#Eleanor x jasper
Jasper & Eleanor | But Daddy I Love Him
I would walk away from all of it to be with you for the rest of time.
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maylas · 7 months
Jasper & Eleanor | The Great War
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
So many new ocs and plot bunnies just throwing it out there any thoughts on new crossovers? (Or not-new crossovers that we just really need to talk about about?)
Omg honestly we've both been having so many new ones so, under the cut because this is BIG (I did just romantic because it was even Bigger with platonic or ones that could be both but I still have the platonic saved so, lmk if you want) (I ended up cutting out some Glee ones as well so if you want the ones left out I can have another, but at least I bolded my faves??)
also. there are more fandoms we have but after like two days of going through these lists my brain hurts so. just lmk if there's any fandom you want in particular <3
Honestly we just need to talk about any Gabe crossover that isn't Ace x Gabe and Ro & Gabe but especially Topher and Evander
Ace and Wrenley give me vibes for some reason, idk what but vibes
Anissa Radcliffe x Stephen
Atalia of Atlantica x Jackie
Atalia of Atlantica x Wrenley
Blossom x Stephen
Callista x Stephen
Chessy x Stephen
Chessy x Emmeline
Chiara x Cosette
Cian x Cosette idk why
Cian x Evelyn idk why
I literally wanna say Cian x Gabe but idk
Cian x Kirsti
Cian x Wrenley
Cosette x Evelyn
Cosette x Ginevra
Elise x Emmeline
Elise x Estelle
Elise x Stephen
Finley x Ginevra
Finley x Stephen
Fitz x/& Gabe I can't figure out the vibes
Fitz x/& Stephen (only x if he isn't with Finley)
Fitz x Ginevra
Gloria x Ruby
Gloria x Annalise
Hannah x Stephen
Hannah x Kirsti
Harley x Wrenley
Harley x Jackie
Honey x Stephen
Honey x Emmeline
(I said just doing romantic here but I do love the idea of Honey & Gabe just saying)
Princess Isabelle x Charlotte
Princess Isabelle x Stephen
Lawson x Cadence
Lawson x Cosette
Lawson x Wrenley
Lucette x Evelyn
Lucette x Cadence
Maria x Wrenley
Noelle x Stephen
Roslyn x Stephen
Roslyn x Wrenley
Roslyn x Emmeline
Roslyn x Cadence
Taryn x Jackie
Tristan x Stephen
Tristan x Gabe
Tristan x Kirsti
Violet x Stephen
Violet x Jackie
Gilmore Girls
Allie x Theo
Allie x Dahlia? Idk I'm getting vibes
Amanda x Thomas (Thomas is truly the Gavin of my Gilmore Girls ocs with all the girlfriends he gets)
Annabel x Caspian
Annabel x Serafina
Antoinette x Serafina
Avery x Caspian
Avery x Serafina
Brady x Caspian?
Cameron x Theo
Catie x Thomas
Charles x Theo
Charles x Jasmine (with Blythe and Kaito or not either way)
Chelsea x Theo
Chelsea x Thomas
Chelsea x Lydia
Cosette x Thomas
Dani x Caspian
Eleanor x Thomas
Eleanor x Theo
Eliya x Lydia
Elle x Caspian
Evan x Theo
Freya x Caspian
Gabi x Jasmine
I kinda want Harry and Troy and Vicki idk with who
Holland x Dahlia
Jane x Theo
Kaylee x Caspian
Kaylee x Theo
Lexi x Dorian
Lia x Theo
Lili x Theo
Lili x Thomas
Lili x Jasmine
Marley x Theo
Sage x Theo
Sage x Jasmine
Sage x Dahlia
Sienna x Caspian
Sophie x Serafina
Sophie x Caspian
Willow x Thomas
Willow x Theo
Willow x Jasmine
Glee (I might be already about to update my list with another but I kept it simple with who's already there lmao but I will come to you with ideas when I add)
Abbie x Christina
Abbie x Felix
Abbie x Steve
Abbie x Xavier
Barbie x Carrie
Barbie x Jupiter
Barbie x Steve
Betty x Felix
Betty x Jupiter
Betty x Steve
Betty x/& Zeke (x if he isn't with Claude???)
Sav/Bobby/Val can really be platonic or romantic with so many of my people I feel like they'd be a whole list on their own
I don't wanna break Camilo and Jo up so, also own list of who could be platonic and romantic
Cece x Christina
Cece x Giselle
Cece x Sophia
Christie x Carrie
Christie x Felicity
Christie x Giselle
Christie x Jupiter
Claude x Beatrice
Claude x Leonard
Claude x Zeke
Cole x Carrie
Cole x Jasper
Cole x Reagan
Cole x Steve
Cole x Xavier
Colton x Ashton (They have their friend verse but I'm definitely not opposed to romance)
Colton x Felix
Colton x Jasper
Colton x Steve
Colton x Xavier
Daphne x Carrie
Daphne x Jupiter
Daphne x Reagan
Daphne x Steve
Delilah x Carrie
Delilah x Giselle
Delilah x Xavier
Demi x Carrie
Demi x Reagan
Dolly x Carrie (if not with Barbie)
Dolly x Felix
Dolly x Jupiter (if not with Barbie)
Dolly x Reagan
Gil x Ashton
Gil x Felix
Gil x Jasper
Gil x Jupiter
Gil x Leonard
Hadley x Christina
Hadley x Giselle
Hadley x Steve
Hadley x Xavier
Hillary x Steve
Holden x Ashton
Holden x Felix
Holden x Jasper
Holden x Leonard
Jaci x Beatrice
Jaci x CJ
Jason x Ashton
Jason x Carrie
Jason x Jupiter
Jason x Sophia
Jeremy x Beatrice
Jeremy x Leonard
Jeremy x Zeke
Josie x Carrie
Josie x Felix
Josie x Steve
Joy x Carrie
Joy x Felix
Joy x Jupiter
Joy x Xavier
June x Carrie
June x Felix
June x Reagan
June x Steve
Kendall x Beatrice
Kendall x CJ
Lilibeth x Kaipo
Lilibeth x Zeke
Logan x Ashton
Logan x Carrie
Logan x Karina
Mac x Jupiter
Mac x Steve
Mac x/& Zeke (if he isn't with Claude??)
Marilyn x Carrie
Marilyn x Christina
Marilyn x Felicity
Marilyn x Giselle
Marilyn x Jupiter
Marilyn x Karina
Maureen x Carrie
Maureen x Reagan
Maureen x Steve
May x Giselle
May x Karina
May x Xavier
Any of the Natalie ones from the Natalie list I gave
Perrie x Christina
Perrie x Reagan
Perrie x Steve
Roxie x Carrie
Roxie x Felix
Roxie x Giselle
Roxie x Steve
Roxie x Xavier
Sadie x Beatrice
Sadie x CJ
Sadie x Leonard
Satine x Christina
Satine x Felix
Satine x Jupiter
Satine x Reagan
Tegan x Carrie
Tegan x Christina
Tegan x Giselle
Tegan x Steve
Tommy x Beatrice
Tommy x Leonard
And any from the Zoe list I gave
Harry Potter
Just this whole list
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Mates- Benjamin x OC
Benjamin x Ramona 
Description: Ramona meets her mate in the most unlikely situation. 
Word Count: 2.1k
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Ever since Renesmee had been born, things for the Olympic coven were… interesting to say the least. No one knew how to really deal with her as it had been so long since any of them had been near a child like this. It definitely didn’t help when Renesmee began growing at a rapid pace. That didn’t stop them from living her as if she were blood related. Ramona absolutely adored the young girl, even citing herself as the favorite aunt (Rosalie was annoyed when she finally managed to get Renesmee say it). She would do anything to protect her niece. 
That’s why, when Alice received a vision of the Volturi and Irina coming to kill the Cullens, she was on edge. Apparently Irina had seen Renesmee and mistook her for an immortal child, something that her old coven member Sasha had been killed for. Alice instructed the others to gather as many witnesses as possible to testify that Renesmee was not an immortal child. Then, the next morning she and Jasper were gone to gather evidence. 
So they went about summoning witnesses. Carlisle thought it best to divide and conquer, splitting up to cover more ground. Bella and Edward were tasked with going directly to Irina’s coven and personally showing them that their daughter wasn’t immortal, and Emmett and Rosalie went around searching for a few American nomads Carlisle knew while Lucy handled the European ones. Carlisle and Esme opted to go to Egypt to talk to a man named Amun as apparently he was a bit harder to convince. Finally, Ramona was paired with Eleanor to go to the Amazon to speak to Zafrina and Senna as they were more familiar with them. 
It took twelve hours for them to arrive at the Amazon from Washington. Thankfully their feet were much quicker than a plane so it only took them another hour or so to locate the Amazon coven deep in the forests. It seemed that Zafrina and Senna had already heard what was going on as they’d been expecting Eleanor and Ramona’s arrival. 
“We need your help,” Ramona started nervously. 
“You can say that again,” Zafrina laughed softly. “This is the second time the Volturi has set their sights on you.” 
“It isn’t our fault,” Eleanor defended. “This time, at least.” 
“Edward and Bella’s child isn’t immortal,” Ramona agreed. “She was born when Bella was still a human. We have no idea how it was possible, but she has blood in her veins and she is warm. And we can prove it to you if you let us.”
“If you come back to Washington to meet her, you’ll understand,” Eleanor finally concluded. Senna and Zafrina shared a look, then faced the girls. Thankfully that was all it took to convince the girls to at least come back to Forks with them to meet Renesmee and give their own judgment. 
So, the very next day they found themselves back in Forks. Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Bella and Renesmee had already returned with a few people, so it seemed like all they were waiting for Ramona and Eleanor with Zafrina and Senna. Ramona was happy to be acquainted with old friends and new allies alike. Ramona was happy to see some familiar faces like Garrett and, surprisingly, Alistair. She couldn’t exactly say the same for Carmen, Kate, Eleazar and Tanya, a.k.a. Irina's coven. But, according to Bella, they know Renesmee isn’t immortal. 
“So,” Ramona started slowly, eyeing the Denali coven for a moment before facing Rosalie. “Where’s Carlisle? I’m sure he’ll be happy to see Zafrina and Senna.” 
“In the living room. They’re introducing Amun to Renesmee,” the girl answered. She offered the girl a small smile before heading towards the living room. Upon arriving she was met with Carlisle, Bella, Edward and Renesmee along with four unfamiliar faces, two men and two women. Renesmee was touching the youngest looking boy’s cheek, likely transferring her thoughts to him. No one seemed to notice her presence quite yet so Ramona kept quiet, choosing to just watch the interaction. 
Her eyes were practically glued to the man Renesmee was touching. She then watched as her niece’s hand dropped and his hand lifted. A small ball of fire emerged from his palm, likely as a way to even out the playing field. An eye for an eye, type of thing. Edward then turned to Bella, explaining that the boy’s power was being able to manipulate the elements. The show of power earned a giggle from the young girl. The sound brought a smile to Ramona’s lips, she always said Renesmee’s laugh was the most beautiful sound she ever heard. That was, until she heard the still unnamed man chuckle along with her. That’s when she focused on him once again. 
He was handsome, that much was true. He, as well as the rest of his coven, wore mostly dark clothes, which complimented their beautifully tanned skin wonderfully. His eyes were red, but that wasn’t exactly a surprise to her. Just about every one of their allies fed from humans. What did surprise her was how beautiful they were despite their unnatural color. They were deep burgundy, yet they still somehow seemed to have flecks of gold sprinkled in them, likely from when he was still a human. 
Just a moment later, those beautiful burgundy eyes met her. Her eyes widened and she knew that if she was still human, she would be blushing like mad at the fact that she’d been caught staring. Him catching sight of her caused a chain reaction. One by one the others in the room turned to face her, but only Carlisle spoke. 
“Ah, Ramona,” he greeted with a small smile before facing the older unnamed man. “She is another one of mine. She can create force fields for both defense and offense.” 
“Impressive,” the man said simply before facing her again. Carlisle followed suit as he gestured her closer to the group, to which she complied. 
“Ramona, this is Amun, leader of the Egyptian coven. Beside him is his mate, Kebi, and their children Tia and Benjamin,” he went down the line of people. Amun merely nodded at her in acknowledgement, Kebi and Tia both offered her a polite smile and shook her hand, and once she got to Benjamin, they both paused. Their eyes met for a second time, and Benjamin managed to muster up a small smile before holding out his hand. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” he said in a gentle tone as she took his hand. 
Immediately an electric shock went up her arm, though it wasn’t unpleasant. Quite the opposite actually. It was like she was brought back to life with just a simple touch. It felt like she was sitting by the fire after trudging through snow, or like she was coming home after a long journey. An unfamiliar feeling seeped through her chest nestled deep into her heart. She felt like she could trust him even though they’d only just met. She felt an unconditional and deep connection of mind and soul with him, and based on the look in his eyes, Benjamin felt the same. Was this what falling in love felt like? 
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Edward turn to face Amun. She couldn’t hear exactly what was said, but one word caught her attention: mate. That’s when it finally clicked for her. She and Benjamin were mates. Benjamin seemed to have the thought because she watched his eyes light up. A small smile formed on both of their faces in unison before their hands were broken apart by Amun. 
“There will be time to worry about that later,” he said dismissively. “We must focus on the task at hand.” With that, he grabbed Benjamin’s hand and led him, Kebi and Tia out of the living room to where the rest of their allies were. Ramona could only watch in shock as the boy glanced back at her helplessly before he disappeared around the corner. 
“He’ll come around,” Carlisle said from behind her, resting his hands on her shoulder comfortingly. “Amun has been through a lot during his life as a vampire, and that’s hindered him from letting go of Benjamin for long.”
“You’d think it’d be different since it’s Benjamin’s mate,” Bella commented, stating exactly what Ramona was thinking. 
“Yes, well, I believe things will work out,” Carlisle responded simply. “He’ll come around when he’s ready, but I believe Benjamin will help speed up the process.” And Ramona believed him. 
Just a few days later, several people gathered outside to train for whatever may come with a confrontation with the Volturi. Ramona and Zafrina stood across each other while Carlisle, Eleanor, Bella, Edward, Garrett and Lucy stood around them, watching eagerly. Bella had never seen either girl using their powers before, so she was most excited. At the moment, Zafrina had been trying to force an illusion onto Ramona. But, since she had force fields on her side, she was able to see right through it with a simple shield in front of her eyes. Both of their concentration broke when they heard more people coming outside. It was Kebi and Benjamin, much to Ramona’s delight. 
“What are you guys doing?” Kebi asked curiously. 
“I’m working on strengthening my powers,” Ramona answered. 
“Maybe I could be of help with that,” Benjamin offered before Kebi could say anything. The others were surprised by his interjection considering none of them had seen much of him since his coven had arrived, but Carlisle nodded with a small smile. 
“That would be great.” Ramona nodded in agreement, then gestured to where Zafrina stood. He took his cue and stood where the Amazonian girl stood once she stepped to the side. 
“Shall I go easy on you?” He asked, a playful smile on his face so she knew that he was just joking. A small smirk appeared on her face. 
“I should ask you the same,” she retorted in the same teasing tone. “Take your best shot.” 
Benjamin nodded, taking a deep breath as he thought of what to do. After a moment, and without warning, he summoned water from what Ramona  assumed was the ground, forming a medium sized ball and shooting it at her. Her eyes widened and her hands shot forward before the water could hit her, creating a shield around her body and effectively blocking it from hitting her. Before it could fall back to the ground the boy’s hand shot up, relaunching the water at her. Rather than just deflecting it again, Ramona’s hands rounded around each other and the water was trapped in a force field the size of the sphere of water he’d shot at her the first time like water in a fishbowl. She threw the “ball” towards him, and in his shock he had no time to shield himself before the water got to him. Just before it hit him Ramona removed the force field that held the water, but it didn’t stop the water’s momentum so it hit him full force, almost knocking him back. Using his distraction to her advantage, she created another medium sized force field and shot it at him. The force was enough to almost send him flying, but instead it just knocked him back hard enough to hit a tree that stood a few feet behind him. Ramona watched as he fell to the ground in surprise, and her eyes widened. 
“Oh my god, are you okay?” She asked worriedly, rushing over to him with the others behind her. She crouched down beside him as he sat up, looking barely disoriented but very awed at Ramona. 
“That was amazing,” he marveled, which surprised her. 
“Wait, what?” 
“I’ve never seen such an impressive show of power. Your instincts are spectacular, even for a vampire.” Ramona’s cheeks heated up shyly and she offered him a small smile. 
“Yeah, well, when you’re forced to protect both yourself and others, you have to think quickly,” she answered simply. After a quick assessment the group determined that Benjamin wasn’t injured. That made Ramona sigh in relief and stand, offering her hand to him afterwards. He grabbed it and stood with her help. Once again that spark rushed through them with just a simple touch of their hands, which brought yet another smile to their faces. 
“I believe that’s enough for right now,” Carlisle spoke up. “Wonderful job, Ramona.” She offered him a thankful smile, to which he smiled. With that, he began heading inside with everyone else following him. Ramona and Benjamin walked side by side at the back of the group, their hands never disconnecting. She hadn’t expected to meet her mate, especially like this, but it was turning into a much better experience with every interaction they had.
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… crashed the app the first time I tried to paste the list Oof… this is entirely unhinged so enjoy! (I tried to avoid ones we’ve talked about before but I’m sure some slipped in and also I’m sure that I missed some 😭)
Send me a 🔁 and I’ll list one or more crossovers between our ocs that I’d be interested in talking about
Ophelia Wayne
Isolde Kean
Lorena Falcone
Seraphini Zambini
Adhara Black
Ara Black
Carina Goldberg
Venus Malfoy
Violetta Greengrass
Augusta Beauchamp
Dorothea Bridgerton
Eliza Huntington
Emmeline Bridgerton
Georgina Pemberton
Harriet Warwick
Betty Fabray
Christina Hummel
Faye Anderson
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
May Taylor & June Harris
Betty Fabray
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Dolly Corcoran
Jaci Jones
Johanna Berry
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Charlotte Smythe (… no I don’t know anything about her I just love Hizzie)
Joy Schuester
Kendall Pierce
Marilyn Pillsbury
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Abbie Hudson
Betty Fabray
Cece & Colton Cartwright
Dolly Corcoran
Joy Schuester
Roxie Flores
May Taylor & June Harris
Blake Castellan ( & Jasper Gabriel )
Cressida Brantley
Crystal Solace
Elaine & Felicity Castellan
Liz Castellan
Melody Weiss
Penelope Grace
Stella Beauregard
Victoria Blofis
Viola Di Angelo
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford & Charles Gilmore
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Chelsea Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Elle Hearst
Lili Gilmore
Sienna Elliot
Sophie Dugray
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Chelsea Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Sienna Elliot
Allie St James
Annabel Gilmore
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford & Charles Gilmore
Brady Mariano
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Charlotte Howard-Danes
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Eliya Rygalski
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Holland Bass
Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Jane Forester
Jocelyn Gilmore
Lucas Gilmore (ft the Willow Squad)
Lorrie Gilmore-Danes
Marley Tinsdale
Preston Gilmore
Sam Gleason
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brady Mariano
Emmeline Forbes
Jacqueline Grant
Annabel Gilmore
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Elle Hearst
Jocelyn Gilmore
Lucas Gilmore
Nellie McCrae
Preston Gilmore
Sienna Elliot
Lexi Danes
Jocelyn Gilmore
Preston Gilmore
Gwen Merlyn
Annika Webster
Dani Merlyn
Kelsey Doyle
Mia Queen
Allie St James
Annabel Gilmore
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford (& Charles Gilmore & Kaito Lauder but also Blythe x Richie)
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Cosette Gerard
Dani Gilmore Danes
Eleanor Doose
Elle Hearst
Eliya Rygalski
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Holland Bass
Hyacinth Nelson (???)
Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Jocelyn Gilmore
Lili Gilmore
Lucas Gilmore
Lorrie Gilmore-Danes
Marley Tinsdale
McKenna Hayden
Natalie Lister (ft the whole willow gang)
Nellie McCrae
Paige Huntzberger
Preston Gilmore & Lexi Danes
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
Sara Topaz (??)
Sienna Elliot
Viviana Lozano
The Band
[ Carlotta Hayden once she’s renamed ]
Allie St James
Brady Mariano
Eleanor Doose
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Holland Bass
Ilsa Gilmore Danes
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Lucas Gilmore & Natalie Lister (ft the entire Willow Squad)
Paige Huntzberger
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
The Band
Kirsty & the dance squad
Willow & the squad
Sam Gleason
Holland Bass
Sage Hall
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller & Brooks Livingston
Chelsea Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Nellie McCrae
Paige Huntzberger
Sienna Elliot
Annika Webster
Imogen Allen
Kelsey Doyle
Mia Queen
Parker Allen & Noah Altman
Angelina Winters
Dani Merlyn
Diana Queen
Kelsey Doyle
Mercy Bowen
Mia Queen
Lillian & Max
Annika Webster
Dani Merlyn
Imogen Allen
Kelsey Doyle
Mia Queen
Nia West
Parker Allen & Noah Altman
Carissa Grace
Cassandra Aelius
Melody Weiss
Penelope Grace
Josie Spencer
Calleigh Sheridan
Odelia Kowroski
Deborah Winchester
Elle Winchester
Esther Colt
Isla George
Jude Winchester
Nevaeh Murphy
Phoebe Winchester
Trix Stilinski
Calleigh Sheridan
Odelia Kowroski
Chiara Potts
Finley Rider
Harmony Of Atlantis
Lani Of Atlantis
Finley Rider
Isadora Darling
Violet Kingsleigh
Winnie Pan
Ariana Pendragon
Elsine Pendragon
Allyria Pendragon
Lynette Starfall
Princess Aelia
Clara Gale
Andrea Hagreeves
Andromeda Hargreeves
Audrey Hargreeves
Cleo Sullivan
Dahlia Mort
Gemma Hargreeves
Helena Hargreeves
June McLaughlin
Lorelai Hargreeves
Max Carmichael
Sierra Nearing
Sunny Talbot
Tiffany Katz
Tori Hargreeves
Virginia West
Wilhelmina Hargreeves
Finley Rider
Harley Hook
Princess Isabelle
Rosabelle Legume
Ara Black
Adhara Black
Carina Goldberg
Danica Lestrange
Lyarra Vance
Venus Malfoy
Violetta Greengrass
The Healer
Abbey Baker
Carys Harkness-Jones
Cassiopeia Harkness
Celeste Nichols
Ceridwen Lewis
Estella Tyler
Mina Ambrosia / The Scribe
Rose Harkness
Rusalia / The Oracle
Theia Wolfe
Matilda Fairbanks
Abbey Baker
Carys Harkness-Jones
Cassiopeia Harkness
Celeste Nichols
Ceridwen Lewis
Estella Tyler
Mina Ambrosia / The Scribe
Rose Harkness
Rusalia / The Oracle
Theia Wolfe
Beatrix Shellstrop
Bridget Atkins
Tatum Shellstrop
Amber Cain
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unfortunate-arrow · 6 days
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general disclaimer: expect spoilers for both the books and the show amongst all of my bridgerton tags. my next gen ‘verse involves like 90% book canon and 10% of show canon (aka book canon supersedes show canon). auggie basset & ernest livingston are only in a modern au.
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𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓥𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓷’𝓼 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷
⤷ Edmund, Miles, Charlotte, and Mary Bridgerton
⤷ Charles, Alexander, William, and Violet Bridgerton
⤷ Agatha, Thomas, Jane, and George (“Georgie”) Bridgerton
⤷ Amelia, Auggie, Belinda, Caroline, David, and Edward Basset
⤷ Amanda, Oliver, Penelope, Georgiana, and Frederick Crane
⤷ John and Janet Stirling
⤷ Katharine, Richard, Hermione, Daphne, Anthony (“Ant”), Benedict (“Ben”), Colin, Eloise, and Francesca (“Frannie”) Bridgerton
⤷ George and Isabella St. Clair
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𝓜𝔂 𝓞𝓒𝓼
⤷ Juliet Knight, Grace Hill, Rupert Townshend, and Arthur Townshend
⤷ Helena “Nell” Shepherd, Emma Rutledge, Róisín O’Connolly, and Jonathan “Jack” Fullerton
⤷ Stephen Ridlington, Eleanor Dane, Morgan Howell, and Olivia Sharpe
⤷ Ernest Livingston, Phoebe Wycliff, and Molly Campbell
⤷ Alice Linfield, Christopher “Kit” Barrington, Lucas Wivenly, and Beatrice Winslow
⤷ Adeline Meadows and Jasper Prentice
⤷ Gabriel “Gabe” Montgomery, Elizabeth Winslow, Neil Pemberton, Timothy MacMillan, Felicity Holroyd, Vivian Marsh, Evangeline “Evie” Wright, Adam Howe, and Nathaniel Moore
⤷ Lilliana Steele and Patrick O’Donovan
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𝓢𝓷𝓪𝓹𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮: 𝓐 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 (coming soon…)
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general disclaimer: do not support or agree with jkr’s views or actions, but not here to explicitly discuss my personal or political views. canon storylines are utilized mostly for the hphm ocs.
OC x OC Relationships: 1870-1960 and 1961-2010
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Orla O’Rourke | profile
Cillian Lynch | profile
Tadhg Lynch | profile
Niamh Kelly | profile
Vincent Fitzroy | profile (wip)
Brianna O’Rourke | profile
Fankids (wip)
Tag: #hphl
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𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Maxwell “Max” Pembroke | profile
Georgie Parsons | profile
Edmund Kennedy | profile
Minerva Kennedy | profile
Simon Battersea | profile
William Devlin | profile
Fankids (wip)
Tag: #hp victorian era
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝟏 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Ophelia Lovell | profile (wip)
Linus Sullivan | profile
Colm O’Shea | profile
Minor OCs → Eugene Lovell • Ralph Myers (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hp wwi era | #hp ww1 era | #hp ww1 verse
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𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Rory O’Neill | profile
Aisling Lynch | profile
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #fbawtft oc | #fbawtft era
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Ruth Lyman | profile
Ryan O’Donnell | profile
Cara O’Donnell | profile
Sara O’Donnell | profile
Conor O’Donnell | profile
Minor OCs → Cian Jacob O’Donnell (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hphm | #hogwarts mystery
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𝐀𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚𝐬
(Oscar) Lynch | profile (wip)
Camila Valdez | profile
Dominic Worthington | profile (wip)
Nicholas Wraxall | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hp professor oc | hp marauders era oc | #hp golden era oc
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𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Finn MacKade | profile
Nate MacKade | profile
Jack Whitten | profile
Benedict Whitten | profile
Thea Whitten | profile
Minor OCs → Paddy MacKade • Owen MacKade (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hpma | #magic awakened
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐄𝐫𝐚
Sophie Pembroke | profile (wip)
Luke Battersea | profile
Declan O’Donnell-Lee | profile
Quinn Power | profile (wip)
Jude Cozens | profile (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hp next gen | #hp next gen oc
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In Which William Bridgerton Is Born Prematurely
I’d Still Dance with You
To See My Son Become a Father
You Belong Somewhere You Feel Free
You Must Know You Are Beloved
The Aftermath
Bridgerton Writing Requests (closed)
𝐇𝐏 𝐎𝐂 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬
HP 12 Months of Magic (2023) one-shots
30 Day (2020) OTP Challenge
Valentine’s Day 2022 Challenge
Spring Break 2022 Challenge
Summer Break 2022 Challenge
Back to School 2022
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apollafire · 2 months
OC Masterlist
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Marvel Cinematic Universe
Emerald Stark
Face Claim: Kiernan Shipka Pairing: Peter Parker Pinterest Aesthetic Closet Relationship "Get to Know" Spotify Personal Playlist Ship Playlist Fun Stuff Incorrect Quotes Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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The Twilight Saga
Clara Everett
Face Claim: Angèle van Laeken Pairing: Jasper Hale Pinterest Aesthetic Closet Relationship Spotify Personal Playlist Ship Playlist Fun Stuff Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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Lord of the Rings
Mollie Stillwater
Face Claim: Eleanor Tomlinson Pairing: Merry Brandybuck Pinterest Aesthetic Relationship Spotify Personal Playlist Fun Stuff Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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Kate Harrison
Face Claim: tbd Pairing: Egon Spengler Pinterest Aesthetic Spotify Personal Playlist Fun Stuff Incorrect Quotes Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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Stranger Things
Ruby Hudson
Face Claim: Alva Bratt Pairing: Eddie Munson or Billy Hargrove Pinterest Aesthetic Closet Relationship Spotify Personal Playlist x Eddie Fun Stuff Little Aesthetic Lyric Thing
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goldenlilium-ocs · 1 year
6, 7, 12
6. Describe your character creation process
This can vary so much depending on like how and when I decide to make an oc?
Like I guess the most common is when I finish a piece of media and want to make an oc so I’ll usually just have a vague character type in mind then do fc search and start threading a story together there. If it’s fantasy i get into name meanings and such. Sometimes I may have to research places and time periods
Sometimes I just see a Faceclaim I really want to use and so I’ll start thinking of what I could do with them an allocating them a character type (I.e eleanor tomlinson as a pirate became Elara Seymour) or a fandom
And then I might join an original rp group or someone advertises an rp and I’m like ‘whoa that sounds cool I should make someone for that so I can join in’ and that’s where I start from scratch. First point of call is always the Faceclaim and personality and then I research names and things.
Backstories usually come to me as I’m working on the form itself.
7. Fav oc ship
I have so many! And oc x cc vs oc x oc are two different worlds. I simply could not choose. Some I wish had more time would be Jasper Devine ( @persephoneflorencemuses ) and Elara Seymour, Juliette Samson and Atticus Parker and Dani Laurent and Jordan Gorifson
12. An oc you’ve killed
Theandra died in an rp where i brought her in as a side character, but I’ve also mentioned potentially killing off Cam
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superfandomcorp · 2 years
Jasper: I hate Robert.
Liam: no more than me.
Eleanor: What is this? The Hate Robert club?
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eleanjasp · 5 years
timeline update: tom and alex on instagram
20 Jan 2017
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21 Jan 2017
Tbt back to season 1! @theroyalsone I do miss my best m8 , Tom from England, (left) 🤖 - @alexandrapark1
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Nah mate. Miss you more. - @tommyae
3 Feb 2017
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Happy bloody Friday innit ! #sweatydancefriends #4lyfe #tapshoes #trumpet #margarita #tophat #razzledazzle 💃🏼#fbf 🐲 #rehearsals #fbf #nofilter #nomakeup #justsweatyandgoodfriends #mumtookthis #stagemum - @alexandrapark1
25 Feb 2017
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🌵 - @alexandrapark1
2 March 2017
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24/7 : 365 - @tommyae
2 May 2017
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Hi ho hi ho etc 📽👑🔨⏳4️⃣- @alexandrapark1
3 May 2017
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⏳⌛️ - @tommyae
10 May 2017
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Current mood 🔨🌪 - @alexandrapark1
14 May 2017
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On the 14th of May 20 something years ago somewhere in the outback of Australia the planets aligned and a legend was born. On this day every year the world comes together to celebrate this genius with carb free snacks and booze filled drinks. Happy International Al Park Day 2017. I fucking love you mate. Hurry up and get home. You know I get confused about what to do when you're not here. Happy birthday babe. Regards, Your best mate. Tim X - @tommyae
10 June 17
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Get one free. - @tommyae
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Buy one. - @alexandrapark1
2 July 17
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Lucky little piggy in the middy 🌈🤸🏼‍♀️ - @alexandrapark1
19 July 17
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Same same but diff 🚪👵🏼👴🏼 - @alexandrapark1
2 Aug 17
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🙃 - @alexandrapark1
16 Aug 17
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007 2017 - @alexandrapark1
15 Sept 2017
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Happy international and annual Tim day. Here's a handful of YMWT (yearly moments with tim) Happy birthday to my best friend on the planet. You are so stupidly fantastic  that it occasionally it actually pisses me off. Never stop being tim please. Never stop making me lol. Never stop being the fiery determined MF that walks into any room and immediately makes everyone smile. You are 1 in a mill. For reals. Ain't nobody like you old boy. Here's to another year of showin everyone how it's done. Xxxxxx ♥️♥️🌈🌈🌈🦆🦆🦆💋💋💋💋💋😎😎😎  - @alexandrapark1
5 March 18
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Bff 🕶 - @alexandrapark1
11 March 18
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Come in. Come in. we’re expecting you. 🍸 @theroyalsone ||||  - @tommyae
14 May 2018
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Almost five years ago a little Australian ran (and probably knocked something over on the way) into my life and changed it forever. International Al Park Day is one of my favourites of the year. I’ve had banners, napkins and paper plates all printed up with your face on and I’ve had most of the major streets of London shut down for the parade I’m throwing later on all to make up for the fact that I won’t be able to see you on your birthday. You are the best mate a little Tim could ever ask for and I’m so lucky and happy every day I get to be in your life. Trust me. There is no one in the world quite like Al Park. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE. I love you mate. I miss you so much and cannot wait for our next adventure together... not long now!!!! Now go get yourself the most amazing birthday ever. That’s an order. Your Tim xx (Also admin note- I MAY have got confused over the number of the months so if there is not a present delivered for you when you wake up it will be arriving in June. Classic Tim. Many thanks.) - @tommyae
22 June 18
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no point doing a stupid caption 🃏♥️🃏♣️📢📢🌏 - @alexandrapark1
23 June 18
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Stupid Caption - @tommyae
4 July 2018
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let’s just go sit by the sea - @alexandrapark1
6 Aug 18
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💭 reminiscent and or wistful 💫🍃 - @alexandrapark1
8 Aug 18
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15 Sept 18
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today is the day!!!!! the international celebration of tim day. 25 or so years ago this striking man was born and then about ten years later i met him in a strange environment and pretty much just copied everything he did from that day on because he’s my freakin hero. i have no idea what i did to deserve you tom but i count my lucky chickens every single day. i love you to the moon 🌚 xxxxxx HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU RARE EXOTIC BIRD. ❤️ - @tommyae
28 Jan 19
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can’t wait to follow you around everywhere even if you want time away from me 🇬🇧 ✈️ 🇺🇸 👦🏼👩🏻 - @alexandrapark1
6 Feb 19
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What? - @tommyae
25 Feb 19
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Photo or it didn’t happen... - @tommyae
14 May 19
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YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! YES YES YES YES. HAPPY 30TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL AL PARK DAY!!! 🥂🎈🥂🎈🥂🎈🥂 This really is the big one lads. The celebrations for this are expected to least 6 months. And quite fucking right. So get involved immediately. I think a lot- i must have done something very good at some point in another life to get a best mate like you. Of all the years we’ve known each other this one is the saddest for me not to be able to be with you. And even though we don’t know when we’ll see each other next, at least I know that every day is one day closer to getting sat back next to each other with a beer in hand, you singing a song from a show I’ve not seen, me wondering where it all went so right. Happy birthday mate. I fucking love you. Got a bit of a feeling this year might be your one. Welcome to the club babe. Now go get yourself the best birthday ever. You deserve it. Regards Tim. From England. X - @tommyae
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cyntheriaeleanor · 6 years
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paigekniight · 6 years
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teen-content-queen · 6 years
Lovers or Friends: where I try to decide if these two people I ship on TV are dating or just friends...
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Help From a “Friend”- Charlie Swan x OC
Charlie Swan x Eleanor Martin
Description: When Bella’s depression gets to be too much for Charlie, Eleanor contacts someone she never thought she’d have to. But, sometimes sacrifices must be made for the people you love. 
Word Count: 2.2k
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At this very moment, Edward Cullen was quite possibly one of the most stupid people Eleanor had ever known. She wasn’t just upset with him though. No, she was furious. In fact, she was ready to kill him once she learned that Edward had not only broken up with Bella and left her in the woods, but he and the rest of the Cullen family had up and moved to New York without warning. All because of the incident at Bella’s eighteenth birthday party. 
As mad as she was though, she understood why Edward had done it. The whole birthday fiasco had admittedly shaken the entire Cullen clan plus Eleanor up. It wasn’t even just the fact that they had to stop Jasper from attacking, but the fact that Bella had bled. She bled enough that Rosalie, Esme and Eleanor had to actually leave the house while Carlisle bandaged her arm (not to mention Alice and Emmett having to get Jasper out of the house so he wouldn’t kill Bella). The night had turned sour within a matter of seconds and everyone felt terrible about it. In fact Eleanor almost couldn’t go to work the next day because she didn’t want to see Bella’s new scratches from both the paper cut and when Edward accidentally threw her against the wall. 
Still, no matter how much she understood his reasoning, the solution wasn’t to deal with it like this. Edward had been the girl’s entire life since before they’d even officially met. Him saying that he didn’t love her and leaving absolutely destroyed her. It certainly didn’t help that the rest of the Cullens had essentially attempted to make it look like they’d never even been there. The only things they left were their house and Eleanor, who refused to leave. 
Bella didn’t leave her room at all for the first two months, only leaving to use the bathroom or sometimes get food so she didn’t starve to death. When she wasn’t lying in bed, she was sitting at her desk staring out of the window with a blank look on her face and desolation in her eyes. Charlie was confused, and he didn’t know how to deal with it. The fact that he didn’t know the real reason the Cullens left probably didn’t help. 
That’s why Eleanor had decided to come around more often, making sure that Bella ate and slept. She began spending the night when her boyfriend told her that his daughter was having nightmares, waking up screaming bloody murder every single night. At any moment in time she was available for the girl. That’s when Bella began coming out of her room a bit more, but it didn’t take Charlie and Eleanor long to realize that it was because of the latter. Eleanor’s connection to the Cullens had made Bella associate her to them - well, at least associate her with Edward. Bella was keeping close to her in an attempt to keep her connection to Edward. It was an unhealthy coping mechanism, but one that they thought (more like hoped) would eventually help her get over Edward. 
It took a total of three months for Charlier to reach his breaking point. He tried to get Bella to go to Jacksonville, where her mother was. The girl immediately protested, despite the fact that Eleanor was agreeing with him. The three of them argued for several minutes until Eleanor reminded his daughter that Edward wasn’t coming back for her. Bella knew that of course. Then Charlie suggested therapy, but the girl declined that as well, saying that she had a social life and girlfriends. Though hesitant, Charlie finally let it be. 
Eleanor wasn’t so sure though. She knew the younger girl better than that, as much as Bella hated it. Even after their little discussion, she decided to keep an eye on her during school just in case. She didn’t see almost any change in Bella, much to her disappointment. Sure, she was eating at least a few bites of food and wasn’t in her room quite as much. But she still sat alone at what used to be the Cullen children’s table just staring off into space. Plus, she still attempted to be close to Eleanor. As much as Eleanor was happy about the girl’s (very minimal) progress, she knew that things couldn’t keep going on this way. 
That’s what led her to finally picking up the phone one day while at Charlie’s house. The man in question was still at work, Bella was in her room and Eleanor was in the kitchen. She had been cleaning the kitchen when the idea struck her. For all she knew it may have been a bad idea, but anything was better than this. So, she grabbed the house phone that hung on the wall and dialed, not allowing herself to have any doubts before waiting for the line to pick up. It thankfully came less than ten seconds later. 
“Black residence,” Jacob Black’s voice came through the receiver. 
“Hi, can I please speak to Billy Black?” She asked. There was no answer at first, but then the boy spoke again. 
“Sorry, what’s this about?” 
“I just need to talk to him please,” Eleanor responded smoothly. “Tell him that it’s important.” She heard a sigh, then Jacob instructed her to hold a moment. Just a minute later she heard the phone being passed to someone else. 
“Hello?” Billy said, voice laced with confusion. 
“Billy,” she greeted hopefully, hearing him sigh afterwards. 
“What do you want Eleanor?” Gone was his politeness and it was instead replaced with a bored and disgruntled tone. The girl exhaled deeply at the change in tone then spoke. 
“You know I wouldn’t call you if it were under any other circumstances, but this is important,” she started. The man considered her words for a moment. 
“Alright. What’s up?” Eleanor delved into the Cullen situation (leaving out the specifics of what happened at Bella’s birthday party) and how Bella had been suffering because of it. Naturally she was aware of the possibility that he’d already heard about the Cullens’ departure, but that didn’t stop her.  She told him about everything that happened to the girl since Edward and the rest of his coven had left, and how she’d been coping. 
“And before you say anything, I am not defending my friend’s actions but I will also not hear any slander. What Edward did was idiotic at best and disasterous at worst, but I understand his reasoning, as I’m sure you do as well,” she concluded. 
“Well, what do you want me to do about it?” The man questioned impatiently. 
“Your son is a childhood friend of Bella’s, right?” 
“Yes?” Eleanor could practically feel his confusion through the phone. 
“Well, I’ve lived long enough to learn a few things from Carlisle to know that spending time with someone she is, or at least used to be, close to could help her. I really do think this could be a key point in helping her heal from the hold Edward had on her heart. I just want to see if I could break the treaty line long enough to bring Bella to your house. I would ask you or someone else to come get her, but at this point I’m one of the only people she’d listen to or follow out of the house.” 
It was silent for several minutes after she finished talking. At first Eleanor thought he’d hung up or their call dropped, but she could still hear him breathing on the other end. Finally, Billy agreed. Even if he wasn’t Bella’s biggest fan he, at the very least, cared about Charlie and didn’t want him to suffer, so he agreed to let Eleanor cross the line. 
Thankfully it wasn’t hard for her to convince Bella to go somewhere with her, so she wouldn’t have to use her powers. The ride to La Push wasn’t long, though that may have just been because Eleanor tended to speed. Once they pulled into Billy’s driveway, Eleanor walked her to the door so that Bella couldn’t try to get away. Conversation was tense between the two adults, and Eleanor left soon after that. 
Night had already arrived when Charlie walked through the door. Eleanor was once again in the kitchen, but this time she was cooking dinner. As soon as she heard the door open, a smile appeared on her face. 
“Eleanor? Are you here?” The man called carefully as he set his hat aside and took off his jacket. 
“Kitchen,” she called back in return, not turning away from the stove. She heard him close the front door and walk towards the kitchen, appearing in the doorway just a minute later. A smile appeared on his face at the mere sight of her, which she returned when she faced him. 
“How was work?” She asked, netting him halfway for a hug. The man shrugged and kissed her cheek before pulling away. 
“Same old, same old. We did manage to find that kid who was messing with Tina Jason’s garden, though.”
“Oh, I’m sure she was relieved to hear that,” Eleanor responded before turning away to turn off the stove. “Well, you’re home just in time. Dinner’s ready.” That was when Charlie finally noticed that someone wasn’t in the kitchen with them. At some point when Bella began coming out of her room more, she’d formed a habit of sitting with Eleanor as she cooked. Tonight was a different story though, Charlie realized. 
“Where’s Bella?” Before Eleanor could respond the front door opened again, then the familiar sound of Bella’s laugh was heard. Both of their heads snapped up when they heard her say goodbye to someone before the door closed. Charlie’s brows furrowed, but he didn’t have time to form a question before the girl appeared in the doorway. 
Both adults were pleasantly surprised to see a smile on her face. She looked so different than she had before Eleanor had taken her to La Push. She looked… brighter? That wasn’t quite the right word, but it was the best way to describe it. In the single afternoon that she was gone, she’d managed to regain some color in her previously ghostly cheeks. The desolation in her eyes was still present, but it took the backseat as contentment took the wheel. Eleanor had to do her best not to grimace at the wet dog smell that now practically radiated from her and instead forced a smile on her face. 
“Hey dad, Ellie,” she greeted, fully stepping into the room now. The woman stepped aside and allowed her to look at the contents of the two pans on the stove. 
“Hi Bella, did you have fun?” The younger girl faced her as she nodded. 
“Yeah, I helped Jacob fix up an old truck in their shop while we listened to music,” she answered, that lovely smile still present on her face. 
“Jacob?” Charlie repeated confusedly, though neither girl really paid attention. 
“That’s wonderful honey,” Eleanor said, returning the girl’s smile. 
“Yeah, he’s picking me up tomorrow to hang out again,” Bella paused, then looked at her father. “As long as it’s okay with you.” Charlie, although still slightly in shock, nodded. 
“Yeah, of course,” he answered, a small grin finally forming on his face. “Go ahead.” After getting his okay, Bella’s smile widened. 
“I think I’m just gonna head to bed now, I’m super tired,” she said, kissing her dad’s cheek and wishing them both a goodnight before heading upstairs to her room. Eleanor watched as Charlie watched Bella disappear upstairs, then she spoke. 
“I hope it’s okay, but I thought that going over to Jacob Black’s house would help her open up a bit more. It’s better to have someone familiar around while you’re healing. I hope it’s okay with-“ 
The girl was very cut off as Charlie suddenly pulled her into one of the tightest hugs she’d ever felt from a human. Though initially surprised, she quickly returned the embrace. The man kissed her temple, then took a shaky breath. 
“Thank you, Ellie,” he all but whispered. “You brought Bella back to me; you saved my daughter.” His voice cracked just a bit at the end of his sentence, which let her know that he was either about to cry or was already crying. That made her smile widen as she rubbed his back comfortingly. 
“It’s no problem Charlie,” she responded in a soothing tone. Once they pulled away, she noticed his eyes had become slightly red and his cheeks were lightly tear stained. 
“I love you both, and I couldn’t stand to just sit there and watch Bella wither away to nothing,” she continued softly. Charlie smiled a teary smile then carefully took her face in his hands, bringing her closer to kiss her forehead. 
“I love you too,” he muttered almost too quietly for her to hear if she was human. They both knew that Bella had a long way to go on her recovery, but as long as she had both Charlie and Eleanor around, she’d be just fine. 
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herhighnesseleanor · 6 years
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Domestic Jaspenor.
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whitefluffyyeti · 6 years
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The Royals s04e05
380 notes · View notes