#Eddie wants sex? does not compute
elvensorceress · 11 months
Sunday Sentences
way more than 7 of them because it's been a while and you deserve all of these 💕 tagged by @eddiebabygirldiaz @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @monsterrae1 @messyhairdiaz @theotherbuckley thank you, beloveds 💕 tagging @shortsighted-owl @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @housewifebuck @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @bekkachaos @loserdiaz @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck @911onabc @eddiediaaz @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @ronordmann @shitouttabuck @babytrapperdiaz @fleurdebeton @buddierights if you haven't posted yet and want to share something 😘
from the Unless finale
Eddie leans in closer, pressing harder, more securely against Buck from shoulders to thighs. “I wanted you,” he whispers and leaves a light brush of a kiss on Buck’s lips. “I want you.”
Buck holds onto him but leans to the side to look at him with a puzzled expression on his face. “You want me?”
What sort of question is that? No, Eddie does this all the time to everyone. He’s the one stealing firetrucks and hooking up in bar bathrooms. Because those are things Eddie would do. When he can’t even talk about having sex even with the man he loves without panicking. Whatever. Of course he wants Buck. “Do you think I don’t?”
“N-no. No, I don’t mean. I mean— what? What do you mean?”
Eddie means this is the strangest conversation he and Buck have ever had. Which says a fucking lot. “What do you think I mean? I want you. I wanted more. I wanted you to stay. You and your hard-on. We could have—” Eddie’s still not sure where they might’ve landed on the they could have had sex spectrum. But it would have been something more than Buck running to jerk off alone because he was too turned on and thought it wasn’t welcome. “I mean maybe you aren’t ready to have sex yet. I get that. We haven’t even said if we’re dating dating and it’s only been hours that we’ve been together. So… maybe this was better. Maybe we should wait. But…” 
But he doesn’t know how to finish that thought other than Buck should have stayed. He needs Buck to stay. He wants Buck with him. He wants to take care of him and love him and be good for him. 
Buck blinks at him then leans back even further and stares with a scrunched look of trying to do complicated math and failing at it. He even holds up a hand like he needs a teacher to call on him and answer his questions. “What? I just. I don’t understand. What do you—what?”
“What do you mean, ‘what’?” 
“I mean who are you and what have you done with Eddie and I don’t know what you mean by, I want you. And we should wait? And you think I’m not ready to have sex yet? Why do you think we’re going to have sex? What do you want with me? Of me? What do you— w-what do you want when you say, you want me?”
What else might it mean? Were they not just making out all over the kitchen? Is it not obvious? Eddie didn’t think he would have to spell it all the way out. But maybe direct and to the point is the best approach? 
He rests both his hands on Buck’s chest. His very soft, very warm, very muscled and beautiful chest with his beautiful beating heart that Eddie swears he can feel racing beneath his fingers. “Buck,” he says slowly, passionately, with as much warmth and love as he can possibly pour into his words. “I want to have sex with you.” 
It doesn’t quite have the reaction Eddie was expecting. Or hoping for. Not that he knows exactly what he thought might happen, but Buck just blinks at him like Eddie’s suddenly confessed he was wrong and actually does believe in jinxes and the “q-word curse” and other stupid superstitions. 
But he’s not the one who responds to Eddie’s declarative wanting anyway. 
“Uhhh. If you’re going to do that, can you not do it in the kitchen,” Chris says from the doorway. “I eat here. We all eat here. It would have to be some kind of health hazard violation.”
Chris is leaning against the doorway. Without his crutches. Which somehow makes him far too stealthy and quiet. Either that or Eddie was just way too distracted with... never mind.
Eddie’s stomach, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart all plummet out of his body. Metaphorically of course because literally dying of mortification would give him an out from this situation. That would be too easy. 
He pulls away from Buck and steps backward until he’s at the opposite side of the room, while Buck is left with his arms hanging in midair, curved around where Eddie used to be. 
“We’re not,” Eddie says. “We weren’t doing— anything. We weren’t going to. We were just talking.”
Chris gives him a withering, skeptical look that only makes him look a thousand percent like his mother. 
Which Eddie absolutely cannot handle right now.
“H-hey, Chris,” Buck steps toward the doorway, coincidentally or maybe not so coincidentally between Eddie and Chris, and turns into his bubbly, eager, friendly self. “Are you— are you hungry? Do you still want those pancakes? Cinnamon swirls and cream cheese icing? I was getting ready to make them for us.”
Chris wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Not hungry anymore. What’s going on? When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Buck looks back to Eddie with clear worry all over his face, and Eddie tries to silently convey that everything is okay. Chris isn’t in the dark about how Eddie feels about Buck. He’s not angry with them. 
Eddie’s pretty sure anyway. “It only just happened. We weren’t keeping anything from you.” 
Chris gapes at him with wide, horrified eyes. “It just happened? That’s how you told Buck? By saying that? Oh my god, Dad! What were you thinking? That is so embarrassing.”
Eddie’s mouth falls open. “N-no. No! That wasn’t— That wasn’t how.”
Chris’ very disbelieving, very Shannon-face comes out again, and Eddie sags against the counter and rubs a hand over his suddenly aching head. 
“No. Chris,” Buck says gently but solidly. Something firm and stead through storms and Eddie just wants to hold onto him and never let go. “Your dad told me last night that he’s in love with me. And I love him, too. I love you both more than anything.”
Chris turns his scrutinizing gaze on Buck this time and still looks skeptical, but also not so horrified. Just wary. 
At this point, Eddie will take what he can get. 
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himbosandhardwear · 3 months
Eddie has a bad habit of picking at his skin when he's nervous. Not, like, shy nervous or stage fright nervous, but the real kind of nervous, not-sure-I’m-gonna-survive-this kind of nervous. Like while he was alone in the boat house, he'd shredded every one of his cuticles. That time Hopper caught him behind The Hawk, very obviously selling his wares, he'd bitten his lips bloody.
Tonight he's picking a scab off his knee. It's practically healed already, so it won't bleed, he just needs to feel something on his body come loose before he does.
“You good, dude?” Steve asks, so in tune to Eddie's nervous disposition. Such a good guy. What a friend.
Eddie lets his head hit his knee caps with a thunk.
Steve snorts. “You don't look good. I mean… You know what I mean.”
He smiles, tilting his head to look at Steve, always happy to give him a hard time.
“Oh, absolutely. You think I look good, don't cha, Stevie?”
He gets a couch pillow to the face for that, but they're both laughing so he doesn't think he's crossed the line yet.
Yet, yet, yet.
“Seriously, what's up with you? You've been quiet. It makes me want to call the squad.”
“Har har,” Eddie mumbles, but he does uncurl himself, sitting back against the couch again. “I'm trying to work up the nerve to ask for advice but it's-” Christ, he doesn't even want to admit to being embarrassed, that's how embarrassed he is.
“It's what?” Steve asks, the picture of earnest encouragement. “You can talk to me about anything, man, we're, like, bonded in blood or whatever.”
“Right. Yeah. Except this has the potential to get real awkward, real quick, and I'm not sure we're at that level of friendship yet.”
“Well,” he drawls, “if you ask me whatever it is that's got you all flustered I'm sure that will level us up. Right?”
“I'm not flustered.” God damn his red fucking face. Steve just laughs at him. “It's just, I don't have anyone else to ask about this. Jonathan probably doesn't have this particular problem, cause he's got- Uh. Sorry.” Steve waves it away, so Eddie goes on. “The kids are too young and the band guys don't understand what we went through-”
“Eddie, just spit it out.”
“Fuck! Okay, fine! You asked for it.” He takes a giant breath, steels his spine and just says it. “The Trauma is affecting my ability to get laid and I don't know how to fix it. Every time I get close to it I freak out and have to bail.”
There. All out now.
He looks over at Steve, and it's so much worse than being laughed at or pitied. He just looks sad.
He shakes it off quickly, hair barely moving, Eddie notes. He finds Steve's hair routine both endearing and ridiculous.
“Yeah. Okay. That's super common, just so you know,” Steve assures him first. “Robin says it's all connected, your mind and your body, so trauma can, like, get trapped in weird places like that. I can't play baseball anymore. Cause the memory of beating demodogs to death.”
“As you do,” Eddie quips.
“Right. But your thing. Uh. Yeah, it took some time before I could relax enough to even attempt getting laid, let alone actually do it.”
“So?” Eddie drawls, waiting. “How did you get over it?”
Something is off. Steve's not known for being skiddish about sex, but his hesitation and his inability to look Eddie in the eye is setting off alarms.
“Hey, if this is too weird for you-”
“No, I'm good, it's fine. Just, I'm the only person you have to talk to about this, so I'm gonna try to be helpful but, uh,” he scratches at the back of his head awkwardly, “in all honesty, I haven't been laid since before Vecna either. Way before. So. Yeah. Not sure I should be giving out advice on anything.”
That's crazy. Like actually crazy. He can't even compute Steve Harrington not absolutely dripping in women. He must have some look on his face because Steve gives a dry sort of laugh, self deprecating, and leans back against the couch with him.
“Weren't you on a date with Brenda Mulligan the night- Vecna’s first attack?”
Steve shoots him a look. “Y- Yeah, but that didn't go anywhere. We weren't, like, compatible or whatever.”
Oh, yeah, it was weird that Eddie knew that at all, let alone remembered it nine months later. “That's too bad,” he replies lamely.
He feels terrible for dragging down the whole night, it would've been better if he'd just kept his mouth shut. But that's never been his strong suit, as evidenced by him blurting out, “If the hottest guy in Hawkins can't find a suitable date, what fucking chance do I have.”
Steve snaps, “Don't say that. What the fuck?”
Great, now he's gone and made it weird. Good job calling your straight friend hot, you fuckin’ dipshit.
They sit in the awkward silence, out of things to say or out of useful things to say. Either way it's them breathing, the clock ticking, and the M.A.S.H. rerun playing softly in the background.
Steve clears his throat. “Whatever, let's get back to the point. You don't have to tell me if you don't want but…what do you think the specific reason is for your…issue?”
He thinks about it. Has been thinking about it, for a while now. “My dick still works, if that's what you're wondering.”
Steve chuckles, high and surprised. “Good for you.”
“Yeah. It's more like, I can't get out of my head. I start worrying about my scars, explaining them if someone asked. I think about how even though I don't want anything long-term, I wouldn't be able to do long-term anyway, because I'm a fucking mess. If it's really bad, I'll get flashes of Chrissy or Patrick's bones snapping, as a little soundtrack to the fun shit happening outside my head.”
Steve looks sad again. Maybe it is pity but it looks more turned inward, like he's dealing with his own shit more than Eddie’s.
“You hooking up with strangers then?”
Eddie blinks at Steve. “Well…duh. Right? Not like I have guys lined up around the block here in Hawkins.”
Steve is full blown scowling at the TV. It's weird.
“What if-”
Eddie waits but Steve doesn't finish his thought.
“What if…what?” He prompts, giving a little nudge with his foot.
He's still avoiding eye contact, not even turning his head to look in Eddie's direction.
In a soft voice, almost too quiet to hear, he says, “What if we helped each other out?”
He must've heard that wrong. Or he's misunderstanding.
“What if we help each other out? Like, a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
That can't be right. No fucking way. It's a test. Like as soon as Eddie agrees, Steve yells ‘Aha! I knew you wanted to molest me! Goodbye forever!’ and runs out the door.
“What, exactly, do you mean? Like, what are you getting out of it?”
Steve finally looks over. “Well, I would think that was obvious. If you're willing.”
Eddie's legs are starting to go numb.
“Okay, so I blow you and you blow me, except when you're doing it I have to watch you take it like you're being force fed liver and onions at Grandma's house?”
Steve slowly shakes his head no.
“Oh, okay, so you're going to blow me and enjoy it,” he snaps sarcasticaly.
Steve nods once.
“You want to blow me?”
“Mmhmm,” he hums without moving a muscle.
“Since when!” Eddie brings his octave down from the upper atmosphere. “Since when, Harrington? This is insane behavior. Should I call the squad for you? I'm serious. I'll do it.”
“You don't have to say yes. I was just offering.” He says it like Eddie isn't one green flag away from stomping on the gas.
He starts nervously laughing, which makes Steve flinch unfortunately, but he can't stop.
“It's cool, just forget I said anything.” He moves like he's about to get up and leave, which is fucking insane because it's his living room. Eddie stops him with a tight grip around the bicep.
“Don't you dare. If you're even remotely serious, we have to have a much longer conversation. Sit.”
Steve drops like a sack of bricks. Which is…something.
“Right. First off, this is uncommon behavior in a straight friend. Is there something you'd like to tell me, so I don't think you've been body snatched?”
He pinches at the top of his nose, like Eddie is inconveniencing him greatly. Too bad.
“I'm probably bisexual.”
“Probably?” Eddie asks with a raised eyebrow.
“I'm an inexperienced bisexual,” he amends through clenched teeth.
“Good. Great. Happy to hear it.” His heart may explode from his torso à la Ridley Scott's Alien but sure. “Second on the agenda, what do you mean help each other out? What's on the table? Mutual handjobs and then we never talk about it again?”
“No,” Steve answers immediately. That's good. “I'm open to…whatever you're open to.”
“Steve.” He has to clear his throat. “You dont even know what you're agreeing to.”
“I trust you.”
“Okay, right, uh, let's circle back to that later. Third thing, what, uh, what is your level of commitment with this?”
He just stares at Eddie, all doe eyed. It shouldn't work, Eddie fucking invented that look. It's gotten him out of more scrapes than he can count. Now it's being used against him but to what end? Does Steve want to get bundled up in a blanket and tucked into bed? Because Eddie can make that happen for him.
“Whatever you want, I guess,” he finally says. “I mean, like I said earlier, friends who help each other out. Casual. I'm not interested in looking for Mrs Harrington anymore and you're having a problem relaxing around guys who don't understand what you went through.” He makes a gesture like ‘Ta da.’
He's not wrong. It makes sense. But…
“Fourth thing. Is this just an experiment for you? Cause I'm all for you exploring your sexuality but, historically speaking, friends are a bad place to start.” AKA ‘it will break my fucking heart if you decide you're not that into it and it's because it's me.’
“Eddie. Look.” He gets more comfortable, facing Eddie straight on finally. “What you're going to provide is practical knowledge on what has only been theoretical up to this point, but the theory has already been well established.” He taps his head. “Understand?”
A smug confidence melts Eddie into the couch. “You liiike me,” he sings. “You think about me naaaked. You wanna-”
Steve lands on him, lacking any elegance or grace, and nearly caves their skulls in with his Jay Garrick approach to kissing. Eddie doesn't say a fucking word. He does wonder at the fucking majesty that is making out sober. What a revelation. Steve keeps making these tiny, almost wounded noises, to the point where Eddie tries to back up and do a check in but Steve doesn't let him, he chases him down and latches back onto Eddie's bottom lip like he's Hannibal Lector. It's stupid hot.
Everything is going great until Steve lets out a sound that legitimately has Eddie worried he's upset about something.
He pulls back and asks, “Are you okay?”
“Oh fuck, I'm sorry. I just can't, I can't believe I got this fucking far. You're so hot I'm losing my fucking mind.”
“Me?” Eddie snaps. “Dude, you're out of your mind.” He pokes Steve in his meaty chest. “Literal. Prom. King.”
“Fucking stupid high school shit, are you kidding me?” He sits up, straddling Eddie's hips, which is boner enhancing to say the least; he's got Steve's thighs in his grasp immediately. “You don't get it, I'm gone on you. I've got it bad, man. I was playing it cool earlier-”
“At no point tonight were you in any way playing it cool.”
“-but, fuck it, guess I'm ruining it, cause I can't be cool about this. I don't want casual. I don't even want to date you,” and before Eddie can even worry about that, he says, “I wanna skip straight to boyfriends, man. I know you said you didn't want long term with anyone but-”
Eddie interrupts again, this time by pulling Steve back down horizontal and kissing him like he just bravely declared himself as all in.
If this is a pod-person, well, that's a problem for Tomorrow Eddie. Tonight Eddie just landed Steve Harrington as a boyfriend.
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sweetestofchaos · 11 months
Blessed With A Curse | J.JK
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☾ Pairing: Werewolf!Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader
☾ Summary: When your company throws a mandatory Halloween party, you aren’t thrilled. You’re even less thrilled when a delusional coworker ruins the party and places a curse on everyone because her crush, the resident werewolf, Jeon Jungkook, rejected them.
When a coworker gets rejected at the company Halloween party, things get crazy.
☾ Genre/AU: Smut, Werewolf AU, Hybrid AU, Modern Magic AU
☾ Rating: NC-17
☾ Warnings: | alcohol | piss marking (not on a person) | spanking | scenting | shifting | use of magic | cursing | misunderstandings | unrequited love| mating bite | some blood | knotting | a/b/o vibes | licking | spit play | cum eating | fingering | crying | pack!BTS | rockstar!jungkook | semi-public sex | mirror sex | interspecies relationship | open ending
☾ Word Count: 12.7K
☾ 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖡𝖳𝖲 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗌𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝖳𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗈𝗋 𝖳𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗅𝖺𝖻, 𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒 @sailoryooons 𝖺𝗇𝖽 @theharrowing
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a/n: for the wonderful @jessikahathaway! i hope you enjoy this bad boy 'cause it had me on my ass a few times. once i was able to get over myself, this wrote itself and i had fun with it. banner/diver made by the wonderful @itaeewon. betaed by the kickass @theharrowing
song credit: werewolf by montionless in white | wolf by woosung
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You are typing away on your keyboard, lost in your own little world. It feels like the day is dragging and you would like for it to be over. At least that is what you were thinking until you noticed that the workplace background noise started to fade away. Gazing up from your computer screen, you see your office manager standing near the main door. He clears his throat and claps his hands three times to get everyone’s attention. What could he possibly want at this hour? Two of the other managers step through the door and you squint trying to figure out why the three of them are here. You don’t recall any email about a meeting.
“Okay everyone! Listen up, please?” The office manager looks around to make sure all eyes are on him before he continues. “As you know our Halloween party is tonight. I expect to see you all there, dressed appropriately!” The office manager stands with his back facing the main door with the HR and Marketing managers on either side of him. The three of them together strongly remind you of Ed, Edd, and Eddy, but you keep that thought to yourself. 
“Everyone will receive a text message with the address, as well as an email. Please make sure to give the company name at the door and enjoy yourselves.”
“I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s costumes tonight. See you all later and until then enjoy your time off!”
The three managers all leave with smiles on their faces and you roll your eyes as you turn your attention back to your computer. Honestly, you forgot all about the Halloween party tonight. It’s not like you have much of a choice, it is mandatory fun. You still have a few more emails to finish up, as well as two more documents to review before you can even think of leaving for the day. A shadow looms over your desk and you sigh knowing that shape right away.
“Jungkook, I swear to God if you try a jump scare I will slam your face through this screen.”
A startled whine comes from behind followed by a deep sigh before Jungkook comes to stand in your line of sight by the side of your desk. His chocolate brown doe eyes are even wider than normal as he stares at you with a pout on his lips, making the clear spacers in his piercings more noticeable.
“You’re no fun. You know that, right?”
You suck your teeth and raise an eyebrow as Jungkook parks his ass on the edge of your desk. His black dress pants strain against his thighs and when you glance up, the white button down he is wearing, pulls at the muscles of his flexed biceps. As the resident werewolf in the office, Jungkook’s muscles are a common topic of conversation…and his impeccable sense of smell. Though Jungkook isn’t the only creature that works with you. There are vampires, goblins, fairies, wyrm, dragons and even mermaids in the office. It is a mixing pot of species which always offers some kind of entertainment for yourself.
“Can I help you, wolfie?” 
Jungkook’s eyes flash a bright red before they shift back to their brown color making you smirk.
“One of these days I’m going to bite you,” Jungkook threatens as he curls his upper lip to show off his elongated canines.
“So I can be stuck with you for the rest of my life?” You grimace and shake your head. “No, thanks.”  
“Like you don’t wanna be part of my pack.” Jungkook licks his lips and runs a hand through his dark hair, a few of the curls tangling around his fingers making his bicep flex once again from the sudden snag. His hair is styled out of his eyes, swooped upwards and back; not a single hair out of place…until now. One lone curl hangs from Jungkook’s head and kisses his temple. You resist the urge to tuck it behind his ear.
“Pretty sure it’s Taehyung’s pack and I would only join for Seokjin’s cooking and a good cuddle with Yoongi.”
Jungkook growls and you laugh knowing that you struck a nerve. You have met Jungkook’s pack mates many times and they are all a bunch of chill guys. They all work on different floors, in different departments. Yoongi is the pack alpha and from what you know, Seokjin, Namjoon and Taehyung are the only omegas in the pack. Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook are werewolves, Jimin and Hoseok are demons and sweet Seokjin is an oncilla hybrid. Which blew your mind when you found out because Seokjin is not a little guy by any means, the man is massive.
A voice calls his name, cutting through your laughter and you smile at your coworker, Tisha. She is a cute little thing. Doesn’t have much height on her, maybe five-one or five-two at best with long black hair and doll-like green eyes. 
“What’s up, Tisha?” Jungkook asks and you turn your attention back to your computer screen, happy for the distraction. You really would like to finish this before it’s time to leave. You would settle for a little overtime, but since tonight is the company wide Halloween party, overtime has been banned. 
“My computer is acting up again. Can you take a look at it?” 
“Have you emailed tech?”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing. Clearly Tisha hasn’t called tech or else she wouldn’t be asking for Jungkook’s help. 
“I thought it would be faster with your help. I know they get busy around this time.”
Jungkook sighs and pushes himself off your desk, “See you at the party tonight?”
You glance at Jungkook and frown, “You sound way too excited.”
Jungkook grins and shrugs his shoulders, “Who doesn’t love a Halloween party?” Jungkook’s smile is blinding as he leans towards you, wiggling his eyebrows. “You gonna be the Little Red to my Big Bad Wolf?”
“Isn’t that a little cliche?” Tisha asks and Jungkook waves off her comment.
“I mean, I am a werewolf, so…” 
Jungkook scrunches his nose and you roll your eyes as you mutter, “More like an overgrown lap dog-”
“I heard that,” Jungkook growls and you smile up at him, widening your eyes to seem more innocent. Jungkook glares at you with no real anger and huffs. “Such a fucking brat,” he grumbles and leaves your space with Tisha right behind him chatting his ear off.
You giggle to yourself and shake your head. Jungkook is something else, that’s for sure. He is your workplace bestie and the biggest pain in your ass all at the same time. Little does he know that your Halloween costume is already picked out. You think Jungkook will get a kick out of it and you might be a little excited to show him.
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Standing in your bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around your body, you wipe the steam from the mirror and sigh. You fell asleep when you got home and slept past your alarm, so now you have forty minutes to get ready if you don’t want to be hella late to the party. Music plays from your bluetooth speaker, filling the air with Jackson Wang’s ‘Cheetah’ and it makes you smile. 
The first thing you get started on is your makeup, a nude smokey cat eye with grey accents is the first half of the look. Followed by painting the lower part of your nose a soft pink and upper lip black. Your lower lip is the same grey from your eyes to pull the whole look together. Removing the towel from around your head, you click your tongue. You quickly twist the hair into two braids that go straight back, secure the ends with bobby pins and pull a wig cap on. 
A set of stencils are on your countertop and you hold one of them up to your forehead. The shape looks weird and you don’t have faith that you will be able to make it look right. Using black eyeshadow and a little eyeliner, you fill in the stencil slowly. A handful of black spots are now on your forehead, they look out of place and you frown. 
Your phone goes off, cutting off the tunes and you glance over to see that Wooyoung, another work friend is calling. You answer the call and put him on speaker as you continue to get ready.
“Bitch! Where are you??”
“I’m getting ready. Where are you?”
“I just left the house, did you want me to pick you up?”
You think it over. You really would love to be able to drink and not have to worry about driving home.
“Can you drive slow?”
“The fuck kinda question-”
“I’m still getting ready, damn. Just text me when you’re out front.”
You hang up the phone and head into your bedroom. Walking over to your closet, you step inside and look at the grey wig you purchased just for this stupid party. Grabbing the wig and the styrofoam head that came with it, you carry everything to the bathroom and set it on the sink. Pulling out your styling products and a pair of hair scissors, you section the wig into parts while singing along to whatever song is playing. For your costume, you think a wolf cut would look cute and match the overall vibe…so, with the scissors in your hands, you get to work. The final product isn’t bad, a nice mix between a shag and mullet. It is roughly sexy and once you place it on your head, you can’t help but grin.
Grabbing a makeup brush, you spend some time on your eyebrows, making them look fluffy and slightly overgrown before you grab the unopened pack of fake canine teeth. Carefully, you glue them onto your own canines and smile at your reflection. It’s all coming together. The last thing you need are the hazel contacts that sit on the counter. You struggle with them, but after a solid five minutes, you have them both in. You look at yourself in the mirror and blow yourself a kiss, this was a wonderful idea!
Leaving the bathroom for the time being, you look at the outfit that is laid out on your bed. A grey bodysuit with black heels, a set of fluffy grey and beige triangle ears and a matching tail. Your phone chimes with a notification and you know that Wooyoung is outside waiting for you. Dropping your towel, you skip over to your dresser and pull open your underwear drawer. 
Looking at the different colors and material, you settle on a baby pink lingerie set that still has the tags on it. It’s a mesh thong with small and medium sized flowers on the sides with an open underwire bra that has the same flowers covering your nipples in a diagonal line. Looking at the set you smile to yourself because you are sure you have a pink choker from your wild days that matches. 
Putting the set on, you slip into the bodysuit and double check that the flower impressions of the lingerie aren’t visible before you search for the choker. Your phone chimes again and you roll your eyes.
“Yes, yes. I’m coming,” you grumble to yourself as you quickly fasten the pink leather choker around your neck. It even has a tiny silver hoop that hangs from which looks cute as opposed to badass. You clip the tail to your outfit, set the ears on top of your head and look at yourself in the mirror one last time.
“Damn, I look good!”
Grabbing your shoes, phone and purse, you head to the front door and text Wooyoung that you are coming outside now. You shove your feet into your black heels and hurry out of your apartment, more than a little excited to see Jungkook’s reaction to your costume. Taking the elevator, you hum to yourself and wait until you reach the first floor. You wonder what Wooyoung is dressed as. You know for a fact that the man is dressed up, he will never pass up a chance to show off his beauty.
Outside of your apartment complex you look around for Wooyoung’s car and spot it across the street. He spots you at the same time and climbs out of his car, whistling as he does so. Wooyoung is stunning in his white ruffled shirt. The loose sleeves cuff around his wrist, the collar is lined with lace, with a keyhole opening on his chest that he pairs with a black leather corset harness. His black dress pants hug him nicely and his freshly dyed black hair hangs just below his eyebrows. 
“Ooooooooh! Look at this sexy lil kitten. Hello, beautiful!” 
You roll your eyes and grin, stepping into Wooyoung’s arms as he hugs you tightly. Pulling away, you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear and stare at Wooyoung’s hair.
“You look good. Black might just be your color.”
“Please,” Wooyoung pushes towards the other side of the car as he opens his door. “Any color is my color.” 
Once in the car, you buckle up and fiddle with your phone, “Can I DJ?” Wooyoung gives you permission and you giggle to yourself. You have yet to listen to Mark Tuan’s new EP ‘Fallen’, so what a perfect time to do it now. Syncing with the radio, you hit play and ‘Your World’ starts to play. 
“I don’t recognize the voice,” Wooyoung comments and you shake your head.
“Cause your taste in music is shit. This is Mark Tuan’s new EP.” 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Would be a real shame if your door just magically opened, huh?”
You laugh and Wooyoung sucks his teeth, coming to a stop at a red light. Looking out the window, you notice that the clouds above are a pale grey color that carries the promise of a light shower later on.
“Who do you think is going to out their office romance this year?” Wooyoung’s voice pulls you from your thoughts and you shrug your shoulders. 
You remember from last year that your office manager and one of the newer interns wore matching Halloween costumes. They were the only workers dressed as Team Rocket from Pokemon. You haven’t really heard any dating rooms going around in your office but that doesn’t mean the rest of the office is innocent. 
“I heard Jungkook was going to be the Big Bad Wolf…not much creativity there.”
“Oh, you think?”
“If I was a fucking werewolf, I would pick something else-”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know…maybe a dog catcher?” 
You whip your head to the side to look at Wooyoung and he glances at you from the corner of his eye. 
“What? That’s pretty fucking clever!”
“I-I can’t believe you just said that.”
There is a small beat of silence before you and Wooyoung both start to laugh.
“Jungkook would rip you a new one if he heard that,” you wheeze, thankful that you used waterproof makeup since your eyes are tearing up.
“I mean, come on. That would be fucking iconic!”
You shake your head in disbelief and Wooyoung giggles. 
“So, I get that you’re a cat, but like, I have no idea what kind.”
“You really can’t tell what breed I am?” 
“I just said that.” Wooyoung shots you an unimpressed look and you sigh.
“Damn, I thought it was obvious. I’m a pallas cat!”
“A what?” 
“Oh come on, Woo! It’s my favorite animal of all time! It’s one of the tiny big cats.”
Wooyoung raises an eyebrow and shrugs his shoulders, “I’ll take your word for it, kitten.” 
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Based on the company-wide email, the club is called Dionysus and the music rattles the windows of Wooyoung’s car as he finds a parking space. Outside there is a slight chill in the air, the scent of fried foods and sweat riding the current that creeps from the open door that leads into the club. With Wooyoung by your side, you make your way to the front of the line. People glare at the two of you but Wooyoung grabs your hand and gives it a firm squeeze. 
“Don’t worry about them. We have people inside waiting.” 
At the front of the line, a woman with startling electric blue eyes raises an eyebrow as Wooyoung walks up to her. There are a pair of black rounded ears on top of her head and you know that she is some kind of hybrid, but you aren’t sure what breed. Maybe a rodent of some short, you think she could be an opossum. She is dressed all back, with the club’s name written in silver cursive across her chest.
“You don’t see the line?” Her voice is sharp and Wooyoung shakes his head.
“We’re not trying to be late, our boss is expecting us. Blue & Grey Enterprise.” 
The woman nods her head and looks down at the clipboard in her hands, “Names?”
Wooyoung rattles off your names and she asks for ID before the two of you can enter the club. The club looks more like an opera house. It’s a large glass and iron building with beautiful ash-white archways, spicy grey pepper LVP flooring and an endless supply of natural light. Simple tracking light fixtures are placed through the club, spaced together in groups of two with elegant grey and white pendant lights hanging at tasteful intervals. There are two floors to the club and the moment you step through the doors, you feel like you have been transported to another world. 
It feels like the scene of a high budget movie. All around you, people are dancing with drinks in their hands. The lighting is a mix of blue, purple and red with smoke snaking around on the floor. The walls seemingly reflect the lighting, creating a mirror like effect that shimmers and glows. The air is warm but you can feel that the air conditioning is on somewhere, most likely on the second floor since heat rises. Large floor to ceiling silk curtains hang from up high, sheer and light in soft shades of cream that drink in the colors of the lights. 
“Come on, let’s find our group.” 
Wooyoung moves to the far edge of the dance floor, closer to the wall as he pulls you along behind him. In the corner elevated above the crowd, a large DJ box is suspended with hanging black ivy, fairy lights and a floating staircase. The DJ wears an oversized head piece that resembles a Greek statue with a gold and emerald circlet on top. The place is impressive and you wonder why the company chose such an extravagant place. Many people are dressed in costumes as you walk past and from the amount of skin shown you know that none of the people on the lower level are from your company. 
A set of steps leading to the upper level catch your eye and as you get closer, you notice that there is a guard dressed much like the woman from out front. The security guard stands with his arms crossed over his chest and he looks completely unphased by the strangers around him. Upon seeing you and Wooyoung, he narrows his eyes and Wooyoung shows his work ID. Following his lead, you do the same and the man nods his head before he unlatches the green and gold ivy rope that blocks off the upper floor.
“Enjoy yourselves tonight.”
Wooyoung releases your hand and motions for you to walk up before him. He blocks anyone’s eyes from staring at your butt and you giggle to yourself. Wooyoung is such a gentleman, you love him dearly. 
If you thought the lower level was something out of a movie then the upper level is pulled straight from the dreams of an elite designer. Dark wooden furniture with plush white and black setting, vines of ivy clung to the walls, golden ring lights are pressed into the ceiling with more of the white pendant lights hung in small clusters. A single bar top that runs the entire length of the room, is pressed against the wall. The counter is too far away to see but you wouldn’t doubt if it was marble.
You spot a few familiar faces and point out the coworkers to Wooyoung. The two of you head over to say hello before you search for your friends. 
“Oh my God, you made it!!!” 
Arms wrapped around your waist tightly, squeezing the breath from your lungs and when you look down, a bright red hood is all you see.
“Your costume is so cute! Are you a hybrid?” 
The body pulls away and those striking green eyes spark up at you. You take in the woman’s sultry makeup, the soft curls in her hair and the spillage of boob from the white ruffled blouse that has a black corset pushing everything upwards. 
“Tisha! You look…wait, are you Little Red?” 
You stare down at your coworker and you can feel the pride spilling off her as she grins and nods her head. Her curls bounce around her shoulders and you can’t help but laugh. Of course she would want to match with Jungkook.
“It suits you.” You look around and you don’t see Jungkook at all.
“Right! I just know Jungkook will love it!” Tisha smooths her hands over the red skirt of her dress and cocks an eyebrow. “So, what kind of hybrid are you?”
“A cat.”
“That’s so cute! You and Jungkookie always but heads, so it works too!”
Tisha waves her hand around and shrugs her shoulders, “You know what I mean, right? Like the two of you are always bickering.” You hum in agreement and she pulls at your arm as another smile takes over her face. “Let’s get a drink!”
Together, you head over to the bar and sure enough, the bar top is white and black marble. To your left you notice a familiar face, “Taehyung?”
The man turns at the sound of his name and mismatched brown eyes find yours. A boxy smile pulls at a set of lips and you find yourself smiling as well. If Taehyung is here then you know Jungkook isn’t too far behind. Taehyung’s eyes drink you in from head to toe and he nods his head, “A cat hybrid? Cute.”
“You think so?” You twirl around for Taehyung and he chuckles at the sight of your tail.
“You really put some effort into it.”
“Do you like my costume?” Tisha jumps into your conversation with Taehyung and his eyes slide over to her.
He raises an eyebrow and clicks his tongue, “Little Red…how original.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing at Taehyung’s unimpressed tone but Tisha is clueless. 
“I know Jungkook said he needed a Little Red to his Big Bad, so yeah. I thought it would work out.” Tisha gushes and Taehyung’s head tilts in confusion.
“Big Bad…like-like the wolf?” 
“Yeah, duh! What else would he be?”
Taehyung looks down at his outfit and you take the time to figure out what he could be. His usual dark brown hair is dyed a soft honey brown and cut into a mullet. His warm brown eyes are underlined in thick black liner with a black smudged smokey look and there is a tinted balm on his lips. A double chained necklace hugs his throat a little looser than the choker that you wear and it’s paired with a white tank top that hangs loosely around his frame. A leather jacket with silver studded sleeves really pulls the whole look together with simple black leather pants and chunky black boots. 
“Are you in a band?” You question and Taehyung grins.
“I’m the lead singer, pretty.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Tisha pouts and Taehyung takes a sip of his drink before he looks at Tisha.
“Oh really? And why is that?”
“Jungkook is the Big Bad Wolf. Why would you be a singer of a band?”
“I wonder?” Taehyung muses with a knowing look and you roll your eyes. “Can I get you a drink?” Taehyung offers and you laugh.
“It’s a company party, Tae. The drinks are free.”
Taehyung puts his hands up with a laugh, “Worth a shot.” Taehyung raises his hand to get one of the bar tender’s attention and when the young guy comes over, you order a whiskey sour while Tisha orders a tequila sunrise. The three of you chat for a while and Tisha looks bored.
“Where is Jungkook?” She asks for the umpteenth time and Taehyung ignores the question.
“Why don’t you go look for him, hmm? I’m sure he’s around here somewhere,” you offer seeing the way Taehyung’s jaw ticks.
Tisha scans the room and nods her head with a sigh, “Better than being here all night.”
When Tisha is out of sight Taehyung downs the rest of his drink and slams the glass down on the bar top.
“Thank fuck, she’s gone. Holy shit! How can she not take a hint? Damn!” Taehyung curses as he runs a hand through his hair. “Does she really think Jungkook likes her? I’ll kick his ass outta the pack, I swear to Luna!”
You laugh and slap Taehyung’s shoulder, “Shut up, you will not!” You shake your head and sip at your drink. “Besides, I’m sure that Jungkook is reaching his limit…assuming that this band you speak of, is with the whole pack?”
Taehyung ducks his head, trying to hide his smirk but you know him better by now. 
“What’s everyone’s role?”
“I’m the singer, Hoseok is lead guitar, Namjoon is bass, Jungkook is drums, Yoongi is keyboard, Seokjin is rhythm guitar and Jimin is our manager.”
You giggle and try to imagine the pack as full fledged rock stars.
“Can Hoseok even play the guitar?” 
Taehyung laughs as he shakes his head, “Nope, but he looks good holding one.”
“Who looks good?” 
That all too familiar voice creeps up behind you and you feel an arm being thrown around your shoulders. 
“Get off me, wolf boy!” 
Warm musk, with a slightly fresh and clean scent engulfs you as you are pulled into a tight embrace. 
“Oh, cat ears? Cute!” 
You push at the chest that is in front of you and when you can see light again, you glare up at Jungkook as he smirks down at you. You notice right away that Jungkook has two silver hoops in his lower lip and you swallow thickly. Jungkook’s eyes seem to darken as he looks down at you and before you can say anything he boops your nose with his index finger.
“Are you a pallas cat?” He steps closer and you feel his hand slide down the length of your spine, stopping at the small of your back, where your tail is clipped. “You even have a cute little tail. Such a cute little kitten…”
“S-Shut up! What happened to the big bad wolf, huh?” You poke at his chest and Jungkook pretends to be wounded as he backs away and stands by Taehyung’s side. 
At this distance you can take in his full costume, and honestly he looks good. His hair has been dyed black and style messily with wisps and spikes while a fringe hangs in his eyes. You assume that he is wearing clip-in to give himself a little more length in the back for his shorter mullet. Jungkook’s ears are completely adored in many silver hoops that are mismatched in size and style, along with a chunky chain necklace. 
He’s wearing a white graphic t-shirt tucked into a pair of plaid pants that have different shades of blue and red; with fabric straps buckled around each of his thighs. A matching jacket is worn over top and large black boots with five thick buckles complete his outfit. Taehyung said that Jungkook was the supposed drummer and he definitely looks the part.
“What? I’m still pretty big-”
“Shut up!” You snap as heat attacks your face and Jungkook just smirks while Taehyung laughs.
“Have you seen Tisha yet?” Taehyung asks and Jungkook raises an eyebrow.
“No…should I have?”
“For fuck shakes….” You whine and Taehyung chuckles.
“You’ll find out sooner or later.”
Wooyoung emerges from the crowd and throws himself at the bar. Sweat is beading along his forehead and his hair is now sticking to his face as he pants to catch his breath. You look at your friend and pat his back soothingly while raising your hand to order him a glass of water.
“So many people…and it’s not even just our company. There is another one here too.”
“I thought I didn’t recognize a lot of people,” Jungkook sighs and Wooyoung licks his lips.
“I don’t know how many times I’ve been hit on but someone grabbed my ass and I was done.”
“That fucking sucks.”
Everyone stares at Jungkook and his face heats up as he holds up his hands and shakes his head. “Oh my God! N-No, that’s not like…shit! That’s not what I meant. I wasn’t trying to be funny.” Jungkook stammers seeing that Wooyoung is dressed like a vampire.
“You’re so fucking stupid,” You laugh and Jungkook pouts while Taehyung just sips his new drink.
A piano playing a well known beat catches your ears and you perk up.
“I love this song!” You rush off to the dance floor without looking back and Jungkook growls seeing the different set of eyes following after you.
“Down, boy,” Taehyung teases and Wooyoung chokes on his water. “You can go if you want but Jimin and Hoseok are out there. The three of them together will be safe.”
Wooyoung nods in agreement and clears his throat, “When are you gonna drop the invite into the pack?” 
“It’s open-”
“Never.” Jungkook’s voice is flat as he glares at Taehyung and Taehyung just huffs with an eye roll. “A human can’t be in the pack. It isn’t safe.”
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Weaving in and out of people, Tisha searches for Jungkook. She has not found a single man dressed as the Big Bad Wolf and she is starting to wonder if maybe Jungkook hasn’t arrived to the party yet. She met Taehyung at the bar and while walking around she sees Jimin and Hoseok on the dance floor. Seokjin, Namjoon and Yoongi are sitting at one of the booths with drinks in front of them, just chatting it up, but no Jungkook. 
Another thing that is bothering her is that the members of Jungkook’s pack are all dressed in a similar fashion. Eyeliner, smokey eyeshadows, leather and chains with black boots. She always thought that packs tended to do group costumes as part of their culture. It is in their blood to want to match or at least coordinate with each other.
Feeling thirsty, Tisha moves through the bodies around her and heads towards the bar. She spots Taehyung in the same spot that she left him but this time he is talking to another man. She cannot tell who it is from the back, but she knows that it isn’t Jungkook. Sighing, Tisha stands in front of the bar and ignores Taehyung and the other man as she orders a double shot of tequila with a long island iced tea as a chaser. 
“You okay, Tisha? You’re looking a little down.” 
Tisha’s eyes slide to the side and she sees Wooyoung looking at her with concern in his brown eyes. 
“I can’t find Jungkook anywhere!” Tisha whines and Taehyung sips his drink. This has nothing to do with him. “His whole pack is here but he is-”
Tisha spots movement in her peripheral coming towards Taehyung and then there is a brief pause. She turns her head and sure enough Jungkook is standing a few feet away looking at the phone in his hand. A smile starts to tug at Tisha’s lips as she takes a step towards Jungkook but she stops and looks at him. He isn’t dressed as the big bad wolf at all. If anything he’s dressed as some wannabe rockstar from the 80’s. 
“Hey…Jungkook?” Tisha calls out to him and Jungkook looks up from his phone. His eyes widen when he sees that Tisha is wearing a Little Red Riding Hood costume. “I-I thought you were gonna be a wolf?” 
“Oh, um…yeah. I was just joking around.”
Tisha bites her bottom lip and tilts her head to the side, “You look good. This is a different look. It’s very…different.”
“Thanks! I’m the drummer in the pack,” Jungkook winks and Tisha giggles.
“Yeah? Are you good at banging things?” 
Jungkook opens his mouth and quickly closes it before he rubs the back of his neck and Tisha’s eyes widen.
“Um, so-sorry, that came out wrong.”
Taehyung and Wooyoung share a look and before Taehyung can take pity on his pack mate, Jimin and Hoseok bust through the crowd of people with you right behind them. Jimin’s face is flushed and his eyes are ink black. Taehyung jumps to his feet and Jungkook is pulling you out of Hoseok’s grasp, pushing you behind himself.
“What happened?” Taehyung demands as he pulls Jimin into his arms. Jimin’s body melts, legs go weak and Taehyung helps him over to the bar. He sits Jimin in his chair and smooths the black hair from Jimin’s face. 
Hoseok runs a hand through his own shaggy brown hair that is also cut into a mullet as well. “Some asshole siren tried to corner her-” Hoseok points in your direction, “into leaving with him.”
“What?” Jungkook whips around to face you and grabs your arms, turning you every which way to make sure you are unharmed. “Are you okay? Did he touch you?”
“I’m fine, Jungkook.” You cup Jungkook’s face in between your hands, seeing that his eyes are now ruby red. “I promise. Jimin defended my honor.”
“I should have ripped that asshole’s head off!” Jimin hisses and Hoseok rubs his back as he nods his head in agreement.
“Why didn’t you?” Jungkook snaps and Hoseok clears his throat.
“We’re at a work event, Kook. Wouldn’t be a good look for our very human bosses to see us covered in blood.”
Jungkook grumbles under his breath and nuzzles into the palm of your hand. You smile and coo at him, scratching right behind his ear.
“Who’s a good boy?”
“Fuck off,” Jungkook laughs as he pushes you away from him and you notice Tisha standing at the bar for the first time.
“I need a drink,” Jimin mutters and Taehyung waves over the bartender.
“Anything you in the mood for?” Taehyung questions and Jimin shakes his head. “Shots for everyone?”
“Bring it!”
Taehyung orders two rounds of shots and you all gather around Jimin. Holding a glass in your hand you stand beside Jungkook and grin as you all clink your glasses together. Downing your shot you curse as it spills out of your mouth a little and dribbles down your chin.
“Did you fucking miss your mouth?” Jungkook laughs and wipes at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. “Such a messy kitten, huh?” 
“Shut up!” You pout and your whole body shivers as the liquid makes its way through your body and warms your chest.
Jungkook brings his thumb to his mouth and sucks the extra liquor from his finger making your eyes widen, and before you can comment, Tisha speaks up.
“Are you two dating?” She asks, looking between you and Jungkook with narrowed eyes.
“Excuse me?” 
You and Jungkook take a step away from each other while shaking your heads.
“Wolfie isn’t my type.” You lie through your teeth. Jungkook is every bit your type, but he doesn’t date humans.
“Yeah, not really feeling the whole easily killed bit,” Jungkook points out and Tisha’s whole face lights up.
“Jungkook?” Tisha calls his name and sets her glass on the bar top. “Can I talk to you for a moment please?”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung for help but he is ordering another round while Hoseok is making sure Jimin is okay. Wooyoung is watching it all unfold and you are ignoring Jungkook now since Tisha’s question. Jungkook sighs and steps to the side, making room for Tisha to walk past. 
“Lead the way,” Jungkook relents and follows Tisha in silence. 
“You think she’s gonna drop the bomb?” Wooyoung wonders as he knocks back a shot and your face scrunches up.
Tisha and Jungkook…yeah that won’t go over well with the pack. The pack is a family and it is hard to leave, so when a member starts to court someone, the pack has a huge say in the matter. None of Jungkook’s packmates like Tisha and Jungkook has voiced his grievances about Tisha to you many times. Overall you think Tisha is okay, but she is a bit spoiled and wants things her way. You glance up at the glass ceiling of the club and the clouds above are a little darker but you can still see some of the stars in the sky.
“I think Jungkook is fucking clueless about her feelings and might break her heart,” Taehyung voices and you suck your teeth. You hope he doesn’t make her cry, that would be embarrassing for everyone.
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Outside on a balcony tucked behind large white and gold curtains, Tisha stands with Jungkook hidden in the dark of the night. The air is cool enough for goosebumps to appear on Tisha’s arms and Jungkook frowns. 
“We should get back inside quickly. You could get sick out here.”
Tisha smiles at Jungkook’s thoughtfulness and grabs the end of her cape before she hugs an arm around her body, underneath her breasts; surrounding herself in a little bit of warmth. Her free hand plays with a strand of hair and she looks up at the sky. Inhaling deeply before she lets it out, Tisha thinks of how she can start the conversation.
“It’s beautiful out tonight, right?” Her eyes fall to Jungkook and she watches in silence as Jungkook glances up at the stars, nodding his head in agreement. “I’ve always loved the night time, it’s so much more peaceful.”
Jungkook bites the inside of his lip, nibbling on the back of his lip ring as he listens to Tisha talk. He really doesn’t understand what she is trying to say but he’ll let her ramble if it makes her feel better.
“Jungkook can I…” Tisha sighs and tucks the strand of hair in her hand behind her ear. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
Jungkook’s brows raise and he stares at Tisha unsure if he wants to hear the question.
“Um, yeah…I guess.”
“Your pack. A-Are you together?”
“Like romantically, are you together?” 
Jungkook’s mouth drops open and his eyes widen, “What? Nooooo! No, no, no-” He laughs and shakes his head, “Luna, no! They are more like my brothers than anything.”
“Really? You guys seem close.”
Jungkook tugs at his earlobe and fiddles with one of the earrings. “I mean that’s what a pack is. They know me better than anyone in the whole world. They look out for me and make sure I’m okay. And I do the same for them. It’s hard to explain to a human, but think of wolves as-” Jungkook hums as he thinks of the right term to use, “Soulmates. That’s pack. We all found each other in this crazy fucking world and we make each other better, as brothers.”
“And if you want to date outside of the pack?”
“Date? Yeah, that’s an option too. Just because we live together doesn’t mean that we can’t date or have a normal love life. Our partners become part of the pack and that’s really it.”
Tisha nods her head at the information and Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, not sure what else to say.
“That’s me!” Jungkook tries to joke and Tisha smiles.
“I um, I-I really like you and I want to…well-” Tisha sighs and shakes her head before she steadies her nerves. “Would you like to go out with me?”
Jungkook stares at Tisha unblinking. He looks down at his shoes, over to the plant in the corner and back to Tisha’s shoes before he looks up into her face. She is staring with wide eyes, her mouth pressed into a weary smile as she waits for an answer.
Jungkook’s mouth opens and closes a few times before he clears his throat and huffs out a dry laugh. “That’s um, well you see-”
“You can pick the time and place. I don’t care where it is as long as I’m with you.” Tisha quickly interrupts and Jungkook licks his lips, fighting to figure out how to break her heart nicely. 
“Yeah, that’s not the issue, Tisha.”
“Do you want me to pick the place?” Tisha’s eyes seem to sparkle in the low lighting of the stars and artificial candle flames that sit in old iron lanterns. 
“You’re not understanding me.” Jungkook sighs and licks his lips before he kicks at the ground with the toe of his boot. “I’m not going to date you…ever.”
“Wh-What? B-But, why? You’re single and I’m single.”
“Yeah, but I’m not attracted to you. I never was and I’m sorry if I ever gave you that impression but-”
“Is it someone at work? Do you like someone else?”
Jungkook’s eyes double in size and Tisha laughs something hollow and cold. In the green of her iris, small wisps of smoke start to swirl around in her eyes as the wind around them picks up.
“Who is it, Jungkook? Who can’t let you go? You belong with me!” Tisha shouts above the wind as it starts to moan and groan. Leaves and debris from the street are whisked into the air and thrown about. “Who?!” Tisha demands and Jungkook shakes his head.
“What are you doing, Tisha? Stop it! You’re going to hurt someone!” Jungkook takes a step forward and Tisha shoves her arm out. A strong gust of wind knocks Jungkook back onto his ass and his eyes glow red as he glares at the woman before him.
“If you won’t tell me who it is then everyone shall suffer!”
Jungkook watches in horror as the clouds above darken into a deep grey, almost black and circle over the club. A sudden bolt of lightning strikes the building and the whole place is plunged into darkness before the clouds start to thicken and drop down into a cyclone with the club being in the eye of the storm.
“I can’t date you, Tisha!” Jungkook yells as he forces himself to half shift, his nails elongating enough to dig into the concrete beneath him. “You’re human. Witch or not, it wouldn’t work!”
“That’s a lie!” Tisha shouts and another bolt of lightning strikes the building, this time a deep emerald green color. Green smoke falls from the cycling and there are sudden screams from inside. Jungkook’s eyes dart towards the doors and his heart pounds in his chest, he can feel his pack mate’s fear through their bond. Suddenly everything inside goes quiet. The screams, the music, everything is deathly still and Jungkook’s eyes shift to red.
“What did you do?” Jungkook demands. He can’t feel his packmates anymore. Tisha grins and it’s wrong. Twisted and crazed as she licks her lips.
“This is your punishment, Jeon Jungkook! Suffer with everyone else!” Tisha hisses and crackles something wicked before she disappears in a green poof of smoke. The clouds lighten and thin out and shortly after like the play button on a remote had been pressed the lights in the club come back on.
Namjoon and Seokjin’s voice call his name over the music, closer to the door. Jungkook glances at where Tisha stood, scared that she will harm his packmates even when he cannot smell her. 
Arms wrap around Jungkook, the scent of pack, his pack floods his senses and his body slowly untenses from the unease that grips his heart. He is stuck staring at the spot where Tisha was standing and Namjoon waves his hand in front of his face.
“Jungkook, what the fuck happened? We felt your fear from inside…are-are you okay?” Seokjin looks over Jungkook’s body while Namjoon searches the balcony for anything unnatural. 
There is a scent in the air, heartache, longing and such ire. Namjoon rubs his nose and sneezes, shaking his head as he walks back over to Seokjin who is helping Jungkook stand on his own two feet. 
“What happened?” Seokjin asks once more and Jungkook shakes his head. He doesn’t believe it himself.
“Hyung…Tisha is a witch. I-I think she put a curse on me?”
“What?!” Namjoon and Seokjin both shout and stare at Jungkook in disbelief; he is just as shocked. Witches aren’t rare but they tend to work and live within their coven. To have a lone witch…Tisha must be very powerful.
“We need to contact Hyunwoo and-”
Someone screams from inside the club and the sound of glass shattering fills the air before growls, hisses and more screams pour out into the night air.
The three of them share a look and rush inside, scared for the rest of their packmates. Inside the club, a million different scents assault their noses. Strong scents of fear, confusion and bloodlust are hard to ignore.
“What the fuck is happening?” Seokjin gasps as he sees creatures being held down out all over the place. 
The sharp scent of death catches Namjoon’s attention and he growls low in his chest, “Pack!” 
Seokjin and Jungkook rush after him as Namjoon barrels through the bodies, pushing everyone out of his way. At the bar, Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi are acting as a living barricade around Hoseok who is holding your unconscious body as Wooyoung hisses, his eyes are black with red spider veins pulling at his pale skin, and there are razor sharp fangs dripping venom in his mouth.
Jungkook blinks a few times and rubs at his eyes. No, there’s no way. Wooyoung isn’t a vampire, he’s human like you…Jungkook looks past his packmates and his breath catches in his throat. The grey ears on top of your head twitch and flicker in his direction before Hoseok’s red eyes find him.
“What the fuck?!” Jungkook growls under his breath and Hoseok is just as confused.
“We need to get out of here, now!” Yoongi growls as he shoves Wooyoung back, sending the fledgling into the nearest table.
Wooyoung picks himself up and snarls, his teeth dripping venom and before he can attack, another vampire, much older and more powerful (Jungkook thinks his name is San) grabs him and uses his own power to put him under.
“Thank you.” Yoongi gives the vampire a firm nod and they all turn to your unconscious form in Hoseok’s arms.
“We leave now.” Taehyung leaves no room for debate and they all form a barrier around you and Hoseok.
“Oh my God! It’s BTS!!” Someone’s voice shouts over all the chaos and all at once, all eyes in the place are focused on Jungkook and his pack.
“Huh?” Hoseok looks around confused, he isn’t sure what is going on. BTS? Yeah, that’s what they decided to call their little band for the night. It’s short for Bangtan Sonyeondan, something Namjoon and Yoongi came up with on the fly.
“Jungkook, marry me!”
“Yoongi, marry me!”
All over everyone is screaming their names, shouting for their attention and are forcefully restrained by security guards. One guard comes up to them and others clear a path for the group to be led down the steps and onto the first floor.
The pack looks at Taehyung and he nods his head, his face void of any emotion. Hoseok tightens his hold around you and together, BTS walk through the cleared path and down the steps. The DJ from before is completely marble and stands frozen in time. Jungkook’s eyes widen as he follows the group and notices that they are being led to a stage that he didn’t notice in the midst of everyone dancing before.
As Taehyung steps onto the stage, the others follow suit. Hoseok silently hands you over to Jimin and pats his shoulder. 
“Keep her safe…” 
Jimin shifts you in his arms while the rest of the pack go up on stage and his nose wrinkles as lime zest and cane sugar tickle his senses. A faint milky undertone sits at the base of the scent and Jimin growls low. Omega. 
On stage, Taehyung steps up to the mic and clears his throat.
“Uh…yeah. So, we’re BTS and I honestly have no fucking clue what is going on. But, whatever! We’re here and it would be a waste to pass up such a nice stage.”
Jimin snorts at Taehyung’s words. Something has happened and while he isn’t sure what, Jimin can smell the ever subtle trace of magic in the air. The pack all look at each other and take their positions, Jungkook sits behind a drum set, Hoseok and Seokjin grab guitars, Namjoon picks up a bass and Yoongi stands behind a keyboard. 
Taehyung howls into the mic and Jungkook comes behind him on the drums. Namjoon’s fingers pluck at the strings of his bass while Seokjin starts the rhythm and soon the whole band is playing as Taehyung sings.
I can feel you, I can hear you, howling in my bones
There’s an evil lurking in the dark (there’s an evil lurkin’ in the dark)
Ever shifting, skin is ripping, as you take control
I can’t tell where you end and where I start (there’s an evil lurkin’ in the dark)
Namjoon and Jungkook act as the backing vocals, giving the song an added layer of dark mystery.
A ferocious diagnosis, under moonlit hands, will
The man become the monster or the monster become man?
Seokjin sings in a higher register than Taehyung and the crowd is eating it up.
I could be up all night, but I’m paralyzed when the creature comes alive
'Cause it’s fight or fright, in the full moonlight
You can run but you can’t hide
I could be honest, I could be human
I could become the silver bullet in your head
But no one can break my heart like I can
As Yoongi howls and the band continues to play, you start to stir in Jimin’s arms. Your eyes open, squinted and blinking rapidly as you try to adjust to the lighting. Jimin coos down at you, nuzzling his nose against yours with a pensive smile on his face.
“Hey, welcome back.”
You groan in response and Jimin carefully lowers you to the floor, keeping an arm around your waist as strength comes back to your legs. Everything is loud, so, very loud. The lighting is making you feel sick as well and the top of your head feels like it’s on fire. You reach up to scratch at your scalp and Jimin quickly grabs your hand.
“Wait…j-just wait a minute.” 
“It itches! This headband needs to go.” You whine and Jimin nods his head in understanding.
“Right…the headband.” 
Jimin lets go of your hand and you eye him weary as you reach up to snatch the headband from your head. You touch something soft and your whole body shivers, your stomach twisting into knots.
Bleed the neon from the bite marks, ever bittersweet
Smile for the camera but don’t flash your teeth (everybody loves a mystery)
Let the bodies hit the dance floor to this heartbreak beat
I feel like somebody’s watchin’ me (feels like everybody’s watchin’ me)
Seductively destructive, we are true romance
Does the man become the monster or the monster become man?
Your head snaps to the side and your eyes widen at the sight of Jungkook and his pack performing on stage. You remember Taehyung telling you that Hoseok could not play the guitar, but you can’t tell from how he is shredding away. Your eyes jump from member to member and they are each playing the instrument that Taehyung has told you about. You never knew that Jungkook could even play the drums.
“What is even going on?” You whisper, feeling like this has to be some kind of dream. 
You look at Jimin to ask a question and gasp, flinching when you feel a sharp pain in your lower back. A hiss spills from your lips and Jimin eyes you critically. Your eyes start to water and you don’t understand why you are in pain. Jimin’s eyes soften in understanding and he moves you to stand in front of him.
“One moment, kitten.” 
Jimin forces his nails to grow and pinches the fabric of your bodysuit between his fingers. Carefully he rips the fabric at the base of your spin and you shiver as his fingers wrap around something that wasn’t there before. You feel Jimin pull something out of your bodysuit and the pain is gone.
“Feel better, kitten?” 
“Um…yeah. W-What did you do? What did you pull-” You jump at the feeling of Jimin’s hands on your…it’s not your butt but it’s pretty close. Turning your head to look over your shoulders, your hazel cat eyes double in size at the sight of a grey tail. “Is that-”
“You’ve got a tail to match your pretty ears…”
“I-I…what is happening to me?”
Jimin wraps his arms around your waist and holds you as you slowly start to fall apart. Your thoughts are running a mile a minute, you don’t understand what has happened. One minute you were joking with Wooyoung and the next everything was pitch black and you suddenly had the worst headache of your life. Wooyoung dropped to the floor unconscious and when you checked for a pulse there wasn’t one. 
Your head still hurts and when you go to rub it once more, you feel soft fur as it tickles your fingertips. Ears…you have real animal ears on top of your head where your headband should be.
Jimin nuzzles his nose into your neck and you purr, your body feeling lax as you lean against his chest. Jimin hums deep in his chest and inhales a lungful of your new scent.
“Mmmmm. You’re a hybrid from the smell of it, kitten…and you smell wonderful.”
“A-A hybrid? But, how? This has to be a dream.”
“That we’re all in and aware of?” Jimin muses and you gulp. He has a point there. Maybe this is more like a nightmare. “Let’s just roll with it for now and we can figure out what the fuck is going on after. Right now no one is trying to kill, attack or fuck anyone, so I’ll take that small victory.”
“What are the guys going to do?”
“What do you think? We’re BTS, the world famous rock band!”
The name rings a small bell deep in your subconscious and slowly, song after song plays in your mind. BTS, Bangtan Sonyeondan. Yes, you remember now. BTS is a band that you work with…no. No, that can’t be right. It doesn’t make sense. Why would BTS work at your company? Your mind is starting to feel hazy, molasses slow as the memories of the pack start to shift into fleeting meetings and longing stares shared through a screen. What are you even doing here by their manager’s side?
The song changes and Namjoon howls. It makes your ears twitch and your eyes focus on the drummer, Jungkook as he starts to move around.
보름달 아래서
허벅지를 꼬집고
참아야 하는 거야 no
옆에 누워있는
살짝 비춰지는
널 어떻게 해야 돼
Taehyung growls the word “wolf” low into the mic and your tail wraps around your waist as Jungkook howls. On the second “wolf” the whole band howls along with the other werewolves in the club. Beside you, Jimin smirks and throws his arm over your shoulder.
“Shall we get a drink? The others will come up when they are done.”
“S-Sure…” You struggle to find your footing as Jimin grabs your hand and pulls you through the mass of bodies with two members of security tagging along. As you walk up the steps to the second floor, you feel the haze of your mind lifting. You shake your head trying to clear the lingering effects of whatever was going on downstairs and Jimin helps you sit at the bar. He keeps a hand on your lower back, just above your tail and tells you to sit forward on the stool, so that your tail isn’t squished. You take his advice and Jimin nods, proud of himself as he sits beside you.
“Water?” Jimin offers and you hum in agreement. Water sounds like the safest choice since you still have no idea what is going on. 
“How long will this-” You motion to your ears and wiggle your tail behind you, “Last? I don’t know if I can take the amount of smells coming at me.”
Jimin coos with a frown and places a hand on your knee, “We’ll figure something out. As a demon, my nose is better attuned to curses and there is magic in the air. It’s faint but there.”
“A curse did this?!” You stare at Jimin in disbelief. “Who would even want to do this?”
“You’d be surprised.” Jimin laughs and runs a hand through his ink black hair. “It has been quite a while since I’ve seen a spell of this caliber. To affect everyone, both human and mystic alike…I hate to say it but I’m impressed.”
“Says the demon that just became the manager of a famous band,” You frown and Jimin chuckles. 
“What can I say? I’m blessed!” 
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Jungkook is panting by the time he walks off the stage with the rest of his pack. His hair is plastered to his forehead by sweat and the jacket he had on is now draped over one of his arms. He knows his graphic t-shirt is soaked, he can feel it stick to his chest, abs and back. It’s a gross feeling but the cheering from everyone in the club is worth it. As he heads up the steps that lead to the second floor, Jungkook feels his inner wolf pace around. The animal is uneasy and Jungkook cannot remember why.
Reaching the second floor, Jungkook easily spots Jimin and sees that he is talking to what looks to be a hybrid. Needing a bottle of water, Jungkook makes his way to the bar and the scent of freshly zested limes dusted in cane sugar smacks him in the face. The wolf inside purrs in content and presses at the forefront of his mind. Jungkook’s eyes shift to red and Jimin’s gaze meets his own. The demon grins, his teeth gleaming in the lighten as he licks his lips and says something to the hybrid before him.
The hybrid turns in their seat and piercing hazel cat eyes stare into Jungkook’s very soul. The ears on top of your head twitch and your tail quivers, your chest rumbles with a loud purr and Jungkook is standing in front of you in the blink of an eye. 
“Kitten…wow.” Jungkook’s eyes glance up at your ears and heat creeps up the back of your neck and runs fire hot under your cheeks. 
You duck your head to gather your thoughts, unable to think straight with Jungkook looking right at you but he isn’t having that. Lifting your chin with his index and middle finger, Jungkook growls in warning and narrows his eyes.
“Eyes on me-”
The faintest hint of sweetened milk invades Jungkook’s olfactory and he leans forward, grazing his nose along the pink leather of the choker around your throat. Your breath catches in your throat as Jungkook inhales deeply and you whine, your tail flicking around behind you. 
Jimin slides off his bar stool and disappears into the bodies that are on the second floor. He knows when he isn’t needed. 
A hot dampness, pressed against your neck, the choker in the way, guarding most of the skin as Jungkook samples your new scent gland. You shiver and Jungkook’s inner wolf howls.
Jungkook’s nose presses against the choker and he inhales again, your scent creating a warmth deep in his stomach that makes all the blood rush to the knot in his pants. 
The title is a high pitched whine, a mix between a purr and cry. Jungkook growls as your sent spikes, the cane sugar now much sweeter and it makes his mouth water.
“What do you want, Omega?” Jungkook flicks his tongue against your choker and nips at the leather with his teeth. You can feel the warmth of his breath as he breathes against the moist skin. Jungkook hums in question as you remain silent, your scent becoming sweeter and sweeter as the seconds pass. “Tell, Alpha, pretty kitten. Tell Alpha what you want.”
“K-Knot. Want A-Alpha’s knot!”
Jungkook’s wolf claws to the surface, determined to answer his sweet omega’s call as your body trembles in front of him. Jungkook grabs hold of your hand and tugs you towards the restrooms. Kicking the door open to the women, Jungkook shoves you inside and snarls at an older bird hybrid that is coming out of the men’s room. He slams the door shut and clicks the lock in place before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. 
Your senses are in overdrive, your body feels too hot and you feel a gush of liquid spill from between your legs. You whine at the feeling, not used to the heady scent coming off of Jungkook or the wetness between your legs. 
“I know, ‘mega.” Jungkook huffs with a chuckle as he pulls his dick free from his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Keeping his back towards you, Jungkook bites his lip as his groin tingles and he starts to pee on the floor by the door, the liquid seeping under the crack of the door and spilling out into the hallway. Jungkook grumbles as his wolf yips in delight. Now, no one will try to come into the bathroom. He gave them a clear warning that this place is his and soon he will show everyone that the omega is his as well.
Jungkook tucks himself back into his pants and spins on the heel of his boots. There you are looking like sin. Your chest is heaving, sweat is beaded on your forehead and your hazel cat eyes are blown wide. What a pretty sight, his pretty little kitten. Jungkook walks over to you, his boots landing heavily against the floor before he is standing in front of you. Jungkook’s large hand wraps around your throat and you whimper, widen your legs as he steps closer. You can feel the heat of his body through your clothing, you can feel the stiffness of his dick and it makes your mouth water.
“Messy kitten,” Jungkook coos and licks at the corner of your mouth. You didn’t even realize that you were drooling. You part your lips and turn your head slightly, as best you can with his grip on your throat. You greet his tongue with yours and Jungkook groans at the taste of you. He licks into your mouth, exploring every crevasse as he devores your moans, swallowing them down like a sweet treat. Fingers dig into your hip and you gasp as he pulls you flush against him, his thigh pressing right into your clothed clit. 
Grinding his thigh against you, Jungkook relishes in the soft wet squishing sound your pussy makes as the fabric becomes soaked. The light grey fabric darkens in one spot and Jungkook groans as you nip at his pierced lip with your newly sharpened teeth. 
“Easy, kitten.”
“K-Knot me Alpha! Want your knot!” You beg, your hips starting to jerk against his thick and corded thigh. 
“Make it messy for me, kitten.” Jungkook mummers as he trails his lips up your jaw to the lobe of your ear. “Ruin these pants and I’ll knot your pretty pussy.” Jungkook takes your lobe between his teeth and tugs it lightly. “Can you do that?”
“Y-Yes! Yes, Alpha!” 
You grab at Jungkook’s t-shirt, fisting the material in your hands as you start to grind down on his thigh harder. Jungkook looks down his nose at you, watching you get yourself off with little to nothing but the promise of his knot. The wolf inside is happily wagging its tail and howls. Your scent is maddening, Jungkook wishes he would have told you to ride his face and not his thigh. You start to pant more, soft moans and fevered ‘ah, ah, ahs’ fill the air as you reach closer and closer to your release. 
Jungkook takes pity on you, he reaches between your bodies and presses his thumb right against your clit adding more pressure. Your back bows and you yowl in pleasure as your stomach tightens forcing more liquid to spill from you. Your walls tighten around nothing but that’s okay. The promise of Jungkook’s chock eases the ache and as you shiver from the afterglow of your release, Jungkook removes his thigh and rips your bodysuit right down the middle.
You yelp from sudden display of strength and Jungkook chuckles as your scent grows even sweeter. Grabbing your hips, Jungkook spins you around and pushes your outfit off your shoulders. It gathers at your hips and catches on your tail which makes Jungkook growl as he rips the suit once more. It falls to ribbons at your feet but you don’t care about that. What you care about are the set of red eyes drinking in the baby pink lingerie that does very little to hide your body in the bathroom mirror.
“Fuck…” Jungkook’s hand rakes up your sides and slides forward, cupping your breasts and squeezing them before he licks at the side of your neck. “Look at you, so fucking sexy. So fucking-” Jungkook tweaks your nipples between his fingers and chuckles as your tail swats at his side.
“Fucking perfect for me.” Jungkook pulls the bra down, letting your breasts spill out over the fabric before he slides a hand down the front of your body and teases the apex of your thighs.
“I can smell you from here kitten.” Jungkook slaps your thigh twice and you part your legs, giving him access to your dripping core. Cupping your sex, Jungkook pushes the thong to the side and teases two of his fingers between your lips. You shiver at the warmth and your eyes flutter closed. “Eyes on me!” Jungkook demands with a quick slap to your thigh. 
Opening your eyes, you watch as Jungkook drags his hand from between your legs and lifts it up to eye level. You can see your arousal coating his fingers in a clear fluid that is sticky as he separates his fingers creating a thin spider-like web between them. You watch, mouth dropping open as Jungkook licks his index finger with the flat of his tongue before he sucks his middle finger into his mouth. His eyes never leave yours as he releases his fingers and trails them down the length of your body. It disappears behind you and you can feel Jungkook shifting around before the warmth of his bare thighs grazes your ass and tail.
You lean forward, back arched with your ass poking out, chest nearly spilling into the cool white porcelain of the sink. Biting his lip, Jungkook purrs in approval and grabs your ass in his hands. He squeezes the globes of flesh tightly, his eyes falling to the smooth-looking skin. He glances at your reflection in the mirror to make sure that you are still looking at him. He smirks and delivers a quick slap to your right cheek. You whine at the slight pain, but it makes your walls clench, more of your arousal seeping from between your legs. Jungkook giggles, fucking giggles as he soothes the sore spot with his hand and nibbles on his lip piercing.
“Gonna make sure you’re fucking always full, kitten. Can’t wait to cream this pussy and plug you with my fat knot.”
Before you can even beg, the heat from Jungkook’s cock shuts you up as the tip slides between your folds and kisses your entrance. One single push and Jungkook bottoms out, your walls stretching with a dull pain that makes you whimper in delight.
“Shhhiiiit!” Jungkook groans, his head falling forward as he starts to thrust his hips shallowly. The warmth of your pussy is addicting, the smooth endless glide of your slick is everything and more that Jungkook has ever imagined. Looking at the way your pussy stretches around his cock, Jungkook tightens a hand on your hip; his fingers digging into the flesh as he picks up speed.
Skin on skin, wet and loud. Squashling, squeezing, dripping, and warm, so fucking warm. Jungkook’s eyes zone in on the tail at the small of your back and licks his lips. Running a hand down your spine, he grabs the base of your tail and gives it an experimental tug. Your walls wrap around him in a vice, daring him to move as a full body orgasm is ripped out of you. Your toes curl, your eyes slam shut and you scream, your hazel eyes now a vibrant blue as your canines grow double in size.
“F-fuck!” Jungkook smacks his lips as he continues to fuck into your pussy. “That’s in ‘mega. Make it creamy, baby.” Jungkook’s voice is deeper, more of a hiss as the thin white translucent slick from your pussy circles the base of his dick, covering his half-formed knot.
Jungkook’s eyes shift to red and his words slowly fade away, giving room for more growls and snarls as his wolf takes over. Another wave of pleasure washes over your body. Your back arches and your tail wraps around Jungkook’s wrist as you plead for his knot, begging him to plug your needy hole. 
Slamming into you, Jungkook feels the way your womb opens up to him, the way it craves his seed and that spurs him on. Gripping your hair, Jungkook pulls you upward and groans as your walls pulse around his dick. His teeth ache, feeling too big for his mouth, just the right size for the empty spot over your scent glade.
“Mine!” Jungkook growls as his knot starts to swell to the size of a softball. “Mine…mine!” The round base pushes against your entrance and your legs shake as your pussy is stretched even more to accommodate his size. Licking his lips, Jungkook howls as his knot pops into you with a loud squish and you scream as his teeth sink into the meat of your neck. Wetness sprays from around Jungkook’s knot, your walls squeeze, push and pull, trying to force him out and keep him in. It’s a painful mixture of pleasure that has you seeing stars, and when the hotness of Jungkook’s seed fills your womb, you shiver.
Your neck stings, burns something awful before a cooling numbness spreads and seeps deep into your veins.
Blue eyes meet red ones in the mirror and your inner cat curls into a little ball of soft, soft warmth. Tears blur your vision as Jungkook releases your neck. His tongue is rougher as it licks at the open wound and he shushes you, rubbing his hands up and down your back before he gathers you in his arms as best he can with his knot still locking the two of you together. 
“Shhh, kitten. It’s okay, I got ya. I’m here.” Jungkook tilts your head and licks your tears away, pressing his lips to your cheek and inhaling the scent of you and him. The wound on your neck has closed over, no longer bleeding but it isn’t fully healed. It’s an ugly shade that you know will take some time to go away but you will wear it with pride.
Tears spill over your eyes and Jungkook’s scent changes as he starts to panic. “I’m sorry, fuck! I’m sorry…I didn’t ask!”
You don’t care about that, not really. You have loved Jungkook for so long, and you pray that this isn’t some stick and twisted nightmare. Jungkook always says that he will never date a human because they are too fragile and he cannot always control his wolf. You understood that you had no place beside Jungkook other than as his friend… But now?
“W-What happens now?” You cry, gripping onto Jungkook’s forearm as he holds you up right. “I’m…I’m not a real hybrid-”
“Hey, hey! No, none of that kitten.” Jungkook presses a million kisses to your cheek and hugs you tightly.
“You won’t want me when I change back.”
“I will always want you…” Jungkook drops his forehead to your shoulder and kisses your new mating mark. “I love you.”
Hot tears stream down your naked back and Jungkook sniffles.
“I love you. I-I don’t care if this is temporary.” 
Your lower lip wobbles and you shake your head unable to understand. Jungkook loves you…but-
“Jimin and Hoseok will figure it out. They’re demons, this is their shit.”
“And if they can turn me back?” You ponder and Jungkook picks his head to look into your eyes through the mirror.
“It is your call, kitten. I will love you either way. The mating mark will not go away…we can figure it all out.”
Jungkook’s knot starts to deflate and he carefully pulls away from you before he spins you around and tugs you into his arms. His lips are soft as he kisses you breathless. Love, so much love is poured into the kiss and you melt into his body.
“I love you, Jungkook.” You whisper against his lips and Jungkook smiles, his nose scrunching up as he nuzzles against your mating mark.
A knock at the door makes both of you jump and Jungkook growls loudly.
“Are you done yet?” Yoongi’s voice comes from the other side of the door. “The Ward of Magic is here!” He informs you and your eyes widen. The Ward of Magic? They only come when a serious crime has been committed. 
“Do you have my jacket?” Jungkook calls out and Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“Right here, Kookie.”
Jungkook steps away and pulls his shirt off over his head. He eyes your body and looks down at his shirt…Ripping the shirt a few times and making a couple of knots, Jungkook holds out what is now a cute and edgy skirt. You quickly put it on, pull your tail through a rip and keep your back towards the door while Jungkook grabs his jacket from Yoongi.
“For fucksake, Kook! Put your dick away!” The pack alpha scolds and Jungkook slams the door in his face. You giggle upon turning around and seeing that Jungkook’s ears are tinted in embarrassment. 
Jungkook holds out his jacket and you slip your arms into it. Carefully, you remove your shoes and Jungkook snickers as you step out of your destroyed body suit. Shoving your feet back into your shoes, you head into the stall and quickly clean yourself up while Jungkook does the same. 
“Ready?” Jungkook questions, his large boba eyes filled with fierce determination.
Hand in hand, you and Jungkook exit the bathroom and Yoongi is waiting against the wall with a small smile on his lips.
“Welcome to the pack, kitten.” He giggles, seeing the mating mark on your neck, and Jungkook licks his lips. He knew that his whole pack would feel it the moment he bit you, but having the pack alpha’s approval makes a weight in his chest lift. Jungkook nudges you to head out first, so that he can speak with Yoongi alone. Yoongi raises an eyebrow and quickly scruffs Jungkook on the neck gently. “Guess you were blessed with a curse huh?”
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bunnywrites1414 · 1 year
Happy Kink-tober ~~
This years kinktober is 100% compiled of self inserts because I am a spoiled brat and this is my account :)))
I am not sorry for any of these
As always pls read the tags for EVERY SINGLE fic before you read. Don’t accidentally trigger yourself.
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Day 1: Steve Harrington
Teasing- Your friends cannot take a hint and Steve doesn't seem to care
Day 2: Suna Rinatarou
Thigh Riding- What kind of jerk invites someone over and then sits on a computer game for 2 hours? Suna, that's who.
Day 3: Shota Aizawa
Oral Fixation- Y/N gets bratty without something in her mouth and Aizawa is tired of hearing her.
Day 4: Jax Teller
Daddy Kink- Y/N knows what that word does to Prince Teller, she just doesn't care
Day 5: Eddie Munson
Corruption- She is the cutest thing he's ever seen and he cannot wait to ruin her.
Day 6: Spencer Reid
Sadomasochism- Angry Dom!Spencer = Unfair punishments
Day 7: Hitoshi Shinsou
Mind control- Hitoshi's quirk is fun, when he can convince his partners to let him do it
Day 8: Johnathan Byers
Brat Taming- Johnathan is a pushover. His submissive is well aware of that. However it takes more than a pout to sway his friend Eddie
Day 9: Izuku Midoriya
Forced Orgasms- Y/N tastes like heaven and Izuku can't control himself
Day 10: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Size Kink- Ushiwaka is a big 'ol boy
Day 11: Sam Winchester
Angry Sex- Sam hates Y/N. Y/N hates Sam. Dean and Bobby think it's hilarious.
Day 12: Billy Hargrove
Costumes- Billy didn't even know Y/N was coming to this party, but he knows they're matching costumes and that her ass looks perfect in those shorts.
Day 13: Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum) ft. Kirishima
Teaching- Kirishima has some questions for his mentor and Fatgum is happy to help.
Day 14: Katsuki Bakugo
Phone Sex- Katsuki's away on a mission and Y/N can't cum without him
Day 15: Eddie Munson
Throat Training-Eddie is really good with his mouth, Y/N wants to make him feel just as good as he makes her feel, but it takes a little work.
Day 16: Kotaro Bokuto ft. Kuroo
Group Sex- Kuroo's little girlfriend is really cute and he knows it. Bokuto is a connoisseur of cute things, and Kuroo's not so bad.
Day 17: Eijiro Kirishima
Pain Play- Kirishima is a people pleaser and Y/N likes a little pain with her pleasure
Day 18: Jax Teller
Dumbification- Even 'big hot shot Scientists' need a few moments to be a little brainless.
Day 19: Amren
Blood- Amren has never had blood wraith
Day 20: Arron Hotchner ft. Spencer Reid
Pet Play- Arron forgets to mention he's bringing home a friend, and Y/N is deep in pet space when they get there
Day 21: Cassian
Primal Play - Cassian’s an animal.
Day 22: Steve Harrington ft. Eddie Munson
Degradation and Praise- Steve and Eddie balance each other very well, or at least Y/N thinks so
Day 23: Azriel Shadowsinger
Edging- 'If you hold it I'll reward you'. Y/N likes rewards.
Day 24: Spencer Reid
Bondage- Reid wants to practice his knots
Day 25: Dean Winchester
Overstimulation- Dean is cocky and Y/N thinks it's funny to push his buttons.
Day 26: Eddie Munson
Dacryphilia- Eddie teaches Y/N a thing or two about discipline and can't help but notice how pretty she looks when she's crying.
Day 27: Shota Aizawa
DILF- Aizawa knows he's old enough to be her dad, but his Nanny is perfect
Day 28: Tetsuro Kuroo
Psuedocest- He knows he shouldn't but she sounds so desperate. What kind of brother would he be if he just let his little sister suffer?
Day 29: Spencer Reid
CNC- Y/N is stuck. Like really really stuck. Her neighbor Reid agrees to help under one condition.
Day 30: Keiji Akaashi
Mutual Masturbation- Akaashi is a visual learner, but Y/N thinks he just likes to see her embarassed
Day 31: Jax Teller
Rough Sex- Jax likes to fuck after he fights, and his choice of ass has a hard time saying no to that smile.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
You know how eddie mentioned he’s got Playboys? maybe bookworm!reader does for Eddie what he did for her and figures out his favorite picture and recreates it so they can role play again?
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), semi-public sex, oral (f! and m! receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up folx), use of pet names, daddy kink
WC: 2.1k
Sitting cross-legged on Eddie’s bed, you should be doing some work for your courses. The Thanksgiving break means that you don’t have classes for the week, but your professors certainly didn’t hold back on their assignments. And you’d had every intention of starting on them, but when you’d dropped your pencil and went searching for it under the bed, you found something a lot more interesting than computing z-scores and making statistical inferences.
That’s how you find yourself flipping through your boyfriend’s stack of Playboy magazines, eyes widening with each page turn. Photo after photo of women scantily clad in lingerie—and sometimes nothing at all—stare back at you. 
At first, you don’t notice a pattern among the pictures that Eddie has dog-eared; blondes, brunettes, redheads, curvy, thin, tall, short—they’re all there. No, the models couldn’t be any more different, but they do have something in common. It was almost cliché: your mechanic boyfriend jerking off to women sexily posed next to a car. Of course. 
You take note of one particularly well-used page, slightly warped and wavy, stuck to the page in front of it. The Playboy Bunny in the photo is wearing the tiniest denim shorts you’ve ever seen. Her bra barely contains her breasts, and she’s looking into the camera like she’s been caught doing something bad. Her cherry-red lips match the convertible she’s straddling. 
So this is what Eddie’s into, you think. The two of you have been exploring different kinks ever since your library escapades, but you hadn’t thought to surprise him at work. 
When he gets home an hour later, covered in motor oil with his long curly hair pulled back into a bun at the nap of his neck, you’re trying to figure out how you can pull off your plan. 
“Hey, gorgeous,” he murmurs, bringing his hands to your cheeks and kissing you tenderly. “Wayne let you in?”
“Mhm,” you nod, holding up your notebook. “Figured I could get some work done before our movie night.”
Eddie grins. “My genius bookworm girlfriend,” he teases, smacking another kiss on your lips. “C’mon, you deserve a break. You can pick the movie tonight. Maybe I’ll even throw in a foot massage.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Either you want sex or you’re feeling guilty about something. Or both,” you add wryly, making him laugh. 
“Y’got me,” he mumbles, taking your hands in his and lacing your fingers together. “Tim asked me to close tomorrow, somethin’ about wanting to get a headstart on the Thanksgiving traffic, and I felt weird saying no…being the new guy and all…” He looks up at you sheepishly. “Wanted to spend as much time with you as I can before you go back to school.”
Your heart melts at his admission. “Eds, don’t worry about it,” you reassure him, standing up and looping your arms around his neck. “Gotta make money so we can get our own place next year, yeah?”
That seems to relieve him of any remorse, and he peppers kisses all over your face. But you have an ulterior motive; if he’s closing by himself tomorrow, that’ll give you an opportunity to surprise him.
You spend the next afternoon combing through your closet, tossing aside the fuzzy sweaters that lay on top. Finally, you settle on a cropped white shirt that barely covers your sheer lace bra. Your thong matches your bra, one of the few matching sets you have. The pièce de résistance are your denim cutoffs, shoved to the back of your drawer during the colder months. They’re not as short as the model’s–you don’t own anything like that–but they’re close enough. You slide on your favorite black kitten heels, swipe on some red lipstick, and check yourself out in the mirror; not too bad, if you say so yourself. Hopefully Eddie feels the same way.
At 5:30, you’re throwing on your longest coat and rushing out to your car. The shop closed at five o’clock, and you’ll get there around six, just to ensure that everyone else has left. Are you actually doing this? Are you seriously walking into your boyfriend’s place of work, half-naked, with the intention of re-creating a photo from a nudie mag? What if he laughs, or thinks you look silly? Was this all a mistake?
You swallow your fears as you approach the garage, heels click-clacking along the pavement. You immediately spot Eddie; rather, you spot his legs, since the rest of him is under a black Cadillac. Shedding the coat as inconspicuous as you can, you make your way over to where he’s meticulously working. 
“Hey, handsome,” you nudge his foot with your exposed toe. “Got some time for your favorite customer?”
“Baby?” Eddie’s confused voice rings out from under the car. “Did I forget my dinner at home?”
You giggle. “No, but I did bring something I know you’ll want to devour.” You press one palm against the hood of the car. “Care to take a look?”
Intrigued, Eddie slides out. The wrench in his hand drops to the ground with a clang as he takes in the sight before him. “Ho…ly…shit,” he breathes. “You look…you’re…holy shit.” His brain practically short-circuits as he drinks you in, a grin spreading across his face. “Can I touch you?”
“Please.” No sooner does the word leave your lips is he running his calloused hands along your bare torso, leaving black grease stains in his trail. You press up against him, feeling his hard length straining against his coveralls. “Already so worked up?” you lightly tease, grazing his clothed cock with your pointer finger. 
He nods, tugging you closer so he can kiss your neck. “Got my hot girlfriend showing up at my job, dressed like—”
“Your favorite Playboy Bunny?” you interrupt, watching his cheeks flush pink. “Relax, Eds. You found out my kinks from Fast Ride; it’s only fair that I find out yours from your, um, reading material.” One of his curls has come loose from the hair tie, and you wrap it around your finger. “Now, what did you always dream about doing to her?”
“Not her,” he shakes his head, voice so low it’s almost a growl. “You. Always pictured you.” He looks around for a remote to close the garage door. “Get on the hood,” he murmurs, grabbing a rag and wiping the grease off of his hands. His eyes never leave you as you sit on top of the car, feet resting on the front bumper. He leans over you, resting his hands on either side of your body. He kisses you hungrily, fingers flying over you like he can’t determine where to touch first. “Fuck, I gotta taste you,” he mumbles into your lips, fumbling with the button on your shorts. “Bet you taste so damn good. My pretty girl, so sweet f’me.” He brings your legs to his shoulders, taking in the most beautiful view he’s ever seen.
Eddie crouches between your thighs, pressing kisses against your lace-covered cunt. “You’re dripping wet, baby,” he moans. “Bet you don’t even need me to touch you.”
“No, I do. I n-need you,” you whimper. You hear him groan, growing even harder as you beg for him. The cool air hits your bare sex as he tears off your panties, diving in to eat you out. You feel his tongue lick a stripe up your folds, and you squirm at the sensation.
“Nuh-uh,” he tuts, not moving from his position, “be a good girl an’ stay right there.”
“What if I wanna be bad?” you coo, and you hear him groan as his fingertips dig harder into the plush of your thighs. “Good girls don’t walk around wearing next to nothing at their boyfriend’s job; not when anyone could walk in and see them.”
Eddie’s only response is to wrap his lips around your clit, sucking it harshly. One thick finger makes small circles around your weeping hole before he pushes it in. He curls it slightly, grazing your sweet spot with each little thrust. A mix of his spit and your slick drips down the curve of your ass, and he laps it up like he just can’t get enough.
“Daddy, please,” you cry out, using his favorite nickname as you lace your fingers through his hair, “‘m gonna come. Don’t stop.” He hums his approval, sending that final buzzing sensation through your core and bringing you to your orgasm. “Fuck, I’m coming. Yes, yes, fuck yes!” 
Eddie grins as your legs tremble around his head, and he knows he’s done something very right. He gently lowers them back down and helps you sit up, shucking off his coveralls and his boxers in one go. His cock springs to attention, and you start salivating at the way his pre-cum pearls at the tip. You guide him to the passenger side door and press him up against it, kissing down his neck and wrapping a hand around his girth. “Y’like that, Daddy?” you coo, giggling as Eddie lets out a pathetic uh-huh.
You get down on your knees, ignoring the cold asphalt underneath you. One hand cupping his balls and the other pumping the base of his shaft, you bring your lips to his tip and swirl your tongue around the circumference. You work your way down to the thatch of curls, trying to match the rhythm he’s setting as he moves his hips into it. 
“Look up at me, sweetheart,” Eddie croons. “Want to see those beautiful eyes while I fuck your face, yeah?”
You do as you’re told, though your vision is hazy as his thrusts test your gag reflex. His fists clench and you feel him twitch inside your mouth, and he reluctantly pulls back. Your lips pop as the tip passes them, and you pout. “Not good enough for you, Daddy?”
Eddie shakes his head and gives a terse chuckle. “Too good, princess,” he grunts. “Need to be inside that tight little pussy before I blow my load.” He reaches down to help you up, kissing you deeply. You can taste yourselves on the other’s lips, and it takes all of your willpower to break away.
“Bend over,” Eddie orders, and you lean your elbows on the hood of the car. He positions himself behind you, smacking your ass with his hard cock before dragging it through your slick folds. “Oh, baby,” he sighs, pushing himself into you, “y’always take me so good. My sexy little vixen.”
You whine as he grabs onto your hips, starting off slow and quickly picking up his pace. He nearly pulls all the way out before slamming back in, making you scream out his name. “Thas’ right, tell everyone who’s fucking you like this.” You feel one hand leave your waist, and you know exactly what’s about to happen.
“Y’know,” Eddie begins. He brings his palm to the fat of your ass and spanks it, “when we first met, I thought you were this goody two-shoes.” Another smack to your ass as he fucks you. “And then I found that book in your locker, and we–smack–fucked in the library. Knew you were dirty then, but goddamn.” He breathes out, trying to adjust his grip. “You’re so…fucking…perfect…” He rolls his hips, eyes rolling back with pleasure.
“Faster, Daddy; ‘m so close,” you mewl, and he speeds up. He’s so deep that you swear you can feel him in your stomach. His tip hits that blissful spongy part, and you unravel with crying chants of his name.  
“Fuck, I can’t hold back any longer.” Eddie pulls out at the last possible moment, spilling onto your ass with a breathy groan. He brings his free hand to the hood of the car, and you look up to see him grinning widely. “That was…wow. If I didn’t already know you were my dream girl…” He keeps staring at you, as though he can’t believe you’re real.
“Um, babe?” you start, “could you clean me up?”
“Wha–oh, yeah, sorry. Just…fuck, you’re so fuckin’ hot.” He scrounges around the garage for a clean rag, snapping one up and wiping his cum off of you. “This is much better than coming on a magazine,” he teases, and you swat at him playfully before pulling on just your shorts, since your panties were destroyed by Eddie’s impatience.
You wrap your arms around his lithe waist once he’s back in his coveralls. “So, that was your favorite magazine. Am I going to find any favorite videos hiding under your bed next?” You giggle as he tickles you and kisses your neck.
“Nah,” he says, laughing. “But, y’know…we could make one.”
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love-toxin · 2 years
They are so fucking nasty in this and I love it. Holy shit. You think they're pervy enough to set up cameras, maybe they know and watched you get yourself off to that group chat for hours?
- ⚰
(cws: perv!roommates!fruity four, modern au, noncon filming, masturbation)
I don't think they'd notice at first, until you start going back to the house laptop more and more. Eddie starts noticing it's missing every so often when he knows for a fact that the others aren't using it, and he's probably the one who goes into the group chat settings and finds timestamps of a guest profile lurking in the background. bingo. he puts the pieces together right away and confirms it for sure when he catches you putting the laptop away in the living room, and then he decides to install some software he got off a usb from a "friend"--one that starts running a camera app discreetly whenever the laptop is opened, and records everything it catches and uploads it directly to his phone for easy access.
and yeah, he makes himself busy with that footage for awhile. you usually set the computer down on your bed so he can see exactly what you're doing to yourself, and sometimes he gets lucky and you set it on your desk so he can clearly see your reactions when you scroll through their chat and get yourself off. he literally goes full degenerate and stays up all night just to jerk himself off to the hours of video he has of you, including the clips he inadvertently gets of his other partners using the computer--they don't even have to be doing anything sexy to turn him on, just watching Steve or Nancy's concentrated faces as they type something out or send a work email has him hard all over again. the next morning he's stumbling out of his room at 8 AM with shaggy curls and eyebags, sweaty and half-dressed as he zips to the kitchen for water and whatever food he can scrounge up to get his energy back. only after that does he end up sharing what he's done with the others, and now that they know that you know, they start filling their groupchat with much more direct messages. they want you to feel like they're talking to you instead of about you, sending nudes and detailed wet dreams they have and talking about how they each want to spend their lives with you.
it's only a matter of time until one of them gets that notification on their phones that the video feed is active, and they make an excuse to walk in on you while you're right at the climax of your orgasm. cause maybe then, if you're just about to cum and you need that last push, you'll be the one to beg for their help and they'll get to have this fantasy turn into reality. instead of making do with touching themselves as they watch you and pretending they're having phone sex over a skype call <3
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
I'm in Control Part 6 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: On my computer these gifs are gigantic and I am ok with that because I need a big Steddie hug right now. I'm just done being an adult. Lol. Anyway, here you ya go.
There are many, MANY aggressive feels here especially from Eddie. This isn't going to be fluffy by any means but it's heading somewhere good... I hope <3. :P.
Warnings: As previously stated, this is a bit rougher than previous ones. Got some hair pulling, Steve gets popped in the face, over stimulation. The color system is used here and someone does say "Red" but its not who you would think.
Also Eddie does interact with someone from his past and talks about some of his trauma, may be a bit triggering. I think that's it...
Word count: 3766
“I appreciate the thought, Wayne. I really do but the answer is no.”
Your eye’s gradually open to the sound of Eddie’s voice in the hallway. The three of you had had your arrangement for a little over a month now and settled into a bit of a janky routine. With your schedules there really was no such thing as normal but every weekend at least since the convention had been occupied with them at (and all over) their house. 
You found yourself enjoying not just the sex but the little moments as well. One Saturday, you and Eddie tried to show Steve some cool fantasy movie but he immediately fell asleep. That following day, you took him to a comic bookstore downtown where you always found hidden gems that no other store had. It was adorable watching him make friends with some of the employees especially when he found out they played D & D. His toothy smile and fast, animated hands were a joy to behold. 
Steve was a hard nut to crack with most things but he always seemed eager and open when it came to trying something he knew nothing about. You told him one day that you were really excited the movie theater was doing a back-to-back marathon of B movies that weekend so he got you both tickets since Eddie would be busy on set that night. When you two left the auditorium, he had a big smile on his face talking about the cheesy films you just witnessed. 
The more time you spent with them though, the more you found yourself wanting to know more about them. They dropped little tidbits of their history here and there but never actually let you it. To be fair, they never asked you anything about your past either. 
“Everything okay?”, you asked Eddie as he came back into the bedroom.
“Yeah, Sweetheart. Just my uncle calling to say hello.”
You crawled out of Steve’s embrace to sit up in their bed. “Just hello? It sounded more intense than that.”
“Nope. Nothing for you to be concerned about.” He smiled over at you as he sat down on the edge of the mattress but his tone came out more curtly than you had ever heard from him before. 
“You know…you can talk to me about anything—”
“IT’S FINE, Y/N! Now mind your fucking business!”
You both stared each other down; his eyes filled with anger whereas yours was a mix of pain and slight annoyance. After climbing out of their bed, you grabbed your clothes from the floor and entered their bathroom, slamming the door behind you. You could hear Steve’s stern grumble on the other side. 
“Eddie, you can’t talk to her like that. We aren’t playing right now.”
“I know. I know. I just—”
You abruptly opened the door to face them both. “Why won’t you guys talk to me about personal things?” Neither of them answered and it infuriated you. 
“I feel like we are being more open with each other, right? And when we started this, you never said we couldn’t talk to each other about our past. Yet every time I ask a question or offer an ear, you BOTH shut me down.”
“We don’t talk about things like that because it doesn’t matter.” Steve’s answer startled you. You expected them to pull you back to bed and at least have a conversation about the topic. 
“I feel like that’s starting to be the tag line of this relationship.” You stomp out of their room on a mission to find to your shoes, hearing them shuffle as the follow after you. 
I’m in control.
“I want to know more about you guys and I feel like you should want to know more about me.”
“You don’t get to make demands, remember?” Steve’s dominate side vaguely started to pull forth. 
“See, that’s where the line becomes blurred, doesn’t it? In there”, you point towards the bedroom, “you don’t tell me things. Fine. Your fucking rules. But out here, as your agent and your friend, you don’t tell me anything either.”
They glance at each other and you know before you even say anything. “Yeah, I see where the mistake was made. Bedroom… Daddy and Sir. Outside… Eddie and Steve. We never agreed to be friends.”
“Come on, Y/N. Don’t be like that.” Eddie stepped forward but before he could reach you, you stepped out of the way and out their front door. 
“This is your fucking fault.” Eddie growled at Steve as they entered the agency Monday morning. 
For the entire previous week, you had severely rained in your time with the boys; only answering texts and calls about work. You showed up on set for their show right when they yelled action and disappeared before they cut. When they tried to hunt you down at your office, you always seemed to be out. 
Even though you never planned on coming over on the weekends, they had grown accustomed to it and when you didn’t show up, that’s when they became angry. 
“How is this my fault? You’re the one that snapped at her.”
“I told you we should have talked to her about how we were starting to have feelings for her but you said we shouldn’t. I’m not going to tell someone who ends up leaving us my personal business.”
“Oh really, Munson? You won’t even tell me what your uncle called about and I’m your best fucking friend.”
“That’s because I’m pissed at you, you fucking dick!”
“Oof. Some people woke up on the wrong side of their beds today.” You walked past them towards your office, sipping casually from your takeout coffee cup. 
 “Where the hell were you?!”, Steve shouts.
“What do you mean, Mr. Harrington?”
“You didn’t come over this weekend.” Eddie strode in behind his friend, shutting the door behind him. 
“Was I supposed to? There was nothing scheduled for you guys. Avery came down to look at places so I helped him with that and then he invited me to Fantasy. You know that new club they opened. You should check it out. There were a lot of beautiful girls there.”
Steve’s eyes narrowed at as he leaned his palms down on the top of your desk. “Is this really the game you want to play with us, little girl? Because I assure you, we always win.”
You crossed your arms leaning forward on your elbows, your face so close to his your noses almost touched. “See…the problem with you, Steve, is you think everything is a little game. Since our arrangement is just sex, I didn’t need it from either of you this weekend. Trust me, I got enough.”
“Please say that you’re lying.” Eddie’s voice shook as he bounced on his legs. 
Your stoic expression faltered slightly at his tone, glancing at him before focusing back on Steve whose eyes hadn’t moved from you once. 
“Go ahead. Break his heart.” His voice was so low only you could hear his taunt.
I’m in control.
“You broke mine first.”
Eddie reached for the glass decoration on your desk and threw it at the wall. You stood up from your chair, alarmed at his sudden outburst. You and Steve watched him with caution as he paced back and forth. 
When he finally stopped, his eyes were vacant. “Both of you come with me.”
“Where are we—”
“Shut the fuck up, Steve! I’m in control right now. Do you understand me?!”
“Yes, Sir.” You both responded in unison. There’s more than authority in Eddie’s request and the fact that he needs you AND his friend to listen to him means it’s important so you follow his instruction. 
He throws on his leather jacket, pulling the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket as he heads for Steve’s car with you two in tow. 
Your eyes move from place to place around the waiting room of the penitentiary. Eddie’s arms are crossed tight around his chest as his leg jumps.
“Eddie, what are we doing here?” 
He had been silent the entire one-hour car ride up here occasionally breaking the silence by rolling down his window to smoke a cigarette. 
“Now, here are my rules for the moment. Neither of you say a word when we get back there.”
You understood you guys weren’t in the bedroom and you three definitely weren’t playing but you didn’t know what else to say. The fact that neither of them were telling you what was going on and it seemed Eddie was on his own personal mission terrified you a bit. 
Steve took your hand in his as Eddie’s eyes met yours for a moment before looking back down to the floor. “You’re safe, Princess. I promise. I would never let anything hurt you but if you don’t want to come back there with me, I will understand. I’m nervous myself.”
“Munson party?”, the officer calls after opening the heavy door. 
The metalhead stands without hesitation and walks through ready to face this alone but breathes a sigh of relief when he hears your voice offer a small thank you to the young man who held the door open for you and Steve.
He led you down a corridor into a room styled the same way you’d seen movies a million times. There were booths that were divided every which way with glass in the front so you could still see the person you were talking to. Both sides had a payphone style telephone hung on the side. 
“Now obviously you can each only talk to him one at a time—”
“Oh, they’re my moral support. They won’t speak to him.”
“Okay, that being the case”, the officer turns to you and Steve. “You can both stand here behind him but that’s it, okay?” You nod as he leads Eddie to a chair in front of the glass partition. 
On the other side, a young female officer brings an older man out that looks a little like Eddie but with more tattoos and harder features. He sighed as both men picked up their phones. 
“Hey Edward.”
“Jesus.” You looked up at Steve whose eyes were wide with surprise. His hand gripped yours tighter as if he let go, he would float away.
“So, uh, how have you been?”
“Look, why don’t we skip the pleasantries and you tell me what you want. Wayne said you needed help.”
Eddie’s dad scoffed as he clenched his fists trying to control his temper. “Wayne was always a good man. I never got to thank him for—”
“I’m leaving.”
“Ok! Okay. Sit! God damn! Just like your mom with that smartass mouth.” He waved at the officer behind him assuring her he was calm. Steve on the other hand lurched forward before you quickly pulled him back. 
“He’s ok, Steve. He’s ok.” Your free hand wrapped around his arm as you tugged him closer. 
“I have a bail hearing coming up. My new lawyer up here thought it would be a good idea if you spoke on my behalf. Tell them that you forgive me or some shit.”
“Are you serious?”, Eddie cackled. “That’s how you ask for my help? After everything you did and after all these years? You want me to lie for you.”
“Your uncle wouldn’t let me contact you when you were a kid or else, I would have fucking asked sooner.”
“Yeah, well, it’s been a while since I’ve been eighteen so…”
“Yet it still took you till you were 21 to graduate high school. Oh yeah, kid. I still have friends in Hawkins.”
“Good. Maybe one of them can fly up here and stand up for you.”
“Look at Mr. high and mighty over here. What makes you think you’re so much better than me anyway?!”
Eddie hung up the phone as he turned away. His dad was shouting after him as his son brushed past you both and out the door. 
Eddie immediately lit a fresh cigarette as soon as he was outside the jail. You didn’t wait for him to say anything, wrapping your arms around his waist as he leaned against Steve’s car. 
“Are you okay, man?” His friend nods as his arms remain at his sides. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Like I said, Harrington… I was fucking pissed at you. Plus, I wasn’t even going to come down here.”
“What made you change your mind?”
You felt his index finger tap your head. “Her.” 
He watched you as you pulled away from him, trying to make sense of what he was saying. 
“You didn’t have to do this, Eddie.”
“I know I didn’t have to but… I wanted to tell you. I want to tell you more about my fucked up past but I don’t want to open up to someone who’s going to fucking leave. There’s no point.” He gestures towards the jail. “My parents were the first people to hurt me and abandon me. I wanted to show you the shit I dealt with.”
“Where’s your mom?”
Eddie inhales the butt of the cigarette before puffing out a cloud of smoke. “I don’t know. She left me with my uncle after my dad went in. He was originally in a different prison closer to Indiana but Wayne called to tell me they moved him up here and that he needed something from me.”
“I imagine there are many answers to my next question but why are you angry with Steve?” 
“Because…” they quickly make eye contact before Eddie looks back down at his shoes. “I thought we should talk to you about us having feelings for you but Steve said that would be a bad idea. If it’s just sex, you’ll leave at some point. They always do.”
You didn’t know what to say. Your arms wrapped around your body as you turned away from them trying to gather your thoughts. Steve chuckled behind you. 
“Told you, Eds.”
You turned on him, fury emanating from you. “Fuck you, Steve Harrington! You try to act like your so hard. Like you’re some tough badass who doesn’t care about anyone or anything! Mister call me Daddy in bed but can’t step up anywhere else! He has every right to be mad at you! You should have talked to me!”
The sound of Eddie’s boots squashing his cigarette reminded you he was there. “And you, Mr. Munson—”
“Don’t come at me, sweetheart. I’m not in the fucking mood.”
“Exactly.” You charged up to him until your chest bumped his. “You both may work together, live together, and fuck together but you are your own person, Eddie! If you wanted to tell me how you felt then you should have! You don’t need him to dictate you! You’re dominate to remember? Or is the Sir just for show?!”
“Ugh! I’m so fucking angry with you both. If I wanted pussys I would have dated a woman or stayed back home.”
Eddie’s arm shot out as his hand grabbed your hair and pulled you closer to them. Steve opened the backseat, holding the door open for his friend to shove you in and climb in with you. 
As the car started and began its journey back home, you push against Eddie, hitting him with your small fists before he gripped your wrist with his large hands. He spun you around so you were both sitting horizontally with his back against the door and your back on his chest. His left leg swung on top of both your legs holding them still as you continued to wiggle. 
“You know the safe word. You know how to use it. No one is going to ask you any questions tonight, Princess. If you want this to end you just say that word and we’ll stop. The only thing I want to hear is ‘Yes Sir’ to what I just said. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Sir.”
He shuffled his grip so both your wrists were being restrained in one of his hands as the other took hold of your throat, squeezing it between his fingers. 
“You think the titles are just for show? That Steve and I are pussys, is that right?” You coughed, trying to catch your breath as he let you go. “Answer me. Honestly.”
“Sirs don’t need Daddy’s permission to get something done.” You heard Steve angrily sigh in the front seat as his fingers tightened around the steering wheel. 
Eddie reached down to unbutton your jeans, shoving his hand under the waistband of your panties before running a stripe with his fingers through your folds.
“Little one talks a big game but she’s fucking dripping right now.”
“Don’t get cocky. It’s not for you. Replace you with anyone else and it would be the same ahhh!” Eddie cut you off by abruptly pushing two of his fingers into your entrance. 
“Stop. Speaking. Jesus, Steve. Did you hear her? She’s a fucking slut now. I guess whoever she was fucking this past weekend when she didn’t need us just blew her mind and changed her perspective.”
His pace was ruthless as he pumped his digits into you. 
“Oh and don’t worry. You don’t have to ask to cum this time. I don’t want to hear your voice that much. I heard enough in the parking lot.”
Your back pushed against him as you felt yourself quickly tumble of the edge as you came. You expect him to slow down after he rode you through your high but he didn’t. He kept up the exact same rhythm not even allowing you a moment to catch your breath. 
“Eddie, please.”
He removed his leg from yours and wrestled with your body to tug your jeans down. Shifting you back in your original position, he utilized his right leg to spread your legs open as wide as he could. His hand promptly came down and smacked your pussy making you yelp.
“Who am I right now?!” 
Eddie shoved his fingers back inside of you resuming his original pace. 
The car ride back was a little under an hour and the metalhead spent the entire ride making you cum. Steve’s backseat was a mess but neither of them cared. As soon as they got back to their house, they wasted no time throwing you over their shoulder and heading straight for the bedroom. Steve tossed you on the mattress and your hand immediately shot out in the air, not even sure where they both were. 
“YELLOW!” You heard the sound of shuffling as someone sat in a chair and the other leaned against the wall. Your eyes were full of tears when you looked at them. Not tears of pain, but of frustration. You reached for a pillow and threw it across the room towards their feet. 
“You should have said something.” You scolded them through gritted teeth. “I…feel…stupid.” Getting up on your knees you, you pointed your index finger at them. “I trusted you enough to agree to this but you can’t trust me enough to tell me you’re getting feelings for me?” They watched as your hands shook. “And I’M pathetic.”
Your jaw clenched as you defiantly faced them. “Green.” Neither of them moved. “I said Green. I’m ready.”
“Red.” Eddie glanced at Steve who walked over to his mini fridge in the corner and pulled out a water bottle. When he tried to hand it to you, you smacked it out of his hand. 
“Why? I said green.”
He casually reached for the bottle again, but then he tried to hand it to you, you threw it across the room. “I know you said green but I’m saying red. We’re done for tonight.”
“WHY?! I can take it!”
“I don’t care if you think you can take it. That’s not the point. This has gone way past pleasure so I’m calling it. Our…ALL of our feelings are getting in the way right now and I think we should wait until we’ve talked to—”
You smacked him then. “Now you want to talk, you fucking asshole!”
You fell back on your heels and hung your head. The bed shifted as Steve sat beside you.
“Can I hold you?” Your hair bounced as you nodded and he swiftly pulled you into his arms on to his lap. “I’m sorry, baby girl. You’re right. You’re not stupid. I’M stupid. Daddy’s sorry.”
You felt yourself shrink into his chest as he held you to him.
“You’re not stupid, dude. Just…jaded like me.” Eddie sat beside him, putting his arm around his friend’s shoulder as his hand rested on your legs.
“I’m sorry, Ed. You were right to. The three of us should have talked about it together.”
“Why didn’t you?” Steve loosened his grip on you so he could see your face to answer your question. His finger poked at your shoulder. 
“Agent. Client.” He flashed you a small smile. “We do think of you as friend. Always have. I really like spending time with you.”
“Me to.” Eddie grinned softly at you. 
“But to push this into a romantic relationship…that’s a whole other ball field.”
“Pfft, leave it to Harrington to make a sports metaphor.”
When you laugh, they both breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Can we…talk about this tomorrow? After your shoot, maybe. I’m just incredibly tired.”
“Of course, pretty girl. Do you want us to take you home?”
“Can I stay here?”
“Yeah, we’ll just go sleep in my room.” Eddie rises but stops when you whine.
“You can lay with me. I don’t mind.”
Steve stands up with you in his arms before placing you down in the middle of the bed and under the covers. 
“I’ll make you deal. You drink some of this and we’ll lay with you.” He playfully tosses the water bottle in your lap. 
You didn’t realize how thirsty you were until the first drop hit your lips. Eddie grinned as he took the empty bottle from your hands and they both crawled in beside you. 
“Hey Eds?” He answers you with a soft hm. “I’m proud of what you did today. I know it wasn’t easy seeing your dad.” You cup one of his cheeks with your hand and tenderly kiss his lips.
As you lay back down you turn your neck to give Steve a kiss as well. His hands brush through your hair as Eddie rolls onto his side to caress your face. 
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @big-ope-vibes
@eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719 @hugdealer
@mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch @miarosso
@imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @arianafreckles
@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @wroteclassicaly @gracieluvthemoon
@imogen-m-h @playfuloutcast @spookedbydawn
@cinnamapup @bimbobaggins69
@skyesthebomb @sherrylyn628 @eli-flower
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thisapplepielife · 8 months
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Secret Santa
Written for the Second Annual Spicy Six Fanworks Challenge hosted by @thefreakandthehair.
Prompt: Office Party | Word Count: 6025 | Rating: E | CW: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ Only | Tags: Steddie, Steve POV, The Office AU, Office Setting, Semi-Public Sex, Sex Toys, Bathroom Sex, Mutual Assisted Masturbation, Holiday Party, Secret Santa, Background Jancy, Secret Relationship, Platonic Stobin, Platonic Hellcheer, Eddie & Gareth Friendship
Can also be read right here on Ao3.
This definitely has vibes borrowed from The Office. If you're familiar with that, you can picture Steve's desk as in the same location as Jim's.
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Steve slumps behind his computer monitor at his desk, trying to make himself as small as possible. It's days like today that he really wishes their office had private cubicles instead of an open floor plan, because that'd actually give him somewhere to hide. As it is, with all of them out in the open, it means he's a sitting duck. No flimsy temporary wall to crouch down behind, no nothing at all between him and the horror that is lurking on the other side of the room.
And right now, he really wants somewhere to hide. But unless he wants to crawl under his desk, the room really doesn't offer much protection.
Honestly, he usually doesn't mind their setup at all. He likes the openness of it. He likes to see his coworkers all day. His friends. He likes to be able to talk, and yeah, to avoid work. He's nosy. He wants to see what insanity everyone else is up to every day. That always gives Robin and him things to gossip about later, and that's one of their favorite pastimes. He can look over at Robin behind the receptionist desk, and they can have long conversations with each other, using just their eyes. 
They can talk about a cute new girl (or guy, if Steve's the one looking) that's been hired. They can bitch about stupid policy changes. Or a co-worker being a fool. Anything, everything.
But not today. 
Today, Steve scoots down further in his chair, hoping that maybe he can make himself totally invisible, if he just wishes for it hard enough. 
Because right this minute, Nancy's on the party planning warpath, and he wants no part of it. Party planning isn't anything he's ever been good at, well, beyond hosting a few laidback keggers as a teen, he supposes. Those all went as expected. But office parties? No way. That fact should be obvious to all of them after they forced him onto the party planning committee back in August, and his choices just made them all clutch their pearls. 
Steve didn't know that even though there's a full list of silly, made-up holidays to choose from each month, apparently not all of those days are actually on the Nancy-approved list. Steve definitely didn't know that was an unspoken rule for the monthly morale party, so for August, he picked Work Like a Dog day, and convinced half of the office to show up in dog costumes. 
Nancy Wheeler didn't find it funny. At all.
That's okay, Steve thinks it was hilarious. 
If it wasn't actually an option for a party theme, then they shouldn't have put it on the goddamn list. 
And what the fuck does it matter, anyway? Honestly. The monthly staff party is just an excuse to have cake, punch, and thirty minutes longer for lunch. Nobody really wants to attend these office parties, anyway. Might as well make them a little more unpredictable, a little more fun.
The theme can't possibly matter. It's all bullshit. 
But now, here they are in December, and this is the annual holiday party they're talking about. Not a random monthly party. Oh no, this is the big one. The one that takes place after hours. 
And to Nancy, and the rest of the party planning committee, it matters. 
A lot.
So, Steve's hiding. Like a coward.
"You're such a coward," Steve hears from across his desk, a low, taunting hiss pointed in his direction. 
He doesn't look in the direction of the voice, because he's smart enough to not fuck this up with any sudden movements. He's aiming for invisible, after all, but he can't resist slowly raising his hand, flipping Eddie off in slow motion. 
Eddie laughs, so Steve knows the message landed, loud and clear, even if Steve never looked in his direction.
Fuck him for reading Steve's mind. Of course he's being a coward, but there's no reason to announce that fact. That's just rude.
Steve and Eddie share space, in their little group of desks. Steve sits on the end, and then there's two desks facing each other in front of him. Eddie is to his right, and it's really not so bad. Steve's had some weird fucking deskmates over the years, so much so, that having Eddie Munson at his side has been a breath of fresh air in comparison. A relief, even. Eddie's just loud, and messy.
Steve can handle loud and messy, even if Eddie's shit is apt to spill over onto Steve's desk most days, crowding him out of his own space. Steve can hold his client binder on his lap. That's no problem. Hell, he doesn't even get all that mad when Eddie gets too loud and gets them both disapproving looks. At least it's always fun while it's happening.
Gareth sits on the left, right across from Eddie, and right now he's slid down so far in his chair that he's practically under their desks, just like Steve. Smart kid, he's learning. 
Steve dares to glance over and see what's happening across the room. 
Nancy is leaning over Jonathan's desk, and Argyle is making faces behind her back. Nancy has eyes in the back of her head, so she definitely knows he's doing it, and Argyle is just asking for trouble. He's gonna get put on the party planning committee if he isn't careful. Which, Steve supposes, is a way better outcome than him getting recruited.
Nancy has her hand resting on Jonathan's shoulder as she talks to him, ignoring Argyle completely.
Steve isn't supposed to know that Jonathan and Nancy have been sneaking around the office, fucking in all the secluded corners of the warehouse, with far less stealth than they think they have. He doesn't blame them. He knows they don't want to go to HR and fill out the paperwork informing the company about their relationship.
Steve gets that. Because he also feels like it's none of the company's business who he fucks on his own time, and definitely wouldn't volunteer that information up willingly, either. None of them ever want to go deal with Murray for anything at all if they can help it. He asks far too many personal questions. It's always uncomfortable, and best to be avoided at all costs.
However, Steve thinks it's mighty funny that Nancy Wheeler, the rule-follower that she likes to pretend she is, is currently breaking them left and right. It honestly makes him like her even more.
And he does like her. Don't get him wrong, just not on party planning weeks. During those weeks, she's the enemy and must be wholly treated as such.
"Steve," Steve hears his name, a hushed whisper, and he turns to look at Robin sitting behind the reception desk.
He waves her off with a small hand movement. He needs to make sure Nancy has settled on haranguing Jonathan and Argyle before he dares to stick his neck out in the open.
Before Steve can say anything back to Robin, The Boss comes out of his office behind Steve's back, clapping his hands together for attention, and they all turn to look in his direction.
Bob Newby is kind of a goofball, and just a little bit doofy, but he's well-meaning. At least Steve's pretty sure he is. He doesn't seem to have a mean bone in his body. As far as bosses go, they could all do way worse.
"Hey there," Bob says, clapping his hands together again, "I told Nancy to make the holiday party this year a big one. A fun one. A special one. And to do that, Steve's gonna help her. Right, Steve?"
Well, Steve wants to strangle Bob, now. Well-meaning, his ass. He's not only mean, he's evil. He's a filthy traitor that Steve would feed to wolves given half a chance after this utter betrayal.
But Steve nods, because he's not actually gonna tell Bob no. It's not worth the pitiful face he'll get in return. Eddie is laughing, and if Steve gets the angle right, he's pretty sure he can kick Eddie in the shin under their desks without even looking.
He hits the mark and Eddie hisses at the blow, and Steve bites back a smile. Eddie had that coming, the asshole.
Then Steve has a better idea, a meaner idea, and he sits up straighter in his chair, and turns and looks right at Eddie, pointedly, "Yeah, and Eddie offered to help me!"
If looks could kill, he'd be dead, but Eddie gets what he deserves. If he wants to be a jerk, he can just help Steve out with planning this shitshow. 
Bob is pleased at this though, and announces, "Great! Just don't pick anything scary, guys. I hate scary." 
Steve grins, wide. That's a directive for Eddie, not him, and it amuses Steve greatly. 
"Got it. Yeti and Krampus are out," Eddie says, with fake sincerity. 
Chrissy squeals with delight that they are both actually willing to help with this party. Willing is definitely a stretch of the imagination, but Steve and Eddie both smile at her. She's sweet, and Steve knows Eddie will do anything she asks him to, because he's that wrapped around her little finger.
That's okay, Steve's just as wrapped around Robin's, if not more, so he can't really throw any stones in Eddie's direction about that.
Steve nods, and gives Chrissy a tight smile. They'll make this work. It looks like they have to, since they definitely lost this round of office politics.
Nancy is glaring in their direction, suspicious, "Well, fine. We'll just have to plan for every possible disaster with you two in charge."
"Hey! The dog party was a barking success," Steve yells at her, and she huffs and spins around away from him. Annoyed. 
He smiles, and looks over at Eddie, and he's smiling back. 
Maybe this won't be the end of the world after all.
Later, after the dust has settled, Steve leans on Robin's desk, looking down at her, disapproving. He's eating his lunch standing up at her desk, both of them sharing what they have, passing things back and forth. 
Looking across the office, Steve can see into the break room, and Eddie is sitting at the closest table to the windows with Chrissy, both of them digging around in his metal lunchbox. They can leave for lunch, and sometimes they do, but most of the time they all just pack lunches and hang around. Sometimes, they'll all chip in and do a group order, running out to pick up burgers or pizza, but that takes advance planning, and that isn't exactly Steve's strong suit. 
Eddie is digging around in his lunchbox, and Steve wonders what Eddie has packed in there today, pretzels, maybe a sand-
"Focus, dingus. I tried to warn you," Robin hisses, and his attention is drawn away from Eddie and his mystery lunch, when Robin taps her hand on the counter in front of him.
Steve turns to look back at her, glaring. She's his best friend, but right now, she's definitely the enemy as Bob's secretary. She could have stopped this if she'd wanted to, he's absolutely sure of it.
"You're on the party planning committee," he accuses, "and you have Bob's ear. Why didn't you make this go away for me?" 
She wrings her hands, "I tried! Bob liked your dog party!"
Well, Steve has to laugh at that. That's what he gets for being smartass, he supposes. He tried to poke Nancy with a stick so he'd never have to have a turn at party planning ever again, and inadvertently just ended up coming across as a fun party planner to Bob. 
Goddamnit. That was not the desired effect he'd been hoping for.
So, now he's stuck. And this is his own fault, it seems. But at least he took Eddie down with him. That's the silver-lining, for sure.
Steve will make it work. It's only a week of hell. He can survive a week.
"Trust me, we tried. None of us wanted you in charge again," Robin snaps.
"Hey!" Steve shouts back, offended, and she just laughs. 
"Seriously. Nancy has standards, expectations, and dog parties aren't part of the playbook."
Steve smiles, "Well, I guess I should be left off any committees from now on."
"No such luck," Robin snarks, "but Nancy, Chrissy, Barb and I will definitely make sure whatever you two try to plan isn't dog party levels of weird."
"Gee, thanks. If you want to micromanage it, why don't you just do it yourselves? Wouldn't that just be easier for everyone involved?"
Robin shrugs, "Just make Bob happy. It's Christmas."
"Yeah, yeah," and Steve glances back, looking for Eddie again, and now he's sitting there playing finger football with Gareth as Chrissy watches. Both of them flicking a paper triangle back and forth across the break room table, trying to hit field goals through each other's finger goal posts. 
That's about the extent of any sports that either one of them has ever played, Steve's pretty damn sure.
Gareth, the new kid, started a while back, and Eddie took to him immediately. Steve has tried not to be jealous. But it was hard. He still kind of wanted Eddie and his attention all to himself, as selfish as that sounds.
But he's had to learn to share, both Eddie and their desk space with Gareth, and he's watched as Eddie has tried hard to shape Gareth into a good salesman. 
Robin's desk phone rings, and she picks it up, and he takes that as his cue to walk away. He heads towards the break room, and leans in the doorway, watching them play.
"I've got winner," Chrissy says, "but you can take on the winner of that match, if you want."
Steve nods and smiles, and walks on in, sliding into the only remaining chair left at the table.
When four-thirty rolls around, Bob comes over and sends Steve and Eddie off to start planning this party they are now in charge of together. At least they get a half-hour of paid nonsense time, Steve guesses.
So, now they sit in the empty meeting room at the long table, and just look at each other.
Finally, Eddie breaks the silence.
"Okay, smart guy, what's your big plan this time? Cat party?" Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow, challenging Steve.
"Yep. Pussy party," Steve says, deadpan, and Eddie tosses his head back and laughs, hair flying. 
Work has definitely been more entertaining since Eddie Munson showed up last year, all long-hair and lackadaisical attitude. Eddie doesn't conform to any sort of standard expectations, won't, but he can sell like a motherfucker. He has a silvertongue that Steve only wishes he possessed. Steve can sell, too. But he has to lean heavily on being earnest. That's his angle. 
But it's not Eddie's. No, Eddie can just bullshit his way through sales with anyone on the fly, easily meeting his quota and walking away with a damn good commission check every payday, and that hardly seems fair. Steve's been here forever, but Eddie took to it so much quicker.
"Pussy hats for everyone, and the party favors? Pocket pussies," Eddie states, still exploring this party idea with a shit-eating grin, and it makes Steve giggle.
If only. 
Though, this still might be fun to plan together, even if that can't actually be the theme. Nancy would murder them both.
They better do something safe, like Secret Santa. Bob always likes that, and this is really for him more than it is the staff, Steve's pretty damn sure.
They can just go traditional, make everyone happy and save themselves a lot of grief. 
That doesn't mean they won't sit here and bullshit, like they are really talking this thing through in great detail.
"Secret Santa? That's the theme?" Robin asks later, clearly disappointed.
"Classic. Easy peasy," Steve says, leaning on the tall counter that runs around her desk. He's waiting for her to finish up so they can leave together. 
Tonight, they're all going to happy hour at Chili's. They do that from time to time. Most of the office meeting up after work to drink and let loose.
"Lazy, uninspired," she taunts, and he reaches out like he's going to flick her ear, but she dodges his hand, laughing. "Bob's gonna be disappointed in you."
"He won't. He'll love it," Steve says, and Robin knows it. She's just being difficult. "Will you make up the slips so we can draw names, or not?" he asks, trying to give her the eyes. They don't really work on her, not anymore. But he still tries.
"Fine, but this is not fun. I was expecting dog party levels of unhinged theming from you both. You disappoint me."
"You love me," Steve counters.
"Of course I do, dingus. Now leave me alone so I can finish up and we can get the fuck out of here."
He presses his hands together, bowing to her, just a little, and then heads back to his desk. Eddie is still on the phone, wheeling and dealing, like a pro. 
Making money, even after hours. 
Gareth is sitting at their desks, watching Eddie with wide eyes. 
"He's good, right?" Steve asks, and Gareth nods. "It's okay if it's hard to make sales, especially at first. It's hard for all of us, except Eddie. But he's a freak."
Eddie hears him, and sticks his tongue out, not missing a beat of his phone call.
"You'll get better. I promise," Steve says, turning to look at Gareth.
Gareth nods again, and Steve smiles. Steve was probably not that much younger than him when he started working here, and it looks so young now, seeing it on Gareth. He never thought he'd still be here, all these years later. 
But he's made friends here, good friends. His best friend. If he never worked here, he'd never have met Robin, and that'd be a goddamn tragedy. 
And he met Eddie, so honestly, he doesn't have too many complaints.
Turns out, Nancy loves the Secret Santa theme, which Steve isn't surprised about. It's right up her alley. Normal, basic, a classic. No dog costumes to be found.
"What's the price limit?" she asks, holding her notepad in hand, and Steve looks at her. Is he supposed to decide that? He feels like that's a job for her, or maybe even Bob.
"Twenty-five dollars?" he offers, and she thinks about it for a minute, then nods, writing it in her notes, apparently agreeing with his assessment. 
"And, is it a traditional Secret Santa where we draw names, or a white elephant situation?"
"Um, traditional?" he hazards a guess and she nods, happy. Apparently that was the right answer, again. He's on a roll today. Hot damn. Maybe he needs to buy a lottery ticket.
Steve sits at the high top table at Chili's, sharing an Awesome Blossom with Robin and drinking his third margarita. Eddie didn't show up. Steve is pretty sure he said he was coming, but now Eddie, Gareth, Chrissy, Jeff and Goodie are all no-shows. 
That's okay. 
But he would have gone home instead of coming himself if he knew Eddie was bailing. Not that he isn't enjoying spending time with Robin and everyone else, he is, but still. 
He raises his finger, ordering one more drink. Robin's definitely gonna have to drive him home. 
The next morning, Nancy drops off a list of party vendors for him to call, and Steve pushes it towards Eddie. He's the one with phone magic.
And Steve's a little hungover. Eddie's not. 
Not to mention Steve's still a little mad at Eddie for deciding to skip happy hour without telling him. 
"Hey, don't be pushing your chores off on me," Eddie says, pushing it back across the desk in Steve's direction.
They both push on the paper, in a stalemate, wrinkling it under their fingers.
Steve gives him the eyes, "C'mon. You know you'll have better luck. We'll get an awesome cake, and a great meat and cheese plate if you call. You know it."
"Which is ironic, because if the little old ladies working could see me, and then see you, it'd be you they'd be falling over themselves to please," Eddie says.
Steve rolls his eyes. Little old ladies love Eddie, at least after they look past his clothes and hair. He's too charming for them to not love him. He's got a chivalry that is innate, and Steve doesn't have that at all. He likes to think he's nice, but he's not as charismatic. The Harrington Charm is a different beast than whatever Eddie has going on, that's for damn sure.
Eventually, Eddie takes the paper, and picks up the handset of his phone, and starts dialing the first number, and Steve just grins, pleased.
He listens, and tries to ignore the dull headache that's plagued him all morning.
When Eddie hangs up the phone, he looks at Steve, "Shoulda came to Poor Richard's with us, like you said you would, and then you wouldn't have a hangover from all that chain restaurant cheap well tequila."
Steve glowers at him. They've been over this fifty times. Nobody said they were going to Poor Richard's last night. It was Chili's, and the fact that everyone else showed up at Chili's except for Eddie and his friends, is all the proof Steve needs.
Eddie didn't listen, and they ended up at different bars. 
But Steve forgives him as he keeps making calls, and before long they have everything in order for next week's party.
And a week later, they all sit around in a circle of chairs like they're kindergarteners, which feels foolish. But Bob is clearly having fun, dressed in his full Santa suit, as he pulls the wrapped packages out of the bag and passes them around to their rightful owners.
It's fine. Lots of generic gift boxes. Hot cocoa samplers. Summer sausage and cheese gift sets. Blankets, mugs, candy. A foot bath. Just stuff. More things that nobody really needed, Steve's sure, but it makes Bob happy, so they all at least pretend to be excited about whatever they've gotten.
They all thank their Secret Santa, and it's all very normal. Boring. So boring. 
But Steve has a plan for later that he thinks won't be quite as boring as this has been.
The gifts all opened, Steve holds open the plastic trash bag as Eddie picks up the wrapping paper off the chairs, the floor. Tidying up while the rest of the committee goes and starts getting the bar set up.
Steve isn't sure how Bob swung it, but they actually get to serve alcohol this year. 
Jeff and Goodie volunteered to play bartender, and that's great with Steve. He was sure he'd get stuck doing it, with Eddie's help if he was lucky. But this is better. Way better. They'll be able to just enjoy themselves.
As soon as it's up and running, Steve and Eddie are first in line for a drink. Steve goes easy on them, but Eddie's trying to order things they definitely don't have the supplies for. The budget was limited and they decided to stick to the most popular basics. 
Goodie listens to Eddie lists off his third try at an elaborate drink order, and then just pours Eddie a Jack and Coke.
"Just what I wanted," Eddie says, picking it up with a snarky grin.
They're a few drinks in, and the music has been turned up, when Steve nods towards Eddie, ready to slip away during the confusion. Steve shakes a wrapped gift in his hand, and Eddie quirks an eyebrow, curious, and follows him out into the hallway. They ride the elevator up one floor in silence, and then Steve leads Eddie into the empty bathroom on the floor right above their office space.
They can hear the thumpa thumpa of the music down below, feel it vibrating beneath their feet. Gareth and Argyle have teamed up to play DJ, and Steve is sure Nancy hates the music choices. They definitely aren't playing classic Christmas tunes, that's for damn sure.
Steve pushes the wrapped gift into Eddie's chest, and Eddie sits his drink down on the sink.
"What is this?" Eddie asks, looking down at the gift in his hands. He wasn't expecting it, clearly.
"Well, I didn't draw your name for the official Secret Santa, but I still wanted you to have your party favor," Steve says, trying to keep a straight face. This is a ridiculous thing to do. Especially at work. "Open it."
He watches while Eddie tears off the wrapping paper, throwing it onto the bathroom floor, and then Eddie's looking down at the fleshlight he's holding in his hands. 
And he promptly blushes a deep crimson.
Holy shit. 
Steve had no idea that Eddie could blush. Maybe this wasn't a great idea. Maybe he's about to lose his job for sexual harassment at work. At Christmas, no less.
Then, Eddie laughs. Loud and amused, eyes lighting up.
"Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess," Eddie says, turning over the toy in his hands, walking into the open stall. Steve follows.
"Not a sex toy guy?" Steve asks, crowding a little closer to him.
"Not a pussy guy," Eddie answers, then laughs, "I thought you knew that, Steve."
Yeah, Steve knew that. But he pretends he didn't.
"Oh no, do they make pocket assholes? Maybe we could exchange it, get you what you really like," Steve teases.
And Eddie grins, dimples showing, as he presses the toy back into Steve's chest, and Steve takes it. 
"This one is just my favorite, and I thought you might like it," Steve says, looking Eddie right in the eye, standing nearly nose-to-nose in the cramped bathroom stall. 
And Eddie is looking back at him, with an expression Steve can't really read. It looks like he's maybe surprised Steve is cool. Which is crazy. Steve's cool. Steve's been fucking guys since he was in college, girls even earlier than that. He's not really all that fussed about it. Boys, girls, both at the same time, once. 
That was an interesting night, to be sure. Not one he expects to repeat anytime soon, but it's definitely an experience he's glad he had. 
Steve holds the toy in his hand, studying it carefully, and then he looks up into Eddie's eyes. 
"You wanna try it?" Steve asks, raising his eyebrows in question.
"Now?" Eddie asks, dropping his voice low, sounding shocked at this suggestion. 
Steve shrugs, and Eddie eventually nods, slowly. 
"Yeah. Yeah, let's do that," Eddie says, putting both of his hands on Steve's arms, squeezing.
"Are you sure you want to do this here? I was just kidding," Steve asks, even if he wasn't, not really. But he still wants to make sure this is something Eddie is actually interested in doing with him, here and now, and not something he's pushing onto him like a big, fucking creep.
Eddie nods and smiles, so Steve presses him back against the wall of the bathroom stall, Steve's palm firm on Eddie's shoulder. He hands the fleshlight back to Eddie, and digs a packet of lube out of his pocket, handing that over, too.
Steve reaches for Eddie belt, his zipper, and carefully, slowly, undoes his pants. Pulling them down over his ass, boxers going down with them, and then he's just looking. Staring. Wanting.
Eddie's already drizzled lube into the opening of the fake silicone pussy, so Steve takes it from him. Steve doesn't touch Eddie's dick, although it's straining, red and flushed at the tip, begging for Steve's undivided attention.
And as much as Steve wants to give it that attention, wants to drop to his knees, throw the toy aside and suck Eddie's dick, he doesn't.
Instead, Steve grips the pocket pussy in his hand, and angles it, lining it up as best he can. He nods at Eddie, and holds it steady as Eddie pushes into it. Unsure at first, but after a few test thrusts, Steve feels the pressure, the force, behind the snap of Eddie's hips with every thrust. And Steve thinks about what it'd be like if it was him Eddie was pushing his dick into, instead of this toy.
His own dick is hard, so fucking hard, just watching this happen. He can't tear his eyes away. He watches Eddie's dick go in and out.
Eddie groans, leaning forward and resting his forehead on Steve's shoulder, still moving his hips. Still fucking, still pushing his cock into the toy in Steve's hand. Again, and again. 
Steve can't see now, but he can feel it. Can hear it.
It's noisy and loud, making a filthy, wet, squelching sound that sounds even more scandalous as they're hidden away in a public bathroom. Like they might get caught any second, doing this devious thing together.
Eddie winds his arms around Steve's back, and holds on tight. The action brings them even closer together, which is making it harder for Steve to maneuver his hand and the toy between their bodies, but Steve will make it work. He keeps a good grip on the fleshlight, making sure Eddie can keep moving his hips, keep pushing his dick into it, over and over again, even as he leans his weight on Steve.
"That pussy feel good?" Steve whispers, pressing his face into Eddie's hair. He smells good, and Steve leans into him.
Eddie whimpers, and nods against Steve's shirt, and Steve twists his hand, just a little, and Eddie moans. 
"All pretty and pink, wet, begging for your cock," Steve whispers. "It's a pretty cock, you've got. You know that?"
He just yammering, and he's pretty sure Eddie isn't even listening. That's okay, Steve's happy to do the heavy lifting here. 
"I bet it feels good. All tight, hugging your dick the whole way down.. Are you pretending it's a girl?" Steve asks, then lowers his voice, right next to Eddie's ear, "Or are you pretending it's me?"
Eddie's hips stutter, and then he pushes harder against Steve's hand.
"Steve," Eddie breathes out, and Steve smiles.
"I'd bend right over for you," Steve says, "beg you to push your cock in me."
Steve can tell by the change in Eddie's breathing that he's getting close to coming. Goddamn. That's a pretty sight and sound.
Steve's own dick is straining in his pants, wanting.
"Would you come inside me?" Steve asks, and that's it. Eddie groans, and pushes his dick into the toy as far as he can, coming. Steve presses his face in Eddie's hair, kissing the side of his head.
Eddie pulls back from Steve's body, and then slides his dick out of the toy with a sloppy, wet sound, and they both laugh. Steve looks down at Eddie's heavy cock, spent and wet, and wants. Wants to put his mouth on Eddie, wants to lick him clean.
He thinks he will, but Eddie interrupts his thoughts.
"You want sloppy seconds?" Eddie asks, and Steve nearly comes in his pants as he nods. 
That's not something he had thought of, but he hands the toy to Eddie, and reaches for his own zipper. He pulls his neglected dick out, palms it, strokes it. It's so hard. Eddie's made him so fucking hard, so horny, he can't even think straight.
"Look at you, big boy," Eddie says, and he doesn't keep his hands to himself. He strokes Steve once, twice, and then helps guide him into the used toy.
It's still kind of warm inside, sloppy and wet with Eddie's come, and Steve feels like a deviant, but doesn't really give a fuck. Not really.
Because this is good.
So goddamn good.
Eddie presses his mouth to Steve's, and they kiss while Steve thrusts into the toy in Eddie's hand, and it's one of the dirtiest things he's ever done in his whole life.
Steve's just getting into a nice rhythm, when Eddie takes the toy away, and replaces it with his mouth. Goddamn, that's better. That's so much better.
Eddie pulls off, and looks up at him, "You taste like me."
Steve groans, letting his head fall back against the metal wall of the stall, closing his eyes as Eddie sucks his dick, then slides it back into the fleshlight, alternating. Dragging this out, extending it, and it's beyond anything he could have ever dreamed up.
He had a small idea, a basic one, and Eddie has taken that and crafted it into a fucking experience of a lifetime.
Steve tangles his hands in Eddie's hair, and looks down to meet Eddie's eyes, as he continues to work his cock, over and over. 
"You gonna come in my mouth or in the pussy?" Eddie asks, hand stroking Steve's dick lazily, looking up at him for an answer. He wants both. How can he choose?
But if he doesn't choose, he's gonna come in Eddie's hand. Still good, but a distant third among the options available. 
"Your mouth," Steve finally says.
"Good choice, Harrington," Eddie answers, and slides his mouth over Steve's dick again, and again, until Steve can't hold out any longer. 
He comes right against Eddie tongue, and Eddie pulls off, looks up at him, and swallows.
Merry Fucking Christmas to him. Jesus.
They straighten their clothes, try to smooth out all the wrinkles, and Eddie takes a gulp of his now watered down whiskey sitting on the bathroom counter, swishing it in his mouth, and spitting into the sink.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" Steve asks, holding the wet and freshly washed fleshlight in his hand.
"Take it home. Use it later and think of me," Eddie says, holding out the box Steve had wrapped it in. 
Steve puts it back, and takes the box from Eddie's hands.
He'll do just that.
Eddie pushes him against the bathroom door, and kisses him again, and this is the best night of Steve's life, he's pretty goddamn sure.
They ride the elevator down, and when they're back in their own office, Steve shoves the now unwrapped box into his desk drawer and follows Eddie back towards the rest of their partying co-workers.
Their friends.
Eddie starts bouncing on his feet, dancing with Chrissy and Steve smiles as he watches. Everybody seems to be having fun, and Steve decides this was a success. 
Later that night, long after the party had winded down, Steve crawls into bed at home, and curls into Eddie's side.
"Have fun tonight?" Steve asks, and Eddie runs his hand up and down Steve's arm.
"Yeah, I especially liked the part where my boyfriend acted like we've never fucked before," Eddie says, throwing his leg over Steve's hip. 
"Very funny."
Eddie laughs, "We're gonna have to file our relationship with HR sooner or later. I'm pretty sure my poker face is horrendous, and they're gonna figure it out."
Steve nods. He knows. Though, he's pretty fucking everyone in the office knows already, anyway. Gareth clocked them his first week, not realizing it was a secret. So, it's obvious. Eddie loves him, and Eddie can't hide that look on his face, not at all. It makes Steve so fucking happy that Eddie feels that way about him, like he loves him so much that he can't pretend he doesn't. 
That they love each other this much.
So, they're gonna have to fess up. That's okay, he doesn't actually give a shit. They aren't gonna fire him, and they definitely aren't gonna fire Eddie. He's unorthodox, but he brings in tons of cash and clients.
And they're just co-workers, there's nothing saying they can't be together. 
"I can't believe you wrapped your pocket pussy and dragged it to work," Eddie laughs, burying his nose in Steve's hair.
Steve grins.
"Surprised you, though?" Steve asks, turning his head, to smile at Eddie.
"Definitely surprised me," Eddie answers, grinning right back.
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Notes: Nancy seem familiar? Yeah, she was definitely inspired by Angela from The Office, with that party planning committee vibe, lol. I needed someone to be that character, and Nancy seemed more likely than Robin or Chrissy. And the "prepare for every possible disaster" line is a Angela-ism, from the S2 ep, as told by Ryan. I like to think Dwight, or a Dwight-like character, was Steve's deskmate before Eddie.
And Nancy and Jonathan's whole secret (Dwight and Angela style) relationship random mention was added just so I could accurately tag secret relationship, but that it might slip past that I was also referring to Steve and Eddie, lol. Could you have known they were together before Steve did the sex toy thing? For sure. Was it more fun for me to imagine, just for a second, that he was just being very forward and inappropriate with co-worker Eddie who wasn't expecting it? Of course.
Work Like a Dog day is August 5th if you want to add to your calendar, lol.
Bob! ❤️ I think this might be the first time I've had a place to use him in a fic.
Chili's and Poor Richard's were both shout-outs to The Office, many thanks to them for lending me their set-up for this fic. As soon as I chose this prompt, The Office, was the first idea in my head.
And trying to pin down the exact year this is set in made my head hurt. It must be, like, 1999. Then fleshlights exist, but cell phones aren't glued to our hands quite yet. But pussy hats are much more modern. But then Awesome Blossoms are discontinued. I don't know. It's an alternate universe. Go with it. 🤣
Thanks for reading! ❤️
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aclockmaker · 4 months
8k, rated E. sequel to heavy melodies (girl/girl steddie 'verse).
first scene here and under the cut:
Steve and Robin have their usual Friday night shift at the last video rental store in America and Steve knows, knows she has to find a way to tell her. She’s being extra nice to make up for the slight that Robin doesn’t even know about, doing all Robin’s go-backs and leaving her to enter returns on the computer, which is her favorite. Robin is definitely aware that something is up.
“I know something’s up with you,” Robin tells her when she’s back behind the counter. Well, one point to Steve.
When she’d needed to get herself to tell Eddie something all she’d had to do was get exceptionally high. But she can’t get high with Robin, who doesn’t smoke.
Maybe booze, though.
“I know,” Steve says. “I’m sorry. Um, I do need to talk to you, but—can we get drunk first? I think it might go better.”
Robin’s eyebrows are in her hair. “What the hell happened, tell me right now!”
“Oh, um. I don’t know.” Steve glances around the store, which is obviously empty. “It’s kind of—a lot, for work?”
“Since when do you give a shit about what’s work appropriate! Come on, you’re really freaking me out.”
“Don’t be, it’s not—bad, I guess,” Steve says, feeling her cheeks heat up.
“Oh my god. Is this a sex thing, somehow? What—the dry spell is over? But why is that making you all—“
“Robin, please,” Steve says, pathetically. “Okay, but, um. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you beforehand—“
“Steve, did you… what—sleep with my… dad?” She makes a disgusted face. “I don’t really think so because my parents’ marriage is pretty good but that’s the only thing I can think of that—“
“Okay, you gotta just let me get it out.” She must sound serious, because Robin puts up her hands placatingly. “Of course I didn’t sleep with your dad, Jesus. But—Robin. I hooked up with a girl.” It comes out quieter than she means it to, her heart racing.
Robin’s mouth drops open and there’s stunned silence. “You hooked up with a girl,” she repeats.
“Yes, I’m—sorry—“
And then Robin’s face is all movement again. “Oh, Steve, no—you were really worried about telling me? You don’t have to—I mean, that’s great, this is huge! Well—is it huge? What does this mean for you?” Robin’s sincere big eyes make Steve feel like she could cry, actually.
“I guess I don’t know, but. Well. Um, it means I like girls.”
“Oh, Steve,” Robin says and throws herself at her, wrapping her up in a big hug. It’s, like, nice that Robin gets to be the one comforting Steve about this, because she’s been there.
“Hey, I’m really happy for you,” Robin says into her hair, and squeezes her. “And a little bit for me.” She laughs. “I always wanted a gay best friend. I mean, I know you’re—you don’t have to know right now, but I guess I was assuming, but you tell me. Do you like boys and girls?”
Steve nods against Robin's shoulder, willing herself not to cry. There’s nothing to cry about. “Yeah, I guess I feel like I’m, um. Bi.”
When Robin pulls back her eyes look suspiciously wet. “I’m proud of you, dingus. And happy for you. And now I need you to tell me every single detail. Who was it? What happened?”
Why didn’t Steve prepare for this moment? She has no idea what to say. “Robin, um, it’s kind of awkward because you know the person—“
“No, Jesus, stop guessing. I wouldn’t steal your girl.”
“Thanks, but she’s not mine, clearly. Also I notice you didn’t say you wouldn’t sleep with my dad. Kidding! Oh my god, Steve, was it—“ Robin lowers her voice— “Nancy?”
“I said stop guessing—“
“I always knew there was something going on there—“
“It's Eddie, Jesus,” Steve blurts out, just to get her to stop.
Robin’s eyes go impossibly bigger. “Oh. Oh. Holy shit.”
“Yeah,” Steve says weakly. “I know.”
“Oh my god, how did it happen?”
“Um.” Steve can’t possibly tell the sordid tale as it happened. But she doesn’t want to lie. “I don’t know, it happened really fast. We were hanging out in my room and then the next thing I knew we were kissing, and then I went to her place the next day, and we… you know.”
“Holy shit,” Robin says again, helpfully. “Details, please.”
“But isn’t it kind of weird because you know her too?”
“Steve, if I had to sit in this very same rolly chair and listen to you talk about Josh McGuire’s disgusting hands, you can give me a little dirt about an actual girl hookup.”
Well, Steve did this to herself. But still.
“Um, I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, was it good?”
Steve feels herself flush. “Yeah. Um—yeah.” There’s nothing else to say. Yes, it was good.
“Oh my god,” Robin says, helpfully.
Just then the bell dings and a middle-aged woman enters, glancing around before heading to the comedies. “Hi, let us know if you need help finding anything,” Steve calls after her. Technically she should be following the woman to offer her help, not just shouting from the desk, but nobody’s perfect.
“Did she—“ Robin whispers, spinning her chair to face Steve, and holds two fingers up vaguely toward her mouth, tongue poking out.
“Did she what,” Steve whispers back, unimpressed.
You know, Robin mouths, glancing toward Comedies.
Steve just raises her eyebrows.
Robin rolls her eyes, puts two fingers on her face, and sticks her tongue out between them.
Steve hesitates, then nods, laughing.
Robin’s eyes go big. “Did you—?“ she whispers back, barely any sound.
“Oh my god,” Steve murmurs. “Okay, that’s enough! Enough details.”
She gets out of it until the wave of customers that followed in the woman are all gone. “So,” Robin says after taking a lap around the store to check for stragglers. “The verdict on lesbian sex is…”
Steve sighs. If she says it’s good it’s just going to make Robin feel bad. But she also can’t really say anything else. “Rob… on god, we are gonna get you a girlfriend.”
“I knew it,” Robin says sadly. She shakes her head. “But, okay, sex aside—are you and Eddie like…? Together?”
“No,” Steve says without thinking, a little more forcefully than is cool. “Um. It’s not like that. I, like, basically asked her to do it?”
“Wait, what?”
Steve feels herself blushing but she tries to sit up straight, not duck her eyes. “I asked her to have sex with me.”
Robin furrows her brow. “Well, someone had to break the ice, I guess.”
Yeah. Eddie did that when she whispered door’s open directly into Steve’s ear, but Robin doesn’t need to know that. “No, I’m saying it was mostly like… her doing me a favor?” Steve doesn’t know how to explain it at all. Even if Eddie had been all—sweet with her at the end, it still hadn’t been more than what it was. Experimenting, Steve’s brain supplies helpfully, but the only one experimenting was her, and she still had disgusting feelings for Eddie.
“A favor,” Robin says slowly. She tilts her head. “Um—”
“Look, just,” Steve says. “I don’t know. I don’t know what she’s thinking.”
“But what are you thinking?”
“Ugh,” Steve says.
“Oh, Steve,” Robin says, and hugs her again. She spends a lot of her time casually leaning against Steve but she’s rarely so openly affectionate as to hug her multiple times in one conversation, so this is a lot for Steve.
“Just—I don’t even know if she’d want me to tell anyone,” Steve says. Robin looks at her pityingly and Steve sighs. “Be chill whenever we see her next, okay?”
“About that—” Robin says.
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spotsandsocks · 9 months
✨ 2023 writing round-up ✨
Tagged by (and I might have missed some people sorry) @exhuastedpigeon @jamespearce9-1-1 @heartshapedvows @thekristen999 @jesuisici33 @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @wikiangela
Links to all 23 fics I’ve written which I’ve just realised coincidentally matches the year maybe I shouldn’t work on that Christmas fic after all 🤔 All under the cut cos that’s quite a few and your dash does not need to be bothered by that! 😆😆 I will forget to tag someone I know it, so if I do I didn’t really and you’re tagged too cos you’re wonderful
💕💜💕Thank you to each and everyone of you who talks to me, tags me, supports and encourages me, reblogs and likes. Sends asks and questions and prompts and love in my direction. Thank you for sharing your time, talents , your words and creative skills with us all. You make my days brighter and more fun. I adore you all and wish you all a happy kind and peaceful 2024. 💕💜💕
Home Wanted 6k established Buddie new pet based shenanigans 🐀🐁🐀
Could Have Should Have Would Have 3k my biggest hit this year angsty then sweet
Who You Gonna Call? 9k Eddie calls Buck and works out how he feels
This Must Be Love 5.7k fluffy valentines fic featuring pea puns 🫛
Just another minute 1.2k 6x10 spec
No Place 8.4k coma!buck spec fic with a few similarities to what we got actually
It's Such A Feeling 1.8k couldn’t remember but apparently hand appreciation fic that gets smutty 😉
Date Night 2k I got stuck on bus for almost 3 hours and this happened - surprisingly popular considering I had no plans to write it until traffic hit!
The Answer I Needed 2.4k Buck is always there for Eddie 5plus 1 across time till love strikes
Always There 1.6k Tía Pepa sees all at Christopher’s birthday party
Everything But (temptation) 4.7 5plus 1 of Eddie being a flirty tease and driving Buck crazy
Worth the wait5.7 same fic but from Buck’s perspective
Good Knight Sweet Prince 167,316k ahh my best beloved started in 2023 and finished this year. I adored writing and sharing this what turned out to be epic length fantasy au. Knights princes dragons thwarted love and a happy ending what can I say if that’s your thing give it a go.
Let me stay by your fire (for nothing warms me like you do)4.5k couldn’t let go of mediaeval theme so knight Buck this time coming home to his blacksmith friend Eddie. Oh and bees. 🐝
Something Worth Staying For 21k an enemies to lover (although not really enemies) small town newspaper au where Buck turns up and Eddie hates him until he doesn’t. Featuring my real life computer disaster 😆
Tied To You From The Start 13.4k a challenge I took on and did rather well if I say so myself 😆😆 paranormal mysterious shenanigans. Buck in peril and on the run Eddie trying to save him from his own self sacraments and hot sex.
The Comfort of Your Hands 2.9k inspired by an anon talking about Eddie running fingers through Bucks hair. No plans for this one it just happened and again was well received. Maybe I should stop planning fics and just see what happens.
The Price of Love (is high) 7.7k autumnangstfest drama. I put them both through it. All past traumas coming back to cause trouble.
Your heart or mine? Yours every time 3.6k a hungry vampire!Buck and Eddie get stuck in a lift … things occur
100 word fics added a short fic to this little collection i actually love doing these. It’s a great challenge
Only one answer 590 couldn’t remember.. had a look and went oh yeah that was cute. Proposal fic in under 600 words
In my defence I was left unsupervised 1.3k Buck gets bored with sissors Eddie likes the results … who could resist buzz but Buck… not Eddie it seems
The Lost and The Found wip 5/10 48k this was not meant to be this long but guess what.. got carried away and plot is plotting and demands around 100,000 at least in the end I suspect. 5 chapters out number 6and 7 before Christmas this counts as 2023 doesn’t it? Come join me for the ride
@daffi-990 @shortsighted-owl @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @loserdiaz @the-likesofus @stagefoureddiediaz @yelenasbuddie @hoodie-buck @buddierights @bekkachaos @thekristen999 @ronordmann @caroandcats @spaceprincessem @disasterbuckdiaz @heartshapedvows @underwater-ninja-13 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @giddyupbuck @housewifebuck @honestlydarkprincess @pirrusstuff @elvensorceress @jesuisici33 @eddiebabygirldiaz @jamespearce9-1-1 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @wh0re-behavi0r @princessfbi @jacksadventuresinwriting @ci5mates @katries @megsvstheworld @like-the-rest-of-la
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The Outlast College AU: the cast
Eddie Gluskin:
Eddie Gluskin (also known as "Ed" or "the groom" in a mocking way) is a failed pre-med student who switched over to fashion design and merchandising and is known for his "retro" style of dress along with his misogynistic behavior. He is a social outcast due to how he acts so despite his good looks and "charming" personality, he seldom ever gets dates or even respect from his other peers (functionally making him an incel). He is "friends" with Frank (although this is mostly just because Frank also happens to live with him) and that is really about it. And despite his bizarre standards for women and beliefs surrounding sexuality: he is dating Val who is the polar opposite of all of what he holds dear.
Frank Manera:
Frank Manera is Eddie's weed-smoking, whisky-drinking, grunge music-loving culinary school dropout roommate. Unlike Eddie, he is a social outcast by choice and actively chooses not to socially engage with other people or things. Frank is probably the most easy-going person you might meet partly due to the fact he is high all the time but also due to his "I really do not give a shit" attitude he has about practically everything. If it is not about his pickup truck, guns, food, weed, or the bands he likes he could care less. Frank is also occasionally seen at Crust-punk bars and other hole-in-the-wall places around MMU despite not being a student.
Val is a former member of the hyper-religious cult Temple Gate who once held the role of being the "mother" of all of the bastard children of its leader, Knoth, along with the orphans. She was unable to biologically produce children (functionally be a broodmare) so she took on the role of raising them instead. Val escaped the cult when she was 17 and attempted to bring others with her but was unable to. After her escape, she began to hyper-indulge in sex, drugs, body mods, and all of the other things she was never allowed to even talk about while living on the commune. She never got an education and instead opted to continue partying while also taking a job at a Spencers near MMU. She is dating Eddie Gluskin for reasons not fully understood. And despite her new life of freedom and indulgence, she is still on the run from the cult who does periodically attempt to drag her back. She still misses some members of the cult, specifically the children she cared for and wanted to take with her, but also deeply fears being dragged back too much to do anything.
Miles Upshur:
Miles is a journalism student at MMU who also works at the Spencers with Val. He is yet another stoner similar to the likes of Frank only with a significantly more conspiratorial slant. He is best friends with Waylon Park and frequently pulls him into his strange schemes and ventures (like when he goes ghost hunting in abandoned asylums or attempts to prove aliens exist). And much to his friend's horror: he overall lacks a sense of self-preservation and self-control which frequently results in him getting into a lot of dangerous situations.
Waylon Park:
Waylon Park is a computer science major at MMU and the unwitting best friend/accomplice of Miles. He is a lot more timid than his best friend and spends most of his time locked in his apartment streaming video games or working on various coding projects and actively avoids danger/confrontation. He is dating Lisa, a literature major, and is in a pretty steady relationship with her. Due to his more ambiguous appearance, he was mistaken for a woman and thus pursued by Eddie but that was quickly shut down when the truth was revealed and a restraining order was filed.
Rick Trager:
Rick Trager is an extremely shifty business professor teaching at MMU who may or may not be addicted to cocaine. The only reason he has not been fired is due to his tenure at the university.
Jermey Blaire:
Trager's equally as shifty/douchy TA who practically models himself after Patrick bateman.
Chris Walker:
Chris Walker is a former combat veteran going back to school after his time in the service. His exact major is unclear as it has changed several times. But due to his emence size and overall strength he is also a coveted member of the MMU football team. Chris does not have a particularly close relationship with anybody and only happens to know Miles because he had a class with him once (and in turn grew to dislike him as he came off extremely annoying).
Blake Langermann:
Blake is a fellow jornalisim major along with Miles and is a catholic school survivee. Blake is only mildly acquainted with the likes of Miles and Waylon and instead focuses a majority of his time on working on projects with his girlfriend Lynn who is also a journalism major. These projects are usually Exposes regarding local controversies or drama going on (along with the periodic serious human rights/civil rights violation). However, he will join Waylon and Miles on their bullshit adventures from time to time.
Father Martin:
He is the weird guy standing outside of MMU with a large sign only instead of telling people they are going to hell, he warns of the end times and weird ghost demons coming but it is unclear if he is for or against them.
Sullivan Knoth:
Is the leader of the Cult Val escaped from and one of the main antagonists in Val's life. He is functionally the same compared to how he is in the game minus the radio tower frequencies: he is just crazy naturally.
Is funtionally the "Sister Cindy" of MMU. She, unlike Father Martin, does accuse all of the students of being whores and tells them they will burn in hell if they don't repent (and do so to Knoth's teachings). She is also the closest immediate threat to Val's freedom and safety outside of the cult given she is still actively looking for her (dubbing her "the Heretic").
The only person from the cult Val is still somewhat in contact with. He is too attempting to escape given his fading faith had the fact Knoth sexually assaulted his daughter and is denying his wife the ability to get cancer treatments as "only god can decide if she lives". He tried to leave with Val initially but had to stay behind in order to at least allow Val to escape and to protect his family.
Billy Hope:
Billy is a highschooler who has functionally adopted by the MMU football team and is "enrolled" at the school a year early so he can play football. His mother, Tiffany, more or less signed off on it due to the hefty sum of money she was offered to allow her son to play.
"The Twins":
Really creepy townies everybody avoids and can usually be spotted with Martin
Pauline Glick:
The asshole president of MMU who may or may not be taking bribes and doing a bunch of illegal shit along with Blaire and Trager
"Mother Gooseberry (Phyllis Futterman)":
Is a washed-up former children's TV host who later became an art teacher at MMU. She teaches several of the more "technical" arts classes such as sewing and technical drawing. However, she also teaches dental classes at MMU although not that many. It is unclear when or if she even got a degree in dental medicine. But given she is only teaching more "anatomy" based lessons and is not actually practicing medicine: it is looked over by MMU administration.
Leland Coyle:
The campus cop who is activly on a power trip, all of the time.
"The Pusher":
The guy who sells literally everybody drugs. Weed, coke, you name it, he has it.
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annwrites · 4 months
Really loved your Billy ff 😔pls dont Stop writing for him, youre so good🗣️
I'm so glad you liked it!
And I'd like to continue writing for his character, but the only idea I have atm is a rockstar!billy au, but as I don't have wifi where I live, I really need to be somewhere with it & on a computer, so I can start doing research for it.
Like, venues during that time, hotels, other bands, the typical makeup of an 80s rock band, what made them successful, the layout of their songs & albums, instruments, tour busses, what a typical tour looked like, etc.
If I follow through, it's going to be a lot of work. But it might be fun. If I can plot anything more out than the handful of scene ideas I have in my head, that is.
Ok, I'm putting this under the cut bc someone is gonna be curious about my ideas and I'm always so eager to share lol:
I plan for there to be a love triangle. I did make another post detailing a bit of what reader & Billy's first time meeting might go like.
Long story short, she ends up going on tour with them as like...not a groupie, bc she def doesn't identify as that. Just... She's there bc Billy wants her there. But bc he's (in this fic) an addict, an asshole, a man-whore, a rock god, etc, she refuses to just give into what he wants.
When something more does finally happen, I have an idea for a scene where she comes to his hotel unexpectedly, like a day early, and finds him in a compromising position with 2 girls. Having sex with one, snorting coke off the other. She goes to leave, to go home permanently, vowing that she's done for good, but the lead guitarist stops her and professes his love for her. And bc she's an emotional wreck, she gets into bed with him.
And after... Things get messy. Like, Billy & the guitarist already dislike one another (honestly, think Billy Dunne & Eddie Roundtree from Daisy Jones if you want an idea of the relationship), but BOY do things get amped up the next morning when one of the other band members asks where reader is, as she was supposed to be in by that morning &
guitarist is all: "she's in bed".
Billy: "the hell did you just say?"
Guitarist: "Yeah, she's asleep in my room. Guess she got tired after last night. We were up pretty late."
Billy ofc knows wtf he's implying & loses it. Idk, maybe he breaks a guitar or something.
But, she develops feelings for the guitarist, but bc the fic is about Billy... That's who it will always be for her. Him.
I have a scene written where the band manager tries to pay her off to get her out of the picture—as he can see things slowly starting to now come apart at the seams—that I plan to eventually share as a lil sneak peak, I think lol.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
I’ve got to get you out of my mind (and back into my arms)
Explicit | 4.7k | Steddie | READ ON AO3
Happy Birthday @stobinesque 💜 I hope this gift brings you joy!! (and thank you @steves-strapcollection for the fantastic beta job 🫶) It's warm inside, with a rich smell of sandalwood in the air. There's a man behind a desk right next to the heavy looking doors and Steve approaches him with a charming smile. "Harrington. Steve." He says to the man who checks the screen of his computer before looking back at Steve with a warm smile of his own. Eddie knows that the club treats their privacy very seriously, and the membership fee reflects the professionalism of this establishment, but there is something thrilling about hearing Steve use their legal names here. "Good evening, Mr. Harrington. This is Mr. Munson, I presume?" Steve doesn’t even look at him, pretending Eddie isn’t here or couldn't speak for himself, and Eddie squirms with another surge of lust. The leash tightens again, a sharp tug putting him in place while Steve is still looking at the other man. "Indeed. I was told I could bring a pet?" The man nods. "That's right, Mr. Harrington, we allow pets as long as they're well-behaved." "Oh, he will be. Won't you, puppy?"
CW: Dom/sub dynamic, Dom Steve Harrington/Sub Eddie Munson, Public Sex, Good boy eddie munson, Face Slapping, Puppy Play, light degradation (additional warnings on AO3)
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Some days Eddie still wonders how he deserves to be loved by someone like Steve.
They're on their way to a new club called 'KitKat', which had just opened a few weeks ago. It was strictly members-only, as it catered to a special kind of clientele. People like him and Steve whose taste in bedroom activities, well, extended beyond the bedroom.
They'd never done this before, though, and Eddie wasn't ashamed to admit that he was nervous. Not in a bad way, necessarily. But his nerves are taut, like the strings of his guitar if you tune them too tightly. Ready to snap if handled too roughly. The familiar feel of his collar helps, as does the leash. And the warm touch of Steve's broad palm on the small of his back, playing absentmindedly with the lace of his panties.
They park in the private lot right next to the club, so Eddie isn’t too concerned with closing his leather trench coat as they walk the short distance from their car to the entrance, but rather enjoys Steve's hands branding his skin possessively before they even started their little game. Steve stops him just before they could enter the building, both hands cupping Eddie's face, looking at him with an intensity that should have been frightening. All it does, however, is ignite Eddie's hunger for Steve, his will to be good for him, to make him proud.
"Ready, love?" Steve asks, his eyes searching Eddie's face for any trace of discomfort.
Eddie smiles at him, letting his face show how much he wants this, nerves be damned. "Yes, sir," he says in a low voice, baring his collared throat to Steve in a clear gesture of submission.
Steve groans deep in his chest, sounding like he'd been shot, before collecting himself, his eyes darker than before.
"Such a good boy for me," he purrs, kissing Eddie hard, all teeth and hungry tongue, before giving the leash a sharp tug. He turns and enters the club without another look at Eddie, pulling him inside with the leash taut between them. The collar bites into the soft skin of his neck, cutting off his breathing for just a second before he stumbles in behind Steve, feeling his cock harden as his cheeks flush with embarrassment. It rubs against the soft lace of his panties, staining the material with the first drops of pre-cum dripping from his slit.
The cool night air follows him into the dark lobby, clinging to his exposed skin and centering him in the here and now. He's been floating ever since Steve clipped the leash to his collar before they got out of the car, but the bite of the crisp fall night kept him from floating away before they even reached their destination.
It's warm inside, with a rich smell of sandalwood in the air. There's a man behind a desk right next to the heavy looking doors and Steve approaches him with a charming smile.
"Harrington. Steve." He says to the man who checks the screen of his computer before looking back at Steve with a warm smile of his own. Eddie knows that the club treats their privacy very seriously, and the membership fee reflects the professionalism of this establishment, but there is something thrilling about hearing Steve use their legal names here.
"Good evening, Mr. Harrington. This is Mr. Munson, I presume?"
Steve doesn’t even look at him, pretending Eddie isn’t here or couldn't speak for himself, and Eddie squirms with another surge of lust. The leash tightens again, a sharp tug putting him in place while Steve is still looking at the other man.
"Indeed. I was told I could bring a pet?"
The man nods. "That's right, Mr. Harrington, we allow pets as long as they're well-behaved."
"Oh, he will be. Won't you, puppy?"
All Eddie could do was whine, earning another sharp tug. "Ye- Yes, sir," he forces out, his brain feeling like it is filled with cotton.
"Good boy. C'mon."
Eddie walks past the front desk, the man sitting behind it not even acknowledging his existence as he wishes Steve a pleasant evening.
Grabbing the handle of the wooden door with his right hand, Eddie's leash tightly wrapped around his left, Steve pulls it open, his biceps straining under the expensive material of his suit. He steps into the room and lets go of the door, trusting Eddie to step through before it closes again.
Eddie hurries to follow, almost stumbling against Steve's broad back as the man stops just inside the warmly lit room to take in their new surroundings. Eddie lets his eyes wander as well. Everything is decorated in dark, earthy colors, leather and wood, with a few pieces of furniture upholstered in satin. The walls are kept in rich amber tones, interspersed with floor to ceiling windows, heavy burgundy satin drapes closed to keep out any outside light, and forest green leather couches scattered around the room. There is a bar, dark mahogany wood, with bar stools in front of it, the seats also in forest green satin.
People are milling around the room, mostly couples of all genders, with a few people here on their own, watching the proceedings before them with interest. Eddie notices that at least half the people are dressed like him, men and women alike. Sparsely, lace and leather and a lot of skin. He makes out two other men and a woman wearing suits like Steve, though none of them looks quite as stunning.
The room seems to agree, as they all turn to look at them as they enter, and Eddie can see the hunger on their faces. And why not? Looking at Steve himself, he sees what they see. A tall, broad-shouldered, simply gorgeous man in a suit tailored just for him to accentuate his sturdy figure, the thickness of his muscular thighs, the intoxicating swell of his ass. Eddie knows they all want Steve, but he is Steve's good boy. He is the one Steve drags over to the nearest couch on his leash.
Eddie feels eyes following them, but he doesn’t care, his sole focus on Steve as he obediently follows him, kneeling at his feet as soon as Steve sinks down on the expensive looking leather. Finally looking at Eddie for the first time since their kiss in front of the building, Steve assesses him with a slight smile, his eyes roaming over Eddie with hunger. Eddie knows how he looks, knows what it does to Steve, who had chosen Eddie's outfit for the evening himself. Leather cuffs around his wrists, a leather collar with the word "Princess" around his neck, and a pair of red lace panties that barely covered his ass, with his cock straining against the flimsy material, nothing left to the imagination.
"Such a good boy, knowing his place so well," Steve coos at him and something in his chest loosens. He is doing well, making Steve happy. Eddie relaxes more into his position, hands on his bare thighs, his torso tilted back to give Steve a clear view of his erection and the wet spot that is blooming among the red lace.
Cupping his cheek with the palm of his left hand, his thumb playing with Eddie's lower lip, dipping into his mouth and smearing spit over it until it shone, Steve drinks in the sight of him, his eyes heavy and dark. Eddie has never felt more beautiful than at this moment, so completely owned and wanted, and he feels himself floating higher and higher with it, his eyes closing of their own accord and his breathing slowing.
His head flies to the right with the force of Steve's slap across his face and his cock jumps inside his panties.
"Bad puppy. No zoning out on me." Steve chastises him and Eddie hangs his head in shame. Steve's thumb finds its way to his burning cheek, stroking it in a way that is gentle, but still bordering on painful. "You can be my good boy, can't you?"
Eddie whimpers, nodding his head. He can be Steve's good boy, he wants to be Steve's good boy. He feels himself start to tremble, shame and lust cursing through him, and he just wants - he wants -
"Shhhh, puppy. I know you're trying, we'll get you there. I'll let you show me you can be good." Eddie whimpers again, looking at Steve with big, wet eyes, hopeful and pleading. Steve pats him on the cheek, too sharp to be anything but condescending, as he says, "But you gotta try harder, puppy. We have an audience today, I can't let you misbehave. You want them to think I can't train my little pet, huh?" Eddie shakes his head. No, everyone has to know that Steve has the best pet, the most obedient and well-behaved puppy.
"Didn't think so. Here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna get my cock out and you're gonna get it hard with nothing but your mouth. And when it's ready, you're gonna sit on my lap and keep it warm for me. Can you do that, puppy?"
Eddie nods eagerly, his mouth already watering at the thought of Steve's thick cock filling his mouth, filling his ass and keeping him stuffed for as long as Steve wanted.
"Need you to use your words, Princess."
"Yes, sir. Please."
Steve nods approvingly. "You can start then. Show everyone how good you can be for me." And with that, Steve leans back, his long legs stretched out and slightly spread so that Eddie could crawl between them on his knees. As Eddie reaches out to undo his fly, however, there is another sharp tug on his leash, the leather biting into his skin again, and he loses his balance, falling face first into Steve's lap.
Clumsy, lazy puppy. I gave you the simplest instructions and you couldn't even follow those," Steve says, condescension dripping from his every word. "You can't even keep yourself upright." Shame burns hot in his cheeks and he wants to bite back, wants to tell Steve that he is the one who had knocked him off balance, but he fights the urge. Because good boys don't snap at their owners, good boys do what they're told.
Steve looks at him, waiting for Eddie's reaction, and when none comes, he cups Eddie's face again and lifts him slightly from his lap. "Now, are you a lazy little puppy?" Steve asks, and Eddie shakes his head, looking pleadingly up at him. The expression Eddie receives in return is tight, but not angry. "That's what I thought, because the puppy I know, the good puppy, is not lazy at all. You can try one more time."
Eddie thinks back to what Steve told him to do, and panic rises in his throat when he can't remember, the static that has filled his head since Steve slapped him blurring the words in his head. But just when he thinks he has screwed up, it comes back to him.
"My mouth," he blurts out, pleased to be able to give the correct answer.
Another slap almost sends him to the floor, if not for Steve's thigh. "Did I give you permission to speak?"
Eddie opens his mouth, planning to whimper a simple "no, sir" before he catches himself. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Eddie shakes his head. His cock throbs in his panties at the condescending, indulgent smile he receives in return.
"That's right, I didn't. Now, if you've remembered your instructions, get to work." With that, Steve pushes his face back into his crotch, keeping his hand wrapped in Eddie's thick curls.
It's not easy to open the fly of Steve's suit with his teeth, especially without soiling the material with his spit. But this is not the first time he has done this and it only takes him a minute to get it open and the zipper down. And there's Steve's thick cock, nestled in a dark thicket of coarse hair, no underwear. Eddie whimpers again, a high, needy tone that sends another wave of heat crawling up his throat and blooming on his cheeks.
He uses his nose and mouth to free Steve's length from its confines and closes his mouth around the wet tip with a satisfied sigh, sucking and licking it with a blissful expression on his face. This is what he was made for. How he wants to spend his days, kneeling before Steve, sucking on his gorgeous cock.
The hand in his curls tightens, the grip becoming just the right side of painful, and Eddie whimpers around the thickness that fills his mouth, the hand pushing him down, sinking Steve's cock deeper into Eddie's waiting throat. His tongue works around it as best it can, trying to collect the spit and pre-cum that gathers in his mouth before it can dribble out.
He can feel Steve hardening in his mouth and it's an intoxicating feeling, endorphins flooding his system at the knowledge that his mouth is giving Steve pleasure, making him hard and ready to sink into where Eddie is already stretched wide by the plug Steve put there earlier this evening. The thought makes him redouble his efforts, bobbing his head and choking on the hot flesh, whimpers and moans gurgling up his throat as he sucks and slurps around Steve.
A sharp tug on his hair is all the warning he gets before Steve shoves himself deep into Eddie's throat, sinking all the way in, the zipper of his pants digging painfully into Eddie's chin as he tries to stay still, his throat fluttering around the intrusion. Steve holds him there for several long seconds, making it impossible for Eddie to breathe with the way his nose is pressed into the thick thatch of hair in Steve's crotch. Spots begin to dance across his vision and his head feels lighter and lighter.
With a loud grunt, Steve drops his hips back down onto the leather, clearing Eddie's airways enough for him to take desperate breaths. The tip of Steve's cock is still in Eddie's mouth and Steve's thumb joins it, collecting spit and pre-cum before rubbing it into the skin around Eddie's stretched mouth, staking his claim on Eddie.
"Such a good pup, taking my cock so well. You're made for this, just a wet hole for my cock. I could keep you on your knees forever, waiting for me to fill you up. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Eddie nods, careful not to let Steve's cock slip out of his mouth. Yes, he wants that too. Whimpering at the thought of Steve keeping him on his knees, always ready for him to use whenever he wants, he presses his cheek against the still linen-clad thigh and looks up at Steve from between his lashes with pleading eyes.
Steve's hands grab his head and pull him off his length, and Eddie can't help the desperate whine that falls from his mouth at the loss. Steve shushes him and pulls him up to plant a hungry kiss on Eddie's lips, slipping his tongue into his mouth to taste himself on Eddie's tongue. When he's finished ravishing Eddie's mouth, he bites his lower lip, hard, and Eddie's hip stutters forward at the sharp pain that shoots through his body. With his hands still gripping Eddie's head, Steve leans forward to whisper in Eddie's ear. "Everyone can hear you begging and whining for my cock like the little cock slut you are, puppy. Want you to show them how cock drunk you get when you're filled just right."
Letting out another keening whine at the dirty promises spoken in his ear, Eddie can't stop the pleas from falling from his lips.
"Sir, please, I need it. Need your cock filling me, wanna keep it warm, wanna sit on it, please lemme sit on it, I'll be a good puppy, pleaseplease -"
The litany of please is interrupted by a pained wail as Steve pinches Eddie's nipple hard. "Did I allow you to speak, pet?"
Eddie pants, pain coursing through him from his abused nipple, still pinched between Steve's fingers. He shakes his head and sees a tear fall from his cheek onto the gray fabric of Steve's suit, leaving a dark stain.
"That's right. I didn't. So if you want my cock, you gotta behave now. Be a good little puppy and show everyone your perfect little ass. Show them how well I keep you filled, princess." When Eddie just looks at him, the skin on his chest and throat and face burning hot with the implication, Steve specifies. "I want you to climb on the couch and present your ass when you pull out your plug so everyone can see my cum dripping out of it. Can you do that for me?"
It's phrased as a question, but Eddie knows it's an order. Eddie swallows hard, hesitating for the first time tonight. He wants to be good, wants to show everyone how perfect he can be for Steve, but shame curses through him at the thought of showing everyone the load of cum Steve pumped into him earlier, dripping from his loose hole.
He looks at Steve and finds him looking back calmly, waiting for Eddie and not pushing any further. Eddie knows he can end this right now, say his safe word and have Steve cuddle him, drive them home and fuck Eddie into their mattress. Steve would never hold it against him.
But Eddie would hate himself if he didn't at least try to push through his discomfort, because so far Steve has never steered him wrong and he trusts him to know what Eddie likes, what makes him float.
So Eddie nods and crawls onto the couch, helped by Steve's hands on the back of his thighs as he straddles Steve's lap. Steve guides Eddie's face forward with his hands and tucks it into his neck so Eddie can arch his back and present his ass to the room of strangers.
"Good boy, so good for me. You should see their faces, Princess. So hungry to see your sloppy hole dripping with my cum. They wish they could add their own load to it." Eddie whines, can't help it, the thought of someone coming up to them to fuck his ass while Steve holds him still, his face in Steve's neck as some stranger punches cut off moans from him and against Steve's skin. "You'd like that, huh? Well, if you're a good little puppy, maybe I'll let them fuck you next time."
Eddie reaches behind himself and spreads his cheeks, pulling his panties aside with one hand before feeling for the flared base of the plug with the other. When his fingers find it, he slides them in and grabs the base, his rim still sensitive from being fucked hard and fast by Steve before being stretched open for hours. He pulls on the silicone and feels his hole tighten to hold it in, the material dragging over his raw skin. It slips free with a soft wet sound and he feels the liquid dripping out almost immediately as his hole clenches around nothing, trying to hold Steve's cum inside.
Steve sinks two fingers into him without warning, causing Eddie to rock on them before he can even think about it. Steve pumps his fingers in and out, spreading them before adding a third, the sounds wet and dirty as he fucks Eddie's sloppy hole.
"That's my good boy, you love my fingers fucking you. Such a greedy slut, your hole gripping my fingers so tight, it needs something in it all the time, doesn't it?"
Eddie nods again, not trusting his words, and it earns him a sharp slap on his ass, making his hole clench down on Steve's fingers hard.
"I asked you a question."
"Yes, sir."
"'Yes, sir' what?"
"Yes, sir, my slutty hole needs to be full all the time."
Steve's mouth against his ear sends another shudder through him, hot breath and hungry voice filling his senses. "Such a good pet. And good pets get rewarded."
Steve's fingers pull free from his ass and Eddie whimpers, his tongue licking Steve's neck in a pleading gesture without his conscious decision. Steve slaps his ass again, not as hard as before, and tells him to turn around. When Eddie does, he finds dozens of eyes on him, watching the little show they're putting on. A few of them are touching each other as they watch, clearly turned on by the display.
Before he can even begin to feel self-conscious about them, he's pulled down and onto Steve's thick cock, his panties pushed roughly aside as Steve sinks all the way into him in one swift motion. It hurts, despite the stretch, and Eddie loves it. It dulls the noise in his head, like earplugs blocking out most of the sounds. He feels safe and floaty and filled so good that he wants to cry with it. And he does, feeling the wetness on his cheek, but it's from far away.
He is so so close to that heavenly place where nothing matters and nothing can touch him, suspended in the air and invincible. It's a wonderful feeling, but something is missing. Something he doesn't even know how to ask for because he can't put a name to it.
Bless Steve for knowing what he needs, because just as a pathetic whimper falls from his lips, Steve's hand wraps around his throat, his index finger digging into the vulnerable flesh under his jaw, just above his collar. Eddie sinks back into Steve's chest and Steve helps arrange Eddie's legs so he's comfortable in Steve's lap. He can feel the zipper and button of Steve's pants biting into the sensitive skin of his ass, but the sensation is a distant one, easy to ignore as his breathing becomes shallow and he sinks deeper and deeper.
They sit like this for God knows how long, time ceasing to exist in the place Eddie has sunk into.
He's dimly aware of someone sitting next to them, hears Steve's deep voice talking and feels the corresponding vibrations of his chest against his back. Eddie catches words here and there, some guy complimenting Steve on his good pet, and even with how deep Eddie has already sunk, he still preens at it, clenching around Steve's length without his conscious thought.
Eddie feels Steve caress his thigh before gently kneading his hard cock inside his panties. They must be soaked by now, but Steve keeps his hand there, rubbing up and down almost absentmindedly as he asks the stranger, " You wanna pet him? Show him how good he is? He loves that."
They'd talked about it before they came here, about how much Eddie would feel comfortable with, and he hadn't wanted anyone else to fuck him, but he'd agreed to someone touching him if Steve wanted to allow it. When he feels another hand on his thigh, fingers stroking the soft inside of it, following the trail of a dragon's tail tattooed there, he only sinks deeper. He trusts Steve to take care of him, to watch over him, feels Steve's hand still cupping his cock possessively. Eddie can let go.
The stranger lets his hands wander further to his stomach, playing with the coarse hair of his treasure trail, and Eddie lets out a soft sigh. He hears the other man tell Steve what a good pet Eddie is, so responsive, and Steve whispers in his ear that he is the best puppy, so hot and tight around him, warming his cock perfectly.
Steve's hand on him speeds up, the pressure getting more intense, the friction enough that the arousal licking at his veins pierces the thick fog that fills his mind. He moans softly, little whimpers falling from his mouth whenever Steve does something clever with his hand, and when the stranger thumbs over the nipple Steve had pinched earlier, he feels himself clenching hard around Steve, whining high-pitched into Steve's ear.
"I think he's close," the stranger says, sounding almost in awe, and Eddie can feel Steve's hips moving, fucking him with short, sharp thrusts. He sounds bitchy when he tells the stranger that he can tell, that he's the one who feels Eddie's needy hole fluttering around him.
The man apologizes and Eddie thinks he's standing up and leaving them alone, but he's too far gone to be sure. He doesn't really care either way. The only thing that matters is that Steve's cock is pumping into him, the thrusts getting lazy again and Eddie wants to beg him to speed up again, to fuck him hard and fill him up with another load.
But he doesn't, just takes what Steve gives him.
"My perfect puppy. You're so close, but you won't come until I tell you, won't you?" It's the first time Steve sounds strained, a sure tell that Eddie is being good because Steve is so close.
Eddie is past the point of forming words, but he nods, his head fuzzy and his mouth filled with cotton. He feels the need to come, but it's a dull sensation, not important. What is important is to be good for Steve. He wants Steve to feel good, so he tightens around him again, telling him wordlessly what he wants.
Steve coos and kisses Eddie's jaw. "'Wanna make me feel good, huh? Want me to come and fill you up with another load."
Eddie whimpers, nodding as best he can where his face is pressed against Steve's and he feels a fresh wave of tears streaming down his face.
"Okay, puppy. You deserve it, you've been so good tonight, showing everyone what a good little cockwarming slut you are for me."
True to his words, Steve's hips pick up speed, pumping into Eddie's sloppy hole with abandon, chasing his own release as his finger presses harder into the soft flesh beneath Eddie's jaw, his other hand rubbing the lace that still covers Eddie's cock.
Eddie feels Steve's cock pulsing inside of him just before Steve pulls his hips down hard, burying himself all the way inside of Eddie, filling him with his hot cum. It feels like Steve's coming forever, grunting softly in Eddie's ear, his hips grinding against Eddie's ass as if he's trying to push his come even deeper, to make it stick, to breed him with it.
"Come puppy, come for me."
That's all Eddie needs before he soils his panties with his release, broken sobs spilling from his mouth, the intensity of his orgasm almost painful. It shakes his whole body, hips moving uncontrollably and he would have fallen off Steve's lap had it not been for the strong hands holding him in place.
Then the world goes black.
When he comes to, he's curled up on Steve's chest, sitting sideways on Steve's lap, his head resting on Steve's shoulder, Steve's suit jacket covering his naked torso. Steve's face is buried in his curls and Eddie feels him rather than hears him humming a soft melody. His ass is a little sore and he can feel the plug keeping it wet and open again, stuffed full of Steve's cum. Steve always takes such good care of his slutty little hole, just as he promised. A tired, pleased whimper escapes from his lips, alerting Steve that he has regained consciousness.
"Hey, Princess. Back with us?"
"Ye-" Eddie croaks, clearing his throat before trying again. "Yeah."
Steve leans down and brushes soft kisses across his face, making Eddie melt even more against him. "You did so well, Eddie. So beautiful. I love you so much."
"I love you too." Eddie answers sleepily. They have to get up eventually, and Eddie can't wait for Steve to clean him up at home before tucking Eddie into their bed and curling up around him, whispering more praise and sweet nothings into his skin. But they can stay like this for a while longer, wrapped up in their little bubble. Satisfied and in love.
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1tsny4nc4t · 2 months
(i wanted to say this bc I'm rn rewhatching the ep where edd (as Ed) calls Eddy (as double a sissy) OK TIME TO ME TO RAMBLE ABOUT THE ED EDD N EDDY'S SHOW (bc I'm rewhatching it obv) OK SO YK HOW I TALKED THAT EDD (AS ED) CALLED EDDY (AS DOUBLE D) A SISSY,WELL IT HAPPENED AGAIN WHEN I MEAN WITH "IT HAPPENED AGAIN" I MEAN THAT ANOTHER CHARACTER SAID (in the spanish dub) SOMETHING BAD (i feel this one got a Little far i think) BUT THIS IS NOT WITH THE ED-BOYS ITS WITH THE BLUE HAIR GUY,WITH THE OLD COUNTRY SPIRIT,MY 2 FAVORITE CHARACTER THE SON OF A SHEPERD ,ROLF!! yes Rolf said something bad ok so a Little of context of what Rolf saids,so in the episode "avast ye eds" Rolf waits so the "boat" that the eds,Jimmy & jonny (+ plank) where he like waits,and when the eds get back,Rolf Is waiting & when he sees the eds he saids "hello ed Boys!,when Is the next sailing?my flesh begs me for sun and sweat!" BUT HERES WHEIR THE THINGS COMES,they did the whole hello ed Boys things right they translatit it to spanish then of that Is where the thing Is instead of rolf saying (in spanish) "my flesh begs for (you alredy know what it Is)" THEY TRANSTALIT IT INSTEAD OF ROLF SAYING THAT ROLF SAIDS (in spanish) "my flesh begs for sun & sex" (i actually saw a video of Rolf saying this but i thoguht it was Fake at firts so i went to the episode (put ir where the scene Is) and he does say it) here a *quick* video i took of the scene (i didn't wanna rewhatch the whole thing just for the scene so i record it on my computer)
(also with this topic i also wanted to say this from like the spanish dub of Ed edd n Eddy wikipedia about the part where double D as Ed calls Eddy as double D a sissy,so it saids that "the word "sissy" in some countrys it Is consider "bad" & "that it Is unknown why did they translated it & wasent censurn when showing the episode (the original dialougue was (in spanish) "Ur so innocent,Eddy") i also wanted to add with Rolf saying that the original diálogue was (in spanish) "my flesh begs for *you alredy know it*" instead of putting the word "sex") ok un enough yak so yeah just wanted say that (i rambled so much)
It's gonna take me awhile bold these text or maybe i should leave it like that? Idk
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ask21771 · 1 year
What your cartoon crush says about you (90's edition)
Ariel (little mermaid)-you’re into tiny waistlines and oral sex
Belle (beauty and the beast)-you’re into girls who are smart and caring
Any of the Lion King characters-you’re a furry and not just a dabbler furry you’re super furry 99 (you may also have been banned from all local zoos)
Batman(BTAS)-you’re into the brooding loner with a heart of gold and a tortured past
Joker(BTAS)-you’ve never heard of Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn-(BTAS)You told yourself her and Ivy we’re “just friends” more times than you could count
Renee Montoya(BTAS)-you felt secure that she was only a lesbian in the mainstream  comics but when Batman: The adventures continue came out you were devastated 
Lois Lane(STAS)-You’re into the tough no nonsense type
Superman(STAS)-you want someone that’s kind, dependable and will always put you first
Supergir(STAS)l-you swear that massive collection of porn movies all titled “Farmers Daughter” on your computer isn’t yours, you have no idea how it got there
Mercy Graves-(STAS)you somehow want your partner to be both dominant and submissive all at once
Terry Mcgunniess(Batman Beyond)-you’ve got a thing for brooding heroic and mysterious loners and are totally ok with them randomly disappearing (you may have self esteem issues)
Dana Tan(Batman Beyond)-You think party girls are more innocent than they actually are
Max Gibson(Batman Beyond)-You’re happy there’s finally a character Cree Summer voices that turns you on as much the actress does
Inque (Batman Beyond)-You’re into some weird shit like even by internet standards
Curare (Batman Beyond)-You just really wanna see what she looks like without the mask
Rogue(X Men)-you don’t care how deadly a night with her would be, to you it would be worth it
Bernice(Duckman)-You never thought ducks were sexy before her, now you can’t go near the park
Marge Simpson(Simpsons)-There’s an 85% chance she was the first cartoon character to kick start you going through puberty
Miss Sarah Bellum(PPG)-The second you found out she wasn’t in the 2016  show you threw your TV out the window Tommy Wiseau style
Sedusa(PPG)-you’re broke because you keep giving your personal information to live cam girls
Miss Keene(PPG)-you’re hot for teacher
The Powerpuff Girls(PPG)-sir why don’t have a seat over here
Nazz(Ed Edd n Eddy)-You like the calm relaxed type
Sarah(Ed Edd n Eddy-you have low self esteem (you’re also a total bottom)
The Kanker Sisters (Ed Edd n Eddy)-WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
Dexter’s Mom (Dexter’s Lab)-Yeah you and every other 90’s kid
Dee Dee (Dexter’s Lab)-You’re a pedo and a weird one
Dot (Animaniacs)-uhhh…pedophile? (srlsy the warners ages are all over the place)
Hello Nurse (Animaniacs)-You’re mind is stuck in the 50’s and you make girls who dress up as nurses for Halloween uncomfortable
Slappy Squirrel(Animaniacs)-you like “mature” women and you won’t apologize for it
Minerva Mink-You don’t care if she only appeared in 2 episodes your heart will always belong to her
Babs Bunny (Tiny Toons)-You just started going through puberty when you first saw her and she awakened something in you (at least I hope you were going through puberty when that happened)
Fifi Lafume-You would sell your soul for her to lust after you the way she lusts after….pretty much every guy 
Shirley Loon-you like girls who sound vapid and like they’re from the valley
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eddiemunson-fanfic · 2 years
Three is the magic number
Steve Harrington x Plus size!F!Reader x Eddie Munson
Warnings: possessive!Eddie, threesome, dom!Eddie, shy!Steve, name calling, unprotective sex.
Summary: You end up working with Steve Harrington at Family Video, he noticed you from school, because you used to have some classes together, but he never really spoke to you. You end up having a great time together working overtime from time to time, and Steve develops feelings for you. Little does he know you're already taken.
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"Steve, stop it!" Dustin exclaims as Steve ruffles his hair, laughing as Dustin gets frustrated.
"Be nice to your kids, Harrington!" you yell at him, and he pulls away from Dustin, putting his hands up surrendering.
Dustin swat at his chest before he walks over to the counter where you and Robin stand, checking something on the computer for a costumer.
He laughs as he stands beside you, his fingers brushing your side in a flirty manner, but you don't think about it that way. You knew that Steve could be a flirt, and he would always be touchy and nice to you.
Besides, you didn't really bother noticing the flirting because you were deeply in love with your boyfriend. He was the light in your life, and you've been together for a while, planning on moving in together. You just needed to find a place that worked for the both of you.
He had warned you about Steve's flirty demeanor before you started working at Family Video, little did your boyfriend know you used to take classes with him in high school, so you knew he could be flirty. You often saw him in the halls at school cuddling up to Nancy when they were together. When they broke up, he always tried to be flirty with the other girls at school, but something had happened between him being broken up with Nancy, until he was ready to go out there again. He didn't have the same spark as he used to.
You heard the girls calling him a dork, and that he wasn't the same guy he was when he was with Nancy. You saw a change in him, that's for sure, but it wasn't anything negative as the other girls made it seem like it was. He was so sweet towards everyone, never a douche anymore.
That was practically the only reason you never talked to him. He was a jock, and a douchebag, but after Nancy left him, he changed for the better.
Eddie, your boyfriend was always protective of you whenever Steve was near you. Whenever Steve used to walk past you in the hallway, Eddie was like a bodyguard, guarding you with his entire body to make sure Steve didn't have a chance to touch you.
He got a bit sad when you were about to graduate with Steve, Nancy, Jonathan and the others. He wanted to walk that stage with you, but he couldn't. He had flunked a bit to many classes, but you cheered him on the following year, making him do his best, helping him with homework when he needed, just so you could see him walk that stage the next semester, uncle Wayne by your side as you both cried together, watching Eddie flip the principal the bird as he took his diploma, running off stage, finding you and Wayne as you stood of towards the side, proud of him as ever as he embraced the both of you in a victory hug.
"I'm so proud of you, son!" Wayne had cried into Eddie's arms as he held him close, proud of his nephew as he let him go after a while, so Eddie could embrace you in a tight hug, and you showered his face in kisses.
"My baby finally did it! You graduated baby!"
"I wouldn't have done it without your support, baby" he returned the kiss as you kissed eachother hungrily before pulling away.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Steve's voice suddenly sounded, as you looked at him, pulling yourself out of your thoughts as his hand brushed against yours.
You chuckled, pulling your hand close to you as Robin finished helping up the costumer as she turned towards the both of you.
"Last costumer for today, and we can close up!" Robin exclaimed, starting to shut down the computer as you nodded, walking towards the front of the desk, tidying up the candy you were selling as Steve came up to help you as Robin tugged Dustin with her to the back, carrying some of the VHS that were delivered today.
"So, you got any plans after work?" Steve said as he helped you rearrange the candy in front, as you sat down on the floor to fix the stuff all down by the floor.
You looked up at him and shrugged.
You and Eddie never made any plans since it was a Thursday night, and Eddie was hosting another Hellfire session. You knew he would be out late, so you didn't really think that he'd ever show up today, which he normally didn't, so you always got a ride home with Steve most Thursday's because of it.
"Your buddy isn't going to pick you up today?" Steve said, motioning for you to look outside to see the parking lot empty.
"You mean Eddie?" you chuckled, knowing quite well that Steve knew his name.
Steve coughed and shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, I guess I mean Eddie"
"Are you jealous, Harrington?" you joked, and his cheeks flashed a bright red colour as he looked away, not daring to look at you as he blushed.
"Me? No, never!" he tried to shrug it off as he walked over to another pile of VHS that needed to be put up before tomorrow.
"No, I don't have any plans, it's pretty late too, it's almost 9.30"
He thinks about it for a while, before he turns towards you again, facing you as he gives you a sly smile.
"You wanna grab a bite with me or something? We don't need to show up early tomorrow, we got a late shift, and I'm starving!"
You give him a smile and a nod.
"I would love some food right about now! Haven't eaten since lunch"
"That settles it! Let me just get done here, and help Robin finish up, and we'll go grab a bite!" he smiles his biggest smile at you, as he walks to the back, probably on his way to help Robin as Dustin comes back, a huge grin on his face as he walks and sits on the counter.
You look at him, and smiles.
"What?" you chuckle. "And why aren't you at Hellfire?" you ask, suddenly remembering he also is a part of the club.
"You know he has a thing for you, right?" he chuckles as he looks at you, shrugging his shoulders."Eddie said he just wanted to have the big guys there today" he shrugs, rolling his eyes at the thought as he kicks his feet.
You reach your hand out so he could help you up from the floor as he smiles down at you, giving you his hand as he helps you up.
"He does not have a thing for me" you shrug it off, as he huffs at you.
"Sure, keep telling yourself that"
"You ready to go?" Steve says as he walks out to you again, handing you your bag as you nod.
The drive to the place where you were gonna eat was uneventful, just listening to the radio as you drove over.
"What about Robin by the way? She usually gets a ride from you, doesn't she?" you say as he opens the door for you to step out of the car.
"Oh, she is off to her girlfriend for the night, she was picking her up"
Oh, guess that made sense. She has been gushing all week that they were gonna spend the weekend together out of town. Good for you, Robs.
Steve opened the door to the small burger shop, and politely bowed to you. You laughed at his antics and shook your head at him.
"Goof" you say as he winks at you before you walk past him.
You eat most of your meal in silence, just glancing at eachother from time to time, talking about how the work week has been so far, and Steve tips the waiter generoulsy before he takes your hand in his, leading you outside.
It was a bit chilly, so you started to shake a bit from the cold as the chilly air hit you. Steve noticed and handed you his jacket, gently laying it across your back as you gave him a small "thank you"-smile.
The ride home to your place was also uneventful, just chit-chatting a bit about what you were gonna do for the rest of the evening, and he pulled up into your driveway, stopping the car as he moved, facing you.
"I had fun"
"I did too, but I really need a cigarette, you wanna have one with me before you leave?" you offer, and he chuckles, nodding.
"Absolutely!" he smiles as he finds his pack, grabbing another jacket from the back as he steps out of his car, walking over to you, opening the door for you as he hands you a cig.
"You know I got my own pack, right?"
A shiver ran through your entire body as the cold air hits you more than ever.
Steve instinctly scooted closer to you, helping as a small shelter for the cold as his heat radiate off him onto you. You lean into his embrace, not thinking about how close you are as Eddie pulls up, scaring the shit out of you as he closes his car door really hard so you can hear it, making you jump in Steve's arms.
"And what do we have here?" he says, platonical as he absolutely can, not daring to show off how mad he actually is.
"When you can't get a girl for yourself, Harrington, you try to steal mine, is that it?"
Steve's eyes get big as he looks at Eddie, pulling away from you, and you wont have it. Eddie could be jealous if he wanted to, but you were cold, and needed the warmth as you took a drag of your cig, huffing at Eddie as you pulled Steve closer.
"I'm sorry man, I didn't know!"
"Oh, as if you didn't!? You've seen us together man" Eddie was starting to get mad by now, and the possessive side of him were truly showing it's true colours watching you pull Steve closer as Eddie walked up to you, trying to pull you away from him.
"Oh, shut it! The both of you!" you glare at Eddie, as you keep a hand on Steve's chest, feeling how his heart was racing, trying to back off from the situation as you held him in place.
You glared at Steve, and warned him with your eyes not to move before you looked over at Eddie.
"I know you get possessive babe, but Steve was only keeping me warm, because I was cold. I asked him to join me for a cig before he went back home. His parents are never home anyway, and I thought I might keep him for a bit of company so he didn't have to keep going back home to an empty house, all alone." you glared at your boyfriend to back off, feeling sorry for Steve who had to keep going back home to an empty house, never anyone waiting for him to come home.
Eddie softened when you stated your fact, and nodded.
"Sorry babe, but I know what kind of flirt Harrington will and can be"
You huffed, pulling Eddie close, as you placed a soft kiss on his lips, looking up at him, not noticing you still held onto Steve, as he chuckled, placing a hand on yours as to motioning for you to let him go.
The thought of having both these beautiful guys at your mercy, made you horny.
You and Eddie had been talking about wanting to try a threesome before, but never had anyone to do it with. So for now, it was just a fantasy.
You knew that in one way or another, you could pursuade the both of them into trying.
"Eds, I have a suggestion I wanna try out" you tried to say as softly as you possibly could to him, as you looked at him. He looked down at you, looking at you with adoration as the pieces clicked. He knew exactly what you meant, when he saw how your eyes were filled with lust.
"Depends if he's up for it" he said as he looked over at Steve who looked as if he wanted the earth to swallow him whole.
"Up for what?" he asked, his voice a bit shaky as you chuckled, looking up at him.
"You ever thought about having a threesome?"
You wanted to just rip the bandaid of as fast you probably could, so he had an opportunity to back out if he got scared of it.
"Threesome?" his eyes shot up in surprise hearing those words leave your lips at all.
"With you two?" he asked, just for reassurance, and you both nodded as Eddie pulled you into his chest, your back against him, feeling how hard Eddie was from the thought of sharing you with Steve. His bisexual self has always had an eye for Steve, and he often told you about it, so it was as if a dream came true if Steve actually wanted to get down and dirty with the both of you.
You could see something in his eyes shift, as if they got darker as he smirked at Eddie and you.
"If I would!" he exclaimed, surprising the both of you as he adjusted himself in his pants.
You noticed and looked down, seeing his erection struggle, and you gasped.
"Told you he was big, babe" Eddie whispered a bit too loud in your ear, making you swat at his arm.
"Eddie!" you gasped, as he laughed, pulling you into his embrace, kissing your neck, making you giggle.
"I knew you were looking at me in the locker room!" Steve exclaimed, making Eddie look at him as he shook his head, smirking slightly.
"Everyone was looking at you, big boy, even the guys who wasn't gay!" Eddie chuckled, bumping Steve's shoulder as he lead you towards your house.
"Your parents is not coming home this weekend, right?" Eddie asked, making sure you had the place for yourself.
"Yes, they're anniversary is this weekend, you know that. They'll be gone until monday"
"Perfect" he says, kissing your cheek as he looks back at a dumbfounded Steve.
"You coming, big boy?"
"Can you please stop calling me that?" he whines, and you chuckle, swatting Eddie's chest.
"Be nice, babe" you warn him.
He pulls his hands up in a surrendering motion, winking at you as Steve almost bumps into you as you stop to unlock the door, feeling his erection press up against you as he does, before he just as fast as he bumped into you, pulls away.
"Just as clumsy as ever, huh, Harrington?" Eddie continued to tease Steve as his cheeks flushed a pink red.
"Stop it, Eds, be nice, please! You'll scare him away"
"Trust me baby, if I managed to scare Steve away, I'd be surprised"
You walked inside the house, turning on the light in the hallway as you took off your shoes, handing Steve his jacket as he scoffed, waving it off as he undressed his own jacket.
"You keep it, it looks better on you"
You chuckled and smiled at him. You could barely button the jacket, it didn't fit that good. Even if he was a tad bigger than Eddie, his clothes still didn't fit properly.
"You know I'm a big girl, right? This doesn't fit that well"
He just shrugs his shoulders as Eddie comes behind you, pulling you in close, placing a soft kiss to your neck, making you squeal.
"You look perfect no matter what, princess"
His raspy voice sending shivers down your entire body, making you turned on in an instant, trying to push it away, you clear your throat.
His body pressed tight against you, as his lips crashed with yours, you felt yourself getting more and more horny by the second.
At some point, Eddie tugged at Steve's shirt to get him closer, breaking away from the kiss, he ordered Steve to kiss you, but before he had time to react, your lips were on his as you pulled him close to you. He seemed shocked at first, but he melted into you quick, his hand coming up to cup your cheek as he kissed you hungrily, a small moan escaping his mouth as you fought for dominance with your tongue in his mouth.
"I didn't think it would be this hot to see my girl kiss another guy, but fuck me" Eddie groaned from the side as he was pressed up against you, leaning down to suck a mark at your neck, making you moan into Steve's mouth.
Steve pulled away from the kiss, breathless as he looked at you and Eddie for a second, biting his lip.
"It's been so long since I had any action at all, that this alone could make me cum in my pants"
Both you and Eddie chuckle at his words as you both look at him. You've been wanting to see his dick so many times, and both you and Eddie has been talking about it from time to time, so you fell down to your knees in front of him, looking up at him as you helped him out of his pants.
"I can help with that" you smiled, as you pulled his pants down, Eddie's hand in your hair as he stepped closer, you could hear him chuckle.
"Her throat is like fucking magic man" Eddie chuckled, looking at you as you dragged down Steve's boxers, his dick springing free, making that small jump as he was freed, gasping when you wrapped your hands around him.
"I knew you were big, but damn" you whispered, before your lips wrapped around his tip, Eddie massaging your scalp as you licked the pre cum off Steve's tip, making Steve gasp and moan, his head falling back as you could feel his dick throb in your hand.
"Such a slutty little good girl for us" Eddie praised you.
This encouraged you to push as much of Steve as you could down your throat, choking slightly on his length as his head fell back again, his hand travelling up to your hair, pushing you down more as you choke and try to catch your breath.
"I'm gonna cum" he warns, which encourages you even more, bobbing your head faster up and down his length, until he stills completely, and you can feel him shoot his load down your throat.
When you pull his dick out of your mouth with a pop, he looks down at you and chuckles before he looks up at Eddie and chuckles again.
"You're right man, her throat is magic"
What a damn confidence boost. You smiled to yourself, patting yourself mentally on your shoulder as you looked up at Eddie.
You ask softly, making Eddie look down at you, reaching down to place a soft kiss to your lips before he smiles and pulls away.
"Yes princess?" he hums, looking into your eyes, you could see his were blown by lust.
"I want you inside me" you state, looking between the both of them as you wiggle underneath Eddie's touch. "The both of you"
This ignites something in Eddie as he looks at Steve.
"You ready, big boy?"
You must have blacked out for a while, because now you were heavy panting with Steve and Eddie inside you, both stretching out your pussy as you felt yourself cumming around them, Eddie praising you for being his sweet and adorable cock slut as he pounded into you.
You looked at them both, their hair clinging to their foreheads from sweat as they panted heavily, grunting and moaning in unison as they filled you up with their cum, making you cum once more feeling it fill you up.
You collapsed with Steve and Eddie on each side of you after they pulled out, you cockdrunk, giggling, leaning over to Eddie to peck his lips, smiling against his lips.
"I love you" you said, and he chuckled, grabbing your chin to kiss you more passionate before he pulled away.
"I love you, but remember, you're still mine"
Hearing Eddie telling you you were his made your entire body ignite in a whole different way than anything. You loved his possessive side when this was the outcome. You felt safe.
"Thank you" you both jerked your head towards Steve, as he chuckled, propping himself on his elbows as he looked at you both.
"Thank you for this" he smiled, and you rolled over, your back against Eddie as Eddie pulled you close, kissing your neck as you moaned slightly.
"Can we maybe do this again?" Steve asked after a small pause, his cheeks turning crimson red as he looked at you both.
You reached out to grab his hand as Eddie stopped kissing your neck, nodding, whispering into your ear to tell Steve what you wanted.
"Ofcourse Steve, anytime" you smiled, and he looked down at your tits quick before he looked up at Eddie, asking silently if he could suck on your tits, and Eddie nodded as you giggled.
"Come here" you motioned for him to come closer, and his lips were wrapped around your nipple in an instant, making you moan.
You loved this. Having Eddie groping you, kissing your neck, his erection pressing against you as Steve were sucking on your nipples, loosing himself completely, being in his own little world as he did.
You were exactly where you were suppose to be. Sandwiched between the most awesome guys you have ever met. And you would do it all again if you got the opportunity.
I feel like the ending was shit, but idk, hope you guys liked it!
Taglist: @eddiemunsonfuxks @grimmbunniee @jadeylovesmarvelxo @charleetheefictionalfucker @anaisweird @marsmunson86 @eddiethesexy @readsalot73 @warmaidensrevenge @sherrylyn628 @sammararaven @sllooney @salenorona23 @unefemmeiconique @tessab154, @screaming-blue-bagel, @eddiesprincessposts, @lil-quinnie, @erinsingalong
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