#Edie Lehnsherr
x-populuxe · 9 months
my year in fic: 2023
Carrying on a format from the past two years! Here's 2022 & 2021.
I wrote a lot this year, but much of it remains unpublished 🥲. Not sure how I became a "way too many WIPs" person but it is what it is. I will finish and post some of them in 2024!! I swear!!!
I *did* publish three fics—one long, one medium, one short. All three of them are Cherik. Please note that I used "grudgingly" in two of these three summaries lol. You can certainly read some "grudging" undercurrents in Erik's quote in the last one, too. 🥰
1) "Repeat Offenses" ~36K words, exes to ??, written for the wonderful @ikeracity's bid during Fandom Trumps Hate!
Summary: “Prickly bits aside—hell, for the two of them, prickly bits included—it almost felt like a date. Which is stupid on multiple fronts. Grudgingly buying your ex a meal after he grudgingly bails you out of jail is obviously not a date.”
Five times Charles bailed Erik out of jail—and one time he didn’t.
2) "The Plus-One" ~15K words, fake-relationship fic (literally fake!)
Summary: When Erik grudgingly agrees to play Raven's boyfriend at her terrible family's holiday party, he'd thought the biggest challenge would be staying sober enough to make it convincing. But then he meets Raven's extremely hot—and extremely infuriating—stepbrother, and everything starts to get complicated.
3) "Resolutions" ~1K words, a vignette set on New Year's Eve
Summary: “Do you know how far I traveled tonight?” Erik snaps, making a sweeping gesture back towards the windows. “I’ve already greeted the New Year in two different time zones.”
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sansaorgana · 1 year
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PAIRING — Erik Lehnsherr x fem!Mutant!Reader
SUMMARY — Erik struggles with accepting the fact that his son is not a mutant.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Hi, it's me again 😂 This fic can be read as a part two of THIS FIC but doesn't have to be at all. It contains some fighting between Erik and Reader but I promise it all ends well! 💗 Reader’s mutation is NOT specified (as much as it was possible).
WORD COUNT — 3,930
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“No,” Erik stood up and clenched his fists to stop himself from using his mutation powers against Charles. “I do not agree,” he stated more calmly now.
“Anybody else?” Charles looked past him at the other teachers sitting inside his office.
No one else said anything, though.
“I’m sorry, Erik, you’ve lost,” Charles smirked at him.
“Fine then,” your husband clenched his jaw. “If you want to let the non-mutant children in this school, I’m leaving. I won’t teach humans.”
“Don’t be too dramatic, Erik,” you stood up as well and put your hand on his shoulder. “We’re building something special here and you know it…”
“Yes, we are,” he snapped at you and pushed your hand away, “but he wants to ruin it,” he pointed at Charles. “This place is a safe space for the mutants. Humans have always been a threat.”
“Well, obviously, the ones who hate mutants won’t be welcome here,” Charles rolled his eyes. “Your wife is right, Erik. You’re overreacting.”
“Oh, really?” Erik tilted his head. “Because I’m sure you’re going to invite everyone here soon. People who are against us so they can know us better and realize we are the same. People who admire us so they can look at us from a closer angle. I am not an animal in the zoo, Xavier, and I certainly am not a lab rat. Never again.”
“Erik, it’s just only about avoiding segregation,” you sighed. “Do you really have to make a scene? We don’t even know yet if we’re going to get permission from the government… It’s just an idea.”
“I am not going to teach non-mutants. End of discussion. They’re not welcome here,” he drawled out and that was when you heard a noise behind the door. An echo of the familiar legs running away as quickly as possible down the corridor.
“Alex…”, you whispered and laid your eyes on Erik to give him a dirty look. “I hope you’re proud of yourself,” you snarled at him before running out of Charles’ office.
Your son was fast but he wasn’t extraordinarily fast and he was a child after all, so you caught him pretty fast. In fact, there was nothing extraordinary about him and he was already ten years old, which could only mean one thing that your husband refused to ever address. For Erik, Alex was just a late bloomer but he was the only person in the whole school who was thinking that.
Because the truth was, Xavier’s School already had a non-mutant student. And it was Erik Lehnsherr’s flesh and blood.
“Alex,” you grabbed your son’s shoulder and turned him around. His eyes were full of tears and his hands were shaking. It was breaking your heart to see him like that. “Alex, what were you doing there? It was a meeting for the teachers.”
“I wanted to f-find you,” he sniffled and rubbed his eyes. “Edie did it again…” he sobbed.
Edie was your second child, named after Erik’s mother. She was six years old and her mutant powers had recently started to show. One of her favourite activities was to tease her older brother. She couldn’t understand why he was always so upset instead of teasing her back. She inherited much more from her father than just his mutation.
“What did she do?” You sighed and fixed his ruffled hair.
“Locked me in my room,” he looked down, ashamed of the fact that he had been bullied by a little girl. “I couldn’t open it, she melted the lock.”
You sighed and pressed his head to your chest. Edie’s pranks were starting to get too cruel these days.
“I will talk to her,” you promised him and kissed the top of his head. “Now, about what your father said…” you brought up the topic and Alex burst into tears once again, pressing his face even deeper into the material of your sweater. “He didn’t mean you, love,” you didn’t know what else to say.
“Of course I didn’t,” Erik’s voice made you both turn around. He looked a bit uneasy and he was keeping a distance from you two. “Because you’re a mutant, Alex. You just need more time to figure it out,” your husband added.
“No, I am not!” Alex exclaimed dramatically and ran away again but this time you didn’t chase him. Instead, you approached your husband angrily.
“That was not what he needed to hear,” you drawled out. “What he needs to hear is that you love him nevertheless,” you explained and then you took a step back and furrowed your brow while staring deep into Erik’s bright eyes. He was staring back at you without a word. “Unless you… don’t,” you whispered before turning around and leaving him alone in the middle of the corridor.
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You didn’t look for Alex after that. You decided to give him some time to cry alone first and instead of that you focused on giving Edie a lecture. One of many and probably not the last one. You loved her, of course, just like you loved her father. But sometimes you wished she was… less like him. One Erik was enough to handle.
Speaking of him, he was avoiding you for the rest of the day and he seemed to be offended because he didn’t even want to talk to you. When you bumped into him, he didn’t say “sorry” or anything, he just walked on by.
During supper he sat next to you as usual but he kept talking to Raven sitting by his other side. You were playing with your food and watching Edie from the corner of your eye. She seemed to be very giddy and joyful. Too much for a girl who had been scolded by her mother for bullying her brother. She seemed to brag to one of the boys about what she had done earlier. You stopped looking at her and started to search for your son amongst the children by the long table.
“Where is Alex?” You asked out loud after realizing that he wasn’t there.
“Probably still crying in his room,” Edie shrugged her arms and you stood up loudly, making everyone wince at the sound of the squeaking chair.
“(Y/N), let him be,” Erik laid his eyes on you for the first time since morning. “Boys process such things differently.”
“No, they don’t,” you had to fight the urge to slap his face. How could he not even be worried? How could he allow Edie to be so insolent? “Now, if you excuse me, I need to find my son,” you informed everyone and walked out of the dining room to hurry upstairs.
Alex was a son of two teachers so he had the privilege of having his own room next to yours. Not so long ago he had been sharing it with Edie but since she had started to show off her powers they had to be separated. You knocked upon the door and waited for an answer but there was none.
“Alex, baby, open the door, please. It’s me, mummy,” you whispered but there was still no answer. “I’m walking inside, honey,” you pushed the door open.
The room was dark. You put the light on only to find the room empty and your heart skipped a beat at the realization that you had absolutely no idea where your son was.
Desperately, to be absolutely sure, you looked under the bed and inside the closet but he obviously wasn’t there. So you ran back downstairs, feeling like your heart would jump out of your chest any given moment. Your head felt heavy and your ears were ringing.
“He’s not in his room,” you announced after opening the door leading to the dining room with shaky hands. Everyone went silent and looked at you. Seeing your terrified face and trembling arms, they began to worry as well. Erik stood up from the table and approached you slowly.
“He… He’s not… He’s not there, Erik,” you struggled to catch your breath out of growing anxiety as you held onto his sleeve.
“Maybe he’s hiding in the garden,” he tried to calm you down but he began to look worried as well. “I’ll look for him.”
“I will help you,” Hank left the table, too.
“And me,” Raven joined them.
“Can we help as well?” One of the students asked.
“You can stay here and finish your meal,” Charles told him. “Unless any of you has any idea where Alex can be?” he asked but there was a dead silence from all the kids. “Alright then, you stay here. We are going to look for him. I’m sure he’s nearby,” he approached you and took your hand in his. “(Y/N), come with me,” he encouraged you and you nodded before following him outside. You felt like you were inside a bad dream.
“He has never done anything like that… He… He would always tell me everything…” you stuttered out. “He’s a clingy child… With me at least… That’s so unlike him to just… To just make me worry like that.”
“I’m sure Erik will find him,” Charles tried to calm you down and you both went outside where the rest of the adults had been looking for your son.
You could hear their voices calling out Alex’s name but you were too petrified to move and help them. You felt helpless. Ten minutes passed and there was apparently no sign of him still being around the mansion.
“He’s not here,” Hank walked up to you and Charles and shook his head. Erik followed him, paler than ever.
“When was the last time you saw Alex?” Your husband asked you.
“The same time you did,” you snapped at him. “I gave him some time after what you had said to him and it was my mistake. I should have gone after him and left that brat Edie to you.”
“Hey, hey,” Erik took a step back and put his arms in the air like he was giving up, “don’t take it out on me and certainly not on our daughter. Charles,” he looked down at his friend, “you can find Alex, right? You shouldn’t have a problem with that.”
“Well…” Charles sighed and hesitated for a moment, “I’m a telepath but it’s easier to connect with other mutants.”
“Excellent then,” Erik nodded.
“I’m going to try but considering the fact Alex is not a mutant…” Charles began again, less delicately this time.
“He is,” Erik protested, “come on, Xavier, you know that he is. We’ve talked about it, you were supposed to help him to find out what his mutation was. Just because you haven’t found it yet…”
“Wait, what?!” You interrupted him with a scream. It was the first time you had ever heard of it. 
“I tried but… Erik, there is really nothing there…” Charles explained but you didn’t let him finish. You approached your husband and pushed him away.
“Hey!” He exclaimed.
“Stay away!” You yelled. “It’s all your fault, stay away!”
“(Y/N), calm down. Charles needs to focus if you want him to find Alex,” Hank tried to put his arm around you but you pushed him away as well. Your anger and worry made your powers grow stronger and stronger with every minute.
“You’re so full of shit, Erik,” you could feel your whole body melting under the power of your own mutation. Your every nerve and every muscle was filled with anger. You could kill him with a snap of your fingers if you wanted to. “So, your son is a human. In a place like this, though, he is the outsider. He is the one needing protection here. And instead of doing what a father should do, you were pushing him, behind my back, arranging secret sessions with Charles… You… Can’t you see that what you’re doing isn’t far from what has been done to you?” you asked while walking slowly towards him. Those were rare moments to see Erik Lehnsherr genuinely scared of anyone but it was one of them. “He’s not a lab rat or a weapon. He’s a person. And all that boy has ever wanted was for you to love him. You have no idea how many times he’s been asking me about it. Does dad love me? And I have never been brave enough to tell him to ask you instead. Because I was scared of your answer. But now I know it,” you finished with your face only a few inches away from his.
“No, you don’t. You think you do but you don’t,” Erik whispered and swallowed thickly. He wasn’t even trying to defend himself, it was like he had known, deep down, that he deserved it. “You must be insane if you think I don’t love him,” his words were almost inaudible at this point; only for your ears to hear.
“Then act like it,” you drawled out.
“Mrs. Lehnsherr!” One of the children’s voices made you turn around. It was the boy Edie had been talking to earlier. You had noticed a few times that he quite liked to pick on your son as well whenever there was such an opportunity.
“What do you want?” You asked him rudely.
“I’m sorry I haven’t told you earlier…” he started as his voice broke. He looked scared and worried. “I know where Alex went… I saw him… I’m sorry, I should have said…” he started crying and you approached him quickly. “I’m so sorry…” he kept repeating.
“Stop apologizing and tell me where he is,” you grabbed him by his shoulders.
“(Y/N),” Charles raised his hand. He didn’t want you to be too rough with the students but you didn’t care. You wanted your son to be safe and back at home.
“I asked him where he was going… He told me he was running away to New York to get adopted by... normal people. I think he took the bus or something,” the boy sniffled.
“When was it?” You asked.
“Not long before supper.”
“He must be on the station or on that bus then,” you heard Erik’s voice. “I’m going,” he added and ran to the hangar to get one of the cars.
You wanted to stop him. To tell him that you should be there, too. But you were so heartbroken after what that student had told you that you couldn’t say a word. You couldn’t believe that your son wanted to be adopted by a different… normal family.
“Let’s go back inside,” you loosened the grip on the boy’s shoulders. “Thank you for telling me. You’ve done the right thing,” you added with a broken smile.
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It was almost two in the morning and everyone was asleep except for you and Charles. You were in the living room, waiting for Erik’s return. Edie was also there, she refused to go to her bedroom before seeing Alex again but she fell asleep with her head on your lap around eleven. You were playing with her hair to keep your hands busy. 
Apparently it had been her. She had noticed the other student’s odd behaviour and it had been her threatening him to tell you everything. She had been crying and shaking in your arms and blaming herself. But you weren’t angry with her anymore. She was only six years old and putting a blame on her would be unfair. It would only make her feel even worse. It had been Erik who should have known better. Not her.
“They’re back,” Charles whispered after hearing a car on the driveway.
“Both of them?” You asked, worriedly.
“Yes,” he closed his eyes for a moment, “I can sense them both.”
You sighed with relief and gently moved Edie’s head away from your lap to put it on the sofa’s cushion. Then you stood up and walked out to see Erik and Alex entering the mansion.
When you saw them, you froze for a moment because Alex was being carried by Erik in his arms.
“He’s asleep,” your husband informed you immediately. “He fell asleep on our way here,” Erik explained. “He’s fine,” he added and you nodded.
“You couldn’t just wait at the next bus stop, right?” Charles’ voice interrupted you from behind. He was looking at Erik with a smirk. He had just been looking through his memories to find out what had exactly happened. “You just had to dramatically stop the bus in the middle of the road?”
“Yes, in fact, I had to,” Erik drawled out at his friend, “because my son was in there.”
“Alex!” Edie ran up to you. Her hair was ruffled and her eyes were squinted – she was barely awake – but she had a big smile on her face. Her calling woke Alex up and he moved in Erik’s arms before yawning and looking down at his sister. “Alex!” She called once again and extended her hands towards him. Erik put the boy on the ground so his sister could give him a hug. “I’m sorry I locked you in your room!” She cried happy tears and squeezed her brother tighter.
“It’s okay…” Alex hugged her back.
“I will never do it again!” Edie squealed.
“And you?” You crossed your arms and looked at your son.
“I will never do it again either. I’m sorry, mum…” He avoided your eyes, ashamed and scared. You crouched down and hugged him as well to place a kiss on his forehead.
“I’m glad Alex is safe. I’ll leave you now,” Charles nodded his head and went away quietly.
“Where did you even get the money from? For the ticket?” You asked your son.
“From dad’s wallet…” Alex looked down but you laughed instead of scolding him.
“Guess how much he’s taken,” Erik smiled for the first time in hours and you shook your head. “A hundred.”
“A hundred?!” You let out a laugh and Edie giggled. “Alex, how much do you think a ticket to New York costs?”
“I didn’t know how much it would be! I was worried it wouldn’t be enough!” Alex explained and you burst into happy tears of joy and relief to have him back. You kissed his forehead again.
“What did you do with the change?”
“I bought some comic books at the station,” he pointed at his small backpack. “And a bag of chips in case I get hungry.”
“Priorities,” Erik hummed.
“It’s time to go to bed now,” you announced when the clock struck two. “We will talk about it tomorrow before breakfast,” you stood up and Alex nodded. You took him by his hand to take him to his bedroom. Erik picked little Edie up off the ground to carry her upstairs as well. She was so sleepy she looked like she’d fall asleep standing.
When both children were already in their beds, you went to your own bedroom in silence.
“What did you tell him?” You asked when the door closed behind Erik and you were the only awake people in the whole mansion at that hour.
“Well, at first everyone was scared of me, of course…” He started.
“Yeah, no kidding,” you rolled your eyes.
“I told the bus driver my son had run away from home and that he must be there. The guy pointed his finger at Alex immediately. Not many ten year olds travel on their own. I just took him to the car,” Erik explained and sat down on the bed to run his fingers through his hair. He was exhausted.
“So… you didn’t talk to him? You haven’t told him anything?” You were shocked.
“What was I supposed to…? Listen, I was fuming! He stole my money and ran away and he’s only ten! Imagine what he’s gonna be like in five years! Absolute nightmare! I was worried sick and I was angry, so I decided it would be for the best if I shut my mouth. I have a tendency of making everything worse when I speak,” he lowered his voice in the end and put his face in the palms of his hands.
“I was too harsh to you earlier,” you sat next to him and gently took his hands in yours to move them away from his face, “I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I was worried.”
“No, you were right,” Erik sighed and looked up to meet your gaze. “I was lying to myself and pushing him. It’s… I didn’t expect to have a human son. We are both powerful mutants, it shouldn’t have happened… Now all my beliefs and opinions and… And everything… It is being questioned. And it makes me feel uneasy,” he confessed but not without the visible struggle.
“Oh, Erik…” you sighed and cupped his face to caress his cheeks with your thumbs. “Perhaps boys really do process such things differently,” you chuckled.
“I’ve maimed and killed for the idea of mutants’ supremacy. If I abandon it now… What would that make me? A hypocrite. A traitor to the cause,” he clenched his jaw as a tear rolled down his cheek.
“It would make you a good father, Erik,” you wiped that tear with your thumb, “and that’s all that should matter. Also, people change. It’s a natural process. You’ve changed once already, after being hurt by Schmidt. Because before that you hadn’t been like this either,” you reminded him and a short silence occurred between you two.
“Why do you always have to be right?” he sighed and you laughed softly before leaning in to place a kiss on his forehead.
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When you went to Alex’s room in the morning, he was still asleep, which was not surprising after a night like that. You sat on the edge of his bed to caress your son’s hair and Erik opened his backpack to look at the comic books your son had bought.
“They’re about superheroes,” he noticed.
“Aren’t they all?” You asked.
“Mum…?” Alex opened his eyes slowly and covered his mouth to yawn before rubbing his eyes.
“Hey, sleepy head,” you greeted him softly. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” he sat up and extended his hands to give you a hug. You leaned in to put your arms around him and squeeze him tight.
“Your dad has something to tell you,” you said and moved back. Erik cleared his throat and sat next to you as Alex watched carefully while making big eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Erik started with an apology, which was quite unusual for him. “I’m sorry I made an impression that…” he hesitated. “No, it wasn’t making an impression. No more excuses. I’m sorry for pushing you into being a mutant. You are…” he sighed. “You are perfect the way you are because you are my son,” he finished. He had never expected to give such a talk to a non-mutant.
You felt tears forming in your eyes at his words and you squeezed Erik’s cold hand to give him more courage.
“But… I don’t have any cool superpowers,” Alex whined. “I wish I had.”
“Your superpower is being yourself and that’s enough,” Erik assured him. “And I’m sorry I haven’t seen it earlier. Even though you can’t defend yourself as well as me or your mum or your sister, I will never let anything bad happen to you,” he leaned in to give Alex a hug and pressed his son’s head to his chest. “You’re making me a better person and I was scared of that but I am not anymore. I love you.”
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gerec · 1 month
any fics which charles has the same vibe as Our House, In The Middle Of Our Street or Paper Monsters, aka fics in which Charles embarrasses himself due to the big crush he has for Erik.
Guys I have one more ask to answer after this one and then I'm officially taking a short break on answering rec posts. But I plan to pin a master post on my blog of the stuff I get asked most frequently for easy reference. Stay tuned and happy reading!!!
Hi Anon, I believe the hilarious/charming fics on this list mostly fit the bill :D
best-laid plans by ikeracity
Charles decides that the best way to confess his feelings to his best friend is to surprise Erik at his apartment, naked, wearing nothing but a bow. It's perhaps one of Charles's worst ideas--or his best.
Order Up by ikeracity
Charles has a terrible habit of multitasking, and that is probably why he absentmindedly tells the pizza man that he loves him when hanging up.
Then the pizza man says it back. And Charles is pretty much smitten from there.
Favorite Mistake by endingthemes
Charles Xavier doesn’t think anything of it when he sneaks out without even saying goodbye to his latest one-night stand. What he doesn’t expect is to walk into his new position in the Xavier Industries marketing department and find that his latest hook-up is now his new boss.
erikhotfacelehnsherr by ikeracity
Charles has an embarrassing wifi password. When the subject of said embarrassing wifi password comes over, things get a little awkward.
going up? by annejumps
Charles encounters a hot man in the elevator. Charles assumes he doesn't understand English. Charles might be wrong.
Never Assume (Remix of going up?) by Fullmetalcarer
Charles fixates on a devastingly attractive lizard person who shares his turbo-lift and makes certain assumptions about their linguistic skills . . .
come as you are by scarlettblush
Hospital AU. The one where Charles unknowingly woos a coma patient with Pride and Prejudice. Years later, they meet again.
What Doesn't Kill You (Tactics and Strategy Remix) by pearl_o (don't forget to read the original!)
Charles is a graduate student with a crush on the professor he's TA-ing for and a side job at a strip club. Thankfully, his little sister is always full of helpful advice.
Smoke and Mirrors by dreamweavers
When newly paralysed Charles meets Erik in a coffee shop, a fit of nerves prompts him to project himself standing without need of his wheelchair. It all backfires when Erik asks him out on a date, forcing Charles to deepen his lies and, ultimately, face his fears.
Warning: Emergency Pull Tab by ikeracity
Knocking a guy over with an inflatable pool and nearly giving him a concussion is probably not the best flirting technique in the world, but if there's anyone who can pull it off, it's Charles.
Is it Erik with a C or a K? by ikeracity, kageillusionz
When Charles sexts his boss instead of his latest squeeze during one late night of report writing, the first thing he expects is a sexual harassment law suit and the last thing is Mr. Lehnsherr actually fucking him hard into his desk.
Infamous Ink by ConsultingWriter 
Charles has an embarrassing tattoo and a date with the no-nonsense, always professional, and terribly handsome Erik Lehnsherr.
The Wurst Case Scenario by sareyen
If anyone asked why Charles, come rain, wind or shine, made the significant trek during his dismal lunch hour to dine at "Edie's Kosher Delicatessen", he would stubbornly say that it was because their pastrami on rye and potato knishes were absolutely to die for. He wasn't completely lying, because the deli's namesake, Edie Lehnsherr, made the best matzah ball soup Charles has ever had in his life. Still, Charles would rather shave his full head of hair off than admit that the real reason he would willingly walk through hail and fire to get to the corner deli was because of Erik, the insanely attractive man working the counter.
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cherikdogfood · 4 months
Mutant!Erik and Human!Charles
A sneak peek of my fic for #cherikweek2024 4th of June, because I don't think I can post it on time (it's long okay T-T):
Erik Lehnsherr, better known as "Magneto", was the leader of the Brotherhood, a non-profit organization that advocated for Mutant Rights. Magneto's fancy cape, public stunts, and grand speeches about mutant powers (read: mutant supremacy) made him a well-known public figure. Mutants loved him, while humans liked and hated him in equal measure.
The humans' opinions of him did not matter, of course, because Erik knew he was doing this for his people -- for mutants like him who had once been too scared to be themselves.
But everything changed when he met Charles.
Charles, who was very much human and yet very loving and kind. Charles, who had opened a school and sanctuary for mutants, teaching them with patience and so much care. Charles, who looked at the displays of his power in amazement instead of fear. Charles, who said "there is more to you than you know" and "you're not alone".
It took three years of careful courting and wooing and dating and working through their differences, but the result was oh so worth it. Erik and Charles got married in New York, with Erik's mother, Edie, and Charles' shapeshifter sister, Raven, celebrating with them.
Life after marriage was still the same, if not better. Erik loved waking up next to Charles, fluffy brown hair in disarray, and Erik enjoyed using his powers to bring his husband breakfast in bed ("You're such a show-off it's embarrassing, Erik," Emma had said).
Life was simply wonderful.
Of course, Erik was still the Leader of the Brotherhood, even though Charles sometimes disagreed with his methods or speeches, the two of them were accustomed to their ideological debates over chess. No matter how big the fight between them became, they always, always returned into each others' arms.
Of course, since Erik (or Magneto) was a public figure, he knew that the media could be a dangerous enemy, so he always made sure to keep his private life private. However, there were bound to be... slip-ups.
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dick-helmet-magneto · 1 month
In a mood so let's have the idea of Erik and Charles arguing about humans again. And by mood I mean I want some agnst because by humans I mean Moria vs Magda. It will be emotional as you think it would be!
Okay the idea of Erik going on and on about his hatred for humans (Moria) and Charles reminding him that Magda, his first love, was a human too. Not only that, but his mother. I feel like that's always forgotten. Number 1 Mama's Boy Erik Lehnsherr is against the very thing his mother was.
But also there's the idea of Moria being around and Charles dating her. Erik HATES her. He goes on and on about how much he doesn't like her, doesn't like humans, really. And how Charles could do better. He could be dating a mutant at least. An age old argument between the two of them. Only for Erik to then go out, meet Magda and fall in love. Charles holding it over his head for as long as his and Magda's love lasts. Much longer than Charles and Moira made it, at least. Erik insisting that Magda was an exception to the rule, she didn't follow it and was so much better than the other humans, she understood and knew what Erik was talking about. She listened to him and wasn't afraid of him. She loved him and really, that was all Erik was after, love.
the thing is, no one would ever believe Erik. They would insist there was another reason behind their marriage. Surely Magneto wouldn't just marry a human for no reason (it wasn't no reason, Erik would insist, it was because I love her). I'm not even sure Charles would believe Erik until he saw them for himself. There's no way he would believe the man he had spend hours and hours debating mutant superiority with would just simply put aside his beliefs and convictions for someone he met one day and ended up falling in love with.
The point remains that two of the most important women to Erik (maybe 3 if we're counting Ruth) were humans. Charles would insist on using that against him just to see Erik turn red with anger in their arguments and stomp off angrily because he can't deny it or argue against that.
Moira was just the worst of the worst. The Spider Georg of bad humans. She should not be counted because she is an outlier. Look at Magda and Edie instead.
In conclusion:
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arale2126 · 5 months
Cherik fics - That ONE line - 77
「I feel like I should keep an index of the one line in each Cherik fics that impresses me to no end, making want to bookmark it immediately.」
The Wurst Case Scenario by sareyen
Summary: If anyone asked why Charles, come rain, wind or shine, made the significant trek during his dismal lunch hour to dine at "Edie's Kosher Delicatessen", he would stubbornly say that it was because their pastrami on rye and potato knishes were absolutely to die for. He wasn't completely lying, because the deli's namesake, Edie Lehnsherr, made the best matzah ball soup Charles has ever had in his life. Still, Charles would rather shave his full head of hair off than admit that the real reason he would willingly walk through hail and fire to get to the corner deli was because of Erik, the insanely attractive man working the counter.
Sure, Erik has barely spoken two words to Charles other than "Hello, what can I get you?" or, after the third day in a row that Charles came to the deli, "Welcome back, what can I get you?", but Charles was more than happy to just ogle at the man from afar while devouring the juicy wurst Erik had put together with his (large and very capable) hands.
But, little does Charles know, Erik doesn't usually work the front counter. He only does it when he knows the cute blue-eyed man will be dining in.
The quote:
‘Oh, G-tt,’ Erik cursed to himself as he watched from his periphery as the man took bite after bite, each one punctuated with a soft, full-mouthed moan or a little sigh of satisfaction, and Erik’s brain was having a meltdown. 
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matthew-novak · 2 years
For anyone interested, I posted the first chapter to a new Cherik fix I’ve been writing for awhile.
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier Erik Lehnsherr & Charles XavierCharles Xavier Erik Lehnsherr Emma Frost Edie LehnsherrDom/sub Fluff and Smut erik works in a deli shop Professor Charles Xavier First Meetings Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Dom Erik Lehnsherr Sub Charles Xavier Meet-Cute Protective Erik Lehnsherr Shy Charles Xavier
It was raven that had ultimately gotten him to go to this club, insisting that she was done listening to Charles complain about his lack of romantic and sexual life.
Charles himself had picked out the club though, the packed club by the name of LEATHERBOYZ had been in the back of his mind for months, he more or less had no experience in the kink community, but the idea of a dom/sub relationship had always intrigued him, but previous partners had never really been able to satisfy those wants.
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i. ⸻ general.
name: Erik Lehnsherr alias(es): Magneto, Max Eisenhart gender: Male spoken language(s): English, German, Polish, French (plus some Spanish, Russian and Yiddish) sexual preference(s): bisexual (preference for women) occupation(s): Mutant Community Leader / Retired
ii. ⸻ appearance.
eye colour: Grey-blue hair colour: Brown / Auburn height: 6ft major scars: he has a lot of scars, the main ones are on his upper arm (from Mystique), on the back of his head (from Beast), on his stomach (barfight), and a whole load of others from fights. (All the physical scars from his time with Schmidt have faded.)
iii. ⸻ favorite
colour: Red / maroon & black song: No song in particular, but the Yiddish music that played at his and Magda's wedding, and the Polish lullabies he sung to Nina will always be significant to him food: Challah drink: Black coffee
iv. ⸻ have they ...
passed university: No had sex: Yes had sex in public: No gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant: No (so many times dammit Erik) kissed a boy: Yes kissed a girl: Yes gotten tattoos: Yes, though not by choice gotten piercings: No been in love: Yes stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes
v. ⸻ are they ...
a virgin: No a cuddler: With the right person a kisser: Sometimes scared easily: No jealous easily: Depends trustworthy: Yes dominant: Yes submissive: Rarely in love: Verse dependent single: Verse dependent
vi ⸻ random questions.
have they harmed themselves: No thought of suicide: Yes wanted to kill someone: So many times have/had a job: Yes have any fears: Yes - mainly centred around his loved ones
vii ⸻ family.
sibling(s): None parent(s): Jakob Lehnsherr (deceased), Edie Lehnsherr (deceased) significant other: Verse dependent (main two: Lagertha & Matthew Murdock ) pet(s): None, though Genosha keeps plenty of chickens and goats
Tagged by: @survivorofhellskitchen <3
Tagging: @defectivexfragmented , @wcrriorhearts , @shieldretired , @acertainfemininemystique & anyone else who wants <3
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priscus · 8 months
erik was born in 1930 in görlitz, germany to jakob and edie lehnsherr. jakob lehnsherr was a jeweler and owned a small shop in görlitz’s old town. the business suffered when germany began boycotting jewish businesses and passed the neuremburg laws in the early 1930s. the lehnsherrs continued to endure, but fled germany for poland shortly following the events of kristallnacht in november of 1938 when jakob’s business was ransacked and burned. the lehnsherrs took refuge with some of edie’s relatives in warsaw, poland.
in 1940, the warsaw ghetto was established and both the lehnsherrs and their relatives were forcibly relocated to its confines. erik, age 10, quickly turned to smuggling and stealing what he could to help his family survive; often sneaking out of the ghetto whenever possible to find food or money. he even went to far as to express his desire to rise up against the guards that patrolled the ghetto. his father, however, advocated for non-violence, believing it would help them survive.
by 1942, erik and his family were deported from the warsaw ghetto to auschwitz ii-birkenau, where they were separated from their relatives. erik was separated from his parents upon arrival and, in his desperation to get back to his mother, displayed his powers for the first time by rending the large barbed wire gate separating them nearly in two before he was knocked unconscious by one of the guards. it was at this time that erik drew the attention of nazi scientists. erik’s mother was executed in front of him in an attempt to get him to use his powers, at which point the nazis began performing various medical experiments on him in order to provoke and study his powers.
during his time in auschwitz, erik was forced to work as a sonderkommando in the camp crematoriums. sonderkommandos were kept isolated from other prisoners and were responsible for disposing of dead prisoners. while most sonderkommando were routinely executed and replaced, erik was kept under both orders from the head nazi scientist and due to his skill with fixing/maintaining the crematoriums. erik participated in the sonderkommando revolt in october 1944, but the sonderkommandos were unsuccessful in escaping and most were subsequently executed.
when auschwitz was evacuated in 1945, erik was forced into one of the death marches with thousands of other remaining prisoners, intended to be relocated to another camp in germany. it was during this march that erik escaped with the aid of his powers. he fled into the countryside and was taken in by a family in the upper silesia region of poland, not far from where auschwitz was located. he remained with them until after the end of the war, keeping his powers a secret.
once erik reached his twenties, he returned to warsaw and enrolled in the university of warsaw. there he studied mechanical engineering and began his pursuit of the nazi collaborators that had been involved in his torture and experimentation while in auschwitz.
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x-populuxe · 1 year
Rating: Mature Fandom: X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Edie Lehnsherr & Erik Lehnsherr Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Edie Lehnsherr, Ororo Munroe, Angel Salvadore, Kitty Pryde, Azazel (X-Men), Armando Muñoz, Bobby Drake Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Still Have Powers, 5 Times, Activism, Protests, Law Enforcement, Politics, Canon Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Food, Restaurants, Alcohol Words: 35,740 Summary: “Prickly bits aside—hell, for the two of them, prickly bits included—it almost felt like a date. Which is stupid on multiple fronts. Grudgingly buying your ex a meal after he grudgingly bails you out of jail is obviously not a date.”
Five times Charles bailed Erik out of jail—and one time he didn’t.
My fic for @fandomtrumpshate 2023 is live! A million thank yous to @ikeracity for bidding on me and for giving me such a wonderful prompt—I had so much fun writing this story over the past few months. 💕
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magnetiik · 2 years
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FULL NAME & ALIAS: max eisenhardt aka magneto CURRENT TEAM(S): brotherhood of arakko PREVIOUS ALIASES: erik lehnsherr AGE: 90′s (but doesn’t appear to be) SPECIES: mutant MULTIVERSAL ORIGIN: 616
GENDER IDENTITY: male (he/him) SEXUALITY:  (demi)bisexual NATIONALITY: german, krakoan/arakkii ETHNICITY: white/jewish
FACE CLAIM: nikolaj coster-waldau SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: 24005 branded onto his arm from auschwitz HAIR COLOR: grey/white EYE COLOR: blue/grey ACCENT: ambiguous (german/polish/british type as a result of him living so many places throughout his life) CURRENT COSTUME: the all white uniform from house of x
CURRENT HOME: arakko PAST OCCUPATION: quiet council of krakoa CURRENT OCCUPATION: member of the brotherhood of arakko SNAP STATUS: n/a
SIBLING(S): ruth eisenhardt (sister, deceased) PARTNER(S): magda eisenhardt (wife, deceased), suzanna dane (affair, deceased) CHILDREN: anya eisenhardt (daughter, deceased), lorna dane (daughter), wanda maximoff (chosen daughter) PARENT(S): jakob & edie eisenhardt (deceased)
the name ‘erik magnus lehnsherr’ was an identity he took on after the death of his daughter anya. after using his powers for the first time, the kgb was sent after him and it was them that prevented him from saving anya from a burning building. because of his powers, and because he killed the men holding him back from saving his daughter, he was forced to run and take on a new name. he lived as erik lehnsherr most of his life, but has decided to use his birth name once again. he will always be magneto, but he doesn’t have to hide anymore. his parents named him max— now he chooses to remember and honor a small part of his past.
before completely dedicating his life to the mutant cause, he was a nazi hunter
max is good at crafting, and actually enjoys it. as a child, he was taught how to make jewelry and took a special liking to creating necklaces (which he often gifted magda). he tries to make time for his creativity, but being who he is.. well, it’s difficult.
wanda maximoff is not his biological daughter, as it turns out. but they have come a long way together. she will always be his daughter. even while his relationship with wanda’s brother peitro is strained, max still sees him as his son. it’s up to pietro to determine how he feels about their connection.
jean grey is also like a daughter to him.
max is an atheist. while his jewish upbringing remains an important part of his past and identity, his experiences in the camps changed him.
charles xavier. they’ve known each other a long, long time and have spent most of it at odds. but max has always respected and even admired him— even if they have distinct beliefs and methods. more recently, they have been able to work together for the future of mutants.
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le-amewzing · 2 years
A tender moment
An old Cherik oneshot from Charles' POV, set during training in First Class~ B3c
Fic: "A tender moment" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: pre?Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr
Rating: K+
Words: ~1,030
Additional info: romance, slash, friendship, 3rd person POV
Summary: Training isn't all it's cracked up to be. Charles has his own barriers to break.
      "All right. I'd like you to try something."
      Erik smiled, confident. "Anything."
      Charles swallowed the lump in his throat. This was going to be difficult, he imagined, and Erik was not making this any easier by being so jovial around him. "Fine then… Turn that to face us," he said, pointing to the large metal satellite on the grounds of the Xavier estate.
      The color drained from the metal magician's face. His voice was shaky as he asked, "That…? Are you joking?"
      "I know you can do it."
      "Yes, and you told Alex he can focus his power." Erik snorted. "…I'll see what I can do."
      Charles allowed Erik to push him gently aside, and Charles watched from behind as Erik stuck out both of his hands towards the satellite. It was always interesting to watch Erik use his powers, for oftentimes he seemed as though he were doing nothing at all. Then there were these instances, when he had both hands up and his face was flushed generously and all his concentration was so centered on his task that he nearly blocked the world out.
      He couldn't move it. "Told you so," Erik nagged, breathing heavily and leaning on the stone railing of the balcony.
      The telepath tentatively took a step closer. "Don't be that way, Erik."
      "Charles, my powers work best when I'm angry. I mean, that's bigger than Schmidt's boat. And I've little anger in me today."
      "You know…I have a feeling, that your powers—their strength comes from your perfect concentration, which can be found probably somewhere between your anger…and your calm."
      "I have no 'calm.'"
      Charles frowned at Erik's jesting grin. The telepath raised two fingers to his own temple. "May I?"
      Erik seemed to fight back a sigh. "Go ahead."
      Charles pressed his fingers into his temple and concentrated. It was easy enough to block out everything else and focus on Erik. Charles found his mind fell the easiest into his friend's, and he often wondered if—despite all his complaining—Erik was the one at the most peace with Charles' probing. The others weren't too happy when he did it, but Erik had this kind of…inane trust in him. It was quite flattering, really, and Charles stopped dwelling on it, for his face was growing warm—and not from the use of his powers.
      Inside Erik's mind, he weaved his way through the recent memories—trying to turn the satellite, eating dinner last night, watching the younger mutants train, watching Charles himself read a book, glaring at Moira as she interrupted Erik and Charles' conversation, watching Charles go off to think on a walk down some corridor, over and over and over. Charles was surprised and broke his concentration for a split second, but Erik just stared at him, his poker face nicely set. Charles resumed his mindreading, pushing past the older recent memories—coming to the Xavier estate, finding other mutants, going to that offshoot CIA building, being found by the Coast Guard and Charles and Moira, being rescued…well, interrupted by Charles with his arms around Erik's chest in the water and his words filling Erik's brain while he had that annoyingly sweet and caring look on his face. The telepath paused again but didn't look at his friend this time; if he entered those dangerous waters, he'd have to talk to Erik about them later. Right now, he needed to push even harder.
      So deeper Charles went, through Erik's early twenties and all the way into his childhood. Charles ignored the memories of Shaw, Schmidt, whatever the bloody villain was calling himself now, and found…good thoughts, happy little memories. One stood out, spoke out to Charles, of a young Erik celebrating a religious holiday with his mother, Edie. They gently sang whilst they lit a menorah for Chanukah, and Charles found emotion welling up inside both him and Erik—so much so that Charles broke his concentration and stared into the eyes of today's Erik. Charles saw a tear slip down Erik's right cheek, and he felt one slip down his own left one.
      Yes. Now that was a powerful memory.
      "That was a beautiful memory, Erik. Thank you for sharing with me," Charles breathed.
      Erik stiffly nodded. "It's one of…before things happened. Before she died."
      Charles nodded. Early on when they'd first met, he'd skimmed through Erik's mind, almost like a safety precaution. He knew exactly when and how Edie Lehnsherr had died.
      "Now what?" Erik asked, some exasperation leaking into his tone.
      "Now try," the telepath suggested, urging his friend on with an understanding smile.
      Erik sighed and faced the satellite once more. He put a hand up and thought of happier times, of times when he hadn't been so full of anger.
      Charles prayed for the best.
      With a little more patience, both men heard the scrape of metal, and they watched as the satellite slowly began turning towards them. Charles released a breathy laugh and clapped his hands together, walking to Erik's side. He looked at his friend.
      "You said it should face us."
      "That was amazing!" The telepath laughed, and even the metal magician found it into him to smile, albeit slightly. "See? You can do anything if you put your mind to it."
      "Or if we put your mind to it," Erik gently teased.
      "Yes, yes… Well, shall we move on?" Charles suggested, gesturing to the path ahead of them.
      Erik nodded and fell into step beside the professor. "So, Charles…"
      "Mm?" He stopped watching his feet and picked his head up.
      "While you were rooting around in my head…"
      Erik smirked at him, a kind of…come-hither? smirk that Charles hadn't really seen on him before. It made Charles clear his mind, as his pulse kicked up a bit. "While you were there, did you find anything you liked?"
      That was it. Charles knew his face must've looked as red as Raven's hair. But honestly—how was he supposed to answer that?!
      Erik laughed. "Come now, Charles, and share with me what's on your mind. Though I have an idea."
      The telepath inwardly groaned. Sometimes he wondered if Erik were the mind reader….
XD Sweet! I do love them. And I love writing condescending/playful Erik. He's not evil at all! ;]
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2022 note: :D I forgot all the Cherik bits added into this one, *lol*. Happy there were few edits to make; not as happy that they were obvious typos, tho, urgh. But at least revisiting an 11yo fic lets me fix that!
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sansaorgana · 1 year
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PAIRING — Erik Lehnsherr x fem!Mutant!Reader
SUMMARY — You’re a teacher at Charles’ school where you live with your daughter but the life you’re living is far from what you want it to be. After a disagreement with Charles about your role in his institution, you pay your husband a visit. Maybe there’s still a chance to make the things right.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I wanted to write it for MONTHS ??? and I finally did in one sitting and I’m so proud of myself! I know that not many people are into X–Men fics anymore (???) but honestly, I just had to write it and get it out of my system 💗 It’s based very very loosely on the plot of the movies and takes place more less when Dark Phoenix’s plot is. Reader’s mutation is NOT specified.
WORD COUNT — 3,150
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Raven was pissed. You knew her long enough to see it in her eyes and the way her fingers twitched nervously now and then. Everyone focused on Jane after the weird incident in outer space but from the corner of your eye, you could see Raven’s anger. And you were observing her because you were pissed, too. You knew she would be on the same page with you.
Risking your life for Charles was supposed to be over now. You didn’t sign up for any of that – tight, pathetic superhero’s suit and journalists taking pictures of you leaving the ship, asking you questions; all the sensation and headlines. You never wanted to be a hero. You just wanted to be with your people – with other mutants – safe and happy. You wanted peace.
Charles mostly cared about his school’s PR in front of the humans and it was exhausting. It was nothing like you had been imagining your life to be. Especially now, when you had so much to lose.
Raven went to Charles’ office to argue with him but you didn’t join her. You had your disagreements in the past but you knew she was tough enough to do it without your backup and you were needed somewhere else anyway.
You passed a bunch of kids – your students – congratulating you on the staircase.
“That was so cool, Mrs. Lehnsherr!” some boy’s cheeks blushed as he gasped like he was choking on air. You faked a kind smile at him.
You didn’t want him to think that risking your life for Charles was something admirable. You didn’t want to raise these kids to be superheroes. You just wanted them to be mutants capable of controlling their forces; future adults feeling comfortable in their own skin.
“Thank you, darling,” you whispered before opening the wooden door and disappearing inside the room. You took a deep breath out of relief when all the outside noise became muffled behind the door.
“Mum!” a young girl’s voice whined and you smiled at the girl laying on the bed. She took her headphones off and pouted at you, “You haven’t knocked!” she scolded you.
Edie was eight years old now – big enough to want her privacy and you hated that. Not because you didn’t want her to have her own space but because you hated to see her so grown up. You wished her to stay little forever like she was when she was two or three, giggling in her father’s arms when he was throwing her in the air in the kitchen.
You smiled sadly at the memory.
“I’m sorry, Edie. I had to hide from them as fast as I could,” you sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. She turned off her walkman and put the headphones away. “Why weren’t you waiting for me downstairs? I couldn’t wait to see your face.”
“You know why, mum,” she sniffled and you furrowed your brows before looking at her face. Then you spotted the dried out tears on her cheeks.
“Oh, Edie,” you gasped before pulling her closer and hugging her tight. She pressed her face to your chest and you hid your face in her hair before kissing the top of her head. “Mummy will always come back to you, little Edie.”
Edie hated you going on missions. She was terrified that you wouldn’t come back to her. She often refused to watch anything related to them on TV (which was difficult) and she would just sit in her room and block out the noise with her headphones.
“I’m back, I’m fine,” you caressed her back.
“I know that you all almost died today. I was nervous and I changed the radio station to news,” she admitted and sobbed as her small body trembled in your arms. Your heart broke.
“I promise I won’t ever go again,” you bit on your lower lip as your eyes filled with tears, too.
“You always say that and then uncle Charles asks you for one last favour.”
You didn’t answer her. She was right.
“I miss dad,” she added and you froze at that.
“I miss him, too,” you only admitted, almost inaudibly.
“Why can’t we be with him?” Edie looked up to meet your gaze. You caressed her wet cheeks and sighed.
“You know why, Edie. It’s not the kind of life I’d want for us.”
“And this is?” she asked innocently but once again there was no answer from you.
You just didn’t know what to say.
“You can visit your dad tomorrow. How about that?” you proposed to make her feel better and she nodded eagerly while giving you a wide smile.
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“You’re driving too fast, mum,” Edie giggled and her voice brought you back to reality. You slowed down immediately after realising that she had been right.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. “I’m angry.”
“Because we’re going to see daddy?”
“No. I had a fight with uncle Charles this morning,” you admitted.
“About yesterday?”
“Yes,” you nodded but refused to share the details. Edie was too young to be burdened with things like that.
“Do you think dad’s gonna like my new trick?” she grinned at you, playing with the metal balls inside her hand. She had recently learnt how to make them float in all sorts of ways and even change their shape. Sometimes it was funny and sometimes it was visually beautiful.
“I think he’s gonna love it,” you assured her and parked the car on the roadside near the trailer park where Erik and his followers lived.
Of course he refused to call them followers. These days, they were just comrades or whatever. But you weren’t a fool. You’d known him for years. He always had followers.
Edie was practising her tricks while walking alongside you all the way to the trailer park and you were smiling at her and pretending to listen to her rambling but, in fact, you were far away with your thoughts.
You were looking around and caught yourself wondering… Would it really be that bad to live there? Of course the standard was way worse than Charles’ huge mansion and you had your responsibilities back at school – all your kids to teach. On the other hand, they weren’t really your kids and there were other teachers, while Erik’s trailer park just felt more free and you knew that it would make Edie happy to live there.
Of course only if Erik wanted you there as well, which wasn’t so obvious.
The forest path ended and you found yourselves inside the trailer park. Edie ran off ahead and you tried to stop her but it was pointless. She felt comfortable there and seemed not to notice all the curious and suspicious eyes. People living with Erik knew who you were but they always stared at you like you were actually sent there with a military squadron supposed to arrest or kill them. After all, your kind – mutants living with Charles – was known for working with humans for the sake of the friendship between the species.
“Hey, little one!” a female voice greeted Edie and you turned around to see a young woman patting your daughter’s head. You had seen her before while taking Edie to Erik or picking her up. That woman’s name was Monica and she seemed to be close with your husband.
Husband by name only. For some reason you had never divorced. There was never any occasion to do so.
“Hi, Monica!” Edie smiled at her and you squinted your eyes at them. Edie had never told you much about Monica. Only that she had been nice.
You had your reasons to believe that Monica was actually Erik’s girlfriend and Edie just chose to cover up for them.
But there was nothing to cover up. It was Erik’s right to live his life without you. It was your choice not to live with him. It was your decision to split up for Edie’s good. Without Edie, you’d go to the end of the world with Erik back in the day. You’d burn the whole world alongside him. You almost did once anyway.
Edie changed everything. You didn’t regret her, though, not even for a moment.
“Hi, Monica,” you stood behind Edie and put your hand on your daughter’s shoulder. Monica looked at you with a smirk. “Is Erik around?” you asked.
“Yeah, let me get him,” she answered before turning around and disappearing inside one of the small houses.
He went outside a short moment after.
It had been years now since he changed so much but every time you saw him after a long while of not seeing him, you felt weird because he looked so different than at the beginning of your relationship. You didn’t mean his face getting older but he used to be such an elegant man in his turtlenecks, jackets, sunglasses and haircut. Nowadays, he was just wearing T-shirts and didn’t shave for days when he didn’t feel like it. Edie would often complain about his stubble scratching her face when they were hugging.
“Hi,” you greeted him awkwardly.
“Hi,” he looked a bit surprised and opened his arms for Edie. She ran into them and jumped on her dad. He picked her up and kissed her cheeks. “I didn’t expect you.”
“Edie wanted to see you,” you approached them and rubbed her back. “I’m sorry. Should have called… But you don’t really use your phone, do you?”
“I don’t know where it is,” Erik admitted.
“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”
“But you haven’t been here with her in such a long time. I thought I’d never see her again,” he said and you felt guilty.
“Don’t be stupid, Erik. It’s just… I was very busy,” you looked down.
“Mum saved the world yesterday,” Edie giggled as her dad put her down on the ground. Erik furrowed his brows at you.
“I didn’t. Jane did, actually. Kinda…” you chuckled nervously.
“They almost died, daddy,” Edie lowered her voice and swallowed thickly. You took a deep breath in.
“I know. I’ve listened on the radio,” he confessed and you looked up, surprised. “Edie, can I talk to your mum for a while?”
“But daddy, I wanted to show you a trick!”
“You can show me later, okay?” He caressed her hair.
“Show me first!” Suddenly, Monica appeared next to you. You almost jumped at that. Apparently, superhuman speed was her mutation.
“Okay!” Edie followed Monica to one of the houses and you watched them with terror in your eyes.
“She’s safe. I trust Monica,” Erik assured you. “I trust everyone here. Believe me,” he insisted and you nodded your head before walking away with him to go inside his place.
You sat on the couch and looked around since you hadn’t been inside much before. The place was quite messy and you spotted that there were some pictures on the wall and most of them were of Edie. On one of them it was all three of you when your daughter was a few months old. You stood up again and approached that picture to caress it gently with your fingertips through the glass of a frame.
“We were so young, huh?” you cracked a smile.
“You still are,” Erik stood behind you.
A long silence occurred between you two.
“What did you want to talk about?” you asked in a whisper after swallowing thickly.
“You shouldn’t risk your life anymore for Charles. I mean, I have never wanted you to but now we have Edie.”
“You have never wanted me to risk my life for Charles,” you turned around to face him, “but you have never minded me risking my life for you, Erik.”
“All I did was to protect you and you know that,” he furrowed his brow.
“That’s the excuse that lets you sleep at night?” you snorted at that.
“(Y/N), come on,” Erik grabbed your wrist but he wasn’t squeezing it so you didn’t fight him on that, “don’t pretend to be better than me. Don’t play pretend to be a bigger person. We both know you are not. You joined me because you made a choice. I didn’t force you to join the Brotherhood.”
“I joined you because I loved you,” you gritted your teeth and he clenched his jaw at your words, “and I hated every moment of it. There’s blood on my hands but it was all for love. That’s the excuse that lets me sleep at night.”
“I don’t want you to die for Charles’ ego, do you hear me? Edie needs a mother,” Erik changed the subject and pushed your wrist away. You knew it was a sensitive matter to him. He didn’t want Edie to lose her mother like he had lost his.
“She still has you. You’re going to take care of her if something happens to me, right?”
“Of course I will but I didn’t know you wanted me to. I thought you’d want her to stay at school if anything happens,” Erik sat down on the couch and you took a deep breath in.
“I don’t. I mean, what for? So she grows up to be another X–Man? So they put her in a tight suit and make her risk her life to save humans?” you rolled your eyes. “Fuck that, Erik. And you have the same mutation. You’re every teacher she’d ever need.”
“What do you mean by that?” he looked up and you bit on your lower lip nervously.
“I had an argument with Charles this morning. I know what you think but I don’t want to do the missions for him anymore and it’s been like that for a long time now. I agreed to join his school, to be a teacher, to secure Edie’s future… But I never agreed to that, all that saving humans shit. He always sweet talks me into doing that. He tells me that he needs me. That there aren’t many original X–Men around anymore… Me, Raven, Hank… And I’m too fucking sentimental to say no to him. But it’s over now. I told him this morning I’m not doing it anymore and he… He brought back the past. He told me I probably still have hatred towards humans in my heart, from the times when I was in the Brotherhood. That was too much, Erik. I split up my family for this man… I ruined what was between you and I to join him and that’s how he repays me?” you sniffed your tears back and looked away. “I don’t want to be there anymore. He’s not a better life for me and my girl. I thought he would be but I was wrong.”
Erik examined your face for a while and he was visibly confused after hearing your little monologue. You quietly hoped he’d offer you a place to stay but he remained silent.
“I was thinking… Maybe we could move in… Edie and I… I know you miss her and she misses you, too. Not here, of course,” you looked around his house. “I’d get us our own place. I mean, my place… She could stay here for a while and then for a while with me. Whatever, we’d live close anyway. It wouldn’t matter to her anyway. But I mean… When you’d want some time with Monica for yourselves, no problem…”
“Wha– Wait, wait, wait,” Erik stood up and shushed you before walking up to you. “What are you talking about? Some time with Monica? What?”
“I know you two are like… together,” you shrugged your arms, pretending that it didn’t bother you.
“Have you lost your mind… Who’s told you that? Edie?”
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m observant.”
“No, you’re not observant, (Y/N). You’re jealous,” he laughed and you made an angry face at that. “You’ve always been. Should I remind you about Raven, Emma…”
“You actually fucking kissed Raven,” you interrupted him.
“Because you were giving me mixed signals.”
“That’s no excuse!” you protested and then he shut you up with a kiss.
You gasped at first, still trying to process what had just happened. And then you gave in, you cupped his face and kissed him back so hard that your teeth clashed, like there was no tomorrow. God, you missed him.
Erik’s hands rested on your hips as he pulled you even closer. After a while, you lost your breath and had to break the kiss.
“Of course you can move in, just let me clean up a little,” he smiled with his face still only inches away from yours. You giggled at that.
“Yeah, you should,” you nodded. “Edie and I are taking the bedroom. You can sleep here,” you took a step back and fixed his hair gently, “for now,” you added. “I think we need some time. We can’t just… Suddenly pretend that the past few years haven't happened. We lost many years,” you explained and he nodded his head.
“But it’s nothing compared to all the years we still have ahead,” Erik raised your chin with his finger. “And this time, I promise, I’ll make it right.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t survive you going to jail again,” you laughed and pushed him playfully.
“Ekhem,” someone’s voice made you both turn around and you saw Monica with a huge smirk on her face leaning on the doorframe. “Your kid is becoming very impatient to show you the trick,” she announced and winked at you.
“How long have you been standing there?” Erik asked her.
“Depends on how long the kiss actually was. I’d say… somewhere the middle of it but perhaps it was the ending. Didn’t want to ekhem at you earlier, it felt off, you know?”
“Oh for fuck’s sake. There’s no privacy here, is it?” you sighed.
“Better get used to it,” Monica shrugged her arms, “and you, good luck at getting your old back used to sleeping on that shitty piece of couch,” she looked at Erik. “Come ‘ere, Edie,” she called your daughter from the outside.
“What took you so long?” Edie whined after walking inside with her metal balls floating behind her like dogs taken out on a walk.
“Your parents were…” Monica started and Erik gave her a deadly look. “...talking,” she finished.
“About your new room,” Erik added. “What would you like in your new room?”
“Mum, what does dad mean?” Edie’s eyes widened at you.
“We’re moving in,” you announced nervously. “I mean… Only if you want to.”
“Are you kidding me?” she gasped and all the metal balls fell to the floor dramatically. “That’s the best day ever!” she ran into her father’s arms happily. “Daddy, it’s my favourite day I think! Is it yours, too?”
“No,” Erik shook his head and rubbed his nose with hers, “my favourite day was the one when you were born.”
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gerec · 3 months
any of these d/s universe fics?? I mean not exactly bdsm fics, but those fics that take place in a universe where people are born subs or doms (like something genetic, I don't remember this verse lore do much... ) do you remember? This used to be popular in the fandom but I can't find it anymore.
Lots of great d/s verse fics in this fandom, Anon! Here you go - happy reading :D
Nation Building and other Diplomatic Negotiations by Pookaseraph
With the recent passage of a submissive registration law in the United Kingdom, there are now only two industrialized nation with a relatively stable government to have neither a mutant nor a submissive registration law. Erik Lehnsherr, the newly minted King of Genosha, and his Prime Minister Emma Frost intend to take advantage of this turn of events to bring the Xavier Institute to the island nation of Genosha. They both know bringing Charles Xavier, the noted activist of mutant and submissive rights, to the island will necessarily politicize the man, and create all manner of complications. With a constitution not yet finalized and external threats to Genoshan security all around them, Erik, Emma, and Charles will fight for what they believe in to shape Genosha into what it should be.
Put me in the backseat, and they took me for a ride by tahariel (Backseat 'verse series)
When Erik enters the bedroom, pausing on the threshold just to look, near shivering with excitement, his new sub is waiting for him, laid out on top of the bedclothes like a present. He’s draped with a length of rich black silk, which clings to his naked body and hides nothing, accentuates everything.
Erik’s mouth runs dry.
Coax me out my love low by tahariel (Frontseat 'verse series)
It's hard enough waiting a year to meet the man you're engaged to, but harder still when that man doesn't even want to stay bonded to you. Charles is determined, however, not to let Erik get away.
Unbound by Cesare, helens78 (Bound and Determined series)
Thousands of miles apart, Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier form a soulbond. But when that bond is severed five years later, they have to spend the next ten years trying to rebuild their lives alone.
Imprint by PoorMedea
The moment of imprinting: overpowering, irresistible, and most importantly, uncontrollable. As Charles and Erik are about to find out.
Never Need to Make You by Pookaseraph
Erik had always been alone, and he never expected to find a Dom that would suit him. He certainly never expected Charles Xavier to claim him just minutes after he failed to kill Schmidt in Miami, his mind in turmoil. He hated it, but at the same time he couldn't deny that Charles seemed to know exactly what he needed.
Homeward Bound by Cesare, helens78 (Homeward Bound 'verse)
An alternate version of the Charles/Erik story from the Bound and Determined universe, in which (with Edie's help) Charles and Erik meet as young teenagers.
Support Your Local Claiming Center by Not_You
Erik is a sub who has quite literally been to the wars. He's older and more damaged than he thinks anyone wants. Charles proves him wrong.
surrender doesn't have to mean defeat by deacertes
 In a world where partnerships between Dominants and Submissives take place under the watchful jurisdiction of The Institute of Designation, Charles Xavier is a kindly, cardigan-wearing Dom who opposes many elements of the official system. Meanwhile, Erik Lehnsherr's past has taught him to struggle against his Submissive inclinations.
When the two are placed together by the Institute, Charles has to find a balance between his conscience and his desires, whilst trying to teach a conflicted Erik that surrender doesn't have to mean defeat...
Hold Back the Rain (front!strict mashup) by euphorbic
Charles Xavier: society darling, powerful political activist, well-known professor, and Dominant. Erik Lehnsherr: anti-social, international motorcycle racer, and defiant submissive.
Erik is at Sepang in Malaysia for the fourteenth leg of the International World Championship. After doing poorly in qualifying, he's furious to find he has to take another VIP around the track instead of meeting Charles at the KL airport.
By Your Side by motleystitches (furius)
Charles plays chess with Erik as often as possible in the evenings, but Erik is Cain's sub and Charles is planning to leave Westchester for Oxford at the end of summer.
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midrashic · 2 years
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I posted 3,808 times in 2022
That's 540 more posts than 2021!
178 posts created (5%)
3,630 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,806 of my posts in 2022
#fandom: hated and feared - 869 posts
#genre: visual - 777 posts
#ch: heavy metal broke my heart - 666 posts
#ch: if you can‚ teach (professor heal thyself) - 633 posts
#relship: we'll always have cuba - 570 posts
#filed under: highlights reel - 327 posts
#genre: juxtapositional - 314 posts
#fandom: the road so far - 296 posts
#fandom: and there came a day unlike any other - 194 posts
#hyperfixation: to make bread or love - 193 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i think spotify is refusing to show me a wrapped option because i don't even know if i've listened to a single song through all year 😂😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
after much ethnographic immersion, i have determined that as of 2022, there's actually a roughly equal number of erik stans & charles stans in the current cherik fandom. they just happen to exist in entirely separate spheres & seem to be unaware that the other group exists. if you are suffering from fandom fatigue as a result of feeling that everyone else woobifies your unfavorite, i recommend some kind of cultural exchange that would expose you to a different circle of cherik shippers, because the one thing we can all agree on is that anons whining that everyone else in fandom is so stupid & wrong & annoying is possibly the most annoying thing of all.
80 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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[ID: tweet from @onslaughtverse reading, erik "i'd destroy the world for you" lehnsherr and charles "i'll create a world that deserves you" xavier /end ID]
91 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
new rule: you’re not allowed to call a fandom dead unless you’re actively creating for it
110 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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See the full post
126 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
but ALSO ON THE OTHER HAND the failure of telepathy. erik who is like "ah so he knows i am a monster" and just goes on like that glumly but also doesn't bother telling charles anything about himself because he already knows, surely he already knows. erik who makes charles his arbitrator of what is good and moral and thinks A Good Person Would Be Against Me Killing Shaw even knowing that he killed my mom, experimented on me, that his death is the only thing that has allowed me to keep putting one foot in front of the other instead of just lying down and dying, this man who knows everything about me and therefore gives me exactly what i am worth and it is the tenderness of friendship but no more, it is sitting three feet away from me in his study. and meanwhile charles is like :) can't wait to get to know him as a real person more than just what my telepathy can tell me because charles knows better than anyone that it doesn't matter what you think and that who you are is defined by what you choose to do (which is why he should convert and not just to give edie the satisfaction of marrying her child off to a nice jewish boy)
164 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dick-helmet-magneto · 6 months
i keep having thoughts of butch lesbian Ruth lehnsherr looking out for Erik when he starts highschool and then everyone being nice to him bcuz they're scared of his older sister 😭 (modern au)
I may end up writing something about this someday if that's okay?
but the thought just entered my mind of a very exasperated, mock-annoyed Edie Eisenhardt fondly sighing and being like "Why are both of my children gay where will my grandchildren come from now?"
*cue Charles and he and Erik adopt like 37 children*
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