#the royals season 4
lucilassie · 7 days
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I am... Marvel Jesus. 🔴⚔️
Model: @mmmayro (Deadpool)
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miwiromantics · 3 months
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Prince William and his knight in shinning armour
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caseykeshui · 1 month
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More X-Lord! but his road ready style this time ❤️and bean version- my baby boy rust!! . . . But fr tho I was surprised to see his helmet just chilling in the sand at the start of the trailer- I'm not showing his face just yet- X-Lord - Road Ready style
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columboscreens · 7 months
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aishazero9i18r · 6 months
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It’s funnier in my head
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angelnicknelson · 2 years
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vibingwithwaves · 6 months
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Imma try to draw more but yooo. First post going bold ig. Praying no one at i know irl finds this im self conscious.
My take on a wedding/Queen fit p1
part 2 with yugo one day some day in the future when I get time and ideas
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dragarchive · 7 months
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Baby Latrice! I reckon this is 90s!
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 6 months
I spent all of the love I've saved
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We were always a losing game.
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shempsglory · 9 months
This is canonically what happened inside the vault
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cocogum · 3 months
Gotta hand it to the Ankama team, in just a few minutes of screentime, they managed to perfectly encapsulate the Osamodas King's personality and how his actions would play out in the webtoon: he's arrogant, stubborn, dishonourable, and refuses to own up to his mistakes and misdeeds.
And this was all established in episodes 10 and 11. In the former, he tried to "advise" Armand about how a king should behave, which in his mind is to stubbornly stand by his choices, even when he's wrong. And in the latter, he was nothing but contemptuous of Amalia and utterly dishonourable, which was especially emphasised when the team didn't even bother trying to make his abandonment of the Sadida vague: no, he outright told his daughter no one would come and to run away.
And this was all shown in the webtoon when he stubbornly doubled down on refusing to apologise for not sending help and potentially dooming the Sadida race. Just like every single interaction he had with Amalia reeked of disdain and disrespect. The whole time he looked down on her and underestimated her, which eventually cost him when she owned him and Aurora in battle.
(Though it is interesting to note he seemed more aware about how crossing her was a bad idea than Aurora, who had known Amalia for about a year. Oh, well, she was never the brightest to begin with).
And we got all this from, like, two scenes. Honestly impressive.
With everything that we’ve seen from this clown “family”, this makes me wonder if Tot purposely just made them horrendous for the sake of hating them.
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These two osamodas just look like they’ve been created badly on purpose.
What do I mean by purpose?
Take a look at some of Tot’s other antagonists from the Krosmoz:
You’ve got a crazed Xelor who’s trying to kill and absorb every source of Wakfu so he can turn back in time to get his family back.
You’ve got a tired indifferent primordial Eliatrope who remembers every single detail of his many thousands and millions of previous lives. He cares for his race, in his own way, and unleashed a war just so he could visit new worlds with his sister.
You’ve got the shushu king who ate his siblings just so he could become the absolute ruler of his dimension.
You’ve got a copy of Yugo who became so uncaring and angry at life itself that he tried manipulating people in order to form a brotherhood and kill gods.
You’ve got a brakmarian mother who got separated from her son and attempted to bring back her husband by sacrificing innocent lives.
You’ve got a god-king from an entirely different planet who attempted to invade and eat another planet just so he could feed his own.
So when we see the osamodas royals, we can immediately confirm that there’s something off here.
You’re telling me these two bozos are supposed to be on the same level as these guys??? You got a chicken who hasn’t done dick shit in Seasons 3-4 besides standing around, not talking at all, wearing an ugly ass dress that doesn’t fit the colors of the kingdom she’s supposed to stay in, lying for no reason, not thinking at all when she breathes, and running away with her dad. And then you’ve got a fat gorilla who just runs away and tries to throw lessons to other kings about how they should stand their ground.
Like what the fuck?
Even Grougalorasalar, who we’ve only seen in legends, some moments in the Dofus movie (if I remember correctly), the third Wakfu ova episode, and some chapters of the great wave, has been shown to have more charisma and mystery than these inferior two insects. Plus, he’s only officially appeared in some places here and there in the past AND YOU’RE TELLING ME HE’S GETTING MORE ATTENTION THAN THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BIG THREATS IN VOLUME 1?!!??!
But another proof that makes me think Tot just carelessly placed them in the great wave was the fact that these two fought against Amalia and pathetically lost.
And not only did they fight her, but they fought her SIMULTANEOUSLY AND LOST.
How does one become a king for decades only to lose to a princess who became queen a few months ago????
Tot could’ve just made Aurora the weakest one and made Amalia swiftly defeat her so that she could have a real fight with the osamodas king.
But no. That’s not what he did at all.
We knew Aurora was useless because we were able to understand with all the scenes we’ve seen her in that she wasn’t someone who could fight.
But the osamodas king? We had no idea. All we knew was that he hangs out in bat caves while his advisor plays king for him.
And yet, despite having lots of time doing nothing away from his own kingdom, this fucker didn’t even train during his free time CUZ HE LOST TO AMALIA WHILE HAVING HIS DAUGHTER AS HIS BACKUP-
The fight didn’t even last long. It lasted like 20 minutes? And I’m being generous even saying that.
This is why these two should feel meaningless compared to the bigger picture.
How can I believe Tot seriously put some thought into them if they had so many failures and made brain-dead decisions???
How can I believe Tot seriously put some thought into them if their battle barely lasted even 10 minutes????
How can I believe Tot seriously put some thought into them if the only leverage and plot they had going on was Aurora having sex???
All these points, reasons, and facts can only lead to one thing:
Tot only brought them into the picture to be minor challenges for Amalia.
How else would you explain the many stupid decisions they made, their absences for other situations when Amalia wasn’t the main focus, the fact that they always had longer discussions with Amalia and no one else, the fact that Yugo or anyone else was never the major topic of their conversations, and their weak abilities???
Amalia was the only reason.
This cover here is greatly deceiving you 👇
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It tries to make you think they’re actually worth something by showing a smirking confident Aurora, and most of all, the osamodas king in the background covering most of the sky, implying his important place in the story while holding up a finger in a quiet gesture like he has a secret he’s keeping.
Because of this cover (and the fact that he told Aurora they should wait until after the marriage), we’ve had plenty of theories about how the osamodas king was responsible for hiring a sadida who happened to be a Yugo and Amalia hater to poison them but, again, THIS WASN’T THE CASE AT ALL.
The culprit ended up being Julith in disguise who had been ordered by Grougalorasalar!!!
I want you to really think about this.
Aurora and her dad were supposed to be the center antagonists for this first volume but it ended up being Grougalorasalar the real enemy. The first chapter already warned us when we saw him in Yugo’s dream. He was the one we should’ve been paying attention to the most.
Aurora and her dad were not only just there to be inconveniences for Amalia, but they were also just pawns to distract you from something bigger and FAR more interesting.
And it worked. These two blue devils were so infuriating and brain-rotting that we got thrown off guard when we found out Grougalorasalar was actually responsible.
This only pushes the fact that the chicken and the gorilla were exactly just that: a chicken and a gorilla.
Nothing interesting or redeemable.
Just things in the way of the main goal.
Tot needed some useless cattle to begin the real plot and so he made Aurora and her constipated dad, who always looks like he’s got something up his ass, to be able to start the story off after season 4.
The signs have been there since season 4.
And season 3 was only an introduction for season 4 when it introduced some blue skank.
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lucilassie · 17 days
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There's chaos in you. Embrace the chaos. 🌙 🌌
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mushroomsie224 · 3 months
Were you as disappointed as I was by how little Cedric was in the finale, and how little he and Sofia interacted (and that they she didn't even hug him one last time after he saved her, let alone there being a *mutual* hug for once or him being the one to hug her)?
Actually I was! It seemed odd to me how little he was in the finale, especially considering he was the one to actually save Sofia from the amulet??? (Yes, I know a whole bunch of others were there, but he cast the spell.)
In my opinion, the ending of the finale was...not the best. I didn't like it that much. And yes, it would have been great to have a mutual hug (or a hug at all), but I did think what we got instead was cute. I still don't like "Cedric the Great" though.
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✨thoughts about Nezha and Red Son:✨
I am ALL for the babysitter Nezha hc, but I was thinking about their relationship from a more canon lens
we don't really get any CANON connection between them for basically almost all of the series, except for the end of S4
so why would Red Son go to the Celestial Realm, of all places, and then (specifically) Nezha?
then I remembered that Nezha was there during the fire-sealing ceremony
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PIF and DBK probably respected/appreciated Nezha and Wukong for that (until the whole Wukong and the mountain thing went down), and so Nezha ended up being the one celestial PIF/DBK never talked down on, especially bc he's more an "I'll stay in my lane, you stay in yours" kinda guy
with that, Red Son always associated Nezha as a safe person to go to, even if he had never or rarely met him (plus, they did meet after the S3 special ending- being able to finally meet Nezha for himself probably reinforced the idea for Red Son of Nezha being someone safe to go to)
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this whole analysis is also merely just because i'm cackling at the imagery of PIF cradling toddler Red Son in her arms after DBK was imprisoned and going down a line of Celestials like
"this one?"
"this one?"
"also bad!"
(gets to Nezha) "this one gets a pass."
"? okay!"
"this one?"
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pipedreams13 · 2 years
There’s this-
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And then there was this (upon which i am stil losing my shit over)-
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taitavva · 1 year
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dead mom club
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