#Global talent in the USA
usadvlottery · 8 months
Embark on a professional odyssey through Employment-Based Immigration in the USA, a gateway for skilled individuals and professionals seeking career opportunities on American soil. This immigration pathway encompasses various visa categories, from the widely recognized H1B to employment-based green cards, providing a diverse spectrum of professionals the chance to contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the U.S. job market. Explore stories of achievement, resilience, and innovation as individuals navigate the complexities of employment-based immigration, fostering economic growth and enriching industries across the nation. Join us in celebrating the success stories of those who have turned their ambitions into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the ever-evolving landscape of the American workforce.
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theaguanzon · 1 year
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I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. Novellas, poetry, fanfiction—you name it. There was always a burning desire to express what was in my heart, to tell the stories that lived in my head. However, because I’m located in the Global South, because I’m the product of several generations of law and medicine, l never let myself think that it could be anything more than a hobby only for my spare time. It wasn’t until 2020 that I took a leap of faith, quitting my office job and deferring my master’s program abroad in order to write a fantasy romance epic rooted in Southeast Asian culture, tradition, and mythology.
And now, flash forward three years, my debut novel THE HURRICANE WARS is a USA Today, Indie, and New York Times bestseller in its first week of release! This would never have been possible without: my communities, fandom and Filipino, and all the book bloggers who really showed up for this novel, who tirelessly spread the word; my brilliant agent Thao Le who’s had my back since day one; my Harper Voyager US team, who poured so much time and creative energy into THW’s publishing and campaign; and the booksellers and librarians throughout the US who advocated for an unknown brown author’s debut to have a place on their shelves. I owe it all to you!
I kind of want to cry for the girl I used to be, battling mental health issues and flitting from one degree program to the next, hoping to find the one that was fulfilling and “acceptable” at the same time, even though deep down writing was all there ever was or could be. I kind of want that girl to see into her future and say “Kaya naman pala” and wallow a bit. But I prefer to embrace this moment, in awe at the knowledge that my past has informed the voice that I now share with the world, and it is this same past that has gotten me here.
I’m proud to represent my motherland the Philippines in this achievement. I hope that in some small way this can be a step toward encouraging Southeast Asian policymakers to address the gaps in support and infrastructure for our talented local writing scenes, as well as motivating the global publishing industry to seek out more Southeast Asian writers and give our stories a platform. Onward! 💖🌩️
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ancaporado · 3 months
I know that many ancaps/libertarians are pro population growth and pro development, I however think that the global population and megacities are a government abomination. I keep thinking that places like the UK/Beltway/LA of USA are so fucked up because they don't have any real wilderness left. it's just a cultivated grid of human housing, industry, agriculture, the largest undomesticated creature being a racoon or fox or something pathetically small and unthreatening. Even the meme "birds aren't real" I think is a riff on this; you live in a 100% man-made environment, even the birds might as well be government spy robots.
When you fundamentally have to interact with an artificial rules based world all the time you have a tendency to systematize everything, and believe the lie that imaginary things like laws and governments are real physical things, and not just the whims of the police officer on the corner. Somewhat like abuse victims internalize the rules of their abuser to avoid punishment and cope. The urban landscape is the breeding ground of the cancerous and parasitic human survival strategy we identify as socialism/collectivism/progressivism.
The only real laws are those of nature, physics, chemistry, biology, evolution. Humans are an animal and we adapt to our environment, which is a mouse utopia. The modern world is so sick and against nature because our power to wall it out of our lives has created a hubris to rebel against these things. Progressivism in a sense, is rejection of natural order, a rejection of subjection to nature or nature's God. This is how you get to where we are today. I don't need to list the examples, but the unreality of thinking we can abolish scarcity, inequality, sex, the family, etc...
I don't want civilization and cities and humans not to exist. I just want radical concentrations of those things. We had 2.5% the global population in antiquity and still got innovative and talented thinkers that we still discuss today, artists, engineers, etc. These people had ample access to an untamed world, one that was unpredictable, and challenged them.
The urban human is a domesticated one. They have no real self-determination. Without a world unmade by humans, they have no reference for something beyond the imagination of another human, no blank canvas to make their own. Like the shadows of Plato's cave I'd wager it's like a person forced to look into a mirror their entire life. They would have no ability to identify themselves in the mirror as they have no reference that the mirror isn't just the entire world.
Climbing mountains, navigating rapids, scaling rock walls, skiing couloirs... the physical conquest of nature yields a surprise that cannot be claimed from an artificial challenge.
Think of the sweating, yelling, heaving mass of Cairo,
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Mexico city
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You might just assume they make great films, music, art, thinkers, engineers, and we just don't hear about them because they don't get distributed here or something. No it's just a mass of human flesh consuming the natural world, no ability to reflect and create, just consume.
Almost all of these places import food from the temperate climates of developed nations. A two year breakdown of global supply chains would result in them starving in the millions.
Even here in western civilization we yield the prime 'high-density walkable" real-estate to degenerates via council and section 8 housing.
Government programs of fiat currency, the welfare-warfare state, followed by deindustrialization has resulted in a massive mismatch in human population and economic/environmental capacity. Sure, here's where someone could politely chime in that "humans have infinite creative capacity, we just need to unlock their potential and your Malthusian doomsday is no more" and I grant that to a degree.
But massive declines in human population, the standard of living, and technology are regular historical occurrences. Western science has had an absolute "ick" towards actually understanding and implementing Darwinism towards human populations. Country-wide datasets of IQ probably remain stable due to the continuing rise/Flynn effect of the middle/upper class offsetting the sliding downward of the welfare class. There's no evolutionary biologist who wouldn't recognize that the market economy selects for intelligence and the welfare state was our feeble altruistic effort to carry the "but I did have breakfast" population along with us.
We've had nearly a century and, in some cases of repeated teen pregnancies, 6 or 7 generations who were never asked to provide for themselves meaningfully. They live in an ever more confusing world of late payments, cash advances, welfare office applications, prison stints, evictions, and unplanned pregnancies. Each generation more befuddled than the last. Recent studies show that there have been population bottlenecks through human evolution. In the bronze age as few as 1 in 17 men reproduced at all.
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Biological imperatives of reproduction rule over all other sentiments and altruistic masochism. For the silent generation and the boomers, the welfare state was a token price they agreed to pay to keep the peace and they could afford it as they got race-rioted out of their downtown homes into the suburbs. Now the jig is up and millennials en-masse are finding that they can't afford to have kids *intentionally*. They look at their pay stub getting taxed at 40% so that, over at the section 8 housing, "baby mamas" collect government checks for the consequence of a hookup with serial felons, who are also housed and fed with working people's taxes. The boomers made a devil's bargain, they cucked their children!
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Now we enter the final death spiral of empires and welfare states: below replacement fertility rates and above GDP national debt!
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The group most prepared for the coming calamity, the group who predicted it, and who will emerge as victors are those who are internally pro-growth/pro population but maintain in-group preferences. The stats bear out:
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Now this shift isn't just conservatives but libertarians also. In a couple generations we have gone from 1% in the 70's to 10% in the 2010s and now easily 25% in the 2020's (many libertarians simply don't vote or vote republican). We will replace left-wingers, who only reproduce vampirically via public education, in the next generation. There is hope at the end of this journey but it will be difficult in the mean time. Prepare yourself accordingly.
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stories-untold · 6 months
The plight of the Palestinians (an unfair fight against dehumanisation, and the impact of our activism)
before I start, I want to preface by saying that, I'm not writing about the Palestinian genocide because I find it fascinating in some morbid way, or for any other fucked up reason. I'm writing this because I love to write, and I want to be able to use my love for writing as a means to amplify the Palestinian cause, as everyone should with their talents or hobbies, if possible. (I know no amount of words that I've written here could be enough for the lives we've already lost, so I'll just keep writing until I physically can't anymore. my heart goes out to evey single Palestinian. ) also, my thoughts were a extremely jumbled bc the Palestinian cause is extremely important to me, so I apologise if its not the smoothest read through.*also, I have a public Palestine playlist on tiktok, with over 2000 tiktoks filled with information, ways to help, and every gofundme that I come across, and I would be an idiot to not use this post as a way to ask you to check it out (my username on tiktok angelwingsdotcom, no need to follow me just save the playlist) thank you, and free Palestine 🇵🇸‼️*
there's a very depressing pattern that's hard to miss while watching the Palestinians displaced within Gaza as well as their families outside of the country ask people to donate to their gofundmes or PayPal accounts, and it speaks to a much larger issue. they must always try to convince the viewer that they to, are worthy of living a normal life, through self humanisation as a direct pushback to dehumanisation that they face by the hour. they speak of the ages of their youngest children, the ailments and disabilities of their family members, and talk of their hobbies, jobs and likes and dislikes, and it serves as a reminder. a reminder that they are all human, as are we, the ones on the other side of the screen, safely away from the carnage that they face at the hands of the "Israeli" offense force. I find myself being disgusted at the world that they need to do this, use a love for video games, or a 10th birthday missed, or the cries of a newborn baby, to contextualise that this genocide is happening to real people, kind people, undeserving people.
the global pandemic of apathy is currently attempting to bury any sense of solidarity we have amongst each other alive, shovel in its bloody hands. the amount of people who vehemently refuse to boycott any brand, with a shrug of their shoulders and a swift "I have my own problems, and I don't live there so." stands between the space of distressing, delusional, and blood curdling. since when did the metric for whether or not you should care about the ethnic cleaning of a people, depend on your proximity to them? how can any living, breathing, feeling person watch on and see the corpses of lives that we will never be able to get back even if a ceasefire is called tomorrow, and decide to simply not care? I ask these questions rhetorically, because I don't want to hear anything from someone who does not care about the lives of others.
sustenance of the self is extremely important, that is something I acknowledge, but the acts that one can undertake in order to support the Palestinian cause are so simple, that they should not incite so much defensiveness from those who have their own internal issues. all it takes is a repost here, a comment or a follow, lending and an eye and an ear to bare witness to the atrocities that Palestinians are being subjected to the IOF and the billions given to them by the USA (a country which had many issues of its own, none that will be fixed by the relocation of money to an active genocide), boycotting pressure targets and finding alternatives of which there are plenty. all these acts culminate towards the eventual true freedom of Palestinians, and yet, people refuse. individual efforts are deemed useless, and people are able to comfort themselves in their apathy through the belief that their efforts would nevertheless be in vain. but that could not be further from the truth.
its incredibly easy to feel useless when watching the violence being inflicted by isnotreali murderers posing as soldiers on Palestinians in real time, but I want to remind you that each little action you take helps. I remember a few months ago, my brother asked what I thought I was doing by boycotting McDonalds when almost no else in the country is, and my answer was simple. I don't care what others do, I know what and who I care about, and I care about Palestinians, and they asked me to boycott, so I will. and my boycotting, however small it is on an individual scale, is made so much more impactful by people who similar beliefs, thus making my boycott significant through unity. and that is the one weapon we can wield against our oppressors, togetherness. they try to convince that you can't do it alone, and the truth of the matter is that you can't. but you're not doing it alone. I'm just a girl living in South Africa, and you're probably somewhere else in the world, and yet, your and my efforts mixed with everyone around the world, will incite change, do not be discouraged or manipulated into believing that you are not helping, because you are, no matter how small your effort may feel.
if your individual effort truly didn't matter, then zionist would simply turn the other way, and yet, they consistently parrot each other "boycotts don't do anything" "reposting a video isn't gonna help anyone" but they know the power of people standing together. they use it too, flocking to pro Palestine posts and floding the comments with the same falsified information and zionist rethoric, and if they can he united in their hate, then surely we can do the same. so keep posting, keep commenting and sharing, keep donating, and keep your eyes on Palestine, because you mean so much more to the people currently in gaza than you could ever know.
the goal of zionism is not to get people to hate Palestinians or Arabs, the end goal is disinterest. they want people to hold their tears and roll their eyes when they hear the cries of a Palestinian baby, and the current generation is already so uncaring even with no ties to zionism. its disgusting, and the attitude of "what can I do?" only works to aid the zionist agenda. its especially disheartening to Palestinians displaced within gaza right now, as they only have us to count on. they've pleaded with us to listen, and given us simple instructions, it is truly the humane thing to do to follow them. my fyp is almost exclusively Palestinian informational videos, updates, and gofundmes, and that's thanks to my personalised algorithm. but if I were to take this very platform as an example, 3 or 4 months ago, Palestine was first on trending, but now it isn't even in the top ten. people are losing interest, and it's heartbreaking.
people are even going as far as to defend others for not using their platforms to speak on the Palestinian genocide and its truly mind-boggling to witness. they deflect by asking why we put pressure on influencers and celebrities instead of politicians, but I can't help but wonder, since when were the two mutually exclusive? I've seen countless videos of protesters interrupting politicians during events and calling them out for not only being complicit in genocide, but actively defending and funding it. we can do both, and I refuse to be shamed for expecting people who have large audiences to do the right thing, the humane thing, and speak on the genocide of Palestinians. if anything, all the celebrities and influencers staying silent, whether it be for money or to keep their status within the entertainment industry, or simply because they couldn't be bothered to care, they should be ashamed.
it's obviously impossible and frankly unhealthy to be consuming the harrowing updates and videos of corpses run over by IOF tanks, the bodies of starved babies, and the blood in the hands of parents who cry for the children to wake up, and that's not whats expected of you. find a balance that works for you, that's vital. but completely taking your eyes away from the genocide, muting the word Palestine, and carrying on exactly as you were before the genocide started, isn't the answer. please, use social media to help Palestinians, it's easy, it's effective, and people are counting on you.
Palestine will be free, and having a small hand in their eventual freedom, is worth so much more than fame, or money, or a big mac, or coffee. even in the midst of a genocide, Palestinians continue to exhibit a care for others, they help those around them, use the tiktok sounds dedicated to other genocides and crisis around the world, and they always express their gratitude for people donating, liking, commenting and sharing. they show more humanity and kindness than us who are sitting comfortably in our homes, not constantly surrounded by rubble, blood, screams and cries for help, and drones flying above, remnants of what once was. they deserve to live, and we should not need convincing of that irrefutable fact. I am not in proximity to Palestine location wise, I'm not Palestinian, or Muslim, or Arab. but I don't need to be, and neither do you.
Free Palestine.
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
Fifteen Questions for Fifteen Mutuals
With apologies for answering this so late - thank you for tagging me, @general-illyrin!!
Are you named after anyone? Not my first name - my middle name is named after a character in a very obscure fantasy novel though
Do you have kids? No.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, nearly constantly, I'm a snarky bitch
When was the last time you cried? Like...last week? Life is hard rn ok
What's the first thing you notice about other people? Honestly? Probably their hair. I like hair :)
Eye colour? Blue
What sports do you/have played? I used to run a lot if that counts, lately my health has been very borked so not so much anymore. I played soccer in middle school I guess? look im a nerd, what did you expect
Any special talent? ummmm. I play violin. I used to teach an elementary school orchestra so I guess I'm pretty good at wrangling 2nd graders? I'm also fairly good at wrangling Karens, I used to be a retail manager and it shows haha. oh I'm also very good at getting along with unfriendly cats.
Where were you born? USA
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, i hate scary movies
Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat named Momo (yes, he is named after the lemur from ATLA)
How tall are you? 5' 10.5", or 179 cm
What are your hobbies? Writing fanfic, reading fanfic, running (when I'm less sick), playing chess, playing Mario Party, uhhh does getting boba count as a hobby because i do a lot of it
Favorite subject in school? English/literature by a wide margin. Despite this I am now a chemical engineer
Dream job? Scientist who has the breakthrough that saves the planet and stops global warming. im doing my best ok
No-pressure tagging @eilinelsghost, @curuwen, @arrivisting, @leucisticpuffin, @redbootsindoriath, @mersilisk, @sakasakiii, @skull-bearer, @sesamenom, @aotearoa20, @solmarillion, @welcomingdisaster, @cycas, @idrilsscribe, and @melestasflight! You all are amazing <3
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
I just don't understand what his team was thinking when they agreed to this stunt. Exactly how does he benefit from it other then being seen as an uber straight grade-A douchebag? Is this really the image his team wants for Timmy? There's just too much talent and potential there to be shamming with a Kartrashian/Jenner.
Hello, Anon:
It’s absolutely mind-boggling what having more money than God can buy in the United States of America these days: New lips, new hips, and a sparkling new image with a shiny new man who apparently doesn’t even need to be present to win.
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The KarJenner PR team has been hard at work for the last few months for a classy reboot of baby sister Kylie, complete with a romance with the internet’s boyfriend, style influencer and fashion icon Timothée Chalamet, who also happens to be the greatest actor of his generation. At face value, it certainly does seem like an unlikely match, given the imbalance of (dare I say it?) intellectual curiosity and preternatural talents between them. But anything is possible, when one has more money than one can ever spend in several lifetimes and the other has greater goals and ambitions than his power and influence will allow at this point in his career.
Both parties involved, however directly or indirectly, can find benefit in being in each other’s orbits driveways, taco restaurants, tarmac, in an image-conscious culture ravenous for juicy content just like this.
One of the pair has received a decidedly more positive boost from it.
The other, not so much, perhaps by design.
He may have extremely valid reasons for wanting to promote that particular “douchebag” image, if he really is willingly participating in what appears to be yet another PR romance. His handlers and PR team probably assume that he must do this in order to continue to level up in Hollywood as the next Leonardo DiCaprio. And they are probably right, given the current wave of puritanical bigotry in the USA and elsewhere in the world. There is far too much money riding on the success of his next three potentially blockbuster projects and too many people with a vested interest in his success for them to allow his image to be seen as anything other than “normal” in order to appeal to the mainstream sensibilities of a global audience. His own ambitions most likely make it impossible to refuse.
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Can’t knock the hustle. ✨💃🕺🏻✨ And both of them are hustlers. Maybe that’s what they have in common.
If this were truly an authentic romance, we already know that all they would need to do to keep it private is to KEEP IT PRIVATE: Say nothing to the press, don’t call the paparazzi to meet you in the parking lot, don’t alert the media at all. They both have the means and resources to disappear from public view whenever they want, if they really wanted to do that. It’s not a requirement to begin a new relationship with a press release, not even for celebrities.
And yet here we are, a love story loudly announced in a tale of two cars, maybe three, long driveways but park at the bottom where everyone can see, and taco dates with paparazzi who take photos but only with his wingman.
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A story which has made it abundantly clear that at least one of them wants to
MAKE SURE EVERYONE NOTICES their super-duper-uber-private budding romance 🚘🌮❣️🌮🚘
I’m not entirely convinced that he’s even an active participant in all of this, TBH. Many of the details thus far don’t add up to much of anything except a lot of black cars being shuffled around in his driveway published by the trash gossip press with sensationalist headlines and articles intended to plant the idea in the minds of those who want to believe it or need to know it’s happening.
For reasons.
And all of this accomplished without a single decent photo as concrete evidence of this alleged romance between two people famously well-versed in the art of the selfie in the golden age of Instagram.
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Not even a fan photo or one “leaked” by their team. Nothing, except some extraordinarily grainy outdoor shots in someone’s backyard where the only easily identifiable person is Kylie Jenner and only because of her unusual proportions, in a town teeming with Teemo lookalikes who would happily stand in for the real thing for nothing but the chance to say they did it.
The Devil works hard but Kris Jenner works harder.
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Seeing might be believing, but only if we can actually see what we’re seeing.
Thanks for your comment. 🤔🥔📸🎪🫤🤷🏻‍♀️
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valpoupdates · 2 months
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here in the Valparaíso Region, we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise, these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the valpocalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
BUT FIRST ! A word from VALPOFM... Transmitting...
"Gotta be real, guys: being stuck in a tent at a snowstorm at El Carnaval De Invierno was not on my bingo card for July, and judging from the stats I'm looking at, I don't think very many of our listeners had a great month either. While we were all pleased to hear the newest tracks from both my sister Luna Dominguez-Herrera and great friend and ValpoFM co-host Tobias North, produced by the brilliantly talented Spencer Westin, some of you chose instead to listen to… a Nancy Drew audiobook ? Mountain lion growling noises ? Oi guëy, whatever. I'm Sebastián Herrera and this is the ValpoFM July 2024 playlist, made by residents- but listen: if you like real music, stay tuned later this month for a special session hosted by Salem West, because her new album drops soon. "
Casablanca Activities
August 1-30 : It’s not agosto, it’s aGATO!  This month, El Café de los Gatos is hosting a special adoptions in August event.  Every weekend, the cafe will be featuring different cats for adoption: staff will have poster boards made for each cat; they’lll be featured on staff’s social media; and the adoption fees will be discounted for those specific cats for the weekend.  Even if you don’t adopt, come spend an afternoon with some baked goods, sweet coffee, and feline friends.  We promise it’ll be a purrfect time!
August 3 : Inesperado celebrates International Blues Music Day with a live performance and a special dinner menu inspired by cuisine from the southern USA ( with a Chilean twist ! ). The special dinner and live performance will be from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM.  Tickets will cover the seat and the 13-course meal—and they’re going fast, so reserve your table now!
August 6 : Chile and Peru will be coming together for this year’s Global Grape Convention held at Isidora’s!  Major retailers and prominent organizations will be hosting conferences and open dialogue to discuss critical industry issues, provide the latest market information, and offer innovative solutions and strategic insights for sector opportunities.  The convention takes place from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, with an after-ceremony cocktail event from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM held at Agustín’s Jazz Lounge, and food catered by guest chef and famed Argentinian chef, Julieta Sáenz.
August 20 : Buen día, ¡Valparaíso!  Tune in at 9:00 AM today for a very special interview that you won’t wanna miss.  ValpoFM has quite a guest for you!  She’s beauty; she’s grace; she’s a star finding her place!  She’s Valpo’s very own Salem West ( @cybermuses ) and she’s here to talk to the ValpoFM AM hosts about her upcoming album, Moment! Pitchfork describes it as “a rare species of pop-soul that evokes a real sense of spiritual uplift.”  This album tells us we’re meant for more: we’re not just succeeding, we’re made for better things—and we’re excited to ask Salem what better things she has in mind.
August 31 : For Every Season sends their warmest regards and most sincere apologies to all those caught in the sudden and freak snowstorm back in July.  As the winter season comes to an end, the amusement park would like to extend a special invite to those trapped during that time ( and a discounted rate to the rest of the public ) for the last winter day of the season.  For Every Season welcomes you back with open arms; come back and make some snow angels!  Come back and make better memories!
Quilpué Activities
August 1 : It’s International Mahjong Day, and the Plaza de Sol invites all mahjong players, beginners and veterans alike, to their food court turned mahjong court!  From 11 AM - 5 PM, if you think you’ve got what it takes, come grab a seat and test your luck and skills!  If you’ve always wanted to play, now’s the time to learn, as there are several beginner tables with a knowledgeable player, ready to teach you the ropes.  If you’re just feeling peckish and wanting brunch and a show, come do a little bit of shopping, grab a meal from the 40+ food court vendors, and watch mahjong players do what they do best. Peace, love, and good luck to all!
August 15 : Los Fantasmas has scary stories, drinks, and ( potential ) ghosts—but you know what else they have?  A roller derby champion!  Los Fantasmas’ very own Poet Hawley ( @wishingbcnes ) leads the Los Fantasmas team in their very first roller derby competition!  The competition will take place from 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM.  Tickets to compete and watch will go towards a charity of the winner’s choosing; winners also will receive free drinks at the most haunted bar in Valpo ( it is not transferable to other people; staff members retain the right to cut off drinks per their discretion ).  Do you think you have what it takes to win?  Are you going to be the jammer, or are you going to get jammed?  
August 19 : Cosmic Connections wants you to know that not only is this moon a full moon, but it’s a supermoon!  This is the ideal cosmic time to practice manifestation and invite positive change.  Intentions, goals, prayers, and wishes are more likely heard and supported by unforeseen forces during this time.  If you were ever to wish upon a star, you should make it during a supermoon—even better, make it with the professional, spiritual, and expert guidance of those at Cosmic Connections!
August 27 : You’ve heard of Taco Tuesday, but what about Tobacco Tuesday?  If you haven’t, swing through to Puro Chile and they can tell you all about it!  While you’re there, why don’t you take advantage of their Tobacco Tuesday sale?  Special discounted rates on stock as they’re trying to clear out for the season, a nice little BOGO, and some special strains you can’t find anywhere else except in the Jewel of the Pacific.
Valparaíso Activities
August 17 : Pequeños Eruditos will be celebrating Black Cat Appreciation Day by decking out the entire place with cat-themed decor and paraphernalia.  The children will learn all about cats ( from big ones to small ones! ), and there will be a fun photoshoot at the end of the day where kids can wear different colored cat ears.  Gift bags containing photos from the photoshoot, a cat plushie, building blocks, and a kids’ book ( La suerte de ser un gato negro ) will be given to each child. 
August 18-24 : Calling all ( amateur & local ) photographers!  Casaplan is hosting a photography competition, specifically for the beginner, the amateur, and the lover of photography.  The title and theme of the competition is A Mis Ojos: Paraíso.  For the entire week, submissions will be open to all Valpo Region photographers.  All entries will be judged and selected by a panel of expert photographers, and all selected photographs will be featured in next month’s public exhibit.  Send up to three ( 3 ) photographs to [email protected].  ¡Buena suerte!
August 29-30 : Valpo Universidad presents TED Talk x Valpo, a yearly conference where students from all over Chile ( and some neighboring countries ) as well as a variety of organizations come together to exchange ideas on education, technology, business, and creativity.  This year’s speakers and topics range from quantum computers to the musicality in sign language to folklore—as Valpo's very own Luna Dominguez-Herrera ( @divinctions ) will be presenting their research and thesis: “The Earth’s Unseen Powers: Seasonal Pagan Ritual Magic in Popular and Unpopular Culture.”  From 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, come support your colleagues; come watch the next generation of academics, scientists, and creatives; come and learn about the world around you and the people most excited to teach you about it!  ( Snacks, appetizers, and beverages will be provided by the culinary department. )
August 31 : Ilustraverde is working with the Writer’s Org to make sure your manuscript is in tip-top shape.  From 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, several Ilustraverde Editors will be there to give a presentation on manuscript, writing, and submission tips; there will also be time carved out for a workshop with your fellow writers and with the editors; and lastly, there will be time to network while eating lunch provided by the culinary students of Valpo Universidad. 
Viña del Mar Activities
August 6 : Nido de Nomadas invites its hostel guests to a special community cookout!  From 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM, the hostel staff will be cooking caldillo de congrio, a delicious seafood concoction served in a bowl, and baking bread from scratch ( fun fact : caldillo de congrio was a Pablo Neruda favorite ! ).  Hostel staff encourage participation from their guests, but if cooking or baking isn’t your thing, you can still spend time with your fellow wanderers as board games will be provided— and, if you’re not a hostel guest, have no fear!  This event is open to the public, as tours of the facility will also be offered to prospective guests ( or to hostel guests and their friends ) all day.
August 23 : If you’ve got nowhere to be at 8:00 PM, come on down to 12 Pulgadas as Un Breve Concierto is being live-streamed!  You can’t make it in, but you can peek inside from the windows—and who’s the talent?  Why, none other than Valpo’s very own Salem West ( @cybermuses ), whose new album Moment is set to hit the shelves, digitally and physically.  Critics are already raving about her musical genius, writing that she “excels at striking a tone that’s classic, sexy, and understated . . . under a veneer of fantasy and metaphor, like how it still counts . . . as a dress even if it’s mesh.”  You heard it here first, folks, so cancel those 8:00 PM plans and come watch un breve concierto!
August 25 : Just because it’s winter time doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the local park!  Jardín Botánico invites you to spend a Sunday exploring the 370 acre national botanical garden with 2 clubs of your choice: The Bird Watching Club ( at 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM ) and The Foodies ( at 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM ).  There are a variety of birds that thrive in the Chilean winter, and the Bird Watching Club has put together a little bingo card to help you out.  Whoever gets a BINGO will receive 4 tickets to go to the Quilpué Zoo.  The Foodies will be working with a famous forager ( known for their informative and fun foraging TikToks ) to show members how to identify edible and poisonous plants, how to sustainably gather local plants, and how to prepare them.  The Foodies will be grilling for lunch, and all foraged foods will be part of the meal.  If neither of those clubs interesting you, maybe you’ll be excited to know that the Combi Coffee Stand is debuting two new drinks: La Avalancha, a sweet caffeinated concoction that’ll warm you right up, and The Snowman, a hot chocolate drink that mixes 3 high quality chocolates.
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I definitely agree with you about Aitana and Alexia, I would definitely make my list differently
This might definitely be an unpopular opinion but I would definitely have Megan Rapinoe on my top 10, not because she’s a great player but she’s done a lot of activism for all different types of groups, and she’s risked her whole career to do it, even with all the intense online abuse she got, she never backed down.
Yes I’m American and yes im definitely biased.
Also some more information about fucking ESPN, it’s literally become one of the worst sports channels, they have the lousiest sports coverage, I can watch more sports on YouTube than them, I can also guarantee you most of the workers don’t watch women’s football.
Sorry about the rant, I just hate ESPN
yes, that surprised me that espn didn't put megan rapinoe in the top 10, but given what you said about espn, i guess i should not be! 😬
so the first world cup that i remember watching was the 2011 one in germany with my family and the dramatic usa-brasil match where rapinoe assisted wambach. wow, the drama! it was very exciting.
but honestly, i will remember rapinoe for all of her off the field activism and being one of the first female footballers to be outspoken on so many issues like racism and homophobia. i'm speaking from the context of 'las 15' where players were willing to sacrifice their national careers to stand up for what's right, and i will always respect rapinoe for taking that stance as well. 🫡
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yes! i think the asian players are very underrated even today. we speak about the teams in generalities but don't really give individual players their flowers. homare sawa and saki kumagai are such legends. but also china's sun wen (back when china was a global power in football!) and then such gifted players like south korea's ji so-yun and the next generation of japan like yui hasegawa, maika hamano, and jun endo are talented too!
selfishly, i would love to see more japanese players in the barça system!
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katseye-daily · 10 months
The HybexGeffen global girl group Katseye (cat’s-eye) will debut in 2024 with a Netflix documentary releasing that summer! Learn more about the members here <3 Who’s your bias?
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Name: Sophia
Country: Philippines
Age: 20
Zodiac: Capricorn
About: She can speak English and Tagalog.
– She is Christian.
– Her nicknames are Sophie, Fifi, and Sopheezy.
– Sophia has a chow dog named Charlie.
– Her mother is Carla Guevara Laforteza; a singer and actress.
– She graduated from high school in 2021.
– Sophia is a fan of BTS and her bias and role model is V. (Elle Korea)
– BTS are the reason she applied to the audition in the first place.
– Sophia is also a fan of ENHYPEN and Jungwon.
– Her role model is LE SSERAFIM‘s Huh Yunjin. (Weverse, IG)
– She appeared in a 2022 episode of Family Feud Phillipines.
– 3 words that describe Sophia: Hysterical, caring, and diligent.
– She is the chef of the group
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Name: Lara
Country: USA
Age: 18
Zodiac: Scorpio
About: Lara is from Los Angeles, USA.
– She can speak English and Tamil.
– Lara is ethnically Indian.
– Her nickname is Laru.
– She produces music.
– Lara enjoys fashion alot.
– She was featured in the video for Michelle Obama’s Global Girls Alliance campaign.
– Her role models are NI-KI of ENHYPEN and Jimin of BTS. She has stated that their dancing and elegance gives her the most inspiration. (Weverse Interview)
– Lara would like to collaborate with Rihanna, Britney Spears, Timbaland, BTS’s Jimin, Pharrell Williams, and M.I.A.
– 3 words that describe Lara: Passionate, confident, and real.
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Name: Yoonchae
Country: South Korea
Age: 15
Zodiac: Sagittarius
About: Her nicknames are 브루니 (Bruni), 마시멜로우 (Marshmallow), and 정육면체 (Cube).
– Yoonchae speaks Korean and basic English.
– She passed the auditions for CJ E&M in 2020.
– Her role models are Jennie of BLACKPINK and BTS.
– Yoonchae has mentioned that BTS are the reason she got into K-Pop and got inspired to pursue K-Pop.
– 3 words that describe Yoonchae: Sexy, cute, and innocent.
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Name: Daniela
Country: USA
Age: 19
Zodiac: Cancer
About: Daniela is from Atlanta, Georgia, and Los Angeles, California, USA.
– She can speak English and Spanish.
– Her nickname is Dani.
– Daniela is ethnically Venezuelan and Cuban.
– She is a ballroom dancer.
– She is a model and actress for many commercials.
– Daniela is a huge fan of Carti and Lil Uzi Vert. (TikTok)
– Daniela earned 10th place in the 13th season of So You Think You Can Dance?.
– She auditioned for the eighth season of America’s Got Talent with a dance act but was eliminated during the Vegas Rounds.
– Daniela placed 2nd in the international competition show Super Kids Europe.
– She appeared in Matty B‘s music video for his song “Dramatic“.
– She made an appearance on the Queen Latifah Show as part of an America’s Most Talented kids segment.
– 3 words that describe Daniela: Affectionate, charismatic, and determined.
– Daniela can do these type of dances: Afro-Cuban, Afro-style dance, cha-cha-cha, and salsa.
– She would love to collaborate with Beyoncé, Shakira, Rosalía, Rihanna, TXT, BTS, Doja Cat, and Playboi Carti.
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Name: Megan
Country: USA
Age: 17
Zodiac: Aquarius
About: Megan is from Honolulu, Hawaii.
– She is ethnically Chinese, Singaporean, and White.
– Megan speaks English, basic Cantonese and basic French.
– Her middle name, Meiyok (美 玉), is also her nickname and Chinese name.
– Her role models are BLACKPINK‘s Jennie and Jimin of BTS. (Weverse)
– She is a runway and fashion model and has participated in Paris and LA’s fashion week for high fashion couture.
– 3 words that describe Megan: Intriguing, fun, and caring.
– She would like to collaborate with Beyoncé, Lana Del Rey, Danja, Billie Eilish, BLACKPINK, Olivia Rodrigo, and Drake.
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Name: Manon
Country: Switzerland
Age: 21
Zodiac: Cancer
About: She was born in Zürich, Switzerland.
– Her mom is Swiss-Italian and her dad is from Ghana.
– Manon can speak Swiss-German (first language), German, English and a little bit of French.
– She is a photography model.
– Her nickname is Manz.
– She is a fan of Billie Eilish.
– Her role model is Beyoncé. (Dream Academy TikTok)
– She enjoys travelling.
– 3 words that describe Manon: Cool, kind, and non-judgmental.
– She has been a songwriter since she was 5 years old.
*Member information from Kprofiles
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prettyhennytea · 3 months
USA Gymnastics Unveils Stellar Lineup for 2024 U.S. Men’s Olympic Team Presented by Xfinity
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Excitement soared in Minneapolis as USA Gymnastics revealed the star-studded roster of the 2024 U.S. Men’s Olympic Team Presented by Xfinity, set to dazzle audiences at the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The talented squad comprises five top gymnasts and two traveling replacements, who are primed to showcase their skills on the global stage.
Highlighted among the elite gymnasts selected were renowned athletes each as Asher Hong and Paul Juda, who previously clinched the 2023 World team bronze. Joining them was Brady Malone, the reigning 2024 U.S. all-around champion, and a commanding force on the horizontal bar, along with Stephen Nedoroscik, the celebrated 2021 pommel horse world champion. Frederick Richard, a standout performer at the 2023 World all around completed the stellar lineup. Complementing these formidable talents were Khoi Young and Shane Wiskus, named as traveling replacement athletes for the squad.
The intense competition at the Olympic Trials in Minneapolis saw Richard dominate the proceedings, leading the all-around standings and showcasing his prowess on various apparatus. Malone displayed his skil and consistency, securing his spot as a seasoned competitor preparing for his second Olympic Games. Wiskus, the local favorite, captivated the crowd with his spectacular performance, cementing his place among the top finishers. 
Juda and Hong also demonstrated their exceptional abilities, solidifying their positions as first time Olympians alongside their esteemed teammates. With standout performances across different disciplines, each gymnast added a unique flair to the team’s dynamic composition, promising a thrilling showcase of talent at the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
024 Men’s Olympic Team Presented by Xfinity
Asher Hong — Tomball, Texas/Stanford University
Paul Juda — Deerfield, Ill./University of Michigan
Brody Malone — Aragon, Ga. /EVO Gymnastics
Stephen Nedoroscik — Worcester, Mass./EVO Gymnastics
Frederick Richard — Stoughton, Mass./University of Michigan
Shane Wiskus — Spring Park, Minn./EVO Gymnastics*
Khoi Young — Bowie, Md./Stanford University*
The excitement continues to build as USA Gymnastics prepares to unveil the 2024 Women’s Olympic Team Presented by Xfinity, following the completion of the women’s competition at Target Center. Don’t miss the highly-anticipated announcement on June 30th, broadcast live on NBC and available for streaming on Peacock, as the nation celebrates the exceptional talents and dedication of its elite gymnasts vying for Olympic glory.
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22plus15 · 1 month
yey about the draft thing! (I never understood it anyway and I don’t watch nwsl but it looks like fans are happy about it 👍😅)
very yay!!! i've been reading about the cba all day so i'll explain a bit if anyone's curious ⬇️
the draft is a very american sports thing -- when players decide to go pro out of high school or college (which are very established here rather than academies and reserve teams), they make themselves available for the draft and the worst performing teams in the pro league each season will get the first draft picks so they essentially get the best new players, which is supposed to maintain parity btwn teams and avoid the teams with the most money or pull hoarding all the best rookies
it was integrated into the nwsl pretty much by default -- but as it turns out doesn't work as smoothly for how global of a sport soccer is (clubs have a way bigger pool of overseas players to buy from than other american sports so they don't rely on the draft for new talent) and also takes a lot of agency away from young players. lots of reasons and lots of debate on both sides of it. that's the college draft but what's also been eliminated is the expansion draft, which was when a new team was created they got their free pick of available players (not limited to just rookies) to give them a fair shot, but at the expense of the players who suddenly got traded and had to uproot their lives (among other potential dangers in a post-roe v wade world and with the history of bad actors in women's sports). it sounds good for new teams in theory but in practice it never really works out anyway (just look at utah royals' place on the table lol)
anyway the elimination of the draft is just one part of the cba that was announced today and i really recommend looking into it if this kind of thing interests you! the nwslpa (players' union) secured lots of player protections, much higher salary caps and minimums, guaranteed contracts (i.e. if you get injured or smth, which we know happens a lot in woso these days, you'll still get paid your full salary no matter what), extra bonuses for end of season awards, charter flights (the usa is huge you gotta fly), players' consent is FINALLY required for trades, free agency for all, parental leave and childcare, mental health services, etc etc
and a lot of the same workplace protections will also apply to front office staff and everyone who works behind the scenes at clubs and within the league so it's genuinely a huge step in the right direction for making women's sports leagues truly professional and safe working environments, and also not being afraid to diverge from the model of major men's leagues 👌
of course there's always progress to be made and the elimination of the draft will def come with a learning curve, but this has all been a long time coming and a lot of past nwsl players suffered and were put in a lot of precarious positions that future players will hopefully never even dream of happening to them now 👍
and last thing i promise: i remember answering an ask about kc current having lucy's discovery rights, meaning if she wanted to go to the nwsl she'd have to sign with them or they'd make bank if another team wanted her. that's been eliminated as well so i believe she's a free bird if she ever comes here!
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 10 months
I really like the NHL (and, where I'm from, it's the only way to watch any hockey rip me), but I do think it's a shame how packed their schedule is that doesn't leave time for the players and the teams to do anything else.
I would love to have a world championship of teams, for example, put like the Boston Bruins up against the Tampereen Tappara. Hell, even allow the players to represent their countries in the Olympics which hasn't happened since Sochi 2014 if memory serves.
Idk, I think the guys are too talented to be in such an insular league. They deserve to have a bit more "international fun". And it'd be highly entertaining for people watching too.
I wholeheartedly understand you, however, this entire matter is extremely complicated with too many sides and opinions involved, and frankly, it all comes down to money at the end of the day.
The NHLPA - an association representing the players' interests - has been urging the league to allow the players to go play at the Olympics and hold a World Cup again for years at this point, however, both those tournaments would force the league to take a break for a certain amount of time (= lose revenue, which they would have earned if they normally continued with their game schedule, instead of taking a break to allow the players to temporarily leave), and there would be a ton of money involved in it (the one earned from broadcasting, the one that players would be paid, the one that someone would have to pay if a player got injured...), which is the point they essentially can't agree on, especially in the case of the World Cup that would be organized by the NHL, unlike the Olympics that is its own competition with its own organizers, rules, etc., as both of these organizations (the NHL and the NHLPA) are greedy as hell and want the bigger portion of earned bucks to go their way.
The World Cup - where teams consist solely of NHL players - then also faces the problem that there could currently be only four teams (USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden) as only those four nations have enough players in the league to build a team (and aren't politically problematic at the moment = Russia), which is a concept that definitely wouldn't be taken well by a ton of people (me included) as it would mean that guys like Pastrnak, Necas, Draisaitl, Stützle, Seider, Hischier, Josi, and so many others wouldn't be able to play at that tournament...
If they decided that they would allow players from Europe to join the Cup so more teams would enter, they would need to invite IIHF into the discussion as they represent the European leagues, which would be another powerful and stubborn voice making the matter even more complicated. Plus, the IIHF wouldn't be keen on having a World Cup so close to the World Championship as it would take the spotlight and fans away from them.
Really, I could talk ages about this thing, but the conclusion is that as of right now, we have to settle for the playoff-eliminated players sometimes going to the Worlds and the Global Series, which is hopefully going to keep the format they had this season in Sweden with the four teams playing four games.
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elenawritesxx · 8 months
Okey so I got a new idea for a mcu dr!
since i cant really part from my cr family, and never really script different background or origin, i thought this would be a better idea to get close with the avengers, since it is really hard for me to get USA visa and plus i kind of improvised a little here
plus this is going to take place from like May 2024 (so if i shift i would technically be able to listen to Tay’s new album heheh), i scripted that the avengers won in infinity war in this dr, as Thor went for Thanos’ head (iykyk) lol
The Avengers Global Recruitment and Training Program aims to identify and train talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to become potential agents for SHIELD. Participants will undergo intensive training and mentorship during their six-month residency at the Avengers Tower, preparing them for the rigors of a career in global security and intelligence. and i’m one of them, being recruited form my home country.
Program Structure:
1. Recruitment:
- The Avengers launch a global recruitment campaign to attract individuals aged 20-25 from various countries and backgrounds.
- Applications are open to anyone meeting the age criteria, with emphasis placed on diversity, skills, and potential.
2. Selection Process:
- A team of Avengers, including experienced agents like Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, reviews applications and conducts interviews to select the top candidates.
- Criteria for selection include physical fitness, intelligence, problem-solving abilities, teamwork skills, and a strong moral compass.
3. Residency at Avengers Tower:
- Ten selected candidates are invited to reside at the Avengers Tower for six months, where they will live and train alongside the Avengers.
- Participants are provided with room and board, access to state-of-the-art facilities, and mentorship from seasoned Avengers members.
4. Training Program:
- The training curriculum covers a wide range of skills essential for SHIELD agents, including combat training, intelligence gathering, surveillance techniques, language proficiency, and diplomatic skills.
- Training sessions are led by Avengers members, who share their expertise and provide hands-on instruction.
- Participants also engage in simulated missions and real-world scenarios to test their abilities and decision-making under pressure.
5. Mentorship and Guidance:
- Each participant is assigned a mentor from the Avengers team, who provides personalized guidance, feedback, and support throughout the program.
- Mentors help participants navigate the challenges of training, offering advice on career development, ethics, and leadership.
6. Evaluation and Graduation:
- Participants undergo periodic evaluations to assess their progress and readiness for fieldwork.
- At the end of the six-month residency, participants graduate from the program and are considered for recruitment by SHIELD based on their performance and potential.
Overall, the Avengers Global Recruitment and Training Program serves as a gateway for promising individuals to join the ranks of SHIELD, ensuring that the organization remains at the forefront of global security and defense.
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Excitement mounts for Cole Brauer (USA) as she will be the second finisher of the 2023-24 Global Solo Challenge in A Coruna, Spain. The young talented American sailor is getting plenty of attention from US media as she’s poised to become the first American female to complete a solo nonstop circumnavigation by the three great capes and becoming the 18th women to ever achieve this goal.
With Forbes, People Magazine, the NY Times, NBC News, and many other media outlets warming up the crowds for her arrival, there are dozens of American citizens who took time off to make a trip to A Coruna and see her much awaited arrival. Her current expected time of arrival, depending on simulations, forecasts and performance, ranges from March 6th afternoon to March 7th midday.
The weather forecast suggests she should try to come in as early as possible due to a low pressure system that will be chasing her and, just as I would have expected, she seems to have put her foot on the gas which will mean she’ll be expected to arrive ahead of the developing depression. She will certainly do all she can to avoid arriving in boat breaking conditions which created the scenic setting for the arrival of the winner, Philippe Delamare on February 24.
Unfortunately, the Global Solo Challenge doesn’t just have moments of triumph and glee; it is a test of determination with huge emotional demands on skippers who must remain in control whether things go well or take a turn for the worse.
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12-cluh · 9 months
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Name: Calvin Lucien
Age: 39
Sex/Gender: Male
Country of Origin: The United States of America
Occupation: Special Agent of the Chaos Insurgency
Physical Appearance
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: White
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6’ 1
Weight: 190 lbs
Body type: Athletic
Fitness level: High
Tattoos: Chaos Insurgency Logo on the right shoulder, as is common with Chaos Insurgency personnel.
Scars/Birthmarks: Scar on the left cheek, running from the bottom of the left eye to the left side of his jaw
Disabilities: N/a
Clothing: Black and red plaid jacket, black long-sleeved shirt, black combat pants, black combat boots, black leather fingerless gloves.
Accessories: Nothing of note.
Birth date: November 15, 1985
Place of birth: Wisconsin, USA
Key family members:
Uncle: O5 councilman Gabriel Lucien, aka The Blackbird.
Affiliations: SCP Foundation (former), Chaos Insurgency (current)
Psychological Traits
Personality type: ISTJ
Personality traits: Reserved, Calculating, Adaptable
Temperament: Melancholic
Introvert/Extrovert: Introverted
Mannerisms: Observant, speaks deliberately
Educational background: Graduate of Foundation Task Force Training Program
Intelligence: High
Self-esteem: Mid
Hobbies: Cryptography, Chess, Mixed Martial Arts
Skills/talents: Hand-to-hand combat, High Strategical Intelligence 
Morals/Virtues: Sacrifice for a greater good.
Phobias/Fears: Atychiphobia
Flaws: Emotionally Distant, Trust Issues, Vulnerable to Emotional Manipulation
Languages known: English, Russian, Japanese, Polish
Accent: Neutral American
Pitch: Moderate and Controlled 
Laughter: Subdued Chuckle
Smile: Reserved
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Abilities
Physical strengths: Exceptional Agility and Reflexes
Physical weaknesses: Susceptible to Overexertion, Tends to Push Limits
Intellectual strengths: High Strategic Intelligence
Intellectual weaknesses: Tends to Overthink
Interpersonal Strengths: A Good Leader
Interpersonal weaknesses: Prefers Working Alone
Magical abilities: N/a
Lover(s): N/a
Jonathan Lucien (Father)[deceased]
Elizabeth Lucien (Mother)[deceased]
Children: N/a
Edward Lucien (Grandfather)[deceased]
Evelyn Lucien (Grandmother)[deceased]
Grandchildren: N/a
Pets: N/a
Friends: Few if Any
Enemies: SCP Foundation, Three Moons Initiative, Serpents Hand, Global Occult Coalition
Special Agent “Specter”
Special Agent “Whisper”
Inspiration: The Punisher
Character archetype: Anti-Hero
Core values: His Version of Justice, Revenge
Goals: To murder the O5 Council
Motivations: To avenge his family’s murder at the hands of the O5 Council.
Additional Information
Calvin Lucien is a high threat to the Foundation and its goals. As a boy, nearly his entire family was murdered by the O5 Council due to learning confidential secrets. The only ones not confirmed dead were Calvin and his grandmother Evelyn, with his younger sister Eliza said to be missing. His grandmother raised him until her death when Calvin was 12. For the following years, Calvin switched between several foster homes, eventually becoming curious about the occult. When he was 18, he joined the military, excelling particularly at all physical programs. After another few years, he was nominated to join Mobile Task Force Alpha 1, aka the Red Right Hand.
However, on one mission, Calvin was kidnapped by the Chaos Insurgency, once a group comprised of ex-Red Right-Hand members that had grown exponentially. There was when Calvin learned the truth of his family’s murder, that the O5 Council had them slaughtered to preserve secrecy. Enraged, Calvin left the Foundation right then and joined the Chaos Insurgency as both military personnel and Foundation intelligence.
Addendum 1
Recent information has revealed that Calvin and close associates have been planning a visit to Iraq. As nearly all in the Foundation know, the major anomaly located in that area is The Gate Guardian. However, as nearly none know, it is also where ᗩᕲᗩᘻ ᒪᓰᐺᘿS the former O5-12 went missing. After ᕼᘿ ᘺᗩS Sᘿᗩᒪᘿᕲ ᗩᘺᗩᖻ his retirement, he was never seen again, though there is strong speculation that he retreated to the area in which The Gate Guardian protects. It is also theorized that the reason for Calvin’s increased specialty training is for some “Hail Mary” against the foundation.
"Let it be known that whoever is leaking classified information in these documents will be found and subject to immediate termination." -The Administrator
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
The old fashioned way...
Might not do any good but doesn't take much effort to write letters, send emails, and post tweets.
My message, in case it's a helpful template:
My name is [redacted here] and I live in the USA. I am a member of WeVerse and have a paid ARMY membership subscription.
I will be boycotting WeVerse purchases and publications and encouraging other fans to do so until you issue an apology for your extremely damaging, insulting, and offensive feature article titled "Morgan Wallen is the Most Wanted Man in Music."
Not only does your article reduce being a white supremacist to being "a troublemaker" and a "mischief maker" while also making other problematic statements (what exactly IS "traditional White American values" and "the celebration of white culture"?), but you also denigrate the achievements of two of the world's best artists--Park Jimin and Min Yoongi of BTS.
Jimin has not had "some partial success in breaking up [Wallen's] domination"--he has made history as the first Korean to get a #1 on Billboard's Hot 100 and #2 on Billboard's Global 200, despite only 9 days of promotion, 2 music videos, barely any advertisements, delayed playlisting, split streams, deleted views, culled sales, and his songs never being sent to radio. 
 Agust D did not "jockey" for first place but was "unable to topple One Thing at a Time from its pedestal." Once again, Billboard culled the sales it counted and instead favored American artists' paid radio-play, but almost no news agency is willing to publish about this topic. Instead, Agust D has had the highest grossing tour of any Korean soloist in US history. It took Morgan Wallen EIGHT WEEKS to achieve the sales Min Yoongi did in just one week, but nowhere do you mention this in your love letter where you call this racist white man a "breath of fresh air" and "the most wanted man in all of pop music."
I am so deeply disappointed in your "journalism" and frankly disgusted that you would speak of Hybe's own exemplary artists this way. It smacks of sabotage for the artists and contempt and disrespect to the fans. I genuinely feel ashamed to be a paying contributor to WeVerse now. You have truly lost the trust and admiration you might have enjoyed from so many millions of ARMY and K-pop fans.
I have to wonder if WeVerse would even still exist without BTS. In any case, I will be boycotting all WeVerse purchases and publications, and actively campaigning for other fans to do the same, until you issue an apology and learn the proper way to handle sensitive issues around race in America and the music industry--without minimizing K-pop artists' contributions to music. I have no idea what you gained from publishing something that promotes a person like this and diminishes the achievements of people with actual talent, but you certainly are going to lose a lot of your original core audience as a result.
Do better.
-[name redacted here]
[weverse membership number redacted here]
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