#Elderly Leg Strength Training
heathermehf · 1 year
resistance bands, exercise bands with handles, fitness bands000 [Video]
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senkusimper · 2 months
circles - bakugou x reader
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pov: a villain attacks and you rush into a building to save people, but said building collapses.
i wrote this while listening to "circles" by pierce the veil ,, now be sad like i was <3 i don't know if i wanna do a pt 2 to this so take the ending however you'd like
The rain pounded mercilessly on the crumbling cityscape, each drop adding to the sense of urgency. The sky was a dark shroud, lightning occasionally illuminating the chaos below. You were in the thick of it, a hero in your own right, focused on saving as many civilians as possible from the collapsing building.
The training grounds at U.A. High School were bustling with activity. Students were honing their skills, pushing themselves to their limits. You and Bakugou were no different. "Y/N, don't just stand there! Move!" Bakugou barked, his explosive palms crackling with energy. You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide the smile tugging at your lips. "Relax, Bakugou. I've got this." You activated your quirk, effortlessly dodging his blasts. "Tch. Showoff," he muttered, but there was a hint of pride in his eyes as he watched you move. You didn't notice, too focused on the training.
"Everyone, stay calm!" you shouted, your voice barely audible over the sounds of destruction. Your quirk flared, lifting heavy beams and debris off trapped individuals. The building groaned ominously, its structure weakened by the relentless assault.
A child cried out from beneath a pile of rubble. Without hesitation, you sprinted towards the sound, your heart racing. You used your quirk to lift the debris, revealing a terrified little girl. "It's okay, I’ve got you," you said soothingly, lifting her into your arms. "We’re getting out of here."
You handed the girl to a nearby civilian who was able to run, urging them both towards the exit. The building shook violently again, causing more debris to fall. You spotted an elderly man struggling to move, his leg trapped under a fallen beam.
The cafeteria was buzzing with chatter, but Bakugou and you were in your own world. You sat across from him, a mischievous glint in your eye. "So, BK, what do you think of the new training regimen?" you asked, poking at your food. He grunted, not looking up from his meal. "It's tough, but we need it. Can't be weak if we want to be pro heroes." You laughed, the sound making his chest feel tight. "Always so serious. Lighten up a bit, will you?" He finally looked up, his eyes meeting yours. For a moment, the noise of the cafeteria faded, and it was just the two of you. "You talk too much," he said, but his tone was softer than usual.
The ceiling above you started to give way. You gritted your teeth, pushing through the exhaustion as you used your quirk to lift the beam and free the man. "Go! Now!" you urged him, helping him to his feet and directing him to the exit.
As he hobbled away, you heard another cry for help. A young woman was trapped in a corner, surrounded by flames and falling debris. The ceiling above her was moments from collapsing. You took a deep breath, summoning the last of your strength. "I can do this," you whispered to yourself.
You dashed towards her, using your quirk to blast away the flames and debris. "Come on, we need to move!" you shouted, grabbing her arm and pulling her to safety. Just as you reached the exit, the building shuddered violently. The ceiling gave a final, deafening creak before collapsing entirely.
The training grounds were empty, the moon casting long shadows across the field. You and Bakugou stayed late, determined to get stronger. "You don't have to stay, you know," you said, wiping sweat from your brow. He scoffed. "As if I'd let you get ahead of me. Dream on." You smirked, launching a playful attack with your quirk. He dodged effortlessly, countering with a blast that made your hair stand on end. "Nice try, BK," you teased, breathless but exhilarated. "You're not half bad," he admitted, a rare compliment. You blinked in surprise, but before you could respond, he turned away, hiding the faint blush on his cheeks.
Outside, Bakugou was locked in a fierce battle with a villain. Explosions lit up the night as he fought with every ounce of his strength. He heard the deafening crash of the building collapsing and felt a cold dread settle in his chest. "No... please no," he whispered, blasting the villain away with a powerful explosion.
After a particularly grueling training session, you both lay on the grass, staring up at the sky. The silence was comfortable. "You ever think about the future, Kats?" you asked quietly. He was quiet for a moment before responding. "Yeah. 'm gonna be the number one hero." You smiled softly. "Of course you are. And I'll be right there, too." He turned his head to look at you, his expression unreadable. "Don't go getting yourself killed," he said, the words heavier than they seemed. "Same to you," you replied, your voice equally serious.
Without wasting a second, he sprinted towards the wreckage, his heart pounding in his chest. As he neared the building, a flash of movement caught his eye. A civilian, struggling to free themselves from the debris. Bakugou didn't hesitate. He blasted the rubble away, pulling the terrified person to safety. "Get out of here!" he barked, shoving them towards safety.
Without wasting another second, he prepared to charge into the unstable building. "Shit..." he muttered, his voice barely reaching his own ears. He was about to enter when a firm grip tightened around him, yanking him back.
"Hey!" Bakugou growled, struggling against the capture weapon wrapped around him. "Let me go! She’s- Y/N is still in there!"
Aizawa's eyes were stern and unwavering. "The building isn't stable, Bakugou. If you go in now, you'll just get yourself killed."
Bakugou thrashed, trying to break free. "I don't care! Let me go!"
"You need to calm down," Aizawa said firmly. "We can't afford to lose you too. Rescue teams are on their way. We have to wait."
Bakugou's eyes blazed with fury and desperation. "I can't just stand here and do nothing! Y/N is in there!"
Aizawa's grip didn't falter. "I understand how you feel, but this is the only way to ensure the safety of everyone involved. You have to trust the rescue teams."
The simulated city was eerily quiet, the perfect setting for the latest training exercise. Aizawa had planned for a building to collapse during the exercise, adding an element of urgency and danger. Bakugou and you were paired together, tasked with finding and rescuing a dummy representing a civilian. "Let's make this quick," Bakugou grumbled, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "I don't want to waste time here." You nodded, equally focused. "Agreed. The dummy should be somewhere in that building." The two of you moved with precision, entering the building and locating the dummy within minutes. Just as you lifted it, the ground beneath you shuddered. Aizawa's voice crackled over the intercom. "Building collapse simulation initiated. Evacuate immediately." The walls began to creak and groan, debris falling around you. Bakugou's eyes widened in realization. "Shit, we need to move!" Before he could react further, you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "Come on!" you urged, your voice steady despite the chaos. You started running, pulling him along with you, the dummy secured under your arm. The building continued to crumble, large chunks of debris crashing down around you. Bakugou kept pace with you, his grip on your hand tightening as you navigated through the collapsing structure. He could feel the heat of the explosions he was ready to use to clear a path if necessary. As you neared the exit, you glanced back at him, a determined smile on your face. Bakugou felt a surge of something unfamiliar but powerful – trust, maybe, or a deep-seated respect for your unwavering courage. He smiled back for a moment. Just one moment. With a final sprint, the two of you burst out of the building just as it fully collapsed behind you. The rush of escaping in the nick of time left both of you breathless, but the adrenaline made it feel exhilarating.
Bakugou's body trembled with rage and helplessness. His mind was a whirlwind of memories – your laugh, your determination, your smile. He couldn't lose you, not like this.
As the minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity, he watched the rescue teams work tirelessly, pulling civilians from the wreckage. Every person they saved brought a flicker of hope, but you were still nowhere to be seen.
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alien-slushie · 3 months
Trash of the Count's Family/The Birth of a Hero Warrior Cat AU that I will do nothing with!
Do with this what you will.
I made this at like 2am for sh**s and giggles and have no intention of doing anything with it except maybe draw some of them if I get bored.
Cale: Kalesong, a sleek, short furred dark ginger(red) tom. Known for his rude, snippy behavior, he was often put on apprentice duties due to acting out. Due to his violent outbursts and sharp tongue, many of the clan fear him. One day he suddenly did a one eighty, and while still a bit snippy at times he's become reliable and a cat many have looked towards. But while hes reliable, hes also now very lazy. Whiles hell do his duties and even help others with their own duties, if allowed he will just lie around and sunbathe all day.
Kim Rok Soo: Rock, a large pitch black tom covered in scars who lives in the city. The city is brutal, filled with violent dogs that Rock has to deal with daily. He's stoic but very strong and intelligent. One day he changed a bit, while still smart and able to hold his own he became more talkative and less stoic.
Choi Han: Han, a thick furred dark brown, almost black, tom with black stripes that are only seeable in the sun. Once a kittypet, Han was separated from his original owners when he wandered too far and got lost. He was later accepted into a new family but that family later passed away since they were elderly. Han later meets Kalesong, who badmouthed two legs, and as a result Han attacked him. Seeing his strength and possibilities, Han was invited into the clan.
Alberu: Lighttongue, a pale golden tom, and son of the leader Sunstar. Lighttongue is actually half clan, but vehimically hides this fact. He desperately wants to become leader and loves his clan more than anything. He's very responsible, and glib tongued, very good at manipulation, though always for the greater good of the clan.
Ron: Lemonclaw, an elderly, battle scarred, brown tabby with white markings, and graying face. Lemonclaw and his son were originally from a band of rogues, but when his rogue group was targeted by a different clan, with no hope of the rogue group surviving, he took his son and fled, and was taken in by the clan. He was Kalesong's mentor, and still looks out for him. He's strong, resourceful, and very capable, and though he should be an elder, Lemonclaw refuses to retire.
Beacrox: Sharptooth, a brown tabby with white paws. Sharptooth is indifferent at the best of times, really only caring about his father. Sharptooth is very precise in all his doings, and hates messes. He's known for having the cleanest kills, both in hunting, and in battle, and somehow always catches the best tasting prey.
Rosalyn: Rosespark, a pretty dark ginger(red) she cat with long fur. Reliable, and highly intelegent, it seems like there is little Rosespark doesn't know, even coming up with the cure to a very bad poison that plagued the clans for moons. Rosespark was once the apprentice of a neighboring clan, but she was forced to be a warrior's apprentice in hopes of her one day becoming leader, but she always wanted to be a medicine cat/healer. Eventually, she ran and was accepted into the clan, where she was able to start training to be a medicine cat/healer.
Lock: Wolfspirit, a huge silvery blue tom with slightly thick fur. Wolfspirit is a new warrior, he's very kind, gentle, and doting cat but also very protective. He likes looking after others, and takes great pride in protecting his clan. His family was sadly killed in battle with a neighboring clan, and their deaths act as encouragement for Wolfspirit to keep fighting.
On: Fogkit, a fluffy silver she kit with white paws and chest. Fogkit is very smart, and protective over her brother, while young, she's very capable. She and her brother were left in clan territory as kits. Nobody hurt the kits, but nobody helped them either, until they met Kalesoong. At first he just bought them food, but eventually he brought them to the Clan, and has more or less adopted them.
Hong: Smogkit, a fluffy dark ginger(red) tom kit with white paws, and chest. Hong is much more excitable and outgoing than his older sister, easily adjusting to their new surroundings and coming to trust Kalesong faster. Due to his fur color, there is a rumor that Smogkit and Fogkit are biologically Kalesongs, but nobody dares discriminate against the kits in fear of facing Kalesong's anger.
Raon: Joykit, a black and grey silver fox kit. Joykit is a bit standoffish, and arrogant, especially towards those he doesn't know well, but he's very smart, and very capable. Joykit is a fox kit that Dirtclaw(Venion), and Mouseheart(Neo) found on the territory and tortured for a couple of days. When Kalesong found out he stepped in and took in the fox kit. Many aren't sure how to feel about a fox being raised to live among them, but since Kalesong is taking care of him they keep their mouths shut.
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sifu-kisu · 2 months
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“Those who hear of the truth are rare, but those who attain it are unicorns.” Meng Fanchun introduced that, for learning and practicing Tai Chi, it is generally difficult to see results without 3,000-5,000 hours. Only when the heart, strength and skills are put in, can results be achieved.
Hong Junsheng once advocated that when you first learn Tai Chi, you don't need to practice too much. One hour a day is enough. You should exercise according to your ability. When you feel tired, you can stop and take a walk to rest. You can gradually increase the amount of exercise after practicing for a few months. If you want to achieve initial results within three years, you should practice at least ten to twenty times a day.
There is also a time concept here. Ten sets of boxing take more than 100 minutes. Including warm-up and rest after training, it takes 2-5 hours of exercise every day. In the fast pace of modern life, if you don’t train specifically, most people rarely have so much time to practice boxing. Moreover, there are differences in whether you practice correctly or not, and whether the movements are in place. If you don’t have time to practice boxing, it is naturally difficult to practice real kung fu.
Meng Fanchun once told his master Zhang Guangzong that practicing Tai Chi was too costly, time-consuming and laborious, and it was not easy to see results. Later, Zhang Guangzong smiled and told him his own story of learning Tai Chi.
In 1956, Zhang Guangzong came to Lu Jiazhan to learn Shaolin boxing. Lu Jiazhan's twelve-way Tan leg was very powerful. Lu Jiazhan once joked with Zhang Guangzong, "Don't learn boxing. I will teach you wrestling. You can become a disciple in three years." Zhang Guangzong recalled his boxing experience at that time. Lu Jiazhan usually went up the mountain to play after he had done the postures such as Overlord Lifting the Tripod and Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg at the foot of Qianfo Mountain. After a long time, he came down the mountain to give guidance on the movements. Zhang Guangzong said that sometimes many of his fellow disciples gave up after learning for several years without seeing any results.
Regarding the speed of boxing practice, the first set of boxing generally takes more than ten minutes, and the fastest is no less than seven to eight minutes. The second set of boxing is preferably four to six minutes, but Hong Junsheng once said that "the faster the second set of boxing, the better", and a skilled person can practice the whole set of second set in three minutes.
Hong Junsheng also expressed his views on the issue of how to learn boxing quickly or slowly. He believes that slowness is a method of learning boxing, not a goal. Slow practice is good for beginners to learn more carefully and is good for leg support. After becoming proficient, they will naturally speed up. If you practice fast, you can practice the whole set quickly; if you practice slow, you can practice the whole set slowly. "Alternating between fast and slow" does not mean practicing one form fast and another form slow, or practicing fast and slow at times.
Regarding the intensity of practice, Tai Chi is generally considered to be a form of exercise for the elderly and the weak, which is related to the requirements of teaching and learning. Yang Luchan spent decades learning and practicing Chen-style boxing, so it is natural that he cannot be said to be a "park school".
According to the rules of martial arts, the amount of exercise in Tai Chi is not something that an average person can bear, so it is not easy to get the fitness effect from Tai Chi, and it is even more difficult to acquire the ability to fight by practicing Tai Chi.
In national and international competitions, Hong Junsheng's descendants performed outstandingly and won more than 100 medals. "When people have the ability to distinguish, they often have to go through a lot of practice and take many detours, which wastes their lives. This is a worrying problem." Hong Junsheng once expressed such emotion.
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tigereyes45 · 5 months
I wrote this for my Mcspirk Bingo Card: Amanda Visits. The event had been hosted on @mcspirkevents. You can get a Mcspirk Bingo Card there.
Amanda drops in for an unannounced visit with her son, and son-in-laws.
The story:
“Guess I’m the welcoming party.” Leonard turns around and closes only the screen door behind him. He readjusts the cuffs of the plaid jacket he’d taken from Kirk’s side of the walk-in closest.
He starts down the steps, grateful he had had the good sense to put his shoes on and not the slippers this morning. Upon seeing him descend, Amanda picks up speed. Somehow finding a new kick in her steps despite her age. All of his training pushes him to warn her of going to fast. A fall at her age, well, it was less dangerous for someone to hit him in the back of the leg with a crowbar. He presses his lips together in a tight smile, sealing his words behind clenched teeth. Amanda would not hear anyone’s concerns for her health. If she did, surely she would not be here when Sarek was nowhere in sight.
The vulcan had grown protective in his wife’s elder years. Overly protective in Kirk’s opinion. Not protective enough in Spock’s.
Leonard holds his arms open wide as he meets Amanda a few feet out from the steps. The elderly woman throws her hands out and practically buries the side of her face in his chest. Wrinkled, shaky hands pressed into his back holding him captive for as long as he’d let her. McCoy smiles as he lets out a soft, low laugh. He wraps his arms around her, leaning forward to rest his chin on top of her head. She feels so cold. This chilly autumn, mountain air was no doubt culpable.
Amanda pulls away first, wearing her signature large, grin. The tips of her teeth just barely peeking out from behind her lips. “Leonard! How have you been?”
“Well.” He answers, slipping fully from her hold. “Yourself?” Folding his arm out, he offers it to her.
She loops one arm through his, and rests her other hand on top of it. They make quite a pair as they casually stride towards the large, wooden cabin. “Much better.” She dips her head demurely. Leonard doesn’t miss the way her eyes scan the ground. Watching for loose rocks, or a dip in the ground that could cause her to lose her balance. She’d find none. After her first visit four years ago, Spock was meticulous in maintaining the grounds. Nary a stray stick, nor loose rock would be found. Not that, that meant she couldn’t still trip. McCoy and Jim had tried to point that out to Spock all those years ago, but he was lost in the busy work. Madness, McCoy had called it. Now he feels grateful as he steps closer, offering her more of his weight and strength to steady herself on.
Though a fall hadn’t been the cause of her bedridden nature for these last two months. “We were planning a visit but,”
She gently pats his arm, cutting him off in an oddly comforting way. “Sarek has been quite particular with visits. He worries too much about what diseases, visitors may bring.”
“Space is a cold, and unpredictable place.” No one can blame him for doing his best to see to her needs. Though McCoy can tell by the look in her eyes, it must have felt like a gilded cage. She rarely leaves home without her dearest husband, or children accompanying her, but even the happiest person alive will feel trapped when their health leaves them with no choice but to stay put.
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And here's my Bingo Card:
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art-of-manliness · 6 months
The Japanese 3X3 Interval Walking Workout
The overarching principle of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is that the harder you do an exercise, the more physiological benefits you accrue; thus, by incorporating intervals of higher intensity efforts in your workouts, you can get more fitness bang for your buck in less time.  When we think about HIIT, we tend to think about going absolutely nuts on a fan bike or doing all-out sprints. But as Dr. Martin Gibala explained on the AoM podcast, while high-intensity training rises above the level of the moderate, it doesn’t require a complete max out of your heart rate, nor is it limited to certain exercise modalities. You can do interval training by pedaling like a madman on a bike, but you can also do it with a less strenuous approach.  Enter Interval Walking Training (IWT), which originated in Japan. This 3X3 walking workout is simple: you do 3 minutes of low-intensity walking (40% of peak aerobic capacity for walking — a little faster than a stroll), followed by 3 minutes of high-intensity walking (70%+ of peak aerobic capacity for walking). You repeat these interval sets at least 5 times, and do this 30-minute workout 4 times a week. Your heart rate during the high-intensity intervals will vary according to your fitness level and age. One 68-year-old who participated in an IWT-based study had his heart rate go up to about 130 beats per minute during the fast intervals, so you’re moving at a good clip. Even though IWT is highly accessible, studies that have been done on it show that it produces significant health benefits. People who did Interval Walking Training 4X a week for 3 months experienced significantly more improvement in their blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, leg strength, and aerobic capacity than those who did continuous, moderate-intensity walking.  Hiroshi Nose, who developed Interval Walking Training, reports that among those who do IWT, “Physical fitness — maximal aerobic power and thigh muscle strength — increased by about 20 percent which is sure to make you feel about 10 years younger than before training, [and] symptoms of lifestyle-related diseases (hypertension, hyperglycemia, and obesity) decreased by about 20 percent.” IWT walkers enjoyed mental health benefits as well: depression scores dropped by half. Walking in general is already one of the very best forms of exercise you can do, and IWT just helps you take its benefits up a notch. Hiroshi has used Interval Walking Training to get thousands of elderly Japanese citizens into shape, and it’s a great form of exercise if you’re in the older decades of life. But it’s also good if you’re just beginning your fitness journey and looking to get off the couch and start doing more physical activity. Even if you’re already a regular exerciser who’s in good shape, IWT is a nice way to mix up your usual neighborhood strolls while enhancing your health even further.  For more HIIT protocols, from the accessible to the challenging, listen to this episode of the AoM podcast: Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T5HkXR
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isfjmel-phleg · 10 months
Crash course in YJ (and adjacent) Kids
Have no idea what I'm talking about when #comicsposting again? Would like to know? For reference, if you want it, here's a rundown of my comics specialty: DC's cast of teenage heroes on the team Young Justice in the 1990s. Names, powers, backgrounds, etc. I spent way too much time on this.
Tim Drake (Robin)
Age: 14-15.
Powers: None, but highly skilled in acrobatics, detection and martial arts, weapon of choice is a bo staff
Background: Figured out Batman and Robin's secret identities at age nine. Volunteered to be the new Robin shortly after Jason Todd's death because "Batman needs a Robin." Initially the de facto leader of Young Justice with a reputation as the smart guy (but is in fact just as unhinged as the rest of them). Struggles to balance his two identities; he has to conceal Robin from his father and Tim Drake from his Young Justice teammates, which leads to trust issues among the group.
Distinguishing features/costume: Black hair, blue eyes usually concealed by a domino mask with opaque lenses, oval face, short and wiry. Green and red suit with leggings, black and yellow cape (distinct from Dick and Jason's costumes, which were bare-legged and did not have any black, and Damian's, which has much more black, a tunic, and a hooded cape).
Kon-El (Superboy)
Age: 16 physically but chronologically less than 2, is unable to age past 16 for about half the series.
Powers: Tactile telekinesis (TTK), the ability to control anything he can touch, which allows him to mimic super strength, invulnerability, and flight. Does not have Superman's other powers, such as heat vision, x-ray vision, etc.
Background: Clone created by Project Cadmus to be their mind-controlled replacement for Superman after his "death." Escaped before he could be artificially aged to maturity and has been an independent hero since Clark's return. During YJ 1998, is working for Cadmus as a field agent. A habitual show-off and flirt who harbors a lot of private insecurity and doesn't initially function well as a team player.
Distinguishing features/costume: Curly black hair in a fade haircut (later cut short and spiky), blue eyes, strong jaw, significantly taller and more muscular than the others, earring for most of the series, scruffy goatee later on. Initially wears a 90s-ified version of the Superman suit with a black leather jacket, later updates to a metallic version of a suit without the jacket.
Bart Allen (Impulse)
Age: 14-15 physically, chronologically 2-3 due to hyperaccelerated aging for the first two years of his life.
Powers: Superspeed, including the ability to vibrate his molecules through solid objects. Later on he develops the ability to create temporary replicas of himself ("scouts").
Background: Barry Allen/the Flash's grandson from the thirtieth century. Was born with his superspeed out of control and had to be raised in VR to keep his mental aging on track with his physical aging. Brought by his grandmother to the twentieth century to get his rapid aging resolved by Wally West, the current Flash. Currently lives in Manchester, Alabama with Max Mercury, an elderly speedster who is training/raising him. Thanks to his VR upbringing, struggles with patience and thinking things through, but is more intelligent and perceptive than he's usually given credit for.
Distinguishing features/costume: Lots of reddish-brown hair, yellow eyes, big feet, short and wiry. White and red suit with a lightning design, googles with yellow lenses.
Greta Hayes / "Suzie" (Secret)
Age: Never specified but probably around 14-15.
Powers: Exists in an incorporeal, smoke-like form that can float, shapeshift, create smoke constructs, teleport, and become tangible for limited amounts of time. As a Warder, a gatekeeper between life and death, can sense impending death and bring others into a pocket dimension called the Abyss which seems to be a sort of portal to death.
Background: An ordinary girl who was murdered by her brother as part of a ritual and was changed after death into her current incorporeal form. Was held captive by a government organization and studied in a lab but escaped with the help of Robin, Superboy, and Impulse and has been in hiding since. Cannot remember most of her past life, does not understand her powers, and frequently feels alienated from the rest of Young Justice (except Robin, whom she has a crush on), which leaves her vulnerable to those who wish to take advantage of her powers.
Distinguishing features/costume: Blond/light brown shoulder-length hair, blue eyes, smaller than the others, frequently surrounded by smoke. Off-white suit, long and trailing light brown coat.
Cissie King-Jones (Arrowette)
Age: Never specified, but would have to be 16 by the time she competes in the Olympics.
Powers: None, but a highly-skilled archer.
Background: Daughter of a former would-be superheroine who put her daughter through strenuous training and forced her into the identity of Arrowette from an early age. Sent to boarding school after Max Mercury reported her mother to CPS for child exploitation. Took up hero work again to spite her mother but, after a personal tragedy leads her to nearly kill, chooses to quit permanently. Becomes an Olympic athlete and occasional film actress while still keeping in contact with her Young Justice friends.
Distinguishing features/costume: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, oval face, significantly taller than the other girls. Red top, white skirt, and red boots and mask, alternatively a "Dark Arrowette" costume consisting of a dark red and purple suit with a hood.
Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl)
Age: 15.
Powers: Super strength, speed, durability, and flight.
Background: Daughter of an archaeologist who is an associate of Wonder Woman. Eager to join Diana in heroics and seizes an opportunity to request super powers from Zeus, who grants them on the condition that her mother can deactivate them whenever she chooses. Enthusiastic and reckless but is also struggling with self-confidence in living up her predecessors' legacy. Joined Young Justice initially because of her crush on Superboy but comes to discover her talent for leadership and eventually takes over as team leader.
Distinguishing features/costume: Short blonde hair that gets longer over the series, blue eyes, heart-shaped face, physically matures over time. Goes through several costumes. Initially wears a dark wig and googles and mismatched clothing from her closet. Later versions vary but usually include a black shirt, red pants, bracelets, and a bar necklace engraved with "girl."
Anita Fite (Empress)
Age: 16.
Powers: Vodoun, usually used for teleportation; martial arts and use of an emperor's stick; and mind control through verbal commands due to having a piece of the Anti-Life Equation in her.
Background: Daughter of a government agent (who has been pursuing the escaped Secret) and a woman whose mother was a vodoun priestess. Has had her powers most of her life but is inspired to use them for heroics after witnessing Cissie stopping a thief in a mall. Joins Young Justice after Cissie leaves. Seeks revenge on her maternal grandfather after he kills both her parents, and gets her parents back...as infants whom she now must raise.
Distinguishing features/costume: African-American, long dark reddish hair, purple eyes, tall. Gold and purple suit and mask that conceal everything except her ponytail.
Age: Physically a teenager, chronologically very young--comes into existence late in the series.
Powers: Has the Czarnian physiology of his original, which provides super strength, durability, stamina, and healing, but these are limited since he came from "the shallow end of the gene pool." Also a skilled mechanic and pilot.
Background: Clone of a deaged version of alien bounty hunter Lobo that comes into existence after Li'l Lobo's death on Apokolips. Is smaller and weaker than his original and considers himself an inadequate successor. Presents himself as extremely morally gray but is actually quite sensitive, emotionally mature (compared to the rest of YJ), and ultimately self-sacrificial.
Distinguishing features/costume: Spiky black hair, yellow iris-less eyes that go completely black when he goes blind, black markings around eyes, gray skin, smaller and skinnier than Li'l Lobo. Gray shirt, black vest, jeans with skull belt buckle.
Ray Terrill (The Ray)
Age: 19.
Powers: Light control, including emanating light, blasting rays/energy, flight, conversion to light energy, movement at light speed, creation of constructs and illusions, healing, and invisibility.
Background: Raised to believe he had a deathly allergy to sunlight and must remain in the dark but learned after the death of the man who raised him that he is really the son of the Golden Age hero the Ray and has inherited his light-based powers. Struggles with adjustment to using his powers and trying to live a mostly normal life and has a difficult relationship with his lying, manipulative father. Joined the Justice League for a while. Dragged into joining Young Justice late in the series to replace recently-lost members.
Distinguishing features/costume: Red hair, green eyes, average build and height, earring. White and gold suit (a light construct), black and gold band leader-style jacket, and gold helmet with fin.
Grant Emerson (Damage) [not actually a member of YJ but has worked with them, has connections to some individual members, and is around the same age]
Age: 16.
Powers: Building up biochemical energy in his body that results in super strength, durability, and speed, greater mass, and blasts of energy. If not discharged, this energy results in his exploding like a bomb.
Background: Son of Al Pratt (the Atom) and his wife Mary but never met them. Stolen after birth and experimented upon, which gave him DNA from numerous other superheroes. Raised by abusive foster parents. Manifested powers as a teenager but couldn't control them. Saved the universe during Zero Hour, accidentally blew up downtown Atlanta, had to join the Titans as an alternative to prison, went on a quest to discover his real parentage, joined the Titans again, and went on hiatus to concentrate on healing from his past. Used to be friends with Bart. Cannot catch a break.
Distinguishing features/costume: Brown hair with floppy bangs and sometimes a mullet, brown eyes, strong jaw, increases in muscle mass whenever his powers build up. Costume varies but consistently involves blue and orange or yellow, with a radioactive symbol on the shirt.
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bansept · 2 years
Well since you so gracefully extended your invitation to me I shall ask Mudad with 3 <3
3 - Angst Mudad
Well of course! Since it's not just a ship prompt list, I was kinda eager to write some mudad too hehe
I decided to curse you with some angst, because I can hehe
Giorno was packing his bag, the few clothes and belongings he wanted to take with him barely filling the dark leather bag. His room did have a dresser filled to the brim with expensive suits made exclusively to be worn on special occasions, as well as more common but still expensive clothes. Shoes, accessories, memories taking the dust in his bedroom, untouched during the years of his training, ever since his father had decided he was no longer a child.
His father, Dio.
Growing up, oh how he had admired him, his strength and charismatic presence, commanding any and all people. He was a god-like creature for the small boy, shining brighter than the sun he was hiding from. Teaching him English, Japanese, and Italian. Awakening his stand to raise him as his only worthy son. Grooming him into a stern, cold-headed right hand.
Dio, who had stolen his father's body and cursed the Joestar bloodline.
The monster who viewed human life like nothing more than cattle to feed on, sometimes indulge in, and servants for the few he found useful. The tyrant who suppressed anyone opposing him. The cruel impostor who made him believe he loved Giorno as his son when he was simply using him as his pawn to do his bidding.
Giorno placed the small wallet in the bag with a sigh before zipping the bag shut. He gripped the handle, straightening his back while looking at his childhood room one last time. He remembered the night when sleep had escaped him, and he spent hours wondering how to be stronger to please father. When the hits received in the training with father would hurt him so bad he became delirious with fever, but it wasn't enough yet.
When, a long time ago, his father would gently pat him on the back and chuckle with him.
Giorno felt his brows furrow. Those times were over now. The influence and lies were over.
He didn't turn back when he left the room, walking down the stairs with resolution. The stares of shock and sadness from the servants around him didn't phase him. Giorno only felt disgusted at those people who weren't capable of standing their ground and leaving this place.
"Master Giorno... Please reconsider..." An elderly woman begged, her black eyes shivering with unshed tears.
Giorno didn't look at her, didn't pretend to be sad to leave as she'd maybe hoped to see him. He only blinked. The muttering and whining of the servants immediately stopped, a cold and dry breeze stealing their breath away. Giorno knew.
Dio was standing in front of him.
The young man looked up at the man, without any trace of fear or surprise, determination crystal clear on his face. The giant in front of him quietly mocked him, his mouth turned in disgust.
"If you choose to walk out of this door, Giorno, there will be no turning back."
The words were pronounced with a deathly finality, the usual joking tint of voice Dio used with Giorno gone, just like the warmth the father rarely gave his son. Giorno closed his eyes for a moment, bowing his head.
"Your hold on me ends today, Dio." He proclaimed, voice harder than it ever was, his eyes opening to glare at the man. Never, in all the years after he'd been rescued and raised, had Giorno called him by his name. Why would he, if he was his father? But the truth was, he wasn't. Not any more than his stepfather.
Dio remained silent, examining the 15-year-old. Did he regret anything? Did his mind wonder back in the days, when he had found the strength to be kind and loving to a little boy? Did he hope to see Giorno wobble on his legs and crash down, asking for forgiveness? Did Giorno's face, pasted with an unshakable resolution, remind him of Jonathan, whom he had stolen everything?
"How useless."
Giorno didn't turn to witness his father mourn his departure, the sadness apparent in his orange eyes. No, he wouldn't go back to Dio and his darkness.
He was a Joestar. And he belonged under the sun, with his real family, while the man who had raised him would become his sworn enemy.
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ziskandra · 2 years
hello! for the questions for fic writers meme, a few questions for you:
Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Great minds must think alike, because I've answered 12 and 17 here! (Short answers: omegaverse and train controller AU, respectively) 7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? As I mostly write shorter fics, worldbuilding doesn't crop up too often in my works (and consequently, it's not one of my strengths, either). That being said, the times I have stretched my legs with slightly longer stories, I have had fun with some of the worldbuilding elements! There are two fics I'd like to highlight in particular. Firstly, a rare Original Work: Aulia & Haidrul's Enchanted Weapons and Wares. Given I struggle with worldbuilding at the best of times, I was completely astonished to find myself writing a 10k origfic within the span of four days 😅 But I was on holiday when someone who's writing I admire came up as a last-minute pinch hit for an exchange, and the character types they requested fit in perfectly with this fictional world I'd kind of been building in the back of my head for years?
Which might sound a bit strange (then again, do I know how these things work? not really), but basically, it's low fantasy set in an Indonesian-inspired post-apocalyptic world, where magic is a known quantity but is dying out due to a rejection of tradition and a declining population. The story is basically framed as two elderly store proprietors telling stories about their Youth to a passing traveller who's going east to fight in the war (there's a dragon problem, but that's not the focus of this particular fic...), and how they built a happy life for themselves despite not living up to the expectations people had for them. Honestly, I'd love to write more in this world and expand on the universe more, but I have a certain impostor syndrome when it comes to stories inspired by my own culture: as a mixed-race person, I never really feel like I can lay claim to anything when it comes to race and ethnicity and that's something I'm still working through and unpacking for myself. Writing this fic was definitely a step in the right direction though and helped me let me overcome that fear a tiny bit for myself. Secondly, my longest Dragon Age fic, To Find A Cure, which is mostly told through a series of letters told between Anora and her wife, Warden-Commander Cousland, during the Inquisition-era while Cousland is off on her quest to, uh, find a cure for the Calling! I ended up knee-deep in Fereldan Politics Lore for this one, oops, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I also ended up with something of a sequel outlined with a bunch of OCs where Elethea Cousland (who's introduced in To Find A Cure: she's Fergus's daughter and was sent to Denerim as a child to be raised as heir to the throne), Rowan Guerrin the II (pours one out for Connor...), and a maternal cousin of Anora's run off to try and reunite Anora and Elissa when Anora is on her deathbed (Anora is of course, extremely displeased that her heir has disappeared when she is actively dying, but Elethea's a bit of a romantic...) It's basically inspired by The Stolen Throne but these three are aware of Ferelden's proud history of polyamory so, less tragic in the end.
Questions For Fic Writers
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gorungophysio · 1 month
Why Falls and Balance Training is Essential for Aging Adults?
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Elderly people tend to suffer falls due to body imbalance and poor strength of limbs. All of them would like to maintain flexibility and be steady on their feet. Along with chronic illness, many conditions cause concerns of imbalance. It could be arthritis, migraine, cardiovascular disease, vision impairment, or side effects of various medications. So, it is advised for the aged people to go for balance training exercises, either to do it at home with able helping hands or to join a physiotherapy center that teaches falls and balance training exercises.
Benefits of Balance Training
Balancing exercises help build strength and improve posture, stability, and coordination. These falls and balance training exercises make one’s limbs stronger, so one can reduce the chances of falling or bumping into stationary objects like tables, doors, chairs as well as other furniture! The tragic fall may end up causing injuries, some may be detrimental to one’s health. Internal researchers have claimed in their study that, elderly adults who did balance exercises for a minimum of say more than 5 weeks, have enhanced their balance control and gained confidence! These exercises have helped improve movement, coordination, leg strength, and ankle mobility. Apart from physical agility, these exercises help in better mental functioning, along with memory and spatial cognition. It is recommended to go for a minimum of two to three sessions of exercise per week.
For an older person, there are simple falls and balance training, exercises given below to engage with little help from home folks, or one can join an exercise club
One should know which leg is the dominant one to start the exercise with the nondominant leg. The other side will be easier next.
One should focus one’s gaze on a fixed point straight ahead to maintain perfect balance.
If one is worried about the balance, then better to place feet a little farther.
Bend one’s knees slightly to prevent hyperextending and give stability.
Distribution of weight evenly between both feet is ideal. Breathe-in and breathe-out exercises during this process help in oxygen pumped into the system.
As one finds better balance, next is to experiment by closing one eye at a time, gazing up at the ceiling, also by trying different arm positions.
Posture exercises- Back leg raises
This exercise strengthens one’s lower back and glutes, which helps support good posture.
Place hands on a wall or the back of a chair.
Shift one’s weight onto your right foot.
Slowly lift the left leg back and up as high as one can.
Should hold this position for 5 seconds.
Return to the starting position.
Should continue doing 10 repetitions.
Then go for the opposite side.
By these simple falls and balance training exercises, one can improve one’s balance and posture.
Regular breaks of 10 minutes between 20 minutes of falls and balance training, and exercise are advised. One should sit down and drink plenty of water. The stomach should be filled, should not attempt any exercises on an empty stomach! Here, one will feel better and grounded, if there are concerns with feeling dizzy or light-headed.
Some of the Exercises to try with house help for falls and balance training. One can do these exercises while wearing shoes or bare foot. Shoes give firmer grip and stability. For some of them, barefoot can help strengthen the muscles that stabilize the feet. Using a yoga mat is ideal, as there are chances of slipping. The house help has to ensure that there is no chanceless fall during the falls and balance training exercises.
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heathermehf · 1 year
💪 Secrets of a beautiful waist – 3 exercises to improve core and balance [Video]
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juveriente · 1 month
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cubic-backlinks · 2 months
Lifestyle Tips for Stronger Bones and Joints
Balanced Nutrition: Feed Those Bones
A well-rounded diet rich in essential nutrients is fundamental to orthopedic health. Think of it as nourishing your bones from the inside out. Here’s what to include:
Calcium: Your bones crave it! Get it from dairy products (like yogurt and cheese), dark leafy greens (spinach and kale), fortified cereals, and even mushrooms.
Vitamin D: This dynamic duo partners with calcium for bone strength. Catch some sunlight (hello, vitamin D synthesis!) and consider fortified milk alternatives.
Fatty Fish: Salmon, sardines, and mackerel are like little bone-boosting superheroes — they’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids.
Eggs: Not just for breakfast! Eggs provide protein and vitamin D.
Fortified Cereals: Start your day with a crunchy bowl of fortified goodness.
Hydration: Water keeps your joints lubricated. Sip away!
Weight-Bearing Exercises: Be Gravity’s BFF
Weight-bearing exercises are like bone parties — they invite gravity over for a workout. These activities require bones and muscles to work against gravity while supporting your body weight. Try these:
Walking: It’s simple, effective, and bone-friendly. Take a stroll — bonus points if it’s in a scenic park.
Running or Jogging: For those who love a little more bounce in their step.
Yoga: Balance, flexibility, and zen vibes — all in one practice.
Stair Climbing: Elevate your bone health (literally) by taking the stairs.
Hiking: Nature + bones = a match made in musculoskeletal heaven.
Joint-Friendly Activities: Move with Grace
Gentle on the joints, fierce for overall health:
Swimming: It’s like a joint spa day. Dive in!
Cycling: Pedal power without the impact.
Pilates: Core strength meets joint love.
Tai Chi: Ancient wisdom for modern joints.
Mind Your Posture: Stand Tall, Stay Strong
Good posture isn’t just about looking confident — it’s about spine health. Imagine your spine saying, “Thanks for not slouching!”
When sitting, keep your feet flat, shoulders relaxed, and spine aligned.
Lift with your legs, not your back. Your spine will send you virtual high-fives.
Think of Injury Prevention: Safety First!
Helmets, knee pads, and sensible shoes — your bone guardians.
Warm up before exercise. Your muscles and joints appreciate the heads-up.
Listen to your body. If it says, “Hey, ease up,” pay attention.
Avoid Risk Factors: Be Bone-Smart
Smoking and excessive alcohol? Not cool for your bones.
Watch your step — literally. Falls are no fun for bones.
Regular check-ups with an orthopedic specialist? Yes, please!
So, my bone-loving friend, let’s raise our imaginary glasses (filled with calcium-rich milk, of course) to healthier bones and happier joints! Orthomed Hospital provides the excellant treatment ortho,home and Elderly care , and lot more services provided by the hospital.
South India’s first hospital for Sports medicine Orthomed Multispecialty hospital is located at Royapettah, in the heart of Chennai. The founder and Managing Director Dr. A. Subair Khan, M.S. (Ortho), M.ch (Ortho), F.I.A.A, Fellow in Arthroscopy (India, Holland), is an Orthopaedic Surgeon trained in various aspects of Arthroscopy surgeries and sports medicine
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cubicdesignzdm · 2 months
Lifestyle Tips for Stronger Bones and Joints
Balanced Nutrition: Feed Those Bones
A well-rounded diet rich in essential nutrients is fundamental to orthopedic health. Think of it as nourishing your bones from the inside out. Here’s what to include:
Calcium: Your bones crave it! Get it from dairy products (like yogurt and cheese), dark leafy greens (spinach and kale), fortified cereals, and even mushrooms.
Vitamin D: This dynamic duo partners with calcium for bone strength. Catch some sunlight (hello, vitamin D synthesis!) and consider fortified milk alternatives.
Fatty Fish: Salmon, sardines, and mackerel are like little bone-boosting superheroes — they’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids.
Eggs: Not just for breakfast! Eggs provide protein and vitamin D.
Fortified Cereals: Start your day with a crunchy bowl of fortified goodness.
Hydration: Water keeps your joints lubricated. Sip away!
Weight-Bearing Exercises: Be Gravity’s BFF
Weight-bearing exercises are like bone parties — they invite gravity over for a workout. These activities require bones and muscles to work against gravity while supporting your body weight. Try these:
Walking: It’s simple, effective, and bone-friendly. Take a stroll — bonus points if it’s in a scenic park.
Running or Jogging: For those who love a little more bounce in their step.
Yoga: Balance, flexibility, and zen vibes — all in one practice.
Stair Climbing: Elevate your bone health (literally) by taking the stairs.
Hiking: Nature + bones = a match made in musculoskeletal heaven.
Joint-Friendly Activities: Move with Grace
Gentle on the joints, fierce for overall health:
Swimming: It’s like a joint spa day. Dive in!
Cycling: Pedal power without the impact.
Pilates: Core strength meets joint love.
Tai Chi: Ancient wisdom for modern joints.
Mind Your Posture: Stand Tall, Stay Strong
Good posture isn’t just about looking confident — it’s about spine health. Imagine your spine saying, “Thanks for not slouching!”
When sitting, keep your feet flat, shoulders relaxed, and spine aligned.
Lift with your legs, not your back. Your spine will send you virtual high-fives.
Think of Injury Prevention: Safety First!
Helmets, knee pads, and sensible shoes — your bone guardians.
Warm up before exercise. Your muscles and joints appreciate the heads-up.
Listen to your body. If it says, “Hey, ease up,” pay attention.
Avoid Risk Factors: Be Bone-Smart
Smoking and excessive alcohol? Not cool for your bones.
Watch your step — literally. Falls are no fun for bones.
Regular check-ups with an orthopedic specialist? Yes, please!
So, my bone-loving friend, let’s raise our imaginary glasses (filled with calcium-rich milk, of course) to healthier bones and happier joints! Orthomed Hospital provides the excellant treatment ortho,home and Elderly care , and lot more services provided by the hospital.
South India’s first hospital for Sports medicine Orthomed Multispecialty hospital is located at Royapettah, in the heart of Chennai. The founder and Managing Director Dr. A. Subair Khan, M.S. (Ortho), M.ch (Ortho), F.I.A.A, Fellow in Arthroscopy (India, Holland), is an Orthopaedic Surgeon trained in various aspects of Arthroscopy surgeries and sports medicine
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nhmcare123 · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Elderly Care Therapy Equipment
Caring for the elderly requires a multifaceted approach, combining medical care, emotional support, and therapeutic interventions. One example of the critical components of effective elderly care is the use of specialized therapy equipment. In this blog post, we will explore various types of elderly care therapy equipment, their benefits, and how they can enhance the quality of life for seniors.
Understanding Elderly Care Therapy EquipmentElderly care therapy equipment market encompasses a wide range of devices and tools designed to support the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of older adults. This equipment is used in various settings, including homes, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers, to aid in mobility, improve cognitive functions, and provide comfort and safety.
Types of Elderly Care Therapy Equipment
1. Mobility AidsMobility aids are essential for seniors who have difficulty walking or maintaining balance. These aids help prevent falls and allow seniors to stand and move around more independently.
Walkers and Rollators: These provide support for walking and often come with seats and storage compartments.
Wheelchairs and Scooters: For those with limited mobility, these aids offer an excellent way to maintain independence.
Canes and Crutches: Lightweight and easy to use, they provide extra stability for those who need minimal support.
2. Physical Therapy EquipmentPhysical therapy equipment helps seniors maintain or improve their physical strength, flexibility, and coordination.
Exercise Bands and Tubes: Used for strength training and resistance exercises, they are versatile and effective.
Balance Boards and Pads: These tools help improve balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls.
Pedal Exercisers: Compact and easy to use, they help improve cardiovascular health and leg strength.
3. Cognitive Therapy ToolsCognitive therapy tools are designed to stimulate the brain and improve mental functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
Puzzles and Brain Games: Engaging activities that help keep the mind sharp.
Memory Aids: Devices such as digital clocks with large displays and reminder alarms can help seniors keep track of their daily schedules.
Interactive Apps and Tablets: Specially designed for seniors, these can offer cognitive exercises and entertainment.
4. Comfort and Safety EquipmentComfort and safety equipment ensures that seniors can live in their homes safely and comfortably.
Adjustable Beds: These beds can be adjusted to different positions, providing comfort and aiding in mobility.
Grab Bars and Handrails: Installed in bathrooms and other areas, they help prevent falls.
Lift Chairs: These chairs can help seniors transition from sitting to standing with ease.
Benefits of Using Elderly Care Therapy Equipment
The use of elderly care therapy equipment offers numerous benefits:
Enhanced Independence: Mobility aids and physical therapy equipment help seniors perform daily tasks independently.
Improved Physical Health: Regular use of exercise equipment can lead to better physical health and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
Mental Stimulation: Cognitive therapy tools keep the brain active and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
Increased Safety: Safety equipment reduces the risk of falls and injuries, allowing seniors to live safely in their homes.
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jake213j · 6 months
Achieve Your Physical Goals with Blood Flow Restriction: Physical Therapy in St. Pete
If you’ve recently seen someone weightlifting with bands wrapped around their biceps, they’re probably experimenting with Blood Flow Restriction Training, or BFR.
The goal of BFR is to keep arterial blood flowing to muscles while preventing venous blood from returning. Wrapping, banding, or cuffing the leg or arm while exercising is a type of exercise known as occlusion training.
This training plan is beneficial because it can induce muscle adaptations at much lower weights. BFR is said to provide many of the same advantages as heavy lifting while avoiding muscle damage. Blood Flow Restriction Training also helps with post-workout recovery and reduces atrophy during injuries.
Would you like to learn more about the benefits of blood flow restriction at our St. Petersburg clinic? If so, give Physical Therapy in St. Petersburg a call today!
What is blood flow restriction?
Blood flow restriction is based on the widely held belief that the therapies cause a “local hypoxic event,” in which the tissues in the affected area are briefly deprived of oxygen.
While this may appear to be a risk, local hypoxia aids in the accumulation of extra metabolites. During exercise, this process regulates the body’s anabolic response system (how the body grows muscle protein).
In essence, decreasing blood flow in the affected area promotes the formation of more muscle protein.
You can safely regulate the amount of tourniquet pressure for your specific needs with personalized blood flow restriction devices, such as the Personalized Tourniquet System (PTS) that we offer. Personalized blood flow restriction, according to the Owens Recovery Science website, has several advantages, including but not limited to:
Increasing hypertrophy with only 30% loads
Improving muscle endurance in 1/3 the time
Improving muscle protein synthesis in the elderly
Enhancing strength and hypertrophy after surgery
Improving muscle activation
Increasing growth hormone responses
Diminishing atrophy and loss of strength from disuse and non-weight bearing after injuries
Increasing strength with only 30% loads
How can this method provide pain relief?
Compression devices, similar to blood pressure cuffs, are used during blood flow restriction treatments. The pressure created by these compression devices is high enough to obstruct blood flow within the affected muscles by 50-80%. This device’s safety has been established through research.
At your initial appointment, one of our physical therapists who specializes in blood flow restriction will perform a physical examination, review of your medical history, and discuss your symptoms to determine if blood flow restriction is the best treatment option for you.
Blood flow restriction has been used to treat almost any upper or lower body ailment and is a type of post-surgery rehabilitation. The compression device itself measures the amount of pressure recommended for the affected area for the patient to complete each targeted workout and achieve the desired results.
The goal of limiting blood flow during workouts at St. Pete Physical Therapy is to exhaust the damaged area in order to activate the body’s natural healing and tissue-building processes. This will allow you to recover faster and return to your sport as soon as possible.
Muscle soreness may occur for a day or two after treatment, but this is nothing to be concerned about. “Limb fatigue” may also occur for 20-30 minutes after treatment but should disappear quickly.
What else do I need to know about blood flow restriction?
Blood flow restriction can be combined with other types of exercise such as walking, running, or resistance training. In fact, when compared to workouts that only use resistance training, exercise programs that include both BFR and low-load resistance training appear to have numerous positive effects on the muscle.
This treatment method appears to improve strength, hypertrophy (increased muscle size), muscle activity, and post-exercise muscle protein synthesis. The combination of BFR and resistance training has also been shown to increase growth hormone levels in conventional resistance training. Resistance training programs incorporating BFR and low loads (20 – 30% of 1RM) appear to increase strength.
The goal of blood flow restriction during the exercises is to tire out the affected area in order to stimulate the body’s natural healing and tissue-building processes. This process uses 30% of the normally required loads while providing the same desired results.
This significant reduction in required load means less stress on any joint, allowing for strengthening where traditional strengthening would be ineffective. As a result, your strength will be accelerated, allowing you to reach your goals faster.
Before attempting Blood Flow Restriction Training, you should consult a physician if you are pregnant, have cardiac disease, high blood pressure, or varicose veins.
Contact St. Pete Physical Therapy to get started today
If you are recovering from an injury or surgery and would like to participate in blood flow restriction training treatments, please contact St. Pete Physical Therapy in St. Petersburg right away. Our licensed physical therapists are highly trained in this treatment and would be happy to discuss how it might benefit you.
Contact our St. Petersburg clinic today to request an appointment and get started on the path toward overall functional improvement!
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