#Empress of Outworld
theartistaslisalee · 8 months
Empress of Outworld and Working Mom (finally colored).
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#artistatwork #artistoninstagram #characterart #fanart #drawing #mortalkombat #mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mkkollective #Sindel #Kitana #Mileena #Outworld #Edenia #EmpressofOutworld
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kombatbrat · 9 months
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Who’s your Queen 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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gamerwoman3d · 8 months
◜ mk1 men kinks & darker motivations part 1 of ?◞
▸ includes: sub-zero [mk1 versions] ◂
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[Spicy/Explicit after the cut 🔞]
Bi-han is a man who secretly enjoys being told what to do by a confident lover more than anything else in the world. In his day-to-day life, he feels exhausted from doing the mental labors of ensuring he's made the best leadership decisions possible at all goddamn times because his choices affect everyone's lives. He's sick of being tested and questioned by incompetent whiners. He is constantly surrounded by people who feel insecure in his presence, and that they express their insecurities in grating, passive-agressive ways agravates him beyond belief. Bi-han wants and needs a break from the decision making processes, and longs for any chance to let his hair down. He needs this break the most in the bedroom, with his closest relationships.
For part 1, Reptile, Click Here
When he wants something from a lover, he will *ask* for it. But it is up to the lover to *decide* whether or not to give him what he's asked for. What he wants most from his lovers is the ability to not only articulate what they want, but to *decide* what will be done about it.
Whatever you decide you want, he'll get it to you. And he has no moral qualms about it. Do you fantasize of prostitutes and expensive imports? They're yours, if you only set him to the task of acquiring them. Do you fantasize about that idiot that left you on read and broke your heart long before you met Bi-han? Say the word and he'll go fetch the fuckwit. He'll deliver anything or anyone to you in any state you desire it to be delivered in. You can be merciful or cold-hearted. You can be selfish and downright evil. As long as you're competent, confident, and happy, Bi-han is satisfied.
Because every time you make a decision, in life or in bed, it grants him an opportunity to just make you happy. And if he makes you happy, then to him, he just made the whole world happy, because in those moments when he's with you, you are the world to him.
Your most heinous requests would be met only with a bow of acknowledgement, followed by action.
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What you want is important to him, and he'll be very accommodating to your desires. If you want him soft and sweet, or rough and demanding, don't stop at simply expressing it- command him. Every single day, others try to command and control him, and every day he's tempted to just let them have control. No one else has earned that privilege but you, and he's excited when you exercise that privilege.
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He has issues with blind obedience. He wants to obey someone who at least considers his wants and takes his needs into account. He wants to obey someone who makes him feel validated. And above all, he wants to obey someone that he has chosen to obey. As long as he's chosen you, he'll open up and trust you with his secrets.
He has buttoned up his own desires and fantasies, and dreams of you commanding him to express them. Telling him "I want to know your darkest fantasies" isn't enough. Demand them. "Tell me your darkest fantasy." Call him out on it if he hesitates. "You're hesitating. I asked you to speak. Don't delay me."
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He will tell you that he's fascinated by the fact that the people he killed make the same expressions at the brink of death as the people he pleasured have made at the brink of orgasm. This realization has left him very curious about the way death at his hands must feel.
He confides that he savors the moments spent watching his victims composure fall apart, and that when he kills someone, that he commits their shocked, dying faces to memory. His darkest fantasy is that he could freeze every face at its climax, and kept them stuck in that moment forever, forever watching him as he studied them. The more beautiful the face, the more he regrets not saving the moment.
He admits that after he's been forced to kill powerful people, he sometimes feels aroused for days. He hesitated to say anything because he feels some shame over this arousal - he isn't disgusted with himself over enjoying it, but he feels it is somehow wrong. He *asks* you to keep it in mind in the future; he wants you to take advantage of his arousal, while also placing you in a position to manipulate his shameful feelings. He does this because he trusts you to manage your relationship with each other, while he manages everything else in the world.
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After coming home from battle, he wants you to command him - and hopes that you'll command him to fuck until you're both senseless.
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He confesses he's into the idea of overstimulating lovers because of how similar their actions are to the dying. The muffled howls, the pleading, the shock in the face, the sudden tension, and the uncontrollable shuddering are the same across the two activities. He dreams of being overstimulated and killed, just so he can know what it feels like.
But until then, he would like to overstimulate beautiful lovers. He wants to be responsible for extreme pleasure, trusted with a lover's body during those moments when their body falls completely out of their own control. Bi-han figures that that is the one thing in common between the dying and the cumming - the loss of command over their own body. The loss is temporary while cumming, but permanent in death.
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He makes your expressions the object of his focus. He wants the loss of control to last as long as possible. He asks if he can do anything to make you cum, hard. He asks permission to do things to you that would make you cum, and also permission to keep going. He says if he can make you cum, if he can hit just the right spot, if he can make you howl and contort in pleasure, maybe he can make that moment last for a long time by freezing your body.
The thought of being totally unable to move during orgasm isn't for everyone. Even if it is, there's always a risk of injury. But you don't have to tell him yes. "We are not doing that," is a phrase he longs to hear from you when he knows his desires are unwise or downright evil.
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"Harder," "Quiet," "Not yet," "Stop," and "Don't stop" are some of his favorite words, but only when they come from your lips. Not only can you use these terms when he's pleasuring you, you can bring him attractive people and order him to pleasure them, or torture them, for your entertainment.
He might find he loves to hear you say "Stop" when he's on the brink of cumming into someone else, or on the brink of making them cum. Not because it isn't torture; it is. But it also proves that he can be obedient to the ones he's chosen. And above all, it proves that he is making choices when he disobeys others who claim to have power over him.
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Every time he obeys you, it's as if he's saying "Fuck you" to everyone else who desires to control him. The harder it is to control himself, the more it pleases him to obey your commands.
"Me first," he wants to hear you say. "Down," he wants to hear you say. He wants to feel your hand in his hair, lowering his head between your thighs. He longs to hear you say "Make me scream your name."
I'd caution against confusing obedience with disrespect. This man is feral - he probably grew up in a wilderness, interacting with more wild animals than tamed peoples on any given day. Any whiff of true disrespect in the form of humiliation or denigration might make him seek to choose another at best, and put you in your place at worst. He wants you to feel like you're proud to have earned his trust; you can gloat that he desires you, chooses you, and respects you, but do not dare to gloat as if you conquered him.
If you call yourself his, you can call him yours in the same way. He will call you "mine" in a possessive way, and he expects you to feel the same about him. You do not belong to any master. You do not belong to any god. You belong to yourself and you choose to belong to him. Just as it might excite you deeply to hear him growl "mine, you are mine, this is mine," he is equally aroused to hear you claim him. He melts to hear your declarations and commands.
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"You're mine. If anyone else tells you what to do... kill them."
[Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌]
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raphlsnts · 8 months
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sundoes · 8 months
fun fact: it was sindel who trained sajai in the ways of the sword, & her prowess with a katana should not be ignored. I mean, y'all saw the battle at ying's fortress. and she really would have smoked her dark version if not for the cheap shot.
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incognitobobcat · 5 months
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Balance. That is what i strive to achieve between my realm and others.
I possess great beauty and power; I also possess wisdom, courage and compassion. Because of my diplomacy, I have been viewed as weak and incapable of ruling my realm.
Though my closest advisors would urge me to conquer other reals through aggressive means because of a prophecy, I hold fast in my stance to maintain peaceful relations until enough proof and evidence of threat have been presented and all facts of Liu Kang’s betrayal have been looked at. Only then will a decision be made.
I never suspected that those who I have trusted as close allies would betray me. Now I will fight to restore peace and protect my people.
What is my sign?
Libra ♎️
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shrowded-eng1ma · 9 months
Flirty Intro Dialogue’s
Characters; Kitana, Sindel, Li Mei x oblivious Gn!Reader
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Kitana; How could you be an earthrealmer with the looks of a Edenian?
Y/n; is… is that a pick up line? Even Raiden can do better.
Kitana; I may be a princess, but I’m also a woman who knows what she wants - and that’s you
Y/n; wait, isn’t Mileena the princess? Royal words are confusing.
Kitana; When I look into your eyes, I see a future where we’re unstoppable together
Y/n; why? Is outworld and earthrealm having a 2v2 tournament? Could I get Jade on my team?
Kitana; Just as my fans return to me, my thoughts keep returning to you
Y/n; oh crap.. look I apologized for taking your wine! I thought it was mine…
Kitana; Just as my blades are sharp, my attraction to you is equally cutting
Y/n; um… please don’t cut my limbs off?
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Sidnel; I’m the Empress of Outworld, and you could be the king of my heart, if you dare
Y/n; hey, Johnny said that too! I didn’t think you’d get along…
Sindel; You must be a powerful enchantress because you’ve cast a spell on my heart
Y/n; no I’m a copy ninja
Sindel; Just as my hair flows, so do my feelings when I’m around you
Y/n; um… I’m sorry for taking your daughters wine?
Sindel; Just like my scream, my heart skips a beat when I see you
Y/n; your.. screams skips beats?
Sindel; would you care to accompany me to my chambers? I have some-
Y/n; Nooo thanks. Tanya and li Mei would kill me, heir like.. really protective of you.
Li Mei
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Li mei; Your smile could rival the sunrise in Outworld
Y/n; really…? No wonder my jaw hurts when I smile.
Li mei; Just as I fight with determination, I’m determined to win your heart
Y/n; I-I think I’d rather NOT have my heart ripped out of my rib cage.
Li mei; If we were in a Mortal Kombat match, I’d choose you as my tag-team partner for life
Y/n; wait, so what kitana said was true?! We’re having a tag team battle with outworld!? Sick!
Li mei; Meeting you feels like finding a hidden treasure in the depths of Outworld
Y/n; you have time to go world exploring?
Li mei; Just as I’ve trained in martial arts, I’m ready to put in the effort for your heart
Y/n; please don’t kill me, this is just a spar… right?
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plutoswritingplanet · 8 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Intro Dialogues
a/n: some slightly flirty dialogues for suggested characters from Mortal Kombat 1 (and 11), reader is a blood mage, adjacent to "Unpunishable"
Warnings: Suggestive Language, Obscure References, Poor Attempts at Comedy
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Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: Liu Kang is squandering your potential.
Reader: I trust his judgement completely.
Shang Tsung: You were made for so much more.
Reader: You want me to make a deal with the Devil.
Shang Tsung: All I ask in return, is your soul.
Reader: It's too high a price!
Shang Tsung: I lay before you my eternal heart...
Reader: There is no love with you, only ownership.
Shang Tsung: I dearly love all of my possessions.
Reader: I must believe there's good even in the darkest corners of the world
Shang Tsung: Finding it in me might turn out to be a futile fight
Reader: I don't give up easily, Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: Have you ever thought to say "stop"? "If you love me, you would stop?"
Reader: Not in a thousand years.
Shang Tsung: I see now, why we're destined for each other
Reader: The things you've been doing in your laboratories are vile
Shang Tsung: I've used the same magic, as the one coursing through your veins
Reader: Liar!
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Liu Kang
Liu Kang: Empress Sindel has approved your application to study Outworld's medicine.
Reader: I'm honored by her trust.
Liu Kang: You'll do a splendid job as Earthrealm's ambassador.
Reader: I fear the pull of darkness overpowering me.
Liu Kang: I will guide you, until your mind is at peace.
Reader: What if it never ends?
Liu Kang: In the previous timeline, you were my close friend and adversary.
Reader: And in this timeline?
Liu Kang: I'm inclined to say the same.
Reader: Doesn't it get lonely, being a God?
Liu Kang: I'm devoted to protecting Earthrealm and its people.
Reader: You didn't answer my question.
Liu Kang: Beware Shang Tsung's honeyed words.
Reader: You've said we were destined for each other in all timelines.
Liu Kang: And your union always leads to your suffering.
Reader: You knew I'd reject Shang Tsung's offer? Fight him every step of the way?
Liu Kang: I had faith, you would make the right choice
Reader: Honestly, do you have music playing in your head when you say garbage like that
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Johnny Cage
Johnny: Let me just say, there's no other place I would rather be, than right here with you right now.
Reader: I can change that very easily.
Johnny: Why so serious, sweet cheeks?
Reader: No, Johnny, I won't be playing in any of your movies, ever.
Johnny: Can I ask why?
Reader: Why I don't want the job that makes your brain explode?
Johnny: You might wanna reconsider your rendezvous with the Sorcerer.
Reader: Which one?
Johnny: Oh, you are a bad woman.
Reader: Don't be such a baby, it's just a scrap.
Johnny: And I need a hot nurse to patch it up.
Reader: Why do I even… You're impossible.
Johnny: You have experience with emotionally fragile men, right?
Reader: You're self-aware today.
Johnny: I was talking about Kung Lao...
Reader: Okay, Ninja Priest was actually kinda good.
Johnny: YES! I knew you had a thing for the clergy.
Reader: That's not what I... You're such an ass!
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Kung Lao
Reader: Do you think Liu Kang has destined us to become friends?
Kung Lao: Obviously, I'd never choose this for myself.
Reader: He could've made you less of twat...
Kung Lao: It's way too dangerous for you to travel Outworld alone.
Reader: I don't need a babysitter, Kung Lao.
Kung Lao: Prove it, then.
Reader: If you buy me dinner at Madame Bo's, I'll heal your arm.
Kung Lao: I see your time with Shang Tsung is rubbing off on you.
Reader: See, now I gotta hurt ya.
Kung Lao: How does it feel, being in the center of the Snake's attention.
Reader: Fuck you man, I didn't ask for this.
Kung Lao: Not good then.
Reader: Come on, I paid for dinner last time.
Kung Lao: I'll be happy to pay... Once you beat me.
Reader: You can be an ass sometimes, you know that?
Kung Lao: You know I only meant it as a joke, right?
Reader: Let me show you just how funny I think you are
Kung Lao: Bring it on, Nurse.
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Reader: You betrayed everything your clan stood for.
Bi-Han: You have no moral high-ground here, Healer.
Reader: I don't need it.
Bi-Han: Join the Lin Kuei, and unleash your true power.
Reader: Not while they're under your command, traitor.
Bi-Han: Your pride will be your downfall.
Reader: I can feel your blood run cold through your body...
Bi-Han: It will boil while I destroy you.
Reader: You'll freeze to death, then.
Bi-Han: Your aversion to power is your greatest flaw.
Reader: Should I follow your lead, then, and betray all I love for a promise of greatness?
Bi-Han: Is it wrong to want more?
Reader: Maybe I can beat some sense into you…
Bi-Han: I will crush you, little girl.
Reader: Great, a quip about my height, so original.
Bi-Han: We meet again, Blood Mage.
Reader: I knew you couldn't stay away, Bi-Han.
Bi-Han: Let's see if your training has progressed.
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Erron Black
(am i the only one devastated he wasn't included in mk1?)
Erron: What's a pretty lookin' thing like you doin' in a place like this?
Reader: Holy shit, you even talk like a cowboy!
Erron: …Nevermind.
Reader: If I win, I get to wear the hat.
Erron: You'd look mighty fine in it, I'd wager.
Reader: Don't you pull your punches on me now, Black.
Erron: There's quite the price on your head, sweetheart.
Reader: And you'll do everything to collect it, right?
Erron: I could be persuaded against it, with the right motivation...
Reader: Do you flirt with all your targets?
Erron: Only pretty little ones, like you, girlie.
Reader: Well then, let's dance, Cowboy.
Erron: I wouldn't mind giving you a ride around town, little lady.
Reader: I'd rather beat you where you stand.
Erron: Be still, my beating heart.
Reader: I know who sent you.
Erron: Someone who's eager to get their hands back on you.
Reader: You can both keep them to yourself.
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doki-doki-imagines · 5 months
It's me again haha... I would like to request a continuation of the story of our mk1 boys having a secret relationship with the Earthrealm Empress, in which case their relationship would have become public and some time later, as always, they would have had to marry the Empress and become emperor. They are the Lin Kuei brothers, Liu Kang, Raiden and Kung Lao. HAPPY NEW YEAR ❤️🍾🥂
continuation of this post
-Your relationship was discovered when Liu Kang opened the door of your room and noticed a naked body sleeping next to yours.
-Like there is nothing wrong with having flings, but the back of the guy looks awfully familiar. The gasp that leaves Liu Kang’s body when his mind does two plus two…
-The truth is that Bi-Han slept in more because he wanted to have your relationship discovered, too many flies around you.
-Your marriage will be celebrated soon after, you dressed in typical Earthrealm clothes and Bi-Han with typical Lin Kuei ones.
-He would have preferred if you wore Lin Kuei ones too.
-Private wedding, very few people are invited since the situation could become dangerous quickly.
Kuai Liang:
-You were making out behind heavy curtains, nobody should have been in the room and you should have all the time in the world before the guests arrive-
-“Yo! Have you seen that-“
“Johnny don’t shout!”
-Nobody is in the room, doesn’t mean nobody is outside looking at you two. When I mean nobody I mean all Earthrealm fighters plus some Outworld ones.
-Liang can bet he heard Bi-Han choking at the sight.
-You marry much later tho. Marriage is intimate with just a few friends and relatives. The news spread really quickly in all realms.
-Like for Bi-Han, you wear your traditional clothes and Liang his ones.
Tomas Vrbada:
-You get caught during the act, Tomas blushing so much, not being able to stutter a word out, you almost worried his brain melted.
-Raiden gasps like a fish out of the water, meanwhile, Kung Lao’s grins go from one ear to the other, but is the first one to help deflate the situation.
-“So the Empress…good job, you dog!” Lao says, slapping Tomas’ shoulder, the boy still red, greyish eyes wide.
-The news soon reaches everyone's ears, Kuai Liang doesn’t wait a second, teasing his brother for the week to come.
-You marry much later when times are calmer and you are both ready to start a family. At the marriage, few people were invited, but it seems everyone wanted to tease the groom one last time before he became Emperor.
Liu Kang:
-The creator of this timeline, found with hands in the jam like a kid, by his trainees, the embarrassment…
-He knows there is no way the secret will be kept, so he asks you what to do, if you want to reveal your relationship or if you want to break it, Liu Kang’s heart already screaming in pain at the idea of not being able to be with you anymore.
-You smile, noticing the worry on his face, hands cupping his face “Let’s tell everyone.”
-Marriage comes later, Liu Kang is a busy man who worries a lot, you’ll have to make the first step and purpose to him.
-He’ll gladly wear Earthrealm clothes, being as fashionable as he can.
-Look. Nobody would have known if it wasn’t for Johnny and his damn phone. He took a photo of the background and who was there, kissing under a tree?
-Yeah, you two. Johnny didn’t notice you two at first, so he shared the landscape photo with everyone.
-At least you won’t have to tell each person about your secret…
-As much as Raiden would like to marry you even now, he understands that it is better to wait a bit more, you should both be ready.
-He doesn’t have fancy clothes, so Raiden will ask for his friends' help. Help that is asking you to give him groom clothes that fit the celebrations.
-Better to accept the request if you don’t want him to arrive with his Wu Shi training clothes. His smile beautiful enough that everyone will only look a this radiant face, but you know, better to suit up.
Kung Lao:
-It is Raiden who snitched! He was tired and it slipped his mouth, understanding immediately his mistake.
-The real surprise isn’t your relationship, but that the secret wasn’t revealed by Lao! Is he finally getting good at keeping secrets?
-No, don’t hope for that. Anyway he is overjoyed that your relationship is public.
-And don’t worry, Lao will protect you from all the villains that want to hurt you!
-He’ll be the one to do the marriage proposal when you both feel it is right.
-The palace is full of people, Lao really wanted everyone to see how beautiful and perfect you both are!
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theartistaslisalee · 8 months
Empress of Outworld & Working Mom.
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#artistatwork #artistoninstagram #characterart #fanart #drawing #mortalkombat #mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mkkollective #Sindel #outworld #Edenia #Kitana #Mileena
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Mk1 intros with exotic dancer!reader
While reader has no bodily description, the vibe I'm going for is
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Please enjoy these self indulgent intros! I have put more details about the reader insert under the intros but see how much you can piece together from the dialogue 😂 Also black text is the reader
Johnny * "How much for a dance, beautiful?" "For you and Kenshi? Always on the house..." * "Think about it, gorgeous! You and I? On the red carpet?! IN THAT RED OUTFIT OF YOURS!!" "I'm not sure I'd enjoy the public scrutiny..." * "You are an entertainer like me in Earthrealm?" "An entertainer of sorts... remind me to show you Ninja Mine when we get back home!" * "Many of your earthrealm friends seemed confused that I am bound to both you and Kenshi?" "Yeah... explaining polyrelationships on earth is a bit harder than Outworld..."
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Kenshi * "It pains me terribly to know that you can't see me dance anymore..." "I can still see you in a sense. Besides love, I can feel your dancing much more acutely now." * "How many lucky men have seen the red outfit?" "Just you and Johnny..." * "We have already been threatened by the Empress and Princesses to not hurt you love..." "The bite marks you both left probably didn't help your case!" * "Does everyone in Outworld know about your relationship with me and Johnny?" "Unfortunately, court gossip spreads fast, more so regarding me or Mileena..."
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Sindel * "Remember my dear, there will always be a place at court for you, should you want it." "Thank you Aunt Sindel!" * "All those times you took the blame for Mileena, I did know about it - thank you." "It helped Mileena's reputation in court to not always the troublemaker, it was necessary." * "Please do not blame Mileena so much for that one night: Tarkat is very easy to contract." "And yet dear, you lived your entire life on the streets and never contracted it?"
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Mileena * "Based on the noises I heard from your bedchamber last night, I assume the earthrealmers are good at pleasuring?" "Mil, pleasure doesn't even BEGIN to describe the feeling..." * "Do you remember that celebration by the sea front when you thr-" "SHUSH - Mother does not know about that night..." * "How can you forgive me for blinding your lover?! I wouldn't blame you for hating me-" "You didn't have control! Kenshi knows that and I do too. Besides, how can you forgive me for letting you contract Tarkat?"
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Kitana * "A little birdie told me that Raiden likes you..." "I believe that may have been exaggerated..." * "Do you promise you will come back to visit?" "Of course Kit, I'll be back before you know it!" * "Li Mei still does not approve of your choices-" "Believe me, that will not change any time soon."
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Li Mei * "I am only looking out for the Princesses' well-being!" "By isolating them from their only friend outside the palace?" * "With your talent, you could have been a better umgadi than Tanya and yet you choose to be an entertainer?!" "I choose to live and enjoy life: not just survive it!" * "Despite what you believe, I am proud of your skill-" "Then maybe show it once in a while!"
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Tanya * "Does anyone know about our training?" "No, and I'd prefer it to stay that way." * "Look after Mileena AND Kitana while I am gone - they are like sisters to me." "Of course - it is my honour and duty" * "Thank you for supporting me and Mileena." "I was allowed to be with who I love; Mileena deserves the same."
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Raiden * "Do I make you uncomfortable Raiden?" "Uh... uncomfortable is not the word I would use..." * "I can put in a good word to Kitana for you~" "Thank you - that is very kind!" * "Did Johnny explain the relationship to you?" "I... understand the basic principle..."
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Kung Lao * "What does Johnny have that I don't?!" "Better table manners for one." * "How much for a dance?" "I doubt you could afford it!" * "Is it true you were engaged to Reiko?!" "He and I grew up together, nothing more."
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Bihan * "I will not associate with an outworld whore!" "You do understand that I am a dancer and not a prostitute? Right?" * "I will not be bewitched Sorceress!" "So you DO find me attractive!" * "I heard about the offer you made to Kuai Liang..." "Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?"
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Kuai Liang * "I am here to offer you my services... in ANY capacity... or position... you wish..." "Are you still speaking of kombat?" * "I hear you have a red outfit-" "Unfortunately handsome, that is just for Johnny and Kenshi." * "Kombatant or dancer, if I wanted your services, how much-" "For you? On the house..."
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Tomas * "Did you ever feel that you did not belong when you lived with the princesses?" "I was fortunate enough to have been friends with both Mileena and Kitana before Aunt Sindel took me in." * "If it puts you at ease, Madam Bo told me of Raiden's how-you-say 'crush' as well, not just yours..." "I can't believe she told you!" * "Kenshi? I am confused, Johnny said-" "This really is a bizarre concept to earthrealmers, isn't it?"
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Ashrah * "I heard what your Kriss said about Mileena and Kitana - what does it say about me?" "It says that you are a better person than you let on and that you keep your kindness guarded?" * "You know, I could show you a few moves to impress Syzoth?..." "Oh... thank you?" * "Perhaps you could do me a favour and not tell anyone about the having-a-good-heart revelation from your sword - I have a reputation to keep up." "If that is what you wish."
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Syzoth * "Ashrah is a lucky girl... that being said, my offer for a dance is still on the table..." "Oh... umm I appreciate the offer?" * "Ashrah says you are a better person than most people think." "I TOLD HER TO KEEP THAT A SECRET!" * "If it is any consolation, the people of Outworld considered me a freak as well." "It is comforting to know that someone so beautiful has shared my struggles."
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General Shao * "I heard about your relationship with the earthrealmers!" "UGH who told you?!" * "You only survived through Royal nepotism!" "Are you still upset about me defeating you at the banquet?! * "Your attractiveness is ruined by your demeanour and personality." "Is this the great general finally admitting his attraction towards me?"
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Reiko * "I heard the rumours, your relationship with the earthrealmers-" "Is none of your concern!" * "Had you not left the palace, we would have been engaged!" "There are plenty of reasons we would NOT have been engaged, Reiko." * "You were practically handed a position at court?!" "I chose my freedom Reiko - I did not want to spend the rest of my life as Li Mei's shadow the way you are with the general!"
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Shang Tsung * "I want a dance - name your price..." "Easy - YOUR HEAD!" * "I hear you do more than dance for the earthrealmers..." "DOES EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP?" * "Not so innocent, are you?" "Like you have any right to judge me!"
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For this backstory description to make sense age wise, I'm going to use human years on the scale that Mileena and Kitana are in their 20s with the reader being the same age as Mileena. Backstory: reader is an orphan who grew up with Reiko - the two were just your average street urchins. At around age 7 when they were stealing from the market, reader saw two girls who were very lost and distraught. They asked her if she could show them the way back to the palace. Assuming they were joking, she ignored the request but asked them to hang out with her until their parents arrived. So the three girls and Reiko spent the rest of the day having fun. The next day, Li Mei found the four children and brought them back to the palace saying to Sindel that the reader and Reiko should receive punishment. However, Mileena and Kitana both vouched for them and their abilities in kombat. Shao, upon hearing this, decided to take Reiko under his wing. Meanwhile, Sindel was overjoyed to see that Mileena and Kitana made their first and only friend outside of the palace and decided to take reader in to be trained as an umgadi. So for the next few years, Li Mei trained reader in kombat and the ways of palace life but this did not stop reader and Mileena to sneak out of the palace at any given chance. By the time reader was 16, it was time for her to take the umgadi vows but reader shocked everyone by saying she wants to be a street performer instead of an umgadi. Sindel agreed with the condition that whenever reader is in Sun Do, she will stay at the palace with them. So the reader split her time between staying in Sun Do and travelling.
In terms of trying to match this up with MK1, following Reiko's defeat, Sindel is ready to yell at Li Mei for failing to secure the entertainment when Reader walks through the door offering to do so. The royal family immediately go to hug her leaving the earthrealmer gang confused. Liu Kang then explains the story to Raiden, Kung Lao and a smitten Johnny and Kenshi. The banquet takes place with the reader as the entertainer. When Raiden's toast is interrupted by Shao, reader tells him to back down with a fight ensuing with reader as the victor. She ends up becoming very fond of the earthrealmers and decides to spend time with them. The game then unfolds as usual and after the festival when the earthrealm players return, reader goes with them alongside Ashrah and Syzoth. By the end of the game, reader returns to earth with Johnny and Kenshi with the promise to return Outworld soon. (Also let's say everyone survives in this scenario because I love writing intros for Sindel).
@redlotus98 maybe it's time to make an MK branch of the red house universe...👀
Let me know if you want to see intros for characters talking about the reader
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gamerwoman3d · 4 months
A Land Before Time
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🔞 An MK1 x Reader 🔞
▸ includes: Liu Kang [mk1 versions] F! Reader◂
Author's Note: This was based on a sex dream that I had, that I feel @genesiswrld SHOULD have had, because Liu Kang is hot but Bi-Han is my squishy. Not saying the dream was wasted on me, just that it was misplaced 😆
Female anatomy used.
Imagine for a moment that this New Era is real, and the existence that you're currently living is also real, and contains the New Era inside it as a game - but you find a technical way through the use of coding and quantum tech, to enter Liu Kang's New Era, “cool world” style, as something of a god/goddess.
Because you live in our shared reality, the one in which the game was created, you can in fact “code” the New Era into anything you like, within reason. But you have to get past the guardian. Liu Kang and Geras are gods there. But here, they are just characters, with Geras also partially functioning as a type of uncrackable password manager/encryption software. You can give your own self all sorts of powers to take into the New Era; but you can't change the core game unless you can get past Geras and Liu Kang.
You would either need their permission, or you'd have to force/brute force them to comply.
You can literally step from our world into the New Era and live there, immortal, with godlike power. And you do that. You use the code and give yourself the boosts you think you'll need to defend yourself if necessary.
Because you have the capacity to travel to any physical point in the timeline, as well as any temporal point in the timeline, you choose something you think will be easy to start. A time with fewer enemies, a time that you wanted to see in your own world, once.
🔞 Spicy/Explicit after the cut 🔞
When you first stepped through the portal into the New Era, the pristine sands beneath your feet were deliciously toasty. You could not help but to remove your footwear and sink your toes into the sand. The air here is pure, and filled with the strange buzz of unseen insects in the distance. The soft swirl of sand in the hourglass before you quieted. Without the hiss of sand, an absence of familiar noises from your past life became distinct; no motorcars, no hum of electronics, no trace of people, and a distinct lack of birdsong.
If you peer into the reflection of the hourglass over Liu Kang’s shoulder, you can see glimpses of early six-limbed proto-vaternians being gently guided into evolution in a neighboring realm. Liu loses his concentration on the sands as he sees you. Nothing devastating happens in the universe in that instance; there is simply a pause in the work.
Liu Kang knows immediately that you are not supposed to be here, standing before him and the hourglass.
He knows because he has not yet created humans.
Outside of the very meticulously kept garden that surrounds the hourglass, dinosaurs still rule this earth. Even birds have yet to grace the planet.
“How are you here? Or perhaps I should ask, are you truly here? Is it possible that even gods can still have dreams, or hallucinations?”
You tell him you are from a timeline before his own. You are older than his entire universe, older than Kronika, than Geras, older than the hourglass. And while you yourself did not create his universe, you were alive at the time it was conceived[1].
You tell him you shared a planet with, and walked among, the beings that created his universe. His universe is based on what your people knew of their own universe. Your feedback may or may not have influenced these creators; but you have some access to their same power of creation, and have come to use the hourglass to enhance his universe for yourself.
You came prepared to fight if necessary. Liu Kang would be very particular over who has access to the hourglass.
You may even fight a few rounds if you're curious to test your code enhancements - at least until he understands that you do have the power to control parts of his universe already, and the power to defeat him if he made it necessary. Through the encounter, he learns that you aren't lying about being from an even older timeline responsible for creating the hourglass.
But whatever it is that you want to change about the New Era, he likely won't let you without a fresh fight. And another fresh fight, and another, for every single little change you think you could want.
“We don't have to fight. We can compromise.”
For Liu Kang, it has been a lonesome existence, living out the creation of the new era in solitude. Geras can offer Liu Kang company in much the same way as an AI Assistant bot can offer a human company. But you know the depths of loneliness must be unbearable for a creator who is utterly alone in the universe across all of time. You know this, because even in your own world, the mythologies of all creator gods often began with the creation of people.
Even the gods of your own reality were so unbearably lonesome that they, in myth, created all of your ancestors, either for companionship or worship.
Your offer of company is accepted graciously, the moment he understands that you won't be withholding your companionship to exchange for the powers of the hourglass. But to settle conflicts over what happens in the hourglass, you both have an idea.
Gambling, games, and wagers. But instead of betting on who will win a physical fight between you both, you gamble on which of you can bring the other the most pleasure.
You're both seated in the zen garden, where the tropical heat has warmed the sand. Sheets of some soft fabrics are laid out in a manner similar to beach towels, allowing you both to walk and sit without burning your thighs or disturbing much of the sand.
He has a very smug “I know I've already won” look on his face the moment you suggested a contest based on sexual pleasure instead of kombat. You might think billions of years of being pent up would give you an advantage over him, but it doesn't; your customized form in this new era was generated anew when you stepped through the portal into his era. This particular body has yet to experience such pleasure at all, and will react, on a neurochemical level, at its most basic “code,” reacting the same as it would if falling in love for the first time. It will, in a nutshell, intoxicate you with want and pleasure, as if you yourself had never experienced it before.
But you didn't realize this. Your overconfidence proved your ignorance.
“You decide the winner. I trust your judgment will be fair. Or at least I don't trust my own judgment call to be unbiased,” you say.
Liu Kang smiles.
“A designated judge will be unnecessary,” he says, "I am certain we will both agree on who has won the challenge.”
He looks off in the distance before continuing.
“I would appreciate it though if we could choose some less intimate positions, at least at first. I'm still not over the grief of losing my dearest friend, and my beloved. I'm not sure how I might react, looking into the face of another, knowing I shall never have these moments with her. It isn't that I don't realize the finality of her destruction; but giving this kind of pleasure to another is a turning point that I may never be ready for.”
You slide closer to him and caress his shoulder, enough for him to feel your inner warmth.
“Grief is made of the same stuff as love. It's just the love-stuff that's leftover with nowhere to go,” you say.
He lays his head on your shoulder, pulls your hand to his cheek and tilts his face into it. Peace painted across the features of his face as he melted into your touch. His relaxation left you with an indescribable euphoria that deepened with each breath.
“Thank you for saying so. I feel more comfortable now, knowing that you understand,” he says.
“And I'm glad you said something. I like it when you tell me what you want. We can do this however you like. After all, this is a kontest for providing pleasure; not receiving it,” you said.
“Buy you will be receiving it,” he gloated, “and I shall be providing as much as you can possibly stand.”
“Ooh,” you teased, “Promises, promises! Hah, I like it. I feel good about you taking the lead, if you would?”
“Of course,” he said.
As he smiled up at the heavens, he closed his eyes and bit his lip. His eyes squeezed hard enough that the apples of his cheeks warped around the outline of his eyes. He took a deep breath that sounded as if he swallowed an antagonistic laugh.
“You aren't allowed to hate me when I show you how easy this is,” he said.
He turned his body towards yours, guided your body into facing away. You removed just enough clothing to feel his touch, to not hinder him from penetrating you if he chose. The fabric that you left over the top of your glistening pussy was delightfully thin and stretchy enough to move to the side in a pinch.
You spread yourself face down across the sheets of fabric. The warm sand below the soft fabric gave way, cushioned your ribs, and pressed its warmth up into your breasts.
He crawled on top. His weight on you pressed you slightly deeper into the fabric-covered sand. The heat and weight of his muscular legs across the backs of your thighs alone was enough to make you crave completion. But then, his clothed erection pressed against the cleft of your pussy until your slit pinched around the thin fabric. He slotted himself into the fold of fabric and held you there, wedged between the hot sand and his heated, immovable body. You squirmed into him, only to discover that you couldn't move if you wanted to, with your legs pinned to the sand.
You turned your face to the side to look over your shoulder at him. He wore a smug expression as he looked down at you.
You could feel your clit throbbing against… the hot sand? or his shaft. You could not tell. Both were equally firm and toasty.
He was hard. Slotted against the fabric, he nudged his erection firmly against you, the head nestling between your folds to swipe against your clit. His breath deepend, you could feel the air from his nostrils against your neck, just below the ear.
Against your back, you could feel his chest expand and cinch with each breath. You were caught in heat, trapped between his muscles and the sand. You liked this, being at his mercy. He rested his chin on your shoulder and huffed, resting his entire weight on you as he hunched. The cock knocking repeatedly against your throbbing clit had you squirming, whining, whimpering as you held your squeals of pleasure in. He ran one hot palm along your side. He caressed and groped your glute before freeing his cock from its cage of fabric. He hooked a finger around the strip of stretchy fabric above your mound and slipped it to the side.
The bare cockhead slipped between the fabric and your clit. Liu Kang let the fabric snap back into place, catching against the bottom of his shaft. Your pleasure built up as he rolled his hips and frotted against you, fucking the gap between your panties and your clit.
You balled your fists, grabbing handfuls of sand through the fabric sheets. He repositioned slightly so that you could feel the wet swiping of his heated cockhead against your clit more intensely. Your fingers came undone from the fabric and all ten digits splayed out in a fan shape as your quiet whimpers suddenly broke into a muffled outcry of pleasure.
His hands found yours. He covered the tops of your hands with his palms and threaded his fingers between yours, gripping each hand with interlaced fingers. You felt the tips of his fingers curl past the webbing between your digits to press against the insides of your palms. He pressed your hands, and his, to the sand, to pin them where he wanted them - where you could push back into him, but not escape. Not that you'd want to.
Your skin tingled anywhere he touched it, and the skin where the pads of his fingers glanced against the inside of your palm, threaded along the webbing of your fingers, was exceptionally sensitive in a way that made you feel safe, loved, cared for deeply, and connected.
The warm weight of his body on yours made you feel safe, while the cock massaged between your pussy lips. His thrusts massaged them open without penetration until you could feel every fiber of yourself unwinding, melting into the sand.
You looked back at him, only to see that he was still gazing at the side of your face, waiting for you to open your eye. His smug, slight smile never left his visage. He squeezed your hands with a pleasant pressure, as if he were wringing them out. You realized in that moment that you were swollen inside, and quivering at the entrance.
Then he stops moving, intentionally. You feel him, all over you, weighing you down, trapping you in the imprint of fabric in the hot sand. You feel your heavy, puffy cunt lips throbbing against his stationary cockhead. You're sensitive as fuck. Even your heartbeat rocks your clit against his cock too much.
He breathes. He breathes out through his nose, his gentle panting breath trickles underneath your ear, down your neck. His chin follows, as he rests it in the crook of your neck with his jaw at your shoulder. His skin just feels like skin, yet you're electrified by it. You're so sensitive in your new form. He could stay like this all day. You cannot. He knows. You know he knows.
You know because when you look at him, his unchanging, stoic “I told you so” smirk is so purposefully calm, that you could consider it antagonistic. Even just this look he gave you had you dripping wet for him, to say nothing of the thick smooth, hot cockhead nestled against your clit, or the warm shaft that your heavy, fevered wet pussy lips spread themselves over. You give a defeated cry of pleasure and gave in. You tap out against the sand, to tell him he's already won, and he responds by firming up his grip on your hands and moving in for the kill. He devours your neck as he nudges your clit around and fucks you, alternating between the two activities until you cum beneath him.
Your orgasm does not slow him down. He slips his cockhead against the fluttering entrance of your cunt and pauses, as if testing something, as if something changed. The slick hole winks against him and he sinks inside to stay.
“You're so creamy after you've cum,” he purred.
His cock feels amazing, warm and firm and deep, exploring inside you. He pressed it past a spot inside you where the pressure feels so good that you feel you might die unless it, that spot in particular, is beat to hell. He pressed past it, but drew back, stroking slower and deliberate against this inner spot. You felt a sudden dying urge to feel him hammer his cock into this weak spot inside you. The change in your whimpers gave you away.
“This little spot right here is particularly velvety,” he said, “it's just gooey… no. Buttery. Right here.”
He let his cockhead glide against the spot in several slow deliberate strokes for emphasis. You groaned brokenly into the sand and bucked back into him. You had chills. You had goosebumps even on the hot sand. He held and pinned your elbows to your sides. Your nipples stood erect beneath you, the tips ground into the fabric as you bucked backward into him. He paused, held you down, let you rock and buck until the fit of passion washed over you, and you could still yourself. He didn't shush you. He just pulled back until his cockhead hovered a hair away from that sweet spot and he waited for you to collect yourself. You caught your shuddering breath, but couldn't look at him without feeling like you might cum again. You looked, and groaned deep. He acknowledged your desperation.
“I'm going to start fucking that velvety, buttery spot now,” he whispered toward your ear, “I do not know when I'll stop.
Scream if you need to. I've yet to create a single person that could hear you.”
His cock pinpointed that part within you that most yearned for it the instant he buried it in you. He pressed himself against it and wrung you out. You felt it as your own cum for him seeped out, dribbled down onto the fabric and soaked through the fabric into the sand.
Every stroke is devastating. You're loud as fuck and no one else can hear it. The skies open up and it rains on the two of you, mostly upon his back. Judging by his gentle moans, the rain itself seems to give him pleasure as the droplets hiss against his back, only to turn into steam. You could swear that you're causing it, that this rain is your rain. Suddenly you are cumming because it is raining, and it is raining because you have cum. When your palms tremble, he re-interlaces his fingers with yours to squeeze your hands in his, wringing you out, wringing out your anxiety, wringing out your pleasure, and possibly wringing out the very act of rain itself from the sky above. You couldn’t explain it, but somehow you knew.
You became the rain. And the rain became you. The rain became a goddess, and the goddess was you. The wetter he made you, the more the world flooded. He had no intention of going easy, but you found yourself clenching, squeezing, sucking him in, working yourself against his body as he worked you apart with his.
“That's it,” he huffed, “now, you're getting it.”
His breath grew ragged.
He said, “Rain.”
You nodded, not fully understanding.
“Rain on me,” he said.
Your eyes widened. He knew. You knew he knew. Rain pummeled your bodies in a deluge as you felt, not just the tension of your body snap, but the tension of your sudden ascent to godhood burst into creation, almost as a miniature version of the big bang. Untold energies from deep within your soul burst forth and spread out in all directions, spreading your power throughout all the realms, both giving you power over all the rains in the entire universe, and giving the entire universe the gift of your rains.
But you couldn't focus on the sensation of becoming a god, as Liu Kang fucked another blinding orgasm from you. This time, his composure cracked, and he came screaming with you in tandem, hot against you, his inner flame temporarily quenched by the deluge of your pleasure. The two of you thrashed against each other with abandon, riding out your pleasure together, before collapsing boneless into the soaked fabric atop the muddying sands.
The rains subsided gradually as the two of you caught your breath. You moved to roll over, and Liu rolled off of you onto his rain-soaked back. He closed his eyes and let the pitter-patter of the rain wash over his body, cooling him, turning to steam in the air around you both. You rolled onto your back beside him, then onto your side to drape yourself around him.
“Wow,” you said between heavy breaths.
“...Yeah,” he replied, still panting.
When you caught enough of your breath to speak full sentences, you could only think to ask one question.
“Did you just make me a fucking rain goddess?” You asked.
He nodded and laughed.
“You didn't think I'd let the first hot sex in my new era be mediocre,” he said.
“Holy fuck though,” you said.
‘Literally?” he teased.
“Okay yeah literally, but I'm starting to think I won that one,” you said.
He just closed his eyes and smiled.
“Okay wise guy, who won?”
He bit his lip and jerked his thumbs towards his chest, gesturing to himself.
“Ugh. You're impossible. Round two!” You demanded.
“You're losing this one too,” he said.
He rolled on top of you and peppered you with kisses. He promised you a second round, and a third - if you survived the second.
But first he needed to check progress in the hourglass. You peered into it with him and saw proto-vaternians in their pre-paleolithic era. A group of them surrounded a cairn, upon which sat a strange skull decorated with stones and feathers. You asked Liu Kang what it was; he told you it was a representation of you. You were the very first art, the very first goddess. You were the first to collect worship and be created in such a manner. You arrived in the new era just in time. The ancestors of the Vaternians had just created and worshiped their first god, which happened now to be you.
Had it not been for your intervention, Liu Kang would have been forced to grant this worship to the one you knew as Rain.
[To be continued.]
[Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌]
[Need more Liu Kang smut? Check the Choose Your Own Adventure, below!]
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controld3vil · 7 months
black cat
pairing(s): kenshi, johnny, havik, kuai liang/scorpion x gn!reader (seperate) synopsis: you’re a thief — a riff raff amongst the scum of seido. yet somehow you’re on the wrong side of justice, serving outworld. notes: - out of my volition, this was inspired by batman and cat woman’s cute dynamic <3 - LIKE REMBER THAT SCENE… where selina touches bruce’s face ?!?! (from batman 2022!!)
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KENSHI TAKAHASHI -> There were many things Kenshi expected from his visit to the Outworld. Meeting you was not one of them. From your first encounter, you captured his attention — as subtle and graceful as a feline, he would say, your presence startled him and the rest of his friends. “General Shao, how unwise of you to berate our guests at first notice!” Your lively manner relieves the suspense between Outworld’s militaria and Earthrealm’s protector. He could discern the disturbance from the man in question as General Shao crudely sneered. Liu Kang clears his throat and gives you a content nod. You are fast — he thinks, always swift to leeway into conversations that have gone bitter. Kenshi does not recall mention of you - but it didn't matter.
-> “This is none of your concern, ambassador,” Shao’s words were only meant for disdain and spite. You modestly give a lazy smile — like a Cheshire, not taking his insult seriously. “Oh, but my duties are to accompany Liu Kang’s champions. The Empress demands it.” Your indulgence prevails when the general fails to make another quip. In the crowd, Kenshi is impressed by your way of words. You were an intriguing person – he will give you that. But you did not seem a person particularly invested in politics. You were apathetic to your job. -> At dinner, you conveniently visit his table with a wine glass. Liu Kang seemingly welcomes you, taking the seat across from the swordsman. Conversations were comfortable with you. As a diplomatic envoy, you’re surprisingly judgemental - and not afraid to communicate the demands of other cities. Glimpses from the princesses as you proceed with a story about the rulers of Sun Do. Infuriating it was to comply with their city’s needs like a glorified servant. Kitana is quick to pick on your drunken pursuit and drag you to your quarters. By the time you left, Kenshi felt enamored by you and your stories. “They're quite the character.”   -> There were rumors about you he could not ignore. Everywhere in the palace were snakes, more willing to let him know of your past. They say you were once a thief, a lowly criminal in the capital. How you came to become the royal ambassador was appalling to others at court. You were born into the lowest class. And here in Edenia, it was deemed as dishonorable. You did not grow up with the same education or environmental conditions. It makes Kenshi question your motives for coming here. How did you end up at this high establishment? It was not from pity - he knew from that. Maybe you were a strong fighter. Who was stubborn and willing to do anything to achieve your goals.  -> Unbeknownst, as his interest in you escalated, you took notice of him. The swordsman with an unfortunate past, you held compassion for Kenshi. And as your relationship bloomed, your respect for each other was apparent. You both worked harmoniously together well. In unison with your devious yet insightful strategies and his keen and precise swordsmanship. You taught Kenshi the ins and outs of the city. Tried to teach him how to steal and work up to the market sellers to bid lower prices. You always kept him on his toes. And Kenshi loved that about you. To you, the ex-yakuza held you in check – of your duties. Although he enjoys your time fooling around together, it would put the swordsman much at ease if you took your job seriously. With the realm's tense position, he urges you to take control and compromise with the other cities for the coming battle. And hopefully, when the war is over, the two of you will reconcile your relationship and make it official. [ kenshi ]: how can i convince you to stop stealing? [ you ]: have you ever thought about asking nicely?
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JOHNNY CAGE -> He’s the one to catch you first. Johnny had clear suspicions of you during the first night of the tournament. When you spoke with officials and the royal family, it was too noticeable to miss. You were hiding something - Johnny wanted to get to the bottom of it. He finds your kindness to the princesses overbearing. Because why would a constable be affiliated with the royal family more than themselves? And the movie star had to open his mouth at dinner, eyeing you down with an arched brow. -> “Uh Liu Kang, I don’t mean to be rude but,” Both your eyes make contact – he quickly reverts his view to the god in question, “I think that person’s kinda shady, don’t you think?” His remark makes the rest of the Earth’s champions freeze, and the tightness of the air becomes far too evident. Liu Kang pauses, setting his teacup down, and looks to where you stand. From the far corner, you were chatting with Li Mei, arms crossed. You were enjoying your discussion until you sensed Liu Kang’s stare to tilt your head and give a playful wave. The First Constable thought nothing of your actions, how accustomed she is to how you acted around Earthrealmers, always telling them outlandish lies about Outworld. And constantly pretending to commit some heinous crime against the royal family. Something you would never do. -> “Fear not, Johnny Cage. They are no threat.” The Fire God’s words relieved the tension in the air. As everyone’s shoulders relax, Johnny probes on. He knows what trouble looks like – his mother was a cop! However, Kenshi waves his bickering off and waves them off as dull excuses. Nothing to worry about? You could be doing something behind the Empress and Constable's back. Maybe it was the way you carried yourself that got his attention. Or the comments his mentor sarcastically made about the dangers of Outworld. It was unlike Johnny to feel this paranoid. He had to figure out who you were. -> The movie star believed that once he caught you in an act, it would prove to his friends and Liu Kang that he was right about you. When he, Kung Lao, and Kenshi snuck into Shang Tsung's laboratory, surprisingly not, you were there alongside Rain, Tanya, and Princess Mileana on a medical chair. Just when Shang Tsung slowly approached the princess with a syringe with Tarkart's blood, they attacked. The movie star willingly stepped in your direction as if he caught you red-handed. “I knew it! You were behind all of this!” -> Everything turned bitter when Kenshi lost his eyesight to Mileana’s outbreak. It leaves a foul taste in Johnny's mouth once the situation is to be the treatment for the princess’s prolonged illness. When the royal guards come, you turn to face the Earthrealmers. “Did you truly think I would go against the royal family?” There was a flash of fury to scorn. “You Earthrealmers know nothing about Outworld business.” Johnny could only accept his wrongdoings, face facing down to the floor in shame and guilt. While what Liu Kang suspected of Shang Tsung was true – his assumptions of you weren’t. And for that, the movie star genuinely feels like he has misjudged you entirely. -> It takes time for him to reconcile with you. Escaping from Shang Tsung’s laboratory with his friends, he doesn’t meet you again. But when Earthrealm compromises with Outworld, you reappear alongside Li Mei and the royal family. In a different light, you’re easy on the eyes. Johnny desperately tries to make it up to you, always finding ways to warm up to your bitterness. Though much like a cat, you’re persistent and glares in his direction. Soon after, he learns of your past and is suddenly guilt-ridden even more.
-> Your relationship is a slow and rocky one. The two of you did not see eye to eye at the start. Johnny was wary of you, and you only made it worse by indulging in it. You two were at odds with each other. However, Johnny was somehow smitten with you. You were cunning and sly in all the ways a constable shouldn’t be. It was one of the ways he got your attention – suggesting all kinds of schemes against his friends. Your past never bothered him. Stead, it’s something he’s proud of you for. “I mean, thief turned cop? Now that’s a story I can get behind.” It brings a sort of middle ground and closure to both of you. [  johnny ]: look i know i misjudged you pretty harshly, how can i make it up to you? [ you ]: you can start by loaning me some money.
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HAVIK -> He longs for you. Havik is too cruel and adamant to tell you, but he misses you. Many years before you left Seido, you were happily thriving as a criminal. He recalls his younger years, you and him pillaging villages. Stealing all you can to survive in the cruel world they decided to reject you from. Back then, you were free – out of touch with humanity and the rest of the Outworld. You didn’t care for his plans to run Seido to the ground and bring chaos. You didn’t understand it – you were merely teenagers, children. -> Before long, you slipped out of Havik's hand. The life you two endured was not living. Every day, you struggle to find food and shelter to stay by. It did not help for your kleptomaniac habits, mugging passing citizens of whatever they had on. Eventually, it had caught up to you, Havik deciphers. Because why else would you leave him? Unlike him, you left clues for the military to track you. You loved the thrill of leading them to nowhere. -> But now, the thought of you brings turmoil into his heart. He sees you in the distance when Quan Chi is interrupted by a former ally. There you were, he stands almost in shock and petrification. Havik was furious. All he could focus on was the plan to allow time to release Quan Chi’s creation, Ermac. He never considered where you would be until now that you were on the opposite side of justice. Why? -> “How could you,” Your name runs down his tongue like a pack of needles. It’s difficult to pronounce your name after many years of separation. Whatever he felt for you was long diminished in the fire he created when he left Seido. “After so many years, this was where you were.” He didn’t expect less from you when you curtly accepted his words. Yes, you said – it’s so bitter against him. What happened to you? When did you become so weak against the hierarchy? Where were you when he set ablaze to the city and joined forces with Darius? -> “What we had would have never worked,” You say this truthfully, getting into a defensive position. It hurts - how easily you dismiss it. Havik never thought of himself as a sentimental man – but the thought of you returning to him was a constant in his mind. From days to years to his study of sorcery and alliance with Quan Chi, Havik has destroyed more cities than he can count. Leaving you was a blessing in disguise. Because of his misfortunes, Havik retained powers that could destroy civilization. It drove him mad. -> Even with you against him, he was more than willing to suggest an act of mercy – if you were inclined to break a few bones. [ havik ]: look how weak you've become. have you not forgotten where you came from? [ you ]: i remember it clearly. you are the one who has gone too far!
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KUAI LIANG/SCORPION -> Kuai Liang met you more than once during his time in Outworld. He merely appears when Lord Liu Kang intends to be present with business with the Empress. Years prior, it was the Emperor. But with the reign of Sindel, peace and prosperity had become a failing occurrence between both realms. Outworld claims to be growing more powerful – to overpower Earthrealm for the upcoming tournament. It makes Kuai Liang question his integrity and place at the palace when the Fire God asks for his presence instead of his brother. Bi-Han is the grandmaster of Lin Kuei, “Shouldn’t Bi-Han be the better option to accompany you?” -> “I do not want to provoke the Empress,” Liu Kang explains, looking at him from the portal. The pyromancer had confidence in his protector, nodding. His plain response was all it took to understand the weight of their appearance in Outworld. Though Bi-Han would be the rightful companion, it is Kuai Liang – the younger and more compliant brother who could ease into any circumstance. But his nerves are jaded. Kuai Liang is nervous, not knowing what the occasion was for. There could be many reasons for their requested presence. Yet he could not think of one that involved Lin Kuei.  -> Scorpion’s mindset eases when you surprise him. Guests are presumably guided by the First Constable, Li Mei, to the courtyard leading to the royal palace. Your head pops out from a bush, smiling in all your glory. “Lord Liu Kang, what a pleasant surprise!” The fire user's heart pounces every time you do this. It would be wrong not to expect you to greet Outworld guests in such an unconventional manner. Your name comes easily to the Fire God, with a sense of familiarity. “How nice of you to see us first,” Even Liu Kang takes joy in you. Unlike the many faces of the royal court, you are much more tolerable and pleasant to converse with. Even Kuai Liang thinks highly of you. -> Nodding your hair flows in such an elegant way. The Empress dotted you – but your loyalties lay with General Shao. Your go-lucky personality was in defiance of your rank as a lieutenant general. Yes, Kuai Liang recalled the previous tournaments and how distant Lin Kuei was from the Outworld’s military. They do not see eye to eye in handling foreign threats and commoners. It is your chief's distaste for Earthrealm, always speaking out of malice. But you were not like General Shao or Reiko. You never showed hatred towards Lin Kuei or Earthrealm. -> Kuai Liang feels restful chatting with you. He sat in the conference room with the Fire God as the rest of the court minded their seats. In such a large establishment, it holds divinity and high status, not even Kuai Liang is used to. Empress Sindel, alongside General Shao, you and Reiko arrive and take your respective seats. You are a few seats left of him and warmly nod in Scorpion's direction. He flushes at how a casual gesture from you can incite him. -> Ordinarily, matters began. The pyromancer had no desire to speak amongst the crowd, only per Liu Kang’s permission. Yet, a disagreement broke the two sides of the table in half. “Why should we allow Earthrealmers to roam unworldly like children while our cities burn?” General Shao and his recurring rants about Earthrealm. No one could convince him otherwise, not even the Empress. He then directly sneers at Liu Kang. Kuai Liang darts a stern look until he hears your voice in the corner, standing firm from all the voices that cower over you. There is a hint of softness out of the goodness of your heart addressing your superior. Compared to life in Earthrealm, life is precious, a tangent between innocence and purity, something Outworld is indifferent to.
-> In response, a repulsed look forms on Shao’s face. “You dare defend Liu Kang's wishes? You have no right!” In truth, you knew you could never quench his thirst to repress Earthrealm. But to try to diminish his outrageous outburst for another day is good enough. Curses and insults were spat from all sides, even directed towards you. You and your kind would not understand. You come from the slums of Seido. Do not forget your place, soldier. The court is a spoiled place even Kuai Liang wishes never to be a part of. Tonight was apparent why. You, who only spoke of the truth and fairness, were brought down by your general. It was unacceptable.   -> In the late hours at the palace, Scorpion resides in the guest room, where he fails to find peace. Liu Kang had bid him to rest to prepare for the following days to the other cities they must visit. But the second brother of Lin Kuei failed to do so. The palace was too foreign to the cold tundra of his home. Eventually, he chose to take a walk across the courtyard. The moon was bright and shadowed all the land. The murky ponds had unbloomed lotuses. They were not in season yet. He could still make out the premature colors from their early forms. The ripples of water were tranquil, featherlike. And of the reason why he did not notice your presence before. -> His body freezes when you tap his shoulder. His breath comes short before choking out your name. “Must you always frighten your guests?” You laugh, seeing how startled he has become. “My apologies, Scorpion. I could not resist,” Nights like these with you were ideal. Prevalent to his previous visits, the two of you would do all sorts of activities. You would invite him everywhere, across the palace and into the city. Wherever you went, he would follow willingly. A heartwarming meal by the port. Or even now, a peaceful walk through the gardens. With you, nothing is dull. -> However, when you are not running around, you are predictable. Such as now, as you both rest at a stone bench. Across, the pond was luminescent of the reflection of the night sky. If you were to look, it would be like looking in a mirror, the water clear as crystal. “I’m assuming you leave at first light?” Tragic how your relationship is. You and Kuai Liang reunite with each other like strangers, never touching. In another, you were like twin flames, never leaving. A small part of Kuai Liang feels regret for every time you depart on missions. He will never see you again for some time. “General Shao was furious! It was his way of punishing me for talking out of turn.” He has no right, is what Kuai Liang wanted to say. But with how things were, he said nothing. -> But you look beautiful like this, under the moonlight wake. Without the garments that shield your figure, you are relaxed. The days that turn to months are cruel - but willing to linger for you. Fortunately, a few moments of silence allowed you to rise, brushing the nonexistent dusk from your pants. You had nothing else to say to Kuai Liang. Was he expecting something? He follows your pursuit and looks at you promptly. Without the mask, he is handsome. “Maybe under different circumstances, we would have more time,” Your heart skips as you slyly glance at him. Placing a hand on his jaw, “Maybe next time…” You see his eyes trail from your fingers to your lips. It was not right - you both knew that. [ scorpion ]: the general's mistreatment of you is unacceptable. [ you ]: (laugh) fortunately that is how things work in outworld.
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sundoes · 8 months
Wife, I have missed you. If Quan Chi were here, I'd hoist him by the ankles, and split him through for all the time he stole from us…
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【   ♔.   ⸻   &.𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥.   】          the look on the empress' face is ... well, only the gods know how describe sindel's expression right now. of all the luducrous things to come from general shao's mouth as of late.  ❛ are you under the influence, general ? perhaps you should discontinue your consumption of the wine ... and by argus, where are your pants ? ❜ thank goodness her brow can't arch any higher at this strange incursion. mayhaps the general suffered a grave concussion ... that was the only explanation for such a disturbing and bizarre outburst. may argus bless their mind ...
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sorrowfulmuse · 8 months
honey, could you write headcanons of tomas (smoke) in love with mileena and kitana's little sister? If you can and want to, of course.
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♡:: tomas vrbada (smoke) x fem!reader hcs!
> i will be yelling my man my man my man!!! until the day i die!! 😩 i am so obsessed with this man you don’t understand!! i am so glad they brought him back for this timeline i missed him so 😞
> update (10/07/23) i am sorry for taking forever with requests! just been busy with life!! i will update all the requests today and tonight pls look forward to it!
thank you for requesting love!! i hope you enjoy! pls don’t forget to like & reblog! ☺️
are your requests open?: of course! read this before requesting!
♡:: mentions/warnings: none!
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tomas is the DEFINITION of love! oh man oh man oh man, when i say he’s in love, HE'S IN LOVE!
he would adore you until the end of time if you would let him, he would worship you as if you’re the only girl in the world
this trope is like how he fell first and you fell harder! or for tomas, its both.. he craved to be in your presence and savor it every time he got to be with you
you were the sun, your eyes held the universe within them.. he looked at you as if you hung the stars and the moon.
it is no lie that tomas is a kind soul, he is genuine and very caring with everything he does with you. he cherishes the time he gets to spend with you and gets sad when he has to return to his clan while you are off to your royal duties.
or also.. his favorite times with you would be walking along the rivers of edenia, talking about your day and what’s been new since your sister became empress..
though talks wouldn’t last long since he would stare at you for so long that he would forget what you’re taking about which would end with scolding from you and makeup cheek kisses from him
he would openly show his fondness for you! seriously no amount of teasing from the guys would stop him from doing so.
though mileena and kitana aren't exactly fond with your relationship with tomas, you're an outworlder while he was an earthrealmer so the relationship was doomed from the beginning they said.
you both never saw it that way despite your sisters doubts, "it's just a small obstacle, nothing more." he would whisper to you.
tomas is VERY protective of you, he lost his family and a brother.. there is no way he ever wants to lose you and dreads the day if it were to come.
visiting earth realm? expect him to be your side 24/7!! he is YOUR bodyguard wether your sisters like it or not, he doesn't trust anyone else to protect you expect him and his brothers clan
he LOVES cuddles and no, you never will leave his arms per his request (not that you wanted to anyways)
he loves to traces his fingers along your arms and sides to help you relax after a long day
or he would help bathe you, gently scrubbing your head and massaging your shoulders as you rant about anything on your mind.
imo marriage doesn't really cross his mind until kuai lang's was announced and THEN he would have a field day imaging you walking down the isle and living the married life with you
he wouldn't bring it up at first until you do tbh, he's scared of your sisters disapproval if he were to purpose the idea to you or them
although he would go look for rings, you did deserve the best of course so finding the right one was pressuring enough
tomas would def daydream about your future together
little mini yous and hims running around your home, teaching your children how to read, write and especially how to fight in order to protect themselves
he would do very romantic things for you, leaving earth realm flowers for you on your bed.. love letters and drawings of you from the last time he saw you
he does idolize johnny cage so he would try to get some advice on how to wow you on your next date together (johnny would give him ideas from old rom-con movies which he appreciated v much)
tomas would vow to himself to make sure you that you know in every possible way that he loves you and only you, nothing can cut the string of fate between you both
darling, tomas wants nothing but you, give him some love and reassurance in return and he's yours until the end.
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sundo-li · 8 months
Intro Dialogue ❥ Flirty | 1 [My Boys]
I'm new to the fandom so don't be too hard on me. Raiden, Liu Kang, the Lin Kuei and the Royal family has my heart. Anyway, I wanted to start writing for them and this is the start of that. Enjoy! xoxo [In the future, if people want male reader content I can do that as well].
❥ female reader x the lin kuei + liu kang & raiden. ❥ intro dialogue
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──── · · · ❥ BI-HAN
❥ | You will never become apart of the Lin Kuei. ❥ | Oh no, you wound me, Bi-Han.
❥ | You really think I would go for someone like you, Empress? ❥ | Where there's a will, there's a way.
❥ | I am the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster. ❥ | You could also be my King.
❥ | Let's hope you can fight as much as you... flirt... ❥ | You're always so mean to me, Bi-Han. It’s cute.
❥ | Do you fight as well as you talk? ❥ | Why don't you come over here and find out.
❥ | Oh, how you chill my heart. ❥ | Where did you learn that from? Johnny?
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──── · · · ❥ TOMAS VRBADA
❥ | You cannot hide, Queen. ❥ | For you, I am always available.
❥ | You would serve well as my Concubine. ❥ | I- I don't know what to say to that.
❥ | Would you serve me as your Queen, Tomas? ❥ | I- *blushes* I can't focus. Yes?
❥ | Would you train me, Empress? ❥ | I'll show you more things than one.
❥ | What are you, Empress? ❥ | I could be yours if you let me.
❥ | That mask covers your handsome face. ❥ | Wait... You think I'm handsome?
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──── · · · ❥ KUAI LIANG
❥ | Weren't you once Lin Kuei? ❥ | In another lifetime I was also yours.
❥ | Johnny outed you. ❥ | No he didn't! Wait, what did he say? *glances around worried*
❥ | I hope that fire burns for me. ❥ | Here, let me set you ablaze.
❥ | You’re a sorceress. ❥ | Let me enchant you with my spells.
❥ | I’ll let you be my king if you behave. ❥ | I belong to the Shirai Ryu. I have no need for your trickery.
❥ | You are a warrior of many talents. ❥ | I can show you some that no one has seen before.
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──── · · · ❥ LIU KANG
❥ | You're already the queen of Outworld. ❥ | Maybe in another lifetime I could be your queen.
❥ | Even in this forsaken lifetime, your beauty is unmatched. ❥ | You flatter me, Liu Kang.
❥ | You still much to learn about the realms, Empress. ❥ | Then teach me, Liu Kang.
❥ | Will I someday find my King? ❥ | I created one person fit for you this timeline. *smirks*
❥ | Do you still have eyes for Kitana, my lord? ❥ | I only have eyes for you, my Queen.
❥ | Am I to bow before my creator? ❥ | No. But I wouldn't mind you kneeling.
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──── · · · ❥ RAIDEN
❥ | How about a sparing match? ❥ | Oh and what will be my prize if I win?
❥ | So, you have a crush on little ol' me? ❥ | What?! Who told you that?!
❥ | I want to know your secrets. ❥ | Hm, maybe I'll tell them to you in my chambers.
❥ | You have been warned, Empress. ❥ | Is that a threat or a promise?
❥ | I would like to assist you, Empress. ❥ | Oh? In what way, Raiden?
❥ | Your sister is pretty. ❥ | I thought you like me, Empress?
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