#Embody Remix
joshconfirmed · 2 months
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Remilia Scarlet versus Flandre Scarlet! A battle of Touhou's iconic vampire sisters is sure to be brutal!
and accompanying this art piece is what it would sound like!
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noctiilio · 1 year
Gensokyo 199x (09/2021)
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Track 1: "Teachin' my sister to dance!"
Original: Zun - "Septette for the Dead Princess"/"U.N. Owen Was Her?" Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Arranged by: Nocti (@noctiilio)
Genre: New Jack Swing
"Remilia is teaching Flandre some sick moves popular with kids these days. Things turn into a friendly dance battle between the sisters. Who will you be rooting for?" fun fact! This song was played in front of BEATMARIO, ZUN and Kaztora from Shinra Bansho in the november 2021 showcase of Touhou Station! Get the album >here<, it's free! Also available on Youtube here!
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kingofanemptyworld · 8 months
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hanakihan · 5 months
my friend joked that during final fight in first Lostbelt salieri was playing not dies irae but night of nights on really fast speed to truly convey all his anger and frustration and I now laugh so fucking hard because it’s both cracked and awfully perfect
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nozomijoestar · 1 year
Something I’m loving about the T8 art direction is having every character’s new outfit represent a soft reboot back to their origins/closest relationships
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unsound-unbody · 1 year
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 1 year
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I always wondered what TWEWYs Joshua would have thought of Kanashiro from Persona 5.
I imagine he wouldn’t be impressed
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musicalueion · 1 month
Smash Remix - U.N. Owen Was Her?
Artists: Fray, Pringles, Supa
Original Composer: ZUN
Original Work: Touhou Koumakyou ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. - U.N. Owen Was Her?
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switchmusicbox · 7 months
I've only posted one Genesis remix on this blog. You can thank musician's block for that. Or laziness. Or both. Either way, I think it's time to remedy that.
(Credit to KR. Palto47 for the original MIDI)
(VGM Download)
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astro-royale · 8 months
Astrology Observations 20
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DISCLAIMER!! My opinion✨🌴💕🌊🌴✨🌊🌴✨
If you want to manifest with and activate your Jupiter, work with opening your heart. Unconditionally giving etc. cultivating abundance consciousness and really developing gratitude and appreciation. Gratitude lists. Being compassionate, sharing knowledge, teaching and even travelling more. also, where are you being stingy? Explore topics of Faith.
If you want to activate your Pluto, simply work on boundaries and Privacy from a sacred point of view, also ask yourself where you give your power away and in what ways you use your power.
If you want to activate your Venus, take part in rituals which change the way you appear on a surface level, and even getting good at casual conversations, in a way that makes you feel good ofc. Even things like getting very specific about make up and colours you wear. Did I also mention, spending time with people you like and getting specific about what qualities you like in other people. Example: write a list of what you value and want in others, especially romantic partner.
If you want to activate your Neptune, you can do things like keep a dream journal, working with visualisation to really harness the energy rather than allowing it to be scattered. And ofc, getting involved with art.
If you want to activate your Uranus, focus on the little details which you think are unique about yourself, what puts you outside of the box? Notice it, Embody it.
If you want to activate and work with your Saturn, keep a routine, a schedule, notice how much time you spend on things and where you value and devalue your time. Self reflection practises too because it’s taking accountability for your actions.
If you want to activate your Mercury, start writing, blogging more, sharing your opinions, reading more and listening to podcasts. Sharing ideas via conversations. Also clear communication.
If you want to activate your moon, follow your intuition and connect to your body. Also drink more water since the moon controls the water. Connect to the waters of your body through things like yoga, being by the ocean, or any other body of water. Oh, and validate your feelings.
If you want to activate your Mars, explore your sexuality and find healthy ways to channel your anger, also exercise ofc, building strength.
If you want to activate your north node, follow your calling.
If you want to let go of your south node, do shadow work and work on your limiting beliefs so you can follow your north node.
The first house is the house of self for a reason, work on yourself and the rest follows,,,,, bit by bit. Honestly so much of your life will change just by focusing on the first and second house of your chart before any of the other ones. But ACTUALLY taking action on it.
These are all forms of manifestation BTW and forms of self actualisation
Have a lovely day or night wherever you are 🌴🌞🌊
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holmsister · 4 months
Ok this gets its own post because im genuinely a little surprised I only caught on now.
This is Marcille's succubus:
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This is Oscar, the protagonist of Rose of Versailles and the character the design of the succubus above is clearly referencing, if not directly, at least via a very obvious shared set of visual tropes:
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(Yes thats a french flag we dont have the time move on).
The thing is. Oscar is a WOMAN. While she is clearly gnc and she goes through various gender crises in the story, the doctor at her birth assigned her female (her dad got angry about it we don't have the time move on) and in the end she is happy to id as a woman, if one who follows her own rules.
I could not find a good image with an horse but she has a horse dw. She also has a princess she wants to protect:
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(YES thats Marie antoniette we don't have the time move on)
Which like. Again. I cannot go ahead and say "this character is a direct quote of this character" because their design is ultimately different and also Rose of Versailles is an incredibly seminal work in Japanese culture. It came out in the 70s, rewrote the rules of shojo manga, and has been since parodied, remixed, reimagined as a classic Takarazuka Revue musical, referenced in other work, in movies, in ads. Revolutionary Girl Utena does not exist without Rose of Versailles, its an almost direct response to it. It's impossible to say nowadays that anything referring to Rose of Versailles is quoting it directly and not just pulling from a giant shared set of tropes that derive from it and have been used in basically every other piece of media ever made after it in Japan.
But. Its an interesting thing to note for our embodiment of Marcille's deepest fantasy, that its most ancient visual ancestor is a beautiful woman dressed as a man.
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curtisberzattos · 2 months
the small detail in the book that darry checks ponys math hw every night because he's really good at math always makes me emo bc even in their personalities it makes sense that darry is analytical/math and ponyboy is really good at english/ writing. and even that darry was waiting next to his bedside when pony was unconscious in bed like ahhghgd luckily all the bway actors totally embody the characters or i would rly miss those details in the musical. what are ur hc about paul and darrys friendship? bc any "which could mean nothing" relationship is sacred to me!!
WHICH COULD MEAN NOTHING!!!! god paul and darry where do i even begin. all of my thoughts for them can be summed up by this:
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•clear path- the front bottoms core friendship
•they are very art donaldson/patrick zweig coded to Me. in the sense that their shared interest (a sport) brought them together and they never really examined their relationship outside of that context. "we're not talking about tennis" "what the fuck else do i have to talk to you about?" but make it football
•their friendship was never very emotionally deep. toxic masculinity and all, discussions of feelings/worries/anything too personal were super rare
•paul’s love language is gift giving but he plays it off like he has too much junk and doesn't need it so darry doesn't feel bad about taking it. darry's love language is quality time- practice, studying, lounging around, anything.
•^ the one exception is the madras shirt. that was originally given out of pity because paul noticed that darry acted like a soc, but his style gave him away as a greaser and paul didn't really wanna be seen with him like that (he got over it tho because darry cant just wear that one shirt every day)
•darry had a crush on him. he didn't know it and always interpreted those feelings as being irrationally jealous of paul. do i wanna be him or be with him stuff. was it reciprocated? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
•that being said, they are chronically envious of each other. darry is jealous of paul economically (he hates being poor) and paul is jealous of darry socially (he want to be as well liked as darry is)
•they begin falling out of touch after graduating. when paul goes to college he pretty much gets a whole new friend group, all but cutting darry out and replacing him
•nail on the coffin (no pun intended) is when he doesn't come to the curtis parents' funeral. that's when darry decides to hate paul because being angry at him is easier than mourning his best friend alongside everything else he's lost
•paul, who is kinda oblivious does not recognize this as the consequences of his own actions, resents darry for unilaterally deciding their friendship is over
• all that being said, i think an eventual reconciliation is possible. it'd definitely take many years post canon, but maybe one day when they're older and wiser they can work it out in the remix <3
(also that detail of darry checking pony’s homework is one of my favorite things EVER i've written about it at length: shameless plug)
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noctiilio · 1 year
Gensokyo 199x volume 2 (06/2022)
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Track 4: "Food Court Menace"
Original: Zun - A soul as red as a Ground Cherry/Apparition Stalks the Night (Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Stage 1+ Rumia's theme)
Arranged by: Nocti (@noctiilio)
Genre: late 80's/early 90's New Jack Swing
"The mall's food court is having another one of those days. As soon as they spot Rumia in the distance, they know that she will ask for their entire stock, for free, unless they want a big chomp marking on their hand. And the little youkai? She takes immense joy out of the distress she causes, and knows none of these humans will stop her from getting her daily 47 free burgers." Get the album >here< it's free! Also available on Youtube here!
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glasskey · 4 months
THT True Love and Double Trouble Remix Part 3
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Welcome to the 3rd and final part of this remix. In the context of this love triangle Luke is the equivalent to the “home body” or the “boy next door”. For years and years now, in classic love triangle scenarios these slouchers have been “getting the girl” based on the lame-assed rule of “first dibs”. However our heroine isn’t beholden to anyone, SHE makes the rules, and as the infamous Dawson / Pacey / Joey love triangle taught us; the so called “diamond in the rough” is the everyday man’s worst fucking nightmare.
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Because Luke is the everyday man he presents a perfect vehicle for demonstrating the casual chauvinism experienced by women as a normal daily occurrence. Luke is a homebody with a desire for a wife and an idyllic family, and with this comes all the dynamics of it’s traditionalist ideals. Luke represents the average middle class male persona; educated but self-entitled and somewhat willingly complacent in his efforts to change his or societies attitudes to gender roles and dynamics. As such, the infringements of June’s initial freedoms are concerning rather than alarming and certainly not enough to motivate him into direct action. In Atwoods text Luke actually enjoys some of these restrictions of June’s former freedoms, as they allow him to assert his dominance, thus bolstering his own sense of self confidence. This character aspect has been somewhat downplayed in the series, but we do still see signs of it.
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In Atwood’s text, Luke taunts Holly making light of her action against the patriarchy, in the series we see echoes of the two at loggerheads when Holly voices her disapproval of June and Luke’s marriage. Holly’s perception of Luke is as a trap of conventional traditionalism, a direct obstacle between June and her independence. Holly embodies the fight against a patriarchal society and the definitive independent woman. As such she is captured, enslaved and most likely killed off during the inception of Gilead. Moira also voices concerns that Luke will leave her if she cannot produce the child he so desperately desires, leaving June wondering; what if he sees her as primarily a walking womb? June’s insecurity at his faithfulness and her own abilities to provide a child cause her to continuously apologize, and minimize her own anxieties. Ultimately it allows him to take control, determining when they run and enabling his passivity to leave her trapped.
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When June returns home she is far from the affectionate, compliant wife he once knew. She is distinctly uncomfortable in a world that somewhat acquiesces to Gilead’s will. She is enraged, vengeful and hypervigilant. After waiting many years for her return, Luke seems determined to “love whoever she turns out to be”, it seems almost defeatist to “let her go” after all this time. However he’s constantly challenged by the person who’s returned to him, and while there are moments of connection they’re tenuous and it’s doubtful that pre Gilead, he would have ever chosen to marry the woman he now knows.
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Prior to Gilead’s inception the nature of the physical connection between Luke and June ranged from flirtatious to affectionate. Upon returning from Gilead, physical contact between Luke and June ranges from cautious to violent and finally settles back into a friendly affection. In contrast scenes of unrestrained climactic sex seems to have been reserved almost exclusively for Nick Blaine, drawing a sharp line between the two. In S5 we witness a spontaneously passionate sex scene between Luke and June, but the lighting and positioning hurtles you back to Nick and June’s heated, passionate exchange at the Boston Globe. As June turns away from Luke, it’s difficult not to conclude that June is reliving a distant precious memory. It’s a moment of passion triggered by their mutual hatred of Serena rather than any loving desire for intimacy. In the fading cold light he lies exposed as she remains covered, his attempt to reach her has failed once again.
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I truly sympathize with Luke, to me it makes perfect sense that he would TRY and reconnect with June. That he would hope against hope that despite many years of separation and her obvious love for another man, that he might be able to salvage his marriage somehow. Throughout season 4 and 5 we witnessed a man clinging to the past, the moments he connected with June were when he spied the remnants of the woman he once knew, or when hopes of Hannah returning were raised. Maybe, just MAYBE, he hopes, he might be able to get back the family he lost on that icy road so many years ago. Throughout S4 and 5 Luke showed a deepening awareness of June’s altered perception of both him and their relationship. He expressed regret that he’d failed her as a partner and made ill-conceived attempts to redeem his short comings, he tried desperately to hold onto her and the dream of his family…..but it all seemed for naught.
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As June bade him farewell at the train station we saw her pivoting from Ep 9 where she told him to let her go, to telling him to come find her. But the borderline disconnection of the last 2 seasons made it seem either like a sentimental goodbye, or an unrealistic attempt to suddenly reconnect these two characters fully. I was moved by the “goodbye’s”, but the “I love you’s” and “come find me’s” left me confused. Had I missed something? Had some immense edit had taken place to save air time?
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Both Luke and Nick are cautionary tales but in decisively different ways. Luke is privileged and well educated, he works in a white collar job and he chose a passive role, doing little or nothing to act, at the inception of Gilead. He represents the willful ignorance and complacency of men who assume that power comes at no personal cost. He is a demonstration of men’s responsibility to, not only change their own gender biased beliefs, but be pro-active about changing those around them. In contrast Nick is poor, unemployed, with no higher education and he chose an active role. His position has a great deal to say about the ease of manipulation by the wealthy ruling class. His servile and initially diminutive role of action turns the larger wheels of power for Gilead, as Serena said: “we wouldn’t be here without him”. Both Luke and Nick illustrate the incredible destruction caused to ALL, by both the active practice and social complacency of gender bias. Both challenge our perceptions of guilt and innocence. The Handmaid’s Tale is known for its painfully accurate social commentary, and the inescapable truth is that whether passive or active, both of these roles can be equally devastating.
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In S5 we see Serena confronting Luke with the reality of his inaction, provoking a rage filled response. Luke is seething with hatred for Gilead, but there is also an undercurrent of immense guilt and self-loathing for his own apathy.
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Luke said nothing, did nothing, ran too late, lost his wife, lost his daughter…….there are consequences. Nick joined the Sons of Jacob, he took part in a right wing regime and he lost his country, his freedom, his daughter and the woman he loves……..there are SO many consequences.
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Both of these men signify a journey that male attitudes and society at large must take in order to unstack the deck. Throughout the seasons we’ve seen both Nick and Luke’s painful personal journey of enlightenment, regret and their ultimate choice to change. It’s no coincidence that they BOTH now reside in the “purgatorial” Big House…..it’s time to show true sacrifice and pay the piper.
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There seems to be a tendency to attribute a mantel of innocence to Luke for his passivity during the inception of Gilead, furthermore the idea that he’s EARNED some sort of expected devotion through the role of husband and provider. Ironically this attitude reflects the very archaic traditionalism that The Handmaid’s Tale kicks against time and time again. As Holly said, “now’s not the time for settling down, now’s the time to fight.” so when push comes to shove, if either of these boys want to tag along with our rebel, they’d better get ready to gear up and go underground. Rebellion waits for no man.
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In story telling great lovers have something that for lack of a better term, could be referred to as “calling cards”. They act like talismans of their deep connection, and Nick and June have a LOT: their hand brushing, foreheads touching, ever present glowing lights, when Nick calls her name, her gasp and eyelash flutter at the mere mention of his name, and the touching of June’s neck. These “calling cards” seem so very conspicuously absent in Luke and June’s relationship, and as the seasons roll on, this is harder and harder to ignore.
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The end result is that watching Nick and June fall in love, is like watching two people GENUINELY fall in love for the first time. Regardless of whether this portrayal is the result of June’s overly romanticized narration is irrelevant, the fact remains that Nick Blaine is quite literally being visually described as “the love of her life". In comparison the audience is fed somewhat ordinary glimpses of her life with Luke. The Handmaid’s Tale moves in circles, depicting the turning of seasons and as such June swings back and forth between these men. The end of the shows seasons always somehow cruelly reuniting and yet separating her from Nick. The rule of chances state that the wheel of fortune must finally turn differently this time. But I don’t trust these writers, I never have, they’re erratic and brilliant and you can never trust genius to be predictable. Whether Nick and June end in tragedy, sacrifice or victory is yet to be seen.
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starsreminisce · 2 months
Elucien Parallels in the Book
And I knew Tamlin understood a moment before the king laughed. “I don’t believe it. Your bride left you only to find her mate. The Mother has a warped sense of humor, it seems. And what a talent—tell me, girl: how did you unravel that spell?”
Lucien didn’t move an inch. His face was pale as death as he stared at Elain. My sister said nothing, the iron ring glinting dully on her finger. The King of Hybern murmured, “Interesting. So very interesting.” He turned to the queens. “See? I showed you not once, but twice that it is safe. Who should like to be Made first? Perhaps you’ll get a handsome Fae lord as your mate, too.” The youngest queen stepped forward, her eyes indeed darting between all the Fae men assembled. As if they were hers for the picking.
When Hybern mentioned that the Mother has a warped sense of humor for making Feyre leave her fiance to find her mate, it seems strikingly similar to what happened with Elain and Lucien just a few pages later. Elain, a bride who was taken from her home, ends up finding her mate in Lucien.
The King of Hybern's reaction indicates that he couldn't have manufactured this bond. Elain was the first to emerge from the cauldron, and her bond with Lucien didn't snap until after Nesta emerged and pulled Elain away from him. The King of Hybern only promised to undo the mating bond between Feyre and Rhysand. If there were such a thing as a "cauldron" mate, he would have offered it to Tamlin right then or guaranteed it to Briallyn when she stepped forward.
This situation with Elain and Lucien might reflect something personal to SJM, who ended up marrying her first boyfriend, the first boy who captured her attention when she stepped into college.
Rhys never expected to have a mate, and even when he met her, he never thought she would reciprocate his feelings. Similarly, Feyre believed her mate was Tamlin, waiting for their bond to snap, only to be blindsided by the revelation that it was Rhys. SJM seems to remix this scenario for Elucien's story. Elain never thought she had a mate, while Lucien believed his mate was Jesminda and that he would never have another, only to be blindsided by the discovery that his true mate is Elain.
Feysand's story had a lot of potential for divergence, which SJM uses to branch off her stories. Nessian's story could be seen as a "What if Feyre met Rhys instead of Tamlin?" scenario, while Elucien's story could be a "What if Feyre knew from the beginning?" scenario.
The Mother indeed has a warped sense of humor, especially when SJM, the creator of this universe, embodies that role.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 01/05/2024
super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont
Ripper Unknown
So. It's been a month now. Has it all settled yet? Have we had the time to let SiIvaGunner's April Fools 2024 event sink in, 30 days later? Speaking personally, I don't believe I have yet. Visions of Gegagedigedagedago, Pomny (digital circus), Boykisser, Brainless Kitty and all of my other favorite memes continue to haunt me to this very day - I see one of the events' rips in my recommended, and in the blink of an eye five hours will have passed. I cannot be anything but amazed at the surgical precision that the SiIva team captured the phenomena of online internet brainrot with during this event, spanning the whole range of severity levels from bad to worse. super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont was certainly not the worst it got - yet it embodies everything the event sought to achieve through it's title alone.
But, right, the event - you'll have noticed right away that everything about the above-linked video's metadata is completely awry from typical SiIvaGunner videos. No attempt at a bait-and-switch, completely different video description, not even a thumbnail of the game used...and what the fuck is the "Buddy Holly Soundfont"???? What's going on here? Well, a lot of these traits may seem familiar to you if you've been on other corners of YouTube in the last few years - like I mentioned briefly back in we are number one but with outdated memes over it, there's been a trend in how non-SiIva audio edits are presented on YouTube as of late. There's an algorithm to appease now, after all - surprises and ambiguity only serve to ward off potential new listeners! After the explosive popularity of some of these, particularly during 2023 with videos like Nirvana's Nevermind but with the SM64 soundfont, they began feeling inescapable - often times sounding pretty low-effort to boot. I don't intend to shame anyone who's made these videos or anyone who enjoys them, of course, but...through how hard they aim to appease the algorithm that be, its difficult not to see these videos as attention-seeking first, and as creative endeavors second.
Which then brings us back to SiIvaGunner. Eight years in, and the channel's way of presenting its videos has remained thoroughly consistent, rain or shine - content in charting its own course. Narratively, this is actually playing to the channel's thematic core, something enforced all the way back in The Reboot story of Season 1, and that continues to be relevant over the years through rips like NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), and indeed through this very April Fools event. That core is simple: To never conform, to never restrict, to let the channel's team of artist continue doing what they love purely for love's sake, rather than to appease a crowd or a system. Throughout this April Fools day event, then, it was as if we were shown the twisted view on that core, the channel's rippers following the opposite creed - clickbaity titles and thumbnails, no core theme, often even lacking any regard for the tracks being remixed - several times the Wii Shop Channel theme was simply called "The Wii Theme", and of course the very notion of games having "soundfonts" is something that's woefully misinformed to begin with. Opening the entire event with Buddy Holly by Weezer but in the Mario 64 Soundfont set the stage perfectly - after all, what game more overused in "soundfont" edits than Super Mario 64, what album more trendy to playfully make fun of in 2024 than Weezer's Blue album, and what song from said album is more memed than its hit single, Buddy Holly?
Except, of course, this whole thing went one layer deeper. Throughout the four months that the season has been running for thus far, Season 8's running theme above all else has been pure silliness - everything from a Justin Bieber takeover, to an MLG day, to the currently-ongoing SpongeBob day embodies that theme perfectly. And at the helm of it all sits the Joke-Explainer 7000, the current in-universe manager of the channel. Her name doesn't lie: as we saw back in Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab, she do be Explaining the Jokes, and that was initially assumed to be the bit of this very April Fools bit, the titles like super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont explaining the jokes of the event immediately. But forget not the point of April Fools as a holiday - to deceive. Indeed, though the titles suggest that the team are spending the day just explaining the joke of every rip uploaded, they're in reality just spoiling the supposed "premise". Listen to any one of them yourself, and you'll be given a bait-and-switch surprise which completely transforms the rip of choice. And as the day went on, these surprises only grew stranger and stranger...
SiIvaGunner's April Fools events have an incredible track record, as I've hopefully made clear in Our Sweet Parsley and Your Best Nightmario - but I think I can safely say this year's bit was at least the FUNNIEST one of them all. Every minute of the day felt like slipping deeper into insanity, made all the more clear the moment super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont was uploaded - in a matter of hours, the event had gone from making fun of low-effort soundfont edits that very much DO exist on YouTube, to completely making up an entirely new tier of slop through the very idea of a "Buddy Holly Soundfont". In case it needs to be explained, "soundfonts" are used to refer to video games using sequenced music, wherein individual instruments are played note-by-note through data sent by the game, rather than being streamed from a recording - it is IMPOSSIBLE to derive a "soundfont" from songs like Buddy Holly, played on live instruments and saved as masters back in the 90s. That is the gag that super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont is built on - the "instruments" used to recreate Bob-Omb Battlefield from Super Mario 64 are intentionally low-quality snippets taken from Buddy Holly, used just the same as Super Mario 64's sequenced instruments are used within soundfont edits.
The end result feels like getting splashed with cold water at every part of listening. Rivers' repeating "Whut" voiceline being used as the main melody for the first 40 seconds, for instance, is the kind of obviously "wrong" thing one would never seriously do in this sort of arrangement, yet it only serves to add to the joke here, of just how far we've fallen so deep into the event. The tinny guitar shredding, the low-effort thumbnail edit, the vocals suddenly being added onto the track, the bass being far deeper in the mix than it reasonably should be...it's an experience to behold, and just as you're letting it all sink in, the vocals are suddenly pitch-shifted to the quintessential SiIva meme, Grand Dad himself The Flintstones - its like the rip is poking fun at your misery, as to remind you that this IS indeed still SiIvaGunner, the bit is still going, you are merely along for SiIva's wild ride.
The entire event was RELENTLESSLY funny to see unfold from every angle. Be it experiencing every rip as it was uploaded, or seeing the comments' reactions to the gradual spiral of rot we were being taken on, or most importantly - realizing just how much fun the team must've still had finding ways to subvert expectations at every turn. Season 8 has been an absolute blast so far, and I cannot wait to see where its patented silliness takes us next - even if it'll be hard to surpass the shit we saw on this day, and the absolute state of things that super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont represents. Truly one of the SiIvaGunner rips of all time.
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