#Elvis Medina
greenbagjosh · 2 years
Thursday 7 November 2002 - SFO to Dulles and onwards to Germany
7 November 2002 EN  Hi everyone.  Twenty years ago today, I flew not only to Frankfurt am Main, but I also flew farther to Nuremberg and took the train to Hamburg Hbf.  I had my passport and rail pass ready.  You could not tell the excitement to be going back in Europe again.
DE  Hallo allerseits. Heute vor 20 Jahren bin ich nicht nur nach Frankfurt am Main geflogen, sondern bin noch weiter nach Nürnberg geflogen und mit dem Zug nach Hamburg Hbf gefahren. Ich hatte meinen Reisepass und Bahnpass bereit. Man konnte die Aufregung, wieder nach Europa zurückzukehren, nicht spüren.
DK  Hej allesammen. For tyve år siden i dag fløj jeg ikke kun til Frankfurt am Main, men jeg fløj også længere til Nürnberg og tog toget til Hamburg Hbf. Jeg havde mit pas og togkort klar. Man kunne ikke mærke spændingen over at tage tilbage til Europa igen.
SE  Hej allihopa. För tjugo år sedan idag flög jag inte bara till Frankfurt am Main, utan jag flög också längre till Nürnberg och tog tåget till Hamburg Hbf. Jag hade mitt pass och tågpass redo. Man kunde inte säga spänningen över att åka tillbaka till Europa igen.
FR  Salut tout le monde. Il y a vingt ans aujourd'hui, je n'ai pas seulement pris l'avion pour Francfort-sur-le-Main, mais j'ai également pris l'avion plus loin pour Nuremberg et pris le train pour Hambourg Hbf. J'avais mon passeport et mon passe ferroviaire prêts. Vous ne pouviez pas dire l'excitation de retourner en Europe.
Good morning!  I had spent the night at my parent's house in Los Altos, so that my mother would take me to SFO airport.  I did not eat much for breakfast, just coffee and toast.  I had my bags packed, my small green North Face bag, and my brand new roller bag, a spruce green bag with red stitching "Rick Steves" as I bought it from the Rick Steves Europe travel site.  I also had bought my rail pass from the Rick Steves website, and also received some rail maps for the journey.
About 5:30 AM, my mother took me to SFO along I-280, as that was the less travelled way, as compared to US-101.  We also went along I-380 and just a little south, to Terminal 3.  That is where the domestic flights for United Airlines at the time departed from.  I think we arrived around 6:15 AM, plenty of time to check in.  I said goodbye to my mother, and I promised her I would buy a Schwibb-bogen from Nuremberg, which were those Christmas candle whirligigs, that one would likely find at the Handwerkerhof close to Nürnberg Hbf.  Then I checked in my roller bag, and went along with my backpack.  At the time, I did not have a video camera, as the old one, a Canon 8 mm with stereo sound, had worn itself out, and I just did not have any desire then, to carry so much weight.  So I had just audiotapes, 35 mm film and appropriate batteries.  I did not have any liquids in my luggage so I did not have to worry.  I had to take of my shoes to get through security, as well as take off my jacket and show any electronic devices.  It took about five minutes to go through.
My flight to Washington Dulles would not board until about 8 AM.  In the meantime, I tuned into 94.9 FM, and as it was a Thursday, the Dog House was playing.  Elvis (Medina) had made quite a funny prank call, it was a long lost relative, but it kind of went downhill.  
The plane boarded about 8:00 and departed about 8:45 AM.  I was in a two-aisle 767 plane, I think I might have been in an aisle seat in the economy class.  At that time, the individual entertainment was sort of "bronze age" as compared to the stone age where there was only one choice of entertainment.  At least this time, there were four channels to choose from, and maybe ten audio channels.  There was nothing particularly noteworthy.  The flight took off on time.  The weather was decent, low 40s, and at Washington Dulles, it was in the low 60s and partly cloudy.  I think the plane landed at Dulles Terminal C around 3 PM.
I did not go outside the Terminals C or D, as I did not find at the time that there was anything interesting to see at terminals A or B.  The interterminal mobile lounges were still the only way to go from one terminal to the other.  You could tell the ones that just went from one terminal to the other, from the ones that could raise themselves to the aircraft boarding level.  I have not rode on the ones with the shark fins, since April 1983 when I first flew out of Washington Dulles.
I had a snack at Washington Dulles, in Terminal C.  Then the rest of the time, I listened to the local radio stations for Washington DC.  I tried not to record too much, as I had to save enough tape for radio stations in Germany.  My flight would board around 4:15 PM and take off around 5:15 PM.  In the USA, in general, passports are not stamped on exiting, but they are for entering, at least they used to be.  The flight to Frankfurt Rhein Main airport was a Boeing 777, larger than the 767 from SFO.  My seating was decent, considering it was in Economy class.  The food was okay, nothing noteworthy.  Breakfast was just a pastry and a yogurt as well as coffee.
Please tune in again, for the remainder of the journey, on 8th November 2002, when I fly from Frankfurt am Main to Nuremberg, take the U2 all the way to Hbf and take the ICE train to Hamburg via Würzburg, Kassel, Göttingen and Hannover.  And a couple of new songs I heard that day on HR3 (89.3 FM in Frankfurt), have stuck in my head ever since.
Gute Nacht!
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melanieph321 · 1 month
Gabriel Medina x Reader - Untamable Part 2/8
Part 1
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Reader spends the summer with her first love, Gabriel Medina, for him to get a chance to know their three year old son. However, both Reader and Gabriel struggle to keep their feelings at bay.
Nemo wanted to walk on his own. He stumbled out of your grandmother house with no sense of direction at all. The still gathered crowd regarded him curiously as he made his way down the driveway. You walked not too far behind, ignoring the mumbles around you. The neighbors had stayed for this moment alone. The moment you would come face to face with—"
A white Chevrolet with its widows tinted, stood parked along the sidewalk. Beside it stood a man dressed in a grey t-shirt and board shorts.
"Gabriel?" His name escaped your mouth unintentionally. Almost like a fever dream. He looked nothing like you remembered him, having left him as a boy with a cheeky smile and chubby cheeks. Before you stood a man, dark wavy hair and a sleeve covered in tattoos. His face was carved along his sharpened jaw, and a goatie grew on his chin below his mustache covered lips. He was fairly built, the bumps of his muscles visible through his straining t-shirt. And he was tall, almost two heads taller than yourself.
Gabriel's gaze left yours, shifting towards the ground. There, with his hands stretched above his head, was Nemo, who recognized Gabriel as the man from the pictures kept above his nightstand.
The crowd behind you sighed. Some of them even shed tears, watching Gabriel pick up Nemo in his arms, batting away his own tears.
"Go to him."
Your grandmother shoved you from behind. You stood frozen in the middle of the driveway. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't move.
"Gabriel, Gabriel. Can I have your autograph?"
Soon, the heartfelt crowd turned into a violent mob. Pushing each other in order to get closer to Gabriel, who was still holding Nemo in his arms.
"Please, please. I'm such a big fan. Can I just have one autograph?"
The neighborhood kids were the most brutal, fighting their way to get a chance to meet arguably one of the greatest surfers to have emerged from Brazil.
"Please." Gabriel said, trying to calm them down. "I'm only here for my family."
Things happened so fast. The escalation of the crowd forced Gabriel off the sidewalk and towards the house. He grabbed you along the way. Holding onto your hand until the silence of your grandmother's house fell upon you.
"Jesus." He said, running a hand through his hair. "That was crazy."
Nemo suddenly erupted in tears, crying for you to hold him. You did so, unhanding him from Gabriel.
"Poor baby." Your grandmother was not impressed. "How people can get. You'd think someone told them that the king was coming."
"Michael Jackson?"
"No, Elvis."
"Oh. Well, I'm really sorry about that." Gabriel said, watching you rock Nemo in your arms. "I really didn't think it would get this crazy."
"Maybe next time warn us before coming." Your grandmother gesticulated vividly with her hands. "This is São Sebastião not Rio de Janeiro. We aren't used to super surfistas like you casually paying us a visit. It would cause a riot."
"Mas vovó, eu também sou daqui." (But grandma, I'm from here too.)
"Please. Your family couldn't wait to abandon us as soon as they got a hold of a little money. Save your sweet talk for somebody else."
"Vovó" You frowned. She was being awfully rude.
"Just give the baby to me." She sneered. "I'm sure the two of you have a lot of things to catch up on."
You gave Nemo to your grandmother and suddenly found yourself alone in a room with the man you once loved.
"Y/N." Your name escaped his lips with such ease, like butter, and when he stepped forward to hug you all you could do was to oblige to the large arms that wrap around your body, hugging you tightly.
"Gabriel... I can't breathe." You tapped him on the shoulder.
He pulled back. "Sorry."
"No, it's okay."
"It's really not. This was meant to happen sooner."
"Meeting you and the baby. But my family—"
"It's okay." You assured. The last thing you wanted to do was discuss Gabriel and the complicated relationship he had to his family. You had faced enough of that in your life.
"Let's just savor the moment." You said. "You're here now, aren't you?"
Gabriel smiled softly but fell victim to staring into your eyes for too long. Long enough to make the moment akward again.
"Sorry." He caught himself and chuckled. "It's just that you look so different."
"Me?" You frowned. "You're the one who put on a cows weight in muscle mass."
Gabriel's laughter sprung something within you, something you thought had died a long time ago.
"What's wrong?"
He saw the slight conflict that appeared in your eyes, seizing his laughter.
"Nothing I....I'm fine. A bit tired I guess."
"Don't worry. I'll drive us back to Maresias before sundown."
"What?" Gabriel shoved his hands into his pockets. His expression goes back to being annoyingly relaxed.
"What did you say about Maresias?"
"Oh, I said I'll get us there before sundown. Traffic here is way faster than in the city."
"We're not going to Maresias." The furrow of your brows deepened.
"Erm... but I thought that's what we agreed on. For you and Nemo to stay with me for the summer?"
"No, we agreed to stay closer to you in the summer. That's why we're here in São Sebastião, so that you can come and visit us without the hassle of coming all the way to the city."
Gabriel appeared bit disoriented. "So you're not coming to stay with me in Maresias?"
"No, absolutely not. What would even make you think—." You stopped yourself. The expression on Gabriel's face saying it all. The letters. One of which burned in your pocket.
"I'm sorry, Gabriel." You said softly. "I know that you want for the three of us to become a family again. However, that's just not happening."
He shook his head. "No, no. I get it. I shouldn't have assumed that you would want to stay with me after all this years. I just wanted to feel closer to my son, that's all."
A string of guilt struck your heart. But then you had to remember the numerous times you prayed for a moment, such as this one. A moment that never came. And it wasn't coming now.
"I'm sorry Gabriel. But this is the way it has to be."
"No, no. It's...fine." He scratched the back of his neck. "It's totally fine."
It wasn't fine. It took you everything not to cry.
"I guess I should head back home then, give the two of you a chance to settle in."
"Thank you Gab—"
"Oh, no, you're not." Your grandmother burst back into the room with Nemo pinned to her hip, a pacifier in his mouth.
"Vovó." You gritted your teeth. "Gabriel can leave if he wants to."
"Not with all those people still out there. If he does, they'll clamp down my yard, and I just planted new flowers."
It was settled, Gabriel was staying for dinner. Your grandmother cooked many of the dishes from your childhood, bringing back good memories. Most of your childhood memories were good. The bad ones were of your parents, who, along with your older brother, passed away in a car accident when you were just a young girl. That's actually how you got closer to Gabriel and his family. He was your brothers best friend, the two of them always up to no good. They'd spend most of their time surfing by the break of rocks, dreaming about going pro someday. At least one of them made it.
"Do you need help?"
You stood in the kitchen, interrupted by Gabriel, who stumbled upon you doing the dishes. Having him for dinner wasn't as bad as you had thought. You just had to ignore the fire that lit up inside of you every time he caught your eye from across the table. Or when his foot accidentally nudged yours underneath it.
"No, but thank you for asking."
"Alright then. Most of the people have left your grandmother's yard now, so I think I'm gonna make my way home."
You turned off the water, your back still turned to Gabriel who stood watching you from the doorway. "I guess I'll see you later then?" You said, swollowing the lump forming in the base of your throat.
"Yes. I'll probably come by the day after tomorrow. I have some work to do with my team until then."
"Your team?" You turned your head, watching him from the corner of your eye.
"Yeah. It's really just me and Rico. Rico, who you might remember? He was friends with Paulo and I back in high school."
"Oh." A weight pressed down on your chest at the mentioning of your brother.
"Yeah, he's actually my fitness coach now. He's gonna help me set up a program to prepare me for the next surfing tour."
"Of course." You nodded, dunking your hands into the dirty dish water just to hide the trembling of them.
"Well....I guess I better tell Nemo goodnight before I leave."
"Yes. Do that."
You stood in silence for a moment, hesitating to turn the water back on. A shadow then appeared behind you, isolating your frame. Gabriel's tattooed arms wrapped around your body, sliding down into the sink, into the dirty dish water.
"Do they still do that." He whispered, his voice deep in your ear.
"Y...yes." You nodded, the heat from his body not making the trembling any better.
"Are you still on medication?"
"No. I stopped taking them when I was pregnant. I guess I never found a reason to take them again."
"This should be a reason." Gabriel raised your hands up and out from the water, revealing your hands. To your surprise they had stopped trembling. But only because Gabriel was squeezing them tightly, stabilizing the panic within you.
His voice was calm in your ear. "There's nothing to be ashamed about. It's normal to take medication for these sorts of things."
"It really isn't." You chuckled. "Not when your family has been dead for years."
Soft lips were pressed into your hair, followed by a whisper, "You're family is not dead. We're right here with you."
You made the mistake of turning around and facing him, his arms caging you between him and the kitchen sink. His lips looked so kissable, Gabriel's eyes convincing you to do just that. Kiss him. However, he only leaned in to knock his forhead against yours. "I'll be back the day after tomorrow, okay?"
He kissed your temple and you let him. "Good. I'll see you."
You watched him leave the kitchen and disappear down the hall. A quiet beat, followed by Nemo's laughter suddenly echoing throughout the house, below it and above it, as if he was being tossed in the air. The laughter eventually seized, followed by Gabriel, who passed the kitchen on his way towards the door. "Goodnight, Y/N."
It took everything for you to say it back. "Goodnight Gabriel."
He left the house as you approached the kitchen window, watching him make his way down the driveway back to his car. Some resilient kid from the neighborhood popped out of nowhere with a pen and paper. And like you knew he would, Gabriel took his time to sign his autograph on that piece of paper, leaving the young boy beaming from ear to ear.
"He's a good man, that I'll admit."
"Jesus, vovó. You scared me."
She had appeared by your side like a cat in the night. Like you, her gaze was fixiated out of the window, regarding Gabriel as he finally hopped into his car.
"Just don't let him break your heart again." She said, a stern look on her face. "Never again."
Part 1
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lanadelray-gurl · 8 months
My fandoms/character list
So I only write for a handful of characters,simply because I can’t keep up with alot of them 😭 but today I present you with the fandom’s and characters I do write for!
You can always request other characters!!:)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Young John! Michael (ifykyk)
Jack Kline (not sure if I’ll do nsfw with him)
Benny lafitte
Austin butler
Rory culkin
Jensen Ackles
Jared padalecki
Miss Collin’s
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Jeremy Allen white
Cameron Monaghan
Ethan Cutkosky
Noel fisher
Steve howey
Elvis Presley
Mads mikkelsen
The walking dead
Rick grimes
Shane Walsh
Negan smith
Daryl Dixon
Carl grimes
Glenn Rhee
Abraham Ford
Maggie Greene
House M.D
Gregory house
James Wilson
Robert chase
Eric Forman
Lisa cuddy
Allison Cameron
Fiona Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Kevin ball
Veronica fisher
Svetlana Yevgenivna
Gilmore girls
Rory Gilmore
Jess Mariano
Dean forester
Tristian dugray
Logan huntzberger
Luke Danes
Dave rygalski
Max Medina
Jackson Belleville
Extra Shows
Stranger things
American horror story
Masters of the air(coming soon!!)
Sons of Anarchy
Right now this is all I have! So if you have any requests please let me know! :) have a wonderful day
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Hey, friends! I know this fundraiser I'm doing isn't entirely Elvis or roleplaying-related, but this is something near and dear to my heart. My name is Jem (My legal name is Journey. It's on the fundraiser) and I'm trying to raise money so I can adopt a miniature horse to be my service animal. The miniature horse will be trained to be a psychiatric service animal. I am neurodivergent, which means I have some learning disabilities, I'm Autistic, and I have some mental health issues.
The miniature horse will remind me to take my meds, take me away from large crowds if I get disoriented, and alert me when I'm anxious. I am also going to train this animal with help from a service animal/pet training service. The money I raise will go into my savings instead of my checking account. I'm on Disability, which goes into my checking account, and I don't want to mix that up. Even though I'm on Disability, it's not enough to pay the adoption fee, feed, supplies, and paying my rent.
The specific miniature horse I found is a gelding named Presley. I plan to change his name Samuel Elvis Dean, but I'm gonna call him Sammy or Sam. His name is based on my two favorite things, Supernatural and Elvis Presley. If you can donate, please do. DO NOT donate if it isn't possible.
If you can't donate, please reblog. I will NOT hesitate to block anyone who tries to swindle me or is a spam blog.
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spoke9 · 19 days
Levi Romero
Woodstove of My Childhood
woodstove of my childhood
where potatoes cut like triangle chips were fried
in manteca de marrano
woodstove of lazy autumn smoke swirling away
to nowhere
woodstove of December
evacuating the cold chill at sunrise
woodstove of celebration and mourning
of post-World War II Korea y Vietnam
woodstove corner that kept vigil over
drunken nodding remembrance
woodstove corner where uncles primos compadres
gathered on visits from Califas
woodstove corner with a warm ear for nostalgia
where Mama Ane stirred the atole and wrung her hands
thumb over thumb praying for her children's children's children
woodstove that witnessed six decades washing its face at the vandeja
that saw western swing dancing in dim lantern flame
that watched Elvis come in from across the llano strumming
a mail-order Stella and singing in Spanish
of the feast lamb tied up under the crabapple tree
of early sour cherries ripening above the cornstalk horizon
of neighbors bartering a cup of sugar
in exchange for mitote and conversation
woodstove of rain tenderly pouring into the afternoon
and salt sprinkling onto the patio from the mouth of the porch
woodstove of the nighttime crackling softly
of harmonious harmonica medleys
blowing before bedtime prayer
woodstove facing John F. Kennedy's
picture on the wall
woodstove of Protestant Sundays
ringing without bells
woodstove of dark earth
fat worms and acequias
woodstove of 1960s propaganda
and all the rich hippies knocking poorly at the screen door
woodstove of private crazy laughter
of woodpeckers pecking through rough-hewn
barn timbers only to meet the sky
of rabbits nervously nibbling evening away
in the arroyo
of the water bucket banging and splashing
all the way home
woodstove of the water drop sizzle
of buñuelos and biscochitos and flour on the chin
of chokecherry jam dropping out
from the end of a tortilla
that heard Mentorcito's violin bringing in the new year
that saw Tío Eliseo bring in an armload of wood
that heard Tío Antonio coming down the road
whistling a corrido and swinging his cane
woodstove of the blessed noontime
and Grandma Juanita heating up the caldito
woodstove of the sanctified and untamed holy spirit
of the dream awake dreamers
prophesizing in the beginning how the end would come
of creaking trochil gates left open forever
of twisted caved-in gallineros rocking
in weeping April wind
of abandoned orchards waist deep
in desánimo
of teardrops that held back the laughter
of the penitente procession moving through the hills
for the soul of the village
woodstove of the wounded faithful proudly
concealing their scars
woodstove of armpit farts and bedtime giggles
of pitchforks and axes under the bed in case of intruders
of coffee cans filled with everything but coffee
of ten cents for a cream soda at Corrina's
of strawberry Nehis and a bag of chili chips at Medina's
of a handful of bubble gum acá Santos's
woodstove of genius wisdom dressed up as the village idiot
of hand-me-down stories locked away
in the dispensa
of bien loco local heroes cracking homeruns
Saturday afternoons en la cañada
of all that and more of all that disappearing
as children played hide 'n' seek in that abandoned goodtime feeling
while stumbling on the footsteps of tradition
woodstove that heard the fall of a people rising in silence
that died of a loneliness without cure
that cured itself in the company
of the so many more lonely
woodstove of my childhood
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diarioelpepazo · 7 months
Fue un excepcional músico. Con apenas seis años de edad, comenzó a tocar los instrumenmtos que ejecutaba su padre. Fue además, compositor, arreglista y técnico de grabación. El Zulia pierde a una de sus grandes figuras. León Magno Montiel @leonmagnom Cuando apenas tenía seis años de edad, Edwin Francisco, el único hijo de Ernesto Pulgar Soto y Leda América Núñez, comenzó a tocar los instrumentos musicales, los mismos que veía ejecutar a su padre. Ejecutaba el piano y el cuatro venezolano con una asombrosa capacidad innata. Su hogar siempre estuvo lleno de notas musicales, estas salían de las manos de su papá, del viejo radio o del pickup donde sonaban los discos de vinilo de las orquestas del maestro Larraín, Serenata Tropical, La Billo´s Caracas Boys, La Sonora Matancera y la Big Band de Tito Puente. Las sillas de su casa las compartían su padres y su instrumentos. Edwin Francisco Pulgar Núñez nació el 2 de diciembre de 1959, comenzó a los siete años de edad a estudiar música en el conservatorio José Luis Paz de la ciudad de Maracaibo. Aprendió solfeo, armonía; comenzó a ejecutar el piano con solvencia asombrosa, y a realizar arreglos musicales. Su tío Eleazar Pulgar fue uno de sus principales ductores, junto al maestro Ciro Ferrer y la profesora Gladys Medina Añez; ellos lo encaminaron con firmeza por la senda musical, la que representa su mayor pasión y constituye el centro de su vida. En 1975 debutó como músico profesional con la Orquesta Típica Playera, era el pianista, con solo 16 años y un permiso especial de sus padres por su juventud. Así comenzó sus andanzas por los escenarios del mundo, su recorrido por el universo nocturno y la bohemia. En paralelo, Edwin se interesó por la ingeniería de sonidos, aprendió inglés técnico y se acercó con ansias de aprender a los estudios de grabación, realizó cursos con la gente de la Corporación Sony. Estuvo trabajando en Fonográfica del Zulia, ese estudio pionero de grabación fue para él una escuela. En 1982 fundó junto a su padre Ernesto, el estudio SONOFUTURO, una gran sala de grabación donde se han realizado las mejores producciones discográficas del Zulia contemporáneo. En 1977 fue parte del grupo de músicos que fundaron la orquesta de salsa "La Combinación 77", en pleno boom del género Celia Cruz los respaldó como madrina. Allí estaban: Franklin Paz, Elvis Nucette, el maestro del trombón Rojitas, Rafael Simón Bolívar y Alirio Pérez, entre otros. Colocaron temas importantes en las carteleras radiales, como: “Babaíla fue”, “Se bambolea”, “Los pregones”, “El chichero”, este último de la autoría de Edwin Pulgar. Este grupo de músicos se mantuvo unido en esa divisa, La Combinación 77, hasta 1983, cuando su líder vocal Franklin Paz se marchó a Chicago, en los EEUU. Luego de eso, se desintegró la banda. Edwin fue llamado por el sexteto Los Blanco para formar filas junto a los hermanos Bernardo, Leopoldo, Ricardo y Cecilio. Con ellos ha ejecutó el trombón, contrabajo, piano. Además, ha sido su ingeniero de sonido en algunos de sus célebres álbumes. Es el único “Blanco de verdad blanco”, según los chistes de camerino. Siempre se mantuvo cerca de la gaita, como técnico de grabación, como compositor, arreglista y como ejecutante. Participó en los álbumes de “Una gaita para el Zulia”, del Gran Coquivacoa, Pillopo y Maragaita. Fue uno de los fundadores del proyecto “Los Chiquinquireños”, la agrupación que se reúne anualmente desde 2004, para cantarle a la Patrona Chiquinquirá en La Bajada, y para producir un álbum para alabarla con las mejores voces e instrumentistas del género en toda Venezuela. Edwin se unió en matrimonio con una bella cabimense Eileen Marín Silva, sobrina de los fundadores del Barrio Obrero de Cabimas, con ella conformó una hermosa familia. Tuvieron dos hijos: Eduardo (quien es ingeniero de sonido) y Patricia. Eileen de Pulgar es cantante, hija de la solista gaitera Lula Silva Narváez. Eileen fue su compañera de vida durante cuatro décadas intensas. Dentro de
los récords que ha impuesto Edwin Pulgar, está el haber realizado la grabación de todos los instrumentos para la Orquesta de Argenis Carruyo desde 1991 hasta 2005, ya que él ejecuta con solvencia: el trombón, la trompeta, el saxo, la percusión latina, el piano y el contrabajo. También orquestó varias producciones de Gran Coquivacoa, bajo la égida del cantautor Neguito Borjas. Con el seudónimo de “Ponque” se convertió en una referencia en la radio y la televisión nacional, es un respetado productor musical y un admirado polinstrumentista. Además Edwin fue asesor musical de FUNDAGRAEZ, la fundación para la promoción de la gaita Ricardo Aguirre del estado Zulia. Fue nombrado presidente en las mesas de evaluación musical, cargo que ejerció por una década. En 2007 participó en el documental producido por Esther Luna De Lozier denominado “Gaiteando”, su tesis de grado para recibirse como Magíster de Artes en Etnomusicología, en “The Latin American Film Festival” in North Carolina University, en noviembre 2007. Los miembros del equipo fueron: Esther Luna De Lozier y Simone Telles. Edwin Pulgar se marchó a los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, a la ciudad de Houston junto a su familia nuclear. Allí realizó conciertos latinos, algunas grabaciones musicales y arreglos para orquestas. En 2016 realizó una gira con el sexteto Los Blanco, y fue un rotundo éxito por los EEUU. Su estudio de grabación en Maracaibo sigue funcionando, realizando producciones importantes de la gaita. Maracaibo fue su hogar, su morada más preciada. Sin duda, Edwin “Ponque” Pulgar fue un músico total, íntegro, que ejecutó, escribió y disfrutó el hermoso arte sonoro. Como compositor registró un centenar de obras musicales, algunas de ellas grabadas por la orquesta Los Melódicos de Renato Capriles. Él hizo posible que los melómanos y los seguidores del movimiento musical latino, así como el mundo gaitero, lo consideren uno de los grandes maestros, como un prodigioso creador de notas y ritmos. Fue un hacedor de ecos llenos de belleza, en un mundo invisible. Luego de luchar con una insuficencia renal, de padecer una angustiante artritis, Edwin Pulgar se ha marchado a los 64 años de edad, en la madrugada del domingo 18 de febrero 2024 partió a otro cielo con sus teclas y notas, con su inmenso talento armónico. Honor y gloria a su legado musical, el eco de un mundo invisible. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo
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learnphotoo · 1 year
Lisa Marie Presley Died From Bowel Obstruction, Officials Say
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By Eduardo Medina and Matt Stevens The singer-songwriter and only child of Elvis Presley died in January after she was found unresponsive, the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s office said. Published: July 13, 2023 at 08:00AM from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/7butle6
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antonio-velardo · 1 year
Antonio Velardo shares: Lisa Marie Presley Died From Bowel Obstruction, Officials Say by Eduardo Medina and Matt Stevens
By Eduardo Medina and Matt Stevens The singer-songwriter and only child of Elvis Presley died in January after she was found unresponsive, the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s office said. Published: July 13, 2023 at 08:48PM from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/pcj6io2 via IFTTT
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Helena Garrote Carmena Año: 2022País: ChileDirección: Manuela MartelliGuion: Manuela Martelli, Alejandra MoffatActores: Actores: Aline Küppenheim, Nicolás Sepúlveda, Hugo Medina, Alejandro Goic, Antonia Zegers, Carmen Gloria Martínez, Marcial Tagle, Amalia Kassai, Gabriel Urzúa, Mauricio Pesutic, Ernesto Meléndez, Graciela Tenenbaum, Mora Recalde, Elvis Fuentes, Francisco Ossa.Género: Drama –…
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mgmedina · 2 years
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Since we’re busy all day, we decided to kicked off our boots (or snickers 😅) and let loose in the honky tonks of Nashville on a Saturday night. 🤠🎶
Ngayon lang ako naka kita ng magkakadikit na bars na lahat may live band! No electronic DJs, just pure live music!
#nashville #nashville_tn #nashvilletn #johnnycash #honkytonk #saturdaynight #saturdaynightvibes #nashvillelife #nashvillefood #nashvillemusic #elvis #elvispresley
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fuojbe-beowgi · 2 years
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"Lisa Marie Presley, Singer-Songwriter and Daughter of Elvis, Dies at 54" by Eduardo Medina, April Rubin and Neil Genzlinger via NYT Arts https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/12/arts/music/lisa-marie-presley-dead.html?partner=IFTTT
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greenbagjosh · 1 year
26-27 May 1998 - return for a second stint in IT in Germany
Tuesday 26th May 1998
Hello everyone, Welcome to my 25th anniversary revisiting of my time in Europe in Summer 1998.  I worked at a high technology firm on a temporary job assignment, and lived in a shared apartment.  I also had the opportunity to visit some cities like - Cergy Le Haut FR - Nuremberg, Fürth, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (DE) - Scharnitz AT - Prague CZ - Salzburg AT - Berchtesgaden - Fischhausen-Neuhaus near Brecherspitz - Berlin via Fulda and Braunschweig - Frankfurt an der Oder - Slubice PL - Zürich and Chiasso CH - Milano and Bozen IT - Vienna AT - Budapest HU - Zürich (again for Street Parade 1998) - Paris - Lyon
I flew over from San Francisco through New York JFK Terminal 6 (has since been demolished), and back through St. Louis, Missouri.
Here is what I remember from the first day, Tuesday 26 May 1998, and Wednesday 27 May 1998.   Woke up about 5:30 AM, had breakfast and left the house at 6:30 AM, was taken to SFO airport by parents. Checked in luggage about 7:30 AM, said goodbye to parents, went through security in Terminal 1 (Harvey Milk Terminal), listened to The Dog House on KYLD 94.9 FM, heard Elvis Medina (radio_elvis) do a prank call on a man who owed child support payments to his soon to be ex-wife, flew to NYC JFK airport and landed about 1 PM there.
Was a bit worried that the flight would explode as it did in 1996.  I made it across the Atlantic just fine.  
Tuesday 27 May 1998 Before landing, I was able to listen to BBC Radio 1, 97 to 99 FM in the UK.  I heard "La tristessa durera" by Manic Street Preachers.  It would have been around 8 AM Paris time, when the plane would have landed.  I landed at CDG T1, took the underground travellator to customs and baggage claim. Took a shuttle bus as there was no Roissyval constructed yet (was ready by 2008 when I returned), to the RER T1 station.  I bought a Paris Visite ticket for the RER and entire RATP metro, trams and bus, even the Montmartre funicular. Took the RER from CDG T1 to Paris Gare du Nord.  At Sevran Beaudottes, the station is underground as well as CDG T2/TGV and Gare du Nord, most others were surface stations.  At Gare du Nord, the ticket was used to change to the M5, where I rode it to République, then M8 to Lédru Rollin where the Auberge Internationale des Jeunes was located, in the 11ème district.
Dropped off my luggage, then took the M8 to Nation, changed to a M9 for Croix de Chavaux.  Took a bus to Gallieni.  Took the M3 to see the Georges Pompidou building and the Stravinsky fountains.  Took metro to Montmartre (Metro station Anvers) and went up the funicular.  Came back and took the M2 from Anvers to Jaurès to ride the 7Bis metro line.  The 7Bis at the time used MF88s, quite unique for a metro.  The most advanced rolling stock was MP89, used mostly on the M1, which still had drivers long before it was automated.  Came back to Louis Blanc to ride the M7 to Opéra / Auber for the RER.  A woman was shouting on the southbound platform of the Louis Blanc M7, could not understand what she was shouting about.  I took the RER to Port Maillote, then a RER C to Champ De Mars and another RER C to Issy Val De Seine.
At Issy Val De Seine, I took a T2 the entire distance to La Défense.  The T2 was built on former Banlieu commuter rail tracks.  The only underground station was La Défense.  I exited, and looked around the complex including the Grande Arche.  The weather was not very good.  I went inside the Les Quartre Temps mall and looked for something to buy in the Auchan grocery store. I found some drinks but not much else.  
After La Defense, I took the RER A to Cergy Le Haut.  The previous year, I rode to Cergy St. Christophe, which was quite a long way from Paris.  In early October 1983, my family stayed close to the Cergy Préfecture station, so I kind of knew where I was going more or less.  One thing I noticed at Cergy Le Haut, was that there were no fare gates, unlike at other stations.  The weather was a bit friendlier by the time I visited Cergy Le Haut.
I returned to the 11ème district and looked for a place to eat supper.  I ate at Tony's Restaurant at the corner of Rue Trousseau and Rue du Faubourg.  It has since been renamed to Nakama Resto.  The owner gave me a free glass of tomato juice, with a small amount of vodka.  I think I had a four seasons pizza called "quattro stagioni", was really good.
I went to bed about 10 PM, and had to wake up in time to catch the "Mozart" Eurocity train to Munich.  More will be told in the next chapter.
Good night!  Bonne nuit!
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itmightrain · 2 years
"When he'd been a prisoner on Laconia, he'd been able to hold himself together. To rise to the occasion, plan, scheme, and even suffer with a resolve that he couldn't find now. After he'd escaped, he'd felt euphoric. Calm and whole and returned to the life he'd given up hoping for.
But the honeymoon faded and the version of him it left behind was scarred and broken. He didn't feel weak, he felt annihilated.
Years were gone. Years of prison and torture, which had been bad, and of pretending to be an honored guest while the threat of death invisibly followed one step behind. The dancing bear years. They'd been the worst because they'd broken down his sense of himself. Of who he was. Of what was true. The Jim Holden who had tripped the alarms on Medina Station was gone. The Jim who schemed against Cortázar and for Elvi Okoye had been half a lie from the start. He was all that was left. The dregs of himself. The scrapings."
- Leviathan Falls by James S A Corey
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we belong together - kylian mbappé and julian draxler fanfic
Epilogue | Written. Part 4
We Belong by Dove Cameron
"you got my heart and you got my brain"
may 2030| madrid
Live in LA now
Hard without you I'm
Missing you miles away
Said I need space but
I don't need space i
Need you to come to me
Bang bang think I'm allergic
To every other person
You're the one now I'm certain
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
At thirty-six years old, Julian Draxler was ready to hang up his boots, but not after one very important match. He had enjoyed successful spells with Schalke, Wolfsburg, PSG and most recently, Arsenal. He had thoroughly enjoyed his football career, but there was one thing he was always thankful for; he knew that if this wasn't his career, the most important moment in his life would never have happened.
He would never have met Molly Medina.
Or Molly Draxler, as she now goes by. Every single day he found himself constantly falling in love with her; whether it was in the morning after a very long night, or after a loss and she was there to comfort him and even after a horrible fight, he would always stare at her with complete adoration.
We belong together
We belong together
And you know it
Wine stained teeth
And bloodshot eyes
Think we're both fucked up
And that's alright
Yeah yeah
We belong together
"Papa?" Katerina questioned. At four years old, Katerina Eleanor Draxler, was a blessing. Shortly after the engagement of her parents, Molly soon found out she was pregnant; she was both overjoyed and shocked. From the first moment they locked eyes, Molly and her firstborn created an indestructible bond. They did everything together; if the brunette was upset, so was her daughter, if she was angry at Julian, little Kitty ignored him to. "Are you nervous?"
"Nein, meine liebe," he softly smiled. He picked his eldest child up and slowly spun her around, he stopped spinning once he laid eyes on his favourite person in the stadium. "You see that person, Kitty?" he watched her nod and tenderly pecked her cheek. "She's the reason I never get nervous."
Katerina followed her father's eyes and landed on the slender frame of her mother, laughing with her youngest child, Elvis. "Tell me a story about mama, please."
"Okay," Julian chuckled. "Have we ever told you how we found out mama was pregnant with you?" the blue eyed, young brunette ferociously shook her head, quietly giggling at her father. "Well, we were here, in Madrid. We had just gotten engaged and took a short celebratory holiday. I knew there was something wrong with your mother; she wasn't drinking, which trust me, was very unusual. She was acting incredibly different."
"What happened?"
"We went for a meal and I asked her what was wrong," he continued. He gazed over at his wife and chuckled to himself, remembering the exact night. "She stormed off and left me, alone. So, I followed her back and I walked into our hotel room and I was star struck. She come running up to me jumping and laughing and in her hand, was a card, and on it was 'Congratulations, Dad' – I instantly cried."
"I thought mama was lying when she said you cried a lot," Kitty mocked. He playfully glared and ushered his daughter over to her mother, brightly smiling when he saw their embrace. Julian loved being a father and he loved seeing Molly as a mother; he adored how caring she was, how protective she became over her children, but most of all, he treasured how happy it made her.
You got my heart
And you got my brain
So get on get on a plane
Just take a fast car right
Into my arms like
You gotta understand
Bang bang think I'm allergic
To every other person
You're the one now I'm certain
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
"If I'm this nervous, I wonder how Julian feels," Molly chuckled. It was an emotional day for the Draxler family; Arsenal was playing Real Madrid in the Champions League final, the first time they had managed to make the final of the competition in over three years, but most importantly, it was the final game Julian Draxler played before he retired.
Molly knew this wasn't the last time she would be in a stadium; she was still working at Chelsea FC and showed no signs of quitting her job, it was her baby. But she had decided to take a much smaller role within the club, realising she would now have more time to spend with her family.
"This reminds me of our first PSG game, do you remember it?" Freddie chuckled. Thanks to Molly's job role, her favourite workmate soon followed, he was a very important part of her life. He was the godfather to both of her children and a shoulder to cry on, something she luckily hadn't needed for a while. "Who'd have thought after ten years we would be here now; you married with two kids and your best friend, following you every step of the way. Do you regret anything?"
"Not leaving you in Paris," she jokingly rolled her eyes, smirking at a bemused Freddie. Truthfully, she didn't regret anything. Once she accepted Julian's proposal, everything fell into place. They had their disagreements and fights, but they always stuck together. "I regret things I've done in my past, but they've shaped my future, so I'm partly thankful."
We belong together
We belong together
And you know it
Wine stained teeth
Bloodshot eyes
I think we're both fucked up
And that's alright
Yeah yeah
We belong together
Four years ago, if you'd have asked Molly if her marriage to Julian would happen six months later, she would have said no. Yes, they were engaged. No, they weren't together.
And it was because of that famous picture.
Molly was enjoying her first night out in a long time; she didn't expect to bump into the Frenchman, she wasn't expecting to wake up the next morning with that picture in the news and she definitely didn't realise how upset Julian would get. So, they argued, separated and ignored each other, until they realised they couldn't live without each other.
As she remembered the memories, she lovingly gazed at her husband. She was incredibly proud of everything he had achieved, she was hoping he had the perfect send off. But as she looked onto the pitch, she thought about Freddie's question: Who'd have thought after ten years we would be here now?
And the answer? Nobody. Nobody realistically thought Molly and Julian would get through their issues. At one stage, Molly was convinced she would end up with Kylian, she didn't think she would ever get herself out of the awkward triangle she found herself in. But she didn't regret anything; she understood everything that had happened in her past, had shaped her future, it had helped her develop into the person she now was.
And she had her wonderful husband, Julian, to thank for.
Bang bang so automatic
Know you got me excited
And we don't gotta hide it
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Elvis put up a fight; but after watching thirty-five minutes of the game, he was asleep in Molly's arms. The three-year-old was the carbon copy of his father, he loved football; he watched every game Julian played, it was young Elvis who cried the most when his father announced his plans for retirement. "Wake up baby, daddy is about the lift the trophy."
And yes, in his final professional game of football, Julian Draxler finally won the Champions League. Julian cried, Katerina cried, Elvis was asleep (but cried when he woke up) and Molly? She did cry. But not because her wonderful husband had just won the trophy, it was for the other team. She couldn't help the salty tears from falling; as soon as she saw him, she couldn't control her emotions.
He still looked the same; he had his ever-present grin, his short black hair and daunting black eyes. She didn't realise he played for the opponent; she triple scanned through the line-ups, checking how she missed his name. When she couldn't find an answer, she went on Twitter and saw that he was in the stands, injured. It wasn't until she went down onto the pitch to celebrate the win with Julian she saw his face; luckily, he hadn't seen her.
He had. He just didn't make it obvious.
How could he not see her? He would never forget her face. He remembered her long legs, her swaying brunette hair and her girly laugh, which would only be heard when she found something actually funny. It was only for a split second, but their eyes connected. His breath hitched in his throat; she's still so beautiful, he thought, does she still think about me, he wondered.
We belong together
We belong together
And you know it
Wine stained teeth
Bloodshot eyes
I think we're both fucked up
And that's alright
Yeah yeah
We belong together
Julian pulled Molly into his arms, pressing his forehead to hers. He knew who was around; of course, he knew Kylian wouldn't be playing, he knew the Frenchman would be watching his wife's every move and he was determined to show off his main prize. Ten years later, there was no doubting the love between them; they had gone through good times and bad times, but always, they found a way out. They both had successful careers and two beautiful children, a wonderful marriage and now, a Champions League medal.
They both had an immediate connection from the first moment they met, a connection so strong they were instantly drawn to each other. As this connection developed over time, they experienced a love so deep, strong and complex, they realised that they hadn't truly loved anyone prior. If there was an earth for them to exist on, they would hold this love for each other in their hearts.
Julian pressed his lips to Molly's, softly, before speaking against them; meaning every word which came out in the process. "Molly Draxler," he whispered, a smirk upon his lips when he mentioned their last name. "Thank you for this journey, I love you."
Bang bang think I'm allergic
To every person
You're the one now I'm certain
After doing countless laps of the pitch, the Draxler children were finally tired. They had been celebrating the win on the pitch with the player's families; Molly's cheeks were nearly dry, she had spent the past hour crying over Julian's departure speech.
"Mama," Katerina pestered. Molly picked her up and cradled her daughter, whilst keeping a protective arm around her son. "Where is papa? I'm tired."
The brunette laughed. She shook her head and pecked the nose of her child, squeezing her tighter. "He'll be out soon," she reassured. "You don't want to hug a sweaty papa."
Molly continued to laugh at Kitty's response; suddenly, she froze in her spot. The voice had a much huskier tone to when she last heard it, but she knew who it was from his recognisable laugh. She had dreamed about their potential reunion; they hadn't spoken or seen each other in over four years, but that didn't stop Kylian from looking up his former lover.
When he found out his team, Real Madrid, would play Arsenal in the final, he had one thought on his mind; Molly Medina. The woman who was constantly on his mind, who he was still deeply in love with, the love of his life. Every night he dreamed of what he would say to her if they met again; but as he found himself a few centimetres away, he froze. Every single emotion he had ever felt flooded his mind, he didn't know whether to cry, smile or laugh. He wanted to know if she still felt the same, if after all these years she still realised what effect she had on him.
So, as he took a deep breath and walked closer to her, palms sweaty from the nerves. He wondered what the outcome would be; would they talk, did she remember him, how would she act. But as he tapped her on the shoulder and watched her turn around, he was stunned by how beautiful she had gotten. Every thought, every word he was going to say, went from his mind, he was blank. He opened his mouth, unaware of what he was about to say. Molly gulped, pulling her children closer. She blinked her eyes and waited for him to speak, a few seconds later he did.
"It's been a while."
A Few Months Later ....
Instagram Story
* photo of Molly *
k.mbappe: <3
-- T H E  E N D --
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imagekeepr · 4 years
Songs for Halloween Parties
Halloween parties offer the most wide open subject possibilities of any type of celebration. Halloween is the one day of the year that lets you be any living thing or dead thing, any occupation, any human or non-human and any personality type. You can be a cartoon character if you like. Since Halloween can go hundreds of different directions, the playlist will likely be a diverse list of novelty songs. The Monster Mash by Bobby Boris Pickett Rock Lobster by The B-52's Creep by Radiohead Everyday Is Halloween by Ministry Space Oddity by David Bowie Dead Man's Party by Oingo Boingo It's the End of the World As We Know it (and I Feel Fine) by R.E.M. Planet Claire by The B-52's Mad World - Tears For Fears Hell by Squirrel Nut Zippers Wicked Game by Chris Isaak Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack by Andrew Lloyd Weber Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon Black Celebration by Depeche Mode Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles Walking On The Moon by The Police The Fly by U2 Lola by The Kinks Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress by The Hollies I Wanna Be a Cowboy by Boy Meets Girl 2000 Light Years From Home by The Rolling Stones The Munsters TV Theme Not Afraid by Eminem Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down Enter Sandman by Metallica Superstition by Stevie Wonder People Are Strange by The Doors Evil Ways by Santana 1999 by Prince Revolution 9 by The Beatles Twilight Zone TV Theme Hotel California by The Eagles Season of the Witch by Donovan Psycho Killer by Talking Heads The Devil Went Down to Georgia by Charlie Daniels Band Highway to Hell by AC/DC Devil Inside by INXS Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran Thriller by Michael Jackson Super Freak by Rick James Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. Le Freak by Chic Rapper's Delight by Sugar Hill Gang Girlfriend in a Coma by The Smiths Dark Lady by Cher Scary Monsters by David Bowie Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival Devil Woman by Cliff Richard Riders On The Storm by The Doors Runnin' With the Devil by Van Halen Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones Crocodile Rock by Elton John Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People Frankenstein by Edgar Winter Group Nightmare on My Street by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince Time Warp from Rocky Horror Soundtrack Rapture by Blondie She Said She Said by The Beatles Wanted Dead or Alive by Jon Bon Jovi Out of Limits by The Marketts Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell Bad Girls by Donna Summer Black Magic Woman by Santana Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses Welcome to My Nightmare by Alice Cooper Boris the Spider by The Who Jungle Boogie by Kool & The Gang Roxanne by The Police Back in Black by AC/DC Addams Family TV Theme The Blob by The Five Blobs Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson Take the Money and Run by Steve Miller Band Mama Told Me Not to Come by Three Dog Night Witchy Woman by The Eagles Speed Racer TV Theme Let's Go Crazy by Prince King Tut by Steve Martin Another One Bites the Dust by Queen Erotic City by Prince White Wedding by Billy Idol Hells Bells by AC/DC Fly Like an Eagle by Steve Miller Band Bad Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult Tarzan Boy by Baltimore Rocket Man by Elton John Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney & Wings Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera Copacabana by Barry Manilow Black Cat by Janet Jackson You Dropped a Bomb on Me by Gap Band Zoo Station by U2 My City Was Gone by The Pretenders Eye of the Tiger by Survivor 99 Red Balloons by Nena Spirits in the Material World by The Police Monster by Fred Schneider Union of the Snake by Duran Duran They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Ha by Napoleon XIV Rebel Rebel by David Bowie State of Shock by The Jacksons Walk Like an Egyptian by The Bangles Freakazoid by Midnight Star Low Rider by War Church of the Poison Mind by Culture Club Rebel Yell by Billy Idol Valley Girl by Frank Zappa E.T. by Katy Perry and Kanye West We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions by Queen All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix Strange Magic by Electric Light Orchestra Burning Down the House by Talking Heads Der Komissar by After The Fire Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive by Men at Work Taxman by The Beatles Monsters and Angels by Voice of the Beehive Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz Spiders and Snakes by Jim Stafford Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers 2001: A Space Odyssey (Also Sprach Zarathustra) by Deodato Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band by Meco Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead by XTC You Are a Tourist by Death Cab for Cutie The Joker by Steve Miller Band Run Through the Jungle by Creedence Clearwater Revival Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails Jerry Was a Race Car Driver by Primus Clap For the Wolfman by The Guess Who Fear of the Unknown by Siouxsie & The Banshees I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls Centerfold by J. Geils Band Black Velvet by Alannah Myles Tears of a Clown by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, also The English Beat You Be Illin' by Run DMC Criminal by Fiona Apple Shout At The Devil by Motley Crue Weird Science by Oingo Boingo Swing The Mood by Jive Bunny and the Mix Masters Wild Thing by Tone Loc Whip It by Devo Planet Claire by The B-52's Legend of Wooley Swamp by Charlie Daniels Band Purple People Eater by Sheb Wooley The Freaks Come Out at Night by Houdini The Road To Hell by Chris Rea Billionaire by Travie McCoy featuring Bruno Mars Devil With a Blue Dress by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels Rock Me Amadeus by Falco Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield Space Cowboy by Steve Miller Band Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, also Social Distortion Walk the Dinosaur by Was (Not Was) Funky Cold Medina by Tone Loc The Night Chicago Died by Paper Lace N.W.O. by Ministry Paranomia by Art of Noise Birdhouse in Your Soul by They Might Be Giants If I Only Had a Brain by Lee Marvin from The Wizard of Oz Pink Panther Theme by Henry Mancini Orchestra Smuggler's Blues by Glenn Frey She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby Runnin' Down a Dream by Tom Petty Axel F by Crazy Frog (You've Got to) Fight For Your Right (To Party) by Beastie Boys In The Year 2525 by Zager and Evans Major Tom by Peter Schilling Man On The Moon by R.E.M. Happy Days Theme by Pratt & McClain Send Me an Angel by Real Life Convoy by C.W. McCall Particle Man by They Might Be Giants Pinball Wizard by The Who Fire by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown It's a Mistake by Men At Work Synchronicity II by The Police Mr. Roboto by Styx Wipeout by Surfaris Evil Woman by Electric Light Orchestra King of Pain by The Police Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody by David Lee Roth Twilight Zone by Golden Earring Rockin' Robin by Michael Jackson Spooky by Classics IV Jungle Love by The Time A View To a Kill by Duran Duran Rain on the Scarecrow by John Mellencamp Love Potion #9 by The Searchers Cult of Personality by Living Colour The Candy Man by Sammy Davis Jr. Authority Song by John Mellencamp Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog The Bird by The Time Lil' Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs Canary in a Coalmine by The Police Octopus's Garden by The Beatles Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles Puttin' On The Ritz by Taco Livin' La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin The Streak by Ray Stevens Bat Dance by Prince Theme from Greatest American Hero by Joey Scarbury Fame by David Bowie Eye In The Sky by Alan Parsons Project Devil in Disguise by Elvis Presley Mommy's Little Monster by Social Distortion Deadman's Curve by Jan & Dean Creature from the Black Lagoon by Dave Edmunds Zombie by The Cranberries The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen Haunted House by Jumpin’ Gene Simmons It's Halloween by The Shaggs Dragula by Rob Zombie Witch Queen of New Orleans by Redbone I Was A Teenage Werewolf by The Cramps Eye of the Zombie by John Fogerty Halloween by Misfits Pet Sematary by The Ramones Horror Movie by Skyhooks The Raven by Alan Parsons Project Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde Feed My Frankenstein by Alice Cooper Don't Be Afraid of the Dark by Robert Cray Hypnotized by Fleetwood Mac The Scientist by Coldplay Run For Your Life by The Beatles Dig My Grave by They Might Be Giants Waltz in Black by The Stranglers I Put a Spell on You by Screamin Jay Hawkins, Creedence Clearwater Revival Ghost Riders in the Sky by The Outlaws, Johnny Cash Ghost of Tom Joad by Rage Against the Machine, Bruce Springsteen Dead Souls by Joy Division, Nine Inch Nails Swamp Witch by Jim Stafford I'm a Goner by Matt and Kim w/ Soulja Boy & Andrew W.K. Mekong Delta - Night on a Bare Mountain Nightmare by Brainbug In the Hall of the Mountain King by Sounds Incorporated One Piece at a Time by Johnny Cash Tequila by The Champs I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night by The Electric Prunes Nasty by Janet Jackson No More Mr. Nice Guy by Alice Cooper Backstabbers by The O'Jays Pets by Porno For Pyros Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins Ghost of a Texas Ladies' Man by Concrete Blonde Dr. Tarr & Professor Feather by Alan Parsons Project To Live and Die in LA by Wang Chung Pictures of Matchstick Men by Status Quo, also Camper Van Beethoven Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves by Cher Land of Confusion by Genesis I Fought The Law by Bobby Fuller Four Naughty Girls by Samantha Fox Jimmy Olson's Blues by Spin Doctors Nightmares by Violent Femmes I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie 42 by Coldplay Haunted House of the Century by Tangent Sunset The Warrior by Scandal Pacman Fever by Buckner & Garcia Planet Earth by Duran Duran Skeleton River by Tangent Sunset Junk Food Junkie by Larry Groce Everything Is Broken by Bob Dylan The Gambler by Kenny Rogers Shark Attack by Wailing Souls Season of the Witch by Joan Jett Superman's Song by Crash Test Dummies Brain Damage by Pink Floyd Paranoid by Black Sabbath He's a Vampire by Archie King Mad Scientist by The Zanies
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ola-rojita · 4 years
Conozca los postulados a rectores del CNE (+Listado)
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Los nombre de los 75 postulados y postuladas a rectores y rectoras del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) que pasaron la etapa de evaluación realizada por el Comité de Postulaciones Electorales, fueron dados a conocer por el Comité de Postulaciones Electorales de la Asamblea Nacional (AN).
El Comité informó que de las 75 postulaciones que superaron esta etapa, 47 pertenecen a la sociedad civil, 10 a las universidades y 18 al Poder Ciudadano, cumpliendo así con el artículo 26 de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Electoral.
A continuación el listado
Candidatos postulados por las facultades de Ciencia Jurídicas y Políticas de las Universidades:
Candidatos postulados por el Poder Ciudadano:
Postulados por las Organizaciones de la Sociedad:
Cabe destacar que este miércoles, el vicepresidente del Comité de Postulaciones Electorales, diputado José Gregorio Correa, precisó que la lista con los nombres de los venezolanos seleccionados como elegibles se podrá impugnar durante 6 días, quienes tendrán ese mismo tiempo para hacer los descargos de las objeciones.
El Consejo Nacional Electoral está integrado por cinco (5) miembros, denominados Rectoras o Rectores Electorales, cuyo periodo de ejercicio en sus funciones es de siete (7) años. Son designadas o designados por la Asamblea Nacional con el voto favorable de las dos terceras partes de sus integrantes y podrán ser reelegidas o reelegidos en sus cargos hasta un máximo de dos (2) periodos adicionales, previa evaluación de su gestión por parte de la Asamblea Nacional.
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