#Ego driven identity
ezukll · 5 months
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Venus in the first house represents a beautiful and pleasant exterior. This placement suggests a pleasant, attractive facial appearance, graceful physical movements, and a charming way of speaking. It can also be interpreted as having a peaceful and calming presence. With this placement, one may have a pleasant voice that is enjoyable to hear. Additionally, a Venus in the first house indicates that the individual's appearance plays an important role in their sense of identity, self-worth, and ego.
Venus in the second house suggests a harmonious connection between physical possessions and values. It also implies a focus on material possessions and personal comfort. While this placement can suggest an individual with a more refined taste, it may also create a reliance on material luxuries. Additionally, with Venus in the second house, one may have an affinity for collecting items and seeking physical pleasure in life. Their values and priorities may be more aligned with material goods and possessions.
Venus in the third house represents a focus on communication and mental stimulation. This individual may have a charming and well-spoken manner and a tendency to express themselves concisely and effectively. They may also have a passion for learning, exploring new ideas, and engaging in intellectual pursuits. With this placement, one may excel at writing and expressing themselves verbally. Additionally, they may have a gentle and diplomatic approach to interactions, using their communication skills to mediate conflicts.
Venus in the fourth house indicates a focus on home and family. The individual with this placement may have a strong attachment to their roots, childhood home, and family history. They may have an appreciation for the stability, security, and comforts that come with a nurturing environment. They may also be deeply attached to their family's customs and traditions. With this placement, one may be drawn to creating a family or extending their ancestral line. Additionally, this placement suggests being driven to protect and nurture others, especially their loved ones.
Venus in the fifth house represents a strong emphasis on creativity, passion, romance, and sensuality. This placement suggests someone with a playful nature and a focus on expressing their creativity and enjoyment of the arts. With this placement, one may have a lively imagination, a passion for creative pursuits, and an interest in exploring their sense of fun and creativity. They may also enjoy a lively social life, as they seek out a passionate and energetic romantic partner. Lastly, with this placement, one's children may be a prominent focus and concern..
Venus in the sixth house indicates a focus on service, duty, and dedication to others. The individual with this placement may have a strong desire to be useful and helpful to those around them. They may have high standards of discipline and work ethic, and take pride in being a hard worker. They may also focus much of their energy on their daily routine and developing a healthy daily routine. Additionally, they may be conscious of their physical health, and pay close attention to maintaining it.
Venus in the seventh house suggests an emphasis on intimate relationships and one-on-one connections. The individual with this placement may be driven by their desire to find a romantic partner and may be driven to seek out relationships. They may be passionate about their relationships and take great care in cultivating them. Additionally, they may have a keen intuition when it comes to relationships and be able to assess the compatibility of different pairings. This placement also suggests having an appreciation for one-on-one conversations and interactions.
Venus in the eighth house suggests a focus on the taboo, the mysterious, and the arcane. The individual with this placement may be drawn to exploring the dark and hidden sides of life. They may be interested in topics such as occultism and mysticism, and have a knack for uncovering hidden truths. Additionally, with this placement, the individual may have an intense desire for deep and intimate connections that go beyond physical attraction. They may form intense romantic relationships and may even gravitate towards having romantic connections with those who hold power.
Venus in the ninth house suggests a focus on expanding knowledge and broadening the mind. The individual with this placement may have an innate curiosity about the world and a desire to explore different cultures, traditions, and ideas. They may have a fascination with the mystical and the spiritual, and with exploring new concepts, experiences, and perspectives. Additionally, this placement suggests a desire to seek the truths of the universe and an appreciation for higher education.
Venus in the tenth house suggests an emphasis on ambition, social status, and career goals. The individual with this placement may have a strong desire to achieve success and recognition in their career field. They may also have an eye for aesthetics and take particular pride in projecting a polished and elegant professional image. Additionally, this placement suggests a strong drive to achieve high social status and prestige, and a focus on maintaining a positive public image.
Venus in the eleventh house suggests a focus on community, humanitarianism, and friendship. The individual with this placement may have a desire to help others and contribute to the well being of society. They may have an innate understanding of how to create harmony and positive vibrations within a group. They may also have an innate sense for finding common ground and bringing people together. Additionally, they may have a desire to expand their social circles and forge meaningful relationships with a wide range of people.
Venus in the twelfth house suggests a focus on the subconscious, spirituality, and inner growth. The individual with this placement may have a deep, innate connection with the unseen energies of the world, and can be sensitive to energies that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They may be driven by a desire to understand and transform their own subconscious patterns and energy. They may also have a deep attraction to the mysterious and unknown, and feel drawn to explore the unexplored dimensions of life. Furthermore, the individual may experience strong dreams and have a strong intuition.
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solanna888 · 10 days
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෫ੳ what do you need to know about your future love ?
© solanna888. All rights reserved by solanna888 in Tumblr 2024.
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A type of person who start something new without finishing up the other task, they do get bored easily and often seeking about something new for them. However the problem is that they should have done the first task before moving to the next cuz in the end they will be the one who will be stressed about it.
I'm getting gloomy for them, might be their appearance or just their overall aura maybe stress or worst — depression is visible to them. They might be alone or something was missing into their life? but do focus on negative sights than the positive one. They are thankful for every opportunity that life has given for them but mostly doesn't like to take it or keep refusing.
Also the person who has their own world in a room full of busy people, like they were just sitting in the corner minding their own business but once you get close to them they were talkative and witty it may probably not so obvious for them but they do have side like that.
I feel that they been through a lot in life and even in love, they may face disappointment, loneliness and even betrayal all through their years.
extra : fire signs ( sagittarius, leo, aries, ), moon in cancer, gemini, pisces, aquarius | an offer that keep refusing either be in career or in love, depression, heartbreak, honest and direct, romantic but possessive, insecure.
This is someone who is fearless and be able to take the lead on their own. You can see how brave and driven they were in their life.
Somehow talking or having conversation with them will bring you some inspiration and willingness probably loves to motivate and encourage you while chatting to them.
They will never be afraid to speak about a romantic date with you, if they were rejected then they willing to accepted it. Sometimes if you ever had a chance they would not accept it and doesn't want their ego to be ruin.
You can also see how accomplished and well proud they are about themselves but more likely to be positive side. This person likes to smile a lot or have this satisfied face as they probably thought that you were the one that they have been wishing for.
Whenever they are standing it is often in a good posture or when they are seating they have this crossarms posture or is sitting elegant— their back might be often straight and don't lean that much. This could also someone who dresses nicely and has a youthful or heart shaped face.
They could as well be a generous person and romantic/passionate individual. Mostly I see that this person could have dark feature/complexion or someone who's into dark colors and for few this is light feature/complexion individual.
extra: strong water sign and taurus, travel, nurturing like a mother, judgement or work related to law, great student?— study a lot perhaps, emotionally intelligent, likes having freedom, hard worker.
You will feel shock about meeting your true love. This might be a sudden meeting or you suddenly feel this person is your the one.
Uhmm, there will be a sudden situation that will happen for you that is pretty surprising for yourself but you would aware that situation will occur in you.
I'm all hearing suprise for you so the energy is kicking that they don't want to tell when they arrive in your life. At the present, they feel happy about not showing their true feelings their identity around people. specifically hiding
All the way up while shuffling, I'm getting a energy of being playful, she or he might have playboy or playgirl type of appearance. It take lots. of time to show their real self especially if this person have been hurt before.
extra: strong earth sign especially virgo, don't like to be told and get their way, failure and abandonment by their mother or someone feminine in their life, very feminine, loss someone important, likes adventure, sexy and flirt, soulmate, wealthy/ financially stable (secure).
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esotericalchemist · 1 month
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Atmakaraka - Your Soul's Desire
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
In Vedic Astrology, Atmakaraka is the planet that symbolises your soul's essence and the core of your identity. It's determined by the planet with the highest degree in your birth chart, offering deep insights into your true nature, life purpose, and the spiritual lessons you are here to learn. Atmakaraka helps you uncover the most fundamental aspects of who you are and the key challenges and growth opportunities in your life journey.
Atmakaraka is found by looking at the planet with the highest degree in your birth chart. The planets that can be your Atmakaraka are: The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Rahu and Ketu are NOT considered.
Step 1: Convert the birth chart to Vedic/Sidereal.
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Step 2: Find the planet with the highest degree
Now that we have converted the birth chart to the sidereal system, we can identify the planet with the highest degree. Remember, only the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are involved. In the birth chart above, the planet with the highest degree is Mars.
☉︎ - Sun as Atmakaraka
When the Sun is your Atmakaraka, it signifies that your soul is deeply connected to themes of self-identity, purpose, and leadership. The Sun represents your core essence, the light that shines within you, driving you to seek recognition and authority in your life. This influence suggests that your journey involves understanding who you truly are and stepping into a role where you can express your individuality with confidence and clarity.
Your life path is likely centered around developing a strong sense of self and learning to shine your light in a way that benefits not just you, but those around you. The Sun Atmakaraka urges you to embrace leadership roles, where you can take charge and inspire others. It’s about finding your inner strength and using it to guide your actions, as well as illuminating the path for others to follow.
With the Sun as your Atmakaraka, there is a powerful focus on authenticity and integrity. You are challenged to align your actions with your true self and to lead by example. This path often involves overcoming ego-driven tendencies or the need for external validation, learning instead to find self-worth within. Your soul’s growth comes from embracing your unique purpose and understanding that your light is meant to be shared.
Ultimately, having the Sun as your Atmakaraka means your spiritual journey is about mastering the art of self-expression and leadership. Your soul’s mission is to cultivate a deep understanding of your true identity and to use that awareness to lead others with wisdom and integrity. By doing so, you fulfill your potential and allow your inner light to shine brightly, both for yourself and for those you influence.
☽︎ - Moon as Atmakaraka
When the Moon is your Atmakaraka, it indicates that your soul is deeply connected to emotions, intuition, and the inner world. The Moon represents your emotional core, reflecting a journey focused on understanding and nurturing your feelings and those of others. This influence suggests that your life’s path revolves around developing emotional intelligence and creating a sense of inner security and peace.
Your journey with the Moon as your Atmakaraka involves navigating the ebb and flow of emotions, learning to trust your intuition, and embracing your sensitive nature. You may find that your soul’s growth comes from experiences that require deep emotional engagement, whether in relationships, caregiving, or nurturing your own inner child. Your path is about finding balance between your emotional needs and the demands of the outer world.
With the Moon guiding your soul’s journey, there is a strong emphasis on creating a nurturing environment, both for yourself and others. You are likely drawn to roles where you can offer support, comfort, and understanding. The Moon Atmakaraka encourages you to embrace your empathetic side, to be in tune with the cycles of life, and to find strength in your vulnerability.
Ultimately, having the Moon as your Atmakaraka means your spiritual journey is about mastering the art of emotional connection and intuition. Your soul’s mission is to create and maintain emotional harmony, to care for others, and to cultivate a deep understanding of your own inner world. Through this, you fulfill your potential by becoming a source of comfort and guidance for yourself and those around you.
☿ - Mercury as Atmakaraka
When Mercury is your Atmakaraka, it signifies that your soul is deeply intertwined with communication, intellect, and adaptability. Mercury represents the mind’s agility and your ability to connect with others through words, ideas, and quick thinking. This influence suggests that your life’s journey is centered around learning, sharing knowledge, and honing your skills in communication and analysis.
Your path with Mercury as your Atmakaraka involves exploring a variety of perspectives, constantly seeking new information and experiences. You may find that your soul’s growth comes through intellectual pursuits, whether in writing, teaching, or any form of expression that allows you to convey ideas clearly and effectively. Your journey is about refining your mental abilities and using them to make meaningful connections.
With Mercury guiding your soul’s purpose, there is a strong emphasis on versatility and adaptability. You are likely drawn to environments where you can engage with others, exchange ideas, and solve problems creatively. Mercury Atmakaraka encourages you to embrace your curiosity, to remain open-minded, and to communicate with clarity and precision.
Ultimately, having Mercury as your Atmakaraka means your spiritual journey is about mastering the art of communication and intellectual exploration. Your soul’s mission is to use your mental agility and communication skills to navigate life’s complexities, to learn continuously, and to share your insights with the world. Through this, you fulfill your potential by becoming a bridge between ideas and people, facilitating understanding and growth.
♀ - Venus as Atmakaraka
When Venus is your Atmakaraka, it indicates that your soul is deeply aligned with love, beauty, and harmony. Venus represents your capacity for affection, your appreciation for the finer things in life, and your pursuit of balance and pleasure. This influence suggests that your life’s journey is centered around cultivating meaningful relationships, expressing creativity, and finding joy in both the material and spiritual aspects of life.
With Venus as your Atmakaraka, your path involves learning the true nature of love and connection. You may find that your soul’s growth comes through experiences that teach you about giving and receiving love, both in romantic relationships and in your interactions with others. There is a strong focus on the aesthetic and sensual aspects of life, encouraging you to seek beauty and harmony in everything you do.
Your journey is also about exploring your creative talents and expressing yourself through art, music, or any form of beauty that resonates with you. Venus Atmakaraka invites you to find joy in these pursuits and to share that joy with others. It encourages you to create environments where love and beauty can flourish, fostering relationships that are both fulfilling and harmonious.
Ultimately, having Venus as your Atmakaraka means your spiritual journey is about mastering the art of love and beauty. Your soul’s mission is to embrace the pleasures of life while maintaining balance and harmony, to build relationships that uplift and inspire, and to express your creativity in ways that bring joy to yourself and others. Through this, you fulfill your potential by becoming a beacon of love, beauty, and harmony in the world.
♂ - Mars as Atmakaraka
When Mars is your Atmakaraka, it signifies that your soul is deeply connected to action, courage, and determination. Mars represents your drive, your ability to take initiative, and your passion for pursuing goals. This influence suggests that your life’s journey is centered around developing strength, asserting your will, and overcoming challenges with bravery and perseverance.
With Mars as your Atmakaraka, your path involves learning to harness your inner warrior. You may find that your soul’s growth comes through experiences that test your courage and require you to stand up for yourself or others. Whether in conflict, competition, or the pursuit of your ambitions, you are driven to take decisive action and to assert your independence and power.
Your journey is also about channeling your energy in constructive ways, using your determination and resilience to achieve your goals. Mars Atmakaraka encourages you to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and to act with confidence and clarity in all aspects of your life. It invites you to cultivate discipline and focus, ensuring that your actions are aligned with your higher purpose.
Ultimately, having Mars as your Atmakaraka means your spiritual journey is about mastering the art of action and strength. Your soul’s mission is to cultivate courage, to take bold steps towards your goals, and to face life’s obstacles with determination and resolve. Through this, you fulfill your potential by becoming a powerful force for change and achievement, inspiring others with your passion and tenacity.
♃ - Jupiter as Atmakaraka
When Jupiter is your Atmakaraka, it indicates that your soul is deeply connected to wisdom, growth, and expansiveness. Jupiter represents your quest for knowledge, your sense of optimism, and your desire for spiritual and intellectual exploration. This influence suggests that your life’s journey is centered around seeking higher truths, embracing opportunities for growth, and sharing your wisdom with others.
With Jupiter as your Atmakaraka, your path involves learning to expand your horizons and to cultivate a deep understanding of the world around you. You may find that your soul’s growth comes through experiences that broaden your perspective, whether through travel, education, or spiritual practices. There is a strong focus on developing a sense of purpose and finding meaning in life’s experiences.
Your journey is also about generosity and abundance, both in material and spiritual terms. Jupiter Atmakaraka encourages you to share your knowledge and insights with others, to act as a guide or mentor, and to spread positivity and hope. It invites you to approach life with an open heart and mind, always ready to learn and grow, and to inspire others to do the same.
Ultimately, having Jupiter as your Atmakaraka means your spiritual journey is about mastering the art of wisdom and expansion. Your soul’s mission is to seek out and embrace opportunities for growth, to live with optimism and purpose, and to share your understanding and insights with the world. Through this, you fulfill your potential by becoming a source of wisdom and inspiration, helping others to grow and thrive alongside you.
♄ - Saturn as Atmakaraka
When Saturn is your Atmakaraka, it signifies that your soul is deeply connected to themes of discipline, responsibility, and endurance. Saturn represents structure, perseverance, and the wisdom that comes from facing life’s challenges. This influence suggests that your life’s journey is centered around mastering patience, accepting responsibility, and developing a strong sense of duty and resilience.
With Saturn as your Atmakaraka, your path involves learning to embrace the lessons that come with time and hardship. You may find that your soul’s growth is shaped by experiences that test your limits and require you to develop inner strength and fortitude. Saturn teaches you the value of hard work, persistence, and the importance of building a solid foundation for your life, even if it means taking the long and sometimes difficult road.
Your journey is also about cultivating a sense of responsibility and maturity. Saturn Atmakaraka encourages you to take on the roles of mentor, leader, or caretaker, where your wisdom and experience can guide others. It invites you to accept the challenges life presents, knowing that they are opportunities for growth and that the rewards come with patience and perseverance.
Ultimately, having Saturn as your Atmakaraka means your spiritual journey is about mastering the art of discipline and resilience. Your soul’s mission is to face life’s challenges with grace and determination, to build a legacy through consistent effort, and to find strength in the trials that shape you. Through this, you fulfill your potential by becoming a beacon of stability and wisdom, guiding others with your hard-earned experience and steady hand.
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loveemagicpeace · 6 months
🦋Things about planets / signs🦋
🩷Saturn in Aries - aries should fall in this position and this position is also treated as bad, not so effective. But saturn is the planet (of order, responsibility, authority, discipline, finishing things you do, career and reputation, time...) Aries is energetic, combative, brave, persistent and driven, when you decide to do something, do it. Saturn and Aries both represent independence, doing things on your own or getting things done on your own. Aries is a competitive sign and will not give up until he has done what he set out to do - Saturn is the planet that pushes you to achieve your desired goal. I personally think that this position brings more benefits than disadvantages and that you can get a lot out of this placement. The only bad thing here is that things can go to extremes.
🛍️Sun in Libra-the sun is supposed to fall in the sign of technicality. The sun represents (light, inspiration, playfulness, identity, strength, glory, visibility). Technique represents (beauty, connections, sociality, comprehensibility, harmony). The sun represents male energy and technology should also represent male energy. Together, they both love attention and socializing. The only difference is that the sun represents ego and sometimes selfishness, while the technique represents a more gentle and compassionate energy. Techies in the sun love to be seen and love to show off their style, dress up and do things for themselves and their fun. The only thing that can be challenged here is to focus more on your own needs and not so much on the needs of others. You can't please everyone right away.
🌱Tauruses can sometimes be much more picky and strict about what they want than Virgos. As far as the natural look is concerned, Taurus are more prone to like a natural look on their partner and sometimes stick to certain things they like on others. While Virgos know how to adapt and many times you can be surprised by what Virgos really like in a certain person.
🌌This may sound contradictory, but I think capicorn rising people invest much more in a relationship than libra rising people. These people invest a lot and work on relationships, things and want the best. Many times they make sacrifices for people, they are very responsible and stable. Libra rising can sometimes invest more in themselves than in others. Many times it happens that they quickly give up and can be quite a flirtatious sign.
🥑Capricorns and Aquarius placements can sometimes be prone to loneliness. Both signs are independent and do not like the freedom to help other people. Many times they want to do everything themselves. They feel best when they have their peace and their work.
Capricorn rising/ Saturn in 1st house people can have body dysmorphia a lot times. Sometimes it's hard for them to accept their body. They can be very critical to themselves, especially because capricorn it's in the first house & 1st house represents your appearance, your body ,how you look at yourself. They have MC in Scorpio so therefore many times they can attract people who sexualize them. They can also attract older people.
🫧Taurus degree/ placements you are very attached to certain things that are yours (Taurus represents owning things - more or less material) so it is very difficult for you to let go of something or give it to someone even if it is just chocolate because you feel that things that belong to you should be with you and be only yours. They like to give to others, but only when they decide that they want to give something, when something is taken from them without their consent, they will always consider it as having been taken from them.
❄️The difference between Taurus and Scorpio is that Taurus wants control over material things, money, things they enjoy. They find a sense of stability in this. Scorpios want to have control over people (they like to possess someone) and they want the person to be theirs only.
🦋Venus in 11th house-you like unique and special things. Which means that the style you have can be completely different from what other people wear around you. Many times you can wear something that others would never wear but it looks very good on you. Your outfit can have several different clothes, which are thus selected from several different stores or styles that you have noticed. For example: elegant, sporty, vintage and then you make one outfit out of it. They will never follow trends because they don't like it. And one thing that people don't understand is that they don't do it because they want to appear different, but because they value something special, unique, because they want to have something that is only theirs and represents them.
🛼Two signs that they actually love something that is old school vibe; old movies, old cartoons, especially cartoons. Are Taurus & Leo-both of them appreciate things that are valuable and have a special meaning and are of good quality. Leos appreciate everything related to childhood, they like to return to nostalgic memories. Taurus appreciate old things that have a deeper meaning.
💫Venuses who know how to enjoy and will always put enjoyment before other things are: venus in sagittarius, pisces, taurus & leo.
🥊Mars signs: Sagittarius mars is living in the moment vibes. They love being here & now. Doing nothing. Just observing environment.
Leo mars are the definition of how to choose a hobby, a joy without looking at others.
Aries mars are the definition of how to be independet and fearless.
Taurus mars are the definition of how to be calm.
Virgo mars are the definition of how to take care of your body and do the best for others - these people know how to take care of others. They are the best caregivers.
Capricorn mars will drop everything just to be with you.
Scorpio mars are the definition of how deeply committed they are to one person.
Pisces mars are the definition of how they sacrifice for others and how they put their needs before others.
Cancer mars are the definition of how they can make the space like a home.
Gemini mars are the definition of how they can switch from one thing to another. And how many things they can do at once.
Aquarius mars are the definition of how to do things completely differently than others do.
Libra mars are the definition of how to flirt with your beauty.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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astroa3h · 8 months
south node through the houses ⚡️
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South Node in the 1st House: Past life ego and self-reliance dominated. Picture a leader or a lone wolf, often arrogant and isolated. This life’s lesson is about embracing humility and the importance of partnerships.
South Node in the 2nd House: Materialism and greed might have been your focus. Imagine a life centered around wealth and possessions, often at the cost of deeper values. Now, it's about finding richness in experiences and relationships.
South Node in the 3rd House: Your past life involved manipulation through communication. You might have been a gossip or a smooth-talker. This life challenges you to seek deeper truths and use words for healing and upliftment.
South Node in the 4th House: Overbearing family roles defined you. Maybe an overly protective caregiver or someone lost in family identity. The current journey is about finding your own path and understanding true strength in independence.
South Node in the 5th House: Self-indulgence in creativity and romance was key. You were likely a hedonist or attention-seeker. Now, it’s about finding joy in ordinary life and channeling creativity into collective well-being.
South Node in the 6th House: Obsession with control and perfection might have ruled. Picture a micromanager or a rigid worker. This life teaches you to embrace flexibility and understand that life’s beauty often lies in its unpredictability.
South Node in the 7th House: Lost identity in relationships characterized your past. Possibly always conforming or manipulating in partnerships. This life is about discovering self-worth independently and learning the power of self-awareness.
South Node in the 8th House: Your past involved power plays and intense drama. You might have been familiar with life’s darker aspects. Now, it's about appreciating simplicity and understanding transformation in a positive light.
South Node in the 9th House: Dogmatism and imposing beliefs were your past. Think of a rigid philosopher or a preacher. The current life lesson is about embracing humility and finding wisdom in diverse perspectives and heart journeys.
South Node in the 10th House: A past driven by power and status obsession. Imagine a tyrant or an overambitious professional. Now, it's about understanding that true success lies in service and the value of quiet, simple moments.
South Node in the 11th House: Over-idealism and group conformity marked your past. You might have neglected your identity for collective causes. This life encourages finding your unique voice and realizing change starts with individual authenticity.
South Node in the 12th House: A past life of escapism or solitude. Maybe a recluse or someone dealing with unresolved trauma. The challenge now is to engage with the world, face reality, and learn that healing comes from connection and active participation.
xox astro ash
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chelledoggo · 2 months
weird speculative headcanon about Ragatha which will most likely prove to be untrue:
what if she had a "near-abstraction experience," and it's why she is the way she is?
in the pilot Ragatha explains the experience of trying in vain to escape and the feelings that come with it, and how it can lead to abstraction. she seemed to be very familiar with what it felt like, almost like she was recounting her own trauma.
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and of course, in episode 2, Kinger implied that Ragatha's experience first arriving at the circus was worse than Pomni's.
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i almost wonder if Ragatha had a completely different personality when she first arrived. maybe something closer to Pomni's: anxious, distrustful of others, hyperfixated on escaping her fate.
it's said that near-death experiences can lead to "ego death," which is the dissolution of one's sense of self. they might lose their own self-driven attachments and ambitions, and instead choose to live life desiring a sense of oneness with others.
Ragatha did say during her speech about abstraction that you can "lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive."
i'm willing to bet that Ragatha was on the brink of abstraction, but was somehow saved by Caine before the process could complete.
i know Gooseworx has gone on record to say that abstraction is irreversible once it happens. however, i'm wondering if it can be intercepted before the process is complete. Ragatha seemed to be optimistic that there was "still time" to fix Kaufmo if they went to get Caine.
Goose also said that abstraction results in you losing your identity and individuality, which sounds a lot like what ego death entails.
maybe the reason why Ragatha seems to think so lowly of herself and has a desire to lift up others is because she's experienced ego death as a result of narrowly escaping abstraction.
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just my thoughts, though. i'll probably be embarrassingly wrong lmao.
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
Ketu in the Signs
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Ketu in Aries
Ketu in Aries signifies a past life marked by assertiveness and independence. In this lifetime, you may feel an innate sense of courage and drive, yet experience a pull towards balancing these traits with patience and cooperation. Spiritual growth comes from learning to temper impulsive actions with thoughtful consideration.
Ketu in Taurus
Ketu in Taurus indicates past life experiences centered around material stability and comfort. In this lifetime, you may naturally gravitate towards security and sensual pleasures, but your spiritual path involves detaching from material possessions and finding deeper satisfaction in non-material aspects of life.
Ketu in Gemini
Ketu in Gemini reflects past lives focused on intellectual pursuits and communication. You may have a natural affinity for gathering information and social interactions. However, spiritual growth in this life involves moving beyond superficial knowledge and developing a deeper understanding and wisdom.
Ketu in Cancer
Ketu in Cancer suggests a past life oriented around emotional security and familial bonds. You may have a strong nurturing instinct, but this lifetime encourages you to find balance by developing independence and emotional resilience, while not overly relying on familial or emotional support.
Ketu in Leo
Ketu in Leo indicates past experiences centered around self-expression and leadership. In this life, you may feel comfortable in the spotlight, yet your spiritual journey involves moving beyond ego-driven pursuits and embracing humility, collaboration, and recognizing the value of others' contributions.
Ketu in Virgo
Ketu in Virgo signifies past life experiences of service and meticulousness. You may have a natural inclination towards organization and practicality. However, this lifetime's spiritual growth comes from letting go of excessive perfectionism and finding peace in imperfection and holistic understanding.
Ketu in Libra
Ketu in Libra reflects past lives focused on relationships and social harmony. You may naturally seek balance and partnership, but this lifetime encourages you to develop self-reliance and assert your own needs and identity, finding harmony within yourself first.
Ketu in Scorpio
Ketu in Scorpio suggests past experiences with intense emotions and transformative situations. You may have a natural depth and understanding of life's mysteries. Spiritual growth in this life involves moving away from obsession and control, and embracing trust, vulnerability, and the lightness of being.
Ketu in Sagittarius
Ketu in Sagittarius indicates past lives centered around philosophy, travel, and higher learning. You may have a natural affinity for exploring new ideas and cultures. However, this lifetime's spiritual path involves grounding these expansive pursuits with practical application and a focused sense of direction.
Ketu in Capricorn
Ketu in Capricorn signifies past life experiences of ambition and responsibility. You may have a natural sense of discipline and duty, but spiritual growth in this lifetime involves balancing these traits with compassion, flexibility, and finding joy beyond worldly achievements.
Ketu in Aquarius
Ketu in Aquarius reflects past lives focused on innovation and humanitarian efforts. You may naturally gravitate towards progressive ideas and group activities. This lifetime encourages you to balance these tendencies with personal connections, warmth, and understanding the value of individual relationships.
Ketu in Pisces
Ketu in Pisces suggests past experiences of spirituality and transcendence. You may have a natural affinity for the mystical and the compassionate. However, spiritual growth in this life involves grounding your spiritual insights with practical actions and not escaping into fantasy.
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cupidlovesastro · 11 months
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𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 #7
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♢ pisces moon, venus, or mars tend to bring up assumptions they’ve had, as facts when they’re upset. like for example, if they have had the hunch that you’ve been doing something sneaky, in an argument they’re going to tell you how your a sneaky person even if that’s not true at all
♢ similar to what i said about pisces, aries sun, moon, venus, or mars can also bring up assumptions as facts. aries are impatient, witty, and often jump to conclusions because of their impulsive nature. they can also get extremely hostile extremely fast, mainly if it’s in mars or sun
♢ ascendant, sun, or venus aspecting pluto can mean you change your style often. like this week you may be hippie vibes and next week your could be grunge lol
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♢ mercury in the 10th house, or 10th degree can mean this person has a hard time explaining things or talking in general. they may stutter, slur their words, have a lisp, or thick accent
♢ lilith aspecting your moon can mean your dark side comes from within your emotions. your emotions can become destructive and ugly. they can also lead you into doing bad things that you’ll regret later on. you act on your emotional urges
♢ jupiter opposite, square, or conjunct mars can mean your anger is explosive, bold, and obvious. they could be the type to scream and throw things if they’re angry enough and it’s hard to calm them down
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♢ capricorn in the 2nd house can mean this individual is extremely money driven. this person could want to live the rich luxury lifestyle and care about their possession and materialistic side of things. they definitely do not play around about their values, and their coworkers could admire them for their work ethic
♢ where libra is in your chart can mean that’s where you need to focus on balance in your life
ex: libra in moon can mean you need to balance your emotions
libra in sun can mean you need to balance your ego or your self expression
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♢ mercury in 9th house can make a great modern day philosopher. this person could do speeches or books on these topics as well. they could also go traveling and spreading their word too, or speak on a platform with a large audience
♢virgo/gemini risings are probably often told that they are baby faced because they are! they will always look younger than their actual age. mercury aspecting rising can enhance this feature
♢leo chiron can mean that you need to heal your ego. you need to find your self expression, or remember what parts of yourself are truly you. you struggle with your identity , and you need to find yourself again
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♢sedna(90377) aspecting sun can mean that your rejection to growth and change, can cause you do not find your identity and who you are. it can also mean that there are parts of yourself that you refuse to look into because your scared of what you might see and remember
♢sedna(90377) in aquarius can mean you rebel quite extremely. you could’ve done really destructive things that could’ve lead to you having more wounds that you need to heal. you could’ve had trauma on the internet or from a group of people. when you needed a certain community, they weren’t there, or if you vented/ ranted on social media, your community did not support you
♢fire sign in cupido(763) can mean you have crushes that come and go pretty fast. one week your into this person, the next week your into that person 😭
♢mars square, opposite, or conjunct mercury can mean that when your mad, you say the harshest things you can think of. it’s also their completely impulsive or something you’ve been thinking of for a long time
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
🌟 The Radiance of the Sun in Different Houses 1-12
Astrological observations, while insightful, may not resonate universally, considering the multifaceted nature of celestial influences.
Sun in the 1st House 🌞
Individuals with the Sun in the 1st House often project a Leo Rising aura, radiating optimism. Their life's essence revolves around self-expression, creativity, and inspiration. While exuding confidence, they may verge on narcissism. Dressing impeccably, they project an unwavering self-assuredness, occasionally bordering on overconfidence. These personalities perceive themselves as protagonists, subtly guiding others according to their convictions.
Sun in the 2nd House 💰
In the 2nd House, the Sun endows individuals with a sense of self derived from financial pursuits and possessions. This placement kindles a love for art and a refined aesthetic. Their material confidence and self-worth manifest through an elegant demeanor. The 2nd House sunbearers may exude possessiveness and control. Notably, their voices often carry authority, and they may harbor a penchant for glorifying family history, irrespective of its nature.
Sun in the 3rd House 🗣️
For those with the Sun in the 3rd House, communication is key to self-identity. These chatter virtuosos thrive on expanding their intellect and knowledge. Trendsetters and courageous thinkers, they might encounter challenges in sibling relationships but excel in journalistic, writing, or influential roles.
Sun in the 4th House 🏡
Sun in the 4th House cultivates a secretive homebody persona. Drawing self-worth from home, family, and close friends, these individuals are adept at creating an aesthetic haven. Guarded and protective, they resist intrusion into their personal space. Early life struggles shape their creativity, with maternal influence being pivotal. A culinary inclination is also noteworthy.
Sun in the 5th House 🎭
Creative exuberance defines the Sun in the 5th House individuals. Expressing themselves becomes a source of self-identity, often with a touch of showmanship. Social butterflies and history enthusiasts, they effortlessly combine academic excellence with entertainment. Parenting becomes a profound aspect of their self-concept.
Sun in the 6th House 🌿
Health-conscious and routine-driven, those with the Sun in the 6th House derive self-identity from work and daily regimen. Workaholics with meticulous habits, they maintain good health and often pursue careers in service-oriented professions. Resolving conflicts and helping others are innate qualities, occasionally leading to friendly competition.
Sun in the 7th House 👫
Individuals with the Sun in the 7th House seek self-identity through relationships. Friendship and partnerships magnify their existence, albeit with a tendency towards dependency. External validation and projected insecurities may complicate their dating life.
Sun in the 8th House 🔮
The enigmatic Sun in the 8th House exudes magnetic allure, drawing others like obsessive fans. Veiled in secrecy, they navigate life's transformations with finesse. Occult interests and a love-hate dynamic characterize these individuals. Career paths may involve politics, research, or the paranormal.
Sun in the 9th House 🌐
Influenced by paternal relationships, the Sun in the 9th House imparts righteousness and a disdain for confinement. Adhering to principles, they resist being pigeonholed, seeking expansive experiences. Travel and exposure to diverse cultures may shape their lives, occasionally leading to perceptions of being a "know-it-all."
Sun in the 10th House 🌟
A coveted placement, the Sun in the 10th House signifies popularity and leadership. Revered by many, these individuals eschew subservience and thrive on independence. Potential clashes with authority figures stem from their innate leadership qualities. They effortlessly influence groups, embodying trendsetting charisma.
Sun in the 11th House 🌐
Ego-driven and challenging, the Sun in the 11th House signifies a struggle with friendships and authority. Dreams and ambitions drive them forward, even as relationships with family and friends undergo strains. Material wealth and longevity become consequential.
Sun in the 12th House 🎭
The Sun in the 12th House bestows creativity and imagination, often hidden beneath a shroud of secrecy. A potential source of conflict with the father figure, this placement fosters a proclivity for foreign settlement. Hidden talents and a nomadic existence characterize their lives, contributing to a unique talent for creative pursuits.
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lunarlianna · 2 months
Asteroid Lucifer in signs
Lucifer, originally a Latin term meaning "light-bringer" or "morning star," was first used to refer to the planet Venus. In Christian tradition, it became associated with a rebellious angel cast out of Heaven, conflated with Satan as the adversary of God. In Judaism, Satan is seen more as an accuser rather than a fallen angel, while in Islam, Iblis is a jinn who defies God. Across various cultures, Lucifer symbolizes both enlightenment and rebellion, embodying themes of defiance, pride, and the quest for knowledge. In astrology, Lucifer (1930) highlights where you defy rules, struggle with pride, and face personal challenges. It signifies independence, intellectual curiosity, and creativity while warning against arrogance and manipulation. This placement encourages bravery and risk-taking, often leading to nonconformity and challenging authority. By confronting these darker aspects, Lucifer helps you reconnect with your true self and inner light. When the asteroid Lucifer is conjunct the angles or personal planets, especially the Sun and Moon, it signifies a strong urge to defy norms and resist the mainstream. This can lead to feelings of anxiety or fears of being perceived negatively due to this nonconformity. When the asteroid Lucifer is conjunct key points in your chart, it brings specific challenges and insights. With the Sun, you need to trust your creativity and focus on the bigger picture rather than just yourself. The Moon conjunction urges you to rely on your intuition and express emotions freely, while striving for emotional stability. If Ascendant-conjunct, you may question your own identity and how others perceive you; avoid superficial judgments and trust yourself. A Descendant-conjunction suggests doubts about your relationships and the intentions of others; remember that not everyone seeks to harm you. To find Lucifer in your chart, go to Astro.com and enter 1930 into the asteroids which are found under the ‘extended charts’ option.
With Lucifer in Aries, you are inspired to innovate and lead with courage, breaking new ground and showcasing your individuality. You enjoy compliments, which can boost your ego but might also make you vain; be cautious not to let others' opinions overly affect your self-esteem. This placement can also lead to impulsive decisions and a tendency to challenge authority recklessly, potentially causing conflicts and making you seem self-centered or confrontational.
With Lucifer in Taurus, you’re driven to creatively enhance your security and comfort, bringing a unique approach to material and financial matters. This placement can make you proud of your possessions and achievements, but be careful not to become overly attached or resistant to change. While celebrating your successes, remember that your self-worth isn’t tied to your job or belongings, as losing them could affect your self-esteem.
With Lucifer in Gemini, you have a sharp, original mind and a knack for unconventional thinking and communication. This placement boosts your intellectual curiosity and creativity, driving you to explore new ideas and express yourself uniquely. However, it can also lead to inconsistency or duplicity, where scattered thoughts or manipulative tendencies might cause misunderstandings or trust issues. You excel academically and take pride in your achievements but may feel insecure in public speaking. Avoid relying too much on grades or others’ success; maintain your self-confidence even if you face setbacks.
With Lucifer in Cancer, you approach emotional expression and family dynamics with a unique, bold perspective. You may seek to redefine family roles and bring fresh insights to nurturing relationships. However, this placement can also lead to emotional defensiveness or manipulation, causing you to become overly sensitive or withdrawn. You take pride in your family, especially your mother and your home, as well as your sensitivity. Be mindful not to let these prideful feelings create insecurity about your true emotions or sense of belonging; strive for humility and balance.
With Lucifer in Leo, your creativity and self-expression are amplified, encouraging you to stand out and lead with boldness. This placement supports your personal projects and a unique leadership style that inspires others. However, it can also lead to excessive pride and a craving for admiration, potentially causing arrogance and impacting your relationships. You may receive a lot of praise for your creative efforts and take great pride in your children. Maintain a balanced view to prevent disappointment from unmet expectations or negative feedback.
With Lucifer in Virgo, you’re driven to approach problem-solving and daily routines with innovation and creativity. This placement enhances your ability to find unique solutions and improve efficiency and self-discipline. However, it can also lead to obsessive perfectionism and excessive self-criticism, causing stress and difficulty accepting imperfections. You may become fixated on your health and how much you help others, adhering to a strict routine and taking pride in your efforts. Remember not to base your self-worth solely on helping others or your routine; balance is key.
With Lucifer in Libra, you approach relationships and partnerships with a unique and unconventional perspective. This placement drives you to redefine harmony and balance, fostering innovative and equal connections that challenge traditional norms. However, it can also lead to indecisiveness or manipulation, with struggles to maintain appearances and potential imbalances in relationships. You may place too much of your self-worth on the success of your partnerships, feeling great when things are positive but worthless when they are not. Remember to love yourself first and not let your value be determined solely by your relationships.
With Lucifer in Scorpio, you are driven to explore deep transformation and understand life's mysteries with intensity and insight. This placement encourages you to challenge deeper truths and navigate power dynamics, but it can also lead to control issues and a tendency to delve into taboo topics manipulatively. Be cautious about who you open up to and who you form intimate connections with, as choosing the right person can bring a sense of pride, while the wrong choice may lead to guilt and shame.
With Lucifer in Sagittarius, you are driven to explore new philosophies and challenge conventional wisdom, seeking enlightenment and personal growth through adventure. This placement fuels your quest for knowledge and unconventional paths. However, it can also lead to recklessness or a dismissive attitude towards established norms, causing overconfidence and conflicts with others' beliefs. You might question your upbringing or wonder about different religious backgrounds. Embrace and delve deeply into your quest for knowledge and experiences, but avoid being superficial or overly critical.
With Lucifer in Capricorn, you’re inspired to pursue ambitious and unconventional career goals, challenging traditional paths and setting new standards for success. This placement fosters innovative approaches to authority and structure but can also lead to excessive rigidity or manipulation in your quest for power. You might become overly focused on success, which could cause isolation or ethical dilemmas. You may have doubts about authority figures or your career choice, and take great pride in your reputation and achievements. However, difficulties can affect your ego significantly.
With Lucifer in Aquarius, you’re driven to innovate and challenge societal norms, bringing a unique and progressive perspective to humanitarian and social issues. This placement encourages embracing unconventional ideas and advocating for change. However, it can also lead to detachment or rebelliousness, making it hard to form deep connections and potentially causing alienation due to your strong, unconventional beliefs. You take pride in your friendships and network, but relying too much on others for your self-worth can lead to disappointment.
With Lucifer in Pisces, you’re drawn to creative and spiritual exploration, using your intuitive insights for artistic or mystical pursuits. This placement enhances your empathy and compassion, and you take pride in your intuitive abilities or spiritual practices, such as astrology. However, be cautious not to let self-doubt undermine your intuition, especially if your spiritual insights aren’t immediately validated. On the flip side, this placement can lead to escapism or self-deception, making it challenging to face reality or maintain clear boundaries. Stay grounded and trust in your abilities while navigating life’s challenges.
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ezukll · 6 months
Sun Conjuctions Observations ♡
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SUN & MOON Conjuction
Sun-Moon conjunctions are one of the most powerful aspects of a birth chart. This combination indicates a strong connection and balancing act between your two key elements: the ego or true self (the Sun) and the subconscious or emotional self (the Moon). With this aspect, your identity can be closely tied to aspects of your emotional nature, and the way you react or respond to situations may be rooted in your intuition and emotional world. Having these two aspects in harmony can promote an internal sense of balance and equilibrium, allowing you to express yourself authentically and pursue your life goals more seamlessly.
SUN & ASCENDANT Conjuction
Sun-Ascendant conjunctions are a prominent aspect in some birth charts, indicating a strong connection between the self (Sun) and the self-presentation (Ascendant). With this placement, the individual may have a dynamic and outgoing personal aura that resonates with their inner sense of self-awareness and confidence. They have natural charm and charisma that draw people toward them, and their personality is generally reflected in their appearance or aesthetic. The person may also be particularly self-assured and ambitious, with a strong sense of personal identity and direction.
SUN & MERCURY Conjuction
Sun-Mercury conjunctions are another significant placement present in some birth charts. This combination unites two key aspects of consciousness: the self-expression of the ego (Sun) and the inner workings of the mind (Mercury). This aspect can indicate an individual with bright intellectual potential and a strong desire for self-awareness and personal growth. With these energies in harmony, the person is likely to be a fast learner and have excellent communication skills, making them efficient and eloquent in their expressions. In addition, they may be highly adaptable and open-minded, with an inquisitive and explorative nature.
SUN & VENUS Conjuction
The conjunction of Sun and Venus signifies a blending of the self (Sun) and the self-expression through relationships (Venus). This aspect can indicate a strong connection between the ego and the romantic or artistic aspects of the self. With this aspect, the person tends to have a positive and cheerful disposition and tends to radiate a playful and lively energy in their interactions. They are likely to be naturally expressive and creative, and relationships play a big part in their happiness and satisfaction. This combination promotes healthy relationships, self-expression, and a sense of joy and optimism.
SUN & MARS Conjuction
The conjunction of the Sun and Mars is a prominent aspect in some birth charts that indicates a strong combination of the self (Sun) and the drive, energy, and assertiveness (Mars). This aspect emphasizes a dynamic and driven personality, with a natural inclination to act boldly and confidently. The person may possess strong leadership qualities and a strong desire to pursue goals and ambitions. They may also possess a strong sense of independence and have a strong presence that commands the attention of others. Overall, this combination indicates a strong self-identity that can inspire and motivate others.
SUN & JUPITER Conjuction
Sun-Jupiter conjunctions combine the self (Sun) and the quest for knowledge, expansion, and wisdom (Jupiter). This aspect indicates a dynamic and optimistic individual with an expansive outlook on life. The person has a strong desire to learn and explore new ideas, and they tend to have a natural optimism and belief in humanity. They may be naturally friendly, outgoing, and passionate about their goals. Additionally, they may have a natural sense of confidence and generosity that can inspire others. In general, this aspect promotes an individual with a positive disposition and an energetic approach towards life.
SUN & SATURN Conjuction
The conjunction of the Sun and Saturn indicates a blending of the self (Sun) and responsibility, discipline, and focus (Saturn). This aspect is representative of a serious and determined personality, with a strong desire to structure and create order and structure in life. With this aspect, the person has a strong sense of self-identity and confidence in their abilities, but they may also tend to be cautious and restrained. In terms of career, they may be devoted individuals who have the ambition and perseverance needed to achieve their goals.
SUN & PLUTO Conjuction
Sun-Pluto conjunctions combine the self (Sun) and transformation, regeneration, and power (Pluto). This aspect indicates a particularly intense and powerful combination of energies. With this aspect, the person may possess a strong sense of willpower, ambition, and determination, as well as a tendency to desire change and take action to achieve their goals. They may also possess a strong sense of self-awareness and personal transformation, with the ability to recognize and address their own vulnerabilities and limitations. In general, this aspect encourages the individual to pursue self-development and empowerment.
SUN & URANUS Conjuction
The Sun-Uranus conjunction indicates a blending of the self (Sun) with rebellion, individuality, and innovation (Uranus). This combination symbolizes a free-spirited individual who possesses an innovative and independent mindset. They tend to rebel against the status quo and pursue unconventional paths in an effort to express their unique selves. Additionally, they may possess strong opinions and ideas that challenge and shake up the norms and expectations of society. This aspect promotes an outspoken and fearless individual who is unafraid to push boundaries and explore new paths.
SUN & NEPTUNE Conjuction
The Sun-Neptune conjunction combines the self (Sun) and imagination, spirituality, and fluidity (Neptune). With this combination, the person may have a strong sense of intuition and a deep connection to their inner self. They may possess a more malleable sense of identity than most and tend to see the world from a creative and imaginative lens. This aspect encourages a humanitarian and empathic approach in relation to others. The person may also have a strong connection to their artistic and spiritual side, with a naturally creative and open-minded personality.
SUN & LILITH Conjuction
The Sun-Lilith conjunctions combine the self (Sun) and sexuality, power, and aggression (Lilith). This combination is indicative of an intense and powerful combination of energies. With this aspect, the person may possess a strong sense of independence, passion, and vitality. They may have intense emotions and desire power and authority, and they may also possess a strong sexual drive and desire for physical intimacy. Additionally, they may have a deep connection to their feminine and primal side that they tap into in their interactions with others.
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rabidbatboy · 4 months
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NAMES ; victor , newton , darwin , raymond , doc , dex , gizmo , herbert , data , edison , jekyll , edward , gibson , egbert , julius , irvin , henry , atlas , atom , radia , otto , argon , ester , zinc , helix , venus , thomas , charles , zeke
PRNS ; chem / chems , vial / vials , lab / labs , danger / dangers , scien / sciens , tox / toxic , bub / bubble , bio / bios , experi / experis , goggle / goggles , mad / mads , haz / hazard , test / tests , subject / subjects , mal / mals , electro / electros , atom / atoms , geni / genius , beaker / beakers , spark / sparks
TITLES ; the evil scientist , he who makes monstrosities , he who is close to a breakthrough , his unethical practices , the one searching for the answers , the one driven mad , he who mixes chemicals , the human experimenter , the scientific genius , the ego-driven one, he who dissects
(replace he/him/his with any pronouns)
IDENTITIES ; chemigender , testlexic , madscientistcostumic , gendermutation , weirdsciencegender , geniusscientist , genderscientist , genderexperiment , scieulovia , experithing , vilegender , 🧪emogic, chemistrygender , ⚗️emojic , 🧫emogic , toxiclabrat , deadlabrat , plasmagender , scichaoacacoric , scienchemician , scilabotix
🧼 ——— REQUESTED BY ; self indulgent
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esotericalchemist · 1 month
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𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 - 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 ₊˚⊹♡
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
In Vedic astrology, the concept of Gnatikaraka provides insight into the challenges and difficulties a person might face in life. The term "Gnatikaraka" comes from the Sanskrit words "Gnati," meaning foes or adversaries, and "Karaka," meaning indicator. This planet in a person's birth chart is significant because it highlights areas of life where struggles related to conflicts, health issues, or financial challenges may arise. The Gnatikaraka is determined by identifying the planet with the second to last lowest degree in the chart, which points to the specific hurdles one might encounter. Understanding the influence of the Gnatikaraka not only sheds light on the nature of these challenges but also guides individuals in managing them effectively, turning potential setbacks into opportunities for personal growth and development.
Gnatikaraka is found by looking at the planet with the second to last lowest degree in your birth chart. The planets that can be your Gnatikaraka are: The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the point Rahu. Ketu is NOT considered.
Step 1: Convert the birth chart to Vedic/Sidereal.
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Step 2: Find the planet with the second to last lowest degree
Now that we have converted the birth chart to the sidereal system, we can identify the planet with the second to last lowest degree. Remember, only the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu are involved. In the birth chart above, the planet with the second to last lowest degree is the Moon.
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✦ 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When the Sun is your Gnatikaraka, it introduces specific challenges related to ego, authority, and personal identity. The Sun, as the natural indicator of self-expression, vitality, and leadership, shapes how you interact with others and perceive yourself. With the Sun in this role, you may frequently encounter difficulties in asserting your authority, dealing with power struggles, and navigating issues of self-worth.
One prominent challenge is the potential for conflicts with authority figures, leaders, or father figures. You might often find yourself at odds with those in power, driven by a strong need to assert your identity and gain respect. These conflicts usually stem from deeper issues related to ego and pride, where recognition and control play a significant role in your interactions.
In addition to external challenges, the Sun as your Gnatikaraka can lead to internal struggles with self-worth and identity. You may question your own value or feel compelled to prove yourself in various areas of life. This could result in periods of self-doubt or an exaggerated sense of importance, which can strain relationships and impede personal growth. Furthermore, these challenges may also affect your health, particularly in maintaining your vitality and energy levels, as the Sun governs these aspects of life.
How to navigate:
To turn the challenges of having the Sun as your Gnatikaraka into success, it's crucial to adopt a balanced approach to authority and self-identity. True leadership isn't about dominating others; it's about guiding and inspiring them with humility and fairness. By focusing on developing a self-worth that isn't dependent on external validation, you can overcome the internal conflicts that arise from this placement. Recognizing that your true value comes from within, rather than from how others perceive you, will help you navigate power dynamics more effectively, reducing stress and conflicts.
To manage these challenges effectively, cultivating self-awareness and emotional intelligence is key. This involves being mindful of how your ego influences your actions and decisions, and learning to approach situations with a calm and measured attitude. By embracing these qualities, you can transform the difficulties associated with the Sun as your Gnatikaraka into opportunities for personal growth and effective leadership.
Some tips:
Practice humility in leadership: Focus on guiding others with compassion rather than asserting dominance. True leadership is about empowering those around you.
Build inner confidence: Work on developing a strong sense of self-worth that isn’t reliant on external validation. Regular self-reflection and positive affirmations can help strengthen your inner confidence.
Manage conflicts with authority: Approach disagreements with superiors or authority figures calmly and respectfully. Aim for constructive dialogue rather than confrontational exchanges.
Prioritize self-care: Pay attention to your physical and mental health, ensuring that you maintain your vitality and energy. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management techniques are crucial.
Embrace self-awareness: Continuously work on understanding how your ego impacts your relationships and decisions. Journaling, meditation, and mindfulness practices can help increase self-awareness.
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✦ 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When the Moon is your Gnatikaraka, it brings forth challenges that are intricately tied to your emotional life, relationships, and sense of security. The Moon, being the natural ruler of the mind, emotions, and nurturing, deeply influences how you process feelings, connect with others, and cope with life's fluctuations. With the Moon in this position, emotional challenges, especially those related to your sense of safety and well-being, become central themes in your life.
A significant challenge you may encounter is emotional instability or heightened sensitivity. You might experience frequent mood swings, making it difficult to maintain a consistent sense of inner peace. This emotional turbulence can impact your relationships, as your shifting moods may lead to misunderstandings or create emotional distance between you and others. Additionally, you might struggle to establish a sense of security, whether in your personal life, home, or relationships.
This placement also emphasizes difficulties in both giving and receiving emotional support. You may find yourself either overextending emotionally or feeling unsupported and unloved by others. These issues often arise from deep-rooted fears or insecurities, making it challenging to fully trust others or to feel secure in your emotional connections. As the Moon as Gnatikaraka makes you particularly vulnerable to stress, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion, it's crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and self-care.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges presented by the Moon as your Gnatikaraka, it's important to focus on developing emotional resilience and stability. Begin by establishing healthy emotional boundaries, which will help you manage your relationships more effectively and protect you from emotional burnout. Learning to self-soothe and meet your emotional needs independently, rather than relying too much on external sources of comfort, is also essential. By cultivating a strong sense of emotional security within yourself, you can better handle the emotional fluctuations that life brings.
Transforming these challenges into strengths involves embracing emotional intelligence. By becoming more aware of your emotional triggers and learning to respond to them in a balanced way, you can turn potential vulnerabilities into sources of strength. Practicing mindfulness and conducting regular emotional check-ins can help you maintain a steady emotional state, enabling you to engage with others in a more grounded and supportive way.
Some tips:
Cultivate emotional awareness: Regularly check in with yourself to understand your emotional state. Journaling and mindfulness practices can help you stay in tune with your feelings and recognize patterns.
Set healthy boundaries: Learn to establish and maintain emotional boundaries with others to protect your emotional well-being. This helps prevent emotional burnout and ensures that you don’t overextend yourself.
Practice self-care: Prioritize activities that nurture your emotional health, such as spending time in nature, engaging in creative hobbies, or practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing.
Strengthen your support network: Surround yourself with people who provide emotional support and understanding. Building a strong, reliable support system can help you feel more secure and less isolated.
Develop emotional resilience: Focus on building resilience by learning to manage stress and adversity in a healthy way. Techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, or simply talking through your emotions with a trusted friend or therapist can help you navigate emotional challenges more effectively.
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✦ 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Mercury is your Gnatikaraka, it brings challenges centered around communication, intellect, and mental agility. As the planet of communication, reasoning, and analytical thinking, Mercury greatly influences how you process information, interact with others, and handle the intellectual demands of life. With Mercury in this position, you may find that life's challenges often arise from misunderstandings, miscommunications, or mental stress.
A key issue you might encounter with Mercury as your Gnatikaraka is difficulty in communication. This could manifest as frequent misunderstandings with others, trouble articulating your thoughts clearly, or feeling that people often misinterpret what you say. These communication hurdles can create conflicts in both personal and professional relationships and may impede your ability to convey ideas effectively. Additionally, there may be times when your mind feels scattered or overwhelmed, making it difficult to focus or make decisions.
This placement also suggests a tendency toward mental stress and overthinking. You might find yourself worrying excessively, getting stuck in analysis paralysis, or feeling overwhelmed by details. These tendencies can lead to anxiety, restlessness, and a struggle to find mental peace. The constant mental activity associated with Mercury can make it difficult to relax, leaving you feeling mentally drained or fatigued.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Mercury as your Gnatikaraka, it's vital to focus on developing clear and effective communication skills. Start by articulating your thoughts and ideas in a way that others can easily understand. This can be achieved by practicing active listening, being mindful of your tone and word choice, and ensuring that your communication style fits the context of your interactions. By honing these skills, you can minimize misunderstandings and foster stronger, more harmonious relationships.
Another key to turning these challenges into success is managing your mental energy and reducing stress. Techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, or engaging in activities that help you unwind and clear your mind can be incredibly beneficial. It's also important to strike a balance between intellectual pursuits and relaxation to prevent mental burnout. By developing a more focused and organized approach to thinking and decision-making, you can handle life's challenges with greater ease and maintain a healthier mental state.
Some tips:
Improve communication skills: Practice clear and effective communication by being concise, listening actively, and ensuring your message is understood. Consider journaling or practicing speeches to enhance your verbal and written communication.
Manage mental stress: Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga into your daily routine to help calm your mind and reduce mental fatigue.
Organize your thoughts: Use tools like lists, planners, or mind maps to organize your thoughts and tasks. This helps reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and improves your ability to focus.
Balance intellectual activities with relaxation: Make time for hobbies or activities that allow your mind to unwind, such as reading for pleasure, playing games, or spending time in nature.
Engage in continuous learning: Keep your mind stimulated in a positive way by learning new skills or pursuing interests that challenge your intellect without overwhelming you. This can help channel your mental energy constructively.
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✦ 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Venus is your Gnatikaraka, it brings challenges related to relationships, love, pleasure, and values. Venus, as the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and material comforts, influences how you experience affection, connect with others, and define what is valuable in life. With Venus in this role, the obstacles you face often revolve around these themes, particularly in relationships and material desires.
A significant challenge you might encounter with Venus as your Gnatikaraka is difficulties in maintaining healthy and harmonious relationships. Conflicts in love and partnerships may arise due to misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or issues of dependency. This placement can make it hard to achieve balance in your relationships, leading to emotional turbulence or dissatisfaction. Additionally, you might struggle with self-worth, either undervaluing yourself or overly relying on external validation for a sense of worth in your relationships.
Another area where challenges may surface is in your pursuit of pleasure and material satisfaction. With Venus as your Gnatikaraka, finding a balance between enjoying life's pleasures and maintaining responsibility and moderation can be difficult. You might have tendencies toward overindulgence in luxuries, leading to financial instability or a sense of dissatisfaction when material desires aren't fulfilled. Furthermore, there may be a tendency to focus too much on superficial aspects like appearances, which can create a disconnect from deeper, more meaningful experiences.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Venus as your Gnatikaraka, it's crucial to cultivate a balanced approach to relationships and pleasures. Start by fostering self-love and self-worth that are independent of others' approval. When you recognize your own value and cultivate inner contentment, you can approach relationships from a place of confidence and security, which helps to reduce conflicts and dissatisfaction. In your interactions with others, focus on open communication, empathy, and understanding to build stronger, more harmonious connections.
When it comes to material pleasures and desires, finding a balance between enjoying life's luxuries and maintaining moderation and responsibility is key. This might involve reassessing what truly brings you joy and fulfillment, and distinguishing between temporary pleasures and lasting satisfaction. By focusing on what genuinely enriches your life, you can avoid the pitfalls of overindulgence and discover more sustainable ways to appreciate the beauty and pleasures that life offers.
Some tips:
Cultivate self-love: Focus on building your self-esteem and self-worth independently of others. Engage in practices like affirmations, self-care routines, and activities that make you feel valued and appreciated.
Improve relationship dynamics: Work on enhancing your relationships by practicing open communication, empathy, and active listening. Strive for balance in giving and receiving love and affection.
Practice moderation in pleasures: Enjoy life’s pleasures in moderation, being mindful of overindulgence. Set financial and personal boundaries to ensure that your pursuit of pleasure does not lead to negative consequences.
Prioritize meaningful connections: Focus on developing deeper, more meaningful relationships rather than superficial ones. Invest time and energy in relationships that bring true fulfillment rather than just temporary satisfaction.
Align values with actions: Reassess your values and ensure that your actions align with what truly matters to you. This alignment will help you find more lasting contentment and reduce the risk of dissatisfaction.
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✦ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Mars is your Gnatikaraka, it brings challenges related to aggression, conflict, drive, and the way you assert yourself. Mars, the planet of energy, action, and determination, influences how you pursue your goals, handle conflicts, and express your desires. With Mars in this role, your obstacles often center around managing anger, dealing with aggression, and navigating power struggles, both within yourself and in your interactions with others.
One of the main challenges with Mars as your Gnatikaraka is handling conflict and aggression. This can show up as a tendency toward anger, impatience, or a confrontational attitude, leading to frequent disagreements or disputes. These conflicts can arise in personal relationships, professional environments, or even within yourself as you struggle to balance your intense drive with the need for cooperation and harmony. Mars in this position can also make it difficult to control impulsive behavior, leading to rash decisions or actions that can create additional challenges.
Another significant challenge associated with Mars as Gnatikaraka is the struggle to channel your energy and assertiveness positively and constructively. You might find yourself dealing with issues of control, either by feeling the need to dominate situations or by feeling threatened when others try to assert their will over you. This can lead to power struggles and competition, draining your energy and creating unnecessary obstacles in achieving your goals. Additionally, there may be challenges related to physical vitality, such as stress or burnout, especially if you push yourself too hard without adequate rest or balance.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Mars as your Gnatikaraka, it's crucial to channel your energy and assertiveness in a constructive way. Developing patience and managing your temper can help you avoid conflicts and build more harmonious relationships. Practicing self-discipline is also important, ensuring that your actions align with your long-term goals rather than being driven by impulsive desires. By focusing on controlled and deliberate actions, you can harness Mars' energy to drive success rather than create obstacles.
Transforming these challenges into strengths also involves finding healthy outlets for your physical and emotional energy. Regular physical activity, such as exercise or sports, can help you manage stress and maintain balance. Additionally, finding constructive ways to assert yourself, like taking on leadership roles or positively taking initiative, can help you turn Mars' energy into a powerful force for achievement.
Some tips:
Practice anger management: Learn techniques to control your temper, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or stepping away from situations that trigger anger. This will help you avoid conflicts and maintain better relationships.
Channel energy constructively: Engage in regular physical activity to burn off excess energy and reduce stress. This can include activities like running, martial arts, or even yoga to balance your physical and mental energies.
Cultivate patience: Work on developing patience, especially in situations where you feel frustrated or eager to act impulsively. Practice waiting before reacting, which can lead to more thoughtful and effective decisions.
Focus on long-term goals: Align your actions with your long-term goals rather than short-term desires. This helps you use Mars’ drive and determination to achieve lasting success without creating unnecessary conflicts.
Develop self-discipline: Practice self-control in both your actions and emotions. Setting personal boundaries and sticking to routines can help you manage your assertiveness in a way that is productive and beneficial
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✦ 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Jupiter is your Gnatikaraka, the challenges you face often involve your beliefs, wisdom, expansion, and moral values. Jupiter, the planet of growth, knowledge, and spirituality, influences your worldview, approach to learning, and sense of optimism. With Jupiter in this role, obstacles may arise in areas related to your philosophy of life, pursuit of higher knowledge, and handling of moral and ethical issues.
A key challenge with Jupiter as your Gnatikaraka is potential conflicts over beliefs and principles. You might struggle with being overly rigid or dogmatic in your views, leading to disagreements with others who see things differently. This can create tension in both personal and professional relationships where differing values or ideologies clash. Additionally, you may face internal conflicts when life challenges your beliefs, causing periods of doubt or uncertainty about your direction and purpose.
Another challenge associated with Jupiter as Gnatikaraka relates to excess and overindulgence. As the planet of expansion, Jupiter can make it difficult to maintain balance, whether in material wealth, food, or other pleasures. You might struggle with overconfidence, taking on too much, or not recognizing your limits, which can lead to financial issues, health problems, or setbacks in personal growth. Additionally, missed opportunities or failure to realize your full potential can occur, often due to a lack of focus or discipline.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Jupiter as your Gnatikaraka, it's essential to cultivate balance and moderation in your life. Begin by practicing humility and openness in your beliefs, allowing yourself to grow and learn from others rather than holding too tightly to your own perspectives. By being receptive to new ideas and experiences, you can broaden your understanding and reduce conflicts stemming from ideological rigidity. In your pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, focus on applying what you learn in practical ways that benefit both yourself and others.
Another key to turning these challenges into success is developing self-discipline and mindfulness, especially in areas where you tend toward excess. Setting clear goals and maintaining a balanced approach to growth and expansion will enable you to harness Jupiter’s positive energy without falling into the traps of overconfidence or overindulgence. Additionally, emphasizing ethical behavior and upholding a strong moral compass will help you navigate challenges with integrity, ensuring that your actions align with your higher values.
Some tips:
Cultivate humility: Stay open to learning from others and avoid becoming too rigid in your beliefs. Embrace the idea that wisdom comes from diverse experiences and perspectives.
Practice moderation: Be mindful of excess in all areas of life, whether it's material wealth, food, or pleasure. Set limits for yourself to maintain balance and avoid potential pitfalls.
Set realistic goals: Focus on achievable, practical goals rather than overextending yourself. Break down your larger aspirations into manageable steps to ensure steady progress without burnout.
Apply knowledge practically: Use the wisdom and knowledge you gain in a way that benefits both yourself and others. Seek to make a positive impact through your learning and experiences.
Maintain a strong ethical foundation: Ensure that your actions align with your moral values and principles. Regularly reflect on your behavior to stay true to your ethical beliefs, even in challenging situations.
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✦ 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Saturn is your Gnatikaraka in Vedic astrology, the challenges you face often involve discipline, responsibility, structure, and enduring hardships. Saturn, as the planet of karma, time, and limitations, emphasizes patience, hard work, and navigating life's trials. With Saturn in this role, you may find that your obstacles revolve around managing limitations, overcoming fears, and dealing with heavy responsibilities.
One of the main challenges with Saturn as your Gnatikaraka is coping with feelings of restriction or limitation. You may often feel weighed down by responsibilities, whether in your personal life, career, or relationships. This can lead to a sense of being held back or delayed in reaching your goals, causing frustration or a lack of confidence. Saturn’s influence can also bring a deep sense of fear or anxiety, particularly related to failure, aging, or not meeting expectations. These fears might result in procrastination or an overly cautious approach to life, where the fear of making mistakes prevents you from taking necessary risks.
Another significant challenge with Saturn as your Gnatikaraka is the struggle with discipline and perseverance. Saturn demands consistent hard work and dedication, often without immediate rewards. This can make you feel like you’re constantly putting in effort without seeing results, which can be discouraging. You might also become overly serious, pessimistic, or burdened by your responsibilities, leading to feelings of isolation or loneliness. Additionally, health issues related to stress, bones, or joints may arise if the pressures Saturn brings are not managed effectively.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Saturn as your Gnatikaraka, it's crucial to embrace patience, persistence, and responsibility. Recognize that Saturn’s influence demands hard work and that success will come through consistent effort over time. By developing a strong work ethic and focusing on long-term goals, you can gradually overcome the obstacles Saturn presents. It's helpful to view these challenges as opportunities for growth, understanding that Saturn’s difficulties are meant to strengthen your character and resilience.
Turning these challenges into success also requires balancing responsibility with self-care and finding ways to lighten your load. While Saturn emphasizes seriousness and discipline, it’s important not to become overwhelmed by your duties. Practice self-compassion and ensure you take time to rest and recharge. Building a support network can help ease feelings of isolation and provide encouragement when the weight of responsibilities becomes too heavy. By maintaining a balanced perspective, you can transform Saturn’s challenges into opportunities for personal growth and achievement.
Some tips:
Develop a strong work ethic: Embrace hard work and discipline, knowing that perseverance will lead to long-term success. Focus on steady, consistent progress rather than expecting immediate results.
Practice patience: Understand that Saturn requires time, and success may come slowly. Cultivate patience and trust in the process, recognizing that growth often occurs through overcoming challenges.
Balance responsibility with self-care: Avoid becoming overwhelmed by your duties. Make time for relaxation, hobbies, and self-care to prevent burnout and maintain your well-being.
Face your fears: Confront the fears and anxieties that Saturn may bring. Whether it’s fear of failure, aging, or limitations, addressing these fears directly can help you overcome them and build resilience.
Build a support network: Surround yourself with people who can offer support, guidance, and encouragement. Having a strong support system can help you navigate Saturn’s challenges more effectively and reduce feelings of isolation.
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✦ 𝐑𝐚𝐡𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Rahu becomes your Gnatikaraka in Vedic astrology, it introduces challenges related to desire, illusion, confusion, and unconventional behavior. Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, is a shadow planet symbolizing an insatiable thirst for material experiences and worldly ambitions. With Rahu in this role, you may find that your obstacles revolve around navigating illusions, managing obsessions, and dealing with unorthodox desires.
One of the main challenges with Rahu as your Gnatikaraka is the tendency toward confusion and illusion. Rahu often creates a "smoke-and-mirrors" effect, where things may not be as they appear. This can lead to a lack of clarity in your life's direction, difficulty in making sound decisions, or being misled by appearances and false promises. Rahu's influence can also cause intense obsessions with certain goals, desires, or people, driven by a strong but often irrational urge to achieve or possess something. These obsessions can lead you down paths that ultimately prove unfulfilling or even destructive, as Rahu's desires are often insatiable and elusive.
Another significant challenge associated with Rahu as Gnatikaraka is navigating unconventional or taboo areas of life. Rahu often pushes individuals to explore the unusual, the forbidden, or the unconventional, which can lead to unique opportunities but also to social alienation, scandal, or conflicts with societal norms. Pursuing these unconventional paths may cause struggles with identity, acceptance, or integration within your community or social circles. Additionally, Rahu's influence can create a sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction, where no matter what you achieve, it never feels like enough.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Rahu as your Gnatikaraka, it's essential to develop discernment and self-awareness. By learning to see through illusions and understanding the true nature of your desires, you can make wiser, more informed decisions. It's important to recognize when your obsessions or ambitions are leading you off course and to cultivate the ability to step back and evaluate your actions with a broader perspective. Practicing mindfulness and staying grounded in reality will help you navigate Rahu's challenges more effectively.
Turning these challenges into success also involves embracing Rahu's unconventional energy in a balanced way. While Rahu encourages exploration of new and uncharted territories, it's crucial to do so with caution and integrity. Channel Rahu's drive for innovation and discovery into positive, constructive endeavors that align with your long-term well-being and ethical values. By managing Rahu's intense energy wisely, you can transform its challenges into opportunities for growth and achievement.
Some tips:
Cultivate discernment: Practice mindfulness and critical thinking to see through illusions and avoid being misled by false promises or appearances. Regularly assess your goals and desires to ensure they are realistic and aligned with your values.
Manage obsessions: Recognize when you are becoming overly fixated on a goal or desire, and take steps to regain balance. This might involve setting limits, seeking advice, or shifting your focus to other areas of life.
Embrace unconventionality wisely: While exploring new or unconventional paths, do so with caution and integrity. Ensure that your actions are ethical and that you are prepared for the potential consequences of stepping outside societal norms.
Ground yourself: Practice activities that help you stay grounded and connected to reality, such as meditation, spending time in nature, or engaging in practical tasks. This will help you navigate Rahu’s restless energy more effectively.
Seek guidance and support: Surround yourself with trusted advisors, mentors, or friends who can provide perspective and support. Having a strong support network can help you stay anchored and make better decisions when dealing with Rahu’s challenges.
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dharmafox · 2 months
Some thoughts on the two Medicine Sellers and Karakasa's themes
Based on what we know so far, the big theme of Karakasa seems to be the destruction of individuality for the sake of integrating with a group. This is what Nakamura-san said the movie would be about from the start, and we're seeing that play out already in the many trailers that have been released. The women of the Ōoku are initiated from their first day there in the water ritual, which requires them to sacrifice things they value to O-Mizu-sama. Thereafter, they're trained to serve the Ōoku, even to the point of denying their true feelings.
That this ultimately requires the sacrifice of their individuality we can see pretty clearly in the maids who are already "integrated"—they appear again and again with featureless faces, marked only by a spiral shape that's reminiscent of swirling water.
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This loss of individuality isn't just treated as a virtue; it's treated as necessary and sacred.
This is a lot like the Buddhist concept of "no self." It's often taught that to attain enlightenment is to attain no-self, or the "true self" beyond the individual. In Taoist terms, this means reaching the origin of birth and death. The latest lore document discusses these concepts a bit.
This idea that "no self" is equivalent to enlightenment can lead Buddhist disciples to the idea that the ultimate goal of practice is to let go of all ego forever. Again from a Taoist perspective, that effectively means returning to the origin and staying there.
Like integration into the Ōoku, this is a kind of conglomeration. To die to the self and return to the origin is to lose individuality in an indescribable "void" that's considered to be the true nature of all things. But this void is also the origin of birth and death, and one isn't meant to remain there. Staying in the origin is death without birth; it's clinging to an unnatural separation of "oneness" and the individual. Obviously, this separation isn't really "oneness." Hence other Buddhist teachings that say clinging to the idea of no-self is the same as clinging to a self.
From this perspective, the O-Mizu worshipping practices of the Ōoku are in no way sacred. They're leading the women to spiritual death, which in the end may become physical death, or at the very least leave them hollow shells. Without a sense of self, there's no life.
Then there are the Medicine Sellers. They embody a higher state of awareness, or a state closer to enlightenment than that of the humans. From the perspective of true oneness, they may embody true enlightenment, the meeting of the divine and the individual. This isn't just because each of them is a fusion of god and human wherein they and the god retain their own personalities, but also because each of the Medicine Sellers is an individual themselves.
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Grumpy and Happy.
While the humans try to achieve an ideal state by "virtuously" sacrificing their egos, the Medicine Sellers are already in some higher state without making any such sacrifice.
Their stories illustrate the value of their individuality in the service of humans. The first and second Medicine Sellers are opposites because they have opposite goals. Each group of humans they guide has gone to an extreme state of "separateness." The first Medicine Seller's humans show the reason for the "no self" teaching: They cling to identities that have become toxic, effectively prisoners of their own minds. This is a long-established behavior for us. We define ourselves based on what we're taught is right or safe, and then we stick to those self-definitions even when they hurt us.
So the first Medicine Seller is detached from humans. He doesn't get drawn into their identities. He's not driven to protect them; he's driven to destroy them. His, as Nakamura-san puts it, lack of interest in people even to the point of apparent cold-bloodedness doesn't mean he doesn't care about them. It means he knows that returning them to the "origin" is the only way to save them.
But the second Medicine Seller is dealing with an opposite, and arguably a more modern, problem. The humans in Karakasa are exclusively seeking "no self." The Ōoku's women have abandoned their individuality and demand that Asa and Kame do the same, ceasing to value themselves and each other.
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These bitches gay.
So the second Medicine Seller is more "interested in people" and protective of them. His goal is to sustain individuality and help people stay in the world. It's not the identities he's dealing with that are toxic; it's the glorified conglomeration that threatens to swallow them up.
Obviously I haven't seen Karakasa, and I'm extrapolating all of this based on what we know. But from the perspective of what we do know, this makes sense. Karakasa is about individuality, and it's here that Nakamura-san decided to reveal to us that not only are there multiple Medicine Sellers, but they can have personalities so different as to be, at least in some ways, opposites. And he told us what they are: the I Ching's 64 hexagrams, elements vital to the functioning of the world. Their individuality is vital to the functioning of the world.
And if beings more "conscious" than us need their individuality to keep the world turning, then so do we. Throwing it away doesn't lead us to enlightenment. On the contrary, it moves us farther from the sacred.
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getwonderhoyd · 1 year
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in tsukasas card i see references to three mythological creatures. the figures behind him are two kasa clones, lefty's shadow has a fox's tail while right's has a tanukis making them shapeshifters. kitsune are often messengers from gods and have a more refined reputation. tanuki are tricksters who love playing pranks on people, reflected in how each of them dress. tanuki also use a leaf to help them transform, which is why the middle kasa holds one. is he a tanuki too? its unclear
the other is the kasa obake, a yokai of an umbrella with one eye. when old belongings are forgotten and left in disrepair, they can transform into yokai. each kasa is holding a broken and torn red parasol iconic of the kasa obake, and only one of his eyes can be seen. even his clones eyes are hidden by the glare of his glasses.
whats unusual about the kasa obake is unlike other yokai, it has little to no basis in eyewitness accounts or folklore and is only seen in art, so it's considered less of a folk legend and more a fictional character. this has interesting implications for tsukasa who is the actor. he has a running history when it comes to identifying as the characters he plays in his cards, and seems to be the only character in this set "playing the part" of a yokai or spirit rather than just being with them. and theres something to be said about tsukasa in a gakuran, just like he wore in middle school, identifying with an object thats been left behind and ignored.
with tsukasa also holding the leaf like a tanuki, treating the kasa clones like completely separate people is not the way to go. lefty is prim and proper, like a textbook student. you could attribute him to the tsukasa who is responsible and reliable, the dependable older brother and troupe leader who wants to take care of everyone and puts their needs before his own. right is messy and confident, the loud, annoying, weird, silly, self absorbed and ego driven tsukasa. hes often reduced to one or the other, but with only one half it doesnt even look like him anymore. both sides are intrinsically him
tsukasa struggles a lot with how he views himself versus what he wants to be, squashing down what he identifies as less desirable traits to fit his ideal. this is most obviously seen in his last focus event, hiding his "ugly" emotions from wxs to maintain his image, but also in kaito, who embodies everything tsukasa hopes to be. theres much more, but tsukasa and identity has been a subtle but constant thematic through line for him. the kasa clones could be how various characters view him, how they often either love him or find him a nuisance. it could be the responsible and brave face he put on for saki and his parents, and now he has the potential to be looked after by someone else if he takes it. it could be the always okay always happy face he shows wxs while he struggles to actually be vulnerable and honest about his problems. it could be a whole host of things
theres so much symbolism in this card and im sure theres stuff i havent even noticed yet
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Thinking about redemption yesterday got me thinking about fallen heroes today, and how rare it is to see a character initially painted as a hero be driven to heinousness for legitimate reasons.
Often times, if a hero goes bad, it's because of an external force corrupting their mind. Or it's a misunderstanding and they were secretly still good all along. Or they were just having a rough day and they'll be good again in five minutes.
We rarely see get to see heroes go sour purely on their own merits. Maybe because their values weren't so benign as they'd seemed when pushed to a natural conclusion. Maybe because they expected too much of themselves or of others. Or maybe personal experience taught them to believe something else.
Whatever the case, as often as writers will attempt to examine the transformative power of better angels, we rarely get to see the transformative power of worse devils.
Which brings me to....
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Sayaka Miki is a character that holds a special place in my heart, not for overcoming her flaws but for being consumed by them. She's a cautionary tale into the perils of righteousness.
I need to preface this by bringing up that the characters of Madoka Magica are children. They're irrational, judgmental, ignorant of risk, and quick to throw themselves into horrible mistakes with absolute confidence. Because they're children. That's how this works. The villain of the series is a psychological predator who feeds on the impulsivity and poor judgment of youth, grooming them into self-destruction.
The entire system of Magical Girls exists to give these children enough rope to hang themselves with and then to kick the ladder out from under them. That is the plot, with Sayaka being the primary means by which the show demonstrates the complete journey from rope to ladder.
I just. I need you to understand that even at her worst, Sayaka is a victim of predatory incentives and calculated coercions meant to cultivate her worst traits while stripping her of hopes and dreams. To drown her in mistakes she could never take back. She didn't have the life experience to know better. That's why her predator targets children.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. It's not immediately apparent when we meet her, but Sayaka's fatal flaw is ego. Her moral compass is wound extremely tight, and it's only later that we realize it's wound around her neck.
Like many children, Sayaka is trying on an identity moreso than expressing her inner self. She wants to be altruistic. She wants to be selfless. She wants to be a true hero. She wants to live by nothing more than high-minded ideals, expecting no reward for her efforts (but receiving it all the same).
She wants to be the kind of person that Mami was.
But she has no idea who Mami was. She wasn't there to see Mami fracture. To see her break down in vulnerability and express the isolating misery she lives in.
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Sayaka didn't see that. She only saw how cool Mami looked when she was killing Witches. So when she tries on an identity, she's specifically trying on the identity of Mami - blissfully unaware that her interpretation of Mami was nothing but a mask. She is emulating the behavior of a victim already consumed by the predatory incentives she's accepting.
Sayaka was doomed from the moment she made her wish.
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Once again, the show does a brilliant job of concealing this at first. Right off the bat, it's easy for Sayaka to be the hero. She saves both her BFFs Madoka and Hitomi from a Witch in her debut adventure, before being immediately thrust into a moral argument that's super easy for her to win.
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This is what a hero looks like! Should we stand by and let monsters eat people YES/NO
Sayaka says no. Sayaka says letting monsters eat people is bad. Solid Bioware-level moral dilemma she's got here. Sayaka won +10 Paragon points for the choices she picked out of this conversation tree, lemme tell you!
Moments like this work to disguise what's going on here with Sayaka. Obviously Sayaka's making good choices and doing the right thing when the alternative is Kyoko going "Want me to break your crush's limbs so he needs you for life support?" That's awful, so since Sayaka's against it then that means she must be right. Right?
Kyoko is the devil. Sayaka is the paragon.
But this is a story about nuanced and complex people. Sayaka isn't that person. Sayaka likes the idea of being that person. She's being dishonest - With herself, with others around her, and with the universe.
She's trying on an identity, not fully understanding who she really is or what her limitations are.
Incidentally, so is Kyoko, which is what makes their Yin and Yang dichotomy so potent. Having never been tested like this before, Sayaka is more selfish than she truly understands - While Kyoko, damaged by trauma, is more selfless than she wants to believe.
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The thing Sayaka doesn't quite grasp is that, to an extent, it's okay to be selfish. It's okay to want things for yourself. Again, the identity she's trying to live up to was a lie to begin with. She only saw the mask; Never the humanity underneath. So she fails to recognize her own humanity; Her own needs and wants and desires.
She imprisons her own mind in a cage of altruism.
Sayaka is warned multiple times against spending her wish on another person. But she doesn't understand the perils of it. She lacks the necessary perspective to grasp the level of sacrifice she's making. (Because she is a child. I cannot stress this point enough.)
When she makes her wish, Sayaka wants her sacrifice reciprocated. She wants to be rewarded. But she doesn't want to want that. She wants to be the selfless hero for Kyosuke. To silently grant him a miracle because it's the right thing to do for her friend. But she expects, without consciously thinking about it, that the universe will deliver her nice things because she is good.
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But life doesn't work like that. It doesn't give you things you aren't willing to reach for. Sayaka said she just wanted him to be happy. She just wanted to help people. She just wanted to dedicate her life to virtue and altruism, with no wants or needs or desires of her own.
Kyoko was being cruel and unfeeling when she suggested crippling Kyosuke; She was trying to express a mask of selfishness, the same way Sayaka's been trying to express a mask of selflessness. But she wasn't the only person telling Sayaka that it was a mistake to do this. She's just the only person who said it after the fact.
So the universe calls her bluff. While Sayaka waits for her sacrifices to be rewarded, fracturing more and more from learning what those sacrifices truly entail, someone else claims her prize. The work gets harder, not just physically but emotionally. And she only gets what she asked for. Nothing more.
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This is what a hero looks like. She wanted to be Mami.
Remind me. What was Mami's reward for her sacrifices?
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Oh. Yeah. That's right.
The thing of it is, there is a reward for a Magical Girl's sacrifices. There is a prize you're meant to receive for the unjust hardships and self-destruction that you're volunteering to undertake.
It's the fucking wish.
That she, in her righteousness, gave away.
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Sayaka's rope is woven from virtuous self-image. Her fatal flaw is ego. She was undone by arrogance expressed in ignorance, not of glory the way we often think of egotistic people, but of righteousness. She held herself to a standard no reasonable person could ever live up to, and it crushed her as it came crashing down.
And yet, she was a victim all the same. Because she was walked, hand-in-hand, to that pier by a predator. Children are meant to learn from their mistakes. Not to die for them.
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