snuggling afterwards. It usually eases any stress that I have. If I’m anxious he talks to me, makes sure I’m grounded and listens to me. He reassures me of all the anxiety I’m having and is calm about it since he himself has it he knows how it is. We both have anxiety together so we both take the time to get through it together. If I’m not feeling physical and want to be left alone for a while he will go out and pick up something to eat and lets me sleep if I need it. The Symbiote helps throughout all of these processes and will envelop me if I am not feeling good. They sense when I’m not the best and usually are the first to really point it out. They are very physical contact based and are very warm and soothing so it’s a plus for them to always be that way. Venom however loves to actually get me out and about if I’m feeling not so good. He’ll go webswinging with me and it’s usually calming to me now that I know he has me secure at all times. The rise and fall of his motions are relaxing once you get used to it as I rest on his back secured by his tendrils… oh yeah, and he feeds me chocolate. Always.
9. Who’s more likely to cry on a bad day?
Me. Always me. Though, it takes a bit of prompting for me to cry. If I’m in the presence of them it’s hard for me to cry because I get embarrassed when I cry around people. I don’t want them to worry about me.
10. How does your partner react to you crying?
Part 2 to the other question but when they do catch me crying they try not to get too invasive. They do however come to comfort me and dry my tears. They give me time to explain what made me cry and just hold me as long as it takes for me to stop crying. Venom is especially protective and will always wonder if it was someone who made me cry or just me crying from something out of my control. Eddie, The Symbiote, and Venom always make sure I’m taken care of when I am crying if I don’t try to hide it. Not on purpose however it’s just how I’m kind of programmed with having to hide things from my parents which Eddie can relate with very well.
19. How long does it actually take your partner to tell you what’s wrong?
It takes a bit of coaxing on Eddie’s end considering he’s still getting used to explaining stuff to someone physically there for him. Besides The Symbiote of course, but just, an actual human being to interact with. I’m always patient with him and hold his hands and let him know that I’m there for him when he does decide to tell me what is wrong. He eventually does but it’s not always immediate. He usually thinks about things mentally before actually speaking aloud and that’s okay because I know how it is. I can’t immediately speak out my feelings easily either. They all have their bad days and I just, try my best to do what I can for them too no matter how long it takes.
20. How long does it take you to tell them what’s wrong?
Pretty much depends on how bad I’m feeling and the subject. It’s usually immediate if they do approach me and I’m upset since I do trust them but sometimes I can’t get out what is making me upset. Sometimes I don’t even know why I’m feeling bad but I just am. Eddie and the Symbiote + Venom are super understanding of this and I appreciate that a ton.
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itsmajel · 6 years
Majel Reads - June 2018
Flash / DC - Coldfalsh
[What is this?]
At the End of the Rainbow by Crimson1
Fear Effect by Crimson1
My Barry by Crimson1
His Barry by Crimson1
Spellbound by Crimson1
Everyday Kinks by Crimson1
Silhouette by Crimson1
Veritas by Crimson1
You Make Me Swoon by Crimson1
Never Call Me Leo by Crimson1
Like a Natural Disaster by Crimson1
Only Tease If You Promise To Deliver by Crimson1
We Cannot Meet Death Better by Crimson1
The Immaculate Barry Allen by Crimson1
Hands-On Stimulation by Crimson1
Ride like Lightning, Crash like Thunder by Crimson1
Vertigo by Crimson1
Out Cold by Crimson1
Timeless by Crimson1
The Color of Love by Crimson1
A Model Escort by Crimson1
Consummating a Marriage of Convenience by RedHead ( @coldtomyflash)
Consummating a Marriage of Convenience by RedHead ( @coldtomyflash​)
Detailed List including summaries, ratings and wordcounts under the cut.
At the End of the Rainbow by Crimson1
Just as Captain Cold is being taken into custody after a foiled heist, the Rainbow Raider manages to put the whammy on Flash. He whisks Cold away to a secluded warehouse intent on taking his rage out on him, when his anger leads to confessions of other things he'd like to do to Cold, and Cold decides to encourage that to save his skin. Better than getting his face smashed in. Much, much better.
Part 1 of At the End of the Rainbow
[Explicit] [4,682 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Fear Effect by Crimson1
Rainbow Raider has learned to instill more than just rage in his victims, so when Captain Cold gets hit with paralyzing fear, it's up to The Flash to save him, and then comfort him in the aftermath.
Ongoing series of various ways Bivolo whammying someone with a particular emotion leads to sex.
Part 2 of At the End of the Rainbow
[Explicit] [8,586 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
My Barry by Crimson1
When another Snart falls out of a dimensional rift unconscious, of course Barry has to save him. He just doesn't expect this Snart to be so different, or for the way he says 'my Barry' when talking about his universe to make Barry so very, very curious.
[Not Rated] [2,915 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
His Barry by Crimson1
Direct sequel to My Barry, per reader request.
Len starts receiving regular visitations from a certain Barry Allen, who seems to want more than just to save his soul, maybe...to get to know him, with the subtle flirtations Len often dismissed before seeming more plausible. Thus canon events turn out slightly differently with Jesse, Mardon, and Christmas in Central City, and Len eventually meets Earth-3 Len and Barry, which has the opposite affect on him as it did Barry because he's certain he can never be what his Barry wants.
[General Audiences] [3,252 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Spellbound by Crimson1
After a meta (or magic user, Barry isn't entirely sure) whammies him to play out his most secret desires, without having any control over his body or his words until he fulfills that, he is understandably surprised that he winds up at Leonard Snart's door.
[Not Rated] [7,133 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Everyday Kinks by Crimson1
Len ponders loneliness watching his sister get closer to Cisco, only to receive company and an offer from The Flash he never expected. Or, Barry gives Len a backrub after a mission
[Teen And Up Audiences] [1,741 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Silhouette by Crimson1
Barry takes advice from Iris and Cisco to defeat Cold in a whole new way - by being a better thief. Donning a new persona and costume, Barry becomes Silhouette, the best thief in Central, who consistently beats Captain Cold to his heists, stealing the loot out from under him (while secretly having made a deal with the proprietors, and returning the loot later). Cold isn't sure if he's upset by this new player targeting him...or intrigued. Eventually, the truth comes out.
[Explicit] [12,839 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Veritas by Crimson1
Len gets hit with a truth spell while helping Barry take care of a wayward sorceress. Spending an entire day at S.T.A.R. Labs with Cisco and Caitlin to figure out how to undo the spell, and eventually spending the evening with Barry, pulls more confessions from Len than he ever thought possible - especially when his biggest secret is his larger than life crush on a certain Scarlet Speedster.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [7,287 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
You Make Me Swoon by Crimson1
When Barry rushes home to eat something after almost passing out on the job, finding nothing in his cupboards or fridge to help him is the absolute last straw. Lately, it's just been too much, and he collapses in tears and barely controlled consciousness. The last thing he expects is for Leonard Snart to come walking into his kitchen after him.
[General Audiences] [1,038 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Never Call Me Leo by Crimson1
Leo is what Lewis called Len. Fine when he was a child, but the name roils in his gut to hear as an adult, especially after his father's death and traveling through time. When a man from his father's past uses the name, everything in Len snaps, and it takes Mick and Barry to rein him in and help him heal in the aftermath. For Barry, it seems there might be something more than respect for his nemesis that draws him to Len's defense.
Spoilers for Legends episode Blood Ties.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [3,785 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Like a Natural Disaster by Crimson1
When Captain Cold sacrifices himself to kill Zoom, he rises from his seeming demise as a meta human. As Barry seems to be the only source of heat that comforts Snart, and the only one unaffected by the chill of his touch, what builds between them with the connection of their powers is like nothing either could have expected.
[Mature] [9,185 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Only Tease If You Promise To Deliver by Crimson1
Barry, in a stroke of mischief after accidentally copping a feel of Snart's ass, starts messing with the man at high speeds on purpose to see if he can get a reaction from him. Snart, while seeming flustered by the attention, is not going to let this go unpunished. He comes up with a trap...and Barry finds himself at the mercy of Captain Cold.
Tumblr prompt: Barry's super speedy sexual harassment.
[Explicit] [2,832 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
We Cannot Meet Death Better by Crimson1
“Someone else should be here,” Barry said with a frown. “You’re a hero.”
Snart snorted, cocking an eyebrow at Barry as if they were back in 2024, maybe even back in 2014 when everything started. “You expecting a parade for the death of Captain Cold? All things considered with the Justice League, kid, I’m not all that memorable.”
“You are to me.”
Barry wakes up after being stuck in the Speed Force for forty years because of the crisis of 2024 to find that almost everyone he loves is dead. After seeing Iris and Snart, he decides to go back in time to change things. What he doesn't expect is just how differently a life he decides to lead.
[Mature] [10,738 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
The Immaculate Barry Allen by Crimson1
Barry is cursed to lose his powers until he loses his virginity. Sounds like a job for Captain Cold.
AU with everything being the same except no Earth-2 or Zoom, just normal Flash business Barry has been dealing with since the Singularity.
Legends still happened, and Len was found soon after the Oculus explosion adrift in time, and is now ‘on leave’. To pass the time, he’s decided to get back to his roots by robbing a few places.
Barry is not amused. He’s also a virgin. But no one’s supposed to know that. Except that the meta of the week (or witch? Barry doesn’t even know) seems to be able to look right into his soul and see that he’s never had sex. She also thinks it’s funny, apparently, to curse him to lose his powers until he does something about it.
Enter Snart. Which is definitely a very bad (very good?) idea.
[Explicit] [11,073 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Hands-On Stimulation by Crimson1
When Barry runs to the Legends for some time away from the mess he's made of the timeline, an accident robs him of the use of his legs, but a special balm and a volunteer to apply it are all it will take to help him walk again.
Len, who remembers every version of the timeline Barry created thanks to his time in the Oculus, is only too happy to take one for the team, if only to have the chance to touch Barry again, like he had in one of the lost timelines Barry changed.
Neither are being honest, and both want something they don't think they can say.
*Canon-divergent, but more or less in line with this season.*
[Mature] [5,944 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Ride like Lightning, Crash like Thunder by Crimson1
Barry has finally given up on ever meeting his soulmate. He just wants a night to forget. Saints and Sinners seems like the perfect place and has nothing to do with possibly running into Leonard Snart.
[Mature] [8,920 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Vertigo by Crimson1
Len didn’t know how he got into these messes with Barry.
Only of course he did. He was the one who chose to go out into the field every time because he didn’t trust Barry to play hero without delving back into his villainous ways. He was the one who’d blackmailed a thief into being a hero in the first place.
[Mature] [6,856 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Out Cold by Crimson1
Captain Cold's plan for a bit of fun with his nemesis results in more than he bargained for when a head wound from dashing to Flash's rescue leaves him without any memories of who he or The Flash is. As Barry nurses Len back to health, both of them quickly start to hope that he never remembers being Captain Cold as the attraction they feel for each other turns into something more without the pitfalls of being enemies to stand in their way.
AU with everything having happened up to the Season 1 finale, except Eddie shot Eobard instead of himself, killing him, and the singularity didn’t happen.
[Mature] [ 200,156 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Timeless by Crimson1
A voice in the Speed Force reaches Barry in his Timeless state to convince him to come home. Barry misses that voice once he’s back in real-time, but he has to set things right and save as many lives as he can.
While that means Iris will be with Eddie instead of him, he can’t mourn her. She’ll always be dear to him, but he wants her to be happy above all, and he has seen every timeline and knows the life and love he will get to have instead. He just needs to keep fighting to finish his calculations in time to defeat Eobard and return to his loved ones for good.
Thankfully, a certain thief brings clarity like no one else can.
AU season 1 with Barry from pre-season 4.1 returning from the Speed Force to the moment he woke up from his original coma.
[Explicit] [59,824 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
The Color of Love by Crimson1
Len gave up on love a long time ago. In the aftermath of the Oculus explosion, when an old flame comes back to haunt him, he just wants something normal to distract him from it all. He never expected that two of his favorite things—a heist and the Scarlet Speedster—could end with him drowning in the very emotion he spurned.
OR Rainbow Raider strikes again – Len gets hit with LOVE.
[Mature] [157,217 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
A Model Escort by Crimson1
Barry Allen just got out of a long-term relationship he wants to forget. Lucky for him, his new career in Star City allows him to start over hundreds of miles from his ex. The only problem is...he's lonely and terrible at starting new relationships. He just wishes that part of his life could be easier.
Leonard Snart is an escort for Nick of Time Escort Service. He is especially picky about the clients he takes on, but lately, he's felt like something is missing from his life. He doesn't usually take on regulars looking for companionship more than sex, but the right client might be able to change his mind.
Len is an escort and Barry needs someone to hold him - no powers AU.
[Mature] [63,309 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Consummating a Marriage of Convenience by RedHead ( @coldtomyflash)
Stuck in Iron Heights, when Len gets told it’s time for his conjugal visit, he can’t help but be surprised because the last he checked, he wasn’t married. But then, Barry Allen always manages to surprise him.
[Explicit] [5,670 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Consummating a Marriage of Convenience by RedHead ( @coldtomyflash​)
Stuck in Iron Heights, when Len gets told it’s time for his conjugal visit, he can’t help but be surprised because the last he checked, he wasn’t married. But then, Barry Allen always manages to surprise him.
[Explicit] [5,670 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
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( All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author. If any of the authors that have been tagged don’t want to be tagged, or if any of you know the tumblr names of the ones I haven’t tagged please let me know!)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag here on tumblr, this month reading list masterpost for what I’ve read in other fandoms this month, my all-time reading list masterpost for more of this fandom or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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honeylikewords · 6 years
Frank and/or Mr. McCarthy.
You Are Valid, Anon 
Here comes Eddie McCarthy kissies!!
(@regrettablewritings, for you!)
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Eddie is a VERY enthusiastic kisser. He tries to keep it light and peck-ish sometimes, but... he’s so enamored with his girl that he can’t help it! He just gives into his passion! 
He uses a lot of strong jaw movements and tends to let his hands linger on her jaw, using his forefinger and thumb to solidly guide her and lock her into place.
He tends to tip his head from side to side, rolling himself into the kiss a little. He’s a touch taller than his beloved so he tends to use his height to his advantage, leaning down and using that momentum to deepen the kiss.
He’s a fan of tongue, but only uses it when he feels particularly amorous. Which, as it turns out, is often. A few hours into date night, a couple glasses of wine later, and she’s sitting on his lap, the two of them languorously making out. 
His kisses tend to make soft noises on separation- less “pop”-like than like a gentle “thwip” which is actually quite cute. He adores when his sweetie makes coos and and murmurs in the back of her throat, or sighs sweetly.
Eddie makes a lot of deep noises, chest rumbles, or delighted groans. He loooooves when his love puts her hand on his chest and squeezes, or drags her nails gently down his pectorals. Even better? Her fingers in his hair, scraping at his scalp, mussing his carefully smoothed and parted hair.
His beard tends to softly scratch her face and cheeks, and he always apologizes. “Is that too rough? Does it not feel good?” His favorite part is when she coos back “No, no, it’s good!” and he just goes wonderfully wild for it.
Eddie is also fond of forehead kisses. He loves receiving them. He loves the tenderness and gentleness, and he loves to give them to his dear one. He puts both hands on her cheeks and holds her steady, then softly places his lips on her hairline, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath through his nose because he kinda loves the smell of her shampoo.
But most importantly, he just loves any and all affection, and he gives it generously. He smothers his love with kisses, with hugs, with pets and pats and backrubs and tummy nuzzles and loud declarations of her beauty. He’s full of love and ready to give it at the drop of a hat.
(Now Taking Requests For How Would They Kiss!)
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askpolylosersclub · 7 years
AYO DADDY RICH. Tell me what you love most about our beloved Losers? -Caitlin
OKAY, BABY. Here goes:
If Stan wasn’t my best friend, it would definitely be this flawless bitch
She is the FASHION QUEEN like...I might borrow her clothes (only the ones that fit me)
Bev taught me how to style my hair, okay? SHE KNOWS what the LADIES LIKE
Literally if you have a bad day then go to this one because HE COULD MAKE YOU LAUGH/SMILE EVEN IF YOUR DOG JUST DIED LIKE
Looks like he just fucking walked out of a men’s modelling catalog but still doesn’t realize how FUCKING ATTRACTIVE HE IS? SO MODEST
I know some people hate being tickled but BEN IS THE BEST HE SOMEHOW MAKES IT NOT...HORRIBLE AND JUST CUTE AND FUNNY and it CHEERS YOU UP???
He can BAKE anything OMG like...FUCK ME UP
ALWAYS DTC (down to cuddle)
And he will (happily)
Has a cool truck and he will drive you ANYWHERE YOU WANT
One of the only people who laughs at my jokes. He will laugh at my jokes when nobody else does just to make me FEEL BETTER. YOUR FAVE WOULD NEVER
Does my laundry (and irons it so I look fucking FRESH)
MAYBE SOMETIMES DOES MY HOMEWORK IF I HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT (I know I’m doing performance but they still sometimes make you write stuff like WHAT KINDA BULLSHIT?)  BECAUSE HE KNOWS I CAN’T SIT STILL FOR THAT LONG
Super clumsy and adorable and funny
If you wanna relax, just go to this one and ask him to read you one of his stories BC THAT BITCH GOT A FUCKING SOFT VOICE AND HE READS SO SLOW
Always DTFA (down to fool around) like...bitch got good hands and lips and likes to PLEASE
Keeps our room clean so I don’t have to (he even tidies my clothes)
HIS CUTE LITTLE LAUGH????? FUCK ME I’M SHOOK. Eddie has the best laugh, okay? ASK ANYONE
Sometimes does gross stuff for me without being asked (like giving me head when we wake up. He’s gonna kill me for writing this but I APPRECIATE IT, EDDIE. I DO)
- Rich
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sheensou · 7 years
mike/bill/stan ! mike/bill/stan ! mike/bill/stan ! mike/bill/stan ! mike/bill/stan ! mike/bill/stan ! mike/bill/sta-
- okay so like Stan is the Man (lmao) and both Mikey mike and Billy boi have a huge gay crush on him (tbh most the losers do hes such a pretty boi) 
- Mike finds out that Bill and Stan are openly dating and he’s like obvs jealous but then dinG he gets a lightbulb idea and when they’re at Eddies house that weekend and they’re plating truths he’s all coy like “okay, what do ya’ll think about poly relationships??” and Bill is the first to be like “yeehaw i love em”  and Mike like in his mind rubs his hands together like “excellent” lmao
- He sits outside with Stan, Bill and  Richie whilst Richie has a cigarette and they’re all talking about like just boyfriend things and Mikes like to Stan “hey, what do you  think about a poly relationship?” and Richie senses sexual tension so like a bee he’s gone but obvs not fully bc he’s listening from inside 
- Bill realises the scheme instantly and he’s thinking abt it whilst Stan talks about his view on the whole thing and he’s like “shit, this sounds good” and then Bills the one that suggests it 
- Stan is slightly taken a back by this bc he’s only just sstarted dating Bill but he kinda warms to the idea when he looks at Bill and Mike and he’s like                  “B e a u t i f u l b o i s”
- They spend their days cuddling in bed, Mike in the middle and Bill and Stan either side of his, hands on chest and legs sprawled across eachothers. Mikes like super in love with his boys okay?? he loVES HIS FUCKING BOYS 
- Just imagine them opening eachothers gifts on valentines like??? amazign 
- “Hey Stan, that’s my jumper!” *bill enters* “that is also MY jumper!!!!” 
- Stans the one that like cooks dinner and plays with his boys hair, strokes cheeks and like picks out outfits for his handsome boyfriends 
- Bills the literal shoulder to cry on, always gives best backrubs, forehead kisses, will take his boys on a midnight drive if thats what they want
- Mike will be the most portective bf ever, like Richie likes to mess with him and kiss Stans hands or Bills cheek and Mike will 10/10 chase him down the street with his own shoe 
- they are in love ok, they love eachother and appreciate eachother and csre for eacother and they just love ghelp me what isn ha-ppenting im cry ing,,,
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andrea-odown · 7 years
Lessons in Love - Chapter 31
A Sing (2016)-fanfic. Sequel to my story “Keep on Singing”.
Read it on FF.Net and AO3.
Description: After their kiss on stage there’s still so much to figure out for Johnny and Cia. None of them has been in a relationship before, after all.
Chapter 31: Johnny
Johnny can’t say for sure how he did it. He remembers he was totally lost in the song-writing zone. It was the good kind of being lost, the kind of being lost that sucks you into the zone and makes you get things done.
When he resurfaces it’s dawn. And even more importantly, his song is finished.
With a the feeling of satisfaction he gets up and stretches, but then his eyes fall on Cia who has fallen asleep on the couch. He feels a little pang in his heart. It’s due to his obliviousness they didn’t get to spend a nice and relaxing evening together. But at the same time a warm feeling is spreading through his body as he studies her face. She relinquished spending a nice and relaxing evening with him, reminded him of his responsibility and put aside her own wishes so he could do what needed to be done.
And he can tell for sure that she was looking forward to this evening they wanted to spend together. He saw it in the way she looked at him. There was this slight glimmer of disappointment in her eyes and she twisted her mouth in a way that told him clearly that she wasn’t happy with what was going on. All this happened in the blink of an eye. Everyone else would have missed it, everyone who didn’t know her as well as he did. And yet, she insisted he finished his song. Because it was more important than a relaxing evening on the couch.
If he could, he would love her even more for this, but he can’t. Because he already loves her so very much that he just can’t love her more than he already does.
He kneels down next to the couch and gently strokes her cheek with his fingers.
“What did I do to deserve you?” he whispers because really, he has no idea. He’s just an ordinary guy, nothing special, yet this wonderful female has fallen for him.
He places a quick, gentle kiss on her lips before ever so carefully he picks her up and carries her to the bedroom. Cia only stirs a bit in her sleep, and when he places her on the bed, she wraps her arms around his neck. With a glance at the alarm clock, Johnny realizes that he can allow himself two hours of sleep.
His smile increases as he lies down next to Cia, stroking her cheek once more before he drifts off to sleep.
“Oh no, Casper is about to lose the rhythm, I can see it!” Rosita says next to Johnny, her hands clasped over her mouth.
It’s been like that ever since Gunter and the piglets started their little performance. First, Hannah was “about to stumble, I can tell!”, then Tess was “about to take a wrong step, oh no!”, followed by Freddy being “about to bump into Andy, look out!”, and now, obviously, Casper was about to lose the rhythm.
None of this has happened, though, the piglets are doing great, putting on an amazing show. Nonetheless, Rosita is watching them, nervously shifting from one foot to the other.
Johnny rolls his eyes a little and places a reassuring hand on Rosita’s shoulder, getting a better hold on it when Rosita mumbles that George is about to forget the next steps. He’s afraid the female pig might run out there on the stage any minute now. And he doesn’t want to let that happen. The piglets are having so much fun and it’s obvious that the audience is enjoying their little show. He doesn’t want to let Rosita let it ruin for them because she’s overly protective. And the fact that this is the grand opening of the youth center, his youth center, might play a role, too. Just a little, minor role, but still.
Yes, that’s right. The day is finally here, the grand opening of the youth center!
The last few days passed in a blur of finishing touches to the youth center and practicing and interviews, Johnny didn’t even have time to get nervous. Heck, he didn’t even have time to get excited, but the moment, Mr. Moon stepped out on the stage and welcomed the guests was the moment, Johnny for the very first time realized, actually realized, that it is happening! His youth center is opening! And that was when the excitement kicked in once and for all. Unfortunately, it brought a fair amount of nervousness with it, but that’s okay. After all his concerts and interviews Johnny knows how to deal with it.
From watching the piglets practice, he knows that their little performance is coming to end. He’s coming up next. He wants to turn to Cia and kiss her one last time before he has to go out there, but a gasp from Rosita reminds him that he better keeps his hand on her shoulder. And kissing Cia while having one hand on Rosita’s shoulder seems a little weird, so he settles for taking Cia’s hand and smiling at her. And Cia returns the smile.
Finally, the piglets strike their finishing pose and next to him, Rosita lets out a long sigh. And then Rosita starts clapping and cheering so loudly, he flinches. But then the rest of the audience joins in and Gunter and the piglets are thanked for their little show with thundering applause.
Johnny decides that he can now let go of Rosita. And not a second too soon because the next thing he knows Rosita is overrun by twenty-five piglets who are all trying to hug her.
He laughs a little at that, but then he turns to Cia.
“One kiss for good luck?” he asks.
“Not that you’re gonna need it,” Cia replies, “but sure.”
And then they share one quick kiss. Okay, it was supposed to be a quick kiss, but somehow, it must have turned out a little too long, because suddenly, Johnny can hear Eddie clear his throat extra-loudly.
They pull apart and Johnny looks at the sheep.
“Sorry,” Eddie says and nods towards the piano, “but I can’t pull this out there alone.”
“Oh yeah, right!” Johnny says quickly, giving Cia’s hand one last squeeze before he joins Eddie.
On his way there, Ms. Crawly gives him a thumbs-up and Johnny smiles at her in return. It reminds him of his very first concert when Ms. Crawly gave him a backrub because he’s been so tensed up and gave him a thumbs-up before he began, and then she handed him a towel afterwards.
Ms. Crawly has always been so supportive. He needs to thank her officially for all this some time.
He thinks about this a bit more, an idea forming in his head.
He sits down on the stool, his fingers already placed over the keys, but then he speaks up.
“Thank you all for coming tonight!” he says. “You’re about to hear a new song of mine and I want to thank my girlfriend for writing the lyrics again. And I want to thank her, too, that she reminded me of what’s important so I could get this song done in time.” Cia looks at him from backstage and he smiles at her.
“And there’s someone else I need to thank,” he goes on. “A very special old lady who’s dear to me. She’s the one who taught me how to play the piano. And she’s been so supportive and caring, and I really don’t know how I’ll ever be able to express how thankful I am. So in lack of better words, thank you, Ms. Crawly!”
He looks at the iguana with a smile and she looks back at him, her mouth open in surprise before it turns into a big smile and she places a hand over her heart.
Then Johnny starts playing his song.
In retrospective, Johnny can only say that the opening was a great success. He was doing his rounds, welcoming and thanking people, he even ran into some fans he remembered from the album-release-party. And because Jane always reminds him how important talking to his fans is he stopped and exchanged some words with them, asked them what they thought of his new song and such. They were mostly interested in the old lady who taught him to play the piano and wanted to know more about her although one of the cheetah girls - wasn’t her name Dana? - expressed that she would have loved to hear a song with lyrics written by him. He even remembered that she had already told him something similar at the party, so he didn’t elaborate on that and told them more about Ms. Crawly which his fans seemed to like.
It took him a while to find Cia - she’d kept in the background, as always, talking to Meena - and he was quite happy that she was fine with leaving.
He’s still thinking about the opening as he and Cia walk back to his apartment. It’s convenient that the youth center is so close, because he loves to walk side by side with her.
“That was so cute what you said on stage,” Cia says.
“You mean, thanking you?” he asks. “It was only fair.”
“Yes, that too,” Cia says, leaning in a little closer to him as he wraps an arm around her hips. “But I meant what you said about Ms. Crawly. She was so happy!”
“That was only fair, too,” Johnny says. “Without Ms. Crawly, I would have never learned how to play the piano. My music would be totally different.” And then he realizes something. “Actually, my music would be totally different without you as well.”
Cia looks at him. “What do you mean?”
“Well, without you, I’d still be playing the piano, yes, but I’d only play cover songs,” he explains.
“I am pretty sure the label would have gotten you a songwriter,” Cia says.
“But I don’t want that!” Johnny says, stopping and turning so that he’s facing Cia. “I want you to be a part of my music!”
Cia smiles at him, but when he wants to kiss her, she pulls away.
“Can I tell you a secret?” she asks.
“Of course!”
“I think that I wouldn’t be able to write lyrics for someone else. It is you who inspires me to write them,” she says.
That’s something new. Johnny never thought that he could actually inspire someone to do something, let alone, inspire Cia to write these amazing lyrics. He always thought that she did it because, well, she’s great at writing. He never thought that he, the ordinary guy, could play a role in that. He always imagined this as some sort of a one-way road. He had no idea that it is more  like an exchange. And the thought alone makes this warm feeling spread through his body again.
“Really?” he asks, and he knows he’s grinning like an idiot.
“Really!” Cia replies with a broad smile.
He doesn’t know if she wanted to say anything else, because if she did, he doesn’t let her. He just pulls her into a kiss.
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