#Emo Harvestella
invidiatechdemo · 5 days
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girl who goes 'Meep' (heartbreaking)
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judithan-xing · 2 years
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The duality of doodles, extreme shit posting + siren angst
I literally can't stop drawing this dumb found family.
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owls-den · 2 years
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the-drifters · 2 years
Aria: Did you bring Ein?
Heine, gesturing to Emo: No, but I brought the next best thing.
Aria: Emo? The next best thing would be Shrika.
Emo: I would be offended, but Shrika is freakishly strong.
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jellymadaster · 8 months
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Emo from Harvestella 💙💙💙
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butchjolyne · 1 year
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the last siren
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idoitanyways · 9 months
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Harvestella character analysis playlist:
Ein - Out of Mana (Brand New) "I'm a ghost | I can't say I know that I'm even here | Or is this some eternal test | Hold me close | I'll never know if it's more or less | No reset"
Ein, but also, "you": The One Who Whispers To Them. Ein is a vessel, but also their own being. They are forced to confront impossible decision after impossible decision and decide how to create a future from it. No chance to redo, they only get one true shot to get things right.
Aria - Personal Jesus (Mindless Self Indulgence cover) "Feeling unknown | And you're all alone | Flesh and bone | By the telephone | Pick up the receiver | Make you a believer"
Aria is what I would consider the self-imposed martyr of the group. She takes on every responsibility as if it's her own and backs herself into a corner over it. Wants nothing more than to be able to rely on others but feels she can't. Ends up putting her faith in Ein to make the decision that she ultimately can't follow through with. She has no faith, but must.
Asyl - Two Letters (Bayside) "And it takes a lot to shake me and my body breaks to figure out |How to leave the past behind when it's around all of the time | And I don't know what I should call you"
The phrase "how to leave the past behind" sums up Asyl's entire character arc. He can't leave Otella alone, he loves her so much even if she scares and saddens him. He wants to do what he can for her, and if he can't then he wants her to leave the town alone. He doesn't believe her, but can't find it in himself to distrust her. The love he has for her blinds his judgement, but it's his best quality. He is loyal beyond all else, and it is his vice and virtue.
Istina - Only If For A Night (Florence and the Machine) "And the only solution was to stand and fight | And my body was bruised and I was set alight | But you came over me like some holy rite"
Istina's character arc follows her growth from rejecting her past to accepting it as a part of herself. The strive she was forced to live with, forced to fight for. A lifetime of pain inflicted to and by her, and she must somehow figure out how to not only look past but accept it. The only way to find redemption is to make it.
Heine - Ship in a Bottle (Fin) "You set sail alone, there is no crew | No one on the deck who can help you | This is all your own battle to win | This is your ship and you are the captain"
Heine is genuinely Grief Incarnate. He lets his mourning of Fiasola overtake his entire being. He can't let himself live without taking on those qualities of hers that she left behind. He changes from being the pushback of their dynamic duo to being the push and the pull. He feels himself to be alone, but in the sense of being dishonest with himself and incapable of forming true connections until meeting Ein. "Oh Captain let's make a deal, where we both say the things that we both really feel." He can't be honest with his grieving until he is forced to be, when there is no option but to be honest.
Emo - You Are The Moon (The Hush Sound) "Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone? | The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone"
An endless chasm of death, a desolation so profound it cannot be described. To have her home destroyed, her family reduced to nothing but memory, she is the only pillar left to save Lorelei from itself. She is alone, and yet she is kind, she is understanding. Someone with nothing, still willing to give everything for those around her.
Brakka - What Doesn't Kill You Will Make You A Killer (Rabbit Junk) "What doesn't kill you will make you a killer | Your eyes are screaming that you're high on rage | Nails, splinters, glowing embers | How you arrived, you don't remember | And you're never going back in that cage"
Brakka will do anything for revenge, at any cost, and when it's taken from him he becomes completely despondent. To him, it's his everything, his reason for being, the only reason to exist. Having it taken from his, it's worse than any withdrawal, it's a fate worse than death. But he must continue, there is no other option.
Shrika - Church (Fall Out Boy) "Trust me, that's what I will be | Oh, the things that you do in the name of what you love | You were doomed but just enough"
Thersites - Church (Fall Out Boy) "And if death is the last appointment | Then we're all just sitting in the waiting room | I am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom"
Two sides of the same coin. The love/loath that organized religion creates. Shrika, the caring missionary, and Thersites, the cynic forced to conform. Thersites wouldn't be compelling without Shrika's compassion, and Shrika wouldn't be compelling without Thersites' pessimistic realism.
Dianthus - Jitter Doll (Judyphonic Cover) "Its so loud | Through my head, came all this static noise around | What's the word again? They call it love, oh yes| That a human feels so deep"
Desperate to feel love, desperate to understand love, Dianthus is so close to the edge of corruption at any time. Her consciousness is at risk of ending up like Geist the more she interacts with the Abels, but she loves them. Even though she pretends to not understand, she does. There is a noise so loud in her wiring, and she knows it's love.
Geist - Starkiller (Bear Ghost) "Don't resist, just give in | Save us some time | Well, I'd ask for your soul | But it's already mine"
Song chosen more for the vibe and literal name of it, but it still fits the theme of Corrupted Geist not considering any alternatives. He has a hypercritical mindset and refuses to take no for an answer. He believes there is a correct answer to an impossible question, and as a result corrupts both literally and figuratively.
Unicorn - The Vampyre of Time and Memory (Queens of the Stone Age) "I want God to come and take me home | 'Cause I'm all alone in this crowd | Who are you to me? Who am I supposed to be? | Not exactly sure anymore"
If you had to chose between living in knowledge that you were created as a construct, everything you've ever known was falsified... Could you? Your love isn't real. Your identity isnt real. You are nothing more than an experiment created by God with artificial memories. Could you persist?
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cwgames · 7 months
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It's really sad that the all Sirens are gone and now Emo need to stop the monster.
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harvestellalove · 1 year
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judithan-xing · 11 months
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little doodle for the harvestella 1 year anniversary
i wanna do more but ive been working so much so im very tired OTL
please play harvestella
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sonodaten · 1 year
It’s a shame Harvestella didn’t get as popular as it could have bc endgame combat is prime real estate for “pondering my orb” memes
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the-drifters · 1 year
Brakka: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?
Emo: Y-you were putting it in cold water???
Shrika: Brakka. Answer the question Brakka.
Brakka: Yeah??? I thought for like… 5 years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. Didn’t realize there was an actual reason.
Shrika: You don’t have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes???
Dianthus: Why are you… putting it in the microwave to boil it?
Shrika: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Dianthus: It takes less than a minute!
Shrika: Bestie is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun.
Dianthus: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove?
Shrika: Like seven minutes!
Dianthus: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like two minutes… less than that and you use a saucepan…
Shrika: Crying you’re putting the whole mug on the the stove??? On MEDIUM heat??? Your stove is enchanted!
Aria: Every person here is a fucking lunatic.
Geist: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?
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prancingnougat · 2 years
Ranking Harvestella's Party Member Quests (Spoiler Free)
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I just wrapped up the last of Harvestella's party member questlines and I'm really surprised at how much I loved them. Each and every one had something I enjoyed, but there are ones I totally preferred and I wanted to think about it some more, so here is a list of my favorite questlines. This is totally personal preference, but this is the first time in a long while where I've totally fallen for every single member in an RPG party, so while some quests stuck out to me, they're all winners in my book.
S-RANK: Heine
Heine won me over quickly despite feeling iffy on his flirty nature at first. His story is one of the most heartfelt and lovely character arcs I've experienced in a video game. It's everything wonderful (and unexpected!) about Harvestella in one succinct and satisfying package. I am an absolute sucker for pioneering/adventurous types, and Heine's development - from the backstory that gets laid out and the parts you're personally involved in - exemplifies a certain kind of character that I find premium-grade endearing. My favorite! A-RANK: Istina, Shrika
Istina's story is similar to Heine's, where you learn a fair deal of her background as you go along, so some of her character growth requires getting deep into her questline to fully appreciate. What sets this one above the rest for me is the ultimate payoff, though. The middle few chapters slow down a touch, but I think that's more due to Harvestella's storytelling method. She's a very kind character despite a very heavy background, and her struggle to break the circle of trauma for herself and others left an impression on me.
Shrika's story carries with it religious overtones that asks for a little bit of meditation on the concept of faith, within and beyond the context of Harvestella's world. The other characters involved in her journey present a direct, philosophical challenge to her beliefs that doesn't dumb anything down for the player. It's not at all what I was expecting when I picked this game up. I think whether or not you agree with Shrika's direction as a character, this questline at least provides a unique experience that deviates from the usual JRPG tropes involving religious themes. That's not to say it's 100% perfect - I absolutely would see why others dislike this one - but in terms of memorable experiences for me, this is up there. B-RANK: Brakka, Dianthus, Asyl, Emo Perhaps it's a little lazy of me to lump the rest altogether in one explanation, but the remaining stories (while enjoyable) did not stand out in the same way as the top three. That's not to say they're bad, quite the opposite! These just all didn't quite excite or intrigue me like my top 3 did.
Brakka's character arc takes a turn into reasonable, logical storytelling that deviates from the typical edgy-mercenary-type storyline you find in RPGs. I imagine the themes of purpose (lost and found) to be likely very relatable to a lot of young people, especially those who are at a crossroad in their own life story. I recommend following his if you like your morality scale a little on the gray side. Dianthus has a really cute storyline that I think anyone will enjoy if they're into thoughts about romance, or studying human behavior. She's very robotic but only in the best way, and is totally lovable in her own regard. I liked it! Asyl's story plays with ideas about identity and perception that feel like I've experienced in other games/media, but if you were to ask me for a concrete example, I couldn't give one. It all felt very familiar; I still think it's a great study of Asyl as an individual, and I appreciate that the developers leaned into how naturally noble he is. He isn't an unabashed stereotype of a knight - he's just a good guy, and those who like him are going to enjoy this story for what it is. Emo's story is easily the least "exciting", but that's not what it's trying to sell. It's one of the most heartfelt questlines out of everyone listed above. My experience in approaching it falls squarely on my shoulders as I was tackling mainline story quests in tandem with hers, and I think it is one instance where the pacing and tone slightly clashed. Yet on the same token, I think what her story is important to the overall themes found throughout Harvestella, so I don't discount the content of her questline itself. Plus, you get to hear her cute singing a lot! Honorable Mention: goes to Cres, who I would place as a high A-Rank (she just isn't a party member, so I put her here). I found Harvestella's approach to discussing topics like autoimmune disorders and palliative care surprisingly mature. I've always been a proponent of videogames as a valid medium for storytelling, and I do think you can point to this game in particular as an example for all of that. Overall, I'm so pleasantly surprised with how much fun I've had with this game from top to bottom. I love every character. I'm a big fan of farming sims, and this itches that scratches perfectly fine for me. I'm a Final Fantasy fan, and this takes elements found throughout that series and presents them in a way that feels tailor made to my own tastes.
But it's Harvestella's storytelling that blew me away the most. If you want a game that accomplishes what it sets out to do within its genre while providing a fulfilling and thought-provoking narrative experience, please check this out whenever you can. I wish I could personally thank the devs for bringing me so much entertainment the past few weeks.
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eyesonbee · 2 years
As an elder emo, I feel personally attacked by this.
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