#Eliza rambles
postwarlevi · 15 days
I know more about *insert random thing you know lots about* then I do about *insert life thing you probably should know lots about but really don't*
I know more about Disney movies then I do about adulting.
Keep it going.
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boredfaneliza · 1 year
something bout kazuhei pining over scara. they dont know why but there’s a connection somehow 
only scara knows that cuz he 'used to date them' before he reset the memories and thinks he can't go back to them bcuz he will only hurt them in the end 
but that’s not true right?
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opaquerepose · 1 month
today’s adventure is going to the ripped furry cafe after my doctors appointment
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murder-and-mayhem · 1 year
Me putting my new desk chair together and trying to decipher these fucking instructions:
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Also me:
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ladyelixa · 2 days
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kxotikat · 5 months
Honestly, I’d be totally okay if Magnifico and Amaya had a classic Slytherin/Hufflepuff dynamic.
She’s just genuinely kind, supportive and sees the best in everyone she meets(sometimes to a fault) while he is driven, strategic *cough* paranoid *cough* and of course, a tad selfish.
Amaya sees past or ignores Magnifico’s narcissism and harshness and provides a warm, gentle hand and loving ear to listen and the support he lost as a child, a soft respite from the world.
Magnifico breathes life into Amaya’s dreams, makes her feel safe and ignites her joy with his creative, passionate spirit.
It works because they admire one another. Amaya is still able to believe in a kinder world, to see the best in people despite the horrors she and Magnifico endured.
Magnifico was able to harness his pain and use it as fuel to build a better life for them both and to all who come to the city of Rosas with broken dreams like their own.
art credit @bmbmomomo on X
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star-kovs · 1 month
the bellamy drawing in clarke’s head is driving me crazy because she also had a drawing of lexa there as in the two loves of her life and still between him having that much of an impact in her head and the way he fought for her and brought her back with the cpr and they still never got together has me sick
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haunted-medievalist · 9 months
i think everyone who was on tumblr in 2015 and/or as a younger teenager should read penance by eliza clark. it's a complete wild ride. deeply unsettling exploration of the grossness of true crime fandom, about a group of british high school girls who murder their friend, but also roughly 3/4 of the way through you get winded with homestuck references and a detailed footnote about all the different types of 2015 kinning on the same page
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disaster-bay-leaf · 7 months
every main character of hamilton ends their story in direct opposition to their main song and their main song is what is potentially their ultimate downfall
hamilton threw away his shot in the duel
burr didnt wait to see that hamilton was shooting at the sky
eliza was no longer helpless and she lost hamilton but she didnt think that what she did would be enough
angelica didn’t keep hamilton’s eyes in her life over the seas and through death but she was satisfied standing by her sister in the end
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postwarlevi · 6 days
Making a Disney movie summer watch list. Disney animated specific, no Pixar. One movie a week. Will have it up Saturday June 1st for anyone interested. Still going between a couple different movies.
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boredfaneliza · 1 year
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So, I decided to watch ManlyBadassHero’s Mr. Hopps Playhouse 3 video cuz boredom and I thought the game lore is cool
This feels like a wattpad fic AND I’M HERE FOR IT!!!
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opaquerepose · 23 days
finally got a new mic! new podfic coming soon hopefully <33 if you have any fics you want me to read shoot me an ask
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mirai-desu · 3 months
I agree with this article 💯, as Rachael New et al. are now undermining the entire premise of the show, and I want to highlight and comment on a few parts of this excellent take:
We're losing a central character whose emotional journey we were invested in and a vital piece of the primary reason we were told to watch Miss Scarlet & The Duke in the first place. Whether you want William and Eliza together romantically or not, the show was always predicated on and grounded in their relationship, and to pretend otherwise is to deny the original premise behind its very existence.
Exactly this. "Miss Scarlet" might be considered more lead than him, but he was still a titular character, and we were invested in his journey as well as hers. Their bond is the foundation of the show. The teenage flashback episode in particular proves this to us--and proves William’s importance to the greater story. But even before that, it's been there all along:
And, honestly, the official description of Season 1 is blunt about what’s happening: “Eliza and The Duke strike up a mismatched, fiery relationship that will crackle and smolder with sexual tension as they team up to solve crime in the murkiest depths of 1880’s London.” So let’s say it as plainly as possible: No one planned to tune in to this new program simply because it promised a crime drama in period dress. The series’ hook, apparent from its first marketing materials, was this unique relationship at the show’s center. The real story of Miss Scarlet and the Duke has always been just that: Miss Scarlet and the Duke. 
While RN et al. can dig in their heels and claim that the story has always just been Eliza's, but we know better than that. Since Day 1, the promotion and the interviews all catered towards the UST. As time wore on, Stuart really began championing the romance in earnest, and it was a logical next step. He was not wrong to do so. What was actually happening on screen was heading that way, as part of a beautiful slow burn.
After literally years of dancing around the rarely mentioned but blatantly obvious feelings between them, this season finally pushed their relationship forward. We got a whole flashback episode dedicated to how they first met! There was a kiss! William said the L-word! The genuine forward relationship progress that so many fans had been waiting for was finally happening! [...] What makes this even more painful is that Season 4 finally felt like the show was moving forward, at last, at least where its central relationship was concerned. Yes, William left, but it was for a good reason: to give Eliza the space and opportunity to decide what she wanted from their relationship on her own terms. (That, as the kids say, is growth.) But if he was never coming back, why bother with most of Season 4?
While we know that in part we got some of the romantic moments in S4 due to Stuart's requests, but I think ultimately, RN's reluctance to move things forward with Wiliza is what put Stuart at odds with her, as she likely did not take too kindly to him suggesting his own input (even when he became an EP) and perhaps felt like he was telling her what to do with her own show. And her goal is to keep it stuck in a cynical pattern; one that William wanted to resolve, and one that Stuart had to remove himself from, because RN favors rinsing and repeating, versus actually diving deep into longer character arcs. That's how she think she can keep the "longevity" of her show, or so she thinks.
Because look, I love Eliza. But I realize it's really because of the potential of who she could be. William never returning prolongs her characterization being stuck. She was supposed to spend the year thinking about what changes she needs to make so they could be together. If he never returns, then what's the point? The catalyst for change is gone. William staying on the show should have actually forced her to grow, not kept her stuck. Removing William entirely reinforces the patterns versus ending the cycle. Especially if he is just replaced with a new love interest, who just flirts with Eliza to keep a "will they / won't they angle" that's never moved forward.
Any writer worth their salt would have Eliza grow in interim and have major development upon William return. But that would end the "put them together / pull them apart." Which is not what RN wants, hence why she refused to put them together. She thinks these patterns are what maintains the show vs spending time on actual storytelling. And this is also why I cannot believe the party line, and truly feel that we haven't gotten the whole truth on why Stuart's exiting.
Thinking about the scenes in the flashback episode of William and Henry, and how important they were, it makes me sad that apparently in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter to RN. And it's sad they keep trying to paint it that the two most important people to Eliza were “overshadowing” her all the time.
I fear is that this new retooled version will just ignore and erase the importance that William has had on her life. At least in the S4 finale we saw how his words still affected her, even when he wasn’t there, encouraging to reopen her own agency. But I can’t see them continuing that, when clearly they want to reboot the show without him.
I had been working on my post S4 fanfic before the news of Stuart's departure hit, and I looked back on how I was developing Eliza from where we left off and how I wrote William's return. When I was outlining it, I was thinking about how RN only just barely has touched the surface of Eliza's psyche. I wrote her as torn up about William leaving--and how he left not long after he almost died. Eliza should have grown from the trauma of almost losing him and we seemed to be on that path in the show, with her at his bedside, and having him recover in her home. We could have dived into how the lost of her mother at a young age affected her, and how Henry's death still was painful. At her father's funeral (which mind you, is in the very first episode) she talked about being alone, and William wiped her tears away. And now... Eliza has lost another person close to her. Literally, it's not William's existence stopping Eliza's development--it's RN's lack of talent, I'm afraid. And who knows, maybe that statement that she cannot be developed while he is around is just a cover to explain his exit, as it's clearly not an actual reason.
Likewise with William, in addition to dealing with his feelings for Eliza, there's so much they could done with him leaving Scotland Yard and the trauma he survived. He didn't have to have PTSD, but he's already had a pretty traumatic life and survived so much (which again… why show all that in the flashback if they were ditching his character - Ben, not RN, wrote that episode so maybe that was a sign). But he held onto the identity of being part of the police, because of how he came get that job (i.e. Henry) and get off the street, and they could have explored what would it be like to shift away from that identity. There just was so much potential and so much richness that could have been written, for a man who came from nothing, but wanted to belong, and wanted to be loved. And maybe Stuart was just so very aware that the show was refusing it take it there. He took William as far he was allowed to, but not as far as the character could have gone, if written by the right people.
Frankly, both William and Eliza deserve better. Stuart deserves better, and we the Wiliza fans do as well. Ultimately, regardless of what (and at what point in time it) really went down between Stuart and RN, the series should have ended with S4, but with a happy conclusion. All signs pointed to William joining Eliza at her detective agency, but now we just have to imagine them there, working together as equals and in love.
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108garys · 6 months
1980s Eliza Vorez
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When I started working on my Harum Scarum era Megan au and general using of the quarry as spare parts this is one of the first things I started working on and have been on and off since so basically knocking a good forty ish years off her and turning her into this 80s mother gothel looking fortune teller and somewhat of a mother figure to Megan in the two timelines where she joins the sideshow but more so in the pyromegan au(also Curie is chilling in her hair lol)
Original and more undercut
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So I originally took this picture off my TV with my phone and as you can see I did a lot of work such as: reconstructing one of her eyes, toning down the shadows on the necklace, altering the creases on the dress, reshaping her eyebrows/nose/lips(I wasn't too concerned about keeping inline with the actress so much as the de-aging itself), smoothing her out, a hell of a lot of light and shadow and that's even before getting to the hair which should probably show why this took over a month(and a lot of colour dropping lol)
Also the only nudge I needed to go all in on the big 80s hair is that one canon child's drawing from the game
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I'll probably design her a new outfit for the era because I'm certainly going to draw her for my related 1980s AUs but I had to get this out first, probably could have worked on it and obsessed over it for much much longer but here it is
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @unhingedlesbear @kagoa @qusok @ctrvpani @tinynightmarewoman @taylorshope @kindheartedgummybears @ivycross @mybrainrotforreal (I'm going to tag this in other smg tags because I'll likely treat this as as a hub for cross game stuff)
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nem0-nee · 11 months
Hey y’all, stepping back for a bit again bc of personal reasons 🫡
I’ve been feeling burnt out recently, and I’m not really in the mood for interactions and such.
Though. I’ll be back to announce the results of the contest within a week or so. Thank you for understanding 🙇‍♂️
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Look what was just announced!! Absolutely gutted i wont see her as eliza, but i saw her cstherine parr 3 times and she is so incredibly talented im so proud of her because yes!! six queen!!
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