#Economic impact of skilled immigrants
usadvlottery · 8 months
Embark on a professional odyssey through Employment-Based Immigration in the USA, a gateway for skilled individuals and professionals seeking career opportunities on American soil. This immigration pathway encompasses various visa categories, from the widely recognized H1B to employment-based green cards, providing a diverse spectrum of professionals the chance to contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the U.S. job market. Explore stories of achievement, resilience, and innovation as individuals navigate the complexities of employment-based immigration, fostering economic growth and enriching industries across the nation. Join us in celebrating the success stories of those who have turned their ambitions into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the ever-evolving landscape of the American workforce.
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Australian Government Cancels COVID Visa: Implications for Indian Students and Temporary Employees
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According to a report in the media, Australia is planning to do away with the Subclass 408 or COVID work visa in the near future. If this occurs, a sizable number of Indian students and temporary employees may be forced to look for alternative options in order to stay in the country.The Temporary Activity Visa, also known as subclass 408, gives candidates the opportunity to work in Australia if they already have an offer of employment in a critical area or are engaged in that field.
“The government is currently considering its ongoing suitability. This includes consideration of an end date for closing eligibility of the visa (Subclass 408) and a proposed approach to returning to normal operations,” the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) told SBS, 
This new development occurs at the same time as the Australian government is taking steps to implement a new working hour restriction of 48 hours per fortnight for international students, which will take effect on July 1.
The COVID work visa allowed students the ability to work an unlimited number of hours, but those limits will now be reinstated, which will result in a reduction in the student’s income.
On the other hand, foreign students who are employed in the elderly care industry will be excluded from this limit until the end of the year.
“The closure of this visa will affect many, including international students. They will be looking at a different visa to stay in Australia, for which they will pay,” Suman Dua, a migration expert, told SBS, adding that the COVID work visa was free to obtain.
In the beginning, the purpose of the COVID work visa was to help relieve the burden placed on international students already studying in Australia who were unable to leave the country due to border restrictions caused by the COVID virus. Students who had visas that were about to expire were granted permission to remain in the country for an extra year. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) made the announcement in March 2022 that the COVID work visa would be extended as part of the measures taken by the government to revitalize the Australian economy after it was impacted by the epidemic. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has introduced a more lenient policy on visa condition 8107, which refers to employment limits for holders of Subclass 408 visas. This was done to alleviate the ongoing shortage of workers.
“There is a range of permanent or temporary visas that pandemic event visa holders may be eligible to apply for to remain in Australia,” the DHA told SBS.
At this moment, persons are qualified for a Subclass 408 visa if their existing visa (with work privileges) is set to expire in 90 days or less, or if it is set to expire within 28 days of the time the application is submitted. Applicants for a Subclass 408 visa are generally eligible for a visa that allows them to remain in Australia for up to a year. However, holders of a Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa are eligible for a pandemic event visa that allows them to remain for up to two years.
For more details visit @ https://visadone.com/contact-us/
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robfinancialtip · 2 months
Nely Galán's journey reflects a profound and inspirational narrative shaped by the challenges and traumas of immigration. Leaving her country under difficult circumstances deeply affected her and her family, impacting their mental health significantly. Immigrants often face numerous stressors, including discrimination, acculturation pressures, financial instability, and the loss of social networks, contributing to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and acculturative stress. Providing adequate mental health resources and culturally sensitive care is crucial for helping immigrants navigate these challenges and integrate successfully into their new environments​.
Despite these hardships, Nely thrived and contributed positively to her new community. Taking a pragmatic approach to life led her to a series of successes and helped her discover her mission. Initially, she focused on sharing the stories of Latinos in the United States, highlighting this community's unique experiences and contributions. Storytelling can be a powerful and motivational tool for fostering understanding and empathy, as it humanizes the immigrant experience and brings attention to the diverse narratives that make up the American tapestry​​.
In the second phase of her life, financial literacy became Nely's new mission. Financial literacy is crucial for economic empowerment, especially for immigrant communities facing financial stability and growth barriers. By promoting financial education, Nely aims to equip others with the knowledge and skills to manage their finances effectively, build wealth, and achieve financial independence. This shift in focus from storytelling to financial literacy underscores the multifaceted approach needed to support immigrant communities holistically.
Nely's journey from trauma to mission-driven work illustrates the resilience and determination of immigrants who, despite significant challenges, find ways to make meaningful contributions to society. Her story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and serves as an inspiration and motivation for others. The importance of providing support and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background, is highlighted through her work. By sharing her experiences and advocating for financial literacy, Nely not only honors her journey but also empowers others to navigate their paths with confidence and resilience​
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octuscle · 4 months
How times are changing….
2024, The Russian Tea Room: Lunchtime with the Masters of the Universe. John and Richard were at the peak of their powers. The sky was the limit. Whatever money could buy, these two had it. And they had a lot of it. And as soon as Trump was back in power, there would be much, much more.
John: Good afternoon, Richard. It’s been too long since our last lunch.
Richard: Good afternoon, John. Yes, it has. How have you been?
John: Very well, thank you. Busy as always, but things are moving in the right direction. How about you and your family?
Richard: We’re doing well, thank you. My son, Alexander, has just received his acceptance letter from Yale.
John: That’s excellent news! Congratulations to Alexander and to you. Yale is a fantastic institution. He must be thrilled.
Richard: He certainly is. We are all extremely proud of him. Yale offers unparalleled opportunities and will undoubtedly shape his future in the best possible way.
John: Absolutely. With a Yale education, Alexander will be well-prepared for any challenges he faces. Have you thought about how the current political climate might affect his future prospects?
Richard: Yes, quite a bit. We’re hopeful that the new government will adopt more protectionist policies and take a stronger stance on immigration. These changes could significantly impact the economic landscape.
John: I agree. A more protectionist approach could provide substantial benefits to our domestic industries. If the government prioritizes national interests over international ones, we could see a thriving local market.
Richard: Exactly. Limiting immigration and focusing on domestic employment could create a more favorable environment for our economy. This would be particularly advantageous for someone like Alexander, who will have the skills and knowledge to navigate such a market.
John: With fewer immigrants, there could be more opportunities for domestic workers, potentially leading to higher wages and better job prospects for citizens. This aligns well with our economic goals.
Richard: Precisely. Alexander is considering majoring in economics with a focus on international trade and policy. If the government shifts towards protectionism and stricter immigration controls, his expertise will be highly valuable.
John: That’s a smart move. Understanding the implications of protectionist policies on trade and the economy will be crucial. He could be at the forefront of developing strategies that align with national interests.
Richard: We’re certainly encouraging him to build strong connections at Yale, particularly with professors and industry experts. These relationships will be invaluable as he navigates his career.
John: Networking is essential, especially in such a dynamic environment. With potential policy changes, those connections could provide critical insights and opportunities.
Richard: Absolutely. It's an exciting yet uncertain time. However, with the right preparation and strategic thinking, Alexander could thrive in this new landscape.
John: Have you considered the political approaches of other countries, like Russia? They have implemented stringent immigration policies and strong protectionist measures with notable success.
Richard: Yes, we have. Russia’s policies have indeed bolstered their national industries and maintained a tighter control over their labor market. Their approach offers valuable lessons on how to prioritize national over international interests.
John: Exactly. If our government could adopt some of those measures, it could significantly strengthen our domestic economy. Alexander’s timing couldn’t be better.
Richard: I completely agree. It’s a critical moment, and with the right guidance and education, I believe Alexander will navigate it successfully.
John: I have no doubt about that. He has a solid foundation and your support. The future looks very promising for him.
Richard: Thank you, John. That means a lot. Here’s to hoping the new government’s policies will pave the way for greater opportunities and a stronger economy.
John: Cheers to that, Richard. To Alexander’s success and the promising times ahead.
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2027, Brownsville Social Welfare Office: Alex and Mike were destined to follow in their fathers' footsteps. Oil barons and investment banking gods. But things don't always turn out the way you want them to…
Alexander: Hey there, Mike. Ain’t seen you in a coon’s age. What’s got you waitin’ at the social office today?
Mike: Hey, Alex. Just tryin’ to get some more assistance. Amy’s knocked up again, so I gotta sort things out. What about you?
Alexander: Same ol' crap. Need to see if they can help me get some dentures. Got my teeth busted in a brawl last month. Ain't lookin' too pretty.
Mike: Dang, man. That’s rough. Sorry to hear it. How’s things otherwise?
Alexander: Not too hot. After the market took a dive, had to drop outta Yale. Now I’m bustin’ my hump as a day laborer for that agribusiness. You know, the one that got snatched up by that Russian fella?
Mike: Yup, I know the one. Same deal here. Never thought we’d end up like this. Six kids now and no real job. That crash sure did us in.
Alexander: Tell me ‘bout it. I was this close to finishin’ my degree. Now instead of workin' in finance, I’m haulin' corn and doin' grunt work. Feels like some kinda bad joke.
Mike: I hear ya. I was studyin' to be an engineer. Now, I’m just tryin’ to get by. And since the Russian took over, it’s been even worse. Cut our hours and benefits to the bone.
Alexander: Yeah, I noticed. They don’t give a rat’s ass 'bout us. Just squeezin' every penny they can. It’s tough.
Mike: Sure is. And with another mouth to feed, it’s stressin’ me out. Amy’s worryin’ herself sick, and I ain’t got a clue how we’ll make it.
Alexander: Wish there was a way outta this mess. What’re we supposed to do? Every time I think I’m gettin’ ahead, somethin’ knocks me back down.
Mike: Same here. Feels like we’re stuck in mud. I keep hopin’ things’ll get better, but it’s like we’re just spinnin' our wheels.
Alexander: Worst part is knowin’ we had so much potential, ya know? We were supposed to have these big careers, and now we’re just tryin’ to make it day by day.
Mike: Sometimes I low-key ponder the insane what ifs if the freaking crash hadn't ruined everything. Like, imagine where we'd be RN. Rolling in that sweet juicy success, probs. We'd be slaying life, swagging out and straight up crushing it. Just living our best lives and probably having our dicks in…
Alexander: Yo, bruh, like legit, we'd be in a whole different stratosphere if we weren't chilling at this social welfare spot right now. But hey, we gotta keep on keepin' on, for the youngins and for us too. And if that lil' monster in your pants is acting up, hit me up anytime, I got your back!
Mike: Yo, bro! I was seriously starting to think you were never gonna bring it up... My urges are off the charts, I'm dying for some primo bootay to slam once more.
Alexander: Yo, like seriously, I gotta wait for a freaking eternity, like thirteen freaking numbers long. Dude, in that never-ending time span, you might as well give me a good ol' romp and suck fest, ya feel me?
Mike: Oh man, like seriously, watch out, but like, make sure you don't end up with a bun in the oven, okay? 'Cause, like, I'm totally the supreme stud around here when it comes to spreading my seed, ya dig?
Alexander: Yo, quit yapping and just slide through already! I'm totally gonna take this wild risk, no cap! Let's get this party started, fam!
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jamethinks · 2 months
I've mentioned this before but at my core I am a contrarian so I like to think away from the crowd. And so while working on a future fic (canceled) I had to decide what each of the Eden gang would do in school and professionally and how that would aid in the major themes of the story.
For that reason I kind of attached Anya to doing cultural studies even though a more natural progression would be law enforcement. Anya is the child of an immigrant (kinda) and grew in a blended family. Although it's not spoken about in the show itself this does impact Anya's understanding of the world. It starts with an interest in language and linguistics and evolves into a more general interest in culture and cultural preservation. (she's still a spy though lmao)
Similarly for Damian I actually had him doing macroeconomics, his experiences with Anya the Commoner expanding his knowledge and interest in the economy and the long term impact of war on economies. It thrives on his math skills but also relates to his current goal to be a politician as most politicians don't really study politics or political science. Although Economics isn't a very socially conscious discipline Macroecon does to some extent seek to better understand the world and the economic structures that define it.
Becky was a bit more complicated and it plays into her personal conflict between being an ideal Blackbell and doing what she actually loves. Becky loves fashion and art and wanted to go to fashion school but she felt that would be a waste of her skills and brilliance and instead thinks she should follow in her father's foot steps, deciding instead to study business/finance. At the time of the story she had dropped out as she couldn't handle the stress of it all.
The character I really wanted to talk about was Ewen. He wasn't a central figure in the WIP but his career hc was one I had a lot of fun with. Currently he is portrayed as being interested in science and space so astrophysics and engineering may seem like the most likely route but I had a different idea. The 60s and 70s were a big time for the computer science industry as computers were becoming for refined and powerful particularly with the introduction of transistors and eventually microprocessors. It was a new a blossoming science with a lot of potential applications and innovations. It also played a huge role in the Apollo missions and realizing the dreams of space travel. So I thought a more interesting career trajectory would be computer science, specifically CS in space travel and engineering. Again he is still working in space and keeping up with his main interests but now he's working with computers to advance the industry.
Obviously, I personally am interested in computers and midcentury computer development has always been a fascination for me so it is a bit of projection onto him. Like i cannot think of a better time to get into the industry while it was still in it's infantile stage and everyone was just so curious and excited. I also hc that he is into scifi and generic nerdy stuff. Like one storyline i had was them playing an early version of D&D (technically it came out after when the story was set but fuck off), dragging his friends to watch the planet of the ape movies, forcing everyone to do a star trek cosplay, I had a plotline where him and Anya go to Texas to visit the space station. Just making shit up honestly, I don't care he's a nerd now fuck right off.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Roughly one-third of children who grow up poor in the United States will also experience poverty as adults. Intergenerational poverty is a weight on the backs of millions of Americans, keeping many from achieving their full potential, for their own benefit and that of society.  Understanding the causes of intergenerational poverty, and implementing programs and policies to reduce it, would have important benefits for children and for the entire nation.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 directed the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to conduct a comprehensive study of intergenerational child poverty in the United States. The resulting report, entitled “Reducing Intergenerational Poverty,” was issued in September 2023.1 The authors both served on the committee that developed the report, and we provide our perspectives here on some of its key messages.
Key facts about intergenerational poverty
Intergenerational poverty was defined as a situation in which individuals who grew up in families with incomes below the poverty line are themselves poor as adults. Data from two intergenerational studies provided very similar estimates of the fraction of children born into low-income households in the 1970s or 1980s who also had low household incomes in adulthood. As shown in Figure 1, about one-third of children from low-income households remained poor in adulthood. Racial differences in this rate were stark, with considerably more persistence of poverty among Black and, especially, Native American children, the least persistence among Asian children, and similar persistence rates for white and Latino children.
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These data also showed that:
More (40%) individuals with low household incomes in both childhood and adulthood are white than in other racial/ethnic groups. Although the rates of intergenerational poverty are lower for white than for Black and Native American children, Whites outnumber Black (34%), Latino (19%) and other racial/ethnic subgroups in the ranks of persistently poor children because they make up such a large share of the overall population.
Low-income children of U.S.-born parents experience less intergenerational mobility than low-income children of immigrants from almost every country.
An individual’s mobility is predictable by geography. Even within regions and individual communities, there are areas where low-income children tend to grow up and join the middle class, as well as areas where generations are more likely to remain mired in poverty. At the regional level, persistence rates are highest in the South and lowest in the Upper Midwest.
The spatial patterns of economic mobility vary by racial and ethnic group; nonetheless, disparities in economic mobility between Black and white children persist within virtually every community with substantial numbers of children in both groups.
The drivers of intergenerational poverty
We investigated the factors that appeared most likely to generate intergenerational poverty and for which we might be able to develop policy prescriptions. We began by delineating seven key areas in which child, family, or neighborhood characteristics strongly correlate with the later success of the child:
Child education and access to schools
Child health and access to health care system
Parental income/wealth and employment
Family structure
Housing and neighborhood characteristics
Neighborhood crime and the criminal justice system
Child maltreatment and the child welfare system
There were four areas with the strongest evidence for being key drivers of children’s long-term success:
Education and Skills: Educational attainment and occupational skills have large impacts on lifetime earnings. Achievement gaps (measured by test scores) in the educational process develop early in life, and these gaps go on to generate large disparities in high school and postsecondary attainment of children who grew up in low-income families relative to their high-income counterparts.
Child Health: Children growing up with low family incomes have worse health than other children, beginning even before birth and worsening as children age. These health disparities among children lead not only to greater disparities in adult health but also in education and earnings. Despite improvements from policy (like Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act), many poor children lack access to health insurance coverage. Access to nutritional programs (especially in summer) and family planning services is limited as well.
Parental Employment, Income and Wealth: a. Low wages and employment levels drive the relatively low earnings and family incomes of the poor, which limits the ability of families to invest in their children’s health and education and to live in safe neighborhoods with good schools. Further, a lack of affordable childcare is an employment barrier. b. Parental employment is important, but employment gains that are not accompanied by income gains seem to have little positive effects on children’s development. c. Family wealth is also highly correlated with later child outcomes; however, causal evidence on wealth effects is limited.
Crime and Criminal Justice Systems: Although crime rates have mostly fallen in the past three decades (despite a recent increase in homicides), violent crime remains relatively high in many poor neighborhoods, and exposure to violent crime has a negative impact on children’s long-term education and earnings. At the same time, adolescents who reside in poor neighborhoods experience high rates of juvenile detention and incarceration, which also have negative effects on their future outcomes.
Policies to improve long-term outcomes of poor children
The committee reviewed a great deal of evidence on the long-term impacts of various programs and policies on the outcomes of children growing up in poor families. We identified programs and policies supported by strong causal evidence—based either on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) or on natural (quasi-) experimental variation—of long-run impacts that improve the outcomes of these children when they become adults. In addition, we limited our lists of effective programs to those where there is at least some evidence of scalability—at a minimum, where programs were tested at multiple sites or where policies were tested and shown to have generated causal impacts.
With respect to our four major drivers, we identified the following policies and programs that have generated direct long-term impacts:
Regarding education
Recent research has consistently pointed to the beneficial impacts on educational attainment of increased funding for K-12 schools in poor districts. Evidence also supports policies that would increase the diversity of the teacher workforce—many children learn and attain the most when matched with teachers of a similar ethnic background. And research suggests that reducing the incidence of excessively harsh punishment of Black children (especially boys) would improve their longer-run outcomes as well.
An important policy goal is to increase college access for youth from low-income households and to give them a better chance of success while enrolled. In that context, we found that funding for effective forms of financial aid (such as the HAIL program in Michigan and the Buffett Foundation Scholarship in Nebraska) boosts enrollment in high-quality institutions and completion rates. Key support services, like guidance and case management, also raise completion for poor students.
We found that high-quality occupational training has lasting positive impacts on poor youth as well, especially on those who will not attend four-year college programs. These come in two forms: a) high-quality career and technical education (CTE), beginning in high school (e.g., Career Academies, technical high schools or pathway programs for grades 9-14, like P-TECH); and b) sectoral training, which equips low-income youth or adults with the skills they need for high-paying jobs in high-demand industries (e.g., Per Scholas, Year Up, and Project Quest).
Regarding child health
Given the strength of the evidence on the beneficial impacts of Medicaid on child and adolescent health, the federal government could consider ensuring that all poor parents and children have continuous access to Medicaid—including some populations (such as the undocumented) that sometimes lack such access. It is especially critical that mothers and infants have access to health care in the post-partum period. Access to nutritious meals for all children could be provided by expanding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Access to family planning services has proved its long-run value for child development as well.
Regarding parent employment and income
We found strong evidence that the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) not only raises parental earnings and after-tax income but also increases children’s educational attainment, leading to upward mobility. We developed ideas for how federal or state governments could make the EITC more generous—during the phase-in of the credit, in terms of its maximum level, and/or in the phase-out stage.
There is strong recent evidence that the 2021 extension of the Child Tax Credit produced large reductions in child poverty, but we have no evidence to date on its long-term impacts on children. We believe that considering some extension for parents with little or no earnings makes sense, when combined with a more generous EITC for working parents.
Regarding crime and criminal justice
A number of policies and programs appear to reduce crime in poor neighborhoods. These include: a) funding for community nonprofit institutions; b) funding for abatement of vacant lots and abandoned buildings; c) putting more police on the streets and requiring them to use cost-effective tactics, such as community policing. Gun safety regulations can also reduce homicide rates (if they can pass constitutional review).
What about racial disparities?
Poor Black and Native American children suffer from particular drivers that worsen their outcomes and diminish the likelihood that they will experience upward mobility and escape poverty as adults. Large racial disparities persist on all of the most important drivers discussed above and reflect historical patterns of exclusion and racism as well as contemporary barriers.
For example, Black and Native American children suffer worse health and have lower educational achievement than other children. Some of this is due to residing in highly segregated regions with low-quality schools, as well as to experiencing excessive punishment relative to other groups. Unemployment is nearly twice as high among Black adults as among white adults, and labor force participation among Black men is much lower than among their white counterparts. Black youth and adults, especially males, perpetrate and are victimized by higher rates of violent crime (especially homicides and robberies), but they also experience much higher levels of detention in their youth and a higher incidence of later incarceration.
Historical episodes of racism, such as the Dawes Act of 1887 (which regulated the land rights of Native Americans on reservations) and the 1921 Tulsa riots against Blacks, have led to lower education and incomes for these groups, and research has shown2 that some of these effects persist today. We also have rigorous evidence showing that discrimination persists in health care, schools, housing, employment, and the criminal justice system. It should be noted, however, that some discrimination is “statistical,” meaning that real group characteristics are attributed to individuals by employers, teachers, or the police when clear evidence about those individuals’ personal skills or behaviors is not available. Descriptive evidence strongly suggests that “structural racism” persists, although clear definitions and direct causal evidence of its effects are only beginning to emerge.
At the same time, behavioral choices made by individuals in these groups when they face constrained opportunity—such as labor force nonparticipation and crime—worsen racial disparities in a range of outcomes, including employment and incarceration.
Fortunately, we also have clear causal evidence that several policies are effective in promoting the upward mobility of low-income Black children. For instance:
Increasing K-12 spending clearly boosts the educational performance of Black children;
monitoring and improving air quality improves their health;
expanding the EITC for parents raises the eventual earnings of Black children; and
reducing juvenile detention and incarceration improves the education and adult earnings of Black children.
Research priorities
In its efforts to identify promising programs and policies that would reduce intergenerational poverty, the committee was hampered by a lack of strong policy evaluation evidence. It identified three key research priorities for funders:
Prioritize strong research designs that provide causal estimates of long-term program impacts;
Set aside funding not only for rigorous small-scale experiments but also for replications and long-term follow-ups of promising programs at scale; and
Fund research arms for specific communities at highest risk
Improving existing census, survey, and administrative data—linked for families over time and across subject domains—would also be invaluable for promoting needed policy research on intergenerational mobility. Specifically, the report recommends that the White House Office of Management and Budget facilitate research on economic opportunity, intergenerational poverty, and related topics; and it suggests the federal government should make available existing census, survey, and administrative data to researchers, in a manner that respects and protects the confidentiality of respondents’ data.
Children who grow up in low-income families are much more likely than other children to be poor when they become adults. This both violates the notion of equal opportunity and limits the future productivity of the U.S. economy.
The NAS report “Reducing Intergenerational Poverty” documents an exceedingly diverse set of factors that affect a child’s chances of experiencing intergenerational poverty. The good news is that recent policy research has discovered an equally diverse set of programs and policies that appear effective in disrupting the intergenerational cycle of poverty. None is a silver bullet, but evidence-based programs and policies in education, health care, employment/income, and criminal justice can all play an important role. Filling gaps in the long-run data available to the policy research community would help us add to this list. We hope the report spurs more research where needed and more policies to improve life outcomes for the nation’s children.
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dhaaruni · 8 months
Do you have any suggestions on sources to check out to understand American conservative ideology? I’m honestly trying to make a good faith attempt to understand it and why so many Republicans don’t seem to appreciate things that Democrats do for their income bracket (if they’re lower income) just bc of their stance on immigration? Like to me, Biden lowering bank overdraft fees matters more than immigration
Books, podcasts, articles, documentaries, anything!
I'll list out sources for you at another point but first of all, I think you're really misunderstanding how the conservative mindset works. You understand that people by and large vote on social issues and not economic issues right? That's why rich liberals vote for Democrats while poor conservatives vote for Republicans. The way it works is that the ethos of cultural conservatism is about preserving culture, and immigration changes the culture of a country and here's the key part, this applies even to people that aren't interacting with immigrants. They have to press 1 to get English sometimes when they call the pharmacy and that's enough to drive them up the wall! Moreover, the reality is that social liberalism is tied to education and also wealth, and the people who have less money are more likely to want to preserve what they do have, which in essence, is the "culture" of their nation.
Now, those people aren't going to vote Democrat anytime soon but the reality is that even during the peak of Stephen Miller putting kids in cages, Americans still didn't want to increase the amount of immigration, they just wanted the *visible* cruelty to stop, they're totally fine with welcoming asylum seekers into the country, giving them warm food and a hug, and sending them right back to where they came from. That's why Remain in Mexico helped Trump so much, Mexico did the dirty work of detaining and sending back migrants for the US like Turkey does it for the European Union, and the wealthier countries didn't have to get their hands dirty and their citizens often had no idea what was happening.
The issue that Democrats have right now with regards to immigration is that "elites," both Democrat and Republican, are more open to immigration than voters of either party although obviously Republicans are more opposed. Plus, liberals are opposed to high-skilled immigration from China and India in particular because Asian immigrants compete with them and their kids for education and jobs, like just look at how Democrats talk about how affirmative action negatively impacted Asian kids when it objectively did! Like, white women didn't benefit the most from affirmative action, that's a blatant lie.
The reality is that if only elites voted, the United States would be a center-left country but obviously it's not. Like, the huge negative reaction residents of blue cities are having to Republican (and Democratic!) shipping migrants up north is just so telling because it's very evident that Democrats don't want poor brown migrants who don't speak English around them, they just want to virtue signal about being pro-immigrant sanctuary cities without putting in the effort. That aside from the fact it's extremely obvious that most of the "asylum seekers" who show up at the southern border aren't qualified for asylum under international law, they're economic migrants, which is why people are demanding changes to asylum laws.
The reason that most non-white working class people still vote Democrat is because the Republican Party is extremely racist, with the exception of Black people and that's due to the history of slavery in this country. If Republicans toned down the racism even like 15% and stuck to racism against Black people and kept their mouths shut about Latinos and Asians, Republicans would get 40% of the Latino/Asian vote like Greg Abbott did in 2022 in Texas even if they likely wouldn't get to 60% like Ron DeSantis did in 2022 in Florida. And obviously, you understand as well as I do that if Republicans won 40% of the Asian and Latino vote nationwide, they'd get 400 electoral votes due to their also cleaning up among non-college white voters. Black people are 13% of the country and they can't carry Democrats without Dems winning over enough white voters and people are just allergic to admitting this fact.
All this in essence is why Democrats being reliant on rich liberals to pay for social programs they don't use is biting them in the ass. People with money, who are by and large college educated, simply don't want their taxes to go up, and to win non-college voters, Democrats have go right (on policy not just in terms of messaging) on cultural issues, primarily immigration, climate (no "green energy" or being mean to the oil/gas industry and fracking), and anything related to LGBT issues beyond "keep gay marriage legal" (even though nobody except like, Muslims in Michigan, is voting on LGBT issues one way or another). Abortion is the one "cultural" issue which helps Democrats but that's because kids are expensive and a huge undertaking especially if you don't want them, so it's still selfish and not really for the "greater good" that most people, including many Republicans, are pro-choice.
Moreover, Democratic donors and the "groups" (shadow network of activists, think tanks like the Center for American Progress, and Dem staffers who are well to the left of elected officials) don't want to move away from cultural liberalism since they skew wealthier than the general population and would rather talk about mincing the definitions of acronyms nobody uses and canceling student loans for the overeducated and downwardly mobile than public schools not letting kids take math classes and Medicaid negotiations because those issues don't impact them or any of their friends and families.
At the end of the day, the reason conservative ideology doesn't die out is because when push comes to shove, people prioritize their own self-interest. Obviously there are caveats and sometimes people opt to help others and society at large, but placing ourselves and our loved ones over the rest of the world is an intrinsic part of human nature and one that we need to understand if we're intent on changing society. Does that make sense?
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The quickest way to second-guess a decision to major in English is this: have an extended family full of Salvadoran immigrants and pragmatic midwesterners. The ability to recite Chaucer in the original Middle English was unlikely to land me a job that would pay off my student loans and help me save for retirement, they suggested when I was a college freshman still figuring out my future. I stuck with English, but when my B.A. eventually spat me out into the thick of the Great Recession, I worried that they’d been right.
After all, computer-science degrees, and certainly not English, have long been sold to college students as among the safest paths toward 21st-century job security. Coding jobs are plentiful across industries, and the pay is good—even after the tech layoffs of the past year. The average starting salary for someone with a computer-science degree is significantly higher than that of a mid-career English graduate, according to the Federal Reserve; at Google, an entry-level software engineer reportedly makes $184,000, and that doesn’t include the free meals, massages, and other perks. Perhaps nothing has defined higher education over the past two decades more than the rise of computer science and STEM. Since 2016, enrollment in undergraduate computer-science programs has increased nearly 49 percent. Meanwhile, humanities enrollments across the United States have withered at a clip—in some cases, shrinking entire departments to nonexistence.
But that was before the age of generative AI. ChatGPT and other chatbots can do more than compose full essays in an instant; they can also write lines of code in any number of programming languages. You can’t just type make me a video game into ChatGPT and get something that’s playable on the other end, but many programmers have now developed rudimentary smartphone apps coded by AI. In the ultimate irony, software engineers helped create AI, and now they are the American workers who think it will have the biggest impact on their livelihoods, according to a new survey from Pew Research Center. So much for learning to code.
ChatGPT cannot yet write a better essay than a human author can, nor can it code better than a garden-variety developer, but something has changed even in the 10 months since its introduction. Coders are now using AI as a sort of souped-up Clippy to accelerate the more routine parts of their job, such as debugging lines of code. In one study, software developers with access to GitHub’s Copilot chatbot were able to finish a coding task 56 percent faster than those who did it solo. In 10 years, or maybe five, coding bots may be able to do so much more.
People will still get jobs, though they may not be as lucrative, says Matt Welsh, a former Harvard computer-science professor and entrepreneur. He hypothesizes that automation will lower the barrier to entry into the field: More people might get more jobs in software, guiding the machines toward ever-faster production. This development could make highly skilled developers even more essential in the tech ecosystem. But Welsh also says that an expanded talent pool “may change the economics of the situation,” possibly leading to lower pay and diminished job security.
If mid-career developers have to fret about what automation might soon do to their job, students are in the especially tough spot of anticipating the long-term implications before they even start their career. “The question of what it will look like for a student to go through an undergraduate program in computer science, graduate with that degree, and go on into the industry … That is something I do worry about,” Timothy Richards, a computer-science professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, told me. Not only do teachers like Richards have to wrestle with just how worthwhile learning to code is anymore, but even teaching students to code has become a tougher task. ChatGPT and other chatbots can handle some of the basic tasks in any introductory class, such as finding problems with blocks of code. Some students might habitually use ChatGPT to cheat on their assignments, eventually collecting their diploma without having learned how to do the work themselves.
Richards has already started to tweak his approach. He now tells his introductory-programming students to use AI the way a math student would use a calculator, asking that they disclose the exact prompts they fed into the machine, and explain their reasoning. Instead of taking assignments home, Richards’s students now do the bulk of their work in the classroom, under his supervision. “I don’t think we can really teach students in the way that we’ve been teaching them for a long time, at least not in computer science,” he said.
Fiddling with the computer-science curriculum still might not be enough to maintain coding’s spot at the top of the higher-education hierarchy. “Prompt engineering,” which entails feeding phrases to large language models to make their responses more human-sounding, has already surfaced as a lucrative job option—and one perhaps better suited to English majors than computer-science grads. “Machines can’t be creative; at best, they’re very elaborate derivatives,” says Ben Royce, an AI lecturer at Columbia University. Chatbots don’t know what to do with a novel coding problem. They sputter and choke. They make stuff up. As AI becomes more sophisticated and better able to code, programmers may be tasked with leaning into the parts of their job that draw on conceptual ingenuity as opposed to sheer technical know-how. Those who are able to think more entrepreneurially—the tinkerers and the question-askers—will be the ones who tend to be almost immune to automation in the workforce.
The potential decline of “learn to code” doesn’t mean that the technologists are doomed to become the authors of their own obsolescence, nor that the English majors were right all along (I wish). Rather, the turmoil presented by AI could signal that exactly what students decide to major in is less important than an ability to think conceptually about the various problems that technology could help us solve. The next great Silicon Valley juggernaut might be seeded by a humanities grad with no coding expertise or a computer-science grad with lots of it. After all, the discipline has always been about more than just learning the ropes of Python and C++. Identifying patterns and piecing them together is its essence.
In that way, the answer to the question of what happens next in higher education may lie in what the machines can’t do. Royce pointed me toward Moravec’s paradox, the observation that AI shines at high-level reasoning and the kinds of skills that are generally considered to reflect cognitive aptitude (think: playing chess), but fumbles with the basic ones. The curiosity-driven instincts that have always been at the root of how humans create things are not just sticking around in an AI world; they are now more important than ever. Thankfully, students have plenty of ways to get there.
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chatgptdetector · 8 months
The Top 10 Jobs in Canada for 2024
Canada, with its picturesque landscapes, diverse culture, and robust economy, continues to attract individuals from around the world seeking new opportunities and a higher quality of life. As we step into 2024, the Canadian job market is brimming with exciting prospects across various industries. Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or an immigrant looking to build a career in the Great White North, here are the top 10 jobs in Canada that should be on your radar.
Software Developer: With the technology sector experiencing exponential growth, software developers are in high demand. From cutting-edge startups to established corporations, Canada's tech industry offers a plethora of opportunities for those with coding expertise.
Healthcare Professionals: The healthcare sector in Canada is perennially in need of skilled professionals, including nurses, doctors, and allied health workers. The aging population has led to a surge in demand for healthcare services, making it an excellent field for those looking to make a meaningful impact.
Construction Project Manager: As infrastructure projects continue to dot the Canadian landscape, the demand for construction project managers is on the rise. This role involves overseeing the planning, execution, and completion of construction projects, making it a key player in the nation's development.
Data Scientist: In an era driven by data, the role of a data scientist is crucial across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce. Analyzing and interpreting large datasets, data scientists contribute valuable insights to guide decision-making processes.
Electrician: Skilled trades, such as electricians, are essential for maintaining and expanding Canada's infrastructure. From residential wiring to large-scale industrial projects, electricians play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the country's electrical systems.
Marketing Specialist: As businesses vie for consumer attention, the demand for marketing specialists continues to soar. Whether it's digital marketing, content creation, or market research, individuals with a flair for promoting products and services are sought after in the Canadian job market.
Registered Nurse: With an aging population, there's a growing need for compassionate and qualified nurses. Registered nurses are integral to the healthcare system, providing essential care and support to patients in hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities.
Mechanical Engineer: From designing innovative machinery to optimizing existing systems, mechanical engineers contribute significantly to Canada's industrial landscape. Industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace rely on the expertise of mechanical engineers to drive innovation.
Financial Advisor: Canadians are increasingly recognizing the importance of financial planning, leading to a surge in demand for financial advisors. Helping individuals and businesses make informed decisions about their finances, financial advisors play a crucial role in ensuring financial well-being.
Environmental Scientist: With a growing emphasis on sustainability, environmental scientists are in demand to address ecological challenges. From assessing environmental impact to developing conservation strategies, these professionals contribute to Canada's commitment to a greener future.
As Canada continues to thrive on its commitment to diversity, innovation, and progress, the job market reflects these values with a wide array of opportunities. Whether you're drawn to the tech hub of Toronto, the vibrant culture of Vancouver, or the economic powerhouse of Calgary, these top 10 jobs offer a glimpse into the diverse career landscape that Canada has to offer. So, whether you're a local job seeker or an international talent looking to make Canada your home, these professions could be your stepping stones to a fulfilling and prosperous future.
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sassypotatoe1 · 10 months
I put this in the comments on the post I just reblogged calling for an end to the Israeli occupation, but I felt it would work better as a post, so I'm saying it here too.
It's not the same situation exactly, so the solution won't be the same, but it will be similar, and I know people can learn from the perspective of a white south African post apartheid about what ending occupation can look like. Another group of people you can learn from are Zimbabweans, as they successfully returned the land to the natives and ended white occupation in the 90s, though I don't know the specifics and impact afterwards so I won't speak further on it.
Hi, I'm a white south African, and avid anti-racist constantly learning, a journalist and a student of politics, law and ethics. Many people who are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza are reluctant to call for an end to occupation, because in their minds it means mass displacement of Israeli Jews and an influx of political refugees to surrounding countries and Europe.
I'm here to tell you this is unlikely. After apartheid ended in south africa, a huge chunk of white south Africans stuck around, retained their property (though there are ongoing movements to give the land back to the native groups without compensation which is a political nightmare I don't feel like touching on now) and kept living as normal.
The only difference is that black people and other people of color now faced much less violence at the hands of white people, the government and the police system. They were no longer held under a curfew, no longer forced to carry a pass book, no longer forced to use seperate and lower standard infrastructure, no longer forcefully uprooted and moved with no say, and now able to vote, work higher paying jobs, own property outside of "homelands" in white neighborhoods, and treated in the eyes of the new government, new constitution and law as equal citizens to white people.
An affirmative action system called black economic empowerment was instituted to legally ensure companies employ a quota of people of color and women that reflects the population of the country. It has many pitfalls, and hasn't worked well, but I'm of the personal belief that it has more to do with white people clinging to power than any skill issues or racist tropes white people here will tell you are the cause.
A result of the BEE policy was that many wealthy white people or highly skilled and educated white youth got work visas in the west, and later immigrated. The rest that are still here are either here because they believe themselves citizens in their own right because they fought wars to achieve occupation and independence from the British government, or because they want to help fix things.
Some, like myself, hope to eventually immigrate back to our country of origin (a couple generations back mind you), but because European countries no longer grant us ancestral citizenship because we've been here since the 1600s, it would require going through the very long, very expensive process of immigration that anyone else who wants to immigrate to Europe has to go through.
We would have to learn the language of the country we hope to immigrate to, find employment, get a work visa and work permit, aquire housing, get an EU passport, get a driver's license, get health insurance, and a host of other hoops to jump through. Since one euro is worth about 20 rands, this process would cost us 20 times more. Even if the euro and Rand were equal in value, a huge majority of us don't have the money to go through this process, so we're stuck here.
A fair but perhaps not fiscally responsible solution for us would be if Europe paid the south african government reparations, and accepted ancestral citizenship and allowed us passage back to the countries of our ancestors as rightful citizens, at the cost of the European governments.
For Israeli Jews, this would mean staying to help fix things but in a state that allows Palestinians equal rights and access to resources and opportunities, equal governing power, and affirmative action. Those that can't get themselves to accept the state of Palestine and its people as equals will have to leave. Those wealthy enough can immigrate to Europe or north America, and those who aren't should be allowed ancestral citizenship back into the countries their ancestors came from.
Western countries that supported the Israeli occupation then need to pay reperations to Palestine for all the decades of war and occupation that they endorsed. The quicker, more violent solution would be to forcefully eject Israelis from the territory and make them refugees, but it's not what we're calling for right now, at least from my perspective.
South africa has been recovering from apartheid for 30 years, and it would likely take a civil war or another 50 years to get to any sort of stability and agreement, but progress has been made and will continue to be made. The same can happen for Palestine. It will take time, but if the Israeli government relinquish power and end occupation, however that ends up looking like, it can happen, and it's our responsibility as humans with compassion to support Palestine while they try.
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writingskaska · 1 year
Writing inspiration
Today I remembered a conversation I once had with my parents. They’re immigrants from Kazakhstan that fled the economical crisis after the USSR fell, to Germany.
They once told me that they had a class in school that taught them a little German. I was curious and asked what they were taught there.
My parents looked at each other and despite being brought up in different cities and being to different schools they both said:
„Nicht schießen!“
What means don’t shoot. I think that’s such a powerful cultural and political display of their time. And I thought about how one could use such a situation in writing to draw a clear atmosphere of the reality of the world your describing.
In a situation of crisis, what are your characters taught to deal with that crisis? Are they familiar with survival skills? Do they learn of customs or languages of the enemies?
It’s such a small detail but I think it has a massive impact on the show don’t tell rule.
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usadvlottery · 8 months
US Visa Policies Embrace Innovation: In a dynamic global landscape, the United States is adapting its visa policies to embrace innovation. With a focus on attracting top talent, fostering entrepreneurship, and encouraging technological advancement, these policies aim to facilitate the entry of skilled professionals, researchers, and entrepreneurs who contribute to America's economic growth and technological leadership. Through streamlined processes, expanded visa categories, and initiatives such as the Startup Visa Program, the US is welcoming innovators from around the world, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation forward."
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Helsingin Sanomat carries an editorial on the ongoing government formation talks at the House of the Estates, and their likely impact on trade unions.
HS says that the four right-wing parties engaged in coalition talks have some big disagreements, primarily on immigration and climate change, but there is a consensus on labour market reforms.
Finland's generous income-linked unemployment benefits face a shakeup, according to HS, with payments set to be tapered. That means they will be higher at the start of a stretch of unemployment, but reduce over time as the two-year-eligibility period expires.
The National Coalition Party also wants to eliminate the tax deduction for trade union membership fees, effectively making membership of trade unions more expensive.
HS suggests that the intention is to push union members to join YTK, a fund that offers eligibility for unemployment benefits but does not negotiate pay rises for members or offer many of the other services that come with union membership.
That would weaken the trade unions' voice in society, says HS, likely prompting protests and a vote for the left in the next parliamentary elections — thereby increasing polarisation and features of a two-party system in Finland.
That said, HS warns that a new government is still some way off, and even if it is formed it might not last the distance due to dissent among the ranks of government parties.
Foreign students seeking work
Kauppalehti reports on a hot topic: foreign graduates looking for work. The paper focuses on those from India, interviewing two students hoping to stay in Finland after they finish their degrees.
India has a surplus of workers, says KL, meaning the government there is very happy for young people — even highly educated people — to seek higher incomes and a better life abroad.
The Indians interviewed for the story say they love Finland. India's pollution, corruption and "difficult atmosphere" weigh heavily on their minds, and they love the Finns' peaceful nature and the quality of life obtainable in Finland.
Back in India, one is a university teacher and the other manages a factory. But they are not so optimistic that they expect to find work in their fields in Finland.
One studying business administration says she'll do any work anywhere in the Nordic country, while the factory manager says he is considering driving a truck because he has the licence and it does not require Finnish language skills.
The stats are against them. Finland ranks fourth in the European Union for graduate employment, among graduates from outside the European Economic Area. But that still means only 13 percent of graduates from outside Europe get a job.
KL says that the job search is different in Finland.
"In India jobs are found through networks, but in Finland jobs are generally filled via application processes and according to [candidates'] merits," said KL.
That may come as a surprise to researchers who found recruiters discriminated extensively against those with foreign names.
Speeding fine
Ilta-Sanomat has a classic Finnish story: the quirky news report picked up internationally and then reported through the prism of the foreign news desk interpretations.
Anders Wiklöf, a shipping magnate from Åland, has received a humongous fine for speeding. He was clocked at 82 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, and was fined 121,000 euros.
That's because Finland has a system of income-linked fines for some offences, and Wiklöf's income is pretty high.
The penalty sounds pretty tough to foreign ears, however, and IS notes that the story was covered by The Guardian, the Daily Mail, ABC News and even AS, in Spanish.
The tabloid neglects to credit the original source, however. That appears to be the Aland outlet Nya Åland, which reported the fine two days ago.
Wiklöf had told the paper that he regretted the fine, and had just not slowed down enough when the speed limit changed. He did have a request for those handling his contribution to public coffers, though, suggesting that he has followed government formation talks closer than some.
"I have heard that they are planning to cut 1.5 billion euros from healthcare spending in Finland, so I hope my contribution can fill a gap there," Wiklöf told Nya Åland. "Ideally I'd like it to be earmarked for that purpose."
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eminentoverseas · 2 years
What is Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program?
The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program under the PNP of Canada, allows Prince Edward Island to nominate newcomers through IRCC for Canada Permanent Residence who have the potential of filling the labour market and economic requirements of the province.
The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program step-up immigration to Canada for applicants and their families who meet provincial criteria in support of four initiatives: increased business and economic development, an increased supply of skilled workers, increased population and achievement of provincial demographic, social and cultural objectives.
The Province Welcomes Immigrants Through Three Streams:
Prince Edward Island Express Entry.
Prince Edward Island Labour Impact.
Prince Edward Island Business Impact.
Prince Edward Island Also Welcomes Immigrants Through The Joint Federal-Provincial Atlantic Immigration Program.
The Categories In Which You Can Apply Under Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program Are:
Prince Edward Island Express Entry - Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program Express Entry, select the candidates who intends to live and get an employment in Prince Edward Island. Candidates who wish to migrate to Canada and fulfill the eligibility criteria for any federal programs can submit an Express Entry profile on Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The top-ranking profiles are given The Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Permanent Residence.
The Candidates Must Be Eligible For One Of The Following Federal Economic Immigration Programs:
• Federal Skilled Worker Program.
• Federal Skilled Trades Program.
• Canadian Experience Class.
Labor Impact Category- The applicants who have submitted their application in the Express Entry Pool and also have an employment from a Prince Edward Island employer will be considered ant get a chance of an Expression of Interest (EOI) to migrate in Prince Edward Island. This stream categorizes the province's primary and innovative industries. This category divides into 3 subcategories, that are as follows:
• Skilled Worker Stream
• Critical Worker Stream
• International Graduate Stream
Skilled Worker Stream- The Skilled Worker stream allows the applicants who intend to be employed, identified and supported by a Prince Edward Island employer regarding employment for Canadian Permanent Residence.
Critical Worker Stream- The Critical Worker comes under the head of a pilot program which is analyzed annually to know the impact on industries and occupations. This program helps persons from certain professions to immigrate to Canada in the easiest possible way legally. The professions for which persons can qualify as critical workers are subject to change at short notice, so it’s best to enquire frequently regarding this stream.
International Graduate Stream- The International Graduate Stream allows the employers to recruit new graduates who have completed their education from a publicly funded Prince Edward Island educational institute.
What Are The Eligibility Criteria For Prince Edward Island provincial Nominee Program?
The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program is the most mainstream of Prince Edward Island migration process. This stream not only increases the chances of selection, but processing time is also faster.
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To be eligible under Prince Edwards Island – Provincial Nominee Program stream, you need to meet the below requirements
• Age-The applicant must have the age under 49 years at the time of submitting your application for Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program.
• Occupation-Although, Prince Edward Island does not have any specific occupation list, if your occupation falls under skill level 0, A, B, you can apply for Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program.
• Work Experience-The applicant must have a minimum year full-time, paid, continuous work experience in the skill level.
• Express Entry account-The applicant must have a valid Federal Express Entry Profile in pool.
• English Language Proficiency-It would be best to write IELTS- general training and score a minimum of six bands in each module.
• Foreign Qualification Recognition-The applicant must obtain foreign qualification recognition if the occupation is regulated in Prince Edward Island.
• Comprehensive Ranking Score- The highest-ranking candidate from the PEI- EOI pool will be invited to apply for Prince Edward Island.
• Additional Requirements- Although employment offer letter from Prince Edwards Island employer is not a mandatory requirement, priority will be given to applicants living and working in Prince Edward Island or having an employment offer letter from Canada.
For more information regarding the eligibility please connect with us on 8920523087 or you can email us on [email protected]
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jrimmigration · 2 days
Expert Guidance for Canada Immigration in Gurgaon with JR Immigration Consultant
Canada has become one of the most sought-after locations for people looking for a better fine of life, high-quality profession opportunities, and global-elegance training. However, navigating the Canadian immigration manner can be complicated and daunting. That’s in which JR Immigration Consultant steps in, providing pinnacle-tier services for those looking to immigrate to Canada from Gurgaon. With years of enjoy and a deep understanding of the immigration machine, JR Immigration Consultant stands proud as one of the satisfactory Canada immigration experts in Gurgaon.
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In this complete manual, we’ll cover the whole lot you need to realize approximately Canada immigration in Gurgaon, how JR Immigration Consultant can help, and why deciding on the proper consultant is essential for a successful immigration adventure.
Why Canada? A Top Destination for Immigrants
Canada is thought for its diversity, inclusiveness, and sturdy financial system. People from all over the global pick Canada for various motives:
1. High Quality of Life: Canada continually ranks the various top nations in phrases of excellent of lifestyles, healthcare, schooling, and economic opportunities.
2. Immigrant-Friendly Policies: The Canadian authorities actively supports immigration through quite a few parcels, consisting of Express Entry, Provincial Entrant Programs (PNPs), and circle of relative’s sponsorship.
3. Job Opportunities: With a booming pecuniary system and a strong task market, exclusively in fields such as IT, healthcare, engineering, and finance, Canada offers first rate career possibilities.
4. World-Class Education: Canada is home to a number of the best schools and faculties globally, making it an attractive vacation spot for students.
5. Permanent Residency and Citizenship Pathways: Canada gives a clean path to permanent residency and social accountability, permitting colonists to revel in lengthy-term balance and safety.
Challenges of the Canada Immigration Process
While Canada offers titanic opportunities, the immigration technique can be complex and time-consuming. Whether you are applying for Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs, or pupil visas, the process includes huge office work, stringent eligibility standards, and strict timelines.
Common Challenges:
• Complex Requirements: Each immigration application has its very own set of necessities, which includes qualifications, language proficiency, work experience, and monetary balance.
• Application Errors: Even minor errors for your application can result in delays or rejection.
• Document Preparation: Gathering and filing the correct files is vital. Missing or wrong files can appreciably impact your probabilities of approval.
• Frequent Policy Changes: Canadian immigration laws and directions are up to date frequently, which can make it grim to stay educated nearly the brand new requirements.
How JR Immigration Consultant Can Help You Immigrate to Canada
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At JR Immigration Consultant, we focus on helping people and families navigate the complicated Canadian immigration manner. Our crew of skilled specialists ensures that every step of your immigration adventure is easy and strain-unfastened. As one of the fine Canada immigration experts in Gurgaon, we offer personalised offerings tailor-made to satisfy your unique desires.
1. Comprehensive Assessment of Your Eligibility
Before you embark for your immigration adventure, it’s crucial to know which program fits your profile. Our crew at JR Immigration Consultant offers a radical assessment of your qualifications, paintings revel in, language capabilities, and different factors to determine the excellent pathway for you.
Programs We Specialize In:
• Express Entry: The fastest and most famous immigration application, Express Entry is primarily based on a points machine that evaluates factors which include age, schooling, work enjoy, and language proficiency.
• Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): Each Canadian province has its own immigration program that goals specific talents and occupations. We assist you perceive the right province primarily based to your qualifications and task prospects.
• Family Sponsorship: If you have circle of relatives contributors in Canada, you may be eligible to apply for circle of relatives sponsorship. We assist with preparing and filing your utility.
• Study Permits: Planning to take a look at in Canada? We manual you thru the method of obtaining a study allow and ensure your utility is whole.
• Work Permits: Whether you’re transferring to Canada for a task offer or need to explore work opportunities, we assist with paintings lets in, consisting of enterprise-particular and open paintings allows.
2. Accurate and Timely Documentation
One of the maximum crucial components of your immigration manner is the documentation. Even a single missing file can result in a rejection or widespread put off. At JR Immigration Consultant, we assist you prepare and post all required documents as it should be and on time.
Key Documents We Assist With:
• Educational Credential Assessment (ECA): For sure applications, you want an ECA to verify that your foreign education is equal to Canadian requirements. We assist you acquire this critical file.
• Language Proficiency Tests: Most Canadian immigration packages require proof of English or French language talent. We guide you thru the manner of registering for assessments which includes IELTS and TEF.
• Work Experience Verification: Work revel in is a key thing in lots of immigration packages. We assist you collect and present the necessary documents, including employment letters and references.
• Proof of Funds: Certain programs require evidence which you have enough monetary resources to guide your self and your family in Canada. We assist in compiling the vital files, consisting of financial institution statements and economic information.
3. Application Submission and Follow-Up
Once your files are prepared, we post your software and make sure it meets all of the requirements. JR Immigration Consultant continues tune of your software and offers ordinary updates. We additionally deal with any verbal exchange with Canadian immigration government in your behalf, so that you don’t need to worry about missing deadlines or essential notices.
4. Interview Preparation and Support
In some instances, you'll be required to attend an interview as a part of your immigration manner. Our team formulates you for the conference through conducting mock interviews and offering poles on how to reply to questions enthusiastically.
5. Post-Arrival Support
At JR Immigration Consultant, our services don’t stop when you receive your visa. We provide submit-arrival support, inclusive of steering on locating lodging, beginning financial institution debts, and settling in Canada. Our purpose is to make sure a easy transition for you and your circle of relatives as you begin your new lifestyles in Canada.
Why Choose JR Immigration Consultant?
There are many immigration consultants in Gurgaon, however JR Immigration Consultant stands proud for numerous motives:
1. Experience and Expertise
With years of enjoy in Canadian immigration, our crew has a deep knowledge of the numerous immigration programs and methods. We have correctly helped loads of clients obtain their dream of moving to Canada, and we're assured that we will let you too.
2. Personalized Services
Every purchaser’s scenario is precise, that's why we provide personalised gifts tailor-made on your particular desires. Whether you are assembly use of as an man or woman, own family, or pupil, we make the effort to apprehend your dreams and offer the high-quality solutions on your immigration adventure.
3. Transparency and Integrity
At JR Immigration Consultant, we trust in complete transparency. From the preliminary consultation to the submission of your utility, we keep you knowledgeable at each step of the method. There aren't any hidden charges or surprises—simply sincere, reliable provider you could accept as true with.
4. Success Rate
Our achievement rate speaks for itself. As one of the first-class Canada immigration experts in Gurgaon, we've got a established music file of supporting customers obtain their visas and successfully settle in Canada.
5. Comprehensive Services
Our offerings go beyond simply visa application help. We provide a full variety of immigration offerings, from eligibility evaluation and report training to post-arrival assist. Whatever your wishes, JR Immigration Consultant is right here to help you every step of the manner.
Conclusion: Your Trusted Partner for Canada Immigration in Gurgaon
When it comes to Best Canada Immigration Consultants in Gurgaon, deciding on the right consultant can make all the difference. JR Immigration Consultant elasticity expert guidance, customized offerings, and a deep-rooted music file of fulfillment. Whether you are spread over via Express Entry, PNP, or for a look at or paintings allow, we're right here that will help you attain your Canadian dream.
Contact JR Immigration Consultant these days for a consultation and take step one in the direction of a brighter destiny in Canada. We are devoted to creating your immigration adventure as easy and pressure-free as viable.
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immigrationoffers · 6 days
Esse India: A Comprehensive Overview of Canadian, Australian, and German Permanent Residency
At Esse India, we recognize the growing interest among skilled professionals, students, and families in securing permanent residency (PR) in countries like Canada, Australia, and Germany. These nations are known for their strong economies, high quality of life, and attractive immigration pathways. Each country has tailored programs to suit the unique skills and qualifications of applicants. Whether you're interested in Canada’s Express Entry, Australia's Global Talent Stream, or Germany's EU Blue Card, understanding the processes and requirements is vital to achieving your immigration goals.
1. Canadian Permanent Residency (PR)
Canada is renowned for its welcoming immigration policies, making it one of the most sought-after destinations for individuals seeking PR. The country offers a range of immigration programs managed by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), with Express Entry being one of the most popular systems.
Express Entry and Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)
The Express Entry system governs three major economic immigration programs:
Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
Applicants are ranked using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), which allocates points based on key factors such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency. Regular Express Entry draws are held to issue Invitations (to Apply ITAs) to candidates with the highest CRS scores.
In recent draws:
September 19, 2024: 4,000 ITAs were issued to Canadian Experience Class candidates with a minimum CRS score of 509.
August 27, 2024: 3,300 ITAs were issued to CEC candidates with a minimum CRS score of 507.
The competitiveness of the Express Entry system means even small differences in CRS scores can significantly impact eligibility. Factors such as language proficiency (in English or French), educational qualifications, and having a job offer or provincial nomination can significantly boost CRS scores.
Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
For candidates with lower CRS scores, the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) offers an alternative route to Canadian PR. Provinces such as British Columbia (BCPNP), Manitoba (MPNP), and New Brunswick (NBPNP) nominate candidates based on regional labor market needs. A provincial nomination adds 600 CRS points, significantly increasing the likelihood of receiving an ITA in subsequent Express Entry draws.
Canada Immigration Consultants in India
At Esse India, we provide specialized assistance to clients applying for Canada PR from India. Our experienced team guides you through the entire Canada PR process, from meeting the Canadian permanent residency requirements to preparing the necessary documentation. We ensure a seamless application process, helping you achieve your immigration goals efficiently.
2. Australia Permanent Residency (PR)
Australia is another prime destination for individuals seeking permanent residency. Known for its strong economy and high demand for skilled professionals, Australia's immigration system offers multiple pathways to PR, particularly through the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program.
General Skilled Migration (GSM)
The GSM program is a points-based system that includes visas such as:
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)
Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491)
Applicants are scored on various factors, including age, education, work experience, and English language skills. High-scoring applicants are invited to apply for PR. The Australia PR process requires applicants to meet the points test threshold, with State Nomination offering additional points to improve eligibility.
Global Talent Stream in Australia
For highly skilled professionals in industries like IT, engineering, and healthcare, Australia offers the Global Talent Stream, a fast-track program to permanent residency. Applicants with expertise in critical sectors can receive priority processing through this stream.
Australia Immigration Consultants in India
At Esse India, we specialize in providing end-to-end support for the Australia PR procedure. Our experts assist clients with understanding the Australia PR process, including the eligibility criteria, required documents, and application steps. We help streamline the process, ensuring clients can efficiently navigate the Australian immigration system from India.
3. Germany Permanent Residency (PR)
Germany offers a robust immigration system tailored to professionals with high qualifications and those in critical sectors such as technology, engineering, and healthcare. With its strong economy and high demand for skilled workers, Germany provides a clear path to permanent residency through programs like the EU Blue Card.
EU Blue Card
The EU Blue Card is the preferred route for non-EU nationals seeking to live and work in Germany. To qualify, applicants must have a job offer that meets the minimum salary requirement and hold a recognized university degree. After working with an EU Blue Card for 21 to 33 months (depending on language proficiency), individuals can apply for permanent residency.
Global Talent Stream in Germany
Germany’s Global Talent Stream allows exceptionally skilled professionals in fields like engineering, science, and technology to fast-track their residency and visa applications. This stream addresses Germany's need for talent in key sectors, offering a quicker route to PR.
Germany PR Process
The Germany permanent residency process involves obtaining a work visa, fulfilling residency requirements, and proving language proficiency. Once these criteria are met, individuals can apply for permanent residency under the Germany PR procedure.
Germany Immigration Consultants in India
At Esse India, we offer tailored guidance for Indian nationals looking to apply for Germany PR. Our team is well-versed in the PR process for Germany from India, offering expert assistance with documentation, compliance, and application submission. We ensure our clients meet all requirements for a successful PR application.
4. Work and Study Opportunities in Canada, Australia, and Germany
For individuals seeking both work and study opportunities, Canada, Australia, and Germany offer excellent programs. Many universities provide scholarships and work-study options, allowing international students to manage their expenses while pursuing their education.
Study and Work in Canada
Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) allows international students to work for up to three years after graduation, providing valuable work experience that can be leveraged to apply for PR through the Canadian Experience Class.
Study and Work in Australia
Australia offers the Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485), which allows students to remain in the country and work after completing their studies. This work experience can improve their points for the GSM program.
Study and Work in Germany
Germany’s Job Seeker Visa enables graduates to stay in the country for up to 18 months to find employment. Once employed, they can apply for a work visa or the EU Blue Card, eventually leading to PR.
At Esse India, we are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the complex immigration processes of Canada, Australia, and Germany. Whether you’re seeking permanent residency, work visas, or study opportunities, our team of experienced consultants ensures that your applications meet all necessary criteria. We are here to support you in every step of your immigration journey, offering personalized solutions to help you achieve your international aspirations.
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