#Employment-Based Immigration USA
usadvlottery · 5 months
Embark on a professional odyssey through Employment-Based Immigration in the USA, a gateway for skilled individuals and professionals seeking career opportunities on American soil. This immigration pathway encompasses various visa categories, from the widely recognized H1B to employment-based green cards, providing a diverse spectrum of professionals the chance to contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the U.S. job market. Explore stories of achievement, resilience, and innovation as individuals navigate the complexities of employment-based immigration, fostering economic growth and enriching industries across the nation. Join us in celebrating the success stories of those who have turned their ambitions into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the ever-evolving landscape of the American workforce.
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the thing is - pro prostitution activists (and people who agree with idea) usually never suggest their 'perfect system'. On average, they just scream 'it needs to be legalised and then everything will be great', sometimes you get few ideas on how to protect "sex workers". But you know what? Whenever I do see such discussions and their suggestions, I can easily come up with 3 different scenarios where their rules and laws won't work or just would/can be ignored and women would still be harmed. EVERY TIME. People did and do all kinds of shady stuff, even in highly regulated industries + cool phenomenon called 'corruption'. Do they really think men give a shit about law, especially those who don't see women as human beings (and its all of them)?
The pro 'sex work' discourse is just people using fancy words to state that they don't believe misogyny exists, women are exploited, but most importantly they believe that men's pleasure and need to masturbate (with woman body) are more important than women's feeling and right to be save.
i recently had a very frustrating and saddening exchange with a woman on here who is in prostitution and kept saying the same thing (it should be legal) over and over again and when i told her it is legal in germany and it has not made things better just shifted problems and increased demand she said well but its legal that is definitely better. and you know i myself dont advocate for prostituting oneself to be illegal at all, i think its crazy that 30 % of women incarcerated in the usa where its fully criminalised are prostitutes, but it seems like usual people are only able to grasp the two extremes: full legalisation or full criminalisation. when in reality, abolishing the sex industry is a lengthy and complex process, but you have to start somewhere.
they say, „you wont stop prostitution by criminalising/outlawing it“ but think they can somehow stop the harm of prostitution through legal means, lmao (which also ignores the inherent harm of bought consent compared to freely given consent and knowingly making someone endure sexual acts for money). there has to be a cultural and legal and economic shift and thats a lot. we have to alleviate poverty from women systematically affected by it (single mothers, immigrated women, mentally ill, disabled, addicted women, and so on); this means pulling out the roots of misogyny and we all know this is not in the works. the difference between them and us is, we think a different future is possible if the effort is put in, but they dont. which is so fucking bleak and tells you a lot about how women see their own position in society, and the chances of it getting better.
even if you dont criminalise buying sex, you could still make it more difficult to buy sex. „but then it will move back to the black market“ honey its already there, even here in germany where its legal. so much prostitution is happening invisible, in apartment buildings and deserted areas. we should work towards ways how to reach women in these situations without legalising their abuse. if there was a perfect solution that immediately solved all the issues, we would advocate for it, dont you think? but there is no perfect solution and just accepting men will always use their money to coerce sex is just not something im okay with and we, as a society claiming to want gender equality should be okay with.
why not reverse what we have in germany right now? instead of prostitutes needing to register, its sex buyers who have to register. they need to do regular health checkups. they need to carry their sex buyer id with them or they will get fined. the registry is public because wives, daughters, partners and even your employer should be able to make decisions based on the knowledge that that man is coercing women into sex with his money. most sex buyers are partnered you know. „the government will never do that“ well they sure as hell wont if nobody advocates for it and instead opts for the lazy, superficial „fix“ of legalisation? and also, they say an issue under criminalisation is that prostitutes and other „sex workers“ are hassled by cops. well do tell who will enforce those sacred regulations you want? if it was for them, everybody would just „mind their own business“ and the state does not interfere with the sex industry at all and they somehow think this will protect vulnerable groups?! it doesnt make any fucking sense.
it is really frustrating to me. at the end of the day you have to ask, what is your feminism, if you want to accept, regulate, institutionalise, normalise, legitimise and legalise this form of systemic sexual abuse (because using your money to coerce sexual acts IS abuse of power) at the hands of men instead of working towards a future where we are equal? there is no equality as long as the sex industry exists and profits off and reinforces social inequality, specifically misogyny and racism.
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devotioncrater · 1 year
The thing is this: we knew that Jack wasn't going to be endgame for Keeley. We knew that from the jump. So now I'm trying to piece together why, to me, their breakup feels off and weird.
And it comes down to three main questions which are all interconnected.
1. Who is this for?
2. What is the context, both in show and in the broader sense?
3. What is the message underneath the choices the writers have made?
Who Is This For?
While the show itself is geared towards adults in the USA, there are storylines within that are written for specific demographics of the general audience. These are the implied audience.
Henry's storyline this episode was a nod to children of divorced parents; Sam's storyline last episode was geared towards immigrants and people of color (although, as others have pointed out, it also felt off in how it was handled); and Colin and Trent's storyline in episode six was for closeted queer people, gay men in particular. Keeley and Jack's implied audience are queer women.
But just because a storyline is written for an implied audience does not mean it excludes the general audience. If anything, it can be argued that it helps broaden the general audience's views on different stories they otherwise may not seek out or watch.
Which is why context is important. It plays a big role in how the general audience outside of the implied audience will form their opinions on the characters, the show, and the issues discussed. Context — especially in shows set in Today's World like Ted Lasso is — also informs how the general audience should interpret the underlying themes/messages.
It is worth noting that storytelling does not exist in a vacuum. Writers have a choice in how to present storylines and they have a responsibility to acknowledge how their choices interact with the real world. Life imitates art, art imitates life; societal norms inform stories, stories inform societal norms.
What Is The Context?
The context here is layered.
It isn't as simple as the microlevel of Jack breaking up with Keeley because she doesn't want to be associated with her anymore. To reduce it down to that level ignores the bigger picture. It's the same as judging a portrait painting based only on how, say, the eyes are rendered. (We knew the portrait will have eyes, but do the eyes fit to the face? How do the eye expressions shift the vibe of the portrait? What message is the artist trying to convey through the eyes?)
Let's talk in-show context, beginning with the characters and then expanding outwards.
Keeley, a bisexual woman who worked her way up to where she is now, is running her own PR firm. Jack, a queer woman who is the daughter of a billionaire, is her investor/employer. The chemistry is there, they get together even though Keeley is still upset over her breakup with Roy.
Jack sweeps Keeley off her feet with expensive gifts and trips. Keeley doesn't mind them, but Rebecca warns her (and the audience) that it sounds like love-bombing. Rebecca takes it a step further by comparing Jack to Rupert, who is established to the audience as an abuser. This idea of love-bombing — and by extension, the idea that Jack can be abusive like Rupert — is further reaffirmed when the waitress tells the two their bill had been taken care of by Jack.
Onscreen, Keeley establishes boundaries with Jack. The two appear to have discussed the love-bombing conversation offscreen, too, as they joke about it in Taste of Athens. The expectation for Jack to be like Rupert is subverted in the croissant scene, but still lingers in the background because of her remaining similarities to the man (wealthy/powerful/keen interest). We the audience need time to trust her after how Rebecca casted doubt on Jack's intentions.
Things seem to go well after that, with the two waking up together and Jack making plans to take Keeley to a family event. Then Keeley becomes a victim of a leaked video, and Jack begins to distance herself because of it. When Keeley says she doesn't regret making or sending the video, Jack leaves after victim-blaming and slut-shaming her.
Again, we knew Keeley was not going to end up with Jack. Their breakup was in the cards, this aspect was no surprise.
Expanding outwards now to other relationships in the show, Keeley and Jack are contrasted against Nate and Jade in both episode seven and episode eight. Where Keeley and Jack are established in a sapphic relationship, Nate and Jade are just beginning their own heterosexual one. Where Keeley and Jack wake up and have breakfast together, Nate and Jade do too. Where Keeley and Jack breakup, Nate and Jade's blossoms and cements labels.
Which, sure, fine, that's how it goes. But if we further expand outwards, we see that Keeley and Jack are the only sapphic relationship in the entire series. An entire series which featured, up until this season, exclusively heterosexual relationships. And still does, now that these two have broken up. There isn't another gay relationship onscreen (unless you count Colin and Michael, even though we haven't seen Michael since episode 3).
Speaking of Colin, sidebar here: The phone scene with Issac and his reaction to what was on Colin's phone is now the second time this season the writers have dangled the expectation of Colin potentially getting outed. Which, judging by Colin's knee-jerk reaction to both Trent and Issac finding out, would be a traumatic experience for him. Being outed is a traumatic experience regardless. This repeated use of fear also specifically plays into the Gayngst (Gay Angst) trope.
If we expand another level outwards, we have the in-show damnation of sexism and slut-shaming and victim-blaming. Multiple characters offer sympathy to what Keeley's fallen victim to. Rebecca, Barbara, Jamie, Roy — they all condemn what's happened and express their support to Keeley in their own ways. This provides context for how the general audience should interpret the underlying message of "A woman's private photos or videos getting leaked online is not her fault. It's an act of violence normalized by a sexist society, and the blame needs to be placed on the person who leaked them."
But who at their core doesn't show that support to Keeley? Who acts as an oppositional view to the underlying message? Jack. Jack, a woman. Jack, a queer woman.
She has her own motives. In a toxic spiral, she begins by cancelling on the event, then she downgrades Keeley to "my friend" in front of a peer, and finally she verbally expresses that it's bad for her personal and professional image if she's seen linked to a woman who's private affairs got leaked. The line in the sand is drawn: Keeley's livelihood is not the priority, Jack's image is.
And this sequence of events all reaffirm Rebecca's earlier mistrust that Jack is not a good person. While Jack is no where near Rupert's level, how she handled what happened with Keeley is still terrible.
And like, yeah, it also serves to show that both men and women are capable of causing harm and abusing their privilege and being egotistical. It reflects real life in that way. But look at the context of the show's treatment of its queer characters in a broader sense and how that context interacts with both the general audience and the implied audience of queer people.
The only sapphic (or queer, if you don't count Colin/Michael) relationship onscreen within three seasons is set-up to fail. The love interest is placed in a position of power over Keeley, which is pointed out by a straight character. Then the love interest is revealed to be toxic, which was also foreshadowed by the same straight character, and she slut-shames/victim-blames Keeley before leaving.
This was a deliberate writing choice. There were so many different avenues the writers could have taken. They could have had Jack fallout with Keeley over the leak in a less internalized misogynistic way, or even over something completely irrelevant to the leak itself. Jack, being a new addition, does not have the same groundwork put into her character to where she is confined to how she'd react. It wouldn't have been OOC of her to genuinely support Keeley, because we don't know her well enough to pass that judgement! On the flipside, it isn't OOC of her to leave, either, because of the same reasoning. But then the discussion becomes: what kind of character is Jack, and what does she represent both symbolically and narratively?
Storytelling doesn't exist in a vacuum.
Going outside of the show now, if you look at queer women stories in television/film, you begin to see the repeated pattern of queer women characters being written as toxic — or worse, predatory — and this characterization is rooted in real life lesbophobia and misogyny. There are tons of resources out there that detail the damaging, pervasive idea that queer women — lesbians, especially — are the same as predatory men. In a patriarchal, misogynistic, heteronormative world where women are hyper-sexualized yet demonized for taking charge of their sexuality, society shames queer women on all fronts.
And because queer women do not center men in their relationships, society historically has viewed sapphic relationships as "lesser" or "not a true relationship" or "just friends/gal pals". It's dismissive. (Until, of course, the fetishization kicks in. However that is a can of worms not to be opened in this meta.)
Queer women barely get screen-time as it is, much less outside of period pieces, and so when every other confirmed relationship shown onscreen falls into the same pattern, the same routine, it's exhausting. It's the same message/theme over and over and over again: "Queer women are toxic. Sapphic relationships don't work."
So why, then, did the writers of Ted Lasso introduce a sapphic plot for Keeley and choose to make it toxic? For a show that takes pride in subverting expectations, there is nothing subversive about this.
We can't judge this storyline by just the eyes. We have to look at the entire portrait painting and then go from there.
Which leaves us with the big double question of: What Is The Underlying Message Here? Why Choose To Portray The Only Sapphic Relationship On The Show In This Way?
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emirates23 · 4 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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astra-galaxie · 2 months
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Patty Harrigan
Biographical information
Full Name: Pádraigín Ó hArgáin
Alias(es): Patty Harrigan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Deceased
Age: 26 (season 4)
Birth: 1864
Race: Human
Cause of Death: Stabbed to death
Nationality: Irish
Origin: Dublin, Ireland
Concordia, USA
Dublin, Ireland (formerly)
Profession(s): Maid
Height: 5'3"
Age: 26 (season 4)
Weight: 126lbs
Eyes: green
Blood: AB-
Patty was a young Irish immigrant in her mid-twenties with fair skin and green eyes. She kept her strawberry-blonde hair pulled into a bun with strands framing her face, and she had a white maid's cap. She wore a maid's uniform consisting of a modest black dress with puffy shoulders, brown shoes and white gloves.
Patty was the victim in Slash and Burn. She was an Irish immigrant who moved to Concordia a few years before the current time. She was employed as a maid for Oscar Trefusis and worked alongside the butler Colin James. Trefusis had confiscated her identification paperwork, preventing the woman from quitting and forcing her to be his slave. He paid almost nothing for her work and would order her to do the most horrible tasks, even if they were not usually her job.
While in Concordia, she became friends with Mary Patrick, a fellow Irish immigrant. While Patty didn't have much free time, when she did, she enjoyed spending it with Mary at the market. The older woman had a cart where she sold products from her farm, and sometimes, Patty helped her. When she could afford it, Patty would buy fresh homemade bread from Mary, who made some of the best soda bread in Concordia.
Patty also assists Mary in bringing her cousin Harriet and Daisy the cow to the city by lending her friend money, with the promise that Harriet would pay her back after her arrival. Patty planned to help the young girl find work, hopefully in a better place than where she worked. She didn't want to see another immigrant's dreams of a better life in America get crushed like hers had because of Trefusis. Harriet was so happy to be living in Concordia, and Patty didn't want to see the young woman lose the light in her eyes.
Leading up to her murder, she was involved in a brief relationship with Aidan Moran, but the relationship ended as quickly as it began. Patty found the sailor to be shallow and stupid. She considered him far from a gentleman and broke up with him after just one date. Of course, Aidan didn't take the rejection well, but Patty escaped before he could seriously hurt her.
During the fire in New Haven, Patty was murdered by her coworker Colin. She walked in on the butler attempting to steal from their employer and swore she would report Colin to Trefusis. Colin, fearing going back to jail, chased Patty into the burning streets of New Haven and stabbed her to death. And while he may have killed her to prevent going back to jail, in the end, Colin was arrested and sent to the very place he never wanted to be in again.
Story Information
First appeared: Slash and Burn
She replaced Harriet Patrick as the victim in Slash and Burn
Her name is based on Harriet Patrick's. Her first name, Pádraigín, is Gaelic for Patricia (Patrick), while her surname, Ó hArgáin when Anglicized, becomes Harrigan, which the beginning sounds like Harry (Harriet)
She Anglicized her name as she was told it would make it easier for her to get a job
She was friends with Mary Patrick
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad) Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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cyraniadebergerac · 2 years
A Minor Mystery of the Show
Obviously, there are several key mysteries of the show. But there's one minor one that could also use explanation. Yor and Yuri lost their parents when Yor was a teen and so had to take on the care of her brother. Because of the age, it's potentially connected with the war. Yet we don't hear how exactly their parents died. But a bigger mystery than that is where are any other near relations? If they had aunts or uncles or even grandparents around, they could have gone to them for help. Their absence in the story suggests they weren't around to help, but why would that be?
Theory 1: There just weren't any. Yor and Yuri's parents were the last of their respective families. A possibility due to the war and potentially due to something that I'll cover in Theory 4. It wasn't like one child was the norm at the time.
Theory 2: Yor and Yuri's parents were estranged from their families and so contact was lost. Another likely possibility, though you would hope that if they heard news of their death, then someone would still come to help the children. If it's this case, maybe we'd see a family member during the story who wants to reconcile then finds out about the deaths.
Theory 3: The Shopkeeper purposely kept any family members from coming to claim them. It would put Yor's employment under him in a darker light as him doing this would mean he purposely placed her in a position where she had to work for him in order to support herself and her brother. It would also mean though that he would have been an early part of the tragedy, perhaps even arranged fir the parents' deaths himself. But he would have to really want Yor for some reason for that to be the case. Maybe she was actually born with super strength and durability and he knew it somehow?
Theory 4: Yor and Yuri's parents were immigrants to Ostonia. Think about it. While we see Ostonians have hair ranging from golden blond (Camilla, the first girl Loid broke up with) to light brown to dark brown (Frankie, Damian), we hardly see anyone with black hair except for Yor and Yuri, except for that one co-worker of her's where the black hair and glasses seem to be marking her as the brains of Yor's coworker trio (Camilla likely being the will while the last one is the heart). On top of that, Yor, short for Yolanda, and Yuri are basically the only characters with full on Eastern European names as well as the only ones with red eyes. The rest of the cast have English to German names and regular colored eyes, fitting being in an East Germany setting. And the author said himself that he meant for Yuri and Yor to have East European names. While it could be simply to have names to fit the setting while still sticking out from the rest, it could also point to their parents not being Native Ostonians but coming from a different Eastern country. The real question would be from where then, but there's one potential place based on what time period the show's supposed to be based on.
We haven't heard much about just what the rest of the world's like. Our main countries are based around West Germany/East Germany during the Cold War, yet the reason for the divide after WWII was so the USA and the rest of the West could work to rebuild the Western half of Germany while the Soviet Union rebuilt the Eastern half with the understanding that the nation would be allowed to come back together after both sides were rebuilt. Needless to say, while the West stuck to their side of the bargain and let West Germany be it's own country, the Soviet Union didn't honor their promise with East Germany, instead building a wall and no man's zone between the two sides to keep their subjects from easily escaping into the West.
This doesn't seem to be the case within this story given that Ostonia is considered a sovereign enough nation to declare war on their own and doesn't seem to be part of a Soviet Bloc. Yet we also have talk about people escaping across the border into other countries so they can reach Westalis and a secret police for, though other than those two things, we don't see any other signs of the country being Soviet, Fascist, or Nazi. Otherwise, there would be rationing, the characters wouldn't be able to just waltz into a grocery store then waltz out as there would be items missing in the store and/or long lines as people got what they were assigned to get with only the privileged getting anything more, and some things just not working and not being repaired even for the elite (mirroring how the apartment complex the Soviet party leaders lived in didn't have a working elevator, requiring them to have to walk up several flights of stairs), and Spy Wars doesn't seem to be Ostonian propaganda like most Soviet/Fascist shows were since Loid would have been commenting about the inaccuracies. Really, from what we see Ostonia seems to be more Imperial in it's structure with some capitalist elements while Westalis may be more democratic (since we don't actually see it much and so don't know), making the whole thing feel like a post-WWI world than a post-WWII one.
If it is really meant to be post-WWII though, there is an event fron before WWII that could have a parallel in Spy x Family and so could be where Yor and Yuri's parents came from. As talked about by MatPat in his lore video on the Cooking Friends horror game and by Blue on OSP in his History of Ukraine video, Stalin ordered that all farmers had to use modern equipment, such as tractors. However, the tractors broke down and it would have taken too long to wait for them to get fixed for there to be a harvest, Ukranian farmers went back to their horses and traditional farming methods. Seeing this as obstinate disobedience of his orders, Stalin ordered that no food should be left to the Ukraines, but that it all should be forcibly taken away even in the midst of harvest and set up a barricade to trap them within. And so started the Holdomer, The Great Hunger, an event that killed 9 million Ukrainians from starvation before Stalin's rage was satisfied, more than were killed total in Hitler's Holocaust. Some people could and did manage to escape the Holdomer though, and if an event like that happened in Spy x Family's world, then that could be where Yor and Yuri's family came from and explain even more the absence of any family members. It would also make things very tragically ironic for Yuri to end up in the SSS, an organization similar to what would have been used to nearly kill all his family before.
Those are just theories though, Spy x Family theories.
Have any thoughts or comments, please feel free to share them.
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mdlearning · 11 months
Working in the USA
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Working in the USA as a foreign national involves navigating the country's immigration and employment regulations. Here are some key steps and considerations if you're interested in working in the United States:
**Determine Eligibility:** Before pursuing employment in the USA, determine if you are eligible to work there. Common pathways include: - Employment-based visas (H-1B for specialized occupations, L-1 for intracompany transfers, etc.). - Temporary work visas (J-1 for exchange visitors, O-1 for individuals with extraordinary ability, etc.). - Employment-based green cards (permanent residency).
**Job Search and Networking:** Research companies and industries that align with your skills and qualifications. Networking can be crucial in finding job opportunities and getting referrals.
**Job Offer:** Typically, you need a job offer from a U.S. employer to apply for a work visa. The employer may need to sponsor your visa application.
**Visa Application:** Once you have a job offer, you or your employer will need to file a visa application with the U.S. Department of State or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), depending on the type of visa you're applying for.
**Non-Immigrant Work Visas:** Some common non-immigrant work visas include: - H-1B: For individuals in specialized occupations. - L-1: For intracompany transfers. - J-1: For exchange visitors (including work and study programs). - O-1: For individuals with extraordinary ability.
**Immigrant Work Visas (Green Cards):** If you intend to work in the U.S. on a more permanent basis, you might explore employment-based green card options. These include: - EB-2: For individuals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability. - EB-3: For skilled workers, professionals, and other workers.
**Labor Certification:** Some employment-based green card categories require a labor certification process to show that there are no qualified U.S. workers available for the job.
**Documentation:** Prepare all required documentation, including forms, supporting documents, and fees, for your visa application.
**Interview:** If required, attend an interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country.
**Health and Security Checks:** You may need to undergo medical examinations and security background checks.
**Arrival in the U.S.:** Once your visa is approved, you can travel to the U.S. and begin working.
It's important to note that U.S. immigration laws and procedures can be complex and may change over time. Consulting with an immigration attorney or seeking guidance from official U.S. government sources is highly recommended to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.
Also, consider factors such as cost of living, cultural adjustments, and quality of life when making decisions about working in the USA.
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my-orly · 24 hours
FUTURE OF USA: Undercover to investigate a ruthless enforcer of government corruption.
TRUE story based on true events, gives a little bit of insight into this country USA Today as it grapples with corruption,gangs, decriminalization of bribery to employer the rich to get richer while the workers are ground under by the powerful elite of USA TODAY but wraps it in an mystery wrapped around it enigma…Is America going the same way as the Latino big cities of Mexico City to Bogotá corruption crime pettiness greedy, verses the citizens of the country Today?USA is no better than the Latin countries in the south they’re all about more more more more power more prestige more everything except what is righteous what is justice and what is truth? Is there any truth? Well watch and see, compare what you see in the video series! What is going on in America today they have the same problems. The states , They’re getting worse not better with the influx of immigrants and the rich and poor to keep them in power and to oppress the citizens of the country versus the immigrants problems! This is why G-d coming to judge everyone not just the Greedy and The Gangs and Power broker's but the entire system of government will collapse as did Rome.
Death comes as the hour of this last generation comes to an END! 
Corruption breeds decay, leads to ultimate, disappearance of democracies.
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usadvlottery · 5 months
Embark on your journey to permanent residency in the United States! Our detailed guide demystifies the USA Green Card application process, providing essential insights on eligibility, documentation, and key steps. Maximize your chances of success with expert tips and ensure a smooth path toward obtaining your USA Green Card. Your American dream awaits – start your application with confidence!
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worldchildlabourday · 13 days
 Urgent action to end child labour.
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ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle said: “The world has made a promise to children to end child labour by 2025 as stated in SDG Target 8.7. But there are still 160m children working today. Governments must scale up their efforts to tackle poverty and social injustice, and propose urgent rights-based action as set out in the Durban Call to Action. They can learn a lot from the work done by trade unions.”
 Trades Union Congress Ghana affiliate, the General Agriculture Workers’ Union, introduced a child labour clause in collective agreements, campaigned on the right to education for children and advocated an area-based approach to end child labour with support from the Global March Against Child Labour.
 In Bangladesh, with support from ITUC-Asia Pacific, unions joined efforts to accelerate the elimination of child labour by organising workers and rescue missions, advocating for stricter regulations and effective enforcement.
 A rise in the exploitation of immigrant children by corporations in dangerous workplaces around the USA led the AFL- CIO to renew its call for strong laws to prevent child labour abuse and to hold employers accountable by increasing penalties.
 In the Netherlands, the CNV and the FNV actively work for the elimination of child labour in supply chains through agreements with Dutch companies on international responsible business conduct. Their affiliates also support trade unions in Asia and Africa to introduce child labour-free zones.
Luc Triangle continued: “As long as workers continue to struggle for a decent living wage and adequate social protection, we will witness the scourge of child labour. We want a New Social Contract for decent work for all workers, so that parents can earn a good living and children can learn at school. To achieve these reforms, we need democracy in every workplace, and beyond, so workers always have a say.
“Ending corporate greed is essential to ending child labour. That means enforcing due diligence in global supply chains and holding businesses to account for their exploitation of workers and children, particularly in agriculture, where over 70 per cent of child labour occurs.
“We urge all nations to improve their implementation of ILO Convention 182, on the worst forms of child labour and we urge the ratification of Convention 138 on Minimum Age by the 11 governments who have not yet done so”.
Governments should also use the Pact for the Future, that will be adopted during the SDG Summit of the Future in September 2024, to intensify efforts to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and eliminate all forms of child labour.
To mark the World Day Against Child Labour, there will be a high-level event at the International Labour Conference that can be watched online here.
On 20 June, the Global March Against Child Labour is organising an event to showcase its area-based approach. Details on how to join the event online are available here.
International Trade Union Confederation
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shireensamananilaw · 27 days
Navigating Immigration Law: A Guide to Choosing the Right Law Office
In an era marked by globalization and increased mobility, navigating the complex landscape of immigration law requires expert guidance and support. Whether seeking to reunite with family, pursue educational opportunities, or build a new life in a different country, individuals often encounter numerous legal challenges and bureaucratic hurdles along the way. In such instances, the expertise and assistance provided by a reputable immigration law office become invaluable.
A competent immigration law office for immigration serves as a beacon of hope for individuals and families embarking on the journey toward achieving their immigration goals. From understanding visa options to navigating the intricacies of citizenship applications, these specialized firms offer comprehensive legal services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
One of the primary benefits of engaging with a reputable immigration law office is access to experienced attorneys who possess in-depth knowledge of immigration laws and regulations. These legal professionals stay abreast of the latest developments in immigration policy and procedures, ensuring that their clients receive accurate and up-to-date advice throughout the immigration process.
Furthermore, a well-established immigration law office boasts a track record of success in handling a diverse range of immigration cases. Whether it involves securing employment-based visas, defending against deportation proceedings, or advocating for asylum protection, these firms have the expertise and resources to effectively represent their clients' interests before immigration authorities and courts.
Moreover, reputable immigration law offices prioritize client communication and transparency, ensuring that individuals understand their rights, options, and potential outcomes every step of the way. By fostering a supportive and client-centric approach, these firms empower individuals to make informed decisions about their immigration matters and alleviate the stress and uncertainty often associated with the process.
When selecting an immigration law office, individuals should consider several factors to ensure they receive quality legal representation. Firstly, it is essential to assess the firm's reputation and track record, including client testimonials and case outcomes. Additionally, prospective clients should inquire about the qualifications and experience of the attorneys who will be handling their cases, as well as the firm's approach to communication and client engagement.
Furthermore, individuals should seek out immigration law offices that offer personalized attention and tailored solutions to meet their specific needs and circumstances. Whether it involves devising creative legal strategies or providing compassionate support during challenging times, a client-focused approach can make all the difference in achieving a successful immigration outcome.
In conclusion, the journey through immigration law is fraught with challenges and complexities that require expert guidance and support. By engaging with a reputable immigration law office, individuals can navigate the intricacies of the immigration process with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that their legal interests are in capable hands. With the right law office by their side, individuals can embark on their immigration journey with optimism and determination, paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.
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andyvel87 · 1 month
From Venezuela to Argentina to the USA: Navigating the Immigration Journey
Introduction: Embarking on a journey of immigration is a monumental decision filled with both excitement and challenges. For many individuals, the path begins in their home country and leads them through various destinations before reaching their final destination. In this article, we'll explore the immigration journey of moving from Venezuela to Argentina and then onward to the United States, shedding light on the unique experiences and considerations along the way.
Part 1: The Transition to Argentina Moving from Venezuela to Argentina involves navigating a complex set of immigration processes and cultural adjustments. From obtaining the necessary visas and documentation to adapting to a new language and way of life, immigrants face a multitude of challenges. In this section, we'll delve into the practical steps involved in immigrating to Argentina, including visa options, residency requirements, and finding employment opportunities in the vibrant Argentine economy.
Part 2: Settling Down in Argentina Once settled in Argentina, immigrants often find themselves integrating into the rich tapestry of Argentine society. From exploring the bustling streets of Buenos Aires to embracing the country's cultural traditions and culinary delights, there's much to discover. We'll explore the experience of building a new life in Argentina, from finding housing and healthcare to enrolling children in schools and navigating the local bureaucracy.
Part 3: The Journey to the United States For some immigrants, Argentina serves as a stepping stone on their journey to a new life in the United States. Whether driven by economic opportunities, family reunification, or personal aspirations, the transition from Argentina to the USA presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. We'll examine the immigration pathways available to individuals seeking to relocate to the United States, including employment-based visas, family sponsorship, and the diversity visa lottery program.
Part 4: Adapting to Life in the USA Upon arrival in the United States, immigrants face the task of acclimating to a new culture, society, and legal framework. From securing employment and housing to navigating the complexities of the American healthcare system and education system, the transition can be daunting. We'll provide insights into the resources available to immigrants in the USA, from community organizations and immigrant advocacy groups to legal services and English language learning programs.
Conclusion: The immigration journey from Venezuela to Argentina to the USA is a testament to the resilience, determination, and courage of individuals seeking a better life for themselves and their families. While the road may be filled with obstacles, it is also paved with opportunities for growth, success, and fulfillment. By sharing our experiences, insights, and support, we can help empower immigrants on their journey towards a brighter future
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dat463 · 1 month
USA vs Australia: Navigating the Dream of Studying Abroad in 2024
For ambitious Indian students, the United States and Australia are two of the most coveted destinations for pursuing higher education. Both countries boast world-renowned universities, diverse cultures, and promising career prospects. But with distinct advantages and considerations, choosing between them can be a daunting task. This blog aims to equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision about your study abroad journey.
The US Advantage: Academic Renown and Diverse Programs
The US houses a staggering number of top-ranked universities, with a wider range of programs across various disciplines. From engineering and technology at MIT to business at Harvard, the US offers a plethora of options for specialized fields. Additionally, the US education system often emphasizes research and practical application, potentially giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
The Australian Allure: Affordability and Lifestyle
Australia presents a compelling alternative with a focus on a more balanced lifestyle. Compared to the US, the cost of tuition and living expenses in Australia can be lower, making it a financially attractive option. Additionally, Australia's relaxed atmosphere and proximity to breathtaking natural landscapes offer a unique student experience.
Making the Choice: Consider Your Priorities
The ideal study destination depends on your individual priorities. Here are some key factors to consider:
Academic Focus: Research the programs offered by universities in both countries. Does a particular program align perfectly with your career aspirations?
Financial Aid: Explore scholarship opportunities and financial aid options available in both the US and Australia.
Post-Graduation Plans: Consider visa options and job prospects in each country after your studies.
Lifestyle Preferences: Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment or prefer a more laid-back atmosphere?
Climate: The US offers a variety of climates depending on location, while Australia is known for its sunny weather.
Immigration Services in Mohali Can Help
The intricacies of student visas and immigration processes can feel overwhelming. This is where consulting with experienced immigration professionals proves invaluable. Established immigration services in Mohali, like Elegant Immigration Services, can guide you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth transition to your chosen study destination.
Elegant Immigration Services: Your Partner in Studying Abroad
Elegant Immigration Services offers a comprehensive suite of services to streamline your study abroad journey. Their team of experts can assist with:
University Selection: Guidance on finding the best-fit universities based on your academic profile and program preferences.
Visa Application: Assistance with the complex student visa application process for both the US and Australia.
Pre-departure Support: Pre-departure briefings to prepare you for the cultural and practical aspects of studying abroad.
1. Which country is cheaper for Indian students, the US or Australia?
In general, Australia offers a lower cost of living and tuition fees compared to the US. However, scholarship opportunities and living expenses can vary depending on your location.
2. Is it easier to get a student visa for the US or Australia?
The difficulty of obtaining a student visa depends on your academic profile, chosen program, and financial situation. Both the US and Australia have specific eligibility criteria for student visas.
3. Do I need to take any standardized tests for studying abroad?
Many universities in both the US and Australia require standardized tests like the SAT or ACT for undergraduate programs and GRE or GMAT for graduate programs.
4. Can I work while studying abroad?
Student visa regulations in both the US and Australia allow for part-time work on campus or for authorized employers.
5. What are the post-study work opportunities for Indian students?
Both the US and Australia offer post-study work visa options, allowing international graduates to gain valuable work experience.
Remember, choosing the right study abroad destination is a crucial decision. By carefully considering your academic goals, financial situation, and lifestyle preferences, you can embark on a fulfilling and enriching educational journey.
For expert guidance throughout your study abroad process, connect with Elegant Immigration Services in Mohali.
Contact Details
Name: Elegant Immigration Services Address: Sco 20, 2nd floor, Airport Road, Sector 82, JLPL Industrial Area, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 140308 Phone Number: 09115633391 Google Maps Link:
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riseconsultancy · 2 months
USA L1 Visa
75+ LAC
L1 Visa Introduction
The United States L1 visa is a non-immigrant visa which allows overseas companies to transfer employees under two types of L1 visa schemes. For L1 visa transfers of executives and managers including business owners for up to seven years there is the L1A visa, and for specialized knowledge employees the L1B visa allows entry for up to five years to a new or existing US office. To qualify for an L1 visa the employee, which can include business owners, must have worked for a subsidiary, parent, affiliate or branch office of the US company outside of the US for at least one year out of the last three years.
One of the benefits of the L1 visa is that there is no quota. Unlike in the case of the H1B visa category, an unlimited number of visas can be issued. However, unless the company is a very large company with blanket filing a considerable amount of documentation needs to be submitted for each L1 visa petition to the USCIS in duplicate. Indians and Chinese nationals are able to come under the L1 visa category. They are unable to come under the E2 visa and E1 visa which is limited only to certain nationalities.
Business owners can also apply for L1 Visa
This can be an excellent way for businesses including small businesses to expand into the US with a minimal investment. However, the business outside the US should continue trading even after the L1 visa holder has entered the US. Business owners who have worked for the business outside the US for one year in the last three years, wishing to set up a business in the US can apply without having to make a large investment of at least half a million dollars as required under the EB5 immigrant investor scheme.
L1 Visa and Employment Based EB1C Green Card
The requirements for employment based immigration (permanent residence) under the EB1C immigrant scheme are similar to the requirements for the L1A Executive and Manager visa category. Many overseas executives and managers including business owners come under the L1A visa scheme first and then apply at a later date for EB1C as an international manager or executive which is one of the best ways of gaining an employment based immigrant visa (green card).
As you need to show that you have worked for the business outside the US for at least one year in the last three years, you need to apply for the EB1C immigrant visa within two years of entry to the US on an L1 visa. The business needs to have been established in the US for at least one year before you can apply under this green card scheme.
Companies operating in the US can apply to the relevant USCIS service center for an L1 intracompany transfer visa to transfer someone to the US from their overseas operations. Employees in this category will, initially, be granted an L1 visa for up to three years. For a new office (that has been in operation for less than a year) the L1 visa is granted for one year.
There are two types of employee who may be sponsored for USA L1 visa:
L1A Executives and Managers — L1 Visa requirements for management and executive roles for these purposes is quite strict, and a detailed description of the duties attached to the position will be required. In particular, the executive or manager should have supervisory responsibility for professional staff and/or for a key function of the department or subdivision of the employer. Such personnel are issued an L1A visa, initially for a three year period extendible in two year increments to a maximum of seven years. For a new US office entry for an L1 visa is granted for one year.
L1B Specialized Knowledge Staff — This category covers those with knowledge of the company’s products/services, research, systems, proprietary techniques, management, or procedures. This should be explained in some detail when applying for the L1 visa. Staff in this category are issued an L1B visa, initially for three years extendable to a maximum of five years.On completing the maximum allowable period in L1 visa status, the employee must be employed outside the United States for a minimum of one year before a new application is made for L or H status.
2. Investment in a Regional Center
Regional centers are investment opportunities that have been pre-approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. To be eligible for this investment option, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Make an investment of US$900,000.
Create full-time employment for at least 10 qualified U.S. workers, where indirect employment is permitted.
Active management of the enterprise is not required.
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