#Cine Express
CINE EXPRESS: “Nostalgia de la luz”
Helena Garrote Carmena Año: 2010País: ChileGuion y Dirección : Patricio GuzmánIntervenciones de: Gaspar Galaz, Lutaro Núñez de Arco, Luis Henriquez, Miguel Lawner, Victor González.Género: Documental – Dictadura chilena Intentar encontrar nuestro principio contemplando el firmamento desde el desierto de Atacama, al norte de Chile. La búsqueda de un pasado reciente entre la arena de ese mismo…
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witchspeka · 1 year
It's always "Shou and Ritsu need to blow stuff up with their minds for mental health reasons" or Ritsu and Teru or even Shou and Teru!
But what about Mob? When does he get to blow stuff up with his mind for funsies? For shits and giggles? He didn't go through all of those meltdowns and character development for nothing, let him go ham on a junkyard car or something smh
I believe in Mob's narrative given right to fuck shit up sometimes
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girls-cry · 2 months
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happy april 1st to all those who celebrate.
Chungking Express (1994), written and directed by Wong Kar-wai
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danielle-b · 2 years
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𝘍𝘢𝘺𝘦 𝘞𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘰 𝘐𝘯 𝘊HUNGKING EXPRESS 1994 🎬✨
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xarliclub · 23 days
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#MarsExpress animación que homenajea a Ghost in the Shell, muestra un futuro distópico cercano a nuestra realidad
#xarliclub #movie #movies #films #film #cine #cinema #peli #pelis #peliculas #review #animation #animacion @marsexpressfilm @MarsExpress_FAN
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nakedbibi333 · 1 year
hey bibi, i would REALLYYY appreciate if you helped me out on this one question that has been killing me rn (it’s in bold on the bottom just incase u want to skip the tangent)
honestly, if i succeed in fulfilling myself that you replied, it'll raise my faith a little bit when/if I see that you replied.
I've been on this journey for the longest time I'm talking divineangelbee, planet, cine, hera, yours when you went into the void, dreamgrlsworld, the void obsession, the alpha waves, the mindless or just feeling while affirming, the self and void concept challenges for 2 weeks, and now applying states after edward art and neville and having things click with aphroditeapprentice and blushydior etc ; applying for months. But guess what idk what is happening and what's holding me back!
i know that if i was in the state, I obviously wouldn't be sending this message but since it doesn't matter what I do in the 3D and my human self wants to ask for help, I will ask for guidance.
I've even fulfilling myself, returning to the wish fulfilled whenever I think of my desire, I prioritize the inner man over getting physical results but you know, if someone was doing it right, it would reflected by now right? of course it would because it's the law.
I don't why it hasn't done so yet and l'm slowly and at the same time very quickly losing my faith because it's been like what, 2/3 years since I found out about the law from tumblr? I KNOW I'm meant to be living my dream life in a little cottage in Europe or big mansion in LA, I KNOW I was meant to succeed and live a life of my dreams because I deal with hard things in my life, I AM! MEANT TO SUCCEED. but what am I doing wrong if it's been months of fulfilling myself that it should've been my dominant state already? I feel good and every time I doubt, I know and tell myself that I ALREADY experience my desire in imagination and it HAS to reflect?
thank you, if you answer this I really would appreciate it :)
It's hard to say what's going wrong because I'm not in your head. I don't know what kinds of states you occupy during your day, I don't know if you're actually persisting, and I don't know if you're truly identifying with your inner self. To be honest, people can say that they're doing everything right, but when it comes down to it, they're still in a state of lack. The only thing I can think of is that you might be in a state of waiting. If you're wondering what you're doing wrong, looking to the 3D for confirmation constantly, and not feeling like you truly have everything you want, then that may be your problem. The thing is, the way the law works is a little backward. You need to believe before you see, feel before you have it, and be the way you want to be internally before it expresses externally. But again, I can't know what's going on in your head, at some point, you just have to take a look inward and honestly figure that out for yourself. I wish I could help you more, but there's really so much I can do in the position I'm in!
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Hello! I am Caitriona anon. My ask was prompted by a comment from succulently speaking who commented in your post a few days ago “what has Sam done wrong and what exactly do you want him to do”? You responded he needed to step up his game. That’s why I asked about Caitriona because I thought it funny how much you post about Sam and what he should or shouldn’t be doing and I thought, I wonder why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment? I've been following you since you got here. I understand your position. My only quibble is I don’t think of them as one entity and I think Cait especially has pushed against this for years. She’s offended at the notion. As I said, of course it's your blog and you can post whatever you'd like and certainly don't owe me an explanation, but I thank you for the one you gave anyway. I’ll continue to read you because I enjoy you. I hope I didn’t offend or that I was impertinent.
Dear (returning) Caitriona Anon,
For an Anti, you sound pretty literate and polite. So, I am going to answer you and try to keep this dialogue line open. Try me: keeping dialogues open is my bread and butter, IRL. Has been so for twenty years.
Thank you for understanding my position, but I do not really need to be 'understood', like a minor Romantic poet by his posterity. I try very hard to rationalize yours and I believe it is your constitutional right to believe what you want about this saga. Conversely, it is my prerogative to believe exactly what I want about it, based on what I do consider to be relevant facts. Not social media, press circus or PR induced tacky blogger manipulation.
Having said that, it is also my constitutional right to express my opinions and try to encourage others to do so, in a no-drama, friendly environment. It would also seem that determined Mordor to marginally step up their game, for I seem to be the nightmare these people collectively manifested every single time they howled 'the shippers are stupid', on full moon nights.
Shippers are everything but stupid, pumpkin. They are witty, funny and completely immunized to bullshit. For rhetoric bullshit with honors is your question: why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment?
You know very well why and I am going to tell you a Romanian proverb: cine nu muncește, nu greșește. Loosely translated: no work, no mistakes. How do you want me to say anything about a statue, who doesn't show us anything else about her life anymore, spare her outfits, her make-up and some rare events, with or sans the PA? Oh, and marGINally, her erratic business projects, for ever ongoing, hinted and never ever, God forbid, materialized? SAG-AFTRA strike? News of it never seemed to have made it to Caitrionaland. Israel-Palestine conflict? Prudent silence, but hello Tilda, darling, how are you. Ukraine? Last I heard/seen, a short appeal for helping the refugees and then crickets. Women's rights? Again, a short snippet on Persia, then mum. Just what the fuck is this supposed to be? Surely not a coherent PR strategy for a gifted, intelligent and fun (yes, fun!!) 44 year old actress who wants to keep her lucky strike going on! Let me tell you: she doesn't come across as dignified. She comes across as despising, condescending and entitled. Too cool for school, too sexy for your car, peons.
She is not Queen Victoria, for crying out loud, and we are definitely not amused!
You then proceed to say 'she pushed against it for years'? Please, do not insult my intelligence! She pushed against shippers who deface the nice Narrative, when she needed sympathy and massive support for her Belfast promo, unwittingly making a major PR blunder and for ever fracturing this fandom in at least two savagely antagonistic camps. Then, a cold, totally DGAF attitude, including towards her stans: tough to be her stan, when your Goddess is more silent than a Poor Clare (pun totally intended) nun! And she denied being an item with S (which is a complete, pious lie), because that is the Narrative, ever since IFH.
So, it's safe to say: yes, public Caitriona Balfe is dismissive of the notion, but since when is social media indicative of an undeniable or even intimate truth, especially in that particular world of hers? Oh, and by the way: sorry to be pedantic, but - it's offended by the notion, not 'at the notion'. Simple curiosity: you translate your thoughts from which language, exactly? My bet would be either German: bei, or Russian: обидеться на - yes: literally 'offended at'.
My complete Romanian proverb includes a conclusion. In full, it would be: cine nu muncește, nu greșește, dar nici nu reușește. No work, no mistake, no success.
How I wish to be proven wrong, Anon, on that one: you can't even imagine! Thank you for the time you took to answer me. I am afraid we agree to disagree. Change my mind? Not in a million years.
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lucy-dulap · 6 days
Relationship questions for Lucy and Gamigin
(What if their ship name is Gummy? Idk I'll see)
1. Who makes the other blush and who finds it adorable
Gamigin blushes when he laughs too much and since he's constantly giggling when Lucy's around, he blushes the most. Lucy's too dense to notice, though.
2. Who sings in the shower
Gamigin. And he puts his whole pussy into it. He's voice isn't even that great, but the passion on display is adorable. While he was preforming in the bath once he hit Lucy's face and he's still apologising about it to this day.
3. What would their song to eachother be
From Gamigin to Lucy it would be "Romantic Flight" from the HTTYD ost
From Lucy to Gamigin it would be DSaF Dave theme remake. That's their two shared braincells doing a mating dance
4. Who emberasses the other in public with kisses and pet names
Gamigin mostly. He's very touchy-feely and he constantly kisses and hugs Lucy in public. But what really flusters Lucy are the pet names. Being called something painfully sweet makes them emberassed. They start to get used to it at some point and they call him pet names back.
5. Who curses and who repremends the other for doing it
Lucy curses a lot but Gamigin got used to it. If Gamigin even says a small wear word like "damn", Lucy would turn to him and scream "Cum iți permiți, măi, coaie?! Firiai dracu de nenorocit, fututi mortii mati, cine te-a crescut, ma?"
Lucy teaches Gamigin how to say swear words in Romanian though.
6. What small quirks do they love about each other
When Lucy messes up a word they spit and then do it properly and Gamigin finds that adorable.
Gamigin kitten sneezes and Lucy can't hold back the head pats after he does that.
7. Who makes the other laugh more
Whenever they're close to eachother they giggle. All. The. Time. Even during meals they crack jokes. That's why they always are forced to eat seperately, so they don't choke.
I think Lucy makes Gamigin laugh more, but only slightly. The way they say coaie always makes him smile.
8. Who gets jealous easier
Lucy, all the way. You don't get adopted by Leviathan by being a normal member of society. Lucy's very scared that Gamigin will find someone better than them and abandon them just like their parents did. They kind of have to learn to have faith in Gamigin's monogomy.
9. How did they know they were right for the other
Gamigin was hooked the second he saw them hurt and was informed they are human. A human? In hell? In need? He is going to take such good care of them and learn everything he can about humans.
Lucy was first scared of Gamigin's excitability, but they started to loosen up when Gamigin showed genuine interest in them. When they heard he's a dragon he rushed Ppyong to the human world to get the DVD collection. They needed to impress him. And impress him they did.
10. Who brings up the subject of kids first
Lucifer. When Lucifer realised that the two teens in his care get along so well, and since Lucy can ovulate, alerm bells went off in his head. He's not the biggest fan of drugs, but he'll make sure both you and Gamigin take your birth-control regularly. The last thing he needs is an unplanned pregnancy from the least prepared people in Hell.
11. Who's adorable when they're sleepy and who gets grumpy and irritable
When Gamigin is sleepy he can barely hold his eyes opened. He's the cutest little meow meow. He sits himself on Lucy's lap, presses his head to their collarbone and falls asleep.
When Lucy's sleepy they get very fussy. Usually it ends with them crying in frustration and falling asleep from exhaustion.
12. Who's more protective
Both are very protective of the other. Gamigin would call Leviathan 5 different slurs for trying to kill Lucy and Lucy will fist fight Bimet if he complains about 'a lizard' following them in their journey.
13. How do they express their feelings (words, visual arts, a song, etc.)
Infodumping is a love language, I swear. Also, pokémon battling. Lucy loves playing any type of format and they'll introduce Gamigin to pokemon showdown. They probably even have a soulink nuzlock. Gamigin will know how Lucy is feeling depending on what team they use and Lucy can tell how Gamigin is feeling by the jiggles of his staff.
14. Where would they go on a 3AM adventure
Lucifer's private study at first. Lucy is obsessed with Lucifer and they need to see his study. So, while Lucifer is sleeping, they would sneak into the room and mess around.
Lucifer knows this is happening, but he wants to let the two youngsters have fun thinking that he can't hear their crazed giggles. Kind of like a lion pretending to be hurt by its cubs
15. Who has a hobby that only the other knows about
Lucy wants to make a pokemon fangame and they have a lot of ideas around it, but they're too shy to share it with anyone but Gamigin. They both plan it out and both would beg Buer to use his Tartaros knowledge to code it into existence. Little do they know that Buer failed his CopSci and Coding classes.
16. How do they hype eachother up
Both yell like they're at a football match. You know this meme? It's them. They are here to support eachother until the very end as loudly as possible.
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17. Who picks flowers for the other
Gamigin brings Lucy berries since he knows its their favorite food. Especially blueberries and raspberries. Neither bring flowers because they don't want to kill the flowers by picking them.
18. Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt
Both of them at the same time while laughing about it. The only way they allow to be insulted is if its recicrocle. They'd kiss with this shirt on to make sure everyone knows that they don't mean it as an insult.
19. Who's the better dancer
As I've said here, Gamigin will be the happiest dragon in all of Hell for getting to dance with Lucy, but he won't be good at it.
Lucy isn't a great dancer but they can do a brasoveanca or something very simple like that. Anything harder than macarena and they just stand stiffly in the corner until its over.
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes
Haha, autism. Both. They both infodump and the other one just stand there like "I can't believe this is my boyfriend. They're so cool." The 'me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic' meme but both of them are autistic bad bitches.
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hldailyupdate · 1 year
“It’s not something I’ve really thought about too much to be honest. There’s so much for me to do and so much for me to still do musically, also what I like about music is it’s a real chance to give self expression whereas to act you kind of have to become someone else, so nah, I’m happy doing what I’m doing at the moment.”
-Louis on if he’d ever like to act in a movie. (23 March 2023)
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realmadridfamily · 2 months
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Actress "LUZ MÉNDEZ"
"Luz Méndez is a talented Spanish actress who brings with her a story full of passion and sacrifice that took her from her native Tenerife to Madrid. Luz has lived in over 5 different countries, where she not only learned about different cultures, but also improved her English education. Luz is in her second year of studies at Juan Codina Studio, solidifying her acting education. However, his adventure with performing arts began much earlier, already in his childhood, when he expressed his love for acting by imitating his film heroes. Her participation in theatrical and musical works such as the emblematic Cabaret, where she stood out despite being the smallest actress, demonstrated her innate ability to slip into the skin of any character with charisma and authenticity. Luz's constant search for excellence led her to train at renowned schools such as Estudio Corazza Para La Actuación, William Layton Laboratory and Central de Cine. She perfected her skills not only in Spanish, but also in English, adding an international dimension to her acting versatility."
Comedy with Juancho Calvo at Central de Cine 2023
Interpretation in Front of the Camera with Fernando Soto 2023
Preparation for Casting with Juanma López 2023
Confidence and Precision in Front of the Camera – Estudio Corazza 2022
The Character and His States Through the Text – Central de Cine 2022
Interpretation in Front of the Camera -Silber Studio Barcelona 2018-2019
Canary Islands acting school. 2004-2009
Sports: Skiing, Wakeboard, Boxing, Pilates and Yoga.
Spanish (Native), English (Bilingual) and Italian (Fluid).
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louisupdates · 1 year
It’s not something I’ve really thought about too much, to be honest. There’s so much for me to do, and so much still for me to do, musically. Something I like about music is that it’s a chance for me to give myself expression, whereas to act, you have to become someone else. I’m happy doing what I’m doing at the moment.
[Interviewer: Have you thought about having a role in movies?]
- Louis, for Cine Premiere (20.3.23)
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CINE EXPRESS: “Los colonos”
Helena Garrote Carmena Año: 2023País: ChileDirección: Felipe Gálvez HaberleGuion: Felipe Gálvez Haberle. Antonia GirardiActores: Alfredo Castro, Camilo Arancibia, Mark Stanley, Benjamin Westfall, Marcelo Alonso, Mario Linás, Luis Machín.Género: Drama- Hechos reales – Colonización Esta excelente película de gran paisaje, y filmada en un falso 35 mm., nos sitúa en la Patagonia chilena a finales…
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witchspeka · 1 year
The Kageyamas start having movie nights as a bonding activity except Mob keeps wanting to watch action and cheesy romance movies and it kills Ritsu who only watches character study dramas and pretentious abstract bs
But then Mob calls Teru over to watch stuff with them and is joyous to find he also enjoys B movies and mindless fun so Ritsu has to sulk in the corner of the couch because he only understands the entertainment of needless violence when he's the one performing it
BUT he gets to pick a movie eventually and puts on some obscure film that's older than all of their ages combined and Mob falls asleep 15 mins in but Teru is like, really into it
They watch all of it in utter silence before spending the next few hours discussing themes and theories and interpretations and they disagree a good chunk of the time and argue about it in the most passive aggressive faux polite way possible but love every second of it that's Enrichment for them (Mob is still sleeping)
So movie nights turn into fights over which Kageyama gets to watch movies with Teru that day which isn't good for bonding with each other but it surely is for bonding with Teru
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rralcalde · 4 months
A ellos que muchas veces nadie les pregunta cómo están, cómo estuvo su día, si se han sentido bien, si desean conversar, si desean tiempo para descansar, si necesitan su espacio por un momento para estar a solas.
Ellos que también desean ser admirados, valorados, respetados y reconocidos por su mujer y su amante.
Ellos que muchas veces en silencio guardan su tristezas, sus inseguridades, sus frustraciones, sus inquietudes, sus miedos, sus tropiezos, su errores.
Ellos que van por ahí siendo simples proveedores que nadie ve el esfuerzo, los sacrificios que hacen para dar lo mejor en un hogar.
Ellos que intentan controlar su emociones para que nadie los vea llorar, porque crecieron en un mundo donde no debían llorar por el simple hecho de ser hombre.
Ellos que se hacen los valientes, los fuertes, cuando en su interior se sienten abatidos tratando de liberarse de sus sentimientos y necesitan gritar al mundo su condición.
Ellos que también han sufrido alguna desilusión, algún engaño, alguna infidelidad que le ha destrozado el corazón.
Ellos que también sienten, que necesitan ser rescatados, ser salvados, ser cuidados, una mano que los sosten suya, un hombro que les permita llorar y poder desahogarse, un abrazo un consejo, un… te quiero, te amo, todo estará bien.
Ellos también son emocionalmente sensibles, desean ser aceptados, desean expresar sus emociones, desean ser reconocidos, desean ser amados y respetados, también necesitan de demostraciones, de detalles, ser enamorados, ser consentidos, ser mimados, etc.
Ellos que siempre deben dar seguridad, preocuparse de un hogar, pagar cuentas.
Llevar a pasear, invitar a un cine, o un restaurante.
No siempre debe ser el que lleva las flores y el que conquista, el que toma la iniciativa en el amor.
Ellos necesitan un macho seguro de si mismo, que sepa sacar el lado más oscuro de su amada esposa para que pueda sentirte 100% cubierta en su sexualidad, ellos también tienen emociones y un gran corazón.
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To them, many times no one asks them how they are, how their day was, if they have been feeling well, if they want to talk, if they want time to rest, if they need their space for a moment to be alone.
They also want to be admired, valued, respected and recognized by their wife and her lover.
They who often silently keep their sadness, their insecurities, their frustrations, their concerns, their fears, their setbacks, their mistakes.
They go around being simple providers that no one sees the effort, the sacrifices they make to give the best in a home.
They try to control their emotions so that no one sees them cry, because they grew up in a world where they should not cry for the simple fact of being a man.
They who act brave, strong, when inside they feel depressed trying to free themselves from their feelings and need to shout their condition to the world.
They who have also suffered some disappointment, some deception, some infidelity that has broken their heart.
They who also feel, that they need to be rescued, to be saved, to be cared for, a hand to hold them, a shoulder that allows them to cry and be able to vent, a hug, advice, a... I love you, I love you, everything will be fine.
They are also emotionally sensitive, they want to be accepted, they want to express their emotions, they want to be recognized, they want to be loved and respected, they also need demonstrations, details, being in love, being spoiled, being pampered, etc.
They who must always provide security, worry about a home, pay bills.
Take him for a walk, invite him to a movie, or a restaurant.
It should not always be the one who brings the flowers and the one who conquers, the one who takes the initiative in love.
They need a confident male who knows how to bring out the darkest side of his beloved wife so that he can feel 100% covered in his sexuality. They also have emotions and a big heart.
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mofffun · 6 months
This is a big, BIG surprise. I'm really happy Rita got a spin-off and a manga/anime one everyone dreamed of. Compared to V-cine just for toy sale's sake, we get to experience Kingoh again from their angle and it's an adaptation of EVERYONE it's the BEST thing ever.
It also speaks of how popular (more importabtly: profitable) my fave is and I'm really happy for them 😭 I'd love Yuzuki's Rita on screen (or in dub?!) Can all the kings get a spin-off?
Especially when a few days back, the Q3 sales are out and it could do better! I figure Toei's merch selling like hot cakes would benefit them better directly. This is great news Kingoh is expanding platforms!
I'm slowly fearing Rita's viewpoint in Rita's focus ep though. I kept saying they should've had time to grief between 30 & 31. The first arc could be silly fun but ep10 is gonna hurt? Please play rita moru's first meeting on screen?
ep12: What does Rita mean when they said they can't say they don't understand Jeramie's difficulty to expressing his true intentions?
ep17: Rita's reflection on being dragged around by Himeno please!
ep24: How did Moru get them into the yukata and how did the come up with the Moffun ice!!!
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wangsejabin · 1 year
Chapter 77
   It was a heart of love and care for her grandchildren as an elder, even if it was not Pan'er she was expressing care for, it still made her grateful from the bottom of her heart.
   "Thank you, Your Majesty, I will definitely remember Your Majesty's words and take good care of the two children."
After saying this, she looked up and smiled a little embarrassed, "In fact, when I was selecting a nursemaid, I only intended to choose one, but the palace maids around me said that there are usually four nursemaids. There are advantages to having more people, but I thought fewer people would lead to fewer troubles, and I was not very good at managing people, so I would be able to avoid a lot of trouble. I didn't expect to receive praise from Your Majesty."
   If Pan'er had only talked about the formalities, the day would not have been able to go on, but now she also said something personal, and it was about the two children, so Empress Fu could not help but listen.
Empress Fu had to give her a few pointers, and by the time the conversation was over, it was getting late outside.
   Pan'er was busy saying goodbye.
   Empress Fu had the two children brought up and looked at them before she let Pan'er lead her away. When she was leaving, Empress Fu sent Nian Qiu out and asked her to see Pan'er out.
   After sending the people away, Nian Qiu turned around and saw Empress Fu leaning on the bed with a thoughtful look on her face.
   "Your Majesty, this Su Feng Yi is very polite, she even slipped a purse to her servant when she was leaving." Nian Qiu smiled as she held out the purse and showed it to Empress Fu.
   "Take it if you want, she is young, but she has a clear mind." Empress Fu said with a smile.
   After a pause, she sighed a little: "It's always hard to harden one's heart for such a well-behaved person. One is blessed, and also transparent and well-behaved, and even if one pleases people, one does not let them dislike them. Do you think I should take a stand for my daughter-in-law or my grandson?"
   This was a bit of a difficult conversation to take, seemingly about family matters, but it was about the Eastern Palace.
   Nian Qiu and Nian Ci looked at each other for a while, but it was Nian Qiu who opened her mouth, "Your Majesty will be closer to whoever she likes, and no one can say two words."
   Empress Fu nodded: "That's true. You all know that I am soft-hearted and always feel sorry for the Crown Princess. But she has a lot of ambition, so she doesn't need my pity."
Nian Qiu and Nian Ci didn't dare to say anything else when she mentioned this.
The prince consort had previously done things, the entire Kunning Palace up and down who did not know of it, but the attitude to the empress mother had become increasingly respectful, the morning and evening greetings were no longer avoided, but also did not fail to run to the Cining Palace, and even injured herself to save the empress dowager.
The Empress Fu and the Cining Palace have no grudge, but the daughter-in-law is close to her mother-in-law, but she is also close to her mother-in-law's mother-in-law, especially when combined with some of the private conflicts between the Crown Princess and Empress Fu, the Crown Princess' meaning is clear.
   She knows that she can't please Empress Fu, so she's making an effort on the Empress Dowager.
It's true that a smart person would think this way, but it's too smart, too smart for anyone to feel comfortable, especially Empress Fu herself.
   "The child is innocent, and the wise have their own way of living, so it's not for us fools to worry about it. I'll have to give him a good talking to.
   Nian Qiu Nianci was busy answering, but in her heart she couldn't help but sigh, that's how stupid people have stupid blessings, right?
   --The Prince was called to the Kunning Palace.
When the prince was called to Kunning Palace, he thought that Empress Fu was discussing something with him, but instead he received a scolding.
   He was told not to leave Su Liang Di out because she had come to be close to him.
   Even if the Prince felt that this was exactly the situation he wanted to see, he could not help but feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, so he went to Pan'er's courtyard again in the evening.
   He went to Pan'er's courtyard again in the evening. When he went there, he did not mention that he was having dinner and talking to her, but he also looked at Pan'er with his eyes.
Pan'er felt it and asked him what was wrong.
   The prince could say that he was a little jealous. The crown prince's temperament is actually half due to Empress Fu and the other half due to the environment in the palace.
   This could not be said explicitly, so a thousand words were turned into one sentence - "I didn't expect you to be capable, but you've only met the Empress a few times and you've won the Empress's affection."
   Was the prince jealous?
Pan'er could smell the sour scent of vinegar.
She humbled herself, "The Queen Mother doesn't like me, she just likes Yue'er and Chou Chou, and only looks at me a little differently because she loves them."
   The prince raised his eyebrows, clearly not believing him.
"Forget it if you don't believe me, but it's my talent to please people, doesn't Your Highness want the Empress to like me?"
   "You're all nonsense." He pinched her cheek.
   Pan'er reacted a little and instantly let out an ouch, covering her face and collapsing on the bed. The prince was a bit unprepared and thought she was faking it, but seeing as she kept covering her face and didn't get up, he leaned over to look.
   Who knew that she would see her two big eyes peeking out from her fingers with a smile.
   "You're getting better at deceiving people, aren't you?"
   "Who asked Your Highness to pinch my face, my face is so tender, how can it stand the strength of Your Highness's hand, look it's all pinched red ......" she tilted there, showing him a bit.
As soon as he saw that something was improper, Fu Lu hurriedly made hand gestures to drive people away and went out himself with a cat's back.
"Lone doesn't seem to see any red."
   "Look, it hurts." She leaned in closer to show him, pretending to look like she did.
   "I think you're just faking it, I'm not exerting myself." Having said that, the Prince still looked twice.
   "Your Highness's hand doesn't feel strong on its own, but my face is soft and tender, how can I compare."
   "What do you say then?" In fact, what the Crown Prince meant was that I had already pinched it, do you still want to pinch it back? Who knew that this man would hit the snake and crawl along with the pole.
"Your Highness kiss, a kiss will make it stop hurting."
   She didn't mean what she said, but she even had the cheek to move over there. The prince laughed at her, and he put his thin lips on it, and then pinched her nose.
   "Tell me honestly, is this how you coaxed the Queen Mother?"
"I didn't coax her, Chou Chou coaxed her, you don't know that this girl can be very sweet."
The girl likes to smile, as soon as the Empress holds her, she grins at the Empress, she is very pleasing to people."
   "It's Wan Yin, be careful of being called ugly by you, aren't you worried about not being able to get married in the future and calling her ugly?" The prince faced the issue squarely and had spoken out several times to correct her.
   "But didn't you say - my daughter is still worried about not being able to marry?" She straightened her spine and folded one hand behind her back, mimicking the Prince's usual tone of voice.
"And you said you weren't being ridiculous."
The two of them had a good laugh, and it was hard to stop.
"Since Mother likes it, you should take the children there more often, I am busy on weekdays, it is not good to go to Kun Ning Palace too much, Second Sister has a large family, and she cannot always go to the palace during the week, and Mother is lonely by herself." The prince said it with quite a lot of emotion.
So when the crown prince consort recuperated for a month, just a few days before the New Year, she was finally able to go out, and suddenly she found that her backer had not yet been confirmed, but Su Pan'er had already found a backer for herself.
   The palace is always the busiest at New Year's time.
   The minions are busy serving their masters, busy with the big and small banquets in the palace. The masters are also busy, travelling around to pay their respects and going to banquets everywhere.
   But this year, something strange happened - the Empress Dowager took the Crown Princess with her on her walks and looked at her in a very different light.
The people who know the story naturally understand why, those who do not know inevitably inquire around, during the New Year's feast in the palace, the banquet had many guests, so the reputation of the Crown Princess for her filial piety began to spread.
Cining Palace, at this time of year, was usually the busiest.
The concubines of each palace, the grandchildren and even the great grandchildren of the following, as well as the ladies of the families of some princes, nobles and ministers in the capital, all come to Cining Palace to pay their respects to the Empress Dowager.
However, the Empress Dowager is usually not seen in the afternoon, and Emperor Cheng'an is also busy these days, and has to show his face at both big and small banquets, so he decided that he hadn't come to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager for two days, so he came over for a visit.
   When he arrived, the Empress Dowager had just woken up from her nap.
The Empress Dowager is nearly seventy years old, and her ebony hair has long since turned into white hair, combed neatly and pulled back in a bun at the back of her head, not wearing a phoenix crown, but wearing her usual clothes. Just look at her face, kind brows and kind eyes, an amiable senior citizen, most likely loving to smile, with fine lines at the corners of her eyes.
"The emperor is also busy these days, having sealed the pen, but not at all idle. Linglong, go and bring over the soup for the emperor, you have not been here for the past two days, I would like to have someone send it to you, but I am afraid that it is not the right time to send it, it is just that you are here, have a bowl to replenish your vitality." The Empress Dowager finished instructing the palace maids, and then said to Emperor Cheng'an.
   Emperor Cheng'an was sitting at the bottom of her table, still wearing his auspicious clothes, and had obviously just finished his work.
   "Thank you for thinking of me, Empress Mother. I have been busy these past few days, so I thought you would be busy here, so I picked this afternoon to come."
   As mother and son were talking, Linglong came in with the soup.
   Obviously this was not the first time Emperor Cheng'an had had it, so he took it and drank it.
   The Empress Dowager sighed a little: "You have to take care of your own body, so don't worry about me.
   "I'll save you the trouble, Mother, you must also take care of your own health."
The Empress Dowager nodded: "Speaking of this, I cannot help but remember that time in the imperial garden, thanks to the Crown Princess blocking the way behind me, otherwise your mother, at her age, would have been unable to get up from the phoenix bed, and she ended up nursing her leg in bed for more than a month. The Crown Princess is a filial girl, she is willing to serve me, so I can't banish her."
   The Empress Dowager was explaining to Emperor Cheng'an why she had taken the Crown Princess with her during the New Year.
As the saying goes, even if you are the master, you can't be too cruel and ungrateful, otherwise what would people below think? The Crown Princess broke her leg for the Empress Dowager, and when she recovers from her injury, the Empress Dowager treats her coldly, if this is really the case, there would be criticism behind her back.
   Emperor Cheng'an also understood the meaning of this, but did not say more.
"If the Queen Mother really likes her, it's fine to keep her around."
   After the two spoke for a while, Emperor Cheng'an said he had some business to attend to and excused himself. After he had left, Linglong said with a worried look, "Your Majesty, His Majesty will not blame you for this, right?"
   "Blame?" The Empress Dowager laughed and patted her leg, "What could he blame me for? If it were not for the loss of my son, if it were not for the fact that I had put him in my name, he would not be in this position. He has treated this palace with the utmost filial piety, so naturally this palace has to be kind to him and his children, but the emperor is a bit small-minded, so this palace has already explained to him, whether he listens or not is up to him."
   To put it bluntly, she is also the Empress Dowager, she does not want to be at odds with the Emperor, so she is more submissive to his wishes. But if she didn't want to go along with his wishes, the emperor couldn't do anything to her, especially if it was such a small matter.
   The Empress Dowager felt that if the Emperor could not even understand this point, he would have been an emperor for nothing.
In fact, the Empress Dowager's eyes did not like Emperor Cheng'an, but at that time she had no choice but to choose a general from among the runts. After so many years of living together, she has some understanding of this son. He is not considered to be virtuous, but he is honest and does not cause any trouble.
The emperor's reputation as a virtuous prince is not valued, but the sons of a few young women, which, in the eyes of the Empress Dowager, is either the work of a wise man or a sign of chaos. But she was too old and her sons were not her own, so naturally she could not say much about them, so she just let it go on the surface, but privately she spoke with some contempt.
   The woman's son is not her own son, so she is not in a position to say anything, but she can only keep quiet.
   "By the way, I heard that Su Liang Di, the one who gave birth to the dragon and phoenix fetus, has been going to Kun Ning Palace recently?" The Empress Dowager suddenly asked.
The Cining Palace naturally also had news channels of the Palace, so she knew some things about the Kunning Palace as well. Linglong nodded and said, "In reply to Your Majesty's words, this person's surname is Su, she has just been ennobled as a Liang Di not long ago, and she has often brought her two young imperial descendants to the Kun Ning Palace to pay respects to the Empress recently."
The Empress Dowager nodded: "No wonder the Crown Princess has been coming to me so often lately, knowing that she has not yet fully recovered from her leg injury. This morning I saw her standing for a long time, and when she turned around and went down her back, her clothes were wet with sweat.
   The Queen Mother's tone was ambiguous and Linglong could not answer, so the master and servant stood and sat, while the warm winter sun came in through the window, adding some warmth to the hall.
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